Quill America
Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Lorrie Timberlake CO Toyomi Sato JAPAN
1st Place Card Inter. 1st Place
Quilling & Beyond Inter.
Sara Rodriguez AK
1st Place Miniature Beg.
Rachel Brown FL
1st Place Free Standing Beg.
and 1st place Framed Inter. (R) Sandra Baughman IN 2018 NAQGCON PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD (Tie) and
Honorable Mention Quilling & Beyond Champion.
Page 2 Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Board of Directors Table of Contents
Accreditation Committee ..... Sherry Rodehaver
2625 E Turkeyfoot Lk Road Board Report ......................................................... 4-5
Uniontown, OH 44685 2018 NAQGCON
330-699-2500 One Last “Howdy” & Thank you ................. 5-6
[email protected]
Archive Committee .............. Lynn Camden Paarmann Testimonials - 1st Time Attendees ................ 6
76 Princeton Ln.
Mini Duck Pond
Palm Coast, FL 32614 Pattern Corner .............................................. 7
[email protected]
Community Relationship and Development Committee Window Ornament/Sun Catcher Butterfly
............................................. Sara E Rodriguez-Miranda
P.O. Box 976 Pattern Corner .............................................. 8
Kasilof, AK 99610 Competition Finalists ................................................ 9
907-420-4881 Accreditation Program Year 2018 ........................... 10
[email protected] So you think you can quill ??? .................... 10
Pictorial ........................................................ 11
Membership Committee ...... Roxann Dragula
5710 Broad River Run Conference Pictorial .......................................... 12-18
Ellenton, FL 34222
941-928-8669 Competition Finalists ......................................... 19-21
[email protected] Dancing Quillers of VT/NH ...................................... 22
NAQG Conference Committee
Community Relationship & Development Committee 23
.............................................. Gail Freed
6401 Navajo Road Disney’s 2018 Festival of the Arts ........................... 23
Welcome New Members ......................................... 24
Westminster, CA
92683-2041 Newsletter Committee ............................................ 24
[email protected] Submission Deadlines ................................ 24
Competition Committee....... Shelly Krzyzewski Social Media ........................................................... 25
51934 Orange Rd.
Quill America Supporters ........................................ 25
South Bend, IN 46628
[email protected] Notes from the Archive Committee
Newsletter Committee ......... Alice Harris “Take the Challenge” ................................... 26
95 Bridlewood Drive
Pictorial .............................................................. 27-28
Welland, ON Canada
L3C 6H3
[email protected] Annual Membership Fee (USD)
Treasury Committee ............ Carla Parvin
6124 Whitman Ave. $15 Online Only
Fort Worth, TX 76133
817-846-2739 $27 US
[email protected]
Website and Internet Development Committee $40 Canada/Mexico;
............................................ Rhonda Cole
2630 Larkin Place $60 International
San Diego, CA 92123
859-699-7185 Renew online at naqg.org
[email protected]
We like to hear from you: Membership Fee is non-refundable
[email protected]
Summer 2018 Page 3
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Board Report
Board Meeting of the NAQG Parts I and II of the History of Quilling the Representatives quilling stories in
Tuesday, June 12, 2018 have now been published in Quill the next issue of Quill America.
7:30 p.m. [Eastern] America, which was the major task the
committee recently completed. Membership Committee
Attending Directors: Roxann Dragula
Sherry Rodehaver – Accreditation One idea that I would like to discuss We have 370 members at this time.
Lynn Paarmann – Archive with the committee is the possibility
Sara Rodriguez – Community Relations of encouraging members to attempt NAQG Conference Committee
Roxann Dragula – Membership a re-creation with adaptions of some Gail Freed
Gail Freed – NAQGCON of the antique quilling pieces found in Thank you Beth Clark for hosting a
Shelly Krzyzewski – NAQGCON museums, or from the Florian Papp wonderful conference, everyone had
Competition Gallery catalogue “Rolled, Scrolled, a great time. I want to also personally
Alice Harris - Newsletter Crimped, and Folded: The Lost Art of thank the raffle table team: Lisa Palmer,
Rhonda Cole - Website Filigree Paperwork.” Interested members Charmayne Umbowers, Jim Benvie,
Rhonda opened the meeting at 7:30 could select a piece and put their own Al Bertaut, and Kim Hughlett, on this
pm (Eastern) modern twist on a similar sort of quilled year’s efficient and speedy raffle ticket
work. These could then be featured in drawings (hope we do it again next
Accreditation Committee Quill America. year). During the conference it was
Sherry Rodehaver announced that Deborah Arnold will
The 2018 program is completed and we Community Relationship & host the 2019 NAQGCON in Newark,
had 4 members accredited. Certificates Development Committee Delaware, and Carole Harp will host the
were delivered. The newly accredited Sara Rodriguez 2020 NAQGCON in Springfield, Illinois.
members are featured in this issue of Since taking the position as director I have
Quill America. The next start date to been working on bringing more regional NAQG Conference Competition
apply for the program is November 1, representatives on board and we have Shelly Krzyzewski
2018. doubled the number of representatives This year’s competition was
for a total of 19. I also created a group outstanding. It was the most organized
A current listing of all NAQG accredited chat for the committee on the GroupMe and least stressed I’ve ever been. This
members to date has been added to app. Most all of the reps are on it and use may be attributed to Beth’s amazing
the Member’s Corner on the NAQG it to interact with one another. planning and foresight to get the
website. The Fall issue of Quill America competition set up Thursday night. This
will also include the list of our accredited Everyone is keeping busy with craft fairs, may not always be possible at future
members. classes, and their own personal business conference venues, but it is something
of building inventory to sell and teach. We to keep in mind and mention to future
Archive Committee have showed our students work in the hosts.
Lynn Paarmann group chat and our own work as well. We
I have completed forming a new have discussed how to price our inventory Newsletter Committee
Archive Committee and the members and how to sell it. I keep posting on our Alice Harris
are: Donna Del Giudice, Lora Smith, Facebook group the announcement The Spring issue of Quill America has
Alejandra Sanchez Derteano, and to recruit new representatives and the been printed and mailed at a total cost
Jennifer Littlefield. Soon I am going to response has been very productive. I of $2,146.67. The Summer issue will
have an online chat with the committee passed the complete list of Regional have 12 color pages (black & white
members to elicit ideas on how to Representatives to Alice and, hopefully, space to be determined by content
proceed with its tasks. it will be published along with some of received – maximum 20 pages).
cont’d on page 5
Page 4 Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
lf you can hear me......give me one last “HOWDY” !
As host of a NAQGCON, you pretty much attend and the hospitality room we were able to get a bit
“out of body”. After a full year of planning, making extra on what we missed in the class next door.
notes, notes and more notes, organizing (hosting I can’t say enough about the talent, creativity
5 hours away from the conference location and selflessness of our instructors; sharing of
requires extra organization), phone calls, emails, their time, knowledge and patience with all of
the day finally arrives, and it’s show time! Thank us. Much thanks to Elaine Altemose, Sandy
goodness for all those notes! And with all that Baughman, Marion Bertaut, Kay Charles, Carole
organization, the conference falls into place and Harp, Juliet Hwang, Shelly Krzyzewski, Ann
leads itself. Thank you to all the attendees that just Marie Lafrenaye, Lisa Palmer, Sherry Rodehaver,
stepped up to help bring all the details together. Marsha Wilbur, Jamie Roberts, Lorrie Timberlake,
My goal for our 2018 conference was
to make sure each and everyone Charmayne Umbowers and
was engaged and connected with Maggie Nakatani. Thank you,
each other. I feel we attained that Molly Smith and Rhonda Cole,
goal. New friendships formed, old for our make’n take Saturday
friendships grew stronger and it all afternoon. I hope that you all
started with our welcome reception will continue to share with us at
photo booth. What good sports we future conferences.
are! From a pink boa and cowboy Now. How ‘bout those goodie
hat to a mustache and giant bags! They were so healthy,
sunglasses. We have the pictures some of you couldn’t get it all
to prove itl home I hope you are enjoying
Our class selection was such that it your very functional bag
was a daunting choice. We wanted while attending your quilling
it all but thankfully with extra kits gatherings.
continued pg. 6
Board Report cont., for us. I am also researching a better, So that I can design the site with all
safer, easier, more secure way to store members in mind, I’d like to know of any
Treasury Committee Guild documents. I am also researching member who does not use a computer
Carla Parvin Membership software and Newsletter at all. I’m not changing any current
Carla was unable to attend but software for the website. Toni and I met access, newsletters will continue as is,
submitted the following report: our bank at NAQGCON and created a list of things I’m not changing anything there. This is
balance is $10,877.00. I am pending to fix and items we would like to add. a curiosity question to assist me in how
final paperwork from the conference I approach some of the new features
hostess. All previously received refund Letter from Rhonda that I will be implementing. I look
requests have been processed. Beth forward to hearing from you all soon as
and I previously discussed transferring “Hi fellow quillers, I begin updating the NAQG website.
the treasurer duties in June or July. I am the new Director of Website and Rhonda Cole”
Internet Development. Over the next
Website & Internet Development few months I’ll be updating the website. Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Committee - Rhonda Cole I would love to hear your ideas of what (Eastern). The Executive Director at
The website will be rebuilt in Word you would like to see on the site. Drop the next Board meeting will be Shelly
Press. I am reviewing several me an email at [email protected]. Krzyzewski. The next meeting will be
“Themes” to find one that will work OR send a letter to Rhonda Cole, 2630 September, date to be determined.
Larkin Place, San Diego, CA 92123.
Summer 2018 Page 5
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Beth says THANKS...cont. from page 5 handy.
Big hugs and thank you to our contributors: Sherry Texas Trivia winner was, from all places, Peru!
Rodehaver, Charmayne Umbowers, Shelly
Krzyzewski, Quilling Supply/Roxann Dragula, Yea Alejandra Derteano! She got the most correct
Carole Harp, Quilled Creations, Lake City/Lisa
Palmer, Juliet Hwang, Marion Bertaut, Toni answers on the Texas Trivia Quiz. Our souvenir
Swayze, Molly Smith, Harris Embroidery etc.,
Jennifer Grabowski, Mac-Beth’s and bbthequiller. mason jar was designed by Alice Harris. Thank
One goodie that did not get into the bags in
time was from Whimsiquills, The package came you all that submitted a design. And the winner
the day I left for the conference, so l’m bringing
them to Delaware. Without all of you, our bags of the “PURDY BOOT” was none other than Kay
would have been EMPTY! Thanks to my helpers
that stuffed the goodie bags as well. This was a Charles! Her quilled “spurs that jingle jangled”
huge task. lf I missed you here, just know that
l appreciate all of you and every item stuffed in attached to her hiking boots were adorable. I
these bags! Thank you all for raffle donations.
Keep these coming year after year! Our team did sure hope there is a picture some where in this
a super job of organizing and implemented a very Editor’s note: see pg. 18
efficient new system of handing out to the winners newsletter.
at dinner on Saturday evening. Thank you, Gail
Freed, Lisa Palmer, Charmayne Umbowers and A big hug and a Texas size thank you to my sweet
your little helpers (husbands); remember, I was
“out of body” but those guys really do come in friend Jennifer Grabowski. Thank you for coming
early from Long lsland to help me finalize and
haul it all 5 hours down the road. It took me a
few weeks to come down off the “hosting HIGH”
and no, l’m not completely unpacked. I would do
it all again in a heartbeat! I will forever treasure
all our friendships. I have memories embedded in
my heart and I can’t wait to see you all next year.
Happy Trails!
Beth Clark
P.S. ....trying to figure out a way to get Macarons
to Delaware! May have to purchase a seat on the
plane for them!
Testimonials...1ST Time Attendees
Meredith McGuire, Chicago IL
It was a delight to find myself surrounded by so many creative, gifted women -- each of them welcoming
and encouraging. Moreover, in what other art -- and at what other conference, save NAQGCon --
would a rank beginner have the opportunity to learn directly from some of the best artists in the field?
I felt so fortunate to be able to attend the conference, and I hope to see everyone in Delaware next
Karla Schaefer , Poncha Springs CO
As a first time attendee, I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoyed the 2018 NAQGCON this year.
Before the conference, I communicated with Beth several times with a million questions. She patiently
answered all of my questions and added helpful information to make my experience great. I learned
many new techniques and tricks from the great variety of classes I was able to attend. The make-it
and take-it room was great because everyone shared thoughts and ideas. Everyone was so nice and
welcoming, I’m looking forward to seeing them again at the 2019 conference.
Margaret Putterman, Brooklyn NY
I had an absolutely delightful time. Everyone went out of their way to be friendly and helpful! I learned
a lot and had a lot of fun! Can’t wait for 2019 conference!
Page 6 Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Pattern Corner
Mini Duck Pond
Paper Needed: Then add a pair of ducks. Use yellow graduated
Blue scrap paper; Graduated Strips 1/16”; Blue, strips. Begin rolling from the white to make a small
Yellow & Green; Brown & Orange Strips 1/16” loose coil for the head and a slightly larger one
shaped into a teardrop for the body. Cut the 1/16”
Cutting a simple oval shape of blue paper to strip of orange in half lengthwise for the beak.
cover the metal base.
For a bit more color I added green graduated coils
Using blue graduated strips make small loose like the water as well as standing strips of green
coils shaped into teardrops and marquis covering in which I added brown curls to the top of to form
most of the base. Each coil a different length and the cattails.
shape. Begin the coils from either the white or Design by: Audrey Scruton, Oswego NY
blue end to make water.
color images pg. 28
Summer 2018 Audrey notes that this 2” dome used in the
project came from the many items collected
within her craft room having unknown origins,
whether they were garage sale finds, given to
her or bought too long ago to remember.
Editor’s note: I searched through Etsy and
found similar domes under “Jewelry Findings”.
Page 7
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Pattern Corner
Large Wing: I used Vellum papers - solid and SILLY OWL
Total 4 - 12” strips...2 for each wing...DO NOT Head & Body:
GLUE end to end. Total 5 -17” strips in same color
Using comb, use tweezers to fold for starting Head: Glue 2 - 17” strips end to end, place in
gluing lip begin at # 11 and make 7 loops moving slotted tool and coil. Remove from tool and let
up one tine at a time and on the same side until unwind in size 14+ or #1 circle template. Find
you have 7 loops. Place glue on the outside of lip overlap and glue end.
for the first loop. Place glue on the top of comb for Body: Glue 3 -17” strips end to end, place in
each following loop. slotted tool and coil. Remove from tool and let
For second wing, make loops on the opposite unwind in size 16+ or #0 circle template. Find
side of starting loop...This will keep your seams overlap and glue end. Shape into a teardrop.
at the back. Glue to head
(When you can no longer make a full loop with Wings: make 2
the first strip, tear off and glue to back of wing. Coil 1 - 17” strip and let unwind in 14+ or #1 circle
Add the second strip by gluing to back of wing template. Find overlap and glue end. Shape into
and continue the side loops. This is to ensure you slight crescent moon and glue to body.
don’t have your ‘seam’ connection on the front of Ears and Beak: total 3 triangles
the wing) Coil a 2” strip, let unwind a bit in fingers. Glue end
Small Wing: and pinch into triangle shape. Glue ears to side
Total 2 - 12” strips...1 for each wing. and top of head.
Repeat instructions above starting at #8 for a Glue wiggly eyes to head. Then glue beak triangle
total of 5 loops between eyes.
Body: Branch: total 5 strips
Using 1 full 24” strip and comb...Use tweezers to Tear 5 strips into 10” pieces. Coil the 10” strips
make starting lip and begin making loops at the and let unwind in 10-12” or #3 circle template.
#2 tine. Move down one tine at a time until you Find overlap and glue end. Shape in marquise
can no longer make a complete loop. and glue together as pictured.
Tear strip at 20” and make a tight coil. Glue head Glue owl to branch, let dry, then glue to canvas.
to body.
Tear strip at 4” and fold in half. Using slotted tool,
coil the ends away from the fold (V-scroll). Glue
antennea to head.
Glue body then wings onto glass. I use E6000 for
Both Designs by: Linda Larson, Fallon NV color images pg. 28
Page 8 Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Carole Harp IL Sherry Brock FL
Toyomi Sato JAPAN Alejandra Derteano PERU
Summer 2018 Page 9
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Accreditation Program Year 2018
The North American Quilling Guild Accreditation Program for the year 2018 is now completed. The
Accreditation Team is pleased to recognize and award certificates to four applicants for earning their
accredited status.
A warm and sincere congratulations go to:
Lorrie Timberlake, Arvada CO
Beth Clark, Midland TX
Sherry Rodehaver, Uniontown OH
Molly Smith, Benbrook TX
-----------------------------------Year 2018 NAQG Conference Grapevine TX ------------------------------------
So you think you can quill.....???? I didn’t struggle this much when I first picked up
a quilling tool. I was really getting frustrated and
submitted by: Beth Clark, Midland TX doubted my decision to attempt this.
As Gail Freed was announcing in Tampa that the I rested through the holidays. Didn’t even read
next NAQGCON would be held in Texas and Beth the materials again. ln January, I started all
Clark would be hosting, this flash of insanity jolted over, with my plan in place for my submission
my already overloaded thought process. piece. Knowing I only had less than 2 months
to complete this enormous task, I was able to
As if I didn’t have enough already stacking up on somehow overcome my self inflected anxiety.
my plate, I thought how amazing would it be to Shape by shape, it all came together. I shipped
earn my accreditation in my home State!? it off just under the deadline wire and thus began
the looooooooonnnnnggggg wait.
Well the thought would not leave me alone so
l sent off for my application on November 1st Of course, I had a conference to plan so lucky me
and with tremendous excitement the package had something to distract me from the wait! The
arrives a few weeks later. I read through ALL the letter arrives........l take a deep breath.......l review
materials, as highly suggested, and in December, in my mind my plan to try again next year.......and
I take my assigned color and start practicing with then with the first sentence.......TEXAS SIZE
a simple loose circle.........NOT! l’m like.....what is TEARS, not sweat, flow down my cheeksl!llll
wrong with me? My hands would sweat profusely,
so much so it was damaging the paper! My loose I encourage you to take this personal challenge.
circles had damp dimples in them. I try another You will learn so much about your own style of
shape......same thing. Glue was oooooozing out of quilling and put your ability to the test. ALWAYS
the bottle on everything I touched. Sweat pouring have a plan B. Adapt and overcome!
off my forehead and down the back of my neck!
Page 10 Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
2018 Accredited Members
Summer 2018 Page 11
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Sandra Baughman IN Rhonda Cole CA
1st Place 1st Place
Framed Accomplished Miniature Accomplished
Carole Harp IL
1st Place
Miniature Champion
Page 12 Shelly Krzyzewski IN
1st Place
Framed Champion
Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Miki Kaneko JAPAN Rhonda Cole CA
1st Place 1st Place
Free Standing Champion Card Champion
Chie Omori JAPAN
1st Place
Quilling & Beyond Accomplished
Summer 2018 Page 13
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Alejandra Derteano PERU
1st Place Card Accomplished
Rachel Brown FL
1st Place Quilling & Beyond Beg.
Miki Kaneko JAPAN
1st Place
Jewelry Individual
Page 14 Sherry Brock FL
1st Place Free Standing
Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Maggie Nakatani JAPAN
1st Place Jewelry Set
Margaret Putterman NY Rachel Brown FL
2nd Place 2nd Place Miniature Beg.
Quilling & Beyond Beg. Page 15
Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Charmayne Umbowers WA
2nd Place Card Inter.
2nd Place Framed Inter.
Lisa Palmer MO
2nd Place
Framed Accomplished
Sara Rodriguez AK Alejandra Derteano PERU
Competition Piece Competition Piece
Page 16 Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Noriko Yagi JAPAN Charmayne Umbowers WA
2nd Place 2nd Place
Quilling & Beyond Inter. Miniature Accomplished
Charmayne Umbowers WA Naoko Suzuki JAPAN
2nd Place 2nd Place
Jewelry Set
Quilling & Beyond Accomplished
Summer 2018
Page 17
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Alejandra Derteano PERU
3rd Place Tie
Framed Accomplished
Susan Mara SC
3rd Place Tie
Framed Accomplished
Kay Charles PA Carole Harp IL
WINNER Honorable Mention
Free Standing Champion
“Purdy Boot” Contest Note: Full size replica
Carole Harp IL Summer 2018
3rd Place Quilling & Beyond
Note: Quilling on Deer Skull
Page 18
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Charmayne Umbowers WA Rachel Brown FL
Sara Rodriguez AK Margaret Putterman NY
Summer 2018 Page 19
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Lisa Palmer MO Sandra Baughman IN
Sherry Brock FL Noriko Yagi JAPAN
Page 20 Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Miki Kaneko JAPAN Rhonda Cole CA
Shelly Krzyzewski IN Maggie Nakatani JAPAN
Summer 2018 Page 21
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Dancing Quillers of VT/NH
submitted by: Steve Caswell, Waterbury Ctr VT
The Dancing Quillers resumed their mini-meets in May with Steve showing how to do
Iris Folding. We created a vase to hold some quilled lilacs to celebrate spring. Some
decided to do other flowers as their choice of vase colors didn’t go well with purple.
Marianne really got the bug and went home and made six more.
In June we met in Enfield NH, Marianne’s home town, to learn basic husking. We cut
out boxes on the Cricut to decorate with flowers.
Sorry we missed the conference this year. It looks like it was a winner. Maybe Delaware
next spring. Color images pg. 27
Photo L-R: Mildred, Joyce, Marianne, Carol, Nicky, Earlene, Denise and Steve
(Photo by Jim Fassett in mirror)
Page 22 Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Community Relationship & Development Committee
submitted by: Sara E Rodriguez-Miranda, Kasilof AK
Current list of Regional Representatives:
Alice Harris, S.Ontario Canada Lisa Palmer, Missouri
Audrey Scruton, New York Mary Ann Barbee, Arizona
Carol Barton, Texas Mary O’Connor, New York
Dahnean Roth, Indiana Sandra Baughman, Indiana
Danielle Kurtz, Michigan Silvia Pinto, Alberta Canada
Deb Mackes, Florida Toni Swayze, Oklahoma
Wendy Welton, New Brunswick Canada
Gerry Morgan, North Carolina Sara E. Miranda, Alaska
Jennifer Littlefield, South Dakota Michele Johnson, Northern California
Katherine Talledo, Peru Laura Sandow, Oregon
Kelly Bakiri, Massachusetts
Linda Larson, Nevada
If you do not see your home State/Province (or Country) it is because it is vacant at this time
and WE NEED YOU! Please contact: [email protected]
submitted by: Lois Bandt-Weber, Leesburg FL
Lois Weber (AKA Lois Bandt-Weber, my artist name) was
honored to be one of the artist participants in Disney World’s
Festival of the Arts on Wednesday February 7, 2018.
I taught 26 people how to quill. As only one hour and fifteen
minutes was allotted to teach, I figured I had better KISS it
(Keep It Simple Stupid). A snowflake ornament was chosen
to teach as it only used one color and two shapes. Disney
provided the materials to be used and I put the kits together.
My daughter Susan (my assistant) and I had free entry to
the park and were given tickets to any one of the parks for
future use.
Disney people found me, along with three other artists, at
Artisans on Fifth co-op store in Mt. Dora to invite as we each
are very different and creative in our field of art.
Disney provided a guide to help set-up and the sound guys
were terrific. The “students” were thrilled to learn a new art
form. After the program we could enjoy Epcot.
All in all, it was a great experience to be able to spread the
knowledge of Quilling.
Page 23
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
A warm welcome to our newest members!
(15 March 2018 – 14 Jun 2018)
Sue Kiker Chickasha, OK Shirley Nagg Rochester, NY
Patsy Phillips Totomi Sato Ota-ku, Tokyo JAPAN
Karen Pettinelli Sanford, NC Jacquelyn Trople Rapid City, SD
Gayle Howard Naoko Suzuki Nerima-ku, Tokyo JAPAN
Marjorie Dye Bradenton, FL Noriko Yagi Katsushika-ku, Tokyo JAPAN
Diane Gillette Wendy Welton Napan, NB CANADA
Vicki Huff Belvidere, NJ Meredith McGuire Chicago, IL
Linda Moser Robyn Plantz Cleveland, TN
Barbara Gordon Lopez, WA Stacey Moore Hurst, TX
Katherine Koppenhaver Margaret Putterman Brooklyn, NY
Cindy Tropeano Garland, TX Gerry Morgan Benson, NC
Chris Rynhart Brian Sigulinsky West Fork, AR
Linda Christopher Fort Worth, TX Pamela Dixon Theodore, AL
Mary Carrington Patrice Monteiro Long Beach, CA
Hurst, TX
Bradenton, Fl
Joppa, MD
Eastampton, NJ
Single Springs, CA
Plymouth, MI
Katy, TX
We apologize in advance for any omissions or misspellings. Please email [email protected] for
any changes so we can correct them. Also, if you have moved, please let Roxann Dragula know of
these changes. We are getting returned newsletters which cost extra postage to re-send.
Our competition was huge again this year. You will see that the color space is filled with pieces that finished in their
category. If you do not see your competition piece, no fear, we want to showcase all that participated! Watch for upcoming
issues of Quill America to see your competition piece. Next deadline is September 15th for the Fall edition. This issue
showcases events or special occasions for November, December and January should you want to participate by submitting
an exclusive piece. When submitting articles and pictures please email to:
[email protected]
Alice Harris, Welland ON Canada
Quill America Editor
Submission Deadlines
Each issue of Quill America will attempt to have a theme for the designs relating to upcoming holidays and events. Of
course, we welcome all quilling related items. Members are reminded that all photos submitted for publication in Quill
America must be of a member’s original work. The NAQG does not accept any responsibility for the originality of work
presented in Quill America.
ISSUE Fall 2018 Winter 2019 Spring 2019 Summer 2019
DEADLINE September 15 December 15 March 15 June 15
HIGHLIGHTS Nov/Dec/Jan Feb/Mar/Apr May/Jun/Jul NAQGCON & Aug/Sep/Oct
Page 24 Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Social Media
We approve the inclusion of Links related to your Quilling.
Please note that the NAQG does not endorse any seller or
items sold.
NAQG Facebook page is a closed “Members Only” group. Do not use this site to sell your items. If you have a business
Access to this page is ongoing as long as you continue to be please consider advertising in the NAQG publication Quill
a member in good standing of the North American Quilling America. Visit naqg.org for more information.
Guild. Visit the NAQG Facebook page and request to join.
You will be contacted if any of the Administrators have a
We welcome posting of your original artwork. Please get the question and to assist you with any posts. Inappropriate
necessary permission(s) if posting someone else’s work. content and/or questionable personal conduct will be
In our quest to promote quilling we welcome tips, hints and
challenges. Reminder:
If you are planning to enter a competition piece in the
NAQGCON or send an article for the Quill America, do not
post in this group.
Summer 2018 Your one-stop shop for a dazzling array
of quilling, paper and craft products
sourced from around the world. Discover
an innovative range of quilling supplies,
books, tools and accessories in our
extensive on-line catalog by visiting
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Page 25
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Notes from the Archive Committee
submitted by: Lynn Paarmann, Palm Coast FL
The NAQG Archives Committee and Board of Directors would like to extend a quilling challenge
to members of the guild. In museums throughout the world there are examples of exquisite
antique quilling, also known as paper filigree. The challenge is for members to recreate an
antique quilled piece of your choice. Your creation does not need to be an exact replica by
any means. Rather, use your selected antique piece as inspiration for your own creation. It
could be very close to the antique work, or it could be your own quilled art that is loosely based
on your selected inspiration piece. Also, your art does not have to be the same size as the
This is not meant to be a competition. However, the best quilled art will be selected to be
displayed at the 2019 conference, and photos will also be included in Quill America.
The Archives Committee would like to encourage members to begin working on a recreated
quilled work. Please send close-up photos to Lynn Paarmann, Archives Director, at LPaar@
yahoo.com. In addition, please send a photo of or webpage link of the antique work that
inspired you, along with information identifying the art.
While you may select any antique piece you want, a good place to start your research is http://
www.naqg.org/Members/PDFdocs/FlorianPapp_Rolled_Scrolled.pdf. You will find Florian
Papp’s “Rolled, Scrolled, Crimped, and Folded: The Lost Art of Filagree Paperwork.” Other
antique examples can be found online and in many popular quilling books.
We are really looking forward to seeing your art!
Editor’s note:
In the 2018 Spring edition of Quill America Pg. 15 The History of Quilling - the last line of paragraph
two ends above picture of Silver Clay quilling in column two.
Page 26 Summer 2018
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Dancing Quillers of VT/NH
see pg. 22
Steve Caswell VT
Sherry Gallagher FL Rachel Brown FL
Competition Piece Competition Piece
Summer 2018 Page 27
Dennis Brydon AZ Karla Schaefer CO
Competition Piece Competition Piece
Audrey Scruton NY
Pattern Corner pg. 7
Linda Larson NV
Pattern Corner pg. 8