Present Continuous tense
Presented by
Priya Sriphet
Class. 4/11. No.35.
Presented to
Teacher Sirirudtana Pansawad
Satri Rachinuthit School
โครงสร้าง present Continuous Tense
S + is, am, are + V ing (บอกเลา่ )
Is, am, are + S + V ing (คาํ ถาม)
S + is, am, are +not + V ing (ปฏเิ สธ)
หลักการใช้ Present Continuous Tense
1.ใช้กล่าวเหตุการณท์ กี2 าํ ลังเกดิ ขนึ: ขณะทพี2 ดู อยู่ หรือใน
ระหว่างอาทติ ยน์ ั:น เดอื นนั:นกไ็ ด ้
2.ใช้กล่าวถงึ เหตุการณท์ ก2ี าํ ลังจะเกดิ ขนึ: ในอนาคตและมัก
มคี วามบง่ บอกอนาคตกาํ กับอยู่ดว้ ย
เช่น this evening, tonight, tomorrow, next
weekend, next week เป็ นตน้
ตวั อย่างการแตง่ ประโยค
Present Continuous Tense
He is reading a book.
Is he reading a book?
He isn’t reading a book.
He is playing game.
What are you doing?
I’m playing game.
He isn’t playing game.
Jungkook is eating.
Is he eating a sandwich?
He isn’t eating a sandwich.
He is taking a photograph.
Is he taking a photograph?
He isn’t taking a photograph.
He is painting.
Who is painting?
Jungkook is painting.
Jungkook isn’t painting
He is cooking for tonight .
Is he cooking for tonight ?
He isn’t cooking for tonight .
He is making coffee.
Is he making coffee?
He isn’t making coffee.
Jungkook is drinking a beer.
Is he drinking a beer?
Yes, he is
Jungkook isn’t drinking a beer.
He is coming to my house for dinner
this Friday.
Who is coming to your house?
He isn’t coming to my house.
He is sleeping in the room.
Is he sleeping in the room?
He isn’t sleeping in the room.
He is going to gym today.
Who is going to gym today?
He isn’t going to gym today.
He is dancing.
Is he dancing?
He isn’t dancing.
He is singing right now.
Is he singing?
He isn’t singing.
They are playing banana boat.
Are they playing banana boat?
They aren’t playing banana boat.
We are running right now.
What are they doing?
They are running.
We’re not running right now.
They are sitting on the chair.
Are they sitting on the chair?
We’re not sitting on the chair
They are sleeping in the room.
Are they sleeping in the room?
We’re not sleeping in the room.
They are flying to New York now.
Are they flying to New York now?
We’re not flying to New York now.
They are coming to my house for
lunch today.
Are they coming to your house?
They are not coming to my house for
lunch today.
We’re eating lunch now.
Are they eating lunch?
They are not eating lunch now.