Our Pictorial Poetry Coffee Table Binder
A Woman
Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi
(Compilers & Authors)
Williamsji Maveli (Editor)
Global Fraternity of Poets
GURUGRAM - 122002, INDIA Jyotirmaya Thakur (Project Co-ordinator)
Essence Of A Woman
(A pictorial poetry/prose anthology)
Life is short, Make it sweet,
Cover Page Picture: Ms.Bindu Grover a successful Indian enterpreneur in New Zealand
Keep not all flowers, for the grave...Author
Compilers and Authors: K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi
(Golden Book of World Records, Asia Book of Record & India Book of Record Holders)
Editor : Williamsji Maveli
Project Co-ordinator : Jyotirmaya Thakur
Copyright ©2020 K.C. Sethi (Author)
E-mail : [email protected]
Mob. : +91 9426482714 (Whatsapp)
Coffee Table Anthology (English), (Hard Bound)
ISBN: 8888888
Price: ` 2500.00
US Dollar: $60, €55, £50 (including shipping charges)
Pictures' Courtesy: Pixabay.com & Pexel.com
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo
copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the publisher. Pictures &
World Pictorial Poetry & Art Forum(C) lost two of its beloved
Photographs Courtesy Pexel.com & Pixabay.com and other Providers.
Gems and Admins of its world wide groups.
Published by: MS.VESNA SPANIC
GLOBAL FRATERNITY OF POETS of Indo-Croatia Pictorial Poetry & Art Forum(C)
H-23/16, DLF Phase-I, &
Gurugram - 122 002 (Haryana), India
Phone : 0124-4054392, 098118-42292 KAIRAT DUISSENOV PARMAN
Typeset by : www.atozwebguru.com of Indo-Kazakhstan Pictorial Poetry & Art Forum(C)
Email : [email protected] We pay our heatfelt homage to the pious and loving souls.
[email protected]
Book Available at : www.amazon.in, www.amazon.com, www.flipkart.com
K.C. Sethi Sunita Sethi
Branch Office : Yayati Madan G Gandhi Group of Publication (Patron) (Admin)
24-25, 2nd Floor, Lajpat Rai Market, Opp. Elite Cinema, Railway Road, Hisar-125001
M : 98118-42292
Williamsji Maveli Jyotirmaya Thakur
24-25, 1st Floor, Lajpat Rai Market, Opp. Elite Cinema, Railway Road, Hisar-125001 (Moderator ) (Project Co-ordinator)
M : 90340-06808
Essence Of A Woman
(A pictorial poetry/prose anthology)
Life is short, Make it sweet,
Cover Page Picture: Ms.Bindu Grover a successful Indian enterpreneur in New Zealand
Keep not all flowers, for the grave...Author
Compilers and Authors: K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi
(Golden Book of World Records, Asia Book of Record & India Book of Record Holders)
Editor : Williamsji Maveli
Project Co-ordinator : Jyotirmaya Thakur
Copyright ©2020 K.C. Sethi (Author)
E-mail : [email protected]
Mob. : +91 9426482714 (Whatsapp)
Coffee Table Anthology (English), (Hard Bound)
ISBN: 8888888
Price: ` 2500.00
US Dollar: $60, €55, £50 (including shipping charges)
Pictures' Courtesy: Pixabay.com & Pexel.com
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo
copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the publisher. Pictures &
World Pictorial Poetry & Art Forum(C) lost two of its beloved
Photographs Courtesy Pexel.com & Pixabay.com and other Providers.
Gems and Admins of its world wide groups.
Published by: MS.VESNA SPANIC
GLOBAL FRATERNITY OF POETS of Indo-Croatia Pictorial Poetry & Art Forum(C)
H-23/16, DLF Phase-I, &
Gurugram - 122 002 (Haryana), India
Phone : 0124-4054392, 098118-42292 KAIRAT DUISSENOV PARMAN
Typeset by : www.atozwebguru.com of Indo-Kazakhstan Pictorial Poetry & Art Forum(C)
Email : [email protected] We pay our heatfelt homage to the pious and loving souls.
[email protected]
Book Available at : www.amazon.in, www.amazon.com, www.flipkart.com
K.C. Sethi Sunita Sethi
Branch Office : Yayati Madan G Gandhi Group of Publication (Patron) (Admin)
24-25, 2nd Floor, Lajpat Rai Market, Opp. Elite Cinema, Railway Road, Hisar-125001
M : 98118-42292
Williamsji Maveli Jyotirmaya Thakur
24-25, 1st Floor, Lajpat Rai Market, Opp. Elite Cinema, Railway Road, Hisar-125001 (Moderator ) (Project Co-ordinator)
M : 90340-06808
Goffredo Palmerini Krishan Chand Sethi, was born in Punjab, a region in the far north of India which of my books he could have read, it is certain that he carefully follows all my
cultural and literary activities through the web and on social networks. Feeling
bordering Pakistan. A Dlit & Two master's degree (English Literature, Insurance
Sciences) in three distinct Indian universities, Sethi worked for 35 years deputy honored, I appreciate the recognition as a further sign of friendship, which when
manager of United India Insurance Co. Ltd, until 2012. Fine poet, writer, artistic true and based on elective affinities does not mind physical and cultural latitudes,
photographer, has published 22 volumes of pictorial poetry and large table going beyond the enormity of distances to find a way to manifest itself, A press
albums: 500 pictorial poems, about 500 short and micro poems his production. note release…. Goffredo Palmerini L'AQUILA, Italy
Goffredo Palmerini was born in L'Aquila, Italy on January 10, 1948. He was
administrator and deputy mayor of the capital city for almost thirty years. Engaged in Sethi considers himself a simple but lovable poet His subjects are very simple, In Italian Language
beautiful and clear, framed in his visual poetry. It was a true forerunner,
prestigious cultural institutions, he writes on numerous newspapers, in Italy and E' giunto da Krishan Chand Sethi, insigne poeta e fotografo d'arte
introducing a new concept of pictorial poetry in which photography and poetry
abroad, for many of which he is in the editorial staff as a collaborator. Winner of the L'AQUILA – E' arrivato un mese fa dall'India un inatteso invito dal World
merge into effective synesthesia. The body language of the image is always
XXXI International Emigration Prize, Journalism section, in 2008 he was awarded Pictorial Poetry Forum (Forum mondiale della Poesia pittorica), Associazione
the international "Guestrero di Capestrano" Award for his contribution to the spread combined with the theme of a poem.“The newly introduced concept of pictorial culturale con 32 filiali nel mondo con sede centrale a Daman, città turistica
of Abruzzo culture in the world. Emigration scholar, he published "Oltre confine" poetry -says Sethi - has led me to be well known in the world. It all started in 2011 sull'oceano situata a 180 km da Mumbai. L'associazione, che si propone la
(2007, Edizioni Libreria Colacchi), "Abruzzo Gran Riserva" (2008, Edizioni when I wrote four lines on my mother's photograph to mark a great memory. It diffondere valori universali (Spreading Love, Peace & Humanity), è presieduta
touched my heart and I started working on this innovative thought, modeled to be
Libreria Colacchi), "L'Aquila in the world" (2010, One Group Edizioni). He is da Krishan Chand Sethi, poeta e fotografo d'arte con un grande amore per l'Italia e
the future of the new poetry with photography. It worked slowly at the beginning,
ANFE Delegate for Abruzzo, the moral body founded in 1947 by Maria Federici per la cultura italiana. Chi scrive ha conosciuto Sethi due anni fa in Salento, nel
from L'Aquila, a member of the Constituent Assembly. He is a member of the but entered in full swing since 2014. It is now expanding dramatically in social and corso di un evento culturale a Galatone (Lecce), e da allora siamo assiduamente
Scientific College of the first Dictionary of Italian Emigration (1861-2011), soon to print media. " In his works it seems that image and poetry operate as the body and restati in contatto sui social network, reciprocamente seguendo le nostre attività
be published. Member of the Abruzzesi in the World Regional Council (CRAM), he soul of a composition and have a double effect on the minds of readers. "On paper - culturali. In quell'evento partecipava al Premio d'Arte e Poesia sacra organizzato
adds Sethi - my wife and I thought of publishing a mega coffee table album with
carries out an intense relationship with many communities abroad. da VerbumlandiArt e gli fu conferita una Targa d'argento quale Riconoscimento
pictorial poetry, we did it and created a history when we made a world record.Sethi
It came from Krishan Chand Sethi, a distinguished poet and art photographer speaks,” Sometimes the pictures though being silent, speaks much more than alla Cultura. L'invito a recarmi in India il 25 e 26 aprile 2020 è come Ospite in un
L'AQUILA, ITALY - An unexpected invitation arrived from India a month ago words, lines and poems do. " importante festival letterario e artistico che si terrà nella sua città di Daman. Sethi
from the World Pictorial Poetry Forum©, a cultural association with 33 branches Mrs. Sunita Sethi, who is also a publisher of books, does an excellent job of è una persona davvero speciale che coltiva il senso dell'amicizia con quel garbo e
worldwide with headquarters in Daman, a tourist city on the ocean located 180 km quella premura tipici della antiche civiltà dei popoli d'Oriente, per i quali
selecting suitable images to match the theme of the poetry composed by her
from Mumbai. The association, which aims to spread universal values (Spreading l'amicizia è coniugata quasi con una forma di “sacralità” tutta particolare. Non
husband. Sethi writes poems on the body language of an involved subject and the
Love, Peace & Humanity), is chaired by Krishan Chand Sethi, poet and art potrò esaudire il suo invito in questa occasione, ma presumo che altre opportunità
photographer with a great love for Italy and for Italian culture. The writer met Sethi image makes the lyric more beautiful and touching. It will not be wrong to call him potranno esserci in futuro per poter corrispondere a tale profonda cultura
two years ago in Salento, during a cultural event in Galatone (Lecce), and since then the “father of pictorial poetry" in the history of Indian literature and social dell'ospitalità. Devo tuttavia a Sethi almeno un tributo per tanta gentile attenzione,
have assiduously remained in touch on social networks, mutually following cultural media. He is a master in the creation of extraordinary table-top photographic parlando brevemente del suo talento letterario e artistico.
books, as well as in the composition of his splendid lyrics. Sethi is aware of doing
activities. In that event he participated as a judge for the Prize of Sacred Art and Krishan Chand Sethi, anni, è nato in Punjab, regione all'estremo nord dell'India
something new and different to touch the hearts of readers and generate new
Poetry organized by Verbumlandi Art. He and his wife were honoured with a Silver confinante con il Pakistan. Due lauree e un master (Letteratura inglese, Scienze
Plaque as a Recognition to Culture. An invitation to visit India on 25th and 26th April emotions for them, thanks to poetry and photographic art. Krishan Chand Sethi delle Assicurazioni) in tre distinte università indiane, Sethi è stato poi per 35 anni
2020 is as Guest in an important literary and artistic festival to be held in his city of published in 2015 his first mega photo-poetry table album: "Passion" the title and manager e vice direttore generale della United India Insurance Co. Ltd, fino al
Daman. Sethi is a very special person who cultivates the sense of friendship with that subtitle "Our coffee table". "Passion" contains 160 high definition images and 50 2012. Poeta finissimo, scrittore, fotografo artistico, ha pubblicato 22 volumi di
of his poems. It has been highly appreciated by literary and art lovers, the press and
grace and thoughtfulness typical of the ancient civilizations of the peoples of the poesia pittorica e grandi album da tavolo: 500 poesie pittoriche, circa 500 brevi e
social media. Recently, this tabletop album was declared a "world record book" by
East, for whom friendship is combined almost with a very particular form of micro poesie la sua produzione. Sethi si considera un poeta popolare. I suoi
"sacredness". I will not be able to fulfill his invitation on this occasion, but I assume the Golden Book of World Records. Surprisingly, along with the invitation to go as soggetti sono molto semplici, belli e chiari, incorniciati nella sua poesia visiva. E'
that other opportunities may exist in the future to be able to correspond to this a guest to India, I also received a pastel colored parchment, headed World Pictorial stato un vero antesignano, introducendo un nuovo concetto di poesia pittorica in
profound culture of hospitality. However, I owe Sethi at least one tribute for such Poetry Forum © and signed by President Krishan Chand Sethi, together with cui fotografia e poesia si fondono in una efficace sinestesia. Il linguaggio del
kind attention, briefly speaking about his literary and artistic talent. Sunita Sethi and Williamsji Maveli, a moderator of the unit. It is an corpo dell'immagine è sempre abbinato al tema d'una poesia. Questo modo di
acknowledgment that defines me as "A Great Writer", More than a reality, I
obviously consider it a generous gesture of courtesy by Sethi. I don't know if and scrivere liriche si sta diffondendo rapidamente nel mondo della poesia e dei social
Goffredo Palmerini Krishan Chand Sethi, was born in Punjab, a region in the far north of India which of my books he could have read, it is certain that he carefully follows all my
cultural and literary activities through the web and on social networks. Feeling
bordering Pakistan. A Dlit & Two master's degree (English Literature, Insurance
Sciences) in three distinct Indian universities, Sethi worked for 35 years deputy honored, I appreciate the recognition as a further sign of friendship, which when
manager of United India Insurance Co. Ltd, until 2012. Fine poet, writer, artistic true and based on elective affinities does not mind physical and cultural latitudes,
photographer, has published 22 volumes of pictorial poetry and large table going beyond the enormity of distances to find a way to manifest itself, A press
albums: 500 pictorial poems, about 500 short and micro poems his production. note release…. Goffredo Palmerini L'AQUILA, Italy
Goffredo Palmerini was born in L'Aquila, Italy on January 10, 1948. He was
administrator and deputy mayor of the capital city for almost thirty years. Engaged in Sethi considers himself a simple but lovable poet His subjects are very simple, In Italian Language
beautiful and clear, framed in his visual poetry. It was a true forerunner,
prestigious cultural institutions, he writes on numerous newspapers, in Italy and E' giunto da Krishan Chand Sethi, insigne poeta e fotografo d'arte
introducing a new concept of pictorial poetry in which photography and poetry
abroad, for many of which he is in the editorial staff as a collaborator. Winner of the L'AQUILA – E' arrivato un mese fa dall'India un inatteso invito dal World
merge into effective synesthesia. The body language of the image is always
XXXI International Emigration Prize, Journalism section, in 2008 he was awarded Pictorial Poetry Forum (Forum mondiale della Poesia pittorica), Associazione
the international "Guestrero di Capestrano" Award for his contribution to the spread combined with the theme of a poem.“The newly introduced concept of pictorial culturale con 32 filiali nel mondo con sede centrale a Daman, città turistica
of Abruzzo culture in the world. Emigration scholar, he published "Oltre confine" poetry -says Sethi - has led me to be well known in the world. It all started in 2011 sull'oceano situata a 180 km da Mumbai. L'associazione, che si propone la
(2007, Edizioni Libreria Colacchi), "Abruzzo Gran Riserva" (2008, Edizioni when I wrote four lines on my mother's photograph to mark a great memory. It diffondere valori universali (Spreading Love, Peace & Humanity), è presieduta
touched my heart and I started working on this innovative thought, modeled to be
Libreria Colacchi), "L'Aquila in the world" (2010, One Group Edizioni). He is da Krishan Chand Sethi, poeta e fotografo d'arte con un grande amore per l'Italia e
the future of the new poetry with photography. It worked slowly at the beginning,
ANFE Delegate for Abruzzo, the moral body founded in 1947 by Maria Federici per la cultura italiana. Chi scrive ha conosciuto Sethi due anni fa in Salento, nel
from L'Aquila, a member of the Constituent Assembly. He is a member of the but entered in full swing since 2014. It is now expanding dramatically in social and corso di un evento culturale a Galatone (Lecce), e da allora siamo assiduamente
Scientific College of the first Dictionary of Italian Emigration (1861-2011), soon to print media. " In his works it seems that image and poetry operate as the body and restati in contatto sui social network, reciprocamente seguendo le nostre attività
be published. Member of the Abruzzesi in the World Regional Council (CRAM), he soul of a composition and have a double effect on the minds of readers. "On paper - culturali. In quell'evento partecipava al Premio d'Arte e Poesia sacra organizzato
adds Sethi - my wife and I thought of publishing a mega coffee table album with
carries out an intense relationship with many communities abroad. da VerbumlandiArt e gli fu conferita una Targa d'argento quale Riconoscimento
pictorial poetry, we did it and created a history when we made a world record.Sethi
It came from Krishan Chand Sethi, a distinguished poet and art photographer speaks,” Sometimes the pictures though being silent, speaks much more than alla Cultura. L'invito a recarmi in India il 25 e 26 aprile 2020 è come Ospite in un
L'AQUILA, ITALY - An unexpected invitation arrived from India a month ago words, lines and poems do. " importante festival letterario e artistico che si terrà nella sua città di Daman. Sethi
from the World Pictorial Poetry Forum©, a cultural association with 33 branches Mrs. Sunita Sethi, who is also a publisher of books, does an excellent job of è una persona davvero speciale che coltiva il senso dell'amicizia con quel garbo e
worldwide with headquarters in Daman, a tourist city on the ocean located 180 km quella premura tipici della antiche civiltà dei popoli d'Oriente, per i quali
selecting suitable images to match the theme of the poetry composed by her
from Mumbai. The association, which aims to spread universal values (Spreading l'amicizia è coniugata quasi con una forma di “sacralità” tutta particolare. Non
husband. Sethi writes poems on the body language of an involved subject and the
Love, Peace & Humanity), is chaired by Krishan Chand Sethi, poet and art potrò esaudire il suo invito in questa occasione, ma presumo che altre opportunità
photographer with a great love for Italy and for Italian culture. The writer met Sethi image makes the lyric more beautiful and touching. It will not be wrong to call him potranno esserci in futuro per poter corrispondere a tale profonda cultura
two years ago in Salento, during a cultural event in Galatone (Lecce), and since then the “father of pictorial poetry" in the history of Indian literature and social dell'ospitalità. Devo tuttavia a Sethi almeno un tributo per tanta gentile attenzione,
have assiduously remained in touch on social networks, mutually following cultural media. He is a master in the creation of extraordinary table-top photographic parlando brevemente del suo talento letterario e artistico.
books, as well as in the composition of his splendid lyrics. Sethi is aware of doing
activities. In that event he participated as a judge for the Prize of Sacred Art and Krishan Chand Sethi, anni, è nato in Punjab, regione all'estremo nord dell'India
something new and different to touch the hearts of readers and generate new
Poetry organized by Verbumlandi Art. He and his wife were honoured with a Silver confinante con il Pakistan. Due lauree e un master (Letteratura inglese, Scienze
Plaque as a Recognition to Culture. An invitation to visit India on 25th and 26th April emotions for them, thanks to poetry and photographic art. Krishan Chand Sethi delle Assicurazioni) in tre distinte università indiane, Sethi è stato poi per 35 anni
2020 is as Guest in an important literary and artistic festival to be held in his city of published in 2015 his first mega photo-poetry table album: "Passion" the title and manager e vice direttore generale della United India Insurance Co. Ltd, fino al
Daman. Sethi is a very special person who cultivates the sense of friendship with that subtitle "Our coffee table". "Passion" contains 160 high definition images and 50 2012. Poeta finissimo, scrittore, fotografo artistico, ha pubblicato 22 volumi di
of his poems. It has been highly appreciated by literary and art lovers, the press and
grace and thoughtfulness typical of the ancient civilizations of the peoples of the poesia pittorica e grandi album da tavolo: 500 poesie pittoriche, circa 500 brevi e
social media. Recently, this tabletop album was declared a "world record book" by
East, for whom friendship is combined almost with a very particular form of micro poesie la sua produzione. Sethi si considera un poeta popolare. I suoi
"sacredness". I will not be able to fulfill his invitation on this occasion, but I assume the Golden Book of World Records. Surprisingly, along with the invitation to go as soggetti sono molto semplici, belli e chiari, incorniciati nella sua poesia visiva. E'
that other opportunities may exist in the future to be able to correspond to this a guest to India, I also received a pastel colored parchment, headed World Pictorial stato un vero antesignano, introducendo un nuovo concetto di poesia pittorica in
profound culture of hospitality. However, I owe Sethi at least one tribute for such Poetry Forum © and signed by President Krishan Chand Sethi, together with cui fotografia e poesia si fondono in una efficace sinestesia. Il linguaggio del
kind attention, briefly speaking about his literary and artistic talent. Sunita Sethi and Williamsji Maveli, a moderator of the unit. It is an corpo dell'immagine è sempre abbinato al tema d'una poesia. Questo modo di
acknowledgment that defines me as "A Great Writer", More than a reality, I
obviously consider it a generous gesture of courtesy by Sethi. I don't know if and scrivere liriche si sta diffondendo rapidamente nel mondo della poesia e dei social
media. “Il concetto di poesia pittorica appena introdotto – afferma Sethi – mi ha Editor’s Message
portato ad essere molto conosciuto nel mondo. Tutto è iniziato nel 2011 quando ho
scritto quattro righe sulla fotografia di mia madre per segnare un grande ricordo.
Mi ha toccato il cuore e ho iniziato a lavorare su questo pensiero innovativo,
modellato per essere il futuro della nuova poesia con la fotografia. Ha funzionato While Speaking on Woman Empowerment, I would like to say that each woman is
lentamente all'inizio, ma è entrato in pieno svolgimento dal 2014. Ora si sta unique. Each has a special beauty, a different sense of style, characteristics,
espandendo in modo straordinario nei social e nei media cartacei.” Nelle sue opere individuality, thoughts and a different way of carrying herself. The essence of
sembra che l'immagine e la poesia operino come il corpo e l'anima di una being a woman is much more than just the good looks of her face and body. Every
composizione e abbiano un doppio effetto sulle menti dei lettori. “Su supporto woman is exceptional and unique in her own way. If a question is asked, most of
cartaceo – aggiunge Sethi – io e mia moglie abbiamo pensato di pubblicare un them end up with an answer, it's to be a good mother, but not all women are gifted
mega album da tavolo da caffè con poesia pittorica, l'abbiamo fatto e abbiamo with the ability to have children, which doesn't make them less of a woman.
creato una storia. Abbiamo fatto un record mondiale. A volte l'immagine parla
molto più di quanto non facciano le parole, le linee e le poesie“. But in spite of the differences, each one of them is essential. A real woman is
capable of making her own decisions, she's creditworthy and doesn't follow but she
La signora Sunita Sethi, che peraltro è editore dei libri, fa un ottimo lavoro nel
leads. Just being a woman is God's gift is the real essence of a woman in this planet
selezionare un'immagine adatta per abbinare al tema della poesia composta dal
marito. Sethi scrive poesie sul linguaggio del corpo di un soggetto coinvolto e earth. The origin of a child is a mother, a beloved wife, and a perfect woman in all
l'immagine rende la lirica più bella e toccante. Non sarà errato definirlo padre della ways. She shows a man what sharing, caring, and loving is all about. That is the
“poesia pittorica” nella storia della letteratura indiana e dei social media. È un essence of a woman. It is the power of women. It is the essence in what causes us to
maestro nella creazione di straordinari libri fotografici da tavolo, oltreché nella be role changers. To overcome the challenges that our great grandmothers lived in.
composizione alle sue splendide liriche. Sethi è consapevole di fare qualcosa di Women are breaking through the handcuffs of civilization each and every day. Today,
nuovo e diverso per toccare il cuore dei lettori e generare loro emozioni nuove, they are shining in various fields; they are athletes, activist, Marathon runners,
grazie alla poesia e all'arte fotografica. Krishan Chand Sethi ha pubblicato nel humanitarian, company executives and entrepreneurs. They are influencing our little
2015 il suo primo grande album da tavolo di foto-poesia: “Passione” il titolo e
girls to not only aspire to be wedded, but to aim a life of fulfillment while inspiring
sottotitolo “Il nostro tavolino da caffè“. “Passione” contiene 160 immagini in alta
definizione e 50 sue poesie. È stato molto apprezzato dai critici letterari e d'arte, others to break the stigma of women. She is a leader, a giver, a lover, a co-worker, a
dalla stampa e dai social media. Recentemente questo album da tavolo è stato influencer, a planter, a revolutionist and lastly She is You!
dichiarato “libro da record mondiale” dal Golden Book of World Records. A woman's essence can be seen by more than just the eye. Each woman is intricately
Sorprendentemente, insieme all'invito di recarmi come ospite in India, ho ricevuto wrapped by layers and layers of qualities, which make up her very fundamental nature
anche una pergamena dai colori pastello, intestata World Pictorial Poetry Forum e
and her essence. Being a woman is God's gift, each of us is just that! Being a woman
firmata dal presidente Krishan Chand Sethi, insieme a Sunita Sethi e Williamsji means being strong, because you will find that your womanhood will need that
Maveli. E' un riconoscimento che mi definisce “A Great Writer”, un grande
scrittore. Più che una realtà lo considero ovviamente un generoso gesto di cortesia strength, and when you let it, sometimes that strength will even find you.
da parte di Sethi. Non so se e quale dei miei libri egli abbia potuto leggere, certo è The universe created a perfect you with all your gifts and imperfections. In your
che segue con attenzione ogni mia attività culturale e letteraria attraverso il web e core essence, you have a knowing that connects you to your true self. This quality
sui social network. Sentendomene onorato, ho gradito il riconoscimento come un includes her ability to open her heart and to give out a love so pure and
ulteriore segno dell'amicizia, che quando è vera e fondata su affinità elettive non unconditional, her beauty and style, the care which naturally comes from her being
bada a latitudini fisiche e culturali, travalicando l'enormità delle distanze per a mother, her tenderness and compassion, her ability to withstand her pain and
trovare comunque un modo di manifestarsi. Goffredo Palmerini – Informed. tears; and even her vanity and complexities and all her unseen qualities, make up all
the characteristics which gives a woman her essence.
Williamsji Maveli, Editor
media. “Il concetto di poesia pittorica appena introdotto – afferma Sethi – mi ha Editor’s Message
portato ad essere molto conosciuto nel mondo. Tutto è iniziato nel 2011 quando ho
scritto quattro righe sulla fotografia di mia madre per segnare un grande ricordo.
Mi ha toccato il cuore e ho iniziato a lavorare su questo pensiero innovativo,
modellato per essere il futuro della nuova poesia con la fotografia. Ha funzionato While Speaking on Woman Empowerment, I would like to say that each woman is
lentamente all'inizio, ma è entrato in pieno svolgimento dal 2014. Ora si sta unique. Each has a special beauty, a different sense of style, characteristics,
espandendo in modo straordinario nei social e nei media cartacei.” Nelle sue opere individuality, thoughts and a different way of carrying herself. The essence of
sembra che l'immagine e la poesia operino come il corpo e l'anima di una being a woman is much more than just the good looks of her face and body. Every
composizione e abbiano un doppio effetto sulle menti dei lettori. “Su supporto woman is exceptional and unique in her own way. If a question is asked, most of
cartaceo – aggiunge Sethi – io e mia moglie abbiamo pensato di pubblicare un them end up with an answer, it's to be a good mother, but not all women are gifted
mega album da tavolo da caffè con poesia pittorica, l'abbiamo fatto e abbiamo with the ability to have children, which doesn't make them less of a woman.
creato una storia. Abbiamo fatto un record mondiale. A volte l'immagine parla
molto più di quanto non facciano le parole, le linee e le poesie“. But in spite of the differences, each one of them is essential. A real woman is
capable of making her own decisions, she's creditworthy and doesn't follow but she
La signora Sunita Sethi, che peraltro è editore dei libri, fa un ottimo lavoro nel
leads. Just being a woman is God's gift is the real essence of a woman in this planet
selezionare un'immagine adatta per abbinare al tema della poesia composta dal
marito. Sethi scrive poesie sul linguaggio del corpo di un soggetto coinvolto e earth. The origin of a child is a mother, a beloved wife, and a perfect woman in all
l'immagine rende la lirica più bella e toccante. Non sarà errato definirlo padre della ways. She shows a man what sharing, caring, and loving is all about. That is the
“poesia pittorica” nella storia della letteratura indiana e dei social media. È un essence of a woman. It is the power of women. It is the essence in what causes us to
maestro nella creazione di straordinari libri fotografici da tavolo, oltreché nella be role changers. To overcome the challenges that our great grandmothers lived in.
composizione alle sue splendide liriche. Sethi è consapevole di fare qualcosa di Women are breaking through the handcuffs of civilization each and every day. Today,
nuovo e diverso per toccare il cuore dei lettori e generare loro emozioni nuove, they are shining in various fields; they are athletes, activist, Marathon runners,
grazie alla poesia e all'arte fotografica. Krishan Chand Sethi ha pubblicato nel humanitarian, company executives and entrepreneurs. They are influencing our little
2015 il suo primo grande album da tavolo di foto-poesia: “Passione” il titolo e
girls to not only aspire to be wedded, but to aim a life of fulfillment while inspiring
sottotitolo “Il nostro tavolino da caffè“. “Passione” contiene 160 immagini in alta
definizione e 50 sue poesie. È stato molto apprezzato dai critici letterari e d'arte, others to break the stigma of women. She is a leader, a giver, a lover, a co-worker, a
dalla stampa e dai social media. Recentemente questo album da tavolo è stato influencer, a planter, a revolutionist and lastly She is You!
dichiarato “libro da record mondiale” dal Golden Book of World Records. A woman's essence can be seen by more than just the eye. Each woman is intricately
Sorprendentemente, insieme all'invito di recarmi come ospite in India, ho ricevuto wrapped by layers and layers of qualities, which make up her very fundamental nature
anche una pergamena dai colori pastello, intestata World Pictorial Poetry Forum e
and her essence. Being a woman is God's gift, each of us is just that! Being a woman
firmata dal presidente Krishan Chand Sethi, insieme a Sunita Sethi e Williamsji means being strong, because you will find that your womanhood will need that
Maveli. E' un riconoscimento che mi definisce “A Great Writer”, un grande
scrittore. Più che una realtà lo considero ovviamente un generoso gesto di cortesia strength, and when you let it, sometimes that strength will even find you.
da parte di Sethi. Non so se e quale dei miei libri egli abbia potuto leggere, certo è The universe created a perfect you with all your gifts and imperfections. In your
che segue con attenzione ogni mia attività culturale e letteraria attraverso il web e core essence, you have a knowing that connects you to your true self. This quality
sui social network. Sentendomene onorato, ho gradito il riconoscimento come un includes her ability to open her heart and to give out a love so pure and
ulteriore segno dell'amicizia, che quando è vera e fondata su affinità elettive non unconditional, her beauty and style, the care which naturally comes from her being
bada a latitudini fisiche e culturali, travalicando l'enormità delle distanze per a mother, her tenderness and compassion, her ability to withstand her pain and
trovare comunque un modo di manifestarsi. Goffredo Palmerini – Informed. tears; and even her vanity and complexities and all her unseen qualities, make up all
the characteristics which gives a woman her essence.
Williamsji Maveli, Editor
Gujrat Sahitya Academy
Gujrat Sahitya Academy
Name Page no. Name Page no. Name Page no.
Dr. Sunil Kaushal 16 Fred M Lobo 47 Durgesh Verma 78 Gandhi Nagar
Gandhi Nagar
Mousumi Kalita Sachdeva 17 Venetike Cako 48 Reema Das 79
Sethi K.C.,
Dear Mr Sethi K.C.,
Dr. Rinzin Rinzin 18 Kujtim Hajdari 49 P. Gopichand 80
I am happy to know that World Pictorial Poetry & Art Forum©
I am happy to know that W orld Pictorial Poetry & Art Forum©
Roula Pollard 19 Sabrina Rubin 50 Dr. LSR Prasad 81
has been spreading love, peace & humanity globally through
Ably Raymond Parackal 20 Aabha Rosy Vatsa 51 Aditi Raj Jamwal 82
its concept of Pictorial Poetry & Art. Its 33 worldwide groups
Dr. Sonia Batra 21 Tahera Mannan 52 Zana Coven 83 its concept of Pictorial Poetry & Art. Its 33 worldwide groups
are operating to comply with their moto. This beautiful coffee
are operating to comply with their moto. This beautiful cof fee
Poonam Wadhwa 22 Geethanjali Dilip 53 Soma Bhowmik 84
table anthology on woman empowerment reflects how
table anthology on woman empowerment reflects how
P. Nagasuseela 23 Rakesh Chandra 54 Shweta Kumari 85
Dr. Pragya Suman 24 Rita_De 55 Nandita Bhattacharya 86 woman is gaining strength day by day specially in my country. .
Women , in my opinion are more strong than men since they
Akshaya Kumar Das 25 Neha Bhandarkar 56 Williamsji Maveli 87 W omen , in my opinion are more strong than men since they
Atiya Saeed 26 Pushyami Vemulapalli 57 Vandita Dharni 88 have the ability to handle so many things at one hand when
men get frustrated if have to control so many things at one
Balveen Kaur Cheema 27 Leena Rajan 58 Princess Lubna 89 men get frustrated if have to control so many things at one
Houda Boukassoula 28 Arupam Maity 59 Hayet Haj Khlil @Cygne de vie 90 time. I remember the popular quote a of European writer who
Abhiruchi Makker Kalia 29 Aarti Mittal 60 Raghubir Sharma 91 defines her job , "Women can handle tough situations with a
Joseph Spence Sr 30 Meena Mishra 61 Subhashchandra B. Adhav 92 sense of calm without getting aggressive.
Dr. Poonam Nigam Sahay 31 Jyoti Patil, Nagpur 62 Dr. Ranjana Sharan Sinha 93 Women can also appear less threatening by establishing trust
Dr. Archarna Bahadur Zutshi 32 Jyotirmaya Thakur 63 Vatsala 94 quickly with the men they manage." I am highly obliged to be
Priyanka Priyadarshini 33 Resmi Nk 64 Utsho Chakraborty 95 part of this wonderful coffee table anthology. Actually it was
Actually it was
part of this wonderful cof
fee table anthology
Tejaswini Patil 34 Nirmala Trivedi 65 Sukhcharan Singh Sandhu 96 to be launched by me during Daman International Pictorial
to be launched by me during Daman International Pictorial
Vaishali Shriram Desai 35 Renette Dsouza 66 Sangeeta Sebastian 97 Poetry and Art festival on 25th and 26th April but had to
Poetry and Art festival on 25th and 26th April but had to
Neetu Sharma 36 Baijayanti Pradhan 67 Md. Intekhab Rahman Galib 98 postpone due to Covid Pandemic and safety of participants.
Manjula Asthana Mahant 37 Seema Jain 68 Samira Haidari 99
I congratulate Sethi couple, their team and participants who
I congratulate Sethi couple, their team and participants who
Shweta Maurya 38 Seema Bhargava 69 Prasanna Kumar Behera 100
have done a great job to uplift woman in our society and the
Meenakshi Patil 39 Sk Nanda 70 Kiran Bedi 101
Myriam Ghezaïl Ben Brahim 40 Slavka Bozovic 71 Irannii Saikia 102
Thanking you
Sudha Dixit 41 Tapeshwar Amef 72 Deyasini Roy 103
Prof. K. V. Dominic 42 Dilip Mewada 73 Kiran Kashinath 104 Padmashree Vishnu Pandya
ishnu Pandya
Chairman, Gujrat Sahitya Academy,
Suganthi Doss 43 Balika Sengupta 74 Sumedh Wasnik 105 Chairman, Gujrat Sahitya Academy ,
Dr. Brajesh Kumar Gupta 44 Dr. Kalpana Mallick 75 Dr. Perugu Ramakrishna 106 Gandhinagar
Akash Sagar 45 Pankhuri Sinha 76 Sreedharan Parokode 107
Maria Do Saneiro Barroso 46 Refika Dedic 77 Subhash Tulseeta 108
Gujrat Sahitya Academy
Gujrat Sahitya Academy
Name Page no. Name Page no. Name Page no.
Dr. Sunil Kaushal 16 Fred M Lobo 47 Durgesh Verma 78 Gandhi Nagar
Gandhi Nagar
Mousumi Kalita Sachdeva 17 Venetike Cako 48 Reema Das 79
Sethi K.C.,
Dear Mr Sethi K.C.,
Dr. Rinzin Rinzin 18 Kujtim Hajdari 49 P. Gopichand 80
I am happy to know that World Pictorial Poetry & Art Forum©
I am happy to know that W orld Pictorial Poetry & Art Forum©
Roula Pollard 19 Sabrina Rubin 50 Dr. LSR Prasad 81
has been spreading love, peace & humanity globally through
Ably Raymond Parackal 20 Aabha Rosy Vatsa 51 Aditi Raj Jamwal 82
its concept of Pictorial Poetry & Art. Its 33 worldwide groups
Dr. Sonia Batra 21 Tahera Mannan 52 Zana Coven 83 its concept of Pictorial Poetry & Art. Its 33 worldwide groups
are operating to comply with their moto. This beautiful coffee
are operating to comply with their moto. This beautiful cof fee
Poonam Wadhwa 22 Geethanjali Dilip 53 Soma Bhowmik 84
table anthology on woman empowerment reflects how
table anthology on woman empowerment reflects how
P. Nagasuseela 23 Rakesh Chandra 54 Shweta Kumari 85
Dr. Pragya Suman 24 Rita_De 55 Nandita Bhattacharya 86 woman is gaining strength day by day specially in my country. .
Women , in my opinion are more strong than men since they
Akshaya Kumar Das 25 Neha Bhandarkar 56 Williamsji Maveli 87 W omen , in my opinion are more strong than men since they
Atiya Saeed 26 Pushyami Vemulapalli 57 Vandita Dharni 88 have the ability to handle so many things at one hand when
men get frustrated if have to control so many things at one
Balveen Kaur Cheema 27 Leena Rajan 58 Princess Lubna 89 men get frustrated if have to control so many things at one
Houda Boukassoula 28 Arupam Maity 59 Hayet Haj Khlil @Cygne de vie 90 time. I remember the popular quote a of European writer who
Abhiruchi Makker Kalia 29 Aarti Mittal 60 Raghubir Sharma 91 defines her job , "Women can handle tough situations with a
Joseph Spence Sr 30 Meena Mishra 61 Subhashchandra B. Adhav 92 sense of calm without getting aggressive.
Dr. Poonam Nigam Sahay 31 Jyoti Patil, Nagpur 62 Dr. Ranjana Sharan Sinha 93 Women can also appear less threatening by establishing trust
Dr. Archarna Bahadur Zutshi 32 Jyotirmaya Thakur 63 Vatsala 94 quickly with the men they manage." I am highly obliged to be
Priyanka Priyadarshini 33 Resmi Nk 64 Utsho Chakraborty 95 part of this wonderful coffee table anthology. Actually it was
Actually it was
part of this wonderful cof
fee table anthology
Tejaswini Patil 34 Nirmala Trivedi 65 Sukhcharan Singh Sandhu 96 to be launched by me during Daman International Pictorial
to be launched by me during Daman International Pictorial
Vaishali Shriram Desai 35 Renette Dsouza 66 Sangeeta Sebastian 97 Poetry and Art festival on 25th and 26th April but had to
Poetry and Art festival on 25th and 26th April but had to
Neetu Sharma 36 Baijayanti Pradhan 67 Md. Intekhab Rahman Galib 98 postpone due to Covid Pandemic and safety of participants.
Manjula Asthana Mahant 37 Seema Jain 68 Samira Haidari 99
I congratulate Sethi couple, their team and participants who
I congratulate Sethi couple, their team and participants who
Shweta Maurya 38 Seema Bhargava 69 Prasanna Kumar Behera 100
have done a great job to uplift woman in our society and the
Meenakshi Patil 39 Sk Nanda 70 Kiran Bedi 101
Myriam Ghezaïl Ben Brahim 40 Slavka Bozovic 71 Irannii Saikia 102
Thanking you
Sudha Dixit 41 Tapeshwar Amef 72 Deyasini Roy 103
Prof. K. V. Dominic 42 Dilip Mewada 73 Kiran Kashinath 104 Padmashree Vishnu Pandya
ishnu Pandya
Chairman, Gujrat Sahitya Academy,
Suganthi Doss 43 Balika Sengupta 74 Sumedh Wasnik 105 Chairman, Gujrat Sahitya Academy ,
Dr. Brajesh Kumar Gupta 44 Dr. Kalpana Mallick 75 Dr. Perugu Ramakrishna 106 Gandhinagar
Akash Sagar 45 Pankhuri Sinha 76 Sreedharan Parokode 107
Maria Do Saneiro Barroso 46 Refika Dedic 77 Subhash Tulseeta 108
“Empowement When Covid -19 enrolled itself in history!
of Dear Participants, Our 26th Coffee Table Anthology on Pictorial Poetry/Prose has come in your
hands after passing through so many hurdles and hindrances. As you all are aware this pictorial
anthology was to be launched during Daman International Festival on 25th & 26th April 2020
WOMEN but all of sudden the pandemic Covid-19 spoiled everything in the world, killed lakhs of people
and still going on. Time and life never stop hence we have learnt to live with Corona by taking
necessary precautions. We had to draft this book during lock down along with two volumes of
Gems, our Silver Jubilee Publication in mega size which proved to be landmarks in the history
leads to of poetry and art.
After grand success of our earlier two coffee table anthologies; 25 Wonderful Women of
Excellence & 25 Wonderful Women Virtue we had almost completed this anthology and were
Development prepared to hold the festival but had to keep all matters aside due to devastating Novel Corona
and for the safety of our dear participants and organizers. We would like to convey our thanks to
the participants who had registered for the festival. After first unlock we could manage to
of a launch this coffee table book to meet our participants’ desire since they had submitted their
works for publication. Coming to our earlier situation, we would like to speak on Women
sovereignty and empowerment, along with their political, social and economic status is
essentially required for achieving a responsible and transparent position for women. They are
Good Family, prevented from leading a complete life because of power relations that operate at the level of
society, from highly public to the most personal level. Involvement of women in social equality
is basically necessary to power in democracy. Women have become self-motivated leaders of
Good Society revolution and renovation, their participation to claim their civil liberties, building
communities and providing protection at various situations is commendable. But, there is a long
way to go before women get equal rights to represent leadership and take charge of power
positions. It is the right of women to participate equally. Once they are in leadership roles, they
and, ultimately, have the ability to influence the rest of the society. Number of women in parliament is
increasing year by year. Women are working hard and making their presence felt in some of the
important organizations at global level. With the current pace of transformation, gender
a Good discrimination should not be visibly evident in parliaments, governments or other organizations
till the next century.
It is beyond doubt that all our earlier coffee table anthologies of pictorial poetry, which made us
Nation feel proud by its fame and appreciation in the world of Art & Poetry. Looking into the interest of
our fellow poets and demand of readers, one more publication on woman been desired to be
framed to give a chance to the poets who could not participate. We feel pleased to share that 65
new poets have been included in our Pictorial Poetry anthology on “Essence of a Woman” .
We are quite hopeful that our Pictorial Poetry anthology in your hands will mark a new
milestone in the history of Art and Poetry..
...A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
(Former President of India) Sunita Sethi Whatsapp': +91 9426482714, +91 9427851923
Dr K.C. Sethi email:[email protected]
“Empowement When Covid -19 enrolled itself in history!
of Dear Participants, Our 26th Coffee Table Anthology on Pictorial Poetry/Prose has come in your
hands after passing through so many hurdles and hindrances. As you all are aware this pictorial
anthology was to be launched during Daman International Festival on 25th & 26th April 2020
WOMEN but all of sudden the pandemic Covid-19 spoiled everything in the world, killed lakhs of people
and still going on. Time and life never stop hence we have learnt to live with Corona by taking
necessary precautions. We had to draft this book during lock down along with two volumes of
Gems, our Silver Jubilee Publication in mega size which proved to be landmarks in the history
leads to of poetry and art.
After grand success of our earlier two coffee table anthologies; 25 Wonderful Women of
Excellence & 25 Wonderful Women Virtue we had almost completed this anthology and were
Development prepared to hold the festival but had to keep all matters aside due to devastating Novel Corona
and for the safety of our dear participants and organizers. We would like to convey our thanks to
the participants who had registered for the festival. After first unlock we could manage to
of a launch this coffee table book to meet our participants’ desire since they had submitted their
works for publication. Coming to our earlier situation, we would like to speak on Women
sovereignty and empowerment, along with their political, social and economic status is
essentially required for achieving a responsible and transparent position for women. They are
Good Family, prevented from leading a complete life because of power relations that operate at the level of
society, from highly public to the most personal level. Involvement of women in social equality
is basically necessary to power in democracy. Women have become self-motivated leaders of
Good Society revolution and renovation, their participation to claim their civil liberties, building
communities and providing protection at various situations is commendable. But, there is a long
way to go before women get equal rights to represent leadership and take charge of power
positions. It is the right of women to participate equally. Once they are in leadership roles, they
and, ultimately, have the ability to influence the rest of the society. Number of women in parliament is
increasing year by year. Women are working hard and making their presence felt in some of the
important organizations at global level. With the current pace of transformation, gender
a Good discrimination should not be visibly evident in parliaments, governments or other organizations
till the next century.
It is beyond doubt that all our earlier coffee table anthologies of pictorial poetry, which made us
Nation feel proud by its fame and appreciation in the world of Art & Poetry. Looking into the interest of
our fellow poets and demand of readers, one more publication on woman been desired to be
framed to give a chance to the poets who could not participate. We feel pleased to share that 65
new poets have been included in our Pictorial Poetry anthology on “Essence of a Woman” .
We are quite hopeful that our Pictorial Poetry anthology in your hands will mark a new
milestone in the history of Art and Poetry..
...A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
(Former President of India) Sunita Sethi Whatsapp': +91 9426482714, +91 9427851923
Dr K.C. Sethi email:[email protected]
Woman Gains Strength From Author’s Pen Every woman deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Not allowing them to get educated or not providing them with a safe working environment is against basic
human rights. Empowering women would help is in dealing with human right issues.
Empowering women also include providing them education related to cleanliness and hygiene. When they understand the benefits of maintaining a clean and hygiene
Giving women her rightful place in the society that empowers her in all walks of life, social, political, economic, this idea had once emerged environment, they would obviously make effort towards it.
from female suppression or ignorance from each and every nature and culture prevailed earlier in this world. Women empowerment leads to increased levels of literacy in the world. This is the case when these girls gain education that can help them better their lives. Many
people do want their daughters to study and thus a lot of women remain illiterate. But, women should be allowed to study till the time they feel, that it is good for them.
All thoughts on women empowerment and women equality with men are universal issues. It is a term that is used to encourage, inspire and
enhance the existing status of women. It is also used to celebrate the strides that women, in general have taken in terms of gender equality, This is not only good for them, but also for the nation as well.
financial independence and high confidence. Empowerment of women is also important in accomplishing the world, the ultimate goal of gender equality. By empowering women, this goal is achieved as they are
better able to compete with their male counterparts in places such as government, learning institutions and even leadership positions.
Women empowerment is all about giving women the power and control of their lives to become anything they want and to do what they
want in situations where they were not allowed once upon a time. It refers to the creation of an environment for women where they can make Women empowerment also contributes to equality in political representation. This is because the girls have more confidence to compete for leadership and political
decisions of their own for their individual benefits as well as for the society. seats. Women empowerment helps us to realize the potential and the dreams that are manifested in the female population hence giving them momentum to propagate
themselves is vital.
Women empowerment refers to increasing and improving the social, economic, political and legal strength of the women, to ensure equal
right to women, and to make them confident enough to claim their rights, mainly for a life with a sense of self worth, respect and dignity. One of the ways to empower women is to stand against domestic violence. Domestic violence is a curse that makes many women fear to stand up for their rights and
This will also help for a whole control of their own life, both within and outside of their own home and workplace. hence standing against it will give confidence to women in general. Women were denied a lot of opportunities and they missed out on a lot of things that would have
changed their lives. However, they deserve equal opportunities for education, in their careers, in the society, and so much more.
The riches that women earn will not only help them and their family, but also enhance the development of the society, thus to make their own choices, decisions and
for the right to choose, to have equal rights to participate in social, religious and public activities, to have equal social status in the society . Women are as talented as The empowerment of women is a very important task that every one of us should undertake. This is because empowering women is equal to empowering the whole
men. Previously, women were not allowed higher education like men and hence their talents were wasted. But nowadays, they are also allowed to go for higher community and generations to come. There are many ways in which we can empower women and the task does not solely lay with the government but with each and
studies and it encourages women to show their talents which will not only benefit her individually but to the whole world at large. Today, many women are everyone in the society.
occupying the top position of multinational companies. Advantage of women empowerment is that there will be an overall development of the society. Women empowerment would mean that women are empowered to think, dream and do whatever they aspire for and not dictated by society. The raising of a female is a
Women empowerment also leads to more economic benefits not to the individuals but to the society as well. Women empowerment leads to more financial social position relative to that of men. It is a process of acquiring power for women in order to understand their rights and to perform her responsibilities towards oneself
independence of women and girls. They are taught on how they can use their skills to get income that they can use to support their families. Women empowerment and others in a most effective way. It gives the capacity or power to resist discrimination imposed by the male dominated society.
helps women to stand on their own legs, become independent and also to earn for their family which grows country’s economy. Women’s sense of self-worth, they possess the right to have and to determine choices of their own. They have the right to have access to opportunities and resources.
Empowering women also leads to reduced levels of domestic violence. Educated women are able to stand for themselves and escape from incidences of domestic They have the right to have power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home.
violence. Women empowerment also reduces poverty. This also contributes significantly to the family welfare. This is because their children are more likely to They possess the ability to influence the direction of social change to create more social and economic order, both nationally and globally.
acquire good and better education and they are also able to save and invest for the benefit of their families.
Women empowerment is giving power to women. It is making women better off. It enables a greater degree of self-confidence and sense of independence among
Women are increasingly participating in the national development process also. They are making the nation proud by their outstanding performances almost every women. It is a process of acquiring power for women in order to understand their rights and to perform her responsibilities towards oneself and others in a most effective
sphere, including medical science, social service, engineering and all other walks of life. This leads to more developed economies for the nation overall. This is way. It gives the capacity or power to resist discrimination imposed by the male dominated society.
because the women are able to work and acquire income which translates to higher levels of a country’s economy.
Women empowerment enables women to organize themselves increase their self-reliance and it provides greater autonomy. It means women’s control over material
Women should be treated equally with men in all spheres of life. This would help her develop a good emotional health. Large organizations need a large pool of assets intellectual resources and ideology and challenges traditional power equations and relations. This empowerment abolishes all gender base discrimination in all
high quality workforce. Empowerment of women would help in increasing the total workforce of quality people. institutions and structures of society; it ensures participation of women in policy and decision-making the process at domestic and public levels.
Another importance of empowering women is that it leads to healthier societies. This is because women by nature are the care takers of their homes and when Women empowerment means exposing the oppressive powers of existing gender social relations and makes women more powerful to face the challenges of life, to
empowered, they are better able to take care of their homes and families. overcome to the disabilities, handicaps, and inequalities, it enables women to realize their full identity and powers in all spheres of life.
Woman Gains Strength From Author’s Pen Every woman deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Not allowing them to get educated or not providing them with a safe working environment is against basic
human rights. Empowering women would help is in dealing with human right issues.
Empowering women also include providing them education related to cleanliness and hygiene. When they understand the benefits of maintaining a clean and hygiene
Giving women her rightful place in the society that empowers her in all walks of life, social, political, economic, this idea had once emerged environment, they would obviously make effort towards it.
from female suppression or ignorance from each and every nature and culture prevailed earlier in this world. Women empowerment leads to increased levels of literacy in the world. This is the case when these girls gain education that can help them better their lives. Many
people do want their daughters to study and thus a lot of women remain illiterate. But, women should be allowed to study till the time they feel, that it is good for them.
All thoughts on women empowerment and women equality with men are universal issues. It is a term that is used to encourage, inspire and
enhance the existing status of women. It is also used to celebrate the strides that women, in general have taken in terms of gender equality, This is not only good for them, but also for the nation as well.
financial independence and high confidence. Empowerment of women is also important in accomplishing the world, the ultimate goal of gender equality. By empowering women, this goal is achieved as they are
better able to compete with their male counterparts in places such as government, learning institutions and even leadership positions.
Women empowerment is all about giving women the power and control of their lives to become anything they want and to do what they
want in situations where they were not allowed once upon a time. It refers to the creation of an environment for women where they can make Women empowerment also contributes to equality in political representation. This is because the girls have more confidence to compete for leadership and political
decisions of their own for their individual benefits as well as for the society. seats. Women empowerment helps us to realize the potential and the dreams that are manifested in the female population hence giving them momentum to propagate
themselves is vital.
Women empowerment refers to increasing and improving the social, economic, political and legal strength of the women, to ensure equal
right to women, and to make them confident enough to claim their rights, mainly for a life with a sense of self worth, respect and dignity. One of the ways to empower women is to stand against domestic violence. Domestic violence is a curse that makes many women fear to stand up for their rights and
This will also help for a whole control of their own life, both within and outside of their own home and workplace. hence standing against it will give confidence to women in general. Women were denied a lot of opportunities and they missed out on a lot of things that would have
changed their lives. However, they deserve equal opportunities for education, in their careers, in the society, and so much more.
The riches that women earn will not only help them and their family, but also enhance the development of the society, thus to make their own choices, decisions and
for the right to choose, to have equal rights to participate in social, religious and public activities, to have equal social status in the society . Women are as talented as The empowerment of women is a very important task that every one of us should undertake. This is because empowering women is equal to empowering the whole
men. Previously, women were not allowed higher education like men and hence their talents were wasted. But nowadays, they are also allowed to go for higher community and generations to come. There are many ways in which we can empower women and the task does not solely lay with the government but with each and
studies and it encourages women to show their talents which will not only benefit her individually but to the whole world at large. Today, many women are everyone in the society.
occupying the top position of multinational companies. Advantage of women empowerment is that there will be an overall development of the society. Women empowerment would mean that women are empowered to think, dream and do whatever they aspire for and not dictated by society. The raising of a female is a
Women empowerment also leads to more economic benefits not to the individuals but to the society as well. Women empowerment leads to more financial social position relative to that of men. It is a process of acquiring power for women in order to understand their rights and to perform her responsibilities towards oneself
independence of women and girls. They are taught on how they can use their skills to get income that they can use to support their families. Women empowerment and others in a most effective way. It gives the capacity or power to resist discrimination imposed by the male dominated society.
helps women to stand on their own legs, become independent and also to earn for their family which grows country’s economy. Women’s sense of self-worth, they possess the right to have and to determine choices of their own. They have the right to have access to opportunities and resources.
Empowering women also leads to reduced levels of domestic violence. Educated women are able to stand for themselves and escape from incidences of domestic They have the right to have power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home.
violence. Women empowerment also reduces poverty. This also contributes significantly to the family welfare. This is because their children are more likely to They possess the ability to influence the direction of social change to create more social and economic order, both nationally and globally.
acquire good and better education and they are also able to save and invest for the benefit of their families.
Women empowerment is giving power to women. It is making women better off. It enables a greater degree of self-confidence and sense of independence among
Women are increasingly participating in the national development process also. They are making the nation proud by their outstanding performances almost every women. It is a process of acquiring power for women in order to understand their rights and to perform her responsibilities towards oneself and others in a most effective
sphere, including medical science, social service, engineering and all other walks of life. This leads to more developed economies for the nation overall. This is way. It gives the capacity or power to resist discrimination imposed by the male dominated society.
because the women are able to work and acquire income which translates to higher levels of a country’s economy.
Women empowerment enables women to organize themselves increase their self-reliance and it provides greater autonomy. It means women’s control over material
Women should be treated equally with men in all spheres of life. This would help her develop a good emotional health. Large organizations need a large pool of assets intellectual resources and ideology and challenges traditional power equations and relations. This empowerment abolishes all gender base discrimination in all
high quality workforce. Empowerment of women would help in increasing the total workforce of quality people. institutions and structures of society; it ensures participation of women in policy and decision-making the process at domestic and public levels.
Another importance of empowering women is that it leads to healthier societies. This is because women by nature are the care takers of their homes and when Women empowerment means exposing the oppressive powers of existing gender social relations and makes women more powerful to face the challenges of life, to
empowered, they are better able to take care of their homes and families. overcome to the disabilities, handicaps, and inequalities, it enables women to realize their full identity and powers in all spheres of life.
Women can also be empowered through the creation of platforms where the issues that they are facing in the society can be aired and addressed. We can also there upon the consequences for the society. The goal of women empowerment is simply providing strength to them.
empower women by making sure that they are able to access education. They should gain formal education that will help them to make their lives better. The Eve strength may be given political or economic authority or any kind of provisions of health and nutrition for much more care or social element in the poverty
Women can also be empowered through educating the community. The community can be educated on the importance of the girl child and how they can contribute eradication. Empowerment of women, particularly rural women has become an important issue in the strategies of balanced development with social justice. Economic
towards their welfare. empowerment results in women’s ability to influence or make a right decision, increase self-confidence better status and role in household etc.
Women can also be empowered by having a significant percentage of women in leadership and political positions. This will help them to better address the issues Therefore if women gain economic strength they gain visibility and voice.
that are facing the girls and women in the society. Women have a unique position in the economy. in our country with an unfavorable woman – man ratio and strong patriarchal roots . Entrepreneurship and assets to
A critical aspect of social empowerment of women is the promotion of gender equality. Gender equality implies a society in which women and men enjoy the same funds have been difficult.
opportunities, outcomes, rights and obligations in all spheres of life. Facilitating that women’s direct participation in decision-making capacity and income generation activities can make significant contributions towards women
Educational women empowerment means empowering women with the knowledge, skills, and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development empowerment. This will enable women to take the initiative for their development into their own hands. And entrepreneurship can help women to gain economic
process. It means making women aware of their rights and developing a confidence to claim them. development and improve their social status. Once they attain development of women entrepreneurship enables society to understand and appreciate their abilities. It
Economic and occupational empowerment implies a better quality of material life through sustainable livelihoods owned and managed by women. It means enhances their status and leads to the integration of women in nation building and economic. It provides the needed psychological satisfaction and imbues them with a
reducing their financial dependence on their male counterparts by making them a significant part of the human resource. deep sense of achievements to create their enhanced identity in society.
Economic and occupational empowerment implies a better quality of material life through sustainable livelihoods owned and managed by women. It means Women empowerment enables women to organize themselves increase their self-reliance and it provides greater autonomy.
reducing their financial dependence on their male counterparts by making them a significant part of the human resource. Women empowerment means women’s control over material assets intellectual resources and ideology. It challenges traditional power equations and relations.
Thus, there has been no dearth of social, economic, political, legal and constitutional efforts made for the empowerment of women both prior to and post- Women empowerment abolishes all gender base discrimination in all institutions and structures of society. It ensures participation of women in policy and decision-
Independence. The most widespread and dehumanizing discriminations against women are on the basis of the biased perspective. The discrimination against the making the process at domestic and public levels.
girl child begins from the birth itself. Boys are preferred over girls; hence, female infanticide is a common practice in India. The ordeal that an Indian girl faces at Women empowerment makes women more powerful to face the challenges of life, to overcome to the disabilities, handicaps, and inequalities. it enables women to
birth is only the beginning of a lifelong struggle to be seen and heard. realize their full identity and powers in all spheres of life.
Education is the most important and indispensable tool for women empowerment. It makes women aware of their rights and responsibilities. Educational Empowerment also means equal status to women . it provides greater access to knowledge and resources greater autonomy in decision making greater ability to plan
achievements of a woman can have ripple effects for the family and across generations. their and freedom from the shackles imposed on them by custom belief and practice.
Empowering women socially, economically, educationally, politically and legally is going to be a Herculean task. It is not going to be easy to change the culture of Women empowerment occurs within sociology, psychological, political cultural, familial and economic spheres and at various levels such as individual, group and
disregard for women which are so deep-rooted in Indian society. But it does not mean that it is incredible. Only revolutions bring changes in a day, but reforms take community.
their time. This one, in particular, will take its time as well. The idea of women empowerment might sound hard by the yard, but by the inch, it is just a cinch. All we Women empowerment is an ongoing dynamic process which enhances women’s abilities to change the structure and ideologies that keep them subordinate. Women
need is a concentrated effort focused in the right direction that would rest only with the liberation of women from all forms of evil.
empowerment is a process of creating awareness and enhancing current status and well being of the women overall.
Empowerment is not just a word or to provide facilities it is beyond that. Many of us use this word casually or really do not know what the word empowerment
stands for? Empowerment is a multi-dimensional process which should enable individuals or a group of individuals to realize their full identity and powers in all In the process of empowerment women should consider their strengths and weakness opportunities and threats and move forward to unfold their own potential to
achieve their goals through self-development. In our country empowering women through enterprise development has become an integral part of our development
spheres of life.
efforts due to three important advantage entrepreneurs, economic growth an social stability.
Women empowerment is a prerequisite for creating a good nation. If women empowered her competencies towards decision – making will need to promote Women empowerment is the term used to refer to the empowerment of women in all the spheres of life, namely education, employment, health, safety. It is fundamental
women empowerment among the rural women. Empowerment includes higher literacy level and education for women, better health care for women and children to the economic and social progress of the nation as well as that of the world. As long as gender discrimination exists, an equated society and sustainable development
equal ownership of productive resources, their rights and responsibilities, improved standards of living and acquiring empowerment include, economic
cannot be achieved. Hence, I wish to highlight the significance of Eve strength and its benefits.
empowerment social empowerment and gender justice that is to eliminate all types of discrimination against women and the girl child.
Dr. K.C. Sethi(Author)
Women empowerment is not a new concept it is quite a well-known concept around the globe. Women all over the world have been challenging and changing
gender inequalities since the beginning of history. These struggles have also been supported by many men who have been outraged at injustice against women and
Women can also be empowered through the creation of platforms where the issues that they are facing in the society can be aired and addressed. We can also there upon the consequences for the society. The goal of women empowerment is simply providing strength to them.
empower women by making sure that they are able to access education. They should gain formal education that will help them to make their lives better. The Eve strength may be given political or economic authority or any kind of provisions of health and nutrition for much more care or social element in the poverty
Women can also be empowered through educating the community. The community can be educated on the importance of the girl child and how they can contribute eradication. Empowerment of women, particularly rural women has become an important issue in the strategies of balanced development with social justice. Economic
towards their welfare. empowerment results in women’s ability to influence or make a right decision, increase self-confidence better status and role in household etc.
Women can also be empowered by having a significant percentage of women in leadership and political positions. This will help them to better address the issues Therefore if women gain economic strength they gain visibility and voice.
that are facing the girls and women in the society. Women have a unique position in the economy. in our country with an unfavorable woman – man ratio and strong patriarchal roots . Entrepreneurship and assets to
A critical aspect of social empowerment of women is the promotion of gender equality. Gender equality implies a society in which women and men enjoy the same funds have been difficult.
opportunities, outcomes, rights and obligations in all spheres of life. Facilitating that women’s direct participation in decision-making capacity and income generation activities can make significant contributions towards women
Educational women empowerment means empowering women with the knowledge, skills, and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development empowerment. This will enable women to take the initiative for their development into their own hands. And entrepreneurship can help women to gain economic
process. It means making women aware of their rights and developing a confidence to claim them. development and improve their social status. Once they attain development of women entrepreneurship enables society to understand and appreciate their abilities. It
Economic and occupational empowerment implies a better quality of material life through sustainable livelihoods owned and managed by women. It means enhances their status and leads to the integration of women in nation building and economic. It provides the needed psychological satisfaction and imbues them with a
reducing their financial dependence on their male counterparts by making them a significant part of the human resource. deep sense of achievements to create their enhanced identity in society.
Economic and occupational empowerment implies a better quality of material life through sustainable livelihoods owned and managed by women. It means Women empowerment enables women to organize themselves increase their self-reliance and it provides greater autonomy.
reducing their financial dependence on their male counterparts by making them a significant part of the human resource. Women empowerment means women’s control over material assets intellectual resources and ideology. It challenges traditional power equations and relations.
Thus, there has been no dearth of social, economic, political, legal and constitutional efforts made for the empowerment of women both prior to and post- Women empowerment abolishes all gender base discrimination in all institutions and structures of society. It ensures participation of women in policy and decision-
Independence. The most widespread and dehumanizing discriminations against women are on the basis of the biased perspective. The discrimination against the making the process at domestic and public levels.
girl child begins from the birth itself. Boys are preferred over girls; hence, female infanticide is a common practice in India. The ordeal that an Indian girl faces at Women empowerment makes women more powerful to face the challenges of life, to overcome to the disabilities, handicaps, and inequalities. it enables women to
birth is only the beginning of a lifelong struggle to be seen and heard. realize their full identity and powers in all spheres of life.
Education is the most important and indispensable tool for women empowerment. It makes women aware of their rights and responsibilities. Educational Empowerment also means equal status to women . it provides greater access to knowledge and resources greater autonomy in decision making greater ability to plan
achievements of a woman can have ripple effects for the family and across generations. their and freedom from the shackles imposed on them by custom belief and practice.
Empowering women socially, economically, educationally, politically and legally is going to be a Herculean task. It is not going to be easy to change the culture of Women empowerment occurs within sociology, psychological, political cultural, familial and economic spheres and at various levels such as individual, group and
disregard for women which are so deep-rooted in Indian society. But it does not mean that it is incredible. Only revolutions bring changes in a day, but reforms take community.
their time. This one, in particular, will take its time as well. The idea of women empowerment might sound hard by the yard, but by the inch, it is just a cinch. All we Women empowerment is an ongoing dynamic process which enhances women’s abilities to change the structure and ideologies that keep them subordinate. Women
need is a concentrated effort focused in the right direction that would rest only with the liberation of women from all forms of evil.
empowerment is a process of creating awareness and enhancing current status and well being of the women overall.
Empowerment is not just a word or to provide facilities it is beyond that. Many of us use this word casually or really do not know what the word empowerment
stands for? Empowerment is a multi-dimensional process which should enable individuals or a group of individuals to realize their full identity and powers in all In the process of empowerment women should consider their strengths and weakness opportunities and threats and move forward to unfold their own potential to
achieve their goals through self-development. In our country empowering women through enterprise development has become an integral part of our development
spheres of life.
efforts due to three important advantage entrepreneurs, economic growth an social stability.
Women empowerment is a prerequisite for creating a good nation. If women empowered her competencies towards decision – making will need to promote Women empowerment is the term used to refer to the empowerment of women in all the spheres of life, namely education, employment, health, safety. It is fundamental
women empowerment among the rural women. Empowerment includes higher literacy level and education for women, better health care for women and children to the economic and social progress of the nation as well as that of the world. As long as gender discrimination exists, an equated society and sustainable development
equal ownership of productive resources, their rights and responsibilities, improved standards of living and acquiring empowerment include, economic
cannot be achieved. Hence, I wish to highlight the significance of Eve strength and its benefits.
empowerment social empowerment and gender justice that is to eliminate all types of discrimination against women and the girl child.
Dr. K.C. Sethi(Author)
Women empowerment is not a new concept it is quite a well-known concept around the globe. Women all over the world have been challenging and changing
gender inequalities since the beginning of history. These struggles have also been supported by many men who have been outraged at injustice against women and
I loved you for the raw fleshy glory How beautifully he captured her heart
of forbidden desires, fiery ardor in your eyes, With words so strong to melt with his art
bodies fading into fusion with frightening compulsion, She was caught by his charm
sweet surrender, mi amor, mi amor! And fell in his arm.
My inside is a growing hollow The storm warned her
filling secret spaces where only you could enter And the rivers tried to spur
where hope of true love seeded. Warned her of misfortune
Now pregnant silence of the soul stillbirths. That would impair her emotions very soon.
Dark things overshadowing past shadows, She stood firm soaked in love and devotion
Although I hate to say this, I am obsessed The fury of storm failed to stir her emotion
as I call out to you, my long lost lover. She looked up to his eyes
You left me at a place of no return Seeking for answers in surprise.
wounds on me still need healing.
His words failed and his art betrayed
The love I harbor for you saddens me To sing about the forthcoming crusade
my tears falling into life’s darkness She stood still by his silence
as I carry on loving you Yet not ready to give up to the silent violence.
torn between the shadow and the soul.
It was time for her to express
Dr. Sunil Kaushal She loved him and so dared to confess
“I won't give up nor cry in distress
Undefeatable is my love and let the skies profess.”
Mousumi Kalita Sachdeva
16 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 17
I loved you for the raw fleshy glory How beautifully he captured her heart
of forbidden desires, fiery ardor in your eyes, With words so strong to melt with his art
bodies fading into fusion with frightening compulsion, She was caught by his charm
sweet surrender, mi amor, mi amor! And fell in his arm.
My inside is a growing hollow The storm warned her
filling secret spaces where only you could enter And the rivers tried to spur
where hope of true love seeded. Warned her of misfortune
Now pregnant silence of the soul stillbirths. That would impair her emotions very soon.
Dark things overshadowing past shadows, She stood firm soaked in love and devotion
Although I hate to say this, I am obsessed The fury of storm failed to stir her emotion
as I call out to you, my long lost lover. She looked up to his eyes
You left me at a place of no return Seeking for answers in surprise.
wounds on me still need healing.
His words failed and his art betrayed
The love I harbor for you saddens me To sing about the forthcoming crusade
my tears falling into life’s darkness She stood still by his silence
as I carry on loving you Yet not ready to give up to the silent violence.
torn between the shadow and the soul.
It was time for her to express
Dr. Sunil Kaushal She loved him and so dared to confess
“I won't give up nor cry in distress
Undefeatable is my love and let the skies profess.”
Mousumi Kalita Sachdeva
16 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 17
I had so many dreams You sit on a chair, near the dawn
Just needed one with the beams your hand touching my hand
That showed me the way into the universe
The one I could count as 'the day' your eyes sail always to the direction of rain.
Yes, in the heart of our mind once more we hear
Youth with nothing was not much present and future kisses in the rain.
Had to dream on as such I love you in the light of all time
Studying life all the time
Just waiting for the best clime Stronger than a first kiss
like the entrance of eternity into a kiss
I was hosting my parents like white sail on blue summer sea, blue love sky
Trying my best to gain some merits like a deep touch of humanity on my sleeve
As a stranger you came unexpected
Never knew that might get connected Our love sails on a balmy day in the sea
and I see hope on the horizon again
A room I prepared with modesty happiness it rains again
My scantiness I exhibited with honesty from the sky of life
Hoping that it was just for a night it rains love
But you stayed on beyond a fortnight
Roula Pollard
Days to week and weeks to years
We came to understand each other's tears
And all the laughter and the dreams
Only to unite in our seams
Oh! That ordinary evening
With such unfathomed meaning
That brought two souls together
To happily face life's every weather
Dr. Rinzin Rinzin
18 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 19
I had so many dreams You sit on a chair, near the dawn
Just needed one with the beams your hand touching my hand
That showed me the way into the universe
The one I could count as 'the day' your eyes sail always to the direction of rain.
Yes, in the heart of our mind once more we hear
Youth with nothing was not much present and future kisses in the rain.
Had to dream on as such I love you in the light of all time
Studying life all the time
Just waiting for the best clime Stronger than a first kiss
like the entrance of eternity into a kiss
I was hosting my parents like white sail on blue summer sea, blue love sky
Trying my best to gain some merits like a deep touch of humanity on my sleeve
As a stranger you came unexpected
Never knew that might get connected Our love sails on a balmy day in the sea
and I see hope on the horizon again
A room I prepared with modesty happiness it rains again
My scantiness I exhibited with honesty from the sky of life
Hoping that it was just for a night it rains love
But you stayed on beyond a fortnight
Roula Pollard
Days to week and weeks to years
We came to understand each other's tears
And all the laughter and the dreams
Only to unite in our seams
Oh! That ordinary evening
With such unfathomed meaning
That brought two souls together
To happily face life's every weather
Dr. Rinzin Rinzin
18 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 19
Cheats all-around the world, My sanguine heart would remain blissfully alone
Come over there action in fold; Ponder n ponderings in life would be there
Change their stand in each refold, But my heart would always sing sonorous songs for you.
Chilling all the way for human fold! Only you ...
My aquamarine eyes would behold the sun, the moon and
Check on who cares to refold, balmy shores
Click of earthly living as shield; I would watch all the cluttering clutters of eventful twisting
Cares about heathen life's mold, life and all
Caressing to fondle as if emerald! But my eyes would weave loving intricate patterns of you ...
Only you ...
Candy in chewing be beheld, My head would buzz with iridescentM and bustling thoughts
Cheering in momentary behold; Touching the sparkling stars n coming back to earthly Earth
Creating sugary times to unfold, But my core would always be pregnant with effulgent thoughts
Crazy minds worn out love to hold! of you ...
Only you ...
Cense fuming fumes so mild, The rainbows I carry
Celestial celebrity running gild; The dreams I dream
Casuist casting call off his bield, The sweet curve on my cherry lips
Cause lovely soulful hearts be bold! Is for you ...
Only you ...
Ably Raymond Parackal And when i write your name on blank papers ...
The cup is neither empty nor half full
Its full ...
Its full...
Dr. Sonia Batra
20 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 21
Cheats all-around the world, My sanguine heart would remain blissfully alone
Come over there action in fold; Ponder n ponderings in life would be there
Change their stand in each refold, But my heart would always sing sonorous songs for you.
Chilling all the way for human fold! Only you ...
My aquamarine eyes would behold the sun, the moon and
Check on who cares to refold, balmy shores
Click of earthly living as shield; I would watch all the cluttering clutters of eventful twisting
Cares about heathen life's mold, life and all
Caressing to fondle as if emerald! But my eyes would weave loving intricate patterns of you ...
Only you ...
Candy in chewing be beheld, My head would buzz with iridescentM and bustling thoughts
Cheering in momentary behold; Touching the sparkling stars n coming back to earthly Earth
Creating sugary times to unfold, But my core would always be pregnant with effulgent thoughts
Crazy minds worn out love to hold! of you ...
Only you ...
Cense fuming fumes so mild, The rainbows I carry
Celestial celebrity running gild; The dreams I dream
Casuist casting call off his bield, The sweet curve on my cherry lips
Cause lovely soulful hearts be bold! Is for you ...
Only you ...
Ably Raymond Parackal And when i write your name on blank papers ...
The cup is neither empty nor half full
Its full ...
Its full...
Dr. Sonia Batra
20 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 21
Oh ! No ! Woman! You sprinkle words of love
“Thou shall not be coupled with flesh only and so measure On the land of my life...
Nor can you be moulded as an instrument of pleasure You sprout deeds of care
Nor can you be hailed as “the beginning of all sins” On the orchard of my heart
Nor can you be vilified as the weaker vessel or dustbins You spray gems of joy
Nor can you be admonished as a passive recipient On the canvas of my soul
Nor can you be termed as subservient You shower dreams of delight
Oh ! Yes ! Woman! On the abode of my mind
You can move through the world as your own kingdom You garnish thoughts of trust
You can temper your reckless spirit with wisdom On the islands of my adoration
You can speak your truth without hesitation and with delight
You can rise from ashes and soar to a new height You make me sleep
Oh ! Certainly ! Woman! On the bed of your words
The inner beauty you emanate truly sets you apart You make me dance
Unfettered by the resistance you have a strong, yet generous heart To the beats of your deeds
Your needs and desires you have the art to express You make me sing
Tasting the bitter how to savour the sweet the very skill you possess To the tunes of your songs
Oh ! Woman ! A Big Bow to you! You make me forget
As you are the Power that constructs; Not destructs The maladies of modern world
As you are the Power that connects; Not dissects
You are the “Shakti” that proliferates purity and largely loom Every word I spell out
As you yourself is the creator of your destiny till doom Every feeling I pass through
Oh ! Woman ! A Big Bow to you! Day and night, round the clock
As you are the Power that constructs; Not destructs Danced round you.....
As you are the Power that connects; Not dissects You're my center of admiration
You are the “Shakti” that proliferates purity and largely loom You and I, fly to the zenith
As you yourself is the creator of your destiny till doom And show the world the unique bond
Oh ! Woman ! A Big Bow to you! We wound round our 'Lovely World'
As you are the Power that constructs; Not destructs
As you are the Power that connects; Not dissects P. Nagasuseela
You are the “Shakti” that proliferates purity and largely loom
As you yourself is the creator of your destiny till doom
Poonam Wadhwa
22 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 23
Oh ! No ! Woman! You sprinkle words of love
“Thou shall not be coupled with flesh only and so measure On the land of my life...
Nor can you be moulded as an instrument of pleasure You sprout deeds of care
Nor can you be hailed as “the beginning of all sins” On the orchard of my heart
Nor can you be vilified as the weaker vessel or dustbins You spray gems of joy
Nor can you be admonished as a passive recipient On the canvas of my soul
Nor can you be termed as subservient You shower dreams of delight
Oh ! Yes ! Woman! On the abode of my mind
You can move through the world as your own kingdom You garnish thoughts of trust
You can temper your reckless spirit with wisdom On the islands of my adoration
You can speak your truth without hesitation and with delight
You can rise from ashes and soar to a new height You make me sleep
Oh ! Certainly ! Woman! On the bed of your words
The inner beauty you emanate truly sets you apart You make me dance
Unfettered by the resistance you have a strong, yet generous heart To the beats of your deeds
Your needs and desires you have the art to express You make me sing
Tasting the bitter how to savour the sweet the very skill you possess To the tunes of your songs
Oh ! Woman ! A Big Bow to you! You make me forget
As you are the Power that constructs; Not destructs The maladies of modern world
As you are the Power that connects; Not dissects
You are the “Shakti” that proliferates purity and largely loom Every word I spell out
As you yourself is the creator of your destiny till doom Every feeling I pass through
Oh ! Woman ! A Big Bow to you! Day and night, round the clock
As you are the Power that constructs; Not destructs Danced round you.....
As you are the Power that connects; Not dissects You're my center of admiration
You are the “Shakti” that proliferates purity and largely loom You and I, fly to the zenith
As you yourself is the creator of your destiny till doom And show the world the unique bond
Oh ! Woman ! A Big Bow to you! We wound round our 'Lovely World'
As you are the Power that constructs; Not destructs
As you are the Power that connects; Not dissects P. Nagasuseela
You are the “Shakti” that proliferates purity and largely loom
As you yourself is the creator of your destiny till doom
Poonam Wadhwa
22 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 23
I was bride of a city that was a story of splendour She loves me so much,
Assailants and hoofing riders laid down their sword Beyond my understanding as such,
only my a wistful wavering glance was enough In one glimpse of her wink,
I was a victory,victory was mine I fell for her with life to stick,
Father and son both came to my door In the long journey of life,
to get a glimpse of my anklets .
She stood like a rock at whip,
I will tell about my magic, that waved upto ethereal world She blew my years with her love,
Zenith of my vainglorious boost !
We always felt like a pair of dove,
When spellbound Buddha came to my door Feelings created a telepathic communication,
My supreme victory was !
Pain or pleasure always wrote a song of union,
You know that day I conquered God !
Do you want to know the secrets of my spell ? To add value to my life came our children,
I lost my soul of sprouting love in bloody slain Life was sheer joy throughout when they were born,
Happiness & sorrow were two sides of the same coin,
Sun melted down drop by drop on rose petals
wriggling soul erupted in metallic one Pleasure & pain kissed life with love & fortune,
That day I became an iron petal . The Mother earth opened gates of a vast future,
Ripped the boons that came timely with the new seasons as treasure,
Dr. Pragya Suman How swiftly time flew by could never know ?
Life played the music of pain & pleasure in the show,
Loved her feminine manners of care,
Beseeching more of her timeless love
in behavior,
Love could be felt in our pulse beats,
Home, offsprings & wealth flowed as gift,
She always stood like a rock by my side,
Life, love & fortune played gimmicks
with great pride.
Akshaya Kumar Das
24 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 25
I was bride of a city that was a story of splendour She loves me so much,
Assailants and hoofing riders laid down their sword Beyond my understanding as such,
only my a wistful wavering glance was enough In one glimpse of her wink,
I was a victory,victory was mine I fell for her with life to stick,
Father and son both came to my door In the long journey of life,
to get a glimpse of my anklets .
She stood like a rock at whip,
I will tell about my magic, that waved upto ethereal world She blew my years with her love,
Zenith of my vainglorious boost !
We always felt like a pair of dove,
When spellbound Buddha came to my door Feelings created a telepathic communication,
My supreme victory was !
Pain or pleasure always wrote a song of union,
You know that day I conquered God !
Do you want to know the secrets of my spell ? To add value to my life came our children,
I lost my soul of sprouting love in bloody slain Life was sheer joy throughout when they were born,
Happiness & sorrow were two sides of the same coin,
Sun melted down drop by drop on rose petals
wriggling soul erupted in metallic one Pleasure & pain kissed life with love & fortune,
That day I became an iron petal . The Mother earth opened gates of a vast future,
Ripped the boons that came timely with the new seasons as treasure,
Dr. Pragya Suman How swiftly time flew by could never know ?
Life played the music of pain & pleasure in the show,
Loved her feminine manners of care,
Beseeching more of her timeless love
in behavior,
Love could be felt in our pulse beats,
Home, offsprings & wealth flowed as gift,
She always stood like a rock by my side,
Life, love & fortune played gimmicks
with great pride.
Akshaya Kumar Das
24 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 25
Her adorable sunny smiles now glitteringly shine, Not another hour nor another time
The cherished dimple on her cheek speak love lines, The love withal holds me forlorn
The radiance emitting from her warm mystic heart, O return only for the love of love!
Spells volumes of inestimable love dart.
A word so sweet the heart so yearns
No wonder the seductive eve has fallen in love, The dried wounds are washed by tears
Her vibes that tip toe to his heart are fabulous, O return only for the love of love!
Her total occupation on his body is marvelous,
Residing in his heart is amazingly precious. The lonely miles I tread all too alone
Were of a withered love and parched heart
Senses of glorious love have them captivated, O return only for the love of love!
Showers of compassion have lovingly ejected,
Their bodies immersed in musical rhtyms, The nights are gloomy and darkness surmounts
Both souls are basking in glory of admiration. The curse of pride holds me all beside
O return only for the love of love!
Adam n Eve live in human hearts with profound
pleasure, The string of ties dies within me
Souls bathing in blissful passionate shower, With scattered pearls I fail to find you
Melting moments in lovely smiles n charmingly styles, O return only for the love of love!
Adoring beauty lies in laureate of love delight.
A dream I remember when I was young
Atiya Saeed Hands held tight for a heart full of love
O return only for the love of love!
With promises of love I hold you true
Sonorous hours before the breath is dry
O return only for the love of love!
Balveen Kaur Cheema
26 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 27
Her adorable sunny smiles now glitteringly shine, Not another hour nor another time
The cherished dimple on her cheek speak love lines, The love withal holds me forlorn
The radiance emitting from her warm mystic heart, O return only for the love of love!
Spells volumes of inestimable love dart.
A word so sweet the heart so yearns
No wonder the seductive eve has fallen in love, The dried wounds are washed by tears
Her vibes that tip toe to his heart are fabulous, O return only for the love of love!
Her total occupation on his body is marvelous,
Residing in his heart is amazingly precious. The lonely miles I tread all too alone
Were of a withered love and parched heart
Senses of glorious love have them captivated, O return only for the love of love!
Showers of compassion have lovingly ejected,
Their bodies immersed in musical rhtyms, The nights are gloomy and darkness surmounts
Both souls are basking in glory of admiration. The curse of pride holds me all beside
O return only for the love of love!
Adam n Eve live in human hearts with profound
pleasure, The string of ties dies within me
Souls bathing in blissful passionate shower, With scattered pearls I fail to find you
Melting moments in lovely smiles n charmingly styles, O return only for the love of love!
Adoring beauty lies in laureate of love delight.
A dream I remember when I was young
Atiya Saeed Hands held tight for a heart full of love
O return only for the love of love!
With promises of love I hold you true
Sonorous hours before the breath is dry
O return only for the love of love!
Balveen Kaur Cheema
26 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 27
She, she, she A passing by song
She is the one who gives birth And I go back long
When a mother A close to heart hmm
She is the remedy to an ulcer And my heart murmurs
When a sister A dear face emerges
She is the best at keeping secrets Heartbeat plurges
When a friend whispers A memory peeps
She is the twin soul And soul jumps in leaps
That adds a scent to a flower From the curtain of life
Beautifying the realm This memory took a strife
Of her lover And travelled an era
On wings of a song !!
She, she, she
Has no strength How some songs n memories
But has enough power Get themselves stippled
To achieve her dreams as a lover In the sands of time n mind
With much perseverance and endeavor So magical, so elusive
Clear yet so diffusive!!
She, she, she
Has a lover’s subtle soft smile Abhiruchi Makker Kalia
Elating the heart as rays of sunlight
Streaming through the clouds
Spreading a glint of hope in a sad heart
Shyly announcing an early spring sprout
Giving hope with a loving laughter
Spreading a steady glow as a luster.
Houda Boukassoula
28 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 29
She, she, she A passing by song
She is the one who gives birth And I go back long
When a mother A close to heart hmm
She is the remedy to an ulcer And my heart murmurs
When a sister A dear face emerges
She is the best at keeping secrets Heartbeat plurges
When a friend whispers A memory peeps
She is the twin soul And soul jumps in leaps
That adds a scent to a flower From the curtain of life
Beautifying the realm This memory took a strife
Of her lover And travelled an era
On wings of a song !!
She, she, she
Has no strength How some songs n memories
But has enough power Get themselves stippled
To achieve her dreams as a lover In the sands of time n mind
With much perseverance and endeavor So magical, so elusive
Clear yet so diffusive!!
She, she, she
Has a lover’s subtle soft smile Abhiruchi Makker Kalia
Elating the heart as rays of sunlight
Streaming through the clouds
Spreading a glint of hope in a sad heart
Shyly announcing an early spring sprout
Giving hope with a loving laughter
Spreading a steady glow as a luster.
Houda Boukassoula
28 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 29
Your glittering face—dazzling fervent sunset Love is indeed the very mysterious,
An eve's love! the many-splendoured thing!
Your inflamed beauty stimulates my soul Its love when you hold hands
Heart flows like simmering waves. and let dreams take over
Your soft touch opens my locked pours your wishes and desires.
Hairs stand on my neck's back. Its love when you make
Your memorizing eyes produced phenylethylamine in seconds food for your whole family,
Feverish eve's love! toasting and tossing all your warmth
Your melodious voice sighs softly in my ear and affection into the cook pot.
Whispering sensuous eve's love! 'Tis love again when you
Your colorful locks tickle my chest snuggle cosily into your mother's arms,
Igniting eve's love! feeling secure in the great world of joy.
Your graceful warmth energized my vibrating brain 'Tis love for sure
Exploding emotional eve's love! when you run to your Dad
Your toes curled in the golden sand on his arrival after a long absence.
Bodies descend softly like doves from above 'Tis love again
Your paradise landing as floating feathers when your sibling rings up
Eve's love ripples like a rain drop in silent pond! to ask your where withal .
Your flaming protruding breast nipples sensitized So, love, my dears is not just
Surrendering to rapturous passion whispering sweet what-nots
Fervent sunset ecstatically turned into impassionate eve's loving! in the ears of your beloved.
Rather, love's actions are full of thought and care,
Joseph Spence Sr Bringing smiles and joy galore, to all who would dare!
Dr. Poonam Nigam Sahay
30 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 31
Your glittering face—dazzling fervent sunset Love is indeed the very mysterious,
An eve's love! the many-splendoured thing!
Your inflamed beauty stimulates my soul Its love when you hold hands
Heart flows like simmering waves. and let dreams take over
Your soft touch opens my locked pours your wishes and desires.
Hairs stand on my neck's back. Its love when you make
Your memorizing eyes produced phenylethylamine in seconds food for your whole family,
Feverish eve's love! toasting and tossing all your warmth
Your melodious voice sighs softly in my ear and affection into the cook pot.
Whispering sensuous eve's love! 'Tis love again when you
Your colorful locks tickle my chest snuggle cosily into your mother's arms,
Igniting eve's love! feeling secure in the great world of joy.
Your graceful warmth energized my vibrating brain 'Tis love for sure
Exploding emotional eve's love! when you run to your Dad
Your toes curled in the golden sand on his arrival after a long absence.
Bodies descend softly like doves from above 'Tis love again
Your paradise landing as floating feathers when your sibling rings up
Eve's love ripples like a rain drop in silent pond! to ask your where withal .
Your flaming protruding breast nipples sensitized So, love, my dears is not just
Surrendering to rapturous passion whispering sweet what-nots
Fervent sunset ecstatically turned into impassionate eve's loving! in the ears of your beloved.
Rather, love's actions are full of thought and care,
Joseph Spence Sr Bringing smiles and joy galore, to all who would dare!
Dr. Poonam Nigam Sahay
30 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 31
My description – a woman. Hexed are those hands
You liked perfection. Who left the dewdrops in torment
You liked a proliferation. Neither her epidermis genesis to amuse you
What did I want, never counted… Nor her vagina, the red carpet for your penis
You wanted me to count my skills. Where the ill psychology gets captured in the vision
Still I failed the count.
Then testosterone is nevertheless the reason
You didn't have any of those – Stripping her dress robustly
I possessed.
That is Guardian angel of her respect
Is like trampling the dieties dignity
You submerged me.
Neither burqa and kurti
You looked askance
You did not let me surface. Can cover your lustful eyes
Your measured steps were only Nor jeans and skirts
Can instigate you to be a pervert
For the dance.
Crushed the humanity
Inclusiveness lies without. Presenting her nudely
Why my definition you obliterate? Ejecting pods of pain,made her screams
Still I remain I. Shower like a silent rain
You are still counting… Those votive candles in the gloomy nights
I reap the years that come unannounced. Can never inoculate the dainty Pudica
In your narrowing gaze Her miasma of malediction
There is no committed wait. Will take you to the Pandemonium
Waiting is a virtue, I ought to know.
But… Priyanka Priyadarshini, Odisha
There is no hoping that you are
Likely to learn a lean lesson!
With some keenness,
The chess board
is readied.
Inside a box there is no game!
The flamboyance is by chance.
The kings are now found only in chess!
And they too are also susceptible to loss.
Dr. Archarna Bahadur, Zutshi
32 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 33
My description – a woman. Hexed are those hands
You liked perfection. Who left the dewdrops in torment
You liked a proliferation. Neither her epidermis genesis to amuse you
What did I want, never counted… Nor her vagina, the red carpet for your penis
You wanted me to count my skills. Where the ill psychology gets captured in the vision
Still I failed the count.
Then testosterone is nevertheless the reason
You didn't have any of those – Stripping her dress robustly
I possessed.
That is Guardian angel of her respect
Is like trampling the dieties dignity
You submerged me.
Neither burqa and kurti
You looked askance
You did not let me surface. Can cover your lustful eyes
Your measured steps were only Nor jeans and skirts
Can instigate you to be a pervert
For the dance.
Crushed the humanity
Inclusiveness lies without. Presenting her nudely
Why my definition you obliterate? Ejecting pods of pain,made her screams
Still I remain I. Shower like a silent rain
You are still counting… Those votive candles in the gloomy nights
I reap the years that come unannounced. Can never inoculate the dainty Pudica
In your narrowing gaze Her miasma of malediction
There is no committed wait. Will take you to the Pandemonium
Waiting is a virtue, I ought to know.
But… Priyanka Priyadarshini, Odisha
There is no hoping that you are
Likely to learn a lean lesson!
With some keenness,
The chess board
is readied.
Inside a box there is no game!
The flamboyance is by chance.
The kings are now found only in chess!
And they too are also susceptible to loss.
Dr. Archarna Bahadur, Zutshi
32 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 33
Is your existence real or mirage…?
Am I running behind an illusion
or a phantom reality…?
I feel, sometimes, this holocaust
Has sprung from my heart itself
It consumes my 'self'
And what remains is 'yourself'.
May you run very fast,
You're surrounded by the rain.
In what way, I try to escape,
You surround my terrain.
But where am I running…?
And behind whom?
Perhaps, this arena is created
By me, around me… to bloom.
Tejaswini Patil
Ms. Vaishali Shriram
Ms. V aishali Shriram
Desai is an artist of
Desai is an artist of
colours from Mumbai.
colours from Mumbai.
She Paints on the canvas
She Paints on the canvas
of her heart with soulful
c o l o u r s w h i c h m a k e
colours which make
people happy and
34 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 35
Is your existence real or mirage…?
Am I running behind an illusion
or a phantom reality…?
I feel, sometimes, this holocaust
Has sprung from my heart itself
It consumes my 'self'
And what remains is 'yourself'.
May you run very fast,
You're surrounded by the rain.
In what way, I try to escape,
You surround my terrain.
But where am I running…?
And behind whom?
Perhaps, this arena is created
By me, around me… to bloom.
Tejaswini Patil
Ms. Vaishali Shriram
Ms. V aishali Shriram
Desai is an artist of
Desai is an artist of
colours from Mumbai.
colours from Mumbai.
She Paints on the canvas
She Paints on the canvas
of her heart with soulful
c o l o u r s w h i c h m a k e
colours which make
people happy and
34 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 35
I am sitting on thy passion palm I'm in love
Since ages and my eyes Yes, I'm in love
Got tired in tiresome wait I feel, I ponder
Waiting you to raise your palm Yes, I'm in love
Take it close to thy mouth Pink, blue, pale colours sprouting,
Freaking fingers don't succeed Giggling around me,
Rather fail so flawlessly I'm drenched in rainbow,
And give no strong support Dazzling with it,
To thy hand, heart though All the colours assimilated in me,
Pumping and beating with shouts Cool breeze from garden,
Sharply shaking all veins Wide open windows,
To awaken thy blood Rosy smell surrounding me,
Calling crazy mouth to master I'm rose or jasmine !
Some courage and dare Never mind,
As only then will palm Flying high with the fragrance,
Reach mouth that is Wish to dance without anklets,
At miles distance and momentous near Sing without chorus,
Grab the time to make it Oh, amazing world,
Fast and feel the nearness Delighting feelings,
So near- without delay Wonderful swings of mood,
Sigh hard & swallow me in!! New aspirations,
New me,
Neetu Sharma Oh, I'm in love
Yes, yes, I'm in love.....
Manjula Asthana Mahant
36 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 37
I am sitting on thy passion palm I'm in love
Since ages and my eyes Yes, I'm in love
Got tired in tiresome wait I feel, I ponder
Waiting you to raise your palm Yes, I'm in love
Take it close to thy mouth Pink, blue, pale colours sprouting,
Freaking fingers don't succeed Giggling around me,
Rather fail so flawlessly I'm drenched in rainbow,
And give no strong support Dazzling with it,
To thy hand, heart though All the colours assimilated in me,
Pumping and beating with shouts Cool breeze from garden,
Sharply shaking all veins Wide open windows,
To awaken thy blood Rosy smell surrounding me,
Calling crazy mouth to master I'm rose or jasmine !
Some courage and dare Never mind,
As only then will palm Flying high with the fragrance,
Reach mouth that is Wish to dance without anklets,
At miles distance and momentous near Sing without chorus,
Grab the time to make it Oh, amazing world,
Fast and feel the nearness Delighting feelings,
So near- without delay Wonderful swings of mood,
Sigh hard & swallow me in!! New aspirations,
New me,
Neetu Sharma Oh, I'm in love
Yes, yes, I'm in love.....
Manjula Asthana Mahant
36 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 37
Women Empowerment, for me, is empowering women to do what they want The "WOW !!! HUMAN", THE WOMAN, best describes
to do, when they want to do it and wherever they want to do it. Obviously, herself as, "Not all can understand the real "Me" I am a star that
shines in the day, I do not aspire the dark nights."
there's only one caveat ... Women Empowerment is not indulging in
This charismatic, glamorous and mystical glitter that a woman
activities which are against the rules, regulations and conventions of the
carries within herself is inspirational.
society that we leave in. In case that happens, then it isn't empowerment, it's
Her insights magnify the manifestations of life and heal. Her
presence is always often mesmerizing and her beauty enchants
the serene consciousness.
In an ideal world, Women Empowerment should have been the most natural
She loves herself as she dresses up to her hearts comfort. She
thing in the world. Sadly, centuries of male dominated societal norms had loves her existence and so she mingles with nature with
created such gender biases that the women's rights became more of an tremendous ease. The strength of a woman gives her the attribute
exception rather than the rule. Today, in our country, things look much better to love and care. Inspite of the wear and tear of her physical self
and we have to thank our enlightened thinkers, social workers and leaders she remains modest and even bold and even more beautiful.
who have led this change over the last Century. Guess the magnanimity of her strengths today as she trecks the
uneven hills, cycles down long lanes, climbs the highest peaks,
Women Empowerment is extremely important for the growth of any society heads organizations, governs and beats the darkest forests. She
cause, more often than not, children are raised by women. Children are the breathes love for herself and spreads strength.
flag bearers of each succeeding generation and when women are This hidden potential of progressive strength within the woman
was astonishingly surfaced by this man of super knowledge, The
empowered, they automatically pass on the correct value systems to these
Greatest Indian Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He believed that the progress
of the country depends on the progress of the women in that
country. He unveiled the new eqi-gender society with outrageous
Women Empowerment also ensures that in case of an unfortunate situation
attempts which recognized women with education, jobs, rights
developing in the family, the Woman of the house can provide for the family
and respects.
on her own terms and thus safe from unscrupulous elements.
He could make possible the journey of the veiled Kalpana from
the villages to the Kalpana Chawla of the skies and numerous
We are lucky that our generation has witnessed this positive development others like Kalpana Saroj.
growing all around us, and each one of us owe it to ourselves and our children Today's woman of strength has by now tasted the essence of her
to encourage, enable and ensure Women Empowerment. progress and will never want to let it go. So let's together,
announce the pride of being a woman by saying,
Shweta Maurya "Higher than the skies are my dreams,
And my desires to touch the stars too.
I have the strength to hold the better times
and the belief to succeed too."
My salute to Woman's Empowerment, especially owing to the
fact that on availing her freedom she has proved her potentialities
by being successful in every arena.
Meenakshi Patil
38 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 39
Women Empowerment, for me, is empowering women to do what they want The "WOW !!! HUMAN", THE WOMAN, best describes
to do, when they want to do it and wherever they want to do it. Obviously, herself as, "Not all can understand the real "Me" I am a star that
shines in the day, I do not aspire the dark nights."
there's only one caveat ... Women Empowerment is not indulging in
This charismatic, glamorous and mystical glitter that a woman
activities which are against the rules, regulations and conventions of the
carries within herself is inspirational.
society that we leave in. In case that happens, then it isn't empowerment, it's
Her insights magnify the manifestations of life and heal. Her
presence is always often mesmerizing and her beauty enchants
the serene consciousness.
In an ideal world, Women Empowerment should have been the most natural
She loves herself as she dresses up to her hearts comfort. She
thing in the world. Sadly, centuries of male dominated societal norms had loves her existence and so she mingles with nature with
created such gender biases that the women's rights became more of an tremendous ease. The strength of a woman gives her the attribute
exception rather than the rule. Today, in our country, things look much better to love and care. Inspite of the wear and tear of her physical self
and we have to thank our enlightened thinkers, social workers and leaders she remains modest and even bold and even more beautiful.
who have led this change over the last Century. Guess the magnanimity of her strengths today as she trecks the
uneven hills, cycles down long lanes, climbs the highest peaks,
Women Empowerment is extremely important for the growth of any society heads organizations, governs and beats the darkest forests. She
cause, more often than not, children are raised by women. Children are the breathes love for herself and spreads strength.
flag bearers of each succeeding generation and when women are This hidden potential of progressive strength within the woman
was astonishingly surfaced by this man of super knowledge, The
empowered, they automatically pass on the correct value systems to these
Greatest Indian Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He believed that the progress
of the country depends on the progress of the women in that
country. He unveiled the new eqi-gender society with outrageous
Women Empowerment also ensures that in case of an unfortunate situation
attempts which recognized women with education, jobs, rights
developing in the family, the Woman of the house can provide for the family
and respects.
on her own terms and thus safe from unscrupulous elements.
He could make possible the journey of the veiled Kalpana from
the villages to the Kalpana Chawla of the skies and numerous
We are lucky that our generation has witnessed this positive development others like Kalpana Saroj.
growing all around us, and each one of us owe it to ourselves and our children Today's woman of strength has by now tasted the essence of her
to encourage, enable and ensure Women Empowerment. progress and will never want to let it go. So let's together,
announce the pride of being a woman by saying,
Shweta Maurya "Higher than the skies are my dreams,
And my desires to touch the stars too.
I have the strength to hold the better times
and the belief to succeed too."
My salute to Woman's Empowerment, especially owing to the
fact that on availing her freedom she has proved her potentialities
by being successful in every arena.
Meenakshi Patil
38 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 39
To you, woman with eyes the colour of strength, whose gaze transmits the It has been a long journey for women, all over the world, to reach where they
sensitivity you feel about life and those around you. are today. It is true that some men have really been helpful in the process of
For you today, here is my admiration because you can see the light when the empowering the women but most men cannot take pride in the role they played
clouds appear. For you today, here are my words to remind you that you are in the lives of their women –folk. There is a saying that behind every successful
full of love, courage and greatness. man there is a woman. I say that there is a man behind the failure of most
I know the faces of those courageous women who struggle to get up every women. It is not that ladies are less intelligent. The way they run the house,
morning with a smile even though in their lives there is a grey cloud called educate their children and handle the home – economy(they can manage on
fatigue or illness. shoe – string budget) shows their capabilities. They did not achieve higher
Their eyes full of courage and strength make you see that life can be hard but goals because they lacked opportunities. The patriarchal always denied the
it deserves to be lived. female her due. Now, when men indulged in their the comfort zone and refused
They are courageous women, not because they are afraid, but because in to grow; they became stagnated. Every body has heard the story of the hare and
spite of everything that happens to them, they have decided to move forward. the tortoise. Similarly men had been taking women for grated for too long.
For them, the struggle is their routine, their daily task, their resource, their Women of the world, in the meantime, got fed up of their uncomfortable status.
strategy. They evolved, became independent and powerful by sheer hard work and
Day after day, they express their strength and their desire to live, imbuing perseverance. They started studying and topped in schools and colleges. While
everyone around them with their courage. They have been able to build a boys, too sure of themselves, got relegated to second places. Being industrious
light in the face of every difficulty, in the face of every storm. and loyal, women got not only better jobs, they made inroads into male bastion.
Their greatness lies not only in their attitude of struggle, but also in their Today they are running real estate business. They are flying planes, going into
ability to resurface and stand up. They know how to bring out all their inner space. Recent government directive has entitled women to join armed forces. It
strength as well as their potential not to surrender and to keep moving is no more a question of muscle power(men had been gloating about that till
forward. recently). Now it is about more brain than brawn. This situation is best
They have found in every fragility the opportunity to build their strength. described by nineteen century Urdu poet, Akbar Allahabadi –
Their faces tell you that despite fears, uncertainties and sometimes suffering, Beparda nazar aayin jo kal chand bibiyan
they will remain determined to live and feel life. Akbar zamin mein ghairat e qaumi se garh gaya
They are grandmothers, mothers, daughters, friends, warrior princesses who Poocha jo unse aapka parda kahan gaya,
use strength as a shield and positive attitude as armour. Kahne lagin ki aql pe mardon kip add gaya
They are women who decide, free women, dignified women, women of Translation
courage. Sometimes they shirk, their smiles are saddened, they lose the Observing some dames without their mantles
desire to fight, silence reaches them, and fear appears. Akbar felt mortified due to the social disgrace,
They've forgotten that they are strong inside, but they are skilled bridge- When he asked them where about of their veils,
builders and they start building fortresses again. They replied that it’s hiding the men’s foolishness
That's why the least we can do is take care of them, admire them, thank them
and love them. Sudha Dixit
Myriam Ghezaïl Ben Brahim
40 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 41
To you, woman with eyes the colour of strength, whose gaze transmits the It has been a long journey for women, all over the world, to reach where they
sensitivity you feel about life and those around you. are today. It is true that some men have really been helpful in the process of
For you today, here is my admiration because you can see the light when the empowering the women but most men cannot take pride in the role they played
clouds appear. For you today, here are my words to remind you that you are in the lives of their women –folk. There is a saying that behind every successful
full of love, courage and greatness. man there is a woman. I say that there is a man behind the failure of most
I know the faces of those courageous women who struggle to get up every women. It is not that ladies are less intelligent. The way they run the house,
morning with a smile even though in their lives there is a grey cloud called educate their children and handle the home – economy(they can manage on
fatigue or illness. shoe – string budget) shows their capabilities. They did not achieve higher
Their eyes full of courage and strength make you see that life can be hard but goals because they lacked opportunities. The patriarchal always denied the
it deserves to be lived. female her due. Now, when men indulged in their the comfort zone and refused
They are courageous women, not because they are afraid, but because in to grow; they became stagnated. Every body has heard the story of the hare and
spite of everything that happens to them, they have decided to move forward. the tortoise. Similarly men had been taking women for grated for too long.
For them, the struggle is their routine, their daily task, their resource, their Women of the world, in the meantime, got fed up of their uncomfortable status.
strategy. They evolved, became independent and powerful by sheer hard work and
Day after day, they express their strength and their desire to live, imbuing perseverance. They started studying and topped in schools and colleges. While
everyone around them with their courage. They have been able to build a boys, too sure of themselves, got relegated to second places. Being industrious
light in the face of every difficulty, in the face of every storm. and loyal, women got not only better jobs, they made inroads into male bastion.
Their greatness lies not only in their attitude of struggle, but also in their Today they are running real estate business. They are flying planes, going into
ability to resurface and stand up. They know how to bring out all their inner space. Recent government directive has entitled women to join armed forces. It
strength as well as their potential not to surrender and to keep moving is no more a question of muscle power(men had been gloating about that till
forward. recently). Now it is about more brain than brawn. This situation is best
They have found in every fragility the opportunity to build their strength. described by nineteen century Urdu poet, Akbar Allahabadi –
Their faces tell you that despite fears, uncertainties and sometimes suffering, Beparda nazar aayin jo kal chand bibiyan
they will remain determined to live and feel life. Akbar zamin mein ghairat e qaumi se garh gaya
They are grandmothers, mothers, daughters, friends, warrior princesses who Poocha jo unse aapka parda kahan gaya,
use strength as a shield and positive attitude as armour. Kahne lagin ki aql pe mardon kip add gaya
They are women who decide, free women, dignified women, women of Translation
courage. Sometimes they shirk, their smiles are saddened, they lose the Observing some dames without their mantles
desire to fight, silence reaches them, and fear appears. Akbar felt mortified due to the social disgrace,
They've forgotten that they are strong inside, but they are skilled bridge- When he asked them where about of their veils,
builders and they start building fortresses again. They replied that it’s hiding the men’s foolishness
That's why the least we can do is take care of them, admire them, thank them
and love them. Sudha Dixit
Myriam Ghezaïl Ben Brahim
40 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 41
I am an Indian young widow Once they cheated her world
Cruel destiny made me so Killed her many times by words
at my prime age of twenty nine Broke her wings easily to die
Made her world as a darkness sky !
How happy was our married life! Now, she is an awakened woman
Truly made for each other Found herself as a dragon woman
Like a pigeon couple lived for only six years By the power of her own wisdom
Almighty gave us two cherubs aged five and three Oh,resurrecting herself as a flame !
With scanty earnings of his and mine She has learnt to take decision
struggled hard to run our family And learnt to face the illusion
We both were rowing hard since sea was always stormy Her ocean waves that makes her
Still we could view our terminus then To be with positive vibes !
She walks in fire
Alas I have to row all alone now And flows like a river
And sea has become more violent Not to inspire
No glimpse of any terminus now But for her unique power !
Hellish is the life of an Indian widow She is dancing like a moon
Tragic and nightmarish if she is young Wearing her crown like a queen
Eagles fly over her wherever she goes Becoming the rays of sunshine
When she craves for love and sympathy Oh,infinite stars in her veins !
society rends her bleeding heart Hey world !
shooting arrows of repulsive words Remember that,
Curses hurl on her from in-law's house Now,she is an ageless soul
Burden for her parents and brothers Ethereal beauty and eternal song !
In fact she rows not for saving her life She is flying higher than sky
but to save her children from being drowned Stopped her cry to fly in high
She has found her way of light
Prof. K. V. Dominic And she believes herself as an universe..!
Suganthi Doss
42 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 43
I am an Indian young widow Once they cheated her world
Cruel destiny made me so Killed her many times by words
at my prime age of twenty nine Broke her wings easily to die
Made her world as a darkness sky !
How happy was our married life! Now, she is an awakened woman
Truly made for each other Found herself as a dragon woman
Like a pigeon couple lived for only six years By the power of her own wisdom
Almighty gave us two cherubs aged five and three Oh,resurrecting herself as a flame !
With scanty earnings of his and mine She has learnt to take decision
struggled hard to run our family And learnt to face the illusion
We both were rowing hard since sea was always stormy Her ocean waves that makes her
Still we could view our terminus then To be with positive vibes !
She walks in fire
Alas I have to row all alone now And flows like a river
And sea has become more violent Not to inspire
No glimpse of any terminus now But for her unique power !
Hellish is the life of an Indian widow She is dancing like a moon
Tragic and nightmarish if she is young Wearing her crown like a queen
Eagles fly over her wherever she goes Becoming the rays of sunshine
When she craves for love and sympathy Oh,infinite stars in her veins !
society rends her bleeding heart Hey world !
shooting arrows of repulsive words Remember that,
Curses hurl on her from in-law's house Now,she is an ageless soul
Burden for her parents and brothers Ethereal beauty and eternal song !
In fact she rows not for saving her life She is flying higher than sky
but to save her children from being drowned Stopped her cry to fly in high
She has found her way of light
Prof. K. V. Dominic And she believes herself as an universe..!
Suganthi Doss
42 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 43
People can understand you Eyes are all hers,
Of passing clouds and falling tears Sight is he with whom she falls in love with;
The true condition of widows Sounds classify beyond genders,
Where burning love shuttered in pain Colors of speech for pages irrespective of ages to keep.
But when your casket closes
I know not where to turn Every deity and sculpture is she,
But with our hearts broken apart will it ever be the time Hammer strokes with a nail are his;
Behind woven webs, Sketched curves on landscapes are hers,
Too frightened, too shocked, too ignorant Feet which walk on nameless ways belong to him.
Then breath has gone raising alarms
With you by my side you're all, I need The bonding factor in every relationship mothers,
A misty sense of dread Deeds live to find everyday new fathers;
As in the formed silver vase Apples not stolen are gardens plucked,
An empty space beside my chair, Hunger and thirst beyond identity manufactures.
The warming touch of gentle hands
Nothing new to say Last sleep without pillow and lullaby are his,
I am ready to stop the culture of widows The ashes of fire in water are hers;
Let's talk of roses and romance, Even before she and he love been born,
So believe in love Thousand Suns, million moons in different skies are made for others.
We're one and the same.
Akash Sagar
Dr. Brajesh Kumar Gupta
44 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 45
People can understand you Eyes are all hers,
Of passing clouds and falling tears Sight is he with whom she falls in love with;
The true condition of widows Sounds classify beyond genders,
Where burning love shuttered in pain Colors of speech for pages irrespective of ages to keep.
But when your casket closes
I know not where to turn Every deity and sculpture is she,
But with our hearts broken apart will it ever be the time Hammer strokes with a nail are his;
Behind woven webs, Sketched curves on landscapes are hers,
Too frightened, too shocked, too ignorant Feet which walk on nameless ways belong to him.
Then breath has gone raising alarms
With you by my side you're all, I need The bonding factor in every relationship mothers,
A misty sense of dread Deeds live to find everyday new fathers;
As in the formed silver vase Apples not stolen are gardens plucked,
An empty space beside my chair, Hunger and thirst beyond identity manufactures.
The warming touch of gentle hands
Nothing new to say Last sleep without pillow and lullaby are his,
I am ready to stop the culture of widows The ashes of fire in water are hers;
Let's talk of roses and romance, Even before she and he love been born,
So believe in love Thousand Suns, million moons in different skies are made for others.
We're one and the same.
Akash Sagar
Dr. Brajesh Kumar Gupta
44 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 45
(To my Mother and other good women)
You kissed me and your tender lips
were a sudden smile. Inside her womb we bloom
Nothing moved, our silent dreams Into human beings,
finally breaking out through With body, face of charm
the long-lasting forests And great soul a-glowing.
of amber, pine-trees and ice.
We had met once, In her heart we find love,
lost in a time of shadows Mother's or grandma's warmth,
when your heart was dying, Sisterly, friendly care
and my words were frozen insects. Or great romantic bliss.
You didn't kiss me then,
we didn't touch, From her teacher-like mind
but were mained together, We learn knowledge, skills,
translating the golden universe Some lessons to live by,
of our feelings in scents of dusk Virtues and good manners.
and ambergris.
Sparrows were singing. From her hands come nice crafts,
In the bright light, Objects of great delight:
just true words stayed. Bracelets and necklaces,
Your eyes were a sky of shiny to pazes Sweaters and woven mats.
While the moon was moaning,
our hearts were moving. From her tested virtues
Your hands were birds of the dawn. We find trust and strength,
Love of Mother Mary,
Maria Do Saneiro Barroso Guts of Joan of Arc.
Mother, grandma, sister
Wife, lover or just friend,
Woman is a great soul
Who's all rolled into one:
Fred M Lobo
46 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 47
(To my Mother and other good women)
You kissed me and your tender lips
were a sudden smile. Inside her womb we bloom
Nothing moved, our silent dreams Into human beings,
finally breaking out through With body, face of charm
the long-lasting forests And great soul a-glowing.
of amber, pine-trees and ice.
We had met once, In her heart we find love,
lost in a time of shadows Mother's or grandma's warmth,
when your heart was dying, Sisterly, friendly care
and my words were frozen insects. Or great romantic bliss.
You didn't kiss me then,
we didn't touch, From her teacher-like mind
but were mained together, We learn knowledge, skills,
translating the golden universe Some lessons to live by,
of our feelings in scents of dusk Virtues and good manners.
and ambergris.
Sparrows were singing. From her hands come nice crafts,
In the bright light, Objects of great delight:
just true words stayed. Bracelets and necklaces,
Your eyes were a sky of shiny to pazes Sweaters and woven mats.
While the moon was moaning,
our hearts were moving. From her tested virtues
Your hands were birds of the dawn. We find trust and strength,
Love of Mother Mary,
Maria Do Saneiro Barroso Guts of Joan of Arc.
Mother, grandma, sister
Wife, lover or just friend,
Woman is a great soul
Who's all rolled into one:
Fred M Lobo
46 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 47
How many you miss me, my dear, Like the light-filled Eve that God created it,
Between tears when I you remember, You made me Adam, you made me fly,
I call you often, do you me hear, In life's Eden, full of flowers, when we meet.
When I go to our place with pain? Great love kindles me till on the sky.
This place is always warmer, Spaces of the soul we sparkled in flames,
Pure love, our love warm it, And turned the days in grades of spring,
And why December makes it cold, With opened lily with full of white flowers,
I always, find flowers in that corner. We nourish and increase our love feeling.
For many years we lost in exile, In life entered often the devil among us,
We didn't find the big, pleasant world, The dark clouds in the sky of happiness form,
And the place here, remained just a memory, Sometimes they fly and brought downpours us,
Something past, one wound that pain. We often found ourself in the mouth of the storm.
The moon and the sun care daily, The world does not exclude sins, at least now,
They give him a ray, give him lighting, Don't judge for the forbidden apple, it too us belong,
Green grass and roses call us, And Eve with Adam would not have been tried,
Our return from many time are waiting. If they knew that poison awaited with the fate along.
Two tears fall on me every time, On these Christmas as a ray of sun to the eye,
When look the pink rose in our place Happy, smiling, we are both again that shine.
It awaits we there like then, in shine Is it not for us as a beautiful gift from sky?
Where our silent love had remain. And it radiating our hearts like something divine?
Venetike Cako Kujtim Hajdari
48 | Dr. K.C. Sethi & Sunita Sethi Essence of A Woman | 49