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Published by dgmaltby, 2019-05-07 12:44:43

May & June 2019 magazine


A warm and friendly place,
come in and feel at home.

May & June


Primley United Reformed Church

Did you know …

there is a warm welcome for YOU at our Church?

We worship and serve the living God who has the power through
His Son, Jesus Christ, to bring love, peace, joy and a sense of
purpose to our lives, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are a United Reformed Church, part of the family of
Christian churches here in Sidmouth.

We are committed to bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ
and an understanding of the Christian way of life to the town in

which we live.

Our worship on Sunday morning commences at 10.30am and is
relaxed and informal.

All are welcome.


Dear Friends

We have heard much in the news of late to depress and worry us:
Cyclone Idai, the plane crash in Ethiopia, the shooting at the
mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, many children and elderly
people living in absolute poverty in our own country, the awful
rise of knife crime, the terrible fire destroying much religious
history in Paris at the Notre Dame, the worry over climate
change and all that brings with it and lack of any political action
to address it. And then there's Brexit! We begin to wonder what
on earth we can do about so much pain and destruction. However,
in the gospels we read that on numerous occasions Jesus
retreated to pray. He drew aside from all the business of life to
be quiet with His Father. In the midst of everything we can learn
from Him. We can all join together in the prayer that Jesus
taught his disciples:
Our Father in Heaven
May your holy name be honoured:
May your kingdom come:
May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today the food we need.
Forgive us the wrongs we have done,
As we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us.
Do not bring us to hard testing,
But keep us safe from the Evil One.
Matthew 6 9b – 13 (GNB)

On Mothering Sunday we were in Spain and were trying to decide
about where we would go to church. In the end we stayed at the
villa and listened to the service on Radio 4. It was coming from
One Church in Brighton. One Church is the combination of two
Baptist churches and they both serve the local communities in
many practical ways. The wonderful song writer Matt Redman led


the music worship and Rachel Gardner who is President of the
Girls Brigade for England and Wales was the speaker. She spoke
about her and her husband's inability and sadness that they were
unable to have their own children. However they have adopted
two children, finally enabling them to become and mother and
father, and to that end two children have a loving home in which
to grow up.

She drew a parallel that we are God's children and are adopted
into His family. He is our Father who loves us and wants us to
have a personal relationship with Him while we live on this earth,
and eventually an eternal home with Him for ever.

So on Mothering Sunday and Father's Day this is something for
all of us to remember.

“Lord God thank you for the families you have placed us in and
for those who love, support, encourage and care for us.

Thank you for your loving care too and for adopting us as your

Despite the mess we were in, you welcomed us into your family.
Please give us open hearts to all you have to say to us every day.

So, whether we are praying for our world, our country, our
families or ourselves, either in church, at home, alone or within a
group, we have the assurance that God knows and hears our

Philippians 4:6 says "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by
prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be
made known to God."


Father God
Hear our prayers, and grant that we may always be mindful of
how much you love us and want us to love you. You want us to be
your children and to “Walk the Way” of Jesus, loving and caring
for each other and our world. Lord, if we were to do just that,
what a wonderfully different world this would be. Amen.



Thy Kingdom Come

Between Ascension and Pentecost

31st May – 9th June 2019


The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are again calling

Christians to join a wave of prayer across the UK and around

the world - praying that people YOU know might know Jesus.

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement, which invites
Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and
Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ. What
started out as an invitation from the Archbishops of Canterbury
and York in 2016 to the Church of England, has grown into an
international and ecumenical call to prayer.
The shared hope for this wave of prayer in 2019 is that as
Christians pray together, we will:

 be transformed through prayer
 be given new confidence and encouragement by the Holy

 be effective witnesses to Jesus Christ

"You will receive power when the Holy
Spirit has come upon you; and you will be
my witnesses …to the ends of the earth.
When he had said this…he was lifted up,
and a cloud took him out of their
sight…Then they returned to Jerusalem
… and were constantly devoting
themselves to prayer…


When the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in
one place... All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit... and
that day about three thousand persons were added." Acts 1,2
“In praying 'Thy Kingdom Come' we all commit to playing our part
in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of

This is a short, monthly prayer event, for Christians to pray for
God's blessing and protection upon our beautiful valley, its
people, visitors and services. There will be a different venue
each month, but will always be at 10am on the first Saturday of
each month.

Exeter Cathedral,
A special “Beacon Event” at 6.30pm , Sunday June 9th
More Information can be found



This is a Community Event with plastics in the oceans as its

The Vision of Sidmouth Sea Fest is the staging of an annual
event that will celebrate the opportunities afforded on, in and
from the sea.

Sidmouth Sea Fest aims to celebrate and advocate the vibrant
coastal community of Sidmouth and encourage a spirit of shared

We invite local clubs, enterprises, schools and the public to an
annual event that showcases the activities, heritage and
education connected to the sea and coast that Sidmouth offers
to local people and visitors.

Through this, we aim to preserve, encourage and advocate;

 Community cohesion, participation and inclusion
 Education & Heritage
 Maritime & Fisheries
 Employment, Training & Apprenticeships
 The Arts
 Responsible Tourism
 Sustainability and the Environment

The event will include some special activities or engagements for
youth and/or young adults

Under 12, Ages 12-18, College/University Age

Fishing Heritage, fish cooking demonstrations, beach clean, gig
rowing, sailing, bands, local seafood, plastic beach awareness,
withy pot making, single-use plastics free information.

Sidmouth Sea Fest aims to celebrate and advocate the vibrant
coastal community of Sidmouth and encourage a spirit of shared


Primley Prayer Page

Please remember the following in your own personal prayer times
and pray for: -
* Christian Aid Week
* Meeting and Lunch after Morning Worship on May 20th with
Rural Ministries to discuss the future ministry of our church,
* Kite flying on Pentecost Sunday June 9th
* Thy Kingdom Come Prayer event May 30th-June 9th
* Sidmouth SeaFest on May 18th and all the men and women who
serve in our Emergency Services both on the land an sea.
* Our House group and Bible Study group as we share God’s
Word and enjoy fellowship together.
* Krèche and Co, as the leaders use the time with the mums and
toddlers to share God’s love amidst the fun!
* The continuing witness of “Open the Book” in Sidmouth Primary
School and our South and East Devon Workshop on May 11th at
* All the people who lead our worship on Sundays and we thank
God for their commitment to our church.
* Our Friendship Lunches, that those who come will find warmth
and friendship amongst the church fellowship.
* Those of our congregation and those known to us personally
who are unwell, bereaved or struggling. ***

* For the future of our Church and for everyone within our

If you have items you would like included on the Prayer page in
future magazines, please let either Maggie or Richard have the

Thank you.


Biblical mums?

Can you name them?
1.Who was Samuel’s mum?
Hannah, Abigail, Peninah
2. Who was Issac’s mum?
Rebekah, Sarah, Salome
3.Who was John the Baptist’s mum?
Joanna, Mary, Elizabeth
4.Who was Seth’s mum?
Bathsheba, Deborah, Eve
5.Who was Joseph’s mum?
Leah, Rachel, Rebekah
6. Who was Ishmael’s mum?
Hagar, Sarah, Bilhah
7. Who was Solomon’s mum?
Tamar, Michal, Bathsheba
8. Who was Jacob and Esau’s mum?
Rebekah, Miriam, Rachel
9. Who was Timothy’s mum?
Eunice , Phoebe, Lois


Father's Day – June 16th

Over the years
As we grow old,
We remember our father
So brave and bold.

In the garden,
Leaning on the plough,
He would listen to me;

I see him now.

He would give advice
And understand;

He was always there
To lend a hand.

God made fathers
Strong and firm,
For he knew our lives
Would have great concerns.

So he gave us fathers
To teach us to pray,
And guide our lives,
And show us the way.

So on his day
Let's take the time
To say "Thanks, dad.
I'm glad you're mine.”

Mary Frances Bogle


Pentecost Sunday, June 9th 2019

We invite all local Churches, schools, friends and visitors to join
the Catholic Church and to 'Go Fly a Kite' together on the green

area above Jacobs Ladder Beach, adjacent to Peak Hill.

We will celebrate the Church’s Birthday together

by sharing a large birthday cake.

Everyone is Welcome.

12.00 onwards - Bring a Picnic!

We want there to be as many people bringing picnics as possible.
Also, if you can, please bring your own kite to fly, but come

“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you
cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with
everyone born of the Spirit.”

(Our exact position will be directly in line with the gate leading
to the green area from the road, which is situated half-way along

the parking bay. This means that anyone who has difficulty in
walking can be dropped off there by car and will only have a very

short distance to walk).

The Holy Spirit

Wise is the worshipping community that recognises how the Holy
Spirit works through both reason and emotion, through both
spiritual disciplines and surprising events, through both services
that are prayerfully planned and moments of spontaneous


Wise is the worshipping community that recognizes that the
lasting value or spiritual power of worship does not depend upon
our own creativity, imagination, intellect or emotions, but comes
from the Holy Spirit, who may choose to use any or all of theses
For truly worship is a gift to receive, not an accomplishment to

Word and Spirit
Blessed is the congregation in which the Word of God is
proclaimed with conviction, humility and joy, surrounded by
expectant prayers and profound gratitude for the Holy Spirit’s
work to illuminate the hearts and minds of God’s people

Praying in Jesus’ name, through the Spirit
Blessed is the church that prays in Jesus’ name, acknowledging
our union with our ascended and ever present Lord.
Blessed is the worshipping community that prays in and through
the Holy Spirit, desiring the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and
acknowledging that as we pray, the Holy Spirit helps us in our
weakness, interceding for us according to the will of God and
resisting the “cosmic powers of this present darkness”

Worshipping God - Rev Dr Michael Jagessar


Sunday 12th May - Saturday 18th May
(look out in the press for local events)
During Lent at the 5 Lent Lunches, donations for Christian Aid
collected were:
13/3 Catholic Church - £156.00
20/3 Primley URC - £289.35
3/4 Methodist Church - £174.15
10/4 Catholic Church - £128.50
TOTAL: £748.00.
Thank you to everyone who supported these services!
Afternoon TEA AND CAKES during Christian Aid Week at
PRIMLEY on May 15th at 3pm.


Rogation Sunday

On May 26th it is Rogation Sunday which is traditionally the 5th
Sunday after Easter and therefore there are underlying themes
of renewal and resurrection.

The word Rogation stems from the Latin word “Rogare” which
means “to ask”.

In the 17th century before the days of Ordinance Survey maps,
the boundaries of Parishes were not always clear. So the
procession called “beating the bounds” developed. This
procession proceeded all around the boundaries of a village and
the blessing of God was asked for, for the fruits of the field,
justice in the preservation of the boundaries, charity in loving
neighbours, reconciling any differences and finally to help the
poor by liberal distribution of the harvest.

These days many villages still carry out this procession on this
special festival day that is set aside, to publicly ask God for His
blessing on seed sowing, growing crops and the tending of the
young plants and animals, that there may be an abundant Harvest.

Rogation Prayer:

“We praise you Lord the Almighty, the King of Creation for the
beauty of the earth.

May the fields be ploughed, the good seed scattered, and may we
finally see and appreciate the wonderful fruits of your creation.”



Concerts at Sidholme Music Room

Concerts are free (unless a ticket price is shown).
A retiring collection is taken for the Chandelier Fund.
There is now a row of three restored chandeliers across the
Room. A fourth is with Wilkinson Ltd. for restoration. You are
welcome to call anytime to view.

Sunday 5th May 3.30-4.30pm.
Jane Godber and friends play Mozart

Monday 6th May 7.45-8.45pm. Leader Nick Birt
With a Song and a Smile.

Tuesday 7th May 7.45-9pm.
An East Devon Music Festival
PIANO RECITAL by Nina Savicevic

Wednesday 8th May 7.45-8.45pm.
M.D. Dr. Oliver Leaman

Thursday 9th May 7.45-8.45pm.


A Maytime Selection. Conductor Maureen Cook

Sunday 12th May 3.30-4.30pm.
A varied programme for Clarinet, viola and piano


Sunday 19th May 3.30-4.30pm.
M.D. David House

Sunday 2nd June 3.30-4.30pm. M.D. Julie de'Ath Lancaster
Birds Beasts & Other Things.

Tuesday 11th June 8-9pm.
Sponsored by Christian Guild

Sunday 16th June 3.30-4.30pm.


Acappella with Joy. M.D. Emma Palmer

Thursday 27th June 7.45-8.45pm.


Summer Songs. M.D. Hannah Stevenson

South and East Devon

“Open the Book” Workshop 10am-1pm
on Saturday May 11th at Primley.

Refreshments provided



Coburg Road, Sidmouth

A local service of Care & Friendship in the Community

We Offer:

 Daily Weekday Lunch Club (subsidised)
 Transport for Medical Appointments & Supermarket

 Friends of Twyford – Social Outings

Membership is just £6 per year
Tel: 01395 515063 (9am – 1.30pm)
to find out more or book in for lunch

Jesus said to her, “I am the Resurrection and the life. Whoever
believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives
and believes in me will never die.

Do you believe this?” John 11 .v 25, 26.


Invitation to Sunday lunch

5th May 2019

Do you spend Sundays by yourself? Do you like to meet new
people? Would you like someone else to cook Sunday lunch for
you? If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, please accept
our invitation to Sunday Lunch.
*No charge * No catch* *and No washing up!*
If you are interested and especially if you require transport,
please telephone Jayne.

And as always this cannot be done without a band of volunteers
providing food, serving, giving lifts, just chatting and making
people feel welcome. Voluntary contributions towards cost of the
meat always welcome.
Please contact Jayne Ough 577396 or Maggie on 597464.

p.s. - The following Sunday Lunch will be on July 7th


On Sunday May 26th Rev Alison Griffiths from Rural Ministries
will be leading Worship.
After the service we will have a “Bring and Share” lunch with
Alison, when she will report back the work that Rural Ministries
has done for Primly in the form of a demographic survey of the
local area and a written report of their findings and
An Action Plan will be suggested for the next steps to be taken .



The House Group meets on alternate
Wednesdays. Venue - Leat House,
Bridge Street, Sidbury. The next
planned meetings will be on: May 29th
@ 10am and June 5th and 19t @
The monthly Bible Study is on the 4th
Friday. The next meetings will be on May 24th and June 28th at
10.30am @ 2 Temple Mews, Sidmouth.



5th 12th 19th 26th
Elder Roger Richard Barbara Alison

Door Alison Roger and Eleanor
Stewards Marilyn

Holy Communion – Colin and Barbara


2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th

Elder Roger Richard Barbara Roger Maggie

Door Alison Roger and Alison Eleanor Barbara

Stewards Marilyn

Holy Communion - Eleanor and Jill

Elders & Door Stewards - if you cannot do duty, please
remember to swap with someone else.


5th Rev Edward Hulme
12th Mark Harris – The Bible Society
19th Rev Barbara Bennett
Rev Alison Griffiths - Rural Ministries

2nd Geoff Powell
9th Rev Robert Jennings

16th Pentecost
Rev Barbara Bennett
Father’s Day
30th Rev Philip Wagstaff

Bobby and Malcolm Fortnam



3rd Friday 10.00am Krèche & Co
Parent & Toddler Club

5th Sunday 12.15pm Community Friendship Lunch

10th Friday 10.00am Krèche & Co
Parent & Toddler Club

11th Saturday 10am - South and East Devon –
1pm Open the Book Workshop

12th 12th-18th Christian Aid week

15th Wednesday 3.00pm Christian Aid Afternoon Tea and
Cakes at Primley

17th Friday 10.00am Krèche & Co
Parent & Toddler Club

18th Saturday Sidmouth SeaFest

24th Friday 10.00am Krèche & Co
Parent & Toddler Club

24th Friday 10.30am Bible study – 2 Temple Mews

26th Sunday 11.30am Meeting and Lunch with Rural



31st May 31st – Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Event
May June 9th

5th Wednesday 2.30pm House Group - Sidbury

7th Friday 10.00am Krèche & Co
Parent & Toddler Club

9th Sunday 12.00 Pentecost Kite Flying – Peak Hill

14th Friday 10.00am Krèche & Co
Parent & Toddler Club

16th Sunday 10.30am Fathers’ Day

19th Wednesday 2.30pm House Group - Sidbury

21st Friday 10.00am Krèche & Co
Parent & Toddler Club

28th Friday 10.00am Krèche & Co
Parent & Toddler Club

28th Friday 10.30am Bible Study – 2 Temple Mews

Answers to the Biblical mums Questions.
1. Hannah (1 Samuel 1.20) 2.Sarah (Genesis 21 1-3) 3. Elizabeth
(Luke 1 57-60) 4. Eve (Genesis 4. 25) 5. Rachel (Genesis 30 22-
24) 6. Hagar (Genesis 16. 15) 7. Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12 . 24) 8.
Rebekah ( Genesis 25. 21, 25-26). 9. Eunice (1 Timothy ch 1, 2 &


May 30th is Ascension Day….

Hail the day that sees Him rise
To His throne above the skies;
Christ, a while to mortals given,
Re-ascends to His native heaven.

Charles Wesley

Astronauts sink into insignificance beside this ascension!
Vance Havner

Christ was taken up into heaven, not to enjoy blessed rest at a
distance from us, but to govern the world for the salvation of all

John Calvin


Please ring to give information.


The deadline for the next church magazine will be June 17th for
the July/August edition. Please e-mail to
[email protected]

or give printed / written copy to Maggie Knights.

The Primley Website address is:-



Maggie Knights
60 Bridge Street
Sidbury EX10 0RU

Tel: 01395 597464

Mr Richard Wainwright

Tel: 07586346521
Hall Lettings Secretary
Maggie Knights for bookings/payment

01395 597464
Barbara Dorey Key holder

01395 514213

Church Services

10.30am: Family Worship
4th Sunday each month: Holy Communion


As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.


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