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Published by , 2016-11-02 13:55:52

8th Grade Poems (2)

8th Grade Poems (2)

8th Grade Narrative Poems

Eighth Grade Class of 2017 • 10.31.2016


The eighth grade class has come together in order to compose a
series of narrative poems that fall under their unit on Narrative
Poetry. The overall goal was to tell a story and inform the readers
of a specific moment in time to convey a message and theme.
The eighth grade submitted their favorite poems to be published
in the book.The poems have been stripped bare show their clear
theme, message, and significance. Following that, the poems
were neatly placed in a book.

Table of Contents Page
Inspirational Quotes Page
lateness Page
7th Grade Reflection Page
Creative Narrative
End Credits

Class Quotes “Poetry is the
spontaneous overflow
“You can’t move on to of powerful feelings it
the next chapter if you takes it origin from
keep rereading the last emotion recollected in
one.”~Joanalis tranquility”-Mr.
Calderon wordsworth

“ poetry is the music of the
soul and above all of great
and feelings souls.”-Voltaire


Late on a Friday I finished dressing 8:05!
I grab my bookbag and rush outside
by Tahlia Pearson OH MY GOSH! I forgot my keys
Beep Beep
RING RING! Elevator please hurry
‘SNOOZE’ I arrive on my floor
Five more minutes I’ll be up soon I knock on my door
I close my eyes As if A zombie apocalypse was in store
Warm and calm My mom opens the door
Until I hear and Angry. Shouting. Mom! “What do you need?”
...It’s Friday mom so it’s cool “Its because you're on that phone…”
Don’t be upset let’s lay down and rest She hands me my keys
Ow!I feel a sharp pain on my butt “Have a nice day sweetie” my mom tells me
I look up to see my mom as crazy as a squirrel looking for nuts Beep Beep
I whine and get up for school THAT’S IT! I’m taking the stairs
I take my towel there's some drool on my face I rush down ,skipping steps
I walk slowly- OH WHY MUST I PROCRASTINATE I make it down and run to the car
Twenty minutes later I strut out the bathroom I look at the rear view mirror
Fresh as a new car Oh No! I look like a mess!
I check the time 7:45 THIS IS BIZARRE I look at my phone. 8:20!
I rush to my room with clothes provided from my mom I throw a big angry hissy fit
Sock to sock lotion to skin this is the fastest I’ve ever been My dad drives the car
Rush rush TIME TIME 7:55 OH MY! I fix my hair, eat my food
We arrive and I go to Chris.
“You're Late! It's 8:28”
I take my late pass
Uhhhhh what a day
I will never procrastinate again

I'm Late

By Chyna Grant

II look at my phone only to notice it’s 8:15 I sprint up the stairs in a way only described by words such as frantic.
I am still on this freaking bus! I took cursory steps and my travel up the stairs was very brief!
Twelve blocks away Somebody pass me a fan to get this sweat off my eyebrows
I have ten minutes to be in school This young lady here feels like she is about to panic.
before the bell rings As I rush to the steps, Chris knocks on the window
to let me know I'm late. “YOU ARE LATE!”
“I know that”

Who knows how this could affect my fate! I take my pass and go upstairs towards homeroom.

As I enter the box of learning

I look at my phone again, 8:20 Everybody looks at me as if they had just seen a ghost.

Finally, I am off the bus As if Beyoncé just put up a new post
I’m speed walking like a soccer mom in khakis Ms. Rogers looks at me with disappointment
The adolescent next to me observed my speed. and severity
“Stop strolling in my classroom

I look at my phone for the third time, 8:24! YOU ARE LATE! Let's go!” The base in her voice intimidates me.
I have one minute to be in the school building. “Sorry” I say
To be fair,
I dash down the block
the bus was moving slow as a snail.
I am walking so fast, my sock feels loose, like they could Then again, when it comes to my responsibilities I failed.

fly off any second I knew I should've gotten up earlier and done what I needed to do.

I sat down in my seat and placed my bag down.

I removed my notebook, and began to work.

This lateness thing today will never happen again

Lateness One day I missed the bus,
And I knew the consequences will be severe when I get to
By Kristian Castro school
So I walked to school without any fuss
Lateness leads to no greatness And no one wants that
No greatness leads to no creativeness
And no one wants that But the next day I came to school bright and early,
When you are late you will not accomplish anything And my teacher said
“Hey you are early”
If you come somewhere late “Yeah, I realized that being late wasn't going to get me
You are disproving your fate anywhere in life so I and always going to be early”
When you are late then you are not giving your full “Great decision, you will definitely make it far think that
potential way!”
And no one wants that “Okay, see you later alligator!”
And everyone wants that
Some days my mom would say
“Go to school
You lazy old fool”
And no one wants that

Lateness I say, “ what, why? There is an open seat right there why must
you sit in the front of the bus”
by Miles Young “What!?”
“Why must sit in the front”
Ah.. wake up in the morning energized ready for the day “What!?”
But wait what time is it?? Son it is 8:00
“You’re so old why must you sit in the front?”
What I overslept and you didn't help what a great help “Because I feel like it so can I sit or can I sit right there”
Make sure you not late have a nice day what… how do you
say that I mean I am already late as mother walks out of the Finally 125 ST. almost at school but terribly late.
Had a cop ask where you going in a suspicious kind of way
room and wonders what is the or else if I am late? which I did not appreciate but it doesn't matter because you

I'm not gonna worry. I just know that I need to go along and are in my way to school.
scurry to my destination which is school which is the Ah… at school finally, only thirty minutes late. I rush to class
sanctuary of learning. and my teacher says, “thirty minutes late.” wow I know right,
you wish you can be like me.
Finally dressed and ready to go as I walk down my building
stairs I notice I forgot my homework and I do not want to get “Really? get to work now and take out all of your work or
a hw slip on top of being late because my mom would just go everybody suffers”

bazerk. “Ok ok, I got you but first can I use the bathroom?”
Ye,s yes got everything I hope. Wait I almost forgot. I need to “Boy don't try it.
lock the door. Now I am ready and set for my school day even
“Finally thank you for the work even though you could've did
though I am late. better on one of these.”
Wow this crazy public transportation is just a mess. All of the
traffic and arguments give it a rest. Why is there always Basically wake up on time and try to be early because if
arguments on the bus, For example this lady says to me why you’re about thirty minutes late you can not guess your
“hi sonny can I have your seat please?” teacher will go easier on you about something that already
upsets her so try to be early.

Tardy by Juan

Bells rang,
People sang,
This is in the past because I’m late.
It sticks to your record like tape.
My alarm went off late,
My bus came late.
To blame it on is a
We use the word so much because it is abuse.
Why don’t we get ready the night before,
So we can just get out the door.
Because at school,
The show must go on.
No matter what's cool or,
What came late to school.
We have to stop being,

In A Blink Of An Eye By Cariah Branch

My heart was Numb, from all the pain I endured from the Giggling and laughing at my baggy boyish clothes
world Not knowing what a beautiful person was inside
But, no one seemed to care. however, in a generation like today no one cared about
The world was a place that you were the only person what was inside.
that loved yourself They only cared about what they could judge
Yes I had family, yes I had friends But , not this one lady .
However, those may be “loved” ones but they didn't care She was older then I was maybe even wiser than I was.
about me. She saw how disconsolately I walked and talked and
I just wish they all could disappear. said “ in the blink of an eye, the sky will grow clear and
I was an outcast, that everyone avoided everything near will bring you joy, those who treated a
No one wanted to be near a creature like myself heart like yours wrongly will be shown never let a good
A creature of my features. heart go bad.”
This caused me to pray upon the day I would be called I didn't understand out of everyone on the street why
to my rightful home in the sky with that beautiful holy guy pick a dreary person as myself to fulfill such a powerful
But It wasn't my time . speech.
A day like no other, walking home with my miserable Meanwhile, as I walked down the street the rain began
walk from a day no different then yesterday . dripping and dropping everywhere
Everyone ignoring my plain exist in the world No shelter was near so I ran into alleyway that was
covered with a canopy

Standing there for at least ten minutes everything Communicate with except a little pier rabbit.
started to fade as if my eyes had weights sitting on them Hours and hours of floods
When I opened my eyes the sky was blue and the Animals running for their lives
clouds were high Flowers being dragged with the tide
I looked down at my feet covered in Lilies and dandelion And my perfect fantasy gone.
(My favorite flowers) All that stood high was this White House
Rabbits and deer Frolic through field but, oddly sat a In the blink of eye everything I dreamt was gone.
little White House It even made me regret, wishing those I despise to
I slowly crept over peeking through the windows and disappear before my crystal clear blue eyes
soon realized it was empty
“Perfect” I whispered to myself
I opened the door and I went in
Hours passed, I was busy eating into my stomach was
chasing the many animals,
watching television,
and even reading a couple books.
This was the life worth living until, that very night.
It was a terrible storm that I had no one to even try to

The Little Old Lady Once I got home, I never felt so alone
Living in New York you get use to the sounds
by Cariah Branch The sounds as the cars rummed
The sounds of people talking
It was a dreadful, weary night The sounds of birds tweeting and alley cats purring
When nothing or no one was in sight The sounds of commercial advertisements
But, this little old lady This night was the quietus
Who stood still, staring into space So I sat glaring out my window
And maybe her eyes landed on your face. About 45 minutes later, the little old was walking down my street
I was on my way, home from doing a double at work. Right towards my house
Tired from doing 14 hours behind a crisp, freezing counter She was walking slowly, miserable, staring me right in my eyes
However, anyone could tell this was a different night The closer she got ,the ground began to shake
It was only 8 o’clock and there was no living thing in sight Shaking like a terrible earthquake that even the man above could not stop
But, this little old lady Questioning why would she pick me?
Her eyes were hypnotizing ,something I couldn’t forget What did I do to deserve such a treatment?
That shade of blue was a kind that only a couple of were lucky Once she stood in front of my window
enough to get Staring into my soul with her beaty eyes
Walking home, on the wet ground Her eyes had a power of no other
Step by step A power only a true wise women could possess
When I heard a sound Soon my eyes became weary and dry and closed
But, it was nothing there As I opened them, again
No cars I was lying in my bed, staring straight at the ceiling
No people Over hearing the rummm of cars, People talking, and footsteps
No animals With the bright sun looking back at me with no sight of the little old lady.
Not any motion However, as I sat up I noticed on my grand piano sat a glimmering portrait
Meanwhile, every time I turn around I hear this sensational sound her Smiling an evil grin
So, I just keep walking “I just need to go pray”
Life was never held so still
It's like I was held in time.

Reality by Juan Vasquez Mission 3:
We dodge and roll to keep ourselves holding record,
Mission 1: And to keep what we stored.
games, take us from reality, We slowly build up strength,
And make sure we get a taste of fatality. And hope the arrow will make the length.
Some may look for action for satisfaction, BAMM.
Or maybe GTA for recoil action, The door swings open
Taking us from the real world.
Mission 4 final boss:
Mission 2: “You have been playing that game all darn day.”
Although these may be fatal, “How about you go outside and play”
somehow games can keep stable, Now you are back to teachers, homework, and chores.
And not jump up from a makeshift table, In something we call
Taking us from the rea Reality.


The ocean started out lightly So did the sea.
The tides lapping gingerly
At the sandy shore. Now, the tides were whirling violently
I watched with wonder, Against the moistened shore,
My innocent, beady eyes It’s hefty force smacking
Staring, amazed at the Against the spoiled shoreline.
Brilliant body of water.
My not-yet-mature mind My cries for help pierced the air,
Believed that the sea would But there was no reply.
Always be this gentle.
That I could surf the tides with ease There was nothing to save me
Without any harsh waves From the treacherous current.
To knock me over.
I was on my own.
But, as I aged,
I noticed that A gigantic wave
I was wrong. hurled itself at me
With the force of fifteen elephants,
The ocean was far from gentle. Sweeping me off my feet,
And sending me churning
As my responsibilities increased in size, In the deep blue.
So did the waves.
As I grew to be a powerful young adult, I fought with all my might
To reach the surface,

My lungs begging for air. Had dealt not even a single
As I just barely managed to take Scratch on my body.
A breath, another wave
Sent me flying onto the rough shore. I was still standing in place,
My hands to my side,
I choked on soggy sand, My face turned toward
But I knew that I was not The horizon.
Going to let the tides win.
As if by magic,
I stormed back into the sea. The waters softened,
The waves whirled at me again. And the tides shrunk,
Dark blue swallowed my vision as Bringing with them
A third wave came to knock me down. Memories of my childhood.
It thought it had the best of me.
But I knew that I had the power The ocean started out lightly
To defeat it. The tides lapping gingerly
At the sandy shore.
Wham! I watched with wonder,
My bewildered eyes
As the wave flew itself against my body, Staring, amazed at the
I remained in place, Brilliant body of water.
Facing the threatening tide.

I opened my eyes once more
To see that the wave

Unfair by Tahlia “THAT’S IT”, I scream
I say the sentence that every child is afraid of
So if X=34- I’m TELLING!
AHHHHH! I walk to Ms.Rogers and show her the vandilism on my book.
WHO DREW ON MY BOOK? She says “Okay, we will handle this after class
I look down I sit furiously at my desk
angry as anything anyone alive Test prep was dismissed.
I look and see Juan with a pencil in his hand walking “Okay, let's deal with this”Ms.Rogers says
back to his seat
YOU DID THIS! We are going to have a court
I CAN’T STAND YOU! I smile and say
YOU “I’m sooooo gonna win this”
RUINED I give Juan my evil look and grin
MY We all get our chance.
BOOK!! Witnesses say what they say.
He looks at me The judge sits.
“Tahlia you are so silly” The crowd listens.
“Why would sweet ol me do such a thing?” Okay this is it.
I look at him with the devil in my pupils The jury goes in the hallway for a minute or two.
I’m sweating so much it felt like I went into a swimming pool.
They jury gives their results.
Half of the class looks angry and furious.
The others smile.
And so does a smirking and satisfied Juan.
Even though I was right sometimes life is SO UNFAIR
But you have to learn and just move on

The Real Meaning of Family by Mohamed Fade

Family is Family is
heaven sent from our father above, the strongest team, the strongest unit;
bonded by the power of love. if love could be visualized,
No matter what, family has each other’s back, family would be the blueprint.
when push comes to shove.
Family is
Family is Forgiveness and patience,
understanding, never demanding, it's sweeter than the sweetest fragrance,
all for one and one for all, the power of family is a reflection of God's compassion and
I will never leave you alone standing. magnificence.

Family is Family is
one in itself, my love is your love, never turning our backs, and never causing shame,
your pain is my pain, my wealth is your wealth, lend my helping hand and not a finger pointing the blame.
I promise to never leave you by yourself.
No matter what, a family bond can never be broken,
even through a nuclear explosion,
if one of us lives we all live.
Forever in eternity, we are family,
my father, my mother, my sisters, my brothers and me.

Juan The Brave by Cameron

One Spring Afternoon I was trying not to laugh
I was walking with Juan Because I did not want to get caught or choke on my
To the train station Arizona
Which seemed so far So I drank my Arizona
And looked as serious as Mona Lisa
We were just walking
When we saw a school safety woman talking But when Juan walked away
So Juan being stupid He looked terrified for shooting a security guard with a
Flung a rubber band at her rubber band
Like arrows being flung by the mythical Cupid

She somehow juggled the rubber band
While making monkey sounds
Like she was multitasking
In a one person band

Train by Tahlia n the middle are readers and writers
Girls talking about Brad and Starbucks
BE CAREFUL OF THE PLATFORM signs are Boys talking about Vanessa and Hockey
around Kids talking about Lebron and basketball
I see kids stand on it anyway acting out Girls talking about insecurities and makeup
Excuse me. Move! Hurry Up Class! In and out Errrrrr, as the train stops
the train I hear no more Brad
Such a hectic day I hear no more Hockey
As I walk in the train it's hotter than I hear no more Lebron
Mercury. I hear no more makeup
Bodies are together, Mumbles go around in and out the train
sweaty and wet For one second I heard the flipping of pages
Hot as a sauna. Then chaos builds up again
Such a disgusting mess A homeless man walks in and asks people
One side of the car are high school kids for change
Snapping and dabbing having fun. Not one person gives him a thing
Screaming and beaming having fun. New York City is such a rude place
WHOOSH the train pulls off. He walks up to me and says
“Spare Change?”
I look at him with eyes of sorrows

He smells like pee and depression
So of course I’m gonna help him
I give him $20
He smiles as if he didn't smile in 20 years
This twenty dollars had a big affect on him
Even the littlest thing can have a big impact
on a person
He says “Thank You”
I say back “You’re welcome”

But everything comes crashing to the floor
Not only is this physically frustrating but this is financially and
economically disgusting,

Seventh Grade Excuses by Jose “I cannot do it. I am sick of trying, I don’t care anymore I am just
I draw one straight line, “Are you sure about that Jamie? How come you keep coming back
Beneath that straight line to me? How you come you return to me countlessly and remain
Lays the foundation. sitting in that same red leather chair for more than an hour? . What
Foundation- the things that lays beneath which is typically built motivates you to come back to me. Answer the question for me
upon. Things are stacked on this layer. honestly and I’ll believe you” Patricia questioned me with a severe,
What holds me together? Is my foundation strong enough? icy look burned onto her face like branded cattle. Her British accent
quite dainty and faint.
“How much do you think you can take, Jamie?” Asked Patricia
“I don’t know. I just...I just don’t know anymore.” I have but no other option to start all over again
“You have to question, what could you do? Build yourself up. You Hopefully the stones that were thrown last time don’t cause as
have the hammer, the screws, and the walls. Do it, Jamie.” much damage
I build up the house layer by layer,
Foundation, Walls, Ceiling, Foundation, Walls, Ceiling

It comes together easier than expected.

I draw lines standing vertically “Things are becoming better. My health is better, I feel better. I am
Some of which connect less stressed out and I am doing great, these meetings have really
These represent the walls helped me Patricia” I smile
These lines are as straight as a ruler’s edge
Walls. I start to decorate the house and in the center of the decorations is
The things that keep things out and hold things in the red leather chair.
How durable are my walls? Can they stand strong during a
thunderstorm? My house is finally complete.

Then I draw another layer


7th Grade Reflection

7th Grade Reflection by Jose Guzman-Vargas

In 7th grade I used bad excuses that were not And I didn’t because I used excuses
really good I really wanted to work
But I know I should And then I would smirk because I thought I was
Have done my work, gotten here early and smart
But I didn’t, I used excuses But it was all an excuse for not doing work
I knew that I didn’t like school For not wanting to get better
I would just sit here and drool For trying to get away with everything and then
But what I should have been doing was work leaving with nothing
But I didn’t, I used excuses
I know that work was hard But now I realize that the whole year was a blur
But then I would get a card for no homework That my true potential was not reached
I said I’m doing work Because I did not allow it to do so
But I didn’t, I used excuses And now I now know that if I allow myself to do
When at school I said I would try so
But it was all a lie I could be a hard worker and a model student if I
stopped using those seventh grade excuses


Detention by Cariah Branch

I laughed, I giggle The bells of the overseer was rang,
Not knowing we were to supposed to be silent Jail for an hour should have never began
Everyone stared at me and my friends when the overseer But next time I will be quiet
Pointed her finger and sentenced us to jail for an hour So I don't have to be jail for an hour.
It wasn't fair but, my cruel overseer didn't care

After the day was over, I was sent to my cell
The chairs cold like winter
Tables spread out like icebergs
I wasn't alone though
the guard sat a his desk
Reading or working
Basically doing anything to passed the time
Not worrying about these disobedient children getting out of line

Our hands were tied and if you dare made a sound the overseer
will punish you with more time
You must sit there with a blank stare
Ignoring everyone and everything in plain existence
But, it was soon time for my sentence to be up
It was such a great lucky

The Unfortunate Night by Joanalis Calderon

In the cold night of a fall day at 3:00 am It never fails
I lay with my hands on my stomach, However, it always decides to pay me a visit in the middle of the night
Staring at the ceiling, waiting for something that will not appear It is as annoying as a buzzing bee
As much as I think, I still do not know what is keeping me awake But I know what I want
“Stop!” “Stop!” I tell myself repeatedly FOOD
Suddenly, I hear a slight noise It’s the holy grail that I have been looking for!
After a few minutes of trying to figure it out, Before doing anything about it, my imagination gets the best of me
I know where it came from Bubbling, blazing, bacon
“Oh No” I think, “It’s you again” Cheesy, crisp, cheeseburgers
The slight sound came from my stomach Fizzing, flavorful, french fries
Hunger Chunky, chocolate, cake
The thing that performs an unstoppable dancing routine in your Everything that I could ever imagine!
stomach Then I think to myself
Whether it be breakfast, lunch, dinner time, or even the middle of “Oh yes!”, “My mother left me some food from the night before!”
the night, I thought to myself
It never fails “How could I forget, my mother leaves me food all the time.”
However, it always decides to pay me a visit in the middle of the However, I would never eat it
night Happier than I could ever be, I jumped out of my bed
In the kitchen, I desperately looked everywhere
I couldn’t believe it!
There was nothing there!
I guess you always have to take what is offered before it is taken away

So I wipe my tears

Christmas by Cameron Garnier And go to my mom’s bedroom
She is crying and whining
On Christmas Eve I go to her and say
We are all so eager “Mommy it’s fine”
Some people are ready to leave We sit here on this christmas eve night
But others stay The next morning we wake up and my brother comes in the roo
Enjoy the day saying
And have fun and play “It’s Christmas!”
But one Christmas my parents did not have enough “It’s Christmas!”
money We all go in the living room
So I could not get any gifts for Christmas He rips open all his presents
I shout and scream My mom comes behind me and rubs my back
On this christmas eve “Cam, are you not going to open any presents?”
How sad could this be Then I see a present in the corner, waiting for me.
I ask my mom “Do you want me to tell Mark the news?” So I open it up.
She looked at me crazy I see a picture of me and my dad on a phone case
Then said “Oh baby!” I cry and hug my mom
“Mark is getting gifts, he is your younger brother” Thank you mom
Se looked sorry but Mark dances
I walked away My mom prances
and went to my room And I smile
And screamed in my pillow I love my family
But I understand she is a widow

Continuation of Train by Tahlia

He walks away with a brittle spirit Outside the train window I see a tiny band
And my heart feels better Popping the drums
because I did something helpful. Blowing the trumpet
He will be able to eat something edible Tuning out on the guitar
because that twenty dollars will make this I see the future Jony Williams
man I see the future Louis Armstrong
Merry I see the future Jimi Hendrix
He can even ride the ferry! The two kids are dancing to the powerful
But as I continue to observe the train toons
I look to the other side I see the future Michael Jackson
I see the future Janet Jackson
There is a lady with children While the band is jamming having fun
The two children, one boy, one girl, look up A homeless man takes a dollar from the
down all around guitar case
The lady is tired, holding McDonald's in her What a shame
hand But hey! It’s the train

We Are the Same by Chyna

It is Friday morning when a white woman approaches Are our pigments too dark?
me and Aren't we humans too?
glares at me, clearly judging me. Just because you're white
A look on her face shows to me she doesn’t think much And I'm black, it doesn't mean a thing
of me.
Then it clicks in my head that she is judging me Our racial difference shouldn't affect how we treat each other.
We are all the same, whether you are Black, Latino
I think to myself, Puerto Rican, and/or White, we are the same!
my skin color is the only reason I get judged, criticized,
and discriminated upon. And it's a shame that you think
This is not a statement of false accusation. you could treat us in an ill manner.
Why must we as a colored community be treated with And it's very sad to admit to this fact.
such harshness But you should be ashamed of yourself
Slavery is over, and so is the Civil Rights movement. for treating your equal in a demeaning way
Or was it not clear?
Why are you racist white folks and police officers killing I'm going to stand my ground and speak my mind!
us My opinion is important
Nobody is going to take my rights away.
I'm going to fight to show you that I honor my rights.

Never lose Hope By Kristian Castro

“Hope is something that you contain all your life” Slaves in the 1800’s had hope they would one day be free
Even if you lose hope it can always be gained again.
It can be gained throughout your whole life Rosa Parks hoped that one day she could sit in the front of
However if you think you don’t have hope just dig
deeper. the bus
Life is short and you will not be able to change that,
But if you have hope, you can make anything happen. Trayvon Martin hoped that he could wear his hood to the
About 75 years we have on this earth,
Maybe more, Maybe less, but hope will always stay store without being
with you.
Hope is not a dream shot
Hope is not a thought,
Hope is what you believe and what you want to strive And I hope that one day every one will be the same.
for That equality laws will be placed so no one is excluded
Many people say the dream that something can Whether they are black, white, orange, or blue
happen, Sometimes ... We have to just reflect on things and hope

Foreshadowing by Ryann St. Jean As the ceremony took place,
Jubilation mixed with grief
Towards the end of my seventh grade school year As teachers congratulated the eighth graders
My classmates and I were invited to For all their hard work that year,
The eighth graders’ graduation ceremony. As well as making it to their high schools.
We walked down the stairwell Once the ceremony ended,
To find parents seated in their chairs. The graduates were told
The graduates were also in their seats, That after they ate the food provided,
Smiling and talking gleefully They would have the rest of the day off.
As they waited for their celebration We all said our congratulations
To begin. And our farewells
Teachers filed into the room, To the former kings and queens
Woe glazed on their faces Of the school,
As they prepared to say goodbye As they finished up their meals.
To the children they had taught Conversations flowed from every angle
Since long before. Talking of how they would
We took our seats Miss the eighth graders
Toward the back of the room, Once they left the school.
Where there lay tables, The eighth graders shared warm hugs
Embellished with food. With the future eighth graders and seventh graders
Fluffy golden croissants lay curved on one table And millions of comments broke free
And the sweet aroma of fresh fruits From every mouth in the room.
Pervaded the air.

The Game That Changed All Games by Miles Young

Ah…. finally the the finals what an excitement, what a rush One year later both teams in fact ended up in the finals yet
ah… again, but amazing right?

This year it is the Cavaliers vs the Warriors two best teams in But the outcome was surprising
the NBA led by Steph and Lebron, but something interesting The cavaliers won!!!!! Yes finally.
Thanks to the Cavaliers point guard Kyrie Irving who lead the
happened. charge in the final game that decided both teams faites
Last year the warriors won. What a bummer but it was But you can also see that the team everybody wanted to win
exciting because both teams played their hearts out to earn the
most arguable award in the world for sports depending on lost in a shocking defeat.
your opinion But why, because the back to back league MVP Stephen
But something to remember is that this specific 7 game series Curry did not step up and show the player that everyone was
was special like Michael Jordan and the chicago bulls vs Karl expecting, the player that broke his father’s three point record,
Malone because they are both young teams but they both went the player that truly is a sharpshooter. Where did that player
go? No one know but they do know that Steph choked in the
through struggles to get where they are now finals two years in a row. But his team just was not as lucky

But both the cavaliers and warriors struggled. Greatly in this time around
different ways, either because of injuries or just a bad game

but they both struggled.
But surprisingly the Warriors ended up winning without the
help of the league's mvp Stephen Curry. What a bummer but

what a great fight!

Red leather chair by Donovan

I draw one straight line, The things that keep things out and hold things in
Beneath that straight line How durable are my walls? Can they stand strong during a
Lays the foundation. thunderstorm?
Foundation- the things that lays beneath which is
typically built upon. Things are stacked on this layer. Then I draw another layer
What holds me together? Is my foundation strong
enough? But everything comes crashing to the floor
Not only is this physically frustrating but this is financially and
“How much do you think you can take, Jamie?” Asked economically disgusting,
“I don’t know. I just...I just don’t know anymore.” “I cannot do it. I am sick of trying, I don’t care anymore I am
“You have to question, what could you do? Build just done.”
yourself up. You have the hammer, the screws, and the “Are you sure about that Jamie? How come you keep coming
walls. Do it, Jamie.” back to me? How you come you return to me countlessly and
remain sitting in that same red leather chair for more than an
I draw lines standing vertically hour? . What motivates you to come back to me. Answer the
Some of which connect question for me honestly and I’ll believe you” Patricia
These represent the walls questioned me with a severe, icy look burned onto her face
These lines are as straight as a ruler’s edge like branded cattle. Her British accent quite dainty and faint.
I have but no other option to start all over again
Hopefully the stones that were thrown last time don’t cause as
much damage
I build up the house layer by layer,
Foundation, Walls, Ceiling, Foundation, Walls, Ceiling

Train By Tahlia P.

signs are around
I see kids stand on it anyway acting
Excuse me. Move! Hurry Up Class!
In and out the train
Such a hectic day
As I walk in the train it's hotter
than Mercury.
Bodies are together,
sweaty and wet
Hot as a sauna.
Such a disgusting mess
One side of the car are high school
Snapping and dabbing having fun.
Screaming and beaming having
WHOOSH the train pulls off.

Credits Project Manager Joanalis Calderon
Presentation Head
Design Team Recorders Yasmeen Dennis
Kristian Castro TJauhalniaVPaesaqrsuoenz
Dior Davis Output Manager
Yasmeen Dennis Curator JCohseynGauGzmraannt
Mohamed Fade Miles Young

Editors Donovan Rivens
Cameron Garnier
Donovan Rivens
Ryann St.Jean
Ryleigh St.Jean

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