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2009 Quill America FALL

2009 Quill America FALL

dâ|ÄÄ TÅxÜ|vt
Fall, 2009

Jill Van Dieren

Jennifer Littlefield

Jill Van Dieren
(left, right, below)

Donna Del Guidice (above, below, right)

Charlotte Canup (right)

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Board of Directors Table of Contents

Accreditation Committee............... Sherry Rodehaver Board Report 4
2625 E Turkeyfoot Lk Road Getting To Know You 6
Uniontown, OH 44685 My Quilling Biography 8
330-699-2500 NAQGCON 2010 10
Open Position—Membership
[email protected] Recorder 10
Archive Committee ........................ Donna Del Giudice New Members
Special Classes 11
11 Orchard St Quilling Plus 12
Verona, NJ 07044 QA Needs Your Help! 14
973-857-3999 Thank You 15
[email protected] 15
Community Relationship and Development Committee Outside of the Box Challenge 16
........................................................ Danielle Pray Quilling for a Cause 17
859-485-6790 Pattern Corner 18
[email protected] Antonella’s Online Update 19
Membership Committee ............... Rita Anderson Membership Q & A 20
2422 Torrington Drive Notes From the Archivist 21
Lake Ridge Mini-Meet Announcements and
Toms River, NJ 08755 Reports 22
732-886-0867 Pattern Corner 22
[email protected]
NAQG Conference Committee ...... Barb Machado Submission Deadlines
1168 Pleasant St
Bridgewater, MA 02324 Each issue of Quill America will have a theme for the
508-697-3528 designs relating to upcoming holidays and events. Of
[email protected] course, we welcome all quilling related items by
Newsletter Committee .................. Caroline Mach email to [email protected] or by postal mail to
PO Box 95 Caroline Mach, PO Box 95, Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0.
Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0
705-435-4479 Members are reminded that all photos submitted for
[email protected] publication in Quill America must be of a member’s
Color Photo Collages ..................... Evelyn Rooney original work. The NAQG does not accept any
23 Clara Place responsibility for the originality of work presented in
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 Quill America.
[email protected] Winter Issue Deadline: December 15
Treasury Committee ...................... Laura Olohan Valentine’s Day, Birthday, Easter
26 Evergreen Ave Spring Issue Deadline: March 15
Springfield, NJ 07081 Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Vacation and Travel
973-564-9755 Summer Issue Deadline: June 15
[email protected] Autumn, Thanksgiving, Halloween
Website and Internet Development Committee Fall Issue Deadline: September 15
........................................................ Antonella DeFalco Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanza
531 Brian Dean Drive
Glen Gardner, NJ 08826 Page 3.
[email protected]

Annual Membership Rates
$25 US; $30 Canada and Mexico;

$35 Everywhere Else

Renew online at

Fall, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Board Report

Board Meeting of the NAQG – about the possible complaints and meet her at the meet.

Wednesday, September 16 – regarding the cost of a separate

7:30 pm (Eastern) mailing Sherry replied that she Danielle would like the general
has a backer who will take care membership to place brochures

Director Attendees: Sherry of ALL the start up costs and any in their areas. She would like to

Rodehaver – Accreditation; costs after that should be self see as much local exposure as

Donna Del Giudice – Archival; funding. Donna offered to do any possible. Regarding NAQG

Danielle Pray – Community start-up copying needed. exposure, she will be discussing

Relationship & Development Facebook and other Internet

Committee; Barbara Machado – Donna Del Giudice, Archival social networks, and how the
NAQGCON; Caroline Mach – Committee, Donna reported on NAQG could gain exposure from

Newsletter; Laura Olohan – the posting of the Florian Papp them, at the next Board meeting.

Treasury book on the NAQG website and Rita Anderson, Membership

mentioned that the NAQG has Committee, Donna reported in

Donna Del Giudice opened the permission from the Florian Papp for Rita and let the Board know

meeting at 7:36 pm (Eastern) – Gallery to offer the document to that the NAQG membership now

Donna is substitute-hosting for all NAQG members. Antonella stands at 440. She mentioned

the NAQGCON Committee uploaded the PDF file to the that there is a steady influx of
directors. Member’s Corner of the website. members coming in from PayPal.

This document is for NAQG

Sherry Rodehaver, Accreditation members use and not to be Donna also announced the

Committee, Sherry reported that forwarded or reproduced for formal resignation of Deb

she has all the documents distribution. Mackes from the Membership

needed to launch the program Committee. She praised the

The only item needed is a Donna also mentioned that she work that Deb has done for
registration form. Danielle had a few recent e-mails membership in the past few

suggested using one of the past regarding copyrights and will be years and the Board agreed. The

registration forms used by the working on an article for the Board will now be looking for

NAQG. Donna and Sherry will winter newsletter. Deb’s replacement. We need

work together on the form’s someone knowledgeable with

design. Sherry will confirm all Danielle Pray, Community Excel and who would be willing to

details with the Registration Relations & Development work on the committee. A notice
Officer (to be announced at a Committee, Danielle reported will be placed on the

future meeting) and the judges that the last set of brochures NAQGMembers Yahoo Group, as

(not to be announced). Once sent from Donna were forwarded well as the newsletter.

that is complete, the to several Regional Reps to place

Accreditation program will be in their respective areas. Donna Barbara Machado, NAQGCON

launched to the NAQG will produce more color copies to Committee, This meeting was to

membership. send. Danielle will also remind have included Kay Davis-
the membership that the Shockley (NAQGCON Hostess);

Caroline asked if the launch will brochure is also available on the however, there was a problem

be announced in the newsletter. website. with Yahoo and she could only

Sherry replied that she is thinking join in via IMs with Donna.

about a separate mailing She also mentioned that one of

announcing the program. our newest Reps will be having a Barb did not have any current

mini-meet on September 25th in updates to announce. The
Caroline then posed a question NH. She hopes to travel to NH
(Continued on page 5)

Page 4. Fall, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

(Continued from page 4) reminding the members to check she did send in the materials.

NAQGCON plans are progressing the inserts. Danielle suggested Antonella will be informed that

and Kay told the group via Donna that all the inserts get uploaded they can be posted immediately.
that all the plans are going well. to the website.

She will inform the Board via the In other Board matters,

NAQGCON directors if she has Laura Olohan, Treasury Donna mentioned that she had a

any questions or concerns. Committee, Laura reported that few people ask about hard-copy

There will be an insert regarding the bank balance as of Sept 14th back issues of Quill America.

the 2010 NAQGCON in the is $13,555.23 and the PayPal She asked the Board about

upcoming issue of Quill America. balance is $2.278.45 (PayPal will reproducing them from the PDF
only release $500.00 per files and offering them for $5.00,

Caroline Mach, Newsletter transaction transfer – all monies plus shipping costs. This would

Committee, Caroline started by from PayPal will eventually move only be offered to members who

announcing that she only has to the bank account). Laura also request hard-copies sent via

only three articles for the fall mentioned that she forwarded mail. The PDF files would still be

issue, so the Board directors the tax exempt certificate to Kay available free of charge for all

need to start sending in their for the NAQGCON. members on the website. The

submissions. Donna made a suggestion for the Board accepted this proposal.

Caroline also brought up a Newsletter Committee to meet No other questions or concerns

discussion regarding asking with Laura to discuss adding were raised.

photo contributors to the more content to the newsletter.

newsletter to testify that the Caroline said that the members Meeting was adjourned at 9:05

photo is of "original work". It was certainly want more color in the pm (Eastern). The Executive

agreed that this would be a lot of newsletter. Donna will contact Director for the next Board
extra work on the committee and the printer to get a quote. Once meeting will be Caroline Mach

it still would be very difficult to that is complete, Donna, Caroline (Newsletter Director). The next

prove. Caroline suggested and Laura will meet to discuss meeting will be early December

putting in a blurb reminding finances. Afterwards, they will 2009 – date to be decided.

everyone that the work they present their proposal to the

submit needs to be original Board for approval.

(Danielle and Donna agreed with
this point); Barb brought up a few Antonella DeFalco, Website

points such as the work could be Committee, Antonella could not

theirs, but the design not – what attend the meeting and let the

if they change something on the Board know that there were no

design, is it still “original”; Donna updates.

said that if they guarantee the

work is their own, the NAQG just Donna commended Antonella on
can hope that they’re being the new look for the website –

honest. Caroline will work on a the Board agreed. Donna also

disclaimer and present it to the suggested that the Board think of

Board for approval. more items to put on the site.

The more that’s there, the more

Barb asked if Kay sent NAQGCON we can entice people to look at

materials for the newsletter. the website.
Caroline replied that she had the

inserts. Donna said that they Caroline asked about the 2010

have been copied to be sent out NAQGCON info; if Antonella was

with the fall newsletter. Kay will waiting for the newsletter before

do an article for the newsletter posting them. Kay told Barb that

Fall, 2009 Page 5.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Getting to Know You

Donna Del Guidice, Archivist

Editor’s Note: This is the fourth in sewing of any kind! From the

a series of articles that will beginning I loved quilling books

introduce the Board of Directors because I don’t have a great
to NAQG members. We hope you imagination for patterns. I really

enjoy learning more about the appreciate the work that all

volunteers that run this quillers do to create the beautiful

organization on your behalf! patterns that are out there for

everyone to see.

Photos of Donna’s work appear

on page 2. Despite my heavy work schedule
I still find time to quill; fortunately

I have been married to Joe for 28 I've been traveling quite a bit for

years. We have no kids, but I work, so I quill while on planes,

have over 300 teddy bears in my trains, or in the car (of course

collection. I am a Senior when I'm the passenger!). There

Business Support Specialist for is a joke amongst the Jersey interested can contact Ev—she'd

Hoffman-LaRoche in the Career group that I like to quill in the love to hear from you!). I've seen

Training & Development dark—many times while traveling more than 12 people sit down at
department. We train the Sales at night in cars or on "red-eye" her dining room table while she

Professionals in selling flights, I take out my paper and teaches quilling techniques to

pharmaceuticals. Using my start rolling. I find that I don't new members.

scientific/corporate library need to "see" to roll coils. It gives

background, I also do private me something to pass the time. My archivist role actually came

research work for patent/ before the Guild was formed. It

polymer searches. With my own ornaments, I do a was at the very first AGM that
few shows around the winter was put together by Mary Alice

I began collecting vintage quilling holidays and also do some sales Kattwinkel—we were sitting

books and articles back in 1972 on consignment. I've been around talking about keeping a

with my very first quilling book working the craft show circuit record of what was being

from Betty Christy, Tree Toys, and since 1976. I love to published, and since I was a

have been going strong ever demonstrate at the shows; it librarian (and had a large

since. I started quilling in 1972 really gets people interested, and collection of quilling documents
during a visit to a German Alps where there's an interest there already), I was the logical choice

Festival at Hunter Mountain, NY. might be a sale (and maybe a to do the job—it was my library

There was a display from Tree future quiller). I happily live in the and Bobbye Singer's that made

Toys—the ladies behind the table Northeast where there are many up that very first bibliography. It

were giving short demonstrations other quillers who love to get has really grown since then! We

on the basics of quilling. I fell in together to work with each other. continued having meetings each

love with the little snowflakes I have my choice of meetings that year, and Pat Caputo kept all the
that they were doing, and a trend are close enough to get to via quillers in touch with her

started that is still going strong car, but my "home" group is the newsletter (the very first Quill

today. I think what interested me North Jersey Quillers that meet at America), so our little group kept

in quilling in the first place was Ev Rooney's home the first growing. I suggested the idea of

the fact that it didn't involve Thursday of each month (anyone (Continued on page 7)

Page 6. Fall, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

(Continued from page 6) those are kept separate from my programs/shows/exhibits, etc.,

having our own Guild based upon own library (NAQG Archives). We that deal with quilling around the

the one in England. At first it was do not loan out books, as we are world, and we collect articles
rejected, basically because of the not a lending library; we have about quilling artists for historic

size of the country (it's a lot found it is not a good idea—they purposes. When we do find new

easier to get around in England get lost too easily or come back artists or someone working on

in a few hours) would we damaged. Since we are trying to large scale projects, we also

do it? could we ask people preserve the documents, it is contact them to introduce them

to fly across the country? best to keep them in one to the Guild and let them know

would we have Board meetings, location. When a member that there are other quillers out
etc.? Well, with a little requests a certain article or there who do this professionally.

persistence and some help from pattern in a book, I have sent When we find something that

others who wanted to see our copies of those pages—but it is could be interesting for our

own Guild, we finally built the important to note that we cannot members, it is normally

NAQG Steering Committee in copy entire books. I urge our published in the newsletter (or

2000 at the AGM in Nova Scotia members to check their local first on the Yahoo Members

hosted by Joan and Jack Kiuru. libraries as soon as they know Group). Some of our members

From we are. an article is published—since the have written their own articles on
library has already paid copyright exhibits they have done or large-

I try to devote at least a few fees, the member will receive a scale project work they've

hours per week to my NAQG copy for only the copying charge! accomplished, and we collect

Board position as Archivist, If the library does not carry that those as well.

keeping up on various sites and journal, they can request it for

checking into what's going on in the member via interlibrary loan— I would say the main purpose of

the art world. I receive again, the copyright fee should the Archive is for historical
notifications via keyword alerts be covered by the sending library. reference—the history of quilling

from Amazon and other book is very important to me and many

jobbers when new books are I am still searching for quilling of our members. Whatever we

coming out, and I have a great articles and vintage and modern can document will certainly

committee which keeps me up to quilling books—in fact, I search benefit future quillers. Hopefully,

date, too. Rita Anderson, Bobbye all the time! I Iook especially for someday in the future, the Guild

Singer, Licia Poltis, and Caroline any documents written before will have its own library where
Mach have been letting me know 1970 and any overseas members can come to do

when new articles are out, and documents. If any members have research and see examples of

they also donate copies for the information, or something to add historical quilling. I've been

archives. to the NAQG collection, they can known for my "grand" ideas—they

contact me directly. I am happy are fun to dream and, who knows

All the NAQG jobs are totally to receive any information, and if what the future will bring!

volunteer. Our Board members needed, I will pay for any costs
and their committee members incurred for copying and shipping There are a few who will tell you

give a lot of their personal time to to add something to our archives that I have my hands in

help this Guild grow and (single copies of articles for the everything the Guild does—you

succeed. I am so proud of each NAQG archives do not need can ignore them! But I suppose if

one of them! copyright clearance as they are you take all the years together,

not used for profit or making yes, I've done a little bit of

Approximately 98% of the multiple copies). Any document everything by assisting the
documents listed on the given to the NAQG from our various positions. But my

bibliography are from the members is placed in the "NAQG "official" jobs are as follows: I've

personal libraries of a few Archives" and will be passed on been Archivist since the start, I've

members. We do have a few to any future Archivist. edited the newsletter on and off,

books that have been donated and I was Vice President and

specifically to the NAQG, and We try to keep records on any (Continued on page 9)

Fall, 2009 Page 7.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

My Quilling Biography

Clare Wongolian

My name is Clare, and I am a me. I ordered

Christian. I was born in Hong three books,

Kong, and I am forty seven, which turned
married, and have two girls, out to be very

Chloe and Daisy, who are fifteen expensive

and sixteen years old because of

respectively. I work full time as the huge

an administrative assistant in a shipping

multi-national corporation, but costs. In early

expect to be changing jobs this April of ‘08,
month. My girls are now at an because of

age when I am free to pursue my family issues,

hobbies. I found that I

needed to be

I learned paper quilling four years at home every

ago during four one-hour night of the

sessions at a craft shop. week, so I cut

Ms Kwok, who taught me, has a out all of my
lot of talent in many other evening

handcrafts, but has limited classes, my

knowledge in quilling. I owe her volunteer

my thanks, because quilling is hospital

very rarely found in Hong Kong. visitation work, fellowship at life: from TV; magazines; window

Also, it is extremely difficult to church, my weekend gatherings, displays; storybooks; etc. I have

find the necessary supplies, like etc. These few months at home recently shared my work with
quilling strips, tools, books, etc. I have triggered my intense some of my friends, colleagues

have to shred my own paper interest in quilling. From the time and church sisters. I hope that

strips and make the tools myself. I received my books, I’ve been some day I/we can come up with

My earliest projects were not very feverishly trying out everything— a plan to make quilling better

good. I was also limited in my quilling projects shown in the known to the people of Hong

knowledge of layout and design. books, patterns, and then my Kong.

As a result, I turned to other own designs. I enjoy quilling so
handcrafts. much that I could keep busy at it Of course, I like my work to be

twenty four hours a day, seven beautiful and well made. Without

At that time, I didn’t even know days a week! exception, I want each project to

the name of the craft in English— be a real work of art--but most

“Quilling”; therefore I wasn’t even The images that I find in the importantly, I hope that every

able to do an Internet search. In quilling world on the Internet help project that I do serves to cheer

March of 2008, when I was me a lot in improving my skills up others. I want to impart a
looking through a well-known and techniques. They not only heart-felt touch of happiness, joy

online shop, I found that there give me wonderful inspiration, and even laughter to those who

were some quilling books but I am also able to make nice see it.

available and then found many friendships through them. I

quilling websites, which surprised gather my ideas from everyday (Continued on page 9)

Page 8. Fall, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

(Continued from page 8) deadline in which to submit sell her work from her website,

Since first writing her article them, her framed works were on but has links available to other

above, various opportunities display from May 1 to June 30 at websites and suppliers, as well
have opened for Clare to present a station not far from the church, as free patterns and a TV Kids

her love of quilling to her people, which attracted nearby Demo program.

even though she keenly feels her neighbors. The theme related to

own inadequacies as a relatively God, love and interpersonal Because of high shipping costs,

new quiller. The Hong Kong Mass relationships. She was allowed to quillers usually cannot afford to

Transit Railway, which use Bible verses in her designs, purchase their own quilling

encourages and promotes the which she felt gave her more books, so Clare was pleased to
arts, has invited her to show her liberty of expression. She expects get a positive response to a

work, though she may not sell it to eventually show us photos of recent request she made to the

or promote her own name as an these on the group sites. Hong Kong Public Libraries to

artist. She is preparing a realistic stock more quilling books. They

flower, tagged with its name, She has also asked us to share were already offering seven older

which will be on exposition for that she has updated her web books by Malinda Johnston,

one month each at two different site, which is written in her local Molly Smith, etc., and four more

flower shows: in January of dialect: recent ones. Since there are very
2010, at the Hong Kong Island There she shows all the work she few teachers of quilling in Hong

station; and then in February at has done since she learned to Kong, Clare plans to promote the

the Kowloon station. Her flower quill. The photos show her craft as widely as possible,

art display will coincide with the progression from very simple beyond her evening weekend

New Year and the Chinese New projects in the beginning, on to quilling classes, which are

Year traditional holiday her present, more accomplished usually full but limited to one

celebrations held at that time, work. She has instructions small group and one larger one.
when a flower market at a available there, simple enough She plans to write to Hong

nearby station will be swarming for non-quillers to follow and Kong’s famous local newspaper

with customers. For this show learn the necessary beginning to look into the possibility of

she also hopes to help some of steps. She also teaches how to submitting articles for their

her students to prepare suitable shred your own strips, since “Articles about Living—Cooking--

entries. resources available locally are Handcraft” pages. We wish her

limited. She can’t wait for her well in her ambitious pursuits in
She applied again to the same students to grow in their quilling quilling.

MTR and agreed to present two enough so that she can

framed boards to display “flat” encourage them to join the

quilling to promote her church, NAQG group, though she Editor’s Note; Clare’s work can

where she has taught classes wonders if very many of them will be seen on page 23.

during the past few months. ever come to love quilling as

Though given a very short much as she does. She does not

(Continued from page 7)

President. Currently, I am the I have one goal left as regards

Director, Archival Committee, and the Guild. As yet I have not
I "publish" the newsletter along applied for accreditation—too

with Ev Rooney when we receive chicken to try, I guess. Eventually

a new issue from Editor, Caroline I would love to achieve

Mach. I really enjoy what I do for accreditation with the English

the Guild. Guild, as well as the NAQG.

Fall, 2009 Page 9.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild


A NAQG Conference is a very special event. In addition to getting an opportunity to meet other quillers
from all over the world, you will be able to see their work, learn from them, and try new techniques. At
this time I do not have a class schedule. I am waiting to hear from those of you who are going to
volunteer to teach. If this applies to YOU, please let me know ASAP so I can make up the schedule.

Enclosed you will find registration forms for the 2010 NAQGCON, as well as registration forms for the
NAQGCON competition which is open to all NAQG members, whether you are attending the conference
or not.

We would like to continue the tradition of an auction and giveaways. Therefore, we are asking for
donations. If you are able to donate an item, please let us know by e-mail, postal mail, or phone by April
1, 2010. This enables us to give you credit on our program. Items should be marked as: giveaways,
auction, or competition. If you are planning to attend, let me know if you are willing to give a demo,
work on ‘make-it-and- take-it’ items, or teach a class/workshop. These events take a lot of work and
planning, so any help you might be able to give will make our job a little easier.

Hope to hear from you and see you in April, 2010!

Your 2010 NAQGCON Host
Long Island Quillers
Kay Shockley
631-331-3773; [email protected]

Open Position -

Membership Recorder

The Membership Recorder reports to the Membership Committee Director (Rita Anderson) and keeps
the electronic records (past and present) of all NAQG members. She/He will work with an Excel
spreadsheet to record all members' statistics, as well as keep a record of all expiration dates for each
member. Details for the spreadsheet will be provided via mailed membership applications forwarded to
the Membership Recorder by the Membership Director and PayPal applications that are
forwarded directly via PayPal.

The Membership Recorder will also :
1) notify members via e-mail, if e-mail is available, when their membership fees are due

(Continued on page 11)

Page 10. Fall, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

New Members Deb Mackes

A warm welcome to our newest members!

Amna Al Fard United Arab Emirates Jacquie Trople Rapid City, SD
Lenora Turbanic Wheeling, WV
Penny Ayotte Garrison, NY Marina Vargas Aurora, IL
Merrilyn Wallis Queensland, Australia
Dawn Bagnetto Wichita Falls, TX Diane White Levittown, PA
Sherry Brock Madeira Beach, FL Ellie Winslow Bullhead City, AZ
Janet Yoder Greeley, CO
Becky Bulawa Russiaville, IN Laura Young San Rafael, CA

Karen Conolly Stevenson Ranch, CA

Grace Dark Prince Albert, SK, Canada

Pat Durham Olympia, WA

Tina Marie Emerick Burton, OH

Jeanne Ewald Toledo, OH We apologize in advance for any omissions or
Marlene Gillen Rockford, IL misspellings. Please email Deb Mackes at
[email protected] for any changes so we can
Kimberly Howell Lancaster, NY correct them.

Marla Hudson Bennett, CO

Karen Keiper Glendale Heights, IL

Rachelle Krzyzewski South Bend, IN If you have moved, please let either Rita Anderson
or Deb Mackes know (see contact information on
Joan Mertz The Villages, FL page 3 or in your membership directory). They are
getting returned newsletters which then cost extra
Mary Muller Ocala, FL postage to re-send. Thank you for helping to keep
the Guild’s costs as low as possible.
Yvonne Pineiro-Custodio Centereach, NY
Patt J. Pruett Napa, CA

Rochelle Rodrigue Charlotte, NC

Glenda Schmitz Lenexa, KS

Cynthia Stemple South Lyon, MI

Robin Tripp Crescent City, CA

(Continued from page 10)

2) notify members via the NAQGMembers Yahoo Group of quarterly renewals

3) provide a copy of the updated membership list (quarterly) to the Membership Director, Newsletter
Publisher, and Webmistress

4) set-up a membership booklet for the spring edition of Quill America

5) answer questions regarding membership sent in via e-mail from the NAQG website

Deb Mackes will be stepping down from this position at the end of the year after doing a fantastic job
for the past few years—the Board is very grateful for all her work on the Membership Committee! Deb
will be available to assist the next person who accepts the position to make sure that there is a smooth
transition. If you are interested, please contact Rita Anderson at [email protected].

Fall, 2009 Page 11.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Special Classes

Ellen Streich

I was introduced to quilling about ago decided to try the quilling

five years ago when I was an again. I consider myself to be a

instructor for Michaels' Arts and relative beginner, or maybe in the
Crafts. At that time, I taught all of early stages of intermediate,

the classes that involved yarn or especially since seeing

thread, and occasionally I'd fill in the wonderful projects at the

for the beading or the conference in Tampa! In spite of

scrapbooking instructors. I was that, others seem to like what I

also Michaels' go-to person if do, and I've been asked to do

there was a demo that needed to some teaching. Here's how that
be covered. I even made wallets happened.

and roses out of colored duct

tape one afternoon! Not my I have a friend who

favorite activity! One day the recently celebrated his 65th

manager called me to ask if I birthday. I wanted to give him

would do the Klutz Quilling something personal since we've

Demo. Never having quilled, I been friends for many years. I

brought the book and supplies knew he loves trains, so I made
home, and like many of you, I him a train themed birthday card. "craftiness." They ranged from a

was hooked. However, shortly Some of you may have seen it; I woman who is involved in many

after that I went back to work as posted it on Quillpictures. It is a crafts and loves all of them to a

a full-time therapist, and didn't simple design based on a woman who has never done any

have time to pursue all of my picture from one of my quilling crafts and is definitely "craft

passions, so I stuck with what I books. He and his wife had never challenged." They all caught on to

knew for my relaxation in the seen quilling and fell in love with the basic skill of rolling coils,
evenings, which was the yarn and it. They framed it and hung it in although a couple students were

thread crafts. After retiring his office. They own a business, much more skilled at tornados

(again) a couple of years ago, I and the employees were than coils! After they all felt

decided to branch out in the entranced by the quilling, which comfortable with the basic coils, I

crafting world. I took up they had never even heard of. My gave them a choice of project:

lockerhooking (anyone know friend’s wife is also involved in card, gift bag, or bookmark. One

what that is?) and then a year the business, and is friends with chose a card and the others
many of the employees. Once a chose gift bags. I let them look

quarter she shuts down the office thru my various books to find

for an afternoon, and the female something that appealed to

employees learn a new craft or them, and then I helped them

work on a craft project, such as figure out how to make it work

holiday wreaths for families on with the skills they had just

welfare. They asked me to come learned. Two made very simple
and teach a quilling class to gift bags with a single flower

show how it was done. based on the teaching kits I had

given them. Three made gift

There were six women in the bags of their own design, and the

class, all in various stages of (Continued on page 13)

Page 12. Fall, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

did, because I coil, remove it (somewhat)

think I'd like it. It successfully from the tool, and

reminds me of my get some glue on it. Remember,
stained glass." he has no depth perception, so

much glue ended up other places

Well—being a until he found his spot.

teacher at heart, Ultimately, he was able to

and having a complete a simple flower, which

therapist's desire we glued to a gift bag. He was

to help people thrilled! He is interested in more
heal, I had no lessons, because he wants to get

options. I had to skilled enough to translate some

(Continued from page 12) teach him to quill! of his stained glass creations into

There are no coincidences! quilling. I can't wait to see his

woman who chose the card results. I have attached a picture

picked a design from one of my The day of his first lesson arrived of him with his final product, and

books. I spent the rest of the after several postponements due you can see some of his stained

class going from student to to illness. Since he no longer glass on the wall behind him.
student helping solve problems, drives, I had to transport all of my

showing tips to make a project "stuff" to his retirement condo. As What a treasure—next thing I

easier, and generally giving I hauled all of my bags in, he know, he'll be holding classes for

encouragement. All completed grinned and said, “with all of that the ladies in his retirement

their projects and were happy stuff, you must really be good!" center. It's my hope that these

with them. I was unable to get a

group picture of finished items I began by showing him some
because they finished at different pictures in the gallery sections of

times and then went back to my various quilling books. I

work. I've attached a picture of wanted him to see the variety

three of the ladies with their final and intricacy of the craft. He was

project. Bonus for me: I sold a mightily impressed! Then we

couple of the sample items I had spent some time discussing

with me to show the variety of quilling in general: types of
options available. paper, glue, tools, that sort of


My second teaching opportunity

happened because of a sad When we actually put slotted tool

event—the death of another to paper, I was surprised. He's

friend's 90 year old mother. Her blind in one eye, and has no

brother, 87, was a stained glass depth perception! We spent a lot
artist as a younger man, but he of time adjusting the technique

had given it up to spend his free so he could get the paper into

time with his sister, as they were the slot. The next hurdle was to people find the same enjoyment

great company for each other. At teach him how to slide the tool to and challenges that the rest of us

her memorial service, Harv told the end of the paper without find, and that at least a couple of

me how much he was going to sliding it completely off: another them join our online groups and

miss his sister, and how he challenge met. These two NAQG. I know I'm looking forward
wished he had something to fill seemingly simple tasks took to my next classes and the

his time now that she had "gone most of two hours. Finally, challenges they will bring.

home." As we talked further, he SUCCESS! We were able to move

said, "I've always wanted to learn on to learning to roll the tool and

how to quill, but I don't know make coils. After several

anyone who knows how. Wish I attempts, he was able to roll a

Fall, 2009 Page 13.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Quilling Plus Helen Pierce

“Use feathers in quilling?” needed for using those feathers. twirls at the bottom. When I was

“Yes, That’s what I said, and he all done with the card, I looked at

doesn’t pluck his parakeets in My friend Julie is an art teacher it and said “Hmmmmm – what
order to get them, either! During in our local school system who about a feather?” It was a little

their periods of molting, they give helped at our table. There were difficult to thread it through the

their feathers to him!” several stations set up in the glued down pieces, but I finally

large room where the children found a path for it!

As we have been getting to know could come to do the various

our new friend Tim, he has been projects that were offered them. I wanted to show you the Nature

sharing tidbits about the care of Through the day, almost 100 Scenes that we did, but they had
the 20+ parakeets that he has children came to our table to do no quilling on them, so I’ve

raised over a period of 20 years. the simple nature scenes. All of changed the technique that I

We told him offhand that our them left us happily carrying a used for the children’s scene and

grandson Andrew collects bird plastic bag to protect their have made one in a higher level

feathers that he finds in order to precious artwork. of complexity for adult tastes,

identify them. I guess that is which, of course, includes

what started it, because Tim then A week or two previously, there quilling. You’ll be able to

gave me a packet to send to had been a Challenge going on in compare the results of the three
Andrew of a few pretty feathers our Brazilian quilling group levels of difficulty and the

he had been saving. Then I (owned by Regina), in which one Challenge card in the colored

began to think “Hmmmmm— of her moderators instructed pages of this issue.

feathers!” I asked if he had any those who wanted to sign up to

more, since I’d like to see what I do the project to make a card in It’s amazing what can be done

could create with them. I gladly red, white and black using any with a feather! If you happen to

accepted the next packet that he technique. I drew a heart design come up with a different use for
handed over to me, but no ideas and cut it out from bright red one as you’re quilling, we’d love

came. They sat on my shelves for cardstock, made some to hear about it, and of course a

a few months, and then with the interesting holes with a bubble large, clear photo of it always

pressure of needing a craft to punch, added some tiny, white helps, too!

teach children at a community punch-out flowers, and then

Art Spectacular in Washington some medium sized red punch Editor’s Note: Photos of Helen’s

Park here in Springfield, Il, (a fine outs. To top it all off, I decided it work with feathers appear on
art sale which helps in the needed a 3D look, so I glued little page 24.

maintenance of our Carillon, foam pieces with some red

located in the same area), I came punch out flowers on them onto

up with the inspiration that I the heart and added a few black

Oops! We goofed!

Our apologies to Charlotte Canup. On page 15 of the Summer 2009 Quill America, her four-square
quilled piece was labeled incorrectly. The piece, which is in the middle right of page 15, was quilled by
Charlotte and won Second Place in the Framed, Accomplished category of the NAQG competition.

Page 14. Fall, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

QA Needs Your Help!

Advertising in the QA electronic or postal mail. These NAQGmembers Yahoo!Group.

One of the ways for the NAQG to are not patterns, but things you This need not take a huge
raise money is through do or use to make your quilling amount of time, just enough so
advertising in the QA. An updated go easier or faster. Please don’t that we have an ongoing supply
document for potential assume that people won’t be of patterns.
advertisers has been put interested in your hint or tip! One
together. However, to implement of the great things about a group If you are interested in any of
this program, we need a like this is the opportunity to all these roles, please contact QA
volunteer - someone who would learn from each other. Editor Caroline Mach at
take on the role of sending the [email protected] or 705-
information to potential Patterns 435-4479 or by postal mail at PO
advertisers (either by electronic Box 95, Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0.
We know that you all want to see

or postal mail) and then following more patterns in Quill America.

up with a phone call if necessary We also know that many people

to see if they are going to don’t really like spending time
advertise or not. This job does writing instructions of how to do

not have to take a lot of time and their one-of-kind designs. So, we

would greatly benefit the NAQG. are looking for a volunteer to

Hints & Tips help. This would be someone

who would encourage and assist

We are trying to reinstate the members in writing instructions

Hints & Tips column, so if you for interesting patterns that
have any hints or tips, please appear in Quill America, on the

send them to the Editor, either by website and/or on the

Thank You

The floral wreath of appreciation cute is that?

that I received for hosting the Thanks to all who
contributed. Love and hugs all
2009 NAQGCON now hangs in a I look at each flower and know around.
place of honor with the letter that that it comes from someone I
came with it glued to the back. I know and care about. Connie is Lois Bandt-Weber
NAQGCON 2009 hostess
have also framed the card that to be commended on the

sits on a table for all to see. I arrangement and each one of

laughed when I saw the ribbon you who cared enough to put

on the card—LADYBUGS! How your talent to work to give to me.

Fall, 2009 Page 15.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Heartfelt thanks to those who participated in the
Challenges that were offered to the NAQGmembers
Yahoo Group each month from June to August of 2009!
As explained in the monthly announcements, the
participants are offering photos of their projects as a gift
to you, but please give credit to the original makers of
these if you copy them, and please don't claim the
pattern as your own. We hope that you enjoy them!

Outside of the Box Challenges

organized and promoted by Helen Pierce June to August, 2009

June Challenge: A short, quilled border piece that can

be repeated all around the frame of a baby photo.
Guidelines: Use any technique or design desired—a duck, chick, bird, bear, or any other baby theme

that you like, along with twirls, if you wish.

Participants: Clare Wongolian - teddy bear frame (Photo on page 23.); Dema Simeri - a card, edged

with beach toys (Photo on page 24), and one short strip by Jennifer Littlefield that could be repeated

to frame a baby photo (Photo on page 24).


Jennifer Littlefield included the instructions below for her Sweet Pea Baby Border piece that may be
repeated around a frame. Thanks for the pattern, Jennifer! (Photo on page 24.)

Sweet Pea: This sweet pea pod and flower were made to decorate a baby scrapbook page. It could

also be used for a summer or gardening page, card or gift tag.


1/8” light green paper, green paper, yellow paper

¼” white paper, scissors or fringer

Pea Pod: Make three tight circles using 18” of 1/8” light green paper for each circle. Glue them

together in a row. Using four pieces of 4” green paper, stack the papers on top of each other and glue

the tips of one end together. Wrap the four papers around the row of peas making an oval and glue

the tips together to make a short stem.

Leaves: using 4” green paper, make a loose circle, pinch into a marquis shape and slightly curve the

tips. Make two leaves and glue them to either side of the pea pod stem. Take 2” long green paper, fold

in half and curl each end down to make a “v” shape. Glue to the pea pod with the curls touching the

Flower- fringe 6” of white ¼” paper. Glue a 4” piece of yellow 1/8” paper to one end and start rolling

with the yellow strip. Spread out the white fringe. Make extra green vines by using 1-2” of green paper,

curling one end, and place around the flower or pod to fill in space as shown.


July Challenge: Quill a Cecropia Moth (a photo of a live moth was shown at the time)

Guidelines: Use any width, length, or color of strips, using any technique and in any size that pleases

Participants: Jill Van Dieren - one moth; Jennifer Littlefield - one moth Photos on page 1.


August Challenge: corner bookmarks, made similar to a model shown on this site: http://

Guidelines: Once you’ve completed the corner shape, following the model on the site above, use

1/16” wide quilling strips in any length and color to decorate the bookmark on the front side, using

any theme. I understand that plastic protectors are available to cover them, but I don’t have an
address for a retail vendor of them at the present time.

Participants: Jill Van Dieren – three corner bookmarks Photos on page 2.

Page 16. Fall, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Quilling for a Cause

Charlotte Canup

There are many fine children who perished in the

organizations whose members Holocaust. The butterflies will Please send or bring your

use their craft expertise to help eventually comprise a breath- butterflies to the Museum by
others. These charity projects, taking exhibition, currently June 30, 2011, with the following

however, usually involve the scheduled for Spring 2012, for information included:

sewing, knitting, or crocheting of all to remember. • Your name,

blankets, hats, and toys for those • Your organization or school,

in need of warmth and comfort. The guidelines for participation • Your address,
All wonderful causes, but my are as follows:
craft tool of choice is a quilling • Your e-mail address, and
needle, not a knitting needle. I • Butterflies should be no
recently discovered a way to • The total number of
larger than 8” x 10”. butterflies sent.

touch others through the beauty • Butterflies may be of any Mail or bring your butterflies to:
of quilling, and am excited to medium the artist chooses, but
share this opportunity with you.
two-dimensional submissions are Holocaust Museum Houston
preferred. Butterfly Project
The Holocaust Museum Houston Education Department
is sponsoring The Butterfly • Glitter should not be used. 5401 Caroline St.
Project. Their goal is to collect Houston, TX 77004 USA
and display 1,500,000 • Food products (cereal,
handcrafted butterflies Concerned with the two-
representing the innocent macaroni, candy, marshmallows, dimensional requirement since
or other perishables) should not
be used.

even flat quilling does have
dimension, I contacted Natalie

Herzog, Assistant Director of

Education, Holocaust Museum

Houston, and sent her a photo of

a butterfly that I created. She

responded enthusiastically, "The

quilling butterfly is perfect! We
basically define 2D as a flat

surface with 3D objects attached

to it in some fashion. The quilling

butterflies will be accepted and


I encourage you to make a
butterfly and send it in. To get
you started, a butterfly template
is included with this newsletter.
Simply transfer the butterfly
outline onto card stock, cut out
the butterfly shape, and glue your

(Continued on page 18)

Fall, 2009 Page 17.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Pattern Corner Antonella DeFalco

Autumn Basket

10 brown C-scrolls (3 inch, 7.6 cm)
6 tan tight rolls (1.5 inch, 3.8 cm)
Using the picture as a guide, start at the bottom and work upward

Base is 1 brown C-scroll
Then 2 brown C-scrolls with 1 tan tight roll between
Then 3 brown C-scrolls with 2 tan tight rolls
Finally, 4 brown C-scrolls with 3 tan tight rolls

Fringed Flowers
1 fringed yellow strip (1.5 inch, 3.8 cm) long
1 fringed orange strip (1.5 inch, 3.8 cm) long
1 brown (1.5 inch, 3.8 cm) long cut to 1/16 inch, .15 cm wide
Glue and roll brown, orange, and then yellow strips tightly and glue. Gently push out the fringes to make
the flower.

Make all 8 Fringed Flowers the same way, simply alternate
Add 4 green shaped marquise (1.5 inch, 1.8 cm) cut to 1/16
inch, .15 cm wide
For the fringed flowers: 2 yellow, 1 orange, 1 red, 1 purple, 1
brown and 1 green 6 inch (15.2 cm) strips.

Use the photo for placement.

(Continued from page 17) website,

quilling directly to it. For those of butterfly/index.html.

you who belong to local quilling
groups, service organizations, or Editor’s Note: Charlotte’s

work with children, this would be butterfly pattern is on the

a wonderful project for your next previous page (enlarge as

meeting. needed); her completed butterfly

is shown at the bottom right of

For complete information on this page 2.

touching memorial, please visit
the Holocaust Museum Houston

Page 18. Fall, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Antonella’s Antonella DeFalco
Online Update

“In 2003, I had a new baby creating my own designs.

and wanted something crafty

to do without spending a lot “If you have not tried quilling yet,
of time on a project. Quilling I encourage you to buy a kit or

turned out to be just what I visit one of the many websites

was looking for. I bought my and blogs that offer free tutorials

first kit from the Quilled to learn how. If you have not

Creations website and have already done so, consider

not stopped since. I joined becoming a member of the NAQG

NAQG in 2004, entered a to benefit from the wonderful
card in the beginners resources they offer. You will be

category at the annual glad you did.”

conference, and won first

place. Please check out our website,

Hello again, everyone. This is a, to see more of

quick update on all the activity “Over the years, I have made a Jennifer’s wonderful work. Be

that has been happening in our lot of cards, taught classes at our certain to let her know how much

online endeavors. local scrapbook store, and you appreciate her work and
submitted designs for the first generosity in sharing with us.

Beautiful Quilling Accord Quill A Day

calendar. Earlier this year I

Our featured artist is our lovely entered my first local art

and talented Jennifer Littlefield. competition, and this

You may have seen her USA summer, after being

magnet in our patriotic magnet selected as the NAQG
swap. You will definitely regional representative for

recognize the beautiful quilling South Dakota, I started a

that she has shared on the quilling club at our local

NAQGmembers Yahoo!Group. library. My goal is to

The following is from our website: introduce more people to

the joy of quilling and bring a

Jennifer’s Story greater understanding and Members’ Corner
appreciation of this art form to

“My name is Jennifer Littlefield, South Dakota. You have probably seen this

and I am from Pierre, South mentioned in a few articles, but

Dakota, USA. I have been quilling “Today, I still enjoy making cards, don’t miss out on the wonderful

for five years and have loved but now spend more of my time book "Rolled, Scrolled, Crimped,

every minute of it. I've always making miniatures and three- and Folded: The Lost Art of

enjoyed crafts; I did counted dimensional figures. They are Filigree Paperwork." The Florian
cross- stitch for many years and more challenging but still a lot of Papp Gallery has provided

even did some basket weaving. fun. I also love the endless permission to the NAQG to share

variety quilling offers and enjoy (Continued on page 20)

Fall, 2009 Page 19.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Membership The NAQG Membership
Q&A Committee

Rita Anderson - Director
Deb Mackes

Antonella DeFalco

We at the membership As much as possible however, we

committee want to make sure will respond to your issue here in Eleanor, Creighton, MO: “The

your voice is heard. You can ask a timely manner and post Q&A newsletter is about my only
questions, make comments or results in the following contact with other quillers. It’s

suggestions or ask for help in newsletter. great!”

three different ways.

Jennifer, Pierre SD: “The guild is Olive, Upland, CA: “You’re doing

1. You can send a written request doing great. I enjoy the great. I look forward to each

to: newsletter and I am glad more issue. I think having the option

NAQG Membership Committee patterns and photos are on the to receive “Quill America” online
c/o Rita Anderson website. So many people would save a lot of money.”

2422 Torrington Dr., Lake Ridge comment on not having any other Reply: thanks for your kind

Toms River, NJ 08755 quillers near them to talk to. comments, Olive. The subject of

Would anyone be interested in the online newsletter has been

2. You can send an online doing a teleconference call for addressed by the Board of

request via our website to the people to ask questions or share Directors. At this time, everyone

appropriate committee at: ideas? Also, I made address pays the same dues and receives labels with my uploaded quilling their newsletter the same way –
OnlineContactForm.html. photo from You via regular mail. Additionally,

can also make car stickers, bags, every member has access to the

3. You can telephone: Rita and hats which might work as a online version of the newsletter

Anderson at 732-886-0867 or fundraiser. in the member’s corner of our

Deb Mackes at 610-905-5114 Reply: Thanks for the information website.

and your kind words, Jennifer. If

The membership committee will anyone is interested in Kathleen, Cincinnati, OH: “Great”
be posting YOUR Questions, teleconferencing, please contact

Suggestions, and Comments us at [email protected]. Josie, Edmonton, AB, Canada:

*where time and space permit*. “You’re Great”

If a question arises which Katherine, Breckenridge, MI:

requires a Board discussion and “Thank you for your service.” Maria, Elmont, NY: “Quilled art

decision, the outcome of the picture’s quality has improved

issue will be addressed Alice, Welland, Ontario, Canada: greatly. Thank you, it is very
separately in the Board minutes. “Your are doing “awesome.” much appreciated.”

(Continued from page 19) have been possible without the and the book, "Rolled, Scrolled,
generosity of the original artists Crimped, and Folded: The Lost
her book. who participated in the Accord Art of Filigree Paperwork, " are
Calendars over the years by for NAQG members use and not
Don’t miss out on all the fun agreeing to share their patterns to be forwarded or reproduced
seasonal patterns that have with the NAQG as well as with for distribution.
been posted. I hope you are Accord.
enjoying the fact that each Thanks and Happy Quilling to
month there are new patterns Always remember, the patterns Everyone!
being shared. This would not

Page 20. Fall, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Notes From The Donna Del Giudice
Archivist Archivist

We have a few corrections to the Designs with Square Stitch”, If you can’t find any of the
Bibliography. For future
reference, please make note of Creative Publishing Intl., “Finds” in your local craft stores,
these on your sheets:
January 2010 (pre-order) remember to use your town
CORRECTIONS - SUPPLIERS Schmitt von Frech, Gudrun, library – if they don’t have the
Custom Quilling Supplies
(Denise Cameron) Modern Quilling für die magazine, then ask them to get a
com Winterzeit: Papierstreifen copy of the article via interlibrary
[email protected] Kunstvoll Gedreht”, July loan. Most libraries are very

Paplin Products LLC 2009 - Available through happy to do this service for their
21186 Westwood Drive,
Strongsville, OH 44149 (Germany) only patrons. If your town library is
Tel: 440-572-1066
Fax: 440-572-1207 Various, “Beautiful Quilling Step very small and not “computer
by Step”, Search Press, equipped”, then they can call the
Canadian: Joan Kiuru February 2010 (pre-order) county (or the closest city) library
405-1470 Summer Street,
Halifax, NS B3H 3A3 to request the article through
[email protected]
If you get a chance to check out interlibrary loan. If you are
Some recent “finds” are as
follows: the NAQG website, you’ll find a coming to a dead end in trying to

ARTICLES: very special surprise! I’ve locate a specific article or book,
Bartowski, Allison, “Get Well
received inquiries from members please feel free to contact me
Bouquet”, Card Maker,
September 2009, pgs 68 & who have an interest in antique and I’ll see what I can do for you.
78 quilling, regarding the Florian
Watson, Sandy, “Autumn
Duo” (Quill it Easy), Card Papp Gallery show catalog, Please remember if you have an
Maker, September 2009, pg
24-25 & 78 “Rolled, Scrolled, Crimped, and article or are in the planning

BOOKS: Folded: The Lost Art of Filigree stages of doing an article
(available through Amazon)
King, Kathy, “Bead Quilled Paperwork”, which is currently (magazine or newspaper), please

Jewelry: New Beadwork out of print. The NAQG has let us know (e-mail:

received permission from the [email protected] (please
Gallery to upload a PDF version put “NAQG” in the subject line) or

of this catalog to our website for write Donna Del Giudice at 11

use by our members. This is a Orchard Street, Verona, NJ

wonderful addition to our site 07044). If we know in advance, it

and I would encourage all of our gives us the chance to inform our

members to stop by and take a quillers and to keep an eye out

look. It opens up a window into for the publication before it goes
the world of quilling that only a off the shelf! The NAQG will gladly

few have been lucky enough to reimburse costs for copying and

see. It is important to note that shipping to keep the archives up-

this PDF document has been to-date.

provided for NAQG members use

only and is not to be forwarded or

reproduced for distribution.
However, you can download it

and use it for your own personal


Fall, 2009 Page 21.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Mini-Meet Announcements and

We held our first NH/VT quilling Marta Thorne (left) and Gwen Tuson
mini-meet at the Community
Building in Enfield, New
Hampshire on Sept. 26, 2009.
There were only three of us, but
we had a great day! We worked
on individual quilling projects,
had lunch, and did a lot of
visiting as we worked. We hope
to have another one after the
holidays. We are close to the
intersection of Interstates 89 and
91 in White River Junction, VT.
Please come join us the next

Marianne Fassett
21 Evenchance Rd.
Enfield, NH 03748

Pattern Corner Antonella DeFalco

Red, White, and Blue Love Birds

Make two birds using this pattern for each bird alternating colors

as in the picture.

Eye 1 1-1/2 in (3.81 cm) Tight roll

Head 1 6 in (15.24 cm) Loose coil. Note, glue start

of strip for head to the peg for the eye and then roll the

loose coil to complete the head.

Body 1 12 in (30.48 cm) Teardrop
Wing 1 4 in (10.16 cm) Teardrop

Tail 1 2-1/2 in (6.35 cm) Alternate side looping. Make three very small loops with the centre

loop longer than the outside loops. See picture.

Branch 9 2 in (5.08 cm) C-Scrolls, make three of each color

Page 22. Fall, 2009

All work on this page by Clare Wongolian.

Dema Simeri (above)


Helen Pierce (top and above

Robert Coccaro

Click to View FlipBook Version