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Summer, 2010
Lucia Politis: 1st Place, Accomplished Quilling & Maggie Nakatani: 1st Pace, Accomplished
Beyond and Peoples’ Choice Cards
Miki Kaneko: 1st Place, Accomplished Miniature Carolyn Smith: 1st Place, Accomplished Free
All of the above work is by Antonella DeFalco.
Ayako Ishimura: 1st Place, Intermediate Quilling Anne Marie Peltier: 1st Place, Intermediate
& Beyond Framed
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Board of Directors Table of Contents
Accreditation Committee.......... Sherry Rodehaver Board Report 4
2625 E Turkeyfoot Lk Road Getting to Know You 6
Uniontown, OH 44685 Don’t See Your Article? 7
330-699-2500 Impressions of NAQGCON 2010 8
NAQGCON 2010 9
sherry_rodehaver@sbcglobal.net News From Brazil 9
Archive Committee ................... Donna Del Giudice A Day in the Life of the NAQGCON 10
NAQGCON Competition 11
11 Orchard St Making a Slider Card 13
Verona, NJ 07044 Vase of Sunflowers 20
973-857-3999 Outside of the Box Challenge 21
donnatubbie@aol.com NAQGCON 2011 22
Community Relationship and Development Committee Accreditation Program Launch 22
................................................... Danielle Pray NAQG Job Board 23
859-485-6790 Angela’s Library 25
quillanew@gmail.com We’re Turning Ten! 25
Membership Committee........... Rita Anderson Membership Q & A 26
2422 Torrington Drive New Members 26
Lake Ridge A Floral Tribute 27
Toms River, NJ 08755 Notes From The Archivist 29
creativequilling@juno.com Submission Deadlines
NAQG Conference Committee.. Barb Machado
1168 Pleasant St Each issue of Quill America will have a theme
Bridgewater, MA 02324 for the designs relating to upcoming holidays
508-697-3528 and events. Of course, we welcome all quilling
customquilling@comcast.net related items by email to quillamerica@naqg.org
Newsletter Committee.............. Caroline Mach or by postal mail to Caroline Mach, PO Box 95,
PO Box 95 Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0.
Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0 Members are reminded that all photos
705-435-4479 submitted for publication in Quill America must
quillamerica@naqg.org be of a member’s original work. The NAQG does
Treasury Committee ................. Laura Olohan not accept any responsibility for the originality
26 Evergreen Ave of work presented in Quill America.
Springfield, NJ 07081 Fall Issue Deadline: September 15
973-564-9755 Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanza, Winter Solstice
yackolo@comcast.net Winter Issue Deadline: December 15
Website and Internet Development Committee St. Patrick’s Day, Birthday, Easter
................................................... Antonella DeFalco Spring Issue Deadline: March 15
531 Brian Dean Drive Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Vacation and Travel
Glen Gardner, NJ 08826 Summer Issue Deadline: June 15
908-537-9240 Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween
Annual Membership Rates
$25 US; $30 Canada and Mexico;
$35 Everywhere Else
Renew online at www.naqg.org/member.html
Summer, 2010 Page 3.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Board Report
Board Meeting of the NAQG – the next meeting and if there are Mary Ann Barbee. Antonella will
Wednesday, June 2 – 7:00 pm any changes, the membership update the Regional Rep list on
(Eastern) will be notified and asked to vote the website to include these
on the changes. reps. Caroline said that she will
Director Attendees: Sherry also include a listing of the
Rodehaver – Accreditation; Donna Del Giudice will send a current Regional Reps, as well as
Donna Del Giudice – Archival; formal set of answers directly to a listing of all committee
Barb Machado – NAQGCON; Kay Shockley to present to her members in the winter issue of
Caroline Mach – Newsletter; group. the newsletter.
Antonella DeFalco – Website Sherry Rodehaver, Accreditation Rita Anderson, Membership
Antonella DeFalco opened the Committee, Sherry thanked Committee, Rita could not be at
meeting at 7:03 pm (Eastern). Antonella for posting the Shape the meeting, but reported via e-
Chart on the website. Sherry has mail that the Guild acquired 61
The meeting opened with some been following the postings on new members and 122 renewals
of the questions sent to the the Yahoo Group and answering since January 2010.
Board by the Long Island Group any questions that arise. The
that hosted the recent general consensus is that it is a Barbara Machado, NAQGCON
NAQGCON. The Board had looked positive thing for the Guild. Committee, Barb is currently
over the list sent to Donna Del looking for a new Director for the
Giudice and brought up the Sherry will be doing a formal NAQGCON Committee, as well as
questions throughout the announcement for the summer members for the committee. She
meeting. issue of the newsletter. Sherry let the Board know that she
asked about putting the Shape approached some prospective
One question was about the Chart in the fall newsletter, along members, but was turned down.
Board – who is on the Board and with the registration form. These As of today's date, there were no
how the decisions are made. A documents will be added as volunteers to host the 2011
reminder needs to be posted in inserts. Antonella will also add NAQGCON. A call will go out in
the newsletter that the Board of them to the website after they go the summer newsletter.
Directors is listed in each issue out with the newsletter.
of the newsletter, as well as on A suggestion was made by a
the website. For the second part Donna Del Giudice, Archival member to have the NAQGCON
of that question, the Board Committee, Donna reported on a taped and put on a DVD. The
makes the final decisions new quilling book coming out of Board vote was unanimous
concerning the Guild. If Germany, as well as e-articles saying that this project would be
necessary, a vote goes out to the coming in from around the world. too difficult since the
membership via the newsletter. She also mentioned that the coordination and implementation
bibliography update will probably of the project would involve too
Another question dealt with the be included in the spring 2011 much time and labor. Also, there
Guild's bylaws and structure. The issue of the newsletter. may be teachers and/or
bylaws are posted on the website members who would not want to
and sent to each new member. Danielle Pray, Community be taped. Barb mentioned that
Antonella also pointed out that Relations & Development we may have members who
there is a link to NAQG Committee, Danielle could not would not attend if they could
Documents in the Members' attend the meeting but reported pick up a video of the event; we
Corner of the website. The Board via e-mail that she has two new want to encourage attendance.
will be reviewing the bylaws at Regional Reps Maritza Laboy and
(Continued on page 5)
Page 4. Summer, 2010
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 4) This way they will not have to summer issue is June 15th.
keep track of receipts.
Caroline mentioned that a • Money for hostess to purchase Laura Olohan, Treasury
member asked her about putting items needed for the NAQGCON. Committee, Laura could not be in
NAQGCON photos on a CD/DVD Barb reminded the Board that attendance and will have an
and selling the CD/DVD as a the host does get money for the updated Treasury Report for the
fundraiser. The concern here is deposit and can request any next meeting.
getting someone willing to take additional money that she/he
the photos for the Guild and then needs. Caroline suggested that Antonella DeFalco, Website
doing the editing. Also, if we did this be made clear in the Committee, Antonella will be
something like this, we would NAQGCON Guidelines. making some updates to the
need to make sure that we have • Board Directors should be at website as listed previously in the
enough photos for the newsletter the NAQGCON. Donna said that minutes.
before the photo CD was there has been a Board member
finalized. The Board voted and at each and every NAQGCON/ In other Board matters, No other
decided that this project would AGM. questions or concerns were
need to be put on hold until there raised.
are enough volunteers to do the Barb, Antonella, Donna, and
work. Laura will meet to go over the Meeting was adjourned at 8:57
NAQGCON Guidelines and make pm (Eastern). The Executive
Many of the issues dealt with in any necessary changes and/or Director for the next Board
this portion of the meeting were additions. meeting will be announced. The
from questions raised by the next meeting will be early
Long Island Group (they are Caroline Mach, Newsletter September 2010 – date to be
assisting with the update of the Committee, Caroline reminded decided.
NAQGCON Guidelines) and the Board about the floral project
postings from the Yahoo Group. being coordinated by Helen
Pierce. She asked for a formal
Antonella brought up the Board vote on the project and it
following questions from Kay's was accepted by everyone in
group: attendance. Caroline also asked
• Sending a class list before the about using the NAQG gold seals
event. Barb said that it wasn't for the flower stems. Since we
done in the past because of the have them in stock, there should
extra cost for the mailing and the be no problems with their use.
extra work on the hostess right
before the meeting. Antonella Caroline also asked the Board for
suggested that a notice should permission to add extra color
be given with their registration pages in both the summer
and in the newsletter stating that (NAQGCON issue) and fall
they'll receive the class list when (Anniversary issue) newsletters.
they arrive at the NAQGCON. The Extra funds were approved for
Board agreed that would be a these issues.
good idea.
• Certificates for all competitors. Caroline will be adding the job
The Board unanimously agreed boards to the upcoming
and Kay Charles will be informed. newsletter. She asked the
• Teacher stipend with receipts. Directors to send any additional
The Board voted that all teachers openings to her before the
be given a discount on their deadline. She reminded the
registration in lieu of a stipend. Board that the deadline for the
Summer, 2010 Page 5.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Getting to Know You
Antonella DeFalco, Website Director
Editor’s Note: This is the seventh
in a series of articles that will
introduce the Board of Directors
to NAQG members. We hope you
enjoy learning more about the
volunteers that run this
organization on your behalf!
Hello from Antonella! I am the
Director of the Website and
Internet Development Committee
of the NAQG. I would like to tell
you a little bit about me. I have
been married for 10 years, which
is funny because I have been
married as long as the NAQG has
been in existence. When I
married my wonderful husband, I
gained an instant family with my
two step-daughters. When I think
back I wonder where all the years for. I know that one day I will Over the years my webmistress
have gone. Christina is now 17, finally be able to create role grew into one of the Director
and Samantha is 15, yikes. My something that is just right. positions with the NAQG, and my
husband and I also have a simple role maintaining the
7-year-old son Anthony who Helen asked me about how I website also grew into managing
received his First Holy ended up in the current role that the NAQGmembers Yahoo Group.
Communion this year. I have with the NAQG. That is an My days, nights, and weekends
interesting story. I joined the are very busy these days. With
I truly believe in the divine and NAQG in 2006 and in 2007 there my family and my job as a
know that my mother led me to was an open position to help out program manager it is difficult to
quilling. My mother was a with the website. Now, to be fair, find time for much else. Those of
wonderful, loving person who I am not a web designer by trade, you with young children know
passed away in 2004. In 2005, I but I offered to help out because how busy your schedule becomes
went in search of a Memorial I was once a programmer and with after school activities. Most
frame and in my Google search thought that I could figure it out. days I am up at 4:00 am, and my
found quilling. I know it was my So now, 3 years later, I have son and I don’t walk back into
mother’s hand at work. My redesigned the website, added a the house before 6:00 PM—later
fascination with quilling grew, section on the history of the on those baseball days. Most of
and I created my first quilled NAQGCON (previously AGM), and my volunteer time occurs late at
piece in 2005. Interestingly have been blessed to have the night or early in the morning:
enough, I have yet to create my patterns from the Accord taking care of membership stuff
mother’s memorial frame. I think Calendar to add to the Members’ is easy to fit into those times. I
it is because every time I try it Only area of the website. find the most difficult thing for
isn’t exactly what I was looking (Continued on page 7)
Page 6. Summer, 2010
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 6) shared just one pattern, we when I was trying to create some
me is to find time to update the would be able to share at least of those beautiful borders using
website and add patterns. To 10 new patterns per month on the scroll flag. While I was
make these changes takes me the website and publish 6 new working on my border, two of the
many hours. I try to lock myself patterns in each of the quarterly pieces fell together and
away so that I don’t get newsletters. Because of the love reminded me of those “mother-
interrupted, but that only lasts so I see in the work our members child” pendants. I hope to have
long with my little one. do, I know there are many things more time to play and hope that
each of us can share. I love as you read this you are inspired
I am grateful to have Danielle creating and sharing patterns, so to play on your own as well. You
Pray and Deb Mackes helping much so that I created a blog can always contact me by
with the NAQGmembers group. with patterns for anyone who sending me an email at
These women approve the visits. The site is naqgadmin@gmail.com. I love
messages and keep the group www.quilling.blogspot.com. hearing from our members and
moving forward. I could never am always grateful for your kind
manage the website and the Most of the quilling that I do thoughts.
yahoo group on my own. I hope these days is for special
they realize how much I occasions, and I give most of my
appreciate what they do, and work away. Unfortunately, I don’t
that I am truly grateful for their have much time for myself, let
help. alone quilling, so I don’t have a
lot of new work to share. I tell
I try to contribute patterns for the people that I am still finding my
Quill America Newsletter each quilling voice. My favorite thing
year because I think it is to do is to quill some pieces and
important to share my love of just let them fall onto my work
quilling with the wonderful area and see how the pieces look
people of the NAQG. Just think together. It is neat to see how
about it: if everyone who is the pieces can be combined.
currently a member of the NAQG One of my favorite surprises was
Don’t See Your Article?
Caroline Mach
QA Editor
If you submitted an article for this issue of Quill America and you don’t see it—I apologize. Rest assured
that it will appear in a future issue!
We had so much material submitted for this issue that we couldn’t squeeze it all in—especially with all
the extra FULL COLOR photos from the NAQGCON. My special thank you to all of the teachers at the
NAQGCON who generously agreed to have the instructions for their classes printed in Quill America—
never fear, we will get to them.
I feel very grateful to have the members submit so much material so generously that I don’t have space
for it all—thank you everyone!
Summer, 2010 Page 7.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Impressions of
Maritza Laboy Morales
I want to say thank you to Kay explained, and she said that she kindness. This moment will be
Shockley, the NAQGCON 2010
host, for making a wonderful heard me saying, “Ay bendito!” with me forever and ever. I’m
convention and inviting me to be
part of the teaching team. I too many times. This is a popular writing this and crying because
taught paper beads jewelry. It phrase in Spanish, especially in you never know how you will
was an honor to me and a
wonderful experience. Puerto Rico. I don’t know how to touch somebody’s life. It’s
I had a funny experience that I translate it, but it’s something wonderful!
want to share. In Sherry's
miniature class she said that we like, ”Oh Lord, why can’t I figure
were going to make a beaver.
Sue Palmer and Alisson of out or do this thing?” Well, this Another beautiful experience was
Quilled Creations were seated
next to me. We started to make became a popular story at Con, with the teacher of the feathering
the beaver. I tried, tried, tried,
but my beaver didn’t came out. I and everybody who heard it class, Betty Tremaine. When Kay
asked Sue if she already had started laughing. Sherry said that posted the classes I wanted to
finished, and she said, “Sure,
finish yours!” Allison finished she will never forget me! take this class. But when I
hers so fast, too. I didn’t want
them to leave without me, but registered at the hotel and saw
they left me practically alone in
the classroom . When everybody The next experience made me the classes program, Betty’s
was gone I had to pack up my
beaver puzzle and try to figure it cry. I was seated alone at the class was at the same time as
out later. Later I saw my dear
teacher Sherry (I wanted with all restaurant, but when Sue and mine. I was sad, but I had to give
my desire to take that class with
her because I admire her) at her other quillers were seated next to my class. Then I saw Betty and
dealer table, and I explained to
her that I couldn’t finish the me they invited me to join them . told her my how she affected me
beaver because I didn’t have the As we talked a man left the table. with her work, and that I wanted
idea of what a beaver is—
because in Puerto Rico we don't When he came back he had two to be in her class but I couldn’t
have beaverssssss! I tried to
figure it out, but I couldn't. She big tennis shoe boxes. The lady make it. She said that she would
started laughing and laughing.
Then Sue passed in front of us that was seated next to him gave see me the next day and explain
and asked what happened. I
me the boxes and said, “These everything. How blessed I am!
are for you.” I thought that I did The next day she taught me
not want to buy tennis shoes, or everything, gave me valuable
that maybe it was a joke. What a printed material and also signed
surprise! When I opened the box her autograph for me. Thanks for
it was full of quilling papers in a your kindness—you are an
great variety, needles, and inspiration to me. God bless you
punches! I couldn’t believe what and yours. I have to email a
my eyes were seeing. The lady picture of my project to you for
said, “I read your story, and you your critique.
inspire me. I was also an
elementary teacher like you.” I want also to thank Sue Palmer
That lady was Carol Gancorz and who brought me her friendship
her husband was the man with and helped me to find some
the shoe boxes. I was speechless round toothpicks and
and the tears were falling out Vaseline late in the night.
from my eyes. I want to thank her Everybody was asking what I
from the bottom of my heart for need Vaseline for in such a rush.
that beautiful gesture and (Continued on page 12)
Page 8. Summer, 2010
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Kay Shockley
I would like to thank all of you Quilling Corner—that took time to
who attended the NAQG Next, I would like to thank the be with us on Friday night and
conference on Long Island. It was teachers. We could not do a Saturday. Last but not least, I
so nice to meet all of you. I hope conference without them. Their want to thank all those who
you came away with new ideas time, talents and materials are donated items for the raffle.
and techniques you can use in very much appreciated. We had
your quilling. such a nice variety of classes A special thank you is due to Kay
presented by Alli Bartkowski, Charles who did all the
I would also like to thank the Marion Bertaut, Lois Brandt- organization of the competition.
Long Island Quillers: Georgia Weber, Charlotte Canup, Kay This is an enormous job not only
Brosnihan, Odessa Cooke, Charles, Odessa Cooke, at the conference but also after
Suzanne Dresch, Janet Marianne Fassett, Carol Cancorz, the conference when all the
Hovnanian, Carole Jones, Janet Hovnanian, Maritza Laboy, fragile pieces must be sent back
Annemarie Krause, Joann Loh, Joann Loh, Kim Loh-Bodor, to participants who could not
Kim Loh-Bodor, Helen Luchart, Maggie Nakatani, Sue Palmer, attend the conference but sent
Tina Miller, Yvonne Pineiro, and Yvonne Pineiro, Sherry pieces for the competition.
Annette Tisbo. I could not have Rodehaver, Bobbye Singer, and
taken on this conference without Betty Tremaine. Alli, Sherry, If I have forgotten someone,
them. It was a wonderful group of Betty, Carol, Yvonne, Kay C., Sue please accept my apologies. We
women who worked hard to Dresch and Provo-Craft are also are looking forward to next year.
make this conference a success. to be thanked for the Saturday Hope to see you all again at the
Janet and Sue were especially afternoon demos. 2011 NAQGCON.
generous with their talents and
time doing everything from proof And, of course, I want to thank Again, many thanks to everyone.
reading to assembling the the vendors—Lake City; Not Just
baskets as well as many other Scrap; NAQG; Quilled Creations;
activities. Thanks to all of you. The Quilling Shop; and Sherry’s
News From Brazil
Helen Pierce
Area Rep, Regina Ribeiro, who is in charge of Guild outreach to South America and Mexico, has advised
us that she has recently written to the quilling community in Brazil that they are invited to join the
NAQG. She gave them details of all that the Guild offers and instructions for how to become a mem-
ber. She also shared the URL for the Guild and offered her help in signing up to anyone who might
need it. As an added incentive, she mentioned that Guild Accreditation would soon be available for
those who qualify.
Summer, 2010 Page 9.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
A Day in the Life of the
Donna DelGuidice
Some of our members asked me submissions get better and with the attendees. Since the
to write a bit about what it’s like better. event’s theme was “Sun, Sand &
to attend the NAQGCON for just Sea,” they started tossing around
one day. Well, the optimal choice Lots of quillers were walking little beach balls. Of course some
would be to attend for at least around the room and lots of people decided to have some
two days and be able to attend interesting conversations were extra fun bouncing balls off the
the classes on Friday, along with going on—keep an ear out—you heads of members they knew
the dinner and the social never know what you’ll learn! I and loved. It was a lot of laughs.
networking that follows. But, if was happy to get to meet Kay, Then there was a hunt game
time, work, or finances get in the our hostess, and the wonderful where each attendee was given a
way, then going on Saturday is group of ladies that she had list of people to find. It was a
fine. Be forewarned though, you working with her to bring this fabulous way to learn odd and
will only be able to attend during event to life. Then I found the unusual facts about the quillers
the public session hours on NAQG table, where we were who were attending. All you
Saturday. having a sale—a special thank needed to do was to go around
you to Gerda Mooney who helped and ask people to initial your
Of course, I went to work the with the table and the sale. I was sheet if they matched any of the
NAQG table, but I was able to able to chat with many of the items listed. I got a chuckle out
meet some great quillers, chat attendees while working the of one of the questions: _____
with old friends, and make many table. It was a great feeling to be has 50 or more pairs of shoes.
new friends. It’s so nice to put a able to answer questions and My hubby has that, but he wasn’t
face to the names that I see from learn about our fellow quillers. there!
the Internet or just from sending It’s a real pleasure to meet
out the newsletters. quillers from as close as Long Then the doors opened to the
Island to as far away as Japan. public. This event brought in
When I arrived on Saturday more people for the public
morning at 9:30 AM there were I got to give a little “speech” to session that any of the other
lots of activities going on. They the attendees from the Board: a events that I’ve been to. A lot of
had just cleaned up breakfast, welcome and thank you, but people from Long Island are
the tables were being set for the mostly begging for volunteers to interested in quilling. I heard lots
vendors (yes, you can buy lots of help on our committees. I’m not of good comments from the
goodies), and the competition shy standing before a group, so I visitors—they seemed to really
tables were open for viewing. If was “volunteered” to get up and enjoy viewing the work and
you’ve never been to an AGM/ speak. speaking with the quillers. There
NAQGCON, this is certainly a were “make it-take it” tables
highlight. The work that is After the group had their buffet throughout the room—we have so
submitted is beyond beautiful. lunch (and before the public many great quillers who are
Photos do not do justice to the portion of the event started), Kay excited about sharing their
work involved. Each year the and her committee had some fun (Continued on page 11)
Page 10. Summer, 2010
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 10) Well, with the raffle ending, the conversation. This is an
expertise with others. public time was also coming to a experience not to be missed. If
close, and people started drifting you can, try and make the next
There was also a raffle table with away. A wonderful day for me NAQGCON—even if it’s for just a
lots of things up for bid. Kay’s was over, and it was time for me day, it will be something you’ll
group had put the items in to get back on the train for the remember with pleasure for a
baskets, so you really felt like you trip home. I really enjoyed my day long time.
won big if your number was and was certainly envious of
called. those who were able to stay for a
nice evening of quilling and
NAQGCON Competition
Kay Charles
Each year the number of members entering the competition continues to grow. This year we had 32
members enter a total of 66 items. Nine members who could not attend shipped entries from all over
the U.S. as well as from Australia and the United Arab Emirates.
Voting becomes more difficult every year as the quality of work gets better at each level. Some of the
Beginner Level creations were exceptional. Vote we did; the results follow.
We plan to update the competition guidelines and will have them for the Fall issue of Quill America.
Nothing big, mostly procedural. Just keep in mind that with the exception of the Quilling and Beyond
category no materials other than paper and paper strips may be used. We had to remove several
entries this year because of ribbon and plastic “googly eyes.”
So, get started on your entries for 2011. The theme for the Card category will be announced along with
the guidelines update.
Competition Winners NAQGCON 2010
Beginner Level
Cards Joan Lambow 1st
Cynthia Stemple 1st
Framed Cringuta Campbell Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention
Free Standing Susan Charbonneau 1st
Sujatha Kolachana 2nd (tie)
2nd (tie)
Miniature Sujatha Kolachana Honorable Mention
Quilling & Beyond Sujatha Kolachana
Sandra Tufano
Janet Hounanian
Susan Charbonneau
(Continued on page 12)
Summer, 2010 Page 11.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 11)
Intermediate Level
Cards Maritza LaBoy 1st
Shelly Krzyzewski 2nd
Framed Anne Marie Peltier Honorable Mention
Shelly Krzyzewski Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention
Free Standing Ayako Ishimura 1st
Jennifer Littlefield 3rd
Miniature Kim Loh Bodor
Quilling & Beyond Ayako Ishimura
Jennifer Littlefield
Shelly Krzyzewski
Accomplished Level
Cards Maggie Nakatani 1st
Honorable Mention
Yvonne Pineiro 1st
Framed Rita Anderson 3rd
Maggie Nakatani 1st
Miki Kaneko Honorable Mention
Free Standing Carolyn Smith
Miniature Miki Kaneko
Anna Al Fard
Quilling & Beyond Lucia Politis
People’s Choice Lucia Politis
(Continued from page 8) family. I spent a lovely time with be there teaching something that
I love.
It was for my paper beads class. them and their marvelous kids.
It was such a wonderful time
Then they also took me to the seeing old friends and making
Maggie Nakatani is my dear airport. Linda, many thanks for new ones. I hope that I can see
all of you at the 2012 CON—in
friend. I usually am with her most all that you did for me. Now we Puerto Rico. You are going to
enjoy it! Let me know if you
of the time, but this year Nicki have become closer friends, and would like to come.
and a Japanese lady that she once again a paper strip has
knew came to the convention changed our lives forever.
and what happened? They talked Blessings for all!
Japanese together all the time. I
said don’t worry because all the Thanks to NAQGCON members
time I was in the middle of them. for giving me a warm hello,
They apologized, but I said, helping me when I was going to
“Don’t worry because if I find dinner, helping me to order the
somebody to speak Spanish with food and take the plates to the
I will do the same as you did.“ table, and for their kindness.
Thanks also to Linda Brieg who For my paper beads students:
became a dear friend. She Thanks for being interested in my
picked me up and took me to her class. I had a wonderful time,
house to meet her beautiful and I also felt it was an honor to
Page 12. Summer, 2010
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Making a Slider Card
Kay Shockley
The following are instructions for • mounting tape 7. Quill a boat. Cut a sail from
creating a slider card as taught white construction paper and
by Kay Shockley at the 2010 BOAT glue to the mast.
NAQGCON. 8. Replace small blue folded
3 - 4” squares
piece with ribbon under the
Pole (mast)
SUPPLIES 1/4 “ slit.
5 - 2” tight circles
9. Glue small, folded piece
• Exacto or craft knife and cutting
pad INSTRUCTIONS together, making sure the
• ruler 1. Use a wave stamp to stamp slider part slides.
• pencil waves on blue card stock. 10. Glue boat to the folded piece.
2. Stamp “Sailing, Sailing....” in 11. Put mounting tape on each
• glue corner and right before and
the upper right hand corner
• ribbon - 1/4” wide and 12” after the ribbon.
long; any color of blue card stock.
3. Cut two parallel slits 1/4 inch 12. Mount the blue card stock
• red strip of paper onto the white card.
apart above the stamped
• black strip of paper 13. Add a quilled sun in the
• yellow strips of paper upper left hand corner.
• blue card 4. Cut a small piece of the blue
card stock about 1/4 inch 14. See photo below for
• wave stamp completed card.
• ”sailing, sailing” stamp wide by 1” long.
• white card
• dark blue ribbon 5. Slip the small piece behind the
• white sail
• small piece of blue card stock slit and fold it over.
• waxed paper
6. Glue the ribbon to the back
side of the small piece. Let
Summer, 2010 Page 13.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(from left): Ann Martin, Gail Freed, Miki Kaneko, Cringuta
Cynthia Stemple
(from left): Miki Kaneko, Maggie Nakatani, Maritza
Morales, Alice Harris
(from left): Sherry Rodehaver, Shelly Krzyzewski, Janet Hounanian
Maggie Nakatani Summer, 2010
Page 14.
Maritza Laboy: 1st Place, Intermediate Cards
Joan Labow: 1st Place, Beginner Cards
Ayako Ishimura: 1st Place, Intermediate Free
Cringuta Campbell: 1st Place, Beginner
Jennifer Littlefield: 2nd Place, Rita Anderson: 1st Place, Accomplished Framed
Intermediate Quilling & Beyond
Shelly Krzyzewski: 2nd Place,
Intermediate Cards
Miki Kaneko: 3rd Place, Accomplished Framed
Sujatha Kolachana: Honorable Mention,
Beginner Miniature
Sujatha Kolachana: 1st Susan Charbonneau: 1st
Place, Beginner Quilling Place, Beginner Free
& Beyond
Kim Loh Bodor: Honorable Mention
Intermediate Miniatures
Janet Hounanian: 2nd Place (tie), Beginner Quilling &
Maggie Nakatani: 2nd Place, Accomplished
Sandra Tufano: 2nd Place (tie), Beginner Quilling &
Shelly Krzyzewski: Honorable Mention,
Intermediate Framed
Thank you very much to Gene
Anderson, Gail Freed, Maritza Laboy,
and Eileen Walters for providing photos
from the NAQGCON.
Anna Al Fard: Honorable Mention, Accomplished
Sujatha Kolachana: Yvonne Pineiro: Honorable Mention, Accomplished
Honorable Mention, Cards
Beginner Free
Shelly Krzyzewski: 3rd Place, Intermediate Susan Charbonneau: Honorable Mention, Beginner
Quilling & Beyond Quilling & Beyond
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(clockwise from top left): Maggie
Nakatani, Yvonne Pineiro, Shelly
Krzyzewski, Rita Anderson, Anne
Marie Peltier, Carolyn Smith
Summer, 2010 Page 19.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Vase of Sunflowers
Janet Hovanian
The following are instructions for creating a vase of sunflowers as
taught by Janet Hovanian at the 2010 NAQGCON.
Large Sunflower:
18 inch tight center circle (brown)
6 inch fringed paper (gold)
2 large punched leaves
3 inch wire stem
Medium Sunflower:
9 inch tight center circle (brown)
3 inch fringed paper (gold)
1 large and 1 small punched leaf
3 inch wire stem
Small Sunflower:
3 inch tight circle (brown)
1 1/2 inch fringed paper (gold)
2 1/2 wire stem
1 inch fringed paper with no center
3 inch wire stem
4 punched ferns
Curl: 9 inch wire stem
Ribbon: 12 inches
Small glass vase: I use recycled IV or IM medicine bottles
1. Using the brown 1/8" paper, roll into a tight circle and glue in place. DO NOT remove from tool.
2. You can add interest to the fringed paper by cutting a little off the fringed end to make it uneven.
3. Glue the 1/4" fringed paper to the tight circle, and continue to wrap around the circle. Fasten with a
dot of glue and carefully remove from the tool.
4. Use your thumbs to press the fringe open. A small wooden ball can be used to flatten out the center
circle of the flower, but you don't want the fringe to be flat.
5. Bend the wire and insert in the center of the tight circle—you do not want to see the wire—glue the
wire from the back.
6. Shape the leaves by using a burnishing tool. Add the vein lines with a stylus and attach to the stem.
7. Continue making all three flowers; they are all done the same way.
8. Glue the fern punches to the wire and allow to dry. Shape the fern stem.
9. Use a steel crochet hook to make the curl—wrap the wire around handle of the hook leaving about 1
10 Fill the bottle with sand. You can add some gold glitter to give it some sparkle.
11. Arrange your bouquet.
12. Use a hot glue gun to seal the top of the vase.
13. Add a ribbon and ENJOY this adorable decoration—never needs watering!
Page 20. Summer, 2010
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Guidelines for the March 1 - June 1, 2010
• Design a 3D quilled vase of any height
up to 5” high, with 1/8” wide strips of any
length or color.
• Feel free to write out instructions, if
you’d like. This is not required, but the
members love it when you do—they are
hungry for patterns!
• Quill a tall vase: make it square
bottomed with square sides; make it
round like a bowl; or quill it in any other
shape that you like.
• It must be flat on the bottom and be
able to stand erect without tilting.
• It may have handles or not.
organized and promoted by Helen Pierce • If you like, take inspiration from a
vase that you see on the internet or
elsewhere and copy the general form of it in miniature: but you should vary it enough from your model
so that it becomes your own creation.
• Please don’t copy someone else’s quilled vase.
• You may leave it plain, use chalk for shading, or you may paint it, as desired.
• When finished, you may leave the vase very plain, give it a Victorian look, or decorate it moderately,
as desired.
Don’t fill it with flowers for this Challenge.
When you’re finished with the vase, arrange it in a pretty still-life scene, perhaps with a piece of lace
behind it, draped with a contrasting piece of material/velvet behind it, or with a patterned paper in the
background that contrasts beautifully with it. Then take a photograph of your still-life vase arrangement
and send a large, clear photo to Caroline Mach privately. Don’t forget to identify yourself as the artist of
it in your email. The Challenge begins on March 1, or whenever you receive these guidelines. The
photo should be sent to my private email address by June 1 for inclusion in the summer issue of QA. As
always, the vase project will remain for you to use, or to give as a gift. We only want to see the photo of
the work that you’ve done, so that the other members may quill one like it, if they want to.
Have fun!
Results of this Challenge: Three members, Jill Van Dieren, Helen Pierce, and Cynthia Stemple, entered
the Challenge, and sent a photo of their vases, which may be seen in one of the colored pages of this
Issue. Any members are free to copy their work, as desired, but I’m sure that they would thoroughly
enjoy seeing your vase, if you make one using their design! A simple thank you note also would greatly
encourage the one who submitted it. We hope that others will have as much fun designing a vase as
we have had.
The Outside Of The Box Challenge for the Fall Issue will join hands with the Floral Tribute Project (see
page 27) this time, becoming one and the same. The next OOTB Challenge is to be announced at a
later date.
Summer, 2010 Page 21.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Wanted: Host for the 2011 North American Quilling Guild Conference
The North American Quilling Guild Conference does not have a volunteer to host for 2011. If a volunteer
does not step forward soon the NAQGCON 2011 will not take place. If you have attended a NAQGCON
(formerly known as AGM), and would like to see that they continue to take place, consider hosting one.
The Board does not ask for a host-a host volunteers and without a volunteer the NAQGCON 2011 will
not take place. If you have enjoyed a conference, have a group to help you and live near an
international airport you already have some of the qualifications to host an upcoming NAQGCON.
Please contact customquilling@comcast.net if you have any questions or are interested in hosting an
Accreditation Program
Launch The Accreditation Committee
On behalf of the North American only offer this program to US and techniques.
Quilling Guild, the Accreditation Canadian members. More
Committee is pleased and proud countries will be added later. Applicants must exhibit basic
to announce the launch of the skills in creating designated
Accreditation Program. Applicants will need to shapes. They must also show
demonstrate their expertise in proficiency in creating the
Beginning this fall, a registration creating a wide variety of quilled shapes, know how to create
form will be available for those shapes. They will then be consistent examples of said
who wish to participate in this required to show skill and shapes, and know and
program. In return for a knowledge of how to use those understand how to use and
registration fee, each applicant shapes in creating an original assemble these shapes.
will receive all materials and work of art. The program will
instructions for completing the consist of two parts. In the first,
projects required. A reduced fee applicants will be required to
will be available for those who create specific shapes and
find it necessary to apply a techniques and place them on a
second or third time. Current pre-printed grid. The second part
NAQG members who have held a will require the applicants to
valid membership for at least 3 create an original piece of
consecutive years are eligible to artwork employing a specified
apply. At this time, the NAQG can number of shapes and
Page 22. Summer, 2010
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
NAQG Job Board Donna Del Giudice and
Barb Machado
Voluntary: Done or Given Willingly—Unpaid
The North American Quilling Guild exists due to the many volunteers who have served and are currently
serving for the good of the Guild. Without these people the NAQG would never have become an
organization nor would it continue to be all that it has become. Due to changes in personal
circumstances, some volunteers have to step down, and that is when the opportunity arises for other
members to step up. Currently there are many positions within the guild that are vacant, and the time is
now to ask yourself if you could volunteer to assist in some way. Please take a look at the “job
openings” and know that without volunteers continuing to step up, the guild and all it offers cannot
Article Solicitation Helen Pierce, who has been doing a great job of article solicitation for the QA for the
last few years, is resigning from that work after the Fall, 2010 issue of QA. Therefore, we will be looking
for someone else to continue this important work. If you wish to start right away, please let us know,
and you can work together with Helen until she hands over the job to you completely. Article solicitation
is just what it implies—encouraging and helping members write their stories for the newsletter. Please
note that computer and internet skills are needed to do this job. Contact: Caroline Mach:
carolinemach@hotmail.com or 705-435-4479.
Advertising in the QA One of the ways for the NAQG to raise money is through advertising in QA. An
updated document for potential advertisers has been put together. However, to implement this
program, we need a volunteer—someone who would take on the role of sending the information to
potential advertisers (either by electronic or postal mail) and then following up with a phone call if
necessary to see if they are going to advertise or not. This job does not have to take a lot of time and
would greatly benefit the NAQG. Contact: Caroline Mach: carolinemach@hotmail.com or 705-435-
Hints & Tips We are trying to reinstate the Hints & Tips column, so if you have any hints or tips, please
send them to the Editor, either by electronic or postal mail. These are not patterns, but things you do or
use to make your quilling go easier or faster. Please don’t assume that people won’t be interested in
your hint or tip! One of the great things about a group like this is the opportunity for all to learn from
each other. Contact: Caroline Mach: carolinemach@hotmail.com or 705-435-4479.
Publisher Assistants We are looking for members in the NY/NJ/PA area who have time to help with the
newsletter mailing. This job involves folding newsletters when they arrive from the printer, stuffing
envelopes, putting on labels, putting stamps on envelopes and sealing them. You will only be needed
for one night 4 times per year (during mid-January, April, July, & October). The work location will either
be in Cedar Grove or Verona, New Jersey. Contact: Donna Del Giudice – donnatubbie@aol.com or 973-
This position approves/denies messages that come through for posting to the NAQGMembers Yahoo
Group. We are looking for members who can assist with reviewing these messages to make sure that
there are no solicitations, spam, or e-mails that could give offence to the membership in general.
Contact: Antonella DeFalco, 908-537-9240, Yahoo Group Moderators
Summer, 2010 (Continued on page 24)
Page 23.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 23)
Regional Representatives: The NAQG is seeking volunteers to serve as Regional Representatives in
their geographic areas. In this role you will promote quilling and the NAQG. There are many possible
ways to help, including: teaching beginner classes at libraries or community centers; hosting mini-
meets or assisting other hosts; contacting local newspapers; and submitting photos for publication.
We are looking for members in the following locations:
MA, ME, NH, VT – Northern New England;
ID, MT, OR, WA, WY – Northwest;
CA, CO, NM, NV, UT – Southwest;
Western Canada - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northwest Territories (NT)
and Yukon Territory (YT);
Eastern Canada - Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador (NL),
Prince Edward Island (PE) and Nunavut (NU);
Contact: Danielle Pray – dapsrp@gmail.com or 859-485-6790
NAQGCON Director This position heads up the NAQGCON Committee and provides support for the
annual NAQG Conferences. This support includes updating and reviewing guidelines for the NAQGCON,
reviewing and approving NAQGCON proposals, determining cost of NAQGCON, assisting with contract
language, being available to host(s) to advise and answer questions, and preparing flyers and press
releases. Past NAQGCON or event experience is preferred. Currently Barb Machado is serving as a
committee of one. Due to health and personal reasons members have had to step down, but in doing
so an opportunity arises for others to step up and give of themselves. The NAQGCON was once again
enjoyed by many who were fortunate enough to attend. We as members must keep in mind that the
NAQGCON would not take place without the many members who give of their time and talents: the host
and her committee; teachers; donors; and the Board all make the conference happen. Contact: Donna
Del Giudice – donnatubbie@aol.com or 973-857-3999.
NAQGCON Committee Members are needed to serve on the NAQGCON Committee to assist the host to
continue to insure that the NAQGCON takes place. Contact: Donna Del Giudice: donnatubbie@aol.com
or 973-857-3999.
Fund Raising Committee Director We are looking for a member with fund raising experience who can
start up and lead this committee. This Director would become part of the NAQG Board of Directors and
join in the quarterly meetings to report on the committee’s status. Grant writing experience is
preferred, but not necessary. Contact: Donna Del Giudice – donnatubbie@aol.com or 973-857-3999
Page 24. Summer, 2010
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Angela’s Library
Angela Lantain
Review of The New Paper Quilling tools, types and colors of paper, very useful while I was working
on these projects.
methods of display, and photos
The New Paper Quilling is an
by Molly Smith Christensen of the shapes needed. The altogether delightful book, a
instructions are easily great read, and perfect for the
beginner who is looking to move
They say that you can't judge a understandable by the rawest beyond the basics at a more
leisurely pace. I give the book a
book by its cover, but in this case novice. One thing I noticed, skill rating of basic to beginner.
If you'd like to see photos of the
the old adage does not apply. As however, was that crimping and projects I've completed, you can
find them in the album, "The New
a matter of fact, the cover just embossing tools are essential to Paper Quilling" by Molly Smith
Christensen, which I'll be posting
about says it all, "Not scary, not many of the projects; you might on the NAQGMembers Group site
as soon as I have the photos
complicated, just simply also want to keep stamps and ready.
beautiful." Inside the cover you paper punches close at hand
Disclaimer: This review and my
discover plenty of white space because you'll probably need ratings are my own opinion and
not necessarily the views of the
between and around lines of text them. NAQG or its members.
in a clean and clear font. The list
of tools and techniques is very What I found interesting is that,
helpful and include those that other than the templates in the
are perfect for the beginning back of the book, there are no
quiller. line drawings. Every technique,
quilled shape, and completed
The book is arranged so that project has been photographed
easier projects are placed closer so well that every detail appears
to the front and more difficult with amazing clarity. Like many
projects are further back. The crafters, I'm a visual learner,
project information is clear and learning best from seeing
the arrangement is logical, pictures or watching
describing all the materials and demonstrations, so I found the
techniques needed including tight zoom on the techniques
We’re Turning Ten!
With the Fall 2010 issue of Quill America we will celebrate the wonderful first decade of the NAQG. We
are planning a very special issue that will look back at the last ten years. We hope that as many
members as possible will contiribute to the very special floral tribute planned by Helen Pierce—read all
about it on page 27.
Summer, 2010 Page 25.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Membership The NAQG Membership
Q&A Committee
Rita Anderson - Director
Caroline Spellman
Antonella DeFalco
Leeta, RI: Can’t wait for each Mary, CA: Though not very active
publication. currently, your publication always Chitra, CA: Enabling individuals to
inspires me and I get a renewed pay by credit card would make
Mary Ann, AZ: I think you are sense of excitement and joy. this process even easier! I am
doing a great job! Thank you! Thank you for your dedication to looking forward to many years of
keeping this art/craft alive. productive involvement with
Jane, TX: Doing Great! NAQG! REPLY: The NAQG Board
Marlene, RI: Doing a great job. considered the use of credit
Carol, MA: Great Job! Love seeing the fabulous cards, but decided that the
creations, great tips, instruction, expense and logistical difficulties
Donna, MT: I like your magazine. and info. Thanks. were too great for an
Hope to get to a conference organization of this size.
some day. Evelyn, CO: I am teaching and
demonstrating for my crafting Laura, NY: You’re doing great.
Gale, NY: More patterns. club at my church, hoping I will
be passing on this lovely art form Lorraine, MA: I’m just getting
Claire, MD: Great! to all those interested. I always started and I look forward to
look forward to your newsletters, learning from everyone!
Mary Jeanne, MD: An which get better each season.
outstanding job. Thank you.
David, MA: Great—keep it up.
New Members Caroline Spellman
A warm welcome to our newest members!
Farah Al-Fard Dubai, UAE Anne Silseth Brooklyn Center, MN
Patti Aluise Gambrius, MD Chitra Sivaram Saratoga, CA
Michele Andriaccio Medford, NY Sandra Tufano Newfoundland, PA
Roxann Dragula Ellenton, FL Jessica Untener Northglenn, CO
Joyce Gerhartz Penfield, NY
Jennifer Grier Columbia, MD We apologize in advance for any omissions or
Polly Harrington Hamburg, NY misspellings. Please email membership@naqg.org
Lorraine James Amherst, MA for any changes so we can correct them. Also, if
Susan Mara Myrtle Beach, SC you have moved, please let Rita Anderson know of
Devora Norman Arcata, CA these changes. We are getting returned
Elizabeth Pomeroy Wilmore, KY newsletters which cost extra postage to re-send.
Kristy Rizek Topeka, KS
Laura Schreiner Hicksville, NY
Maureen Schutz Toms River, NJ
Page 26. Summer, 2010
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
A Floral Tribute
Helen Pierce
An important message to all of personal invitation and request. I opposite corner and glue the
the world wide members of the urge all of you to take part in the end in place. The more tightly
NAQG: Floral Tribute! the paper is rolled, the
We are very pleased that stronger the spill will be.
throughout the years a number of For a stem, you might opt for Ann • Trim the angled ends.
men and women who live in Martin’s method for making a
countries outside of North quilled spill: short spills are rolled What is neat about spills, besides
America have also joined the into gradually thinner sections, their versatility, is how incredibly
Guild. In our next issue of Quill and glued into one another as strong they are. In addition to
America we want to honor this you proceed up to the tip. An branches and candles, they can
international group made up of example of such a stem is posted also be used as the spokes of a
members from approximately 12 on this website: http://
wheel, ribs in a hand-held fan,
different countries who have allthingspaper-annmartin.
soda straws, or lollipop sticks. I
come together with us solely blogspot.com/2010/04/quilled- hope you'll give them a try
because of our mutual spill-tutorial.html and shown on sometime, and I'd love to see
enjoyment of quilling. Among page 31. what you make!”
other things that are planned for Copyright © 2005 Ann Martin
this special celebration, we For those who don't have internet
would like to present a access, Ann’s instructions follow Another option for a stem would
composite Floral Tribute to the with her permission: be to use a sturdy, wrapped floral
group members. This themed wire. Your stem should be made
Floral Tribute, made by and for "A quilled spill is a funny name, strong enough to hold the flowers
one another, is designed to be but there really is such a thing. erect. They must be 3D flowers
one of the highlights of the 10th This life-sized branch was shown on stems that can be held in your
year special anniversary in my exhibit a couple of hand, so that they may be placed
celebration of Quill America in summers ago—the long, tapered into a floral arrangement, as is
October. When so many of the stem is an example of a spill.
done in a florist shop. The
email requests sent out earlier
bottom third of each stem should
were returned to me as Blackberry Branch: Quilled Spill be left bare of flowers or leaves.
undeliverable, I realized I Tutorial Please use quilling strips of any
wouldn’t be able to contact all of • Begin by cutting a square of color, 1/8” to 1/2” wide for
those un-reached members by light to medium weight paper making your flowers/leaves.
snail mail, nor would I have the
of any size. As an example, Quilled flowers or leaves are
means to contact those
the candles [that she shows preferable, but, if you’re not a
members who have no email
on her website] were made quilling purist, you may use
address. Therefore, we decided
with 2.5" squares. punch outs (for hydrangeas, etc.),
to publish our request here in QA • Roll one corner around a stiff, or paper sculpture to make them
for all members to read, because sturdy wire, or a cake/muffin (calla lilies or roses, etc.). Do not
we want our members worldwide use crepe paper, silk flowers,
to know how much we want each tester. You might find it
helpful to begin by roughing fabric, or other kinds of materials
to be a participant in this up the corner a bit with your in making them. If you need to
amazing Floral Tribute to one fingernail. This breaks the wrap stems, wrap them with leaf
another. So, whether or not you fibers and softens the paper. colored quilling strips, or
have heard about this project • Roll the paper firmly to the sparingly, with green floral tape.
earlier, please consider this your
(Continued on page 28)
Summer, 2010 Page 27.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 27) bow-tied, mixed flower museum-grade quality, the Floral
Please do not glaze them with a arrangement to me that I would Tribute and the plaque may be
shiny sealer, nor use glitter. need to dismantle before I could offered permanently to an art
However, you may use touches of use it, but please send separate museum, or put on loan in a
colored chalk, or acrylic paints to stems. Do not make them with a traveling art exposition. In
enhance them a bit. The flowers base, such as a stand-alone is whatever case, this would
and buds may be made into made. promote quilling and the Guild at
clusters around the stem, or you every showing. (Please note that I
may make a single, larger flower Your stems of flowers and leaves, will not be keeping for myself any
on a stem, depending on the along with those of the other of the flowers or leaves entrusted
variety of flower that you plan to members, will be placed into a to me - all that are sent will only
make. Though a flat arrangement proprietary 3D floral be used to promote and benefit
is permitted, adhering them arrangement. At this time, not the Guild as a whole.) A decision
around the stem is preferable. knowing how many will be sent about how the individual photos
Do not glue your work onto a me, I am unable to make a final and instructions for the flowers
card backing. plan, though my thinking is that if will be used, will be determined
only two submit flowers, a rose by the Editor of QA in
One stem (or more) with flowers bud vase would be large enough. consultation with the board
from each member, as well as a What I’m hoping for though, is an members.
stem with only leaves is overwhelming response of 400
requested. If you can’t make at or more flowers and stems, so At this writing, I have received
least one of each, then add that I can make a large, two submissions. For your
leaves to your one stem of beautiful, themed floral inspiration, and with the prior
flowers. Any manner of foliage on arrangement. The theme of it is permission of both ladies, we
a stem, handmade with quilling to be “NAQG-Quilling Around The have published photos of their
paper or card stock, is World”, or some variation of that. entries here, before the actual
acceptable - grasses, leaves of The resulting arrangement will be event, on page 31. Thanks so
any kind, plumes, etc. our Floral Tribute to one another. very much, Rita Anderson and
Please help us to make it a Sherry Rodehaver.
Also, please jot down short, basic wonderful and happy celebration.
instructions for the flowers, buds I hope that you all understand Finishing up and mailing your
and leaves only, but not the that this can’t happen without packages: All submissions should
stems. your participation! be mailed by August 15, in order
to arrive here by the end of
Any flower variety may be The finished floral arrangement August. That will allow me time to
chosen, and if you want to will be photographed and first tag and photograph them
choose a flower typical of your showcased in the special individually as they come in.
country or state, please do so Anniversary Celebration Issue of Please be aware that I can't start
and mention that in your sheet of Quill America in October. After to arrange the flowers and leaves
instructions. If you know the that, I plan to get an estimate for until all of your packages arrive!
name of the flower that you’re a plaque that would be engraved Only at the last moment can I
making, add that name also. with all the names and countries make the decision about what
of those members who form it should take. The question
Please do not send any photos. I participated in the project. If we is, will it require just a simple
need to receive the actual find that affordable, the plaque rose bud vase, or something
flowers and foliage. Please keep and the actual floral much larger?! And then will come
this Summer Issue of QA nearby, arrangement will be on display the actual work of putting the
and refer to the guidelines often, and formally presented in a plan in place and arranging the
following them closely, so that ceremony at the 2011 flowers and leaves. After that I
the flowers and leaves may be NAQGCON. From there, the NAQG will need to photograph the
arranged easily at the last board members will decide what finished arrangement. As you can
minute. Don’t send a completed, is to become of it. If it is of (Continued on page 30)
Page 28. Summer, 2010
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Notes From The
Archivist Donna Del Giudice
The Archive Committee is still Card Maker. May 2010: 64- “Finds” in your local craft stores,
remember to use your town
looking for a volunteer who can 65. library—if they don’t have that
magazine, then ask them to get a
keep our members updated on Bartkowski, Allison. “It’s a Party: copy of the article via interlibrary
interesting websites. Please Invite & Thank You Cards.” loan. Most libraries are very
happy to do this service for their
contact me at Card Maker, July 2010: 68, patrons. If your town library is
very small and not “computer
donnatubbie@aol.com if you are 77. equipped,” then they can call the
county (or the closest city) library
interested in this position. Benbow, Linda. “Paper Quilling.” to request the article through
interlibrary loan. If you are
UAE Digest. May 2010: 22- coming to a dead-end in trying to
locate a specific article or book,
I just love to hear from our 23. (article on Farah Al please feel free to contact me
and I’ll see what I can do for you.
members when they’ve had Fardh)
articles published about them in Brodskaya, Yulia. “What’s Next Please remember if you have an
article or are in the planning
their local newspapers. It gives for You?” Oprah Magazine. stages of doing an article
(magazine or newspaper), let us
me such a good feeling when a May 2010. know (e-mail:
donnatubbie@aol.com or write
fellow artist has her/his work Canup, Charlotte. “Sail Away.” Donna Del Giudice at 11 Orchard
Street, Verona, NJ 07044.
recognized and honored. You Card Maker, May 2010: 18- Please put “NAQG” in the subject
line). If we know in advance, it
don’t even have to wait for the 19. gives us the chance to inform our
quillers and to keep an eye out
media to find you—go out and Grunwald, Yogi. “Dragonfly for the publication before it goes
off the shelf. The NAQG will
find them. Contact your local Thank You.” Card Maker, gladly reimburse costs for
newspaper and tell them that you July 2010: 16-17. copying and shipping to keep the
archives up-to-date.
have a great story on what you Martin, Ann. “Happy Father’s
do. Day.” Card Maker, May
2010: 52-53.
Some recent “finds” are as Martin, Wendy. “Masterclass:
follows: Quilled Flowers.” Papercraft
BOOKS: Essentials. UK. 2010: Issue
54, 26-32.
Vogelbacher, Margarete, Modern Quilling, King. “On a Quest to
Quilling Verspielt Durchs Encourage the Ancient Craft
Jahr, Topps (Germany), of Quilling.” Senior Life, Dec
2010. (available through 2009. (article on Lynnie
Amazon.de) Butler)
“Festive Fireworks.” Card Maker. Farooqui, Mazhar. “Artist on a
July 2010: 36, 77. Roll: Paper Chase.” Website:
“Try Quilling.” The New Complete Gulf News, <http://
Guide to Cardmaking (UK), gulfnews.com/life-style/
2010: 36-39, 50-53. people/artist-on-a-roll-paper-
Bardwell, Louise. “Make Metal chase-1.619341> April 29,
Work.” Dollhouse, February 2010.
Bartkowski, Allison. “Sister.” If you can’t locate any of the
Summer, 2010 Page 29.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 28) telephone number, in case I need
imagine, it will be a big job to get to contact you quickly for some
all of that finished in time for reason. Then lay a sheet of tissue
publication, and if I'm unable to paper loosely around the delicate
recruit help, I may have all of this flowers and leaves on top of the
to do alone: so please consider instructions in the box, using
these challenges and send your bubble wrap or wrapping foam, if
packages to me just as early as necessary, to protect them from
possible. crushing during shipment.
Place the sheet of the basic Send to:
instructions that you've written Helen Pierce
down earlier into an envelope, in 915 South 1st Street
the bottom of a small, sturdy Springfield, IL 62704-2715
shipping box that closes well. On U.S.A.
the page you should have written
the name of the flower variety of helenpierce@ameritech.net
each flower if you know what it is, 217-544-7419
as well as whether it has a
special significance in your Let's celebrate together - and
country or state. It should also thanks in advance for your
include your name, address, contribution!
country, current email address if
you have one, and your
The quiller’s choice for selection and service
Visit our web site www.Whimsiquills.com or call us toll free in the USA & Canada to learn about
NAQG members get a 10% discount on everything but clearance items
Join our VIP program for VIP dollars and birthday gift certificates
Free tool lending program for teachers/ Groups
Sign up for our weekly updates
Download & print over 80 free patterns on our web site
Free reference materials and instructional sheets perfect for teaching and/or learning
Our blog www.quillingwithwhimsiquills.blogspot.com features quillers from around the world,
quilling techniques old & new, free quilling patterns and directions.
We carry the following vendors: Lake City Crafts, Paplin Products, Quilled Creations, Elizabeth’s
Creations, J&J Quilling, and Fiskars border punches in addition to other novelties suitable for
25 Indian Run Enfield CT 06082 Fax 860.763.3904
Email Whimsiquills@cox.net
Toll free in USA & Canada 1.877.488.0894 All others 860.749.0894
Page 30. Summer, 2010
Cynthia Stemple: 2nd Place, Beginner Cards Jennifer Littlefield: Honorable Mention, Intermediate Free
OOTB Challenge (left to right): Jill Van Dieren, Cynthia Stemple, Helen Pierce
Floral Tribute (left to right): Sherry Rodehaver, Ann Martin’s Quilled Spill Tutorial, Rita Anderson
Rita Anderson Kay Charles
The works on Lois Bandt-Weber
this page were Evelyn Rooney
on display at the
entered in the
Betty Tremaine (above left and right)