Benchmarking Talent
Acquisition Trends
The statistics you need to know!
A research study by
Rick Christensen
Career Development Partners
Talent Market 1. 7 million jobs were open in December
2018, but only 6.3 million unemployed
The talent market is as people were looking for work. 1
competitive as ever.
2. Among HR professionals, 75% of those
having recruiting difficulty say there is a
shortage of skills in candidates for job
1 SHRM, The global Skills Shortage, 2019 3. 43% of employers say they are struggling to
2 PwC, 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey/January 2019 hire due to competition from other
4. 47% of CEO’s say that their quality
standards and/or customer experience are
impacted by skill gaps in the talent
Career Development Partners ©Career Development Partners, 2019
4137-A South Harvard Ave
Tulsa, OK 74135
Talent Market 5. The ratio of unemployed persons per job
opening was 0.9 August 2019.1
The talent market is as
competitive as ever. 6. In August 2019, the unemployment rate
was 3.7% and the job opening rate was
1 BLS, JOLTS Report August 2019 4.4%.1
2 PwC, 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey/January 2019
7. 44% of CEO’s surveyed said they were
missing their growth targets due to skill
gaps in the talent market.2
8. The number one impact noted by 55% of
respondents is the “inability to innovate
effectively” which affect their growth
Career Development Partners ©Career Development Partners, 2019
4137-A South Harvard Ave
Tulsa, OK 74135
Quality of Hire 9. The best performers are 4x as productive
as average performers.1
It pays to keep your
talent bar high. 10. 80% of business profits are generated by
20% its workers.2
1 HBR, Making Star Teams Out of Star Players
2 HBR, How to Keep “A” Players Productive 11. It takes $3K to $18k to replace an average
3 UrbanBound, Relocation and HR Trends 2018 employee.3
12. 25% of new hires turn over before their
first anniversary.3
Career Development Partners ©Career Development Partners, 2019
4137-A South Harvard Ave
Tulsa, OK 74135
Passive Talent 12. 70% of the global workforce are passive
Passive talent abounds
and is an efficient source 13. Survey of employees find that only about
of hires. 15% are not open to moving.2
1 LinkedIn, 7 LinkedIn Statistics That Will Make 14. The number 1 reason people change jobs is
you Question Your Recruitment Strategy “career opportunity”.2
2 HBR, Your Approach to Hiring Is All Wrong
3 Glassdoor, 5 Tried-and-True Methods for 15. 87% of Millennials say career growth and
Sourcing Passive Candidates developmental opportunities are important
to them in a job.3
Career Development Partners ©Career Development Partners, 2019
4137-A South Harvard Ave
Tulsa, OK 74135
Employer Brand 16. 33% of workers declined a job offer due to
negative company reputation.1
A company’s employer
brand is a powerful 17. 84% of job seekers say company reputation
recruitment tool. influenced their job choice.1
1 2019 18. 33% of job seekers said a company needed
2Recruiterbox, How negative employee Reviews Hurt at least a 3-star rating in order to apply.2
Your Employer Brand – and How to Stop Them
3 CR Magazine, Annual Corporate Reputation Survey 19. 45% of 35-to 44-year-olds would leave their
job for a less than 10% pay increase to join
an excellent company. Only 12% would
leave if the company had a bad reputation. 3
Career Development Partners ©Career Development Partners, 2019
4137-A South Harvard Ave
Tulsa, OK 74135
Candidate Experience 20. 70% of workers say they’ll stay with a
company for more that 3 years if their
Candidate experience is “make application process was favorable.1
or break” for candidates, and
most companies are under- 21. 69% of workers say employer response
delivering. time is what candidates would most like to
see improve.1
1 Jobbatical, 2019 Hiring Statistics, Trends and Data 2019
2, 2019 Candidate Experience Report: 22. 69.4% of respondents said they were likely
Perceptions and Behaviors or very likely to share their negative
employment experience.2
23. 82% of job seekers would share a positive
candidate experience.2
Career Development Partners ©Career Development Partners, 2019
4137-A South Harvard Ave
Tulsa, OK 74135
Candidate Experience 24. 70% of candidates conducted research on
a job before applying.1
Candidate experience is “make
or break” for candidates, and 25. 60% of candidates chose career sites as
most companies are under- their top research source.1
26. 78% of job seekers report never having
1 SHRM, Improving Candidate Experience is the Top been asked for feedback on their candidate
Recruiting Goal for 2019 experience.2
2 LinkedIn, the Ultimate List of Hiring Statistics
27. Talent is 4x more likely to consider your
company in the future if you offer
constructive feedback. 2
Career Development Partners ©Career Development Partners, 2019
4137-A South Harvard Ave
Tulsa, OK 74135
Diversity & Inclusion 28. Ethnically diverse companies are 35% more
likely to outperform industry medians.1
Hiring for and promoting
diversity and inclusion is smart 29. Companies whose senior management
business. teams are more than 15% female had a 5%
higher return on equity.2
1 McKinsey, Why Diversity Matters
2 Credit Suisse, Companies With More Women In 30. Firms with employees who both are
Leadership Get Blockbuster Results demographically diverse and have diverse
3 HBR, How Diversity Can Drive Innovation experiences are 45% more likely to report a
4 Corporate Executive Board, Creating Competitive growth in market share.3
Advantage through Workforce Diversity
31. Highly inclusive organizations generate 2.3x
more cash flow per employee, 1.4x more
revenue and are 120% more capable of
meeting financial targets. 4
Career Development Partners ©Career Development Partners, 2019
4137-A South Harvard Ave
Tulsa, OK 74135
Partners • Recruiting High Performers
• Contract Placement
Career Development Partners • National Talent Pool
helps clients maximize the
performance of their workforce EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT
by aligning talent and business • Organizational Assessments
strategies through talent • Executive Leader Onboarding
acquisition, staff/leadership • Career GPS
development and career • Knowledge Transfer
• Executive/Leader Coaching
• Leader Development
• Manager As Coach
Call us to discuss your Talent OUTPLACEMENT
Management needs • Local & Global Capabilities
• Workforce Planning
• Retirement Coaching
• Spouse/Partner Relocation
Career Development Partners ©Career Development Partners, 2019
4137-A South Harvard Ave
Tulsa, OK 74135