Maintenance Technician
Number of Starting Salary Current Highest Salary
Responses: 5 ($/hr) ($/hr)
9.50 21.05
Average 10.00 17.24
12.00 12.00
11.00 13.00
14.00 17.00
11.30 16.05
Resorts & Hotels
Hospitality + Tourism
Compensation + Benefits Survey
Reported Positions Unreported Positions
(represented less than 25% of individual position
Retail Sales Associate
Store Manager statistic)
Retail Security Officer Floor Leader Promotions Coordinator
Stocker / Placer Team Leader Assistant Store Manager
Warehouse Associate Department Manager Key Holder
12 11 9 65
9 7 55 3 32
44 3 22 1
Retail 6 3
Number of Employers per Segment Offering Benefit Type
(e.g., 12 retail companies offer paid vacations to their full time employees)
Retail Sales Associate Store Manager
Number of Responses: Starting Salary Current Highest Number of Responses: Starting Salary Current Highest
9 ($/hr) Salary 5 Salary
($/hr) $37k
Average 11 Average $20.8k $37k
* plus 2% commission 10 - * plus 10% commission $27.6k $20.8k
** plus 10% commission 12 11 $36k* $27.6k
9 21 $31.2k $36k*
12 10 $35.4k
9 12 $30.5k
10 10 $31.4k
12** 11*
9 12**
The Gateway Initiative team would like to thank the Chamber of
Commerce members, program investors, and community
partners for participating in this study.
These efforts will be duplicated on a regular basis to show
trends, which will provide business leaders with a human
resource tool for benchmarking wage and benefit rates.
As is evident, a number of positions did not receive the
minimum response requirements (i.e., less than 4 business
reported wage data for a given position). We encourage your
participation in future, similar projects so that we are able to
share more comprehensive results.