www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 727 22th Aug. to 28st Aug, 2019 17
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 727 22th Aug. to 28st Aug, 2019 18
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www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 727 22th Aug. to 28st Aug, 2019 22
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www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 727 22th Aug. to 28st Aug, 2019 25
Talks, if any, only on PoK: Rajnath Taliban say killing of
in Balakot,” Rajnath said, leader's brother will
Ruling out parleys with
Pakistan till it stopped aiding stressing the government’s
and abetting terrorism, Union
Defence Minister Rajnath not derail US talksaction was to safeguard the
Singh today said talks, if country’s unity and integrity
any, would be held with the and was not an ‘election
neighbouring country only stunt.’ Peshawar-Afghan Taliban he said, referring to the talks
on Pakistan-occupied Batting for a second term for officials said on Saturday the with the United States. He
Haryana Chief Minister killing of the brother of their declined to be identified.
leader in a bomb attack would The militants have been fighting
Kashmir (PoK). Manohar Lal Khattar, he said not derail talks with the United to expel foreign forces and set
“Jammu and Kashmir is non- the latter deserved another States aimed at securing the up an Islamic state since they
negotiable. If talks are ever term for ushering in withdrawal of US troops after were ousted in October 2001,
held with Pakistan, these will unprecedented development 18 years of war. weeks after the September 11
be on PoK,” he announced and providing a transparent Taliban leader Haibatullah attacks on the United States.
and corruption-free Akhundzada was not in the Both US negotiators and the
at a rally before flagging off mosque near the Pakistani city Taliban have reported progress
of Quetta when a bomb went after eight rounds of talks since
BJP’s “Jan Ashirwaad Yatra” administration. off, but his younger brother, late last year.US President
Hafiz Ahmadullah was leading Donald Trump has made no
at Kalka, 30 from here. The “Jan Ashirwaad Yatra’, Friday prayers and was among secret of his desire for a US
four people killed, several pullout fromAfghanistan and an
Referring to the abrogation of to be undertaken by Khattar Taliban officials have said. end to America's longest war.
There was no claim of Top US national security
Article 370 which accorded in the run-up to Haryana’s responsibility for the blast that advisers briefed Trump on
came after both Taliban and US Friday on the
special status to Jammu Assembly elections, will officials have reported progress negotiations.There are deep
in talks on an agreement concerns among Afghan
and Kashmir, he observed, criss-cross the state’s 90 centred on a US troop officials and US national
withdrawal from Afghanistan in security aides about the talks
“Our neighbour (Pakistan) is bifurcation of the state had advising it to initiate talks with Assembly constituencies
knocking at the doors of the been done purely for India on all outstanding and conclude with a rally at
international community, development. Claiming that issues. Rohtak on September 8
claiming that India has Pakistan had been isolated “A few days back, Pakistan which would be addressed
made a mistake.” internationally on the PM Imran Khan told his by PM Narendra Modi.
The Defence Minister Jammu and Kashmir issue, country that India was Senior BJP leaders,
categorically stated that the he said even the world’s planning action even bigger including state election in-
abrogation of Article 370 most powerful country had than Balakot. Even he charge and UnionAgriculture exchange for a Taliban security led by US special
was ”non-negotiable” as snubbed Pakistan, acknowledges what India did Minister Narendra Singh guarantee.
representative to Afghanistan,
IAF to get first Rafale jet next month Tomar, Haryana BJP affairs "Ifsomeonethinksmartyringour ZalmayKhalilzad,whoupdated
in-charge Anil Jain, Union leaders would stop us from our Trump.A US pullout has raised
Ministers KP Gurjar and goal they're living in a fool's fears Afghanistan could plunge
paradise," a Taliban leader said into a new civil war that could
New Delhi-The offensive Rattan Lal Kataria besides by telephone from an see a return of Taliban rule and
capability of the military in Haryana ministers attended undisclosed location. give international militants a
northwestern India facing the rally. "We are close to our goals," sanctuary.
westwards will get another
boost when the Rafale fighter
jets start arriving in India in
September. One of the
squadrons will be based at
This will be the fourth cutting-
edge military equipment to be
based in north India in the
recent past - the Chinook
heavy lift helicopters have
been inducted at Chandigarh has tasked a Corps under The Chinooks, manufactured by
and the Apache attack the Western Command to US aerospace major Boeing,
copters have arrived and are raise the first integrated are the first US-built helicopter
expected to be inducted in battle group (IBG). This is flown by the IAF in 40 years.
September at Pathankot. The part of a series of steps to In July, the first batch of four
other being the ultra-light restructure the Army to Boeing AH-64E Apache attack
M777, make it leaner and more helicopters arrived at the Hindon
howitzers airbase in Ghaziabad. The Air
manufactured by BAE agile.
Systems, delivered to the Once done, this will be the Force is likely to induct these
Army for used in the first tweak to the "cold start helicopters by August-end or
doctrine", first made public early September. The Apache
In case of Rafale, the first jet in 2004 and planned after is the first attack helicopter from
will arrive in the third week of "Operation Parakram" of the US in India's defence
September. However, the next 2002. The first IBG is likely arsenal.
batch of four jets will be coming to be tasked along the All 36 planes by 2022
to India in April-May 2020. All frontier with Pakistan and • The arrival of the first
36 fighter planes are slated to what is operationally known plane is significant as it will be
arrive by September 2022. as the "Shakargarh Bulge". exactly three years from the
The arrival of the first plane in In March, the IAF inducted time India ordered 36 Rafale jets
September is significant as it the CH-47F Chinook from France for Rs 59,000 crore
will be exactly three years helicopter, which in Sept 2016
from the time India ordered 36 significantly enhances its • The next batch of four
Rafale jets from France for Rs all-weather round-the-clock jets will reach India in April-May
59,000 crore in September logistic capability, especially 2020. All 36 fighter planes are
2016. The Indian Air Force in the mountains, where slated to arrive by September
(IAF) needs the jets as soon manoeuvrability in close 2022
as possible. It is operating confines is an issue. With • The Indian Air Force
with 32 squadrons as against a payload capacity of 11 needs the jets as soon as
tonnes or 45 troops, the possible as it is operating with
the mandated 42.
Apart from the new-age Chinooks provide fillip to the 32 squadrons as against the
equipment, the Indian Army IAF heavy-lift capability. mandated 42
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 727 22th Aug. to 28st Aug, 2019 26
UK faces food, fuel and drugs shortages US appeals court deals
in no-deal Brexit: Sunday Times
partial setback to Trump
Britain will face shortages The prime minister is
of fuel, food and medicine if it coming under pressure from rule to curtail asylum
leaves the European Union politicians across the political
without a transition deal, spectrum to prevent a
jamming ports and requiring disorderly departure, with
a hard border in Ireland, official opposition leader Jeremy
government documents Corbyn vowing this week to
leaked to the Sunday Times bring down Johnson's
show. government in early
The Times said the September to delay Brexit.
forecasts compiled by the It is, however, unclear if
Cabinet Office set out the lawmakers have the unity or
most likely aftershocks of a power to use the British
no-deal Brexit rather than the parliament to prevent a no-deal
worst case scenarios. departure - likely to be the
They said up to 85% of United Kingdom's most
lorries using the main channel significant move since World
crossings "may not be ready" War Two.
for French customs, meaning a catastrophic collapse in the the Brexit divorce. Opponents of no deal say
disruption at ports would nation's infrastructure," the After more than three it would be a disaster for what
potentially last up to three Times reported. years of Brexit dominating EU was once one of the West's A US appeals court on groups led by the American
months before the flow of "The file, marked "official- affairs, the bloc has most stable democracies. A Friday dealt a setback to the Civil Liberties Union.
traffic improves. sensitive" - requiring security repeatedly refused to reopen disorderly divorce, they say, Trump administration attempt On July 24, US District
The government also clearance on a "need to know" the Withdrawal Agreement would hurt global growth, send to bar almost all asylum Judge Jon Tigar in San
believes a hard border basis - is remarkable because which includes an Irish border shockwaves through financial applications at the US- Francisco issued a
between the British province it gives the most insurance policy that markets and weaken Mexico border, but stopped preliminary injunction
of Northern Ireland and the comprehensive assessment Johnson's predecessor, London's claim to be the short of applying its decision blocking it from taking effect.
Republic will be likely as of the UK's readiness for a no- Theresa May, agreed in world's preeminent financial nationwide.
current plans to avoid deal Brexit." November. centre. The government appealed
While ruling against a Tigar's decision. In Friday's
widespread checks will prove The United Kingdom is Johnson will this week tell Brexit supporters say provision of President Donald ruling a three-judge panel
unsustainable, the Times heading towards a French President Emmanuel there may be short-term Trump's hard-line anti- found the Trump
said. "Compiled this month by constitutional crisis at home Macron and German disruption from a no-deal exit immigration policy, the 9th US administration had failed to
the Cabinet Office under the and a showdown with the EU ChancellorAngela Merkel that but that the economy will Circuit Court of Appeals said comply with portions of the
codename Operation as Prime Minister Boris the Westminster parliament thrive if cut free from what they the decision would only apply law that governs rule-making.
Yellowhammer, the dossier Johnson has repeatedly cannot stop Brexit and a new cast as a doomed experiment to the nine Western states "The court properly
offers a rare glimpse into the vowed to leave the bloc on deal must be agreed if Britain in integration that has led to that make up the 9th Circuit. refused to let the new asylum
covert planning being carried October 31 without a deal is to avoid leaving the EU Europe falling behind China Only two of those nine, ban go into effect, though
out by the government to avert unless it agrees to renegotiate without one. and the United States.
California andArizona, are on currently limited to the Ninth
Indian captain of Iranian tanker no longer wants job theborderwithMexico. Circuit. We will continue
That left open the fighting to end the ban
possibility that the sweeping entirely," ACLU attorney Lee
Gibraltar-The Indian confrontations. ban, which requires most Gelernt said in a statement.
captain of an Iranian In early July, Tehran seized asylum-seekers to first seek The White House said in
supertanker at the centre of a the British-flagged oil tanker safe haven in a third country, a statement that it "strongly"
diplomatic standoff no longer Stena Impero in apparent could be applied in the other disagreed with the decision
wants to keep command of the retaliation for the detention border states of Texas and and hoped the injunction would
ship, which is in need of of the Grace 1. Analysts New Mexico. be lifted on appeal.
repairs that could impede its had said the release of the The appellate court ruling "While the injunction
immediate departure from Grace 1 by Gibraltar could came on the same day that remains overbroad - even as
Gibraltar, the sailor's lawyer see the Stena Impero go California and other states, as modified by the Ninth Circuit's
said on Friday. free. well as a coalition of advocacy decision - we will now be able
Any delay in the Grace 1's But that prospect groups, filed lawsuits to stop to apply the rule at issue to
departure could provide a remained up in the air a separate Trump initiative to curb asylum abuse outside of
window for the US to mount Friday, with a lawyer reduce legal immigration by the Ninth Circuit," the
further legal action in Gibraltar representing three Grace 1 denying visas to poor statement said.
seeking to seize the tanker crew members who were migrants. The ruling could provide an
amid a growing confrontation released from detention on The flurry of legal activity incentive for more asylum-
with Tehran. waters off Gibraltar, a day after escalated since President Thursday casting doubt on is attempting to halt major seekers to cross the US
US authorities announced authorities ended its detention Donald Trump last year the vessel's immediate policy moves by the Trump border in California and
in Washington late Friday for allegedly breaching unilaterally pulled the US out departure. administration to crack down Arizona, as opposed to Texas
afternoon that they had European Union sanctions on of the 2015 nuclear deal Richard Wilkinson told on immigration, an issue and New Mexico.
obtained a warrant to seize the Syria. signed by Iran and other world The Associated Press that central to the Republican The Trump administration
tanker, though Gibraltar court The release on Thursday powers. the Indian national who president's political fortunes. has said it needs to curtail
officials said they had not came over the objections of The decision re-imposed commanded the oil tanker One of Trump's main asylum cases because the
received any claim by the end the United States. The head sanctions on Iran, stopping until it was detained in objectives has been to reduce vast majority are ultimately
of the business day in the of the Gibraltar government billions of dollars in business early July had asked his the number of asylum claims found to be without merit.
British overseas territory. It said Iran had promised him deals, largely halting the sale I r a n i a n e m p l o y e r s t o by mostly Central American Opponents counter that it
wasn't immediately clear if the not to deliver the fuel to a of Iran's crude oil replace him. "He doesn't migrants who have crossed is unrealistic to expect people
US had forwarded the warrant. sanctioned refinery in Syrian internationally and sharply want to stay in command the US-Mexico border in fleeing persecution to seek
The tanker - and its 2.1 territory, although an Iranian depreciating Iran's currency, of the ship, he wants to go record numbers during his asylum in ill-equipped
million tonnes of Iranian light official later disputed that those the rial. More recently, the home, because he wasn't presidency. countries they may have
crude oil - seemed to perform assurances had been Persian Gulf has seen happy to go back and pick His July 15 rule promptly traveled through on their way
mild manoeuvres on Friday delivered. Tensions between attacks on oil tankers and up the broken pieces," the drew legal challenges to the United States, such as
but largely remained still in Iran and the US have other high-stakes attorney said. including from a coalition of Mexico or Guatemala.
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 727 22th Aug. to 28st Aug, 2019 27
Actor Brad
The auteur swings
back to the
summer of ’69,
with panache
by Suhani Singh
N OSTALGIA is the core The women in the movie are pretty little
ingredient of Quentin things who are annoying, clingy or carefree.
Tarantino’s cinema. In
his latest, Once Upon Once upon a Time in Hollywood store signage and of course the music as heartbeat of the film. It’s obvious that
a Time in Hollywood, the characters navigate a changing Los
what the filmmaker Cast: Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Angeles, one with which Dalton is cer- Tarantino is invested in these two fading
has said will be his penultimate Margot Robbie, Al Pacino. tainly not comfortable with. He loathes
one; it is his love for westerns that Direction: Quentin Tarantino the young hippies that hang aimlessly men who don’t know their place in the
resonates most. about. For most part, Tarantino is develop-
ing these two men, with a wee bit of screen world anymore. One wishes for more clar-
It’s the summer of 1969. Rick Dalton time towards Tate, than the narrative.
(Leonardo DiCaprio) is a middle-aged, SCRIPT DIRECTION ACTING ity on Pitt's Cliff Booth instead his toned
alcoholic actor struggling for relevance MUSIC Tarantino is no fan boy of
and surviving by doing villainous roles IMPACT ON TARGET VIEWERS historic credulity of events physique and bravado is played up to
after being a dashing cowboy in his days
of yore. His man Friday and bff, before the horror to unfold, the one that shook The easygoing bonhomie between Pitt overlook his problematic past.
best friend forever even emerged, is his Hollywood and LA altogether. But you and DiCaprio, a pairing which will remind
stuntman Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt). Dal- are in Tarantino's world and he is no fan audiences of Samuel L Jackson and John There are also cameos of other '60s stars
ton’s next door neighbour on Cielo Drive boy of historic credulity of events. Travolta of Pulp Fiction, is the emotional and plenty of movie-with-in-a-movie
is Polish filmmaker husband Roman moments that will keep the cinephiles
Polanski and his teenage actress-wife But he certainly likes to bring alive a sated.
Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie). Charles bygone era with precision. It is evident
Manson’s hit-and-miss appearance not just in the costumes and hair-dos, Tarantino's trip down memory lane also
instantly evokes dread as viewers wait for but also in TV and radio commercials, comes with cliches and bit terness for a
period known for its anti-war rebellion
and counterculture.
The women here are all beautiful pretty
little things who are annoying, clingy or
carefree, and the men are high on
machismo and charisma.
A celebration of
human triumph
by Manjari Saxena women need to be empowered. They
are very strong. When we talk of men in
AidKdttIKnneiTuiuiorrdrDmcTnetsieeHiascaaKrlnEtahrnuoR,bMipdlrS.oohoioBtJsanulhanaisrtteMiglaiioktciakahronisnsnef.vnhMidieSidirehalaNSdwcanyiihentsk,ghadhttoayhriaqlnaaae,pucnTMrce-adeasaess-ppnstrse–coeno-Aen–kePfsemahrntapehnyoBnauwact, elwekriomfmeseteehcennlienstvetie’pnssatrrtnsiyos’dp?tfeeseTm’saohsscoepwoihoytleoiwiinoes“am,wmAhvnrweesyeai’temflnIdjhouf.ddoieresloomntxwtnnhtstescr’a’ett,aibsebltcoaoienoakryurteltdlimth‘siwutnothmss‘oarepi.dnremImaytignnte’sri‘aantimaornasytdecs-nia-
patriotism are quite crowd puller. Just because
When you see the
used and abused terms, it’s releasing on Indepen-
posters of the film that
released yesterday on the and that women don’t dence Day you don’t need
need empowerment to tag it to that,” he added.
occasion of the Indian “For me patriotism is cele-
Independence Day, it’s the as they are strong brating human achievement about that. So, this film is about some- “It’s not about one person, but all
thing that has happened in India, by the women at ISRO. At the same time, we
presence of women that Indians. “ I don’t understand the chest- don’t look at gender. The film is about
thumping show. I understand, yes, the science and scientists. Our preliminary
impacts you first. But Balki is in the face of all kinds of concept of love instilled by the land that doctrine was they had to be simple
provides for you. But don’t use it to because if you look at our scientists
quick to refute that the film is adversity. Secondly, it’s about whip up frenzy, and especially for box- they seem so simple, but are specialists
office purposes.” in their fields.” the first-time director
about women empowerment, or phenomenal events by people or told Mail Today.
patriotism for that matter. nature. These are the things you focus
“Women empowerment and patriot- on as wonders of life and patriotism is
ism are quite used and abused terms,” part of it. We all have little territories
Balki told Mail Today. “I don’t believe which we want to secure and be happy
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 727 22th Aug. to 28st Aug, 2019 28
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I,GAGANPREET KAUR Alias NANCY of 38B, College Road,
Your Stars This Week Handsworth, Birmingham B20 2HX hereby give notice of
my Name change from GAGANPREET KAUR Alias NANCY
Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail [email protected] to GAGANPREET KAUR with subject to the approval of
Aries (March 21-April 19) as the coming weeks land opportunities, Consulate General of INDIA at Birmingham.
Health matters need attention without delay. As the Sun lands in promotion at work but that that increased
Virgo in few days aspecting your house of work and daily routine, workload. When the Sun shifts to your sign Trump says Apple will
ensure to guard against tension and stress. Positivity, a clear mind in a month's time, you are destined to be on the centre stage. spend 'vast sums' in US
and a well-planned strategy will resolve work and money issues. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Taurus (April 21-May 20 This is a period for new contacts, new social circle and bond Washington-Donald Trump said and the company opposes incoming
The next four weeks starting 23rd August are filled with energy, with your elderly relatives whom you have evaded for some on Friday that tech giant Apple tariffs-an issue Trump is fixated on-
charisma, magnetism and opportunities. Long term goals and time. It is auspicious period for joint ventures and approach would be spending "vast sums" of of 10 percent on goods manufactured
new ventures are highlighted and you notice that others highly like- minded individual, raise funds and explore venues for money in the US in a tweet ahead in China, due to come into force on
depend on your advice and support. Sun and Venus jointly bring investments. of a dinner meeting with its CEO Tim September 1.
in a whiff of romance. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Venus lands in your tenth house and inspires you to take
Personal and family life will be in focus for the coming few control of the events for next few weeks. The forthcoming
weeks. If single, you are destined to find a soulmate soon after weeks, till September 23, are power packed and dreams and
the Sun lands in Virgo on Friday. Career opportunities begin to aspirations will be realized. Money power shoots up
flow in and you will finalize a joint venture. significantly. Overseas travel looms large.
Cancer (June 22-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Stalled projects begin to move, travel opportunities pop in and Foreign contacts, collaborations and travel are in the focus.
you are mingling with the elites again. As the Sun moves into Opportunities for expansion and widen your horizons are
Virgo at the weekend, your third house of fame and popularity is plenty; be vigilant. Family life will be high lighted mid-week
activated. Accept social invitations with grace. and partner may need your advice and support. Weekend is
Leo (July 22-August 22) ideal for love and romance.
As Mercury joins expansive Jupiter, Finances, fame, career and Aquarius (January 20-February 19)
opportunities are in the frame for next many weeks. The Sun It is a period of looking within and contemplation and chalking
moves to Virgo on 22nd highlighting your second house of earnings out a life path yourself. Intimacy and love are on the rise but
and investments. Avoid arguments with loved ones. Travel bug beware you tread carefully to avoid a break up. Money
strikes now. problems may arise if you are handling or managing finances.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 20 - March 19)
What a fabulous time you are heading for? Love goddess Venus As the Sun sails into Virgo and aspects your relationships
enters your sign on 2ist and the radian Sun the following day. The house for next few weeks. Get closer to your partner, confide
next few weeks are catalyst for reinforcement and refreshment all and bond but if you are single, get out and about and mingle.
things that you dreamt of. Transformation is on the way. Property maters and investments may pop up at the
Libra (September 23-October 20) weekend.
Time to recharge your batteries, regain your energy and composure
Cook. Trump has rejectedApple's calls
Johnny Spice owner sentenced for breaching food hygiene regulations The men have had several for an exemption on its products,
A Wolverhampton business owner 15) at Wolverhampton Crown Court customers at risk. informal meetings before, including tweeting in July the company should,
has been stripped of his with four breaches of The Food “Our food safety officers spent a at Bedminster, New Jersey, where "Make them in the USA, No Tariffs!"
management title after failing to Safety and Hygiene Regulations lot of time with Mr Ahmed only for Trump is reportedly on a working But his administration announced
comply with food hygiene 2013. him to ignore their advice and holiday at his golf course. Thursday tariffs on some goods
regulations. Mr Ahmed has been ordered by the continue to breach food hygiene would be delayed until December.
Johnny Spice, located at 46 Queen Crown Court to two years’ regulations. "Having dinner tonight with Tim
Street, had been trading under prohibition from participating in the “I would like to thank our food Cook of Apple. They will be Apple did not immediately
unhygienic conditions with management of a food business, safety team for bringing this case spending vast sums of money in the respond to comment about the
evidence of mouse activity and 180 hours unpaid community work forward and for the work they do to U.S. Great!" he tweeted at around 7 dinner, and Trump did not tweet
poor levels of cleaning throughout and pay costs of £5,332. protect the public. pm local time. again about the meeting, or what
the premises. Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet “I hope this sends out a strong was discussed.
Mouse droppings were found in the Member for City Environment at message to food businesses that The meeting follows Thursday's
restaurant’s kitchen in July 2018. City of Wolverhampton Council we take food hygiene very announcement fromApple that it has The president's latest missive
The owner of Johnny Spice and said: “Poor food hygiene can cause seriously in Wolverhampton and invested roughly $60 billion in the comes after a gaffe in March when
director of Johnny Banqueting Ltd terrible illnesses and this business not complying with regulations will US, and currently employs some he referred to Cook as "Tim Apple".
was sentenced yesterday, (August owner has knowingly put its not be tolerated.” 90,000 people in the country.
Trump later claimed the naming
Many of the tech giant's was deliberate and a "time saving"
products are assembled in China measure.
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 727 22th Aug. to 28st Aug, 2019 29
51 yrs after HP crash, Army team recovers parts of An-12
Chandigarh- location of recoveries, has some remains of the aircraft.
An Army trekking expedition been mapped for future The remaining are still
has recovered parts of the reference. unaccounted for. The
remains of an Air Force An- The expedition was joined by discovery of the remains
12 transport aircraft that had a team of the Indian Air Force gave a fresh ray of hope to
crashed in the mountains of on August 6 to augment the the families of soldiers on
Himachal Pradesh in 1968. search and identification board on receiving their body
A team of Dogra Scouts was efforts. for the last rites.
launched on July 26 to The glacier had high levels Was on routine sortie
Dhaka Glacier under the of snow accumulation due to " The An-12 aircraft,
aegis of Headquarter old avalanches, precipitous with 102 soldiers and four
Western Command with an gradients, avalanche prone crew members, had gone
aim to recover the mortal slopes and open crevasses missing over the Rohtang
remains of soldiers who were along the course, which Pass while returning from
onboard. The An-12 bearing made movement of the team Leh to Chandigarh
serial number BL-534 had difficult and energy sapping. " The aircraft was on
gone missing over Rohtang The An-12 aircraft, with 102 a routine sortie from
Pass on February 7, 1968. soldiers and four crew Chandigarh to Leh when
After 13 days of rigorous members, had gone missing inclement weather in Ladakh
search and recovery over the Rohtang Pass while forced the aircrew to abort
operations in Dhaka Glacierreturning from Leh to enemy territory with all and found the remains of a more bodies. From 2003 to landing and turn back
at an altitude of 5,240 m, theChandigarh. The aircraft was persons on board being human body that was 2009, three search missions " The team found aero
team recovered parts of theon a routine sortie from taken as prisoners. identified as Sepoy Beli were carried out with four engine, propeller, fuel tank
aircraft like the aero engine,Chandigarh to Leh when It was only in 2003 that a Ram, one of the soldiers on more bodies being found. unit, cockpit door and
fuselage, electric circuits,inclement weather in Ladakh team of young trekkers from the flight. On July 11 this year, a personal belongings of
propeller, fuel tank unit, airforced the aircrew to abort the Himalayan In August 2007, an Army mountaineering team found passengers who were
brake assembly and a landing and turn back. Mountaineering Institute that expedition recovered three another body along with onboard the aircraft
cockpit door as well as At that time there was a was attempting to negotiate
personal belongings of someperception that the aircraft the Chandra Bhaga-13
could have strayed across stumbled over debris of an
Iceland commemorates firstofthepassengerswhowerethe border and may haveaircraft near Dhaka Glacier
been forced to land in the
onboard the ill-fated aircraft.
glacier lost to climate changeThe search area, including
Reykjavik-Iceland on Sunday
honours the passing of
Okjokull, its first glacier lost to
climate change, as scientists
warn that some 400 others on
the subarctic island risk the
same fate.
A bronze plaque will be unveiled
in a ceremony starting around
1400 GMT to mark Okjokull-
which translates to "Ok
glacier"-in the west of Iceland, you know if we did it," the provoke feelings".
in the presence of local plaque reads.
Iceland loses about 11 billion
researchers and their peers at It is also labelled "415 ppm tonnes of ice per year, and
Rice University in the United CO2," referring to the record scientists fear all of the island
States, who initiated the level of carbon dioxide country's 400-plus glaciers will
project.Iceland's Prime measured in the atmosphere be gone by 2200, according to
Minister Katrin Jakobsdottir, last May. "Memorials Howe and her Rice University
Environment Minister everywhere stand for either colleague Dominic Boyer.
Gudmundur Ingi human accomplishments, like Glaciologists stripped Okjokull
Gudbrandsson, and the United the deeds of historic figures, of its glacier status in 2014, a
Nations High Commissioner or the losses and deaths we first for Iceland.
for Human Rights Mary recognise as important," In 1890, the glacier ice covered
Robinson are also due to researcher Howe said.
16 square kilometres (6.2
attend the event."This will be "By memorialising a fallen square miles) but by 2012, it
the first monument to a glacier glacier, we want to emphasise measured just 0.7 square
lost to climate change what is being lost-or dying-the kilometres, according to a
anywhere in the world," world over, and also draw report from the University of
Cymene Howe, associate attention to the fact that this is Iceland from 2017.
professor of anthropology at something that humans have In 2014, "we made the
Rice University, said in July. 'accomplished', although it is decision that this was no longer
The plaque bears the not something we should be a living glacier, it was only dead
inscription "A letter to the proud of." Howe noted that the ice, it was not moving," Oddur
future," and is intended to raise conversation about climate Sigurdsson, a glaciologist with
awareness about the decline change can be abstract, with the Icelandic Meteorological
of glaciers and the effects of many dire statistics and Office, told AFP.
climate change.
sophisticated scientific models To have the status of a glacier,
"In the next 200 years all our that can feel incomprehensible. the mass of ice and snow must
glaciers are expected to follow "Perhaps a monument to a lost be thick enough to move by
the same path. This monument glacier is a better way to fully its own weight. For that to
is to acknowledge that we grasp what we now face," she happen the mass must be
know what is happening and said, highlighting "the power of approximately 40 to 50 metres
what needs to be done. Only symbols and ceremony to (130 to 165 feet) thick, he said.
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 727 22th Aug. to 28st Aug, 2019 30
British MPs press Johnson to
recall parliament over Brexit
opposition party leaders who
want to halt Britain's
departure from the EU.
"We face a national
emergency, and parliament
must be recalled now."
Parliament is set to break up
again shortly after it returns,
with the main parties holding
their annual conferences
during the September break.
government commands a
one-seat majority-insists
British Prime Minister them sit permanently until Britain must leave the EU on they would prefer Corbyn Ireland, the document the newspaper.
October 31-the date Britain October 31, with or without became prime minister, and implied. Meanwhile Johnson's
Boris Johnson came under is due to leave the European a divorce deal with Brussels. held a second referendum on
Union. Britain's EU membership. Rather than worst-case girlfriend Carrie Symonds
pressure on Sunday to Labour main opposition scenarios, the leaked will accompany him when he
MPs are not due to return leader Jeremy Corbyn wants Asked about leaving the document, compiled this goes to stay with Queen
immediately recall until September 3. to call a vote of no EU without a deal, 49 per month by the Cabinet Office Elizabeth II at her private
confidence in Johnson's cent said they would ministry, spells out the likely Scottish retreat.
lawmakers from their "Our country is on the government after parliament consider it an unacceptable ramifications of a no-deal
brink of an economic crisis, returns. outcome, while 38 per cent Brexit, the broadsheet The public relations
summer holiday so as we career towards a no- said it would be acceptable. claimed. expert will join Johnson at
deal Brexit," said the letter, He hopes to take over as Balmoral next month, the
parliament can debate signed by MPs and a temporary prime minister, Britain could face food, The document said domestic Press Association
seek an extension to fuel and medicine shortages logjams could affect fuel news agency reported, citing
More than 100 MPs have
written to Johnson to urge
him to reconvene and let
Britain's EU departure date and chaos at its ports in a distribution, while up to 85 sources.
to stop a no-deal Brexit, and no-deal Brexit, The Sunday per cent of trucks using the The monarch traditionally
then call a general election. Times newspaper reported, main ports to continental hosts the prime minister for
"What we need is a citing a leaked government Europe might not be ready a weekend in September.
government that is prepared planning document.
for French customs. It is thought Symonds
to negotiate with the There would likely be The availability of fresh will be the first unmarried
European Union so we don't some form of hard border food would be diminished partner of a sitting PM to
have a crash-out on the imposed on the island of and prices would go up, said stay at Balmoral.
31st," Corbyn said Saturday.
‘Tough’ situation, says Trump after"Thisgovernmentclearly
doesn't want to do that."
However, a YouGov survey
phone calls with Modi, Imran Khanfound that a majority would
rather see a no-deal Brexit
than the veteran leftist taking US President Donald subcontinent to live terror-
over and staging another Trump urged Prime Minister free, be good neighbours and
Narendra Modi and Pakistan give their citizens a better
referendum. tomorrow with law and order.
Some 48 per cent said PM Imran Khan to work
they would rather Britain left towards reducing tension in In a tweet, Batra urged
the EU without a Brexit deal, the region over Kashmir, Modi to invite Imran Khan for
with Jeremy Corbyn describing the situation as “bilateral tea” in Kashmir.
“tough”. “Like Abraham Lincoln, India
remaining in opposition. has clamped down to prevent
Some 35 per cent said Trump asked Khan over terror and establish law and
phone on Monday to
“moderate rhetoric” with order. Time to invite,” he said.
India, soon after a 30-minute Article 370 of the Strongly defending Modi’s
conversation with Modi, Constitution to withdraw move on Jammu and
during which the Indian Jammu and Kashmir’s Kashmir, Japanese scholar
leader raised the issue of special status and bifurcated Satoru Nagao, who is
“extreme rhetoric and the state into Union currently a visiting fellow at
incitement to anti-India Territories, evoking strong the Hudson Institute think-
violence” by leaders of reactions from Pakistan. tank, said India needed to
Pakistan. Continuing with his tirade fortify Kashmir before the US
“Spoke to my two good against India over the withdrew from Afghanistan
friends, Prime Minister Modi Kashmir issue, Khan had on and Islamic radicals came to
of India, and Prime Minister Sunday called the Indian Kashmir.
Khan of Pakistan, regarding government “fascist” and “After the US intervention
Trade, Strategic “supremacist”, alleging that in Afghanistan, the number
Partnerships and, most it posed a threat to Pakistan of terrorist activities in J&K
importantly, for India and as well as to the minorities has decreased. Now, if the
Pakistan to work towards in India. US withdraw from
reducing tensions in Welcoming Trump’s call Afghanistan, India needs to
Kashmir,” the US President to Modi and Khan, New prepare. At the same time,
said in a tweet. York-based Indian-American to fortify Ladakh, separate
“A tough situation, but attorney Ravi Batra said the and direct control will be
good conversations!” he said. US President, speaking for effective measure to defend
Earlier this month, India all Americans, essentially borders against China,”
abrogated provisions of told “our dear friends” in the Nagao said. PTI
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 727 22th Aug. to 28st Aug, 2019 31
India head coach Ravi Shastri was
handed a 2-year extension after
Friday’s interviews in Mumbai.
Chairman of CAC Kapil Dev and Shantha Rangaswamy.
Shastri says Team India
would collectively look to
take their consistency to
another level in next 2 years
F ORMER captain Ravi Shastri said
Team India’s collective aim in the
next 26 months of his stint would be
take their consistency to another
level. The head coach, whose con-
tract was extended on Friday, also
thanked Kapil Dev-led Cricket Advisory
Committee for showing faith in him during
the reappointment.
Shastri was among the 5 shortlisted candidates inter-
viewed for the role of India head
coach by the CAC, consisting ‘Will continue
Kapil Dev, Shanta Rangaswamy
and Anshuman Gaekwad. Shas-
tri pipped the likes of Tom
Moody and Mike Hesson for
reappointment as the head
coach after Friday’s interviews
at the Board of Control for
Cricket in India (BCCI) head-
quarters in Mumbai.
“I first like to thank the CAC
— Shantha, Kapil and Anshu — to experiment’
for having the faith in me to let
me continue for another 26
months,” Shastri told BCCI.TV.
“It’s a privilege and honour to
be part of an Indian team setup.
The reason why I came in was I
had the belief in this team...
belief that this team can leave a
legacy that very teams have in
the past. Not just for the
moment they're playing... you
know the kind of legacy... going emerged ahead of Hesson and make sure we are focussing and
down the line other teams Moody in that order. concentrating on how we can
would try and emulate,” the Stressing that the focus will be get over that barrier. That will
head coach added. on blooding youth into the sys- be the endeavour of this team,”
“That is the desire. We are tem to create a team that Shastri added.
on track. There is always would leave a legacy for Focus on becoming the best
room for improvement. The future sides to emu- fielding side, bringing in youth
With youth coming head coach late, Shastri said he
into the set-up, it’s also thanks is ready to embrace “It’s been superbly consistent.
going to be very the challenge. When you look at the perform-
ance over the last 2 or 3 years,
Kapil Dev-led CAC “You have got to it's been simply outstanding but
Shastri was for showing faith learn from your as I said, that’s the bar they have
in him during the mistakes. Nobody set and now they have to make
expected to retain is perfect. When an effort to raise the bar.
the job, especially
after captain Virat reappointment you strive for excel- “Even at the cost of certain
Kohli publically lence and you strive results, you will not know where
endorsed an extension to raise to the bar day your best combination is. There
even before the team left in, day out, you have is a time where you will have to
for the West Indies. How- got to pay attention to invest in getting youth into the Shastri was expected to retain the job, especially after
ever, CAC chief Kapil Dev said details. When you mess up or side and in ensuring we have Virat Kohli publically endorsed an extension even before
the selection process was a when have an off day.. don’t let better combinations and better
“close race” after which Shastri that day go by. We have got to depth, all-round.” —India Today the team left for the West Indies.
Last-gasp draw for women In the 43rd minute, Australia
found their second goal
The Indian women’s second match of the 1-0 advantage. Australia through some exquisite
teamwork, which resulted in
hockey team came back tournament. India had completely dominated the Grace giving Australia a 2-1
twice from behind to hold beaten hosts Japan 2-1 in second quarter but India’s
With time running out,
world No. 2 Australia 2-2 in their first match. defence held firm and India won a crucial penalty
corner in the 59th minute and
a hard-fought round-robin World No. 10 India began goalkeeper Savita made a dragflicker Gurjit Kaur struck
a sweet blow into the goal
league match of the the match aggressively but couple of great saves to deny to earn India a well-deserved
draw. The Indian women will
Olympics test event. Australia were awarded a Australia, who were 1-0 up face China on Tuesday in
their third and last round-
Vandana Katariya (36th penalty stroke in the 14th at the half-time break. robin match.
minute) and Gurjit Kaur minute after an Indian Equaliser
(59th) scored for India to defender blocked a shot at India struck after the
cancel out strikes from goal. Kaitlin made no break as Vandana Katariya
Kaitlin Nobbs (14th) and mistake in converting from finished a superb move to
Grace Stewart (43rd) in their the spot to give Australia a equalise in the 36th minute.
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly Vol: 15, Issue 727 22th Aug. to 28st Aug, 2019 32