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Published by ijuasirtab, 2023-12-01 10:05:40





Literature has been a part of our daily life activity without us even knowing. From reading a newspaper, or doing a citation, literature has always been helping to understand the English language better. The project that was assigned was designed for the students to explore more deeper about the literature world. Each student is required to create their own poems and a short story based solely on their ideology and creativity. The first part of this scrapbook will open with elements in poetry that are Limerick, Haiku, Sonnet, Ode and Free Verse. The part 2 for this scrapbook presents a short story that tells a tale of family and love. By creating this scrapbook, the students were able to understand the fundamentals of literature in a wider meaning and can identify the poetry elements easily. It shows the importance of language in our daily life and how it gives us various ways to communicate. INTRODUCTION


LIMERICK ‘ The War Sage ’ Huge bomb dropped in my alley Our peace gone from the valley We face it without crying And we stop running You’re not worth my money. BY-SENTHAN

LIMERICK The poem is about more to a person’s courage toward war. To begin with, the first line in the poem is about what happened in some counties then and now. For example, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the second line, as I mentioned, peace has gone from the valley which indicates that people are not happy and didn't live in harmony. For the third line, people may be scared and cry for help and mercy when facing the enemy but now they become more courageous. They stop running because they are brave to face the enemy with confidence and support. It can also indicate that people stop running from death and they try to face it bravely. The last line is to indicate all people who boycott the enemy that try to destroy a country’s harmony. For example, in many countries nowadays they boycott products which are Starbucks and Mcdonalds from Israel because they harm palestine with their selfie behaviour. The first , second and fifth rhyming with ‘ey’ and for third and fourth rhyming with ‘ing’ at the end of the sentences.

LIMERICK People have to be more courageous because the world is more developed and technology is increasing day by day. We can't be sure when a country tries to attack us so to face that crisis we have to be prepared emotionally and physically. War is more dangerous than some national issues. A country would do anything to win the battle. For example, the United States dropped bombs in Japan to break the fighting will of the Japanese people. If the people are afraid of the wars the bigger and stronger country will try to invade them with the advantage they have. The poem is to everyone who faced the war and didn’t because it can help them build courage. I'm sure that in the future there won’t be any war that kills people. The poem may make people strong so that they can make a good decision.

‘The Open Book’ Day and night wonder, who collected all the tears when the sun appears. It is the promise, that the rainbow first appears, the sun shine on earth. - By Wong Huiying HAIKU

Definition From a distance, you know what I’m thinking. You know my tears of joy and sadness. Even though i wonder a lot, I’m never out of your sight because you care. You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence. When I look behind me and you’re there, then up ahead and you’re there too. Your presence never ends. This is too wonderful for me. If I climb to the sky, you’re there! If I go underground, you’re there! You’d find me in a minute, and you’re already there waiting for me! You even see me in the dark! because darkness isn’t dark to you. Night and day, they’re all the same to you. You shaped me first inside and out. I am beautifully made! You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, and how I was sculpted from nothing into something as promise. My life is not useless but meaningful with the purpose u gave in the beginning. Like an open book, you watched me grow in all the stages of my life. You dried up all my tears with your healing arms after i met your love. I’m grateful the days of my life. Your thoughts are beautiful! I couldn’t even begin to count them any more than I could count the sand of the sea. Just let me live always with you.

Explanation It is always difficult to recognise the true state of our inner man. We will face alot in this world, we might face ups and downs without a sense. But there is One who has seen us and knows us, and who knows better than ourselves. Our tears collected by him, he counted all the droplets. He discerns us, keeps us, and knows more about our hearts than we know about ourselves. This is the great truth. Wherever we go, His hand will guide us and uphold us. His presence is guiding and sustaining. He gave us the purpose of promises to face everyday. Comfort and strength will come no matter what. The night may hide from man, but it cannot hide from Him. He is like a sun shining for us and gives us the warmth to dry up the downs. Darkness and light are both the same in His sight. We cannot hide from Him, and wherever we go, we have His love with us. No creation can separate us from his eternal love.


A contrast between societal expectations and the internal reality. It implies that society may believe courage is external, not inherent, but the following lines challenge this perception. Courage is indeed an internal quality, emphasising that it can be born within a person, especially during challenging or difficult times. Acknowledge that life has difficult moments ("dark and stormy days") that can undermine hope. However, courage is presented as the guiding force that helps overcome these challenges and fight for one's aspirations. The strength in standing up to challenges rather than avoiding them. It encourages taking a break to regain composure and assures that courage will bring rewarding results. The transformative power of courage, suggesting that it is the catalyst for positive change and the starting point for all endeavours.Challenging and difficult times. The metaphor of "dark and stormy days" suggests periods of adversity or hardship. These challenging times have a negative impact, potentially causing disappointment or setbacks that undermine one's hopes and optimism. The focus shifts to the positive influence of courage. Despite the difficult circumstances, courage is portrayed as a guiding force that reveals paths or solutions. The proactive role of courage. It suggests that courage empowers individuals to actively engage and fight for their hopes and aspirations, even in the face of adversity.Courage as the inner strength required to face challenges and difficulties head-on. It emphasises the idea that courage involves standing up for what is right or facing adversity with resilience. The concept of courage with the easier alternative of avoiding challenges or running away from difficult situations. It acknowledges the temptation to escape but suggests that true courage involves confronting rather than evading.Is to pause, take a moment, and find solace. It recognizes that everyone needs a break to recharge and uplift their spirits, highlighting the importance of self-care. Conveys a sense of reward for displaying courage. It suggests that the positive outcomes and personal growth resulting from facing challenges will be a form of repayment for the courage shown.Courage is essential when it comes to initiating or embracing change. It suggests that taking steps toward something new or different requires courage. Stating that courage is the starting point for various endeavours or transformations. It implies that courage is a foundational element, playing a crucial role in initiating and driving positive changes in one's life. Definition

The origin and nature of courage, portraying it as an internal strength that emerges in challenging times, guides through difficulties, and empowers positive change. Challenges may disrupt one's hopes, courage acts as a source of resilience and determination, providing the strength and guidance needed to persevere and fight for one's aspirations. The strength needed to confront challenges, acknowledge the allure of avoidance, encourage selfcare, and posit that the benefits of courage will be personally rewarding in the end. Courage is not only necessary for facing challenges but is also the catalyst for instigating new beginnings and positive transformations in different aspects of life. Explanation

Courage of Love, Yasmin Sofea ODE In love's embrace, a courage bold, A story of hearts, tenderly told. Not the absence of love's doubt, But a commitment that won 't wear out. To bare the soul, a fearless dance, In love's journey, a daring chance. Courage is the anchor, come what may, In the symphony of hearts that play. Love's Courage, a flame that gleams, Through trials, it steadfastly beams. A vow to weather storm and strife, A dance of love, a courageous life.

Love's Courage is a remarkable and daring force that individuals harness when it comes to matters of the heart. It transcends any hesitations or apprehensions, symbolizing the unwavering dedication and boldness required to navigate the complex realm of love. It is a willingness to expose one's vulnerability, to place trust in another, and to confront the inevitable uncertainties that accompany love. Love's Courage forms the foundation of lasting relationships, empowering individuals to authentically express themselves and overcome any obstacles that may arise. DEFINITION

In the world of love, being brave means opening your heart completely and being true to yourself. It's not just about not being scared or unsure, but about choosing to face those feelings and overcome them. Love's Courage is shown when people are willing to be vulnerable and share their deepest feelings, fears, and dreams. It helps partners take risks, make promises, and stick together no matter what. This bravery is what makes relationships strong and meaningful, and allows love to grow and last. It turns the journey of love into an exciting and wonderful adventure, where hearts beat together and people are brave enough to fully love each other. EXPLANATION

My love, When I'm with you, Love is present, Like the wind, You can't see it, But can feel it, This happiness that I seek, For I have believed, that thou love myself what it is, And not because of anything else, As long as you are Happy, I will also be Happy. By-SHAHIRA

Definition This poem describes a person who has fallen in love with his partner. For starters, the first line in this poem is about a couple who go through love. Together. For example, husband and wife. In the third row as I mentioned, the love is present that unites that, without love is not a couple and there is no what’s that the meaning of love. As for the 4,5,6 lineup, la says the love of dating suddenly arrived, and was not detected. However love is actually dating from a found mate that we cannot avoid. As the saying goes 'love is blind' tapa we realize that we feel very comfortable with it. The eighth line is because I believe it's true that it's true believe that his partner can be trusted in, anyway. Next is the 9th and 10th lines. in a couple should accept in shortage, which it has and not that it has an excess that we want to use it. Finally the 11th and 12th lines of this poem want to say as long as in a couple as long as a happy it will also follow happy.

Explanation Each in a couple should trust each other and love each other. This is said because happy couples are complementing each other and trusting each other's partners with anything. However, if there is a lack of ease, accept it with a heart. Because of the limits of love being able to satisfy each other. Love is actually beautiful to go through moments that are shared in hardship or hardship. As the saying goes of love is blind.


The year is 1990, Layla was only 10 years old when she heard a car pull out front. She was lying on her bed and ran straight to the window as she heard the sound. “It’s dad!” Layla said out loud. She ran as fast as she could down the stairs to greet her father at the door. Jimmy Johnson barely reached the door knob when Layla had swung the door open. She hugged him tightly at the door and he slowly awkwardly walked into the house without breaking up the hug “What’s up with the boost of energy?” he smiled as he walked. “Dad!” shouted a young boy from the kitchen. Daniel, 5 years old, Layla’s younger brother was eating in the kitchen with their mother. Jimmy walked into the kitchen and gave a tiny peck on the cheek to his wife, Heather who was cooking pancakes on the stove. Jimmy just came back from his night shift job as a Logistic Manager at a local company. He sat down at the dining table beside Daniel who was already half way through his third pancake for breakfast. Layla took a seat across the dining table and put a pancake on her ‘Spongebob Squarepants’ plate. LIFE’S JOURNEY

“How was your work, honey?” Heather asked as she put more pancakes to the steep mount of cooked pancakes. “Same old same old, but I do have good news” Jimmy said. “What’s that, honey?” Heather replied. “I got a raise!” he looked around in excitement and continued “so now I can get you guys a proper gift for Christmas!” Jimmy announced as he ruffled Daniel’s hair. The kids squeal in excitement at the news. Later in the evening, all of the Johnsons went to the supermarket to shop for their Christmas present. Layla was reaching for the latest Barbie doll when her mother smacked her hand out of the way. “You don’t need that one, this one is fine enough for you” Heather reaches out to give Layla a cheaper version of a same feature doll. Layla pushes away that doll and takes the Barbie doll she initially wanted. Heather became irritated and yanked the Barbie doll from Layla’s hand and dragged her away. “For that action, young lady, you won’t be getting any presents for this year's Christmas. ” Heather states as they walk away. Layla starts sobbing as she looks at the doll being left at the shelves. They reached the cashier where they met back with Layla’s father pushing another cart filled with toys that Daniel had picked out who was sitting on the cart’s baby seat.

“Layla, did you not pick anything out, sweetheart?” Jimmy questions as he looks at the cart that only has kitchen supplies. Before Layla could even speak out, her mother said “she didn’t like any of the dolls, she wanted to help me more in the kitchen” . Jimmy looked confused at the statement but didn’t say anything else. Layla sobs as they walk to pay for the items. As they packed up the stuff inside the car, Jimmy suddenly reached into his pocket and said that he had forgotten where he placed his wallet. He quickly looks at Layla and reaches for her hand “we will go ask the customer service” and walks hurriedly back into the supermarket. Layla just followed her father and was shocked when they reached the doll aisle, she looked up to her father and back to the Barbie doll she wanted. “I know you wanted this doll. Go on, take it. ” Layla was hesitant at first and was looking back and forth to the doll and her father. Her father nodded and Layla took the Barbie doll. Layla wipes her tears and hugs her father.

When Layla hit 18 years old, she would often go out when it’s late at night as her dad left for his job. This is because Layla felt trapped whenever she was in the house with only her mother, therefore she would hang out with her friend till late morning in order to avoid being alone with her mother. Daniel was only 13 years old, so he would often follow what their mother said. One night as Layla was outside with her friends, she got a call from her father. She picked up the call but heard an unknown voice. “Hello, is this Layla? Jimmy’s daughter?” the person’s voice was shaking. “Yes, it’s Layla. May I know who this is?” Layla asks “Hi, my name is Tom. I’m with your dad at the moment. It was my fault, I exited without giving a signal in time. I'm so…sorry, I didn’t mean it. ” the stranger stutters Slowly realising what may have happened, Layla’s voice rose “What do you mean you didn’t mean it?!, where is my father?” The voice at the other end was shaking “your father is gone”

The sinking feeling of Layla’s heart as the sentence ends, Layla quickly asks the location of the accident and starts her motorcycle. She speeds through the highway with tears falling down her cheeks with the thought that ‘it’s not the time, it’s too early’ . Ambulance and Police had already arrived at the scene when Layla arrived. The body was covered in white cloth with blood flowing on the road to the side. Layla slowly walked towards her father’s body but was stopped by one of the officers. She tried to push the officer away by force but the officer held his stand. She cried so hard that she can barely stand anymore. Looking at her father’s lifeless body beside the street was unbearable for her and she fainted as she tried to hold herself up. 3 months have passed since Jimmy’s death. Life has become meaningless as Layla no longer feels at home without her father. She spent most of her time in her room staring outside the window. Heather became less patient with both Layla and Daniel. She would get angry at the tiniest thing and storm out of the house. She refuses to talk with anyone on how she is feeling. Daniel stayed the same and continued to help out on the house work.

The doorbell rang and a knock was heard from the entrance. Layla was sitting in the living room and went to check who was at the front door. She opened the door and there was a middle aged lady wearing a mink fur coat and holding a piece of paper in front of her face that read out “EVICTION NOTICE” . The lady walked inside the house and looked around “A little bit of construction and this place would be perfect for the business!” the lady giggles In confusion, Layla walked to the lady and asked who she was. The lady looks at her dead in the eyes “I’m your grandmother, silly. I will be taking care of this house now. ” Heather came downstairs having heard the ruckus. “Mom? What are you doing here?” Heather’s face became sour. The grandmother looks at Heather up and down and proceeds to scoff “My boy died and you are still here at home with your lazy act. I’m here to take back what belongs to me. You and the kids will move out of this house by tomorrow morning. ”

“But mom, we have no place to go to. ” State Heather. Layla at the side was slowly getting angry and confused with what was happening. She took the eviction paper from her grandmother’s hand and read the details. “Okay, I will give you a space to read and understand that love letter, my lovely grandchild! Make sure to clean the house by tomorrow morning. ” The middle-aged lady left the place with her luxury car, a Bentley Continental R, with a wicked laugh. Layla was silent after reading the eviction paper; she did not expect that wealthy woman to have any blood ties with her. Although they have blood ties, their grandmother does not like the family of her son Jimmy, the father of Layla and Daniel. Mrs. Irene was a rich woman in the town; her husband died as a result of an accident a long time ago. Her relationship with her son was very close at first, but due to a misunderstanding between them, Jimmy takes himself to another town and builds a new life with Heather. Layla, clueless about what happened, decided to move out of that town and left her mother and brother since she had nowhere to go.

Layla decides to work and live in a small, dusty apartment in Vancouver. 3 years have passed. Layla works as a waiter in a busy Chinese restaurant. She works hard to collect money. She is occasionally regretful to leave her brother and mother, but her ego is more potent. Layla was busy working and suddenly came a girl wearing all black from head to toe, a leather jacket, black jeans, and converse shoes. “You look familiar? Are you? Are you Layla?. ” Layla with a shocked face “Oh God, Erza, it's already been 3 years we haven't met. You look so gorgeous. " “OH MY GOODNESS!,Layla How have you been? I can't find your house and everything; I just arrived from Japan last week since I graduated from Nada High School. ” “HEY YOUNG LADY! We have a lot of customers today; stay focused. " Shout, old man from the cashier table while calculating the money from the customer. “Erza,I need to go. Can we meet again? , after I finished my work" . “yes sure, Layla I will wait for you”

After finishing her work, Layla meets Erza again and talks about what actually happened to her. She decides to open up about the problem that she faced 3 years ago. Erza tries to embrace Layla with full attention. “I'm so sorry for your loss, sweetie. and sorry for not staying with you that time” . “It's alright,Erza. I don’t know, I'm so clueless” . “Since my dad has gone and my house has been taken, I don't know what to do, so I left them and worked here” . With glass eyes and embedded anger, Layla's head bows down to the land. The upset inside her agonised heart spread to her nerves, and she stood with numb feelings. “Wait what? What happened to your house,Layla?” Erza was curious. “Your house has been taken. By who and why?” “I don’t know, but a wealthy old woman just came to my house that time and gave us an eviction paper. She said she was my grandmother, and she came to claim her son's house. Her name is Irene. ” With a shocked face, Erza “Huh? Mrs.Irene? I know her. She is a single middle-age lady who lives in Guelph alone with her cats; she is my father’s business partner” .

“I have no idea; I thought she was a nice woman. So I guess I'm wrong” . “You know what?This morning I saw her asking to borrow my father’s money—not much, $500,000, I guess” . With an excited reaction “get in my truck quickly! We are going to meet my father!” “What?. That’s a lot of money?” With a confused face, Layla got into the truck. A green truck, a Toyota Land Cruiser with an old wood scent, and full dust on the dashboard played the song ‘everlasting love by Gloria Estefan’ to ease the fading situations. Erza, a rich girl who comes from a broken family but she is a positive, generous, and humble person, has been a sweet friend to Layla since 3 years old. Erza's mother was close to Layla's mother. As a charming person, she is willing to do anything for Layla; Layla is like family to her. After a 40 min journey (50.6 km) from Hamilton to Guelph they arrive in front of luxury buildings. Erza drops Layla and wants to park her truck inside the buildings, but she forgot the pass card, so she decides to park her truck along the side of the luxury building. After a couple minutes, the handsome man with grey hair approached Layla. “Hi Layla!” , “remember me?”

“Of course I remember; you are my best friend’s father” . With awkward laughter, said Layla. “Layla What happened? I heard my daughter say you were in critical situations. I heard your dad was involved in an incident; is that right?” . “Yes, my father died three years ago” . With an empathetic face, ”Oh God, I'm so sorry for your loss” . “Thank you, Mrs. Cornelius, ” , said Layla. “Daddy!” Shout, Erza, with heavy breath. “I have something urgent to tell you about Layla. Her house has been taken by Ms. Irene; she gave them an eviction paper, and actually, Ms. Irene was Layla's grandmother!” . “Ms Irene? That lady, what is she trying to do? This morning she wants to borrow my money" Mr. Cornelius, sigh. “Wait! Your house has been taken by her!” "Yes, 3 years ago, she came to our house and drove us out of that house, and I also split up with my mom and brother; it was actually my fault; I was in a hurry to leave that house, ” said Layla “Listen! I know where to find your mother, Layla, but right now I will talk to Mrs Irene first and then we will find your mother. ” ‘Tutt.. tutt.. Tutt..tutt’ , ” Hello, Mrs. Irene How was your day? Can we discuss our business today?” said Mrs. Cornelius. “Yes, good. Of course we can" with a silly laugh.

In the aesthetic space inside the luxury buildings, sit elegantly a middle-aged woman with her favourite mink fur coat. “Hi, Mrs. Irene, ” said, Mr. Cornelius. “I heard you had already found a lot of the house that I wanted” . “Yes, Mr. Cornelius, be patient. I will show you by tomorrow” . “Oh, good work, Mrs. Irene. You must be a good grandmother to Layla, your beautiful granddaughter, and her mother, your son's angel” . With a shocked face, Mrs. Irene's smile faded. “How do you know my granddaughter's name, Mr.Cornelius?” “Of course, I know she is a famous girl in my daughter's life” . “My expectations of you were really high, and I will never know how cruel you are towards your own blood ties, Mrs. Irene. ” “I own that house that my son owns, and it belongs to me. I can do what I want” . “Don’t be ridiculous. Mrs. Irene, that house belongs to Jimmy children, and the eviction paper that you make is fake” .

Anger on Mrs.Irene; “you know nothing about us, Mr.Cornelius” . She was thinking of something that could avoid this situation. “Alright Mr.Cornelius I have a good deal for you. If you give me $500,000, then I will give that house back to them” . “It sounds like a cruel witch, Mrs. Irene, but I have my own deal. I will give you $100,000, and then I want you to leave the house and them alone and never come again. And all the inheritance Jimmy left belongs to Heather and her child” . With no hesitation, Mrs.Irene agrees with Mr. Cornelius’ proposal. She began releasing her Fulgor Nocturnus pen to sign Mr.Cornelius' agreement form. She stood up with a magnificent feeling and shook hands with Mr.Cornelius. She left that aesthetic room with a grand feeling. The next morning, on a cool and breezy morning, Mr.Cornelius, Erza and Layla went to some place with a lot of yarn. Mr. Cornelius is knocking on the door. "Oh, hello, Mr. Cornelius, ” said Heather. “What can I do to help you?” “Hi, We haven't seen each other in a long time. Heather. ” Heather, I have a bit of a surprise for you. ”

Layla came to her with a guilty face and said, “Hi mother, how have you been?” Heather started to cry and hugged Layla tightly “Sorry for being a mean mother to you, Layla” . From afar, it looks like a body figure of a teenager boy. Daniel was at the kitchen door, listening to her mother's conversation with Layla. He looks excited and happy. Daniel ran towards Layla and hugged her. “I miss you, Layla” ,said Daniel with a deeply moved feeling. Layla is crying emotionally, and she is also happy to meet them. "Alright, happy to see you guys together” , said Mr.Cornelius. “So today I have a gift for you guys: I take back the house from your mother-in-law, and that house will be yours and your children's forever, Heather. About your mother-in-law, you don't have to worry; she's gone far. Maybe she's enjoying her old days cheerfully. Pack your stuff; we are all going to that house. ” Heather and her children were feeling happy and excited. “I am very indebted to you,Mr. Cornelius, ” said Layla. “Your fathers help me a lot, so it's my pleasure to help you!”

That house has been renovated by Mrs.Irene to sell it, but Mr. Cornelius decides to buy it from Mrs. Irene and give it as a gift to Heather and her child. Jump to a few months later, Peaceful, is the feeling that Layla is experiencing at the moment. Staring outside her window at the falling snow from her beloved house, Layla felt warm with the people around her. Her mom and her brother, Daniel who finally gathered together after years of loss contact. Layla’s wish came true after years of wishing for the Christmas miracle.

Layla Johnson -A child of a spoiled girl against her father and a lack of love from her mother, a good friend and sister, and who made the decision quickly Jimmy Johnson - A father and husband who are passionate and respectful and love his children, and also love helping people . Daniel Johnson -A son who is close to both his parents and he also has a good relationship with his sister. Heather Johnson -A housewife and the mother of two children, loving her children but not understanding her daughter. Mrs Irene Johnson - A middle-age woman who is arrogant and a money lover who lives alone with her cat after her late husband died. Ezra - A humble girl who came from a rich family, had a divorced family, but was still a cheerful and supportive friend. Mr Cornelius -A rich and humble person and an indebted man,he is also a caring person to her daughter and Layla, his daughter's friends. Characters Explanation

Inspirations The inspiration in creating this story is based on my surroundings on what it takes to be kind and grateful. It does not take much for one person to be kind. Based on the short story, Jimmy Johnson made an impact towards Layla as he took her back inside the mall and got her the doll that she wanted. As a child, their surroundings are important to be taken care of as it will affect them whether physically or mentally. Other than that, Mr Cornelius helped Layla get back her old beloved house because of the past good relationship that he and Jimmy Johnson had. Being grateful is also a key element in the story as the family were faced with an unexpected accident from the father’s death and getting evicted from their own house. Layla was bound with her emotion and broke apart from her mother and brother as she followed her anger. Only with the help of her friend, Erza, was she able to connect back with her family. She was grateful for Mr Cornelius’ help in getting the house back for her family. Parental issues are common in my eyes, especially for people who have an unsupportive mother or father. The only hope for them was their friends; most of them spend their teen life with their friends to avoid uncomfortable situations at home. Teens that run away from home because of parental issues basically face emotional overwhelm due to emotional distress or conflict. This short story tells about how the girl grew up in a home where her mother's behaviour was constantly unpleasant, controlling and emotionally abusive. She might experience a difficult and emotionally exhausting relationship with her mother. Her mother presents herself in a variety of ways, such as through criticism, invalidation, or unduly demanding expectations.However,in this short story, there is a strong relationship between daughter and father.

Her father is a supportive and kind father, and even though he is busy working, he still shows love to her. But after he passed away a lot of issues happened between the daughter and the mothers. Also her interactions with her parents and siblings shed light on the diverse nature of family relationships. The story highlights the importance of family communication, understanding, and compromise. Furthermore, strong friendship is also an inspiration; these two girls, Erza and Layla, show the lasting significance of true friendship. Though the distances separate them, the emotional connection, shared memories, and everlasting connection they've created over the years still form a connection that time is unable to break. Their story shows that true friendships, strong and unbreakable, have a chance to stay strong no matter how life's journey separates friends. Also, this story tells of a humble person. For example, Erza is humble and not arrogant, even when time and education separate their friendships. She still remembers her old friend Layla, and so does his father, Mr. Cornelius, an indebted man who will help his daughter's friend, as he still remembers the help of Layla's father, even though Mr. Jimmy has passed away.

Conclusion Finally, in poetry, the theme of love is a meaningful and widespread issue that may inspire a wide range of emotions in people. Love poems typically capture nostalgic moments, remembering previous things or relationships. This could cause a bittersweet mix of emotions, blending happy memories with desire or sorrow. The poetry that is created is the inspiration and experience that the author faces; therefore, I believe every poem created has served to understand people's emotions and their view of romance. Also,love poetry can explore the themes of comfort and security for readers because the explanation of this poetry is for advice and to tell the story that happened to the author

References hl=en&lr=&id=V7bhCgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd &pg=PP1&dq=poetry&ots=FlNm8pOV9a &sig=g3a5hf3bfkItu2aOw9NeIBZ5G4E& redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=poetry&f= false rces/poetry/how-to-write-limericks 1) Book Jacqueline Wilson,March 2003, Lola Rose. 2) Wainwright, J. (2015). Poetry: the basics. Routledge. 3) Wonky Star Ltd, (2011). How to Write Limericks.


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