Message from the President/CEO and Board Chair
Meet Harry. He and his wife, Alta started their journey at Otterbein on the Showers
neighborhood of the Lebanon campus in March of 2013. Unfortunately, about a year
later Alta passed away and Harry misses her dearly! Harry loves music and has benefitted
tremendously from the MUSIC & MEMORYSM program. Often when his headphones are
placed on his ears, he starts to smile, dance, clap and sometimes he even sheds tears
because of the good memories the music brings him of Alta.
Harry’s story is just one small example of the many successes Otterbein achieved in 2015.
He and the other 4,140 seniors the Otterbein ministry served in 2015, are the purpose of our
mission, "In keeping with our United Methodist tradition, we seek to enhance the quality of
life and holistic growth of older persons." They are the reason we combine the treasure of
our donors and the talent of our partners (employees) and volunteers, to put programs like
MUSIC & MEMORYSM and many others into motion.
Joining the generous spirit of our donors and the dedication of our partners and volunteers is
what sets our entire ministry into motion to produce outstanding clinical quality results, good
financial outcomes, major expansions, and new programs for the people we serve!
We are thankful for God’s many, continuous blessings as you will see presented throughout
this 2015 annual report entitled "Ministry in Motion." Within these pages, you’ll see more than
just facts and figures. You will see that the Otterbein mission is alive, well and always moving
forward. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our community at large and most
importantly, seniors like Harry.
Jill Wilson Mel Miller Time has been transformed, and we have
changed; it has advanced and set us in motion;
President/CEO Board Chair
it has unveiled its face, inspiring us with
bewilderment and exhilaration.
Kahlil Gibran
2 Otterbein resident
Bob Gigax
Otterbein residents enjoying a golf cart ride:
Bob Manter, Les Selby and his dog Moose, and Ethel Underwood
along with partners, Jen Lenthe & Martha Meyer
Otterbein resident Betty Stuckey Every day, you reinvent yourself. You're always in motion.
motorcycles with a Goldwing volunteer But you decide every day: forward or backward.
4 James Altucher
Respect - Value the older
OUR MISSION person as a child of God.
Commitment - Believe in
In keeping with our United the mission with loyalty and
Methodist tradition, we seek passion of purpose.
to enhance the quality of life Stewardship - Use our time,
and holistic growth of older talent and treasure prudently
persons. with our neighbor in mind.
Community - Work with
OUR VISION persons and organizations
in a spirit of inclusiveness.
To help older persons live Quality - Strive to achieve the
comfortable and secure measure of excellence in all we
lives, Otterbein pursues its are and wish to become.
Christian ministry through Ministry - Perfect our service
excellence, innovation and through faith, hope and love.
integrity by developing Wisdom - Appreciate and
covenant relationships with value that which is borne of
the older persons we serve, life’s experience in all persons.
the partners with whom we Health - Promote the holistic
serve and the communities well-being of individuals.
that enable us to serve.
To lead the United States in
liberating elders and those
who serve them from the
mindset of institutional care.
Lynn App Thomas Compton Roy McKay 5
Col. Melvin Bowdan James Dunham Mel Miller
Rev. Brian Brown Rev. Cyndy Garn Pamela Nickell
Bill Brownson Rev. Tom Hanover John Washburn
Rev. Leroy Chambliss Tom Hazelbaker Joseph Wolf
The Gears that Keep A C C R E D I TAT I O N
Us inMotion United Methodist
14% increase Par
over 2014
of Care
10S4troYneagrs 4,141
Peace Number of
Persons Served
of Mind 16 Innovation
Not Ministries
Total Number of SoFMriaenny dNesw Lots o f Wagging T Faith B ased
1,985rtners (employees) ails
s of Laps1000'
in the Poo
Total Num ber of Volunteer Hours
The Spirit
of Giving UnGlimraitenddViksitisdfrsom 62,324
$2.9M in
Otterbein residents Bob and Marge Henn
joining in the Fourth of July Parade.
MotionResidents in
Otterbein residents love being in motion!
They are passionate about making life better for themselves and others in their Otterbein
community and the community at large. They love to attend dances and parties, garden,
swim, sing in the choir, and enjoy their friends and families. But where their activity really
sets into motion is in their hearts of kindness.
On any given day you will see residents volunteering on their Otterbein campus, by
working in the thrift store or gift shop, delivering mail to neighbors, captaining boat rides
in the Spirit of Otterbein boats, or driving the campus shuttle. They are part of ministries
such as the Prayer Shawl Ministry or the My Very Own Blanket Program – both designed
to offer warmth and comfort to those in need. Many others use their knowledge and
expertise to serve on a resident or board committee.
The impact that Otterbein residents have on the cities, towns and the world that they
are part of is amazing! They partner with food pantries to hold food drives or work in a
community garden to benefit the hungry in their neighborhood. Some go on mission
trips or package health kits to serve in times of disaster. Some make quilts for foster
children. Others give back by tutoring elementary students. Baby showers are held for
the local pregnancy crisis centers.
The total number of volunteer hours across all ministries in 2015 totaled 62,324!
Now those are Residents in Motion!
The universe is more than mere matter
in motion. It and we were brought into
being by a Creator who seeks our good.
Jonathan Sacks
Partners Kathleen Koenig and Martha Meyer
having fun with Otterbein residents.
MotionPartners in
Partners (employees) are without a doubt the most important asset to Otterbein. Therefore, we focus significant
attention on identifying prospective partners with the Spirit of Otterbein, a belief structure aligned to the mission and
vision of the ministry. Once recruited and part of the family, Otterbein focuses on training and education, and invests in
developing the leaders of tomorrow. To that end, in 2015 Otterbein:
• D eveloped the Otterbein Global Corporate College Program, a program targeting extensive training for supervisors.
• Initiated a four-week New Leader Onboarding Program, designed to provide new hires an
understanding of the Otterbein Way, thus accelerating contributions to success.
• L everaged the Leading Age Leadership Training Program, to further Otterbein leaders
exposure to industry leading training.
• Provided tuition assistance for 24 Otterbein partners to enable them to continue their
college education.
• Supported five associates as part of an Administrators in Training (AIT) Program.
• Applied focused attention to partner safety, via a Safe Resident Handling Program, which
aided in reducing partner injuries in 2015.
Did the focus on partner development pay off in 2015 – you bet it did! I am confident only when I
The answers are in the results, particularly as they relate to quality of care: am constantly in motion.
• Eight of Otterbein’s 10 nursing homes that were rated by the Center for Medicaid and Between projects, the doubt
creeps in.
Medicare Services received 4 or 5 stars.
• Otterbein nursing homes received an average of 0.9 nursing citations from the Ohio Willem Dafoe
Department of Health per location; as compared to the Ohio state average of 5.0 citations
and the national average 6.8 citations. In fact, five locations were deficiency free.
• Ohio Department of Aging Nursing Home Survey results for CHOICE, a significant metric in advancing
patient liberation, yielded continued improvement year-over-year with results well above state and
national averages on resident satisfaction surveys.
• O tterbein nursing homes proved very good at keeping patients from having to return to the hospital,
with eight of ten locations well below both state and national averages.
• T he team at Otterbein Home Health achieved HomeCare Elite status for the fifth time in six years, and
less than 6% of agencies were so-honored nationally.
Otterbein partners exude the Spirit of Otterbein, and as a result perform admirably and live up to the 11
promise that our most important asset, when recognized as such, ultimately lead Otterbein to outstanding
results in our most important responsibility – QUALITY OF CARE!
MotionStrategy in
Pardon our OtterDust, our strategy for growth is well underway!
We believe as children of God, every individual has the right to a lifestyle of their own choosing no matter what type of care and
support is needed. To that end, our strategy is to create holistic environments in support of that philosophy. In 2015 Otterbein
advanced all four of our long-range strategic growth initiatives:
• Enhance existing lifestyle communities:
Every community invested in the renovation of residences on campus. Otterbein Cridersville broke ground on a new 24-suite assisted
living extension, designed using small house model concepts. Otterbein Lebanon started construction on Terrace Place, a 46-unit
apartment building, with underground parking and a beautiful terrace; constructed 10 new ranch-style homes as phase one of The
Orchards at Otterbein, and gained board approval to construct The Gallery at Otterbein, a 45-suite apartment building, to include
a wide array of resident amenities. Otterbein North Shore initiated an extensive renovation of their assisted living common areas.
Otterbein Portage Valley completed an extensive renovation of their restaurant and common areas.
• Build exceptional rehabilitative care services:
Otterbein Cridersville began renovating existing space on campus to ultimately create 17 private suites for rehabilitative care patients,
and a new therapy gym. Otterbein Lebanon expanded their rehabilitative care and therapy center, adding an additional eight private
suites and additional therapy space. Otterbein St. Marys opened a rehabilitative care and therapy center, including 12 private suites
and a new therapy center.
• C hampion liberation of elders in long-stay nursing:
Entering 2015, Otterbein operated five Skilled Nursing & Rehab Neighborhoods. Otterbein “small houses” are unlike other skilled
nursing environments. Each neighborhood includes five homes, each home supporting 10 elders, designed for people to live and
recover. The focus is on person-centered care and a home-like environment with private suites , shared kitchen/dining/living spaces,
and home-cooked meals. During the year, Otterbein dedicated new neighborhoods in New Albany and Gahanna, near Columbus;
and a neighborhood in Union Township, east of Cincinnati. In addition Otterbein broke ground on a ninth neighborhood in Loveland,
to open in mid-2016. Also, Otterbein continues to strive to provide increased liberation for residents in existing lifestyle communities
by adapting rules and the environment – contributing to increased focus on choice and person-centered care.
• Expand “in-the-home” home and community-based services:
In 2015, Otterbein effectively expanded operations in all three of our home and community-based services ministries - Otterbein
Wellness Care Services, Otterbein Home Health and Otterbein Hospice. Otterbein Home Health received HomeCare Elite status for the fifth
time in six years and served 340 patients; and Otterbein Hospice provided support for 151 patients and their families – an increase of 60%
from our first full year of operation in 2014.
Otterbein is a Ministry in Motion, and the dust will continue to fly as we continue to recognize the criticality of continuous
focus on keeping our Strategy in Motion to sustain long-term viability!
Floatin' in Motion are Otterbein residents Jim Beaumaster,
Eldon Grate, Joe Borst, Mike Lynch, and
Otterbein partner Dave Burden.
M o t i o nDonors in
Why are these guys smiling? Because they have a new pontoon boat to motor
around in this summer! These volunteer skippers offer rides to those who live at
and visit Otterbein St. Marys ~ and they helped raise the money to purchase this
new boat last year. Great activity, engagement and fun!
Our donor's generosity helps create motion in so many ways. How? Residents stay
independent yet connected because they receive benevolent care assistance –
$445,724 was distributed in 2015. More than 150 elders are tapping their toes
and reliving their favorite memories ~ totally funded by donations to
MUSIC & MEMORYSM. Because of donor kindness:
• Residents are smiling and painting in art classes
• Last wishes are granted to those in hospice
• Rehab patients gain strength by pedaling a recumbent bike
• Men (and a few women) are creating masterpieces in the woodshop
And, donations enable Otterbein employee partners (employees) to further their
education to help them move up in their careers – $37,843 in tuition reimbursement
was distributed from earnings on Otterbein’s educational endowments.
All of this and much more is a direct result of giving to support the Otterbein
ministry. What an active blessing having Donors in Motion!
The true measure of a man is not what he dreams,
but what he aspires to be; a dream is nothing
without action. Whether one fails or succeeds
is irrelevant; all that matters is that there was
motion in his life. That alone affects the world.
Mike Norton
BALANCE SHEET Dec. 31, 2015 Dec.,31, 2014
$1025,041450 $25,061051 Cash and Cash Equivalents/Investments $ 102,069,089 $ 96,328,160
13,518,344 $ 11,077,173
$926,071049 $25,041240 Accounts Receivable $ 19,211,063 $ 28,649,058
$924,001731 $25,021733
Other Current Assets $ $ 136,054,391
Total Current Assets $ 134,798,496
Investments and Reserves $ 23,222,879 $ 21,931,394
Property & Equipment Net $ 173,306,254 $ 157,243,274
Other Long Term Assets $ 6,940,752 $ 5,075,397
Total Assets $ 338,268,381 $ 320,304,456
Accrued Liabilities $ 21,113,461 $ 17,714,463
6,440,213 $ 5,850,082
Current Portion of Long-Term Liabilities $
Total Current Liabilities $ 27,553,674 $ 23,564,545
Long Term Liabilities $ 108,439,828 $ 102,255,970
Deferred Revenues & Entrance Fees $ 33,341,583 $ 27,405,499
Other Long Term Liabilities $ 20,372,668 $ 23,479,391
Total Net Liabilities $ 189,707,753 $ 176,705,405
Restricted Net Assets $ 23,272,122 $ 21,694,031
Unrestricted Net Assets $ 125,288,506 $ 121,905,019
Total Net Assets $ 148,560,628 $ 143,599,051
Total Liabilities & Net Assets $ 338,268,381 $ 320,304,456
STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Dec. 31, 2015 Dec.,31, 2014
2015 Revenue 2015 Operating Margin Operating Revenues $ 105,571,364 $ 96,857,600
$105.4M $5.6M Operating Expenses $ 99,970,498 $ 91,437,923
Top scale is in thousands Operating Income $ 5,600,866 $ 5,419,677
"A" Rated Otterbein’s 2015 results indicate another good year in Contributions & Gifts $ 2,687,119 $ 3,335,158
financial stewardship. Revenue has increased for seven Investment Income Gain (Loss) $ 2,802,312 $ 8,677,629
by consecutive years, including 9% in 2015. This continued Benevolent Care $ (445,724) $ (484,417)
growth, coupled with operating expense control and Change in Pension Liability $ 3,667,221 $ (11,764,534)
16 an A rating by Standard & Poor’s, enables Otterbein to Other Income (Expense) $ (3,413,576) $ (2,368,189)
re-invest in the ministry – reinvestment drives quality of Gifts to Others $ (22,166) $ (21,833)
care, improved living facilities and improved amenities
to better serve Otterbein residents and patients. Excess Revenues Over Expenses $ 10,876,052 $ 2,793,491
Chris Green, Otterbein Chief Financial Officer Unrealized Gain (Loss) $ (5,914,475) $ (5,774,044)
4,961,577 $ (2,980,553)
Otterbein residents Dottie and Bill McOmber
biking on a beautiful day.
MotionStewardship in “You control your future, your destiny. What
you think about comes about. By recording
your dreams and goals on paper, you set in
motion the process of becoming the person
you most want to be. Put your future in
good hands - your own.”
Mark Victor Hansen
The Spirit
of Giving In
Motion We all know how important it is to keep moving! As we age, staying in motion may be
expressed in new ways. An Otterbein contributor shared with me that giving to Otterbein
makes her feel useful, connected and appreciated. It boosts her spirit and creates joy in her
life. Although physically she can’t do everything she used to do, she still is active and involved
through her giving. It keeps her thinking and moving forward.
As you look through the list of Otterbein contributors, take a moment to think about all of
the motions (and emotions) involved in giving. Otterbein provides opportunities to become
involved though giving. You read, think, discuss, ponder, and consider your response. You send
a contribution. A life is changed almost immediately by a new opportunity made possible from
your gift. Otterbein sends an acknowledgement. You know you are appreciated. You experience
joy and satisfaction. Everyone in the process is blessed because of what YOU do!
Thank you for keeping the Otterbein ministry in motion! Together, we have important work
to do. And, with the Lord’s guidance and help we can keep moving forward as we “seek to
enhance the quality of life and holistic growth of older persons.”
With sincere appreciation for all that you do to keep Otterbein in motion,
Donna W. Coleman, MS, CFRE
Vice President of Charitable Gift Planning
A sincere thank you to our many donors
Thank you for keeping the Otterbein ministry in motion! With each donation you
help to “enhance the quality of life and holistic growth of older persons.”Your gifts
change the way society views aging so that older individuals have personal choice
and autonomy. Thank you!
HERITAGE SOCIETY Donald & Kathleen Bunnell Murel Harpel
Otterbein’s Heritage Society Anonymous Herb & Erma Harsh
honors those who have Lillian "Sue" Carey Nina Henne
confirmed that Otterbein is Philip Carnes Wilbur Hesselbart
included in their estate plans Ann Cecere Bob & Peggy Hewitt
as a beneficiary of their will, Anonymous William Hiteman
trust, insurance policy, or other Mark & Donna Coleman Anonymous
financial investment. George & Marie Conrad Anonymous
New members in bold. Phyllis Crouse Joyce Houlihan
Shirley Crouse Michael J. Howard
Leola Abels Anonymous Glen & Marian Hymer
Barbara N. Aeschliman Nigel & Trudy Davies The Dean and Marilyn Infield
David & Betty Amstutz Johnnie Dean Family
Roger & Gwyne Anderson Delma Depweg Anonymous
Harvey Ashby Charles Dilgard William Jefferis
Arline Aukerman Hodge & Diane Drake Paul Jones
John Bayliff Pat & Sis Enos Betty Keener
Jim & Barbara Beaumaster Tom & Carol Feldman Thomas Keith
Junne Beckett Austin Fish Carolyn Kemper
Roger & Connie Bell Ruth Floyd Kathy Kerr
Bob Betz Anonymous Donna Kramer
Bruce Blankenship Linda Fowler Jack Krebs
Bernice Boilesen Elizabeth Freese Franklin & Martha Kuhlman
John Bond Don Frisby William & Helen Lahmann
Marilyn Bowlus Donald & Gina Gilmore Nelda Lane
Barbara Brandeberry David & Anna Glasmire Vincent Lavieri
Anonymous Anonymous Arlene Layman
Anonymous Ruth L. Hahn Henry A. Lee
We strive to list all names accurately. Please contact Otterbein’s Charitable Gift 19
Planning office at 513-933-5442 if you have a correction. *Denotes deceased.
Richard P. LeGrand Joyce Spitnale Arda J. Ortman Charles Dilgard Nelda Lane
William & Jacquelyn Light Maxine Squires Evelyn Ott Anonymous Arlene Layman
Ned & Miriam Logan Maryellen Sterling Ruth Overturf Shearl & Lois Edler Henry A. Lee
Virginia Longmire Anonymous Edith Rivers Joyce Edwards Darrel & Sandra Loar
Ruth Ann Manges Harold & Norma Stockman Clifton Sellers Martin Fahncke Virginia Longmire
Anonymous Kathleen Stolle The Betty L. & Jack Tom & Carol Feldman Robert & Ilse Maile
Joseph & Judy McClanahan Paul & Margaret Stuckey Semmelman Fund William & Sue Frary Ruth Ann Manges
Bill & Dottie McOmber Catherine Teeter Mary Spangler Mary Lee Gaier Joseph & Judy McClanahan
Kent & Elita McRae Christina Tillotson Don E. Sullivan David & Anna Glasmire Mary McCurdy
Millard & Marilyn Mead Carolyn Ulsh June Wiehe Kurt Grossmann Ruth McDiffett
Nelson & Dorothy Melampy Jean Wagner Howard Wilson Herb & Erma Harsh Beverly Miller
Anonymous Mary Lue Warner Kermit Woolery Joyce Hasemeier Dorothy Moehlenkamp
Ruth Muntis Carlton & Brenda Webb Leeada Yenger Wilbur Hesselbart Charles Morgan
Robert & Nancy Nason Lois White David & Mary Lois Hilton Miriam Obermyer
William & Helen Naumann Anonymous CORNERSTONE SOCIETY Bertha Honner Anonymous
Pat Neely Grace Wilson Those who establish a Lynn & Ruth Huffman Harold & Barbara Patterson
Ed & Kathleen Nobel Fred Wiswell charitable gift annuity or Joanna Hughes Shirley Prosche
Miriam Obermyer Burns & Mary Wren other deferred gift to benefit William Jefferis Ann Purdy
Donald & Karis Overmyer Marilyn Wright Otterbein are considered Robert Jones Tom & Delee Purvis
Marty & Connie Panning Donald Yaussy members of Otterbein’s Wayne Keller Winifred Riley
Anonymous Joseph & Deborah Yurasek Cornerstone Society. Paul & Barbara Kerstetter John & Helen Rofkar
Janet Patterson New gifts in bold. Analee Kinney Mildred Ross
William & Sandra Patterson BEQUESTS* Eldon Kleinhenn Donald Rowe
Margaret Petrak In 2015, Otterbein received Joseph & Wilma Ablett Franklin & Martha Kuhlman Richard & Judith Royalty
Lester & Shirley Poggemeyer bequests from the following Roger & Gwyne Anderson
Paul & Elaine Raglow individuals. These “last gifts Max & Dorothy Andrew
Donald & Ruth Ramsey of love” provide significant Junne Beckett
Nancy Retallick support for the Otterbein Crystal Begley
Carrol Lee Rice ministry. Jean Bihn
Vera M. Ritter Bruce Blankenship
Gerald & Melva Robinson Esther Aleshire Joseph & Karen Borst
Bill & Jean Rogers Ruth Beeney Robert Bosse
Melvin & Diane Ruder Dwight Busacca Leota Bunnage
Roger Runyon Javan & Neva Corl Family Daisy Byrum
Robert & Jane Schnarre Foundation Jack Campbell
Alan & Norma Seaman Findeiss Trust Betty Chaney
John Sexton Lillian Fitch Bill & Arvella Charlier
Ted Sherick Howard C. & Marie S. Kelly Fund Shirley Crouse
Michael Smith Landis Family Charitable Trust Randy & Barbara Crouse
Lucille B. Smith Neomi Loy Phyllis Crouse
Ruth Neff Johnnie Dean
Marilyn Ruhlen Miriam Bable Russell & Virginia Coats David Gill William Jefferis
Harry & Stephanie Schipper Pauline Bailey Millicent Coddington Earl Gorsuch Marjorie Jessup
Robert & Jane Schnarre Candice Ballard Gordon & Jean Coffin Nick & Sandra Gossett Paul Jones
Kathleen Shellhause Donna Banks Mark & Donna Coleman Joyce Grabill Patricia Jones
William & Margaret Shirk Thomas & Judith Baugh Thomas & Cheryl Compton Grace UMC - Blanchester Robert Jones
George & Patricia Simon John Bayliff Fred & Margot Cooley Eldon Grate Anna Justus
Marjorie Smith Bob & BJ Benken Michael & Sue Coyle Chris & Karen Green Winifred Kaebnick
Joyce Spitnale Deborah Bennett John & Diana Craig Walter & Janie Greenway Betty Keener
Virginia Stiver Lula Blair Randy & Barbara Crouse Kurt Grossmann Loy & Roslyn Keller
Edward & Florence Swiderski Katie Boltz Shirley Crouse Ruth L. Hahn Analee Kinney
Mary Lue Warner John Bond Lisa Cutcher-Meckfessel Clarice Hall John Kinsinger
Theodore & Martha Westervelt Kimberly Borders Lori Davies Glenn & Bonnie Hamilton Jim & Jeanne Klopfenstein
Julia A. Williams William Bowers Shirley Davies William & Beverly Hammer Thomas Knapke
Grace Wilson Thomas* & Marilyn Bowlus Stanley & Nancy Davis Bruce & Joan Hankins Beverly Koenig
Donald Yaussy Mitchell & Lisa Bracy Rebecca Deckard Timothy & Cynthia Hanover Emma Lawson
Marlen & Lynn Yost Linda Branan Richard & Judith DePalma Margaret Hanover Arlene Layman
Peter Brookhart Charles Dilgard Harrisburg UMW LCNB National Bank
CENTENNIAL SOCIETY Bobbie Broski Nancy Ditmer Dorothea Hartley* Teresa Lige
This special designation is George & Carole Brown William Doseck Iris Harvey Lindenwald UMW
for contributors who have Donald & Sharon Brown Rebecca Doty Joyce Hasemeier Virginia Longmire
supported the Otterbein Ralph Brueggemann Double Arch Management Cheryl Hawkins Charles & Jean Mahan
ministry for ten or more Warren & Verna Bulman East Ohio Conference Frances Headings Robert & Ilse Maile
consecutive years including Calvary UMC - Circleville of The UMC Russell & Nancy Heckman Dale & Karen Mateer
2015. George & Genie Campbell Randy & Karen Elsass DeWayne & Joanne Hehl Wayne & Celia Mathern
Monique Campbell Danielle Fargo James & Janice Heinrich Joseph & Judy McClanahan
Esther Aleshire* Marcella Caravello Marilyn Feaver M. Lucille Heitzman* Roger & Patricia McDermott
Jenny Anson Dorothy Carey Maria Fisher Nina Henne Ruth McDiffett
Aretz Designs Uniquely Yours Alan & Jean Carroll Norene Fleagle Wilbur Hesselbart Pamela McGarvey
Mary Arndt Calvin & Dianne Caywood Thomas & Harriet Foley Shirley Hill Bill & Dottie McOmber
Patricia Atkinson Centerville UMC Barbara Forbes Wayne & Jane Hites Millard & Marilyn Mead
Atrium Medical Center Evelyn Clear Cody & Marilyn Foster Teresa Hobbs Marceil Meckstroth*
Arline Aukerman Kay Fowler Janice Hockett Nelson & Dorothy Melampy
Nedra Gallier* Tina Howard Brenda Miller
I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. Charles & Eileen Gamble Joanna Hughes Melvin & Jean Miller
That is clear. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether John & Therese Gardner Jacksonville UMC Craig & Sandra Moran
one believes in this religion or that religion, we all are seeking Bill & Vickie Garrett Lynette Jagels Sue Moyar
something better in life. So, I think, the very motion of our life Alice Gibson Dani Jagucki Jack & Kathryn Neal
is towards happiness… 21
Dalai Lama
I guess I'm fascinated with motion because I find that whenever anything is moving, I Jill & Stephen Wilson Shirley Crouse
have some feeling about it. It doesn't matter what kind of motion it is. A motion will Fred Wiswell Shirley Davies
Teresa Wolgamot-Couch Nancy Ditmer
always evoke some kind of reaction. Woodville UMC Ingrid Douglass
Arthur Ganson Paul & Carolyn Wyse William Dunn
Donald Yaussy Joyce Edwards
New Hope UMC - Eaton Pyrmont UMW Patricia Smith* Daryl Yost Pat & Sis Enos
Carol Norton Randall Berlekamp & Barbara Louis & Jean Snyder Marlen & Lynn Yost Carol Everson
Kelly Oaks Radebaugh Michael & Kay Solomon Richard Ziegler Martin Fahncke
Miriam Obermyer Mary Radosevich Nelson Spitnale Tyree Fields
William & Wilma Obermyer William & Marilyn Raker Lavonna Springer OTTERBEIN ANGELS Constance Fisher
Otterbein Lebanon Apple George & Jean Reazer St. Mark's UMC - Findlay Otterbein Angels provide Norene Fleagle
Residents Winifred Riley Karen Stacy faithful, ongoing support Gladys Garrett
Otterbein Lebanon Auxiliary Edith Rivers* Ruth Stambach by contributing monthly by David Gill
Otterbein Lebanon Reed & Myrna Romine John Stephenson check, credit card or automatic Eilene Ginetz
Hummingbird Residents Vicki Roode William & Lu Ann Stevenson bank transfer. Tom & Gabrielle Gladish
Otterbein Lebanon Marjorie Root Harold & Norma Stockman Earl Gorsuch
Meadowlark Residents Donald Rowe Ted Strait Jenny Anson Jean Graber
Otterbein Lebanon Richard & Judith Royalty Jim & Mary Lou Sullenberger Alice Ault Joyce Grabill
Shaker Cellar Charles & Dorothea Rye Don* & Marian Sullivan Miriam Bable Walter & Janie Greenway
Otterbein Lebanon Wren Carol Sainey Jennifer Swanson Pauline Bailey Ruth L. Hahn
Residents Joann Sander The Bahmann Foundation Christine Bautch Shirley Hallmark
Otterbein Portage Valley Flora Schaad The Medicine Shoppe - John Bayliff Glenn & Bonnie Hamilton
Resident Council Kenneth & Phyllis Schemmel Lebanon Bob & BJ Benken William & Beverly Hammer
Otterbein St. Marys Sunday Robert & Jane Schnarre Suzanne Theobald Katie Boltz Joyce Hasemeier
Morning Worship David & Marie Schneider Joan Topp Melvin & Jean Bowdan James Hause
Laree Owsley Earl & Evelyn Schulte Marcia Toyama William Bowers Willie Hensley
John Pape Scioto Chapel UMC Trinity UMC - Hicksville Eleanore Boyce Wilbur Hesselbart
Stephen & Judith Parks Carolyn Sebastian Sharon Vincent George & Carole Brown Del & Mary Heuser
Patricia Partch Gus & Nan Seefluth Charles Vornholt Rachel Brown David & Mary Lois Hilton
Janet Patterson Dennis & Theresa Seewer David Weimer Norene Bryant Janice Hockett
Thora Patterson Nancy Seibert West Elkton UMC Robert & Ramona Cameron Joanna Hughes
Kathryn Pearce Clifton Sellers* West Ohio Conference George & Genie Campbell William Jefferis
Brent Peltier Teresa Senft of The UMC Russell & Virginia Coats Robert Jones
Glenda Phillips William & Frances Shilling Phyllis Wietelmann Kathleen Coffman Betty Keener
James & Betty Phillips Michael Sibbersen Roy & Edna Wigal John & Diana Craig William & Mary Lou Knau
Evalind Pickering John & Cassie Slone Helen Williams Randy & Barbara Crouse
Dale & Jennifer Poppe Emily Ann Smith Mark & Mary Beth Williams
Potsdam UMC Lucille B. Smith Jim & Sherry Williamson
Robert & Jean Pownall Michael Smith Howard* & Grace Wilson
Jack Krebs George & Jean Reazer Lynn Weber Tom & Carol Feldman Otterbein Lebanon Resident
Franklin & Martha Kuhlman Winifred Riley David Weimer Friends of Otterbein Council
Emma Lawson John & Helen Rofkar Phyllis Wietelmann Portage Valley Otterbein St. Marys Grandma's
Arlene Layman Bonita Roman Roy & Edna Wigal Dorothea Hartley* Attic
Virginia Longmire Donald Rowe Helen Williams David & Mary Lois Hilton Donald Rowe
Charles & Jean Mahan Roger Runyon Julia A. Williams Bertha Honner Clifton Sellers*
Robert & Ilse Maile Joann Sander Donald Yaussy Paul & Barbara Kerstetter Kathleen Stolle
Gerald & Dorothea Maloney Flora Schaad George & Mary Alice Leasure The TKBW Private Foundation
Leslie Marmor Robert & Jane Schnarre GIFTS IN 2015 Virginia Longmire Gladys Thomas*
Betty Jean Martin Gus & Nan Seefluth Ruth McDiffett Carlton & Brenda Webb
Mary Jane McCarthy Clifton Sellers* $500,000 or more Ralph & Margaret* Metheny Jill & Stephen Wilson
Joseph & Judy McClanahan John Sexton Marion & Lillian Fitch* Ohio Department of Aging Fred Wiswell
Ruth McDiffett James & Prudence Sheldon Kermit Woolery* Evelyn Ott*
Millard & Marilyn Mead William & Margaret Shirk Otterbein Lebanon Thrift $2,500 to $4,999
Marceil Meckstroth* Lucille B. Smith $100,000 to $499,999 Shoppe Keith & Gwen Addy
Jeannette Morris Nelson Spitnale The Dean* and Marilyn Infield Ruth Overturf* Esther Aleshire*
Carol Mueller Ruth Stambach Family Jane Baker
Carol Mumaugh James & Patricia Stewart Ann Purdy $5,000 to $9,999 John Bayliff
Jack & Kathryn Neal Charles Taylor Edith Rivers* Aboutgolf Inc. Rebecca Bayliff
Stephen & Judith Parks David & Trina Tester Mary Spangler* Patricia Atkinson William Bowers
Patricia Partch Leona Thomas June Wiehe* Jim & Barbara Beaumaster Phyllis Boyer*
Thora Patterson Marcia Toyama Joseph & Karen Borst C.A.C. Contracting / Painting
Robert & Jean Pownall Sharon Vincent $50,000 to $99,999 Thomas & Cheryl Compton Douglas & Theresa Cahill
William & Doris Pylant Susan Walker-Bremenour The Dr. Robert F. Baker* Family East Ohio Conference of Juanita A. Claybaker
The Bahmann Foundation The UMC Mark & Donna Coleman
Otterbein Lebanon Shaker Fifth Third Bank - Dayton Pat & Sis Enos
Cellar Kurt Grossmann Fischbach Family Fund
Gary & Kim Horning Cary & Sarah Fitzhugh
$25,000 to $49,999 Franklin & Martha Kuhlman Shirley Hill
Findeiss* Trust Neomi Loy* Michael J. Howard
Arda J. Ortman* Morgan Stanley Integrity Ambulance Service
Howard* & Grace Wilson Ohio Arts Council Lebanon Ford
$10,000 to $24,999 Neither love nor fire can subsist without perpetual motion;
The Albert G. & Olive H. Schlink both cease to live so soon as they cease to hope, or to fear.
Max & Dorothy Andrew François de la Rochefoucauld
Atrium Medical Center
Javan & Neva Corl*
Family Foundation
Richard P. LeGrand Buschur Electric, Inc. Robert Jones
Dan & Nancy Lembke George & Genie Campbell Michaele Kahny Malkowicz
Lowe's Home Centers, Inc. Betty Chow Analee Kinney
Joseph & Judy McClanahan CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Charles T. Kopp*
Heather McCurry Russell & Virginia Coats Thomas L. Kyllo
McKesson Medical - Surgical Daniel & Margaret Henry Lee
Miller-Valentine Group Cunningham Jared & Sarah Lehman
Old Oak General Contractors Dale E. & Bernice E. Mansperger Michael & Miriam Lynch
Otterbein Lebanon Auxiliary Foundation, Inc. Marblehead Bank
Robert & Jean Pownall Barbara Dalrymple Martin and Associates
Remedi SeniorCare David W. Leonard EAGLES The Medicine Shoppe -
Ridge Stone General Aerie No. 2295 Lebanon
Contractors Roy & Debra Denney Jason & Sharon Miller
The Betty L. & Jack Richard & Mary Dickhaut Melvin & Jean Miller
Semmelman* Fund Charles Dilgard Roderick & Lois Mills
Gerald & Frances Shoemaker Direct Supply Ruth Neff*
Ultimate Software William Doseck Mary Nicholls
David Weimer Hodge & Diane Drake Robert & Pamela Nickell
Julia A. Williams James & Deborah Dunham Michael & Elaine Niese
David & Bonnie Wilson Dynegy Energy Services Miriam Obermyer
Evans CivilPro Engineers, LLC Optimus EMR, Inc.
$1,000 to $2,499 Thomas & Harriet Foley Ottawa County Community
ABS Business Products Group Frost Brown Todd Foundation
Carolyn Adger Attorneys LLC Otterbein Lebanon
Neil & Kamille* Allen Steven Garn Renaissance Feaste
Alliance Rehab GE Foundation Otterbein North Shore Auxiliary
Lynn & Ruth App Donald & Gina Gilmore Otterbein Portage Valley
Arline Aukerman Frederick & Linda Grimm Partners
Arthur & Kathleen Bauer Glenn & Bonnie Hamilton Otterbein Portage Valley Silent
Martha Bingham Thomas & Catherine Hanover Auction
John Bond Teresa Heitbrink-Ireland Otterbein St. Marys Sunday
Thomas* & Marilyn Bowlus Willis & Ruth Henschen Morning Worship
Marie Bowman Lynn & Ruth Huffman Vernon Pack
Barbara Brandeberry Idyll Arbor Janet Patterson
Harold & Cecille Brooks Lynette Jagels
Jack Brown Paul Jones Everything is in motion.
Dwight Busacca* Everything flows.
24 Everything is vibrating.
William Hazlitt
Phillips Supply Co. Darwin & Beverly Zeigler Cyndy Garn I live my life, breathless... A life of constant motion and
Amy Pruitt & Andrew Bodnar Gladys Garrett excitement. A life that many will envy and most would avoid!
Larry Putman $500 to $999 Tom & Gabrielle Gladish
Charles & Pamela Richmond Ambulatory Medical Care, Inc. Maurice Godsey Eric Burdon
John & Helen Rofkar Apex Capital Management Eldon Grate
Roger Runyon ArjoHuntleigh, Inc. Graydon Head George Parsons Victor & Eileen Schuerman
Charles & Dorothea Rye Arkray USA, Inc. Chris & Karen Green Patricia Partch Lester Selby
Thomas & Sue Shackleford Miriam Bable Catherine Gulgin Randall Berlekamp & Barbara James & Prudence Sheldon
Robert & Debbie Shenk James & Brenda Baird Bruce & Joan Hankins Radebaugh SonFire by the River
Sylvia M. Shepherd Ruth Beeney* Joyce Hasemeier Winifred Riley St. Marys Rotary Club
Jeffrey & Barbara Singleton Phil & Gena Bittner Cheryl Hawkins Rock Creek Renovations Timothy Taylor & Kerry Hatfield
Lucille B. Smith Melvin & Jean Bowdan The Heinrich Family Rolf Goffman Martin & Bruce & Janice Thoman
Michael Smith Bill Brownson Foundation Lang Co. LLP Marcia Toyama
St. Mark's UMC - Findlay Billie Bumgarner HPSI Purchasing Services Gloria Rudibaugh Vandalia UMC
St. Marys Community Donald & Kathleen Bunnell of Ohio Peter Ryan Alvin & Helen Voorhis
Foundation The Carillon Group of William Jefferis Tom & Judie Sagendorf Thomas & Beatrice Walker
Ken & Joan Starr Raymond James Marvin Kazmierski Carol Sainey Westwood UMC - Wesmates
Start Skydiving Catawba Island Club - Howard C. & Marie S. Kelly* Robert & Jane Schnarre Sunday School Class
Steve Stolte & Mardy James Stouffer Family Fund Donald & Betty Schrock Westwood UMW
Hanlon-Stolte Milan Chestovich Thomas Kloetzly
Don* & Marian Sullivan Christ UMW - Kettering Edwin Kohler
Charles Taylor ComDoc Ronald Koogler
Telephone Service Company Walter Davis Jack Krebs
Therapy Support, Inc. Norman & Shirley Dewire Vincent Lavieri
Oliver & Rachel Thurman Dinsmore & Shohl LLP Charles & Jean Mahan
Carol Turner Gary & Susan Donaldson McDonalds - St. Marys
Mary Unum Dorn's Business Solutions LeRoy & Elizabeth McKay
Susan Walker-Bremenour Lowell & Carol Ebersole David McSemek
Barbara Washburn Joyce Edwards Douglas & Ann McVey
John & Denni Washburn Kim Erickson Millennium Business Systems
WeCare Medical Martin Fahncke Minuteman Press - Lebanon
Wells Fargo Insurance Services First Quality Products Dixie Moore
Ronald & Joan White First United Presbyterian Gregory Myers
Jim & Sherry Williamson Church - Pemberville Office Depot
Woodville UMC Norene Fleagle Ohio Ambulance
David Woodyard James E. Flinn Otterbein Home Office
Marlen & Lynn Yost Thomas Francis Partners
John & Therese Gardner
A human act once set in motion flows on forever to the great account. Our
deathlessness is in what we do, not in what we are.
George Meredith
Harold Wright Mary Lee Gaier Tom Ludeke Dale & Jennifer Poppe Warren County Convention
Donald Yaussy Nedra Gallier* Robert & Ilse Maile Potsdam UMC and Visitor’s Bureau
Joseph & Deborah Yurasek Kathleen & James Geers Gerald & Dorothea Maloney Angela Powell James Weaver
Smith & Lucille Gibson Ruth Ann Manges Werner Prenger Laura Wendell
$250 to $499 Eilene Ginetz Margie Manning William & Doris Pylant Wendmiddle LLC
Everett Aldstadt Joe Glasmire Betty Jean Martin Thomas & Mary Rampe West Elkton UMC
Aretz Designs Uniquely Yours Earl Gorsuch Mary Jane McCarthy George & Jean Reazer West Ohio Conference
Christine Bautch Rebecca Griffith Zodella McFarlands* Red Lion UMC of The UMC
Bob & BJ Benken Nathan & Tabitha Gruber Bill & Donna McGraw Gene Rhoades & Carolyn William & Beth Wexler
Bethany UMW - Middletown William & Beverly Hammer John McMinn Irons-Rhoades Nancy Wolterman
Tom Beyland Timothy & Cynthia Hanover Nelson & Dorothy Melampy Scott & Nancee Rogers Leeada Yenger*
Frank & Patricia Borke Nancy Harris Robert & Sue Metheny Wilma Rolf Daryl Yost
Mitchell & Lisa Bracy Tammy Harrison Midwest Electric Community Bonita Roman Barbara Ziegenbusch
George & Carole Brown James Hause Connection Fund, Inc. Virginia Rutter Richard Ziegler
Warren & Verna Bulman Thomas & Deborah Hazelbaker Robert & Patricia Mielke Dan & Frances Sack
J.C. & Rita Cassel Willie Hensley Milton Miller Joann Sander $100 to $249
Louise Chambers Margaret Hess Russell & Carole Miller William & Patricia Schaefer Joseph & Wilma Ablett
Leroy Chambliss Wilbur Hesselbart Walter & Martha Miller Terry & Rebecca Schanke Paul & Sandra Albers
Rick Chow Bob & Peggy Hewitt Mobilex USA James Schirmer Joan Albrecht
Church of The Cross Iona Hoffman Dorothy Moehlenkamp Elizabeth Schnure Alexander & Bebout, Inc.
UMC - Kettering Charles Hurth Carol Mueller John Sexton Bud & Emily Allison
Roland Cline Innovative Timing Systems, LLC Robert & Nancy Nason Carol Simons Barbara Amantea
Gordon & Jean Coffin Anna Justus Jack & Kathryn Neal Emily Ann Smith American Health Associates
Erin Combs John Kinsinger Otterbein Home Health Michael & Kay Solomon Jenny Anson
Michael & Sue Coyle Beverly Koenig Otterbein Hospice Nancy Stanford George Antonak
Shirley Crouse Larry & Barbara Kosbab Otterbein North Shore John Stephenson
Amy Dallis Patti & Scott Krewson Coffee Bunch TESCO
Lori Davies Kroger - St. Marys Otterbein Portage Valley Suzanne Theobald
Richard & Judith DePalma Suzanne Kunkel Resident Council Leona Thomas
Richard & Mary Dostal Lakeside UMC Marcella Owens Two Men and a Truck
Carrie Duncan Lakeside UMW Marty & Connie Panning United Way - Greater
Clarence & Alberta Eckstein Emma Lawson Stephen & Judith Parks Dayton Area
Kenneth & Patricia Elder LCNB National Bank PharMerica Stephen Vogel
Randy & Karen Elsass Lebanon Presbyterian Church David & Renea Phillips Cathleen Voyles-Baden
Carol Everson Bryanne Lee George Phillips Benjamin Wallace
Judith Fifield
Otterbein -One Many Locations
3 Senior Lifestyle Communities
78 80 1 Cridersville 3 North Shore 5 St. Marys
4 2 Lebanon 4 Portage Village
Skilled Nursing & Rehab Neighborhoods
71 6 Middletown 9 Springboro 12 Gahanna
77 7 Monclova 10 Maineville 13 Union Township
8 Perrysburg 11 New Albany 14 Loveland
12 11 70 Home Health Hospice
69 71 Regions served are signified by green shaded area. Counties served
include: Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Fayette, Greene, Hamilton, Highland,
2 Montgomery, Preble and Warren.
14 10 Wellness Senior Services
13 S ervices provided to residents and the local community in proximity to
every Lifestyle Community.
Robert & Vivian Arledge Marilyn & Randall Brundage Randy & Barbara Crouse Barbara Fish John Grimes
Mary Arndt Alice Bruns Shirley Davies Steven & Vicki Fisher Courtney Gustin
Joanne Ashba Susan Bryan Stanley & Nancy Davis Thomas & Linda Fisler James & Kimberly Gusweiler
Alice Ault Norene Bryant Wendy Davis Larry & Paula Fledderjohann Ruth L. Hahn
Kenneth & Doreen Ault Joanne Buck Herman & Eileen Dietz Richard & Barbara Fohl Terry A. Hall
Clara Aurand William & Jennie Buckenberger Nancy Ditmer Forest Chapel UMC Joseph Hammann
Dale Avers Buffalo Wild Wings Randall & Rebecca Donithan Andrea & Roland Forrester Margaret Hanover
Bobbie Axe Thomas & Patti Calvert Sharon Doster Mark & Linda Forry Jim & Treva Hanseman
B+P+T Communications Robert & Ramona Cameron Ingrid Douglass William & Sue Frary Denzel Hardesty
Solutions Lorene Carper Daniel & Karen Dudley Joseph & Kathleen Frederick Harrisburg UMW
Baer Farms Alan & Jean Carroll Glenna Duffey Heather French Tom Hartley
Pauline Bailey Casstown UMC Sean Duley Roberta Gacsal Mike Hasselbring
Bairdstown UMC Lois Casty Susan Dumas Joseph Gaeke Loretta Hause
Barbara Baker Calvin & Dianne Caywood James & Dawn Dumke Donald & Janice Gagel Frances Headings
Margaret Baker Centerville UMC Richard Dunn Charles & Eileen Gamble Howard & Nola Heilman
Bob Bartizek Chard, Snyder & Associates, Inc. William Dunn John & Jane Garbig James & Janice Heinrich
Thomas & Judith Baugh Alison Chidester Nicholas Earl Raymond & Bernadine Gargac Sharon Heitkamp
Roger & Evelyn Bechdolt Christ The Prince of Peace UMC Walter Eisele Elaine Garver Thelma Heitkamp
Charles & Ann Beck Rodney Clark Jack & Joyce Eisenhour Mark Gebhart M. Lucille Heitzman
Corky Becker Dwight & Lisa Clary Donna Elsass Debora Geis Kathleen Helm
Bella - A Unique Boutique Kathleen Coffman Eugene Elsass Germantown UMC Nicky Helsinger
Deborah Bennett Sarah Compston Herman & Mary Emmert Alice Gibson Nina Henne
Marjorie Bernhard Anthony & Karen Condini Thomas & Dona Erickson Dena Gilbert Lizabeth Hirzel
Rose Berron Karen Conner Donald & Bonny Estep David Gill Janice Hockett
Helen Bethel Darrell & Judy Converse Jean Evans Ruth Glessner Brittany Holcomb
Bob Betz Darla Cook Judy Evans Nancy Gould* Thelma Holland
Lynn Bevington Randall Cook Kevin & Susan Evans Jean Graber Bradley & Jeri Hoopes
William & Martha Bollinger Fred & Margot Cooley Jeffery Eyrich Josephine Graber Hope UMC - Franklin
Katie Boltz JoAnn Cooper Cydonii Fairfax Vernon & Helen Graber Joanne Hopton
Robert & Debra Ann Bowland Larry & Mary Copeland Ron Fanning Joyce Grabill Betty Hornbeck
Robert & Addie Brandt James & Sandra Corbet William Farlee Jim & Mary Lee Grabowski David & Susan Howe
Bruce & Martha Bridgeman Otterbein Home Office Sondra Fashner Grace UMC - Blanchester Eloise & Lewis Hubble
James & Judith Bridges Partners Marilyn Feaver Grace's Place Joanna Hughes
Richard Bridgman Dennis & Marcia Cousino Timothy Feaver Dalena Green Hyland Family Chiropractic
Peter Brookhart Clyde & Suzanne Cox Thomas Ferris Martha Green Interim Healthcare of
John & Karen Brossia Elnora Cox Tyree Fields Richard & Deborah Green Cincinnati
Dale Brown John & Diana Craig Ruth Figley Ronald W. Green Virginia Jackson
Rachel Brown Tracy Crauder Marilyn Findley Walter & Janie Greenway Jacksonville UMC
Stanley & Deborah Brown Ronald Creswell Montford & Bonita Fischer Joseph & Jayne Grever Tammy Jaramillo
Ralph Brueggemann Marjorie Crocker Patricia Fischer Renee Griest Arthur & Carol Jeffries
Marjorie Jessup Charles & Jean Loveless Jeannette Morris 29
Adam Johnson Jeanne Loy Ruth Muntis
Marilyn Johnson James & Nancy Ludwick John Muscetta
Patricia Jones Dave & Kathy Macwhinney Barbara Muse
Carl Chiarenza & Heidi Katz Ted Maddox Vera Myers
Sheryl Keighley Rhonda Maloney Ethel Nelson
Loy & Roslyn Keller Management Performance Carolyn Nerenberg
Teressa Kerns Consulting Colleen & Michael New
George King Alan & Linda Mandeville Richard & Martha Nork
Jacqueline Kissing Leslie Marmor North Side Bank & Trust
Ann Kite Dale & Karen Mateer Lucille Nuhfer
Kiwanis Club of St. Marys Wayne & Celia Mathern William & Wilma Obermyer
Edison & Ruth Klingler Glenn Mathieson Oldtown UMC
Mary Lou Klopfenstein Gwen Mays Olive Branch UMC
Thomas Knapke Beverly McCabe Otterbein Homes
Brad & Dianne Knapp Lillian McCabe Board of Trustees
Phyllis Knudson Susan McConn Otterbein Lebanon
Mary Kohler Matt McConnell Morningside Residents
George Koons* Cindy McCrackan Otterbein Lebanon Thrift
Michael & Mary Jo Koons Roger & Patricia McDermott Shoppe Volunteers
Robert Kose & Joan Browne Douglas McFarland Otterbein Lebanon UMC -
Jack & Ann Kunkel William & Susan McFarland Good Cheer SS Class
Helen Kuntz Bill & Dottie McOmber Otterbein St. Marys
Landis Family Charitable Trust Millard & Marilyn Mead Activity Staff
George Langenbrunner Marceil Meckstroth* Otterbein St. Marys
Larry Lankford & Sylvia Karl & Ethel Mesloh Beauty Shop
Lankford-Hadley Miami University - Middletown Oxford UMW
Heather Lauer Miami Valley Aerie 1395 F.O.E. Oxtender Family
Marguerite Lause Margaret Miles Palmer Group
Arlene Layman Robert Miles Marty & Connie Panning
Judy Lee Miller Funeral Home. John Pape
Vanessa Lee Beverly Miller Frances Park
Leesburg UMC Beverly Miller Kathryn Pearce
William & Helen LeMay Mary Miller Keith Pearson*
Jennifer Lenthe Susan Miller Mary Pepa
Brenda Lewis John & Margaret Mitchell Donald & Sandra Perry
Patricia & Jack Lewis Donald & Martha Mollman Robert & Maribeth Perry
Norma Lhamon Carol Moomaw Shirley Perryman
Sharon Lhamon Sue Moon Gregory & Sonni Peterson
Michael R. Light Lisa Moore John & Zan Petrie
Lindenwald UMW Mary Moorman James & Betty Phillips
Rose Mary & Morey Loomis Linda & James Morgan Phillipsburg UMC
Peter & Jean Pierce-Jones Shakespeare Club Kimberley Sunins Karen Weaver Danielle Alexander
Mia Porter Charles & Pat Shanfelt Elizabeth Suskind Margery H. Webb Deborah Alfaro
Karol Poth Sharonville UMW Richard & Donna Swigert Lynn Weber Latemia Allen
Edwin & Susan Powell Richard & Nedra Sheets Gary & Janet Taylor Mary Weikert Alliance Printing
Proforma - Albrect & Co. Dave & Velma Sherwood Rebecca Taylor Kirk & Judith Weimer Amanda UMC - Middletown
Queen City Samplers Guild Deborah Sheryl & Alfred The Golden Lamb Inn Bick & Maureen Weissenrieder Amanda UMW - Middletown
William & Marilyn Raker Narraway The Rose Group Cathy Wellons Amazon Smiles
Carol Raymond Donald & Waneta Shilling The Schueler Group Jane Weltz Leroy & Lynne Ameling
Mary Read & Ellen Campbell William & Frances Shilling Chessica Tinkler Chrisi West Shirley Ames
Vickie Reese William & Margaret Shirk Doris Tobin Dennis & Bette Wiegman Carl & Carol Anderson
Howard & Lillie Reynolds Kristen Shook Elaine Trei Phyllis Wietelmann Jamara Anderson
Kenneth & Judith Rhoads Michael Sibbersen Trinity UMC - Hicksville John & Cecelia Wigal Nancy Anderson
Donald & Charlotte Ricard Robert & Cheryl Skinner Trinity UMW - Milford Vincent & Jean Wilczynski Ramona Anderson
Jane Richardson Bruce & Darlene Slavik Trinity UMC – Port Clinton Michael & Sharon Wildermuth Dennis & Janet Andrews
Geri & Duane Ricker Patricia Slavik David Tucker Wildwood Golf Club Victorine Anga
Martha Ritchey Jonathan Slocum Bruce Turner Helen Williams Kim Angel
Sherry Rittenhouse Tim & Robin Small Union UMW - Union Mark & Mary Beth Williams Marcia Anglin
Michael Robbins Patricia Smith* Marc & Chris Utter Jacqueline Wilson Peggy & Michael Arcari
Gerald & Melva Robinson Rhonda Smith Thomas Utterdyke Neil & Betsy Winget Michael & Darlene Archer
Virginia Rohrbacher Monica Sowards Valley Asphalt Corporation Charles & Rosalie Wittkamp* Armbruster Florist
Reed & Myrna Romine Peyton Bland & Becki Spangler Howard & Lynn Van Dijk Joseph & Sandra Wolf Jereese Armstrong
Bruce & Kay Ronsheim Nelson Spitnale Floraine Vanorden Laura Yoakum Ann Arnold
Vicki Roode Springdale Title Sharon Vincent Scott & Lisa Yoder Neil Arsenault
Dorothy Rooke St. James UMC - Miamisburg Visiting Angels Johnesha Young Atrium Medical Foundation
Marjorie Root St. Pauls UMC - Pairs and Spares Barbara Vogel Eric & Heath Young-Davis Holly Aurand
Royal Cabinets, Inc. Richard & Patricia Stacey Dennis Vogel Joseph & Deborah Yurasek Auto-Wares
Richard & Judith Royalty Ruth Stambach John & Hilda Waddell David & Carla Zack Crystal Avalos
Melvin & Diane Ruder John Starcher & Holly Gast Laura Wagers Leann & Norman Zavela Yesenia Aviles
Martin & Regina Saunders Shirley Stavick Michael & Sandra Wagoner Madeline Zielinski David & Barbara Babcock
Flora Schaad Randy Stearns Susan Walaska Hope Bachmayer
Mary Schaefer David Steen Jean Wallace Up to $99 Nichole Bachmayer
Amanda Schanding Joseph & Janet Stefanelli Rufus & Ann Wallace ABA Insurance Dean & Amy Backscheider
Norma Schaner James & Patricia Stewart John Wamelink Beth Abner Richard Baden
Linda Schoeben Harold & Norma Stockman Rachael Ward Norma Adam Donna Badish
Jackie Schwarber Bill Stoeppel Warren County Genealogical Danny Addington Dortha Baer
Diane Schweitzer Ted Strait Society Jeff & Mary Adkins Brian Baez
Scioto Chapel UMC James & Janet Stroh Warren County Port Authority Jennifer Akers Ashlee Bailey
Gus & Nan Seefluth Paul & Margaret Stuckey Ford & Vesta Warren Terrance Albrecht & Louis Christina Bailey
Nancy Seibert Sugar Valley UMC - Eaton Michael Warren Penner Kathy Bair
Shady Acres Golf Course Marian Sullivan Wayne State University Marcus Albright Ashley Baker
Carly Alexander
Edward Baker Gregory & Karen Bigadza Mary Brannon Helen & William Byrnes Frank Clark III
Gabrielle Baker Michael & Patricia Billhorn Eddie Bray Robert & Virginia Byrnes Janet Clark
Ronald & Lorene Baker Sonya Binder Billy Bridinger Caitlyn Cain Kara Clark
Ashley Baldwin Dennis & Marguerite Bird Anne Briggs Michael D. Cain Richard & Judith Clark
Candice Ballard Carl Biro Katie Briggs* Jessica Callinan Rob Clark
Donna Banks Sara Bishop Kristie Briggs Calvary UMC - Circleville Sarah Clark
Philip Banks Stacy Black Ronald & Judith Britt Areis Cameron LeeAnn Clarke
Kathleen Barbara Yenny Blain Nicole Broshious Chelsea Cameron Ismael Claudio
Brittney N. Barber Lula Blair Bobbie Broski James Campbell Ar'Khajah Clayton
Margaret & Ed Barber Taylor Blair Brian Brown Mark & Cathy Campbell Evelyn Clear
Michael & Rebecca Barber Jessica Blakely DaVonda Brown Monique Campbell Thomas & Rebecca Clendenen
Allyn & Barbara Barker Courtney Blanscet Jaime Brown Tia Campbell Connie Close
Melissa Barnhart Maria Blausey Katherine Brown Jessica Campero Karson Clouse
Geraldine Barron Brenda Blayz Keidra Brown Ryan Cannon Russell & Virginia Coats
Samantha Bartlett Jon & Stacey Bloomberg Ranada Brown Miranda Capelle Millicent Coddington
Windy Battaglia Elizabeth Boeing Donald & Sharon Brown Marcella Caravello John & Claudia Coe
Martha V. Bauer Karen Boettcher Traci Brown Dorothy Carey Karen Coffee- Trolio
Sara Bays William & Raymona Bogardus Alexis Browning Jill Carpenter Sue Cogswell
Mallory Beach Dondrea Boggan Amber Browning Patricia Carpenter-White Erica Coit
Michael & Virginia Beamish Karen Boggs James & Mary Brucklacher Kathy & Tim Carroll Joann Colapietro
Richard & Suzanne Beard Bernice Boilesen Charles & Suzanne Bryan William & Marilyn Carver Tim Colburn
Beauverre Riordan Studios Carl & Kay Boise Carla Bryant Jodi Case Kristen Cole
Gerald & Florence Beck Zachary Bollin Trista Bryant Rose Case Inuka Collier
Amy Becker Nina Bond Lois Buchanan Lorraine Caserta Bob & Debbie Collins
Nancy Becker George& Margie Bondor Alice Buehrle Gary & Jackie Cathcart Donald & Talitha Colston
Rhonda Beckett Kimberly Borders Dave Burden Catherine Caulley Tiffany Colwell
Barbara Beckner Timothy Borer & Nanette Tiffany Burden Ann Cecere Nancy Combs
Annette Beckstedt Eichhorn-Borer Daniel & Anne Burke Danielle Chaffee Amberly Compton
David Beeson Betty Borowski Mary Burkholder Emily Chaffee Hunter Cone
Jean Bell Jeffrey & Marcia Bourdo Samantha Burnett Kevin Chamberlin George Conklin
Jack & Jane Bender Thomas & Shelley Bowlus Steven & Rebecca Burroughs Michelle Chappell Tai Conlee
Kelley Bennett Julie Bowman Brandy Burton Betty Chatman Lauren Conley
Sharon Benson Eleanore Boyce Charles & Virginia Burton Norma Christen Lois Conners
Jeff Berns Angelica Boyd Nancy Burton Carol Christian Diane Conte
Nancy Berry Douglas & Janet Boyd Toni Burton Michael & Judy Christian Zakiria Conyar
Angela Betancourt Richard & Barbara Brackman James & Susan Buschur Mariann Christlieb-Laing Nancy Cook
Jane Bethard Nancy Bradley Veronica Bush Melissa Churchill Lynda Cooksey
Pamela Betts Linda Branan Tina Butler Rita Cianciolo Sherry Corrill
Sarah Beyland Doris Brandon Jasmine Byrd Cincinnati Museum Center Tammy Cosgrove
Holly Bialecki Ralph & Carolyn Brandon Rose Byrd Kiersten Clardy Stephanie Cotrell
Elizabeth Coughlin Janelle Degener Ross & Mary Lou DuBois Louie Erb Ethel Foreman
Countryside YMCA Shalese Demarco Steven & Amy Dues Todd & Carol Erb Jasmin Foster
Cousino & Sons Concrete Lisa Denniston Suellynn Duffey Brenda Ericson Kurt Foster
Rebecca Cousino Delma Depweg Tanner Dugan Patricia Eschbach Cody & Marilyn Foster
Tanisha Couzens Francisca-Maria Derivan Donna Dugger Bradley & Laura Etter Kay Fowler
Goldie Cowgill Sali Diallo Nicole Dumas Phyllis Etter Nicole Fox
Crystal Cox Joe Diamond Stanley Dunk Ellen Eveland Madison France
Joan Crable John Dick Wayne Dunn Christina Everhardt Kimberlee Francis
James & Carolyn Craig Diane Dienstberger Dayja Dunnigan Thomas & Nancy Everman Franklin First UMC
Peggy Cramer Eloise Dierker Arturo Duran Ada Eyler Jo Ann Franks
Gerald & Patricia Creech Myra Dierksheide Jeana Duran Roger Facer Frederick & Shirley Frazer
Garth & Karen Creps Andrea Dildy Emma Durnwald Faith UMW - Batavia Hollie Frazier
Georgia Cress Robert & Michelle Dilgard Gregory & Deborah Durst Danielle Fargo Pattie Frederick
Terri Crew China Dinkins Connie & T.J, Dwyer Russell & Susan Farlow Crystal Freeman
Lila Croley Carlton & Rebecca Dippman Gia Easterling Jennifer Farrington Paul Friend
Carla Cronin Joseph DiSalvio Kevin & Theresa Eaves Lawrence & Marsha Feffer Friesinger's Fine Chocolates
Conchatta Croom James & Jean Disher C. W. & C.J. Eberle Romanie Felistal Victoria Frison
Dawn Crowder Charles & Pamela Disney Paul & Kathleen Eckel Sara Felver Elaine Frobose
Kiyomi Crutcher Martha Dix Paul & Janet Edelmann Beverly Fenn Megan Fugate
Naomi Cummings Rita Dix Sarah Eden Ferris Electronics Nicole Fulton
Nora Cummings Alexandria Dixon Lois Edler* Ashley Ferris Fred & Densie Fundy
Delisha Cunningham John & Penny Dixon James & Patricia Edmiston Fifth Third Bank Ashley Gaillard
Litasha Cunningham Taneja Dixon Joshua Edwards Tracie Finsel Anna Gallagher
Jessica Curtis Catherine & Daniel Donavan Darlene Eggert Firelands Presbyterian Church Alexandra Gambone
Lisa Cutcher-Meckfessel JoAnna Donley Ronald & Donna Ehresman First Presbyterian Church DeAnna Gapp
Vanessa Dadzie Robert Donnellon Emily Eich Nursery School Garden Club Forum
Mary Dale Miriam Donnerberg Alma & Thomas Eichstadt Bruce & Barbara Fisher Velma Gardner
Kimberly Dalton Lisa Doseck Steven & Sandra Elbin Constance Fisher James Garner
Kyra Dancy Kendra Doss Eleazer UMC Maria Fisher Bill & Vickie Garrett
JaNay Darden Samuel Dotson Elida Breakfast Club Victoria Fisher Park & Ethel Gast
Darrtown UMW Rebecca Doty Cynthia Elkins Terry & Michelle Fitzthum June Gaub
Chelsea Davenport Alicia Dougherty Charles & Judy Ellis Jeffrey Fleming Kevin George
Cassandra Davis Kristine Dowgiert Aaron Embery Katherine Flinders Mary Gerhardstein
Colette Davis Stacey Downey Ed Emch Richard & Marla Flinn Jeffrey & Julie German
Juanita Davis Heidi Downing Gary & Barbara Emch Ruth Floyd Brenda Gibbs
Richard Davis Paul & Charlene Drago Mary Emerine Elizabeth Flum Marissa Gibbs
Teri Davis Kansas Dressel Patricia Enderle Keonna Folley Julie Gibson
Rebecca Deckard Bethany Drotovick Shannan Engel Barbara Forbes Michelle Gibson
Bonnie DeFiesta Laurie & Mark Dubbert Lewis & Helen Erb Jack & Gloria Ford Cecile Giel*
John & Carol Gifford Myra Gulliver Iris Harvey Richard & Lori Hile Ric Houck
Steven Gilby Teresa Gustin George Haslinger Daniel & Kathleen Hill Cheryl Hounshell
Bill Gillison Tina Gyde Colleen Hatfield Patricia Hill LaKisha Houston
Mikaela Gilmartin Ellene Haer-Prizler Donald & Deborah Hayashi Tammie Hill Jane Hovest
Carl & Alma Faye Gilmore Melanie Hagan Stephen & Jennifer Hays Terria Hill Allison Howard
Melissa Gilton Russ & Rosie Hagar Mary Hecker Doris Hille Andre Howard
Amy Giron Elizabeth Haines Russell & Nancy Heckman Chardenae Hillman Cathy Howard
Sandra Gist Scott & Lorrie Halblaub DeWayne & Joanne Hehl Heather Hillman Robert & Cheryl Howard
Bailey Glass Gary & Pam Halfhill Veronica Heidelburg Kenneth & Rita Hilty Tina Howard
Robert Glover Clarice Hall Larry & Lillian Heitkamp Marc & Margaret Hines Christie Hoy
Ronald & Janet Golightley Jennifer & Ed Hall Randall Heitkamp Julie Hinkle Ralph & Vaude Hubbell
Jennifer Gonzales Mark Hall Robert & Patricia Heller Kim Hirt Vicki Huegele
Brittany Gonzalez Linda Haller James & Jean Helm Jennifer Hite Kristina Huey
Patricia Gory Shirley Hallmark Darren & Dete Helms Wayne & Jane Hites Lisa Huffaker
Nick & Sandra Gossett Amanda Hamblin Kelsey Helms Marlene Hittepole Chad & Kristin Huffman
Jo Ann & Jeffrey Graber Lucretia Hamilton Mary Helsinger Teresa Hobbs Christina Hughes
Rebecca Graber Angela Hamons Melissa Helton Clayton & Ethel Hock Floyd & Gretchen Hughes
Graeter's Handwork, Kerscher & Pfost Breeana Hemmelgarn Lori Hoffman John & Susan Hughes
Kendra Grant Phillip & Diane Hankins Jasimir Henderson Sara Hoffman Russ & Linda Humeniuk
Debra Gray Jasmine Haralson Deleice Henderson Richard & Grace Hogan Zayna Hunt
Joanne & David Gray Keith Harden Jessica Henderson Richard & Shirley Hohler Daniel & Sheryle Hunter
Karreen Gray Lori Harden Hannah Hendricks Catherine Hollister Jami Hunter
Melinda Gray Jenna Hardin Nanette Henkel Tylar Holloway Sharon Hurley
Frieda Green Wyomia Harlan Julie Henn Richard Holly Ken Huskey
Gregory Green Renee Harlow Michael D. Henry Leah Hollyday Keonna Hutcherson
Michael & Angie Green Brittney Harmon Katie & Andrew Henson Diane Holman Charles & Diane Hutchings
Sharon Green Emily Harmon Christina Herrera Cecelia Holmes Kenny & Teresa Hutton
Titus Greer Kathy Harmon Hannah Herron Jovan Holmes Denise Iorfida
Kadyia Gregory Ed Harpel & Becky Harpel Mark & Rita Hershberger Richard & Marcia Holmes Ashley Isham
Kendra Gregory Camico Harris Howard & Janice Hershberger Todd & Laura Holtkamp Jaala Jackson
Roger Grein Bruce Harris Brian Hess Kristina Holweger Markerra Jackson
Ruth Griggs Carol Harris Janet Hess Dawn Hood Niasur Jackson
Mary Grisez Diane Harris Carla Hester Whitney Hoodlebrink Ramonia Jackson
Ashley Grizzle Michele Harrison Terry & Brenda Hetrick Ashley Hopkins Shante Jackson
Joshua Grooms Robert & Sylvia Harrison Del & Mary Heuser Christina Hopkins Kayla Jacob
Richard & Ruth Grottle Judith Harruff Douglas Heusner Jeffrey Hopkins Sarah Jacobs
Donna Guenther Ann Harry Delores Hibbs Tyniece Horn Dani Jagucki
Norma Guerra Dawn Hartman Jasmin Hickman Rebecca Hornbeck Jaclyne Jahna
Lisa Guiher Tiffany Hartman Mary Hicks Marina Hosley Linda Jamerson
Donna Jameson Gemealier Keller Jacqueline Kruse Jamesha Lindsey Martinsville UMC
Jessica Jarnigan Jennifer Keller Tonia Kruse Tiffany Line Sherry Mason
Wendy Jess Stacy Keller Genny Kurfess Lola Linke Anthony & Ann Mass
John & Lori Jessup Carolyn Kemper Carissa Kwiatkowski Mary Lippy Kenneth & Virginia Matheny
Ann Marie Johnson Brenda Kennedy Nicole Kwiatkowski Ashley Little Larry Matherly
Erica Johnson Roger & Joanne Kennedy Beverly Lakes Betty Lloyd Veronica Mattlin
Jasmine Johnson Emily Kenser Jahnah Lambert Darren Lloyd Teresa Maxwell
Jona Johnson Linda Kerekes Kristian Land Lori Logan Hank & Bonnie Mays
Kelly Johnson Maureen Kerkhoff Linda Landi Robin Logsdon Elizabeth McBride
Michael Johnson Madison Kern Renee Lang Alexes Lohouse Tallye McCall
Morgan Johnson Stacey Kidder Alora Langdon Don & Terri Lombardy Darquillia McCarver
Nicole Johnson Katherine Kiefer Ray & Patricia Lanham Denise Long Laura McCrary
Noble & Marilyn Johnston Kristin Kiger Dean Lanier Marlene Long Brittany McDaniel
Peter & Mariko Johnston Daisha Kimble Danielle LaPlante Megan Long Linda McDonnell
Abi Jones Kimberly Kindle Donald & Patricia Larson Kimberly Lott Nils McElroy
Amy Jones Nancy Kingsolver Shelby Laubach Roland Lovinsky Justin McFarland
Brandy Jones Kristy Kinnicutt Marilyn Laupp Delores Lowry Pamela McGarvey
Jalessa Jones Walter Kinsey Michael Lavatori Peter Lucas Brilynn McGee
Kimberly Jones Norman & Marlene Klamut Jeffrey Lawrence Shawnia Lucas Darrell & Linda McGee
Marian Jones Robert & Brenda Klein Jhenna Laws Whitney Lucas Melissa McGee
Sierrah Jones Michael & Merilee Klienhenz Courtney Layson Richard Luedeke Heather McGinnis
Stacy Jones Jim & Jeanne Klopfenstein Erica Layson Angela Luettke Robert & Katherine McGinty
Vanessa Jones Katie Kluczynski Robert Lazar Keisha Lumpkin Tiffany MCGlothlin
Ann Jordan William & Mary Lou Knau Pamela Leeks-Seamster Brittany Lutz Nora McGrady
Karl Jordan Joseph & Mary Knochelman Craig & Esther Leffel Kelsey Lutz Robert & Michelle McIntosh
Rashanda Jordan Elsie & Raymond Knodel Theresa Lehman Alissa lynch Jean McKelvey
Kathie Joy Melissa Knott John Lehmkuhl Nan Lytle Amber McKinley
Virginia Joy Patsy & Paul Knous Kelly Leichty Clara Maag Caleb Mclaughlin
Vicki Judy Ryan Koehl Robert & Marianne Leisz Mary K. Mack Warren & Ruth McMichael
Kendrea Justice Kaitlin Koehler Penni Jo Leiter Ralph & Marjorie Mack Katharine McMillan
Winifred Kaebnick John & Linda Kohlman Dia Lenz Kristen Maguire Destiny McMurray
Christina Kakaris Paula Kohtz Thomas & Jane Leone Rev. Robert & Mary Manter Jacquel McNeal Thompson
Virginia Kash Yvonne Koleszar Crystal Lewis Nicholas Marchetti Kevin & Janalyn McNeil
Kathy Kasprzak Richard & Donna Krauss Erin Lewis Doris Markel Ron & Marla McOmber
Amy Katakis Quatreta Kreamer Melissa Lewis Billie Marsee Rebecca McPheters
Gary & Sylvia Katterheinrich Dale & Sandy Kremer Paul & Joyce Libecap Marshall UMW Joanie Meade
Jerrolynn & Richard Kawamoto Katheryn Krieger Joe Liechty Melissa Martin Lisa Meckfessel
Susan Keaton Lynette Kriz Teresa Lige Nichosia Martin Elivier Medina
Betty Keener Erica Kruse Mandy Lindhurst William Martin Melvin Church
Nick Mendoila Michael Moncrief Carol Norton Otterbein Lebanon Judy Petrusic & George Migas
Nicole Mercer Margaret Monds Kelly Oaks Wren Residents Karen Petty
Robert Mercier & Kimberly John & Alberta Moneysmith Robert Oberhaus Otterbein St. Marys Kim & Linda Pfeffer
Marcum-Mercier Morgan Montag Thomas & Bonnie Obermyer Harvest Table Matthew & Angie Pfirsch
Michael & Constance Mericle Robert Monti Kaysea O'Connell Otterbein St. Marys Jennifer Philabaun
LaTonya Merrida Kathryn Moore Bobbie O'Dell Library Committee Glenda Phillips
Brooke Merrill Sana Moore David & Diane Okel Otterbein St. Marys Lorene Phillips
Robert & Susan Meterko Jay & Linda Moorman Kristina O'Leary Women's Tea Veronica Phillips
Ali Meyer Craig & Sandra Moran Cynthia Oleynik Otterbein St. Marys Wood Evalind Pickering
Martha Meyer Gregg & Janice Morgan Rene Oliver & Craft Shop Mack & Myra Pierce
Leah Mezzapelle Jane Morgan Kaitlyn Olsen Donald & Mary Ousley Kammie Pietras
Clyde & Janet Michael Joe & Carol Morgan Henrietta Oppong Kelsie Overmyer Gwen Pietzuch
Autumn Michalak Tiffiny Morgan Order of Eastern Star Andrew Owens Judy & Carl Pilkington
Sophia Michel Amanda Morrison Ruth Ormsby Laree Owsley Doreen Pinaman
Sam Micka Ann Morrison Teresa Ortolani Jennifer Padgett Cindy Piper
Mary Jane Middleton Deadra Morse Faye Osborn Molly Palechek Nicole Piper
Andrew & Linda Migas Joseph & Stephanie Mosler Nancy Osborn Judy Palmer Tamika Pitts
Caryn Miller Chyan Mosley Carrie Osborne Kathleen Palumbo Shirley & Kent Place
Brenda Miller Champagne Moss Otterbein Cridersville Residents Joan Parfet Miller Pleasant Hill Golf Club
Chasidy Miller Sheri Mothersole of Independent Hall Lisa Parker Julie Plum
Fleetie Miller Sue Moyar Otterbein Lebanon Andynate Parnell Amanda Pohlman
Fred & Kimberly Miller Carol Mumaugh Alpha Cottages Thora Patterson Lacey Polewski
Kristina Miller Ronald & Beth Muncy Otterbein Lebanon Amie Payne Morgan Poling
Ruth Miller Kimberly Murray Apple Residents McKinsey Payne Korie Poling
Thomas & Betty Miller Rex & Sharon Myers Otterbein Lebanon Lonnie Pedersen Elizabeth Poole
Cathy Mills Vanessa Myers Bluebird Residents James & Roberta Peebles Vanessa Pope
Glenn & Gaye Mills David Mynhier Otterbein Lebanon Dottie Peffley Carol Poppel
John A. Mills De'Amber Neal Cardinal Residents Brent Peltier Kathleen Posey
Nancy Mills Donna Nedelco Otterbein Lebanon Pemberville Co-Op John & Penny Powell
Sandra Mills Ruth Nedelco & Dale Briggs Goldfinch Residents Anne Pennock Karla Powell
Steven & Mary Jo Mills Marie Needham Otterbein Lebanon Sharon Peredo Sarah Powell
Zachary Mills Andrea Neiberg Hummingbird Residents Priscella Perez Raymond Prebble
Channel Minor Elgene Neiswander Otterbein Lebanon Jennifer Perkins Mary Ann & Willis Preston*
Amanda Mitchell Nancy Nevarez Meadowlark Residents Laura Perkins Juanita Price
Rebecca Mitchell New Hope UMC - Eaton Otterbein Lebanon Men's Tina Perkins Scott & Deana Pringnitz
Sarah Mitchell Beth Newbauer Fellowship Shawneice Pernell Rex & Jan Profit
Stephanie Mitchell Sharon Nichols Otterbein Lebanon Red Hats Adelia Peters Shirley Prosche
Karen Mold Cynthia Nkrumah Otterbein Lebanon Jesse Peters Katia Pruitt
Norman & Judy Moll Leslie Nogle Redbud Residents Lynne Peterson Kevin & Wendy Puccini
Nathan Mollohan Rachel Northern Petra Petrescu Angela Pursifull
Pyrmont UMW Amanda Roberts Kiah Schnetzer William & Virginia Shumate Lavonna Springer
Fatimah Qadri Ronald & Barbara Roberts Logan Schuessler Terrance & Carol Shumrick Juliana Spurlock
Timothy & Vicki Quellhorst Harold & Elizabeth Robertson Lea Schuette Mary Simpson* Michael Stacey
Peggy Querner Jasmine Robinson Marleen Schuller Dominique Sims Karen Stacy
Christina Quezada Frederick & Pat Rodabaugh Earl & Evelyn Schulte Cheri Singer Carla Staffan-Jackson
Mary Radosevich Clarissa Rodriquez Joanne Schulte Yvette Singleton Steven Staker
Jay Rake Emi Rogers Lyle Schulte Michael Sitter Jonathan Stamper
Linda Ramirez Jack & Melinda Romanoff Onda Schultz Brian Skinner Kristi Stamper
Sally Ramirez Steven & Carol Romey Donald & Ann Schwartz Antoinette Slate Colleen Stanchfield
Carlton & Deborah Randall Donna Ronsheim & Janet Ron & Mary Schweller Kimberly Slaton Marian Stayancho
Rayette Randle Abdon Elisha Scott John & Cassie Slone Gary & Brenda Steed
Farnham Randolph Micaela Rosales Maxwell Scott Melissa & Robbie Smalley Diane Steen
Timothy & Joyce Rankin Jack & Helen Rouhier William & Patricia Scott Chuck & Jane Smally Mary Stegeman
MeChole Ranson Stephanie Rowe Robert Scott James & Sharon Smeltzly Leah Stein
Ashley Raths Kenneth & Denise Rowles Latoya Seamster Angela Smith Sharon Stein
Barbara Rauschendorfer Amanda Rudd Carolyn Sebastian Carolyn Smith* Emogene C. Stephenson
Bert & Marlene Rayl Roger & Vicki Rush Tyler Seekamp Elizabeth Smith Jill Stephenson
Kathy Raymond Terrence & Judith Russell Dennis & Theresa Seewer Emily Smith Barbara Stephens-Rich
Joan Reagan Rachael Russell Ashley Seiple Ieesha Smith Whitney Stepp
Gene Reaman John Russin Madeline Sellers Jane & Alan Smith Michael & Deborah Stevens
Ebony Reed Glen & Lynette Ruswinkle Teresa Senft Jerry & Kaye Smith Carol Stevenson
Dorothy Reed Megan Sabolcik Nancy Seng Krista Smith William & Lu Ann Stevenson
Dale & Sherry Reeder Bill & Mary Salter Samantha Sentle Rosemary Smith Charlene Stewart
Ted & Susan Reilly Kenneth & Melanie Salter Thomas & Judith Sevits Savanna Smith Megan Stewart
Richard & Rhonda Renner Ashley Sander Larry & Jacki Shackelford Tiffany Smith Terry Stewart
Emily Reo Michelle Sander George & Barbara Shafer Timyota Smith Robert & Cheryl Stickrath
Kelsey Reynolds Preanna Sanders Rashell Shallenbarger Whitney Smith Margaret Stiens
Jamie Rhodes Charlotte Sarpong Cathy Shammo William & Joan Jansen Smith Orvie Stirn
Amy Rice Bill & Linda Schaffner Charlene Shank Carol Snyder Lori Stitely
Brittany Richards Megan Schaub Ralph & Ann Shann Doug & Debbie Snyder Kathy Stites
Tracie Richardson John & Anna Schellhause Ruth Shanower Eugene & Lorena Snyder Robert & Margaret Stivers
Brenda Richmond Kenneth & Phyllis Schemmel Carrie Sharp Haley Snyder Sarah Stogsdill
Bill & Sandy Ricker Stephen & Mary Beth Schill Tiffany Sharp Louis & Jean Snyder Ralph Stoner
Carole Ridenhour Harry & Stephanie Schipper Brittany Shaw Devin Soleau John & Mary Strine
Joy Riedl Donald & Shirley Schleucher Misty Sheeks-Mejri Jean Solem Brenda & Carl Strittmatter
Ruth Riffle James & Lynnette Schluter Nancy Shepherd Gladys Sowa Barbara Stross
Karen Rinderle Ashley Schmidt Derek Shern Debra & Bert Spangenthal Ralph & Jane Stuckman
Paul Ritz James & Martha Schmidt Debra Shields Terry Speck Craig & Janice Suchland
Geoffrey & Sherry Robbins Lester & Jane Schmitmeyer Darlene Shipman Jeanette Speckman Jessica Suggs
Helen & Fran Robel David & Marie Schneider Marylou Shoemaker Kevin Spotts Jim & Mary Lou Sullenberger
Larry & Kathryn Summers Geraldine Tigges Tobin Wagoner James & Patricia White Amanda Woronec
Muzamal M. Sumra Amy Tilton Ralph & Mary Wainscott Lisa White Erica Wray
Kari Sutphin Rusty & Donna Tobin Ashley Walker Mildred White Brelynn Wyatt
Ramon Swallow Linda Toerner Violette Wallen Rolanda White Joanne Wynn
Lindsey Swanger Justine Tolek Cierra Walton Stephen White Paul & Carolyn Wyse
Jennifer Swanson Cameron Tolliver Wesley Walton Jennifer Whitehead Matthew Wyse
David Swartz Tomak Precision Edward & Adwane Warchol Amber Whitmore Ashley Wysong
Sharon Swartz Joan Topp Amanda Ward Denise Wibbeler Samantha Yarbrough-Lewis
Charles & Andrea Sweeting Robert & Deborah Toth AnnMarie Ward Gary & Christy Wibbeler Jacqueline Yenke
Stacy Tabb Ann Towns Molly Ward Roy & Edna Wigal Anne Young
Daria Tabor Don & Judith Trautmann Cindy Ware Eric Wikoff Jennifer Young
Bonita & Theodore Taggart Victoria Travis John & S. Gail Ware David Wilbach Leslie Young
Linda & John Tallman Brianna Traylor Deledith Waters Jacob Wilder Spring Young
Merilyn Tansil Flo Trenary Robert Watkins Lindsey Wilkinson Rebecca Young
Elizabeth Taylor April Trent Tina Watkins David & Lois Williams Timothy & Susan Young
Keona Taylor Heidi Trusty Andrea Watson Dawn Williams Sarah M. Zdawczyk
Tina Taylor Megan Tuckosh Heather Watson Eugene Williams Elinor Zekany
Zona Taylor Joan Tulloss Michelle Watt Melissa Williams Mark & Jamie Zimmerman
Catherine Teeter Robert & Mary Turain Barbara Watts Amy Williamson Matthew & Julie Zolman
John Tercha Tara Turner Dale & Maxine Wax Linda Williamson Waneta Zwiebel
J. Mark Terrett Kassidy Tusing Rubie J. Weaver* William Willis Maria Zwiep
Aster Tesfazghi Gary & Dianne Uhlenhake Donald Webb Matt Willmore
David & Trina Tester Jesse & Eunice Underwood Jerome & Ingrid Weber Theresa Wilmoth 37
Jennifer Tey Julia Vandeventer Kimberly Weddington Gayle Wilson
The Benevity Community Scott VanDeWater Cynthia Welbourn Michelle Wilson
Impact Fund William Vaske Sharon Weller Richard & Dawn Wilson
The Golf Club at Yankee Trace Kendra Vehorn Carol Wells Edna Wilton
Richard & Connie Thiel Kristina Verne Peggy Wells Dorothy Wilzbach
Emily Thoma Brett & Michelle Vernon Ron & Lynn Wells Shannon Wind
Delores Thomas Joseph Verschaeve & Elizabeth Angela Welter Wanda Windbigler-Clark
Joneishia Thomas Chapelle David & Ruth Wengert Rachel Winkler
Lillie Thomas Mary Vestal Michael & Judith Wenning Teresa Winkler
Marcella Thomas John Villamar Barbara Wentz Vycki Witham
Mark & Mary Ann Thomas Sierra Villarreal Ruth Werling David Woellert
Robert & Patricia Thomes Judy Vincent Ella Werth Teresa Wolgamot-Couch
Vernita Thompson Kaylee Von Ahrens Deborah & Lee Werts Myron & Lynn Wood
Cindy Thompson* Victoria Von Pongracz Richard West Thomas & Suzanne Wood
Devan Thompson Anna Vonderhaar Thomas West Airiana Woodard
Ronald & Victoria Thompson Charles Vornholt Callie Wheeler Karen & George Woodard
Amy Thoroughman Valerie Wade Judith Wheeler Charlene Woods
Betsy Thrush Brittany Wagers Harley White Daniel Woolum
Otterbein Senior Lifestyle Choices Otterbein 1912