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Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Page 2. Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Accreditation Committee............... Sherry Rodehaver Board Report 4
2625 E Turkeyfoot Lk Road How I Started Quilling 5
Uniontown, OH 44685 Cow on Broadway - Quilling Poetry 6
330-699-2500 Quilling Books 7
Birth of a NATIONal Organization 8
[email protected] Hints & Tips 9
Archive Committee ........................ Donna Del Giudice From the Editor’s Desk 10
Help! I Want to Make the NAQG
11 Orchard St Better 11
Verona, NJ 07044 Pattern Corner
973-857-3999 Quilling Road Trips 12
[email protected] How Do I Contact a Committee 14
Community Relationship and Development Committee Director? 15
........................................................ Danielle Pray Did You Know the NAQG is Online?
859-485-6790 Notes From the Archivist 16
[email protected] A Love Affair With Paper #24 18
Membership Committee ............... Rita Anderson That’s Clever! 19
2422 Torrington Drive Mini Meet Reports 19
Lake Ridge Mini Meet Announcements 20
Toms River, NJ 08755 New Members 21
732-866-0876 Membership Q & A 21
[email protected] 22
NAQG Conference Committee ...... Pat Caputo
25 Indian Run Submission Deadlines
Enfield, CT 06082
860-749-0894 Each issue of Quill America will have a theme for the
[email protected] designs. The theme will relate to upcoming holidays
........................................................ Barb Machado and events. Of course, we welcome all quilling
1168 Pleasant St related articles - submit your articles, designs, news,
Bridgewater, MA 02324 etc., by email to [email protected] or by postal
508-697-3528 mail to Caroline Mach, PO Box 95, Mansfield, ON L0N
[email protected] 1M0 Canada.
Newsletter Committee .................. Caroline Mach
PO Box 95 Winter Issue Deadline: December 15
Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0 Valentine’s Day, Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day
705-435-4479 Spring Issue Deadline: March 15
[email protected] Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Graduation, At the Beach
Treasury Committee ...................... Laura Olohan Summer Issue Deadline: June 15
26 Evergreen Ave Back to School, Autumn, Thanksgiving
Springfield, NJ 07081 Fall Issue Deadline: September 15
973-564-9755 Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanza
[email protected]
Website and Internet Development Committee Page 3.
........................................................ Antonella DeFalco
531 Brian Dean Drive
Glen Gardner, NJ 08826
[email protected]
Annual Membership Rates
$25 US; $30 Canada and Mexico;
$35 Everywhere Else
Renew online at www.naqg.org/member.html
Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
AUGUST 27, 2008 - MINUTES Antonella also mentioned
The final decision from the upgrades to the website. She is
Sherry Rodehaver – Executive Directors was that Quill America currently donating all hosting
Director for Board Meeting will remain in its paper form, fees for the NAQG website and
8/27/08 mailed to each paying member, will continue to do so in order for
Pat Caputo, Antonella DeFalco, and posted online approximately us to keep the quality that our
Donna Del Giudice, Caroline one week after mailing to the Guild is used to receiving.
Mach, Barbara Machado, Debbie members. Antonella will be adding some
Mackes, Laura Olohan, Danielle new items to the website and
Pray – Committee Directors in Deb Mackes brought up the topic updating some of the public
Attendance of voting via the Internet and/or access pages.
Sheryl Scott – Invited Member in Quill America. A discussion took
Attendance place with regard to the pitfalls Deb Mackes updated the Board
of voting via two methods. Since regarding Membership issues.
Meeting called to order by Sherry over ½ of the membership does She will be including geographic
Rodehaver at 7:35 p.m. (Eastern) not use the Internet, it was information for new members in
on August 27, 2008. decided that the best place for all the newsletter.
voting would be through Quill Pat Caputo and Barb Machado
Caroline Mach started discussion America.
with newsletter issues regarding gave an update on the NAQGCON
online or print. The discussion Donna Del Giudice motioned that 2009. Permission was asked to
proceeded with Pat Caputo all voting is done via mail through mail postcards to the members
pointing out that the newsletter Quill America. Caroline Mach announcing the next NAQGCON.
is posted on the NAQG website – seconded the motion and it was Monies for this mailing would be
the Guild already has offered approved by the rest of the from auction profits raised at the
Quill America via the Internet. Directors. 2008 AGM.
It was noted that any member Donna Del Giudice reported the Donna Del Giudice motioned that
can access the online newsletter
by getting a password from current tally for the vote on the the NAQGCON committee be
Antonella DeFalco. An
announcement will be updated Bylaws included in the given the funds to do a postcard
made in the upcoming edition
(Winter 08/09) of Quill America; Summer 08 edition of Quill mailing to the membership.
this will include instructions on
how to obtain a password and America with a paper ballot. As of Caroline Mach seconded the
access the site. 8/27/08, it was 47 FOR, 1 motion and it was approved by
Sherry Rodehaver mentioned ABSTAIN, 5 No answers – the the rest of the directors.
that no other quilling guilds give
access to a full portfolio of past deadline for all votes is
September 15, 2008. Cards donated by the hosting
A mention was also made that
the Guild needs a notice that the location will be included with the
electronic newsletter should not
be copied in any form. Antonella DeFalco updated the Fall 2008 of Quill America.
Board regarding the Yahoo Group NAQGCON2009 information will
and the NAQG website. Antonella also be posted on the NAQG
will be working on solutions to website.
help the NAQGMembers Group
run smoothly. She will be looking Laura Olohan gave her
for additional moderators to add Treasurer's Report. As of
to her committee and posting 7/31/08, the NAQG treasury was
new guidelines for the group. at $7,595.35. This does not
(Continued on page 10)
Page 4. Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Brenda Brownlee’s Story
She wrote back and after a letter
or two, she announced that her
husband had agreed that she
should join now, and promptly
announced herself as a fellow
In her personal letters to me, and
as I followed what she wrote on
the Quillers site, I learned that
this is the third year that she has
made and sent cards to her
husband’s business associates,
family and friends!!! Oh, and by
the way, that’s in between did snowflake ornaments which I
tending to her five-month old attached to the cards by the
baby, his three older siblings, strings, for the recipients to pull
tending to her husband’s needs, off and decorate their trees.
her home, church work, and
“I’m making 100 hand-made, doing other quilling pieces during I found the Quillers Yahoo Group
quilled Christmas cards to send the year! I got to know her better a few years ago and was there
this year.” through the photos that she sent for awhile, but then I took a
me of her family and of her work. break from quilling because we
This statement that she made in Her story follows: decided to home school our
her letter of introduction to the I started quilling about four years children, and after my daughter
other members of the Yahoo
Quillers Group quickly caught my ago after taking a class at my
attention! To do that many is church on traditional paper
remarkable! So I wrote to her, crafting. We learned pinpricking,
directing her to the NAQG site stencil embossing and quilling
and inviting her to join. I told her that night. When I saw the
that should she decide to quilling, at first I thought, "No way
become a member some day, to would I do something like that. It
please contact me, that I’d like to looks way too time consuming."
feature her and her work in the Then one of my friends, who also
newsletter. took the class, told me that she
was making quilled ornaments
for her family for Christmas! She
showed me her work and I
realized that it wasn't as hard or
as time consuming as I had was born, home schooling my
initially thought. So, I made six older sons and caring for my
Christmas cards that year - I infant daughter was about all I
believe I made snowflakes on the had time for. I have since learned
cards and that started the craze. to manage my time better and
The second year I quilled a bunch realized that I need "my" time,
of poinsettia cards. Last year I
(Continued on page 6)
Fall, 2008 Page 5.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
designs - a nativity scene, a
snowman, a Christmas candle,
and poinsettias. I was thinking
about how to ensure that my
cards aren’t just thrown away, so
I am going to give frames as gifts
with the cards that I give locally.
My cards are 4" x 6", so I can
(Continued from page 5) easily purchase inexpensive
too. Quilling is often the outlet frames for them at the dollar
that I need after a difficult day. store. That way, each recipient
So, I rejoined Quillers about a can have not only a quilled card,
month or so ago because I have but it can become a wall hanging
picked up quilling on a regular to add to their Christmas myself. I wish I had done this
basis and love belonging to a decorations. For those cards that from the beginning - also I'm
community - even if it is online - I send in the mail, I am going to really trying to chronicle all of my
of others who share my interest add a note suggesting that they quilling with pictures. I have
in quilling. can frame the card. made a lot of quilled gifts and not
taken pictures of hardly any of
This year I am going to be making The main lessons I have learned them. I now wish I had pictures
from making quilled Christmas so that I can not only remember
cards are these - when doing what I made, but so I can see my
many cards of one design, figure progress in the art of quilling.
out how many of each shape
and color will be needed and My aspirations for quilling are
then quill all the same color really just to continue the hobby.
shapes at one time and don't Some day I would like to do a
assemble the cards until all of craft show or bazaar perhaps,
the shapes needed for the cards but while my children are young
are quilled. That way you can and their education is still in my
assemble the cards quickly. hands, I don't see it happening.
around 100 Christmas cards - I Keep the designs simple if you In the meantime, I will continue
started in the month of July, as I are going to produce large to quill gifts and cards.
am now the mother of four numbers of cards. One thing that
children - still home schooling, I'm going to do this year that I Reported by Helen Pierce
too - with my youngest an infant. haven't in the past, is to keep
I am making four different one card of each design for
A single lady, silly as could be, blond of nature, went quilling for adventure.
LaBar Village was the place, on Monday to be. Quick to stop at the ribbon shop, the car got stuck in
park. Flowing to the transmission shop, she cries, “ Help! help! I need a man!”
He bumps his head, yet comes to the rescue. He was a live one! Gone to tell a tale!
On the road again, the silly lady cruises east on Route 80,
A White Night, a Harley in her sight, he’s sly with his Hi!
Passing his exit, he signals toward Burger King for a bite to eat.
A chocolate milk shake, she agrees, along the dusty trail.
The story goes a “Cow Rustler” he is, farmland, oil, open land, rivers run wild.
(Continued on page 9)
Page 6. Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Hi, my name is Gail and I’m a shapes, etc., and just going yourself in the beginning
quilling book junkie. straight to the patterns, where chapters.
you may end up being confused,
When I first tried quilling I had no or not know what the author is Another good quilling tutorial for
idea there were quilling books, talking about. those that do scrapbooks is
kits, tools, or pre-cut paper strips. Paper Quilling for the First Time,
All I knew about it was what I saw My first quilling book and teacher by Alli Bartkowski of Quilled
demonstrated on an old episode was Great Paper Quilling, by Creations. Alli has some great
of the Martha Stewart TV show, Mickey Baskett. It’s a wonderful projects and techniques, and the
so out came the toothpicks, a quilling tutorial that I saw in a photos are excellent with step-by-
piece of paper, scissors and a craft book-of-the-month club step instructions. Most of the
little bottle of Elmer’s glue. I gave catalog (someone above had to projects are from her kits that
it a try and made some coils and have been watching out for me). are geared more toward
shapes that I thought looked I ordered it and devoured every scrapbooks and cards, but the
pretty good for never having done page as soon as I got it. This scrapbooker will gain the
this. I also didn’t know what to do book taught me the essentials to knowledge and confidence
with them except to glue them get myself started, how to use needed to go beyond what is in
randomly all over the top of a box tools, making some equipment, scrapbooks and try their own
like Martha did...OK, that’s nice, what supplies you do need and original designs or larger
but I didn’t have a box to glue what you don’t need. The projects.
mine onto, so I just stared at patterns and instructions are
them. While I’m staring at these provided by various quillers and The New Paper Quilling, by Molly
coils, it dawns on me that I’m are very clear and easy to Smith Christensen, is a fun book
very artistically challenged; understand. From this book I was to have. There is a lot to learn
someone that has artistic talent able to change the way I looked from it for new and old quillers
can probably figure out what else at things and develop my quiller’s alike, and Molly’s humor is a joy
you can do with these coils, but it eye and brain. There is also a to read.
isn’t going to be me. I put it all handy conversion chart in the
away and hoped that I would back of the book. If you are still awake, I have other
some morning wake up and quilling books that are excellent,
suddenly have talent...one of My second book, The Book of but I’ve run out of room to
those “don’t hold your breath” Paper Quilling, by Malinda discuss any more. Someday, I
moments. Johnston, is probably the all-time may stop reading them, and
favorite for many. If you are new actually decide to do a project
This is where my addiction to quilling and take comfort in from one of them!
begins, but first let me say that I having your hand held every step
think all quillers should have at of the way, or have a tendency to Gail Freed
least one good quilling tutorial over-think the basics (the best
book, and there are a few that I glue to use etc.), this is the book
recommend. I always read the to have. It will guide you
beginning of each book because seamlessly from beginner, to
that’s where you find the author’s intermediate, to advanced
tips for doing things in their book. techniques, before you know it.
It’s a mistake to assume that There are also tips on what
each author is writing the same length of strips to use with the
as the others concerning using standard Quilling Circle Board,
tools and equipment, making but you’ll have to find them for
Fall, 2008 Page 7.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
When in the course of human Washington-Katwinkel were Witherspoon-Rooney took charge
events it becomes necessary for instrumental in the of making sure that things were
one group of quillers to dissolve organizational endeavor, helping documented and recorded. Rita
the bands which have connected to spread information and gain Hamilton-Anderson took charge
them with another, and to support for American of making sure that the
assume the separate and equal quilling. Their fame was so great government had all the money it
station to which the Laws of that stories sprang up about needed and all the original
Nature and of Nature's God them, such as the tale that a colonists, supported by and
entitle them, a decent respect to young Walter was accused of cooperating with the growing
the opinions of mankind requires chopping down a cherry tree in population, forged a document
that they should declare the his father's orchard. Walter, declaring us a free and
causes which impel them to devoted to truthfulness, told his independent guild, known from
separation. father, "Quilling supplies are hard that point as the North American
to find, so I needed the wood to Quilling Guild. Encompassing an
In the beginning there was make pulp, so I can produce entire continent, these
England. Of course, there was paper for Mary Alice's art. And revolutionaries were assisted
already lots of history elsewhere please don't ask me about all the and supported by quillers in
in Europe, and it does affect us berries I have taken from Canada and Mexico, and the
and our story, but we'll keep it neighbors' bushes, to dye the revolution began.
simple and say there was paper many brilliant colors, so
England, and let our history start Mary Alice can produce those Ah, but the British didn't so
there. In England there was The magical designs." To this day, we quickly and easily let us go. They
Quilling Guild, with their annual celebrate Walter's birthday showed a definite presence at
meetings and International sometime in February, although the Halifax meeting, where the
Quilling Festivals. we have lumped it in with other formalities began, and we were
people's birthdays and celebrate again represented in Camden,
Here in the New World, society it with a day off work and lots of when our independence was
was forming along other lines, sales. formally declared (and it was very
and the well established art of interesting to see Paige Revere
quilling was beginning to grow This American movement riding through the streets
once more in popularity. Some continued to grow and flourish, shouting "The British are coming!
members of the Guild decided it and got itself hooked up to the The British are coming!")
was time to begin Internet and the world, eventually Fortunately, there was no "shot
communicating among headed by the foreign heard round the world," because
themselves, and a young zealot, ambassador, Bruce Franklin- they are happy with us and fully
Pat Payne-Caputo began Yanoshek, gaining worldwide support our guild. Many people
publishing pamphlets and support and communication. are members of both
distributing them to the organizations.
others. Aided and supported by Meanwhile, back in Philadelphia These newly formed citizens tried
Betsy Ross Caputo, and boldly (or nearby), Jinny Jones-
calling her publication, "Quill Alexander, Marianne Adams- to force their beloved Mary Alice
America," she began to unite Autorino, Kay Jefferson-Charles, to be their queen, but she made
quillers on this side of and Laura Chase-Olohan were them see that this is a new world
the Atlantic. moving to get the entire situation and a new guild, so it needs a
more formally organized. Donna different form of
Bobbye Adams-Singer, and Hancock-DelGiudice, Agnes government. She was named
Walter and Mary Alice Stockton-Dembia, and Evelyn
(Continued on page 9)
Page 8. Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 8) War of 1812 - No, that was
President, which she accepted The revolution continued, and we another matter altogether!
gladly, and served her term eventually won our
well. This surprised no one, after independence. Maybe even too So now it stands, they are the
all the fortitude she had shown much. They drive on the left, we Quilling Guild, and we are the
through the previous winter at on the right. They write "colour", North American Quilling Guild,
Valley Forge (well, she actually we write "color." They drink tea, and our history continues to
spent the winter in Clifton, New we drink coffee. We drink our unfold.
Jersey but it's close enough). Any beer cold, they at room
stories you might have heard temperature. Their quilling has Bruce Yanoshek
about her throwing a dollar smooth centers, and some of (reprinted from Quill America,
across the Potomac are definitely ours has a little "tab" in the Summer, 2002)
apocryphal, because she is much center, preventing us from
too sensible to waste money that gaining accreditation in their
way. Guild, and almost starting the
Hint #1: vellum turned out to be the exact breaking something.
Remember that over-sized green width required, so all I needed to Hint #2:
After opening a new packet of
or orange tote bag you received do was cut sides to fit, sew them quilling paper, I remove the
at the AGM? (And thank to the front, back and paper and snip off the glued
ends, then place the paper back
you!) It's a great size to tote bottom, sew the entire shell to in the wrapper, making it very
easy to remove one or two pieces
some of my framed quillings, the insides of the tote, (wrong of paper at a time, without
removing the entire amount. Of
plus a couple of books and boxed sides together) and now it will course, I tear the ends before I
begin quilling.
quilled items that are all around stand up all by itself even when
Ev Crane
my house that I use for "show it's empty! It helped to reinforce
and tell" when I teach or the handles once the vellum was
demonstrate. However, I decided sewn in place. What a difference
it was not sturdy enough, so I it made in keeping everything
bought some vellum, the stiffest I organized and packed evenly
could find, and made a shell to fit without worrying about the bag
the inside of the tote. The toppling over and possibly
(Continued from page 6)
A date transpired; a tour to NYC - Showing on Broadway, “Jersey Boys”
To our surprise it cost, A WHOLE COW! Even a cow and a half, “Grease” included! Everyone cheered,
Yee Yaw!
Flame broiled dinner and wine at the Steak House was a fine ending.
As this ‘COW RUSTLER’ FRIEND’S 50TH birthday drew near, this cow was quilled and sent. A reminder
of fun and good cheer. I now share with you here.
Flo Romaine
Editor’s Note: The card described in this poem is shown in the bottom right corner of page 23.
Fall, 2008 Page 9.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Advertising in the QA to see if they are going to electronic or postal mail. These
One of the ways for the NAQG to advertise or not. If you are are not patterns, but things you
raise money is through
advertising in the QA. I have put interested, please contact me at do or use to make your quilling
together an updated document [email protected] or 705- go easier or faster. Please don’t
for potential advertisers that
outlines the cost and all of the 435-4479 or by postal mail at PO assume that people won’t be
other details needed. However,
to implement this program, we Box 95, Mansfield, ON L0N interested in your hint or tip! One
1M0. This job does not have to of the great things about a group
take a lot of time and would like this is the opportunity to all
greatly benefit the NAQG. learn from each other.
need a volunteer - someone who Online QA
would take on the role of sending Hints & Tips
the information to potential We are trying to reinstate the As you have read in the report
advertisers (either by electronic Hints & Tips column, so if you from the Board of Directors
or postal mail) and then following have any hints or tips, please meeting (starting on page 4), the
up with a phone call if necessary send them to me, either by (Continued on page 11)
(Continued from page 4) then anything posted before they follows:
include money raised at the leave can remain. This also
2008 AGM. includes any images taken at the 60 FOR
AGM where an attendee signs a 0 AGAINST
The topic of public attendance at permission form. The NAQG will 1 ABSTAIN
Board meetings was raised by not use the member's work in 8 NO ANSWER (nothing circled)
Sherry Rodehaver. After any future documentation after
discussion on the pros and cons, the member leaves the Guild. As stated on the ballot, if no
a full consensus was made that it specific directions are given or a
would be in the best interest of Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 ballot is not returned, the vote
the Guild to keep the Board p.m. (Eastern). The Executive will be counted as FOR in regard
meetings to the Directors only, Director for the next Board to this matter. So, the bylaws
unless it is deemed that there is meeting will be Donna Del have been passed. These bylaws
a special circumstance where a Giudice (Archival Director). The will be reviewed by the Board
member or members would be next meeting will be early yearly and any updates will be
invited to the meeting. December – date to be presented to the membership.
A discussion was also made If you require an extra copy of the
regarding members who leave bylaws, you can either print one
the Guild and ask to have their Ballot to Formalize the
from the Guild’s website
"contributions" removed from any NAQG Bylaws: Election (www.naqg.org) or contact any of
NAQG documentation Results the Board of Directors to have
(electronically or paper). A one sent to you (see page 3 for
decision was made that if a contact information).
member gives permission for the The results are in…out of a
NAQG to use work that they mailing of 386 ballots, 69 ballots
send/post in NAQG documents, were sent back. The results from
the ballots returned are as
Page 10. Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
I know you stay up at night interesting stories of something newsletter! How proud would you
wondering what you can do to that happened to you that you be to have your beautiful work
help. But wait, you think that you would like to share with us. If you displayed for everyone to see?
don’t have a lot of time or maybe don’t feel like you can write it
you feel like there is some other yourself, call or e-mail the As quillers we are always looking
reason why you cannot. newsletter editor. Caroline will for new techniques or projects to
happily arrange to have someone try, so why not share one of your
Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt, I call you who will write down your projects? So many of you have
promise. Ask yourself these story. Just think, you will get to already shared, but we have over
questions: “meet” another quiller and make 400 members. If everyone
Do I have a quilling story to the Quill America newsletter shared a project we would have
share? better. I know that I would love to projects for Quill America and the
Do I have any quilling hints or do this, but I think I may have to website for the next ten years.
tips? do a quill-off with Helen because
Do I have pictures of my this is something she loves too. So what are you waiting for? Pick
quilling? ☺ up your tool of choice and be a
Do I have a simple project I part of making the NAQG the best
would like to share? You probably have pictures of that it can be.
your quilling. If they are digital,
If you answered “Yes” to any of you can send them to the Quill “Ask not what the NAQG
these questions, then you can America editor, volunteers can do for you, ask
help. Let me tell you how. [email protected]. Only what you can do for the NAQG.”
have a print photograph? No It only takes one thing: an article,
If you can write, or have a story to problem, you can mail them to a picture, a hint or tip, a pattern,
share please share it. Tell us how Caroline for the Quill America, or or anything else you can think of
you started quilling. Share what to Antonella to be a featured to make this the best year of Quill
inspires you. Maybe you are a artist on the website, their America newsletters and website
quilling teacher and you can tell addresses are on page 3 of this ever! What are you waiting for?
us how you teach your classes newsletter. We know how much
and what you teach, maybe you you look forward to all the quilling Antonella DeFalco
have one of those funny or photographs in the Quill America
(Continued from page 10) made the offer in the online
Board has decided not to change AGM Photo Collages community, and I repeat it here,
the way the QA is distributed. The There was some debate in our that if there is a photo of you in
printed QA will continue to be online community about the fact the collage(s), let me know who
distributed to all members. For that the individuals in the photo you are and in which photos and
those who wish to get the collages on pages 13 and 16 of I will print this information in a
newsletter in electronic form, the Summer, 2008 Quill America future QA. To date, I have
they will be able to continue to do were not identified. It was an received no messages from
so from the Members’ Corner on editorial decision to print them as anyone in the online community
the NAQG website was, mostly due to the delay that identifying themselves.
(www.naqg.org). For details on
how to do this, see Antonella’s would be caused by trying to find Caroline Mach
article starting on page 16. out the name of each person Editor
before the QA was distributed. I
Fall, 2008 Page 11.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Miniature Quilled Doll
by Regina Ribeiro
Portuguese to English Translation by Helen Pierce
Materials Needed
six 1/8" wide, 6" long quilling strips in a flesh-tone of your choice for the head
two 1/8" wide, 6" long quilling strips in the flesh-tone that matches the head for the arms
two 1/8” wide, 8” long quilling strips in the flesh-tone that matches the head for the hands
one 1/4” wide, 6” long quilling strip in the flesh-tone that matches the head for the neck
fifteen 1/4" wide, 6" long quilling strips - in the color of your choice for the dress and sleeves
as many as you like 1/4" wide, 1 1/2" long quilling strips - in the color of your choice for the hair
quilling strips to make an object for the doll to hold - flowers, an umbrella, a hat, or some other item of
your choice
Elmer's glue
quilling tool
Head Figure 1.
Make two grape rolls, using three 1/8" wide, 6" long strips in flesh-tone
for each roll. Give each of them a rounded appearance by pushing gently
into the center of them with the head of a knitting needle, easing the roll
into a rounded face shape (Figure 1). Using a soft brush, apply a coat of
glue to the insides of the rounded grape rolls and allow them to dry. After
they dry, glue the edges together to make a head shape.
Make a grape roll using one 1/4" wide, 6" long strip in matching flesh-
Figure 2. Dress
Glue seven 1/4" wide, 6" long strips end-
to-end. Begin to make a grape roll and
continue to roll it to the first glued seam
(Figure 2).
Continue to roll it until you come to the second glued seam, and then Figure 3.
continue rolling it, pulling the rounds down a little as you go, working
in rounds that are always the same distance apart (Figure 3).
After rolling up to the fourth seam, more or less, if you find it difficult to continue, remove the coil
(Continued on page 13)
Page 12. Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 12)
gently from the tool and continue working, rolling it manually
(Figure 4).
After rolling all seven of the glued strips, glue down the end tip,
and using a soft brush, apply a coat of glue all around the inner
part of the cone.
Sleeves of Dress
With three or four 1/4" wide, 6" long strips for each sleeve, roll the
sleeves, using the same method that was used for the dress, in the
same color as the dress.
Figure 4. Arms
Using a knitting needle or a round toothpick, roll one 1/8" wide, 6"
long strip in matching flesh-tone for each arm. Form a narrow cone-like shape, overlapping the strip
slightly as you continue forming the arm down to the hand area. Remove the knitting needle or
toothpick carefully and apply a little diluted glue inside.
Make an open coil with one 1/8" wide, 8" long strip in matching
flesh-tone for each hand and shape it into a tear drop.
Use as many as you need of the 1/4" wide, 1 1/2" long quilling
strips in the color you have chosen for the hair. Cut each strip
into very narrow strips, leaving the tip of each uncut for ease in
gluing. Glue the uncut tips to the sides of the head, beginning at
the bottom and going upwards, Continue gluing them to the back
of the head in the same way, alternating the positions as you go,
to hide the uncut tips. After the hair glue has dried well, gently
curl the hairs by slipping them along the blade of a table knife.
Give the hairdo a final touch-up to your liking by shaping or
snipping off the stray hairs.
Assembling the Doll:
Glue the neck onto the head, which should already have the hair
done. Glue on the dress and the sleeves. Glue on the arms, and
glue the hands into them.
Add to her arms a bouquet of tiny fringed flowers or roses, a hat,
basket, umbrella or some other object of your choice (Figure 5).
Figure 5.
© 2007-2008 Regina Ribeiro
The copying or selling of these instructions is not permitted without the express, written permission of
the author.
Fall, 2008 Page 13.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
The NAQG mission is to spread “work in progress” up close. The Due to the larger attendance at
the word about the art of quilling demonstration board generated this event, I prepared three “door
through teaching, demonstrating, a lot of questions about the prize” bags instead of making
or showing our work. Last paper used, how to roll, different place cards for everyone. What a
December while exhibiting at our shapes and techniques to form fun time we had drawing the
local business school’s annual the finished flower, etc. At the winners who seemed pleased
Craft Fair, I met a member of the end of my presentation the group with their little surprise. Several
Boalsburg Garden Club, Jean gathered around the display; members made purchases at the
Borkowski. Jean was aware of some even purchased paper end of the event and thanked me
quilling and was very “flowers” for their gardens at for such a lovely display and
complimentary regarding my home. One member, an owner of informative talk. The event was
pieces. A few weeks later I a B & B, asked for a bluebird great and I had a wonderful time.
received a call from Jean asking picture for her inn. She likes to Another successful “road trip” for
me to show my work at her have art from local artists adorn quilling!
garden club’s February breakfast the walls for her visitors to
meeting. I thanked her for admire homegrown talent. All in Francine T. Jones
thinking of me and said I would all it was a very successful and NAQG Member
be more than happy to do a enjoyable experience for me. Just Central Pennsylvania
demonstration for the group. I last week (June 20), I received
decided it would be nice to leave another call to present at the
the ladies with a little memento Christian Women’s Group in
of the day so I got busy making September. I’m already planning
place cards for everyone. Jean my agenda and will present a
provided the names and each more in depth history of quilling.
one was different in style, color Again an opportunity presents
and type of flower. The day of the itself to share my love of this
event we awoke to a freak snow beautiful art.
storm which threatened to put an
end to our meeting. When I Well, the morning of September
arrived at the hotel, the hostess 9 dawned to a rather spectacular
informed me that the show would thunderstorm! Jean and I started
go on! She escorted me to the out early and arrived
meeting room and I set up my approximately an hour before the
display along with the place Christian Women’s Group was to
cards and two door prizes on a convene. Amazingly, as I was
small table at the door. When the setting up and members started
members started arriving they arriving, several approached the This little Victorian Lady will now reside in
were pleasantly surprised by California. The customer said she reminded
their little “gift”. I started my tables and asked questions. They
stated they were excited when her of a bride.
demonstration by passing out a they heard today’s “special
small flyer with my artist’s bio feature” would be on quilling.
and speaking about the history of This time I was better prepared
quilling. A small demonstration with my talk. I started with
board with a project that I had ancient quilling history and then
started was passed among the spoke about today’s modern
audience so they could see a papers, tools and techniques.
Page 14. Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Do you have a question that find all of the Committees and the newsletter) or to Antonella
you would like to direct to a the current Committee (for the website) so that they
specific committee? You may Director listed on page 3 with know you want to share your
ask yourself, how do I go their phone number, postal wonderful talent with the
about this? mail and email addresses. whole group.
First, remember that the 2. If you cannot find your Quill If someone does not respond
to you immediately, keep in
NAQG is a 100% volunteer America newsletter, you can mind that they have families,
full-time jobs, and sometimes
organization. That means that go onto our website they even take vacations. So
the person you want to talk to www.nagg.org and follow the before you assume the worst,
link for our Contact Us page give them another chance.
is someone very much like You are always welcome to
and fill in the form: contact another committee
you. They joined the NAQG director if you feel that
because they have a love of www.naqg.org/ someone has not responded
OnlineContactForm.html to you. Also, remember in this
quilling and want to see day and age of SPAM your
email and/or their response
quilling recognized Remember, this is a 100% may have ended up in an
email program’s SPAM or
throughout the globe as a volunteer organization! To JUNK folder.
respected art form. Our paraphrase John F. Kennedy, Thank you for being a part of
the NAQG!
volunteers are first and
foremost people. They have “Ask not what the NAQG Antonella DeFalco
families and have generously volunteers can do for you; ask
offered this organization what you can do for the
something that is precious to NAQG.” Don’t stay in the
background, be willing to step
all of us, their time.
up and help out too. One easy
Here are some easy ways you way that everyone can help is
to send in articles, hints, tips,
can contact them:
photographs, or patterns for
1. Do you have a copy of the the Quill America newsletter
latest Quill America newsletter or the website. You will need
handy? Open it up and you will to specifically send this
information to Caroline (for
Our Front Cover - The Quilled Cross
The beautiful cross at the top of our front cover was quilled by Anne Pfahler in memory of her sister. It is
hanging in Sacred Heart Church in Bethlehem, Ohio (also know as the Shelby Settlement).
Our Apologies
In the Summer, 2008 Quill America, we inadvertently omitted Mary Ann Hauser from the list of people
who made donations to the AGM. Thank you very much Mary Ann, and we sincerely apologize for
omitting you from the original list.
Fall, 2008 Page 15.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Yes, the NAQG is online. Now you may ask, what does “online” mean? Online is a fancy way of saying
that if you go on the internet and you do a search for NAQG, you will see your beloved NAQG there! All
you have to do is click on the link and you will be brought to one of the most wonderful places out there.
Well, I am the webmistress so I have to say that. What is the webmistress? I am the person who spends
hour upon hour trying to keep the website fresh and up-to-date just for you.
I want to share with you the wonders of our website and invite you to an adventure. Come with me — I
would ask that you close your eyes, but then you wouldn’t be able to read the rest! ☺
If you go to the NAQG website, by searching for it or typing in www.naqg.org directly into your browser,
you will be brought to what we call our Home Page. We always have a Featured Artist, anyone can be a
featured artist, all you have to do is ask. Don’t worry if you are shy, part of my job is to ask questions,
and I don’t mind asking people if they would mind being featured. This beautiful quilling is from
Francine Jones, I just wish you could see the intricate detail and layering of her sleek greyhound.
For those weary web travelers who may not know what quilling is, in addition to the featured quilling we
offer them a little about what the NAQG is and an overview of quilling compiled by our very own Sherry
Rodehaver, from A Love Affair with Paper fame.
As we know, once non-quillers see quilling they will not be able to pull themselves away and we will
have yet another join us, so we tempt them with a Gallery of quilled items. Then we offer them a few
Free Patterns, so they are tempted to give it a try. What fun!
But the place I want to bring you to is the place just for you, the Members’ Corner. This is where you
can come, put your feet up, and have a wonderful time.
Page 16. (Continued on page 17)
Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
(Continued from page 16)
Oh, so you think that I exaggerate, do you? Let’s see what you think after you see what we have for you.
Put the Quill America newsletter online you say? Well, I have news for you, we already do that. No
exaggeration, it really is there! Now, the history buff in me is excited about the historical value of what
we have here. If you click on the Newsletter Archive link, you will come to a page that has every Quill
America newsletter that we could find. It goes all the way back to the beginning, when it was simply a
letter that was mailed by Pat Caputo. So come and take a look at our history.
What could be more fun than finding lots of quilling patterns? Yes, lots of them, some are from previous
Quill America newsletters, others were provided by members just like you. The only thing that could
make this better is a contribution from you. Here is a project from Ann Martin, isn’t it great?
Are you a fan of the Love Affair with Paper series by Sherry Rodehaver? Yeah, so am I. Well, you can
find all of them in one place, right here. This is a picture of what you will see on the website, all you
have to do is click on the Articles link and you will see this:
Then, click on the words A Love Affair with Paper and you will get to see all of Sherry’s articles. Now
isn’t that a wonderful thing?
As a member of the NAQG all of this can be yours. How, you ask? Just call, write, or email me and I will
get you set up right quick, because you will need a username and password to get in.
I can’t wait to see you there!
Antonella DeFalco
Fall, 2008 Page 17.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Licia Politis gave us a heads up article, 2008. in trying to locate a specific
on the new name for a special www.crayola.com/ article or book, please feel free
publication from Australia. Many educators/lesson_plans/ to contact me and I’ll see what I
of you will remember Australian printed.cfm?id=1245. can do for you.
Paper Crafts - this journal now Koziol, John, “Objects of Art, Not Please remember if you have an
has a new name. You can find it Crafts” e-article on Betty article or are in the planning
through Stonehouse Publishing Tremaine, 2008, stages of doing an article
in the USA and it’s now called www.citizen.com/apps/ (magazine or newspaper), please
For Keeps Creative Paper. pbcs.dll/article? let us know (e-mail:
AID=/20080503/ [email protected] - please
Alli Bartkowski’s new book, 50 GJNEWS02/730417122. put “NAQG” in the subject line -
Nifty Quilled Cards, is now McBride, Michele, “Quilled or write Donna Del Giudice at 11
available. You can find it at many Flowers Photo Storage Box”, Orchard Street, Verona, NJ
of your favorite quilling suppliers. Creative Home Arts, 2008. 07044). If we know in advance,
Martin, Ann, “Quilled Necklace it gives us the chance to inform
Here’s another new quilling book Pendant”, Bead Trends our quillers and to keep an eye
that will be available for Magazine, July/August 2008, out for the publication before it
purchase soon - A Guide to pgs 138-139. goes off the shelf! The NAQG will
Endangered Flora in Quilling, by Ruskin, Joy, “Paper Filigree: A gladly reimburse costs for
Helen Walter, has now been Woman’s Pastime Becomes copying and shipping to keep the
published. Helen wrote to me to Art”, Antiques Journal, March archives up-to-date.
announce that she has received 2008, pgs 26-29.
her copy from the publisher Wagoner, Sharon, “Rolled Paper Donna Del Giudice
(Sally Milner Publishing, Crafting and Quilling” e- Archivist
Australia). It is now available for article, Online Magazine:
pre-order through Hands on Regency Hands of
www.amazon.com. Keep your Crafts, 2008,
eyes open for the book at your www.janeausten.co.uk/
favorite supplier. magazine/page.ihtml?
Some article “finds” are as
follows: If you can’t find any of the
“Finds” in your local craft stores,
ARTICLES: remember to use your town
Anonymous, “Curly Qs”, Creative library – if they don’t have that
Machine Embroidery, magazine, then ask them to get
September/October 2008. a copy of the article via
two articles: one by Ann Martin interlibrary loan. Most libraries
and one by Tracey Schulz, are very happy to do this service
For Keeps Creative Paper, for their patrons. If your town
Issue 70, 2008. library is very small and not
Bartkowski, Allison, “You’re in my “computer equipped”, then they
Prayers”, CardMaker, can call the county (or the
September 2008, pg 24+. closest city) library to request the
Crayola Staff, “Quilling – article through interlibrary loan.
Filigreed Paper Designs” e- If you are coming to a dead-end
Page 18. Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
I Don’t Think We Are In Kansas Any More Toto…
What do The Wizard of Oz and the strip of paper not being rolled You can try pushing the coil back
quilling have in common? In the up straight. At some point along through to the other side to help
Oz classic film the biggest danger the strip (usually near the even out the appearance of the
right from the start was the beginning of the roll) the paper tornado, but unfortunately this
pending tornado which eventually slips to the side by the slightest will continue to happen until you
whisked both Dorothy and Toto increment and that is enough to reach that stage where you have
off to a land of strange and make the final coil take on the more control over the alignment
awesome things. In the wonderful dreaded conical shape. When a of the strip when it is being rolled.
world of quilling there are also strip of paper is properly rolled up
some strange and awesome it stays perfectly aligned with the So, as with other aspects of
things that can happen to new rest of the strip. Keeping the quillwork, the best thing to do is
and sometimes even veteran edges perfectly even and rolling practice, practice, practice, and
quillers and those are the so the strip is at a constant 90° then practice some more. Leave
“tornado effects” that can appear angle to the tool should produce the tornado effects to the film
in the centers of loose coils. a coil that will lie completely flush industry.
Newer quillers often lament, with a flat smooth work surface
“How do I eliminate the tornado when laid down and allowed to Sherry Rodehaver
effect from my loose coils?” spring open. This is true “Paper is my instrument of
These upward spirals emanating regardless of what type of tool is expression”
from the center of a coil do being used. Proud member:
indeed resemble an upside down The Quilling Guild (English) -
tornado and are often referred to Granted, there are times when a accredited
as such. Although not dangerous, spiraled or coned shape is Honors Level Accredited - “Fellow
they can be quite annoying. desired. That is when the quiller of The Quilling Guild”
intentionally rolls the strip at a North American Quilling Guild
I have seen many explanations slight angle, as when making tall Ohio Arts and Crafts Guild
offered, and some solutions cones from tight rolls. Having it
suggested, but the truth of the happen when it is not desired can
matter is that these tornado be a bit aggravating.
shaped coils are a direct result of
Be on the lookout later this fall make two quilled Christmas weather, viewers will be led to
for Ann Martin to be a featured designs. Ann reports that the believe that because it’s so cold
artisan on the HGTV show, That’s experience was a whole lot of outside there’s no better thing to
Clever. Although the show is fun. The producer, director, and do than stay in and quill!
currently on hiatus, it is camera crew arrived bright and
scheduled to return in time for early on a spring day to transform
Ann’s holiday-themed segment in her dining room into a television
which she demonstrates how to studio. Despite the beautiful
Fall, 2008 Page 19.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
The NJ/PA minimeet on July 19, class she taught at the AGM, and Hopefully, the up-coming October
2008 in Stroudsburg, PA was a we all enjoyed that very much, 18 mini meet will be better
little disappointing; so many especially the ones who had not attended, and possibly Elaine
people had other plans and were taken the class. There were will still have some left-over kits.
not able to make it, so there were enough to do "seconds", as
only six of us. However, Elaine well. So the absentees missed Evelyn Crane, Stroudsburg
Altemose brought butterfly card out on a good session!
kits that were leftover from the
Elaine Altemose attended quilling a sample card for us to follow waited until last to do. I think it's
safe to say that this was not
classes at Quiet Valley, taught by and Elaine was available to anyone's favorite activity of the
day. Many, including me, found it
Evelyn Crane. Elaine, a master anyone that needed help. Once frustrating to say the least. The
card maker, wanted to learn done with one card, you moved project was from the book, Paper
Quilling, by Molly Smith
quilling so that she could add it to another table and a different Christensen which Elaine had
completed very successfully.
to her cards. She learned quickly card. Kind of like a game of
Before we left Elaine taught us
and became a member of the musical chairs. how to make even more cards! I
think that Elaine would teach us
NJ/PA Monday quilling group, as how to make cards all night if we
would! Maybe we should have a
well as NAQG. She is always We took a break for lunch and pajama party? All of Elaine's
ideas come out of her extremely
inventing original flower designs stuffed ourselves silly on all the creative brain and are all
and freely teaches them to the excellent food! There was a pork originals. We are honored that
she is willing to open her home
NJ/PA quilling group. She also dish, Tilapia, small cut and share her creative talents
with us.
taught at the 2008 AGM. She sandwiches, different kinds of
Thank you Elaine!
has become a valued and cheese balls, fruit in a
Jo-Anne Price
treasured member of the group. watermelon cut like a basket,
Editor’s Note: Photos from the
and the list just goes on and on event Jo-Anne describes above
On Saturday, September 6, and on. Elaine gifted each of her appear on pages 23 and 24.
2008, Elaine Altemose opened guests with a little something. To
her home to NJ/PA quillers once her surprise and delight (we
again. She freely shared her hope) we honored Elaine with a
home, supplies, food and of gift of a candle, candle vase, and
course ... her precious Papillon wreath centerpiece. It now sits in
dogs, Wuzzy and Rascal. We the middle of Elaine's dinner
spent the day, from about 9 a.m. table. Elaine then brought out
to 4 p.m., stamping and making three different kinds of dessert!
cards. Elaine has a studio Elaine is a master cook and
downstairs in her house and has baker as well as a master card
a mind-boggling collection of maker!
stamps and stamping supplies!
She had four tables set up and We finished lunch and moved
on each table was a basket full of back downstairs to work on
kits. All we had to do was choose cards. There was one table that
which one we wanted (not an was more of a project than a
easy task). Each table came with card. It was the table that I
Page 20. Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
The next meeting of the NJ/PA quillers of the North American Quilling Guild will be on October 18,
2008, at the Hughes Public Library at 1002 N. 9th St. (aka Rte 611 N) in Stroudsburg, PA., from
11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Bring a lunch or snack and beverage, and your quilling equipment. At this time
there is no project planned, so you can do your own thing. Be sure to bring some items you have quilled
recently or long ago to show and share with the others. For those of you who are long-ranged planners,
the meetings for 2009 are already set up, in case you want to put them on your calendar at this early
stage. hey are January 17, April 18, July 18 and October 17, all Saturdays. For further information or
travel instructions, please contact Evelyn Crane at 570-424-9336 or [email protected].
On October 25, 2008, I will be hosting a mini meet at my home in Westerly, Rhode Island. The time will
be 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Bring your quilling projects for show and tell and join in starting a new project. For
more information, contact me at 401-596-5772 or [email protected]. ~ Bobbye Singer
The “Come Quill With Us” group meets every third Saturday (starting up again in September) at
8:45 a.m. at the Uplands Golf Club, Victoria, BC. For more information, please contact Jean Smith, at
250-477-3894, or [email protected].
A warm welcome to our newest members!
Niki Abbott San Antonio, TX Florence Romaine Cedar Grove, NJ
Pat Bonser Amityville, NY
Brenda Brownlee Greenwood, IN Lori Rosenbloom Knoxville, TN
Melissa D. Crocetti Pennellville, NY
Marietta Douglas Cos Cob, CT Taeko Sakurai Saitama-Ken, Japan
Anne Marie Hampton Oak Island, NC Bonnie Scherer Stuart, FL
Suezzette Hermes Bedias, TX
Melanie Jorisson Bothell, WA Pamela Scott Jackson, OH
Patricia Lawlor Thornton, CO
Donna Jean Mehok Lakewood, OH Katherine Sowle Breckenridge, MI
Cindy Moffa Bricktown, NJ
Joan Neemann Mills River, NC Terri Staples Birmingham, AL
Joyce Anne Nichols Greenfield, IN
Betty Oliver Abilene, TX Pam Stoddard Phoenix, AZ
Lori Parshall Gilroy, CA
Janna Pierce Grand Junction, CO Angela Wells Taylorsville, UT
Aimee Reisman Smithfield, RI
Judith Williams Thousand Oaks, CA
Kathalin Hiroe Yamada Tokyo, Japan
Fall, 2008 We apologize in advance for any omissions or
Deb Mackes
Page 21.
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
We at the membership newsletter Q&As. all, a great job.”
committee want to make sure We always encourage your Answer: Maria, thank you for your
your voice is heard. You can ask questions, comments, and suggestion and your
questions, make comments or suggestions. compliments! We couldn’t agree
suggestions, or ask for help in with you more! We encourage
three different ways. Suggestion #1 – From Buffy EVERYONE to submit patterns
Albright, Macungie, PA: “move and photos. If anyone has photos
1. You can send a written request membership dues to end of year, in digital form, they can be
to: most organizations operate this emailed to our photo editor, Ev
NAQG Membership Committee way.” Rooney, at [email protected]. If
c/o Rita Anderson you have hard copy photos, you
2422 Torrington Dr., Lake Ridge Answer: Buffy, thank you for your can mail them to Ev, at:
Toms River, NJ 08755 suggestion! The NAQG actually Ev Rooney
began operation with everyone’s c/o NAQG
2. You can send an online dues due at the same time of 23 Clara Place
request via our website to the year. However, as time Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
appropriate committee at: progressed and the NAQG grew, Phone: 973-239-8978
www.naqg.org/ it was decided by the executive
OnlineContactForm.html. to have dues payable in the We hope that the answers we
quarter of the year that a have provided are to your
3. You can telephone: member joined. This helped satisfaction.
Rita Anderson at 732-886-0867 spread out the workload for
or Deb Mackes at 610-905-5114 those keeping track of member
files, and it allowed for a more Yours in service,
Beginning with this issue, the steady influx of funds for our The NAQG Membership
membership committee will be major expense – the newsletter. Committee
posting YOUR Questions and So, at this time the NAQG dues Rita Anderson - Director
Answers where time and space collection process will not Deb Mackes
permit. If a question arises that change. HOWEVER, if anyone Antonella DeFalco
requires a Board discussion and wishes to make their dues
decision, the outcome of the payable at a specified due date
issue will be addressed other than their current one (the
separately in the Board minutes. due date choices are March 15,
As much as possible, however, June 15, September 15, or
we will respond to your issue in a December 15), please notify us
timely manner and post Q&A via one of the methods listed
results in the following above, and we will make the
newsletter. necessary adjustments. Please
note: if a due date is moved up, a
In the near future, the NAQG partial dues payment will be
Membership and Web required to adjust for the change.
Development Committees will be
creating a Frequently Asked Suggestion #2. – From Maria
Questions (FAQ) section in the Gregori, Elmont, NY: “I would like
website’s Members’ Corner. The to see more patterns and photos
FAQ section will include the in the quarterly newsletter. All in
Page 22. Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Elaine Altemose Page 23.
Fall, 2008
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Page 24. PhTohEtavons&ksJtooanne
Fall, 2008