NO.111 MAY 2011
The Headmaster writes:
Winchester College – a Special Place
When I was asked to take up the energetic co-educational school , with a in their architecture and their regulations,
headmastership of Winchester College in town in it, in charming Northamptonshire. he established the model of the Oxbridge
2005, I knew very little about the School. I Both are twice the size of Winchester, college and the model for their famous
was aware, of course, of its venerable place which has just under 700 pupils, boys only, sister foundations, Eton and King’s
in the history of English schools, the entirely boarding and with an entirely College, Cambridge.
universities and the civil service, but I had resident staff. Winchester has an intimacy
never actually set foot in it. When I visited which is one its unique qualities. More than any other school, the
it for the first time I saw immediately its person of the Founder is venerated at
unique characteristics and I knew I was on The origins of the School are a work Winchester; modern Wykehamists
its wavelength. Its incomparably beautiful of genius. The Founder, William of continue to hear mention of William of
buildings dating from 1400, still in use for Wykeham, was twice Chancellor of Wykeham in the School’s various (and
their original purpose, set among peaceful England in the second half of the often picturesque) rituals and celebrations.
meads and water meadows, and guarded by fourteenth century and Bishop of Wykeham’s foundation was for seventy
the gaunt but benign mass of Winchester Winchester, then the richest see in Scholars, and as the School has grown
Cathedral, give it an atmosphere of England, for nearly forty years. His great larger over the centuries, the role of the
scholarly tranquillity. For an adolescent boy project at the end of his life was to endow Scholars, who live together in College, has
sensitive to spirit of place, I could see that it his double foundation, Winchester been established as the nursery of good
was bound to make a profound impression. College and New College, Oxford, to learning. The Scholars are the pace-setters
I had taught at Oxford and Eton, and had guarantee a competent educated clerical for the majority of boys, who live in
then run two large schools, Sydney service for the government of the realm. Commoner Houses, and so they have the
Grammar School, an academic responsibility to set the example of the
powerhouse squeezed on to a tiny site In creating these two places of School’s central purpose, which is to foster
in the centre of one of the world’s residential learning, a love of learning for its own sake. This
great cosmopolitan cities, and meticulously
planned culture of learning has been
Oundle, a marvellously
enshrined in a unique feature of place of cloistered study and the boys are he will reflect that, while the School
Winchester’s academic programme, called not unworldly ‘geeks’. There is a splendid understood adolescent rites of passage, and
Division, in which for forty minutes every breadth of experience here, both for those was pretty tolerant of mistakes and errors of
day, for their five years here, boys meet with who study and those who teach. judgement, things such as taking drugs and
their Div don to study together any bullying other boys was absolutely not on.
intellectual matter of mutual interest. This What does a boy remember about his
aspect of our common life is more time here? His Housemaster, who was He will know that our aim was not
important to us even than examination interested in him and encouraged and merely to get him a good passport to a good
results (which are excellent) or admissions helped him; his Div don, who saw him university, but to inspire in him a deep and
to Oxbridge (which are currently at the rate daily and maintained a close interest in his lifelong love of learning and beauty; that
of about 35% of leavers) and it explains academic, social and moral progress; his while he lived among some of the most
why Wykehamists tend to be lively and Matron, a kind lady who kept an eye on beautiful buildings of any school in the
interesting conversationalists for the rest of him; the other boys in his House who world, what really mattered was the quality
their lives! And the School is not inward- shared his ups and downs; his teachers who of Winchester’s teaching and the
looking or socially monochrome: our knew what they were talking about and friendships that flow from it; that what
bursaries programme supports a wide social showed him what it is to be in love with the William of Wykeham’s motto means when
spectrum and our international links with life of the mind; and perhaps even a it says manners makyth man, is the
schools and universities around the world Headmaster who was reasonably sane! He cultivation of an unselfconscious and
take our perspective way beyond will remember his School as fairly informal, natural courtesy, respect and modesty in all
Hampshire and the British Isles. There is a one where he was treated as an individual, he does, so that while he will be deeply
distinctive air of tranquillity at Winchester, but where he learnt that we meant what we grateful to what his parents did for him in
created by the combination of its setting said - work had to be done properly and on sending him here, he will not be arrogant or
and buildings and our seriousness about time, and he was expected to honour his boastful, and he will respond to the
learning, but Winchester is not merely a commitments in the team, or the orchestra, opportunities life affords him with
or the cast of the play. In more mature years confidence, imagination and sensitivity. ■
Vince Broderick 1920-2010
This piece was written for The Wisden robustly as a left-handed bat and left-arm fluid and well-grooved well into his fifties,
Cricketer by Andrew Longmore (A, 1967- spinner for a decade after the War. his pace more Derek Underwood than
71), a senior sports writer for The Sunday Bishen Bedi. Runs were not to be frittered
Times. Strangely perhaps for a Lancastrian- away, even in the nets. His batting, by all
born professional cricketer, Vince was an accounts, relied heavily on what became
Vince advocate of the MCC Coaching Manual. known at Wantage Road as the ‘Brod Prod’.
Broderick was a Cricket was a side-on game, a straight ball He would have been difficult to shift, for
fine all-round should be hit straight. Any attempt at a sure, but a tally of 7,530 runs with six
cricketer but, as natty flick from off stump through centuries and 548 wickets at 27.38 speaks of
a generation or midwicket would be greeted with a silvery rather more than mere durability. He was
more of frown and a northern bark: ‘Don’t turn an integral part of Northamptonshire’s
Wykehamist those wrists’. And he didn’t like the sweep post-war revival under Freddie Brown and
cricketers will shot much either. his figures of nine for 35 against Sussex on a
tell you, he was drying wicket at Horsham remain the third
an even better Like all good school coaches, Vince best for the county.
coach. His was more than just a coach. From his pro’s
death, at the shop in Kingsgate Street, he would dispense Had Vince not lost his early career to
age of 90, will advice on all aspects of life along with a the War, he would have come much closer
be marked as much on the playing fields of new pair of pads or a bat, and only a little to an England Test cap than his two
Winchester College - and in his beloved extra would be charged for the privilege. appearances in the Test Trials in 1948 and
local hostelry, The Wykeham Arms - as in 1949, his most productive years. But he was
Northamptonshire, the county he served so It was not difficult to imagine Vince unlucky, both in having made his first-class
whirling away in his prime. His action was
debut, against Glamorgan, just a where he drove the community
fortnight before the invasion of bus. A plaque on a bar stool in
Poland, and in having to the Wykeham Arms marks one
compete for an England place of his favourite haunts and the
with the likes of Doug Wright, match against Vince’s XI, a
Jim Laker and Roy Tattersall shrewd company of drinkers and
when he had finished his War players, was for many years a
service. highlight of the Old
Wykehamists’ cricket week. A
After his retirement from widower after the death of his
first-class cricket in 1957, he wife, Iris, two years ago, he
captained and coached the leaves two sons, five
Northants Second XI before grandchildren, five great
moving to Winchester in 1959. grandchildren and an
When he left the school, in unforgettable legacy on the
1987, he stayed in Hampshire, playing fields of Winchester.
keeping a benevolent eye on
the next generation of Vince Broderick was born
Wykehamist cricketers from his on August 17, 1920 and died on
home in Colden Common November 14, 2010, aged 90. ■
The Sir Harold Hillier Gardens
and Arboretum
An Old Trantite, and Chairman of the
International Dendrology Society, writes of
Hampshire’s best kept secret, at Ampfield,
near Romsey.
Just possibly you don’t know that quite
near the College, at Ampfield, outside
Romsey, there is one of the most important
collections in the world of hardy woody
plants – the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens and
Arboretum (SHHGA), founded by Sir
Harold Hillier in 1953 and now, thanks to
his extraordinary generosity, a charity that
has also become a Grade II listed site on
English Heritage’s Register of Parks and
Gardens of Special Historic Interest.
I cannot do better to convince you of
the importance and wonder of this
collection than to quote Roy Lancaster,
one of today’s most respected,
knowledgeable, and influential
dendrologists and horticulturists, himself
the first curator of the then Hillier Garden,
when it was owned and directed by Harold And, I may add, all around the year it avaricious and incompetent bankers.
Hillier personally. I once had cause to ask exhibits beauty.
Roy Lancaster to describe the SHHGA, At the SHHGA, there is a vigorous
and he wrote: Essentially this is a collection of plants schools programme in which at least
that can live in the British Isles and is from 10,000 children a year visit the gardens to
‘Better known worldwide as The Hillier all across the world: there are over 40,000 enjoy learning about plants. There are
Arboretum, there is simply no other like it. By different trees and shrubs of over 11,000 many special national collections, British
gifting his lifelong collection…… [Harold different taxa set in 180 acres. It is a garden champion trees, and plants under threat in
Hillier] was not only a great benefactor, but for all seasons and you can be assured that the wild.
also a loyal servant of the county, especially to it is a delight at all times of the year. One of
Romsey and the Test Valley in whose territory its proudest boasts is that in one year, Whilst in the 1980s there were fewer
the arboretum happens to lie. Begun in 1953, between Christmas and the New Year, it than 40,000 visitors per annum, the
it very quickly rose to prominence and, within had over 200 different plants in bloom (all Garden has grown in size, quality, and
20 years, was acclaimed among the best in the outside). popularity so that today there are well over
world by the best in the world. The young, the 100,000.
old, the innocent, the worldly, those who seek For sixteen years, until 2005, I had the
to learn and the plain curious: the arboretum pleasure and privilege to be Chairman of There is a beautifully designed and
contains something for everyone and offers a the Management Committee of this great constructed Visitor Pavilion and Education
great deal to many…’ place and my visits there are treasured Centre complete with a shop and
memories: if ever anybody is lucky enough restaurant with wonderful views over the
Later he added: to be accompanied on a visit by such as gardens: this pavilion was built in 2003 to
Roy Lancaster, it is an unforgettable coincide with the Golden Jubilee of the
‘……Hillier Gardens and Arboretum experience as he describes to you how a Gardens, and was formally opened by Her
rapidly achieved a unique position in the garden plant would arrive from across the world Majesty the Queen in November 2003; it
world, combining an immense collection of for Harold Hillier to set upon it with all the is dedicated to Her Majesty the late Queen
exotic woody plants especially trees and shrubs anticipation, excitement, and enthusiasm Mother.
skilfully grown and displayed. Today, no other of a six-year-old child opening his stocking
single garden or arboretum in private or public from Santa. You are made to feel like the You do not need to be knowledgeable
ownership can match the SHHGA in the child’s parents as Roy enjoys his memory of
variety of hardy, woody plants grown and the great Harold Hillier – the only person nor, even, particularly interested in trees
documented. This, combined with their ever knighted for services to horticulture, a
horticultural, scientific, conservation, truly deserved honour that, alas, seems to or gardening to appreciate the
educational and recreational roles be outside the scope of today’s honours
internationally, distinguishes the SHHGA system focussing, as it now seems to, more comprehensive, fascinating, and often
from all others. It has long been and continues upon the no doubt admirable services of
to be a jewel in Hampshire’s crown, living with lollypop ladies and the like, or those of very beautiful plants contained in this
and protected by its green rural setting.’
great collection which has been described
as a ‘best kept secret’. ■
Sir Richard Storey Bt CBE
(H, 1950-55)
Harry Altham CBE, DSO, MC
(1888 – 1965), Housemaster of Furley’s, 1927-47
Hubert Doggart (E, 1938-43 and Staff, Harry Altham was an outstanding Harry once said to me, à propos a
1950-72) wrote the following words on schoolmaster. Few who came under his recent dinner party, that its conversation
Ashes Victory Day, 2011, in response to a spell will be unaware of the notable centred, in alphabetical order, on Cricket,
request for a brief appreciation of Harry contribution he made to Win. Coll., in Education and Shakespeare, the three
Altham, whose poem, below, written in particular to Furley’s, fives, rackets and, of subjects that he most relished. As to that
August 1946, was read by his grandson, course, cricket. Cricket was a game he order, I have a sneaking feeling that Harry
Robin Brodhurst, at Harry’s son-in-law, served nationally as well as locally, would have liked The Bard to open –
Podge Brodhurst’s Service of Thanksgiving in including bowling at nets in New Field for with, say, Jack Hobbs, or even W.G., as
Chapel on 7th October 2006. 50 years. his partner!
Mark Loveday, Hubert Doggart and Harry Altham, on the occasion of the presentation Altham Gate into New Field
to HSA of a bound volume of A History of Cricket on New Field; 26 June 1962.
Yes, Harry was fascinated by Empty and still: not an echo of a footstep; Where to ‘Hills’ on dew-drenched
Education, in its widest sense, believing Silently the hours slip by untold by any mornings still the age-trod pathway leads.
that intellectual rigour and sporting bell.
involvement were of primary importance Not a song from Tub-Room, not a sound And the help for their tomorrow which
in developing both talent and character. from Galleries, each one of them shall borrow
Shakespeare’s works enthralled and Not a note of ‘London Pride’ the end of From the loyalty, the courage, of their
inspired him, feelings he enthusiastically toil to tell. brothers who were here,
passed on to others. Their brothers often failing, yet through
Yet through the silence the murmur comes failure still prevailing,
Cricket was never far from Harry’s of voices, To pass the torch to others and to make the
thoughts. The tablet to his memory in the Yet through the darkness steal phantoms road more clear.
Museum at Lord’s pays tribute to the grave and gay:
uniquely varied service he rendered the Yet, as night deepens, where they slept So each generation passes, as a shadow
game as ‘Historian, Player, Coach’, and as once, they are sleeping, o’er the grasses,
one who ‘concerned himself especially Smiling, through dream-time, a welcome But leaves something sure abiding amid all
with young cricketers’. It might have to the day. life’s shifting sands,
added ‘Speaker’, not least on the big For those who follow after, of their hearts,
occasion, like the one, in 1961, to What is it they welcome as the darkening their hopes, their laughter,
celebrate the first Championship victory hours lengthen? The foundation of the spirit, in a house
of Hampshire CCC, of which he was What is it youth glimpses, peering darkly not made with hands. ■
President from 1947 to his death. through a glass?
What is it the boldest and the weakest and Footnote: Hubert Doggart also offers the
The tablet concludes with the three the oldest following story: ‘Harry Altham arrived from
Roman qualities which reflect both his Receive, sustain, and strengthen, as the lunch at the Tavern Stand at Lord’s for the
initials and his personality: Humanitas, generations pass? 1948 Varsity match. As he approached the
Sedulitas, Auctoritas. It was for these Pavilion, a ball flew past him between it
qualities, surely, that in 1957 he was Something that is rooted in the stones and and what was later called the Allen Stand.
appointed CBE and is today remembered earth of England, “That’ll be Hughie”, said Harry with total
by us with such affection. Ever mirrored in Cathedral, Chapel confidence. And it was.’ HE ‘Hughie’
Tower and Water Meads, Webb (G, 40-45) died on 8th November
Where the shadow and the sunshine 2010; his Obit is on page 20.
chequer Itchen’s gliding waters,
A Cookite (1924-29) remembers....
Archibald George Charles Forde French. He had played cricket for the great Gleadowe of Stalingrad sword
Campbell Murdoch celebrated his 100th England and was reported as having been fame and I think he had something to do
birthday on 2nd March 2011. ‘Archie’ wrote received on the field in Australia with with War Cloister [dedicated in May 1924,
this memoir in 2009. shouts of opprobrium from onlookers shortly before AGSFCM’s arrival in Short
because of some of the criticisms he had Half of the same year]. He taught us art on
To one who was never of the Alma made. the top floor of Chantry in memorable
Mater mentality and whose remembrance language; a horse’s rib had a ‘jolly curve’!
of the events of yesterday has, for several Were the dons of those days greater
years, been erratic in the extreme, it is characters, or did they just seem so to the At the end of our year in Chantry,
odd to find that, as circumstances have young and impressionable? They were voices were heard individually and I was
renewed my connection with Winchester, certainly freer of speech as, of course, we put into Chapel Choir as a treble, later
memories of the schooldays of 80 years all were when one could say things that as a bass, and there I began to enjoy
ago come thick and fast. Not an excuse, might not get one arrested! Rockley many of the Anglican anthems and
I’d say, for noting them down and I only Wilson would come into a lesson with, hymns which Dyson gave us to sing. A
do so because I’ve been asked to as ‘Sen ‘Good morning, gentlemen’, and, after a long-standing enjoyment it has been for,
Man’, though that is my sole distinction somewhat rowdy reception, ‘Sit down, believe it or not, I, now a Roman
as a Wykehamist – and an unearned one you dogs’! ‘The Jacker’, Horace Arthur Catholic, still attempt to sing them in
at that. Jackson, would call for the ‘boathook’, the my local choir because the Catholic
long pole used for dealing with windows, Church has borrowed many of them.
The names of today’s acquaintances, and with the end of it haul some After Sunday Evensong in Chapel, some
friends, relations even, can escape me unfortunate out to the front for some of us would run up to the organ-loft to
with embarrassing frequency, but one I trenchant admonishment. watch Dyson as he postluded to fine
never forget is that of the Reverend effect. We thought him a very fine
Alwyn Terrell Petre Williams, the highly I quite enjoyed what went on in the player, which no doubt he was.
impressive figure welcomed by Win Coll div room and, I suppose, the better part of
as Headmaster the same term as it it has stood me in good stead: certainly I remember an occasion in Cathers,
accepted me. I could say the same of the languages we were taught including which the entire School took over one
George Dyson who came as Director of our own, of course; and I particularly Sunday evening a month, when I said as
Music; and another well-remembered remember the little German we did, we were leaving, ‘That’s a splendid sound
name is that of ER Wilson who taught us introducing me to Gottfried Keller, who Dyson’s making on the Cathedral organ’ –
became a favourite author. Do people still it was the well-known Widor Toccata –
read Kleider machen Leute? Perhaps not; and another member of the choir
but then do ‘Clothes still make the Man’? answered, ‘It’s not Dyson playing; it’s
Hardly! But not everything stuck. I Cowan’ – Christopher Cowan, a Beloeite
remember there was something called two years my senior, who became a close
Calculus, both integral and differential, friend later on, after directing music
and of that I know nothing! (1953-70) as one of Dyson’s successors.
My happiest memories are of what In addition to choir, there was Glee
happened outside the classroom. There Club, a much larger body, which met
was rowing and there was cricket - House regularly in Music School where we learnt
games and the occasional excitement of some of the great choral works – Haydn’s
watching County cricket after a ride to Creation and Mozart’s Requiem, I
Southers. Above all there was music that particularly remember – for which there
began in Chapel, or rather Chantry, which were performances either in Chapel or in
served as a chapel for first year men. School where the small school orchestra
would accompany us. There were concerts
Mention of Chantry sidetracks me for too from professionals whom Dyson
a moment with the irresistible memory of
would bring in – an entire orchestra once
– and they would sometimes play his own
music. That, at the time, was beyond my
understanding, but later it has meant
much, and his Canterbury Pilgrims I could
hear again and again. Then there were
piano lessons which often took preference
over other subjects and that could mean
one arriving late at the div room to be
greeted with cheerful, but undisguised,
That’s enough about music, and
probably enough about everything, but it
is good these days to have an excuse for
the occasional return to Winchester, and
to realise that Win Coll gave me perhaps
the most beautiful surroundings of my life,
though I hardly noticed it at the time. ■
Archie Campbell Murdoch drove over
from Salisbury to Winchester to attend the
Advent Carol Service in Chapel on 28th
November 2010!
Lankhills revisited – a book review
The Late Roman Cemetery at Lankhills, work had been carried out over six published on an excavation that was
Winchester: Excavations 2000-2005, by summers between 1967 and 1972, and contiguous to the earlier one. 332 more
Paul Booth, Andrew Simmonds, Angela done (on a shoe string) by boys and girls burials were uncovered between 2000
Boyle, Sharon Clough, HEM Cool, Daniel from all the Winchester schools, under and 2005 to add to the 451 examined in
Poore. Pp. Xvii + 569, figs. 420, tables 130 the leadership of Giles Clarke (B, 1964- the earlier book. It is fascinating to see
(Oxford Archaeology, Monograph 10, 69). Clarke was accompanied by several the differences and similarities between
2010) £25. Also: Winchester Studies: 3, other Wykehamists, some of whom, like the two sites, and how the methods and
Pre-Roman and Roman Winchester, part 2, Bryan Ward-Perkins, Simon Esmonde technology of archaeology have changed.
by Giles Clarke, etc. Clarendon Press, 1979 Cleary and Simon Stoddart, have gone
on to be distinguished archaeologists in The new book, The Late Roman
Just over thirty years ago Professor their own right. The publication soon Cemetery at Lankhills, Winchester:
Charles Thomas (H, 1941-44) wrote in became famous as a landmark for its use Excavations 2000-2005, funded very
The Wykehamist a review of a large and of the then new computer technology, its generously by Hampshire County
amazing publication about an organisation, attention to detail, and Council in advance of the redevelopment
archaeological excavation in a late 4th wide-ranging thought - and also for the of the site, is extremely lavish despite its
century Roman cemetery. This had taken extraordinary quality of the material that comparatively low price. It is full of
place at Lankhills School, on the had been uncovered. coloured photographs, coloured plans,
Andover Road in Winchester. The report and intricate diagrams. There are expert
was amazing for several reasons. The Just recently another book has been discussions on a whole range of objects,
from cross-bow brooches to spindle- however, a wonderful, new tool to help in The new book is a wonderful and
whorls, not to mention animal bones, the quest. indispensable treasure trove of
prone burials and an extraordinary range information for future generations of
of human pathological conditions. One One thing is clear: Clarke’s theory on archaeologists. But perhaps it lacks a
of the most important advances is in the intruders has certainly made certain element of ownership. It seems
use of isotopes to discover the eating archaeologists question their material. that in the case of many modern
habits and provenance of the people However, a section in the earlier book excavations taking place, when time is
buried in the cemetery. about the possibility of the Celtic and short, say, before a redevelopment, the
Northern European rite of decapitation experts are at their desks poring over the
And this is one of the areas where a (from the front) being extended in order details provided by their site supervisors.
comparison of the two books is so to perform human sacrifice seems to have They don’t seem to have been much on
fascinating. Clarke in the original book caused incomprehension and denial. The the ground. I hope that I might be
drew attention to a group of sixteen crucial case in the earlier excavation was forgiven for pointing out that the possible
people, distinguished mainly by the fact a cenotaph, not just an empty grave. It significant context of three very
that the women and children actually was in a special enclosure, very deep, in a important graves was missed. Two very
wore their jewellery (rather than having spill-over section of the cemetery, and late graves, near the newly-discovered
it just deposited with them) and the men very late indeed (probably post-400, Northern edge of the cemetery, with
seemed to wear their belts and cross-bow when the town itself was disintegrating). many late coins in each, each with a glass
brooches. After much research he came But it displayed a very elaborate and easy- beaker and pottery vessel beside the head,
to a tentative conclusion that they had to-interpret ritual, though scarcely and both on a North-South alignment
come to defend Britain from the area anyone has referred to it! This involved instead of the usual West – East, were
covered by modern Hungary. For thirty an empty coffin, five very late coins joined, as it were, to form an H by a
years this has been the subject of where the left hand would have been, a (slightly?) earlier grave containing a
controversy. But, amazingly, isotope dismembered dog, a whole dog, a clear crouched man, decapitated from the
analysis has now shown something layer of turf, and then inserted into the front, who came from some warmer
similar - but not exactly similar. A small grave at a later (but not much later) date, clime. The coloured plans for
cross-section analysis of nineteen graves a young decapitated man, with a coin in decapitations do not show this man; the
from the original dig showed that Clarke his mouth. Three other decapitations description of the grave is wrong: the
had rightly identified five as coming from were inserted into other unusual graves body is facing the West, not the usual
abroad and six as locals. Four “locals”, and another (on an unusual East-West East. Above all, it needed some
however, were shown to have come from alignment) beside a very deep, late grave discussion as to whether or not it could
outside Hampshire, two “Europeans” containing pottery and glass. The rite was be compared with the so-called human
were deemed to be locals, and the breast- interpreted as a substitute sacrifice sacrifices noted in the earlier excavation.
feeding of two children made their depriving the decapitated person of any
provenance difficult to gauge. Forty after-life existence in order to allow the The most spectacular burial of the
burials from the new excavation were person in the primary burial across to
similarly tested for their isotopes, another world. Clearly very few whole excavation was not far away: a
including burials, many of which the decapitations, many more of which have
excavators wrongly thought had the same now been discovered, had this man with a gilded cross-bow brooch
characteristics as Clarke’s intruders. The significance. But in this, as in other
results were fairly similar. There were respects, Lankhills with its specific and inscribed in Latin: UTRE (sic) FELIX,
indeed intruders, including one from immensely important contexts is for the
Africa, but only one of the graves that most part different. It seems likely that VENE VIVAS (good luck to the user!
were analysed did in fact have the same the belief that lies behind the rite of
characteristics as Clarke’s intruders and decapitation is linked to the fear, Live well!). Near his middle were a silver
the analysis showed that that person did common at that time, of ghosts and evil
indeed come from a cold climate. The spirits; and so, a rite depriving the buckle plate and silver strap end
jury is still out. Judging provenance from decapitated person of the chance to
grave layout, as Clarke did, is not perhaps wander would be eminently suitable for a belonging to a belt, and by his right leg
as fallible as the new publication substitute sacrifice. The matter will be
supposes. Nor is isotope analysis very argued comprehensively in another two, non-matching spurs. He was a
precise (as the authors admit). It is, publication.
horseman, probably a man of distinction.
Such spurs are so far unknown in Britain,
but to be found on the other side of the
Rhine. ■
Jock Macdonald
Housemaster of B, 1975-82 and
Second Master, 1997-2002
Harrow and the Dark Blue Cap –
or – 1851 and all that!
ASG Drew (B, 1952-57) discovered the played in white beaver hats. I cannot Leigh) just before the Harrow match began,
following piece from The Harrovian from recollect what the Harrow Eleven wore … and saying, ‘Now, Mr Bennett, there has
1898 (when his grandfather was in the winning Winchester, between the year that they long been a question between Harrow and
side v. Eton at Lords) whilst going through wore the white beaver hats and 1851, Winchester about the right to the dark
some family archives. Alastair periodically adopted the dark blue cap, for I am almost blue; suppose we put it on the result of the
hears the claim that Winchester won the right to certain they played in 1851 in the dark-blue match?’ I’m afraid my reply was less
wear the dark-blue cap by winning a match. cap.’ courteous than it ought to have been; being
This piece studies the question when the to the effect that I could not think of playing
decision on caps was within living memory. This is supported by Holgate’s for the dark blue, because it was the
Winchester Register, p. 246: ‘The present Winchester colour long before Harrow was
‘As the match between Harrow and dark-blue caps were first worn by all the heard of; but there was a good deal of
Eton, equally with that between Oxford and Eleven in 1851, but did not become de feeling in the air in those days, and I did not
Cambridge, is commonly described in the rigueur till after 1852.’ feel so sure about the result of the match as
newspapers as the ‘historic contest between I fancy he did. I do not remember how the
the dark and light blues’, there are, every 160 years on, enquiries have subsequently colour was displayed before 1851, although
year, numerous enquiries why Harrow does been made of the College Archivist, who simply I played in the matches twice before then;
not wear a dark-blue cap; and the answer drew attention to the following extract from probably merely by a neck tie. But we
that is popularly given is that Harrow on one EH Fellowes’ A History of Winchester certainly claimed the dark blue, and Harrow
occasion (unspecified) played Winchester Cricket, published by P & G Wells in 1930: knew it. There was never any question
for the dark-blue cap, and lost it. If the about Eton and the light blue.
match is a ‘historic contest’, it is well to apply ‘It was in 1851 that Winchester first
a little history to it; and when that is done, wore caps, though Harrow still had their Though I declined Mr Grimston’s
the traditional account of the game for the straw hats that year, and perhaps Eton also proposal in 1851, it would have been all
dark-blue cap turns out to be an absolute still wore straws. The captains at each right if I had accepted it, because we won
myth. That this is so has, of course, been School at that time used to settle all both matches that year (the first time in
familiar enough for the well informed. But as questions of dress for the matches. The facts eleven years), and I had the satisfaction of
in credulous quarters the myth is so widely about the Winchester cap and the famous hitting the winning run in the Harrow one.”
believed, and bears on its face such an air of challenge for the colours by Harrow are
plausibility, it is worth while to make one here given in the words of George Bennett, Now, back to the Harrow cap … let us
more attempt to demolish it. who was Captain of Lord’s in 1851. trace its early history. Sir Kenelm Digby, who
Bennett’s statement was printed in The was the Harrow Captain in 1853, says:
No precise date is assigned to the year Wykehamist (No. 299, March 1894): “As
in which the legendary ‘cap match’ is regards the ‘Lord’s Caps’ of 1851, I think I ‘The cap was selected in 1853. I cannot
supposed to have taken place, but it is safe invented them myself, and very funny quite remember its history, but I think that
to presume that it cannot have been earlier things they were – white flannel caps with a there were several suggestions. There was a
than the days when the Winchester Eleven dark blue ribbon, if I remember right. It was difficulty about the dark-blue cap, but I
played in white beaver top-hats. About this sine qua non that dark blue should be know nothing about the story of it being
Dr [William] Church says: ‘My elder conspicuous thereon, because of the decided by a match.’
brother was at Harrow from 1845 to 1849 standing dispute with Harrow as to which
and I myself from the beginning of 1851 to School had the right to the colour. Dr Church is more explicit: ‘‘Up to the
1856, so I am fairly conversant with Harrow year when I first played in the Eleven
‘shop’ for ten years. My remembrance of the We did not play for the colour. I (1853), Harrow had always had a different
matches at Lords goes back to either 1848 happened to be captain in 1851, and I well cap or hat each year, the head of the Eleven
or 1849, I am not certain which, but remember Bob Grimston (the well-known choosing it. In 1852 I think they all wore
whatever year it was, the Winchester boys old Harrovian) coming to me at Lord’s with black and white straw hats. … In 1852
the Harrow Captain (the Hon. E Chandos Marillier was captain, and the cap was very
narrow white and blue stripes, with a members of the Eleven as to whether we 1854 in the same caps, after that there was
badge of ‘School Arrows’ fastened on it in should change the cap, and it being decided never any question of changing them.’ ■
front. In 1853 when Digby had to choose that, as we had done so unexpectedly well
the cap, as the dark blue had already been in winning both matches in 1853, we Sir Winston Churchill once said:
worn by Winchester for a year or two, the should stick to the winning colours, and VE ‘I wish I was as confident of anything as
present cap was chosen. In 1854 I Walters was, I remember, extremely strong Wykehamists are of everything.’
remember his consulting with the old on the point. We won both matches in
What’s in a number?
On 12 November 2010 Winchester financial circumstances, as was the case at per se with a corresponding increase in
College received its Registered Charity the beginning, and perhaps one day we will needs-based bursaries. Scholars continue to
number 1139000. Along with all other achieve the ideal. The current policy of the be admitted by competitive examination,
ancient charities, including Oxford and Governing Body in respect of awarding but the value of scholarships was reduced
Cambridge colleges, hitherto exempted by grants is consistent with the furtherance of from 25% to 15% of the fee in 2009 and to
virtue of their existence long before modern the Charity’s objectives. Scholarships and 5% in 2010. Those levels of remission will
charity law was invented, Winchester has most prizes and similar awards are awarded pertain throughout the recipient’s time.
been required to go through the process of on the basis of merit and the individual’s Since 2009 all parents seeking a scholarship
registration. educational ability; but bursaries and other for their son have been invited at the point
similar awards are determined on the basis of application to submit to a means test.
No problem with that – happy to of need. Naturally we need to ensure that From 2011 scholarships will attract no
oblige, Guv. But what’s new? And what will the quality of our academic provision is not prima facie remission on the fee and all
change? Very little indeed. Winchester is compromised by our reduction in funds awarded from the endowment will be
one of the oldest charitable providers of scholarship awards, and we monitor that by way of a bursary to assist any shortfall in
education in the world. We have been issue closely; but so far, the quality of our parents’ ability to pay the full fee.
charitable since 1382, when the founder, scholarship candidature is as strong as ever.
William of Wykeham, put up buildings in These modernisations of Winchester’s
which seventy poor boys could live and To adhere more closely to this procedures have, it is fair to say, been
learn, funded entirely out of the intention and to widen access further, stimulated by the new requirements of the
endowment he left. That principle has Winchester is pursuing a two-fold strategy, Charity Commissioners, but these reforms
been in place ever since. True, the School to redirect awards out of existing resources join a sequence stretching back hundreds
has got larger over the centuries – in 1700 it more towards bursaries and to increase the of years. They are reforms consistent with
was 300 strong, in 1900, 500, in 2000, 700 total value of awards available by building Winchester’s ancient pursuit not of elitism
– so the endowment had to be stretched the endowment. We are appealing to our but of excellence. And this excellence is
increasingly thinly; but even so, there was extensive alumni network and to past and shared and broadened not only in creating
always a significant number of parents current parents to help us with this access for boys of ability who want to join
whose sons could benefit from the ongoing work. We feel, nevertheless, that our school, but also through our
education the school offers because the many ways, other than bursary commitment to our partner academy in
financial assistance was available. The provision, in which charitable institutions the maintained sector at Midhurst, and
School believes its long history of assisting like Winchester contribute to the public the Crown and Manor Boys’ Club in
parents who need help with fees speaks for benefit, should receive more credit, and it Hoxton, North London. And that is not
itself and that we have nothing to prove; is good to see signs that the Commission to mention the ancient buildings, grounds
but Winchester has been happy to respond is to widen the scope of its analysis. and water meadows we maintain for public
in a constructive way to the more exacting use and benefit.
and systematic approach recently Having decided to reduce the value of
developed by the Charity Commission, scholarships from 50% to 25% in So we’re pleased to have received our
which has been useful to us in causing us to September 2005, the Governing Body took Registered Charity number, but while the
look at ourselves again. the decision in March 2008 that it would number is new, what it signifies has been
make further significant changes in respect happening here for a very long time. ■
In an ideal world, of course, every boy of scholarships and bursaries. Funds
could come regardless of his parents’ awarded for scholarships have been reduced Ralph Townsend
Co Ro the club’s capital endowment. Winchester coincided with Michael
Burchnall’s stewardship of Freddie’s.
Nine dons will be leaving us at the end of In 2007, writing in the Autumn Colour
Cloister Time. They are: Catherine Feature, Rupert said that the planning It is now more than three years since
Silvestro, Art (since 2010); Joel Taylor, process was ‘well under way’, only to MLB died, but the passage of time does
Mathma– (since 2010); Adam Gamsa, discover later on that he, and everyone not diminish his status or the affection in
Physics (since 2010); Katy Waterfield, else involved, had not anticipated how which many of us held him.
Classics (since 2009); Fian Andrews, Art difficult it would prove to overcome the
(since 2009); Dick Wilkinson, Mod Lang attempts from certain quarters to frustrate The Headmaster, the Warden and Fellows
(since 2006); Rowena Hodgins, Mod the venture; these problems, coinciding have indicated that they would approve
Lang (since 2003); Jon Cooper, Biology with the economic crisis, delayed the start of a plaque being raised in Chantry
(since 1986) and Lachlan Mackinnon, of the project until early this year. Cloisters in memory of MLB.
English (since 1981). In addition, five
have already left during the course of the Whilst the outcome of the planning The plaque will refer to his service as a
year: Justin Wheat, Biology (since 2010); application was awaited, the club’s trustees Housemaster and to his authorship of the
Sarah Ladley, PE (since 2010); Adam reviewed the somewhat excessive two-tier Masque of 1961, put on to celebrate the
Shelley, History (since 2009) and David committee structure that had been in place opening of New Hall. Adjacent to the
Newsholme, Assistant Organist (since for many decades and decided to replace it words will be an exact copy, cast into the
2009). Whether their sojourn here was with a smaller executive committee. This bronze, of the image of the Trusty Servant
long or short, we thank each of them for has resulted in the departure of a number that adorned the cover of the libretto of
what they have done here, and wish them of long-serving trustees, most noticeably the Masque.
all good luck for the future. Rob Philipson-Stow (F, 1950-55), who has
served as a Trustee and Chairman for well We are fortunate that the work is being
CCF over fifty years. Happily the new undertaken by Anita Lafford, one of the
Chairman, Guy Davison (A, 1971-75), leading artists in bronze and sculpture
Michael Wallis stands down at the end of whose devotion to the club is also worthy whose works have included portrayals of
this half as Commanding Officer of the Win of very high praise, has taken on the Lawrence of Arabia on his camel and The
Coll CCF. He has held this post with utmost Chairmanship and will continue to have Charging Infantryman at the School of
distinction for the last sixteen years. Win the services of Harry Morris, whose Infantry in Brecon, as well as, in silver,
Coll is lucky indeed to have had for so long involvement stretches back to the reign of HM the Queen on horseback.
in this post such an able and experienced King George V1. Also departing, after a
soldier: to him our heartfelt gratitude. distinguished and influential term as TID=4423 will show some of Anita’s
President, is Sir Jeremy Morse (K, 1942- work.
Crown and Manor Club 46), who has been succeeded by Lord
(David) Hannay (B, 1949-54). The plaque will measure about 36 inches
Patrick Maclure (I, 1952-57 and former by 14 inches. It is intended that it will be
Trustee) writes: Finally and most importantly, I am able to unveiled on Wykeham Day in September
confirm that the club has moved into 2011, close to the 50th Anniversary of
In 2005 Rupert Hill (F, 1967-72) reported temporary premises nearby and that work the opening of the Masque.
enthusiastically about the continuing and on the redevelopment is under way. With
successful activities of the club, but in luck and a following wind, it will be I am inviting subscriptions to the cost of
particular he drew attention to the operating from its new premises in less this: any surplus will be added to the
financial difficulties resulting from the than eighteen months. College’s Bursary Fund. Subscriptions will
virtual elimination of the annual grant attract Gift Aid, which will enhance the
received from Hackney Borough Council. MLB value of your donation by 25%, should
However, he also gave an assertion that you be a UK tax-payer. Having first of all
most of the problems would disappear JC de C Scott (E,1969-74) writes: written to Old Freddyites, I am now
once the present site had been developed, publishing this letter, in the hope of
as this would provide not only new Michael Burchnall Memorial Plaque. attracting donations from a far more
premises, but also a significant addition to broadly drawn body of Old Wykehamists,
I am writing to you as one whose time at who will have benefited at some stage
from MLB’s 34 years as a don! this appeal for funds, so that the memory Submitted by JDT Greenall
of Michael Burchnall and his immense (K, 52-57):
Any donations should be made payable to talent can be perpetuated, deservedly
‘Wykeham Campaign – Winchester amongst those of other great men of The budget should be balanced, the
College’ sent to: Winchester College Winchester. treasury should be refilled, public debt
Society, 17 College Street, Winchester, should be reduced, the arrogance of
Hampshire SO23 9LX. You should mark Should you wish to contact me, I can be officialdom should be tempered and
the back of the cheque ‘MLB Memorial controlled and the assistance to foreign
Fund’. reached c/o Ambrose Appelbe, Solicitors lands should be curtailed lest Rome
become bankrupt. People must again
I hope you will contribute generously to on 0207.242.7000. ■ learn to work, instead of living on
public assistance.
Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC
Old Wykehamist News
Academic tenure Policy Exchange became one of the further 5 years. The EESC is a formal EU
most influential think tanks in the country, Advisory Body, set up by the Treaty of
M Clemmow (C, 96-01) captained York’s especially after David Cameron was Rome in 1958. Jonathan is one of 24
team to the final of the 2011 University elected Conservative Party leader in 2005. British Members, and a Member of the
Challenge, where it was well beaten by In October 2007 he was selected as the Employers’ Group. As such, he has also
Oxford. prospective Conservative candidate to been elected President of the EESC
contest Grantham and Stamford, the seat Permanent Study Group on International
JRG Griffiths (E, 70-75) retired as previously occupied by Quentin Davies, Trade for the next two and a half years,
Headmaster of the prep school, St who switched allegiance from the and believes he remains the only
Andrews, Eastbourne, in July 2010. A Conservatives to Labour earlier in 2007. In Wykehamist member of any of the EU
Founder Member of the Rolling Heads May 2008, he was appointed Chief of Staff Institutions – if he should be mistaken,
Group, he is now a freelance Education and for the new Conservative Mayor of please declare yourself!
Leadership consultant. London, Boris Johnson, for a period of
three months. In the latter half of 2008 he JNP Rawlins (K, 62-67) was appointed
SC Henderson (I, 89-94) has been started work on preparing the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Development and
appointed Headmaster of Bradfield College Conservatives for potential government by External Affairs at Oxford University in
from September 2011, in succession to meeting senior civil servants to discuss how June 2010. Nick is also Watts Professor of
Peter Roberts (Master in College, 91-03). to implement Conservative policies if they Psychology and Fellow of Wolfson College.
Currently Deputy Head (Academic) at won the next general election. Nick is a
Sherborne School, he was previously Head member of the Cambridge-based think RB Woods (G, 60-64): High Sheriff of
of History at Eton College as well as being a tank, the Henry Jackson Society, which Berkshire for 2011-12.
Deputy Housemaster. advocates a pro-active approach to the
spread of liberal democracy in the world. Arts
Appointments / Elections
J Holtby (I, 70-75): High Sheriff of East AML Smith (F, 97-02): having lived in
NEC Boles (Coll, 79-83) was elected as Riding of Yorkshire for 2011-12. Cambridge for the past nine years,
member for Grantham and Stamford in Anthony has moved his studios to
the May 2010 General Election, with a M L Moore (D, 73-77) has been elected Amsterdam from the beginning of April.
majority of 14,826 votes. He was appointed an Ordinary Bencher of The Honourable He will continue to undertake
as Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Society of Lincoln’s Inn. commissions and exhibit his work in the
Schools Minister, Nick Gibb, in 2010. He UK; his new website has photos and
founded the think tank Policy Exchange in JHM Peel (C, 62-67) has been details of many of his sculptures, as well as
2002 and served as the Director until reappointed by No 10 to the European his drawings and paintings
leaving the organisation in 2007 to avoid a Economic and Social Committee for a (
potential conflict of interest. During his
Books About Viscount Grey The timing of this publication is not
of Fallodon KG, PC accidental, coming 100 years after the
SP Courtauld (A, 54-59): The Watkins (C, 1876-83): Sir intense efforts to avoid the First World
Boys, (Michael Russell, £18.95). ISBN Edward Grey: more War in which he played such an
9780859553186. It is a story of Arctic than a politician. In 80 important part, and marking the
adventure in Greenland, 1930-32. pages of well centenary of the famous bird walk he
researched and undertook with Theodore Roosevelt, as
PdeF Delaforce (B, 37-42): The Rhine illustrated material, re-enacted in June 2010. An account of
Endeavour. War and Peace. September 1944 some not seen before, this is included bringing the whole story
– NW Europe. Amberley. £20. ISBN 978- we gain a real insight up to date. This is an eminently readable
1-84868-825-4, published in 2010, and into the career of our book, written by an admirer of Sir Edward
also Invasion of the Third Reich; War & longest serving Foreign and one who shares many of his interests
peace – Operation Eclipse. Amberley. £24. Secretary (1905 - and his outlook on life.
ISBN 978-1-84868-948-0, published this 1916). This book,
year. Patrick Delaforce is one of the most which is not especially Copies are available to purchase from the
respected names among WW2 historians, political, explores his Suzanne Foster, College Archivist
having been in the thick of the action in life and passions away ([email protected] or on 01962 621148),
several of the key operations of the war. from Parliament. It chronicles his life for £10 in person or £12.50 by post;
These are his 39th and 40th books! from Northumbrian childhood, through cheques payable to Winchester College
Winchester College, Oxford University, Enterprises.
Servants of Empire: An Imperial Memoir of political life and return to
a British Family, by FRH Du Boulay. £25; Northumberland. Pat Brockway JWG Marr (1, 81-85): Investing in
published by IB Tauris Publishers; ISBN concentrates on his love of the Emerging Markets. The BRIC Economies
9781848855717. FRHDuB, who died in countryside, particularly the birds and fly and Beyond – written with Cherry
2008, was grandson of The Reverend fishing in his adopted Hampshire. We see Reynard. Published by John Wiley &
James Du Boulay, founder of the House these passions shared intimately with his Sons in August 2010. Paul Farrow,
that bears his name, and also grandfather first wife, Dorothy, during the idyllic times personal finance editor of The Daily
of EMHDuB (B, 99-04). they spent at their cottage at Itchen Telegraph, wrote: ‘This book offers a
Abbas, and we share in the subsequent valuable introduction to an asset class
IJA Graham (B, 37-42): The Road to Ruins, tragedies before considering Sir Edward’s that has grabbed investors’ attention in
University of New Mexico Press, £35. considerable legacy. recent years. Yet emerging markets, by
ISBN 9780826347541. This lively memoir their very nature, are not without risks.
chronicles Graham’s career as ‘the last Marr and Reynard do not gloss over the
explorer’ and a fierce advocate for the potential pitfalls but present a clear-eyed
protection and preservation of Maya sites and balanced appraisal of the different
across New Mexico, Guatemala and Belize.
opportunities.’ £34.99 (but Julian says ‘it’s Business and Commercial TJC Pakenham (G, 90-95) is the founder
a good tenner cheaper on Amazon’.) of Green Tomato Energy, an eco-
ISBN 9780470748251. AH Bartley (H, 55–60) has been consultancy; his Hammersmith property
awarded a medal at the Bath and West is a show-house for this new green
NHJ McGilchrist (Coll, 70-74): Society Fair for the best cider apple venture, as well as being home to him and
McGilchrist’s Greek Islands, a great series of orchard in the West Country. his family. For the Cambridge-educated
books, was picked by The Economist as one former corporate lawyer, this is the latest
of the best publications of 2010. ISBN JE Byng (K, 82-87), managing director of step on a journey that began five years
9781907859205. Canongate, the Edinburgh-based ago, when he sold his flat in Notting Hill
publisher, recently seized the and, with a university friend, set up Green
WP Meyerhofer (I, 84-85): Life is a brief imagination of the publishing industry Tomato Cars, the award-winning first
Opportunity for Joy (Mill City Press, with his bold plan to give adult reading a environmentally friendly cab firm in the
2010). ISBN 1936400782. ‘This book is a shot in the arm by getting the world capital, which the duo sold in 2010 to
guide for discovering joy, the simple reading with 1m free books. Jamie’s Transdev – the French transport firm –
pleasures of living each day,’ says brainchild is simple: members of the while retaining control of the Green
Meyerhofer, a psychotherapist living and public apply on a website to become one Tomato brand. Green Tomato Energy,
working in New York City. of 20,000 givers of 48 copies of their which helps people to build eco-homes,
favourite book chosen from a list of 25 takes the hassle out of making existing
FP Smiddy (K, 67-71): Quicklook@Flying titles. It is then up to the givers to decide properties greener.
is the perfect wingman for those how they will distribute their choices,
interested in flying, written by a lifelong, and to whom. This cascade of free books, NA Taylor (F, 99-04) has become the
self-confessed flying addict, who is a including The Blind Assassin by Margaret Deputy Underwriter for the Standard P&I
Liveryman of the Guild of Air Pilots and Atwood, The Spy Who Came in from the [Protection and Indemnity] Club (Asia) –
Air Navigators and a member of the Cold by John Le Carré and Fingersmith by based in Singapore.
Great Britain Flying Team. Published by Sarah Waters, took place on March 5,
Quicklook Books. and was branded ‘World Book Night.’ AP Watt (B, 76-80) has been appointed
President and CEO of the Association of
DStJR Wagstaff (Coll, 44-48) has written AHL Fellowes (G, 00-05) moved to Sri Fundraising Professionals, w.e.f. 23rd
two short books, which are published on Lanka in 2009 to work for Red Dot Tours March. AFP is the world’s leading
the Internet, under the website name in Colombo, selling cricket tours. After association for individuals and
‘Religion Rewritten’. They are entitled A working behind the scenes at the Indian organizations that support charitable
Reconciliation with Science and War and A Premier League (IPL) for the Mumbai institutions. Andrew, a veteran of two
Religious View of Nature & the Universe. Indians cricket franchise for part of 2010, decades in the fundraising profession, was
He comments: ‘It is unnecessary to list the Archie has since moved back to most recently AFP’s chief program officer
evils that afflict our poor country. It is Colombo to work full-time to establish and before that its vice president of
sufficient that a shameless greed runs from the Murali Cup – a community-focused international development.
top to bottom of our society, from cabinet international schools’ cricket
ministers to the dependency culture. tournament in south-west Sri Lanka. Honours
Wedded to this is a shameless Schoolboy cricketers from Sri Lanka, the
irresponsibility that refuses to admit it is UK and Malaysia are combining cricket, DSO: NP Carter (H, 72-76): awarded for
ever to blame. One might forgive the village community work and fundraising his achievements commanding a task
incompetence, if they were honest; or initiatives to support the cricket legend, force of 55,000 troops in Afghanistan.
forgive the graft, if they were competent. Muttiah ‘Murali’ Muralitharan’s charity, The Major-General’s citation credits him
But not both. I believe we will only the Foundation of Goodness. for leading from the front, demonstrating
cleanse these Augean Stables if we scant regard for his own safety to go
recover our Christianity, our native NHM Hitchens (A, 76-81) has been a wherever he was needed. ‘His legacy is
religion. And these two books are my Senior Relationship Manager with clear, Kandahar and its surrounding
attempt to do something about it.’ Try Zenith Bank (UK) Limited since 2010, districts are safer.’
typing ‘Religion Rewritten’ into Google. having been CEO at Simon C Dickinson
Ltd, the fine art dealership in Jermyn Life Peerage: GM Magan (K, 59-63) -
FEB Witts (B, 54-59): The Mespot Letters Street, where he worked under the former Conservative Party Treasurer and
of a Cotswold Soldier. Amberley. £25. direction of James Roundell (F, 65-69). Deputy Chairman of the Conservative
ISBN 978-1-84868-041-8. These letters Party Foundation. He becomes Lord
date from 1915 to 1920, spanning a Magan of Castletown.
pivotal period of modern history in Iraq.
Medical with the 2010 Times/Sternberg Active Royal Cinque Ports (Deal), Oxford won
Life Award at a Downing Street reception 8-7. Claudio won both of his own
TCW Mills (C, 94-99) has recently in February 2011. Major Majendie has matches, giving him an unprecedented 8
completed his exams to attain organised annual pilgrimages to France for wins from 8 matches over his four years as
membership of the Royal College of his fellow Normandy veterans for the past a postgraduate at Oxford. He had played
Psychiatry and is awaiting a Specialist 25 years, leading more than 2,000 people particularly well during his Saturday
Registrar post in Child and Adolescent on tours of the beaches and battlefields singles – probably 5 under par for the 31
Psychiatry. He is also studying for a holes played – in beating Cambridge’s best
Masters degree at Leeds University and AP Speed (F, 82-87) is promoted Lt Col player, an American who captained Yale
has submitted his research proposal for a and appointed Brigade Major, HQ last year, 6&5. A presentation to mark
study looking into the belief systems of Household Division with overall this feat was made to Claudio at the
modern ceremonial magicians. responsibility for all ceremonial in Halford Hewitt by Andrew Brownrigg (C,
London and Windsor. His previous post 56-61 and Captain of the OWGS).
Services was as Academy Adjutant at RMA
Sandhurst. Andrew is also running the SG Hardie (K, 03-08) is rowing in the
TH Breitmeyer (A, 73-77) was appointed Gobi Desert Ultra Marathon in June 2011 Durham University 1st VIII.
one of Her Majesty’s Body Guard with in aid of the Scots Guards Colonel’s Fund.
effect from 5th December 2010. The race is 150 miles completed in 6 days, GAH Harwood (K, 02-07) has been
the competitors carrying all equipment, playing regularly for Newcastle
NP Carter (H, 72-76) commanded 6 including food, but not water. He is University’s 1st XV [Rugby!].
Division and the ISAF (International running the event with a team from the
Security and Assistance Force), building RMA, Sandhurst and, at 42, will be the Rackets - The Canadian Amateur
an International Headquarters from oldest member of the team by 12 years. Doubles final took place on 6th February
scratch. Taking charge of the largely 2011 in Montreal. For the first time since
American international force, he planned Sport Mike Coulman (D, 46-61) won the title
and conducted the largest coalition air- in the early 1950s, there was some
mobile operation for many years. After SGB Bartley (H, 61-66) is now the Wykehamical representation… twofold,
reversing the insurgency and Honorary Archivist of the St Moritz in fact. Mike Bailey (A, 00-05), playing
strengthening ISAF’s hold in central Tobogganing Club. with George Tysoe (Wellingtonian), met
Helmand, Nick then turned his attention Patrick Maxwell (H, 78-82) in the final,
to Kandahar. CA Consul (A, 00-02): at The Varsity playing with James Male (Radleian and
Golf Match on 26th March 2011, at former World Champion). Male and
JD Majendie (I, 33-37) was presented Maxwell won 3-1.
JS Varkey (D, 98-03): it might be most
OWs’ dream to have their extreme hitting
eulogised in a global golf magazine. Few of
us, however, could ever imagine it
actually coming about…. However, Jay
does not fit into the category of ‘most
OWs’. See for yourself! 07-09 Jay Varkey
(Sequence) APR11rg
The Academy Adjutant and the Academy Sergeant Major en route to the Sovereign’s Parade at RMAS. Old Wykehamist Sporting
OW Football Club
Whilst the next issue will report on the
triumphant Arthur Dunn Cup side of 1961,
it will be gratifying for the survivors of that
winning team to read that all is well - 50
years-on! Tom Vernon (G, 97-02) reports
on further success:
I am absolutely thrilled to report that the
1st XI has secured promotion to the 89), Masefield (H, 99-04), Hurndall (C, 99), George Nash (K, 02-07), Preshan
Premier League! 04-09), Donald (F, 03-08), Kiley (H, 98- Jeeveratnam (C, 01-06), Johann
03), Marsh (B, 95-00), Vernon (G, 97-02). Jeeveratnam (C, 96-01), Simon Ho (K,
Going into our final game with Old Kings 98-03), Chris Kerr (Coll, 00-05) and Will
Scholars, we knew that a win by three The 2nd XI also had a very successful Kerr-Muir (I, 00-05). The aim was to try
clear goals should cement our promotion season, winning promotion to Division 4. to revitalise ICENA, discussing the
to the top flight of the Arthurian League. The team played some excellent football purpose of the Club and how it could be
As has been the case throughout this and beat most teams on their way to useful to current rowers in the School.
season, we managed to put out a very securing promotion with a game to spare. The group discussed various changes to
strong side with a mixture of youth and Thanks to Alex Hardiman (C, 95-00), the club constitution, including the
experience. We started well and looked Chris Webbe (B, 97-02) and Freddie election of officers to committee, and the
the more likely to take the lead once we Blackett (E, 01-06) who have all taken membership structure. A letter is going to
got the ball on the floor and strung some the captain’s armband this season. be sent out to current ICENA members
passes together. We remained organised in detailing the plans of the steering
defence and stood up well against their It has been a very long season for the 1st committee, inviting them to come to
counter attacks. and 2nd XIs, but for both teams to get support the current 1st VIII at Henley
promoted is simply fantastic!! Thank you Royal Regatta and to discuss any concerns
Despite still being 0-0 at the break, there to everyone who has played and they might have. The date of the next
were no signs of nerves and we went out supported this year. AGM will also be included, where
for the second half with renewed members can vote to ratify the new
determination. We began the final 45 OW Golf Society constitution and elect the new officers.
minutes of the season brightly and kept Should anyone have any interim
pushing for the all important first goal. An edited message from GHE Winkworth questions, please contact either any of the
Eventually, a moment of pure class from (K, 91-96 and Hon. Sec. OWGS), above or David Fellowes
young striker, Fred Hurndall, broke the addressed to any Old Wykehamist who would ([email protected]).
deadlock. Picking up the ball inside the like to play some OW golf:
OKS half, he spun his marker and OW Tolling Club
accelerated through the gaps in their In an exciting new development, Nick
defence before rolling calmly past the Holt (F, 93-98) and Ben Twiney (G, 97- DCB Jenkins (C, 60-65) writes:
keeper. 02) have been working hard to produce
an excellent OWGS website (to be found There was a good gathering in December
The goal filled us with confidence. We at ), so please take a look of the OWTC at Wimbledon with Colin
pushed for a second and it wasn’t long at it. Upton and John Brooks in support.
before a low cross was generously turned Ironically we did well, as usual, in the V40
into his own net by an OKS defender. 2-0 All comers are always welcome at any and V50, but not so well in the Open.
and 20 minutes left. Our defence OW fixture - subsidies for games are I reckon next year will be the first year
continued to hold firm and they provided available, so do ask the match manager of when the Upton Team have their first
an excellent platform for us to commit any fixture that appeals for details. men in the V40 class, so we should be
men in attack. Finally, the third goal winning the Vets for years to come. It’s
came and it was a beauty. OKS could only Please get in touch with me, via not often the tollsters look to the
half-clear a corner and when it was [email protected], should you boatmen to save their skin, but Chris Kerr
chipped back into the box it dropped to wish to know more, and as a final (Coll, 00-05) ran a great race to come in
Ed Marsh, who volleyed a thunderbolt exhortation to existing members, please second. John Shaw (H, 73-77) was our
into the far corner. continue to encourage Old Wykehamists second finisher and was also second in the
you know to join the Society, to enable us V50 class, followed closely by James
We managed to see out the last 10 to keep on growing. Hoad (Coll, 05-10), with Doug Teesdale
minutes without too many scares before (A, 75-79) making our 4th scorer. We
the final whistle sparked jubilant ICENA (OW Rowing Club) came 3rd in the Open, 3rd in the V40 and
celebrations. first in the V50. Next year – let’s see!
On the 2nd April a de facto steering
OW Team: Duncan (Coll, 95-00), committee met at Leander Club in
Underwood (G, 97-02), Rann (Coll, 97- Henley to discuss the current state of
02), Amjad (Coll, 04-09), Prichard (I, ICENA. Present at the meeting was the
00-05), Skinner (B, 99-04), Baker (H, 84- Master-in-Charge of Rowing along with
former rowers at Win Coll: Howard
Jacobs (D, 65-70), Mike Fabricius (K, 94-
Obiter Dicta WJ Lithgow (F, 48-52) wrote in April Dining at Depth
from his home in Argyll to the Editor of
FJAM Bettley (E, 71-5) writes: The Times on the subject of the storage of To the Editor of The Wykehamist (dated
wind electricity being the holy grail; he 4th August, 1945):
Your recent brochure on the subject of stated that Scotland should be using her
Meads was of the greatest interest, but I water turbine energy as well. Sir, - Following Mr JM Gow’s revelations
am sorry that it repeated the old myth of the Tug Bun Society, we feel impelled
about the corner turrets of the San. This RJJ Parkes and GC Hobhouse (both G, to bring to your notice the inaugural
is a distinguished building by a 04-09): the Head Man nominates one meeting and dinner of the Old
distinguished architect, William White, (only) young OW charity effort for Wykehamist Deep Sea Dining Club,
and to suggest that the turrets are an fundraising on Winchester Day. This year which was held at in His Majesty’s
afterthought to rectify an omission, rather the opportunity goes to Rufus and George Submarine Sybil last November.
than integral part of the design, fails to do (now at Bristol and Magdalen, Oxford,
justice to him and to those who respectively), who are participating in the The meal was held, bottomed, at a mean
commissioned him. Placing the lavatories Mongol Rally. This is a 12,000 mile car- depth of 273 feet, which incidentally is
in the turrets was in accordance with the rally from England to Ulaanbaatar, believed to be the lowest depth to which
best principles of designing for hospital Mongolia, travelling through Europe, two Old Wykehamists dining have ever
buildings at that time. The lavatories Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, sunk. Conditions were not easy, as the
(with water closets and hand basins) were Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia in boat carried a list of some 10 to 12 degrees
separated from the wards by well- difficult terrain and with a totally throughout, but an early start was made,
ventilated lobbies and thus, it was inadequate car! They are raising money and the President, winning the toss,
thought, the risk of germs passing from for the Christina Noble Children’s elected to eat uphill.
the lavatories to the wards was greatly Foundation (CNCF) and for Help for
reduced. White made an attractive Heroes. They surely deserve our support; Considerations of space and lack of
feature out of a practical and hygienic should you wish to sponsor them, please opposition forbade the holding of a hot,
necessity. contact Rufus on: and on much the same grounds it was
[email protected] decided on the President’s casting vote
As Gill Hunter’s recent biography of not to sing ‘Domum’, the Member
William White tells us, his building “won The School is very grateful to the family dissenting hotly on the grounds that he
the highest award (silver medal) for of Colin Smith (K, 78-83) for their gift of could perfectly well remember four verses.
‘School Sanatoria’ at the 1884 Health a handsome chiming clock which is in the
Exhibition” (William White: Pioneer main room of Hunter Tent. Beneath the We are, Sir, your obedient Servants,
Victorian Architect, Spire Books, 2010). clock is a frame of some team photographs
Like so many Victorian architects, White showing many of Colin’s friends, S Jenner (C, 34-39) HMS Sybil. Lieut.,
(great-nephew of Gilbert White of including the teams for the 1982 Win Royal Navy,
Selborne, where he restored the church) Coll Sixth Centenary Celebration Match President c/o G.P.O. London.
was better appreciated in his own day between Lord’s and the OWs over-30s.
than he has been by subsequent Within the frame is this inscription: DMcA Craig (C, 36-41) Lieut., ■
generations. At Winchester he also Royal Navy, Member.
designed Cook’s (1862), the School’s first This clock is given by his family
purpose-built boarding house. in memory of Footnote: It was noticeable that, after this
Wykehamists interested in this sort of letter was published in The Wykehamist,
thing might also like to know about the Colin Nigel Neville Smith there was a significant decline in the
new Pevsner Architectural Guide, 1965-2009. number of letters to the Editor from the
Hampshire: Winchester and the North (Yale Army constituent about its endless OW
University Press, 2010), which pays Colin lived for twenty-five years in Dinners in India.
attention to the 19th and 20th century Meadow House
School buildings (e.g. Music School, Erratum
Armoury, Science School (“the first major on the edge of New Field.
school building devoted to science in He played his games on these Apologies are offered to RH Vickers for
Britain”), and some of the boarding mistakes made in the previous issue
houses) as well as the more familiar beautiful grounds over his House letter – ‘H’ should have
medieval and Georgian ones. one of a talented generation read ‘G’ on page 18 – twice!
among whom he had lifelong friends.
If you would like a copy of any press obituary referred to, please contact the Winchester College Society office. You can request either by email to
[email protected], telephone +44 (0)1962 621217 or by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the Director, 17 College Street,
Winchester SO23 9LX. ‘Obit’ indicates that a copy of some other tribute is also available.
Erratum: We erroneously reported in 136, 1939-45; New College, Oxford, 1947, joint managing director, 1951, and
TS110 the passing of Robin Angus 1946, 3 English Language and Literature, chairman, 1957-77. A man of wide
Graham (B, 40-44). In fact, he has not BA 1948. Married (1) Youla Harrison, interests and considerable charm, he
breathed his last and continues to enjoy Dec. 1947. (2) Henrietta Cheesman, always saw his responsibilities as
good health in Suffolk. We are most Aug. 1978. Survived by a son and stretching beyond the door of the office.
grateful to him for his forbearance in this daughter from his first marriage. He developed these responsibilities in a
matter; he had also read the same notice most imaginative and determined way,
in The Times on 4th August, earlier this George Patrick Pirie-Gordon (B, 31-37): creating for the people of Westmorland a
year. died 24.3.2011, aged 92. 15th Laird of range of possibilities for social and cultural
Buthlaw. Father of EDP (B, 82-86). Oriel experience that was exceptional in its
Vincent Broderick (Staff): died College, Oxford 1937, History, War BA time. Very many organisations benefited
14.11.2010, aged 90. Lords Cricket coach, 1945; 2 Lt RA 1939; BEF 1939-40 from his expertise and generosity. CBE
1960-86. He also ran the sports shop in (despatches); Major NW Europe, 1944-45 1982. He is survived by his son and three
Kingsgate Street (now the Enterprises (despatches); Lt-Col, SEAC and India, daughters. He attended the inaugural
office). A more detailed appreciation of 1945-47; member of the Queen’s ‘Class of ’45 (and earlier)’ Reunion Lunch
Vince’s life as a cricketer can be found on Bodyguard for Scotland (The Royal at The Cavalry and Guards Club in
pages 2-3, written by Andrew Longmore Company of Archers) from 1948; Glyn, September 2010 and was delighted to
(A, 67-71) for The Wisden Cricketer. Mills & Co, local director of Holts Branch, have been saluted ‘Sen Man’. Obit in The
Army and RAF Agents (now Royal Bank Times.
Richard Clive Cookson (Fellow, 70-76): of Scotland) 1949-78; trustee,
died 17.12.2008. Harrow; Trinity College, Transantartic Association since 1962; Donald Le Strange Campbell (B, 32-37):
Cambridge, BA 1944, MA, PhD 1947; Master of the Skinners’ Company 1963-64; died 10.3.2011, aged 91. Brother of BGC
Research Fellow, Harvard University chairman Mt Everest Foundation 1966; (B, 43-48). School IV (Cox) 1934-35;
1948; Research Division of Glaxo chairman of Governors, Skinners’ School Clare College, Cambridge 1937 Natural
Laboratories Ltd 1949-51; lecturer, for Girls 1967-76; trustee Army Sports Sciences; 2 Lt RA 1939; Captain 1942;
Birkbeck College, London University Control Board; director, Anglo-American Major NW Europe 1944-45 (MC,
1951-57; Professor of Chemistry 1957-83; Securities Corporation 1973-80; trustee, despatches); DAQMG (Deputy Assistant
Research Professor of Chemistry, Queen’s Nursing Institute 1954-80, vice- Quarter Master General) British Army of
University of Southampton 1983-85 and president since 1980; Member of Council, the Rhine, 1945; metallurgical engineer.
Emeritus Professor since 1985; Royal Geographic Society, 1960-82 Married Shona Catherine, Sept. 1952.
publications: papers, mainly in the journal (including 10 years as hon. treasurer), hon
of the Chemical Society. vice president since 1982; Knight of Michael William Massy Osmond (I, 32-
Justice of the Order of St John of 37): died 22.11.2010, aged 92. Lords XI,
Robert Bryan Strickland Bartley (G, 30- Jerusalem since 1982; Honorary Fellow Assoc XI 1937; Christ Church, Oxford,
34): died 10.7.2009, aged 92. Brother of Oriel College, Oxford, 1988. Married 1937-39, reading Law; 2 Lt Coldstream
the late GASB (G, 23-29), uncle of AHB Catherine Grace Taylor, July 1947. Guards, 1939; invalided 1940; called to
(H, 55-60) and SGBB (H, 61-66). the Bar (Inner Temple) 1941; Ministry of
Magdalene College, Cambridge, Peter Francis Scott (H, 31-36): died Production 1941-43; Housemaster,
engineering, 1935, BA 1938; 2 Lt SA 13.11.2010, aged 93. Oriel College, Borstal Service, 1943-45; Legal Assistant
Engineer Corps 1940; W Desert 1941; Oxford 1936, 3 History 1939; 2 Lt KRRC, Ministry of National Insurance; 1946-69;
POW 1942-45; despatches. Married 1939; Capt MEF 1941; Capt (IO), CMF Principal Assistant Solicitor, Departments
Dulcie Elizabeth Sharp, May 1941. and NW Europe, 1943-46; Croix de of Health and Social Security 1969; Legal
Guerre. As a grandson of the founder, he Adviser to Department of Health and
Leo Claude Vaux Miéville (H, 31-35): joined Provincial Insurance as a director, Social Security, to Office of Population
died 4.6.2009, aged 91. RAF and Force
Censuses and Surveys and to the General owner with wife of ERBP Unit, Willis Faber & Dumas in 1959 and built it
Register Office, 1974-78; CB 1977. His Milledgeville, GA, USA. Married Dr up, leading the public flotation of Willis
wife, Jill, predeceased him and he is Marion de Nonie Barber in 1972. Faber in 1976, becoming its chairman and
survived by their two children, James and retiring in 1981; director Cornhill
Lindsay. Richard Bromwich Haig (A, 33-38): died Insurance Co; vice-chairman Legal &
25.9.2010, aged 90. Brother of the late General Assurance plc. His wartime
Denis Edward Hain (formerly Edward MHH (A, 20-24) and AEGH (A, 25-30). experience shaped his life; more than
Hain Bullivant) (G, 32-38): died Steeplecha– 1937; Royal Military Academy anything else a strong sense of leadership
14.3.2011, aged 92. Grandfather of TA Woolwich 1938; 2 Lt, RA, 1939; MEF had been born and this influenced every
Morgan (A, 84-89). Maths Prize; King’s 1943; POW (Salerno) 1943; Capt 1946; decision he would make in later life in the
College, Cambridge 1938, 2 Moral Air OP Pilot 1946; Staff College City. Gained much enjoyment from
Science 1941; MA 1945; Royal Camberley 1951; Maj 1952; retired 1958; developing his shoot at Bighton and was a
Hampshire Regiment 1940; 2 Lt, Queen’s fruit grower since 1959. Five times winner long-time member of Swinley Golf Club.
Royal Regiment 1941; won cross-country, of the Bulmers Golden Apple Award for Married Elizabeth Josephine Kiek
13 Battalion 1942; Glider Regiment the best cider orchard. Survived by his (brother of Martin Kiek: K, 35-39), Nov
1942; Mediterranean 1943; Glider wife, Anthea, and son, Robin. 1949, who survives him with their three
Landing, Southern France 1944 sons.
(wounded); invalided 1946; concert Richard Geoffrey ‘Ian’ Pendered (Coll,
singer; soloist with various English choral 34-39): died 19.11.2010. Co Prae. Open The Hon. John Murdoch Mitchison
societies, Coro Polifonico Romano, Scholar Magdalene College, Cambridge, (Coll, 35-40): died 17.3.2011. Schol Prae,
Radio/TV, Chamber Orchestra of Spain, 1939. His tenure at the Foreign Office English Literature, McDowell Prize,
etc.; solo recitals, also on South African 1940-52, was at Station X, Bletchley School Exhibition, Editor of The
Radio; lecture-recital on ‘The legato style Park; Bunge & Co, grain merchants, Wykehamist, Bisley 1939-40 (Captain).
of singing’ with English, French and London, 1952-87, Managing Director, Scholar, Trinity College, Cambridge
Spanish texts. Married Yvonne Mary Chairman, 1987. County player, Lawn 1940, 1 Natural Sciences Pt 1 1942;2 Lt,
Keturah, Jan.1942 ; (2) Anna Ringström, Tennis and Squash, Northants champion General List 1943; Scientific Research;
Jan. 1963. A memorial event will be on at both, c 1951. He is survived by Captain CMF, 1944-45; Major DADSR,
Sunday 29th May 2011 at Linden House, Jennifer, his wife of 57 years, and their UK, 1946; Trinity, 1 Natural Sciences Pt
Upper Mall, Chiswick, W6 9TA from two sons and two daughters. Obit in The 2 , MA 1947; Research Scholar 1947,
2.30pm to 5.30pm. An intention to Times. Research Fellow 1950; PhD 1951;
attend should please be notified to Tim Edinburgh University, lecturer in Zoology
Morgan, a grandson, at Arthur Ronald Taylor (K, 34–39 and 1953, reader 1960, professor 1963; FRSE
[email protected] Fellow, 86-96): died 20.3.2011. Father of 1966; Sc D (Camb) 1967; FRS 1978.
NRT (K, 65-70), MRT (F, 68-72) and Married Rosalind Mary Wrong, June
Hilton Stowell (Coll, 33-37): died SAT (F, 70-74), grandfather of NAT (F, 1947, who predeceased him; he is
2.8.2010, aged 90. Birkbeck College, 99-04) and ART (F, 02-07). Lords XI survived by their four children. Obits in
1937-39; War Service in RAOC, 1940-42 1938-39 (scoring 99 against Eton, batting The Times, and The Telegraph.
and in coal mining Durham, 1943-46; at number 9, followed by taking 4
Aberdeen University, MA (Hons) 2, wickets), Assoc XI 1938-39, VI 1938-39 Maxwell Seely Woosnam (C, 36-40):
Cognitive Psychology and English (Captain), Princes 1939 (Captain). died 23.12.2010. Son of Max Woosnam
Language/Literature 1949; teaching Trinity College, Oxford 1940, BA 1943, (F, 06-11). Assoc XI 1939; Trinity
English as a Foreign Language, Malaya, MA 1947 (resigned his MA in 1985 College, Cambridge, engineering degree
Egypt, Sudan and Bahrain 1950-59; owing to the University’s refusal of an 1942; RAF 1942-47, F/Lt technical;
teaching undergraduate psychobiology, honorary degree to Margaret Thatcher); engineer, refinery and chemical plant
UK and USA, 1959-68; emigrated to OU Assoc XI 1940; OCTU Sandhurst design and construction; various firms
USA to retrain as a neuroscientist, 1964; 1941 (Sword of Honour); 2 Lt. Grenadier including BP; consultancy. Married (1)
MS and PhD in psychobiology, Florida Guards, 1941; Tunisia 1943; Italy 1944- Anne Margaret Macdonald, October
State University 1971; member and 45; Major 1946; Palestine; retired 1953. 1951 and (2) Alison Miller.
fellow of learned societies, Research Played Rackets for England v. USA 1947,
Scientist and Principal Investigator, won (with RAA ‘Bimby’ Holt) Amateur Christopher Beney Pringle (I, 36-41):
Event Related Brain Potential unit, Doubles 1947 and 1949, and the died 28.11.2010. Brother of the late
Central State Hospital of Georgia, USA American Amateur Doubles 1947. Joined JWSP (Coll, 26-31) and APP (I, 31-36)
(1973-80); Principal Investigator and co-
and uncle of JGP (I, 61-66). Co Prae, Cricket 1948 (he scored an exceptional Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins Hospital,
Exhibitioner, Bisley. Manchester 145 n.o. in the Varsity Match at Lords, Baltimore 1964; Consultant paediatrician
University 1941, Economics; wireless ‘endured and, of course, enjoyed – at least UCH 1969; Professor of Child Health,
mechanic, RNVR, 1942; Petty Officer, in retrospect’ – by GHG Doggart, playing University of Southampton 1990-93;
Fleet Air Arm, 1942-46; USA on the other side); Rackets 1947-48 Non-exec Director, Southampton & SW
Newfoundland and Canada,1943-44; (Captain twice); Squash 1945-46 Hampshire Health Authority 1989-93
director of various companies within the (Captain); Golf 1946-47. St Thomas’s and Southampton University Hospitals
White Child Beney Group, including Hospital 1948; BM, BCh 1951; DM 1961; NHS Trust 1993-97; Governor & Trustee
chairman of British Tufting Machinery, FRCP 1969; FRCPath 1988; represented of Lord Mayor Treloar College 1988-
Blackburn, 1946-65; managing director, St Thomas’s at Cricket, Golf, Squash, 2000. As Foundation Professor of Child
Platt Knitting Machinery, Burton-on- Tennis 1948-53, President of Cricket, Health at Southampton, he improved the
Trent, and marketing director, Platt Squash, Tennis 1963-73, Hampshire, Wessex regional paediatric services to the
International, Bolton, since 1965; Neil & Squash, 1948-53; Capt RAMC, Malaya, level required to sustain medical
Spencer Limited 1975, and was Chairman 1953-57, Cricket, Tennis, Squash 1954-57, education throughout the region and
of the holding company, 1985-88. In later Malaysia, Cricket, 1956-57, Capt established research programmes at
years he became a much sought after Singapore Cricket 1957; represented GB Southampton that later gave it
lecturer for the National Trust and the in Du Bler Cup Tennis 1972; associate, international recognition. While he was
University of Surrey on Country House National Research Council, Washington, Dean, Southampton became an early
Architecture and Furniture. The Friends 1957-8; staff member, Rockefeller example of a medical faculty that fostered
of Winchester College were privileged to Foundation, 1958-60; consultant inter-professional collaboration by
hear him speak on three occasions: on neurologist and senior lecturer in bringing nursing and other health
‘Banqueting Houses’ in Nov. 2005, medicine, St Thomas’s, 1964; Professor of professionals into the Faculty. A lifelong
‘English Decorative Plasterwork’ in Nov. Neurovirology, London University, 1988; sportsman, he enjoyed skiing, golf and
2006 and ‘The Story of the English Chair’ DSc, LU, 1990; many publications in rackets well into his retirement. He is
in Oct. 2007, aged 84, his considerable various medical and scientific journals. survived by Jean, his wife of 50 years, and
knowledge invariably tinged with his Whilst serving during the Malayan their two daughters and son.
particular brand of humour. His wife of 60 emergency, he encountered tick-bone
years, Patricia, survives him. encephalitis; his success with the disease Peter Melville Rusden (K, 42-45): died
led to his joining the Rockefeller 23.3.2011. Guy’s Hospital, LDS
James Digby Bristow (G, 39-43): died Foundation’s viral research institute in (London), RCS Eng; Lt Royal Army
23.2.2011. Brother of HMB (G, 45-50). Poona, where he found a cure for the Dental Corps 1952; Captain 1953; dental
RNVR 1943, Sub-Lt 1944; minesweepers, deadly Kyasamur Forest Disease (KFD). surgeon. Survived by his wife of 55 years,
Mediterranean and Home Waters, 1944- His wife of 60 years, Jean, survives him Suzanne, and their children.
46; Royal Agricultural College, with their two children. Obit in The Times.
Cirencester, 1947-49; farming. He Kenneth Alston Alexander (I, 42-46):
enjoyed shooting, sailing, music and Ian Colin Stuart Normand (Coll, 41-46): died 19.12.2010. Brother of the late WBA
skiing and never found time to retire, died 19.1.2011. Brother of the late ARN (F, 31-37), the late JRA (F, 33-37), and
continuing to work until Parkinson’s (Coll, 38-43) and father of AJCN (F, 76- CSA (F, 40-44); father of RLA (I, 73-78).
reduced his activity. Married (1) Juliet 81). Aulae Prae, VI 1943-45 (Captain VIII, Steeplecha–. RAC 1947, Belt of
Amanda Carlos-Clarke, May 1954, and 1944-45), Assoc XI 1944-46 (Captain Honour; 2 Lt RTR 1948; Trinity College,
(2) Kirstine Maitland, 1974. Survived by 1946), Lords XI 1946. As Aulae Prae, he Cambridge, 3 Natural Sciences 1951, 3
his two sons and a daughter, as well as welcomed HM King George VI and Law, BA 1952, Survived by his wife of 54
three step-children. Queen Elizabeth Ad Portas in 1946. years, Linda, and their son.
Frazer Scholar, Balliol College, Oxford
Hubert Eustace Webb (G, 40-45): died 1946; OU Skiing 1947, 1949; 4th British David Bartholomew Lyndon Skeggs (I,
8.11.10. Lords XI 1943-45 (Captain National Ski Championships 1949; 42-46): died 22.12.2010. VIII (Cox) 1945.
twice), Princes 1943-45 (Captain of two British University Ski Team 1950. Oriel College, Oxford 1946, 3 Natural
winning pairs with GHJ Myrtle, and Harmsworth Scholar, St Mary’s Hospital, Sciences 1949, BM, BCh 1952; St
winner of the Public Schools Rackets 1950-52. Captain RAMC 1954-58, active Bartholomew’s Hospital; MA 1953; RNR
Handicap), Assoc XI 1944-45, VI. New service, Malaya 1957-58. FRCP 1971; Surgeon Lt Cdr 1954-67; DMRT 1962;
College, Oxford 1945, Natural Science DM Oxon 1975; Hon FRCPCH 1996; FFR 1964; research assistant, St Thomas’s
1948, MA 1953; a quadruple ‘blue’: Paediatric department UCH 1960; Hospital 1962; senior registrar, St Bart’s
1964; consultant radiotherapist in charge,
Royal Free Hospital. 1966; FRCR 1966; roots in County Cork, he was brought up managing director Spencer Stuart &
examiner to conjoint Board; Chairman in Armagh. An idealist entrepreneur, he Associates, and Group Director Spencer
Part I FRCR Exam Board 1983-88; author was involved variously in property Stuart Limited, 1972-88. Survived by his
of various papers and chapters in text ventures, hotels, a travel agency, the wine former wife, Valerie, who remained close,
books on the treatment of cancer, also the trade, screw-fix buttons, a chain of dry and their two children.
use of computers in 3-dimensional cancer cleaners and radiator panels. He loved
treatment. Survived by his wife of 54 playing games, particularly with his Timothy Graham Tyson Taylor (B, 44-
years, Anita, and their two daughters. grandchildren, and became good at 49): died 6.4.2011. Bro of JFT (B, 49-54).
Obits in The Times, Telegraph. bridge. He enjoyed opera, from Wagner to Art Prize 1949; RA 1949-51, 2 Lt;
Mozart. Married three times, to Dorothy, Lincoln College, Oxford 1951-54, 3
Bruce (‘Buster’) Philip Guard (C, 43-48): Sally and Lesley, and shared his last Modern History; personnel officer and
died 30.3.2011. Brother of the late DRG fifteen years with Lady Caroline Blois. systems analyst, Albright & Wilson
(C, 42-46) and father of PWG (H, 70- Limited, 1955-65; civil servant, Ministry
75). Lords XI 1947-48, Rackets and Fives Christopher Henry Nourse (D, 44-49): of Defence and Department of
1948. DCLI 1948, 2 Lt 1949; Italian died 6.12.2010. 3rd generation Employment 1996.
Somaliland; farming 1950; company Wykehamist, brother of MCN (D, 45-50).
director in motor trade. Married Cecily Rifle Brigade 1949; Lt Suffolk Regiment Peter Miles Welsh (G,44-49): died
Cooper, who survives him with their son 1950, Malaya and TA for 7 years; King’s 17.4.2011. Lords XI 1947-49, Assoc XI
and two daughters. College, Cambridge 1951, 2 Natural 1948-49, Princes 1948-49 (Captain,
Sciences Pt 1; MB, BChir 1957, MA 1958, winning pair with MR Coulman), VI,
David Edward Tench (Q, 40-43): died DObst RCOG 1960, DCH 1961, FRCP Athla Colours 1949, ¼ mile and discus,
23.01.2011. As legal director of the (Ed); Middlesex Hospital 1954, house Duberly Prize. RMAS 1950, Rackets; 2 Lt
consumer magazine Which?, he was a officer 1957; GP Cambridge 1959; KRRC 1951; winner of Rackets Doubles
champion of consumer rights, advocating paediatric training, Royal Berkshire (with MR Coulman), Army Regimental
British consumers to defend their rights, Hospital Reading and St Mary’s London 1952-53 and Combined Services 1953;
by challenging unfairness and by 1960; Research Fellow, Harvard College, Army VIII 1955-57, 1962-64; Runaways
campaigning to put things right. He Boston Children’s Medical Centre 1965; Queen’s Medal Bisley 1957 and 1962; MC
played a pivotal role in piloting a number honorary senior registrar and paediatric 1966; Lt-Col 1968; RCDS 1977; Maj-
of key pieces of legislation through lecturer, St Mary’s Hospital Medical School Gen 1983; OBE 1983; retired 1985.
Parliament, most notably the 1987 1964; consultant paediatrician from 1967, Married June McAusland, Feb 1974, who
Consumer Protection Act and the Unfair first at Colchester and Bury St. Edmunds, survives him. A sevice of Thanksgiving
Contract Terms Act of 1977. David is then at Ipswich from 1979 until retirement. will be held in Chapel on 16 September.
survived by his two sons and daughter His special interests were premature babies,
from his first marriage, to Judy, who the prevention of cot-deaths, the treatment Alan Kenneth Moir (H, 45-49): died
predeceased him 1986. The following of leukaemia in children and, latterly, 17.2.2011. University of Tours 1949; RA
year, he married Liz Macdonald, who community paediatrics. Master, the 1950-52; articled clerk, 1952-58; ACA
survives him. Obits The Times and The Merchant Taylor’s Company 1982-83; 1958; FCA; tutor in accountancy;
Telegraph. Chairman of the Governors of the director H Foulk Lynch & Co Ltd, 1965-
Merchant Taylor’s School, Northwood, 78; tutor Civil Service College, 1978-89.
Kenelm Gordon Nicolson Alcock (D, 44- 1997-02. Married (1) Victoria Thomas, A keen bridge player, he also enjoyed
49): died 16.10.2005. Brother of ICNA April 1963, and (2) Barbara Smith, Sept. chess, travel, and the history of art. He
(D, 48-53). VIII 1949. Reading 1978; she survived him, as did three sons, a never married.
University 1949, Inter BSc; Trinity daughter and a step-son.
College, Cambridge 1950; 3 Natural Nigel Charles Purdon Winter (G, 45-50):
Sciences 1953, MA 1959; director of John Robert Douglas (‘Tim’) Scriven (I, died 26.2.2011. Brother of the late ECW
private companies 1957-85. Married Sally 45-49): died 14.4.2011. Brother of the (G, 47-52) and father of JHPW (G, 77-
Elizabeth Millbourn, April 1960. late RGS (I, 42-46) and father of DTCS 81). RMAS 1951; 11th Hussars (PAO –
(D, 77-81). Absent through illness for his Prince Albert’s Own), Germany 1952,
Henry William Nicholas Leader (D, 44- last two terms; unfit for National Service; Malaya 1953, UK 1956, Aden and
49): died 9.10.2011. Spanish Prize. Trinity Choral Exhibitioner Magdalene College, Kuwait 1961, Germany 1962; GSO 2
College, Cambridge 1949 3 Law, BA Cambridge 1953, 2(2) History; Morgan Joint Warfare Establishment 1965; 11th
1952; CU Athletics 1950-52. Originating Crucible Group, president, Morganite Hussars, Germany, 1967; Brigade-Major,
from an old Protestant family with its Incorporated, North Carolina, 1952-72; HQ 7th Armoured Brigade, 1969-71; CO
Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales Own) Christ Church 1989-96; NSM St Martin- Julian Roderick Norman Travis (K, 55-
1973-75; retired 1984. Married Margaret in-the-Fields, London from 96 until 60): died 13.12.2010. Brother of MST (K,
Jane Digby, April 1959. retirement.) His wife, Vicky, predeceased 60-65), Lords XI 1959-60 and Tennis VI.
him; survived by their two daughters. Trinity College, Oxford, 1960-63, Chem,
Roger Barnaby Gilchrist Thompson (H, BSc, Real Tennis 1962-63 (Captain),
46-51): died 8.4.2011. 3rd generation John Stafford Roland Beecham (G, 53- Cricket for OU Authentics. Solicitor for
Wykehamist father to son. Brother of PRT 58): died 5.1.2011. Brother of RAB (G, Slaughter and May from 1970. MCC, Free
(H, 50-55), Bisley 1949-51 (Captain), 55-60), cousin of HJB (G, 61-65) and Foresters, Queen’s Club and Brooks’. Sadly
Cholmondely Prize for handwriting 1950. uncle of AAB Brabyn (I, 85-90). struck down by a devastating mental
National Service 1951, invalided; Christ’s Exhibitioner. Exhibitioner Queen’s illness in his mid-twenties, severely
College, Cambridge 1952, 2 Architecture College, Oxford, 3 Maths 1963; affecting him for the rest of his life.
1955, MA 1957, ARIBA 1961; architect’s Pentecostal Minister who worked Survived by his wife, Margaret, and
assistant LCC, 1957 and Chamberlain independently. daughter, Maria.
Powell & Bon, 1959; senior architect NW
Met. Regional Hosp Board 1962 and Met. Michael John Reginald Jeremy (A, 53- William Richard Coulton (D, 58-63):
Borough of Camberwell 1963; urban 58): died 17.7.2010. Vere Herbert Smith died Dec. 2010. Brother of JJC (Coll, 53-
planner and project leader, London Prize and English Essay 1958. Scholar New 58). St John’s College, Cambridge, 2(2)
Borough of Southwark, 1965; contributor College, Oxford, 2 Modern History, BA History; solicitor’s articled clerk.
on housing and planning to press and 1961; Marketing Executive. Married
sound broadcasting, and news editor Davina Elizabeth Spring, 1975, who Conrad Glyn Tudor (E, 96–01): died
Architects’ Journal since 1970. Married survives him with their son, Richard.
Suzanne Damaris Holness, 1959. 22.10.10, aged 27. ■
Richard Mulgrave Sheffield (H, 55-60):
Patrick Robert Richard Sinclair (K, 50- died 18.3.2011. Brother of the late JMS We are aware of the following deaths and will
54): died 6.3.2011. Father of WRFS (K, (H, 53-58). Bisley 1957-59. Magdalene be including further information in the next
92-97). Gymna medals 1951-54. RN College, Cambridge, Natural Sciences issue:
1954-56, A/Sub Lt; Oriel College, Oxford 1964, MA 1970; data processing;
1956-59, 3 Law BA, MA 1960; International Computers 1964-68; Blue H U A Lambert (Coll, 38-43 and Fellow,
Coronation Scholar, Lincoln’s Inn 1960; Cross Association, Chicago 1968-72; 79-91): died on 19.4.2011. Father of
called to the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn 1961; stockbroking, AG Edwards, Chicago RMUL (F, 72-76).
practised at Chancery Bar from 1961. 10th 1972-79; data processing, Gt Western
Bt of Dunbeath 1990. Married Susan Bank, Beverly Hills. Married Marcia J R LaT Corrie (Coll, 39-44): died on
Catherine Beresford, Sept. 1974. Marie Swanson, Feb. 1970. 25.4.2011. Father of COBC (F, 74-78).
Andrew Michael Stewart Broadhurst (E,
50-55): died 17.1.2011. Coldstream
Guards, Depot 1956-57, 2nd Battalion
1957, staff 1963, Reg HQ 1965-67,
Equerry (temp) to HM The Queen 1966-
7, 1st Battalion 1967, Staff 1969; Major;
Deputy Assistant Adjutant GHQ London
Dist 1972-74; retired 1979; DAIWA
Europe Limited, London from 1979.
Antony Hurst (E, 51-56): died 30.3.2011.
Brother of JRH (E, 53-58). Trinity
College, Cambridge MA 1961; LSE MSc
(Econ) 1971; Bristol College Dip Ed 1964;
Southwark Ordination Course 1979. Holy
Orders, ordained priest in 1984; non -
stipendiary Ministry in the diocese of
Southwark, Holy Trinity with St
Matthew’s 1983-89; NSM Southwark,
Winchester College Society
Office From the Director encourage each other to swell the
numbers as much as possible – peer-
17 College Street Archie Campbell Murdoch’s pressure remains by far the most effective
Winchester Centenary! means of recruiting.
SO23 9LX
Telephone: 01962 621217 Our Sen Man celebrated his 100th Arthur Dunn Cup Win - 50
Facsimile: 01962 621218 birthday in Salisbury on 2nd March 2011 Years ago
E-mail: [email protected] – many congratulations indeed, Archie! I
Web site: hope that readers will enjoy his ‘A It has been a great pleasure and privilege
Directors: David Fellowes (I, 63-67) Cookite Remembers – 1924-29’ on page 6. to be asked to arrange a dinner in the
Warden’s Lodgings on Friday, 13th May,
Lorna Stoddart It would be tempting fate to set a date for to celebrate, it has to be said, the last time
Deputy No. 2, but it is worth noting, and indeed that OWFC won the Cup – on 15th April
Director: Tamara Templer celebrating, that our Ten Sen Men roll 1961. A full report will be published in
has remained unchanged since the last the November issue. The current
The Council issue – maybe there really is something in generation of OW players chose to mark
the recent longevity forecasts! their forebears’ achievement in style; the
William Eccles (H, 73-77) - Chairman 1st XI winning promotion to the
Rod Parker (A, 61-65) Yet More about ‘Class of …’ Arthurian League’s Premier Division for
David Fellowes (I, 63-67) - Director Reunions! next season, whilst the 2nd XI has also
Richard Morse (K, 72-76) won its own promotion. More details can
Toby Stubbs (E, 72-77) Common Time has seen three more such be found in Tom Vernon’s Report in OW
Rupert Younger (F, 79-84) reunions and all seemingly much enjoyed News. Many congratulations to both
Paul Cleaver (H, 85-90) by those who have attended them, two at teams – now for that Cup, please!
Alasdair Maclay (Coll, 86-91) Win Coll and one in London. Word is
Michael Humbert (B, 90-95) gradually getting around that these are Regional Events
Mark Toone (E, 90-95) not to be missed, and in many cases much
Ed Matthews (K, 91-96) to the surprise of somewhat apprehensive The back page contains news of two
Freddie Bjorn ((H, 95-00) attendees! regional Dinners in the autumn. Should
Dr RD Townsend - Headmaster you have a second home in the
Lorna Stoddart - Director of Development We seem to have settled on the Saturdays ‘catchment area’ and would like to attend,
of XVs and VIs as being the occasions please ask us to send you an invitation.
TEN SEN MEN best suited to supplement these Equally, to those of you living in the area,
gatherings, with those present for the ‘50 by all means think outside it, and invite
A G C F Campbell Murdoch (C, 24-29) Years-on’ voting to a man that it should guests from further afield to stay with you.
D J J Evans (F, 25-29) always be held in Winchester, whilst there
M R Evans DFC (H, 27-30) was a unanimous vote at the ’20 Years-on’ All from the Same Place
Dr J Gask (K, 28-33) that this event should always be based in
J S T Gibson (Coll, 29-34) London, given the heavy family You will no doubt recall mention of
Lt. Col. The Lord [GNC] Wigram MC commitment on that age-group over a Malcolm Burr (C, 46-51)’s superb trilogy
(H, 28-34) weekend. of books: All from the Same Place, More
P W Ward-Jackson (G, 29-33) from the Same Place and Yet More from the
Dr J F Monk (A, 29-34) I omitted to canvas opinion at the Same Place, bound respectively in blue,
Lt. Col. A D Murray (K, 29-34) Winchester-based ’30 Years-on’, but it is red and brown – what else?!
J L Pinsent (E, 29-35) likely that we will alternate them ‘home
and away’ with the ’40 Years-on’ brigade. I We have recently reprinted 150 copies of
very much look forward to an excellent the original, blue-bound edition; these are
turnout for the 40 and 60 Years-on events available at £10 to those wishing to
in October, both in London. Please complete their set. We have also
produced an attractive slip-case to hold
all three editions; this is also for sale at Chapel Choir Reunion in 2012 From Mary Emerson, Executive
£10, though should you wish to purchase Director of The American
the full set of books and the slip-case, this A date has now been fixed for this, the Friends of Winchester College
will cost only £35 (ie at £10 per book + first such reunion since 2005 - Saturday,
only £5 for the slip-case). The cost of 30th June. It would help us enormously if The
postage will be assessed with each order. all those who have been in Chapel Choir, American
Please contact Kate Ross should you wish let alone those who may be interested in Friends of
to place an order ([email protected]). actually taking part, could let me know, so Winchester
that we can ensure that your record on College are
Wanting to visit the School? our database reflects this – all ages will be busy
welcome for what should be a real ‘choir- engaging
Just a reminder that, even though you fest’. One thing is for sure: if we don’t OWs from
may be an OW or a Friend ‘just visiting’ know of your interest, you should not the Atlantic
and/or in the hope of ‘just showing round expect an invitation! to the
some friends of mine’, it is imperative that Pacific. Past
you should at the very least check in at The next OW Register parents, Peter and Lindsay Joost of San
the Porters’ Lodge in Outer Gate, gaining Francisco, hosted an elegant dinner at their
access, please, only via the College Street You should be receiving the form home overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge
entrance. I am afraid that you should not necessary for the completion of your entry last October. Among those attending were
assume that everything can be opened up in the seventh edition of the Win Coll Alastair Land, Master in College, and also
for you, especially during term-time, for Register. The editors urge you to Dr. Boris Ruebner (H, 39-41), a sponsored
obvious enough reasons. Indeed, to avoid complete the form and return it AS student from Germany during war time.
undue disappointment, it would be SOON AS POSSIBLE, please.
advisable to contact the Porters’ Lodge to Also in October, past parent Meg Bradt
check the situation (01962 621227 or at: Rackets News – two apologies organized a cocktail reception in New York.
[email protected]). The Porters, who Ed Tulloch (A, 05-10) was present. Ed is
are tasked with keeping the College When celebrating in the May 2010 issue spending part of his gap year teaching at St.
premises as safe and secure as they can, the School’s splendid achievements in the Bernard’s School, an arrangement
would much rather know who you are at two Public Schools Championships in facilitated in part by AFWC Board member,
the very outset than have to confront you 2009/10, these columns listed Jonathan de Lande Long (I, 64-69).
on their rounds – only the simplest of Winchester’s Singles and Doubles title
‘Notions Tests’ is set! All of that said, Win winners over the past 67 years. In so doing, The Headmaster travelled to Tennessee
Coll is always delighted to welcome back the following two wins were overlooked: and Pennsylvania this spring. We will
its alumni and their guests. If a special report on events surrounding that visit in
visit is required, please contact the • In 1944, HE Webb (G, 40-45) won the next issue.
Director, who may be able to arrange what is now called the Foster Cup and
something for you. was then known as the Public Schools The Chairman, Andrew Watt (B, 76-80),
Rackets Handicap. He beat Eton’s AJH and Executive Director, Mary Emerson, are
Ward 3-1, both playing off scratch. eager to include all those visiting or residing
in the US in future activities, trips and
• In 1959, The Nawab of Pataudi (K, 54- gatherings. If you are not already receiving
59) and CEM Snell (A, 55-60) won the communication from AFWC, please contact
Public Schools Doubles, beating a Mary directly at [email protected] .
strong Eton pair in the final 4-3.
Some events – from October
Hughie Webb died on 8th November 2010 to the end of April
2010. He was one of the most talented
sportsmen that Winchester has produced; OW Bath Meeting – a good turnout
and it was a great delight that he and his enjoyed yet another excellent evening at
devoted wife, Jean, should have been The Bath Spa Hotel on Friday, 29th
present at the Hunter Tent Donors Lunch October. The Guest Speaker was Richard
on New Field on 19th June last year. It Southwell QC (D, 48-53). Many thanks,
was pleasing to note that there were six of as always, are due to the planning and
the Doubles winners (between 1943 and hard work put in by the Meeting’s
1972) also present. Hughie Webb’s obit Chairman, Harvey White (G, 49-54) and
can be found on page 20.
Hon. Sec, Jonathan Wyld (A, 58-63). Class of ’81
All-comers are welcome, regardless of
their proximity to Bath – please contact
Jonathan at: [email protected], should
you like an invitation.
The Goddard Lunch – as ever, members of
the Goddard Legacy Society much enjoyed
each other’s company, and those of their
guests, at the annual Lunch in School on
12th November, in the presence of the
Warden and the Headmaster. Both the
Chairman of the Society, Robin Fox (A,
50-55), and the Headmaster addressed the
gathering after lunch, before guests were
able to enjoy a special viewing of a
selection from the Watercolour Collection,
kindly arranged by the Curator, John
Falconer, in Moberly Library.
Under 25s Buffet Supper – those 43
young OWs lucky enough to have been at
The Royal College of Surgeons on 4th
February were treated to a memorable
evening, the highlight of which was a
classic Dr Wolters’ performance as Guest
Speaker, culminating in his astonishing
chemical experiment – ‘rabbits-out-of-
hats’ wouldn’t hold a candle to this!
‘Class of’ Reunions Class of ’91 beating Commoners, those fortunate and
wise enough to turn up for a Div hour
30 Years-on Reunion Dinner for the kind: JLM has lost none of his ancient taught by Colin Badcock (Coll, 39-43 and
‘Class of ‘81’ – whilst not all 36 OWs skill! At the dinner the main speaker was Housemaster of F, 62-76) were treated to
were ‘Up to Books’ on 12th February to the Warden, replied to by John Nicholls an unforgettable experience at their
enjoy the Div hour taught by Jock QC (Coll, 76-81 and Aulae Prae). The master’s feet – the Trireme Controversy of
Macdonald (Housemaster of B, 1975-82), Sen Man was James Geary (I, 75-80), and 1987, among other matters, was fully aired.
several bore witness to a deserved victory it was a delight that Dick and Jane As if that were not enough for one day,
by Commoners over Houses in XVs - Massen were able to be present. Hubert Doggart (E, 38-43 and
these things happen! As for the Div hour Housemaster of H, 64-72) delivered a
itself, entitled ‘Brains, Souls and Heads: 20 Years-on Dinner for the ‘Class of memorable speech at the dinner in School,
Beginnings and Endings - a journey from ‘91’ – 44 stalwarts of the 1991 crop were with Sue in attendance. By coincidence,
the formation of a baby’s brain to the end present at The Cavalry and Guards Club another QC and Aulae Prae, Stewart Boyd
of Civilisation in the West, be it Roman on 24th March to celebrate their ‘passing (Coll, 57-61) responded. Brian Hall (K,
or European’, all present agreed that it out’ twenty years ago, with Yu Yen Tan 56-60) took the honours as Sen Man.
was an extraordinary tour de force of its (E, 87-91) their Sen Man. Michael Wallis
made an evocative speech, to which The Director’s ‘Pizza Evening’ Tour –
Alasdair Maclay (Coll, 86-91, and one of thanks to the enthusiasm of the respective
three Aulae Praes present) responded. organisers, the Director greatly enjoyed
sampling a variety of Italian dishes (on
50 Years-on Reunion Dinner for the
‘Class of ‘61’ – after a high-quality game
of VIs on College Canvas, with Houses
Class of ’61 their financial position, without any under the county bursaries scheme.
sacrifice of educational standards or of
three evenings out of eight!) in the reasonable freedom’ and linked it to the The Headmaster addressed the assembled
company of an impressive turnout of OW provision to be made in the 1944 company after Lunch, followed by Wesley
undergraduates from Cambridge Education Act for the extension of Kerr, who regaled his audience with many
University on 3rd March, organised by boarding accommodation by public a nostalgic and even appreciative
Conrad Griffin (I, 04-09), Durham and authorities, since ‘the choice between a memory! Wesley had been commissioned
Newcastle Universities, in Durham, on day and a boarding education ... ought to by BBC Radio 4 to produce a
4th March (George Apperly: I, 02-07) be made freely and without financial bar’. documentary on the County Bursary
and Bristol University on 10th March Scheme, which will be broadcast on 20th
(Richard Vernon: G, 01-06). Papers from our archives show how June. Particular thanks are due to
The Reunion Lunch to celebrate the instrumental the Headmaster, Spencer Suzanne Foster, the College Archivist,
Fleming Bursaries – thanks to the drive Leeson, had been in securing the scheme who had collated an individual ‘dossier’
and enthusiasm of Wesley Kerr (K, 71-75), in Hampshire. The first 3 boys came to for each OW, reminding them of their
33 OWs gathered for Lunch in School on Win Coll on Hampshire bursaries in particular time in the School.
19th March. All had benefited from the 1947, one of whom was present at the
two County Bursary Schemes, sponsored lunch: Chester White (G, 47-52). There Following this successful reunion, John
by either Hampshire or Hertfordshire and was then a gap and the next boys were Troy (I, 72-77) found that at least eleven
further supportedby Win Coll. only admitted in 1950. Boys then came in OWs had been to Richard Hale
These schemes owed their existence to most years until the Hampshire bursaries School/Hertford Grammar School and
the Fleming Report, published in July were suspended in 1976. The first would like to arrange a dinner. In case any
1944, which recommended ‘the voluntary Hertfordshire boy came in 1950 and these reader should be one of them, or indeed
association with the general educational bursaries were suspended in 1975. In all, know of them, and are off the School’s
system of all public schools, whatever 100 boys were education at Win Coll radar, please e-mail John at:
[email protected]. He intends to
Chester White, the Headmaster and Wesley Kerr arrange a gathering during the summer at
a mutually convenient location.
Dates for your Diary in 2011 have been
tabled on the back page. Please mark up
your diaries NOW with any event that
interests you and please encourage others
to join you!
20th August to 25th September –
‘Winchester College and the King James
Bible’ – a Quatercentennial Exhibition:
in School. This exhibition will be open to
the public until 3rd September and
thereafter for pre-booked parties from 5th
– 25th September. Admission is free, but
tickets must be reserved in advance and
will be issued on a timed-ticket only.
Please contact the Cathedral box office
on 01962 857275 or online:
…. and looking ahead …. 10 Years-on
Reunion for the ‘Class of ‘02’:
It’s never too early to begin to think about
next year! I look forward to somebody
from the 2002 Leavers stepping forward as
a volunteer. Don’t forget that generous
sponsorship is on offer! Please contact me
([email protected])
10 Years-on Reunion for the ‘Class of Long Rolls for sale If
‘01’: 20th October, at the RSA (Vault 1), you would like to speak to James, his
John Adam Street, London WC2N 6EZ. The College Archivist, Suzanne Foster, telephone number is 07920 427787.
Invitations will be sent out in due course has a number of Long Rolls which are
by Adrian Horsewood (D, 96-01), who is surplus to requirement. There are: 20 percent of every drawing sold will be
kindly organising every aspect of the donated to Win Coll.
evening, but anyone wanting more 1982 – 1 roll 1988 – 16 rolls
information (or wanting to confirm 1992 – 19 1994 – 43 Win Coll Football results in 2011:
attendance or non-attendance!) is very 2000 – 643 2005 – 44
welcome to contact him on:
[email protected] or 07739 324 264. Should you be interested in acquiring one XVs – Commoners beat Houses: 36-30
The event will start at 7.00pm and will (particularly from 2000!), please contact
take the form of a Drinks Reception with Suzanne direct at: [email protected] Xs – College beat Commoners: 46-30
canapés. The food is being sponsored by
Win Coll Soc, thus enabling the ticket Xs – Houses beat College: 44-35
price to be kept to £20.
Kenny’s Cinefilm V1s – College beat Houses: 37-36
Old Wykehamist Medical Society
Amongst some documents recently given V1s – Houses beat Commoners: 49-42
The OW Medical Society is holding its next to the College Archives by the
dinner at Win Coll on Saturday 29th Housemaster of Kenny’s is an intriguing V1s – Commoners beat College: 44-33
October, 2011. OWs members will be joined old cinefilm. It is labelled, simply, as
by their counterparts from the Old Etonian ‘House Film 1960’. The film is a drama of
and Old Harrovian Medical Societies and some kind and was evidently shot in and
the guest of honour will be Lord Ribeiro of around Kenny’s. More than that is hard to
Achimota and Ovington, Kt, CBE, formerly determine as there isn’t any sound. If you
President of the Royal College of Surgeons remember this film and, even better, were
of England. It promises to be a convivial involved in the creation, the Archivist,
evening. Details and a booking form will be Suzanne Foster, would be very pleased to
sent to Society members a little nearer the hear from you at: [email protected].
time; however please note the date for your
diaries now. If you are a medically qualified Limited Print Reproductions of
OW or at medical school currently and the Commoner Houses, by James
would like to join the society, please contact Cartwright (H, 01-06)
the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Hamish Laing
([email protected]). The last issue featured the first of James Arnold House School is trying to
Cartwright’s fine drawings: Trant’s, of contact as many of its alumni as
Bishop Thomas Ken which he has so far sold 14 prints. He is possible. One of their number, who is
currently working on Furley’s, Phil’s and also a Governor of the school, has asked
The Rev’d. Colin Alsbury, Assistant Rural College, which he hopes to have available whether we might help find those boys
Dean of Frome Deanery and Vicar of Frome for purchase at the end of the academic that came to Winchester College from
Selwood & Woodlands, plans to year – he reports that his exams at UCL Arnold House.
commemorate the tercentenary of the death are currently consuming his attention!
of Bishop Thomas Ken next year at Frome For data protection reasons, we would
St John the Baptist. Ken died at Longleat In the meantime, James has completed not give your contact details directly to
House on 19th March 1711 and was carried and printed this drawing of Flint Court, Arnold House. If you are interested in
a day or two later to Frome St John the which should have a universal appeal. hearing from your old prep school, then
Baptist, where he was buried just outside the Prints may be purchased for £29.50 at please e-mail Anastassis Fafalios at
chancel. The celebrations are intended to [email protected] or
run from 19th March to 8th June 2011, the telephone 020 7251 5100. Alternatively
latter being the date when Ken is please reply to this e-mail indicating
remembered by the worldwide Anglican that you would be happy for contact
church. Please contact Colin Alsbury for details to be passed to Arnold House.
further details: [email protected]
Diary Dates from 1st May 2011
2011: Bible’ – a Quatercentennial Exhibition: in Professor John Stein of Magdalen College,
School. Please refer above (page 26) for Oxford (C, 54-59). All are keen to
4th May – Ad Portas in Chamber Court: further details. encourage yet more younger participation to
the Honorands were all OW FRSs and ensure this famous old Meeting should
FBAs. A full report will be given in the 31st August to 3rd September – RicNic’s continue for at least another 200 years; Win
November issue. Production of ‘Singing in the Rain’: Coll Soc continues to sponsor a heavily
Theatre Royal, Winchester. Tickets from the discounted ticket for those under 40.
5th May – the Director’s Oxford Box Office: 01962 840440 or
University ‘Pizza Evening’ - organised by 11th November – Goddard Legacy Society
Philip Low (G, 04-09) at Pizza Express in the Lunch, in Winchester.
Cornmarket. 7th September – Private Viewing of the
Bible Exhibition: for Wykeham Patrons, 15th November – OW Reception, at
7th May – a Memorial Service for Vince followed by Dinner in College Hall. Lincoln’s Inn.
Broderick: 12.00pm in Chapel.
8th September – ‘Cotswolds to Chilterns’ 2012:
12th May – OW Visual Arts Event: – Ben Regional Dinner: at Ditchley Park, near
Brown (E, 81-86) has kindly offered his Chipping Norton, Oxon OX7 4ER. Please 3rd February – Under 25s Dinner: at
gallery (Ben Brown Fine Arts, 12 Brook’s apply for tickets if you have not already been Imperial College, in London.
Mews, London W1K 4DG), whilst Michael sent a ‘save-the-date’ communication.
Symonds (G, 86-91)’s Rocket Foods is kindly 4th February (probably) – 40 Years-on
providing Wines & Canapés. Laurence 17th September – Wykeham Day: in Reunion for the ‘Class of ‘72’: in
Wolff (Common Room) has arranged this Winchester. Winchester, after XVs.
22nd September – 25s – 40s Dinner: at 17th March (probably) – 50 Years-on
13th May – Arthur Dunn Cup Winners The Cavalry and Guards Club in London. Reunion for the ‘Class of ‘62’: in
Dinner: in the Warden’s Lodgings, to Winchester, after VIs.
celebrate the win in 1961. 27th September – Reception for Parents of
Years 1 & 2, at Lincoln’s Inn in London. 22nd March – 20 Years-on Dinner for the
21st – 26th May – Wykeham Patrons trip ‘Class of ‘92’: at The Cavalry and Guards
to Turkey – taking in Ephesus, Pergamum, 29th September – ‘East Anglian’ Regional Club, in London.
Ayvalik and, finally, Gallipoli (‘in the Dinner: at Ickworth, near Bury St Edmunds;
footsteps of Doughty-Wylie VC’), this special please apply for tickets if you have not 26th May – OW Lodge Dinner: in
tour is being skilfully organised for us by two already been sent a ‘save-the-date’. Winchester.
Friends of Win Coll, Hugh and Jane Powlett,
who specialise in Turkey 6th October – 60 Years-on Lunch for the 30th June – Chapel Choir and Old
( ‘Class of ‘51’: at The Cavalry and Guards Quirister Reunion Event: in Winchester.
Club in London.
1st June – ‘Winchester Summer Party’: in 5th July – Cook’s 150th Anniversary
Meads (a ticketed event for Parents only). 13th October – 40 Years-on Dinner for the celebrations: at The Royal College of
‘Class of ‘71’: at The Cavalry and Guards Surgeons, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, in London.
15th June – Four Choirs: in Eton College Club in London. Please read the following carefully:
Chapel (Eton and Winchester, King’s
College and New College). 20th October – 10 Years-on Reception for CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT
the ‘Class of ‘01’: at the RSA (Vault 1),
18th June – Winchester Day: including John Adam Street, London WC2N 6EZ. All data on Old Wykehamists, parents and others is
cricket: OWCC v. Lords and 2nd XI. Invitations will be sent out in due course by securely held in the Winchester College Society
Adrian Horsewood (D, 96-01). For further database and will be treated confidentially for the
25th June – Reunion Lunch for 1946 information, please refer back to page 27. benefit of the Society, its members and Winchester
Election Roll: in the Master in College’s College. The data is available to the Win Coll Soc
rooms. 29th October – OW Medical Society office and, upon appropriate application from its
Dinner: in College Hall, with Old Etonian membership, to recognised societies, sports and
29th June – Henley Royal Regatta: please and Old Harrovian Medical Societies. Please other clubs associated with the School. Data is used
refer to ICENA report on page 16. contact the Hon. Sec., Hamish Laing (D, for a full range of alumni activities, including the
87-92) at: [email protected] distribution of Win Coll Soc, Wyk Soc and other
2nd July – Domum. School publications, notification of events and the
4th November – OW Bath Meeting: at the promotion of any benefits and services that may be
20th August to 25th September – Bath Spa Hotel; the Guest Speaker will be available. Data may also be used for fundraising
‘Winchester College and the King James programmes, but may not be passed to external
commercial or other organisations, or sold on
auction sites.