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Published by BYUIAPP, 2019-01-10 12:03:31

Retreat Guidebook Winter 2019

Retreat Guidebook Winter 2019

Fall 2018

Student Support


Your Service in Student Support 8
Bringing Down the Powers of Heaven 10
BYU-Idaho Mission Statement 12
Student Support Mission & Strategy 16
In the Midst of a Miracle 19
Successful Councils 23
Effective Council Decisions 29
The Power of Goal Setting 31
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Student Support History



A Letter from the Eyrings

Thank you for serving as a student
council member within the Student
Support organization; your selfless
sacrifice of both time and talents is
recognized and appreciated.

Your willingness to serve is reflective of
the special environment—the Spirit of
Ricks—found at BYU–Idaho. The Spirit
of Ricks exists on this campus because
all who work here provide personal,
individualized attention to each student.


It exists because bishops and other
ecclesiastical leaders create spiritual
heavens for the members of their wards.
It exists because caring students are
genuinely interested in one another.
And, most of all, it exists because the
influence of the Holy Ghost is evident on
this campus. This is a precious legacy
that we must nurture and strengthen
as we move forward on our divinely
appointed path.
We wish you well and pray for your
success and happiness in this assignment
as well as your other endeavors at


President and Sister Henry J. Eyring



Letter From Brother Jones, Student
Support Director

The theme for Student Support Councils
and staff is to “Bring Down the Powers
of Heaven.” In Doctrine and Covenants
35:8 it says, “For I am God, and mine
arm is not shortened; and I will show
miracles, signs and wonders unto all
those who believe on my name.” In
Student Support, we pray with faith and
expect miracles to happen in the lives of
those we serve.

In a Student Support training video,
Elder David A. Bednar states, “We are


in the midst of a miracle.” He goes on
to say that we are here “to touch for
good the lives of people everywhere for
as long as the earth shall last.” Miracles
truly happen here in Student Support!
These miracles come because students,
like yourself, have learned and continue
to learn how to bring down the powers
of heaven. You can bring down the
powers of heaven as you:

1. Keep the commandments, live
worthily, and be an example to others.

2. Pray for heaven’s help, rely on the
Lord, and do things the Lord’s way.

3. Recognize the Lord’s hand in this work
and in your life, and show gratitude to

4. Seek guidance and revelation from the
Holy Ghost.

5. Counsel with your council, volunteers,
program and office assistants, and those
who direct and oversee these programs.

6. Invite others to act by getting involved
and making and keeping commitments.


7. Love, serve and sacrifice for others and
for Christ.
8. Seek, assist and testify to those who
need help as you “find the one” and
minister one by one.
These life-changing principles we use in
Student Support will bless you and those
you serve. May you be blessed to see
God’s hand in your life as you service
and apply what you learn to your future
in church callings, the workplace, the
home, the family, and the community.
With love and utmost appreciation,

Brother Jones
Student Support Director



Brigham Young University-Idaho was
founded and is supported and guided
by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints. Its mission is to develop
disciples of Jesus Christ who are leaders
in their homes, the Church, and their
communities. The university does this by:

Building Testimonies
Building testimonies of the restored
gospel of Jesus Christ and fostering its
principles in a wholesome academic,
cultural, and social environment.

Providing a Quality Education
Providing a high-quality education that
prepares students of diverse interests


and abilities for lifelong learning and
Serving Students
Serving as many students as possible
within resource constraints
Delivering Affordable Education
Delivering education that is affordable
for students and the church.




Student Support Serves and mentors
new, current, at-risk, and struggling
students to succeed in all aspects of their
university experience.


Newly admitted students (and their
parents) for their BYU-Idaho experience.


New students to the mission of the
university, academic and campus life,
and student services and resources.
And assist students academically,
spiritually, socially, physically, financially,
and with other life-skills.
Teach and Inspire
Students to learn new skills, prepare
themselves for employment, and
become better disciples of Jesus Christ.
Students to act by getting involved and
to led and serve like the Savior.



Excerpt from Elder Bednar’s Forum to
Student Leaders

Recognize you are in the midst
of a miracle.
If there is one overarching objective it is
simply this: that you and I would
recognize that we are in the midst of a
miracle. Recognizing this miracle is vital
to each of us in terms of our progress as
a university and a campus community
and in terms of our own individual
spiritual development.


You are helping to build a foundation
that will touch for good the lives of
people everywhere.
In this very time, you are helping to build
a foundation that will touch for good the
lives of people everywhere for good as
long as the earth shall last.

Use to the fullest the opportunities
you have on this campus.
You must use to the fullest the
opportunity you have on this campus to
prepare yourself to touch for good the
lives of people everywhere.

Your light must shine.
In a world of increasing darkness, your
light must shine, and you have a
sacred solemn obligation to use your
opportunity on this campus in this
season to the fullest to prepare for the
contribution that you will make in the
building of the kingdom and the rolling
forth of that stone.


Have an obligation to point the way.
”When the world has lost its way on
matters of principle, we have an
obligation to point the way.”– President
Spencer W. Kimball

Recognize and appreciate what you
are a part of.
I am sure none of us here today fully
recognizes and appreciates right now
what we are a part of.

You are here at this time for
a purpose.
Each of us is here on this campus at this
time for a purpose. You are a part of
what the Lord would have touch and
bless the peoples of the world for good
for as long as the earth shall stand.

Why are you here?
Why are we here at this institution? It is
so that you and I can do precisely what
President Hinckley described. And so
we shall go forward on a continuing path


of growth and progress and
enlargement, touching for good the lives
of people everywhere for as long as the
earth shall last.



Excerpts from “Counseling With Our
Councils,” by Elder Ballard

“This is the miracle of Church councils:
listening to each other and listening
to the Spirit! When we support one
another in Church councils, we begin to
understand how God can take ordinary
men and women and make of them
extraordinary leaders. The best leaders
are not those who work themselves to
death trying to do everything single-
handedly; the best leaders are those who
follow God’s plan and counsel with their



1. Decide how decisions will be made:
a. Unanimously
b. Majority rules
c. Discussion and counsel taken by
the council leader or decision maker
and they decide what action plan will
be taken.

2. The problem at hand is clearly
outlined and articulated, but the council
isn’t allowed to dwell in negativity.

3. The council leader controls the flow of
the discussion without dominating it.
They ask questions and call for opinions
and then listen. If they offer their own
suggestions first, it kills the discussion.

4. Council members speak from their
own perspective as individuals and not
just as representatives of their respective

5. Attention is focused on “what we want
to have happen” rather than “what we
want to do.” Focus on the outcome. For
Example: bringing souls to Christ.


6. In its deliberations, the council never
strays far from the mission of the Church:
bring souls to Christ.
7. Council members aren’t allowed to
forget the importance of their individual
influence and example.
8. Input is solicited from everyone, but
final decisions are left to the council
leader who relies upon inspiration more
than personal opinion in guiding council
9. Create an action plan.
10. Delegate action items with deadlines.
11. Return and report – monitor progress
with follow up on the completion of
the actioned items to ensure their



Excerpts from “Counseling With Our
Councils,” by Elder Ballard


“The ideal model is straightforward and
simple: call good people to serve with
you, listen carefully to their counsel and
consider their input, and then listen to
the whisperings of the Holy Spirit as
it leads you to make good decisions.
Functioning successfully as a council
doesn’t mean making group decisions.
It simply means the council leader
draws from the various abilities, insights,


experiences, and inspiration of council
members to help make good decisions
under the influence of the Spirit. While
we seek unanimity, the final decision is
always up to the council leader.”

“It is important that all council members
understand the significant and very
distinct role of the council leader and
learn not to be offended when the
decision is different from the course
they would have chosen. Decision
making isn’t the primary responsibility of
counselors. Counselors are called to do
just that – to provide counsel – as well
as to assist, strengthen, and support.
Their role is to participate – actively
and candidly – in the decision-making
process, to support and sustain all
council decisions, and to execute their
implementation through their respective



“While it is true that final decisions and
directions rest with the person who
has been called to preside, there is
little reason to have council members
with unique insights, experiences,
and abilities if you’re not going to pay
attention to what they have to say.”

“Let your council members know that
you … expect them to express

“One who is called to serve on a Church
council should remember that his or
her participation on the council is
a privilege. And with that privilege
comes responsibility – responsibility
to work within the parameters of the
organization, to be prepared, to share,
to advocate vigorously the position he
or she believes to be right. But just as
important is the responsibility to support
and sustain the final decision of the
council leader.” (emphasis added)


“Unanimity should always be sought
through free and open discussion.”
“We seek consensus in all that we do.”
“There have been times when an issue
has remained under consideration for a
period of time.”
“Support and sustain the [final] decision
of the council leader.”



The Story of Fielding Yost

In 1896, Yost was a junior standout tackle
at West Virginia. Shortly after the
season ended, Yost left school to accept
the head coaching position at Ohio
Wesleyan. Fielding Yost had four
consecutive one-year head coaching
jobs starting at Ohio, then Nebraska,
Kansas and Stanford. While at Stanford,
the University Board passed a rule
that only alumni could coach at the
school and Yost was dismissed from the


In 1901, Yost was hired at the University
of Michigan. At this time Michigan was
not known for its football prowess as
they traditionally lost the majority of their

The first thing that Fielding Yost did after
being hired as Head Coach was to hold
a press conference. Behind him sat his
football team and in front of him stood
the press. He got up and began to talk
about the defense his team was going
to have and said “this year 49 points will
be scored against us….collectively….
all season.” The room was filled with
laughs as he went on to say “that’s right
that means we will not lose a game, we
will be going to the Rose Bowl and we
will be national champions.” His players
were squirming and wondering why he
was embarrassing them and their school
with such preposterous statements.

Yost completed the press conference
and turned to his players and told them
to meet him in the locker room. Upon
arriving to the locker room the football
team was irate that he would promise


such things. Coach Yost walked in and
without saying a word wrote on the chalk
board the word L-O-V-E (spelled out).
He then had each player lay their jersey
in front of him. He went on to say if you
don’t have love for yourself, for the team
and for the game you have no business
wearing this jersey.

That year the University of Michigan
surpassed the goals set by Yost. Instead
of only having 49 points scored against
them, they had zero. They went
undefeated that year, won the Rose
Bowl against Yost’s former team Stanford
University and were selected national

Yost served as the head football coach
for the University of Michigan from 1901
through 1923, and again in 1925-1926.
He was highly successful at Michigan
winning 165 games, losing only 29, and
tying 10 for a winning percentage of
.833. Under his leadership, Michigan
won four straight national championships
from 1901-04 and two more in 1918 and


Yost’s Coaching Records W – L – Tie
• Ohio Wesleyan (1987) 7 – 1 – 1

• Nebraska (1898) 8 – 3 – 0

• Kansas (1899) 10 – 0 – 0

• Stanford (1890) 7 – 2 – 1

• Michigan (1901-1926) 165 – 29 – 10

• Overall Record 197 – 35 – 12


People do not fall into long term success
by accident. A study on goals with the
1953 graduating class at Yale University
revealed that only 3% actually evaluated
and wrote down their goals on a regular
basis. Twenty years later a student at
Harvard came across this study and
became curious as to what happened to
the students from the 1953 graduating
class at Yale. This student found that
the 3% who consistently wrote down
their goals made more than the 97% put
together. When the student reported
the results he was asked to take another


look to see if there was a lottery won
or large inheritance or some other
mitigating factor. The only consistent
factor among the 3% of this class was the
practice of consistently writing down and
reviewing goals. The 97% were in the
comfort zone telling all their reasons of
why it can’t be done while the 3% were
actually doing it.

When setting goals use the “S.M.A.R.T.”
S = Specific…also significant and/or
M = Measureable…also meaningful
and/or motivational
A = Achievable…also agreed upon
and/or action-oriented
R = Realistic…also relevant and/or
T = Timely…also time-bound and/or


1. What does the Lord want us to
accomplish as a council?
2. What goals should we set as a council
to achieve what the Lord would have us
3. How will we measure our goals?
4. What time limit will we set to obtain
these goals?



State exactly what you want to
accomplish (who, what, when, where,
and why)

How will you demonstrate and evaluate
the extent to which the goal has been

Your goals should stretch and challenge
you, but they should be realistic. What is
the action-oriented verb?


How does the goal tie into your key
responsibilities? How is it aligned to
Set one or more target dates. Know
when you want to meet your goal so
you can reach successful and timely



1999 - 2018


It is important to reflect upon our past to
better understand what lies in our future.
Student Support has been guided by
the Lord’s hand from its creation and
has received great trust from campus
administration and, more importantly,
from heaven. Please do not take for
granted the trust and resources Student
Support has been given or what has
been accomplished by those who have
gone before you.

Deuteronomy 6:10-11
“And it shall be, when the Lord thy God
shall have brought thee into the land
which he sware unto thy fathers, to
Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give
thee great and goodly cities, which thou
buildedst not,

And houses full of all good things, which
thou filledst not, and wells digged, which
thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive
trees, which thou plantedst not; when
thou shalt have eaten and be full;”

FALL 1999

• Brother Jones is hired on as 1/2
Orientation and 1/2 Safety Coordinator.
He reports to Ric Page.

• The office of New Student Orientation
is created (NSO).

• The philosophy that orientation is not
an event or series of events, but an
ongoing process was established.


• Three fold orientation focus of Pre-
Campus, Campus and On-Going
Orientation is proposed and approved.

• Several key administrators believed
that the Orientation proposal was too
big and too fast. They also believed it
would not be approved, but it was!

• The safety website is created.

• Training programs are developed using
Blackboard for gator and custodial


• The first NSO Team is created with
eight student directors selected out of
30 applicants.

• These first student directors were
asked to build a ship of curious
workmanship they had never before seen
or participated in.

• Students worked 10+ hours a week for
10 months out of a one-room office
shared with Brother Jones. They also
received a $500 scholarship.



• Brother Jones presented the Online
Pre-Campus Orientation program to
the Church Board of education, which
included the First Presidency, in Salt
Lake City. One month later, the change
from Ricks College to BYU-Idaho was

• Pathway Pre-Campus Orientation
receives the May Dunn Award and
NASPA Regional Innovative Program

FALL 2000

• The first R-Team Leader Conference is

• The first two-day Campus Orientation
is held.

• The first humanitarian service project is
held. The project included assembling
hygiene kits, quilts, and fleece toy
patterns for the LDS Humanitarian
Service Center. BYU followed suit 2
years later with similar project.


• The first NSO concert & fireworks show
is held.
• The first NSO Newspaper is published.
• The first R-Team Leader Guide is
• The first Mentor Handbook is
• The NSO budget is $30,000 for the
• Brother Jones becomes the full-time
orientation coordinator. Safety
responsibilities were transferred to the
Safety Office.


• The second NSO Team is selected.
Students served for 10 months and
received a scholarship of $1,000 for their
• The first two-day winter Orientation is


FALL 2001

• Becca Dumont, a NSO student
director, presented on BYU–Idaho’s
campus Orientation to the BYU–Idaho
Board of Education including Elders
Ballard, Scott & Eyring of the Twelve and
Elder Bateman of the Seventy.

• NSO builds its first university float for
the Homecoming parade.

• NSO becomes the model for student

• NSO is referenced in a philosophical
change by President’s Council wherein
departments are encouraged to hire
students rather than staff for some
employee positions.

• After a year of people saying it couldn’t
be done, the first I-Night was held in the
Manwaring Center.

• NSO moves from a one-room office in
the MC to four dorm offices in Rigby


• R-Team is now called Y-Team due to
the transition from Ricks College to BYU-

• “Power of the Dream” and “His
Hands” videos are created. After seeing
this video for the first time, Elder Bednar
asks Brother Jones how long he had
waited to make this video (answer is 4
years). The “His Hands” video was later
made a permanent closure item for the
Morningside (now called Living and
Learning) until 2010 and is the closing
video of the Spirit of Ricks show at Get

• The NSO budget request is submitted
to President’s Council. Student Life Vice
President Robert Wilkes prophesies
in this meeting stating, if the budget
is approved, marvelous things would
happen here at BYU–Idaho through this
program. The budget was approved and
quadrupled from the previous year.



• The third NSO Team is selected.
Students receive a scholarship of $600
per semester for their year of service.

• The NSO Board (like a committee) is


• Brother Jones is invited by President
Bednar and Vice President Bob Wilkes
to develop a graduation programming
proposal. Out of this came the
Graduation Website, Grad Fair, and Grad


• NSO builds its 2nd float and
participates in local parades.

• The NSO Team is cast in the BYUI
Honor Code video remake.

• The first two-day 2nd summer
Orientation is held.

• The three-track system recruitment of
I-Team Leaders starts. NSO becomes
the first organization to start providing


volunteer/leadership positions to
students on alternate admission tracks.
• President Wilkes asks Brother Jones to
assist ASBYUI as an advisor over campus

FALL 2002

• The fourth NSO Team is selected.
• Students serve for six months rather
than two semesters due to new
University policy which changes the term
of service for all student organizations.
• Becca Dumont, a NSO Student
Director, presents on BYU–Idaho’s
campus Orientation to the BYU–Idaho
Board of Education, which included
Elders Ballard, Scott, and Eyring of
the Twelve and Elder Bateman of the
• NSO is asked to create a President’s
Club student exhibit. NSO’s first display
wall is purchased for part of this exhibit.


• NSO partners with Food Services for
discounted food options at I-Night

• The “Heart of a Volunteer” video (now
relabeled “In the Midst of a Miracle”) is
created by Micah West, a NSO Student

• NSO produces the entertainment
portion of the Student Life Christmas
program. They tell about how three
Christmas songs came to be.

• President Bednar asks that NSO
implement Grad Night. The first Grad
Night is held three weeks after being
asked to plan the event. The Elder
Eyring/President Hinckley video, which
included “A Steady Upward Course” and
the Hinckley Building Dedication videos,
is shown at this event.

• The New Student Guide publication is
produced and wins the Council for the
Advancement and Support of Education
(CASE) and Silver Award for University
recruitment publications.


• ASBYUI is dissolved and becomes the
Activities Program. Brother Jones
oversees events of Halloween Carnival
and Homecoming Parade.

• The first ever Macy’s Day parade type
helium balloons are featured in Eastern
Idaho as part of the Homecoming

• The first NSO Team reunion is held
during Homecoming.

• The NSO Team and Alumni play a
behind-the-scenes role in the
implementation of the Homecoming

• NSO is invited to have I-Team Leaders
carry torches in the Torch-Lighting
parade as a part of Homecoming/Spirit
Week (lasted through 2003).


• The fifth NSO Team is selected and
students receive full tuition scholarship
for six months.

• The first Grad Fair is held.


• The Talk About Series (workshop

seminars) and Good Manners programs
are created.

• NSO partners with Alumni Association
to help plan and advertise Senior

• First I-Magazine, a full-page 44 color
publication, is produced.

• Brother Jones is appointed to
Homecoming Committee.

• Y-Team is now called “I-Team” after a
survey indicates that students identify
more with the “I” rather than the “Y.”

• Andrea Hooper is hired on as the first
student assistant. Her role was a
combination of an office assistant and an
area director.

• Catch the Spirit is approved by
President’s Council as the permanent
Orientation theme.

• Brother Jones leaves Activities
Program and returns to NSO full-time,
which was authorized by President



• The sixth NSO Team is selected.

• The “Bring them In” video is created.

• The first Summer I-Team Conference is
held for a second summer orientation.

• NSO builds its third float for BYU–

• Devotional Challenge bookmarks are
produced and distributed on campus.

• Two student assistants (managing
directors) are hired for NSO.

• A new I-Team logo/shirt is created.
New orange shirts and logo are unveiled
for Orientation, NSO Board gets new
red shirts and NSO Team gets light blue

• The first Parents Day Orientation is
held at the request of President Wilkes.
Parents Day included parent sessions
and the Parents Day Luau.

• Brother Jones feels impressed to invite
a student and her mother to sit at
President Bednar’s table at the Parents


Day Luau. After chatting with VP Robert
Wilkes, Brother Jones learns that the
student was a member of the Church,
but her mother was not. The student
has been praying for a miracle fore her
mother. Sitting at President Bednar’s
table during the luau was an answer to
her prayer.

• The first Spirit of Ricks Showcase is

• The first Winter I-Team Conference is

• The NSO Alumni logo is developed.

• Brother Jones is asked to chair the
Orientation Committee.


• The seventh NSO Team is selected.
With 10 directors, it is the largest team

• The first ever Winter Parents Day is

• NSO is asked to assist with Character


Education, Honor Outreach is created.
• A folder is added to the new student
packet mailings.
• A part-time staff member is added to


• The part-time FTE position is vacated.
Students are selected to fill this position.
• President Bednar gives NSO the
charge to move Career Service forward
by helping students become familiar
with and utilize the Career Placement/
Internships Office. The Junior Days
program and the Preparing for
Graduation and Beyond publication was
created from this charge.
• The I-Honor It name, logo, and
programming are created for Honor
• Live chats for pre-campus orientation
are initiated.


• The “Stand in Holy Places” video
• Pre-Campus Orientation is moved to
the Pathway website. This name is later
adopted to be used for Online Learning.
• Brother Jones reports to new Student
Life Vice President, Jim Gee.

FALL 2004

• The 5 Year Anniversary NSO Reunion is
held at Teton Lodge.
• The NSO Alumni video is created.
• The first-ever academic honesty
campaign is held as a part of Honor
• I-Night brand, venue cards, and t-shirts
are created.
• I-Night expand into two buildings: The
Manwaring Center and Taylor Buildings
for winter 2005.



• The eighth NSO Team is selected.
NSO Team director positions become
semester-long positions which leads to
three teams being selected per year.
• Preparing for Graduation and Beyond
publication is produced by NSO and
wins the Bronze CASE Award.
• NSO creates I-Honor It wristbands as a
part of Honor Outreach.
• The I-Reps program is created.


• The ninth NSO Team is selected.
• Traditions Trek component of I-Team
Conference is created.
• The first Involvement Fair is held.
• I-Team Council is created.


FALL 2005

• The tenth NSO Team is selected.
• The first Junior Days program is held.
• The first I-Honor It Conference
program is held for RAs and other
student leaders.


• The eleventh NSO Team is selected.
• Roller skating is added to I-Night
• I-Reps expands to off-campus
• The “One Voice” video is created.
• Honor Outreach is discontinued from
NSO per our request and is placed solely
under the supervision of the Honor Code



• The twelfth NSO Team is selected.
• New polos are purchased for I-Team
Leaders, I-Reps, and NSO Board as part
of President Clark’s emphasis on raising
the bar (see “A More Excellent Way”
devotional address). Volunteers are now
asked to dress in polos and khaki pants.
• The “One Dream” video is created.
• The I-Reps program doubles in size.
• The largest orientation to date is held
on campus.
• An ice cream social is added to Get
Connected following the Welcome Week
• The Student Handbook publication is
done away with and becomes a Website.
NSO prints bookmarks to publicize the
Online Handbook.


FALL 2006

• The thirteenth NSO Team is selected.
• The I-Night Extravaganza expands to
the Hart Building.
• The Student Life Vice President, Jim
Gee, authorizes NSO to partner with
Food Services to sell Finals Survival Kits
to parents and for delivery to freshmen
students prior to finals.
• Orientation is reduced to two days
rather than three due to the new
academic calendar.
• The first appreciation dinner is held for
all Orientation volunteers.
• The ownership of Student Handbook is
transferred to Dean of Students.
• Brother Jones reports to Garth Hall,
the new Vice President of Student
Services and Activities (formerly known
as Student Life).


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