Master Sri Akarshana
Master Sri Akarshana
The Yogi With a Lamborghini
Spiritual Master, International Speaker,
Author, Entrepreneur, Youtuber (600k +
Subs), Online Influencer and
About- Master Sri Akarshana
Master Sri Akarshana is a name known to all in the world of Law of Attraction and
Spirituality. People know him better as the Yogi with a Lamborghini. He has reached
more than 35 million people using social media platforms and live events. He conveys
the message of uniting physical and metaphysical for achieving the goals in life. He
was born in the United Kingdom and earned wealth at quite an early age. However,
he found the purpose of his life when he went on a trip in 2011. On this trip to Kenya,
he realized happiness in helping others. In 2019, he went for the spirit and mind-body
training in the Himalayas. There, he earned the honorable title of Spiritual Master by
Grandmaster Akshar, the renowned Himalayan Yogi. Now, he applies his insights
into IAmCreator, a life-changing platform. Through it, he offers a medium to millions
of students, spreads the knowledge, and shares about training on Wealth Creation,
Success Mindset, and Law of Attraction and Spirituality.
Our team is an exciting mixture
of communication coaches,
yoginis, freedom lifestyle
hackers, writers, web wealth
wizards, relationship
communicators, speakers,
marketing gurus, self-love
coaches, filmmakers, creative
directors and more!
Who we are?
I Am Creator, founded
by Master Sri Akarshana, is a
global platform that brings like-
minded seekers
of truth and knowledge togeth
er to embark on a journey that
will take their lives to the next
To date, the I Am Creator team
have reached out to 50 Million
lives across the globe to spread
the message of LOVE,
Knowledge and Consciousness.
We offer unique insights from our
founder Master Sri Akarshana’s personal
journey of struggles and success in
business, life balance, happiness
and spiritual awakening.
Master Sri Akarshana and the team were
thrilled to experience all the growth,
breakthroughs, and incredible development
seen in those who were able to join!
Reference Link
Master Sri Akarshana