Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
Its time somebody blew the whistle & exposed it all.
If you've ever wanted to invest in Australian residential property
or expand your current property investment portfolio, and learn
about the things below:
Learn about these important chapters:
Never Buy A Property At A Seminar
The Hidden Dangers Of Rent Guarantees
Ten Easy High Pressure Sales Pitch Defences
The Truth About Hot Spots And Boom Towns
Property ‘Stock And Product Lists’ – The Worst Place To
Buy An Investment Property
Why Buying Ten Properties In Ten Years Could Ruin
Your Next 30 Years
Insider Secrets The Corrupt And Unethical Property
Investment Marketing Companies Don’t Want You To
Positive Or Negative Gearing – Does It Really Matter
Valuations Explained…And Scams Exposed
Product And Commission Driven Companies Destroying
Click on the book to order
yourself a copy today
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
About the Author
David Pascoe is a passionate
entrepreneur who owns and operates
several different businesses including the
first professional fully franchised property
investment business in Australia, called
Buy Australian Properties Corporation.
His property investment business
operates with unquestionable integrity, morals, ethics and
principals which are founded on trust client focussed, 100% of
the time. David has created a set of property investment client
engagement systems and procedures in his franchise that are
not focussed on selling people products, nor is it sales and
commission driven; it’s all about what the client wants and
David lives in Queensland with his wife and two teenage
daughters. His strong Christian faith governs his entire life and
he is involved in many charities, non-profit organizations and
foundations locally and around the world where he believes in
giving back and paying it forward. He loves travelling the world
with his family, enjoying scuba diving, fishing, fine dining,
boating and golf along the way.
He lives his life by what one of his greatest mentors, the late
and great man “Zig Ziglar” taught him: “You can have
everything you want in life if you just help enough others
get what they want first”.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
"You only live once, but if you do it right
once is enough"
Mae West
In every city, in every state of Australia, there is an extremely
dangerous threat spreading throughout our great country, one
that threatens to derail an entire industry, and rob hardworking
Aussies of their money.
It's insidious. It creeps up on its victims with the stealth of a lion.
It hides in plain sight, blending in with its surroundings, and
throws out its lures, designed to draw its prey in close so it can
pounce when the time is right.
And if you find yourself in its grasp, the chances of escape are
slim at best. You'll need the strength of a bodybuilder, the will of
a Special Forces officer and the nerves of a monk.
If you are a property investor, or you would someday like to be,
then you are the main course, and you are being hunted.
But this is not a creation of Mother Nature. Only mankind could
possibly come up with something so evil and deadly.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
The threat we are examining in this book is the corrupt and
unethical product and commission driven property investment
marketing companies.
Whether it’s by seminar, via an in-home presentation,
telemarketing, magazine advertising, internet or email, property
marketing companies are sweeping the nation and have been
doing so for years, luring innocent Aussie investors into their
traps, and relieving them of as much money as possible, as
quickly as they can.
They masquerade under the guise of titles such as 'Financial
Advisors', 'Property Investment Consultants or Gurus', 'Project
Marketers', 'Buyers and Real Estate Agents', Property
Investments Educators' and even 'Finance and Mortgage
Brokers', but once you have read this book all the way through,
and understood my message, you will realise that this could not
possibly be further from the truth.
When you read this book, you will probably wonder how such
an adversary is permitted to survive. Unfortunately, they can be
as clever as they are cunning.
They know how to operate mere inches inside the boundaries
of the law. They have systems in place to protect their own
interests, even as they are taking full advantage of yours.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
Armed with teams of legal and financial representatives, super-
slick sales teams, hard closers and sensational sales managers
they go into battle fully prepared to sweep all others aside, and
when you, the simple, unassuming, ordinary, everyday investor
are up against them, you stand little chance of going toe-to-toe
and coming away a winner.
You'll be lucky if all you get is a bloodied nose.
Unfortunately, these property marketing companies or whatever
they call themselves are taking advantage of our greed, our
desire to get ahead, even our desire to simply put food on the
table and prepare for our retirements, without having to work
ourselves into an early grave.
I'm here to expose their secrets and lies, deception, greed,
pressure tactics, sales pitches and unconscionable conduct,
and show you exactly who they are and what they plan to do
with your hard-earned money.
Believe me when I say it took me years (over five) to gather the
information and the courage to write a book like this because I
myself am in the property investment industry.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
And the secrets revealed in this book are so controversial that I
expect a huge backlash of threats, criticism and harassment
because there are billions of dollars made each year in this
industry and a lot of corrupt people will not want to have this
book in print.
When I talk about property marketing companies in this book, I
use that as an all-encompassing term to include dishonest and
unscrupulous property developers, snake-oil-selling sales
representatives, and anyone who would take the hopes and
dreams of a budding property investor and shatter them on the
ground like a cheap wine glass.
They seek out the inexperienced property investor, the budding,
ambitious folks who hear the stories of people with passive
cash flow from multiple properties, people who hate their job
and want more from life, people who know that property can
bring wealth and happiness into your life, but simply
don't know how to get started. The bad news is, your entire
future is at stake, and you're a prime target for corrupt and
unethical property investment marketing company.
And if you are an experiences investor, with a good portfolio of
properties, you're fair game too - they can just as easily corrupt
your vision of a good real estate strategy, and convert your
healthy property portfolio into a bloated, unprofitable mess that
could take years to sort out. If you are able to sort it out at all.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
Both groups of people I just mentioned are subject to big
financial losses, in terms of both capital value and rental
returns, and too many people are simply unable to turn things
around once they have become entangled with a property
marketing company.
Now, let me get a couple of things straight there:
1. Not all property investment marketing companies
are 'the bad guys'. There are a small number of
good, honest, ethical, reliable companies that will
work hard to do the right thing by you.
They will help you get into a property investment that suits you
and your situation, not just theirs. And they will only do so if
they can be confident that you stand a good chance of making
money from the deal.
You can find them. After you read this book all the way to the
end, you might start to think that they are all crooks. But that
isn't the case, There are honest operators out there, and they
are easier to find than you think. And when you find them, they
will try to help you make money in property.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
After all isn't that the reason you became interested in property
investing in the first place? Here's another thing you must
understand about me:
2. There is nothing wrong with getting commissions
and making money in business or in property. In
fact, I think we should all make as much money
as we can, to improve our lives, the lives of our
family and to help others who genuinely are less
I run a few different businesses and I make money from these
businesses. But there is a very important distinction I need to
make here, a crucial difference between companies like mine,
and the property marketing companies whose secrets I am
going to expose here in this book.
The difference is - I practice a duty of care with my clients. We
are client focused, not product and commission driven.
"Clients come first, profits come last"
This simply means that I honestly care about what happens to
them as a result of their dealing with me. I always consider
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
their situation and make sure I always give them a win-win deal.
Sure, I get paid: who else is going to look after my family?
But the important distinction to remember here is that I am only
interested in making money if it is done legally, morally and
ethically with the highest level
of integrity that cannot ever be compromised.
Look, there is nothing wrong with making a commission on the
sale of a property. Helping people get into a property, setting up
the deal, the paperwork, it all takes work. And nobody wants to
work for free.
But as you'll see as you go through these pages, the property
marketing companies I'm going to tell you about want more.
Much more. For them, an honest day's pay for an honest day's
work is simply not enough.
No, they have to make a grab for more than their fair share.
They feel as though they are somehow entitled to pull the wool
over your eyes and convince you to hand over far more money
than you should, for something that is worth far less money
than their asking price.
Too many people get burned by a property marketing company
and become soured on the whole industry. And I can
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
understand why. In fact, here's a statistic that you may find both
interesting and terrifying:
72% of Australian property investors never purchase a second
That's right, the vast majority of Aussies who buy a house or
apartment and put a tenant in, never do so again. That is the
first and last time they purchase an investment property.
Before I started writing this book I asked myself, why is that?
Why would so many people stop and only buy one property,
when they could go on and live the dream - create a passive
income from owning multiple properties.
Why does this happen in this day and age, when so many
so-called 'property gurus' are out there every day, talking
about all the properties they own, all the properties their
students own, how they're making all this money every month
that they don t have to work for - this statistic does not happen
because people don't know that you can buy more than one
I'll tell you why it happens. It happens because the person, or
people, bought the property from a property marketing
company, who gave them a raw deal which probably cost them
too much money, stressed them out over an extended period
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
of time, and left them with a lemon property that they can't rent
out anywhere near the price they were hoping for, if they can
find a tenant at all.
They were sold on dreams of boom towns near the big
Queensland mines, they were sold on tall tales of exclusive
deals and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, and when these
things did not prove to be true, well, who could blame them for
feeling ripped off by the industry, and giving up on their real
estate dreams.
The stresses involved are real too, and they are devastating.
Typically, these property marketing companies tend to force
people into buying, and buying right now, using the kind of
hard-sell tactics that might land a client, but they land a client
who feels violated, coerced into a deal they would like to have
thought about for a while, robbed of the opportunity to get
independent advice from their own financial and legal advisers.
In short - investors feel robbed!
Now, it's easy to say, "Chin up, get back up, get on with it, not
everyone's the same, you know." And logically that's what most
people would probably like to do.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
I mean we are living in the information age - and you don't need
to buy any expensive courses to know your property investing
options: the internet, social media, magazines, TV and
newspapers talk constantly about property strategies,
leveraging your equity, renovating for profits, and so on.
People are fully aware that they should move on from a bad
deal, but it's not as simple as that.
You see, the stress and angst caused by this process of forcing
someone into a bad investment are often so great, it leaves as
indelible scar on the soul of the victim. Some of these property
marketing companies are so aggressive, so determined to strip
your every dollar away from you, that the mere thought of
buying another property fills you with both fear and rage.
If you think I'm exaggerating here, check that statistic again.
Remember, only 28% of Australians who invest in property ever
invest in another one, either concurrently or one after the other.
Think about the typical Hollywood scene of a person walking
through a poorly lit alley, late at night in a big city. The mugger
emerges from a shadowy corner and demands cash at
knifepoint. As we know, this happens every day in real life.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
If you've experienced this scenario for yourself, you know what
I'm talking about. Many victims of violent crime would obviously
be reluctant to revisit the scene, especially after dark. They will
often suffer emotionally, and they may even move out of the city
altogether. Once again, I am not exaggerating. Sure, no
physical knife may be involved at an evening seminar or in-
house presentation. But believe me, the property spruiker up
there on stage or in your house telling you just how great their
company is, and how wonderful the opportunity you have been
presented with tonight is, is probably even more dangerous to
you, at least in a financial sense.
At least the mugger can only get the cash you have on you at
the time, as long as you hand over your wallet or purse, and
allow them to disappear into the night.
However, much more of your accumulated wealth is in danger
when you are dealing with one of these corrupt and unethical
property marketing companies.
I'm sure you have heard the saying 'The pen is mightier than
the sword'. In this industry, never a truer word was spoken.
With the stroke of a pen, an unscrupulous spruiker can rob you
of more money than you probably dare to imagine right now.
And if they are allowed to build up a level of trust with you, then
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
you can quickly and easily get in far too deep to get back out
without sustaining plenty of financial damage.
Just last night, as I write this, I had a discussion with one of my
franchisees about a person he knows who was sucked and
conned into buying two properties from a high-pressure sales-
driven company. The valuation came in for the first deal at a
whopping $43,000 short and on top of that they have to pay
another $4,000 (to the company for their service fee) for the
privilege to get ripped off.
And this company boasts that their property investment strategy
has helped thousands of Australians. To do what? Go
How the hell do people sleep at night taking advantage of
people and trying to use $47,000 of their current equity in their
principal place of residence to fund their greed? Sorry, but it's a
bloody disgrace.
What happens when you have to risk the equity in your home to
prop up that valuation shortfall, just to get the deal done?
Unfortunately, if you signed that contract without getting your
own independent, unbiased advice from your own experts, your
options may be limited. And it may cost you more than you
could ever have imagined.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
You remember that 'free seminar' you thought you were going
to? All the 'free information' and 'property secrets’' you were all
set to write down on your notepad?
I'm sorry, but that was all a lie.
Because these snake oil sellers aren't interested in the hard
work and integrity it takes to run an honest business. They
aren't interested in providing the value that they promised you.
They aren't actually interested in anything at all, except for filling
their own pockets with your money.
These businesses are all product and commission driven. And
us we've discussed, there is nothing wrong with making a
commission or profit, as long as you do it legally, morally and
ethically, and not at the expense of the client.
However, these corrupt and unethical property marketing
companies operate under no such self-imposed restrictions and
with the industry being unregulated, it's just too easy for them.
They seem to feel free to fool, trick and coerce any living
human being who walks into their seminar room, or invites them
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
into their home, into purchasing a property that is almost
certainly a bad deal.
They will use every hard-sell trick in the book to convince you to
take the action they want you to take. They will manipulate your
emotions, they will trigger guilt, greed, envy and more, and they
will do their absolute best to stop you thinking about the
prospective deal in a logical manner.
Because logical thought will usually catch them out in about two
minutes. All it takes is a level head, some clear thought about
what they are saying, the pressure they apply, their body
language and the details of the deal.
This is why they seek to get you emotionally pumped up,
excited, absolutely fizzing with energy and spinning around the
room, if they possibly can.
They are experts at manipulating your emotions and bringing
them to a state of peak excitement at the very moment that
contract is shoved under your nose.
Unethical and corrupt property marketing companies train their
sales people to become experts in manipulation of other
people. They drill pushy sales tactics into their very psyche.
And they drive out all feelings of guilt, remorse, sorrow or
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
anything else that might make a sales person feel even a hint of
empathy for you, and prevent you from buying a lemon
Unfortunately, they are very good at what they do. They invest
in the best high-pressure sales training available. They take out
large advertisements in newspapers, magazines, they use
internet advertising to drive thousands of visitors to their
websites, seminars and information nights.
The point is, they are taking your hard-earned dollars, and
those of a lot of other innocent victims around Australia, and
enjoying the high life, travelling the country, raking in
commissions, and all at the expense of the average Aussie
If you are reading this introduction, you owe it to yourself to
read through every chapter, understand the content, even make
notes all over the margins of the page, that's fine - just make
sure you understand what is going on in this industry at the
And if you must go to a property seminar, or invite a sales
representative into your home, then at least you can go in with
your eyes open, fully prepared, and ready to deflect their hard-
sell tactics with intelligent, logical strategies that could prevent
you from making a poor decision on the night.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
I've written this book to be valuable to ordinary, everyday
Australian investors who want to grow their property portfolios
without undue risk or stress.
Because I see this kind of scam happening in this country every
single day. Right now there is a sales representative sitting at
someone's kitchen table, trying to close a sale that will only
benefit them, in the form of a commission from a property
investment that is not in the best interest of the client to buy.
And tonight there is going to be a seminar somewhere, in a
room filled with hopeful investors, who are about to have their
property investing hopes and dreams crushed in the machinery
of an unscrupulous and scheming property marketing company.
Unfortunately, the issue is a lot more complicated than simply
making new laws against these property marketing companies
although that will help and would be a great start.
The law is already complicated enough, and these property
marketing companies are experts at getting around most of the
current laws; they'd simply hire more lawyers to find new ways
of beating any new laws.
And in the end, it is up to the individual investor to make good
decisions with their money. It is up to you, the investor, to
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
educate yourself to the point where you can spot a good or a
bad deal for what it is, and avoid the traps.
I'm willing to accept that some people may come into contact
with one of these property marketing companies with good
intentions, looking for a sales job where they can meet new
people, or get practice at public speaking, or get paid well for a
job well done. In fact, I have some friends and associates who
do work for property investment companies.
However, I would bet that many would soon depart (and some
of my friends have), disgusted by the true intent of the
companies and the tactics they use, unable to scam people out
of their life savings for a living.
Those who do stay, those who can kid themselves that they're
not hurting anyone, or those who just don't care who they hurt,
are soon corrupted and accepted into the fold.
But the simple fact, no matter how you look at it, is that these
companies are here now, and moving around this great
country of ours, helping people to part with their money in
exchange for trouble and heartache.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
There are three positives to be had here:
1. These companies tend not to last for more than
a few years. In general, they will not be around
for the long term, in the form they are now.
Although in saying that I know of about ten
companies who have been around for 20 plus
years and only have about 10% client repeat
As you can imagine, the only problem is that these people
usually tend to pop up again in six months or a year, with a new
company, maybe a different format, but the same old MO.
Unless of course the public gets a rare win and the snake oil
sellers find themselves behind bars.
2. It is usually impossible for them to get a repeat
customer. I mean, if you got burned the first time,
you're probably not going for seconds.
However, as the marketplace for investment properties
increases in size, they figure they can just sniff out new victims
to replace the old ones, and start again with them.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
3. This book is you unethical and corrupt property
investment marketing company protection
Another reason I wrote this book is because I felt that I simply
had to - as far as I can see, there is no other book on the
market that peels back the layers of these scams and exposes
the dirty little secrets of these property marketing companies for
all to see.
In fact, I urge you to finish reading this book all the way though,
follow all the instructions inside, and then tell all your friends to
buy a copy and read it too. Especially if they're in the least bit
interested in property investing.
If this book can help just one person avoid losing hundreds of
thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars, not to mention
countless sleepless nights, years of stress and even their
marriage and their family, if one modest book can help just one
person hang on to these most important things, it will have been
worth all the long hours and late nights it took to write.
How to use this book:
These chapters are not in particular order of most dangerous to
least dangerous, because the relative level of danger in each
one is only determined by your particular circumstances, and is
therefore totally unique to you.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
And, in some chapters I've provided a few solutions and
preventative measures that you can implement in order to
protect yourself from these scheming spruikers. Follow all the
advice in this book and you will increase your chances of
success by a huge margin.
Now, it's true that some of these measures do involve hard
work, such as doing research, reading information, getting
advice from lawyers, accountants, or financial planners, but
that's okay - the false dreams of riches without work that these
spruikers are selling won't get you to where you want to go, will
It's an important point to make note of - the get-rich-quick
schemes that property marketing companies promote are
simply scams to separate you from your money.
But I don't think I have to remind you that it does take work, it
does take effort, mental and physical, to get ahead in this world
And, quite frankly, if you think that you can simply hand over
some money to a property spruiker, and you'll automatically get
rich without doing anything else, maybe this book isn't for you.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
But if you are prepared to open your eyes, prepared to open
your mind, prepared to put in the mental and physical effort
required to research properties, reach out to financial and legal
experts, and make a move, then I can help you.
The key is to do it wisely, as I said, and that includes staying
away from the nasty property marketing companies who only
have their interests at heart, not yours. Never forget this fact.
Anyway, that's enough for this introduction, it's time to dive in to
the content I've put together for you. But first, a warning:
This is different from anything else you've read.
There is no holding back here. There is no being diplomatic. I
am not interested in being kind, to either the unethical or
corrupt property investment marketing companies or to anyone
who blindly goes into an evening seminar and buys a property
without giving thought to whether it's a good deal or not.
And once you read this book, you will have absolutely no
excuse. You now have the information in your hands that
you need in order to avoid the scams and pitfalls awaiting
you out there.
Australian Property Investment Scams Exposed
But one important point I would like to make - don't give up! The
antelope roaming the plains of Africa are hunted on a daily
basis by some of the most terrifying animals on the planet.
Lions and other hungry carnivores devote their entire lives to
making these grass eaters their lunch.
But they don't hide out or give up. They proudly roam the
savannah, in defiance of the large predators who stalk them
every day.
And you should do the same - sure, there are dangers out
there. But you are now far more prepared than most people will
ever be, so you have no excuse for not making money in
property investing, and you should certainly not allow yourself
to be taken in by the schemes these reckless property
marketing companies are hatching up for you.
Forewarned is forearmed. It's an old, well-worn saying, but a
relevant one. So go out there, and do it. Find good properties,
buy them, and rent them out. Build your portfolio. Generate
cash flow.
The dream is real. The only reason people don't achieve their
dreams is not because they're lazy; in general, they aren't. It's
because of a lack of information, specifically, a lack of the right
information; that is, clear, actionable strategies you can use to
avoid these property spruikers and get into real estate deals
that have a better-than-average chance of making you money.