Spring 2015
“My Zoo”
Lois Bandt-Weber
Florida US
more pg. 2
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
“My Zoo”
Lois Bandt-Weber
Florida US
Page 2 Spring 2015
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Board of Directors Table of Contents
Accreditation Committee ..... Sherry Rodehaver Board Report ............................................................ 4
2625 E Turkeyfoot Lk Road PayPal ...................................................................... 5
Uniontown, OH 44685 Newsletter Committee .............................................. 5
330-699-2500 Festival of Trees ....................................................... 6
[email protected] Snowflake Patterns ............................................... 7-9
Archive Committee .............. Donna Del Giudice Color Photos ...................................................... 10-11
11 Orchard St Dimensional Chocolate Dipped Strawberry ....... 12-13
Verona, NJ 07044 “Come Quill With Us” .............................................. 14
973-857-3999 Lotus Flower Instruction .......................................... 15
Community Relationship and Development Committee New Member Welcome .......................................... 16
............................................. Danielle Pray Notes from the Archivist ......................................... 16
859-485-6790 Quill America Supporter ......................................... 17
[email protected] NAQGCON 2015 Classes ...................................... 17
Membership Committee ...... Rita Anderson Quirky Quillers ........................................................ 18
2422 Torrington Drive Color Photos ...................................................... 19-20
Toms River, NJ 08755 Submission Deadlines
732-886-0867 Each issue of Quill America will attempt to have a
theme for the designs relating to upcoming holidays
[email protected] and events. Of course, we welcome all quilling
related items. Members are reminded that all photos
NAQG Conference Committee submitted for publication in Quill America must be of
a member’s original work. The NAQG does not accept
............................................. Gail Freed any responsibility for the originality of work presented
in Quill America.
6401 Navajo Road
Summer Issue Deadline: June 15
Westminster, CA Highlights: Events or Special occasions for Aug/Sep/Oct &
92683-2041 Fall Issue Deadline: September 15
Highlights: Events or Special occasions for Nov/Dec/Jan
714-892-9622 Winter Issue Deadline: December 15
Highlights: Events or Special occasions for Feb/Mar/Apr
[email protected] Spring Issue Deadline: March 15
Highlights: Events or Special occasions for May/Jun/Jul
Newsletter Committee ......... Alice Harris
95 Bridlewood Drive
Welland, ON Canada
L3C 6H3
[email protected]
Treasury Committee ........... Laura Olohan
26 Evergreen Ave
Springfield, NJ 07081
[email protected]
Website and Internet Development Committee
............................................ Antonella DeFalco
531 Brian Dean Drive
Glen Gardner, NJ 08826
[email protected]
Annual Membership Rates
$25 US; $30 Canada and Mexico;
$40 Everywhere Else
Renew online at www.naqg.org/member.html
Spring 2015 Page 3
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Board Report
Board Meeting of the NAQG – Gail Freed, NAQGCON issue of Quill America will include the
Wednesday, March 11, 2015 – 7:30 pm Committee membership booklet insert.
(Eastern) Gail reported that to date, the
conference host has two vendors and Laura Olohan, Treasury
Director Attendees: seven teachers. As of the deadline, 21 Committee
Sherry Rodehaver – Accreditation; registrations have been received. There Laura was not able to attend this
Donna Del Giudice – Archival; are some first time attendees. Susan meeting – no report.
Rita Anderson – Membership; has put up notices in the various quilling Laura is waiting to hear from the
Gail Freed – NAQGCON; groups and Sherry has been sending Treasury Department regarding the
Alice Harris – Newsletter out notices in her mailings. There will renewal of our tax exempt status for the
be Board representation at the event; Guild.
Alice Harris opened the meeting at 7:32 Sherry, Alice, and Gail should be there.
pm (Eastern) Gail said that competition entrants have Antonella DeFalco, Website
been low; hopefully more will be arriving Committee
Sherry Rodehaver, soon. Antonella was not able to attend this
Accreditation Committee meeting – no report. However,Antonella
Sherry reported that they have received Alice Harris, Newsletter has stepped down from the Director’s
five applications for the Accreditation Committee position and handed the reins over to
program. The submissions are in transit Alice received a request from Carie Brian Ruggerio – she will be staying on
to the judges and will be returned to Metcalf of Port Angeles, WA. She is the Committee to assist when needed.
the registration officer when judging designing a tree for their Christmas The Board welcomes him to the ranks
is complete. There were no overseas Tree Festival entitled “Quilling Around and will be discussing the website with
applications this year. the World”. Carie would like to reach Brian at future meetings.
out to members for donations of quilled
Donna Del Giudice, Archival ornaments. Alice had asked the Board Michele Johnson has stepped down as
Committee for approval and it was agreed to include the Facebook moderator (due to work
Donna reported on four new books the request in the newsletter. obligations). We thank her for all her
available from Amazon (US & UK). great work in moderating our page.
Donna suggested putting out a snowflake Peter Herring is our new moderator;
Danielle Pray, Community pattern for those who would like to do he comes well prepared for the job, as
Relations & Development one, but don’t already have a pattern. he was the moderator for the original
Committee Gail agreed and hopes that some quillers Quilling Guild Facebook page. We
Danielle was not able to attend – no will include instructions from their own appreciate all his assistance in keeping
report. designs that could be used in future our Facebook page going. Right now
newsletters. Other Board members we are almost at 6,500 members!
Rita Anderson, Membership were enthused about the idea and hopes
Committee that it generates a lot of support. Alice Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm
Rita announced that this quarter there will get back to her with permission from (Eastern). The Executive Director for
are 51 renewals and 23 new members. the Board and we will go from there. the next Board meeting will be Sherry
Rodehaver. The next meeting will be
Donna reminded the Board that this early June 2015 – date to be decided.
Page 4 Spring 2015
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
When using PayPal for North
American Quilling Guild use:
[email protected]
NOTE: International Members
should send any payment through
PayPal (we are sorry, we cannot
accept checks or bank drafts from
outside the United States)
Editor‛s Note:
On page 6 you will see a Quiller‛s Challenge...of sorts! Member Carie Metcalf of Washington
has asked for help with her Festival of Trees Project. On the following pages are instructions
for several snowflakes, but don‛t let your imagination stop there; Angels, Crosses, Santas and
Reindeer are just a few suggestions. Don‛t forget to write down your instructions should the
ornament be your own original design. We are looking forward to highlighting this project on
the pages of future issues of Quill America. HAPPY QUILLING!
Newsletter Committee Thank you,
Alice Harris, Editor
As we leaf through the pages of this issue of Quill America
the 2015 NAQGCON is in progress or just celebrated. We will
have plenty of pictures and lots of tales to tell in the Summer
issue of Quill America.
Don‛t forget...the deadline for the Summer newsletter is June
15th. Please send your submissions on or before this date. We
need the time to organize the material, reformat pictures and
plot the pages. Please be sure to email electronic files to:
[email protected]
Spring 2015 Page 5
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Festival of Trees – Quilled Ornament Project Help
Submitted by Carie Metcalf (WA)
I am requesting help from all my fellow NAQG members for a very special project.
This year, one of my dreams is coming true! I have the privilege of being a designer at a fund raiser
for the local hospital. The fund raiser is called “Festival of Trees,” (Christmas). Each designer tree
will be auctioned off at the end of the festival in late November and all proceeds go to purchase
equipment for the hospital.
• The theme of my tree is going to be “Quilling Around the World.” I am in need of assistance
from as many quillers as possible to help me decorate the 6 foot tree. Here is what I need:
• As many quilled ornaments as possible that members are willing to make and donate for this
worthy cause. If an ornament is of your original design, I would also love to receive included
instructions of how to make it and, with your permission, submit the instructions to Quill
America to be published…similar to the Floral Tribute project.
• Each ornament should be preserved/protected in some way with an odorless sealant i.e.
decoupage, acrylic spray, etc., to insure their stability. (The decorated trees will be covered
and moved from the venue they are auctioned from, to a home or business. The ornaments
are required to be wired or glued to the tree.)
• I will need to receive ornaments before October 15, 2015 and should be mailed to:
Carie Metcalf
216 S. Vine Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362 USA
If you have questions, please contact me at (360) 477 - 3084 or email me: [email protected]
I hope many of you will consider participating and helping me with this project. I am excited to
show my little corner of the world what this incredible art is all about and have my dream come
true. I plan to take lots of photos of the donated ornaments and the event itself, to include in the
Quill America.
My bio: I have been quilling for about 20 years or so. I taught myself to quill from a kit to make
snowflakes for an ornament exchange I was involved in. The snowflakes were a big hit and I was
hooked. I started to get serious about quilling about 8 years ago, after I moved from southern
California to Port Angeles, WA. I got some business cards, did a craft show and joined the NAQG.
I had the privilege of attending the 2011 NAQGCON in California and I received a couple of
awards for my work entered in the competition, which I never expected. Last year I received my
accreditation…hardest thing I ever did, but the most rewarding. I love quilling in my spare time; it
is my therapy and brings me such great joy, especially when I see the look on someone’s face who
has received it as a gift!
Page 6 Spring 2015
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Floral Flake Submitted by Donna Del Giudice
You can use any combination of colors depending on the holiday - the photo shows a spring/
summer ornament
14 Shaped Marquises (3”, 8 cm)
7 Tight Rolls (2”, 5.1 cm)
7 Crescents (6”, 15.2 cm)
1 Tight Roll (3”, 8 cm)
1 Fringed Flower (4”, 10.2 cm)
Glue 6 shaped marquises (leaf shape) tip to tip to form a center star (place glue on the
“leaf tip”).
Glue 6 loose coils in-between the shaped marquises on the center star.
Glue 2 teardrops together at the rounded end and then glue another teardrop (at rounded
end) and place in the center – this will make a three-sided diamond tip (repeat this step to make
6 sets).
Glue each teardrop set to top of the loose coils (repeat this step until all 6 sets are in place).
Spring 2015 color photo pg. 20
Page 7
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Free Quilled Snowflake Ornament Pattern
by NAQG member Molly Smith
Join the NAQG for more exclusive patterns
(Sample shown using 1/8 inch (.3 cm) wide paper, with 1/16 inch (.15 cm)
for the bouquet)
Use the picture for reference and for placement of the pieces
Making the Snowflake Ornament
• 1 - 6 in (15.42 cm) Tight Coil / Roll for the Center.
• 6 - 6 in (15.42 cm) Marquise glue to Center roll.
• 6 - 6 in (15.42 cm) T-Scrolls glued to Marquise. Note: The “T” portion is glued to the point of the
marquise. The adjacent “T’s” will touch.
• 6 - 6 in (15.42 cm) Loose Rolls glued to the bottom of the T-Scrolls.
Making the Hanger
• Roll a strip around a dowell the size of a pencil or smaller and glue down the end before
• 6 - 6 in (15.42 cm) Open Hearts glued to the Loose Rolls.
Adding to the base Snowflake
• 6 - 6 in (15.42 cm) Marquise glued where the adjacent “T-scrolls” touch.
• 12 - 6 in (15.42 cm) S-Scrolls - they will be glued together to make 6 Open Hearts with Tails
(also called Kissing S-Scroll Heart). You will glue the S-Scrolls together to make the heart.
• 6 - 6 in (15.42 cm) Tight Rolls glued to the bottom of the Kissing S-Scroll hearts.
Making the Hanger
• Roll a strip around a dowell the size of a pencil or smaller and glue down the end before
For Personal Use Only - Not for Resale or Commercial Use.
Pattern may not be copied, distributed or sold without express written permission of the Artist.
“Get the ‘Knack’ with the NAQG”
Page 8 color photo pg. 20
Spring 2015
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
A Lot of Heart Snowflake by Kay Charles
White paper.
•10 - 6” (15.2 cm) Loose Coils shaped into Heart or “V” shape
• 5 - 6” (15.2 cm) “T”-Scrolls
Arrange 5 Heart shapes with tips touching
Place “T”-scrolls between Heart shape
You can use circle grid for placement
Place remaining 5 Heart shapes on top of “T”-scroll
Arrange as shown.
Circle Snowflake by Kay Charles
White paper.
•13 - 6” (15.2 cm) Loose Coils
• 6 - 4” (10.2 cm) “T”-Scrolls
Place in Loose Coil in the center,
Arrange 6 Loose Coils around center coil
Place “T”scrolls touching/between the 6 Loose Coils
Place remaining 6 Loose Coils on top of “T”-scrolls
Arrange as shown
Spring 2015 Page 9
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Lisa Palmer
Page 10 Spring 2015
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Lucia Sinning
Girona, SPAIN
Spring 2015 Page 11
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Dimensional Chocolate Dipped Strawberries
By Gail Freed (CA)
Materials used:
White, Dark Brown, Dark Red paper strips: 1/8” or 1/4” wide
(your choice)
White, Dark Brown paper strips: Narrow width
Paper lunch bag, tan colored and light weight
Jumbo or Large Daisy Flower petal punch
Dark Green Crayola marker pen
My inspiration came from a newspaper photo advertisement of
chocolate dipped strawberries. (refer to the scanned ad photo)
Each chocolate dipped strawberry consists of two sections: the
bottom chocolate dipped section, and the top strawberry section
that will fit slightly snug down inside the rim of the bottom section.
I sized mine visually and it’s approximately less than 2” top to bottom.
I suggest reading the entire instructions first. Once you have made one, try making other variations
such as slightly flattened chocolate dipped strawberries.
Instructions for my White Chocolate Dipped Strawberry (see photo)
Bottom Dipped Section: roll tightly White strips to the widest part of a strawberry, or where your
“dip” will begin and glue down the end of the tight roll. Do NOT push out and shape the tight roll
Top Strawberry Section: roll tightly Dark Red strips just slightly less wide than the tightly rolled
White strips and glue down the end. Do NOT push out and shape the tight roll yet.
At this point, only slightly push out just the outer rim edges of the White and Red tight rolls to deter-
mine if the Red will fit down a little bit inside the White roll opening. If they fit together snugly, then
go to the next steps, or if necessary adjust the width of the Red roll by removing 1 or 2 winds of
Bottom Section: Push out the White tight roll so it resembles the dipped section; carefully smooth-
ing out the outer rim as much as possible so it doesn’t look like a ridge. When shaped, apply glue
all over the inside to hold the shape and set aside to dry.
Top Section: Slightly push out and round the Red tight roll to resemble just the top of a strawberry.
At the center hole of the tight roll, make a slightly reversed dimple or indent. When shaped, apply
glue all over the inside to hold the shape and set aside to dry.
color photo pg.20
Page 12 Spring 2015
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Strawberries, cont.
When both sections are dry, apply glue to the inside rim of the White bottom section and fit the
Red section inside. Hold the two together for a minute or two to secure them firmly.
I cut Dark Brown Narrow short strips and slivers of strips lengthwise and glued them criss-cross as
chocolate on one side of the strawberry.
Leaves: I used a Jumbo Daisy Flower petal punch to punch out strawberry leaves from a tan
colored paper lunch bag (I didn’t have a dark green sheet of paper) that I crinkled and then
smoothed out. I took a dark green Crayola marker pen and colored the punched leaves shape
on both sides twice. I put a little glue in the top center dimple of the strawberry and pressed the
center of the leaves into the dimple, holding it in place a minute or two until it felt secure.
The White Chocolate Dipped Strawberry I made was for my granddaughter that wanted to wear it
as a pendant, so I made a ring coil from dark green strips and glued it upright onto the center of
the leaves.
Spring 2015 Page 13
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Come Quill With Us” in Victoria, BC
Submitted by: Jean Smith
We recently held our Spring Blitz - an all day
event where we are taught by Heidi Bishop
from WA. Heidi comes a long way by car &
ferry (we are on an island) just to share her
amazing expertise with us. She always comes
up with a fascinating project and Saturday was
no different! She was inspired by our interest
in the new book, “Paper Quilling Chinese
Included opposite is her lovely card with
supply list and instructions. See page 19 for
a few of our attempts at those lovely swirls
featured in the book. The book, and her lesson
have given us a renewed interest, and purpose
in quilling. (23 attended)
A few days later I did a workshop at Elder
College in near by Sidney, B.C. Joan
Rombough assisted me, 8 attended, and a
good time was had by all!
Page 14 Spring 2015
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Lotus Flower
You will need:
6 colors of flower color
Green strips
Bone folder
Quilling tool
Small scissors
Work board
Waxed paper
Note: If not curling an end do not staqger ends.
Make 4: Make a set of 6 strips starting at 2 1/2” and make each one 1/4” longer than the last.
Glue strip together starting with the shortest strip and layering just down from the end. Use a bone
folder to curl the strip set. Again, start with the shortest strip and glue as like the other end. Curl
ends as desired. Glue two strip sets together so that the short strips are in the center of the new
shape. Glue the other two strip sets on either of the center shape.
Make 2: Make a strip set of 6 strips. Glue strip ends as before. Use a slotted tool to curl the glued
end as like a tight peg making sure to roll under the layered side. Pull each strip to open scroll and
glue at desired length. Trim ends. Glue to bottom of flower with curls facing each other.
Make 3: Make a set of 6 strips starting at 2” and make each one 1/8” longer than the last. Glue
strip together starting with the shortest strip and layering just down from the end. Use a bone
folder to curl the strip set. Curl ends as desired.
Make 2: Make a set of 6 strips starting at I 1/2” and make each one 1/8” longer than the last. Glue
strips together starting with the shortest strip and layering just down from the end. Use a bone
folder to curl the strip set. Curl ends as desired.
Make stem: Make a tight peg then loop it a couple times Ioosely, gluing at the top of the tight peg.
Pinch and glue loops to the remaining strip. Glue peg to bottom of flower.
Make the center detail: Use a 8” strip and crease at 1” intervals. Use a slotted tool and curl in
one direction at each crease up to the last curl. (beehive) Stuff the beehive into the center and
tack glue where the curls meet the sides. Glue one of the three medium size strip sets between
the center and the outside petal. Glue the two smallest strip sets at one end and open. Mount on
top center of flower. Glue the two other strip sets on top and covering part of the center and outer
petals. See picture for placement. (color photo pg. 19)
Spring 2015 Page 15
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
A warm welcome to our newest members!
(15 December 2014 – 14 March 2015)
Barbara Barati Orlando, FL
Andi Church Aberdeen, WA
Sheila Elmore Dothan, AL
Cynthia Garland Orlando, FL
Valerie Garramone New Hartford, NY
Ruth Goeke Brenham, TX
Judy Horne Havana, FL
Lucia I Turk Jones Hawkinsville, GA
Jennifer Lambert Palatka, FL
Carol Levesque Sanbornton, NH
Shirley Mabry Winter Garden, FL
Carla Parvin Richland Hills, TX
Teresa Rawnick Palm Bay, FL
Joyce Scatton Cottageville, SC
Dawn Simpson Yardville, NJ
Linda Weaver Upper Black Eddy, PA
Patrice Wells Chuckey, TN
We apologize in advance for any omissions or misspellings. Please email
[email protected] for any changes so we can correct them. Also, if you have
moved, please let Rita Anderson know of these changes. We are getting returned
newsletters which cost extra postage to re-send.
Our members might find it very interesting to check out Botanical Quilling Japan’s website –
bqjapan.com. They have back issues of their newsletter accessible via PDF. The cover photos are worth the visit.
Some recent “finds” are as follows:
Tolloczko, Joanna, “Quilling Ozdoby x papieru”, Buchmann (Poland), 2015.
Castiblanco, Vilma Isabel Calle, “Guia No. 9 Caja Corazon dulces (Filigrana Guias Paso a Paso)”, January 2015, Kindle
Castiblanco, Vilma Isabel Calle, “Guía No.10 Lluvia de sobres - Ramo con cartuchos (Filigrana Guías Paso a Paso)”,
March 2015, Kindle (Spanish).
These books can be found on Amazon.
Bartowski, Allison, “My Favorite” (Quill It Easy), CardMaker, Spring 2015, pgs 26-27 & 94.
Page 16 Spring 2015
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Advertise Your one-stop shop for a dazzling array
of quilling, paper and craft products
sourced from around the world. Discover
NEW, LOWER an innovative range of quilling supplies,
advertising fees!
books, tools and accessories in our
Email: extensive on-line catalog by visiting
[email protected]
email [email protected]
Sign up for our Newsletter, too!
Learn to quill intermediate and advanced flower petals. – Shelly Krzyzewski
This workshop is beyond your typical loose coil flower. Use You will make “Pandora” or “European-style” paper beads
techniques like beehive, looping and ring coil. Learn Teary (also known as Chamilia, Biagi, or Troll beads); discussing
loops, Malaysian Flower petal, Lovely loops and Beehive various sizes or preferences; assembling a bracelet for
flower petals. * Please bring a quilling comb, comb or an each class participant. * You will need strong glue (E6000;
onion holder. Aleene’s Jewelry & Metal Glue; or other such glue).
*Optional: clear nail polish or other sealant.
– Kay Charles BRAIDING AND PLAITING – Sandy Baughman
Your choice of several ornaments styled after Swedish straw Learn to braid with multi-strands of Quilling Paper. Learn
ornaments. to Plait with Quilling Paper that resembles wheat weaving.
*Quilling strips of multiple colors, 1/8” wide.
UNIQUE CARD SHAPES – Naomi Reinstatler
Learn to make 8 different card shapes…a pop-out; star; MYSTERY MINIATURE – Sherry Rodehaver
pinwheel; twisted easel; and other unique shapes to Sherry will be teaching one of her signature
enhance your quilling. * Please bring double-sided tape, miniatures…!Surprise!
bone or wood folder (to make creases), scissors, ruler.
IRIS FOLDING MEETS QUILLING – “Nothing Could Be Stay tuned...all will be revealed in the Summer
Finer” – Marion Bertaut 2015 edition of Quill America!
Iris folding for the state of South Carolina
Spring 2015 Page 17
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
VIP Birthday Card by Elsie Schaffrick
Quirky Quillers
Edmonton, Canada
Quirky Quillers’ Guild quilled a very special birthday card to present to Guild founder and mentor,
Evangeline Enns, in honor of her 80th birthday last December. Guild members contributed a mix
of three dozen buds, blossoms, and foliage, strategically arranged to create a floral extravaganza!
As well, a special floral badge made by Jane Warren and Elsie Schaffrick highlighted Evangeline’s
special day. Thank you, Evangeline, for all your admirable quilling efforts on behalf of our Quirky
Quillers in Edmonton, Canada!
Quirky Quillers Spring 2015
December Birthdays
Henny, Shirleyann, Evangeline
Front: Linda & Vic
Page 18
Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild
Heidi Bishop
Jay Prazma
“Come Quill With Us”
Victoria BC CANADA
see pg. 14
Jenny Matthews
VIP Birthday Card
Quirky Quillers
Edmonton CANADA
see pg. 18
Spring 2015 Page 19
Donna Del Giudice Gail Freed
Instructions pg. 7 Instructions pgs. 12-13
Molly Smith
Instructions pg. 7
Laura St. John