Organizing Principle 6: The Federal System was created to define the role of the national, 2 Weeks/ January 29th – February 12th
state, and local governments.
Measurement Topics Curriculum Standards Benchmarks Vocabulary Content Focus
Experience the responsibilities of citizens at the local, state, or SS.7.C.2.3 City Charter
federal levels. SS.7.C.2.12 Concurrent Supremacy Clause
***Develop a plan to resolve a state or local problem by powers Florida Declaration
researching public policy alternatives, identifying appropriate SS.7.C.3.4 County of Rights
government agencies to address the issue, and determining a County Seat
Federalism course of action. SS.7.C.3.13 Federal system
****Identify the relationship and division of powers between the SS.7.C.3.14 Line-item veto
federal government and state governments. Referendum
Reserved powers
1. Compare concurrent, enumerated, reserved, and delegated Special session
powers as they relate to state and federal government. Home rule
2. Analyze the issues related to the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Rural
Constitution. Suburb
****Compare the constitutions of the United States and Florida. Town meeting
1. Compare the amendment process of the U.S. and Florida Township
Constitution. Village
****Differentiate between local, state, and federal governments'
obligations and services.
Explain how federal, state, and local taxes support the economy as a SS.7.E.2.1
function of the United States government.