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Computers in the
Madalynn Henrie
ED 243-5
Brother David Marshall
April 2019
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Ed 243-5
Computers in the Classroom
Madalynn Henrie
April 2019
Brother David Marshall
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Table of Contents
Cover Page……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1
Title Page………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
About Me……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Technology Article…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
Back Page…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15
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About Me
Madalynn Henrie is 19 years old and is currently a student at Brigham Young University Idaho. This is
her fourth semester attending BYU-I and she absolutely loves the campus, students and environment of the
school. Madalynn grew up in Mt. Pleasant Michigan and lived there her whole life till moving out to Idaho for
school in 2017. She loves Michigan and the Great Lakes where her family would go every summer and have
fun on the beaches of the fresh water lakes. Madalynn is the oldest of four kids in her family and has a 17-
year-old sister, 15 year old brother, and an 11 year old brother. Her siblings are her best friends and while
she really loves living in Idaho, they are the things she misses most about home.
Madalynn’s father owns a Chiropractic company in Michigan and this is where she had her first job,
working as a secretary. She also worked as a cashier at a local grocery store in Michigan throughout her high
school years and loved this job because it gave her the opportunity to talk to so many people throughout her
day. In high school, Madalynn competed on the swim team, track team, and tennis team. She was on a swim
team her whole life and loved to compete with her friends and coach.
Madalynn loves to travel and hopes to be able to do humanitarian trips across the world. She had
the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica last May and it was the best experience of her life. While she was
there, she worked in a daycare and took care of the kids that were living in poverty in the slums of Costa Rica.
She loves children and this trip solidified the idea of becoming an elementary teacher for her. She is excited
for her future in elementary education and cannot wait to have a classroom of her own. (320 words)
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Living in the 21st century, technology is a part of our everyday lives and is something that has
improved our quality of life drastically. If we tried to count how many times a day, we use some sort of
technology, many of us would be extremely surprised with how frequently we encounter it. If technology was
taken away from our society, it is almost guaranteed that many people would not know how to function or
live without it. Teachers in our society have come to incorporate technology into their classrooms and it has
made a lasting impact on the students and how they are learning. Using computers in Mathematic
classrooms has been proven through extensive research and data to actually help improve the outcome of
the learning of the students. The are more able to see solutions and use different pathways in their brain
because of the technology they are allowed to use. By using different data bases and math sources online, it
can teach students and give them a visual of how to do math in a way that would not be able to be given
without this technology. Having technology in classrooms has also been proven to help in children who are in
the emergent literacy stage of learning. These kids can be shown videos and play stimulating brain games on
the computer than can help them develop and learn different problem-solving skills that they will need later
on in their life. There were also studies taken in middle schools and in k-12 classes where this outcome of the
positivity of technology in the classroom has also be proven as a fact. Throughout this article it is easy to see
that there are definitely more benefits to having computers and other technology in the classroom than
otherwise. Scientists and professors from universities around the states have discovered this through
extensive research and surveys done in the classrooms. (319 words)
Computers in the Page |6
Computers in the classrooms of
Living in the 21st century, schools have really enhanced teaching and
technology is a part of our everyday lives given teachers so many more options on
and is something that has improved our what their students can see and experience.
quality of life drastically. If we tried to Videos and pictures of places from around
count how many times a day, we use some the world can be shown to students. TED-
sort of technology, many of us would be talks, learning different languages, movies,
extremely surprised with how frequently we books, art, math games, researching, writing,
encounter it. If technology was taken away studying, these are all things that have
from our society, it is almost guaranteed that become so much easier for students to do
many people would not know how to because of their access they have to
function or live without it. Teachers in our computers in their school.
society have come to incorporate technology
into their classrooms and it has made a Through recent studies it has been
lasting impact on the students and how they discovered that the positives of having
are learning. computers in the classroom far outweighs
the negatives. Technology enhanced
curriculum can improve the learning of
math, can help in the younger grades with
emergent literacy, change the teaching styles
from k-12, allow the use of electronic
boards, and make learning fun and exciting
through games.
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The University of Texas and the better in their math classes than students
University of Massachusetts got together without the access to technology. Teachers
with SRI International and did a 1-year that use the approach of teaching with
study in Texas middle schools to try and graphs online and using different databases
figure out if technology was really helping had great success in their classrooms.
in mathematic classrooms. In the article, Computers in the classroom is not
Can Technology Enhanced Curriculum only helpful for the older students who are
Improve Student Learning of Important trying to learn math but also for the
Mathematics, it is said that, “Starting in preschool and kindergarteners who are in the
middle school, … students were staying emergent stage of learning.
mathematical concepts more focused and overall In a recent article about this
become increasingly crucial doing better in their math topic, it was found that
to understanding scientific classes than students teachers who were teaching
concepts and are without the access to using computers and letting
considerably more difficult technology.
their children learn from watching videos
than mathematical concepts in elementary were having more developed and proficient
school” (Roschelle, 2007, P.2). This was the readers at a younger age than most. In the
main reason for deciding to do this research article it states that, “From birth, children
on middle school classrooms. After the year begin to interact with the world around
of learning and observing these classrooms them, and some of the most naturalistic
it was discovered that through combining behaviors of children can influence the
technology into their curriculum, students beginnings of literacy and development”
were staying more focused and overall doing (Floyd, 2018, P. 92). When teachers
incorporate computers into their curriculum Page |8
with students at such a young age, they are
influencing them and helping them to who do not allow the use of technology,
develop in ways that they might not have if these students become distracted because it
they could not have this chance to learn is not what they have grown up with. The
using computers and other technology conclusion of the article done on Tennessee
resources. schools claimed when teachers allow
students the time to learn from videos or by
Having not only technology but doing curricular activities online, they really
computers in all classrooms, k-12, engages do pay more attention and have an
the class in ways that might not be possible excitement for learning that others students
otherwise. In a research project that was in different settings might not.
done in Tennessee public schools, it was
discovered that integrating technology into Growing up in todays society, it is
their classrooms held the student’s attention common knowledge that kids love to play
and focus on certain activities or subjects on their parent’s phones and look for
much longer than those done without using whatever opportunity they can find to play
any technology. Because the use of games on some sort of technology or device.
computers, iPhones, tablets and much more What if this was incorporated into the
have become so common in our lives, classroom? Would it hurt or benefit the
children have become accustomed with students? That is what the Department of
using these things when they are at home. Brain Sciences and Psychology and the
When they come to school and have such a
change in environment or are with teachers
University of California were wondering Page |9
when they decided to do a study on the topic
of incorporating educational games on computers the attention and focus of
computers into the classroom. Through students were able to be held much longer
cognitive consequence research that they than without and that is because technology
did, they were able to discover that the use can make the classroom so interesting! They
of educational games on the computer can can learn so much if given the opportunity to
actually improve student’s attention and be able to learn through different sources on
problem-solving skills. This backed up the the computer. We are living in a world
argument that yes, certain educational where the use of technology has become the
computer games, that are used in school norm and is used in almost every aspect of
classrooms, really can help the students our lives, why not use it in the classroom as
learn and improve skill sets that might not well? (1015 words)
have without these games.
After extensive research and
studying on this topic, it is clear to see that
the use of computers in the classroom
benefits the students extremely. Through
playing educational games and using
different databases, they are able to learn
and develop amazing skills that will help
them later on in life. It was proven through
multiple studies that through using
References P a g e | 10
(1) Roschelle, J., Tatar, D., (3) Inan, F. A., & Lowther, D. L.
Shechtman, N., Hegedus, S., (2009, July). Factors
Hopkins, B., Knudsen, J., & affecting technology
Stroter, A. (2007, May). Can integration in K-12
a Technology Enhanced classrooms. Springer
Curriculum Improve Student
Learning of Important (4) Department of Psychological and
Mathematics? Scaling Up Brain Sciences . (2019,
January). Computer Games in
(2) Floyd, K. K., Smith, C., Lee, L., Education. In Annual
Jeffs, T., & Judge, S. A. Reviews. Retrieved from
(2018, October). Assistive https://www.annualreviews.o
Technology and Emergent rg/doi/full/10.1146/annurev-
Literacy for psych-010418-102744
Preschoolers. ERIC
Interviews: P a g e | 11
Aaron Fidler, 5th grade teacher, Ganiard well. The teachers are the one who are in charge
Elementary School, Mt Pleasant, Michigan of making sure their students are getting what
they are supposed to out of the lessons and
Q: What do you feel like education is lacking these making sure they develop a desire to learn and
days? grow. The students also have a part in the
responsibility by taking upon them the work load
A: I think that education has become very and making sure that they are actually trying to
systematic in some cases and teachers aren’t learn and get information out of the lessons”.
really teaching because it is something they love Q: how has education blessed your life?
to do. They aren’t getting involved with their A: “This could be a long answer. I was blessed with
students and trying to reach them on a personal amazing teachers when I was in school like I
and individual level. already said but it was more than just that. Being
a teacher now, I am still learning so much from
Q: Why is education so important to you? constantly being in this educational environment.
The students and other teachers teach me more
A: “education is so important to me because than I teach them it feels like. I grew up with that
growing up I really struggled with learning but I desire to learn that my teachers instilled in me at
had amazing teachers who wanted me to succeed such a young age and it helped me so much while
so badly. If they wanted so badly for me to learn I was in college and my young adult years.
what they were teaching, I thought it must be Education is so important to have and it really
something really important. That is when I does change lives, you’ll see that one day”.
decided to be a teacher, when I realized how
much of an affect you can have on your student’s Joan Rivers, Retired Principle, Vowels Elementary
lives”. School, Mt Pleasant, Michigan
Q: What do you feel like education is lacking these
Q: What is the most important aspect of days?
education in your opinion? A: “ Wow that’s a good question. I feel like
education has come to be a little soft these days.
A: “Definitely teaching your kids how to learn and
study on their own while also instilling that desire
for them to learn. As a teacher on students so
young, you’re in charge of getting them to love
learning so that they will have that desire to
succeed in school when they get older”.
Q: Where do you think the responsibility lies in
student learning?
A: “I think the responsibility relies not only with
the students but definitely with the teacher as
Even 10 years ago the classroom was a much P a g e | 12
different place than it was now. The students
respected their teachers and knew the attitude Q: How has education blessed your life?
they had to have in the school setting to stay A: “ I was in education for many, many years. It
inline. Nowdays I hear stories from my friends was really my whole life. I learned so much over
saying that their students just don’t want to be in the years on how to not only be a better teacher
the classroom and don’t take their learning and principle but how to be a better human. Being
seriously at all”. a principle you are surrounded by children and
parents and other adults every single day. You
Q: Why is education so important to you? have to put their needs and wants before your
own at times and learning that really changed my
A: “Being a principle, I was able to see so many life around and put things in perspective for me”.
different teachers and classrooms and students at
the same time and I was able to be apart of them Tracy Wood, Speech Pathologist, Ganiard
all which was so awesome. It is so important to Elementary School, Mt Pleasant, Michigan
me because I have been able to see first hand how Q: What do you feel like education is lacking these
it affects kids and how much it can change their days?
life if they take their education and learning A: “ Being a speech pathologist and not a teacher,
seriously”. I am not in the classroom that often. I spend a lot
of my time with students one on one or in groups
Q: What is the most important aspect of in a separate room. But I can tell you that I think
education in your opinion? education is lacking creativity or allowing
creativity for their students I guess. Do you
A: “I think that the most important would be to remember when you were in school and you had
really get through to your students the specific days for art or music or gym classes? Kids
importance of education and make sure they used to be able to go and spend a few hours a
know how blessed they are to be receiving their week doing those things and being so creative but
education. Also to get across how important they they don’t do that anymore. I think it is so sad”.
are individually. Making sure your students know Q: Why is education so important to you?
you love this is a huge part of your classroom
Q: Where do you think the responsibility lies in
student learning?
A: “ In part it lies with the teacher but I would say
that it is definitely the students responsibility.
They decide if they take anything away from a
lesson, they decide if they are going to pay
attention that day or not, they decide if they are
going to do their homework. The responsibility
lies in the students hands, they have to do their
A: “I had a really tough time learning in school P a g e | 13
because I had a speech impediment and was so
embarrised and ashamed by it that I couldn’t get Sophie Winn, Senior in High School, Mt Pleasant
myself to try and learn. I thought that I was High School, Mt Pleasant, Michigan
broken and decided I couldn’t do it so I wouldn’t Q: What do you feel education is lacking these
even try. I don’t want other kids feeling like that.” days?
A: “I think sometimes it feels like my teachers
Q: What is the most important aspect of honestly don’t care if I pass or fail and they’re just
education in your opinion? very boring. I don’t know if it has always been like
this but I definitely think teachers should show
A: “I think it is so important that your students their students that they do care about them and
know how serious you take their learning. If they their learning, it just makes me actually want to
know that you sincerely want them to grow and try hard and do good when they show me they
become better versions of themselves, they will care about me”.
want to try and be better even if it is only for Q: Why is education so important to you?
you.” A: “ because I need to go to college. Just kidding,
kind of. I think it is so important to go to school
Q: Where do you think the responsibility lies in and graduate because without that you would
student learning? never be able to progress or go any further, you
can’t get any good jobs with just a high school
A: “ I think it does rely with the student but also diploma. Plus it feels pretty good when you know
with the students parents and teachers. If a lot, it’s cool to be smart.”
students don’t have good home lives, it is more Q: What is the most important aspect of
likely that they aren’t going to have that desire to education in your opinion?
learn. That is where the teacher steps up and A: “ Maybe having teachers who actually teach
takes it upon themselves to make sure their and making sure their students learn”.
student will learn and grow or to make sure the Q: Where do you think the responsibility lies in
student is really trying in their schoolwork.” student learning?
A: “I would say with the student, if you don’t have
Q: How has education blessed your life? the mindset that you want to learn, you won’t. It
is pretty simple”.
A: “ It has blessed my life so much I don’t even
know where to start! I get such joy and
satisfaction from helping students improve in
reading and speaking aloud. Seeing them lose
their stutter or slur over time is the best feeling
because you know it is partially because of you
that they are improving. It just makes me so
Q: How has education blessed your life? P a g e | 14
A: “I have learned a lot and through getting good growing up. It is so important and the skills you
grades and having teachers who cared about how learn in school will help you throughout your
I did in their classes I’ve been able to get accepted whole lives.”
into nursing school. It is crazy how through going
to school and getting an education there are so Q: What is the most important aspect of
many doors open to you and I feel good knowing I education in your opinion?
was smart enough to get in from all of the
previous classes I have taken”. A: “I think that the classroom environment is so
important for your learning. Some teachers that
Sarah Henrie, my mother and parent of 3 younger your siblings have had have been messy or
siblings, Mt Pleasant, Michigan unorganized and it resulted in a lot of frustration
for us and their students. Keeping a happy,
Q: What do you feel education is lacking these encouraging but also clean environment is super
days? important.
A: “well, you were my first child and I feel like a lot Q: Where do you think the responsibility lies in
has changed from when you were in 6th grade to student learning?
know that your younger brother is in 6th grade.
For one, the schools allow so much more to go on A: “The students. The teachers too actually but I
that they didn’t use to. The students are allowed think that from what I have seen, the child has to
to listen to music during class and have their be responsible themselves and make sure they are
phones on them, even at such a young age. I just doing everything they should be doing or they
feel like it is very distracting and there is no way aren’t going to learn.”
they can be learning with all of that going on”.
Q: How has education blessed your life?
Q: why is education so important to you?
A: “Education has given me so much. Me and your
A: “We have the life that we have because of the dad have been able to keep good jobs that
education that me and your father received support our family because of education and it
has given me an appreciation for learning and
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