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Buku English for Specific Purposes Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD

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Published by Edy Nurfalah, 2019-11-11 03:42:06

Buku ESP Berbasis ICT

Buku English for Specific Purposes Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD

English for Specific Pusposes

Bebasis ICT Dilengkapi CD
(Ebook dan Quiz iSpring)

Agus Wardhono
Adria Rosy Starrine
Edy Nurfalah

Tata Letak:

Desain Cover:
Edy Nurfalah

All Right Reserved © 2019
Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang pada penyusun

Cetakan Pertama, September 2019

Halaman: x + 188 hlm.
Ukuran: 21. x 29,7 cm

ISBN: 978-623-91346-5-5

Diterbitkan oleh:
CV. Pustaka Djati

Jalan Raya Poros Kalitengah – Turi
Tiwet - Kalitengah - Lamongan 62255

Jl. Manunggal No. 81 Tuban 62381
Jawa Timur

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0857 3000 5677
Anggota IKAPI

Kerjasama Dengan:

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe (UNIROW) Tuban

Jl. Manunggal No. 61 Tuban 62381
Jawa Timur


HALAMAN JUDUL ................................................................................................ i
DAFTAR ISI ............................................................................................................... iii
PRAKATA .................................................................................................................. ix

PART 1 INTRODUCTION OF ESP .................................................... 1

A. Pendahuluan ....................................................................................... 1

1. Kompetensi 3

2. Indikator keberhasilan 6
3. Petunjuk Belajar 7
B. Uraian Materi dan Contoh................................................................

1. ESP And Various Definitions
2. ESP Different With General English
3. Englisf For Business
C. Rangkuman .........................................................................................
D. Evaluasi dan Tugas ............................................................................
E. Rujukan................................................................................................

PART 2 TELEPHONING....................................................................... 9

A. Pendahuluan ....................................................................................... 9

1. Kompetensi 11

2. Indikator keberhasilan 15
3. Petunjuk Belajar 17

B. Uraian Materi dan Contoh................................................................
1. Process 1 Attending To An Incoming Call
2. Process 2 Transferring Call
3. Process 3 Attending To The Caller
4. Process 4 Taking A Message
5. Process 5 Returning A Call

C. Rangkuman .........................................................................................
D. Evaluasi dan Tugas ............................................................................
E. Rujukan................................................................................................

PART 3 MEETING AND DISCUSSION ............................................. 19

A. Pendahuluan ....................................................................................... 19


1. Kompetensi 21

2. Indikator keberhasilan 25
3. Petunjuk Belajar 27
B. Uraian Materi dan Contoh................................................................

1. Pacipating In Meeting
2. Discussion Techniques
C. Rangkuman .........................................................................................
D. Evaluasi dan Tugas ............................................................................
E. Rujukan................................................................................................

PART 4 PRESENTATIONS ................................................................. 29

A. Pendahuluan ....................................................................................... 29

1. Kompetensi 31

2. Indikator keberhasilan 35
3. Petunjuk Belajar 37

B. Uraian Materi dan Contoh................................................................
1. Getting Started
2. The Overview-Presenting The Stucture Of The Talk
3. The Body Of The Presentation
4. The Conclusion
5. Calling For Questions

C. Rangkuman .........................................................................................
D. Evaluasi dan Tugas ............................................................................
E. Rujukan................................................................................................

PART 5 BUSINESS LETTER ................................................................ 39

A. Pendahuluan ....................................................................................... 39

1. Kompetensi 41

2. Indikator keberhasilan 60
3. Petunjuk Belajar 63
B. Uraian Materi dan Contoh................................................................

1. Components Of An Effective Letter
2. The Part Of A Latter
3. Forms Of Letter
C. Rangkuman .........................................................................................
D. Evaluasi dan Tugas ............................................................................
E. Rujukan................................................................................................


PART 6 PERSONNEL LETTER ............................................................ 65

A. Pendahuluan ....................................................................................... 65
1. Kompetensi
2. Indikator keberhasilan 97
3. Petunjuk Belajar
B. Uraian Materi dan Contoh................................................................

1. Job Interview Request Letters (Aplication Letter)
2. Reply To An Application
3. Welcoming New Employee Sample Letter Welcoming New

4. Recommendation Letter
5. Letter Of Resignation
6. Termination Letter
7. Letter Acknowledging Anniversary Date
8. Retirement Letter
C. Rangkuman .........................................................................................
D. Evaluasi dan Tugas ............................................................................
E. Rujukan................................................................................................

CUSTOMER LETTER............................................................... 101

A. Pendahuluan ....................................................................................... 101
1. Kompetensi
2. Indikator keberhasilan 125
3. Petunjuk Belajar

B. Uraian Materi dan Contoh................................................................
1. Letter Of Inquiry
2. Reply To Inquiry / Offering Letter
3. Follow Up Letter
4. Letter Of Order
5. Confirmation Of Order
6. Complaining Letter
7. Adjustment Letter
8. Letter Transmitting Payment
9. Letter Transmitting Final Invoice

C. Rangkuman .........................................................................................
D. Evaluasi dan Tugas ............................................................................
E. Rujukan................................................................................................


PART 8 MISCELLANEOUS AND SOCIAL LETTER........................ 131

A. Pendahuluan ....................................................................................... 131

1. Kompetensi 133

2. Indikator keberhasilan 160
3. Petunjuk Belajar 162
B. Uraian Materi dan Contoh................................................................

1. Invitation
2. Response To Invitation
3. Tank You Letter
4. Public Service And Fund Raising Letter
5. Congratulation On New Position Letter
6. Congratulation Someone On A Business Opening
7. Announcing Retirement Letter
8. Condolence Letter
C. Rangkuman .........................................................................................
D. Evaluasi dan Tugas ............................................................................
E. Rujukan................................................................................................

PART 9 APPLICATION LETTER....................................................... 163

A. Pendahuluan ....................................................................................... 163

1. Kompetensi 165

2. Indikator keberhasilan 166
3. Petunjuk Belajar 168
B. Uraian Materi dan Contoh................................................................

1. Opening Paragraph
2. The Second Paragraph
3. The Third Paragraph
C. Rangkuman .........................................................................................
D. Evaluasi dan Tugas ............................................................................
E. Rujukan................................................................................................

PART 10 JOB INTERVIEW.................................................................... 169

A. Pendahuluan ....................................................................................... 169
1. Kompetensi

2. Indikator keberhasilan

3. Petunjuk Belajar
B. Uraian Materi dan Contoh................................................................

1. Preparing For The Interview
2. Parts Of Interview


3. Aswering Questions On Academic Job Interview
4. Sample Of General Interview Question And Suggested

5. Other Frequently Asked Questions
C. Rangkuman ......................................................................................... 176
D. Evaluasi dan Tugas ............................................................................ 176
E. Rujukan................................................................................................ 177
GLOSARIUM ............................................................................................ 178
INDEKS .................................................................................................... 181
SYLLABUS (RPS) ..................................................................................... 183




Dengan mengucap puji syukur ke hadirat Allah SWT dan atas karuniaNya
penulisan buku ajar Matakuliah English For Specific Puspose (ESP) yang dilengkapi dengan CD
e-book dan CD soal-soal latihan yang disusun menggunakan I-Spring-Quiz dapat
terselesaikan. Penulisan Buku ajar English For Specific Puspose (ESP) berbasis Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) Sebagai Pendukung E-learning memiliki tujuan yang sangat jelas.
Penulis ingin memberikan dasar-dasar intelektual dan strategi praktis yang dibutuhkan untuk
menumbuhkan kemampuan berbahasa inggris untuk tujuan spesifik pada mahasiswa.
Kelemahan pembelajaran ESP saat ini, cenderung bersifat teoritis, disampaikan secara tatap
muka di kelas saja, belum dilengkapi media pembelajaran yang dapat dipelajari secara online
sehingga kegiatan belajar menjadi terhambat jika mahasiswa berhalangan hadir atau kurang
memahami materi yang disampaikan dosen pada saat tatap muka. Buku ajar ini berisi
tentang materi English For Specific Puspose (ESP) yang terdiri dari 10 part yaitu: 1)
Introduction, 2) telephoning, 3) meeting and discussion, 4) presentations, 5) businness
lettter, 6) personal letter, 7) customer to supplier letter, supplier to customer letter, 8)
miscellaneous and social letter, 9) Application letter dan 10) job Interview yang dapat
disampaikan dalam perkuliahan secara tatap muka.

Ke-sepuluh part tersebut juga dibuat dalam bentuk audiobook (media flash) dan
rekaman pembelajaran (speaker audio pembelajaran) agar dapat dipelajari secara mandiri di
luar perkuliahan, kapan saja dan dimana saja. Dengan pembelajaran blended learning yang
merupakan integrasi antara pembelajaran tatap muka dan online diharapkan dapat
membantu mahasiswa dalam membangun pengetahuannya sendiri. Kesulitan yang
dihadapi dalam belajar mandiri secara online diminimalkan dengan diskusi dan tutorial
dalam tatap muka perkuliahan, baik dengan dosen pengampu maupun diskusi dan
praktek antar mahasiswa secara berkelompok. Tes di akhir bab dapat dilakukan secara
online(Quis I-Spring) sehingga mahasiswa dapat melakukan evaluasi belajar secara

Sasaran penulis ialah menghasilkan buku ajar yang:
1. Menyajikan informasi yang lengkap, mutakhir berfokus pada hasil riset yang mudah

dibaca, praktis dan dilengkapi dengan contoh dan ilustrasi yang mempermudah
pemahaman materi secara offline dan online.
2. Membantu mahasiswa dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar dan memahami materi
melalui media audiobook dan rekaman pembelajaran ESP.
3. Membantu mahasiswa mengimplementasikan apa yang dipelajari dalam praktik
English For Specific Puspose (ESP)
4. Menyertakan latihan-latihan diakhir bab untuk mengevaluasi pencapaian hasil secara
offline dan online.


Catatan bagi Mahasiswa
English For Specific Puspose (ESP) merupakan perpaduan antara ilmu (knowledge) dan

kiat(art). Pengusaaan teori menjadi penting untuk menunjang keterampilan berbahasa
Inggris untuk tujuan spesifik misalnya handling telephone, meeting and discussion, presentation,
business letter, application letter and job interview. Hal ini tidaklah sulit jika mahasiswa rajin
mengikuti perkuliahan dan belajar secara online, pasti akan berhasil dalam mata kuliah ini.
Berikut beberapa saran agar mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan kebiasaan belajar yang baik
dan menguasai materi:

1. Rajin mengikuti kuliah dan membuat catatan-catatan yang diperlukan
2. Pelajari kembali pada hari yang sama materi ini diajarkan secara online, sebagai

pelengkap catatan, membuat rangkuman dan membuat rancangan praktek.
3. Berpikirlah secara kritis pada materi yang anda baca secara offline dan online dan

lakukan sharing konsep yang telah dikuasai pada teman lain.
4. Bertanya pada dosen jika mendapat kesulitan.
5. Sebelum mempelajari bab, bacalah garis besar tujuan pembelajaran untuk

memperkirakan topik-topik yang penting.
6. Sebelum tatap muka berakhir buatlah rangkuman, kemudian bandingkan rangkuman

yang anda buat dengan rangkuman yang ada untuk mengetahui penguasaan anda pada
bab tersebut.
7. Pelajarilah materi sebelum mengisi pertanyaan evaluasi secara online. Tujuan evaluasi
adalah memastikan apakah anda telah menguasai konsep di dalam bab.

Ucapan terimakasih:
Penulis ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada pihak yang telah memberi masukan

yang sangat membantu:
1. Kemenristek Dikti yang telah memfasilitasi penulis melakukan penelitian terapan
melalui Program hibah penelitian perguruan tinggi tahun 2019.
2. Dr. Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani, M.Kes. selaku Rektor Unirow Tuban dan Dr. Warli,
M.Pd. selaku Wakil Rektor I Unirow Tuban yang menjadi teman diskusi penulis
selama melakukan penelitian dan penyusunan buku ajar.
3. Dra. Christina ITP, M.Pd. dan Dra. Risa Triassanti, M.Pd. selaku validator pada isi
buku ajar yang telah memberikan masukan terkait sistematika, judul bab dan sub-
bab, dan teknik penulisan.
4. Dr. Khoirul Anwar, M.Pd. selaku Wakil Rektor I Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik
yang telah memberikan izin penelitian.
5. Iswatin, M.Pd. selaku Dosen Pengampu yang telah menggunakan buku ajar dan
menerapkan uji coba model Pembelajaran ESP berbasis ICT pada Prodi Manajemen
dan Akuntansi Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik.
6. Prof. Agus Wardhono, M.Pd., Edy Nurfalah, M.Sc. selaku anggota peneliti dan Adria
Rossy, S.A.Par, M.Pd. selaku dosen Pengampu mata kuliah ESP yang telah bersama-
sama sharing dan bekerja smar tuntuk menyelesaikan buku ajar ini.

Tiada gading yang tak retak, akhirnya penulis berharap semoga buku ajar ini
bermanfaat dan dapat memberikan informasi bagi semua pihak yang memerlukan.

Tuban, Agustus 2019






Kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan:
Mahasiswa mampu menguasai tentang teori English for spesific purpose (ESP)
Indikator keberhasilan:
Setelah mempelajari Part 1 ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat:
(1) Mengungkapkan makna (menjelaskan) definisi English For spesific Purpose (ESP),
(2) Mengenal perbedaan antara English For spesific Purpose (ESP) dengan general English.
(3) Menjelaskan Business English sebagai bagian dari English For spesific Purpose (ESP)
(4) Membiasakan berdoa dan bersyukur atas pencapaian belajar

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 1

Materi yang dibahas pada Part 1
Konsep Dasar English For specific Purpose (ESP) ini mengkaji beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan: 1)
Pengertian English For Specific Purpose (ESP); 2) Perbedaan antara English For specific Purpose (ESP)
dengan general English,3) Business English sebagai bagian dari English For specific Purpose (ESP)

Petunjuk Belajar

1. Bacalah doa sebelum memulai belajar.
2. Baca dan dengarkanlah audiobook part 1 yang berdurasi 07.34 (7 menit 34 detik)
3. Perhatikan audiobook part 1 menit pertama (06.40), Catatlah kata kunci tentang 5 karakteristik

English For specific Purpose (ESP) agar dapat membuat definisi ESP
4. Perhatikan audiobook part 1 pada menit ke 3 (04.00), tulislah perbedaan antara ESP dan general

5. Dengarkan secara seksama audiobook part 1 pada menit ke lima (01.49), untuk mencatat kata kunci

tentang english for business.
6. Buatlah rangkuman tentang karakteristik ESP, Definisi ESP, Perbedaan antara ESP dan

general English, penjelasan tentang mengapa Business English merupakan bagian dari ESP.
7. Bandingkanlah rangkuman yang telah dibuat dengan audiosummary dari dosen, lengkapilah

8. Lakukan diskusi secara kelompok untuk bisa saling bertukar pikiran dalam memahami materi

dan mengerjakan soal-soal latihan.
9. Kerjakan quis evaluasi online, bila mencapai skor > 70 dinyatakan tuntas dapat

melanjutkan pada part 2. Bila belum tuntas kembali mempelajari part 1 mengiktui langkah-
langkah di atas. Jangan putus asa, tetaplah semangat dan bersabar untuk terus belajar sampai
mencapai ketuntasan.
10. Akhiri dengan Doa sebagai bentuk rasa syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha esa dan
materi yang dipelajari dapat memberikan manfaat.

Part 1 Waktu = 1 x 100 menit

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 2


1. What is ESP and various definitions Note
This term tend to mostly technical English for
ESP tend to mostly
students with specific aims, goals, fields or carrier. It focuses technical English for
on communicative competence in particular disciplines. students with specific
Some experts who describe ESP can be mentioned as follow: aims, goals, fields or
“English for specific purposes is a term that refers to carrier. It focuses on
teaching or studying English for a particular career (like law, communicative
medicine) or for business in general.“ (International Teacher competence in particular
Training Organization, 2005). disciplines.

There is a specific reason for which English is Students learn English for
learned. Pauline C. Robinson (1989) describes ESP as a type a specific purpose,
of ELT (English LanguageTeaching) and defines it as: “Goal- represented by studying
oriented language learning.“ (Robinson, Pauline C.,ed. Hywel subject matter, to gain
Coleman, 1989, p 398) that means student has a specific goal and develop appropriate
that is going to be attained.The origin of ESP and its knowledge and skills
development is closely linked with learners´ interest in through English.
various specific disciplines e.g. ´Law English´, ´English for
Hotel Industry´, ´English for Business´, as presented in

Students learn English for a specific purpose,
represented by studying subject matter, to gain and develop
appropriate knowledge and skills through English. That is
why English language is not seen as the main goal in the
process of learning, but rather a vehicle for its acquirement.
“Students study ESP not because they are interested in the
English language as such but because they have to perform
a task in English. Their command of the English language
must be such that they can reach a satisfactory level in their
specialist subject studies.“(Robinson, Pauline C., ed. Hywel
Coleman, 1989, p 396).The fact that “learners know
specifically why they are learning a language“ (Hutchinson
and Waters, 1992, p 6) is a great advantage on both sides of
the process. The group of ESP learners is going to achieve
the same goal in the field of studying branch, so learners´
motivation, in a form of the same aim, enables teacher to
meet learners´ needs and......................................................

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 3

Note expectations easier. Learner and the way of learning
(´acquiring language´) are considered to be the main factors
Characteristics ESP in the whole process. Hutchinson and Waters (1992)
emphasise ESP to be an approach not product that means
a. ESP may be related language learning not language use is highlighted. They
to or designed for draw the attention to a ´learning- centred approach´ “in
specific disciplines which all decisions as to content and method are based on
b. ESP may use, in the learner´s reason for learning.“ (Hutchinson and Waters,
specific teaching 1992, p 19).
situations, a different
methodology from Tony Dudley-Evans and Maggie Jo St John
that of general (1998) divided characteristic features of ESP in two groups
English according its ´absolute´ and ´variable´ attributes. Concerning
c. ESP is likely to be the absolute characteristics (according to Dudley-Evans and
designed for adult St John): · ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the
learners, either at a learner ESP makes use of the underlying methodology
tertiary level and activities of the discipline it serves· ESP is centred on the
institution or in a language (grammar, lexis, register), skills, discourse and
professional work genres appropriate to these activities The variable
situation characteristics are seen in five points:
d. ESP is generally a. ESP may be related to or designed for specific
designed for
intermediate or disciplines
advanced students b. ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a
e. Most ESP courses
assume some basic different methodology from that of general English
knowledge of the c. ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, either at a
language system, but
it can be used with tertiary level institution or in a professional work
beginners (Dudley- situation
Evans, 1998). d. ESP is generally designed for intermediate or
advanced students
e. Most ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the
language system, but it can be used with beginners
(Dudley-Evans, 1998).

Hutchinson and Waters (1992) do not emphasise any
concrete limits of students´ level or age, they emphasize
learners´ individual needs and specialis knowledge of using
English for specific purposes. Although there exist several
aims and different purposes why learning English, the way
of learning may be same.“Though the content of learning
may vary there is no reason to suppose that the processes of
learning should be any different for the ESP learner than for
the General English learner.“ (Hutchinson and Waters,
1992, p 18). They add that ESP methodology “could just as
well have been used in the learning of any kind of English.“
(Hutchinson and Waters, 1992, p 18).

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 4

2. Is ESP Different with General English?
If we agree with this definition, we begin to see how broad ESP really is. In fact, one may

ask 'What is the difference between the ESP and General English approach?' Hutchinson et al.
(1987:53) answer this quite simply, "in theory nothing, in practice a great deal". When their book was
written, of course, the last statement was quite true. At the time, teachers of General English
courses, while acknowledging that students had a specific purpose for studying English, would rarely
conduct a needs analysis to find out what was necessary to actually achieve it. Teachers nowadays,
however, are much more aware of the importance of needs analysis, and certainly materials writers
think very carefully about the goals of learners at all stages of materials production. Perhaps this
demonstrates the influence that the ESP approach has had on English teaching in general. Clearly
the line between where General English courses stop and ESP courses start has become very vague

Rather ironically, while many General English teachers can be described as using an ESP
approach, basing their syllabi on a learner needs analysis and their own specialist knowledge of
using English for real communication, it is the majority of so-called ESP teachers that are using an
approach furthest from that described above. Instead of conducting interviews with specialists in
the field, analyzing the language that is required in the profession, or even conducting students'
needs analysis, many ESP teachers have become slaves of the published textbooks available, unable
to evaluate their suitability based on personal experience, and unwilling to do the necessary analysis
of difficult specialist texts to verify their contents.

3. English for Business
English for Business is a part of English For Specific Purpose, it means different things to

different people. For some, it focuses on vocabulary and topics used in the worlds of business, trade,
finance, and international relations. For others it refers to the communication skills used in the
workplace, and focuses on 7the language and skills needed for typical business communication such
as presentations, negotiations, meetings, small talk, socializing, correspondence, report writing, and
a systematic approach. In both of these cases it can be taught to native speakers of English, for
example, high school students preparing to enter the job market. English for business is quite
simply the English you need to conduct business in a professional manner. It provides you with the
skills to write emails, produce reports, make presentations, negotiate with clients, participate in
meetings and conferences, write letters and deal with clients on the telephone and in a face-to-face
situation. So, rather than focusing on general English for conversations and socialising etc, Business
English focuses on communication in business related situations.

Business English is typically taught to business people who need to use it in their daily
duties. Sometimes they purposefully take such a course to help improve their performance on the
job, other times they are required to take it and aren't always happy about being in your classroom.
In some countries their performance in the English classroom and successful completion of a
certain number of courses is a requirement for moving up the career ladder.

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 5


English for Business is a part of English For Specific Purpose, it means different
things to different people. For some, it focuses on vocabulary and topics used in the
worlds of business, trade, finance, and international relations. For others it refers to the
communication skills used in the workplace, and focuses on the language and skills
needed for typical business communication such as presentations, negotiations, meetings,
small talk, socializing, correspondence, report writing, and a systematic approach. In
both of these cases it can be taught to native speakers of English, for example, high
school students preparing to enter the job market. English for business is quite simply
the English you need to conduct business in a professional manner. It provides you
with the skills to write emails, produce reports, make presentations, negotiate with
clients, participate in meetings and conferences, write letters and deal with clients on the
telephone and in a face-to-face situation. So, rather than focusing on general English for
conversations and socialising etc, Business English focuses on communication in
business related situations.


Jawablah quiz i-spring evaluasi part 1 (tes formatif 1)
Setelah menyelesaikan tes formatif 1 online, Mahasiswa dapat memperkirakan tingkat
keberhasilan belajar dengan melihat skor hasil pencapaian mahasiswa.
1. Jika skor pencapaian Mahasiswa sudah melebihi 70%. Silakan Mahasiswa melanjutkan pada
materi part 2.
2. Namun jika pencapaian Mahasiswa masih kurang dari 70 %, Mahasiswa ulangi kembali
mempelajari materi part I. Mengikuti langkah-langkah belajar 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 sampai mahasiswa
benar-benar memahami. Selanjutnya mencoba kembali menjawab tes formatif online.
3. Bila ada kesulitan mahasiswa bisa melakukan komunikasi dengan dosen secara online,
dan diskusi dalam forum diskusi grup telegram.
4. TUGAS: membuat rangkuman.
Rangkuman materi part 1 dikerjakan oleh seluruh mahasiswa peserta matakuliah ESP/bahasa
Inggris bisnis setelah mempelajari materi secara online. Rangkuman dalam bentuk poin-poin
penting dengan penjelasan seperlunya, diketik dengan huruf times new roman 12 pt, 2 spasi kertas
A4. Mahasiswa diwajibkan menambahkan link harus brownsing materi terkait. Berikan kalimat
doa (sesuai keyakinan masing-masing) pada bagian awal sebelum rangkuman. Dan berikan kalimat motivasi
dan kata-kata bijak pada akhir rangkuman saudara yang dapat anda praktekan untuk membangun
karakter saudara . Hasil rangkuman dikirimkan melalui telegram dosen untuk diperiksa dan
mendapatkan feedback. Batas waktu pengumpulan maksimal 3 hari setelah kuliah
online/tatapmuka setiap minggunya.

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 6


Dudley-Evans, Tony. 1998. Development in English for Specific Pusposes: A Multi Disciplinary Approach.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Forthcoming)

Hutchinson, Tom & Waters, Alan. 1987. English For Specific Purposes: A learner Centered Approach.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hutchinson, Tom & Waters, Alan. 1992. English For Specific Purposes: A learning Centered Approach.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Johns, Ann,M.& dudley-Evans, Tony. 1991. English For specific Purposes: International in Scope, Specific in
Purposes. Cambridge:TESOL Quarterly 25:2, 297-314. 1991.

Robinson.Pauline C.Ed. Hywel Coleman. 2007. Working with Language: A Multidisciplinary
Consideration of Language Use in work Contexts. New York: Mounton de Gruyter

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 7

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 8




Kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan:
Mahasiswa terampil menangani outgoing dan incoming calls menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
Indikator keberhasilan:
Pada Part 2 ini mengkaji beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan konsep Handling Telephone.
Setelah mempelajari part 2 ini, Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat:
(1) menjelaskan cara menangani outgoing calls dan incoming calls
(2) terampil menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam menangani outgoing calls dan incoming calls.

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 9

Materi yang dibahas pada Part 2:
(1) Attending to an incoming call, (2) Transferring a call, (3) Attending to the caller, (4)
Taking a message (5) Returning a call.

Petunjuk Belajar

1. Berdoalah sesuai dengan keyakinan masing-masing sebelum belajar.
2. Baca dan dengarkan audiobook part 2, pelajari PPT
3. Brownsing sumber lain yang relevan dengan topik 5 sub-processes handling telephone untuk

memperkaya materi.
4. Komunikasikan dengan dosen kesulitan yang dihadapi dan diskusikan dengan

teman/antar mahasiswa.
5. Berdasarkan hasil belajar online, brownsing dan diskusi, buatlah rangkuman tentang 5 sub-

processes handling telephone
6. Bandingkan rangkuman yang saudara buat dengan audiosummary, lengkapilah

7. Lakukan latihan/praktek handling telephone bersama temanmu dan videokan prosesnya.

Video latihan/praktek handling telephone sesuaikan dengan etika dan budaya Indonesia, misal berpakaian
sopan, perhatikan cara duduk, cara berkomunikasi, kejelasan isi pesan, salam pembuka dan salam penutup.
Kumpulkan via telegram untuk didiskusikan dan praktek langsung pada kuliah tatap muka.
8. Untuk menguji pemahaman materi, Kerjakan tes formatif/quis evaluasi part 2 secara
online. Jika hasil tes saudara < 70, maka kembali ke langkah awal selanjutnya ulangi
mengerjakan tes. Batas max pengulangan sebanyak 3 x. Bagi yang belum mencapai ketuntasan
akan diberikan bimbingan oleh dosen. Jika hasil tes > 70, saudara dapat beralih pada part
9. Seyogyanya Mahasiswa tekun dan cermat dalam belajar, Kedisiplinan Mahasiswa dalam
mengikuti tatap muka perkuliahan setiap pertemuan, mempraktekan cara menangani outgoing calls
dan incoming calls, mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang terintegrasi dalam exercise online akan sangat
membantu keberhasilan Mahasiswa. Jangan lupa berdoa sebelum mengakhir belajar sebagai
tanda rasa syukur pada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan ilmu yang dipelajari dapat bermanfaat.

Part 2 Waktu = 2 x 100 menit

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 10


Materi ajar secara online dapat diunduh di SIA Unirow dan CD pembelajaran ESP berbasis

Telephoning Note
Every contact with the customer is a moment of truth. During these
5 sub-processes
moments of truth, Customers form perceptions and make decisions about 1. Attending to an
your company, and importantly, about you. How the customers perceive us
depends on how professionally we come across over the phone. The incoming call
telephone is the single most frequent and important contact point with the 2. Transferring a
customers. How you handle the telephone will determine whether the
customer will keep giving us the business or go somewhere else. This manual call
will help you portray an image of professionalism, customer friendliness and 3. Attending to the
efficiency. It will help you make the customer feel that they are dealing with
a professional person that has their interest at heart. caller
4. Taking a message
When the phone rings, answer it within 3 rings. Smile before you talk. 5. Returning a call
People can hear a smile! Speak in a cheerful, helpful and upbeat tone. There
are 5 sub-processes in handling the telephone:
1. Attending to an incoming call
2. Transferring a call
3. Attending to the caller
4. Taking a message
5. Returning a call

Here’s what to do:

a. If you are picking up a fresh call…
Greet the caller by saying:

“Good morning, afternoon, or evening, My

b. When the caller asks to speak to a particular person…

“I will put you through right away Sir/Madam”

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c. If the person is not available…

“Jeany is not available at the moment. May I ask her to call
you back? What is your telephone number sir?”


“Mary is not available at the moment. Would you like to speak to Jaime who
is in the same department to see whether she can help you?”

d. If you are answering a directed call on your extension…(transferred by the operator
or a colleague)
Greet the caller and identify yourself by saying…

“Good morning, afternoon, or evening, Michael speaking.”


“Good morning, afternoon or evening, Export
Department, James speaking.”

e. If your colleague’s phone rings and he/she is not at the desk…
1) Pick up the phone … Within 3 rings
2) Say:

“Good afternoon, this is Simon’s desk. Magdeline speaking.”

3) Attend to the caller, offer to help but if you cannot, take a message for your colleague to return the
Never ask the caller to call back.
You know from your own experiences that it is most irritating to be transferred from one party to
another. If it is unavoidable that you must transfer a call to another colleague,
a. Always explain to the caller why you are transferring the call by saying something like…

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“I am sorry that you have been misdirected to the Accounts
Department. You should be speaking to Mr. Joe Chai, our Customer
Service Manager. Would you like me to transfer the call to him please?”


“Mr. Tan, our Mr. Roy Wee would be in a much better position to help
you on this matter. Let me transfer you to him right now, O.K?”

b. Promptly transfer the call and when your colleague picks up the phone, introduce the caller
together with a brief outline of what the caller wants by saying something like…
“Jenny, this is Andru. I have Mr. Kim on the line. He is enquiring
about the reefer container. Please take over this call.”


“Pauline, this is Anna, Peter Koh of Master Paper Industry would like to know
the benefits of using a 45ft. container. Please take over this call.”

This will help your colleague and save the caller from having to repeat/explain all over again.
c. When a colleague transfers a call to you…
1) Listen intently to the brief outline give by your colleague
2) Pick up the line, introduce yourself and describe what you understand to be the problem/case

based on the outline given by saying something like…
“Mr. Kim, my name is Jenny. I understand you would like to know
the status of your reefer container.

or s

“Mr. Koh, this is Pauline. I understand you would like to discuss the
advantages of using a 45ft. container. Is that right?”

3) Never transfer a call to a colleague if you are not sure that he/she is the right person to help the
It is better to take down the caller’s name and telephone number, find out from your
superior who can help and get the right person to call the customer back.

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d. In this instance, explain to the caller by saying something like…

“I am not too sure who should be handling this matter. Let me check and have
the person in charge call you back in twenty minutes or so, Is that OK?”


a. When attending to the caller,
1) Be helpful, sincere and cheerful
2) Stay and sound interested even though it is a routine issue
3) Make it a point to express your appreciation especially if the caller just given you some


b. If you are not in a position to give an immediate answer, (For example, if you have to refer to
a tariff)
1) Don’t let the caller ‘hang-on’ whilst you are finding the answer.
2) Offer to call him back by saying something like…

“Miss Chan, I shall have to discuss this issue with Mr. Aw. Let
me call you in 20 minutes. Is that okay with you?”

or I


“Mr. Gopal, let me find out the answer to your questions from our Operations Manager. I
will call you back later this afternoon at 3pm. Is that alright with you?”

3) Get his agreement to what you are going to do. Do it and remember to call him back
at least five minutes before the appointed time.

Telephone messages must include information about:
a. Name of caller/Company
b. Telephone Number
c. Date & Time message taken
d. If known, reason for call
e. Comments, if any Messages should be written legibly and left on the desk of the person in
a prominent place.

If it is an important message be sure that your colleague gets it and act on it!

a. If you have promised to call someone back at a particular time,

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• DO SO – at least five minutes before time. Even if you don’t have the answer. Explain to the
customer why you still do not have the answer and make another appointment to call him.

b.If your colleague has taken a message for you to call someone back,

• DO SO – at least five minutes before time or as soon as you get the message.
When calling, say something like…

“Mr. Kim, this is Robert. I got a message from Lily that you called while
I was out. How can I help this time?”

or I

“Mr. Tan, I am sorry I wasn’t here when you called earlier. Now may I help you?”
“Susie, sorry I was engaged when you called at 11am. You left a message enquiring about

the weight limitation to Hong Kong, am I right?”

c. Transfer from one party to another
d. Not returning call
e. Cannot get through
f. Rude response
g. He is not here! Can you call back?
h. Answering machine has taken over

1. Ring and ring and no one answers
2. Put on hold with no follow up


The telephone is the most important tool in business communication. The
telephone is the single most frequent and important contact point with the customers.
There are some steps in handling telephoning. How you handle the telephone will
determine whether the customer will keep giving us the business or go somewhere else.
This manual will help you portray an image of professionalism, customer friendliness
and efficiency. Let’s use it properly to create an image of a happy, helpful and
professional company.

Bagaimana? Apakah rangkuman yang anda buat sejalan dengan rangkuman di atas. Jika tidak
sejalan, cobalah cermati bagian mana yang kurang sejalan. Rangkuman yang anda buat
menggambarkan pemahaman anda. Lengkapi rangkuman saudara.

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 15


Jawablah quiz i-spring evaluasi part 2 (tes formatif 2) secara online dari CD quiz I-Spring.
Setelah menyelesaikan tes formatif 2 online, Mahasiswa dapat memperkirakan tingkat

keberhasilan belajar dengan melihat skor hasil pencapaian mahasiswa.
1. Jika skor pencapaian Mahasiswa sudah melebihi 70%. Silakan Mahasiswa melanjutkan pada

materi part 3.
2. Namun jika pencapaian Mahasiswa masih kurang dari 70%, Mahasiswa ulangi kembali

mempelajari materi part 2. Mengikuti langkah-langkah belajar 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 sampai mahasiswa
benar-benar memahami. Selanjutnya mencoba kembali menjawab tes formatif online.
3. Bila ada kesulitan mahasiswa bisa melakukan komunikasi dengan dosen secara online,
dan diskusi dalam forum diskusi grup telegram.
4. Tugas melakukan praktek conversation telephone :

Latihan handling telepon ini dibagi menjadi 5 proses handling telephone yaitu 1)
Attending to an incoming call, 2) Transferring a call, 3) Attending to the caller, 4) Taking a message
5) Returning a call. Jumlah mahasiswa peserta matakuliah akan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok,
selanjutnya anggota masing-masing kelompok dibagi lagi masing-masing kelompok kecil sebayak
2 orang. Masing-masing pasangan mempraktekan komunikasi telepon sesuai proses telephoning
yang menjadi tugas masing-masing kelompok. Kegiatan praktek/latihan handling telephone
divideokan. Buatlah video latihan/praktek handling telephone yang sesuai dengan etika dan budaya
Indonesia, misal berpakaian sopan, perhatikan cara duduk, cara berkomunikasi, kejelasan isi pesan, salam
pembuka dan salam penutup. Rekaman video dikirim melalui telegram dosen. Selanjutkan akan
dikoreksi dan dipilih dua contoh video untuk didiskusikan dan dua pasang mahasiswa secara
acak untuk praktek handling telephone pada perkuliahan tatapmuka pada minggu ke 4.
Handling telephone yang dipraktekan sebagai berikut:
a. Make a conversation based on the case below; (praktek divideokan)

1). Amanda Jones calls Santika Hotel. She is a vegetables supplier for F & B department. She
wants to talk to the F & B manager asking about her last cash payment. But the manager is
meeting now.

2). You are a receptionist in Riitra Cargo, you pick the telephone up. State the expressions.
b. Please explain the mannerism in handling telephone message. (praktek langsung di kelas)

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 16


Bargiella, Fransesca and Chiaoinni. 2009. The Handbook of Business Discourse.
Edinburg:Edinburg University Press.

Basturkmen, helen. 2010. Developing Course in English for Specific Purposes. New York:
Palgrave MacMillan.

Harding, Keith; Henderson, Paul. High Season: English for the Hotel and Tourist Industry.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004

Johns, Ann,M.& dudley-Evans, Tony. 1991. English For specific Purposes: International in Scope,
Specific in Purposes. Cambridge:TESOL Quarterly 25:2, 297-314. 1991.

Robinson.Pauline C.Ed. Hywel Coleman. 2007. Working with Language: A
Multidisciplinary Consideration of Language Use in work Contexts. New York:
Mounton de Gruyter.

Wardhono, Agus, Business English, Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban.2000
Wardhono, Agus dan Rosy, Adria. Handbook of English for Specific Purpose. Universitas


ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 17

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 18




Kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan:
Mahasiswa dapat berpartisipasi dalam rapat, menyiapkan dan memimpin rapat
Setelah mempelajari Part 3 ini, Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat:
(1) mengidentifikasi tipe-tipe rapat,
(2) berbahasa inggris dengan benar dan berpartisipasi dalam rapat,
(3) dapat berdiskusi menggunakan bahasa inggris,
(4) menyiapkan dan memimpin rapat

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 19

Materi yang dipelajari dalam Part 3 terdiri dari bagian materi meeting: 1) participating in
meeting, 2) how was the meeting, 3) the role of chairpersons, 4) point of view, 5) agreement and
disagreement, 6) discussion techniques.

Petunjuk Belajar

1. Berdoalah sesuai dengan keyakinan masing-masing sebelum belajar.
2. Baca dan dengarkan audiobook part 3, dan Powerpointnya.
3. Brownsing sumber lain yang relevan dengan topik materi 1,2,3,4,5,6. untuk memperkaya

4. Komunikasikan dengan dosen kesulitan yang dihadapi dan diskusikan dengan teman/antar

5. Berdasarkan hasil belajar online, brownsing dan diskusi, buatlah rangkuman

tentang meeting and discussion.
6. Bandingkan rangkuman yang saudara buat dengan audiosummary, lengkapilah

7. Lakukan latihan/praktek meeting and discussion bersama temanmu dan videokan prosesnya.

Video latihan/praktek meeting and discussion sesuaikan dengan etika cara berkomunikasi,
menyampaikan ide-gagasan, cara bertanya dan menjawab, saling menghargai pendapat
orang lain, salam pembuka dan salam penutup. Kumpulkan via telegram untuk
didiskusikan dan praktek langsung pada kuliah tatapmuka.
8. Untuk menguji pemahaman materi, Kerjakan tes formatif/quis evaluasi part 3 secara online.
Jika hasil tes saudara < 70, maka kembali ke langkah awal selanjutnya ulangi mengerjakan tes.
Batas max pengulangan sebanyak 3 x. Bagi yang belum mencapai ketuntasan akan diberikan
bimbingan oleh dosen.
Jika hasil tes > 70, saudara dapat beralih pada part berikutnya.
9. Seyogyanya Mahasiswa tekun dan cermat dalam belajar, Kedisiplinan Mahasiswa dalam
mengikuti tatap muka perkuliahan setiap pertemuan, mempraktekan cara memimpin dan
mempersiapkan rapat, mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang terintegrasi secara online akan sangat
membantu keberhasilan Mahasiswa. Jangan lupa berdoa sebelum mengakhir belajar sebagai
tanda rasa syukur pada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
dan ilmu yang dipelajari dapat bermanfaat.

Part 3 Waktu = 2 x 100 menit

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 20


1. Participating in Meeting Type of Meeting

a. Type of Meeting 1. Chat
Here are some types of meeting which come in all shapes and sizes: 2. Brainstorming
3. Project meeting
1). Chat (informal discussion) with friends or colleagues in cafetaria
2). Brainstorming among among colleagues: where as many ideas as /team meeting
possible are produced quickly, to be evaluated later.
3). Project meeting/team meeting of employees involved in a particular mental meeting
5. Meeting with
4). Department/departmental meeting. suppliers
5). Meeting with suppliers, for exsample 6. Meeting with a
6). Meeting with a customer, far exsample to disscus a contract.
7). Board meeting : an official, formal meeting af a company’s directors. customer
8). Annual general meeting/AGM (BrE); annual meeting (AmE): where 7. Board meeting
8. Annual general
shareholders discuss the company’s annual report.
9). EGM; extraordinary general meeting: a shareholders’ meeting to discuss meeting/AGM
(BrE); annual
an important issue such as a proposed merger. meeting
9. EGM

b. How was the meeting?

Some colleagues are discussing a meeting they have just come out of. Anil

: I thought it was very productive.

Juliet : Well, I thought it was a complete waste of time. I didn’t hear anything I

didn’t already know.

Barbara : I agree with Anil. I Felt we had some very useful discussions, and that we

reached an agreement that was good for both sides. We certainly covered a lot of

ground. It was incredible the number of things we got through.

Juliet : But there were too many digressions. John was rambling and kept

wandering off the point. He just uses meetings as a chance to show off. Just like a

lot of men: he just wanted to show how powerful he is and what a good talker he is.

Anil : But to be fair, the chair really kept things moving: she encouraged peopleto be

brief and to stick to the point and we achieved a lot in a short

time. Anyway, I learned a lot and I think they llistened to what we had to say.

c. The Role of Chairperson Note
1) Before the meeting
Hilary Rhodes is a management consultan who specializes in meeting skills: The Role of
‘A good chairperson has to be a good organizer.What they do before the Chairperson
meeting is as important as the meeting itself. They should make sure the
agenda (the list of things to be discussed) is complete by asking those 1. Before the meeting
involved what should be on it and then circulating (distributing) it to 2. During the meeting
everyone concerned. They should check the venue, making sure the room
will be free, without interruptions, until the end of the meeting.’

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2) During the meeting
The chairperson should be a good time keeper. They should start the meeting on time, without
waiting for latecomers.
They should appoint a minute-taker to take the minutes, making sure that opinions and
action points ( where participants agree to do something ) are noted.
They should make sure each point on the agenda is allocated the time it deserves and should
keep to the timetable. When the time allocated to one point is up, the chair should make sure that
discussion moves on to the next point, even if the issue has not been completely covered or
resolved ( decided ).
The chair should make sure that eact participant has the chance to make their point, and should
deal tactfully with disagreements, making sure that each side feels their point of view has been
noted. They should also try to avoid digressions, where people get off the point.
Finally, they should ensure the meeting finishes on time, or early.

3) Follow-up
After some meetings, it’s necessary for the minutes to be circulated, especially if there are
action points that particular people are responsible for.
At the next meeting, the chair should ask for the minutes to be read out and see if all agree that it is
an accurate record of what happened, and see if there are any matters arising (any points from
the last meeting that need to be discussed). And they should check what progress has been made
on the action points from the previous meeting.

d. Points of View

1) Opening the meeting Note
Carla Eagleton, chief executive of Creative Advertising, is opening a
Points of View
Ok, let’s get started. 1. Opening the meeting
2. Inviting people to
She could also have said : Let’s make a start.
It’s about time we go started. 3. Making your point

Let’s begin, shall we? Let’s get down to business.
Shall we make a start?

Then she says’As you know, I’ve called this meeting to discuss the situation in the design

department. The designers have a lot of freedom to work as they wish, but it seems that things are

getting out of control . . .’
She could also have said :

a). As you are aware ...

b). I’ve arranged this meeting to ...

c). The purpose of this meeting is to ...

d). The main objective is to ...

2). Inviting people to speak
Carla Then uses some of these expressions. Inviting some one to start :
a). Would you like to open the discussion, Greta?

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b). Perhaps you’d like to get the ball rolling, Greta.
c). Greta, would you like to kick off?
Asking for one person’s opinion :

a). what about you, Keith?
b). What are your feelings on this, Keith?
c). What do you think about this, Keith?
d). What are your views on this, keith? Asking for
everyone’s opinion :
• What’s the general feeling on this?

3). Making your point
The other participants use some of these expressions.
a). Head of human resources: I believethe design department needs a certain omount of freedom,

but there are limits.

b). Head of design: As I see it, I can’t run the design department as if it was the accounts

c). Chief financial officer: In my opinion, they’re going much too far. I can’t bear to think of the
costs involved.

d). Senior designer: Of course, we are sensitive types and need to be given the freedom to work how
we like.

Other ways of making your point include:
a). The way I see it ...
b). It’s cleer to me that ...

c). Personally, I think ...

d). It looks to me as if ...

e). Obviously ...

Note : You use of course obviously to introduce an idea, but also to show that you think other
people will be aware of it already. Be careful, as this can sound rude.

e. Agreement And Disagreement

1) Discussion without argument?

Hilary Rhodes is talking about the importance of keeping calm in meeting: Note
‘In a meeting, you discuss things. In the discussion, some people may agree

with you. Others may disagree. They may have differences of opinion with Agreement And
you, but the important thing is to keep calm and remain courteous. It’s OK Disagreement

to disagree, but it’s not OK to be impolite or rude or to lose your temper. 1. Discussion without
An argument is when people disagree about something, perhaps becoming argument?
angry. Your argument is also the set of ideas that you use to prove your 2. Agreeing
point: to show that what you are saying is true.’ 3. Desagreeing

Note: Agree and disagree are verbs (e.g. I agree with you, She disagrees with him, etc.).

You cannot say I am agree with you, She is disagree with him, etc.

2) Agreeing
Strong agreement:
a). You’re perfectly right. The costs involved must be incredible.

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b). I couldn’t agree more. We got our latest recruits after we won the industry award for best

c). Precisely. Creativity comes to some of you people in the middle of the night.
d). Exactly. We have to look at the company as one unit.
e). Absolutely. It’s the output, not the input, that counts.
Mild agreement:
a). You may be right there. We’re already ten per cent over budget.
b). That’s true, I suppose. There must be some limits on when they work.

c). I suppose so. They seem to arrive and then go straight out again to eat.
3). Desagreeing
Mild disagreement:
a). That’s not really how I see it. Everyone should be allowed to work in the way that’s best for them.
b). I don’t really agree. The prizes are important, but people would come to work for us

c). I can’t really go along with you there. I think we need to see people at their desks actually

d). I think you’re mistaken. If the designers get to work late, they don’t go out for lunch.
e). I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there. All you financial people do is worry about costs.

Strong disagreement:

a). I’m sorry, but that’s out af the question. You can’t expect people to go home at ten and come

back at nine in the morning.

b). I think you’re wrong. The design department’s costs are justified becouse of our higt quality

work. The costs of the other departments are not justified.

c). Of course not. The latest figures I’ve seen show that the project is within budget.
d). That’s absurd. There must be some sort of control on when people work.

e). That’s ridiculous. Each department has very specific needs.

Note: Be cereful with that’s absurd and that’s ridiculous. These expressions are very strong and can

be offensive.

2. Discussion techniques

a. Hedging

Hedging when you avoid disagreeing directly. To hadge, you could say: Note
1). I take ypur point about punctuality, but cloking in and out would not be
fery popular. Discussion
2). I understand what you’re saying sbout the needs of each techniques

department, but each department must be treated in an appropriate a. Hedging
way. b. Checking
3). I see/know what you mean, but we must look at the human factors
as well as the numbers. understanding,
4). I hear where you’re coming from on this, but we must remember this is interrupting, referring
an advertising agency, not a car factory. back
b. Checking understanding, interrupting, referring back c. Agreement,
consensus or
d. Concluding

To interrupt someone politely:

1). Can I come in here?

2). If I can just stop you for a monent ...

3). Sorry to interrupt you, but ...

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To refer back to what was said earlier:
1). As we were saying earlier ...
2). To go back to what X was saying earlier ...
3). To go back to what I was just saying ...

To check that you understand what someone has said:
1). Are you saying that ...?
2). Are you suggesting that ...?
3). Are you implying that ...?
4). If I understand (you) correctly,...
5). If I fallow you ...

c. Agreement, consensus or compromise
Hilary Rhodes is talking about hou to deal with agreements and disagreements:
‘it may be possible to reach agreement or to reach an agreement about something, or at least come
to a consensus: something that most people can agree with. It may be possible to compromise or to
find a compromise: an agreement where people accept less than they wanted at first. (See Unit 65)
Or perhaps the differences are so great that there will just be disagreement. Something in particular
that you disagree about is a disagreement.’

d. Concluding
Carla Eagleton sums up and brings the meeting to a close:
‘Right. I’m afraid we’re running out of time so we’re going to have to stop there. To go aver what’s
been said, there is a disagreement about timekeeping and budgets in the desingn department. I’ve
listened to both sides of the argument. I think I can sum it up by saying that it’s a problem of
creativity versus control. I think you’ll just have to agree to disagree. I’II let you know my decision
about the solution to this problem by the end of the month. So unless anyone has anything else to
add, I think that’s it. Thank you all for coming.


You can’t have a good meeting without clear reasons for meeting in the first place.
Know why you’re holding the meeting. What’s your purpose? What do you want to
accomplish? If you think clearly about your purpose, you may find you don’t need a
meeting at all, and you’ll plan better meetings when you do need them. Good meetings
build group spirit, and make people feel important People can have fun in a good
meeting. With planning and practice. your group can have good meetings. Because
meetings are so important, successful grassroots groups take the time and effort to run
them well.

Discussion is one of part of the meeting, Good participants come to a meeting
prepared for the business at hand—with reports ready, concerns over key issues thought
out, and questions about key issues organized. They also bring to the table their best
listening skills and group manners. These participants, for example, take turns talking,
stay on the point of discussion, and help to move decisions forward. It is neccessary for
Bpaagratiimciapnaan?tsApoafktahheramnegektuinmgantoyacnrgeadtiebuaatpsreojdaluacntidveengmaenertainnggkaunmdanfrduiitaftuals.dJiiskcautsisdiaokn to
reach the purpose of the meeting.

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 25

sejalan, cobalah cermati bagian mana yang kurang sejalan dan lengkapilah. Rangkuman yang anda
buat menggambarkan pemahaman anda terhadap konsep meeting and discussion.


Jawablah quiz i-spring evaluasi part 3 (tes formatif 3) secara online.
Setelah menyelesaikan tes formatif 3 online, Mahasiswa dapat memperkirakan tingkat

keberhasilan belajar dengan melihat skor hasil pencapaian mahasiswa.
1. Jika skor pencapaian Mahasiswa sudah melebihi 70%. Silakan Mahasiswa melanjutkan pada

materi part 4.
2. Namun jika pencapaian Mahasiswa masih kurang dari 70%, Mahasiswa ulangi kembali

mempelajari materi part 3. Mengikuti langkah-langkah belajar 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 sampai mahasiswa
benar-benar memahami. Selanjutnya mencoba kembali menjawab tes formatif online.
3. Bila ada kesulitan mahasiswa bisa melakukan komunikasi dengan dosen secara online, dan
diskusi dalam forum diskusi grup telegram.
4. Tugas: berlatih dan membuat video memimpin rapat.

Latihan memimpin rapat dilakukan secara berkelompok tiap kelompok terdiri dari 8
mahasiswa. Bagilah peran untuk masing-masing mahasiswa misalnya ada yang berperan sebagai
menajer, kepala bagian penjualan, SDM dll sesuai dengan topik yang dirapatkan. Selanjutnya
lakukan simulasi rapat sesuai topik yang ditugaskan dengan durasi wantu 20-30 menit. Videokan
latihan/praktek memimpin rapat yang sesuai dengan etika dan budaya Indonesia, misal berpakaian sopan,
perhatikan cara duduk, cara berkomunikasi, cara bertanya, menyampaikan ide dan gagasan, cara menjawab
pertanyaan, saling menghormati dan menghargai pendapat orang lain, tidak menyudutkan orang lain, mampu
menghasilkan kesimpulan yang tepat, salam pembuka/doa dan salam penutup. Rekaman video dikirim melalui
telegram dosen. Selanjutkan akan dikoreksi dan dipilih satu contoh video untuk didiskusikan dan
dipilih satu kelompok secara acak untuk praktek memimpin rapat pada perkuliahan tatapmuka pada
minggu ke 6. Materi yang dipraktekan meliputi komponen-komponen berikut:
1. Offer the suggestions which is presented in question form:

a. If someone comes late in the meeting
b. If the meeting should be postponed on Monday
2. State the expressions in the meeting below:
a. Inviting someone to start
b. Asking for everyone’s opinion
c. When you avoid disagreeing directly d.
Inviting people to speak
3. Explain what is the best way to avoid direct disagreement? State the expressions

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 26


Bargiella, Fransesca and Chiaoinni. 2009. The Handbook of Business Discourse.
Edinburg:Edinburg University Press.

Basturkmen, helen. 2010. Developing Course in English for Specific Purposes. New York:
Palgrave MacMillan.

Camiciottoli, Belinda Camfort, 2007. The Language Bisiness Study Lectures.
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benyamin Publishing Company.

Dahlin, Mike. 2006. Giving A Conference Talk. Austin: University of Texas.
Harding, Keith; Henderson, Paul. High Season: English for the Hotel and Tourist Industry.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004
Mascull, Bill. 2002. Business Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Robinson.Pauline C.Ed. Hywel Coleman. 2007. Working with Language: A

Multidisciplinary Consideration of Language Use in work Contexts. New York:
Mounton de Gruyter.
Wardhono, Agus dan Rosy, Adria. Handbook of English for Specific Purpose. Universitas
Fiorito, Lorenzo. Teaching English for Specific Purposes. 5 May 2007.

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 27

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 28




Kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan:
Mahasiswa dapat membuat dan menyajikan presentasi dalam bentuk grafik dan diagram
Indikator keberhasilan:

Pada Part 4 ini mengkaji beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan konsep Presentation.
Setelah mempelajari Part 4 ini, Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat:
(1) membuat media presentasi dalam bentuk grafik dan diagram,
(2) memahami dan terampil menggunakan bahasa inggris secara ekspresif selama


ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 29

Materi yang dipelajari pada part 4: 1). Getting started, 2). The overview- presenting the
structure of the talk, 3). The body of presentatiion, 4) the conclusion.

Petunjuk Belajar

1. Berdoalah sesuai dengan keyakinan masing-masing sebelum belajar.
2. Baca dan dengarkan audiobook part 4, dan Powerpointnya.
3. Brownsing sumber lain yang relevan dengan topik materi 1,2,3,4. untuk memperkaya materi.
4. Komunikasikan dengan dosen kesulitan yang dihadapi dan diskusikan dengan

teman/antar mahasiswa.
5. Berdasarkan hasil belajar online, brownsing dan diskusi, buatlah rangkuman tentang

6. Bandingkan rangkuman yang saudara buat dengan audiosummary, lengkapilah

7. Lakukan latihan/praktek presentation bersama temanmu dan videokan prosesnya.

Video latihan/praktek presentation dengan memperhatikan 1). Getting started, 2). The
overview- presenting the structure of the talk, 3). The body of presentatiion, 4) the
conclusion. Kumpulkan via telegram untuk didiskusikan dan praktek langsung pada kuliah
8. Untuk menguji pemahaman materi, Kerjakan tes formatif/quis evaluasi part 4 secara online.
Jika hasil tes saudara < 70, maka kembali ke langkah awal selanjutnya ulangi mengerjakan tes.
Batas max pengulangan sebanyak 3 x. Bagi yang belum mencapai ketuntasan akan diberikan
bimbingan oleh dosen.
Jika hasil tes > 70, saudara dapat beralih pada part berikutnya.
9. Seyogyanya Mahasiswa tekun dan cermat dalam belajar, Kedisiplinan Mahasiswa dalam
mengikuti tatap muka perkuliahan setiap pertemuan, mempraktekan cara presentasi,
mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang terintegrasi secara online akan sangat membantu keberhasilan
Mahasiswa. Jangan lupa berdoa sebelum mengakhir belajar sebagai tanda rasa syukur pada
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan ilmu yang dipelajari dapat bermanfaat.

Part 4 Waktu = 2 x 100 menit

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 30


1. Getting started

The first two to three minutes of your talk are important. During Note
this time, you'll make contact with the audience; you'll introduce yourself

and say a few words about your company; you'll tell the audience the 1. Getting started
purpose of your talk; and you'll give them a map of your presentation.
a. Greeting the audience - Calling for attention a. Greeting the
of thfaeousrdeiaetfnteecwneti-owCnoalrlidnsg to
Give the audience a signal that you're ready to start. Take advantage
find your position and adapt your voice to the size of the room. b. Introducing yourself
1). Good afternoon everyone. Shall we begin? and your company
2). Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning. It's a pleasure to be here with c. Stating the purpose
you today
of a talk - giving a
short introduction
3). Good afternoon. If everybody's ready, I think we can begin now. d. Or begin by giving a
b. Introducing yourself and your company
If the chairperson of the session hasn't done so, introduce yourself and short introduction to
your company. your subject.

Be sure to mention the key elements of your company: its main activities, its size, its location, etc.

1). Let me introduce myself first. I'm Robert Vincent.
2). I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Pierre Dupont from Dazzi Engineering.

3). Before I begin, let me tell you a little about myself. I'm ...
c. Stating the purpose of a talk - giving a short introduction
Begin by telling the audience why you are there.

1). My purpose today is to .....
2). What I want to do this afternoon is to .....

3). My objective today is to .....
4). I'm here today to .....

5). My talk today will deal with ......
6). My presentation this morning will concern primarily .....
7). This afternoon, I'd like to cover two topics of interest to the education system
d. Or begin by giving a short introduction to your subject.
One of the main problems facing any company in the field of nuclear energy today is
overcoming public opposition to nuclear installations. After the events at Chernobyl, the public
needs to be reassured. This afternoon, I would like to describe some of the recent developments in
nuclear safety technology and show how they can be presented in layman's terms.

2. The Overview - Presenting the Structure of the Talk Note
Give your audience a map. They'll be much more willing to follow you if they
know where you intend to take them and how you intend to get there. As 2. The Overview -
P.T. Barnum, founder of the Barnum Circus, said: in any talk, the speaker Presenting the
must do three things: "Tell them what you're going to tell them; tell them;
Structure of the Talk
then tell them what you told them." By giving them the overview, you're
telling them what you're going to tell them. a. To make an
overview, choose a
To begin with, I'll be speaking about the components normally sequencer
found in our atmosphere. Then, we'll examine some of the reasons for the
growth in CO2 in recent years. After that, I'll explain what the greenhouse b. Select a verb that
effect is and how it works. And finally, we'll take a look at some possible reflects the approach
consequences of the increase in temperature caused by the greenhouse you intend to use:
effect. multipurpose detailed

c. Put the pieces
together in a

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 31

a. To make an overview, choose a sequencer:

* First of all, * Next, * Finally, To begin with, Then, Last of all, To start with, Later, In the final
part, First(ly), Subsequently, Second(ly), After that,
b. Select a verb that reflects the approach you intend to use: multipurpose detailed

present, discuss, analyze, examine talk about, consider, explain, describe speak about, look at
special techniques rapid review, review, compare, highlight, outline contrast, develop go over

c. Put the pieces together in a structure:
I'll be ing
We'll be ing

I'm going to be ing
I'd like to

We're going to I want to

First of all, I'll be presenting a historical view of AIDS and how it spread. .........

3. The Body of the Presentation

a. Transitions
In a written paper, the eye sees how the paper is divided into sections and subsections by the
section numbers, titles and subtitles, and the page layout in general. In an oral presentation, you
must provide verbal transitions. Guide your audience through your talk by referring to the
overview you presented at the beginning. As you go from one section to another, use transitions.
Restate or sum up what you've just seen.Announce what you're going to see.

1). Now that we have seen ... Note
2). Now that we have seen what
3). let's look at ... causes acid rain, 3. The Body of the
4). Now that we have an idea of Presentation
5). Before going on to the next part
6). To sum up then, we've examined ....... a. Transitions
7). In addition to ..., b. Giving signs to your
8). Before we go on to the next,................
b. Giving signs to your audiences c. Restating the
When you're giving a talk, tell your audiences whether you are continuing in
the same topic or go to another one, hence your audience will easy to Important Ideas
follow your development. Notice that for an oral presentation, it is easier to d. Using Quotations
use links that allow you to make two short sentences rather than one long, e. Using examples
complex sentence. f. Expressing opinion
g. Using numbers

1). Continuation
Furthermore Moreover
In addition

2). Change in direction
Nevertheless Although Despite
In spite of

c. Restating the Important Ideas
There are two main reasons why you should restate (or reformulate) important ideas. The ear is not
as efficient as the eye. (The ear cannot go back to the top of the page and reread a piece of
information.) And an audience is not always giving the speaker 100% of its attention.

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 32

* in other words ...
* in short ...
* In simple terms, this means that ...
* To put it in more concrete terms ...
* The point I'm trying to make here is ...
* What I mean by this is ...
* Basically, what this means is ...

d. Using Quotations
Quotation marks (" ") in a written text set off quotations visually. In an oral resentation, you must
verbally set off quotations by signaling the quotation and by 'surrounding' it with pauses. Remember,
if you think it is worthwhile to include a long quote in your presentation, you must take the time to
read it clearly.
* To quote Professor Grand, "The earth is as flat as a pancake."
* Professor Grand has said, and I quote, "The earth is ..."
* Here I'd like to quote what Professor Grand has said about ...

e. Using examples
Examples help you make your point by taking your audience from the abstract to the concrete.
Signal them by using key words: example, instance, illustrate, case, like, such as.
* Let's take the example of what happens when ...
* The best example of ... is probably ...
* An interesting example of ... is ...
* For instance ...
* Let's now look at ... This will illustrate some of the principles we've been talking about.
* Let's take the case where...
* Vegetables like carrots and squash are loaded with beta-carotene
* Pollutants such as those found in automobile exhaust are responsible for most of the smog in

Los Angeles.

f. Expressing opinion
Avoid preceding everything you say with, "in my opinion," or "I think that." The audience
understands that you, the speaker, are generally expressing what you think. However, it is important
to signal your opinion in contrast to another person's opinion or an opinion that is commonly held.

To signal another person's opinion
* According to Professor Grand ... (an authority on the subject)
* Lauren Thompson has expressed the opinion that ...
* In a recent article, D.J. Tehl stated that ...
* In Mr. John Benn’s opinion ...
To signal a widely-held opinion
* It is commonly thought that ...
* According to conventional wisdom ..
To signal your opinion
* In my opinion ....
* I think that ...
* It is my view that ...
* It seems to me that ....
Remember: "According to" is used only for another person's opinion (usually an authority on the
subject.) You cannot say "according to me." Do not try to translate the French "Je dirais que" and
other such expressions.

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 33

g. Using numbers
In a written paper, the reader's eye takes in numbers and their size and automatically makes
approximations. Large or complicated numbers are much more difficult to assimilate orally (and long
to pronounce.) Give your listener approximations instead. But signal that it's an approximation.
1). The greatest number of discrepancies occurs at approximately 6 Pascals. (5.92)
2). nearly Nearly 9,000 cases were examined in this study.(8,679)

4. The Conclusion

a. Signaling the conclusion Note
Signal that you're arriving at the conclusion early on. Doing so leads to
increased attention in the audience. Use key words like:
* To conclude ... 4. The Conclusion

* In conclusion ... a. Signaling the
* As a conclusion conclusion
* This brings me to the end of my presentation this afternoon.
You may want to refer to something you said at the beginning of your talk b. The final summary
c. Closing

* You may remember I began my talk today with a question "...?" As I end, I hope we are a little
closer to an answer.
* In my introduction, I said we would be concentrating on solutions to the problem of acid rain.
Now that we have reached the conclusion, I hope ....
Now that you have raised the level of attention, this is no time to make any digressions. To do so
would lead to a frustrated audience. Nor is the conclusion the time to introduce any new ideas or

develop any new examples.

b. The final summary
Tell them what you've told them. Review the main points. Recall the most important examples.
To conclude then, we have seen the types of industries that produce the pollutants that cause acid
rain -..........................................

c. Closing
End with a strong statement and thank your audience. Pause before thanking the audience.

• And the devastation of forests in Germany gave us a preview of what may lie ahead in many
more areas if nothing is done. Thank you.

• I think you'll all agree then that we cannot rest on past achievements. The
infant mortality rate can and must decrease even more.
Thank you for being such an attentive audience.

5. Calling for Questions

a. Invite your audience to ask questions. Note
* And now if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them for you.
* If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them in the time we 5. Calling for
have remaining.
* I hope that was clear. If you do have any questions, please don't hesitate a. Invite your audience
to ask questions
to ask them.
* This a complex subject. There are probably many things that are still not b. If no questions
come, you cannot
clear. I welcome any questions you may have. beg, but........
* Thank you for being so attentive. I'd like to give you the chance to
c. If you don't
express yourselves now. If you have any questions or would like to have understand the
some points clarified, please feel free. question, you can ask
the person to repeat,
(but only once) or
you can restate the

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 34

b. If no questions come, you cannot beg, but........ d. If the question is
1). you can try humor aggressive, you don't
* If you're hesitant to ask a question for fear I'll start in again for another want to appear hostile
and you don't want to
twenty minutes, let me reassure you on that point. start up a debate.
* It's always hard to ask the first question, so why don't you go ahead and You can put the
question off
ask the second. e. If you don't know
2). you can suggest one

* The last time I gave a talk on this subject, the most common question was the answer
on ...
* You might be interested in some examples where this method has already been used

c. If you don't understand the question, you can ask the person to repeat, (but only once) or
you can restate the question.
* I'm sorry. I'm not sure I understand. Could you repeat your question please?
* If I understand you correctly, what you want to know is .....

d. If the question is aggressive, you don't want to appear hostile and you don't want to start
up a debate. You can put the question off.
* I'm afraid we don't have enough time to go into that now, but I'd be glad to send you some
documents on that point.
* That's an interesting point, but I'm afraid it concerns few of us here.I'd be glad to talk to you
during the break or at the end of the session.
* Your question leads to an area which could be the subject of another paper. Perhaps we could
continue this discussion during the lunch break.
e. If you don't know the answer.

* I wish I could answer that, but I can't. I'd have to go back to my lab for more data.
* I wish I knew the answer to your question. We're working on that aspect right now.

Setelah mahasiswa mempelajari materi secara online kini tiba saatnya mahasiswa membuat
rangkuman secara individual atau bersama teman mahasiswa dan poin-poin materi yang telah
mahasiswa kuasai. Mahasiswa dapat mencocokkan rangkuman dengan rangkuman berikut ini.


An effective presentation makes the best use of the relationship between the presenter
and the audience. It takes full consideration of the audience’s needs in order to capture their
interest, develop their understanding, inspire their confidence and achieve the presenter’s
objectives. Careful planning is essential. Your presentation puts you on public display. An

audience not only listens to presenter ideas, it also responds to the way he uses your voice
and his body. We need more than a well written presentation to make an impact.We will

also need to deliver it in a lively, flexible and interesting way.

Bagaimana? Apakah rangkuman yang anda buat sejalan dengan rangkuman dan
audiosummary di atas. Jika tidak sejalan, cobalah cermati bagian mana yang kurang sejalan.
Selanjutnya lengkapilah kekurangannya

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 35


Jawablah quiz i-spring evaluasi part 4 (tes formatif 4) secara online.
Setelah menyelesaikan tes formatif 4 online, Mahasiswa dapat memperkirakan tingkat

keberhasilan belajar dengan melihat skor hasil pencapaian mahasiswa.
1. Jika skor pencapaian Mahasiswa sudah melebihi 70%. Silakan Mahasiswa melanjutkan pada

materi part 4.
2. Namun jika pencapaian Mahasiswa masih kurang dari 70%, Mahasiswa ulangi kembali

mempelajari materi part 3. Mengikuti langkah-langkah belajar 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 sampai mahasiswa
benar-benar memahami. Selanjutnya mencoba kembali menjawab tes formatif online.
3. Bila ada kesulitan mahasiswa bisa melakukan komunikasi dengan dosen secara online, dan
diskusi dalam forum diskusi grup telegram.
4. Tugas: berlatih dan membuat video presentasi

Praktek presentasi dilakukan oleh masing-masing mahasiswa. Materi yang dipresentasikan
adalah materi yang berkaitan dengan ESP dapat diambil dari bagian buku ajar atau diluar buku ajar
yang relevan. Bahan presentasi disajikan dalam powerpoint dan sejenisnya dengan mememuhi
ketentuan teori tentang persyataran presentasi yang baik, materi terstruktur, poin penting, data
disajikan dengan grafik, chart atau lainnya. Durasi presentasi antara 10-15 menit. Awali presentasi
dengan salam pembuka dan akhiri dengan kalimat penutup yang menimbulkan kesan positif, serta perhatikan
performa saudara saat presentasi. Hasil video dikirimkan melalui telegram dosen untuk diperiksa dan
mendapatkan feedback. Selanjutnya pada perkuliahan tatapmuka minggu ke akan dipilih secara acak
3-4 mahasiswa untuk praktek presentasi di kelas pada pertemuan tatapmuka di minggu ke 8.
Materi praktek presentasi harus menggambarkan kondisi berikut dan solusinya:
1. In your experience, what makes a good/bad presentation?
2. State some expression to outline what you are talking about in your presentation.
3. Consider some tips for a stand-up presentation.
4. If you don’t understand about one’s question , what are you going to talk to handle this

5. Why you should restate the important idea in your presentation?

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 36


Basturkmen, helen. 2010. Developing Course in English for Specific Purposes. New York:
Palgrave MacMillan.

Chow Yim, Choong. Foundation Skill in Business, Handling The Telephone Proffesionally.
Dahlin, Mike. 2006. Giving A Conference Talk. Austin: University of Texas.

Mascull, Bill. 2002. Business Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Robinson.Pauline C.Ed. Hywel Coleman. 2007. Working with Language: A

Multidisciplinary Consideration of Language Use in work Contexts. New York:
Mounton de Gruyter.
Wardhono, Agus, Business English, Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban.2000
Wardhono, Agus dan Rosy, Adria. Handbook of English for Specific Purpose. Universitas

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 37

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 38




Kemampuan Akhir yang diharapkan:
Mahasiswa memahami bagian-bagian surat, bentuk- bentuk surat, dan jenis-jenis business letter.
Indikator keberhasilan:
Setelah mempelajari Part 5 ini, Mahasiswa diharapkan
1) menjelaskan komponen-komponen surat yang efektif
2) mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian surat,
3) menjelaskan bentuk-bentuk surat

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 39

Materi yang dipelajari pada Part 5 meliputi:
1) Komponen-komponen surat yang efektif,
2) bagian-bagian surat;
3) bentuk-bentuk surat.

Petunjuk Belajar

1. Berdoalah sesuai dengan keyakinan masing-masing sebelum belajar.
2. Baca dan dengarkan audiobook part 5 Business letter, dan power pointnya.
3. Brownsing sumber lain yang relevan dengan topik materi 1,2,3. untuk memperkaya materi.
4. Komunikasikan dengan dosen kesulitan yang dihadapi dan diskusikan dengan teman/antar

5. Berdasarkan hasil belajar online, brownsing dan diskusi, buatlah rangkuman tentang Business

6. Bandingkan rangkuman yang saudara buat dengan audiosummary, lengkapilah kekurangannya.
7. Lakukan latihan/praktek Business letter bersama temanmu dan kumpulkan via telegram dosen

untuk diperiksa dan diplih secara acak untuk didiskusikan dan pada kuliah tatapmuka.
8. Untuk menguji pemahaman materi, kerjakan tes formatif/quis evaluasi part 5 secara online.

Jika hasil tes saudara < 70, maka kembali ke langkah awal selanjutnya ulangi mengerjakan tes.
Batas max pengulangan sebanyak 3 x. Bagi yang belum mencapai ketuntasan akan diberikan
bimbingan oleh dosen.
9. Jika hasil tes > 70, Saudara dapat beralih pada part berikutnya.
10.Seyogyanya mahasiswa tekun dan cermat dalam belajar, Kedisiplinan Mahasiswa dalam
mengikuti tatap muka perkuliahan setiap pertemuan, berlatih cara menulis surat, mengerjakan
tugas-tugas yang terintegrasi secara online akan sangat membantu keberhasilan Mahasiswa.
Jangan lupa berdoa sebelum mengakhir belajar sebagai tanda rasa syukur pada Tuhan Yang
Maha Esa dan ilmu yang dipelajari dapat bermanfaat.
Part 5 Waktu = 1 x 100 menit

ESP Berbasis ICT Dilengkapi CD | Dumiyati, Dkk. _ 40

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