St Mary’s Woodford
Parish Magazine
Volume 12 number 3
Autumn 2021
Do you remember when use of the word “unprecedented” first started to lose its
meaning, because we were all using it so much? The last 18 months have been
distinctive and difficult in many different ways for us as individuals, families
and communities of all sizes. History in the making. We know that images of
empty supermarket shelves, rainbows, clear skies, kindness among strangers,
masked and distanced queues, crowded hospitals with staff in full PPE and
Zoom screens are likely to define historical interpretation of the early weeks and
months of the pandemic. But what about this last year of regional tiers,
lockdowns 2 and 3, vaccination and the ‘pingdemic’?
And thinking about the whole pandemic, how will we mourn the people and
patterns and time we have lost together? How will we celebrate what we have
learned and our eventual emergence where the pandemic dominates our lives
less? I’m curious about those questions. I think they’re harder to answer than
they might initially appear.
Grief takes many forms and is unique to each of us and our particular loss
and yet there is benefit in coming together in God’s presence to recognise our
loss, the ways Christ accompanies us and the Holy Spirit strengthens us and
intercedes with us in sighs too deep for words. Plans are being put together for
our All Souls service in early November and for a memorial service supported
by W.English our nearest funeral director, on Saturday 13 November.
It may take us time to recognise what we have learned during the pandemic
but already it is clear there are several things we should plan in faith and hope to
celebrate in 2022. Food & Fun Day is being planned for Saturday 21st May. We
know already that the pattern of bank holidays will be different: the usual late
May/Whitsun Bank Holiday Monday has moved to Thursday 2nd June which is
the 70th anniversary of the Queen’s Accession. And there will be another Bank
Holiday on Friday 3rd June, which is the 50th anniversary of St Mary’s
rededication following the terrible 1969 fire.
Front cover: Opening up: St Mary’s south door
That week of two bank holidays is also Parish Register
half term and Pentecost follows on Sunday
5th June. So we plan to make Sunday 12th For your prayers
June a focus for celebrating St Mary’s and Funerals:
how we plan to continue serving God and John Rogers 20th July;
our communities. Saturday 4th June will Josephine Webb 2nd August;
be our community day of celebrations – Doris Minchin 3rd August;
maybe we could have an afternoon tea and Susan Genge 13th August.
some music. Our organ is fifty years old Interment of ashes:
this year and PCCs celebrated their Jennifer Ebbage 12th June;
centenary last year so there is plenty of Heather Harston 6th July;
scope for what and how we celebrate. Lilian Carter 10th August.
As the weather begins to change and
we prepare for autumn, I’d love to hear
your thoughts on how we mark the
changes through which we’re living, and
in particular what shape we should give to
a community celebration on 4th June and
church celebration on 12th June.
Revd Dr Elizabeth Lowson, e mail:
[email protected]
Communion assistants Communion assistants at
Authorisation to administer public worship:
Communion has changed: the Bishop Gerald Everett
of Chelmsford has delegated this to Anne Jones
PCCs and incumbents, who follow a Jean Lear
new safer recruitment process for all Wendy Littlejohns
those authorised for the next three Philip Petchey
years and named in the right hand Linda Wiskin
column. A Bishop’s licence or Communion assistants at
permission to officiate as a Lay public worship and
Reader or ordained person includes the distribution at home/hospital:
same safer recruitment process and Mark Spencer Ellis
authorisation to distribute Communion Chris Winward
in church or at home etc.
There is always a copy of the latest parish magazine on the St Mary’s
Life at St Mary’s
The celebration on 27th June of Chris Winward’s ministry at St Mary’s as he was
thanked for all he had done and became Reader Emeritus.
Life at St Mary’s
Fond memories and grateful thanks to Barry Mingay who has done so much to
keep the Memorial Hall running for 18 years.
Above: Barry and Maureen Mingay, seated, with John, Dave and Tamsen,
Barry’s fellow members of staff at the Memorial Hall at a party held by the
Trustees in Penny and Martin Freeston’s garden on the occasion of Barry’s
Young people at St Mary’s thank Chris Winward for his ministry as a Reader
Life at St Mary’s
A recent photograph of Eileen Ward, still gardening at
home in St. Ives, Cambridgeshire. Eileen organised
flower arranging at St. Mary’s for many years.
Social Badminton are advertising ourselves on local
media reaching out to any members of St Mary’s and
elsewhere who would like to join us. Veterans
and beginners of all ages are especially welcome for
fun games with a degree of competitiveness. We
play on Monday and Thursday afternoons 1.00-
3.00pm in the back Hall/ Pankhurst Room of the
Memorial Hall on a ‘pay as you play’ basis of £5 (or
less if more players turn up) but try a free session
first and come along when you can.
Lee Noble
Life at St Mary’s: Teddy bears picnic 11th July
Life at St Mary’s
Baby Arthur with mum Bryony, Chris
Winward and Elizabeth
Elizabeth blesses baby Arthur in the
‘If any human being is, in this precise Post communion hymn on 25th July
moment, suffering or ill, or hungry, that
is something that should concern all of Strengthen for service, Lord, the
us because to ignore the suffering of a hands that have taken holy things;
person is always an act of violence, one may the ears which have heard your
of the most cowardly.’ word be deaf to clamour and dis-
pute; may the tongues which have
Gino Strada 1948 - 2021 sung your praise be free from de-
Italian war surgeon, human rights ceit; may the eyes which have seen
activist, peace activist and founder of the tokens of your love shine with
Emergency, a recognised international the light of hope; and may the bod-
non-governmental organisation ies which have been fed with your
body be refreshed with the fullness
8 of your life; glory to you forever.
Our wider local community
One of the interesting aspects of
getting involved in Community
Sponsorship and working to settle a
refugee family is learning some more
about Islam and Muslim practices.
July 19th was Eid ul Adha and I
found this entry on could celebrate Eid-ul-Adha which
really interesting. I hope you do too:- ultimately commemorates
‘For those that don't know what Abraham's test of faith and
your Muslim neighbours are obedience to God in his offering.’
celebrating it is Eid-ul-Adha. It is a Our Community Sponsorship group is
celebration to mark the willingness currently raising funds for 1:1 ESOL
of Abraham to sacrifice his son. (English as a second or other
Along the way the devil tried to tempt language) lessons for our family. We
him to disobey the will of God. have already raised £3,120 with the
Abraham resisted the devil and help of match funding from
threw stones at him. Muslims
Chelmsford Diocese which covers six
replicate the throwing of stones as a months of fairly intensive tuition.
symbolic gesture during the holy We're hoping to raise a further £3,120
pilgrimage. At the point of sacrifice to cover a further six months. If you'd
God replaced Abraham's son with a like to make a donation, please
lamb. email the office
To mark the event Muslims sacrifice at [email protected].
an animal in the name of God (i.e. Thank you.
one of the requirements for meat to To learn more about Community
be referred to as halal or kosher). A Sponsorship you can go to: https://
third of the meat is given to the poor
and needy, a third is given to friends community-sponsorship, or you’re
and family and a third is kept for always welcome to pop by one
personal consumption. morning and find out how St Mary’s,
The theme of sacrifice is shared Our Lady of Lourdes, Christ Church,
between the Abrahamic faiths. The St Gabriel’s and St Peter’s all came
Old Testament refers to the story of together to work with Chelmsford,
Abraham and Isaac and ultimately the Home Office and the UNHCR to
points to Jesus as the sinless lamb of bring one family to safety.
God slain for sinful man.
Theoretically, Christians and Jews Sheba Lockley
People look east
The lonely way is Essex
In 2019, when browsing in a bookshop, silence except for the wind. Essex
Mark bought a book called ‘50 Walks estuaries are some of most
on the Essex Coast’. Little did we know important coastal wetlands in the
what was ahead in 2020. As lockdown country and attract many resident
loomed we started walking one day a and migratory birds. Sometimes
week and continued whenever our walks returned across
restrictions allowed, covering 5 -15 farmland which provided a
miles at a time, making a total of about welcome change of scenery
350 miles. where we witnessed the annual
cycle of wheat, from fresh green
Most people think of the Essex seedlings turning to waving
coastline as being rather lacking in golden corn, followed by stubble
character, as much of the land is flat and and ploughed, muddy fields. We
featureless. It’s true! The place where experienced all weathers –
land meets sea is blurred, and the waters sweltering sunshine, or despite
literally become very muddied. It is being the driest corner of
made up of tidal river estuaries, and England, lashing rain or icy
muddy creeks where fingers of sea creep howling winds. Luckily we had
in on vast salt marshes and mudflats for no mishaps apart from a twisted
a couple of hours a day; pure Dickens’ ankle when I fell down a rabbit
landscape. hole, but were always mindful of
Limited protective sea walls were
built in medieval times. However, after
the land was inundated in the 1953
floods, Dutch land reclamation
techniques were used, and over 100
miles of substantial sea walls were built.
There are a few landmarks to relieve the
monotony of the area; some boat
wrecks, old pump houses, several WW2
bunkers, a steam mill or tidal mill and
occasional smugglers’ pubs. The coast is
isolated and bleak, making it perfect for
walking during lockdowns. We hardly
saw a soul the whole time – the odd dog
-walker, one or two fishermen, a rare
runner or cyclist.
Walking is great exercise, and brings
one close to nature. There are huge open
skies and cloudscapes, often eerie
the Essex Air Ambulance which is Jill moved to, to take in a look around
called out in emergencies so we made the RNLI lifeboat station as offered
a donation to this worthy cause. by his neighbour (who sadly didn't
We completed every one of the 50 show up) and to grab a lovely
walks, and according to the author, seafood lunch locally.
are the only people to have done that. The weather was rather blustery
Quite an achievement! and cool as is often the way there, but
the sun graced us with its company
Nina Lewis after lunch for a drive back over the
famous causeway to the mainland
Richard Walker and pals have also and Colchester, to the local steam and
been busy in Essex model engineering club (CSMEE) in
a member's massive back
garden he'd bequeathed to the
The members there had built
an impressive track system
around the perimeter, through
gulleys and tunnels, this for
their scale steam locos some of
which they can ride on the back
of on a tender around the
elevated track. Several OFs
took advantage of one driver's
kind offer for a few circuits, the
loco pulling them surprisingly
effortlessly and impressively. There
Some of you may be familiar with was a fully functioning signal box,
articles on previous outings of the engine sheds, a station / club house,
intrepid Old Farts, a small group of footbridge and even a lifting car
my pals who I have the honour of bridge over the track to access
sharing an evening with each month, parking space in the centre of the
normally down the local, but over the garden.
last year or so over Zoom instead. Hugely impressive to see the locos
Like many blokes we just gas about in action, and to find a group of
sport, news, planes, trains and model engineers, mostly retired, who
automobiles, outings to air shows, air had a great hobby that clearly
museums etc. provided them and us much
Five of us accepted an invitation entertainment.
in July from former member Geoff
Jones to take a day trip down to the Richard Walker
seaside at West Mersea where he and
Those in need of care in our Borough
Street pastors home, helping reunite people with
their friends. There would be the
inevitable holding back hair, and
providing tissues and water, and
If Jesus returned in 2021, where encouraging paramedic help where
would he go and who would he hang appropriate. If there was a fight, the
out with: how would Jesus show the Street Pastors would call for police
world divine compassion? There are help and give whatever support was
many good answers to that question needed. Street Pastors never talk
and no doubt plenty of discussion too about their faith unless prompted, and
– including whether we as the church, it’s surprising how often people want
Christ’s body on earth now, should do to talk about God. Street Pastors are
likewise. One of the answers is about widely respected for defusing
the night time economy – back in situations, helping those in need and
2003 a team of 18 Christians went out reassuring anxious parents and there
on the streets of Brixton one night to are lots of off shoots including
support anyone in need and from there festivals support, Rail Pastors,
Street Pastors was born and runs in incident Response Pastors and more.
about 240 places across the UK. Until about three years ago,
Reading is one of the places with Redbridge Street Pastors operated in
an active Street Pastors scheme and I Ilford and also here in South
was a Prayer Pastor with them before Woodford. In Woodford the needs
beginning ordination training. It was a were mainly around restaurants, clubs
huge privilege to pray with the Street and the cinema although could also
Pastors before they went out on shift include needs more commonly found
at 10pm and when they returned and in Ilford, such as support for homeless
to pray about the situations they people and prostitutes. St Mary’s
encountered or we heard about on the provided a couple of volunteers and
radio system linking the venues, Street was the South Woodford base for the
Pastors, paramedics and police. Street volunteers on shift and the Prayer
Pastors would walk the streets in Pastors supporting this important and
groups, chatting to those having a highly respected ministry on the
good time and a bad time, security streets. Even before the pandemic,
staff, police and homeless people, Redbridge Street Pastors did not have
collecting empty bottles and sweeping sufficient volunteers to offer this
away any broken ones. They’d also ministry regularly. Some needs have
hand out lollipops (which apparently shifted – for example, the venue
help if you’ve had too much to drink), nearest to St Mary’s now operates in a
and flip flops to keep safe the feet of different way and the introduction of
people whose heels had become too the night tube has altered local
much for them. Later in the night, drinking patterns.
they’d negotiate and organise lifts
Talking with the Redbridge Street is discerned for the way forward. If
Pastors coordinator recently, we were you’d like to contact them directly
asked to pray as Redbridge Street please email
Pastors seeks to understand the way [email protected]
forward. They are looking for God’s I have been talking with some other
guidance about what ministry needs local clergy and we might offer a
there might be, and when and how to joint prayer meeting or similar to
seek volunteers as Street Pastors and think and pray about this and other
Prayer Pastors, renewing their local community needs. Please let
management structure and also two me know if you’d like to be part of
new trustees are needed. this:
So please would you pray for [email protected]
Redbridge Street Pastors? At this stage Elizabeth Lowson
there isn’t a request for Street Pastors
volunteers and it may be a new pattern
Speaking out for persecuted Christians
Jesus said that prophets are never countries, always adhering to the
honoured in their own country; principle of total objectivity of the
more often perhaps they are simply highest standard.
ignored. Thus it was that Father
Michael Bourdeaux, a humble but The plight of believers had
remarkable Anglican priest, died on improved to some extent after the death
29 March, his passing largely of Stalin in 1951, causing many in the
unrecorded at first by the West to think that all was well. This
mainstream media. most certainly was not the case and the
abuses which Keston reported included
Christians have been persecuted the destruction of churches, the
by many states ever since Jesus lived harassment and detention of religious
on earth, but no persecution activists and the placing of all kinds of
perhaps was as sustained and vicious obstacles in the way of those wishing to
and, at first, as effective as that practise their faith. The Soviet
carried out by the Communist authorities were particularly concerned
regimes in the 20th century. During by prominent and highly educated
the 70-odd years of its existence the intellectuals from an atheist background
policy of the Soviet Union on the who experienced religious conversions
church varied from grudging and became believers; one of their ways
tolerance to repression and savage of dealing with these and other
persecution which, under Lenin and dissidents was to have them declared
Stalin, saw many thousands of the insane and placed in psychiatric
clergy and countless laymen and institutions.
women murdered or sent to
concentration camps. Keston did not campaign against
Communism; instead, it simply
As a young language student in reported the facts as it found them, to
Russia in 1959 Michael Bourdeaux the great embarrassment of the
became aware of the situation during persecutors who went to considerable
clandestine meetings with Russian lengths to discredit Father Bourdeaux
Christians. After ordination he spent and his colleagues. The KGB came to
very little time as a parish priest, and view Keston as a damaging anti-Soviet
in 1969 he joined with others organization (the one non-government
interested in or concerned about organization which worried them more
religion in the Communist world to was Amnesty International). The
found Keston College (now Keston publicity given to the plight of victims
Institute) which became his life’s comforted them greatly and made it
work. The objectives of Keston were harder for the authorities to persecute
to study and report on the state of them. With its extensive links to
religion in the Communist religious believers - who provided
Father Michael Bourdeaux that Keston was
impeding dialogue
information, often at great risk to with the
themselves - Keston became an Communists,
authorative source of news, and was making the plight
often consulted and quoted by of believers worse
official bodies and the media. Keston by antagonizing
worked with the British and other the Soviet
governments which were able to use government.
the Helsinki Final Act to bring Many people for
pressure to bear on the USSR and one reason or
other Communist states in the another simply did
protection of human rights and other not want to
fundamental freedoms. The story is believe how bad
told in Father Bourdeaux’s things really were.
autobiography One Word of Truth, Father Bourdeaux
published in 2019. believed that the Soviet Union would
not survive, and he was right. Today
Inevitably Father Bourdeaux’s Communism in Europe is no more,
work often brought him into conflict yet Keston continues in existence
with others and sadly these included and studies religion in what are now
some who should have supported mostly the ex-Communist states. It is
him. In his book he describes how he sad that today in some of these
started libel proceedings against a countries the mainstream churches
Christian writer who alleged that are perhaps closer to the
Keston was funded by the apartheid governments than they should be,
regime in South Africa (which was and seem to do nothing when reli-
opposed to Communism). Some gious minorities are harassed. As
church leaders in the West thought Christians we are unlikely ever to
agree amongst ourselves when and
how the church should speak out on
political and social issues, and the
temptation to remain silent is always
there. Father Bourdeaux was asked
by Russian Christians to be their
voice, and for much of his life he did
just that very effectively. He should
not be forgotten.
Stephen Wiggs
Caring for our world
Environmental action at St Mary’s
Has concern about consequences steps have been taken by seeking to
from the damage being done to the achieve an eco award through a free
environment ever been so marked on line award scheme run by A
or, indeed, so justified? This Rocha. A Rocha is a Christian
summer we have had a report from a charity which St Mary's has been
United Nations intergovernmental supporting through its planned
panel which concluded that humans Mission giving. There are three
are driving 'unprecedented climate levels of eco award at bronze, silver
change' signifying ' code red for and gold level.
There are currently 752 churches
In response to this report our and cathedrals with a bronze award,
Prime Minister, whom surely no-one including St Paul's Cathedral; 181,
would describe as being one of life's including our Rector's previous
'Eeyores', acknowledged that it made church, have achieved a silver award
for 'sobering reading'. The build up and 11 have a gold, including
to the November UN conference in Salisbury Cathedral.
Glasgow has seen an alarming
pattern of extremes of weather with To achieve an award churches
widespread fires and floods across complete an on-line survey and then
the globe. take remedial steps indicated as a
result of that process. There are five
Whilst it is relatively easy to broad areas for consideration:
demand action of others (though
harder to secure a satisfactory 1 Worship and teaching
response), what we are we doing 2 Management of the church
ourselves as individuals? What is the
Church of England doing and what
are we doing at St Mary's?
Did you know that the Church of
England has set itself a target of
becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
What does this mean I hear you ask?
How do you measure that? What do
we need to do? What is possible,
what are we doing about this at St
Mary's and where are we at?
Churches in the Church of
England, including St Mary's, are
aiming to demonstrate that effective
buildings I have the impression that St
3 Management of church land
4 Community and global Mary's has had eco concerns on its
radar for some time with a number of
engagement appropriate steps being quietly taken.
5 Lifestyle
For example Fred Tomlin back in the
1980s switched the lighting of the
Corona to low energy bulbs,
producing a saving of nearly 90%.
However - in case this sounds
complacent - there are other areas
where we can and should act. Right
now, in answer to my own 'where are
we at' question, the answer is that we
don't know but will do so soon.
If you have comments and/or
suggestions about what we should be
Locally, there has been some doing do share them with Viveca
momentum building towards improved Dutt [email protected] and/or
environmental awareness and actions, with
for at least a couple of years. There [email protected]
was a Diocesan Conference on this
subject held in Wanstead in January Peter Wall
2019. Our PCC considered a paper
arising from this in March 2019. In the
Spring of 2020 Viveca Dutt's article in STOP PRESS UPDATE
this magazine informed readers of the Things have progressed sufficiently
setting up of an environmental group at quickly for St Mary’s to submit an
St Mary's and asked for expressions of application for a bronze eco award.
interest and support. Due to the Let’s hope that our application is
pandemic the inaugural meeting of this successful and that we will be able
St Mary's group, convened by Viveca, to celebrate this at a special eco-
did not take place until July of this themed service on Sunday 3rd
year. We 'met' online and agreed on October.
priorities for taking this forward.
The role of the group is to carry out
an audit of where we are at, gather
appropriate information, facilitate
remedial steps and draw up an action
plan for consideration by the PCC. The
PCC will give a steer on how this
should continue to be taken forward.
Who are we? We are all characters in
the Bible
1 I was a virgin when I gave birth.
2 They threw me into a lions’ den.
3 I was the giant slain by David.
4 A coat of many colours was given to me.
5 Housework and preparing to receive guests were very important to me.
6 For three days and three nights I was in the body of a whale.
7 I was the angel who annunciated to Mary.
8 I am a saint and archangel. My angels and I fought against a dragon.
9 Ahab, King of Israel, was my husband. I worshipped Baal.
10 I was created from one of Adam’s ribs.
11 After Judas Iscariot committed suicide I was selected to replace him.
12 I climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus.
13 I was the older sister of Moses. I helped to save him when he was a
14 I appeared after the crucifixion of Jesus to provide the customary
embalming spices.
Answers on page 23
Mothers get a mention
Marriage registration
Amid all the change of the last eighteen
months, a change to marriage
registration also happened in May 2021
– fairly quietly and nothing to do with
Covid. It only really affected clergy,
those supporting administration around
marriage and the couples themselves, four parents or step parents of any
many of whom were dealing with so gender can be included for each person
many other changes to the dates and getting married. In Redbridge,
circumstances in which they could get officiating ministers or registrars then
married, but this historic change may take the completed marriage
be of interest to you. documentation to the register office,
When Reuben and I got married who register the marriage
back in 2011, I was shocked that our electronically. One or more marriage
fathers’ names and details were needed certificates can then be ordered. So in
for the marriage registers but not our early May, I visited Redbridge Town
mothers’. There have been many Hall to deposit our duplicate marriage
petitions about including mothers when register and all our remaining marriage
people get married. There are also a certificates, along with the first signed
few other aspects of the marriage marriage document from St Mary’s.
registration process about which What does this means for couples?
changes had been requested, including The marriage certificate can’t go
the practicalities of keeping marriage missing on their wedding day, as it
registers and certificates in every parish doesn’t exist until at least a week
church, issuing copy certificates, and afterwards. ‘Signing of the Registers’
updating the register office on a in the marriage service becomes
quarterly basis - not so tricky for us, ‘Signing of the Marriage
but in some multi parish benefices.... Documentation’ so there is still an
Under the new system, marriage opportunity for photography and
registration can only take place on an music at this point and signing one
electronic register held by register document seems to take a similar
offices. So for all marriages held out- amount of time to the previous three
side register offices – whether churches documents.
or other venues - a marriage document
or schedule is issued for each marriage Elizabeth Lowson
and this is signed by the couple, the
officiating minister or registrar and up
to six witnesses, and the names of up to
Seeking perfect union
Living in Love and Faith whom they profoundly
Living in Love and Faith is a
continuation of this process.
Some of you may have already heard Consultation and discussion are
about what is becoming known as always a necessary part of the
‘LLF’: undoubtedly you would have Church’s decision making process but
done so but for the pandemic. This obviously particularly so in a matter
article introduces you to the subject if as important as this. Ultimately the
you haven’t come across it before. decisions to be made are for the
Until recently, marriage meant the General Synod. Whatever it does,
union of a man and woman as what Synod wants to do is to carry
husband and wife. Until 1967 male with it the body of believers within
same sex acts were criminal. In 1988 the Church. Evidently not everyone is
the Parliament passed an Act whereby going to agree about the marriage of
local authorities were prohibited from couples of the same sex but, as far as
promoting homosexuality. possible, Synod wants to see
Change has come about rapidly. In agreement on how the issue is
2003 Parliament passed the Civil addressed. (See footnote1.)
Partnership Act and in 2013 the To this end, the Archbishops say:-
Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act. ‘Now, as we lead the Church of
These developments raise a lot of England into making whatever
questions for the whole Church and, decisions are needful for our
more specifically, for the Church of common life regarding matters of
England. This was never going to be identity, sexuality, relationships and
easy. Attitudes in society and the marriage, we appeal to you to join us
church were much more conservative in a period of discernment.’
in the last quarter of the twentieth To assist discussion and
understanding, on the LLF website
century than they are now. While (for which there is a link is at the end
recognising the authority of its
traditional teaching, the Church of of this article) there is a book, a video
England sought to respond with course and other materials. The book
sensitivity. In due course this led to is also available in hard copy.
the setting up in 2014 of ‘shared As they approach this issue, many
people feel that, apart from anything
conversations’, whereby
‘… the diversity of views within else, it raises issues relating to human
the church would be expressed biology and psychology about which
honestly and heard respectfully, with they are not expert. Further, talking
the hope that, in so doing, about sex is not easy; and with people
individuals might come to discern potentially holding strong views
that which is of Christ in those with about the matter, discussion has the
potential of generating more heat than
Christians of all sexualities
worshipping and serving together in
our churches. Part of the message of
LLF is that the voices of those who
are LGBT (see footnote2) have not
been heard or, if heard, not
appropriately responded to. As we
move forward, Christians of all
sexualities will be praying for each
other, seeking to appreciate what is
And we shall be praying for the
light. And the difficulties do not end Archbishops. This is only one of
there. The issue causes us to examine many difficult matters they are
the way we use the Bible to discern having to deal with at the moment
the will of God. Finally, what the and they bear a heavy burden.
Church does has implications for its
unity: how does it accommodate Footnote 1: Current issues about
disagreement among its members? In human sexuality are not limited to
this context of course there is not just same sex marriage, of course, as
the Church of England itself to witness the discussion about
consider but the worldwide Anglican eligibility to compete as a woman at
community. the Olympics.
How shall we engage with this at
St Mary’s? If you are interested and Footnote 2: i.e who identify as
want to get involved, the starting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or
point is to go to the LLF website and intersex.
see the resources that are available.
You might want to buy or to Philip Petchey
download the book which is of high
quality. You may then want to
participate in the survey.
This is not a matter that is going to For further information about Living
go away and there will be further in Faith and Love see web address
opportunities for engagement. Do let
the Rector or the Wardens know if resources/living-love-and-faith
you have any thoughts about how we
should move forward in considering
this issue. In the meantime, keep this
matter in your prayers.
There are and have always been
To every thing there is a season…
Let us consciously and deliberately give thanks for the time that we each
individually have. Time to use, to give, to relish, to be alive.
We pray for men and women in prison, denied the possibility of choosing how .
to make use of their time. Especially we think of political prisoners.
We pray for those now housebound or dependent on others if they are to make
the best use of their time.
We pray for those who even now are considering throwing away their time
because they see no reason to go on living.
We pray for those who every day wish that they could put the clock back, to
handle a situation better, to avoid an accident which has changed their lives, to
have the chance to say more to those they have loved and lost.
We pray for those in areas torn apart by war, by famine, where innocent mums
and dads are longing desperately for their children to be afforded time to grow
up and live lives of their own.
We pray for so many areas where, in a few moments of time, life has been
smashed to pieces by natural disasters: Thinking particularly about the
rampant fires in the Western states of America and the severe floods
in Germany and in China.
We pray for those known to us personally who are passing through a time of
grief, those who are damaged in their minds, those who are tired of hospital
appointments and investigations and scans and procedures even as they
appreciate their availability.
We pray for those with family worries, anxiety about employment, their
children’s education.
Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the measure of health and peace and
prosperity that we enjoy. And for the blessing of being members, together, in
this Christian fellowship. Help us, urge us, to share our time more generously
and to be alert to the opportunities you give us to respond to others in any kind
of need.
An inspiring tapestry
Can you see Jesus in the photograph of this tapestry? It was made for
Georgina Green by Audrey Wing. If you just look only at the white you can't
make any sense of it.
Audrey was one of the original 'Call the Midwives' who trained in Poplar
in the late 1940s and went to Botswana as a missionary nurse. She was
brought up in South Woodford and is commemorated by a photo in the
Wanstead United Reformed church - along with her brother Joseph Wing
who was ordained and served in South Africa, speaking out against
apartheid. Audrey was a keen member of the RSPB and went to live in Holt
when she retired. Audrey died recently aged 94 at a care home in Norwich.
We are grateful to Georgina for sending this in as a tribute to Audrey, a
wonderful lady and a very dear friend when Georgina's mother died.
Quiz answers: Who are we? We are all characters in the Bible.
1 Mary 8 Michael
2 Daniel 9 Jezebel
3 Goliath 10 Eve
4 Joseph 11 Matthius
5 Martha 12 Zacchaeus
6 Jonah 13 Miriam
7 Gabriel
14 Nicademus
Baptised 250 years ago at St Mary’s
Reverend Sydney Smith many: slavery, prison
conditions, electoral reform,
(3 June 1771 – 22 February 1845) mental illness, Roman Catholic
emancipation, five-year-old
The Reverend Sydney Smith was chimney sweeps, female education,
a renowned wit, lecturer, writer and legal aid, and the treatment of
Anglican cleric. He was born in Ireland.
Woodford and baptised at St Mary's Of the many causes that Smith
250 years ago, where he is now championed it was his plea for
commemorated by a bronze plaque. tolerance of Roman Catholicism that
His parents were merchant Robert particularly jarred with many,
Smith and Maria Olier. In 1789, including with significant reformers
Smith became a scholar of New on other issues such as Lord
College, Oxford where he excelled, Shaftesbury and Charles Kingsley.
becoming a Fellow, though he felt he The extent of anti Roman
didn’t fit in socially. He was Catholicism in the United Kingdom,
ordained at Oxford in 1796 and often stoked by newspapers, may
became curate of the village of now seem surprising but was very
Netheravon. He never held a senior considerable.
post in the Church of England. Way ahead of his time on the
In 1800, Smith published his first education of women Smith wrote, ‘if
book, Six Sermons. The same year the education of women were
he married Catharine Amelia Pybus, improved, the education of men
who was ‘his rock’. They had three would be improved also’.
children. Whilst staying in Edinburgh Smith openly suffered from ‘low
he was appointed Editor of spirits’ and in 1820 he wrote a list of
the Edinburgh Review to which he antidotes to depression to his friend
also contributed. Lady Georgiana Morpeth who was
Smith moved to London in 1803 also a sufferer. Top of the list was
where he rapidly made a name for ‘live as well as you dare.’
himself. At the time his views were Some of his fellow-clergy were
dangerously radical but now appear suspicious of his ‘limited theology.’
forward thinking. Alongside his However he was and is still greatly
many, sometimes frivolous, admired.
witticisms and gourmet tastes Smith He died at his house in Green
was a determined, eloquent and Street, Mayfair in London and is
serious campaigner unafraid to ‘stick buried at Kensal Green Cemetery.
his neck out’ to the detriment of his
own personal advancement. He Bryony Bennett and Peter Wall
advocated practical and, for his time,
often contentious practical reforms in
society. The cases he took on were
A selection of the sayings of Sydney Smith
In order to do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand shivering
on the bank thinking of the cold and the danger, but jump in and scramble
through as well as we can.
Thank God for tea! What would the world do without tea?—how did it exist?
I am glad I was not born before tea.
Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated,
often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes
in between them.
It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing
because you can only do little - do what you can.
Right: the plaque to Sydney Smith at St
Mary’s. It is near the Sacristy door.
Madam, I have been looking for someone who
disliked gravy all my life; let us swear eternal friendship.
Have the courage to be ignorant of a great number of things, in order to avoid
the calamity of being ignorant of everything.
A great deal of talent is lost to the world for the want of a little courage.
Many in this world run after felicity like an absent man hunting for his hat,
while all the time it is on his head or in his hand.
If I were to begin life again, I would devote it to music. It is the only cheap
and unpunished rapture upon earth.
We know nothing of tomorrow, our business is to be good and happy today.
My idea of heaven is eating pâté de foie gras to the sound of trumpets.
For further information see the website of the Sydney Smith Association:-
Nice mice
A tale of three mice who were not blind and
had three tails.
On Friday I was walking along a street All creatures great and small the Lord
and saw a little white and brown God made them all.
mouse under a large plastic bag in the
gutter. When I walked back along the Monday morning the mice were
street a little later, I saw three mice. I driven away to an eagerly waiting
sent a text to my grandson asking him adoptive family.
if he had any friends who kept mice. Barbara Smith
Unfortunately the answer was no.
After he appeared at my house we
went together to the spot and were
able to pick them up and take them
Photographs of the mice were
taken and distributed. Veterinary
surgeries and the RSPCA were closed
for the day. My daughter got involved
and shortly thereafter we had a cage
for the mice and a promise of a new
Book review: the works of Michael Mayne
An inspirational Dean
of Westminster
Many of us have been influenced by
Christian writers and preachers over
the years who have encouraged us on
our faith journey. For me it was
Michael Mayne, Dean of Westminster
Abbey from 1986 - 1996.
I attended the Annual Day of
Prayer there in 1996, as I did every Mayne’s books than from any other
year, but it was Michael Mayne’s writer, not just about faith and the
addresses: ‘Something Understood’ Christian life, but about all life, any
that spoke to me at a time when I life - and the space they take up on
needed to hear them most. These the shelves is holy ground.’
have since been published, entitled Dean Mayne’s sublime eloquent
‘Prayer’, by Darton, Longman and writing is shot through with literary
Todd. Within a few days I had read references - most of which I had
everything he had written that had heard from Revd. Bob Birchnall -
been published, and much more since. R.S. Thomas, George Herbert, John
His five major books on Anglican Donne, T.S. Eliot - and speaks to the
spirituality all remain in print. heart.
‘A Year Lost and Found’ is a short But it is the man himself I admired
personal diary recalling the most: his kindness, sensitivity and
debilitating effects of ME. ‘This generosity knew no bounds. In 1996
Sunrise of Wonder’ is a collection of he quoted Henri de Tournville: ‘Say
letters written to his grandchildren to yourself, “I am loved by God more
detailing all that inspired him in than I can either conceive or
literature, music and art. ‘ Learning to understand.’ Let this fill all your
Dance’ addresses life’s elusive and soul… and never leave you. You will
abundant experiences. ‘ Pray, Love, soon see that this is the way to find
Remember’ is a spiritual memoir of God.’’
his time at Westminster Abbey. ‘The Dean Mayne wrote of ‘a growing
Enduring Melody’ is a poignant swan recognition of the loneliness that so
song, written during his experience of many people feel and the hunger of
living and dying with cancer. the human spirit for some meaning
Of course, each book is far more and some kind of vision.’
than can be summarised here. As the His own life was not an easy one.
writer Susan Hill wrote, ‘I have His father, a parish priest, committed
gained more from reading Michael suicide by throwing himself from the
church bell tower in 1932. Overnight ‘As we begin to contemplate the end
his widow ‘found herself homeless of our own story, it is important to get
with a three-year-old son and £40 in in the right mood. The mood I recom-
the world.’ Years later, Dean Mayne mend is the last day of the holidays -
preached in his late father’s church, another summer gone, and the sweet
and a stone was placed in the chancel sadness of leaving.’
wall in his memory. It was his Richard Holloway: ‘Waiting for the
mother’s 94th birthday. Last Bus.’
Back cover: Who is the mystery
Darton, Longman and Todd have man? See page 10 for the answer.
since released several books
compiling reflections and addresses 31
by Michael Mayne. ‘Responding to
the Light’, ‘Dust that dreams of
Glory’ and ‘Alleluia is Our Song’
centre around the church calendar,
focussing on seasons and festivals.
‘A Skilfully Woven Knot’ explores
Anglican identity and spirituality.
‘To Trust and to Love’ is a
collection of previously unpublished
I corresponded with Dean Mayne,
and in a letter shortly before he died
he wrote that ‘prayerful support is of
huge value as we prepare for this last
lap - however long or short this may
prove to be.’ He taught me to truly
believe the words of Boethius: Thou
art the journey and the journey’s
end’; those words are engraved on
his memorial stone. Something
Understood, indeed.
If you can read only one book by
Michael Mayne then let it be ‘The
Enduring Melody’, but try to read
‘Prayer’ as well, that helped me on
my journey over twenty years ago.
You will be enriched many times
over. In fact, I urge you to read them
Penny Freeston
A big
thank you
to everyone submitting contributions and photographs to this
Please keep them coming, as without them we wouldn’t have a parish
magazine. Articles, prayers, book reviews, favourite music,
recipes, gardening tips etc.
We would love some children’s drawings as well: the choice is yours!
Email directly using a subject heading to:
[email protected]
or pass to Penny Freeston who will type up your handwritten copy.
Our next copy date is
1st November 2021
Magazine team: Elizabeth Lowson, Penny Freeston, Cheryl Corney,
Sam McCarthy, Bryony Bennett and Peter Wall.