Quill America
Fall 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Alejandra Sanchez Derteano PERU Amanda Dean FL
NAQG Competition NAQG Competition
Chen May Tse CA
NAQG Competition
Charmayne Umbowers WA Lorrie Timberlake CO
NAQG Competition NAQG Competition
FRONT COVER: Top left: Mandala - Carole Harp IL, Top right: Cowskull - Shelly Krzyzewski IN,
and Bottom Left: Scarab Necklace - Carole Harp IL, (2018 NAQGCON Competition pieces)
Page 2 Fall 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Board of Directors Table of Contents
Accreditation Committee ..... Sherry Rodehaver Board Report ............................................................ 4
2625 E Turkeyfoot Lk Road
Uniontown, OH 44685 2019 Accreditation Program ..................................... 4
330-699-2500 2019 NAQGCON
[email protected]
Archive Committee .............. Lynn Camden Paarmann A great big HELLO from Delaware ................ 5
76 Princeton Ln.
Winterthur Museum & Garden Tour ............ 6
Palm Coast, FL 32614
[email protected] Conference Information ................................. 7
Community Relationship and Development Committee General Rules & Guidelines .......................... 8
............................................. Sara E Rodriguez-Miranda
P.O. Box 976 NAQGCON This & That ................................ 8
Kasilof, AK 99610 My First Competition ................................................. 9
[email protected] Pictorial .............................................................. 10-11
Membership Committee ...... Roxann Dragula Dancing Quillers of VT/NH ...................................... 12
5710 Broad River Run
Ellenton, FL 34222 Teaching In Denmark .............................................. 13
941-928-8669 Notes from the Quirky Quillers ................................ 14
[email protected]
NAQG Conference Committee Pattern Corner
............................................. Gail Freed Make & Take Fish ........................................ 15
6401 Navajo Road
Westminster, CA Suncatcher Instruction ................................ 16
92683-2041 Welcome New Members ......................................... 17
[email protected] Quill America Supporters ........................................ 17
Competition Committee....... Shelly Krzyzewski Notes from Archive Committee
51934 Orange Rd.
South Bend, IN 46628 Take the Challenge ..................................... 18
[email protected] Newsletter Committee ............................................ 18
Newsletter Committee ......... Alice Harris
95 Bridlewood Drive Deadline for next issue(s) ........................... 18
Welland, ON Canada Pictorial .............................................................. 19-20
L3C 6H3
[email protected] Annual Membership Fee (USD)
Treasury Committee ............ Beth Clark
1321 Terra Court $15 Online Only
Midland, TX 79705
432-559-8945 $27 US
[email protected]
Website and Internet Development Committee $40 Canada/Mexico;
............................................ Rhonda Cole
2630 Larkin Place $60 International
San Diego, CA 92123
859-699-7185 Renew online at naqg.org
[email protected]
We like to hear from you: Membership Fee is non-refundable
[email protected]
Fall 2018 Page 3
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Board Meeting of the NAQG – Community Relationship & NAQG Conference Competition
Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018 Development Committee Shelly Krzyzewski
7:00 pm (Eastern) Sara Rodriguez Looking forward to the Quill America
Since our last meeting, only one person announcement of the 2019 conference
Attending Directors: has been added to our Regional Reps and what the theme will be. No word
Shelly Krzyzewski – NAQGCON group. His name is Walter Burkhart and yet on if the competition will be able
Competition is from PA. I have communication with to be set up on Thursday night in
Sherry Rodehaver – Accreditation almost all of the Representatives except Delaware or if we’ll have to wait until
Sara Rodriguez – Community two or three. I don’t know if it’s because Friday night. I will contact Debbie
Relations the email I have for them is a wrong one Arnold closer to the conference date
Roxann Dragula – Membership or something else. These are Katherine to determine when the competition will
Gail Freed – NAQGCON Talledo, Peru and Silvia Pinto, Calgary be set up.
Beth Clark – Treasurer Canada. The rest of them are doing an
Rhonda Cole – Website outstanding job promoting the art and Newsletter Committee
sharing their knowledge. There are Alice Harris
Shelly Krzyzewski called the meeting many states without Representatives so Alice was unable to attend but sent the
to order at 7:11 pm (Eastern) I’ll keep on trying and doing my best to following report: The Summer edition
assign reps where we need them. of Quill America has been printed and
Accreditation Committee mailed. The cost for printing, supplies,
Sherry Rodehaver Membership Committee and postage was $2,452.56.
Nothing to report at this time. The Roxann Dragula
2018 program is all wrapped up We now have 354 members and we are Treasury Committee
and we are now awaiting the next at the renewal time so this number is Beth Clark
(2019) applications which will begin subject to change. The treasury records are in transition
November 1 thru Nov 30 of this year. at this time. A full treasury report will
NAQG Conference Committee be available at the next board meeting.
Archive Committee Gail Freed
Lynn Paarmann The conference Registration Form has Website & Internet
Lynn Paarmann was unable to attend changed: Development Committee
but sent her report: The checkbox at the top, left of the form Rhonda Cole
There is really nothing new at this for Non-Member is now Non-Member I have submitted the basic outline of
point with the Archives Committee. I Quiller; the menu structure, the base visual
am hoping that members will submit The Non-Member section of the form design and hopefully, the board will
quilled works that are inspired by has been replaced with Guest (as approve it, and we can start building
antique quilled pieces. This was put suggested by past hosts) and guest’s this. I have more than 40 pages
in the latest newsletter and I will also information is optional. identified plus another 28 identified for
post on NAQG’s Facebook group. The Volunteer Instructor Registration future design.
Form will now be available each year
only from the website, to print, fill out Meeting was adjourned at 9:18 pm
and send to the conference host. EST. The Executive Director at the
next Board meeting will be Rhonda
Cole. The next Board meeting will be
December, date to be determined.
The North American Quilling Guild Accreditation Program will begin accepting 2019 applications on
November 1, 2018. Applications will only be accepted until November 30, 2018. Applicants will receive a packet shortly
thereafter and will have until February 28 to submit their projects.Application forms will be available in the Fall newsletter and
on the NAQG site at www.naqg.org. You will need a ‘shape chart’ for the program which is also available on the NAQG site.
Page 4 Fall 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
A great big HELLO from Delaware
I am really looking forward Art Clay World Chicago is offering a class from 9 to 5 on
to seeing you and hosting Saturday where you can design and make a fine silver
the 2019 NAQGCON necklace under the guidance of master instructor Jackie
in Newark, Delaware. Truty. There is a fee for this class; $80 for guild members
We may be the second and $100 for non-members. Members interested in this class
smallest State, but we have must pre-register via the Art Clay World Chicago website at
many wonderful museums, https://www.artclayworld.com/product-p/cl-jt-4-27-19.htm,
gardens, and cultural to purchase this class, or call the phone number provided in
places to visit while you are the class information.
here. Geographically, we Other Activity: On Sunday April 28, 2019, Winterthur
are one of the Mid-Atlantic Museum and Gardens (www.winterthur.org) has very
States that is bordered by graciously agreed to give us a tour of their antique quilling,
the Atlantic Ocean, ranges up through the salt marshes a spring house tour, and two hours of free time to either take
and on up to the Piedmont. We are one of the original 13 the garden tram tour, or see the costumes from the new
colonies, and are considered the first state because of an theater production, The Crown. The separate cost for the
overnight ride by Caesar Rodney. tours and transportation to and from the hotel will be $58.80
Our theme this year, as suggested by Marion Bertaut, is per person for the day, and does not include lunch. Please
“Quill Your Way Through Delaware”. So, check out our state contact me at [email protected] to let me know if you
and learn all you can. and your guests are interested in going.
Since ID name tags will be provided for you, and we still Last, but not least I can always use extra help before and
need to have some type of contest, I would like each of you during the conference organizing all kinds of things. If you’re
to fill out an index card (or a few) with something you have interested in helping out, I can be reached at
discovered about Delaware, and then quill the card to use [email protected]
in an exchange with other attendees during lunch on Friday. Thanks a million. Looking forward to seeing you at
To help you store your card, you will each receive a small NAQGCON 2019.
photo album as a gift from me.
There are many places to eat across the road from the
hotel and at the Christiana Mall. You can choose from
steakhouses, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Tex-Mex or one
of the major chain restaurants. The hotel shuttle will take
you anywhere within a ten mile radius. This includes the
Christiana Mall and all of the eateries across the street if
you don’t feel like walking. Did I mention that Delaware has
tax free shopping? Enjoy our local stores while you’re here.
Speaking of meals, your conference fee includes your buffet
lunch [with some local specialties] on Friday afternoon, and
your dinner at the awards banquet on Saturday night. If you
want to include a guest at these two meals, please select
from the Meals Only options on the Registration form and
include the amount with your payment. Attendees and
guests will need their ID name tag to attend either of the
conference meals.
Fall 2018 Page 5
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Winterthur Museum and Garden Tour
Winterthur, Delaware
We have a very special opportunity on Sunday,April 28, 2019. 11:30 am - Group A will take a 1 hour Highlight tour focusing
Winterthur Museum and Gardens has graciously agreed to on quilling; Group B will take a 1 hour Spring House tour
give us a tour and viewing of their antique quilling. Check 12:30 am - Board shuttle bus for lunch (your own expense)
them out at www.winterthur.org. Winterthur is a former H. F. at the Garden Café or visit the gift shop
du Pont estate that is known for their gardens and many fine 1:15 pm - Board shuttle bus for return to house
art collections, including the Campbell Collection of Soup 1:30 pm - Groups rotate: Group A will take the Spring
Tureens, not to mention their antique quilling collection. House tour; Group B will take the Highlight quilling tour
2:30 pm - Time on your own for a guided Garden Tram tour,
Cost for the day (not including lunch), is $58.80 per person. or visit the new exhibit: “Costuming The Crown” - costumes
If you want to attend these tours, please send a check from the show, The Crown, opening in March
payable to Deborah Arnold, 146 Wedgefield Drive, New 4:30 pm - Return to bus to go back to the hotel.
Castle, DE 19720. Please include with your payment the
following information: total amount enclosed; how many Side Note:
taking the tour and each person’s name, address, contact Winterthur is interested in anyone from the Guild who
email and phone number. would like to volunteer to teach quilling, or volunteer to quill
during their special events. They have Terrific Tuesdays
If you have any questions, please contact me at: during the summer when they have children come into
the museum to learn the various things that folks did to
(302) 740-2544 or via email at [email protected] entertain themselves and would like to have someone to
teach quilling. They also have events during the year,
The itinerary is as follows: they would like to have someone sitting and quilling while
10:15 am - Bus picks us up at the Christiana Hilton visitors walk through the mansion. Let me know if you are
11:00 am - Arrival at Winterthur, walk to museum shuttle bus interested.
to the house
NAQGCON – This & That submitted by: Gail Freed, Westminster CA
The Registration Form has a small change. The second menu heading NAQGCON and scroll down to Instructor
section of the form is for Guest information. A guest is a Registration. Download or print the form, fill it out and mail
person(s) that accompanies a member to the conference it or scan it to the NAQGCON host.
and will need an ID name tag to be furnished by the Host
or the member, so everyone knows who is who. Not all the First time attending? For the classes you’ll want to bring
Guest information has to be filled in, just their name and city/ your personal quilling supplies:
¾¾ Quilling Tool(s) – slotted and needle
The Meals Only section of the registration form is to include ¾¾ Glue
a member’s Guest at our two group meals, a lunch and a ¾¾ Pointed Tweezers
dinner. Select which meals your guest will participate and ¾¾ Quilling Design Board
add the cost to your registration fee. Attendee’s registration ¾¾ Ruler
fee amount already includes the cost for their meals. ¾¾ Scissors
¾¾ Straight Pins – ball headed
Volunteer Class/Demo Instructor Registration form will now ¾¾ Wax Paper
be available only from the NAQG web site. Click on the
Always contact the NAQGCON Host directly if you need
more information.
Page 6 Fall 2018
North American Quilling Guild Conference
All Quillers are invited to attend, you do not have to be a paid member of the NAQG.
The 2019 NAQGCON will be held on April 26 and 27, 2019 at the Wilmington/Christiana Hilton, 100
Continental Dr., Newark, DE 19713. Guest room rates for our group will be discount-priced at $119. The hotel
will extend this special rate from Wednesday through Sunday nights. Reserve your room by calling 1-877-883-
0746 and tell them you are reserving your room for the North American Quilling Guild Conference (Group code:
NAQG) to ensure you receive the discount guest room rate. Hotel reservations must be made no later than
March 26, 2019. (NOTE: If you reserve your hotel room after the deadline date and need the discount rate, please
contact me at [email protected], and I will arrange.)
The closest airport is Philadelphia International (PHL). The best way to and from the airport is to either rent a car
and drive I-95 South, or use Delaware Express Shuttle (goairportshuttle.com). You can also take the airport train
into Center City, and take a second train to the Wilmington or Newark, DE train stations, where the hotel shuttle
can pick you up. The number to call for the hotel shuttle is 302-454-1500.
A secondary airport is Baltimore Washington International (BWI). You will need to either rent a car and drive I-95
North, or take the airport shuttle to the Amtrak Station, with a final destination of Newark, DE, where the hotel
shuttle can pick you up. This is about an hour and a half away from the hotel, but some folks find it cheaper.
Please let me know if you are using the trains, so that I can coordinate your arrival with the hotel shuttle driver. If
you are driving, the hotel is off of I-95 in Christiana.
Conference Theme (suggested by Marion Bertaut) is “Quill Your Way Across Delaware”. I will provide
everyone with an ID name tag, but would like each of you to find an interesting fact about Delaware and place it on
a 4x6 index card, and quill the card for an exchange with other attendees.
Members that extend their stay, I have arranged a tour of antique quilling at Winterthur Museum and Gardens,
scheduled for Sunday, the tour itinerary and payment information is included in the Quill America.
Thanks to the generosity of the members who volunteer their time and expertise, we hope to offer a variety of
classes/workshops. If you would like to volunteer to teach a class/workshop, give demos or “Make-it/Take-its”,
please let me know as soon as possible, and fill out and return to me the Volunteer Instructor Registration Form
{available from the NAQG web site}. When teachers/classes are confirmed, I will post the class descriptions and
notify attendees when to choose classes.
The NAQGCON is a very special event and opportunity to meet other quillers, learn new techniques and share
ideas. All conference activity is held in the hotel, including 2 group meals (the cost has been included in the
Registration Fee). The general schedule goes something like this: Most attendees arrive Thursday afternoon to
pre-register, receive their ‘goodie’ bag w/conference information, interact with other attendees. Friday is a day of
classes/workshops, Group Lunch, set up competition entries, vendors will set up their tables. On Saturday
members set up any personal work displays, there are demos or make & takes, vendor shopping, raffle ticket sales,
and the hours of 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. the general public is allowed to visit and learn to quill. Saturday evening is the
Group Dinner, announcements and awards to competition winners, and raffle ticket drawings.
If you plan to donate any giveaways, or items for the raffle table and send by mail to my address: 146 Wedgefield
Drive, New Castle, DE 19720, please let me know as soon as possible and include a note inside the parcel so I
know what the items are for. Please do not mail any parcels directly to the hotel.
This event takes a lot of work and planning, I’m relying on you to return the required forms and payments to me as
early as possible, so I know how many to plan for.
Please remember to bring your personal quilling tools, glue, scissors, etc. (packed inside your luggage) for the
classes and extra paper to practice all the things you will see and learn. You may contact me at 302-740-2544 or
via email at [email protected] with any questions, or if you need help with your hotel room reservation.
Deborah Arnold, your 2019 NAQGCON Host (Revised: 08/2018)
Fall 2018 Page 7
North American Quilling Guild Conference
Competition General Rules & Guidelines 2019
Members are encouraged to participate in the NAQGCON competition, whether or not you are able to attend in person.
Entering the competition automatically grants permission for work to be photographed and photos used by the NAQG.
The competition entries are voted upon anonymously; any entries with visible names, initials, or other identification is
not permitted and must be covered before submission. All entries must have been created within the last year and only
one entry per category is allowed. Only the Quilled Card category must be of the Theme.
There are 7 competition categories, 5 of the categories have 4 levels: Beginner Level (quilling less than 2 years);
Intermediate Level (quilling 2–5 years); Accomplished Level (quilling 5+ years); and Champion Level (has won a
previous first place in any Accomplished Level category). Enter as many categories as you wish, there is no penalty if
you pre-select/mark a category and do not enter work in that category.
First place winners of the previous years’ NAQGCON competition are not eligible to enter work in the same category
level they won first place; they may only enter work in that same category at a higher level, and they may enter the other
categories at any level. If you received first place in any category at the Accomplished Level, all your future entries for
that category must be entered at the Champion Level.
If you are attending and entering the competition, you may mail your Competition and NAQGCON Registration forms
at the same time. If you are not attending and mailing your competition entries, they must be received by the
NAQGCON Host no later than 2 weeks before the conference start date. Make sure all your entries are packed
securely so that nothing comes loose during transport and MUST include return postage inside the parcel.
International Members – We regret we no longer accept or return international members’ competition entries by mail.
Other arrangements must be made. Contact the Host or the Competition Director for more information.
Quilled Cards
1. Must have/follow the “Quill Your Way Through Delaware” theme. Card size cannot exceed 6” x 9”.
2. Must be made from quilled paper strips, card and glue ONLY…(NO written/printed words, numbers, etc.)
Free Standing Quilling
1. Must be made from quilled paper strips, card and glue ONLY. Must be completely self-supporting.
Framed Quilling
1. Must be made from quilled paper strips, glue, and backing/matting ONLY…(NO beads, wires, pins, etc.)
2. Total size cannot exceed 30” (76.2cm) on any one side. The frame itself may be made of any material.
Miniature Quilling
1. Total size, including any display materials, cannot exceed 4” x 4” x 4”.
2. Entries may be single stand-alone, or a group of pieces, so long as the size restrictions are met.
Quilling and Beyond
1. Quilling attached to or adorned with other media materials, the majority of the piece must be quilling.
Quilled Jewelry Individual Piece [This is a non-level category.]
1. The main piece must be quilling. (Jewelry findings: metal clasps, chains, hooks, etc., is permitted.)
Quilled Jewelry Set [This is a non-level category.]
1. The coordinated set may contain up to 4 pieces of jewelry. (A pair of earrings counts as one piece.)
Send mail-in competition entries to:
Deborah Arnold
c/o NAQGCON Competition
146 Wedgefield Dr.
New Castle, DE 19720
(302) 740-2544
Page 8 Have Competition Questions?
Contact the NAQGCON Competition Director: Shelly Krzyzewski; E-mail: [email protected]
(Please include in the Subject Line: NAQGCON Competition Question)
(Revised: 08/2018)
Fall 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
My First Competition by Rhonda Cole, San Diego CA
Though I had been quilling and an NAQG member since Quilling and Beyond. My planned Quilling and Beyond piece
2000, the first competition I entered was in 2011. Why wait would have to go into the Framed category. Well, at least
so long? Good Question. As best as I can remember, I was they were both accepted into the competition. This taught
scared. I felt my quilling was not up to the quality of the me to be more aware of the parameters of each category.
pieces others were entering. I was awed by their work. Their When I saw who I would be competing with, I was sure I
imagination, design and presentation were mesmerizing, couldn’t win. Their pieces were just awesome to me. Later
beautiful pieces. I was quite intimidated. the next night at the awards ceremony I was shocked to
Then I had an opportunity to really study a piece by learn that my piece that had to be reclassified to Quilling
someone whose work I truly admired and I realized that and Beyond had collected a 3rd Place ribbon! I was so
even though it was a gorgeous piece, there were flaws. very thrilled that I couldn’t stop smiling. Wow, I got a 3rd!
WAIT WHAT!? My idol’s quills were not perfect?? But, her Remarkably, they called my name for my second piece that
piece was fabulous, intricate and beautiful. And then, I got it. was reclassified to the Framed category. I had won another
3rd Place ribbon. Needless to say, I was over the moon with
• First, I must confess that I am my own worst critic. joy. My first competition and both pieces took 3rd Place!
I will always see every flaw, every imperfection, every That year I noticed a number of pieces entered were the
glue mark. Unless someone uses a magnifying glass only ones in a category. It was then that I decided I would
and looks at each and every quill, they won’t notice the always enter as many pieces as I could. In the spirit of
flaws that I see. They only see the beauty of the finished competition, the more the merrier.After this experience I have
product, which is exactly what I was trying to accomplish. entered something into competition every year possible.
• Second, in order for there to be a competition there Some years, time, commitments and creativity won’t permit
has to be more than one entry in a category. If there is me to complete a quality piece. Other years, I’ve been able
only one entry to a category, then it is just a display piece. to enter something into many of the categories I qualify for.
I didn’t crank up my courage to enter a competition where I have been prolific enough to win 9 ribbons ranging from
my piece was the only one. Competition with my peers Honorable Mention to First Place. I have entered competition
taught me so much about quality, composition, creativity pieces into six of the seven categories. My skill level has
and myself that my work has improved every year since. improved with every win. Each win in a category moved
• Third, there is something deeply satisfying to have me up through the levels from Intermediate to Champion.
peers, mentors and idols judge your work. Because they Now I am honored to compete at the Champion level in 2
truly know. They know how much work it took. They know categories.
how many techniques you used. They know because I want to encourage everyone who can to enter at least
they’ve done it. When your work is acknowledged for one piece, regardless of category. You never know what
merit, that is the best praise of all. will be entered or who will win. I’ve had pieces that I never
Work commitments forced a hiatus from the Guild and expected to win, place 3rd. Then, I’ve had pieces I expected
all things quilling. I really missed the comradery, shared to win, not place at all. My experience in the competition
creativity and most of all the people. Determined to break the always leaves me energized and excited to do more
hiatus, in 2011, I decided to take pieces that I was most proud techniques, projects, try new ideas and bring a new piece to
of to the NAQGCON in Newport Beach, CA. I had planned competition because I am among other quillers.
one piece for the Free Standing category and another piece There are many quillers who have set the bar very high and
for the Quilling and Beyond category. However, when I took that inspires me to work even harder to create pieces that
them in there was a problem. My Free Standing piece wasn’t will allow me to clear the bar.
100% free standing. It was a hanging piece and I had used Look out quillers, I’m aiming for that elusive People’s
a wire to hang it from. And, oops, I had also included a few Choice award.
rhinestones. That meant this piece would have to go into
Fall 2018 Page 9
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Alejandra Sanchez Derteano PERU Jamie Roberts MI
NAQG Competition NAQG Competition
Jennifer Littlefield SD Victoria Simpson TN
NAQG Competition NAQG Competition
Page 10 Fall 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
J119 Charmayne Umbowers WA
J95 Rhonda Cole CA
NAQG Competition
Sandra Baughman IN Lorrie Timberlake CO
NAQG Competition (silver edge) NAQG Competition
Alejandra Sanchez Derteano PERU Juliet Hwang TX
NAQG Competition NAQG Competition
Fall 2018 Page 11
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Dancing Quillers of VT/NH
submitted by: Stephen Caswell, Waterbury Ctr VT
Fall is in the air, after the hottest July and August on record! The Dancing Quillers met in August at
Marianne's home in Enfield NH to do some basic husking and welcomed Alisa to our group.
In September Marianne taught us how to make her creche ornament with a 3-D Mary, Joseph and
baby Jesus. We all found making the cone shapes a challenge, but in the end were happy with the
results. My version of the Creche is pictured below.
If you live in the area and are interested in future mini meets with the Dancing Quillers please
contact Stephen for more information at [email protected]
Pictured L-R: Marianne Fassett, Denise, Nicky, Earlene & Alisa
Page 12 color image pg. 20
Fall 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Teaching in Denmark
submitted by: Charmayne Umbowers, Gig Harbor WA
Bob and I occassionally travel to Denmark for an annual on-line stores, it is far easier to spend money inside Karen-
kite event. On one of our trips, we searched for, and found, Marie's beautiful shop! You just never know when you can
Karen-Marie Klips. This is a paper crafting/decorating and go back!
quilling store plus paper museum and classroom space. It's
located outside a tiny town in southwestern Denmark. It is Last winter I offered to teach a class and that actually
considered the Mecca for quilling supplies and classes and happened in June. Over 20 quillers from Denmark, Germany,
conferences by many Europeans. Karen-Marie Fabricus and and Spain, both men and women surprised me by coming!
her husband own and operate the physical shop as well as They made the same Vortex post-style earrings as did
an online store. I met Karen-Marie a few years ago as she students at NAQGCON 2018. No, I don't speak Danish. But
was in the shop helping customers. As you can imagine, she Karen-Marie and Hanna (the righthand gal you see in Karen-
is a lovely person. A quiller, right!?! I got an inside peek of Marie You-Tube videos) speak English as did so many of
several of the workrooms including where her husband cuts the students. Each ended up with a pair of sturdy, Vortex
all the strips. Much of her paper comes from Spain. Karen- earrings. There wasn't time for many photographs but Bob
Marie offers many, many colors cut in several widths, a wide took one as class was starting and I got a couple more plus
variety of instruction sheets plus full and partial kits, tools one of a German lady posed with her new earrings. What a
and books, plus pre-made items in the quilling department. fun morning.
As easy as it is to spend lots of money in our US based
Fall 2018 Page 13
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Notes from the Quirky Quillers' Guild
submitted by: Elsie Schaffrick, Edmonton AB, Canada
This September 2018, our Westend Seniors Activity Centre (WSAC) which is home to our Guild
gatherings on Friday afternoons, celebrated its 40th Anniversary. Consequently, the 40th Anniversary
became the topic of our 2018 group project featuring the popular tight circle technique. Members had
a great time designing creative tight circles with various widths of paper and also incorporating the
odd fringe or crimp. What an efficient way to use up leftover strips of paper! There are even a tiny
rabbit and a silver flower hidden in the midst.
The letters and numerals, featuring the modern edge technique in-filled with beehiving, were created
by Victor Loerzel, an exceptional quiller, who unfortunately and unexpectedly passed away shortly
after he had spearheaded our project to completion. The people logos in each corner and the names
recognition were done by Elsie. And everyone who could spare a little time helped with gluing to turn
out the final impressive project which is prominently displayed at WSAC!
color images pg. 20
Page 14 Fall 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Pattern Corner
Make & Take - Fish
Total Strips: 1 strip Quillography paper (cardstock) Eye with Highlight:
for body, curve, and mouth. Total 10 strips (5 of 1 - 6" black strip, 1 - 8" white strip, 1 - 4" black
each color) for focus color of scales, fins and tail strip, glue end to end. 1 - 1" white strip, flattened
(choose 2), Total 6 strips (3 of each color) for tight coil and glue 3" from end of 6" black strip.
accent color of scales, fins and tail (choose 2). 1 Beginning with 6" black roll entire strip into tight
black strip and 1 white strip for eye. coil and glue directly onto paper.
Paper for Fish Body Color: 1 - 3"x3" square
approx. Scales: Make 4 (approx) (I used 3 w/2 colors
around edge & 1 w/2 colors center)
Outline: Using 2 different colors, tear 6" lengths, glue on
1 - 6" cardstock, shape into oval for fish body. top of each other at 1 end, use behive technique
Add glue to one edge of strip and glue directly and glue directly to paper. Let dry then Trim paper
to paper in oval shape. You can use needle tool, close to and around fish's body
tweezers or toothpick to remove any excess glue
along sides. Fins - Upper and Lower:
6 - 3" strips, glue end in feather/stagger pattern
Curve Separating Face from Body: for multi-strip scroll. Adjust, glue, and trim, glue to
1 - 1½" cardstock curved and glued directly to fish body. Repeat for other fin.
paper - edges touching inside edges of body.
(Depending on your oval shape this strip may Tail: Make 2
be longer or shorter than 1 ½" ...measure strip 12 - 6" strips, glue end in feather pattern for
before you cut and glue into place.) multi-strip scroll. Adjust, glue, and trim. Repeat to
Mouth/Smile: complete tail fin.
1 - ¼" cardstock, curved into smile and glue
directly onto paper one edge touching inside Design by: Linda Larson, Fallon NV
edge of body.
color image pg. 20 Page 15
Fall 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Pattern Corner
Suncatcher instructions
1. Use 6 full length (17”) pieces of white 1/8 inch quilling strips.
2. Quill each of these strips by inserting the end of a strip into the
slotted tool, then turning to form a tight coil. Place each coil
into a #1 circle on a Quilled Creations circle ruler. Tease the
circle with your finger to expand the coil to fill the circle. See
Figures A and B.
3. Glue each piece and then pinch each end into a marquis shape as in Figure C. Wrap each piece
3 times with a black quilling strip, maintaining the marquis shape by pinching as you wrap. Use a
tiny dab of glue to start, then a dab of glue at the end of the wrap.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 using all 6 pieces of white paperstrips.
5. Do the same with the 6 pieces of green paper fitting to the #3 on the circle ruler as in figures A & B.
6. Measure one 4 inch pieces of yellow 1/8 inch quilling strips.
7. Make a tight coil from each strip. Glue ends, then wrap in black as above.
8. Fit the white pieces around the yellow tight coil and glue. Then insert the green leaves between
each white petal.
9. Wrap the entire piece in black 3 times. This should form a circle.
10. Attach some clear nylon thread as a hanger.
Design by: Deborah Arnold, New Castle DE
color images pg. 19
Figure A Figure B Figure C
Page 16 Fall 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
A warm welcome to our newest members!
(15 Jun 2018 – 14 Oct 2018)
Neva Ahern Selden, NY Bernadette Hoppe Centereach, NY
Sharon Brem King George, VA Catherine Kelly Leesburg, VA
GK Brinker San Antonio, TX Diane Knapp Casa Grande, AZ
Sandy Brooks Hancock, NH Suzanne Koehler Gilberts, IL
Natalya Bulaeva Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Kandy Mathis Decatur, GA
Jason Croucher Osage City, KS Cynthia Merkel Sault Ste Marie, MI
Suzanne Diem Swartz Creek, MI Judith Padalino Wharton, NJ
Donetta Driscoll Emory, TX Laura Sandow Portland, OR
Stephanie Elliott Lewiston, ID Heather Vaksdal Grantsburg, WI
Karen Hale Newbury, OH Julia Waite Abington, PA
Kristen Heath Talent, OR Holly Weaver Centralia, MO
Zainab Helal Hamadtown, Bahrain Kasia Zielinski Toronto Canada
W e apologize in advance for any omissions or misspellings. Please email [email protected] for
any changes so we can correct them. Also, if you have moved, please let Roxann Dragula know of these
changes. We are getting returned newsletters which cost extra postage to re-send.
Fall 2018 Your one-stop shop for a dazzling array
of quilling, paper and craft products
sourced from around the world. Discover
an innovative range of quilling supplies,
books, tools and accessories in our
extensive on-line catalog by visiting
email [email protected]
Sign up for our Newsletter, too!
Page 17
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Notes from the Archive Committee
submitted by: Lynn Paarmann, Palm Coast FL
The NAQG Archives Committee and Board of Directors would like
to extend a quilling challenge to members of the guild. In museums
throughout the world there are examples of exquisite antique quilling,
also known as paper filigree. The challenge is for members to recreate
an antique quilled piece of your choice. Your creation does not need to
be an exact replica by any means. Rather, use your selected antique
piece as inspiration for your own creation. It could be very close to the
antique work, or it could be your own quilled art that is loosely based on your selected inspiration piece. Also, your
art does not have to be the same size as the original.
This is not meant to be a competition. However, the Archive Committee will be selecting their favorites. Participants
are invited to display their pieces at the 2019 conference, if attending. Photos will be displayed for those not
attending and will be featured in an upcoming issue of Quill America.
The Archives Committee would like to encourage members to begin working on a recreated quilled work. Please
send close-up photos to Lynn Paarmann, Archives Director, at [email protected]. In addition, please send a
photo of or webpage link of the antique work that inspired you, along with information identifying the art.
While you may select any antique piece you want, a good place to start your research is http://www.naqg.org/
Members/PDFdocs/FlorianPapp_Rolled_Scrolled.pdf. You will find Florian Papp’s “Rolled, Scrolled, Crimped, and
Folded: The Lost Art of Filagree Paperwork.” Other antique examples can be found online and in many popular
quilling books.
We are really looking forward to seeing your art!
The deadline is January 15th for the next edition of Quill America. As an effort to save on postage
the Winter and Spring edition will be combined in one issue. In each issue we will attempt to
have a theme for the designs relating to upcoming holidays and events. Of course, we welcome
all quilling related items. Members are reminded that all photos submitted for publication in Quill
America must be of a member’s original work. The NAQG does not accept any responsibility for
the originality of work presented in Quill America.
[email protected]
Alice Harris, Welland ON Canada
Quill America Editor
Page 18 Fall 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Deborah Arnold DE
Pattern Corner pg. 16
Stacey Moore TX
NAQG Competition
Marjorie Hargett Jones AR
“The Doves” 14”x16” 193 hrs. to complete
Fall 2018 Page 19
Linda Larson NV
Pattern Corner pg. 15
Stephen Caswell VT
Article pg. 12
Quirky Quillers AB Canada
Article pg. 14
Laura St. John NJ
Wedding keepsake
Sandra Baughman IN
NAQG Competition