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My reflective journal exploring my growth over the course of my three years studying Design Management and Cultures.

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Published by El Hubbard, 2020-08-21 03:33:39

Leadership & Futures: Grafucks Magazine

My reflective journal exploring my growth over the course of my three years studying Design Management and Cultures.


The growth of my design skills is apparent
within this piece, I provide multiple iterations of
logo designs - exploring type and form, as well
as exploring colour theory and iconography.
The presentation of the document itself is
cohesive and represents both the brand and
my new vision. I really enjoyed doing this piece
of work as it allowed me to both explore my
interests while having complete design control
with endless possibilities.

If I were to do this piece again, I would delve
into the more abstract roots of these broad
terms such as 'low-income' or 'working-class',
these areas compile of a complex community
of cultures and backgrounds that deserve their
own mention within the project. However, I plan
to grow upon this piece and ultimately send it
to Aldi.


At the end of our second year, I was in a much better place both personally and
academically. However, my area of interest had dramatically shifted to climate
activism. Beginning my journey into third year, I planned to frame both my thesis
and major project around sustainability and zero waste lifestyles. Spoiler, neither
of those topics were ultimately the focal points of my final works.
This reframing was confusing for me as it was hard to find my footing, I was
misdirecting energy into 'conscious consumerism', the fallacy of individual
sustainable action - where capitalists push the responsibility down onto the
public. Though these efforts are still good to adopt, I believe my misdirection was
the reason I felt quite unsettled with the direction my projects were taking at this
point in time - I definitely felt as if I was lacking the final ingredient in my thought



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At the end of summer, before third year began,
I was fortunate enough to start my internship at
Daisie, CEO's Dom Santry and Maisie Williams'

new creative platform for facilitating creative
collaboration. My role was to be a copywriter,
however, I was welcomed into team meetings

and was a valued voice in the business. I
maintained their Instagram and other socials

as well as provided copy for the platform,
emails and events. Alongside this, when I first

arrived at Daisie - they were in the midst of
their first opportunity launch called 'Wonder
Women', I was tasked with drafting the initial
long and shortlists for the winning projects as

well as help with planning the event.

I was welcomed into the world of the creative
industry by the friendly and like-minded
individuals at Daisie, they allowed me the
support to gain the know-how of how to
conduct yourself as a part of a creative
marketing team, broadening my industry
knowledge. During my time on DMC, we
have covered the inner workings of the

creative industry in-depth. This allowed me
to manoeuvre through these tasks with ease
even though I was only beginning my journey.
Daisie maintains a horizontal holistic approach
to management, with managers maintaining a
level of mutual respect for those in their teams.
This approach helped me feel at ease within
the industry, having now been introduced to
amazing mentors that I will maintain contact

with in the future.


WONDER WOMAN. At this time I was juggling both my studies
and work, this was a great challenge for
One of my first tasks at Daisie was to help me as I tend to throw myself into my new
organise the Wonder Woman event in which endeavours. Admittedly, I saw Daisie as a
we celebrated the amazing womxn that use greater opportunity than university, and my
Daisie as a platform for creativity. I reached studies definitely took a back seat. I find it hard
out to brands that aligned with Daisie's to regret this decision, as Daisie has offered
mission to help sponsor the event, as well as me so many valuable opportunities. Although
organising prints and catering for the event. my projects from third-year were still incredibly
These aspects were very insightful for me, important to me and I am proud of them, I know
being someone who lacked the know-how in they would be infinitely better if I dedicated
prototyping and bringing about action from that extra time to them. I found the balance to
theory, these lessons were very valuable. I be a challenge, working 3 days for Daisie - I
was so impressed by the marketing team for sacrificed a day of university weekly, which
how quickly we all managed to pull the event was an issue, however - the financial issues I
together and to such a high standard. When incurred throughout my time in London were
the event came around, we had panels, yoga, slowly resolving due to my time at Daisie,
crafts, talks, food and celebrations - it was therefore these extra days were somewhat a
amazing to meet so many creative women that necessary sacrifice. I believe as time went on,
use Daisie - I formed so many great bonds with I became more comfortable with the balance,
inspiring women that attended. dropping my hours to just 2 days a week and
dedicating my weekends to stay up to date
with my studies.



I am still working at Daisie currently, but my position has
changed from intern to being a member of the Marketing
Team and Ambassador Manager. I have acquired more
responsibilities at the company as my value and dedication to
the team grew, now being Ambassador Manager - I am head of
the university ambassadors for Daisie across the UK, it has been
such a rewarding position being that my studies are so prevalent
to my role. Studying the role of being a design manager has
allowed me to truly understand the importance of empathy and
collaboration within teams.
The ambassadors and I had great communication, utilising
Slack and Whatsapp to stay updated - I was sure to respect
their university timetables, knowing their studies came before
Daisie. However, the trial run of our Ambassador programme
was rocky, I organised both digital and in-person interviews for
the role, and although we believed we hired those who wished
to become a part of the Daisie community, there were a few
Ambassadors who did not maintain their duties. This forced me
to hold difficult conversations with my Ambassadors, in which I
had to be sure to inform them respectfully that we would not be
continuing with their employment. Coming straight from studies,
it was surreal being able to fulfil the role I had not imagined
myself being in for quite some time, it taught me lessons in team
leadership, organisation, and communication that I would never
have gotten without the first-hand experience.

my good boys.
the two work


MY MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES AT DAISIE. My main responsibility at Daisie has been I have included my time at Daisie at this point
to run their Instagram account, I produce of the magazine as Daisie had a direct impact
the copy, imagery and post to the feed. This on my third year and where my focusses lay.
has been a great lesson in tone of voice and As I mentioned, it conflicted with my studies
community initiative. I have been able to see making it increasingly hard to organise both
the Instagram account take many directions my career and education. I believe this final
while being a direct voice helping shape the year of DMC was a great life lesson for myself,
branding Daisie wishes to present to the world. I was pushed to manage stress levels and
With my current manager, we're dedicated to commitments healthily and productively. I
making Daisie a hub for education. Many of believe I matured and became more confident
our Instagram now focussing on educational through my time at Daisie, it allowed me to see
posts about freelancing and opportunities etc. my talents becoming a tangible reality within
as well as posting about interesting feats of the realm of the creative industry.
creativity around the world. I love this aspect
of my job as it allows me to indulge in creative
research while providing necessary education
on important matters that are currently
occurring in the world. I pride myself on the
fact that many of the posts I have created now
comprise the bulk of Daisie's top ten most like
posts, having more engagement overall on
these external hubs from Daisie's platform.

My time at Daisie has been incredibly
important for my self-growth. It allowed me
to see where in the industry I wish to use my
voice, Daisie is a platform that aims to dispel
nepotism from the creative industries. They
have a very ethical core, and the youthful and
like-minded team make for explosive and
productive ideation sessions for the future, that
I love!


To introduce my projects for third year, it feels THE
apt to start with my thesis as it was my main
focus for a majority of my final year.

I began my thesis journey believing my lens My final thesis question was I structured my thesis through chaptered
was one of climate change. I found it very lenses. I broke my research down into
difficult to pinpoint a specific topic as I felt responses to climate change from the
none of them brought about the real change individual, government, cooperation, and
I wanted to see in the world. My initial thesis collective. This was to show where the true
proposal was an exploration of the relationship blame lies and where energy should be
between capitalism and climate change. directed to bring about change.
However, I was missing the critical point of
intersection. It wasn't until we were partnered Funnily, my education regarding business from
with our thesis lecturers that I was directed both my time studying the IB as well as DMC,
in onto the right path. I had Jess Baines helped me see the issues within business
as my thesis lecturer, she had a wealth of models as they currently are. I was able to
knowledge retaining human-centred practises pinpoint the failings of capitalism, highlighting
that centred around climate activism and areas in which are ingrained issues within the
social justice. Her wisdom was a great help in system.
furthering my development of this project.
The framing for my project was to be a
Jess pointed me in the direction of “How are neoliberalism and window into the disparity and injustice at play
neoliberalism, she helped me see the central capitalism perpetuating climate within society. I wanted it to be accessible
driver of my work was the ideologies at play change and to what extent are to the general reader, therefore I supplied a
that perpetuate this social injustice, rather than these ideologies succeeding dedicated definition of the abstract terms used
the fallacy that is conscious consumerism. off of the axes of inequality heavily within the writing.
Through my extensive research journey as well stemming from colonial and
as guidance from Jess, I was able to immerse imperial roots?”.
myself in these wicked problems within our
society and truly attempt to map out ideas to Admittedly, quite a wordy question - however,
bring about change. I delved into the ideas of my topic was one that covered a multifaceted
George Monbiot and Naomi Klein that really problem.
broadened my understanding of the inner
workings of neoliberalism.


SIS. scan for full online pdf.

I highlighted the shortcomings of conscious This was my first project in which I really held of society. I ultimately concluded alluding
consumerism, holding myself accountable for history at the crux of my project. I connected to design holding the key to our success,
also falling into this ideological trap. I identified the aspects of neoliberalism to the disparity however, the bulk of my thesis neglects design
the anxiety experienced on the individual level within our society to an extent that I previously theory. I maintained the creativity through the
due to these pressures to be sustainable and had only touched upon. This project was presentation, however - this isn't productive
to hold ourselves accountable. I wanted to both a source of fire and a horrible mission for furthering my understanding of design
address the mental strains incurred through for me. Being so topical and so rooted in the management.
climate change and how misdirected the oppressive systems at play, it became quite
general energy is. overwhelming. The sheer injustice in the world
became stifling - I began to feel as if writing a
At the later stages of my thesis, I begin rallying paper about this was simply not enough, I often
for change - supplying calls for action and had peaks of inspiration that later disintegrated
proof of sustainable change coming from into hating everything I wrote due to the
collective activism. I offer a manifesto for constant changing tides of current events.
change - offering the idea that design holds
the key to change as we are responsible for This project was a huge task for me, it awoke
the ideation of these items that perpetuate me to many shocking realities of our current
capitalism. society. It took a toll on me and made me
feel rather helpless in the fight for change.
The design of my thesis is one of my favourite However, the fight continues on. If I were to
aesthetics I have produced. I made it a have a second change tackling my thesis - I
disjointed journal, with calls to action ingrained would frame it in the realm of design somewhat
within the design. I believe it stands testament more. My projects have reared away from
to the advancements of my design capabilities. design and more into the sociological drivers




Through my time at Daisie, I was connected
to many inspiring creative pioneers in the
industry. One of whom was Mallika Reddy,
CEO of the sustainable lifestyle brand
'Cancelled Plans'.

Cancelled Plans utilises pharmaceutical waste
to produce textiles for clothing and household
items. They collaborate with local factories to
use their waste for the products. They pride
themselves on their participation in the circular
economy, having a passion for sustainability at
the core of their model.

I initially contacted her to produce a
'spotlight' blog on her work, and to produce a
collaborative brief for her to set to our users.
Through our conversations, I saw she was
looking for both a junior designer and social
media manager. I decided to send her my CV
and portfolio to apply for either one of these
roles. After a few weeks, she actually hired me
for both roles.

Cancelled Plans was my first taste at a design-
driven role. I produced banners for websites
and Instragam feed graphics that represented
the brand. Mallika was based in India, therefore
we worked remotely - keeping in contact via
weekly Skype calls. I was only working five
hours a week for Cancelled Plans however, I
was grateful for the experience I was getting
through working for international business.

This additional work added to my medley of
responsibilities, and although only five hours
a week - often I would work over this time to
produce elements that were needed by a
specific deadline. This role made me realise my
design skills need improving before heading
into professional roles. Although I was able
to produce the necessary work, it took me
longer due to not consistently utilising these
applications within my life.

My contract with Cancelled Plans ended as
Covid-19 intensified. Due to uncertainty with
funds, Mallika and I decided it best we part
ways. Though I will always be grateful for the
experiences offered by my time at Cancelled
plans and Mallika remains a valued contact.





Having only recently submitted, my final major project (FMP) is something that still holds a major part of my life.
I wanted to highlight this project as I am proud of the development of my idea under the circumstances of lockdown.
My FMP centred around the idea of systematic injustice. I framed my research around England and their class
system - an offshoot of both my interest stemming from my personal connection and exploration into Greyson
Perry's 'All in The Best Possible Taste' in first year as well as my thesis revolving around neoliberalism.
My initial proposal for my FMP was framed around sustainability - my idea being to produce a toolkit toward a
zero-waste lifestyle. As my lens for research shifted once again after my thesis exploration, I decided to reframe
my project to further enhance my findings within my thesis. I felt as if my final year should comprise of my ideas
of change and what I believe the future should be. The second draft of my FMP centred around our relationship
with lies and politics and how the two intersect within our personal ideologies. However, I found it difficult to define
the problem enough to bring about ideas to solve the issue. I produced iterations concerning many speculative
designs, however, I wished to produce an idea that was capable of being tangibly realised to exercise my
prototyping abilities.
When lockdown presented itself, my project shifted to education. I wanted to provide a source of education about
the ideologies at play within our society. After rigorous research into both the political ideologies that perpetuate
the disparity within England and primary research into those affected by the problem - I landed upon the idea of
producing a fun and educational card game.

scan for full online pdf. 68

Building upon a visual representation I
produced of the functionality of neoliberalism,
i.e. the theft of wealth and perpetuation
of privilege, for my thesis - my card game
exposes the unfair inner working of
neoliberalism by immersing my players within
a satirical landscape where the realities of
this privilege become apparent. Utilising
my knowledge from DMC concerning
iconography and semiotics, I utilised symbolic
capitalist within our society to portray the elite
higher card, while opting for stereotypically
'low income' items for the lower cards.

Through the trials lockdown presented,
the formation of this project was turbulent
- making the process rather disjointed and
unorganised. If I were to do it again, I would be
sure to allocate more time in the initial stages
of the process - due to my confusion in scope,
I wasted a lot of time changing direction.
Of course, lockdown could not have been
predicted - but my initial process could have
been more concise to help direct my project
into this area sooner. This lack of time also
prevented me from exploring the diverse
topics of 'working class', I wished to break
down this large community into more individual
communities, so humanise such a large group
of people. However, the production of my
cards was a heftier task than I first anticipated,
therefore I had to sacrifice a chunk of my
secondary research and framing.

I really enjoyed producing this project as
creating a card game has been a dream of mine
since I was a child. Each card is hand illustrated
by myself, with the reference paying homage
to Swiss playing cards. I believe that Eleanor
of first year would be very impressed with this
project, judging by my goals to improve my
design and illustration skills - my card game
'Life$kills' shows the vast improvement in my
creative competency. The project delves deep
into the government's failings, holding them
accountable for the issues at hand. The final
outcome addresses many of the issues I faced
in the past - such as shallow research and
holding an uninclusive lens. I plan on furthering
this project as my career continues, producing
further iterations based on my user feedback
before going public with my game.


The speculative mockup of my future platform that I plan on prototyping later this year. My hand drawn
deck of cards are featured as the background for this spread.

gr scan for link to personal website. 70


Neue Haas Grotesk Display Pro



As our final year is coming to an end, I have final year, this was reminiscent of my personal pleasurable - it is uncomfortable, shameful
been focussing on developing my future plan. branding. I wanted my concluding pieces of and disturbing but extremely necessary
I decided to begin the journey of branding university work to be able to follow me into for bringing about awareness and change.
myself quite early on - as soon as I started my professional career - therefore I wanted to This accompanied by the playfulness of
at Daisie. I started going by the name of maintain my own personal identity throughout my name connotes the communication of
'Grafucks', this was a move I didn't make these submissions. As well as this, my love for my work. Although the topics are heavy, I
lightly. Understandably, this name is not the typography is apparent within my logo, utilising allow for personality to come through - with
most professional being that the wordplay disjointed type - it shows I can break the rules accompanying exciting communication design
incorporates a curse word. However, I believe of standard design, also reminiscing many of that helps user engagement.
it is reminiscent of my projects and design my project's disjointed design.
aesthetic. My design identity is quite interlinked I have begun the initial stages of building my
with the longheld idea of 'fucking the system'. The main symbol of my logo is a character online presence by starting my website. It
The pun of transforming the word Graphics I drew when creating a series of single-line features highlights of my studies as well as my
into Grafucks is also paying homage to my illustrations to expand upon my hand-drawing career. I plan on making it a very interactive
northern roots, phonetically mimicking the capabilities. The illustration signified the site, with moveable features and animated
accent of my home town. Also, the unique concept of broadening your horizons, with the components to leave an impactful effect on
name allows for a lasting impact - the risk of characters head being expanded. prospective employers. It also shows I have the
having a name that may not entirely be brand- The almost pained expression stands care to dedicate efforts to ensure the best and
friendly is that it will be remembered. testament to the heavy topics I often most engaging user experience when viewing
cover in my research, it shows the reality my website.
I have retained a distinct colour scheme of understanding our history. Often, the
throughout the projects I produced for my realisation of our roots is not something


It is difficult to give a conclusive reflection The lecturers I have had the pleasure of
on my time at DMC with the instability of our learning from over these years have given
current situation. The future of the economy me endless knowledge, opportunities and
and inner workings of society are increasingly support that helped me blossom within my
uncertain, calling the investment of university studies. Design Management and Cultures is
into question. However, I am very proud of my more than just a course about being a design
growth from the beginning of DMC to now. manager, it encompasses the necessary tools
to build a mindset for change, that embodies
I believe I am a much more well-rounded the human-centred ideas our future society
person both personally and academically, requires to be sustainable.
thanks to the wisdom imparted on me through
my mentors and peers throughout the three Being at Daisie, and having garnered other
years I have been in London. The position industry experience alongside the framework
and mindset I am in now is reframed for the offered by my studies, has allowed me to feel
future of society, lockdown and the tragedies well prepared to venture into my professional
of Covid-19 have made our previous way of future. However, my goals have shifted away
life a thing of the past. DMC is a course that from the corporate realm and into the human
trains the mindset of the pioneers of this future realm, leaving my conflicted as to where my
human-centred thinking. efforts should lie. I hope to branch out further in
the future to become involved in collaborative
From my initial passions lying within feminist projects that are dedicated to social justice
print, to expanding into the thirst for social and equality through design. As for right now, I
justice and institutional reform I have now. am unsure where my passions may take me.
DMC gave me the building blocks to build
upon the foundations of my initial world view,
opening my eyes to not only my own privilege
but also actionable commitments I can make
with my talents to bring about this necessary

Myself and Daisie protesting at the Climate Strike of 2020. Photo: Will Reid (2019). STUDIES.




Eleanor Leigh Hubbard eleanor hubbard MY NAME IS writing. • tone of voice
ELEANOR HUBBARD • community engagement
• social media management

E: [email protected] PROFILE: Having just completed my Bachelor's degree in design. skillset.
T: +45 228 53593 An enthusiastic, reliable student looking to gain more experience in the customer service Design Management and Cultures at the University of
A: 12 Wentworth Close, field during my gap year. My name is Eleanor Hubbard, I am a 21 key skills Excellent Experience with the Arts London, I am an up-and-coming talent with a • communication design • communication
years old student studying BA Design People Skills international passion for political design, bringing human-centred • adobe suite • design thinking
Hinckley, Eager to learn and become a positive asset to a work place. Management and Cultures at UAL. I moved Illustrator Photoshop audiences. social activism to the forefront of the design process. • creativity • ideation
Leicestershire to London from Copenhagen where I lived I pride myself on being a interdisciplinary designer, • visual learner empathy. • team dynamic
LE10 1RZ • Working well and quickly under pressure. for 5 years and studied the International with talents spanning writing, illustration, design, • aesthetically driven • kindness
SKILLS: • Excellent communication and people skills. Baccalaureate (IB). research, and social media management. Possessing • reliable
• Reliable, trustworthy and adaptable. communication talent's for writing and design that are applicable in
WORK • Experience with highly diverse and international people. I have an avid interest and natural flair for both academia and the commercial realm, makes for
HISTORY: • Friendly and easy to approach. design, business and writing. I also have a lot adobe a diverse skillset thay can be moulded around many
• Active listening skills. of experience in retail and hospitality making areas. Having garnered a wealth of experience over
• Creative problem solver. me a natural people person happy to cater personal Creative, my 22 years, I am eager for my next adventure in
• Open minded and eager to learn. to any customers needs. I have just finished Imaginative & design activism.
my gap year in which I spent traveling and Resourceful
Sales Assistant: 08/2014 to 02/2015 working - all of which only fueled and inspired Distinguished
Føtex – Vesterbrogade, Copenhagen my entrepreneurial dreams of owning my own writing skills Trustworthy,
creative business in the future. Reliable &
• Stocked and replenished merchandise according to shop merchandising layouts. Experience in Adaptable. PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE. DAISIE. CANCELLED
• Organised shop merchandise racks by size and colour to promote visually both retail and PLANS.
hospitality work. My main responsibility at Daisie has been to run their
appealing environment. Instagram account, I produce the copy, imagery and post to Cancelled Plans was my first taste at a design-driven
• Priced merchandise and took inventory of supplies. previous work: the feed. This has been a great lesson in tone of voice and role. I produced banners for websites and Instragam feed
• Cleaned and tidied the shop. community initiative. I have been able to see the Instagram graphics that represented the brand. Mallika was based in
• Greeted customers entering the shop to ascertain what each customer wanted or needed. references: foh staff account take many directions while being a direct voice India, therefore we worked remotely - keeping in contact via
• Assisted customers with product queries and explained the latest helping shape the branding Daisie wishes to present to the weekly Skype calls. I was only working five hours a week for
Rebecca Meyer: Edward Dunn: Tarro Lounge Hinckley, Leicester 2016 2017 world. Cancelled Plans however, I was grateful for the experience I
in-store promotions. Creative Director at General Manager at I was a waitress, barista, bartender/mixologist while also producing many was getting through working for international business.
Chukster Creative Tarro Lounge signs and designs for the restaurant to use throughout promotions. I also ran My time at Daisie has been incredibly important for my
Babysitter: 01/2015 to 11/2016 Copenhagen a lot of the social media including Facebook and Instagram, posting regu- self-growth. It allowed me to see where in the industry I This additional work added to my medley of responsibilities,
Looking after children from two different, cultural and linguistic backgrounds: larly with updates and promotions. We would brainstorm charity ideas and wish to use my voice, Daisie is a platform that aims to dispel and although only five hours a week - often I would work
Max - Spanish, Emilia - German. run fundraisers. I interacted with people of all backgrounds from children to nepotism from the creative industries. They have a very over this time to produce elements that were needed by a
executive businessmen. Many regulars named me face of the restaurant, as ethical core, and the youthful and like-minded team make for specific deadline.
• Reliable; was available for last minute appointments. I was such a hard worker in my year of work before I left for university. explosive and productive ideation sessions for the future,
• Trustworthy; held a key for both houses and was trusted to lock up and that I love! NOVEMBER 2019 - APRIL 2020.
sales assistant
let myself in. Email: Email: AUGUST 2019 - PRESENT.
• Handled cultural differences and language barriers with ease. [email protected] edwarddunn100@ Føtex Vesterbrogade, Copenhagen 2014 2015
• Aided me in learning languages. I interacted with customers, provided help and understanding. 511.
Maintained several areas of the store as well as taking stock. I tackled new CONTACT: MOBILE:
situations and used my initiative to interact with people although Danish was Cancelled Plans was my first taste at a design-driven +447763881670
my second language and I had been living in the country for less than a role. I produced banners for websites and Instragam feed EMAIL:
month. graphics that represented the brand. Mallika was based in [email protected]
India, therefore we worked remotely - keeping in contact via
graphic designer - work experience weekly Skype calls. I was only working five hours a week for [email protected]
Cancelled Plans however, I was grateful for the experience I
EDUCATION: International Baccalaureate contact: 505 Games Milton Keynes 2012 2012 was getting through working for international business.
Birkerød Gymmnasium, Denmark HF & IB 2016 I reached out to 505 Games for my work experience as I had an avid interest
+44-7763-881-670 in game design. I helped design hero banners, packaging and even helped This additional work added to my medley of responsibilities,
produce a mood board and the final character design of an app main and although only five hours a week - often I would work over
eleanorleigh character. I was offered an internship however had to turn it down due to the this time to produce elements that were needed by a specific
conflicts it caused with my schooling. deadline.
Flat 33,
St Georges Building. SEPTEMBER 2019 - OCTOBER 2019.
37, St. Georges Rd,
Subject Grade Elephant and Castle REFERENCES:
English Literature HL 5 SE1 6EP
Biology HL 4 Mathematics 5 Rebecca Meyer Alex Register
Business & Management HL 6 History SL 4 Creative Director at Chukster Head of Partnerships
Danish SL 5
Creative Copenhagen Daisie

Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

scan for link to personal website.

1. 2. 3.

Over the years, my CV has changed multiple Once moving to Copenhagen, I was told it was My current CV is more reminiscent of my
times to encompass my growing design more appropriate to supply photos in your current identity. I have removed my photo as
capabilities. Initially, when I had merely worked CV's to personalise the document. This was inclusivity is a factor within the employment
in supermarkets and waitressing positions in something different from what I had practised process, including a photo can play into
my early teens - my CV was rather bland and in the UK. I dedicated more time to the preference - whereas supplying experience
did not really show any of my personality. presentation of my CV, incorporating elements and work alone allows for talents to play at
of design and showing my skillset in a visually the forefront of the selection process. I have
interesting way. utilised my branding and colour palette to stay
consistent with my professional identity. Now
that I have garnered a broader professional
experience within the design industry, my CV
can stand out to greater regard for industry
jobs I wish to seek out. Now possessing
experience in both design and copywriting
for industry jobs I can mould my CV around
the desired position I am taking on. Being at
a more professional standard, I can now also
share a link to my website that supplies a more
extensive portrayal of my capabilities.




Illustration of Donald Glover for my CTS submission. I have since sold prints of him.


Image of WaterAid exhibition for project ‘Nsuo’, our immersive virtual reality game. I produced
both totes and posters as well as being team leader.

Alongside my studies, I have been dedicating
my spare time to expanding my illustration
capabilities. I have produced both hand
and digital drawings during my time at
UAL, many have been for submissions as I
made a conscious effort to showcase my
interdisciplinary talents within my projects.

Many of my illustrations focus around people
I admire or political public figures to continue
my narrative of a need for change. I have been
commissioned several times for pieces, having
my work also featured for Daisie's marketing

I wanted to highlight this aspect of my
extracurricular learning as it was a personal
goal of mine to expand my artistic talents. I
have become increasingly more confident
in my abilities, going as far as to consider
embarking on a tattoo apprenticeship in my
spare time having dabbled in stick and poke


Photos of the totes produced for the exhibition. Due to the document colour settings -
the totes printed darker than we expected. Something we changed next batch.



I produced this series of illustrations as the lens for my projects became increasingly political. Filled with dispare, I took my frustrations
out on illustrator. I love these designs and plan on selling them as prints.


The subject of this illustration is artist and bass-player,
Steve Lacey. I have always found it cathatric to draw my
idols. I drew Steve as his music has been the soundtrack
trhoughout my time at UAL.





Move to Amsterdam Plan housing, visit Maintain an July
with my sister. with her in July to organised 2020
view apartments, spreadsheet for
Obtain freelance organise affairs viewing locations August
opportunities for to move with little and next steps. Book 2020
Amsterdam, due to hassle. the flights for the
Daisie hours being visit at a minimum. September
cut as a result of Search on Otta, 2020
the uncertainty of theDots, LinkedIn Having sent off my
lockdown. and other more CV to at least 10 October/
direct locations different avenues. November
Continue with my of freelance 2020
final major project, opportunities such Having the skeleton
producing my as Instagram, email, prototype of beta
speculative platform. and website contact features of the
links for design website for initial
Begin a collaborative industries. user testing.
virtual podcast with
people I find inspir- Use the same First draft of podcast
ing that I have met website tool as my filmed, edited and
throughout my life to personal website to presented as a beta
discuss the impor- facilitate interactivity, version for friends to
tant conversations in reiterate sorting review.
society. cards to encompass
new framing of the

Buy microphone,
organise the
schedule - contact
partner who wants
to start the project





There is a very specific design to my leadership
and futures booklet, and that is of a magazine.
Print and magazines were what played a huge
role in me even wanting to study DMC. I began
my journey with a dream of immersing myself
in the world of printing, and what better place
than LCC? I've decided to include my design
rationale at the end of my booklet as it in itself
is a reflection of my growth throughout DMC.
I opted to supply the rationale at the end, as
I believed it was more impactful to see my
journey before understanding my reasoning
for the design.

My design pays homage to my past goal, I was sure to frame the magazine around my
indulging in my previous passion for a personal identity and branding, referencing
magazine design. This presentation allows the my logo on the front cover as well as having my
stark development in my skillset to become title and body fonts be the same as my logo. I
apparent to the reader as they ultimately land did however, allow for creative freedom - not
upon the present standing of my journey. being possessive about font weights and
styles when it enhanced the communication of
E. the magazine. The front cover also features a
photo of myself with Daisie protesting among
the Climate Strikes of summer of 2019. I believe
the image is rather indicative of the personal
development I have made throughout my DMC

The colour palette, however, varies. As many show the development of my personal identity.
of my projects have been formulated to It allows for a more personable experience
portray my brand identity, I wanted this journal when reading the magazine. However, I do
of myself to separate itself from that pattern allow for the skeleton of my color palette to fall
and portray the journey of my design through back to my personal branding.
the visuals of the document. Each spread is
dedicated to the specific project covered, to

I did maintain the disjointed trademark to
my design, featuring playful typographical
elements alongside my rhythmic use of grid
and layout. I opted to use a 9x5 grid with a 5mm
grid, this was to allow for the balance of my
document to be consistent yet not restricting.
This grid can produce even columns to
enhance the communication of a magazine.

The overall tone of this assignment is very
reminiscent of my thought process - colourful,
vibrant and sometimes messy. It emphasises
my personality allowing for both my
professionalism and humour to shine through.


A photo of myself at the Olafur Eliasson exhibition at the Tate Modern.


I could have never envisioned the experiences
I incurred since I moved down to London three
years ago. Overcoming an overwhelming
amount of obstacles, these three years have
allowed me to mature in ways I didn't realise I

Having a course such as DMC, that is so self-
initiative, I was able to push myself into areas of
interest to generate meaningful projects I can
truly say I am proud of.

I have met so many wonderful minds since
2018, each imparting wisdom that helped me
manoeuvre through both academia and life

When I look back, the turbulence of my years
makes it hard to quantify my experiences into
a singular 'good' or 'bad' category. The outlook
DMC nurtured within me allowed me to observe
the nuances of society, exploring human-
centred practises that expanded my world view
and understanding of personal values.

Without DMC, I would never have gotten my
position at Daisie. And for that alone, I will
always be grateful. Not to mention the wealth of
knowledge, experience and passion the course
instilled within me.

I can safely say I did not expect to feel this
'moderately' prepared for my professional
future by the end of University. Although I
am aware I have much to learn and far to go, I
cannot wait to see where life takes me and what
opportunities await.

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