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Summer, 2009
Barbara Machado
(above, top right, and
Clare Wong (below)
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Board of Directors Table of Contents
Accreditation Committee............... Sherry Rodehaver Board Report 4
2625 E Turkeyfoot Lk Road Getting To Know You 6
Uniontown, OH 44685 Let The Good Times Roll: And So 8
330-699-2500 They Did 9
[email protected]
Archive Committee ........................ Donna Del Giudice Competition Results 10
11 Orchard St New Members 11
Verona, NJ 07044
973-857-3999 NAQGCON Impressions 12
[email protected]
Community Relationship and Development Committee My NAQGCON Experience 16
........................................................ Danielle Pray Open Letter to Lois: NAQGCON 2009 17
[email protected] Introducing Two New Regional Reps 17
Membership Committee ............... Rita Anderson
2422 Torrington Drive NAQGCON Memories 18
Lake Ridge
Toms River, NJ 08755 Elaine’s Happy Findings 18
732-886-0867 Iris Folding Meets Quilling...A Florida 19
[email protected] Memory 20
NAQG Conference Committee ...... Barb Machado Outside of the Box Challenge
1168 Pleasant St
Bridgewater, MA 02324 My Quilling Story 21
[email protected] Hints & Tips 22
Newsletter Committee .................. Caroline Mach
PO Box 95 QA Needs Your Help! 22
Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0
705-435-4479 Antonella’s Online Update 23
[email protected]
Color Photo Collages ..................... Evelyn Rooney Membership Q & A 24
23 Clara Place
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 Notes From the Archivist 25
973-239-8978 26
[email protected] Mini-Meet Announcements and
Treasury Committee ...................... Laura Olohan Reports
26 Evergreen Ave
Springfield, NJ 07081 Submission Deadlines
[email protected] Each issue of Quill America will have a theme for the
Website and Internet Development Committee designs relating to upcoming holidays and events. Of
........................................................ Antonella DeFalco course, we welcome all quilling related articles -
531 Brian Dean Drive submit your articles, designs, news, etc., by email to
Glen Gardner, NJ 08826 [email protected] or by postal mail to Caroline
908-537-9240 Mach, PO Box 95, Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0 Canada.
[email protected] Fall Issue Deadline: September 15
Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanza
Annual Membership Rates
$25 US; $30 Canada and Mexico; Winter Issue Deadline: December 15
Valentine’s Day, Birthday, Easter
$35 Everywhere Else Spring Issue Deadline: March 15
Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Vacation and Travel
Renew online at www.naqg.org/member.html Summer Issue Deadline: June 15
Autumn, Thanksgiving, Halloween
Summer, 2009
Page 3.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Board Report
Board Meeting of the NAQG – she had already taken care of the one year before the start date, a
Wednesday, June 3 – 7:30 pm matter and had refunded the decision was made that the Guild
(Eastern) member. should accept the proposal sent
by the Long Island Quillers.
Director Attendees: Sherry Barbara Machado, NAQGCON
Rodehaver – Accreditation; Committee, sent everyone a Barb will announce the selection
Donna Del Giudice – Archival; proposal for the 2010 NAQGCON in the newsletter and put out a
Rita Anderson – Membership; from the Long Island Quillers for call for the 2011 NAQGCON. She
Barbara Machado – NAQGCON; the Board’s review. Everyone is working on updating the
Caroline Mach – Newsletter; said that they reviewed the NAQGCON guidelines and will be
Laura Olohan – Treasury; proposal. Some comments were adding to them yearly as any
Antonella DeFalco – Website as follows: changes are made. As soon as
more feedback from the 2009
Rita Anderson opened the Regarding the number of NAQGCON is received, Barb will
meeting at 7:34 pm (Eastern) proposals: add that material to the
• Caroline asked if this was the guidelines.
Sherry Rodehaver, Accreditation only proposal received, when the
Committee, Sherry noted that deadline was, and if we should Sherry made a suggestion to set
she is revising the judging criteria wait for more to come in. an exact deadline for submitting
and other papers for • Rita thought that there were future proposals. Caroline
accreditation. motioned to make the date May
others interested in hosting. 31st. Donna seconded the
Donna Del Giudice, Archival Barb responded that there were motion and the Board agreed.
Committee, is still working on the a few inquiries for hosting the
bibliography update that will be NAQGCON. Guidelines were sent Barb then asked if the Board had
sent to the membership. The to perspective hostesses; any questions or comments for
update will be sent out with the however, the Long Island Quillers the Long Island Quillers. There
summer newsletter and will be are the only ones to respond with were no questions for the group
copied gratis by Donna. a proposal. at this time. The proposal was
Danielle Pray, Community Comments regarding the unanimously accepted by all
Relations & Development proposal: present.
Committee, No report.
• Donna thought the proposal Caroline brought up a letter that
Rita Anderson, Membership she received from an attendee at
Committee, announced that the looked straight forward. the NAQGCON regarding
NAQG has 65 new members and “information distribution”. The
103 renewals (April-June). • Sherry felt that a lot of work quiller mentioned that she did
Sherry asked about the total not get some information on the
membership count. Deb Mackes was done on the proposal. NAQGCON because she does not
Antonella agreed and said it have e-mail. She wanted to get a
looked thorough, with specific
dates, schedule of activities, and
costs for the event.
was contacted and she reported list of the attendees’ postal
Barb said that she did have a few addresses, rather than just their
that the total count currently inquiries and sent guidelines to e-mail. The suggestion was
stands at 435. the prospective hostesses;
made that the member could get
Antonella asked about a member however, no one got back to her. the addresses from the
Since the process for the
who reported being charged membership list. Barb said that
twice on PayPal. Laura said that NAQGCON is scheduled to begin
(Continued on page 5)
Page 4. Summer, 2009
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 4) Antonella DeFalco, Website
Lois did call everyone who did Laura mentioned that she had a Committee, Antonella reported
not have e-mail. few people pay via PayPal for the that the new NAQGMembers
NAQGCON. Due to the high fees Group moderators are doing well.
Rita then mentioned that a that PayPal charges, Laura They are on top of all the posts
member had asked if the suggested that we may want to and keep everything moving
membership list could be put in charge a small fee to members along well. There are currently
alphabetical order, rather than by who pay for their NAQGCON three moderators for the
location. Donna said that it is set registration via PayPal. NAQGMembers Yahoo Group.
-up that way because many Caroline suggested that an
members are looking for quillers Antonella asked if Laura had article be written on the
in their area. She said that the checked into PayPal waiving fees moderators and what they do for
membership list is set-up by for non-profits. Laura did try to an upcoming edition of the
location and alphabetically on contact them with no results; she newsletter.
the website. will continue to try and get an
answer. Antonella announced that Denise
Caroline Mach, Newsletter Patron hosted the first swap of
Committee, told the Board that Donna asked if the fees could be 2009.
Jo-Anne Price and Ev Rooney are taken from the profits made at
working on the color collages for the NAQGCON and put back into The Website Committee needs
the upcoming newsletter. There the general funds. Laura said members who can assist with
will be six pages of color in this that would be fine; she just making updates to the website.
issue. Caroline has a few wanted to check and get the Antonella had a few people come
personal accounts and an article Board’s opinion. forward, but they have not been
from Lois on the NAQGCON. available to help out. She will be
Caroline reminded the Directors Sherry followed up by saying that reaching out in the next
to send in their articles if they’ll if we offer PayPal, then we can newsletter for assistance.
be submitting one for the not restrict what it is used on.
newsletter. Caroline said that if the NAQG Antonella will be coordinating
picks up the fee for photos and items regarding the
Rita brought up the problem of memberships, then the NAQGCON to coincide with the
members who change addresses NAQGCON should not be any newsletter. She’ll use some of
and do not inform the Guild. different. the pictures from Helen that are
She’ll be writing an article on that currently posted on the
for the newsletter. Caroline then asked about the NAQGMembers Group.
rates that PayPal charges.
Antonella asked Caroline if she Sherry said that it should be a Laura asked about the fees for
was looking for patterns. flat fee of $0.35 per transaction, the website. Antonella said that
Caroline said that she is always plus a percentage of the amount she paid last year, but the Guild
looking for patterns. Antonella being paid; the higher the needs to pick up the renewal.
will be forwarding patterns that amount, the higher the fee. She will forward all invoices when
she sent to the NAQGCON and they come in. Antonella told the
will try to get a write up on the iris It was agreed that the NAQG Board that the fees run
folding class from the teacher. keep picking up the fees and approximately $9.00 per month,
Laura will continue working on plus approximately $20.00 per
Laura Olohan, Treasury PayPal waiving fees for non- year for the naqg.org address.
Committee, reported the totals profits. Laura asked if we could pay this
for the 1st quarter. Bank balance bill in total for a full year, rather
as of June 3, 2009 = Lastly, Laura announced that the than monthly; Antonella said that
$14,232.85. Paypal balance = Guild made $91.93 on igive.com she would check into it.
$1,984.58. (Continued on page 9)
Summer, 2009 Page 5.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Getting to Know You
Barbara Machado, NAQG Conference Director as told to Helen Pierce
Editor’s Note: This is the third in annual event, or were you
a series of articles that will “volunteered?”
introduce the Board of Directors MACHADO: I don't know
to NAQG members. We hope you the amount of time that
enjoy learning more about the passed between my
volunteers that run this joining and my
organization on your behalf! volunteering. There was a
need for a membership
Photos of Barbara’s work appear person after I hosted the
on page 2. AGM in Plymouth, MA,
and I volunteered to help
Looking through a recent QA, I out because of that need.
was considering who to feature
next for this series showcasing PIERCE: Have you been
the Board of Directors when I able to attend all of the
spotted Barbara Machado’s annual events?
name, who serves together with MACHADO: No, I have not
Pat Caputo on the NAQG been able to attend all of
Conference Committee. Since it them. When I was first
seems that none of us can hear involved, I went to a get-together MACHADO: The NAQGCON
enough about the annual in CT, hosted by Pat Caputo, Committee helps to guide the
NAQGCON (formerly the AGM), I before the Guild was officially host who is running the
contacted Barbara to ask if she launched. I had young children at NAQGCON at the time. Pat
would give us a little background the time, and my sister-in-law Caputo, Sue Palmer and I worked
about her life and her activities babysat so I could go. Now she together in developing the
with the Guild. She agreed, and and I arrange to go together to guidelines for the event, and now
the interview follows: annual events, as well as to Mini- they continue to be used by
Meets. those who host the annual
PIERCE: When did you join the conferences. The NAQGCON
North American Quilling Guild? PIERCE: Did it take a long time committee is there to support the
Who invited you, or where did you for you to learn “the ropes?” host running the NAQGCON and
find out about it? MACHADO: I have been fortunate to make adjustments to the
MACHADO: I have been a in that whenever I have done guidelines as needed.
member of the Guild since before something for the Guild, I have
it was officially known as the never had to do it alone. PIERCE: How many hours does it
NAQG, back when Pat Caputo Members of the Board have require for you to keep up with
was sending out a newsletter on always been there to guide and the work that goes into it?
her own for quillers. help me. Even members who MACHADO: It will vary depending
have no official position will step on the time frame of the event.
PIERCE: How long were you a in and help behind the scenes.
member of the group before you PIERCE: Barbara, where were you
became a member of the Board? PIERCE: What do you do as a born, where have you lived, and
Did you volunteer for the position volunteer on the NAQG where do you live now?
you now hold as Chairman of the Conference Committee? (Continued on page 7)
Page 6. Summer, 2009
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 6) instantly addicted. My mom and I some time. In addition, if
MACHADO: I was born in would take trips to Mystic to attending the NAQGCON is
Massachusetts, and have lived in stock up on supplies for me. I beyond my reach some years,
Bridgewater, MA all but three was in junior high when I first Mini-Meets are a great way to get
years of my life. started quilling, and was also in that fix on a smaller scale.
my first show and sale at that
PIERCE: Do you have a full-time time. My mom was my first PIERCE: Do you teach and
or a part-time job? If so, what is cheerleader, and I am so grateful demonstrate quilling?
it? that she encouraged my love of MACHADO: Yes, I have taught
MACHADO: My “paying job” is in handwork. We spent many, many and demonstrated quilling for
Special Education, as a para- hours creating things together. groups, but not for a fee.
professional. She never complained about the
money that we spent for PIERCE: Do you write quilling
PIERCE: Do you want to say a few supplies, and I remember the books? Have you ever won
words about your family? year that I was in the 8th grade, awards for your quilling?
MACHADO: Yes. I’m married to when I crafted all my Christmas MACHADO: I have never written
Lee, who is my biggest helper gifts! I embroidered, quilled, etc. books, nor won awards.
and cheerleader, especially when It was the most rewarding holiday
it comes to my interest in quilling experience that I’ve ever had. PIERCE: Do you design original
and crafts. He just installed patterns?
lighting and set up a workspace PIERCE: If you like quilling books MACHADO: As I have said, most
for me in my son's old bedroom, with patterns, which one is your of my work is from my own
so I finally have a craft room, favorite? Which one has helped patterns, which aren't even
which has been my dream since I you the most? patterns. I mostly do wedding
was a child. We have three MACHADO: When I first started I invitations, and I just wing it.
children: two sons, Lee, and really enjoyed Quilling Bee Each one is different, and I don't
Tony; and one daughter, patterns and made many of take notes, so I couldn't replicate
Courtney. No, none of them quill! them. As the years went by, I them even if I tried.
purchased a lot of books, but find
PIERCE: Have you always enjoyed that at this point I only use them PIERCE: Where do you find
art and handwork? for motivation when I have lost inspiration?
MACHADO: Oh, yes! I have always the desire to quill, and don’t use MACHADO: I actually have an
enjoyed handwork, and it was the actual patterns any longer. inspiration folder. When
because my mother was always something strikes me, I jot it
creating something, whether that PIERCE: Do you have any other down or sketch it, or if it's a
was cooking, sewing, painting, hobbies? photo from a magazine, I put it in
knitting or using some other MACHADO: Yes, I have. My other my folder. I once quilled the
medium She was more than hobbies include cross stitch, cover wreath from a Family Circle
supportive of any interests that I stamping and 'playing in the dirt.' magazine.
PIERCE: Are you a part of a Mini- PIERCE: Do you sell your work?
PIERCE: When did you first learn Meet group in your area? If so, Do you participate in art shows?
to quill and how did you come what influence has it had on your MACHADO: I do custom orders
across this art medium? quilling experience? only.
MACHADO: My mother ordered a MACHADO: I have hosted Mini-
Christmas Ornament Quilling Kit Meets as well as attended them. PIERCE: Describe the most
for me from Lee Wards. I taught In addition to the experience of difficult project that you’ve done?
myself how to do that, and then visiting with the friendliest of gals The one that you liked best?
she ordered the Easter Egg Kit. and having great laughs, I find MACHADO: I have had wedding
Later on, we happened upon a Mini-Meets to be a wonderful way invitations to do that really didn't
shop in Mystic, CT that carried to get me motivated when I lend themselves to have quilling
the Quill-Art line, and I was haven't quilled for pleasure in (Continued on page 9)
Summer, 2009 Page 7.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Let The Good Times
Roll: And So They Did
Lois Bandt-Weber
Those of you who couldn't come categories, and some of them includes pictures of these figures
to the 2009 NAQGCON missed a
really good time. were award pieces. From Brenda in the next Quill America.
Registration began on Thursday. Thacker, after being told she won
Want to know something twice, came an e-mail that said in Talking about Ev Rooney--I
wonderful about my job as
hostess? I GOT TO MEET & part: "OMG!!! I've never won begged and pleaded with her to
YOU! In the past I had only met a anything before. Picture fat old attend, and she came through
few quillers.
lady doing victory dance!! I (I'm a lousy photographer).
Friday, classes were held. We
didn't have a whole lot of almost didn't send anything in." THANK YOU, EV !!
teachers, but enough for
everyone to learn a new Members--take note for next
technique. Special thanks to
Elaine Altemos, Alli Bartkowski, year: If times are still difficult, 3:00 pm was award time. Such
Marion Bertaut & Kay Charles mail your work to us. We want to excitement you never saw. There
( who taught two different
classes). There hasn't been any see all the quilling we can. were whoops and laughing and
national conference where
people didn't discover something crying! Congratulations to each of
new and wonderful. For future
reference, PLEASE consider Saturday included voting in the you! All who entered were also
teaching. It's so rewarding for
you, the teacher. Yes, there is morning. It was so hard to winners.
preparation and some work, but
so worth it. choose. Later, tables were filled
A very good deli buffet lunch was with individual displays. Again, Next came the Raffle. We must
enjoyed by all at noon. Dinner
was on your own Friday night, the Oooh' s & Ahhs. Our have had about 50 items on that
with hotel shuttles taking you to members from overseas always table. Gerda Mooney's sister,
either of two malls.
amaze us, as do our own artists. Elizabeth West, and Nancy
Later, we set up for competition.
It was quite a project for me as I Jensen from San Diego did a
had mail-in entries from Japan
and China and several from the Visitors started to come in about superb job of selling tickets. We
states to place in the right
1:00 pm. Of course, I failed to made $201.00 for NAQG. Hurray
put out the "Short History of for us! It seems that quite a few
Quilling," so we did a lot of people won more than once,
explaining. Sorry, I couldn't get much to the chagrin of the
everything right. others. Again--much laughing and
dancing around. Haven't seen
One family came in from Orlando anything yet until you see Lucia
who had read about us on the Sinning from Spain dancing!
internet. We found that She's a real sweetheart, and is a
Grandma, who spoke only very good quiller.
Spanish, has been quilling for 10
years. You never saw any 3" Finally we came to our farewell
figurines that were more dinner. So happy--so sad. Such
perfectly done than hers, down to great memories to take home
shoe laces and other details. We with us, and tales to relate to our
have her granddaughter's e-mail home members. If it was illness
address, so that we might be or the economy that kept you
able to include Grandma at some from being with us, we feel badly
area mini-meet. I hope Ev Rooney (Continued on page 9)
Page 8. Summer, 2009
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 8) Carolyn Smith; Lorrie Sythes; call it a JOB!! It was my pleasure.
that you couldn't join us. Maybe Joanne Millner; Nancy Waller; &
next year. Mary Lou Cook. Everyone should On a personal note: I am retiring
have such friends. Couldn't have from competition as I have been
Thanks especially to the done it without you. awarded 10 times, including 1st
Conference Committee who and 2nd places and three
guided me along the way. I hope I Next year, who knows? We have "People's Choice “ in 5 years.
didn't miss anyone who helped. I one possibility for a site, but a lot Thank you, God, for giving me my
do also want to thank my ladies depends on the economy. We talent.
from Leesburg who were so may have had only 50 attendees,
much help with name tags, but all areas of the country and
including one hubby who helped the world were well represented.
with the name list and tags. They So don't be afraid to try to host a
are: Emma Kane (Auntie Em); NAQGCON event. Notice I didn't
(Continued from page 5) NAQGCON (pens, pads, raffle Director for the next Board
tickets, and name badge meeting will be Barbara
In other Board matters, Rita holders). Machado (NAQGCON Director).
reported that she received the The next meeting will be early
remainder of the materials that Meeting was adjourned at 9:08 September 2009 – date to be
were sent to Florida for the pm (Eastern). The Executive decided.
The Long Island Quillers are pleased to invite you to share our “SUN, SAND & SEA “ 2010 NAQGCON. It
will be held on April 30 - May 2 at the Holiday Inn in Ronkonkoma, New York, which is conveniently
located near the Islip Airport. There is hotel shuttle service available. We are planning some exciting
events for quillers of all levels and are looking forward to having many teachers, vendors, and
Details for registration and competition requirements will follow.
(Continued from page 7 - Barbara Machado) finished it and was so very glad addition to our organization. I am
when that went out the door! very grateful to all those who
done around them. A case in have put in so much time and
point [is] a Ralph and Alice PIERCE: Does accreditation effort to make this possible
Cramden wedding invitation that interest you? Are you an eventually. I hope to one day
I tried to tell the customer wasn't accredited artist? become an accredited quiller.
going to work, but she insisted [I MACHADO: Accreditation from
do it]. I struggled and finally the NAQG will be a wonderful
Summer, 2009 Page 9.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Competition Results
Kay Charles
Many thanks to Lois Bandt-Weber for hosting a wonderful conference. The event was
very well run and wonderfully relaxing. Lots of new friendships were made, and many
members learned new techniques. Lois was on top of everything and seemed to be
the most relaxed hostess I’ve ever seen. On behalf of all of us, thank you, Lois.
We had 32 members enter the competition—more than ever before. There were twelve in the
Accomplished Category, sixteen in the Intermediate Category, and four in the Beginners Category. Six
members who were unable to attend mailed in entries, including some from overseas.
As the numbers above indicate, the Intermediate Category proved to be very popular and seemed to
encourage many quillers to enter.
Having members register for the competition ahead of time was very helpful. It allowed us to better
judge the space needed for set up. It definitely made assigning numbers, etc., less hectic for the
Competition Committee members.
As initiated this year, first place winners in each category will be ineligible next year to enter the
category(ies) they won this year. This will not apply to the People’s Choice Category.
Get busy quilling, and let’s break the record for number of entries again next year.
Note to Competition winners - ribbons will be mailed to you as soon as I get them.
Besides being mailed too late, they were not printed correctly and are being redone.
Competition Winners - 2009 North American Quilling Guild Conference
People’s Choice Lois Bandt-Weber
Accomplished Category
Cards 1st Carolyn Smith
2nd Kay Charles
Free Standing Honorable Mention Lois Bandt-Weber
Framed 1st Kay Charles
2nd Charlotte Canup
Miniature 1st Maggie Nakatoni
Quilling & Beyond 1st Lois Bandt-Weber
2nd Emiko Matsushita
Intermediate Category
Cards 1st Helen Pierce
Maritza Laboy Morales
2nd Gail Freed
Free Standing 1st
(Continued on page 11)
Page 10. Summer, 2009
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
New Members Deb Mackes
A warm welcome to our newest members!
Christine Adamson Atlanta, GA Luis Rivera Roanoke, VA
Elaine J. Ashley Upper Marlboro, MD Betty Royles Staffordshire, United
Robin Berry Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Kingdom
Veronica Betts Springfield, IL Josephine Sande Vero Beach, FL
Callie Betz Stamford, CT Linda Sconyers Claremore, OK
Kim Loh Bodor Nesconset, NY Tina Townsend Milford, KS
Lydia Bourg Sugar Land, TX Melany Wenneker Cardington, OH
Susan Charbonneau Wawa, Ontario, Canada Georgia Zarafonitis Charlestown, RI
Elizabeth Creveling Perkasie, PA
Joy Crockett Bar Harbor, ME We apologize in advance for any omissions or
Cynthia Gardner Springfield, MO misspellings. Please email Deb Mackes at
Joanne Haddle Youngstown, OH [email protected] for any changes so we can
Marilyn Hanner Kissimmee, FL correct them.
Ruth Hawkins Plano, TX
Peggy Hutchison West Alexander, PA If you have moved, please let either Rita Anderson
Susan Hyde St. Petersburg, FL or Deb Mackes know (see contact information on
Miki Kaneko Clarksville, MD page 3 or in your membership directory). They are
Kyung Jin Kim Cerritos, CA getting returned newsletters which then cost extra
Vickie Maynard Twentynine Palms, CA postage to re-send. Thank you for helping to keep
Bobbie Mitchell Orting, WA the Guild’s costs as low as possible.
Takako Naito Tokyo, Japan
Kathleen Redlon Methuen, MA
(Continued from page 10)
Framed 1st Lucia Sinning Castaneda
Maritza Laboy Morales
2nd Joanne Millner
3rd Ayako Ishimura
Lucia Sinning Castaneda
Miniature 1st Maritza Laboy Morales
Quilling & Beyond 1st
Beginner Category
Cards 1st Clare Wong
Framed 1st Brenda Thacker
Miniature 1st Brenda Thacker
Quilling & Beyond 1st Kathalin Yamada Hiroe
2nd Mary Lou Cook
Freestanding No Entries
Summer, 2009 Page 11.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
NAQGCON Impressions
Helen Pierce
The NAQGCON was to begin at been reserved for us from 7:00 me excitedly, saying that she
9:00 am on Friday morning, but I in the morning until 11:00 at hadn't found Gail Freed at the
arrived early, on Thursday night, so we could come and go airport, as they had planned. I
afternoon, April 30. My husband and quill together as we wished. advised her to talk to the agent
helped me unload and take my At first glance, I saw a round at the desk to help her to get a
things to my room before he left table piled high with an message through to Gail, since it
to stay with friends in Apopka, assortment of quilling strips, and was Lucia’s first visit to the U.S.,
two hours away. A few of the busy members all around it, and she speaks little English. I
ladies were checking in with Lois quilling and chatting away with don't know how they finally got
Bandt-Weber, and Emma Kane one another. Maggie Nakatani together, but in the morning, they
was helping her. I received a was there teaching someone how walked out of their room, and we
pretty bag full of goodies along to fold tiny roses. At another went down the elevator together
with my schedules for the event. I table I met Ev Rooney's group to have breakfast. The
had hoped to be of some help, who hold weekly mini-meets in breakfasts were varied and good,
but everything was already done, Pennsylvania. I worked on a but the best treat was to be there
so I had the pleasure of meeting project that I'd brought along. with my quilling friends.
a few of the ladies right away as Later, the quilling room was
they came up to the table. vacated, and there was no one at I arrived at my first class, on
Everyone I met was a new friend, the check-in desk, but I saw a Swedish Star decorations, Friday
though I recognized some lady walking alone and looking morning to find most of the
names. After meeting Lois and around, and I asked her if she others already there. Kay Charles
Emma, I met Maritza Laboy, from was with the Guild. She said that would be teaching. Kay Charles…
Puerto Rico, and chatted with her she was, and introduced herself I had often seen her name in
for quite awhile. I met Mae Tse, as Nancy Jensen, from San print but hadn’t known who she
from San Diego, and a small Diego. No one else was around, was when I saw her in random
group of ladies from Japan, so we decided to have supper photos. I was thrilled, because I
including Maggie Nakatani, with together at the near-by bar. I knew she had been with the
whom I've corresponded in the dawdled over a Reuben Guild for a long time. She was all
past. I was glad to meet Ev sandwich, and she had a nice business, with a roomful (maybe
Rooney from New Jersey, with chicken salad while we talked 20) of ladies who were eager to
whom I’ve corresponded and talked and talked. Finally, learn what she had to teach us.
frequently, since she is also on Nancy introduced me to Christina All were new faces to me, but
the QA Editorial Committee. What Beggs, from Pennsylvania who others obviously knew one
a delight it was for me to match had been eating alone. It was fun another well. We only had an
up names with the actual people! to pick up little bits and pieces hour with Kay, so she had to rush
Happy hugs were frequent! about their lives and enjoy them us through her class. There was
During the whole event, in this lovely hotel. much to explain and much to
friendship was one of the most learn, and we helped each other
enjoyable things. After dinner, I went back to the with details of the techniques
quilling room to join the group later, since there was no time for
After unpacking, I returned to the gathering there. We stayed chatting during the class. The
check-in desk, received my name working and chatting until almost hour passed quickly, and I didn’t
badge and visited the large 11:00. Before I went to bed, finish, as I didn’t in any of my
quilling room close by that had Lucia Sinning, from Spain, called (Continued on page 13)
Page 12. Summer, 2009
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 12) table. By that time we were told
classes. I did find time to finish I skipped supper that night and to set out any work that we had
the work within the week after I went to the quilling room alone. brought to show. The three ring
left the conference, which While I was there, Lynnie Butler binders that I had brought held
pleased me, since I really wanted came in to chat with me, and much of what I wanted to show.
to see the finished projects. A while she was still there,
few of the ladies were able to Delphine Eme walked in I showed my first ever quilling
finish their two-sided Christmas wondering where she should put projects that I had made for the
Tree Swedish Stars, and I could her large framed competition International Festival in 2005,
see how attractive they would be piece. That area was locked, so the Poinsettia Ribbon Hanging
on a tree. she said she would bring it back that I had taught in one of the QA
in the morning. When they both articles, the OOTB black and
A light, sandwich/salad buffet left I also went to set out my white stick figures that I’d made
lunch was beautifully served to competition piece for the next for the Challenge and Itsy
us in the center patio. More morning. monthly series in the
important was the conversation NAQGmembers Yahoo group,
of the 10 women around each of Saturday morning we had an book marks, a very small framed
the tables—so much fun! ample buffet breakfast served at duck scene, my Snowflake
Sometimes we talked with little tables to one side of the Christmas Tree Ornaments that
everyone at the table, and central patio and at 9:00 another I’d trimmed my tree with in
sometimes we chatted quietly class. For this one I had chosen December, my free-standing
with the ones sitting beside us. to learn to make Spider Mums poles with flowers that I’d taught
We had cute nametags that Ev with Kay Charles as teacher once in one of the OOTB projects
Rooney’s group had decorated again. This time I was almost online, etc. Many others had
with a few quilled Itsies on each-- able to finish within the allotted brought beautiful framed work
a great help as I struggled to time. Then I was off and running and 3D items, plus items of all
remember names. How delighted again to get my competition different kinds to show to the
I was to meet them all. piece — a card with an angel members and visitors who came
theme. It was small, light weight in for the afternoon. I
We soon returned to the and insignificant in comparison photographed as much as I
classrooms. My Friday afternoon to all the framed work that I saw could, though there was precious
class was with Marion Bertraut, being set up for competition. I little time for that. Visitors walked
who taught us Iris Folding. was given a number on a card to around admiring all the projects,
Antonella DeFalco was scheduled set up in front of my card, and in a raffle was held, and the
to be there to help out with the an instant I set it in place and winners received their gifts.
quilling part of this project, but was gone again. I skipped lunch Winners of the quilling
was unable to make it. She did that day and voted on my choices competition were asked to come
send pattern pages and for the three levels: Beginner, up to the front, retrieve their
materials along for Marion to Intermediate, and Accomplished. winning pieces from the tables
distribute. Iris Folding proved to There were also categories within and show them to all. There was
be easy enough, and I did get the the three: Framed Work, much applause. Naturally, I was
map of Florida done on the card. Miniatures, Angel Cards, Quilling very pleased to have won a first
I didn’t have time to quill the and Beyond, and Free Standing prize in the Intermediate
pretty pink flamingo nor the palm Quilling. It took a long time for category with my angel card! Lois
tree that afternoon, but finished me to decide which pieces to Bandt-Weber’s Aquarium Scene
them up that week after I left the vote on, since there were so was fantastic! It’s no wonder
conference. It was a very many that were really good. I that it won 1st place in the
enjoyable class. Marion stayed made my choices slowly, going Accomplished Framed Work
for a while afterwards, gathering around and around the tables to Category and 1st Place in the
up her materials, which gave me look at the pieces over and over People’s Choice award. On my
an opportunity to talk with her a again. Finally I was finished and computer I have the beautiful
little. turned in my paper to the judges’ (Continued on page 16)
Summer, 2009 Page 13.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
My NAQGCON Charlotte Canup
On Thursday evening, I checked leaves, butterfly wings, etc. It is winners were announced, and I
in at the welcome table set up by a more structured process, but am so pleased to report that my
this year’s conference hostess, actually creates a very lacy 4-Square framed wall art piece
Lois Bandt-Weber, and was given design. Coils can be inserted won second place! It was so
a name tag decorated with the inside the paper loops for even wonderful seeing the many
cutest quilled palm tree and more color and variation. beautiful designs created by
sunglasses. I was then handed a these talented artists. Up until
tote bag full of quilling goodies Other classes taught that this point, pretty much the only
generously donated by the NAQG morning were on Swedish stars, quilling I had seen “up close and
(North American Quilling Guild) spider mums, iris folding, and personal” had been my own. I
and several quilling vendors (a basic greeting cards. I saw was like a kid in a candy
big thank you to Whimsiquills, samples of the students’ work, store. And not only did I get to
Lake City Crafts, and Quilled and I know they had an equally see it, but I got to talk with the
Creations). It was at that good time learning new quilling actual artist. And these artists
moment I knew—this was going techniques and skills. came from all over the world. We
to be good! had several from Japan, and one
We continued on after lunch and each from Spain, England, and
Friday morning found me sitting made some cute bookmarks. I Puerto Rico. What a treat!
in a room with 20 other eager purchased a paper crimper that I
quillers ready to learn how to had been wanting for my All during the conference, a
make treasure boxes. These are collection of tools and had a ball hospitality suite was open from
adorable 3D boxes made from playing with it and sharing it with 7:00 am until 11:00 pm. It
large tight coils that are shaped my table mates. contained three large tables and
to look like terra cotta pots with a pile of paper strips. At any
lids. We decorated ours with Saturday was the big day for given time, from one to 30
spiral roses. Our teacher was seeing everyone else’s women could be found happily
none other than the designer quillwork. Competition entries quilling, sharing techniques and
herself, Alli Bartkowski. My next were examined and voted on in ideas. It was a great weekend of
class was on husking. This the morning, and those who fellowship and creativity. I can’t
technique involves wrapping the brought finished quilling pieces wait until the next one!
quilling paper around pins in a to share set them out for all to
set pattern to form flower petals, see in the afternoon. At 3:00 the
(Continued from page 13 - Helen Pierce) again, this time with a different very happy to have been a part of
group of ladies, and just as we it!
flowers that Kay Charles quilled finished, my husband came to
so I can see them every day! pick me up, I Ieft the conference
Saturday night about 7:30, very,
We enjoyed a great supper
together in the central patio
Page 16. Summer, 2009
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Open Letter to Lois:
NAQGCON 2009 Lynnie Butler
Dear Lois, Whether demonstrating, teaching local library in Cocoa, Florida, to
I hope you are rested and life is or just socializing, everyone was put my quilling on display in one
back to normal. I want you to friendly and shared openly. It of their large display cases. It
know what a great job I thought was such a pleasure being a part has created a lot of curiosity from
you did hosting the quilling of it all. the library patrons. The display
convention in Tampa. I know, will be there for a month.
personally, the hours, the phone Yet, I know planning is at the
calls, the setbacks, and constant heart of it all. While I am sure Thank you again for a wonderful
vigil it requires to undertake such many hands helped, your convention, the new things I
a project, and you did it so well. leadership brought it all together. learned, and the many new
I appreciated that and am happy friends I made. It was a job well
I don’t think I’ve ever belonged to that I could be part of it. done.
a more caring, sharing, and
friendly group as those who Before I went to the convention, I With love,
attended the convention! had made arrangements with our Lynnie Butler
Introducing Two New
Regional Reps
Jennifer Littlefield, South Dakota teaching those ideas to others in about offering a class in quilling
[email protected] South Dakota. for an after school program.
My name is Jennifer Littlefield, Maybe next year will be the year!
and I live in Pierre, South Dakota Mary Ann Barbee, Arizona
with my wonderful husband and [email protected] I can't wait to be able to share
two cute daughters who love to I have been quilling off and on for more with those in Arizona who
"help mommy make stuff". I have years. My husband's aunt taught are fellow quillers!!
been quilling for almost six years me how to quill about 20 years
now and have been a member of ago. Since then I have shown
NAQG for the last several years. I several friends how to quill. I
enjoy the endless possibilities for now have daughters-in-law and
ideas and designs that quilling two granddaughters to show how
has to offer, and I am really to quill. I work in an elementary
looking forward to sharing and charter school and have thought
Summer, 2009 Page 17.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
NAQGCON Memories
Alice Harris all be hidden in closets because I
felt like I was the only one doing
I was fortunate enough to be the “art”, and so...being amongst
able to attend the NAQG 50 or more ladies that do the
conference in Tampa, Florida. I same thing was great!
was the only Canadian to attend.
It was my first time at a Upon returning from Florida a
conference and I was somewhat local newspaper printed an
overwhelmed. I live in an area
that has quillers, but they must article about my quilling
(maybe I can flush out
any of those closet
quillers). Please visit
this link:
From left: Lynnie Butler and Marion Bertaut From left: Lois Bandt-Weber and
Alice Harris
Ev Rooney share techniques with each
other, having the open room to
I wanted to write a little about the to discussing quilling. It’s quill in. The overall display was
NAQGCON. I thought Lois did a amazing: Spanish, Japanese, enjoyable to see and be part of. I
wonderful job representing and Puerto Rican, and US quillers all am glad I went to experience it.
welcoming all the quillers. The shared together. Renewing friendships and
atmosphere was welcoming and making some new ones is always
relaxing. Everyone there seemed I was blown away by what the a plus.
to get along, talk and share their beginners presented to us. Their
thoughts on quilling. There was quilling was unique and
no language barrier when it came awesome! We did have time to
Elaine’s Happy Findings
When Elaine Altemose spotted flower would be an improvement. items are out there waiting for
these beveled glass key chains at So after a little scrub job and you to improve them."
a porch sale in Finger Lakes, New some simple quilled flowers, her Ev Crane
York, her heart dropped. They heart was much happier. She
were stamped with a "sad" says, "No matter where you
flower and a black ink sentiment. travel, keep your eyes open and Editor’s Note: A photo of Elaine’s
She knew instantly any quilled think QUILLING! Many more keychains appears on page 27.
Page 18. Summer, 2009
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Iris Folding Meets
Quilling...A Florida
Memory Marion Bertaut
The idea for this class began
more than a year ago at the
Rhode Island AGM, now know as
the NAQGCON, when Antonella
DeFalco and I talked about
combining our efforts and
teaching a class together. I
already knew I wanted to do iris
folding, and she would do the
quilling. What we didn’t know
was where the NAQGCON would
When the announcement was on the cards. I was pleasantly Teardrop for Body
made that the NAQGCON would surprised to see how quickly 1 – 12 inch (30.5 cm) Shaped
be in Florida, we finalized our everyone in the class picked up Teardrop for Wing
project. I would do an iris folded on the technique and made 1 – 3 inch (7.6 cm) Strip, cut in
shape of Florida and she would some really wonderful cards. This half and folded to make Legs
do the quilling part. No way was I is a picture of Helen Pierce’s
going to teach quilling to quillers! finished card. Antonella’s Palm Tree
Leaves / Fronds
Things almost never go as Antonella’s Pink Flamingo 12 – 6 inch (15.2 cm) Green
expected. Antonella was unable Head strips, use 1/16” paper (or cut
to attend, and there I was, 1 – 12 inch (30.5 cm) Tight Roll 1/8” paper in half)
teaching a class to quillers. I for Head For each leaf/frond, wrap paper
have taught a lot of classes, but 1 – 1 inch (2.5 cm) “S” for the strip gluing at bottom
this one was really special. BUT I Neck Arrange them around the top of
DIDN’T TEACH QUILLING! 1 – 3 inch (7.6 cm) Shaped the tree, creating two layers of
Teardrop for Beak leaves to create a full palm tree
It was somewhat of a challenge 1 – 1.5 inch (3.8 cm) Black Trunk
to create the design for the Shaped Teardrop for Tip of Beak 6 – 2 inch (5 cm) Brown C-Scrolls
shape of Florida. Odd-shaped Body for Trunk
apertures are more difficult than 1 – 24 inch (61 cm) Shaped
squares, rectangle, etc. Any
papers can be used to fill in the
aperture. I chose to stamp some
papers to go along with the
theme of pink and green.
Antonella sent patterns for a
palm tree and a flamingo to put
Summer, 2009 Page 19.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
These Outside Of The Box
Challenges cover the months of
March, April and May.
The announcements posted on
the website of the NAQG
members Yahoo group site for
each respective month included
the following guidelines:
March 2009--The Challenge was
organized and promoted by Helen Pierce to make a flat Itsy of any size, to
form the initial of your first
name. It could be made from any
number and length of 1/8” wide, black
quilling strips. It could be as simple or as
ornate as you wish, and either serious,
or comic. It was to be glued onto a piece
of colored cardstock that measure 4
1/4” x 5 1/2”. Touches of paint could be
used, or a few seed beads to enhance
its decorative appeal.
Following are those who entered, by
sending me a photo of their decorated
Brenda Brownlee-1
Clare Wong-5
Helen Pierce-1
April 2009--The Challenge was to
quill your own design of the hottest
sun that you could come up with--habanhero hot!! It could be
made with as many 1/8” wide strips as required, in whatever
colors you like, to fit onto a greeting card, a tag, or for a
scrapbook. It could be flat, or layered, and either comic or
realistic. It could be painted, if desired.
Clare Wong-1
Helen Pierce-1
May 2009--The May project was to buy an inexpensive, pre-printed, greeting card and quill Itsies to
add a few elements to the card, in order to make it pop.
Helen Pierce-2
You will find photos of the completed projects on the colored pages. Please feel free to copy them, as
your gift from those of us who entered. We hope that you enjoy them.
Editor’s Note: Photos of the April and May OOTB challenges appear on page 27.
Page 20. Summer, 2009
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
My Quilling Story Vicki Nimmo
I live in the Pacific Northwest in local craft store and asked if
Vancouver, Washington. It’s right they had quilling supplies. Of
across the Columbia River north course, they looked at me like
of Portland, Oregon. Living in I was an alien, so I taught
such a beautiful place really myself by the wealth of the
brings out the artist in you with Internet. My first project three
the rivers, mountains and ocean years ago was a birthday card
so close by. I’ve lived here most for a friend, and I haven’t
of the 51 years of my life except stopped since.
for a short year in France as a
baby when my Father was Since I discovered quilling, all
stationed there. Darn, wish I of my other craft interests
could remember that or at least have faded away except those
have gotten the accent! that I can incorporate. Just 6
months into quilling, I won
I’ve been married 30 years this grand prize for a national
November to my wonderful paper craft contest I entered. It also love to be able to attend one
husband who puts up with all my was a miniature Victorian quilled of the NACQCON events. One of
craft supplies that overflow every bouquet. The timing was a these days I’ll make it--maybe if I
closet and cupboard of the Godsend as the prize money start planning now for next year!
house. We have two children, a helped pay our mortgage that
son, Adam, and a daughter, month. Last year I won another I have a website with a gallery of
Hollie. Both are married and out grand prize for a paperweight my work: www.quillessentials
on their own, so we have entered design contest. .com. Stop by and drop me a line,
the phase of empty nesters. I’d love to hear from you!
I work part time at a local non-
I’ve always been creating some profit pregnancy center. I’m a Editor’s Note: Photos of Vicki’s
sort of art since I was a wee one. Christian, and my faith is very work appear on page 27.
I still have a little piece of important to me, so working in
embroidery I made at age 5. ministry is very fulfilling. It’s very
Most everything I’ve created over time consuming, as I assume any
the years I’ve given away, but I non-profit is, but I do try to leave
have started to keep a few of my work at the office and keep my
special quilled projects for evenings free to play with paper.
I dream of the day I can stay
I discovered quilling on the home and play with paper all day
Internet one night. I don’t even long! I would love to create more
remember what I was searching designs and do a book someday.
for, but I'm so glad I came across I’ve even toyed with the idea of
this beautiful art. I was attracted teaching a class or two, but I’m
to the intricacy and delicacy of kind of an introvert, so that
the pieces I saw, thus starting my scares me a little bit. I hope to
love affair! I researched and soon be able to build up a little
read just about everything I could inventory of quilled items and sell
find about quilling. I went to my them on the Internet. I would
Summer, 2009 Page 21.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Hints & Tips Evelyn Crane
#1: not finished this project as yet, plenty of glue (but not enough to
I have a package of A Touch of but plan to spray the holofoil show, of course) for a secure
Silver mixed quilling paper that I flowers upside down, giving them hold. I'm going to use Alene's
kept moving from place to place, the sturdiness they will need and Super Thick Tacky Glue. Great
not using it because I didn't care preserving the holofoil. I hope ideas Evangeline...many thanks.
for the finished quill on the silver my straw handbag comes out as Wish me luck!
side. I decided they can be used beautiful as hers did! Evangeline
upside down in my designs, they said that sturdy flowers are the #3:
even match some of the regular best ones to use, since they'll When you have leftover quills
colored papers, in case the take more of a beating. She tried from a project, or ones that don’t
flowers need additional petals. a fringed flower which got match anything, undo them and
smashed, and she is going to make tight rolls to use as pegs
#2: change it. I'm guessing that for a raised design, instead of
I spoke to Evangeline Enns, one husked flowers, butterflies, etc. throwing them away.
of our quillers in Canada, to ask would react in the same way. She
her about the quilling she puts on also suggests carrying a plastic
straw purses. She was very bag all the time in the bottom of
helpful and warned me not to the straw purse, to put the purse
spray any flowers used with or in should it happen to rain,
made up of holofoil: it will simply keeping the purse dry. Oh yes,
ruin the beautiful shine. I have she also said be sure to use
QA Needs Your Help!
We know that you all want to see who would encourage and assist that we have an ongoing supply
more patterns in Quill America. members in writing instructions of patterns. Please contact QA
We also know that many people for interesting patterns that Editor Caroline Mach at
don’t really like spending time appear in Quill America, on the [email protected] or 705-
writing instructions of how to do website and/or on the 435-4479 if you’re interested in
their one-of-kind designs. So, we NAQGmembers Yahoo!Group. helping us out.
are looking for a volunteer to This need not take a huge
help. This would be someone amount of time, just enough so
Page 22. Summer, 2009
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Antonella’s Antonella DeFalco
Online Update
Hello again, everyone. This is a favorite colors and ideas. The going on. I have reorganized the
quick update on all the activities magnet should be at least as big website, so it will look very
of our online endeavors. as a business card with a magnet different than it has in the past.
attached to the back.” Many of you have asked about
I cannot wait to see what our links to the great quilled artwork
talented quillers come up with, sprinkled across the website, so
can you? Check out more here you have them. Check them
pictures online to see all the out--they are truly inspiring.
beautiful work that will be coming After you have spent some time
in. So far we have received this on the public side of the website,
beauty from Lou Brown to Clare make sure you go to our
Wong. Members Only area. There are
Maybe next time you will join our six new patterns posted that I
swap and share your talents with know you will enjoy. Many of the
3 Cheers For Our Moderators a quilling friend from around the new patterns on the website
First, I cannot go any further world. were graciously shared by the
without sending up a heartfelt wonderful quillers who
“Thank You” to our moderators participated in the Accord
on the NAQG members group: Calendars over the years, and
Deb Mackes; Debbie Martinez; who have agreed to share their
and Danielle Pray are the super patterns with the NAQG as well
stars who keep everything as with Accord. A special thanks
moving. to those of you who were so kind.
I will be posting new patterns
Make sure you give a shout out each month, so keep checking
to these very special women who back often.
keep the messages flowing and Beautiful Quilling
quilling showing! Our featured artist is our lovely There are still lots of changes in
and talented Clare Wong. The store for the website, so keep an
SWAPS Again! beauty of her quilling is made eye out for them. For example,
We are currently having our first more remarkable by the fact that we plan to share Helen Pierce’s
swap of 2009. Denise Patron is she has only been quilling since “Itsies” and “Out of the Box”
“Swap Mistress,” and she 2006. Please check out our projects from QA with everyone. I
graciously took on the mantle for website, www.naqg.org, to see will be working with Helen to
a Patriotic Swap. This comes to more of her wonderful work. Be share her articles and all the
us from the invitation to the swap certain to let Clare know how pictures in full color in the
from Denise herself: “Patriotic much you appreciate her Members’ Area as a special
Time,” time to decorate your generosity in sharing her quilling privilege to everyone.
fridges! The theme for this swap story and beautiful art with us.
is a magnet with a July 4th Her humility is humbling in the Thanks and Happy Quilling to
Patriotic Theme. Contact your face of the beauty of her artistry. Everyone!
partner to say, “Hi,” and get There are a lot of other changes
Summer, 2009 Page 23.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Membership The NAQG Membership
Q&A Committee
Rita Anderson - Director
Deb Mackes
Antonella DeFalco
We at the membership for in the “Members Only” a computer, our newsletters are
committee want to make sure section of our website. Please online and in color in the
your voice is heard. You can ask take a look at the free patterns member’s corner section of our
questions, make comments or offered at: www.naqg.org/ website at: www.naqg.org
suggestions, or ask for help in 3 Members/main.html
different ways. Diane, Brick, NJ: “Have NAQG
1. You can send a written request Karen, South Beach, OR: “Thank Membership List in alphabetical
to: you for the wonderful order.” Answer: Diane, I agree,
NAQG Membership Committee newsletters!” the last membership listing I
c/o Rita Anderson Beth, Lancaster, NY: “Thank you received was hard to read. It was
2422 Torrington Dr., Lake Ridg for everything. You get better all created by region because others
Toms River, NJ 08755 the time.” had requested this. I have
Juliet, Tomball, TX: “You are suggested for the next
2. You can send an online doing fantastic.” membership listing to be created
request via our website to the Jane, Burleson, TX: “Doing first by region, and alphabetically
appropriate committee at: Great!” if possible. In the meantime, the
www.naqg.org/ Sally, West Nyack, NY: “Great-- membership list is available
OnlineContactForm.html. Love the newsletter” alphabetically online in our
Mary, Placerville, CA: “I love and member’s only section of the
3. You can telephone: Rita appreciate the news and tips and NAQG website.
Anderson at 732-886-0867 or other quillers’ work. I am
Deb Mackes at 610-905-5114. continually inspired to learn and Sandra, Prosser, WA: “The new
grow.” newsletters are more interesting
The membership committee will Marlene, Cumberland, RI: “Doing and more professional in
be posting your questions, great! Love the newsletter, so appearance. Keep up the good
suggestions, and comments as well done.” work!”
time and space permit. If a Laura, Staten Island, NY: “I love ---------------------------------------
question arises which requires a visiting the website, I’m not too A member who recently decided
Board discussion and decision, good on the computer, but I love not to renew her membership
the outcome of the issue will be all the quilling.” stated the following to us in an
addressed separately in the email: “I will not be renewing as I
Board minutes. As much as Joan, Victoria, BC, Canada: "I love found there was no benefit to
possible, however, we will the newsletter—but black and membership. I was looking
respond to your issues here in a white pictures are so forward to the newsletters as a
timely manner and post Q&A disappointing (although I know way to find new patterns and
results in the following QA it’s a funding issue). I, for one, techniques and found them a
newsletter. would gladly pay $5 more for waste of paper. The same
color....would that do it? (I have applies to your website. It was a
Gail, Middleboro, MA: “I would no idea)." Answer: Joan, I think total waste of money.”
like more simple patterns in the all of us would much prefer the
quarterly letters, but I’m guilty of color photos as well. Your After reading this, I thought to
not sending any!” Answer: question has been forwarded to myself, “I wish this person would
Thanks for your honesty, Gail. the Board for review. In the have contacted someone with
You may find what you’re looking meantime, if you have access to (Continued on page 25)
Page 24. Summer, 2009
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Notes From The Donna Del Giudice
Archivist Archivist
Finally, the bibliography update is Love,” Card Maker, May very small and not computer
ready. You’ll find a copy 2009, pgs 51 & 93. equipped, they can call the
enclosed with this newsletter. Bartowski, Allison, county or the closest city library
This update covers mid-2006 “Monochromatic Scrolls,” to request the article through
through the present. For your Card Maker, July 2009, interlibrary loan. If you are
convenience, the full bibliography pg 18 & 78. coming to a dead-end in trying to
with all the updates included will Crane, Diane Boden, “Knowhow: locate a specific article or book,
also be available on the NAQG Simple Quilling— please feel free to contact me,
website. Blooming Marvelous!” and I’ll see what I can do for you.
Cardmaking &
Recent members can attach this Papercraft, May 2009, Please remember if you have an
update to the full bibliography pgs 54-57. article or are in the planning
that you received with your Martin, Ann, “Best Wishes (Quill stages of doing an article
membership package. For those It Easy),” Card Maker, (magazine or newspaper), please
who have been with the Guild May 2009, pgs 18-19 & let us know (e-mail:
longer, add this with the other 93. [email protected] or write
updates that you’ve received in Stead, Michelle, “Masterclass: Donna Del Giudice at 11 Orchard
the past to keep your set up to Quilling,” Quick Street, Verona, NJ 07044 –
date (the last update was mid- Cardmaking, 2009, pgs please put “NAQG” in the subject
2006). 28-34. line). If we know in advance, it
gives us the chance to inform our
I’d like to give a very special If you can’t find any of the “finds” quillers and to keep an eye out
thank you to my Archive in your local craft stores, for the publication before it goes
Committee and to everyone who remember to use your town off the shelf. The NAQG will
contributed to this update. library—if they don’t have that gladly reimburse costs for
magazine, then ask them to get a copying and shipping to keep the
ARTICLES: Some recent article copy of the article via interlibrary archives up-to-date.
“finds” are as follows: loan. Most libraries are very
happy to do this service for their
Bartowski, Allison, “A Mother’s patrons. If your town library is
(Continued from page 24) than we could offer via a we are only as good as the
volunteer organization. We volunteers who work behind the
their concerns before deciding to always encourage suggestions scenes.
leave us.” Our newsletters do and questions to help make
contain new patterns and NAQG a better organization. But
techniques, do they not? I guess the reality of the situation is that
this person was looking for more
Summer, 2009 Page 25.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Mini-Meet Announcements and
South Jersey Quillers Mini-Meet article about our
The South Jersey Quillers held
their Spring/Summer mini-meet meeting that Diane
at the Whiting home of Diane
McIntire. The meeting was Veni had placed in
attended by 9 regular members our local
who worked on individual
projects which included a teddy newspapers. Rita
bear made with fringed flowers
for a new little family member took these ladies,
and a Chinese dragon reflecting
another member’s love of Lorraine Miller,
Oriental things. Our “guru” and
“chief quiller”, Rita Anderson, Roberta Oswald
shared guild newsletters from
England which we enjoyed and Barbara Jo
especially when we recognized a
particular piece of work or Shaffery, under her
someone’s name. Rita also wing and gave
announced the location of next
year’s convention and we’re them a short
really looking forward to being
there! course in rolling,
Much to our delight, three pinching and From left to right: Lorraine Miller (Bayville, NJ), Rita
newcomers also attended our shaping the paper Anderson (Toms River, NJ), Roberta Oswald (Toms River,
mini-meet. They had read an into the various NJ), and Barbara Jo Shaffery (Toms River, NJ).
quilling shapes.
These newcomers enjoyed to 2:00 pm at the home of Diane
learning the art of quilling so we McIntire in Whiting, New Jersey. If
hope to see them at future you or anyone else you know
meetings. would like to join us, please
contact Diane McIntire at 732-
We concluded our meeting after 716-1439 or Martha Haley 732-
having a brown bag lunch and 350-8372. We’d love for you to
delicious desserts. Our Fall/ join us!
Winter meeting is scheduled for
October 6, 2009 from 11:00 am Martha Haley
Rhode Island Saturday, October 24, 2009 from care to join us. For more
I will be having a mini-meet at my 11:30 am to 4:00 pm. We will information, email
home at 14 Pickering Drive, work on a quilled project and [email protected]. Bobbye Singer
Westerly, Rhode Island on share our quilling with all who
New Jersey/Pennsylvania Mini- that week for a quilling There will be no mini-meeting in
Meet session. We missed all our other July for the PA/NJ/NY quillers.
The NJ/PA mini-meet held on members, as well as those from We are planning one for October
Saturday, April 18 at the Hughes out of the area who sometimes 17, in case you are a long-range
Library in Stroudsburg was attend. It was a beautiful spring planner and want to put it on
attended by seven members of day, and whatever it is they had your calendar now. There will be
the NJ/PA Monday quilling group. to do they had great weather. We further notice.
Even though we meet faithfully hope to see them at the next
every Monday, we did not mind mini-meeting. Evelyn Crane,
getting together one more time Stroudsburg, PA
Page 26. Summer, 2009
OOTB: Helen Pierce (above),
Clare Wong (below)
Vicki Nimmo
Vicki Nimmo
Vicki Nimmo
OOTB: Helen Pierce
(above and right)
Dema Simeri (very
top). Dema created
these from an
embroidered quilt she
saw in Inspirations
magazine. They are
going to print her
quilled version! The
remainder of these
photos are unidentified
works from the
NAQGCON. Please let
us know if one of these
works is yours.