Story City Senior Citizens and Winter Newsletter 2018
Central Iowa RSVP Celebrate
45 years serving Story City Inside this issue:
In 1972, a thoughtful group of 13 Story Jessica Bullock Joins the RSVP Brag 2
City residents led by Naomi Reisetter Marshalltown RSVP Team Book - Photos 2
began the process of starting a Senior 3
Center to serve older adult residents. With We want to welcome Jessica, our new New Arrivals & Insert
the use of a building at 617 Pennsylvania AmeriCorps VISTA serving with us Thank You’s
donated by the City of Story City, they had in Marshalltown. As the Volunteer
a good start. With visions of offering not Coordination Specialist, Jessica is Volunteer
only social and recreational activities, but supporting the tornado recovery Opportunities
also volunteer opportunities, this task force process by coordinating rebuild
began exploring what it would take to also volunteers during the disaster 2018
establish an RSVP (Retired Senior recovery period. Jessica started with Newsletter
Volunteer Program) Project in Story City. us on November 13th and will be Sponsors
serving in her role for the next year.
In February 1973 Articles of Incorporation We are so grateful to have her! This and That
were filed and later that year Story City Jessica, her husband Aaron and their
Senior Citizens, Inc. was formally three kids live in Marshalltown. RSVP TIMESHEET
established. Once incorporated, the SCSC,
Inc. board of directors was able to write a Although we no longer
federal grant to also establish an RSVP include a volunteer timesheet
project to serve Story City and later the in the newsletter, your hours
entire county. It was awarded in 1974. are important to us. If you
need one, just let any one of
We are grateful to this amazing group of the RSVP staff know. You can
individuals for their hard work and also call in or email your
determination to start what has become hours to any coordinator.
Story City Senior Citizen’s Inc. and Central
Iowa RSVP. We are proud to have served E-NEWSLETTER OPTION
Story City for nearly 45 years and to have
ultimately expanded to what today has If you are interested in
become Central Iowa RSVP, Inc. engaging helping our environment or in
700+ volunteers in four counties. helping RSVP save time and
money—why not sign up for
newsletter? Just let Kendra
from the gang at Central Iowa RSVP. Santa’s “bustin’ out all over” and to celebrate we know at [email protected]
are sending you a small expression of our appreciation for the priceless gift you and you’ll start receiving this
share…your time. Best wishes for a joyful Holiday and a blessed 2019. newsletter in your e-mailbox.
Your 2019 stick-on calendar is enclosed!
Don’t forget to pick up your
*If you receive an e-newsletter, please stop by one of the offices to pick up your calendar. OR—give us a call
and we can mail it. personalized RSVP name
badge. Just call any office
location to request one.
Please Note: RSVP Volunteer
Mileage Reimbursement is
paid out quarterly (upon
request) and must reach a
minimum of $5.
It’s that time of year. Time to meet with friends and reflect on the year gone by. Time to get your home ready for
cold winter weather. For some of our Roland-Story Speak Up students and volunteers, it’s time to show what
you’ve learned and celebrate mastering the art of public speaking.
“Mix and a-Mingle in the Jingling
Feet! That’s the
November 27, Central Iowa RSVP and WELCOME New
the Volunteer Center of Iowa hosted a Arrivals to RSVP
Mix and Mingle after hours event at
Barbara Brodie, Ames
US Bank in Nevada Paula Cady, Colo
This fall, RSVP once again partnered with the Becki Christensen, Ames
Volunteer Center of Story County to facilitate a Tedd Devick, Ames
winter weatherization project. The project is
designed to help low income, military veterans, Cristina Escobar, Ames
and frail elderly prepare for cold winter weather. Dona Harkin, Ames
Elin Herman, Ames
Story City Senior Citizens, Inc.
and RSVP celebrate 45 years Roger Maharry, Ames
serving the Story City community Kenneth McCuskey, Ames
with an open house December 6.
Roger Moffitt, Ames
Marcella Nelson, Ames
Connie Nielsen, Nevada
Clark Thompson, Story City
Julie Thompson, Story City
Sue Uthe, Story City
Kim Wierson, Ames
Sherry Yockey, Ames
Delbert Young, Ames
Our thanks to the following contributors to Central Iowa RSVP this past quarter:
United Way of Story County – Golf “Fore” Kids grant to support Speak UP
Nathan Ripke Design – new RSVP logo design
Gene Demaray – Donation in memory of Edie Demaray
Michael and Deb Fritz – Donation
Gaylan and Marcia Scofield - Donation
Harold and Janice Thompson – Donation
Karen Wagner - Donation 2
Mary Greeley Medical Center Front Information Desk – ISU Extension & Outreach
Substitutes Needed Looking for help with office needs – answering phones,
waiting on customers, etc. when staff is unavailable.
We have a great need for substitutes to fill-in when our
regular volunteers take time off. Volunteers pass on Iowa Valley Continuing Ed/Iowa Works
patients to the registration process, direct visitors to Volunteers are needed to assist with office duties and
patient rooms, and answer a multitude of questions. provide customer service to clientele. Volunteers must be
Main contact is with patients and visitors. Substitutes
able to handle a variety of clerical tasks.
needed for all shifts, including: 8 AM to noon, noon to 3
PM, 3 to 6 PM. and 6 to 8 PM. This shift is ongoing and Iowa Veterans Home
requires a minimum 6-month commitment. Computer Looking for volunteers to participate in a friendly visitor
skills (Microsoft Outlook and database) are preferred,
program. Volunteers are also needed to assist with
telephone etiquette, customer service. transportation of residents to activities outside of the
Veterans’ Home, such as shopping, restaurant and casino
ACCESS Administrative Volunteer trips, helping with Bingo, ceramics and other rec activities.
Volunteer your time to help the Assault Care Center
Extending Shelter and Support (ACCESS) with beneficial Marshalltown Schools
clerical and administrative support. Duties to include Volunteers are needed as Reading Mentors for the Spread
the Words, Read by Third program…have fun reading and
compiling and entering data, answering phones, playing games with the students who are participating in this
researching topics, filing and copying, and preparing program. Share your volunteer spirit and make a difference
in a child’s life today (several different schools are available).
mailings. Your time will make a difference!
Marshalltown YMCA/YWCA
The Salvation Army Food Pantry RSVP is currently recruiting volunteers to help with several
Lend a hand at the food pantry in Ames. Volunteers are
needed to help with restocking, shelving, reading scales, projects with the Junior Optimists at the Marshalltown
YMCA/YWCA (3rd through 5th graders). These programs will
and more. Pick any day from Mon-Thu from 1-3 PM.
help to build positive multi-generational relationships and
RSVP Volunteer Driver Transportation Program increase school-related activity that is beneficial to both
- Nevada Drivers
students and volunteers.
Become part of a pool of volunteers who provide
occasional rides to those in need of transportation. Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging & Meals on Wheels
Priority is given to seniors needing rides to medical Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to homebound
appointments. This service is provided entirely by seniors. Help make someone’s day by sharing a smile, a kind
volunteers who use their own vehicles. 1-2 more Nevada word and delivering a hot meal to homebound seniors. There
is a critical need for volunteers to help with this opportunity
drivers are needed to help riders in that area.
and you could be one of them.
Food at First
Join a great group of individuals who help serve daily Salvation Army
meals. RSVP assists with two shifts each month.Eight The Salvation Army in Marshalltown is looking for volunteers
volunteers are needed to help Monday 1/14 to prepare the
day’s meal. Prep crew must be available from 3:30-6:00 to assist with some light office/receptionist duties.
PM. Eight volunteers are also needed for Thursday 1/24 to
Unity Point Health
assist with packaging donations and manning the Volunteers are needed for a variety of volunteer
donation stations at the Free Market food pantry. opportunities at both Hospital locations in Marshalltown.
from 3:30-6:30 PM.
Kalen Petersen, Director 2018-2019 RSVP Advisory
Council Members
[email protected] 515-733-4917
Lynn Scarlett - Chair, Nevada
Pat Firnhaber, Office Coordinator Nancy Long – Vice-Chair, Gilbert
[email protected] 515-733-4917 Ron Matthews, Ames
Diana Schwendinger, Ames
Lori Williams, Volunteer Coordinator (Story) Doni Sheldon, Marshalltown
Norma Dorado-Robles, Marshalltown
[email protected] 515-292-8890
Deb Grove, Marshalltown
Arti Sanghi, Volunteer Coordinator (Story) John Abrams, Ames
[email protected] 515-292-8890
Gaylan Scofield, Story City
Linda Von Holten, Volunteer Coordinator (Marshall) Dina McKenna, Nevada/Ankeny
[email protected] 641-752-0279 Mike Fritz, Nevada
Kendra Breitsprecher, Marketing Coordinator
[email protected]
Twitter: IowaRSVP
Find us. Follow us. Like us. Love us.
Central Iowa RSVP Main Office
Serving Story and Marshall County
503 Elm Avenue
Story City, IA 50248