www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 740 21th Nov. to 27th Nov. 2019 17
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www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 740 21th Nov. to 27th Nov. 2019 18
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www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 740 21th Nov. to 27th Nov. 2019 25
W RLDLY Acting leader
Anez seeks to
14 indicted in counterfeit end Bolivia’s
iPhones scheme in America
power vacuum
THE FBI has busted and charged They then exchanged them Bolivia's interim president Jeanine Anez. The country has been in a
14 alleged members of an for the real thing at Apple political turmoil since a controversial October 20 elections.
international criminal gang in stores throughout the US and
the US with fraud, BOLIVIA'S INTERIM president Jea- mat Karen Longari as foreign minis- turned by the Constitutional Court. fraud, and an audit by the Organiza-
conspiracy, identity Canada, and then shipped nine Anez moved Wednesday to fill
theft and money laun- the authentic devices the power vacuum left by the resigna- ter, and a right-wing senator, Arturo Riot police fired tear gas during tion of American States (OAS)
dering charges back to China and tion of Evo Morales, who said he was
related to their other foreign coun- ready to return from exile in Mexico Murillo, as minister for the interior. clashes with hundreds of Morales’ found clear evidence of vote count
counterfeit iPhone tries to sell at a to ‘pacify’ the country, as riot police
and iPad scheme premium, according clashed with his supporters and one Her economy minister Jose Luis supporters who marched towards manipulation.
that reportedly to the release from was killed.
cost Apple over USD the US Attorney's Parada worked for the local govern- the presidential palace to protest Ten people have now died and more
6.1 million. Office in the South- Anez, a 52-year-old deputy senate
ern District of Califor- speaker before proclaiming herself ment in the wealthy eastern province Anez's appointment. than 400 have been injured in the
According to a fed- nia. acting president on Tuesday — a
eral grand jury indict- move endorsed by the Constitutional of Santa Cruz, an opposition bastion. A 20-year-old man was shot and protests, according to prosecutors. A
ment unsealed on The FBI's investigation Court — named 11 cabinet ministers
Wednesday in San Diego, Cali- took years and spanned and appointed a new military high Rejecting Morales' claims that her killed in a village near the eastern previous toll put the number of
fornia, the gang was led by across many jurisdictions. command.
three brothers and they presidency amounted to a coup, she city of Santa Cruz during a clash deaths at eight.
imported more than 10,000 The scheme allegedly In a press conference at the presi-
counterfeit iPhones and iPads involved 14 people who now dential palace, she reiterated a pledge said: “There is no coup in Bolivia. between Morales supporters and On Wednesday, demonstrations
from China. face dozens of fraud, conspir- to ‘hold elections in the shortest pos- There is a constitutional replace-
acy, identity theft and money sible time.’ Anez named former diplo- police, a doctor said. took place in Morales strongholds of
laundering charges. —PTI ment.” “The only coup d'Etat
Bolivia has been in politi- El Alto, around 20 kilometers from La
in this country has been by Ten cal turmoil since a contro-
Evo Morales,” she said, people have Paz, and El Chapare, a coca-growing
referring to a 2016 refer- died and more versial October 20 elec-
endum that blocked the tion in which Morales region in the center of the country.
was awarded a fourth
term as president. The La Paz clashes took place three
Opposition figures cried
ex-president from run- than 400 have foul, claiming electoral blocks from the presidential palace,
ning for re-election, but been injured in where Anez was presiding over the
which Morales had over- the protests
appointments of the new military
top brass. —AFP
US to keep Climate change,
around corruption blamed
600 troops for Venice f loods
in Syria
MUCH of Venice
THE UNITED States will main- was under water
tain around 600 troops in on Wednesday
Syria, Pentagon chief Mark night after the
Esper said on Wednesday, highest tide in
despite Donald Trump's 50 years ripped
desire to end US involve- through the historic Italian future of Venice is at stake, he
ment in what the president warned. We cannot live like this.”
calls endless wars. city, beaching gondolas,
Environment Minister Sergio Costa
“We're still moving troops trashing hotels and sending blamed climate change and the
out of northeastern Syria, tropicalisation of violent rainfall
the US defense secretary tourists fleeing through rap- and strong winds. “This is what is
said onboard a plane as he happening more and more often in
travelled to Seoul, where idly rising waters. the Mediterranean,” Costa said on
he begins a tour of Asia on Facebook.Global warming will
Thursday. We're going to The government in Rome was destroy our planet if we do not
have about 500 to 600-ish immediately reverse the direction.
troops there, at the end of expected to declare a state of
the day,” he said. The exceptionally intense acqua
emergency at a cabinet meeting on alta, or high waters, peaked at 1.87
Asked if that figure metres (six feet). Only once since
included the approximately Thursday after Prime Minister records began in 1923 has the water
200 troops deployed to the crept even higher, reaching 1.94
Giuseppe Conte described the metres in 1966. It was unbelievable.
US Pentagon chief The water rose so quickly, said resi-
Mark Esper. flooding as a blow to the heart of A woman dent Tiziano Collarin, 59, as he sur-
carrying a veyed the damage. Windows were
Al-Tanf base near the south- our country. child on her blown out, there are those who have
eastern borders with Jor- back wades lost everything, he said as the flood
dan and Iraq, Esper said that Officials blamed climate change
he was referring to north- in the Around 80 percent of the
eastern Syria, where Trump while shopkeepers on the Grand flooded St. city has been submerged
has instructed the Pentagon
to secure oil fields. Canal raged against those who Mark's
Square in
“There would be 600-ish have failed to protect the UNESCO
troops across the country,” Venice.
he then reiterated. Esper city from the high tide. They said
said that the numbers could Police officers
fluctuate, particularly if corruption had repeatedly delayed stand in the
European allies strengthen
their presence in the coun- a barrier protection system that flooded St. Mark's
try. Things change. Events Square in Venice.
on the ground change. We could have prevented the disaster.
could have, for example, A 78-year old was killed by an elec-
partners and allies from The city is on its knees, Venice tric shock as the waters poured into
Europe joining us, he said. If his home. “We ask the government to
they join us on the ground it mayor Luigi Brugnaro said in an help us, the costs will be high,”
may allow us the ability to mayor Brugnaro tweeted. “These are
redeploy further US forces. interview with national broad- the effects of climate change. The
Trump's abrupt announce- caster RAI.There's widespread
ment last month that he had devastation, he said in the famed marked with occasional puddles.
ordered a full troop with- St Mark's Square, which bore the Four Venetian friends who had gath-
drawal drew angry rebukes brunt of the flooding. In all likeli- ered in the square, all wearing boots,
at home and abroad. Critics said the relative quiet and lack of
said it could allow a resur- hood the damage from last
gence of the IS group while tourists was upside of an oth-
leaving US-allied Kurdish night runs into hundreds alarm rang out to warn those in the
fighters in Syria vulnerable A erwise harrowing few days.
to a Turkish invasion. —AFP of millions of euros. “We've never seen any- canal city that the tide, which had
thing like it,” said Alvise,
“The state of emer- massive 19. Earlier, tourists lug- receded somewhat overnight, was
gency for a natural dis- infrastructure ging heavy suitcases rising once again.
aster will allow the project called MOSE waded in thigh-high
government to use has been under way boots or barefoot The fire brigade said it had carried
exceptional powers through the sub-
merged alleys, as gon- out over 400 operations as well as
dola and water taxi
and means to inter- since 2003 to protect the drivers baled sewage- laying on extra boats as water ambu-
vene more quickly,” city, but it has been lances. Around 160 firefighters were
and Conte said deployed to rescue people stranded
his government was
ready to allocate funds. plagued by cost over- on jetties and to recover boats bro-
runs, corruption
ken free from their moorings.
The disaster that has scandals and tainted water out of their President of the Veneto region Luca
trashed vessels.
struck Venice is a blow to delays Zaia said 80 percent of the city had
Dirty water was swirling
the heart of our country, been submerged, causing unimagin-
Conte said at the scene. It hurts around the marble tombs inside able damage to the city, which has
to see the city so damaged, its the 12th-century crypt of St Mark's atre and the Ducal Palace. 50,000 residents but receives 36 mil-
artistic heritage threatened. St Basilica, which suffered untold dam- “We said last year that the basilica lion visitors each year. A massive
had aged 20 years in a high tide. It
Mark's Square was calm on age when an unprecedented high tide risks having aged much more than infrastructure project called MOSE
that in this one,” said the building's
Wednesday evening, with just a swept through the city. It was closed procurator Carlo Alberto Tesserin. has been under way since 2003 to
smattering of tourists walking to tourists as were many other Venice protect the city, but it has been
through the relatively dry square highlights including the Fenice The-
plagued by cost overruns, corruption
scandals and delays. —AFP
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 740 21th Nov. to 27th Nov. 2019 26
Mr. Boris Johnson refuses to All Conservative election candidates
appoint new EU Commissioner. pledge to back my Brexit deal: UK PM
The European new commissioner – even EU case-law, a member state
place on March 29.
Commission has launched though all member states are “may not invoke provisions
Voters in the 2016
“infringement proceedings” legally obliged to do so. prevailing in its domestic legal
referendum narrowly voted in
against Britain after Boris Incoming commission system to justify failure to
favour of leaving the EU.
Johnson refused to nominate president Ursula von der Leyen observe obligations arising
Commenting separately on
a new British EU has said she wants to form a under union law”. The launch
his tax policy, the prime
commissioner. newCollegeofCommissioners of infringement proceedings
minister told the newspaper
In a statement, the on December 1. could be the first step on
that tax cuts can boost the
commission said that it But in a letter to the referring the case to the
economy, but added that he
considered that the UK was “in commission on Wednesday, European Court of Justice.
is delaying plans to increase
breach of its EU treaty the Government said official The greater danger for the
the 40% tax rate threshold,
obligations”. It said that the pre-election guidance meant it Government may be that it will
stating that the aim is to first
Government had until could not make international sour forthcoming negotiations
"lift the burden" for low income
November 22 to respond to the appointments ahead of polling with Brussels if the refusal to
notice. day on December 12. appoint a UK commissioner
"We do want to reduce the
Mr Johnson has repeatedly In its response, the delays the formation of the new
burden of taxation," Johnson
said he would not appoint a commission said that under commission.
Labour aims free public service broadband for all by 2030 "That's very much our
ambition, but we won't do that
Labour has promised a election campaign so far – Facebook and Google – British Prime Minister uncertainty and finally leave the until we have done more to lift
British Broadband public adding it will save the Boris Johnson has said that EU," Johnson told the the burden particularly on
service that will deliver free will aim to put an end to average person £30.30 a all Conservative Party Telegraph newspaper in an people on low incomes."
full-fibre internet to every month. “It’s time to make candidates in the December interview published late on
home and business by patchy and slow coverage, the very fastest full-fibre 12 election have pledged to Saturday. Opinion polls published on
2030, if it wins the General broadband free to back his Brexit deal, opening Saturday showed that
Election. boosting 5G connectivity everybody, in every home the door to getting the "I am offering a pact with Johnson's Conservatives have
in every corner of our agreement passed through the people: if you vote the highest level of support
The party intends to across the country. country.” parliament if the party were to Conservative you can be 100% since 2017, with the party
bring parts of BT into public win a majority. sure a majority Conservative leading opposition Labour by
ownership under plans it Labour’s plans to The party aims to government will unblock 10-17 percentage points in four
said will result in a massive deliver free full-fibre "All 635 Conservative Parliament and get Brexit polls.
upgrade in the UK’s transform the country and broadband to all individuals candidates standing at this done." Johnson struck a last-
internet infrastructure. and businesses by 2030, election - every single one of minute Brexit deal with the However, analysts have
economy, bringing with the plan being to them - has pledged to me that European Union last month, as warned that Brexit, which has
The multibillion-pound integrate the broadband- if elected they will vote in the bloc granted a third delay divided parties and their voters,
plan – one of the major communities together in an relevant. Parliament to pass my Brexit to the divorce that was could make the result of the
announcements of the deal so we can end the originally supposed to take coming vote highly
“inclusive and connected unpredictable.
Labour said it will be
paid for through the party’s
Green Transformation fund
and taxing corporations
such as Amazon,
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 740 21th Nov. to 27th Nov. 2019 27
Ceasefire in effect as Israel-Gaza violence escalates
A GAZA Strip ceasefire came into death toll from Israeli air strikes on the The previous day, Israel targeted two
effect early on Thursday, an Egyptian
source and a senior Islamic Jihad offi- Gaza Strip rose to 34 since Tuesday Islamic Jihad militants preparing to
cial said, following a spike in violence
and bloodshed in the Palestinian after Palestinian officials said 8 mem- fire anti-tank missiles. Air raid sirens
enclave. The “ceasefire agreement
comes as a result of Egypt's efforts” bers of a family had been killed. wailed and fireballs exploded as air
and has been endorsed by “Palestin-
ian factions including Islamic Jihad”, Following the targeted killing of a top defence missiles intercepted rockets,
said the top Egyptian official.
militant in Gaza, the two sides had sending Israelis rushing to bomb shel-
An Islamic Jihad source confirmed
the agreement. According to the offi- been exchanging fire since Tuesday, ters. In Gaza, residents surveyed dam-
cial, the agreement stipulates that
Palestinian factions must ensure a and Israel’s military said it recorded age and mourned the dead outside a
return to calm in Gaza and “maintain
peace” during demonstrations, while more than 350 incoming rockets. The mortuary and at funerals.
Israel must stop hostilities and
“ensure a ceasefire” during demon- Israeli military had been targeting Nickolay Mladenov, the UN envoy for
strations by Palestinians. The agree-
ment, which entered into force at 5:30 what it said were Islamic Jihad mili- the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arrived
a.m. (03.30 GMT), came after the
tant sites and rocket-launching in Cairo to hold talks aimed at halting
squads in the coastal enclave. Eight the fighting. The UN and Egypt were
members of the Abu Malhous family, instrumental in mediating past cease-
including five children and two fires between Israel and Gaza-
women, were killed in an Israeli based militants. The flare-up
The deal came into effect after death toll from Israeli strike on their family home The came at a politically sensi-
air raids on the Gaza Strip rose to 34 on Thursday. in Deir al-Balah in the ceasefire deal tive time for Israel, with no
southern Gaza Strip, the comes as a result government after Sep-
Palestinian health min- tember polls ended in
istry said on Thursday. of Egypt’s efforts. deadlock. —AFP
AUS BUSHFIRE Four killed,
52 injured
Toll from blaze in A firefighter on property
Australia rises to 4, protection watches the in Baghdad
authorities warn of progress of a bushfire in
worsening weather New South Wales. protests
THE DEATH toll from devastating IRAQI SECURITY forces killed at
bushfires in eastern Australia has least four people on Thursday
risen to four after a man’s body was and wounded more than 50 as
discovered in a scorched area of they tried to push protesters
bushland, police said on Thursday. further back to their main
camp in central Baghdad,
Three others have perished in bushfires police and medical sources
in New South Wales, the state worst said. On Thursday, three pro-
affected by a series of catastrophic fires testers died after tear gas can-
that broke out along the eastern isters directly struck them in
seaboard late last week. the head and another died in
hospital from wounds from a
Residents found the body — believed to be stun bomb fired by security
a 58-year-old man last seen on Friday — near forces, the sources said.
the New South Wales town of Kempsey, one
of several areas hit by the fires in recent Security forces used live
days. More than 100 blazes were burning on rounds, rubber bullets and
Thursday but a respite from tough condi- fired tear gas canisters in a bid
tions has seen the danger from many fires to disperse hundreds of pro-
downgraded and residents returning to sift testers gathered near Tahrir
through the remains of their Square, a source said. At least
homes. Hundreds of houses half of the wounded protesters
have already been damaged or had injuries sustained from
destroyed and over 2.5 million live ammunition, police and
acres of land burnt in the blazes. medical sources said. The oth-
ers were taken to hospital hav-
‘‘Our hearts are ing choked on tear gas, or
were struck by rubber bullets,
breaking not only for the sources said.
the victims but also The square has been the epi-
centre of the country’s anti-
for the wildlife that government protests for
weeks. The security forces
had been killed by increased use of tear gas, rub-
ber bullets and live fire came
the earliest & worst after two days of relative calm.
fire this season. Outrageover
THE bushfires in Australia Many protesters choked on
have turbocharged tear gas on Thursday.
demands that the
country’s conservative More than 300 people have
government do more to
tackle climate change, and been killed since the protests
have rekindled an
ideological fight over the in Baghdad and the south of
science behind the blazes.
the country started in early
The huge fires have
touched communities up October, driven by discontent
and down the east coast,
killing four people and over economic hardship and
affecting millions of
corruption. Demonstrations
Ex-fire chiefs slam
‘‘ PM on his failure took place in southern Iraq.
Late on Wednesday, protest-
ers had set fire to local offi-
cials’ houses in the town of
Gharraf, 25-kilometre north of
the southern city of Nassiriya,
— NICK BOYLE, TARONGA security sources said. The
Prime Minister, Adel Abdul
Challenging conditions were
expected to flare again in The huge wildfire has affected millions of Australians so far. Mahdi, government has taken
Queensland and New South
Wales at the weekend as the several measures to try to
temperature rises and winds
pick up, and many blazes are creature in the area. severity” of dangerous bushfire quell the unrest, including
still proving difficult to contain.
In Burrell Creek, dozens of fire- Nick Boyle, of Taronga Conser- conditions by raising tempera- Australians — threatening handouts to the poor and cre-
fighters were preparing to battle
an out-of-control bushfire that vation Society, said, “Our hearts tures, sapping moisture from the homes and blanketing ating more job opportunities
has so far engulfed 24,000
hectares from the coastal town are breaking not only for the vic- environment and causing an major cities in hazardous for college graduates.
of Old Bar inland to Hillville in
northern New South Wales. tims but also for the defenceless earlier and more extreme fire But it has failed to keep up
Native wildlife has also been wildlife that had been killed by season. The bushfires have cre- smoke. For many, the scale with the growing demands of
badly hit by the bushfires, with
conservationists estimating that the state’s earliest and worst ated mounting pressure on the and intensity of the demonstrators who are now
hundreds of koalas have per-
ished. As many as 350 koalas bushfire season. Pressures on conservative government to conflagrations, weeks calling for an overhaul of Iraq’s
died in a single nature reserve
near Port Macquarie alone, rais- the koala have already been curb fossil fuels and cut green- before the summer, have sectarian political system and
ing fears for the future of the
compounding,” he said, citing house gas emissions. brought the dangers of the departure of its entire rul-
habitat loss and non-native Australian leaders, ever-con- climate change home. ing elite. The unrest is among
predators. "And now this." scious of the country’s economic
Bushfire -prone Australia is reliance on mining exports, have A group of ex-fire chiefs the biggest and most complex
experiencing a horrific start to been steadfastly ignoring those warned climate change is challenges to the current rul-
its fire season, which scientists calls. For many, the scale and “supercharging” the ing elite since it took power
say is being exacerbated intensity of the conflagra- bushfire problem and they after the U.S. invasion and the
by climate change. The 350 tions, weeks before the challenged the Prime toppling of Saddam Hussein in
Bureau of Meteorol- koalas died in Australian summer,
ogy says human- have brought the Minister, Scott Morrison, 2003. Since putting down an IS
caused climate a nature reserve dangers of climate over his failure to confront insurgency in 2017, Iraq had
in Port Macquarie.
change is increasing change home, said the major issue. —AFP enjoyed two years of compar-
the “frequency and officials. —AFP ative stability. —Reuters
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 740 21th Nov. to 27th Nov. 2019 28
Ó∂÷ : Ó≈⁄ BA-¡ÍzÀÒ AI ’∂ Âπ‘≈‚∂ Ò¬Δ Óπ√ΔÏ ω √’ÁΔ ‘ÀÕ «’√∂ ÚΔ ’≈◊˜ ”Â∂ RAI & Sons
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Your Stars This Week Gurjit Singh Presents the Gift to
Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail [email protected]
Aries (March 21-April 19) conflicts and arguments. There may be The Speaker of House of Lords.
Finances are your priority and the fiery Mars enters your some unexpected bills, so be prepared to
house of finances the cosmic message is to control your shell out some cash. Overseas Houses of Parliament a great contribution to this country and I
outgoings. Soon the Sun will land in Sagittarius with the love communications, especially with siblings will keep you employee ‘Gurjit Singh’ extend my very best wishes to all those
goddess Venus. very busy. A busy social weekend ahead. on the right of the picture, celebrating.”
Taurus (April 21-May 20 Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) presented to the Speaker
You will be mulling over your finances and personal On the 19th Mars bursts into your sign for few weeks, of the House of Lords,
relationships this week. As the messenger Mercury begins bring energy, charisma and magnetism. Positive changes the Rt Hon. Lord Fowler,
its direct motion from Wednesday, you will be flooded with in your careers are afoot and some of you may land an the gift of a Sikh warrior
emails and phone calls. unexpected cash bonus. and a biography of Guru
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Nanak Sahib, to
It is health and wellness time as Mars traverses in your 6th Tuesday forward, your motto will be to spend quality time commemorate the
house and Mercury resumes direct motion. People who held with yourself and also focus on your own welfare and 550th birth anniversary of
information and delayed their response will now approach desires. Health issues or emotional outbursts will certainly Guru Nanak.
you for support and collaboration. ps. haunt you for the coming weeks. If unattached you will be
Cancer (June 22-July 22) pleasantly surprised to find love. The Speaker of the
As fiery Mars and Mercury resuming direct motion, your Capricorn (December 22-January 19) House of Lords, the Rt
world is about to experience immaculate positive changes You have worked very hard without time to relax but now Hon. the Lord Fowler,
and expansion. You will be at the centre stage and bask in it is time to relax and recharge your batteries. Both Mars after receiving the gifts
popularity and fame. and messenger Mercury trigger your 11th house of team made the following
Leo (July 22-August 22) work, interactions and group activities. statement: -
On the 19th Mars lands in your fourth house and Mercury Aquarius (January 20-February 19)
goes direct this week means that for next few weeks you Be patient and polite at place of work. The energy and “I would like to convey
home and family are your central hub. Beware of arguments aggression that fiery Mars gives to you should be my best wishes to the
or conflicts with female relatives. channelized to achieve your goals. You may either divert Sikh community on this
Virgo (August 23-Sept 22) into a new career or get promoted in your job. Property significant anniversary,
Changes are on the horizon; long haul travel, relocation or matters and your home need attention. 550 years since the birth
changing your job. Communications overwhelm you but Pisces (February 20 - March 19) of Guru Nanak Sahib.
watch out what you say rashly may offend a loved one. This This is a week to keep a low profile, offer support to
is ideal time to focus on your career, personal image or work mates and keep out of other peoples' toes. Now that “The Sikh community
wellness. Mercury resumes direct motion, you can safely rearrange here in the UK have made
Libra (September 23-October 20) your travel plans. Money matters and personal security
Good news; fiery Mars is leaving your sign putting an end to should be your priority at the weekend.
Mann Jitt Weekly nominated as 'Best
Publication' at UK Bhangra Awards
You can vote for us by texting UKBA 105 to +44 7786 202668 We also encourage
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The awards are taking place on 30th November 2019 in Birmingham. Find out
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www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 740 21th Nov. to 27th Nov. 2019 29
He has been US Democratic
a vocal critic candidate
Joe Biden
of Trump’s
bonding with
Kim Jong-un
N ORTH KOREA has‘‘ N Korea calls Biden
launched a visceral rabid dog that must
diatribe against US be beaten to death
Democratic presiden-
tial candidate Joe
Biden, calling the for-
mer vice-president a rabid dog -
while also borrowing the termi-
nology of Donald Trump.
Pyongyang is renowned for its vitriol,
but the verbal deluge was unusually fero-
cious even by its own standards. Biden
had the temerity to dare slander the dig-
nity of the supreme leadership of the
DPRK, the North's official KCNA news
agency said late Thursday, referring to
the country by its official name.
Rabid dogs like Biden can hurt lots of
people if they are allowed to run about, it
‘‘Rabid dogs like Biden can
hurt lots of people if they
are allowed to run about,
it went on. They must be
beaten to death with a
stick. Doing so will be
beneficial for the US also.
— North Korea’s KCNA news agency
went on. They must be beaten shaking hands at their Singa- the first time the North has con- side world, he said. The invec- has seen them meet three times
to death with a stick. Doing so pore summit last year. KCNA
will be beneficial for the US also, appeared to cite one of Trump's demned Biden. tive against Biden was pretty and Trump repeatedly proclaim
it added. It was not immediately favoured insults for the candi-
clear what had provoked date — Sleepy Joe — when it In May it called him an imbe- high on the scale, North Korean their personal friendship,
Pyongyang's ire, but Biden's said Americans called him Biden
campaign released an ad this not awakened from a sleep. cile and a fool of low IQ days propaganda specialist Mason although nuclear negotiations
week condemning Trump's for- Biden had shown a sign of the
eign policy, saying that dictators final stage of dementia, KCNA after he called Kim a dictator Richey of Hankuk University of remain deadlocked.
and tyrants are praised, our added.
allies pushed aside. and tyrant. The rhetoric under- Foreign Studies told AFP, high- As tensions mounted, Kim
It seems time has come for him
The voiceover says the word to depart his life. KCNA mis- scores its impatience with any lighting the multiple repetitions called Trump a mentally
tyrants at the exact moment a spelled the candidate's name as
picture appears of US President Baiden throughout, seemingly criticism of Kim, said Cheong of the beating the dog trope. deranged US dotard whom he
Donald Trump and North reflecting the spelling used in
Korean leader Kim Jong Un the Korean alphabet. It is not Seong-Chang, a senior Trump himself has also been would tame with fire, while
researcher at the private the target of Pyongyang's KCNA also branded him a rabid
Sejong Institute. ‘He anger at times. In 2017 dog. KCNA used the same
dared insult the two leaders traded
Pyongyang has the dignity of personal insults and Korean word previously trans-
Kim Jong Un’s threats of war before
always loathed hear- the diplomatic rap- lated as dotard in its article
ing its leadership Thursday, although the epithet
labelled as tyrant or supreme leadership’ prochement that did not appear in the official
dictator by the out- English version. — AFP
Two killed in California school Russia has 2
shooting, teen in custody permanent
A TEENAGE boy gunned down A grieving facilities in
student from Syria — an
fellow students at a California Saugus High air base in
School Latakia and
high school on his 16th birthday reunites a naval
with her facility at
Thursday, killing two and relatives at Tartus on
Central Park Mediterrane
wounding another three before in Santa an
turning the pistol on himself. California,
on Thursday
The gunman was taken into RUSSIA landed attack helicop- Russia lands
It was removed by another ters and troops at a sprawling
custody in "grave" condition, person following the incident, air base in northern Syria
he added. vacated by U.S. forces, the
police said, as officers stormed Russian Defence Ministry’s
The FBI said there was no sign Zvezda TV channel said on Fri-
Saugus High School in Santa of an ideological motive, or any day. forces at
Clarita — the latest in a relent- Armed Russian military police
The dead were a 16-year-old were shown in footage aired
less cycle of classroom shoot- girl and a 14-year-old boy. The on Zvezda flying into the Syrian
other three wounded — one boy air base in northern Aleppo
ings in the United States that and two girls — were aged province near the border with
between 14 and 15. Turkey and fanning out to
have left around 300 youngsters secure the area. former US
The shooting at the school of
dead over two decades. 2,300 students was first Russia, Turkey patrol
reported shortly after 7:30 a.m. along Syria’s border
The chilling scene played out
The school — 65 km north of The move comes after U.S.
even as lawmakers in Washing- Los Angeles — was locked President Donald Trump
down, and witness descriptions abruptly o ary aerodrome is
ton were debating the latest and wound five people, and and surveillance footage identi- now controlled by Syrian gov- Syria base
fied the suspect within an hour ernment forces allied with
attempt at gun control legisla- then shoot himself in the head,” of the shooting. Moscow, Zvezda said.
tion that has stalled in homicide captain Kent — AFP On Thursday, Zvezda said Rus-
sia had set up a helicopter base
Congress for months. The Wegener told a news at an airport in the northeast- move designed to increase
dead were a conference. ern Syrian city of Qamishli, a
Terrified students Moscow’s control over events
described barri- The teen was
cading themselves 16-year-old girl found among the on the ground there.
into classrooms and a 14-year-old boy. wounded by first Russia and Turkey are carry-
while others fled The other three
as word rapidly responders, said ing out joint patrols along
spread of the wounded — one boy and
unidentified two girls — were aged Los Angeles Syria’s border with Turkey as
Asian boy open- between 14 and 15. The
County Sheriff part of a deal struck between
Alex Villanueva. Russian President Vladimir
No motive has Putin and his Turkish counter-
ing fire with a .45 shooting was first yet been estab- part Tayyip Erdogan.
caliber semiauto- reported after lished, but a mes- “We entered the base and
matic. 7:30 a.m. sage reading “Saugus, took the inner and external
“Detectives reviewed have fun at school
the video at the scene, tomorrow” had been perimeter under control,” a
which clearly show the subject posted on “what we believe to senior Russian military police
be the subject's Instagram
in the quad withdraw a hand- account,” Wegener confirmed. inspector was quoted by
gun from his backpack, shoot
Zvezda as saying. — Reuters
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 740 21th Nov. to 27th Nov. 2019 30
China, US had 'constructive'
phone call on trade: Xinhua
agreement about ending
their 16-month trade war, but
he gave no further details on
the timing of a possible deal.
The United States and
China have been locked in
successive waves of tit-for-
tat tariffs that have roiled
financial markets and
threatened to drag growth in
the global economy to its
lowest rate since the 2007-
2008 financial crisis.An
agreement had appeared
Beijing-China and United issues for the first phase of likely in May, but those Emotional Support to Women and Children
States had "constructive an initial trade agreement, prospects were dashed after
talks" on trade in a high-level and agreed to maintain US negotiators said China
phone call on Saturday, close communication, backed away from the text
state media Xinhua said. according to Xinhua. of a draft agreement.
China's Vice Premier Liu Xinhua gave no other Concerns flared again last
He, US trade representative details in its report on week amid reports that the
Robert Lighthizer and Sunday. White House trade talks had hit a snag
Treasury Secretary Steven economic adviser Larry over how and when to
Mnuchin were on the call. Kudlow said on Thursday reduce tariffs, and how much
The two sides the two countries were US agricultural products
discussed each other's core getting close to an China would commit to buy.
Japanese actress Erika Sawajiri arrested
for suspected drug possession From Monday (25 November), Central Library will host an exhibition of art work, I Am
Because We Are, created by women who have been supported by The Haven, the
Tokyo-Japanese actress Erika Sawajiri, famous for Wolverhampton charity which provides practical and emotional support to women and
her role in 2005 drama '1 Litre of Tears', has been children affected by domestic abuse and homelessness. The exhibition will be on
arrested on suspicion of possessing drugs, NHK display throughout the Orange Wolverhampton campaign, which continues until
reported on Saturday citing unnamed sources. Tuesday 10 December.
The 33-year-old actress, who this year starred in a Wolverhampton fly tipping
TV adaption of Toyoko Yamasaki's hit novel 'Shiroi
Kyoto', was arrested in Tokyo on suspicion of campaign bags national award
possessing ecstasy, although few other details are
known, NHK said. City of Wolverhampton's 'Shop a tipper'
campaign has been announced as a winner
Tear-jerker '1 Litre of Tears' made Sawajiri famous in this year's Chartered Institute of
not only in Japan but across Asia with the drama's Environmental Health (CIEH) Excellence
depiction of its heroine's physical deterioration from a Awards.
rare disease.
The CIEH Excellence Awards is the
Drug arrests are treated seriously in Japan with premier international awards scheme for
celebrities who are caught frequently edited out of movies recognising and celebrating excellence and
and TV shows. achievement in environmental health.
The Tokyo police did not immediately respond to a The awards highlight the individuals,
request for comment. Sawajiri's talent agency was not organisations and projects that are leading
immediately reachable for comment. the way in environmental health, and
showcase the originality, creativity and
passion of those working in the private, which is making a significant difference in
public and not-for-profit sectors all over the keeping fly tipped waste off our streets.
"I would like to thank everyone who has
In January, City of Wolverhampton come forward to report those responsible
Council launched its 'Shop a tipper' and the congratulate the environmental
campaign to clamp down of fly tippers and crime team who are working tirelessly to
encourage residents to report offenders to put a stop to fly tipping once and for all."
make them pay for their selfish criminal
behaviour. The city council has also been working
with community groups and educating
Once this information leads to a residents on how to dispose waste correctly
successful fine or prosecution, the informer and encouraging residents to keep their
receives a £100 gift card as a reward. street neat and take pride in their area.
Since the launch of the campaign,
Wolverhampton has seen a 50 per cent
drop in fly tipping.
Colin Parr, Head of Business Services
at City of Wolverhampton Council said: "I'm
so pleased the council has won national
award for the 'Shop a tipper' campaign,
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 740 21th Nov. to 27th Nov. 2019 31
Australia captain
Paine hits out at
Stokes for ‘cheap
shot’ at Warner in
his new book
(Left) Ben Stokes says
comments made by David
Warner inspired his
performance during the third
Ashes Test earlier this year.
A USTRALIA captain Tim England star alleges David “But by no means was he abusing him or
‘ It just seems to be‘ Paine has fired back at Ben sledging him.”
Stokes after the England ‘abused & sledged’him
a common trend in all-rounder made com- Australian opening batsman Warner is a
England that they ments about David Warner during third Ashes Test divisive figure in cricket, having been
like to use Davey’s in his new book. involved in the ball-tampering scandal that
name to spike book “I could accept it from just about any other rocked Australian cricket in 2018.
sales. But by no The 28-year-old hit a match-winning opponent. Truly. Not from him, though.”
means was he innings in the third Ashes Test at Heading- SMITH TALKS ABOUT
abusing him or ley last summer, when defeat looked almost Australia captain Paine, who led his side to
sledging him. certain for Joe Root’s side. the retention of the Ashes after the series MENTAL HEALTH
was drawn this summer, said that Stokes’
— TIM PAINE With England up against it, Stokes scored comments were a cheap shot. Premier Australian batsman Steve Smith is
an unbeaten 135 runs in what is considered glad that mental health of cricketers is in focus
one of the greatest innings ever played in “It just seems to be a common trend in after some of his compatriots took breaks to
Test cricket history. England that they like to use Davey’s name deal with their issues, which he feels, are com-
to spike book sales,” he told BBC Sport. pounded by hectic playing schedules.
And Stokes said that comments made by
David Warner while he was at the crease “I was obviously standing next to David “It is a pretty hectic schedule nowadays,”
helped inspire him to the incredible knock. the whole time and you are allowed to talk Smith said.
on the cricket field.
“He just wouldn’t shut up for most of my time “It’s bloody tough to sustain it for long peri-
out there,” he said in his new bookOn Fire. ods of time, particularly I think for the fast
bowlers. It's extremely difficult what they put
“A few of the Aussies were being quite chirpy themselves through. It’s great that those con-
but, in particular, David Warner seemed to versations are happening and we’re trying to
have his heart set on disrupting me. keep guys as mentally and physically fresh as
they can be,” he said. —Daily Mail/Agencies
ALL-ROUNDER Lalit Yadav claimed three Going through a rough patch, Shikhar the team post a decent score on board. Shorey
wickets with his off-breaks as Delhi Dhawan top-scored with a 33-ball 35 For Odisha, Abhishek Raut (2/21) took 26 runs.
two wickets.
notched up a comprehensive 20-run win which comprised three fours and a six.
Defending the total, Yadav returned
over Odisha in their final Group ‘E’ match However his struggle was apparent with impressive figures of 3.1-1-10-3 and
he was ably supported by Pawan Negi
to qualify for the Super League of the against an unfancied Odisha attack. He (2/38) and Nitish Rana (2/6) as the trio
derailed Odisha’s chase.
Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy on Monday. failed to get going.
Brief Score: Delhi 149/ 6 (Dhawan 35;
Electing to bat, Delhi posted 149 Earlier, Delhi batsmen, including Raut 2/21) beat Odisha 129 (Pradhan 48;
Yadav 3/10).
for six and then returned to Lalit opener Hiten Dalal (20) and
dismiss Odisha for 129 in 18.1 shines with first-down Dhruv Shorey (26),
overs to complete the win three wickets vs got starts but none could
and top Group E with 22 convert them into big scores
points from seven matches. Odisha in final game but they did enough to help
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 740 21th Nov. to 27th Nov. 2019 32