Accredited by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer
National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers
Cary East Raleigh Garner Raleigh Main Raleigh Blue Ridge Wakefield
On the cover: UNC REX Cancer Care of East Raleigh
117 Sunnybrook Road, Raleigh, NC 27610
UNC REX Cancer Care locations
Cary ~ East Raleigh ~ Garner ~ Raleigh Main ~ Raleigh Blue Ridge ~Wakefield
For more information or to schedule an appointment with UNC REX Cancer Care
Call 919-784-3105
UNC REX Cancer Care
Mission and Core Values
The mission of UNC REX Cancer Care is to provide our patients with exceptional cancer care and to ensure
timely and convenient access to the most effective strategies that prevent, treat, and ultimately cure cancer
in the future. UNC REX Cancer Care provides expert, compassionate care to patients with cancer through
close collaboration among providers across all disciplines of oncology.
Core Values
We strive to provide timely access to care in a caring and compassionate setting close to patients’ homes
and to relieve the burden of disease now and for the future through our research, clinical care, education,
outreach and advocacy.
We pursue excellence relentlessly and with integrity in all that we do, adhering always to the highest
standards of conduct.
Compassion and Respect
We strive to exceed expectations for compassion and respect for those in our care and for one another.
UNC REX Cancer Care Annual Report 2018
Table of Contents Page
Mission & Core Values 3
A Letter from Our Cancer Committee Chair 5
Introduction 6
Accreditations and Eligibility Requirements 7
Publications and Presentations 8
Cancer Registry Site Distribution 9
Quality and Accountability Measures 10
Cancer Program Quality Studies 11
Cancer Research and Clinical Trials 12
Community Cancer Care 13
Cancer Care Services and Locations 14
A Letter from Our Chair -
UNC REXCancer Care Committee
Courtney Bui, MD, MSPH
UNC REX Radiation Oncology
Dear Friends,
As my time as Chair of the UNC Rex Cancer Committee draws to a close, I would like to reflect on our
accomplishments together over the last 3 years. We received re-accreditation by the American College of
Surgeons Commission on Cancer in April 2017. This accomplishment is due to the wonderful collaborative
and ongoing efforts of every member of the Cancer Committee in addition to the steadfast works of Kathy
Foote, our Tumor Registry Manager, and Cynthia Jones, our Quality Leader.
In these last three years, we have seen significant growth in a number of key areas. We have opened our newest
suburban ambulatory cancer center, the Rex Cancer Center of East Raleigh. We have expanded our excellent
patient navigation program and added tumor boards in gynecologic oncology, urology, and
leukemia/lymphoma, to our already robust programs in breast, gastrointestinal, and thoracic oncology. Our
surgeons, radiologists, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists have completed a number of quality
projects that have helped to improve and optimize the care we provide to our patients. In addition, we have
seen multiple strategic improvements in Survivorship Care Plans and successful delivery in key populations.
Our low dose CT lung cancer screening progressed and initiated smoking cessation programs as well as plans
are underway for a pulmonary nodule program.
In 2019, we are very excited to break ground on our new cancer center in Raleigh, in which we will be able to
more seamlessly house state of the art cancer treatment and support services under one roof. We will continue
to provide and expand specialty cancer services in Wake County, so patients may receive outstanding care close
to home. We aim to expand our clinical research program to enroll even more patients on local and national
It has been an honor to serve as Chair of the Cancer Committee. Many thanks to all of our physicians and staff
and co-workers at UNC Rex Cancer Center who serve our patients, their families, and caregivers with the best
in evidence based care and compassion.
The UNC REX Cancer Care Committee is the designated multidisciplinary body for program leadership,
administrative oversight, development, and review of oncology services at UNC REX Cancer Care. The Cancer Care
Committee is a committee of the UNC REX Hospital Medical Staff responsible for the overall direction of the
oncology program including coordination with Hospital and UNC Health System leadership. Its composition, as
required by the Commission on Cancer, includes Board-certified physicians from Surgery, Medical Oncology,
Radiation Oncology, Diagnostic Radiology, and Pathology, along with the Cancer Liaison Physician, Clinical
Research Manager, Palliative Care Specialist, and representatives from Hospital Administration, Nursing, Pharmacy,
Psychosocial services, Cancer Registry, and Quality.
Annually, as required by the Commission on Cancer, the UNC REX Cancer Care Committee develops an annual
report with dedicated focus on program quality and outcomes. These findings are published each year through the
UNC REX Cancer Annual Report and available to public.
Cancer Care Committee Membership 2018 Committee Chair
ACoS Cancer Liaison Physician/ Thoracic Surgery
Courtney Bui, MD Medical Director, Rex Hematology Oncology Associates
Richard Gillespie, MD Surgeon / Breast Care Committee Chair
Susan Moore, MD Executive Director, UNC REX Cancer Care
David B. Eddleman, MD VP Operations UNC Rex Health
Tom Grates, MBA Chair Cancer Conference Committee
Chad Lefteris, MHA Medical Oncology
Hiren Mehta, MD / Barbara Dull, MD Radiation Oncology
Charles Eisenbeis, MD / Brenden McNulty, MD Pathology
Nathan Sheets, MD Diagnostic Radiology
Keith Volmar, MD / Keith Nance, MD Cancer Registry Manager
Duncan Chapman, MD / David Schulz, MD Cancer Research /Clinical Trials
Kathleen Foote, MBA, CTR Quality Coordinator /Quality & Org Excellence Leaders
Nancy Burns, RN, OCN / Lolita Forrest, PhD Social Work /Psychosocial Services Coordinator
Cynthia Jones, BS, CPHQ /Heather Sasser, RN Palliative Care (IP)
Kimberly Fradel, MSW,LCSW /Paige Moise, MSW Oncology Nurse Manager (OP) / Clinical Leadership
Rachel Smith, M. Div, THM/ Ann Yeager, MD Genetic Counseling
Kim Hurley, RN, OCN /Sharon Kauffman, MSN Community Outreach Coordinator / Director
Catherine Fine, MS, CGC / Ofri Leitner, MS, CGC
Emmeline Madsen, MPH
Additional Supporting General Membership 2018 Douglas Hammer, MD ~ Family Practice
Susan Mondo, RN, MSN ~ Navigation Rebecca Jones, PharmD ~ IP Pharmacy
Nihan Cannon, MD ~ Hospitalist Suzanne Smith, RD, CSO, LDN~ Nutrition
Jon Gerber, PharmD ~ OP Pharmacy Kelsey Williams, RN, Manager (IP)
Jennifer Headen, MHA ~ RHOA Administrator Robbie Tilley ~American Cancer Society
Margret Hartfield, OTR ~Rehab Katie Hardison, BS ~Staff /Committee Assistant
Gordon McGirt, MBA~Garner Manager (OP)
UNC REX Cancer Care Accreditations
UNC REX Cancer Care is voluntarily accredited by the American College of Surgeons Commission (ACoS) per
the Commission on Cancer (CoC) Standards as a Comprehensive Community Cancer Program (CCCP). The pro-
gram assesses more than 3,000 newly diagnosed cancer cases each year, provides a full range of diagnostic and
comprehensive treatment services as noted below, either on-site or by referral, as well as participates in cancer-
related clinical research and cancer-related clinical trials, per CoC Standards.
UNC REX Cancer Care is also voluntarily accredited by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers
(NAPBC). The NAPBC holds organizations to the highest standards of care for patients with diseases of the breast.
UNC REX is accredited by the Joint Commission and ACR Breast Imaging Center of Excellence.
UNC REX Cancer Care meets and /or exceeds the Commission on Cancer 12 Eligibility Requirements:
Eligibility Requirements Specifications
Cancer Committee Responsibilities Annual monitoring, assessing, and identifying changes that are needed in
each of the eligibility requirements.
Facility Accreditation The facility is accredited by a recognized federal, state, or local authority.
Cancer Committee Authority
Bylaws or policy and procedure define the cancer committee’s authority and
responsibility for the program.
Cancer Conference Policy Program policy addresses the frequency, format, multidisciplinary attend-
ance, attendance rate, prospective case presentations and total case presenta-
tions, discussion of stage and treatment planning, clinical trial options, and
methods to address opportunities.
Oncology Nurse Leadership An oncology nurse provides leadership within the program.
Cancer Registry Policy & Procedure Policy and procedure addresses the use of Commission on Cancer data & all
other cancer registry activities.
Diagnostic Imaging Services are provided. *
Radiation Oncology Services Radiation treatment service locations are currently accredited by a recognized
Systemic Services authority or, if not accredited, follow standard quality assurance practices. *
Policies or procedures are in place to guide the safe administration of sys-
temic therapy.*
Clinical Trial Information A policy or procedure is used to inform patients about clinical trials.
Psychosocial Services
A policy or procedure is in place to ensure patient access to psychosocial ser-
Rehabilitation Services Rehabilitative services are provided. *
Nutrition Services Nutrition services are provided.*
Source: CoC, 2016 * Services are available either on-site, at locations that are facility owned, or by referral.
UNC REX Cancer Excellence in Publications and Presentations
UNC REX Cancer Care Team advancing oncology care through professional publications, posters and presentations
Beta-blocker therapy for the prevention of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in patients with can-
cer: a retrospective cohort study. Olivia Witt, PharmD; David Blanchard, RPh; Rebecca Jones,
PharmD, BCPS, CPP; Oksana Kamneva, PharmD, BCPS-AQ Cardiology; Stephanie Baumhover,
PharmD, BCPS.
Breast Case of the Day: 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. Radiologic Society of North
America meeting, Chicago IL. Holley, Susan, MD.PhD., (Co-Author) 2018 Nov 25.
Evaluating the relationship between smoking status and response rate to pembrolizumab in patients
with metastatic non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer. Rebecca Nickell, PharmD; Rebecca
Jones, PharmD, BCPS, CPP; Stephanie Baumhover, PharmD, BCPS; Brandon Ramsey, PharmD,
MSCR, MBA; Juliana Lipetzky, PharmD.
Evaluation of bleeding incidence rates of direct oral anticoagulants versus enoxaparin in the treat-
ment of venous thromboembolism in cancer patients with chemotherapy-induced thrombo-
cytopenia. Justin Wilson, PharmD; Rebecca Jones, PharmD, BCPS, CPP; Walter Laundon,
PharmD, MS, BCPS; Jared Peak, PharmD, BCACP, CPP; David Blanchard, RPh.
Interpathologist diagnostic agreement for non-small cell lung carcinomas using current and recent
classifications. Funkhouser WK, et al (including Volmar KE). Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2018 Apr 30.
Pharmacological Management Elements in Ovarian Cancer. Kappa Epsilon Pharmacy Lecture, Camp-
bell University, Buies Creek, NC. 2018, Feb1. Jonathan Gerber, PharmD.
Surgical pathology diagnostic error prevention. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology An-
nual Meeting. CME course. Nakhleh RE and Volmar KE. Vancouver BC, March 2018.
Comprehensive Breast Cancer Care: A Guided Tour for Providers. NC Heart & Vascular Hospital –
Center for Innovation and Learning, Raleigh, NC. Wake AHEC. 2018 Oct 27.
Breast cancer from a patient’s perspective. Anna Crollman, Survivor Advocate
Clinical evidence in breast cancer screening recommendations. Tina Sprouse, MD
Complexities of axillary management in current breast care. Rachel Jendro, DO
Hereditary breast cancer. Ofri Leitner, MS, LCGC
Lymphedema therapy and care for breast cancer patients. Katie Marakas, DPT
Post mastectomy reconstruction: What to know & what to look for. Glenn Lyle, MD
Radiation therapy for breast cancer. Bryon Huff, MD
Role of patient navigation in care co-ordination and support. Kristin Knott, RN, BSN
Role of physical therapy in Breast Cancer Rehabilitation. Connie Nehls, MS, PT, CLT
Surgical options and consideration in breast cancer care. Barbara Dull, MD
The role of staging in breast cancer care. Beau Eddleman, MD
Updates in breast cancer endocrine therapy and associated side effects. Lola Olajide, MD
UNC REX Cancer Registry Site Distribution Detail CY 2017
ALL SITES 3753 3156 597 1488 2265 0 I 675 463 552 Unk N/A
293 1015 367 388
BREAST 1084 971 113 9 1075 145 477 261 75 38 88 0
DIGESTIVE 593 511 82 313 280 20 101 101 144 156 66 5
Esophagus 32 28 4 24 8 1 2 3 5 16 5 1
Stomach 55 49 6 39 16 0 14 8 6 19 7 0
Colon 185 170 15 87 98 0 45 33 53 37 17 2
Rectum 93 83 10 55 38 0 13 10 37 15 18 2
Anal 40 22 18 13 27 19 3 10 5 0 3 0
Liver 30 20 10 18 12 0 3 3 3 15 4 0
Pancreas 90 76 14 45 45 0 10 22 16 41 1
Other 267
RESPIRATORY 68 63 5 32 36 0 11 12 19 13 11 111
395 366 29 183 212 2 104 29 72 168 19 103
Larynx 24 21 3 18 6 0 7 538 1 0
Lung: SC 72 68 4 27 45 0 12 2 18 38 2 0
Lung: NSC 291 269 22 133 158 2 83 22 51 119 14 0
Nasal/Sinus 3 30 2 10 0 001 2 0
BLOOD & BM 278 204 74 144 134 0 0 042 5 0
Leukemia 120 81 39 67 53 0 0 042 3 5
Multiple Myeloma 55 40 15 26 29 0 0 000 2 2
Other 103 83 20 51 52 0 0 000 0 2
403 256 147 403 0 2 52 197 42 47 62 0
Prostate 387 243 144 387 0 0 47 197 41 47 55 0
Testis 13 12 1 13 0 0 5 010 7 60
216 176 40 152 64 74 53 17 10 20 42 41
Bladder 135 111 24 106 29 72 27 13 4 9 10 0
Kidney/Renal 81 65 16 46 35 2 26 4 6 11 32
GYN 183 134 49 0 183 8 66 8 42 24 33
Cervix Uteri 18 99 0 18 2 5 144 2
Corpus Uteri 93 75 18 0 93 0 47 4 18 7 17
Ovary 40 29 11 0 40 0 10 2 12 9 7
Vulva 14 77 0 14 6 2 001 5
153 142 11 97 56 42 64 18 8 7 9
Melanoma 144 134 10 92 52 41 62 16 8 6 8
139 127 12 63 76 0 20 27 32 48 10
Hodgkin's 21 21 0 9 12 0 1 10 6 4 0
Non-Hodgkin's 118 106 12 54 64 0 19 17 26 44 10
131 120 11 30 101 0 72 3 18 9 18
Thyroid 120 114 6 27 93 0 72 3 18 9 18
56 48 8 41 15 0 3 8 10 30 4
Tongue 13 11 2 9 4 0 0 1 2 10 0
Other 41 35 6 30 11 0 3 7 8 18 4
BRAIN & CNS 63 48 15 26 37
Brain (Malignant) 18 15 3 11 7 Brain & CNS Tumors - World Health Organization
Other 43
31 12 15 28 (WHO) Grading System
CONT TISSUE 16 14 2 6 10 0 3 5 4 0 4
Very low volume “other” sub-groups have been omitted from this table. Diagnosis group totals are complete
Rapid Quality Reporting System
UNC REX is proud to utilzie the Rapid Quality Reporting System (RQRS) as an early adaptor prior to the
2017 CoC requirement. RQRS helps programs deliver evidence-based cancer care and facilitate quality
improvement with concurrent patient data. Through RQRS’ web-based tool, programs receive notifications
of treatment expectations and timeliness of care.
In addition, RQRS real time data alerts notify the service of year-to-date concordance rates for each
measure, case details, and comparison to state, other hospital groups, and hospitals at the national level.
Through active utilization of RQRS, UNC REX is in excellent standing for the current measures.
Importantly to note is the significance of the designated Accountability Measures as endorsed by the Na-
tional Quality Forum (NQF). Our performance against Expected Performance Rates (EPR) are:
Measure UNC REX ACoS CoC Expected Performance Rate
BCSRT (Breast) 92.7% EPR 90%
HT (Breast): 98.1% EPR 90%
MAC (Breast): 100% None at this time
MASTRT (Breast) 100% EPR 90%
ACT (Colon) 100% None at this time
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UNC REX Cancer Care Quality Studies in 2018
UNC REX was selectd to participate in a collaborative study of quality with the ACCC
and supporting organizations on three key care treatment process measures for HER2+ Breast Cancer
with focus on treatment in community cancer centers. The measures were selected to assess delivery
of most current evidence based practices and effective coordinaton of care in the community program
setting. A total of 87 patients met inclusion criteria for study.
For reference: Study based on NQF Measure #1858, MIPS Quality Measure #450, NCCN Guidelines.
Study sponsor was Ola Olajide, MD and facilitator Cynthia Jones, BS, CPHQ.
Quality Measure #1: Adjuvant Chemotherapy: Trastuzumab administered to patients with stage I-III
and HER2+ breast cancer who receive adjuvant chemotherapy. Results: 100% (n=72)
Quality Measure #2: Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Pertuzumab combined with trastuzumab and
docetaxel administered to patients with HER2+ locally advanced, inflammatory, or early-stage breast
cancer who receive neoadjuvant treatment. Results 96% (n=46)
Quality Measures #3: Metastatic Breast Cancer: HER2-directed therapy (trastuzumab, pertuzumab in
combination with trastuzumab, ado-trastuzumab emtansine, or lapatinib) administered to patients with
metastatic HER2+ breast cancer. Results = 89%* (n=9) *1 study outlier- pt not suitable for HER2
directed chemo due to age (>90) and severe /end stage comorbidities.Care medically appropriate.
Outcome: Service found to deliver highly concordant evidence based care to HER2+ breast cancer
patients as studied at current Adjuvant, Neoadjuvant and Metastatic current therapies.
o Secondary opportunities were identified in communication of existing performance measures -
status and expanded education on quality study methods and techniques.
UNC REX and the Dept of Surgey utilized Lean Methodology and Express Workout to study
Surgical Specimens handling and processing. The study was an opportunity to identify root causes
that lead to variables in labeling, handling and transport of crucial surgical specimens. The
importance of utilzing GEMBA and LEAN, Value Stream Mapping was to demonstrate the actual
processes in a neutral and blame free environment. Preventable gaps in optimal surgical specimen
handling can lead to delays and errors downstream. Dedicated participants included point of care
subject matter experts from surgical techs, laboratory, EPIC, and surgeons and pathologists. Baseline
data showed 5 specimen issues and 0.8% labeling variables for the year.
For reference: College of American Pathologists (CAP) Q-Probe rates of mislabeled specimens were
0.39/1000 in 120 institutions (2006).
Study sponsor was Linda Butler, MD, CMO and facilitator Kristen Wu,MSN, NP-C.
Outcomes: Key variables were identified in Process Variation, Technology, Culture, Communication
and Inventory management and availability. The team developed key actions to correct high impact
variables and standardize processes.
Immediate improvements were demonstrated with key actions. Additional actions are in completion
with supportive monitoring for continious quality improvement.
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UNC REX Cancer Research and Clinical Trials
With the collective help of our doctors and cancer patients who choose to participate, clinical trials enable testing
of the latest research findings from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and other research organizations. These
trials can take several years to complete, but the knowledge gained has led to an increase in the number of people
who survive cancer.
UNC REX Cancer Care participates in ongoing cancer clinical trials, including many in collaboration with UNC’s
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Available clinical trials include bio-banking and diagnostic studies, therapeutic trials, quality-of-life and support-
ive care trials.
Clinical Research Accrual ~ 2018
Type of Research Study
Clinical Trials Clinical research advances science and
ensures that patient care approaches
Diagnostic Trials the highest level of quality
Genetic Studies UNC REX is proud to perform at CoC
Commendation Level Patient Accrual
Prevention & Control Research Studies Percent at 8%
Bio-Repository & Bio-Bank Studies For reference: minimum required rate is
4% for Comprehensive Community Can-
cer Programs (CCCP)
Patient Registry Studies
Other Not Specified (NOPR)
Quality of Life & Economics of Care
Percent Enrolled 8%
To learn about clinical trials offered by UNC REX Cancer Care, or your eligibility
Call 919-784-7209 http://www.rexhealth.com/rh/care-treatment/clinical-trials/cancer/
12 | P a g e
Comprehensive Community Cancer Care
UNC REX Cancer Care provides patients of Wake County and surrounding communities with exceptional cancer
care, including access to innovative treatments and support services. As the first nationally accredited Comprehensive
Community Cancer Center in North Carolina, we provide expert care, close to home, in several convenient locations.
In collaboration with UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, our physicians also access the latest in clinical
trials. Our physicians are at the helm of ongoing cancer research.
Multidisciplinary care is the heart of our program. Our board-certified physicians meet regularly and work together
as a team to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to our patients’ needs.
UNC REX Cancer Care includes:
REX Hematology Oncology Associates
o Raleigh – Main Campus, Raleigh - Blue Ridge, East Raleigh, Cary, Garner, Wakefield
UNC REX Radiation Oncology
o Raleigh-Main Campus, East Raleigh, Clayton, Smithfield, Wakefield
UNC REX Surgical Oncology – North Carolina Surgery
o REX Surgical Specialists
Raleigh, Knightdale, Garner, Wakefield
o REX Thoracic Surgical Specialists
o REX Neurosurgery and Spine Specialists
Raleigh, Cary
UNC REX Pulmonary Specialists
o Raleigh, Holly Springs, Wakefield, Cary
UNC REX Gynecologic Oncology
UNC REX Comprehensive Breast Care Program
UNC REX Cancer Genetics Program
We also provide patients and their families with access to oncology support services, including:
Patient Navigation Financial Counseling
Clinical Trials Educational Programs
Cancer Rehabilitation Support Groups
High Risk Nutritional Management Survivorship Support
Social Work and Psychosocial Support Wellness Services
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UNC REX Cancer Care Locations
RALEIGH – Main Campus Raleigh -BLUE RIDGE CARY
4420 Lake Boone Trail 2605 Blue Ridge Road Parkway Professional Park
Suite 200 Suite 190 150 Parkway Court, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27607 Raleigh, NC 27607 Cary, NC 27518
T: 919-784-6818 T: 919-784-6060 T: 984-974-2150
F: 919-784-6826 F: 919-784-6061 F: 984-974-2151
11200 Governor Manly Way 300 Health Park Drive 117 Sunnybrook Road
Suite 102 Suite 220 Raleigh, NC 27610
Raleigh, NC 27614 Garner, NC 27529 T: 919-334-3900
T: 919-570-7550 T: 919-250-5955 F: 919-250-9280
F: 919-570-7551 F: 919-250-5954
11200 Governor Manly Way 117 Sunny Brook Road
RALEIGH Suite 102 Raleigh, NC 27610
4420 Lake Boone Trail Raleigh, NC 27614 T: 919-334-3900
Suite 100 T: 919-570-7550 F: 919-250-9280
Raleigh, NC 27607 F: 919-570-7551
T: 919-784-3018
F: 919-784-1473
Johnston Professional Plaza Johnston Medical Mall
2076 Highway 42 West Suite 1200
Suite 120 514 N. Bright Leaf Boulevard
Clayton, NC 27520 Smithfield, NC 27577
T: 919-585-8550 T: 919-209-3555
F: 919-585-5882 F: 919-938-7400
(Diagnostic Imaging) 3100 Duraleigh Road, Suite 205
3100 Duraleigh Road, Suite 204 Raleigh, NC 27607
Raleigh, NC 27607 T: 919-784-7874
T: 919-784-6186
300 Ashville Ave 11200 Governor Manly Way
Suite 240 REX Healthcare of Wakefield, Suite 208
Cary, NC 27518 Raleigh, NC 27614
T: 919-784-7874 T: 919-784-7874
14 | P a g e
UNC REX Cancer Care Locations
T: 919-784-1410 F: 919-784-1409
4207 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 220 1505 SW Cary Parkway, Suite 302
Raleigh, NC 27607 Cary, NC 27511
T: 919-784-7874 F: 919-784-2708
300 Health Park Drive
Medical Office Building Suite 110
Garner, NC 27529
2800 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 300
Raleigh, NC 27607
6602 Knightdale Blvd, Suite 201 11200 Governor Manly Way, Suite 208
Knightdale, NC 27545 Raleigh, NC 27614
4420 Lake Boone Trail
Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27607
T: 919-784-5650
RALEIGH T: 919-784-7460 WAKEFIELD T: 919-784-7460
4414 Lake Boone Trail 11081 Forest Pines Drive
Suite 402 Suite 104
Raleigh, NC 27607 Raleigh, NC 27614
HOLLY SPRINGS T: 919-567-6230 CARY T: 984-974-9200
781 Avent Ferry Road 300 Ashville Avenue
REX Healthcare-Holly Springs, Suite 200 Suite 301
Holly Springs, NC 27540 Cary, NC 27518
4420 Lake Boone Trail Parkway Professional Park
150 Parkway Court, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27607 Cary, NC 27518
T: 919-784-6875 F: 919-784-6890
15 | P a g e
A- REX Cancer Care- Main Campus For more information or to schedule
B - REX Hematology Oncology Associates – Wakefield an appointment with
C - REX-UNC Radiation Oncology – Wakefield
D - REX Surgical Specialists – Wakefield UNC REX Cancer Care
E - REX Hematology Oncology Associates – Cary
F - REX Thoracic Surgical Specialists - Cary Call 919-784-3105
G - REX Neurosurgery & Spine Specialists – Cary
H - REX Hematology Oncology Associates – Garner www.REXhealth.com
I - REX Surgical Specialists – Garner
J - UNC Radiation Oncology at Clayton
K - UNC Radiation Oncology at Smithfield
L - UNC REX Cancer Care of East Raleigh
For more information or to schedule an appointment with UNC 16 | P a g e
17 | P a g e
UNC REX Cancer Center
4420 Lake Boone Trail
Raleigh, NC 27607