Govt won’t appeal against 2
Undi 18 implementation
ON WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 Call to revamp MACC to page
regain public confidence 5
No. 7867 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195)
WATER WRECKED ... A resident of
Kampung Tampasak Sugud in Sabah
examines a badly damaged vehicle that
was washed into a river during a flash
flood that hit the area.– BERNAMAPIX
Taxing issue
█ BY RAJVINDER SINGH oBe more prudent when introducing
[email protected] new ways to raise revenue, govt urged
PETALING JAYA: Dodging taxes is party’s economic, real estate and have been bandied about,
deeply ingrained in any culture, entrepreneur development committee, targeting stockholders is unwise.
but introducing just any move to has proposed several ideas, such as “Some shares may not earn
raise collection may backfire. imposing taxes on the value of stocks and dividends, so why should people
For instance, imposing taxes on shares and reintroducing the Goods and who own them pay taxes? Some
stocks and shares held by companies Services Tax (GST). people may have borrowed to invest
and individuals could drive away In the recently released Pre-Budget in the stock market. Imposing taxes
investors, an economist said. Statement, the Finance Ministry stated would only increase their debt
that as of July, the government collected burden.”
Since taxes were first imposed, rich RM67.4 billion in direct taxes, Yeah added that it would also
and poor alike have understated their accounting for 56.2% of its target. discourage investments in the stock
income or overstated their expenditure A total of RM24.8 billion was collected market, which would have a negative
to avoid or minimise their obligation. in indirect taxes in the same period, impact on the economy.
which was 59% of the targeted sum. He noted that share prices
Sunway University economist Dr Yeah said people want to feel that they fluctuate, and one may end up selling
Yeah Kim Leng said even the best get the benefits too if they have to pay at a loss.
designed taxation system would not be taxes. “In that case, should you still pay
good enough to dissuade people and He said one way to increase tax taxes or should the government
businesses from avoiding the taxman. collection is to widen the tax base but reimburse you for the loss?”
reduce the rate so those who have to He said imposing taxes on
He pointed out that even if all the pay will see it as less of a pinch. corporate savings and cash is also
loopholes were plugged, people would “One major dilemma for the Turn to a bad idea.
not stop looking for other ways to pay government is how to collect more “They will just move their
less, or not at all. —
However, there are pitfalls that must taxes without hurting the people.” page 3 money into other investment tools
be avoided in any attempt to raise He said of the many ideas that such as gold.”
revenue for the government through
taxation, he said in response to a
proposal by a PAS official for new
measures to improve tax collection.
Mazil Noor, vice-chairman of the
Ruckus over temporary PH
Haj pilgrimage deputy speaker position
to cost more
from next year o MP takes senior minister to task for alleged misuse of “I want to know if the senior minister is in
power in blocking appointment the House this morning. I see two senior
MALAYSIANS who wish to perform the ministers here. As members of Parliament
haj will most likely have to pay more KUALA LUMPUR: Opposition to the This was followed by a heated exchange we have the right to know. This is a misuse of
from next year. appointment of a Pakatan Harapan (PH) across the floor before Deputy Speaker power (by the senior minister).”
member of Parliament (MP) as temporary Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnon put a stop to it.
Deputy Minister in the Prime deputy speaker sparked a heated exchange Teo then stood up to say that the senior
Minister’s Department (Religious yesterday. The chaos began when Khoo interrupted minister had shown disrespect for the
Affairs) Datuk Ahmad Marzuk Shaary the morning question-and-answer session speaker by blocking the speaker’s proposal.
said that apart from increased taxes, the Gobind Singh Deo (PH-Puchong) by demanding an explanation from “a senior “Why is the deputy speaker (Mohd Rashid
established standard operating singled out Senior Minister Datuk Seri minister” who allegedly “thwarted a plan” to was chairing the session at that time) not
procedures introduced by the Saudi Mohamed Azmin Ali for censure, insisting appoint Nga to serve temporarily as deputy defending the dignity of the House?” she
government to curb Covid-19 infections that he should answer for alleged “misuse of speaker. asked.
would add to the cost. power”.
“Who was the senior minister who abused Gobind then asked Azmin to answer for
“This will include screenings for Gobind was joined by Khoo Poay Tiong his powers (by putting a stop to Nga’s the blunder. “Mr Speaker. I challenge
Covid-19 infection, vaccination, (PH-Kota Melaka), Nga Kor Ming (PH-Teluk appointment)? According to a report, the Gombak (Azmin is Gombak MP) to answer.
transport, accommodation and tents for Intan) and Teo Nie Ching (PH-Kulai) in senior minister had blocked an attempt by Stand up and answer the question now if you
pilgrims. demanding an answer. the speaker to invite Teluk Intan (Nga) as are brave enough. As senior minister you
deputy speaker yesterday afternoon,” Khoo should stand up and answer the question
“Lembaga Tabung Haji will reveal the Azmin retorted that he was just following said. now.”
cost for the 2022 haj season when the rules.
everything is finalised,” he said in In response Azmin, who is also
response to a question from Rubiah Azmin replying to questions in the Dewan yesterday. International Trade and Industry minister,
Wang (GPS-Kota Samarahan). said: “I am brave enough because I follow the
rules, and this is a Q&A session. You
Last year, it cost about RM22,000 for (pointing to Gobind) as a lawyer …,” before
an individual to perform the pilgrimage, being cut off by Rashid who insisted that the
according to estimates from Statista, a debate be stopped immediately.
global data platform.
Since it was also Gobind’s turn to ask his
But in Malaysia, first-time pilgrims are question, Rashid instructed him to proceed.
entitled to a subsidy from the country’s In a parting shot, Gobind said “since the
haj pilgrims fund board. Therefore it did Gombak MP does not dare to answer, I will
not cost more than RM10,000 each.” continue with my question”.
Making the pilgrimage to Mecca is When Speaker Datuk Azhar Azizan Harun
one of the five pillars of Islam, a religious stepped in later in the morning to chair the
duty for every Muslim. Those who can session, he explained that he had earlier
afford it and are healthy enough to travel written a letter requesting Nga’s
are expected to perform the haj at least appointment but decided to withdraw it at
once in their lifetime. the last minute.
Ahmad Marzuk said the board is in He assured Gobind that the previous
the process of reviewing the new costs, afternoon’s session was therefore valid.
taking into account new taxes, visa fees
and the value-added tax that has been Gobind then asked if it was Azmin who
raised from 5% to 15% by the Saudi had intervened in the speaker’s decision.
“The prime minister has said that there
He said that for next year’s haj, would be reforms, but when this happens,
priority would be given to pilgrims who the people have a right to know (why),”
were slated to go to Mecca in 2020 and Gobind said.
2021 but were unable to do so because of
the pandemic. Azhar said he had changed his mind at
the last minute and returned to chair the
He said the selection criteria, such as session, therefore the sitting was valid
age limit, and the haj quota for next year according to the Standing Orders.
have yet to be decided and are subject to
haj rules of the Saudi government. “No one pressured me.”
This led to another commotion before
Malaysia assisting Azhar stopped the Q&A session and asked
nations involved Datuk Dr Hasan Bahrom (PH-Tampin) to
in peace talks deliver his address.
with Taliban
Govt won’t appeal against Undi18 implementation
MALAYSIA is not directly involved in peace
talks between the now deposed THE Election Commission (EC) will by the High Court’s ruling,” Wan Junaidi reforms in exchange for support from the
Afghanistan administration and the implement provisions under Undi18 by Dec said. Opposition for his effort to address the
Taliban. 31 in line with the ruling of the Kuching High Covid-19 crisis and to revive the economy.
Court. More than two years have passed since
However, Foreign Minister Datuk the Constitutional Amendment Bill 2019 was Implementing Undi18 is one of the items
Saifuddin Abdullah said the country is Minister in the Prime Minister’s given the nod in the Dewan Rakyat and later on the table. The amendment to lower the
helping in discussions with nations Department (Parliament and Law) Datuk gazetted, but those aged 18 to 20 are still age of eligibility to vote from 21 to 18 was
involved in the peace talks. Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar told Gobind waiting for their right to vote. passed under the Pakatan Harapan
Singh Deo (PH-Puchong), that the administration in July 2019.
At the same time, he pointed out that government would not file an appeal to seek The decision by the government to finally
certain Malaysian figures and several a postponement. proceed with its implementation means that However, the change of government in
lawmakers have informal relationships with those aged 18 to 20 will get to vote in the 15th March last year and the Covid-19 pandemic
groups in Afghanistan but not the Taliban. Under Undi18, the legal voting age will be general election, which is expected to be effectively put its implementation on the
lowered from 21 to 18. held as soon as next year although it is not back burner.
“Some of the members of Parliament like due until 2023.
Marang MP, Kota Raja MP and Port Dickson “The High Court has instructed us to It has been estimated that 5.6 million
MP also have good relations with them, and implement Undi18 and the automatic voter The Undi18 issue came under the Malaysians of eligible age have yet to register
this should not be misunderstood as they registration by Dec 31, and in discussions spotlight again when Prime Minister Datuk as voters, with 1.19 million of them aged
are not in touch with the Taliban but with with the EC we agreed that we will abide Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob offered to introduce 18 to 20.
other groups,” he said in response to a
question from Datuk Mohd Hatta Md Ramli High demand for polytechnic grads
(Amanah-Lumut), who wanted to know the
relationship between Malaysia and MORE than 90% of polytechnic graduates have marginal decline last year to the challenges STPM or a diploma. Many of the programmes
Afghanistan. been able to secure jobs after leaving college, brought on by the pandemic. they apply for are in high demand, there are
underlining the high demand for them in the limited number of places, or they failed at the
Mohd Hatta also highlighted the fact that employment market. Sivakumar had wanted to know how interview session.”
the Afghan ambassador in Malaysia has not marketable polytechnic graduates are and why
been sacked by Kabul. Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Dr some students who had done very well at school She said of the 7,652 polytechnic graduates
Noraini Ahmad said records showed that of failed to secure places in public universities for who wanted to continue their studies at the
“We know Afghanistan has many groups those who went through the three-year course, bachelor’s degrees, forcing them to opt for university level, 5,103 or 67% were offered
since they were oppressed once by Russia 96.1% easily secured jobs in 2018. In 2019, the polytechnics. places for the 2021-2022 academic year.
and then the United States. So, we are using figure rose to 96.7% but dropped to 91.4% last
those connections (relationships) which year. Noraini said there are several factors that She added this was a 5% increase compared
can give a clearer picture.” determine whether students get placement at with the 2020-2021 academic year, which saw
In response to a question from V. Sivakumar public universities. 4,445 of the 7,175 applicants securing spots at
Saifuddin said Malaysia is also taking a (PH-Batu Gajah), Noraini attributed the universities.
cautious stance and is observing current “It is highly competitive among those with
developments, adding that the government
has pledged to contribute a total of
US$100,000 (RM419,000) in financial
assistance to Afghanistan through the
United Nations on Sept 13.
Labuan starts to Costs slowing down and feed the baby while drafting a
vaccinate adoption of IoT memo from the boss at the same
12 to 15-year-olds time,” Amirrudin said. IoT, he added,
oLack of infrastructure another important role in our lives, but not all can ease the workload for the person
LABUAN: Labuan will kick off its stumbling block Malaysians, especially those in the at the home front to enable her to
Covid-19 vaccination exercise for B40 group, can afford to install a better focus on the office work.
schoolchildren aged 12 to 15 today, █ BY ELWIN DAVA many devices to work on voice complete IoT system in their homes,”
ahead of the reopening of school on [email protected] command. he told theSun. As Universiti Malaya’s
Oct 4, Labuan health director Dr Department of Artificial Intelligence
Ismuni Bohari said. PETALING JAYA: Technology has The benefit of IoT is obvious … it “It’s like solar energy. It is clean senior lecturer Dr Zati Hakim Azizul
taken humanity into a realm making daily life easier. For and good for the environment, but Hasan explained, IoT at home
He said the Health Ministry unimaginable only in the more instance, Google Home or Amazon the start-up is costly. It’s the same requires two things: infrastructural
(MoH) has given the green light for recent past. Alexa will stream music, make to-do with IoT, making it less accessible to investment and smart devices.
this federal territory to go ahead Forget virtual meetings or self- lists or set alarms at your command. many segments of Malaysian
with its plan to offer the vaccine to driving cars. Think electronic society,” Amirrudin said. “A stable, continuous 2.4GHz
5,563 schoolchildren. babysitter or domestic maid, even At a more advanced level, expect wireless internet connection is
automated dish-washing and it to check your fridge, draw up a However, he believes it will not be essential, not streamyx or hotspots
“We will start the vaccination grocery shopping. grocery list, notify your local grocer difficult for Malaysians to or even 5G,” she told theSun.
exercise for schoolchildren These are possibilities that have and later see it delivered to your acclimatise themselves to the new
tomorrow (Wednesday) and we will become reality under the Internet of doorstep. technology just like how the internet “There can be no compromise on
go according to plan,” he told Things (IoT). The future is already has already changed the way of life. 2.4GHz because it is the default
Bernama yesterday. here for the taking but, according to It also has the benefit of raising frequency for most smart devices.
IT experts, there are major productivity by taking over simple “Malaysians have increasingly The other infrastructure to invest in
Ismuni said the two existing stumbling blocks in Malaysia. automated tasks, enabling humans become more receptive to new is neutral wiring that will link the
Covid-19 vaccination centres, The infrastructure is still not in to focus on more productive technology in the last decade, as smart devices to smart switches,” she
namely Darul Kifayah Complex and place, and even if it is, not everyone endeavours. social media and other similar said. “When everything is in place,
Labuan Matriculation College, will can afford it. platforms take over their lives,” he all you need is a smartphone to do
be used to cater to the students from IoT, as software engineer According to Dr Amirrudin said. your bidding.”
10 primary schools, 17 secondary Sharvendren Kalaiselvam Kamsin, senior lecturer at Universiti
schools and the Labuan explained, is an evolution in Malaya’s Faculty of Computer He said the demand for IoT Prices for smart devices are wide-
International School, during the internet technology that enables Science and Information products has risen since the start of ranging. For instance, Zati said,
exercise which will run for five days Technology, the use of IoT in the Covid-19 pandemic that has smart switches come at about RM60
until Sept 26. Malaysian households is still significantly restricted physical for a set of four, but a Google Home
underrated owing to its high cost. mobility. “It has put working or Alexa sells at RM450 to RM600.
“These children will get the mothers in a difficult situation,
vaccine at the two PPV (vaccination “IoT is playing an increasingly having to juggle domestic A smart camera costs about
centres) from early morning until responsibilities with professional RM150 each, but each household
late afternoon. For children aged 13 duties. It’s like having to cook lunch will likely need a few units to ensure
to 15, their vaccination schedule is adequate coverage.
from Sept 22 to 24, while for those
aged 12, it is on Sept 25 and 26.” The recurring cost is the monthly
subscription or data plan.
“We hope these children will turn
up according to the vaccination While Amirrudin cautions
schedule, as the school reopening is against over-dependence on IoT,
just around the corner,” he said. Sharvendren warns of a catch.
Ismuni said the out-of-school “Instead of walking to the light
children would not be left out in the switch you just tell it to lit up the
vaccination exercise as walk-in room. This is great. Only problem is
vaccination had been scheduled for it could make us lazy,” he quipped.
them on Sept 27 and 28 involving
some 1,500 children. Johor banks on
Hard Rock Cafe
He said Labuan started its to help revive
vaccination exercise for children its tourism
aged 16 and 17 on Sept 11 with 2,467
of the 2,593 children receiving the JOHOR BARU: The Johor
first dose of the vaccine as of government is banking on the
Monday, Bernama reported. opening of Hard Rock Cafe Puteri
Harbour in Iskandar Puteri here by
Labuan Covid-19 Task Force December this year to help revive
chairman Rithuan Ismail reminded the state’s tourism sector.
parents to encourage their children
to accept the vaccine. State Tourism, Youth and Sports
Committee chairman Datuk Onn
‘Go for Hafiz Ghazi said the opening of
digital tax’ Hard Rock Cafe Puteri Harbor
marked the fourth Hard Rock Cafe
Yeah said the government could in Malaysia.
instead focus on the digital
economy to level the The 6,000 square feet Hard Rock
playing field for online Cafe Puteri Harbour can hold up to
From and brick-and-mortar 238 people and visitors would be
front businesses. able to enjoy the “Al Fresco” terrace
page “The digital area overlooking the harbour.
economy is a growing “Hard Rock Cafe Puteri Harbour
source of tax revenue. We just need will be one of the local anchors that
to know how to collect it from giants will boost the local economy and
such as Amazon and Facebook, that that the economic spillover effect
make money here but do not pay will be felt by as many Johoreans as
taxes here because their possible as Johor goes through the
headquarters are somewhere else.” tourism recovery period next year.
He said reintroducing GST is also PLAYTIME ... Siblings Oon Ann Na (left), 11, and Ann Chi, seven, carry lanterns in the compound of Flat Desa Intan
a good option, but it should not be 3, Bandar Baru Air Itam in George Town to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, also known locally as Mooncake Festival, “It will not only act as a bridge to
done yet. that was celebrated nationwide yesterday. – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN connect Puteri Harbour but a must-
Tax adviser Thenesh Kannaa said visit destination for international
and domestic tourists once the
Covid-19 crisis is over and borders
are reopened,” he said during a press
conference via Zoom yesterday.
– Bernama
the government should strike a Matta seeks direct financial aid for tourism industry in Budget 2022
balance between its fiscal
sustainability and the country’s
“We don’t want to force local KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian the industry for a major comeback. affected (by the pandemic),” he said tourism activities have remained
companies to move abroad just to Association of Tour and Travel He noted the Malaysian tourism in a statement. restricted with industry players
list shares. When taxing shares, we Agents (Matta) has called on having to pay bank instalments and
must decide on what type of tax to Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri industry is on the brink of total Tan said MoF needs to provide interest with no revenue coming in.
impose so as not to have an impact Zafrul Abdul Aziz to announce collapse due to regulatory an extension of the wage subsidy
on competition.” direct and accessible financial constraints while other countries and automatic bank loan “The MoF needs to provide
“We cannot simply impose taxes support for the tourism industry in are recovering at a faster rate in their moratorium plus an interest waiver practical financial assistance
because it may have an impact on Budget 2022. battle against Covid-19. at least until the end of this year for beyond tax incentives or tax rebates
the country’s economic borrowers directly impacted by the or deferment of tax instalments
productivity, or drive investors Its president Datuk Tan Kok “As borders have remained pandemic, Bernama reported. which we are unable to benefit from
away,” he said, adding that Liang has pleaded with the closed for the last 18 months and because tourism companies have
ultimately, the government should government to be specific in its with just a small travel bubble for He noted that tourism already accumulated tax losses in
resolve economic problems first. allocation to not only preserve the Langkawi, we plead with the companies have taken business 2020 and 2021. By now, we have
(See also Page 9) tourism business and its workforce Ministry of Finance (MoF) to loans in 2020 in anticipation that the more than enough tax losses to
but also to prepare and empower provide targeted aid for tourism government would overcome the offset any so called forecast profits.”
businesses and workers directly pandemic. However, until today
Langkawi travel bubble going well
█ BY RAJVINDER SINGH o Stakeholders urge govt to quickly reopen MyBHA national legal and ICT afford to carry out works such as
[email protected] other tourist destinations bureau deputy chairman Datuk Noor sanitisation.
PETALING JAYA: Apart from a few Azly Che Rosly said the occupancy
kinks, the reopening of Langkawi to should not wait too long before said, pointing out that Singapore was rate at budget hotels now stood at “The high-end hotels have an
domestic tourists has raised hopes of making a decision on reopening already doing so and Thailand has about 20%. occupancy rate of about 80% while
more such travel bubbles. other tourist spots.” been welcoming tourists to its resort budget hotels struggle to get guests. I
island of Phuket. He said some luxury hotels had hope this is only temporary.”
Especially for those in the tourism The tourism sector has been halved their rates, a strategy that
sector, business in car and van rental among the worst hit by the Langkawi was open to fully budget hotels cannot afford to Sri Ganesh said the government
services as well as tour packages have pandemic. Many hotels and resorts vaccinated local tourists on Sept 16 implement. should also allow other tourist
been brisk. have closed down, leaving thousands under the travel bubble programme. destinations such as island and hill
jobless. Tour agencies and other “We cannot go below a minimum resorts to reopen.
Malaysian Association of Tour and service providers have also been Malaysia Budget and Business rate to stay sustainable.”
Travel Agents president Tan Kok badly affected. Hotel Association (MyBHA) deputy “The longer we wait, the harder it
Liang said strict observance of president Dr Sri Ganesh Michiel He said rates at budget hotels are would be for them to attract visitors.
standard operating procedures (SOP) Tan said the travel bubble plan is described the reopening of Langkawi now about RM120, but luxury hotels By then, most people would have
at entry points such as the airport and vital to help the industry get back as “a shot in the arm” for tourism. are charging about RM180. already had their much needed break
ferry terminal renders confidence to on its feet. in Langkawi.”
tourists to visit the resort island. However, he said a price war has “If you’re on a holiday, which
However, he said depending on made it difficult for budget hotels to would you choose?” He said islands such as Redang
Given the success in Langkawi, he domestic tourists alone was not compete with four and five-star and Tioman only have a month-long
said the government should extend sustainable in the long run. hotels. Sri Ganesh said travel agents also window to generate revenue before
the travel bubble initiative to include prefer to deal with big hotels because the northeast monsoon season,
other destinations. “The government must start to “These hotels are dropping rates they offer higher commissions. making visits almost impossible for
work on plans now to reopen our to just over RM100. How can we up to three months.
“Just ensure that the SOP is borders to international tourists,” he compete with such pricing?” He added that budget hotels
strictly observed. The government would not survive with a reduction of “Destinations in the cities can
their already low rates. wait. We must reopen these islands
now,” he added.
He said if rates continue fall,
budget hotels might not be able to
SOP in place for reopening of schools
KUALA LUMPUR: The reopening of to 17 yet to be completed. attend school without rotation.
schools in stages nationwide starting Last week, Education Minister However, private school students
Oct 3, based on the phase of the sitting for public examinations will
National Recovery Plan in each state, Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin announced that return to school on a 50% classroom
will hopefully put to rest issues that schools will reopen in stages from Oct capacity rotation.
have been plaguing teachers, 3, with students taking turns to attend In Phase Four states, primary
students and parents since the start of lessons and attendance set at 50% of school pupils in Years One to Three
the Covid-19 pandemic. classroom capacity. can attend school on a rotational
basis from Oct 17, while Years Four,
The implementation of Schools in states under Phase One Five and Six pupils will do the same
home-based schooling has not been will remain closed and students from Oct 31.
smooth due to the rural-urban digital will continue with home-based National Parent-Teacher
A Berjaya Times Square Hotel employee presenting a packed meal to a Civil divide and lack of smartphones and schooling, Bernama reported. Associations Consultative Council
Defence Force frontliner. – BERJAYAPIX laptops among economically president Assoc Prof Datuk Dr
disadvantaged communities. In Phase Two states, at the Mohamad Ali Hasan said although
Meals of gratitude for frontliners primary school level, only special the government’s school reopening
Many teachers and parents have schools catering to pupils with plan is comprehensive, there are
expressed relief over the special needs will be allowed to issues that need attention.
PETALING JAYA: Berjaya Times Hadapan/Thank You Frontliners” government’s decision to reopen reopen with full classroom capacity. “One of the things that have to be
Square Hotel recently showed its and were distributed to frontliners schools gradually, as the move would considered is how many students
appreciation to frontliners in a stationed at the vaccination help to ease fatigue and reduced At the secondary school level, only and staff members have to be
corporate social responsibility administration centres. motivation experienced by students. Form Six second-semester students vaccinated before a school is
programme. will be allowed to return to school. considered safe. If 30% of them are
“It is crucial to engage with the However, some parents have vaccinated, will it be safe (for
A team from the hotel celebrated employees and society that we are raised concerns about their children In Phase Three states, preschools students to return to school)?”
Merdeka and Malaysia Day with a not only to gain but also to give and to returning to school, in view of the and private kindergartens will also be
theme that highlighted appreciation support everyone around,” said hotel high number of new Covid cases and allowed to reopen at full capacity. For
for frontliners. A total of 450 packed manager May Cheong. the vaccination for children aged 12 secondary schools, full boarding
meals were presented on both days to school students sitting for public
the representatives of the Covid-19 “In this difficult time, through this examinations will be allowed to
Immunisation Task Force at the contribution to society, we hope to
KLCC Vaccination Administration instil in others, as well as our hotel Effectiveness of mist sanitisation not absolute
Centre and Gleneagles Hospital. The team, on doing the right thing
food was served by Berjaya Café, a socially, economically and PUTRAJAYA: The use of nano mist with some individuals believing that in a statement yesterday.
plant-based outlet at Berjaya Times environmentally. This initiative by devices for sanitising cannot totally the process could kill the virus in the Noor Hisham said several
Square Hotel. the hotel serves as a gesture of replace standard surface air and on surfaces.
gratitude to the frontliners on these disinfection against Covid-19, said surface disinfectants have been
The meals were packed with historic days. They have been battling Health Director-General Tan Sri Dr The effectiveness of the nano identified to be effective against the
customised stickers on boxes with the this pandemic of Covid-19 in order to Noor Hisham Abdullah. mist device is dependent on its coronavirus, such as an alcohol
message: “Terima Kasih Barisan protect the nation and society.” dispersion ability, the disinfectant solution of 70% to 90%, hydrogen
He said such devices have gained used and its concentration, as well peroxide, thymol, quaternary
popularity as a disinfecting option as the contact time of the ammonia and a chlorine-based
to prevent transmission of Covid-19, disinfectant on the surface, he said solution. – Bernama
1,417 PENANG concTafiosrtemasl ed 2,127,934
As of noon yesterday
ac�ve cases
New 21,073
207,698 Cases
34 PUTRAJAYA recoveries New
recoveries 88.38%
264 MALACCA JOHOR 1,959 Death
As of September 20 Received rst dose 23,744
Received second doses -in-Dead
22,083,630 18,648,795
DPP only paid RM1,000 for sodomy appeal case, court told
KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court When questioned by lawyer allegations (RM9.5 million was legal rendered even if they did not receive counts of engaging in transactions
here was told yesterday that Tan Sri Harvinderjit Singh, Zulfaqar (the fifth fees for Anwar’s sodomy case), payment from the clients. resulting from illegal activities,
Muhammad Shafee Abdullah only prosecution witness) said based on a Muhammad Shafee himself brought namely submitting incorrect tax
received a payment of RM1,000 as recorded statement by Muhammad a media statement and a letter from “Two circulars dated Feb 15, 2008 returns, which is in violation of
deputy public prosecutor (DPP) in Shafee, the legal fee agreed between the Attorney-General’s Chambers to and Sept 3, 2008 were emailed to paragraph 113(1)(a) of the Income
the sodomy appeal case involving him (Muhammad Shafee) and the refute the allegations. Muhammad Shafee. Tax Act 1967 for the financial
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. government was RM1,000 for Zulfaqar: Yes. years ending Dec 31, 2013 and Dec
the case. “The circulars are about services 31, 2014.
This was confirmed by Asst Supt Harvinderjit: According to the On March 11, 2015, former provided by lawyers for fees to be
Zulfaqar Mohd Khalil, 29, agreement dated July 19, 2013, my minister in the Prime Minister’s declared in the year the services are Muhammad Shafee also faces two
of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption client was only given RM1,000 to Department Datuk Seri Nancy provided, except for pro bono charges of being involved in
Commission in Putrajaya. handle Datuk Seri Anwar’s appeal Shukri told the Dewan Rakyat that services,” said Ravindran, who is the transactions involving proceeds
case. He also clarified that the cheque Muhammad Shafee received a sixth prosecution witness. from unlawful activities, namely
Yesterday was the fourth day of for RM9.5 million from Najib had payment of RM1,000 as DPP in submitting incorrect returns, which
Muhammad Shafee’s trial, in which nothing to do with his appointment Anwar’s case. On Sept 13, 2018, Muhammad contravened paragraph 113(1)(a) of
the senior lawyer is facing money as the DPP in the sodomy appeal Shafee pleaded not guilty to two the Income Tax Act 1967, for the
laundering charges involving case. Was this recorded during the Meanwhile, former Malaysian Bar charges of receiving RM9.5 million, financial years ending Dec 31, 2013
RM9.5 million allegedly received conversation? Council treasurer N. Ravindran, 56, which were allegedly proceeds and Dec 31, 2014.
from Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, Zulfaqar: Yes. told the court that since 2010 until from unlawful activities, through
and two charges of making Harvinderjit: As there were now, lawyers are required to declare two cheques issued by Najib that The hearing before Justice Datuk
false statements to the Inland the services provided by them in the were deposited into his CIMB Bank Muhammad Jamil Hussin continues
Revenue Board. same year in which the services are Bhd account. on Oct 14. – Bernama
He was also charged with two
█ BY CHARLES RAMENDRAN Calls for MACC to Muda gets leave to
[email protected] be remoulded challenge decision
PETALING JAYA: With its integrity on the
decline due to recent controversial events, o Experts question integrity and conduct of commission KUALA LUMPUR: Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul
two former members of the Malaysian top brass over improper internal investigations carried Rahman and 12 others have obtained leave to
Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) out without transparency initiate legal proceedings over a decision by the
advisory board have called for an immediate Home minister and Registrar of Societies (RoS)
revamp of the commission to regain public independent agency such as the police. commissioner should first step down and in rejecting their appeal to register the
confidence. He also questioned the standard operating make way for succession. Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Muda)
as a political party.
Following the withdrawal of 29 corruption procedures of evidence storage by the MACC, “The case should then be investigated by a
charges against Federal Land Development which appears to have major flaws. special police team of senior officers. The case Justice Datuk Noorin Badaruddin granted
Authority board member Datuk Noor has tarnished the image of the commission the leave yesterday in a proceeding that was
Ehsanuddin Mohd Harun Narrashid, 56, “Had the case not been exposed by a blog, and the public will no longer have trust and conducted online.
earlier this month, the last straw that broke would it have become public knowledge? faith in it,” said Nadeswaran.
the camel’s back was the silence and lack of Why was there no transparency in the case? Federal counsel Mohammad Sallehuddin
transparency by the commission’s higher-ups No statements were issued prior to the The cash in US currency was seized from Ali told reporters that the court granted the
on the arrest of three MACC officers over an expose. The Prime Minister’s Department an apartment in Cyberjaya in 2018 and kept as leave as the Attorney-General’s Chambers had
internal probe on the misappropriation of should have also issued a statement. The evidence by the commission in the no objections, and set Oct 5 for case
over RM25 million last week. quantum of cash is not a small sum that can corruption case involving former director- management.
be slipped into one’s pocket. It has to be general of the Malaysian External Intelligence
Universiti Sains Malaysia head of research carried in boxes or bags.” Organisation Datuk Hasanah Abdul Hamid. Lawyer Lim Wei Jiet, representing Syed
on crime and policing, Hon Assoc Prof Datuk Saddiq and the 12, confirmed the matter.
Dr P. Sundramoorthy, said the theft of the Sundramoorthy said the MACC revamp In April, Hasanah was granted a discharge
funds was disgraceful and unacceptable. should see its leadership being replaced by not amounting to an acquittal. They had filed a fresh judicial review
those with high integrity, and not necessarily application last Aug 24. They named the Home
“It paints an ugly image in the eyes of the by those with a background in enforcement. The seized cash was to be handed to her to minister and the RoS as the first and second
public. There have been no less than three be returned to the Treasury, but she found a respondents.
cases of MACC officers being involved in “Investigations are a science but it is not large amount of it had been pilfered and
crimes this year. rocket science. Bring in capable individuals replaced with counterfeit bank notes. They are seeking a declaration that their
from the general public who can be trusted application to register Muda as a political party
“The rotten apple theory here is lame, and have high morals,” he said. Following this, three senior MACC was in order and in compliance with all
erroneous and not applicable. It is just a small investigation officers were placed under requirements under the Societies Act 1966.
agency but it seems to have major issues. Veteran journalist R. Nadeswaran, who probe. The trio, who are in their 30s and 40s,
was also a former member of the MACC and have been in long service with the MACC, They are also seeking a mandamus order for
“The MACC is a body that should be advisory board, said the case is a disgrace and were remanded for six days last week before both respondents to register Muda as a political
impeccable in ethics and integrity. The chief has turned the commission into a laughing they were freed last Sunday. organisation within 14 days from the date of the
commissioner should be held accountable. stock. He agreed that the police should step in order, as well as aggravated and exemplary
The whole commission has to be revamped to undertake the investigations. The case appeared to be hushed up by the damages, and other relief and orders deemed fit
and replaced with individuals of high MACC and when the media tried to contact by the court.
integrity and credibility,” said the former “Looking at the bigger picture, could this the top boss, Datuk Seri Azam Baki and his
independent panelist of the MACC be a huge conspiracy? Perhaps a prelude to deputy, Datuk Seri Ahmad Khusairi Yahaya, On Aug 18, Muda withdrew its judicial
operations review board. bigger fishes getting off the hook? The MACC they were not reachable, until a blog exposed review application to file a fresh one on grounds
cannot be the judge of its own case. The chief details of it last Saturday. that it had become academic as the Home
The criminologist said as the minister had made a decision on their appeal
disappearance of the funds was criminal in on Aug 12. – Bernama
nature and as per procedure for civil servants,
the MACC had failed to use its professional Three detained
discretion by lodging a police report. for stealing,
modifying lorries
He said while the police investigate the
matter, it was acceptable for the MACC to RAWANG: Police have detained three male
conduct its own probe in tandem. suspects who are believed to be members of a
syndicate that specialises in stealing and
However, Sundramoorthy said it is modifying large lorries.
improper that the case is being treated as an
“internal matter” and investigated within Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation
when it should be carried out by an Department (CID) director Datuk Seri Abd Jalil
Hassan said the arrests were made following the
HUGE HAUL discovery of 12 large lorries, estimated to be
... Police officers valued at RM2.8 million.
with 36kg of
drugs worth The syndicate is believed to be operating at a
RM1.29 million secluded warehouse along Jalan Batu Arang.
and cash at a
press conference He said the suspects are locals aged 39 to 41,
yesterday in and they were detained in Shah Alam, Rawang
Serian, Sarawak. and Bestari Jaya in Selangor.
The drugs were
seized near Abd Jalil said their modus operandi was to
Kampung Sejijak steal the lorries, then throw away the global
in Kuching positioning tracker and find a buyer.
during Ops
Benteng last He said the suspects would modify the
Saturday. chassis and engine number of the vehicles with
– BERNAMAPIX a different number for their own use or to be
sold to third parties.
“After modifying the stolen lorries, the
syndicate would sell each lorry for between
RM20,000 and RM30,000. They have even sold
the stolen lorries for as low as RM7,000,” he said
at a press conference.
Abd Jalil advised the public to be careful
when approached by anyone selling cheap used
lorries as they could have been stolen.
– Bernama
BRIEFS6 theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 Grim year for web freedom
o Users in many countries arrested, physically attacked But it wasn’t all bad news, with The Gambia
EU RALLIES BEHIND FRANCE for online activities deemed offensive among countries praised for continuing its
IN SUBMARINE ROW trend of greater online freedom since dictator
PARIS: Internet users in a record number of and a Mexican journalist assassinated after Yahya Jammeh was ousted in 2017.
NEW YORK: Tensions rocked the Western countries have faced arrest and physical attacks posting a Facebook video accusing a gang of
alliance yesterday as European Union for their posts, a report said yesterday, painting murder. Iceland topped the ranking, followed by
(EU) leaders backed France in its row a grim picture of digital freedoms this year. Estonia and Costa Rica, the world’s first country
with America and Australia over a The report also found that people had been to declare internet access a human right.
scuppered submarine contract. The annual Freedom on the Net report said arrested or convicted for their online activities
European Council president Charles internet shutdowns in Myanmar and Belarus in 56 out of the 70 countries covered by the At the other end of the spectrum, China was
Michel said the bloc would seek answers, are low points as online rights declined globally report – a record 80%. named the world’s worst abuser of internet
adding allies needed to be sure of for the 11th year in a row. freedoms, handing out heavy prison sentences
“transparency and trust”. “We are They included two Egyptian influencers for online dissent.
observing a clear lack of transparency Compiled by US think-tank Freedom House, jailed in June for sharing TikTok videos that
and loyalty,” he told reporters. EU foreign the survey gives countries a score out of 100 for encouraged women to pursue careers on social Numerous governments are pursuing laws
ministers, in New York for the United the level of internet freedom enjoyed by media platforms. that curb the vast power of tech giants like
Nations General Assembly, “expressed citizens, including the extent to which they face Google, Apple and Facebook – some of which is
clear solidarity with France”, said EU restrictions on the content they can access. Myanmar was singled out for heavy criticism a justified bid to prevent monopolistic
foreign policy chief Josep Borrell. – AFP in the report after a military junta seized power behaviour, said the report.
Other factors include whether in February and shut down the internet,
NEW FISSURE OPENS IN pro-government trolls seek to manipulate blocked social media and forced tech But it called out nations such as India and
CANARY ISLANDS VOLCANO online debates. companies to hand over personal data. Turkey for passing legislation ordering social
media platforms to remove content deemed
MADRID: A new fissure emerged in the “This year, users faced physical attacks in Internet shutdowns were similarly used to offensive or which undermines public order,
erupting volcano on Spain’s Canary retribution for their online activities in 41 cut communications ahead of Uganda’s often under “vaguely defined” terms.
Islands, belching out more lava and countries,” the report said, a “record high” since elections in January and after a disputed Belarus
forcing another 500 people to flee, the tracking started 11 years ago. election in August last year. Legislation that forces tech giants to store
officials said yesterday. The Cumbre Vieja local data on local servers, supposedly in the
volcano has forced a total of 6,000 Examples included a Bangladeshi student At least 20 countries blocked people’s name of “sovereignty”, is also on the rise and is
people from their homes and destroyed hospitalised after a beating for alleged internet access between June last year and May, open to abuse by governments, said the report.
about 100 properties since it erupted on “anti-government activities” on social media, the period covered by the survey.
Sunday afternoon. Emergency services Under a draft law in Vietnam, authorities can
said in a tweet on Monday “a new access people’s personal data under “vaguely
eruptive fissure has opened” and that defined pretexts related to national security and
the “population is being evacuated”. The public order”. – AFP
volcano straddles a ridge in the south of
La Palma, one of seven islands that make
up the Atlantic archipelago which lies off
the coast of Morocco. – AFP
HELLISH RIDE ... Trudeau
Commuters clinging onto a clings on to
crowded train as it leaves a power without
station during the ongoing majority
coronavirus pandemic in the
Indian city of Ghaziabad
yesterday. – REUTERSPIX
Taliban allows girls Russia behind Litvinenko assassination: Court OTTAWA: Canadians returned Liberal Prime
back in schools Minister Justin Trudeau to power in hotly
PARIS: The European Court of Human Rights Putin had probably approved a Russian contested elections against a rookie
KABUL: The Taliban said yesterday Afghan found yesterday that Russia was responsible for intelligence operation to murder Litvinenko. conservative leader, but he failed to gain an
girls will be allowed to return to school “as the assassination of ex-KGB officer Alexander absolute majority, according to preliminary
soon as possible”, after they faced Litvinenko, who died an agonising death in 2006 The inquiry found that former KGB results yesterday.
international fury over their exclusion of after being poisoned with a rare radioactive bodyguard Andrei Lugovoy and another
women from education and work. substance. Russian, Dmitry Kovtun, carried out the killing Trudeau called the snap polls last month,
as part of an operation probably directed by hoping to parlay a smooth Covid-19 vaccine
When the Taliban ruled the country Litvinenko, a defector who had become a FSB, the main successor to the Soviet-era KGB. rollout into a new mandate to steer the
from 1996 to 2001, women were largely vocal critic of the Kremlin, died three weeks nation’s pandemic exit and pass his agenda
barred from work and school, including after drinking green tea laced with The European court agreed. without opposition support.
being banned from leaving their homes polonium-210 at a plush London hotel. “The court found it established, beyond
unless accompanied by a male relative. reasonable doubt, that the assassination had But after a bumpy five weeks of
Britain has long blamed the attack on been carried out by Mr Lugovoy and Mr campaigning, he appeared set for a repeat of
One month after returning to power and Moscow, and the European court in Strasbourg, Kovtun,” the ruling said. the 2019 general election, which resulted in
pledging a softer version of their previous France, agreed, saying that “Mr Litvinenko’s It too concluded that the Russian state was to the one-time golden boy of Canadian politics
regime, they have incrementally stripped assassination was imputable to Russia”. blame and that, had the men been carrying out clinging to power yet weakened after losing
away at Afghans’ freedoms. a “rogue operation”, Moscow would have the his majority in parliament.
The image of Litvinenko, 43, lying on his bed information to prove it.
“The work is continuing over the issues at London’s University College Hospital, yellow, “However, the government had made no “You (Canadians) are sending us back to
of education and work of women and girls,” gaunt and with hair fallen out, was emblazoned serious attempt to provide such information or work with a clear mandate to get Canada
said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah across British and other Western newspapers. to counter the findings of the UK authorities.” through this pandemic into the brighter days
Mujahid at a press conference, adding The court ordered Russia to pay Litvinenko’s ahead,” said Trudeau, flanked by his wife
schools will reopen “as soon as possible”. From his deathbed, Litvinenko told widow Marina €100,000 (RM492,000) in Sophie Gregoire and their children on stage
detectives he believed President Vladimir Putin damages and €22,500 in costs. at a victory gala.
“More time is needed ... instructions on – a former KGB spy who went on to head the Lugovoy and Kovtun denied involvement
how to deal with their work, their services contemporary FSB before rising to become and are out of reach in Russia. – Reuters “That’s exactly what we are ready to do.”
and their education are needed.” – AFP Russia’s leader – had directly ordered his killing. The Liberals had won or were leading in
158 seats, far short of the 170 needed for a
A British inquiry concluded in 2016 that majority, while the opposition Conservatives
were heading for 119, according to
preliminary results from Elections Canada,
with the new parliament set to look little
different to the outgoing one.
While thanking his supporters, Trudeau
vowed to work for all Canadians.
“Because no matter how you voted ... I
hear you, I hear you when you say we can
only move forward if no one is left behind.”
“In the end, this election was ultimately
for nothing,” University of Winnipeg politics
professor Felix Mathieu told AFP, pointing to
the projected seat count for each party as
being similar to the split in the last
parliament, with most incumbents
In a concession speech, Conservative
leader Erin O’Toole, 48, recalled Trudeau, 49,
having pulled the plug on the last minority
parliament he said was “unworkable”.
“But tonight Canadians did not give Mr
Trudeau the majority mandate he wanted,”
he said.
“In fact, Canadians sent him back with
another minority at the cost of C$600 million
(RM2 billion) and deeper divisions in our
great country.” – AFP
Violent anti-vaccine protests BRIEFS SOME WANTED ME
erupt in Melbourne DEAD, POPE JOKES
o Police fire rubber ROME: Pope Francis joked that
projectiles, “some people wanted me
construction sites shut dead” and cardinals were
already preparing to replace
CANBERRA: Melbourne riot police him after his colon surgery this
used pepper spray, foam baton summer, according to a media
rounds and rubber ball grenades to report yesterday. The pontiff,
disperse a violent protest against 84, made the comments
mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations for during a meeting with fellow
construction workers yesterday. Jesuits in Bratislava on Sept 12,
according to La Civilta Cattolica
More than 1,000 demonstrators journal. Asked by one of those
wearing work boots and hi-vis jackets present how he was, Francis
rampaged through the centre of replied:“Still alive, even though
Australia’s second-largest city, some people wanted me dead.
lighting flares, throwing bottles, I know there were even
attacking police cars and chanting meetings between prelates
their opposition to vaccines and who thought the pope’s
lockdown restrictions. condition was more serious
than what was said.”– AFP
Melbourne has been in strict
lockdown for seven weeks, as the city Police officers SUDAN COUP
struggles to curb an outbreak of the apprehending a ATTEMPT FAILS
fast-spreading Delta variant. demonstrator during
the protest in KHARTOUM: A coup attempt in
Several clusters have been linked Melbourne yesterday. Sudan “failed” yesterday, state
to construction sites, where Covid – AFPPIX media reported. Top military
containment measures are said to be announce the temporary closure of and government sources said
lax. construction sites, leaving tens of the attempt involved a group
thousands of people out of work. of officers who were
In response, authorities have “We’ve been clear. If you don’t “immediately suspended” after
introduced ever-tougher restrictions, follow the rules, we won’t hesitate to they “failed” to take over the
closing work site tea rooms, take action,” said State Minister for state media building. “There
announcing mandatory vaccination Industrial Relations Tim Pallas, has been a failed coup
for labourers and most recently, announcing the shutdown. attempt,” state television said.
closing almost all construction sites Local construction union boss The cabinet later announced
for two weeks. John Setka denounced the protesters, that “all those involved in the
whom he said were hurting the entire attempt have been detained”.
For hours, protesters opposing the workforce. The announcement on state
measures confronted police, ignoring “Those drunken fascist television was followed by a
loudspeaker calls to leave and a final un-Australian morons are the reason series of patriotic songs. – AFP
caution that “no further warnings will construction workers will be sitting at
be given”. home and not getting paid for the ZUMA SKIPS COURT
next two weeks.” APPEARANCE
Victoria state chief police allow this type of conduct to go on,” another incident in which he was Victoria recorded 603 new Covid
commissioner Shane Patton said he said. doused with urine. cases in the past 24 hours. – AFP JOHANNESBURG: South
about 500 officers were responding to Union leaders denounced the Africa’s Jacob Zuma yesterday
the “challenging” situation and had “We will stop this protest. And we protests, saying the issue had been failed to appear in court for the
deployed pepper spray, foam baton will then step back and investigate hijacked by anti-vaccine activists and resumption of a graft trial, as
rounds and rubber ball grenades. and hold those to account who need prosecutors argued ill health
to be held to account.” what former Labour party leader Bill did not justify his absence.
“These crowd control equipment Shorten called “man-baby Nazis”.
munitions were necessary, and they At least three police officers had On social media forums that Zuma, 79, was released two
are necessary, because we can’t sustained injuries while more than 40 weeks ago on medical parole
people had been arrested, he said. feature anti-vaccine conspiracies, two months into a 15-month
followers were urged to attend, “bring
Brandishing “Trump” banners friends” and “wear work gear”. prison sentence for refusing to
and chanting “you serve us”, answer questions in a separate
protesters briefly occupied a bridge This was the second such protest graft probe into his presidency
on one of the city’s main in as many days.
thoroughfares and sang a popular On Monday, more than 100 from 2009 to 2018. He was due
1990s power rock ballad. in court yesterday for the
construction workers in resumption of the trial
A number of journalists were high-visibility vests brawled and
assaulted, including one television smashed union office windows in the involving an arms purchase in
reporter who was hit on the head 1999, when he was deputy
with a can live on air, shortly after centre of Melbourne. president. But he was nowhere
That prompted the authorities to to be seen when proceedings
kicked off at Pietermaritzburg
Cashier shot dead by man asked to wear mask High Court. – AFP
BERLIN: Germany reacted with an hour and a half later, this time “ever-growing infringement on his Agriculture Minister Julia RWANDA CANCELS
shock and outrage yesterday after a wearing a mask. rights” and he had seen “no other Kloeckner from Merkel’s CDU party, TALKS WITH BELGIUM
20-year-old petrol station worker was way out”, said Fuhrmann. who hails from the region, said the
shot dead by a customer angry about But as he brought his six-pack of murder was “shocking”. KIGALI: Rwanda said it has
being asked to put on a mask while beer to the till, he took off the mask Idar-Oberstein Mayor Frank The Tagesspiegel newspaper said cancelled a planned meeting
buying beer. and another discussion ensued. Fruehauf called it “an unfathomable, far-right chat groups on Telegram with the Belgian foreign
terrible act”, and residents have laid were applauding the murder, with minister at the United Nations
The killing on Saturday in the “The perpetrator then pulled out a flowers and candles outside the one user writing “Here we go!!!” while after she criticised the trial of
western town of Idar-Oberstein is revolver and shot him straight in the petrol station. others posted thumbs-up emojis. Hotel Rwanda hero Paul
believed to be the first in Germany head,” prosecutor Kai Fuhrmann told Germany has seen repeated Rusesabagina, a Belgian
linked to the government’s reporters on Monday. The murder comes just days protests from anti-mask citizen. Rusesabagina, who is
coronavirus rules. before Germans head to the polls for demonstrators throughout the credited with saving over 1,200
The suspect, a 49-year-old a general election on Sept 26 that will pandemic, some of them attracting lives during Rwanda’s 1994
The row started when the cashier, German man, walked to a police see Chancellor Angela Merkel bow tens of thousands of people. genocide, was convicted on
a student, told the customer to put on station the following day to turn out of politics after 16 years. The marches have drawn a wide terror charges by a High Court
a face mask, as required in all himself in. mix of people, including vaccine in Kigali on Monday. Belgium’s
German shops. Katrin Goering-Eckardt, the sceptics, neo-Nazis and members of Foreign Minister Sophie
He was arrested and has parliamentary leader of the Green Wilmes said “Rusesabagina did
After a brief argument, the man confessed to the murder. party, tweeted that she was “deeply not benefit from a fair and
left. shaken” by the killing, which she said equitable trial”. – AFP
The man told police he felt was “the cruel result of hatred”.
The suspect then returned about “cornered” by the coronavirus the far-right AfD party. – AFP
measures, which he perceived as an
India urges UK to resolve quarantine dispute
NEW DELHI: India’s foreign minister next month, have caused anger, with quarantine issue in mutual interests,” health body in India,” said a vaccinated Indians to quarantine.”
yesterday urged Britain to remove a many Indians branding the decision Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam spokesman. A second lawmaker, Jairam
rule requiring visiting Indians to as discriminatory. Jaishankar tweeted after a meeting
undergo quarantine even if they are with his British counterpart Liz Truss The rules, that mandate 10 days of Ramesh, said the decision “smacks of
fully vaccinated. Britons vaccinated in the United in New York. self-isolation for travellers arriving racism”.
Kingdom with the same from India, also apply to many other
India’s Covishield vaccine, Indian-made doses are not required The British High Commission in countries using Covishield, including AstraZeneca is one of the key
developed by AstraZeneca and to quarantine. New Delhi said the UK was working most African nations. providers to Britain’s vaccination
manufactured in India by Serum with India to resolve the issue. programme, along with US peers
Institute, is not recognised by Britain They could also lead to retaliation Shashi Tharoor, an Indian Moderna and Pfizer.
under new rules despite being from New Delhi, with Indian “We are engaging with the opposition lawmaker and author,
identical to the doses given to government sources saying it was government of India to explore how said on Monday he had cancelled a The AstraZeneca vaccine makes
millions of Britons. likely to take reciprocal steps if the we could expand UK recognition of planned book tour of Britain in up most of the doses given to Indians.
issue is not quickly resolved. vaccine certification to people protest of the rules.
The rules, that come into effect vaccinated by a relevant public A smaller number have taken an
“Urged early resolution of “It is offensive to ask fully indigenous vaccine developed by
Bharat Biotech. – Reuters
Budget considerations for healthcare
COMMENT treatments such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) budget allocations to accommodate the increasing Head of Galen Centre for Health and Social
for those with higher risk of getting severely ill. size of this income bracket. Policy Azrul Mohd Khalib reportedly
H byAmeenKamal mentioned that “we need people to
EALTHCARE has been underfunded For example, 30,000 doses of sotrovimab may It is estimated that the “B40” could have be healthy, be responsible for their own health
compared with global standards. For cost approximately RM529 million, based on the increased to “B50” within 2021, therefore an and invest in their own well-being to prevent
example, the World Health US wholesale cost of US$2,100 per dose according additional minimum of RM20 million is needed. the onset of non-communicable diseases
Organisation recommends 6% of the to online pharmaceutical portal Fierce Pharma. (NCD) and be better prepared for medical
national GDP to be allocated for public health. Given that more households are expected to emergencies such as catastrophic injuries”.
Assuming current and future vaccines work drop into the B40 group by 2022, RM40 million is
That said, assuming a GDP at the end of 2021 of well against emerging variants, the figure could be proposed to be added, bringing the allocation to Aligned with this statement, it is time for the
RM1.5 trillion, this equates to RM90.5 billion – an lower. For example, in a scenario where a reduced RM120 million in 2022, compared with RM80 government and the health system (both public
impractical jump from 2021’s budget of RM31.9 number of cases may only require 12,000 doses million in 2021. and private players) to start promoting and
billion, especially considering depressed would cost RM105.8 million. incentivising healthy lifestyles.
government income throughout the pandemic. For both non-communicable and
Therefore, a mid-range value of RM250 million transmissible diseases, there should be an As Malaysia strives for universal healthcare, the
The minimum 4% has been called for by many may be considered as a starting point for biologics, expansion of budget allocations for both generics same mindset of empowering the people with a
health experts in previous years, which equates to depending on the percentage of high-risk patients. and innovative drugs. universal access to healthier lifestyles is needed.
RM60.28 billion, almost doubling 2021 allocations.
As a comparison, the Australian government The latter requires a bigger share given A focus on nutrition must include mechanisms
Galen Centre for Health and Social Policy announced on Aug 8 that it had secured 7,700 Malaysia’s apparent preference for generics. As this to ensure healthier agricultural and food
called for a minimum of RM4 billion to RM6 billion doses of sotrovimab with an estimate of 8% to 15% is likely driven by the relatively higher costs of production processes become the “normal” non-
increase in overall budget irrespective of GDP, high-risk SARS-CoV-2 positive patients. innovative medicines, some of these could be premium standard.
which could be more doable for the government funded through a larger sin tax system, and
given its financial constraints. Of course, new treatments are constantly being collaborations between the private and public A heftier sin tax should be created not only for
developed and this allocation is not only for sector. cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, but perhaps
As battling Covid-19 will likely extend well into antiviral medications or mAbs – it may be swapped many other ingredients and chemical substances
2022 due to immunological uncertainties and for other emerging interventions the Health Another programme that requires a budget to fund a special budget for lifestyle-related NCD.
virus variants, we need tools that go beyond Ministry deems promising, safe and effective. revisit is psychiatry and mental health
vaccination. programmes. Surprisingly, it was reported that this In promoting this, special incentives (beyond
Relatedly, learning from what was a confusing specific programme experienced nearly 10% tax exemptions) to incentivise healthier lifestyle
Specifically, Malaysia should consider early- set of changes in the 2021 healthcare budget, it is reduction in 2021 allocations compared with 2020. options such as healthy food, sports equipment,
stage prophylactic treatments such as antiviral hoped that Budget 2022 would be clear and outdoor activities and gym memberships should
medications to prevent disease progression for transparent. It has been reported that the Malaysian Mental be included.
non-severe cases. Health Association (MMHA) observed “ ” in stress-
For example, next year’s drugs budget may not related help requests since the start of pandemic. In addition to expanding the public healthcare
For example, the US, which has a population of need to be lumped together under the “medical Other issues such as depression, suicide, and budget, innovative funding mechanisms such a
328.2 million people, has reportedly allocated supplies for medical facilities” under “Program domestic violence have also seen an increase. co-payment between public and private players
US$3 billion for antiviral treatments (roughly Khusus”. Certain Covid-19 related drugs may be should be considered in order to allow Malaysians
RM12.6 billion). Scaled to population size, parked under respiratory medicine as it is Economic struggles and disruptions in better access to new innovative drugs, treatments
Malaysia would correspondingly require RM1.26 primarily a respiratory disease. education are expected to continue in 2022, and health programmes.
billion. therefore, prolonging the already-exacerbated
Given that Covid-19 may result in secondary mental health issues among students, households Ameen Kamal is the Head of Science and
However, considering Malaysia’s lower GNI per health complications, a new programme/activity and the economic workforce. Technology at EMIR Research, an independent think
capita, Malaysia may want to consider an initial for Covid-19 may be created instead of being tank focused on strategic policy recommendations
allocation worth at least a third of this value i.e., pooled in one general line item. Another As such, a minimum 15% increase from 2020
RM400 million. important allocation to be increased would be allocation worth RM344.8 million to RM396.5 based on rigorous research. Comments:
Skim Peduli Kesihatan for the B40 (PeKa B40). million is proposed for the year 2022. [email protected]
Malaysia also needs to consider specialised Empowering self-responsibility in health as a
As a public healthcare programme for the key social protection component
lowest income group, there is a need to increase
Market forces can’t solve the energy crisis
█ BY SEAN O’GRADY market from operating. Yes, we should have started the move away national energy security and households’ costs.
BORIS JOHNSON says that market forces will sort So too are the various green energy and other from gas boilers, especially for domestic heating No one should have to worry about heating bills
out the gas crisis. Is he right? Obviously not, and use, towards electric air and ground heat pump
not just because it is him saying it (usually a reliable policies thathave virtually cut off the supply of coal, technologies. Both are vastly expensive and do not ever again, provided the cost of the pumps is
guide to judge any given proposition). reduced the capacity of the nuclear sector and work as well as gas, but that is all the more reason covered through a national switchover
promoted renewables (and we know that wind why we should have invested in the sector and programme, just as we did a half a century ago
The free market in energy doesn’t exist. There and sunshine don’t always turn up for duty when found ways to push the cost down. whenwe wentfrom“towngas”to transporting and
is, most obviously, a price cap on domestic energy needed). installing natural gas into every home and
tariffs. This means, as now, that when costs rise We have done that with electric cars, as it workplace in the country. If market forces will not
substantially and unexpectedly, firms cannot pass That’s not an argument for scrapping our happens, which are vastly more capable and do it, or cannot, then the state will have to bear the
on price rises to consumers. So there’s no profit climate crisis policies, and letting prices and relatively cheaper than they were a decade ago. cost and find a way to charge it back to consumers
and they go bust. pollution rip, but merely to point out that even if in fair and manageable ways.
markets could save us from crises such as this, they The same needs to be tried with these new
Other companies are supposed to then land will not. That is the one good thing about the domestic heating systems. They use a little Installing electricity and phone lines,
like locusts on all these lucrative customers natural gas price spike, it reminds us just how electricity to run but take most of their energy from creating a national grid, building roads and
desperate for gas to heat their homes and warm dangerously reliant we are on this finite resource. It the environment. motorways, pipelines for natural gas, laying fibre
their meals, but of course the cap is inviolable and is a glimpse into a future we do not want to optic cables, such massive infrastructure
old fixed-tariff commitments have to be contemplate, when the gas runs out. With renewable and nuclear electricity being projects have been done before, and we can do
honoured by new suppliers, not an attractive able to supply some of the demand (eg for it again now, for the heat pumps. For the nation
prospect. The price cap is preventing the free Long before then there will be more shortages cooking), the strategic switch to local-, home- and it will pay for itself over the long run. Or we can
and, aside from all the arguments about CO2, it is business-based energy generation via air and just shiver. – The Independent
why we need to start making changes now. ground heat pumps would transform both
Get ready for the new weekly
Every Friday
PICTURE COURTESY OF????????????? fThaelsahwioof n Adele reveals new
Lawyer-turned-designer beau with stunning
Ida Fauziana Karim speaks IG post
to LYFE on starting her
own fashion label >>> Page 2
>>> Page 3
Haircut on wheels!
>>> Page 7
BTS delivers youth concerns to the UN
A day before the 76th session of the group of young men who are connecting with the world they find themselves in today. the United Nations’ iconic building. At the time
United Nations General Assembly, the youth across the world,” the seven-member “I have heard that people in their teens and of writing, the music video has racked up over 9
South Korean boyband BTS spoke and group took to the stage to respond to the million views on UN’s YouTube channel.
performed at the United Nations’ sentiments they had received from their fans 20s today are being referred to as Covid’s lost
headquarters in New York. about the pandemic. generation, but I think it’s a stretch to say It is part of the band’s remarks to promote
they’re lost just because the path they tread U.N’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
It was not the first U.N visit by the K-pop Prior to the event, BTS asked their fans on can’t be seen by grown-up eyes.” programme, taking place during the United
group, previous visits took place in 2018 and Twitter “What were the past 2 years like for you, Nations General Assembly’s High-Level Week
2020, but it marked their first diplomatic and what’s your world like today?” “We think that instead of the ‘lost and is meant to draw their audience’s attention
appearance as U.N’s Special Presidential generation,’ a more appropriate name would be to inspire action.
Envoys for Future Generations and Culture, a “It is an honour to be here today,” lead singer the ‘welcome generation.’ Because instead of
designation appointed by South Korean RM shared in his opening remarks. fearing change, this generation says, ‘Welcome!’ According to the event announcement: “It
President Moon Jae-in ahead of the annual and keeps forging ahead.” takes place as the world experiences a deeply
conclave. “We are here today to share the stories of our uneven response to the COVID-19 pandemic,
future generations. Before we came here we The nearly seven-minute speech on which risks creating a two-tier recovery with
After being introduced by President Moon asked young people in their teens and twenties Livestream was then cut to a pre-recorded significant implications for the advancement of
who called BTS an “exceptionally outstanding around the world about the past two years and performance of their latest hit single the SDGs, especially in developing countries.
Permission to Dance, filmed on the grounds of
Adele in love NBA Finals with Paul. Leehom fined for
Paul’s clients include Davis, breaking Covid SOP
MAKING her relationship
Instagram-official, Adele revealed LeBron James, Ben Simmons and FAMOUS Taiwanese-American singer-
last Saturday that she was indeed other NBA superstars. songwriter Wang Leehom has been fined
romantically involved with sports by the Taiwanese government after
agent Rich Paul, when the award- This romantic update follows allegedly breaking Covid-19 rules upon
winning songstress uploaded a trio Adele finalising her divorce from arriving from the United States recently.
of pictures captioned with a single ex-husband Simon Konecki in
heart emoji. March, after two years of According to Singtao, the issue
separation. became viral after a photo posted by
While two of the pictures were singer Vivian Hsu surfaced on social
of Adele at the wedding of Los Fans, overjoyed at the news, are media, which showed several celebrities,
Angeles Lakers starter Anthony also excited for the fourth album including Leehom, celebrating the end of
Davis and partner Marlen P, the by Adele, which is rumoured to his two-week quarantine.
third had her and Paul smiling at release before Christmas.
the camera. Netizens immediately pointed out that
Additionally, there is buzz the 45-year-old singer has yet to
According to the New Yorker around Adele’s return to the stage complete his seven-day self-health
several months ago, Paul for her first live performance in management, which is a mandatory
mentioned a major pop star that four years. requirement by the Taiwanese
he was “hanging out” with, but did government for travellers who have
not reveal who it was. In July, Adele Adele’s last album, 25 has sold tested negative for Covid-19 after their
was seen attending Game 5 of the 23 million copies since its release quarantine period.
in 2015.
Leehom acknowledged his mistake
Oops ... Britney did it again! and thanked his supporters for reminding
him, while adding he will also be taking
LESS than a week after deleting her Instagram with clip-on extensions!!!!“, accompanied by a full responsibility for his actions.
on Sept 14, Britney Spears made a surprise playful emoji.
comeback on the social media account, Taipei’s Deputy Mayor Huang Shan-
delighting her fans around the world. Hours later, a video showing Britney dancing shan stated the singer will face a NTD
was posted, which one fan claimed had been 150,000 (RM22,567.80) fine.
In a caption posted on Sept 20, the star taken a few months earlier.
wrote: “Some shots from my weekend getaway
to celebrate my engagement with my ... holy Britney first deleted her account soon after
s*** ... FIANCÉ ... I still can’t believe it !!!! I couldn’t announcing her engagement to longtime
stay away from the gram too long so I’m back boyfriend Sam Asghari, who appeared in her
already.” (sic) 2016 Slumber Party music video.
The solo black and white photograph has Britney shared a photo of her with Asghari,
already gained more than 654,000 likes since it whom she has been with for about five years
was put up. and showed off her engagement ring on
Instagram, but disabled her social media
When it was first posted, more than 450,000 account two days later, saying that it was meant
people liked it within the first two hours. as a way to celebrate her engagement.
However, some commented that the photos Britney has been under a complicated legal
did not appear to be new and asked Britney to conservatorship since 2008, following a much-
post new photos. publicised mental health crisis.
Many of the 39-year-old star’s followers had Her father, Jamie Spears had overseen the
noticed that her hair colour is different in the legal arrangement but the star had been
previous posts; depicting the star rocking her fighting to end it for years. In recent
old blond locks instead of her current red hair developments, her father appeared to agree,
colour. filing a petition to end the conservatorship
altogether. A hearing on the matter is scheduled
The star appeared to alleviate these concerns to be heard on Sept 29.
by explaining: “Psss I took these in Palm Springs
█ BY MARK MATHEN VICTOR Triple talent Amylea says she
feels like a new
FROM a very young age, Amylea person, akin to
Azizan wanted to do more someone coming
than just sing. “I wanted to be back from a war,
somebody who was doing which she thinks
music as a whole,” she told theSun. o The lockdown has not dimmed multi-tasking is a good thing.
She has clearly
achieved her goal, – PICTURES
adding the title of entertainer Amylea’s zest for life and work COURTESY OF
songwriter and AMYLEA AZIZAN
producer to her Despite the song receiving support from
credit. listeners and the drama being a big hit, the
However, there country began slipping in and out of
was a time when lockdowns just as the song was starting its
Amylea did not know promotion.
what “producing” Despite being affected by such events,
was. Kendati is still making its rounds on charts
“Growing up, even as the year is about to end.
I did not have an At the time of interview, Amylea revealed
ambition to that in the third week of September, she will
become a singer. begin recording her second song for this year.
“During “I’m hoping this one will do better, if we’re
schooldays, my able to promote it without MCO returning,” she
mum was not said with a laugh.
very supportive “This song will be the main theme for a
of it, as she drama”.
wanted me to Other than the upcoming song, Amylea will
venture into other also be busy producing music for various
things first and to check all artistes until the end of the year.
my options.”
After high school, her
uncle managed to get her
into an audition. When
asked what she wanted
to be, she told the
panel: “I want to be a
music director, or
something like that.”
“After Akademi
Fantasia, I was lucky
to meet people who
were very inspiring
and available to
mentor me, like
Aubrey Suwito; people
who were very helpful
in terms of wanting me
to be in that track,” she
said. did slow down certain things, but the I’ve been going through, because my problems
Amylea said her big pandemic did not stop me from working ever and issues are more [related to] emotional and
break came when she since last year’s first movement control mental health.
started writing music, order,” she said. “I feel like I’m [both] different and the same
beginning with Sindarela. Instead of her usual bread and butter person at the same time. In my teenage years, I
“After that, I got more work, Amylea has been taking on projects had a lot of passion and no fears or doubts. I
opportunities to write my own songs that involve dubbing, voice work and lost my way because I’ve been focusing on
and [to write] for other singers as well.” directing. She claims these multiple aspects things that I have to do, rather than things I
of her job have allowed her to survive. want to do,” she said.
A years worth of introspection Despite how relatively smooth sailing her Amylea added that she has learned a lot and
Sadly, Amylea’s career was affected by work has been, it has not been the same wants to pick up the passion that she had when
the pandemic, not unlike others in the situation for her mentally. she was young.
entertainment and creative industry. Amylea admits that the stress from “I’m also focusing more on myself and
Fortuntely, the resourcefulness of this other things in her life has had an effect on family than other things.”
artiste and her multidisciplinary her mental health.
background somewhat softened the She said writing a song is something What the future holds
blow of events. that cannot be done without emotions or a After the release of Kendati for the drama
“I am truly grateful for everything I healthy mindset. Takdir Yang Tertulis earlier this year, Amylea
have been able to do during this time. It “There are no words to describe the pain said the ensuing events were rather disruptive.
Let your kids express themselves
AFTER over a year of being confined indoors, older students.
are your children feeling listless and bored? The fee is RM300 per semester (10 classes) for While the Academy’s new semester will begin online, in-person classes may resume should the
Stressed and frustrated by the many restrictions? situation permit, except in the case of Online-Only classes. – KLPAC WEBSITE
Well, here is a great way to get them to have some Preschool Speech & Drama, and RM450 to
fun expressing themselves, and to let their RM500 per semester for Speech & Drama, with a
imaginations run wild. one-time RM50 registration fee for new
The Actors Studio Academy @ klpac is now
taking in registrations for the third and final With a team well-adapted to running classes
semester of its Speech and Drama Programme, during the pandemic, Semester 3 will begin
which starts Sept 25 and 26. online via Zoom. Classes will move to face-to-
face when the number of cases decrease, with
The Academy’s long-time running advance notification given to students should
programme allows its students to explore the that happen.
evocative language and performance of poetry,
dialogue, acting and music, creative use of the However, the Academy also offers a new
body and creating their own sketches, and ‘Online-Only’ option for students who prefer to
thinking beyond boundaries. Yes, pretty much take only virtual classes, which means that those
everything that the standard school syllabus living outside of Klang Valley will not miss out.
may miss out on.
For this particular semester, the students will
As Albert Einstein said: “Imagination is more also be involved in creating as they gear up to
important than knowledge. For knowledge is their year-end showcase. The students are
limited, whereas imagination embraces the expected to share and present everything they
entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to have learned through these showcases, which
evolution.” will be accompanied by music and movement.
It has two main programmes Preschool The showcase for the Online-Only classes
Speech & Drama for three- to six-year-olds and will be held online, while the showcase for the
Speech & Drama for seven- to 18-year-olds, with rest of the students may take place live or online,
classes further broken down for specific ages. It depending on the situation.
is a weekly programme spanning 10 weeks per
semester where classes are an hour long for More information about the Academy and its
preschoolers, and 1-and-a-half hours for the courses can be found at
academy-klpac, or you may email
[email protected] for enquiries.
Nefertiti. Power dressing for mo
o Get down to business in these elegant blazers from a Malaysian le
█ BY JASON LIM Malaysian
Ida unde
LONDON-BASED lawyer-turned- that one
designer Ida Fauziana Karim started does no
her own fashion label for the same
reason as many her women in the thus she
industry do: her own wardrobe needs. to empo
“My interest in wearing jackets and their con
blazers has been embedded in me since I through w
was very young, from my university days, or blazers. –
even younger,” shares Anne, as she is PICTURE
affectionately known. COURTES
“It was particularly important for me
Italian during my career in corporate where I
Sunset. would typically have different blazers kept
at work, depending on who I was seeing,
where was I going or just what impression I
was trying to make.’’
She founded the label in October
2020, but has been designing
blazers ever since her university
days as a law student, before she
landed her corporate role in the
legal and financial industries.
“So, there is no question
about my love for blazers which
was well known to the majority of
my work colleagues previously.”
This love can be seen in her
brand’s debut collection titled
Amaranthine, which celebrates
women and their individuality. The
collection features six different
structured designs with feminine and
elegant tailoring.
The designs encapsulate the art of
power dressing for women, allowing
them to blaze the trail from the
boardroom to a night out on the town.
With simple yet bold details – from the
puffed shoulders and flared sleeves to
cropped and double-breasted silhouettes –
Anne Karim’s blazers are made for those
who want to stand out.
Her designs accentuate not just the form
and figure of women, but the very essence
of their personality.
As the brand continues to grow in the
United Kingdom, Anne is starting to tap
into the Malaysian market, hoping to share
the one look all women are looking for –
After graduating with a law degree and
being in the financial industry for 10
years, why did you become a fashion
“Right, becoming a fashion designer was
not a career path that I thought to pursue.
“I had in the past been sketching blazers
playfully, after seeing clients or attending
work events. The sketching just got more
serious during the pandemic when I was
figuring out my other passion. Not
particularly in fashion design, but blazers.”
How important is an education in fashion
Prada to stage simultaneous shows in
Milan and Shanghai
AFTER more than a year of digital shows, luxury shown on different models and in
fashion houses seem keen to make up for lost complementary sets, will be able to enjoy caption
time and, more importantly, to continue through video screens the simultaneous runway
reaching out to wider audiences. event happening at the same time in a different
Not content with holding a real-world show in
Milan to present its spring-summer 2022 Described by Prada in a brief statement as “a
collection, Prada will be staging two celebration of the unique experience of the
simultaneous shows, held at the same time at runway, and the power of technology to
almost opposite ends of the globe, in Milan and transcend borders, to unite. A celebration of
Shanghai showcasing the same Spring/Summer fashion and of community,” the shows will be
2022 collection, designed by Miuccia Prada and streamed at, where viewers will have
Raf Simons. These events will be held on the access to a live edit collecting views of the two
same day, Sept 24, at the same time – at local parallel shows.
times of 3pm and 9pm, respectively.
This will be a live montage bringing together
Named Synchronic Views, the format will the two shows, which will be similar in all
actually combine the physical and digital respects except for the models and sets, which
experience. In fact, the guests at both shows, will be complementary, explains the specialist
which will present exactly the same collection website Women’s Wear Daily (WWD). – Agencies
modern women The
egal eagle who used her fashion flair to start her own label Duchess.
n-born for someone looking to get their start in overconsumption?
erstands the industry? “No one can ignore sustainability. The
e style “Just like any other industry, having the fashion industry has been one of the biggest
ot fit all, qualifications will definitely help you to be polluters of our planet.
e hopes more knowledgeable.
ower “As an ethical brand, we try our best to
“My advice is if you don’t [have it] and do our part in making a difference by
to build you still want to pursue it, then just go for it, upholding our ethos ‘We design exclusively
nfidence but never go into it blindly. Do your and produce ethically’, meaning we don’t
wearing homework, speak to the experts, go out and mass produce our garments just to please
– expand your network with the suppliers, the retail needs.
ES fashion photographers, stylists, models, etc.
SY OF “It’s going to be a challenge to put our
ARIM “You will be surprised how much you name alongside the bigger brands, but it is
will learn from them. To me, this is one of just the right thing to do.”
the most valuable lessons, as I learnt it Are you worried about the future of
directly from those people involved in fashion?
fashion on a daily basis.” “Absolutely. I think the fashion industry has
It’s an unprecedented time to be starting been constantly under fire for overpollution
a brand. and worker exploitation. And because we
“I chose to not let the pandemic stop what I live in a capitalist world, many big brands
had determined to do in 2020. We had a lot overproduce to meet consumers’ demands,
of restrictions, from meeting the team and and many consumers are only comfortable
suppliers, finding a location for the shoot in buying from these established and well-
the UK to auditioning for models. known brands.
“But I was lucky to have the support from “Consumer sentiment mainly is to follow
the people I work with. We used every the fashion trends, disregarding the role
single opportunity that was available to us each of us has to play in climate change and
at the time, no matter how limited they reducing our carbon footprint. This is
were, and we made the best out of it. It was precisely why I wanted to introduce Anne
Karim to Malaysia, because we need to be
very tough, but what an experience.” more educated on this topic.
How is the brand navigating through
the domains of sustainability and “Any small effort will help, and will
slowly make a difference. “
Next Gen YOUTH Chasing Shane’s song went
his music from ten streams to
6 theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 well over 10,000 on
Spotify. – COURTESY
AT THE budding age of 18, Shane
Kennedy is smoothly starting
his ascent in the electronic
music scene.
His star is shining, as seen from his
work with other artistes both locally and
The musician, who goes by the stage
name Karazey, explained that his
journey into his world – everything
between EDM and Future Bass – began
at the age of 12.
Growing up listening to music online,
particularly Martin Garrix’s track
Forbidden Voices, Shane was driven to go
with the rhythm and craft soundscapes
of his own.
The self-taught artiste spoke to theSun
about his love for music, and what
listeners can look forward to in the
genres that he has made his playground.
What spurred you to get into making
“I think it was the idea that I start with a
blank canvas and I can paint any picture
I want. That’s an artist thing, that also
o Breakout musician Shane Kennedy talks \TRIVIA
about soaring beyond the horizon in 2021
Shane used to applies to a musician, I believe. Once Upon A Time There Was A Sausage Which artistes inspire you?
performat his “Like you start with an empty project, Named Bob) reached out to me, and she “Martin Garrix, K-Town Clan, Alan
church and ask was like: ‘I want to work on a song.’ As we Silvestri and Hans Zimmer.”
the congregation where you don’t have any sounds, any were on the Zoom call, she sent me a What do you do in your free time?
for feedback on ideas, and you don’t know what it is, but vocal demo, and I filled the track. “Video games with friends and
his music. then you start piecing the puzzle movies. But mostly video games.”
together. You get a set of chords, chord “The song No Man’s Land with Aishia Which artistes do you hope to
progression, the melody and then you (singer-songwriter) saw us sitting down work with?
begin writing vocals. It becomes a bigger during a call, and we wrote it from start to “Martin Garrix, but that feels like a
picture.” finish. There is stuff like this. long way to go. Also, Sheila Majid.”
Was it hard learning how to do it?
“Yeah, it was quite hard. When I began, I “I have had collaborations where I did what I do is I treat it like a professional
reached out to a lot of artistes on not even need to be on the call with the job, where I have to show up on a daily
Instagram and texted them like: ‘Yo, can artiste. Like for my recent one with Reya basis and try to make something.”
you teach me?’ Being young, I thought Lun (musical artiste-songwriter), I was Would you be doing live performances
they would reply. None of them replied, unable to be on a call with her because when movement restrictions are
because they are all big names and have we’re in two different time zones. lifted?
millions of followers. “That would be a dream come true. It
“I select people to collaborate with would be surreal. How everything is
“From there, I took to YouTube and (based on) ... I guess mostly it’s just going is very crazy, because people are
learned [as much as I could]. The hardest listening to their music and just vibing listening to my music. When I first started
thing was I had no prior musical with it. Like when I speak to them, there uploading to Spotify, it had like ten
knowledge, like I did not know how to has to be an energy they give off. streams, and I was happy with that
play instruments. So everything that I because it was just for my friends.
learned, like music theory and “If the energy is good, the music is
going to be good as well.” “When the first song blew up, it went
mastering, was from scratch.” How do you balance your time as a from 10 streams to 10 thousand streams
How do you collaborate with student and a musician? out of nowhere.”
other artistes? “Right now, I’m studying at Kolej What is your upcoming release?
“Each collaboration is Matrikulasi Kelantan. I started a few “My next release is Get It Right with Reya
very different. Some of weeks ago. My classes are from 8am to Lun. I’m excited to put this out, because
the songs, like 4pm, and every two hours, I’ll have an the song is special to me.”
Through My Mind, hour’s break. During those breaks, I’ll try
was written on a my best to finish all the work that I have,
Zoom call. Esty to make sure I don’t have anything to do
(from the band in the evening.
“Some days, I might not be inspired to
make music, because I’m tired. I guess
Snip & Shave
on wheels
o Enjoy a vintage, and mobile, barbershop
experience with TheBarberBus
█ BY MARINA MUHTAR American aesthetic.”
HE went from flying in
the air to driving on the Can you explain your goals in
streets. Arvind bringing back the experience of
Doresamay, 32, who a relaxing haircut and shave in
used to work in the airline the style of days gone by?
industry, decided to join forces “Our goal is very simple – to serve
with his brother Muhilan, 36, a the community here. Our prices
former engineer, and open a are highly
barbershop on wheels to make reasonable and
ends meet. we only employ
The brothers saw a gap in the local barbers as
affordable haircut market and we want to
high-end services provided by support the local
the barbershops in their area. market.
Being a caravan enthusiast,
Arvind bought an old school bus, “Our barbers
and found the perfect way to are very
ensure that the school bus is still experienced and
“running”. we provide
“The idea of opening a barber [affordable] and
bus popped up randomly, but complete services
I’ve always been the guy who’s as well.
interested in caravans [and] army
crafts and I’ve always wanted to “A l t h o u g h
have my own caravan,” he said. cheap, it’s very
“I decided to go mobile as the high-end and you
rental for shops here was very get a ‘relaxation’
expensive. vibe.
“That’s when I started TheBarberBus is
purchasing the bus and “The response parked near LG5 procedures (SOPs), where our
converted it into a barbershop.” from the local Lower Ground 5 barbers would do a Covid test
Focused on serving men of all community here Level Arcoris, once every two days, and how all
age groups including children, has been excellent, as it is Jalan Kiara, our tools are sterilised after being
TheBarberBus engages with convenient for them to walk to Mont Kiara, used.
customers on a personal level by our bus.” Kuala Lumpur;
remembering their names. What are the challenges that and the interior “Since we also have children
you faced when operating on has been coming in, parents and other
What is the theme and wheel? redecorated to customers will never have to
inspiration behind “Considering how the bus was look and feel worry as we have set a very high
TheBarberBus? [originally] in a bad condition like an old- standard of cleanliness.”
“Our minibus has its own and had a curved shape, school What do you guys hope to
aesthetic value and history, so rebuilding it was definitely a American achieve through your business?
we’ve decided to incorporate it challenge. barbershop. – “As for now, we hope to further
with an American theme. ALL PICTURES improve on customer satisfaction
“If you were to go to an “We removed the old bus COURTESY OF as it is our main priority. For the
American barbershop, they ‘skin’ and replaced it with a new THEBARBERBUS barbershop was intimidating, as “Although we are still new, we coming future, we hope to grow
would use wooden flooring and look to match the building where we weren’t sure of how it would be managed to acquire 600 and open more franchises of
timber finishing, which it is also our bus would be parked. accepted by society – especially customers, and all of them TheBarberBus.”
used in our barbershop. with the pandemic going on.” became returning customers who
“We DIY most of our “We also had to remove the What can customers expect fell in love with our services and For further information on
decorations, where we also bus’ suspension, and lift it up to before they arrive, and after found us very friendly. TheBarberBus or to book your
converted old whiskey bottles to prevent it from wobbling when receiving their haircut?
lamps to match the whole customers get on our bus. “They are also pleased with appointment, visit
our standard operating
“Since there is no water
system on the bus, we had to
design it on our own as well.
“Other than that, being the
first to operate a mobile
Sustainable eyeware in sight launched a new collection of 18
AFTER fashion, leather goods and frames that promise to be “100% bio-
cosmetics, the eyewear world is now plastic – a material that can take especially for sneakers and goods sector, and considerably reduces the compostable”, made from bio-
undergoing its own green revolution. centuries to degrade in nature. traditionally executed in leather. But time it takes frames to decompose. acetate, and with some models
A new breed of increasingly less if there is one material that’s been paired with natural materials
polluting, sustainable frames are This is an issue that the industry is everywhere in eyewear in recent Although decomposition times promising to decompose in 120 days
emerging, using eco-responsible now taking on board, launching new months, it’s bio-acetate. This differs vary greatly from one brand to upon contact with compost.
materials that are often natural, and alternatives to plastic, particularly in from ordinary acetate in that it’s another, they’re still a far cry from the Making way for recycling
sometimes even biodegradable, the form of plant-based materials. biodegradable and is made from few centuries required for plastic The eyewear sector is also gradually
helping to reduce the industry’s renewable resources. It therefore frames to break down. The French turning to recycling, offering frames
environmental impact. In the fall of 2020, the Amaury meets the new requirements of the brand Moken, known for its designed, for example, from recycled
Paris brand launched biodegradable ecological wooden glasses, has just steel. The Eco Eyewear brand goes
Although still the subject of many lemon-based glasses, which promise even further with its Eco Ocean line
controversies, eco-responsible to be compostable in just over 90 of frames created from plastic
fashion is now a reality. For several days, while the Wood Light label collected from the ocean by
years, the industry has been working unveiled a pair of shades with frames fishermen and local communities, in
on ways of reducing its impact on the made with French volcanic rock. collaboration with Waste Free
planet, using plant-based materials, These are two initiatives among Oceans. The plastic is then recycled
cleaner production processes, or many others, showing that the green to create eco-friendly frames.
moving to new practices such as revolution is well and truly underway
second-hand clothing, recycling or in the eyewear world. Whether it’s sustainable or
renting clothes. Bio-acetate, the new star material biodegradable materials, or even
Wood, stone, lemon – or rather citric recycling, the eyewear industry has
And while the focus is often on acid – castor oil, corn and even algae well and truly begun its
ready-to-wear and accessories, are just some of the natural resources transformation to reduce its long-
eyewear is no exception. Indeed, being used to make sustainable term impact on the planet. And this
glasses can be very polluting, glasses. Most of these materials are green revolution is just getting
especially when they’re made of also used in the fashion industry, started. – ETX Studio
MEDIA & MARKETING Shopee launches food
delivery services
SHOPEE has expanded its services with the addition of
Empowering NGOs to ShopeeFood in Malaysia, accessible via the ShopeeFood
aid communities icon on Shopee’s homepage. Through this, users can shop
AS of Aug 31, 2021, 3,800 families o HEINEKEN Cares has helped deliver aid to for all their needs, including food delivery, on Shopee.
across Malaysia have received communities in need all across Malaysia
food aid through the The service, which will be rolled out in stages starting
HEINEKEN Cares programme, (right) from Sept 24, will benefit over eight million Malaysians
which started on July 26. With the help of HEINEKEN’s living in the Klang Valley, offering access to a variety of
eight non-governmental organisations partnership eateries such as A&W, Burger King, Nando’s, Starbucks and
and social enterprises, HEINEKEN Cares with eight Tealive, as well as local street food stalls.
has channelled food aid to assist NGOs has
vulnerable communities throughout allowed it to Shopee CEO Terence Pang said: “We are delighted to
Malaysia, including those affected by job reach out to include food delivery as part of the Shopee experience.
or income loss caused by the pandemic. various Malaysians can now shop for all their essentials online,
members of enjoy entertainment on Shopee Live, play their favourite
Kupi Kupi FM in collaboration with the game on Shopee Prizes and satisfy their cravings via the
Sabah Human Development and community app.”
Empowerment Association (SAHDEA), and provide
distributed food baskets to unemployed aid from Pang added: “This new service will also enable food and
musicians and entertainers in Sabah. almost all beverage merchants to move online and reach out to more
aspects. – customers, driving long-term growth. We hope that our
Under strict adherence to the SOPs, HEINEKEN users and merchant partners will enjoy using ShopeeFood.
distribution booths were set up at several MALAYSIA We will continue to improve our platform and services to
locations across Sabah, with some better serve the needs of everyone.”
offering drive-thru services, while others programme, we will be able to provide basic meal.”
offered in-person pickups. food aid in the form of essential groceries The HEINEKEN Cares is also As part of its launch, ShopeeFood will be giving new
to over 150 people from hardcore poor users Free Delivery vouchers with RM0 minimum spend
A total of 400 food baskets were families, including single mother incorporating employee wellness with and discount vouchers worth up to RM8. From Sept 24 to
distributed, seeing 2,000kg of rice, 800kg households or people living with community purpose. 28, ShopeeFood will be offering RM10 and below meal
of cooking oil, 400 trays of eggs and other disabilities,” said Dr Saradha Narayanan, deals for even more value, while stocks last. More
essential groceries going towards the National Representative Malaysia – Through the programme, for every ShopeeFood promotions will be announced through their
assisting members of the community Soroptimist International Southwest 1,000 steps a HEINEKEN Malaysia Instagram page, @shopeefood_my.
through these challenging times. Pacific (SISWP) & Past President – employee takes, HEINEKEN Malaysia
Soroptimist International Damansara. will commit one meal to a person in Users visiting the Shopee App to check out ShopeeFood
Kupi Kupi FM general manager Lester need, with the ultimate goal of achieving will also get to experience the festivities of Shopee’s 10.10
Calvin Miol said: “Kupi Kupi FM is The Make It Right Movement 150,000,000 steps for 150,000 meals for Brands Festival that is happening till Oct 10, with more deals
honoured to be a part of the HEINEKEN (MIRM), on the other hand, has vulnerable communities across and promotions on the Sept 25 Payday Sale and 10.10
Cares Program. With this current distributed 3,000 grocery bags to several Malaysia. Brands Festival day itself. The shopping festival offers Free
initiative, we would be able to assist communities through its FreeMakan Shipping Vouchers with a minimum spend of RM10 and
those in the entertainment industry, project, an emergency pandemic The HEINEKEN Cares programme is 50% off Big Brand Discounts.
many of whom have been unemployed response curated by MIRM to support administered by SPARK Foundation,
for the past two years due to the vulnerable communities in overcoming HEINEKEN Malaysia’s corporate social On top of that, shoppers can expect a string of
lockdown.” humanitarian crises such as food responsibility (CSR) arm. entertainment when
poverty. they tune in to
Meanwhile, PWD Smart Farmability Further information on HEINEKEN Shopee Live and
has been focusing on distributing The grocery bags were distributed to Malaysia’s sustainability and initiatives Astro Ria on Sept 21
ethically farmed and organic fish and communities located across Klang can be found at: and 28, and Oct 5 at
vegetables. To date, the social enterprise Valley, Kedah, Perak and Johor, with each 0 HEINEKEN Malaysia’s official 9pm to catch
has distributed over 900 organic fish and bag containing essentials and other MeleTOP Bersama
1,800kgs of vegetables to a wide range of prepackaged food items. The website: www.heinekenmalaysia. Shopee 10.10 hosted
orphanages, hospitals and other affected beneficiaries included B40 families and com by Nabil Ahmad,
communities. Orang Asli families in Labis and Gelang 0 SPARK Foundation’s official website: Shiha Zikir, Issey
Patah, Johor. my Fazlisham and Zulin
PWD Smart Farmability founder Dr Feel free to get in touch with the Aziz. On Oct 9 at 9pm,
Billy Tang said: “Since the start of the MIRM CEO Brian Lariche said: “The HEINEKEN Cares partners listed above users will see the
pandemic, we have seen a rising number pandemic has hit many B40 families to to help the needy Malaysians: Shopee TV Deals -
of people in need of help and support. By the point where some families are 0 Kupi Kupi FM: 10.10 Brands Festival
channelling organic fishes and surviving on almost nothing. 0 PWD Smart Farmability: www. Show taking place on Shopee Live and TV3. Shoppers will
vegetables, we can scale up nutrition have three extra chances to Tap and Win a Toyota Vios, as
among needy families to improve their The collaboration with HEINEKEN 0 Soroptimist International Damansara well as claim 10.10 Only Vouchers of up to 95% off from their
immunity.” Cares supports the families with basic favourite brands.
provisions to ensure they have a daily 0 Make It Right Movement: www.
HEINEKEN Cares also partnered with makeitrightmovement. com Making the Shopee 10.10 Brands Festival even more
Soroptimist International Damansara exciting are three local brand ambassadors, starting with
(SID) to help B40 families located in artist Alif Satar who will kick off the shopping festival, while
Kampung Jawa, Klang. Essential food the other two will be announced in due time.
items including rice, eggs and cooking oil
were delivered to the families in need. Adding cheer to the shopping festival, ShopeePay users
are entitled to receive up to 10,101 Shopee Coins every time
“The pandemic has caused severe they top up their mobile wallets from Oct 2 to 9 - which will
loss of lives and livelihoods, and many be tripled during ShopeePay Day on Oct 1. Users can
are struggling to feed their families. alsouse Shopee Coins to pay for their ShopeeFood orders.
Through the HEINEKEN Cares
For more, visit
Check out the Shopee 10.10 Brands Festival at
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COMMENT byMazliNoor
Increase revenue through tax reforms
PAS Central’s Economic, Real
Estate and Entrepreneur proposed concepts intended to A digital tax cash balances are often left idle billion per annum to the government.
Development Committee ensure that the act of taxation in itself system based instead of being actively invested in Digital economy tax
lauds the Finance Ministry’s is both fair and equitable. These on income will domestic economic activities, In addition to the above measures, it
initiative to begin issuing a pre- include: also ensure a forgoing the opportunity of is also critical that a tax system that is
budget statement (PBS) effective this 1. A Capital tax on shares (CTS), wider tax contributing to the country’s growth in line with the development of the
year, being a definitive step in coverage on all trajectory. digital economy be set firmly in place,
improving the processes involved in which consists of two components: digital activi- A comprehensive tax to prevent to ensure that collection from the
drafting the nation’s annual budget. a. A tax on the value of shares held ties can be revenue leakages sector grows in tandem with rapidly
implemented Technically, it is undeniable that the growing e-commerce activities, as
Among the matters touched on for a period of at least one year, and ensures all Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a opposed to the blanket 6% digital
specifically by the PBS was the assessed based on the online business more comprehensive system due to services tax that is imposed by the
strategy with which to improve the lowest price of the shares in the players and its base on taxation at every stage of government today.
country’s tax revenues given the previous 12 months, and gig-economies consumption. It is a proven system
government’s sub-par collection in b. To avoid and reduce are taxed that demands serious consideration, As it stands, this tax is actually a
2021, which fell well short of its speculation, a tax will also be appropriately more so in terms of minimising - if not consumption tax that is eventually
targets. levied on the profit earned if the based on their eliminating - leakages altogether. transferred to consumers, rather than
shares held are disposed of in income an income tax, which is levied on the
To wit, as of July 2021, direct tax less than one year. However, in order to ensure social profits raked by technology companies.
collection stood at RM67.4 billion – The proposed tax rate of 2.5% is justice and to avoid any potential for
just 56.2% of its target – while indirect based on the Islamic tenet of zakat. To its uneven implementation, the A digital tax system based on
tax recorded a collection of RM24.8 enable this to be implemented, of government needs to consider two income will also ensure a wider tax
billion, or 59% of its target. course, a thorough and key concerns, namely: coverage on all digital activities can
comprehensive feasibility study will 1. Ensuring that the poor are not be implemented and ensures all
The country’s capital-based need to be conducted to ensure its online business players and gig-
economic structure means that taxes, applicability and success, particularly unduly taxed in their daily economies – who were previously not
being the main source of revenue, will in determining the procedures transactions. taxed – are taxed appropriately based
always possess an acute impact on its required in its execution and We concede that such a step would on their income.
overall economic system. assessing any potential concerns from be difficult to implement if the
the investment community. classification of taxability of the As we have noted in the past, active
In dissecting the country’s Based on our simulations of the Malaysian populace continues as is. support of and participation in the
macroeconomic situation, therefore, current market, we estimate that CTS Therefore, we propose the Organisation for Economic Co-
we have forwarded several strategic would be able to add approximately implementation of a hybrid-GST i.e., operation and Development’s
recommendations, with an eye RM12.5 billion per annum to the by borrowing the concept of leisure proposal to introduce a minimum
towards helping increase the nation’s coffers. tax i.e., where taxes are based on global tax of 15% can also help ensure
government’s tax revenues and drive 2. A tax on corporate saving (TCS), unused resources or luxury that companies – such as
economic growth. which takes into account cash and spending. multinational technology companies
bank balances as well as other Hence the basis for taxation in this in question – are actually taxed for the
In keeping with this constructive classes of financial assets. The case is “all goods and services are not profits they make in countries where
role, we would like to forward the proposed rate is also 2.5% based on taxed, except where taxable”, as they operate.
following recommendations for the zakat, assessed from the lowest opposed to the original concept of GST
government’s consideration, as it balance or average balance within which is” all goods and services are This can be done by doing away
prepares for the 2022 budget. the preceding year. Based on taxed, except where they are non- with the separate entity principle that
Fairer taxes and distribution trading capacity in the current taxable”. has allowed them to evade taxes by
Taxes should fit the basic purpose of equity markets, we project another 2. A more equitable and conducive registering profits in countries with
its execution i.e., as a source of RM33 billion in tax revenues can GST rate needs to be established. lower tax rates, and shifting losses to
income to the government, in order be made available from TCS alone. Based on our analysis, a more those with higher rates.
for it to have sufficient funds to The above are capable of reasonable GST rate of between 2%
implement its programmes for the contributing to a more efficient to 3% is viable. Mazli Noor is PAS Central’s Economic,
benefit of the rakyat as a whole. distribution of capital in the country’s Based on our simulation, this Real Estate and Entrepreneur
economic system. Technically, it is reform in the GST system can Development Committee vice-
In other words, taxes must meet also capable of reducing the lazy potentially contribute another RM16 chairman 2. Comments:
the basic concept of taking from the balance sheet phenomenon, where [email protected]
rich to help the poor.
On this basis, we have in the past
LETTERS [email protected]
Sungai Buloh nurseries facing eviction
WITH eviction any time soon, coping with climate change. start to Selangor’s horticultural of the industry and contribute cannot simply wash their hands of
Sungai Buloh horticultural It must be noted that the weather industry centred in Sungai Buloh. much for beautification, the problem.
nurseries need a holistic solution to landscaping and rehabilitation
their problems. has changed for the worse in the The Sungai Buloh Leprosarium efforts of the state and country. If the RRI cannot be utilised for a
Klang Valley as can be seen by the with its lush hillside greenery, nursery hub then an alternative site
The shocking de-gazettement torrential downpours resulting in waterfalls and streams was dubbed The nurseries supply a wide should be chosen and the onus is
and the surprise re-gazettement of frequent flash floods and the high the Valley of Hope by the British variety of plants and trees and their on the present state government as
Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve incidence of lightning due to the administration, who needed a customers include the Forestry the eviction notices will take effect
(KLNFR) have been an amusement excessive heat emanating from the secluded site for the hospital. Department, housing developers, soon.
of sorts. urban areas. highway operators, urban planners,
It was from this Valley of Hope, landscapers, agrobusinesses, fruit Many meetings have been held
Having stirred a hornet’s nest of It is here that horticulture can which can be dubbed Selangor’s farmers and others. on this issue of a horticultural hub
protests from NGO and state play a very important role in re- own home-grown “Silicon Valley” but the state administration is
representatives, the Selangor greening and rehabilitating unused that Sungai Buloh’s famous It was bearing all these in mind simply clueless about finding an
government dropped the proposal and barren spaces of the concrete horticultural industry began to take that former mentri besar Tan Sri alternative site.
like a hot potato and decided to jungle. shape and grow vibrantly in the Khalid Ibrahim took the initiative to
heed the hue and cry of the people. subsequent decades. find a holistic solution for the The horticultural nursery
Turfing, planting saplings, Sungai Buloh horticultural industry owners and operators, now mostly
Selangor is already a developed shrubs, palms and trees reduce the However, the Sungai Buloh to ensure its long-term growth. comprising senior citizens, are
state and should now focus more on urban heat and decrease the rain horticultural industry now faces a looking on helplessly at the sunset
enhancing the quality of life of its run-off and soil erosion, not to daunting prospect and bleak future His administration issued a of their hard-earned industry.
people by opting for a developmental mention creating an eye-pleasing brought about by development. directive to the Selangor Land and
and environmental balance. colourful landscape. Mines Office stating that the It is hoped that this issue will be
About 100 to 200 nurseries in the department explore ways to include brought up in the next session of
This was the primary reason why Needless to say, the horticultural Kota Damansara Green Lane, Jalan the horticultural nurseries in the the Selangor State Legislative
opposition reached a crescendo industry is an important one for Hospital and nearby areas have future development of the Rubber Assembly and an urgent solution
forcing the Selangor government to Selangor. been issued with eviction notices by Research Institute (RRI). found.
back track. various property and infra-
Selangor’s horticultural industry structure developers. The RRI was subsequently sold The nurserymen may not have
What Selangor needs most now took root during the 1960s when the to the EPF by the federal the collective strident voice or
is enhancement of the quality of Sungai Buloh Leprosarium inmates This problem had been government and nothing was done political clout of those who
residential living, especially in the took to planting a wide variety of anticipated for a long time and to make the directive a reality in opposed the KLNFR
provision of parks, playgrounds, plants and flowers to earn an extra many appeals were made to the resolving the nurserymen’s degazettement, but nevertheless
open spaces, clean and pleasant income and the annual Open Day Selangor government to use this predicament. their problems are equally
environs, and efficient municipal saw large numbers of customers opportunity to set up a horticultural important and need to be resolved
services instead of an endless urban from the new housings areas and hub that can be the pride of the The mentri besar’s directive has, by the state government headed by
sprawl that eats away at the last townships such as Petaling Jaya, state, a revenue spinner and a legally speaking, the force of a Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin
vestiges of suburban greenery. Damansara, Shah Alam, Ampang, tourist attraction that can draw promissory estoppel and it is the Shari.
Kepong and others snapping up the visitors, both domestic and foreign. state government’s responsibility to
Selangor needs more urban products on sale. implement it if feasible. V. Thomas
greenery to make the surroundings The horticultural hub will also Sungai Buloh
pleasant and to also do its part in This was a humble but impactful ensure proper commercial growth Subsequent state governments
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021
197201001092 (12738-U)
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
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% RM m RM m RM m
45.0 Institutions 1208.3 1368.2 -159.9
36.3 Retail 1078.9 1000.4 78.5
18.7 Foreign 576.4 495.0 81.4 660.34
100.0 2863.6 2863.6 0.0 2.55 21.47 122.40 CLOSED 29,839.71 CLOSED CLOSED 25.66
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 1,530.44 3,063.20 SCI TSEC KOSPI
Source: Bursa Malaysia 24,221.54 7,273.83
KL MARKET SUMMARY A more inclusive capital
SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 market with SC’s CMP3
INDICES 11,222.40 CHANGE +16.78
FBMKLCI 1,530.44 +2.55
CONSTRUCTION 163.47 -0.29
FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,254.20 +19.80
ENERGY 711.46 +3.74
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 681.77 +2.30 oThird masterplanwill
HEALTH CARE 2,521.39 -20.92 be strategic guide for next Malaysia’s capital market has transformed
TRANSPORTATION 868.93 -0.72 five years, enable market into a well diversified market with over
PROPERTY 712.68 -3.30 to support country’s 900 companies listed in the equities
PLANTATION 6,284.82 +43.55 growth: Tengku Zafrul market, reports SC. - BERNAMAPIX
FBMSHA 12,197.88 +16.44
FBMACE 6,995.62 -10.99
TECHNOLOGY 93.52 +1.09
4.715 BIL RM2.863 BIL
SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 [email protected]
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) PETALING JAYA: The Securities
FINTEC 443,561,100 2.0 -0.5 Commission Malaysia’s (SC) third Capital
SERBADK 271,135,700 36.5 +5.0 Market Masterplan (CMP3) will be one of
PASUKGB 218,566,000 7.5 -1.5 the key enablers for wider participation in
YONGTAI 106,588,200 14.0 -2.0 the nation’s growth through a more inclusive
KNM 91,025,300 25.0 and accessible investment products and
UNCH distribution channels, said Finance Minister
Datuk Seri Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz.
“With the CMP3 as a strategic guide for
5 TOP GAINERS our capital market over the next five years, I
SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 am confident that it will continue to play an
important role in the Malaysian economy,”
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM he said at the launch of the master plan
PMBTECH 2,616,100 11.86 2.56 yesterday.
PMBTECH-LA 11.50 2.30 By end-2020, Zafrul pointed out the
PMBTECH-WA 88,600 8.28 1.91 country’s capital market grew by a
VITROX 318,500 19.94 0.94 compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of diversified one with over 900 companies listed “The progress in the capital market
MPI 413,700 45.06 0.86 5.3% to RM3.4 trillion, underpinned by in the equity market, the third largest bond cannot be measured solely by growth and
144,000 market in Asia as well as an innovative and size, as it also has to serve the underlying
globally well-regarded Islamic capital market. needs and aspirations of the country and its
continuous fundraising activity in the people,” he said.
equities and bond market. Against the current backdrop, SC
5 TOP LOSERS The SC’s latest masterplan will build on chairman Datuk Syed Zaid Albar opined that “It will be our collective responsibility to
SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 the success of its predecessors, the CMP1 the country is now at a critical juncture in its bring these strategic thrusts and desired
(2001-2010) and CMP2 (2011-2020) which post-pandemic journey and it is imperative outcomes to fruition, for us to achieve
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM successfully expanded the capital market for the capital market to continue to support meaningful change. This is a shared journey
DLADY 6,900 33.10 0.40 while ensuring market stability and integrity. the economy amid the transition into an for all of us to undertake. We will be stronger
GENETEC 523,400 33.98 0.22 It highlighted that Malaysia’s capital inclusive and sustainable nation. together.”
HARTA 12,273,300 5.88 0.22 market has transformed into a well-
PMETAL-C59 1,005,500 0.14 0.18
AEONCR 100,800 11.94 0.16 SC: New plan will address MSME financing gap
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy PETALING JAYA: The Securities risk appetites), and it will assess the limits, looking to facilitate businesses in their path
Commission Malaysia (SC) revealed the incentives and structures to allow them to towards sustainability through transition
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD third Capital Market Masterplan (CMP3) come together with a lead angel investor at financing – enabling businesses to raise
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.2540 4.1290 4.1190 will focus on the further expansion of the the structure. funds to support activities that will
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.1050 2.9820 2.9660 funding escalator as a means to address the eventually move them closer to achieving
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1460 3.0550 3.0470 estimated RM90 billion financing gap In addition, it is also assessing models their net zero targets or better sustainability
1 EURO 3.3190 3.2310 3.2190 among MSMEs. and platforms for angel investors to network practices.
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.9960 4.8350 4.8150 with a group of investors to get them to
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.9960 2.8860 2.8700 With the masterplan, it hoped to be more participate in such deals. The regulator pointed out the
1 STERLING POUND 3.1460 3.0550 3.0470 facilitative at specific segments of the introduction is timely given the accelerated
1 SWISS FRANC 5.8180 5.6360 5.6160 business growth cycle and be able to scale In the years to come, the SC believes the move towards sustainability agenda,
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.5720 4.4680 4.4530 them up. market will no longer be a one size fits all globally.
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 117.1900 111.1300 110.9300 situation, instead there will be segments,
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.1100 4.7550 4.5550 “Private equity market space is indeed an products and service providers that cater to “We hope this will create more
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR area of focus for CMP3, hopefully we’ll be different needs. opportunities, platforms and products for
100 INDIAN RUPEE N/A N/A N/A able to leverage the foundation we have businesses to tap on and attract investors
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 55.2200 52.4800 52.2800 built and expand further, making it more “We’d like to think the foundation we laid focused on sustainable investing via
100 JAPANESE YEN 5.8700 relevant to their needs,” the SC told the here will be able to expand and cater to transition financing,” it said.
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 0.0309 5.5100 5.3100 media during the masterplan’s virtual those needs, in the case of MSMEs their
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 3.8900 0.0280 0.0230 briefing on Monday. financing needs are being catered to,” it said. “Simultaneously, we hoped to match the
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 3.7690 3.7590 needs of businesses and investors looking
100 QATAR RIYAL N/A Since it laid the foundation for equity To put it into context the regulator to invest more responsibly and
100 SAUDI RIYAL 2.5700 N/A N/A crowdfunding (ECF) and peer-to-peer (P2P) pointed out in 2020, for the first time in 17 sustainability.”
100THAI BAHT 8.5900 2.3900 2.1900 financing framework four years ago, these years the MSMEs sector trailed Malaysia’s
118.1500 8.1000 7.9000 alternative financing channels have GDP growth, which is a clear indicator of Overall, SC anticipates this would
114.7200 112.1700 111.9700 provided over RM2 billion of financing to financing in the sector. translate into better transparency on the
13.3300 108.9000 108.7000 over 3,800 companies. back of requirement on disclosure and
11.8400 11.4400 “Against the backdrop of a Covid-19 availability of data, creating a better
“We realised to enable more deal flows, it recovery, it is critical for the capital market ecosystem that would enable businesses to
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama needs to happen at the earlier stage and to close the financing gap,” it said. be assessed more comprehensively by
there is a need to widen that investor base, investors.
as building a pipeline of quality startups In addition, the CMP3 will also expand
needs to start at the seed stage.” on the efforts made towards sustainability Doing so, it hopes to create a virtuous
by the SC, which started with the cycle that allows businesses to demonstrate
To do so, the regulators are looking into introduction of the sustainable responsible their commitments and allow investors to
opening up the early phase of the growth investing sukuk framework in 2014 that have assess and track their progress in
cycle to angel investors (who have higher led to a number of initiatives in this space. sustainability at the same time.
For the upcoming masterplan, it will be
BAssets posts slightly higher revenue for fourth quarter
PETALING JAYA: Berjaya Assets Bhd bump up to RM36.73 million from Malaysia’s accelerated vaccination operations to the levels prior to the For the full financial year ended
(BAssets) posted a narrower net loss RM36.12 million previously. progress is expected to drive Covid-19 pandemic. June 30, 2021, it reported a net loss of
of RM83.69 million for the fourth the recovery of the economy. RM107.63 million, which was a 13%
quarter ended June 30, 2021, down In its Bursa filing, the group Given these factors and the Hence, BAssets expects the improvement from RM123.76
27.7% from RM115.83 million in the said the Covid-19 pandemic challenge from the prolonged performance outlook for the million in the previous financial
same quarter of the previous disrupted the local economy pandemic, BAssets’ board is financial year ending June 30, 2022 year.
financial year, on the back of lower due to the lockdown measures unable to to remain challenging as it continues
finance cost and other expenses. imposed to stem ascertain the to deal with and adapt to the Revenue for the year stood at
the spread of return of its challenges from the pandemic going RM178.4 million, a 27.7% decline
Revenue for the quarter saw a 1.7% infections, while forward. from RM246.7 million previously.
Perak Transit Kronologi Asia reports
issues second Q2 net profit of RM5.1m
tranche of
Islamic MTN
PETALING JAYA: Perak Transit Bhd
has issued a second tranche of
RM100 million Islamic Medium
Term Notes – with UOB Malaysia update yesterday.
and AmBank Group among the o Techcompanyturnsinimproved In a filing to the bourse, the group
subscribers – for working capital performance for third quarter in a row
requirements and capital said its strength continues to build
expenditure (capex) for its new as its customers find increasing
transport terminal in Bidor, Perak. value in its As-A-Service and data
The tranche comes under the PETALING JAYA: Kronologi Asia Revenue for the quarter stood at management hybrid solutions, with
group’s RM500 million 15-year Bhd’s improved quarter-to-quarter RM74.51 million. accelerating penetration in new
Sukuk Murabahah Programme performance for the three months markets.
launched in 2019, which marked its ended July 31, 2021 (Q2’22) Following the change in the
first foray into syariah-compliant demonstrates the efficacy and group’s financial year end from Dec “We introduced a major release of
debt capital-raising. power of As-A-Service, Pay Per Use, 31 to Jan 31, there are no Kronologi’s As-A-Service platform to
Perak Transit highlighted that the consumption- and subscription- comparative preceding year next generation data storage platforms
new terminal is expected to be its based models, according to its CEO, corresponding quarter numbers. for analytics, hyperconverged
southern transport hub for the state. Edmond Tay Nam Hiong. infrastructure, hybrid and private
Its executive director, Datuk “Towards the end of Q2’22, the cloud services cum solutions.
Cheong Peak Sooi, said the sukuk The hybrid and cloud enterprise group also completed a major
issuance will help the group’s growth data management technology and milestone for geographic expansion of its business in China. “Our go-to-market strategy and
journey as well as increase price solutions company achieved its with the full acquisition of our China “Our business in China is far and partner relationships are maturing,
efficiency through lower financing third consecutive quarter of revenue associate company to strengthen as we continue to expand ‘share of
cost. surge. market expansion efforts in China. A wide, we have customers from the wallet’ from our existing customer
“With these projects, we aim to market where our various solutions banking, government, and accounts and through securing new
not only provide better For Q2’22 it reported a net profit are now being used by two of the top entertainment sectors in China. The accounts. We delivered strong
transportation infrastructure of RM5.11 million, attributed to five hyperscalers by market share,” hyperscaler is one of the core pillars growth across the board, notably
services to the public at large, but to growth in revenue from Singapore Tay said. that consume our services and data cloud based revenue year-over-year.
also deliver more value to both our and the Philippines and from its management solutions,“ Tay told Having established strong
shareholders and stakeholders,” he enterprise data management He said although two out of the reporters in a virtual corporate momentum in the first six months of
infrastructure technology service. top five hyperscalers are in China, the year, we expect to build upon
they did not represent the majority that going forward,” it said.
said in a statement. MEF: Labour shortage in certain sectors a serious concern
UOB Malaysia’s deputy CEO, Ng
Wei Wei, remarked that it hopes to
support the company in expanding
the public transport network in PETALING JAYA: Malaysian difficulties to get the required the move to reduce dependence on Syed Hussain said.
Perak, which will contribute to Employers Federation (MEF) manpower to run their business. foreign workers in certain sectors, The MEF president voiced out
Malaysia’s overall smart city welcomes the government’s Industries in these sectors continue but the government should address
infrastructure development. decision to open up the economy to suffer due to manpower shortage.” this complex matter on a sectoral that the country cannot perform at
UOB Malaysia served as the lead but flagged manpower shortage in basis as many of them, apart from optimum level if it only hopes to
arranger, principal adviser, joint lead sectors shunned by locals as a He pointed to most eateries’ plantation and depend on domestic workers, and if
manager and facility agent, while serious concern. decision to offer only construction, depend this situation continues, other issues
AmBank took on the role of joint takeaway despite dine-in on foreign labour. will arise.
lead manager for Perak Transit’s “MEF supports the opening up of being allowed as “We acknowledge
issuance. the economy and employers are evidence of this that the government “We hope for greater focus and
eager to recover their businesses, shortage, as may be facing effort by the government to resolve
but those in these sectors are they are not complexities in this matter. There has to be a
BRIEFS AUGUST VEHICLE SALES frustrated at the scarcity of available able to get the working out the balance between doing business
DOWN 67.5% ON-YEAR workers,” said its president, Datuk necessary workers. government-to-government and the supply of foreign workers,”
Dr Syed Hussain Syed Husman, in a arrangements to source for foreign he said.
PETALING JAYA: Vehicles sales fell statement. Syed Hussain urged the workers.
67.5% in August 2021 to 17,500 government to recognise that not all “However, the fact remains that Rather than a blanket ban to
units from 53,838 units in the “Despite the higher businesses can be performed the economy cannot improve if all the disallow foreign workers, he
same month of last year, as unemployment rate especially digitally as most of these sectors still elements to run it are not in place,” proposed thar the government
showrooms in the Klang Valley among the youths, employers in depend on manual labour. allow foreign workers in terms of
reopened only on Aug 13, these sectors are faced with extreme sector by sector, and perhaps it
according to the latest figures He said the federation supports should begin with the eateries.
from the Malaysian Automotive
Association. It expects better Astro’s second-quarter earnings 34.8% lower
performance in September from
resumption in the sector and PETALING JAYA: Astro Malaysia financial period ended Jan 31, 2022 resilient amid prolonged lockdown. grew 89% y-o-y as more customers
promotion efforts despite a chip Holdings Bhd’s net profit for its amounting to RM78.21 million to be “Astro continued to be cash bundled broadband with their
shortage that may affect certain second quarter ended July 31 paid on Oct 20. The entitlement date content packages for greater
makes. Year to date, total industry dropped 34.81% to RM87.13 million for the dividend payment is Oct 6. generative, cost disciplined and convenience and value. Soon we
volume fell 4.4% to 273,757 units from RM133.65 million in the same proactive in its capital management,” will be providing more options to
from 286,261 units in the quarter of the previous year, mainly For the six months ended July 31, he said in a filing to the bourse. further strengthen our broadband
corresponding period of the due to decrease in earnings before Astro’s net profit rose 10.06% to and digital offerings,” Tan said.
previous year. interest, tax, depreciation and RM228.37 million from RM207.49 Astro group CEO Henry Tan said
amortisation (ebitda) and higher net million in the corresponding quarter even though Astro recorded a 10% He said significant near-term
SAPURA ENERGY CFO TO financing costs, offset by lower of the previous financial year mainly growth in H1’22 profit after tax and challenges remain as the Covid-19
STEP DOWN ON OCT 1 depreciation of property, plant and due to lower depreciation of minority interests (patami), the pandemic continues. The prolonged
equipment and tax expenses property, plant and equipment and continuing lockdown and elevated pandemic will impact the Malaysian
PETALING JAYA: Sapura Energy lower net financing costs, offset by content cost arising from the Tokyo economy, commercial enterprises and
Bhd’s group CFO, Reza Abdul Its revenue slipped 2.81% to decrease in ebitda. Olympic Games 2020 and the Uefa consumers’ wallets with consequential
Rahim will step down effective RM1.06 billion from RM1.09 billion Euro 2020 impacted its Q2’22 patami. effects on Astro’s revenue.
Oct 1, 2021 to pursue other previously, mainly arising from Revenue for the period was down
opportunities. He joined the decrease in subscription revenue 1.03% to RM2.12 billion from RM2.14 “We are pushing ahead with our “However, the rollout of the
group as its offshore construction and merchandise sales, offset by an billion previously, mainly due to a transformation plan and our nationwide vaccination programme
and subsea services division’s increase in advertising revenue and decrease in subscription revenue ambition to be the number one and subsequent relaxation of
senior vice president and was sales of programming rights. and merchandise sales, offset by aggregator of the best streaming restrictions is paving the way for
appointed to his current role in Revenue continued to be impacted higher advertising revenue and sales services. Today we have one million economic recovery. Given these
June 2016. Sapura Energy’s vice by the Covid-19 pandemic. of programming rights. Revenue connected boxes, of which over uncertainties, the group will continue
president group controller, Andy during the period continued to be 400k are on the Ultra and Ulti Boxes, to monitor and assess business
Chew will take on the role of Astro declared a second interim impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. including the recently launched conditions, whilst prudently managing
acting group CFO. single-tier dividend of 1.5 sen per self-install Ultra Plug & Play Box that costs to ensure sustainable operations
ordinary share in respect of the Astro chairman Tun Zaki Azmi runs solely on broadband. and business performance,” he added.
said Astro’s H1’22 results remained
“In H1’22, our broadband base
Macau casino, junket operators seek clarity over new gambling laws BRIEFS BANK INDONESIA LEAVES
HONG KONG: Senior Macau casino and government representatives supervise daily in wealthy big whale Chinese gamblers to
junket executives met with authorities in the casino operations, the number of licenses, Macau, were more vocal, asking for clarity on JAKARTA: Indonesia’s central bank held its
world’s biggest gambling hub on Monday better regulation and employee welfare. amendments to criminalise accepting cash benchmark rates unchanged at a record
seeking details on proposed regulatory deposits, currently a common practice. low yesterday as it sought to continue to
changes but received little in the way of During the meeting, industry executives support the economy after a recent
clarity. agreed that Macau’s 20-year gaming law Kwok Chi Chung, president of the city’s devastating Covid-19 wave without
needs to be updated and vouched support junket association, enquired how junket adding pressure to the rupiah currency.
The 70-minute meeting, shown online, for Macau’s development as an international practices could be legalised and whether Bank Indonesia (BI) held the benchmark 7-
highlighted the uncertainty hanging over tourism hub. operators could raise capital from the public day reverse repurchase rate steady at 3.5%
the industry since the government kicked to help the junket industry have “a better for a seventh straight monetary review. BI
off a regulatory overhaul on Sept 14. That Buddy Lam, Galaxy’s senior vice- image.” also kept its deposit facility and lending
has sent shares in the hub’s casinos president for public relations, told the facility rates unchanged at 2.75% and
plunging, especially as Macau’s lucrative meeting the company wanted more An unrelenting crackdown by China on 4.25%, respectively. The central bank has
casino licenses are up for rebidding next information on several areas including the capital flight and illicit money transfers, has cut interest rates by a total of 150 basis
year. introduction of government representatives seen junket operators’ portion of Macau’s points since the pandemic started, and
and clarifications on potential total gaming revenue slide to about a third launched a quantitative easing
The meeting was the only official responsibilities and penalties for criminal compared with previous highs of around programme that includes the direct
opportunity for the industry to air its views acts. 80%. purchase of government bonds. – Reuters
during the 45-day gaming consultation. It
was attended by Sands China, Wynn Macau, Macau lawyer Rui Cunha, who One key interest of concern is a proposed EU’S LOW-COST CARRIERS TO
Galaxy Entertainment, MGM China, Melco represented SJM, argued that the future increase in local directors’ ownership of DRIVE JET DEMAND: BOEING
Resorts and SJM Holdings. licence period should take into casino operators with investors fretting that
consideration investments made in the US casino operators such as Sands, Wynn LONDON: Boeing said that European low-
Macau authorities have identified nine former Portuguese colony. and MGM face more risk compared to local cost carriers would help drive demand for
areas of potential change including having rivals. – Reuters new aircraft in the region over the next 20
Junket operators, middlemen who bring years, as airlines replace their ageing fleets
with more fuel-efficient jets. Boeing said
Universal Music shares yesterday that it expects airlines in Europe
soar in stock market debut to order 7,100 new single-aisle planes,
usually used for short haul trips, between
o World’s biggest label Surge in streaming music revenues now and 2040, with low-cost specialists
valued at US$39 billion like Ryanair behind that demand. In fact,
on the eve of its listing Following a decade of shrinking revenue hammered by internet piracy, Europe’s demand for planes will be even
streaming has driven the music industry’s comeback, funnelling billions more strongly driven by low-cost carriers
than elsewhere in the world, said Boeing
of dollars to Universal Music, Sony Music and Warner Music vice-president, commercial marketing
Darren Hulst. In the widebody or long-haul
PARIS: Shares of Universal Music, whose Global recorded music revenues (US$ billions) sector, Boeing is expecting demand for
lineup features The Beatles and Taylor 1,545 new jets in Europe over the 20-year
Swift, soared on the label’s stock market Physical Streaming Downloads Performance rights period. Of the 7,100 new single aisle jets,
debut yesterday, bolstering confidence in where Boeing’s 737 jets compete against
one of the largest IPOs in recent years. 2006: Smartphones 2015: Streaming and downloads overtake Airbus’s A320 and A321s, Hulst is
and spread of broadband physical, ending revenue decline expecting demand for close to 3,000 to
The music giant was floated by its kick-starts music 25 come in the next 10 years. – Reuters
owner, French media giant Vivendi, with streaming 2020: Taylor Swift (above) 20
shares jumping from a debut price of becomes year’s highest 15 Japan land prices
€18.50 to over €25 (RM121) on the earning musician, making 21.1 10 fall as Covid hurts
Euronext Amsterdam index. 19.8 19.3 $23.8 million, with $10.6m 19.6 2.3 tourism, demand
10..09 18.1 from streaming 18.2 2.5
The world’s biggest label, with a 1.0 1.2 1.2 TOKYO: Japanese land prices fell for the
catalogue of four million titles, was valued 2.0 16.8 15.7 15.5 16.6 2.6 1.5 13.4 second straight year as the country’s closed
at US$39 billion (RM163 billion) on the 1.3 11.2 borders and state of emergency curbs to
eve of its market introduction. 2.7 1.2 3.7 14.6 14.4 14.5 14.1 14.1 2.3 1.7 combat the coronavirus pandemic hit demand
0.1 3.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.6 9.2 for new restaurants and hotels, an annual
Shares of Vivendi, by contrast, sank by 3.9 4.2 4.4 13.7 2.2 6.5 government survey showed.
more than 15% on the Paris CAC 40 stock 0.2 4.3 1.8 3.7 3.2
exchange as the media company 0.3 4.0 In a sign the pandemic is reshaping the
offloaded a majority stake of its crown 17.9 economy, however, land prices for industrial
jewel. 4.6 areas rose for the fourth straight year on
16.2 0.4 booming demand for warehouses to stock up
Vivendi is owned by French billionaire 14.0 0.4 0.6 1.4 1.9 2.8 on electronic appliances and other goods
Vincent Bollore, who has positioned 1.0 6.0 5.7 catering to stay-at-home demand.
himself as a powerful right-wing media 11.9 8.9 8.2 5
baron in recent years. 7.6 0 Overall property prices in the world’s third-
10.3 5.5 4.7 4.2 largest economy fell 0.4% in the year to July
Although Vivendi retained a chunk of 6.7 5.2 4.4 after last year’s 0.6% decline, which was the first
Universal Music, it is looking to focus fall in three years, a land ministry survey
more on TV, advertising and publishing. 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 showed yesterday.
Universal Music, like its rivals Warner Source: Global Music Report 2021, IFPI Picture: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS Residential land prices, which have been
and Sony, was once threatened by music falling for nearly three decades due to Japan’s
piracy but profits have soared in the age of It secured agreement from its investors investors while the French company kept shrinking population, slid 0.5% after a 0.7%
streaming. for a massive buyback of up to half its 10% and maintained a joint-management decline in the previous year, the survey
shares following the UMG flotation, but agreement with Tencent. showed.
It is home to many of the world’s that did not stop them from falling
biggest music stars, from Lady Gaga to yesterday. Bollore will remain a powerful figure at Commercial property prices in Japan fell
Kanye West to Metallica. UMG, taking 18% of the floated stock, 0.5%, bigger than a 0.3% drop a year earlier, as
The goal was to give the firm the means worth before the floatation at around €6 the pandemic forced the country to close its
Last year the group bought Bob Dylan’s to protect itself from a hostile takeover bid billion, and a seat on its new board. borders to foreign tourists and impose curbs on
entire song catalogue for US$300 million, should its share price fall after the sale. economic activity.
one of the biggest acquisitions in music UMG, meanwhile, is not just counting
history. Yesterday’s operation involved Vivendi on its music to thrive as it goes public. – In Osaka, Japan’s second-biggest
distributing 60% of UMG shares to its AFP metropolitan area and among its most popular
Based in Santa Monica, California, tourist destinations, they fell 0.6% to mark the
UMG has been a cash cow for Vivendi’s first decline in nine years, the survey showed.
media empire, with a turnover of €7.4
billion last year, accounting for 46% of the By contrast, industrial land, which is mostly
parent company’s revenue. used by plants and logistic facilities, saw prices
rise 0.8% nationwide from a year earlier
But as it pivoted towards other areas, reflecting robust demand for goods.
Vivendi sold off a 20% stake of Universal to
Chinese tech firm Tencent and 10% to US Both Rakuten and Amazon, two of the
financier Bill Ackman. biggest online commerce operators in Japan,
announced plans to open several distribution
“We are creating the conditions so that centres earlier this year given a continued
the valuation of Vivendi as a whole is boom for delivery services during the
greater than the sum of the parts that pandemic.
compose it,“ said Vivendi CEO Arnaud de
Puyfontaine. Japan’s land prices had risen before the
pandemic thanks in part to a wall of money
Aware that shedding its number one pumped out by the central bank as part of
asset might be a risky move, Vivendi has former premier Shinzo Abe’s “Abenomics”
taken steps – described as “quite stimulus policies, and a hotel construction
extraordinary” by one activist shareholder boom to cater to an influx of foreign tourists. –
– to protect its own share price. Reuters
302 Jobs 13theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | SEPTEMBER 22, 2021
Locked and loaded
REPRESENTATIVE / AGENT US face tough Ryder Cup test against battle-hardened Europe
HOME advantage for a largely up – I don’t know how they’re going to show (Europe) bring an intangible with them. It’s a
Requirements: inexperienced US team vs European up. They’re going to show up as the best fact.”
· Minimum 1 year sales experience passion will be one of the compelling players.”
storylines in this week’s Ryder Cup Europe will have seven returning players
in newspaper and digital between two star-studded teams at Whistling World No. 2 Dustin Johnson, playing in a from the 2018 team that triumphed in Paris, led
advertising Straits. team-high fifth Ryder Cup, headlines a US by Spanish world No. 1 Jon Rahm, Northern
· Attractive commission package squad whose rookies include British Open Irishman Rory McIlroy and Englishman Tyrrell
and incentive The Americans will have six Ryder Cup winner Collin Morikawa, Olympic champion Hatton, their only top-20 representatives along
· Able to start immediately rookies on their 12-man team who will strive to Xander Schauffele and PGA Tour Player of the with Norway’s Viktor Hovland.
· Central, Northern, Southern, reclaim the trophy against a close-knit and Year Patrick Cantlay.
East Coast and Sabah/Sarawak battle-tested European side that have mostly Also in the team are Spaniard Sergio Garcia,
dominated the biennial match play A possible distraction ahead of Friday’s start a veteran of nine Ryder Cups and Europe’s all-
Send in your application with your competition over the last four decades. could be the well-documented frosty time leading points scorer, and Englishman Ian
photo to [email protected] relationship between Bryson DeChambeau Poulter, who is known as “the Postman” given
Despite a slew of new faces, the US do not and Brooks Koepka, who US captain Steve his knack for delivering crucial points in the
322 Notices 322 Notices lack for talent given an average world ranking Stricker has said will likely not be paired competition.
of nine compared to 30 for Europe, but together during the three-day event.
IN THE MATTER OF DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET American struggles to play as a unit at the Europe are again being perceived as clear
THE COMPANIES ACT, 2016 DI KUALA LUMPUR Ryder Cup have become an all too familiar Even if the US team are able to find the right underdogs due in part to the current form and
GUAMAN NO: refrain. formula and silence questions about lofty ranking of their opponents.
AND chemistry, they will still have their work cut out
IN THE MATTER OF WA-A72NCVC-4595-07/2021 “The fact that the Americans have only won against opponents who have managed to “The European side seems to take this
PESONA TERUS SDN. BHD. ANTARA five times in 38 years has us all wondering can consistently form a cohesive unit and typically underdog role and mentality and use it to their
this juggernaut of an American team… beat thrive in the team format. advantage, whether they’re playing at home or
(289378-M) TETUAN A. BASKARAN & CO that team,” NBC Sports golf analyst and former in the US,” said NBC Sports analyst and former
(In Members’ (menyaman sebagai firma dan US Ryder Cup captain Paul Azinger said on a “Look, I’ll believe this forever – the US Ryder Cup player Justin Leonard.
Voluntary Winding Up) Pemilik Tunggal) conference call. Europeans are bonded by blood. They’re
At a General Meeting of the Members bonded naturally. This means everything to “With that comes a sense of freedom, of well
of PESONA TERUS SDN. BHD. (289378- … PLANTIF “Because (Europe are) going to show up as them,” said Azinger. “It’s sad really that this we’re not really expected to win, so let’s go out
M) duly convened and held on 20th DAN a bonded team, and our guys are going to show American side has gotten beaten like that, but and play freely. And I think you see that time
September 2021, the following Special BAILAND A/L GOVINDANAM and again at every Ryder Cup.” – Reuters
resolution was duly passed :- (NO. K/P: 521210-05-5119)
“THAT the Company be liquidated by Joshua facing toughest test of his career
way of members’ voluntary winding … DEFENDAN
up pursuant to Section 439(1)(b) of the NOTIS AFTER a year in which he watched a £200 Stadium in front of a crowd in excess of 50,000 “What I’ve done, I’ve stepped back,” Joshua
Companies Act, 2016 and that Assan Kepada: - million (RM1.15 billion) superfight with Tyson – by far the biggest boxing gate since Covid-19 says. “I need to focus on winning. I need to focus
Bin Nasip Lot 15, Taman Sri Gaya, BAILAND A/L GOVINDANAM Fury come and go, Anthony Joshua insists he arrived on these shores. on boxing because it’s very difficult. Honestly to
Phase 3, Luyang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, (NO. K/P: 521210-05-5119) has stepped back from the ‘unforgiving world’ improve one or two per cent you have to spend
Sabah be and is hereby appointed SILA AMBIL PERHATIAN of boxing business in order to focus on nothing The undefeated former cruiserweight like six to eight months working tirelessly at
as Liquidator of the Company for the bahawa suatu tindakan telah but perfecting his own craft. champion Usyk represents arguably the your craft to make improvements as a fighter. To
purpose of winding up the affairs and dimulakan terhadap kamu di toughest test of Joshua’s career to date and the do that at the highest level is really difficult.
distributing the assets of the Company Mahkamah Majistret Kuala Joshua returns to the ring for the first time in north Londoner believes he has left nothing to
in accordance with their respective Lumpur, dalam Guaman No. 2021 on Saturday night (Sunday 3am in chance in his preparation. And for one of the “Boxing is an unforgiving world when it
rights and interest therein. WA-A72NCVC-4595-07/2021 Malaysia) when he faces the brilliant Ukrainian most marketable and in-demand athletes on comes to making the right decisions. A lot of
Maureen Lind oleh Tetuan A. Baskaran & Co Oleksandr Usyk at the Tottenham Hotspur the planet that has resulted in retreat. these guys are going through what I went
Director (“Plaintif”) yang beralamat di Unit through and my battle as a fighter wasn’t only
Dated this 21st September 2021 2-1, The Cube, Jalan 6/18A, Taman to win in the ring – I found that easier than the
Mastiara, Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala battle outside of the ring.”
IN THE MATTER OF Lumpur di mana Plaintif menuntut
THE COMPANIES ACT, 2016 terhadap kamu antara lain untuk Since regaining his IBF, WBA and WBO world
membayar fi professional dan heavyweight titles by defeating Andy Ruiz Jr on
AND pembayaran permbelanjaan (Bil No.: a rainy Saudi Arabian night in December 2019,
IN THE MATTER OF PBST/0488/2021), faedah dan kos. Joshua has had the least active 21 months of his
PESONA TERUS SDN. BHD. DAN TELAH DIPERINTAHKAN professional career. He has boxed just once,
bahawa Writ Saman dan Pernyataan stopping mandatory challenger Kubrat Pulev in
(289378-M) Tuntutan bertarikh 28.07.2021 nine rounds at Wembley last December.
(In Members’ dilaksanakan secara penyampaian
Voluntary Winding Up) ganti terhadap kamu dengan It looked as though that unification with
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the mesej melalui aplikasi WhatsApp, WBC champion Tyson Fury was finally about to
creditors of PESONA TERUS SDN. BHD. menampalkan pada alamat terakhir happen earlier this year only for an arbitrator to
(289378-M), which is being voluntarily kamu, menampalkan pada Papan rule that the ‘Gypsy King’ must face Deontay
wound up, are required on or before Notis Mahkamah Majistret Kuala Wilder for a third time or risk huge financial
21st October 2021 to send their names Lumpur dan mengiklankan sekali di penalties said to be around £80m (RM458m).
and addresses with particulars of their suatu penerbitan akhbar ‘The Sun’
debts or claims, and of any security dan penyampaian Writ Saman dan The pair clash on Oct 9. It has, therefore,
held by them, and the names and Pernyataan Tuntutan sedemikian been a hugely frustrating time for Joshua who
addresses of their solicitors (if any) to akan disifatkan sebagai penyerahan will now face his WBO mandatory Usyk for a
the undersigned Liquidator at Lot 4.1, lengkap dan sempurna terhadap much smaller sum.
Level 4, Pertama Complex Office Tower. kamu dalam masa tujuh (7) hari
Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 selepas tarikh penampalan atau Overcoming the ominous figure of Usyk
Kuala Lumpur., and if so required by pengiklanan yang terakhir tersebut. who is now campaigning at heavyweight after
notice in writing from the aforesaid Jika kamu berhasrat untuk unifying the cruiserweight division as a result of
Liquidator, or personally or by their membela tindakan tersebut, kamu one of the great runs in the history of the 200lb
solicitors required to write in and prove mestilah memasukkan kehadiran (90kg) division.
their said debts or claims at such time sama ada secara sendiri atau
and place as shall be specified in such melalui peguamcara kamu. Jika Now he is vying to follow in the footsteps of
notice, or in default thereof, they will kamu ingkar hadir sedemikian, the likes of Evander Holyfield and David Haye
be excluded from the benefit of any penghakiman boleh diberikan by winning a world title in the land of the big
distribution made before such debts terhadap kamu. men too.
and claims are proved. Bertarikh pada
Assan Bin Nasip 15 haribulan September, 2021 Joshua adds: “The difference is though when
Liquidator …………t.t………… Holyfield came up to heavyweight I think he
Dated this 21st September 2021 TETUAN A. BASKARAN & CO had six fights at heavyweight before he fought
Peguamcara Plaintif for the championship belt. But Usyk has fought
NOTIS ini telah diisukan oleh Tetuan two heavyweights. He’s jumping in deeper
A. Baskaran & Co, peguamcara pihak there.
Plaintif yang beralamat di Unit 2-1,
The Cube, Jalan 6/18A, Taman “Good luck to him. He’s coming up at the
Mastiara, Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala deep end, but it’s heavyweight boxing, I’m the
Lumpur. heavyweight champion of the world, I don’t
Ruj: play games.” – The Independent
Tel: +603-6179 4711
Fax: +603-6179 5711
Emel: [email protected]
CALL TO PLACE CLASSIFIED ADS PIN HIGH team room and people are standing up to weekend, DeChambeau’s coach Mike Schy has a
Europe not rattled by speak, the belief we have in each other is huge. message from his star pupil. Enough is enough
MS. SHOBA underdog label: Fleetwood We've seen how we grow and what we are already. “Whether or not they are both doing it
capable of producing as a team. It doesn’t make to maximize their global profile, Bryson wants it
T 03 7784 8888 EUROPE may be viewed as the underdogs in a difference to us whether we are favourites or over,” Schy said. “Move on. The bottom line is –
F 03 7784 4424 the forthcoming Ryder Cup compared to their underdogs, we just turn up, gel and, more often two big egos.”The season-long strife between
American opponents, but Tommy Fleetwood than not over the last few years, we have come the top-10 Americans (DeChambeau currently
said his team will head into the biennial out and won it.” No. 7 in the world golf rankings, Koepka No. 10)
competition starting on Friday full of has dominated headlines all season. Koepka has
confidence. “People keep saying we are DeChambeau wishes Brooks dinged DeChambeau over his perceived slow
underdogs and if you look at the average world Koepka feud was‘over’ pace of play, while DeChambeau once poked
rankings then of course we are, but I just don’t fun at Koepka’s body type. Schy conceded to
believe anybody in our team is going into this FOR those golf fans wondering if open rivals the Irish newspaper that DeChambeau can
feeling we are going to lose,” Briton Fleetwood Bryson DeChambeau and Brooks Koepka can come off as overbearing. But the coach says his
told The Times newspaper. “When you are in that coexist long enough for the US to wrest away player will not be a distraction to the US push
the Ryder Cup Trophy from Team Europe this for victory.
Rampant Napoli continue perfect start at Udinese
NAPOLI moved top of Serie A yesterday thanks to “It doesn’t mean anything. We know we played Juventus last time out and put Napoli three up six former Italy coach Cesare Prandelli in the dugout.
a 4-0 stroll at Udinese which made sure they very well at a difficult ground. We’ve got to keep minutes after the break with a missile of a shot After Sunday’s 1-1 draw with AC Milan
maintained their 100% start to the season. our feet on the ground and keep working. It’s not from the excellent Ruiz’s layoff.
easy coming all the way to Udine and winning 4- Massimiliano Allegri was withering about his
Goals from Victor Osimhen, Amir Rrahmani, 0,” said Insigne to DAZN. From then on it was all Napoli and Lozano put Juventus team and his own decisions, saying that
Kalidou Koulibaly and Hirving Lozano earned the cherry on the cake in the 84th minute with a “it was a good thing the referee blew the whistle
Luciano Spalletti’s side an impressive win at the “If we look at the numbers now we’ll get slack lovely finish following an exchange of passes with at the end of the match” as they risked falling to a
Dacia Arena which gives them a perfect 12 points and we won’t continue the way we’re going.” Mario Rui. second defeat.
from four games, two points ahead of Inter Milan
and AC Milan, who sit second and third Osimhen followed up on his dramatic brace in Napoli are back in action on Friday (12.30am Without a win from their first four matches for
respectively. Friday’s 2-2 Europa League draw at Leicester City Malaysian time) at Sampdoria as a midweek round the first time since 1961 and in the relegation
by opening the scoring in the 24th minute with of fixtures rolls around. zone, Juve will try again to get their league season
Roma are a further point back alongside his first Serie A goal of the campaign, poking going at Spezia (12.30am) while Milan should be
Fiorentina as Napoli remain the only team to win home from near the goalline after Lorenzo Insigne Champions Inter Milan, fresh from a 6-1 on safe ground with the visit of Venezia (2.45am)
all of their matches so far this term in Italy’s top had deftly lobbed Udinese goalkeeper Marco demolition of Bologna, travel to Florence on on Thursday .
flight. Silvestri. Wednesday (2.45am) for a tough test against a
Fiorentina side which is on a run of three straight Jose Mourinho’s Roma will try to bounce back
Udinese lost for the first time this season sit Fabian Ruiz then struck the post six minutes wins. from their first defeat of the season at Verona
seventh, level on seven points with Lazio, Atalanta later and was key to the goal which put Napoli when they host Udinese on Friday (2.45am), three
and Bologna as Napoli gave off early signs of two ahead. Last season they finished 13th despite sought- days before the weekend derby against Lazio. –
being title contenders. after striker Dusan Vlahovic scoring 21 times as the AFP
Koulibaly scored the late winner against club bounced between Giuseppe Iachini and
Barca scrape late draw
Koeman defends direct approach after draw with Granada MANCHESTER UNITED have identified
RONALD KOEMAN defended AC Milan’s Ivory Coast midfielder Franck
his direct tactics after being was “calm” and not fearing for his Granada’s Antonio Kessie, 24, as a possible replacement for
accused of betraying future as Barcelona coach but an Puertas (back) vies with 28-year-old France star Paul Pogba,
Barcelona’s attacking already-strained relationship with Barcelona’s Memphis whose contract at Old Trafford expires
traditions in a 1-1 draw at home to club president Joan Laporta will be Depay during their in 2022.
Granada yesterday. pushed to breaking point if results, Spanish La Liga match at POGBA’S compatriot Tanguy Ndombele is
and performances, do not improve. Nou Camp in Barcelona another midfielder on Manchester
Koeman brought Gerard Pique off There were 85 seconds on the United’s radar despite the 24-year-old’s
the bench at Nou Camp to play up clock when Domingos Duarte headed yesterday. – AFPPIX mixed fortunes since his record £53.8m
front alongside Luuk de Jong, with Granada in front. move to Tottenham Hotspur in 2019.
Ronald Araujo, another central Sergio Escudero was quickest to WHILE Pogba’s future at United remains
defender, also thrown into the attack his cleared corner and he beat Sergio uncertain, Juventus are not planning to
as Barca sent in 54 crosses in search of Busquets twice, once to the ball and bring the Frenchman back to Turin.
an equaliser. then again to the line where he fed Pogba won four Serie A titles in as many
Araujo finally headed home in Duarte, who nipped in front of seasons at Juve before returning to Old
injury-time after Domingos Duarte Frenkie de Jong at the back post. Trafford in 2016.
had given Granada an early lead but Barca tried to exert some control DENMARK defender Andreas Christensen,
the whistles at the end from the but they never really stretched 25, is ready to sign a contract extension at
Barcelona fans indicated a point was Granada, who could have doubled Chelsea worth £120,000 a week after ini-
not nearly enough. their lead when Jorge Molina volleyed tially being offered a deal with wages
“We changed our style a little bit,” over a cross from the lively Darwin lower than the £78,000 a week he cur-
Koeman said. “The spaces were out Machis. rently earns.
wide, not in the middle. We went with Sergi Roberto cushioned a shot JUVENTUS and Atletico Madrid are
Pique, De Jong and Araujo and from against the crossbar to begin a late among the clubs keeping tabs on
one of those crosses we got the draw.” surge of pressure at the end of the first Arsenal and England winger Bukayo
Koeman’s position was already half, which also saw Araujo go close Saka, 20.
fragile after last week’s 3-0 drubbing at with two headers in quick succession. REAL MADRID are planning a move for
home to Bayern Munich in the Luuk de Jong came on for Sergi Paris St-Germain defender Marquinhos,
Champions League, a game in which Roberto at half-time, indicating a 27, with the Brazilian under contract at the
his team failed to muster a single shot more direct approach was coming but French club until 2024.
on target. Granada were not uncomfortable. LEEDS UNITED remain interested in
After the latest disappointment Depay hooked over from a de Jong Club Bruges’Dutch winger Noa Lang,
against Granada, it was put to him ball in before Oscar Mingueza’s 22.
that supporters were even angrier delivery grazed the top of the crossbar. FIORENTINA are trying to tie down Serbia
about Barcelona’s style than the As Barcelona grew more striker Dusan Vlahovic to a new deal after
result. desperate, they became more the 28-year-old was linked with a move to
“We had to sacrifice our style of predictable too, as more and more Tottenham in the summer.
play a little bit to try and get the result, crosses were slung into the box in the ENGLISH midfielder Danny Drinkwater
by putting crosses in rather than hope someone might capitalise. De admits his Chelsea career has been a
playing down the middle,” Koeman Jong should have scored with 11 “shambles”after the 28-year-old made
told reporters. “If you look at the minutes left but headed over from five his debut for Reading in his fourth loan
squad list for the game, it’s the only yards. spell away from Stamford Bridge.
thing we could do. Araujo was booked after a skirmish INTER MILAN are keen to offload Chile
“We can’t play tiki-taka if there with Granada’s defenders and then, forward Alexis Sanchez, with Real Betis
aren’t any spaces. So that means we with the adrenaline still pumping, he and Sevilla having expressed interest in
have to try and find another way to grabbed an equaliser for Barca, the 32-year-old.
play. For me that’s what has to be keeping the ball alive in the box and ROMA are interested in signing
talked about, the fact that we tried then dashing forward to meet Gavi’s Manchester United and Portugal right-
everything to get a point. chipped ball in. back Diogo Dalot, 22, during the
“We know it’s maybe not Barca chased a second, with January transfer window.
Barcelona’s football, but this Araujo sprinting down the right and
Barcelona is not that of eight years trying to find Pique in the middle.
ago.” Granada took a deserved point. –
Koeman insisted on Sunday he AFP/Reuters
Neville impressed with Beckham’s son debut
INTER MIAMI coach Phil Neville believes David he played nearly 80 minutes because he is a boy Neville said that former Manchester United and BRIGHTON midfielder Yves Bissouma, 25,
Beckham’s son Romeo has the potential to forge a that is hungry. England team-mate David Beckham had instructed says it was not his time to leave the club in
career in professional football following his debut him to take a tough line on his son. the summer but the Mali international
in Florida. “He has got a lot of pressure and expectations says that his“dream”is to play in the
on his shoulders, but what he has got is he has got “The first thing that David said to me was, ‘You Champions League.
Romeo Beckham played in his first professional his feet firmly on the ground. have got to be harder on him than anyone else,’” FORMER Arsenal defender Per
game on Sunday after starting for Inter Miami’s said Neville. Mertesacker, who is now head of their
sister team Fort Lauderdale CF. “He knows he has got a lot of development to academy, says the club are in a“massive
do, and he has got all the right attributes, “He has got to work harder than anyone else to transition”and hopes that first-team
The 19-year-old played 79 minutes in a 2-2 character, determination, good person, to have a get into that team because there will be questions, manager Mikel Arteta“gets the time
draw with South Georgia Tormenta FC and really good opportunity of making it in there will be expectations on his shoulders.” that he needs”to improve the London
impressed Inter Miami boss Neville despite having professional football.” side’s fortunes.
only 19 touches in the match. Neville’s own son Harvey has also played for
Romeo joined Fort Lauderdale CF’s roster earlier Fort Lauderdale this season, making 15 £1= RM5.70
“I thought he did really well,” said Neville this month in a low-key move that was made appearances.
yesterday. without an official announcement.
“He knows when he is in this football club he is
“I think the measure of his performance was He had been training with the team and no different than any other player, and it is the
that he was only planned to play 45 minutes, and occasionally Inter Miami prior to that. same with Romeo,” Neville said. – AFP
SHORTS Liverpool urged Lingard ‘should
‘Taking a knee is losing strength’ be playing 40 to
to re-sign Sterling 45 games per
CHELSEA defender Marcos Alonso has stopped season: Neville
taking the knee before matches this season MANCHESTER UNITED midfielder
because the anti-racism gesture is “losing a bit of England forward has been linked with a move away Jesse Lingard should have left the
strength”, the 30-year-old said. from Etihad and the Reds should act fast to sign him club this summer as he needs to be
RIO FERDINAND has playing 40 to 45 games a season,
Players and staff have been taking a knee urged Liverpool to re- pans out because I will take get many balls but he was says Gary Neville.
prior to kickoff since the league returned to sign Raheem Sterling Sterling all day.’ always dangerous and ready to
action in June last year to show their support for as the England “If I’m Liverpool, I’m buying try to do it.” The ex-United player and now
the Black Lives Matter movement. Sterling tomorrow.” Barcelona were interested in pundit suggested the England
forward’s Manchester City Sterling fell behind Phil Foden Sterling last summer, and could international should find a new club
Alonso said he has decided to stand while struggles continue. Sterling has in the pecking order for City’s look to sign him when the in the next transfer window and he
other players kneel and will instead point to the been linked with a move away left-wing spot last season, while transfer window re-opens in has doubled down on the idea.
“No Room For Racism” badge on the sleeve of after being dropped by Pep Jack Grealish has made the January, according to reports
his kit to highlight the issue. Guardiola last season, with position his own so far this term from Spain. Lingard, 28, was a substitute for
Barcelona reportedly since his summer move from According to Sport, Barcelona Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s side in their
“I prefer to do it this way and, of course, to interested. Aston Villa. director of football Mateu Premier League match against West
say very clearly that I am against racism and I Sterling played up front in City’s City have failed to score in both Alemany travelled to England Ham, who Lingard played for on loan
respect everybody,” Alonso said after Sunday’s 3- 0-0 draw with Southampton on games in which Sterling started in the summer to try and lure last season, and scored to clinch the
0 Premier League win at Tottenham Hotspur. Saturday, having a goal ruled – although he netted late on Sterling to the club. game 2-1 on Sunday.
out late on in the Premier against the Saints before his Alemany intended to negotiate
“I think it’s losing a bit of strength the other League clash as he made just effort was ruled out by VAR. either a swap deal or loan for It came after Lingard, who has
way, so I just prefer to do it this way.” Chelsea are his second start of the season. However, Guardiola the 26-year-old, but only played 63 minutes across all
joint top of the table after five matches. The 26-year-old starred for praised Sterling’s nothing came to competitions so far this season, was
England in Euro 2020, and performance after fruition. brought on in their Champions
Wenger feels‘responsible’for continued his good form for the Etihad clash, However, rather League defeat by Young Boys – a
Wilshere and Ramsey’s injuries Gareth Southgate’s side in the saying: “He was than moving mistake from the midfielder costing
recent World Cup qualifiers so active in on from them the match.
ARSENE WENGER has revealed that he feels against Hungary and Poland. terms of Sterling,
“very responsible” for Aaron Ramsey and Jack But he has continued to be a movement. Barcelona are “I still maintain he should’ve left,
Wilshere’s injury issues during his time as Arsenal bit-part player so far this season “But football set to re-enter but he will have his moments,”
manager. at City, with Guardiola having depends a lot on talks amid his Neville said on his Sky Sports
dropped him from his starting how good we do inconsistent podcast.
The Frenchman believes that the line-up for key games during the process in minutes so far
introduction of a VAR system has brought added the second half of the last build up and this season. – “I was happy to see how he
respect for attacking players. campaign. when it happens Express bounced back after what happened
Reports have claimed our strikers and Newspapers in Europe in midweek.
He explained that that may mean fewer Barcelona could move for wingers play better.
injury problems for “more technical” players. Sterling in the January transfer “Today we struggled “To bounce back and score the
window – and Ferdinand says a bit and that is winner is a fantastic moment for
“I see more positivity. Before there was more Liverpool should act fast to sign why he him. He’s got good character, he’s a
kicking and I must say the media allowed that,” the player they sold to City for didn’t very good player and I feel he should
Wenger told The Telegraph of changes to football £57 million (RM326m) back in be playing 40-45 games a season.
in recent years. 2015.
“It’s only because he’s been “He won’t get that at United in
“The VAR has brought more respect for the taken out of the team that terms of 90-minute starts, but he’s
offensive game. Sometimes the more technical he’s lost confidence,” the one of those players that I do feel
guys were kicked. Why? It was not very former Manchester United will benefit from having. I just
encouraging. We have moved forward from that. United man said on his thought for Jesse himself, he
Vibe with Five show. should’ve left. United could be a
“We always tried. It was a frustration “He was on fire. He was better team with someone like
sometimes. When I look back at players like producing.
Wilshere, Ramsey who have been injured early in “This guy was the go-to Lingard in it.”
their career and when you are a manager you guy when they needed In Lingard’s loan spell at the
feel very responsible for that.” a goal for so many
years. All of a sudden, Hammers he scored nine
Wenger is now Chief of Global Football he’s in the wilderness. goals in 16 appearances
Development for FIFA and has been heavily I’m just baffled by it; I and there were rumours he
criticised for his plans for biennial World Cups. don’t understand it.
“But this is the thing would make a permanent
He left Arsenal in 2018 before the end of his with Pep – he gets it move to the London side.
contract, bringing to a close a 22-year tenure at right more often
the club that brought three Premier League than not, but with However, West Ham
titles and seven FA Cups. this one with manager David Moyes
Sterling… there has said the deal was
Christensen set for new contract must be clubs
sitting there going, nowhere near being
STAMFORD BRIDGE seems set to be Andreas finalised.
Christensen‘s home for a while longer with the
announcement of a new deal expected in He said: “Ole made
coming days. it quite clear to me
early in the transfer
The Sun reports the 25-year-old defender, window that he
who was shopped around by Chelsea 18 wanted to keep him.
months ago, will soon sign a £120,000 So I knew pretty early
(RM687,623) a week contract with the club after that he would be
they previously offered the Denmark staying at Manchester
international less than the £78,000 (RM446,955) United.
weekly wage he earns now.
“I was hearing all
Meanwhile, James Rodriguez is almost out of the stuff, but I had a
the door at Everton according to the Daily Mail. private conversation
The paper says the Colombian will soon sign with Ole, who made it
with Qatari club Al Rayyan after travelling to the clear he was staying.” – The
Middle East on Sunday. Independent
RESULTS & STANDINGS ‘boy, let me see Sterling
how this situation
LA LIGA: Barcelona 1 (Araujo 90) Granada 1 Man United owners must heed Keane’s advice
(Duarte 2).
TOP 8 P W D L F A Pts
Real Madrid 5 4 1 0 15 7 13
Atlético 5 3 2 0 7 4 11 MANCHESTER UNITED boss Ole Gunnar “Their goal, the structure was wrong for “I think the next step will come to him when
Valencia 5 3 1 1 10 4 10 Solskjaer has hinted that his midfield could do whatever reason and we’ll have to work on it. he plays a higher level, and when I say higher
Real Sociedad 5 3 1 1 6 4 10 with a revamp after conceding a sloppy goal level I mean for Man United, playing in
Athletic Club 5 2 3 0 4 1 9 against West Ham and the club’s hierarchy might “Scott, Fred, and Nemanja (Matic) are natural Champions League, competing for trophies.”
Sevilla 422051 8 be wise to listen to Roy Keane’s advice. team players that will do anything for the team
Barcelona 4 2 2 0 8 5 8 and plug holes wherever there is one.” Rice was a man in demand virtually all
Osasuna 522166 8 The complaint could prompt the Glazers to summer, although the £100 million (RM570m)
go after Declan Rice, a player who Keane has Rice would be a prime candidate to price-tag pinned to him by West Ham effectively
SERIE A: Udinese 0 Napoli 4 (Osimhen 24, touted as a future United signing, in order to strengthen the holding midfield at Old Trafford, stopped all interested parties in their tracks.
Rrahmani 35, Koulibaly 52, Lozano 84). plug one of the last remaining gaps in the Red having continued his stellar form at Euro 2020
TOP 8 PWD L F A Pts Devils’ squad. into the new season with the Hammers. As it stands, his contract runs until 2024, so
Napoli 4 4 0 0 10 2 12 even next summer the east London side will be
Inter 4 3 1 0 15 4 10 At the London Stadium, Fred and Scott Former United captain Roy Keane has heaped under no major pressure to offload him, unless
Milan 431082 10 McTominay were criticised for not closing down praise onto the 22-year-old, believing that he the pressure comes from the player himself.
Roma 4 3 0 1 11 5 9 Said Benrahma before he opened the scoring. could be one of the final pieces to the puzzle as
Fiorentina 4 3 0 1 7 6 9 they go in search of silverware under Solskjaer. Ultimately, his performances for club and
Lazio 4 2 1 1 11 6 7 Defensive midfield is still a position in which country have been so consistent that 2022 may
Atalanta 421143 7 Solskjaer tinkers regularly, while there are barely “I think he would improve United’s midfield,” finally be time for him to fly the nest and make a
Udinese 421166 7 any weaknesses in other areas of the pitch. he told Sky Sports. step up.
After the game, Solskjaer said: “We still have “Declan has improved more than any player If United follow Keane’s advice, then perhaps
to defend better. We have to make it harder to I’ve seen over the last one or two seasons. He’s they are solving the final problem position for
break us down. 22 and I look to where I was, I think he’s way Solskjaer. – Express Newspapers
ahead of me when I was 22.
… this is the thing with Pep – he gets it
right more often than not, but with this
one with Sterling… there must be clubs sitting there
going, ‘boy, let me see how this situation pans out
because I will take Sterling all day’. If I’m Liverpool,
I’m buying Sterling tomorrow.”
Former Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand
Ronaldo penalty decision proven right after referee meeting
MANCHESTER UNITED’S frustrations sealed all three points for Man United. old looked to beat Vladimir Coufal Coufal’s foul on Ronaldo. each team were wrongfully denied a
over being denied a penalty against However, after Luke Shaw blocked with some skill before drawing Those present at the meeting were penalty-a-piece.
West Ham United on Sunday have contact with the Czech defender’s
been justified, following a fortnightly Andriy Yarmolenko’s cross with his outstretched knee. informed VAR should’ve instructed “I was surprised (a penalty for
Premier League referee meeting arm, David de Gea saved his first Atkinson to review the incident on the Ronaldo) wasn’t given. I think it’s an
yesterday. penalty since April 2016 to deny Mark Aaron Wan-Bissaka and Tomas pitchside monitor because there was easier decision to make to give a
Noble a 95th-minute leveller. Soucek collided in the box at the knee-on-knee contact between the penalty,” Gallagher told Sky Sports.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s side ran out other end, which Atkinson two players.
2-1 winners at the London Stadium, Martin Atkinson’s decision to contentiously deemed a Man United “Coufal dangled a leg, they
but the match was plagued with award a stoppage-time penalty was freekick. West Ham’s stoppage-time penalty adjudged he tried to take it away, but
controversy. the correct one, but his failure to do so should’ve also been their second of he’d already gone too far into the
on a few occasions earlier in the After the visitors took the lead in the match, with referees told Wan- challenge, for me.”
Said Benrahma’s long-range match caused tremendous uproar. the dying embers, Kurt Zouma took Bissaka fouled Soucek.
deflected effort fired West Ham ahead out Ronaldo with a late sliding On West Ham’s claim, he added:
on the half hour mark before Cristiano Ronaldo demanded three penalties challenge, making minimal contact However, referees were told “The feeling on the field was that
Ronaldo equalised five minutes later. throughout the match, and although with the ball. Atkinson was correct to deny Ronaldo Soucek made the foul, but I think the
one was tame, Atkinson denied two a penalty for Zouma’s challenge. defender takes the forward out and
Jesse Lingard’s 89th-minute seemingly stonewall claims for Man According to The Times, bosses told it’s a foul. He doesn’t realise he’s there,
howitzer on his return to east London United and another for the hosts. Premier League referees that a penalty Former referee Dermot Gallagher’s but he’s caught him.” – Express
after a successful loan spell last season would’ve been the correct call for thoughts are aligned with the Newspapers
The first came when the 36-year- outcome of the meeting, suggesting
1 2
A combination of photos showing Cristiano Ronaldo (blue shorts) floored by challenges from Vladimir Coufal (1) and Kurt Zouma (2) during the second half
of the match on Sunday. Referee Martin Atkinson (not pictured) denied two seemingly stonewall penalty claims from Manchester United. – AFPPIX/REUTERSPIX
Promising future
Tottenham finally find reasons for optimism even with heavy defeat to Chelsea
█ VITHUSHAN EHANTHARAJAH A scrappy goal, it must be said, benefitting question marks over key personnel following the “The energy that we put on the pitch – the
from the wickedest of deflections. But an 3-0 defeat to Crystal Palace and the Europa attitude, the spirit the players had. So if there’s
BY Thomas Tuchel’s own assertion, there important one: giving Chelsea a 2-0 lead, Conference League stalemate with Rennes, the only one positive today, that was the first half.”
were no tactical tweaks at halftime deflating the hosts and prompting the first cohort team sheet felt like something out of a video
against Tottenham Hotspur. The praise of disgruntled Spurs fans to head for the exits. game rather than necessity. He was keen to point to the nature of
laid at his feet as Chelsea charged to a 3- Chelsea’s first two goals – a corner four minutes
0 win off the back of their second half work alone, The luxury of calling on a two-time Premier An XI comprising purely of the best available after the restart, then Kante’s borderline fluke –
he felt, was misguided. League champion, Champions League and ball-players. And it worked, for a bit. Those who which altered the dynamic of the fixture and
World Cup winner from the bench is a measure took to the pitch did so with no uncertainty and then settled it. Chelsea finished with enough
“Actually, we did not change the system,” of the disparity between the squads Tuchel and no sense of inferiority. All to a man armed with openings to win by five.
revealed the head coach when asked of a notable Nuno Espirito Santo had to call upon. clarity.
shift from being dominated to doing the So much of the focus internally at Spurs has
dominating. Kante’s introduction for the second half was Now, as they awake on Monday nursing been about righting the wrongs. And no doubt
also the biggest compliment to Spurs’ work up to consecutive 3-0 Premier League defeats, that when they revisit Sunday at the start of this week
“That is maybe the whole point. It seemed we that point. faith will be severely tested, if not broken the focus will be on how Dele Alli could have
changed the system but we just played it with entirely. tracked Thiago Silva’s late run into the box better,
more belief, more energy, more quality. Sharper.” Chelsea could not live with Spurs’ intensity. and identifying who of Eric Dier or Cristian
Nuno’s side were sharp with the ball, both with That first half performance lost in a sea of Romero should have closed down Kante.
Bringing that belief, energy, quality and its movement and how it was wrestled back. “here we go again” as they failed once more to
sharpness was N’Golo Kante. The credit sent build on clear positives. As Chelsea fans sang: But they should also rewatch that first half
Tuchel’s way was redirected to the Frenchman, Spurs won almost twice as many duels in the “It’s happened again”. and take heart. To recognise that not only did
who came on at half-time, with interest: “If you opening period (34 to 18), shading possession they frustrate one of the best-drilled teams in the
have N’Golo, you have something everyone is with 52% against an outfit who are often on the Nuno, however, believes otherwise. To him, world, but bettered them with such quality.
looking for. ‘right’ side of this metric (they had just 34.3% the contents of that half in his eighth game in
against Liverpool last month when Reece James charge should be regarded as a norm to pursue They ran rings around the defending
“You have everything that you need in was sent off in first half added time). “Aggressive” rather than an anomaly to ignore. European Champions. Out-muscled and out-
midfield with work rate, intensity, ball wins, and “very brave” was how Tuchel described classed the favourites for this season’s Premier
skilful play, off the ball, with the ball, dribbling Spurs’ initial approach. “Now, I honestly believe the first half was League title. Even if only for a half, that needs to
and even a goal.” really good, really good,” said the Portuguese count for something. – The Independent
Nuno’s starting XI looked a gamble. With manager.
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