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2009 Quill America SPRING

2009 Quill America SPRING

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Spring, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Page 2. Spring, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Board of Directors Table of Contents

Accreditation Committee ............... Sherry Rodehaver Board Report 4
2625 E Turkeyfoot Lk Road We Appreciate It! 5
Uniontown, OH 44685 Getting To Know You 6
330-699-2500 I Am a Quillist 8
New Members 9
[email protected] Newsletter Committee Expands 9
Archive Committee......................... Donna Del Giudice 9
Accreditation Update 10
11 Orchard St 11
Verona, NJ 07044 Ah Ha! 12
973-857-3999 The NAQG Needs You 12
[email protected] Hints & Tips 13
Community Relationship and Development Committee NAQGCON 2009 14
........................................................ Danielle Pray Looking Over Your Shoulder 15
859-485-6790 Discovering Quilling 16
[email protected] Outside of the Box Challenge 19
Membership Committee................ Rita Anderson A Quilling Design Notebook 20
2422 Torrington Drive A Special Christmas Tree
Lake Ridge Notes From the Archivist 21
Toms River, NJ 08755 Mini-Meet Announcements and
732-866-0876 Reports
[email protected]
NAQG Conference Committee....... Barb Machado Submission Deadlines
1168 Pleasant St
Bridgewater, MA 02324 Each issue of Quill America will have a theme for the
508-697-3528 designs relating to upcoming holidays and events. Of
[email protected] course, we welcome all quilling related articles -
Newsletter Committee................... Caroline Mach submit your articles, designs, news, etc., by email to
PO Box 95 [email protected] or by postal mail to Caroline
Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0 Mach, PO Box 95, Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0 Canada.
705-435-4479 Summer Issue Deadline: June 15
[email protected] Back to School, Autumn, Thanksgiving
Color Photo Collages...................... Evelyn Rooney Fall Issue Deadline: September 15
23 Clara Place Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanza
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 Winter Issue Deadline: December 15
973-239-8978 Valentine’s Day, Birthday, Easter
[email protected] Spring Issue Deadline: March 15
Treasury Committee....................... Laura Olohan Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Vacation and Travel
26 Evergreen Ave
Springfield, NJ 07081
[email protected]
Website and Internet Development Committee
........................................................ Antonella DeFalco
531 Brian Dean Drive
Glen Gardner, NJ 08826
[email protected]

Annual Membership Rates
$25 US; $30 Canada and Mexico;

$35 Everywhere Else

Renew online at

Spring, 2009 Page 3.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Board Report

Board Meeting of the NAQG – be reaching out to the Regarding the upcoming

Wednesday, March 11 – 7:30 membership to see if anyone can NAQGCON:

pm (Eastern) assist with this project. Photos of • Laura Olohan will be

Director Attendees: Sherry the quilled work will be sent for contacting Pat Caputo with
Rodehaver – Accreditation; review. regard to getting information on

Donna Del Giudice – Archival; Donna Del Giudice will be the event insurance coverage.
Danielle Pray – Community sending more copies of the NAQG
Development; Rita Anderson – brochure to Danielle for • Barb announced that 22
Membership; Barbara Machado handouts at the upcoming
– NAQGCON; Caroline Mach – NAQGCON. people had registered as of
Newsletter; Laura Olohan – 3/11/09.
Treasury; Antonella DeFalco –
Website • Danielle Pray will be

Danielle Pray opened the representing the Board at the
meeting at 7:40 pm (Eastern)
Rita Anderson, Membership NAQGCON and, if needed, will
Sherry Rodehaver, Accreditation Committee, announced that the host at the NAQG table.
Committee, gave a thank you to NAQG has 38 new members and Caroline Mach asked about
Rita Anderson for completing the 49 renewals (January-March). offering back issues of Quill
quilled shapes that will be used America for sale at the
in a shape chart that is being
worked on for the Accreditation Barbara Machado, NAQGCON NAQGCON as a fundraiser.
Program. Sherry will be sending Committee, brought up the Donna Del Giudice and Rita
the “A” Team the chart for recent resignation of her Co- Anderson announced that there
comments and approval. Sherry Director, Pat Caputo. Pat will still were not many newsletters left
will also be providing an update assist on the upcoming over from the mailings. Since the
on the Accreditation Program for NAQGCON and then fully resign NAQG is offered bulk printing
the website and the newsletter. from the Committee to continue rates, it would cost additional
the hard work that she does for money to print up smaller runs of
the entire quilling community. the newsletter. Caroline made
She announced that another the suggestion that we just offer
committee member, Sue Palmer, whatever we have left in stock,
has offered to come forward as a i.e. “while supplies last.” These
Co-Director. A vote to bring Sue will be available to both
on as a Co-Director passed members and non-members.

Donna Del Giudice, Archival unanimously. Caroline Mach, Newsletter
Committee, is working on the Committee, let the Board know
bibliography update that will be Barb suggested that a notice be that Kathryn Anderson joined the
sent to the membership. The placed in Quill America and on committee as a proofreader.
update will be incorporated into the Yahoo! group asking for Helen Pierce will be focusing on
the full bibliography on the interested hosts for next year. article solicitation and the Out of
website. She also will make a request for the Box series.
past hosts to come forward and
Danielle Pray, Community join the NAQGCON Committee.
Caroline asked if there was a
Relations & Development master list of all Committee
Members and who would be in
Committee, reported on a woman Barb also requested that the charge of updates. Donna
mentioned that each Director
in Washington State who is NAQGCON host sit in on Board was in charge of keeping their

looking for an appraiser for meetings if needed. The Board

quilled work done by a relative. passed this idea unanimously.

As of today, there is no Regional
Rep in that area, so Danielle will
(Continued on page 5)

Page 4. Spring, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

(Continued from page 4) Danielle Pray asked if the member who expressed an

own committee list and should patterns from the 2009 calendar interest in hosting the next swap.

send any updates to Antonella to that was rejected by Accord could
post on the website. be used in the newsletter and on Antonella announced a new

the website. This suggestion was member for her committee. The

Caroline introduced the topic of favorably received by the Board. Board was pleased to welcome

the fall 2010 Quill America -10th Donna Del Giudice asked about Kate Jones to the Website

anniversary issue. She using patterns from older Committee.

requested that the Board calendars. Antonella reported

consider adding more color that she has been asking the In other Board matters, Donna
pages. Discussions took place quillers for permission to use Del Giudice will be formatting all

on the cost of color pages and their patterns. The Board Board meeting minutes. Donna

other ways to add color to the discussed setting up an official will then send them to Caroline

newsletter. The Board voted to release document for patterns. Mach for review. After review,

add four additional color pages the minutes will be posted to the

to the anniversary issue, if Donna asked about getting Board for approval and printed in

finances permit. patterns and photos from the the newsletter. This was

swaps to use in the newsletter presented to the Board for a vote
Laura Olohan, Treasury and on the website. She also and was passed unanimously.

Committee, reported the totals mentioned that using these

for the 1st quarter. Bank balance would give the members who Danielle Pray will submit a

as of Feb 27, 2009 = 16,658.89. don’t have web access a chance request in the newsletter for

Paypal balance as of Mar 17, to view the swaps. Caroline members to join the Fundraising

2009 = 2,158.37 asked if the swap coordinator Committee.

could ask the participants to Meeting was adjourned at 8:51
Antonella DeFalco, Website send in the photos and

Committee, asked Caroline Mach instructions. Antonella will check pm (Eastern). The Executive

if a request for more patterns with the swap coordinators to Director for the next Board

could be sent out for both the see if they would assist in getting meeting will be Rita Anderson

newsletter and the website. the photos and patterns. (Membership Director). The next

Caroline will ask Helen Pierce if meeting will be early June 2009

she can ask for pattern Danielle asked about hosting the – date to be decided.
submissions when she solicits next swap on the Yahoo! group.

articles for the newsletter. Antonella will get back to her

after she speaks with another

We Appreciate It!

A special THANK YOU to NAQG find out more about iGive and the page to the pink box that

member Suzzy Howard of Florida how you can help raise funds for says, "Join iGive and help raise

for setting up iGive for the NAQG the NAQG just by shopping money for the NAQG: "
and for her recent monetary online, visit our homepage on our

donation to the NAQG. Your website at and

generosity is truly appreciated. To scroll down near the bottom of

Spring, 2009 Page 5.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Getting to Know You

Rita Anderson, NAQG Membership Director as told to Helen Pierce

Editor’s Note: This is the second countries go out once a week. I

in a series of articles that will send all of the information about

introduce the Board of Directors the Guild to new members, along
to NAQG members. We hope you with a welcome letter. For

enjoy learning more about the members who are renewing their

volunteers that run this subscription, I send a welcome

organization on your behalf! back letter and a membership

card. Every week, or every other

Helen: Since you are a member week, I mail checks to the

of the Board of Quill America, I Treasurer, and copies of
am interested in the part that you renewals and new membership

play, Rita. How long have you requests to Debbie Mackes, to

been involved as Head of the update the membership list. I

Membership Committee? then file the forms in notebooks

for future reference. I also fill

Rita: I started in the Fall of orders for labels and other Membership Committee, or did

2007. merchandise that we sell and you just offer to do it as a

mail them out. In order to save volunteer when you saw the
Helen: Would you describe your the Guild some money, I print out need?

duties as Membership the membership cards myself.

Chairperson? Rita: Donna Del Guidice asked

Helen: Could you give us some me if I would take the position,

Rita: Yes--I receive new idea of how much time you because no one was coming

membership requests and spend a week in fulfilling your forward to do the job.

renewals, both by mail and duties? Helen: Tell us a little bit about
online. I send out renewals for

the U.S. and Canada the very Rita: Roughly, I spend 6-7 hours yourself, Rita. What city and state

next day after I receive them. a week. do you live in?

New memberships from other

Helen: How long have you Rita: I live in Toms River, New

been a member of the Jersey, in an Adult Community,

NAQG, and how did you and love it. I am on the traveling
find the group in the first bocce team, I play cards,

place? mahjong and attend other

activities. I also teach quilling

Rita: I was one of the once a month, and sometimes

founding members when more often, whenever I find new

the Guild was formed in people who want to learn.

2000, and served as
Treasurer for two years at Helen: Are you married, and do

that time. you have children and


Helen: Did someone

invite you to serve on the Rita: I am married to Gene. We

Board as Head of the (Continued on page 7)

Page 6. Spring, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

(Continued from page 6) day!

have a son, who lives in New

Jersey, who has two daughters of Helen: Do you show
his own; and a daughter, who your work in art

lives in N. Carolina, who has a expositions?

daughter and a son. So we have

four grandchildren in all. Rita: Yes, I do,


Helen: Do you have a full-time or

a part-time job, and if so, what Helen: Do you ever get
kind of work do you do? to visit museums, art

shows, etc., to see

Rita: No, but I do quill full time! examples of quilling?

Helen: Are you retired? Rita: Yes, whenever I can. Rita: I try to buy quite a few. I
have a large library of books.
Rita: I have been retired since Helen: How often have you been
Helen: Do you create your own
1971. I worked in banking for able to go to the NAQGCON, and patterns?
many years. are you able to attend it
Rita: Yes, sometimes.
Helen: What is the one quilling
Helen: How did you hear about project that you’ve done that
you’d like to tell us about?
quilling and when was that? Rita: I try to go to every one, but
Rita: I made a black and white
sometimes family functions Bengal Tiger, using a coloring
book picture. It took me two
Rita: My friend did a kit in 1981 prevent me from going. months to complete, but it was
worth it when I won second place
that inspired me a lot. I was at an art show at a college!
looking for a class to attend, and Helen: Is there a Mini-Meet near

in l983 I heard that Bobbye you that you can attend?

Singer was going to hold a class

at the High School. I took the Rita: No, but I encouraged a

class and fell in love with quilling. class of 8 girls to begin a Mini-

Two years later I started my own Meet of their own! They began it

business. in 2008.

Helen: Do you sell your work? Helen: Have you ever thought Helen: Do you have any other
Do you keep any of your own
work? Do you quill gifts that you about becoming accredited with hobbies, besides quilling?
the Guild? Is that a goal in your
Rita: I sell my work at juried art
shows and take private orders. life? Rita: Yes, I knit just about every
My business just keeps growing
and growing. I have kept very evening.
few pieces of my own; and yes, I
do give some of my work as gifts. Rita: I am on the Accreditation Helen: Well, Rita, this interview
Committee, and hope to be
Helen: Do you get to quill as
often as you’d like? accredited by NAQG one day, has been so informative! I know

Rita: Yes, I quill every day, even although I already have that I’ve gotten to know you
when I have to go away. When
that happens, I take quilling with accreditation by the English better, and I’m sure that our
me to do along the way. I
definitely need more hours in the Quilling Guild. readers have also. Thanks for

being so candid, and for telling

Helen: Are you a self-taught us so much about your life. It’s
quiller? been delightful to get to know


Rita: No

Editor’s Note: Rita’s quilling can

Helen: Do you like quilling books, be seen on page 2.

and do you have many of them?

Spring, 2009 Page 7.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

I Am a Quillist Patricia Hummel

I am a quillist! Did I coin that elephant collection. This piece to get home, order some supplies

word? In 2001 when I first won first place and best of show and get started. In fact, I didn't

started quilling, a friend asked at our county fair a couple of wait for my supplies to arrive. I
me what we call ourselves. We years ago. I had been using a clip used a pattern Joan had given

had a discussion about what art elephant on my return me, cut my own paper using a

different artists or craftsmen call address labels, but once I paper shredder and had a piece

themselves. We settled on designed this guy, I reduced the made by the time my supplies

Quillist. Quiller did not have quite photo to size to put him on my arrived in the mail. I've been

the right ring and "I do quilling" return address labels. Naturally happily quilling ever since.

was definitely out. I am a quillist, the detail does not show up in
and that is what I put on my the small size, but that's just fine, Editor’s Note: Patricia’s quilling

business cards. he's still my elephant. can be seen on page 23.

I want to thank you for taking I saw quilling demonstrated by a

over the task of publishing the friend of mine who had the

newsletter. I compliment those program for a study club meeting

who did it in the past: each has in November 2001. There were

done a daunting job and done it 13 women at
well. I would imagine all the table. Joan

members look forward to had prepared a

receiving their copy. I know I do. kit for each one

of us of the

I compliment Sherry Rodehaver easily made

on her short history of quilling as bumble bee. A

printed on the back of the couple of the
membership form. I had women would

compiled a history taken from not even try.

here and there and have it on a "I'm just not

laminated card (8.5”x11”). I put crafty." Others

this on a stand when I go to sell tried but said

my work at craft shows. I also they had not

have handout copies. I may the dexterity nor
revise mine and incorporate the patience for

some of her better wording. such a project.

I, on the other

I'm enclosing three of my quilled hand said,

pieces. I love elephants, so when "Quilling, where

I took up quilling nothing would have you been

do but that I had to quill an all my life?” I
elephant to add to my vast could not wait

Page 8. Spring, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

New Members Deb Mackes

A warm welcome to our newest members!

Karen Andres Newton, KS Carla Navallo Millstone Twp, NJ
Dilly Aspland
Donna Ardito Wantage, Oxon, UK Joyce Anne Nichols Greenfield, IN
John L. Ball
Julie Barnes Georgetown, SC Christy Rolf Erlanger, KY
Catherine Calhoun Roaming Shores, OH Lidia Sari Silver Spring, MD
Dolores Connell
Mary Lou Cook Statesboro, GA Dorothy Shears Yuma, AZ
Joanne Dalfonso
Margaret Donivan Johnson City, TN Cheryl-Lynne Stunkel Tuscarora, MD
Delphine Eme
Sara Fenstermacher Manahawkin, NJ Ellen Streich Seminole, FL
Charlene Fischer
Anna Hatcher Leesburg, FL Brenda Thacker Brimfield, OH
Kathy Jurich
Donna Koerber Blackwood, NJ Clare Wong Sun Kwai Hing Gardens,
Sondra Krolicki
Shirley Kwakkenbos Oakton, VA Deborah Wurzer Hong Kong
Eileen McCarty Orlando, FL Middleburgh, NY

Pearland, TX

Amherst, OH We apologize in advance for any omissions or

Virginia Beach, VA misspellings.

Barberton, OH

Billings, MT

Leesburg, FL

Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Federal Way, WA

Newsletter Committee Expands

It is my pleasure to announce that Kathryn Anderson has joined the Newsletter Committee as
proofreader. This will give Helen Pierce the time to focus on article solicitation and the Out of the Box
series. Kathryn was also able to complete this issue’s color collages in Ev’s absence.

Caroline Mach

Accreditation Update

The Accreditation Committee is working on putting together the Name/Shape chart that will accompany
the accreditation program. A big thank you to Rita Anderson for doing a splendid job in creating those
shapes. Once the chart is completed the program will go to all the Committee members for comments
and final approval.

Sherry Rodehaver
Accreditation Committee

Spring, 2009 Page 9.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Ah Ha! Gail Freed and Helen Pierce

Surprising solutions for problems that confront us in packaging quilling
for mailing, gift giving or storage.

Out of the blue, Gail wrote me. touch another. I find that I often oatmeal box lid with quilling, like

She had been corresponding with dismount boxes to see how they a little all-in-one frame; might

Brenda about the packaging of work their protective magic. want to cover the inside, rim, and
her Valentine cards, when an outside of the lid with paper

“Ah, ha!” moment occurred. She Gail added in another email: “You first.”

had written something like this to could cut a narrow collar from

Brenda: "You know the only thing any type of empty cereal box or We set those ideas aside to ripen

that I really hate about that kind flap of a cardboard box, overlap and continued with our exchange

of design, where so much of it is and glue the ends, place it over of emails. I wrote her, “Gail, I had

on an edge, is that no matter your design, wrap the whole thing an idea in the night. Would you
what you do, some of it is bound in Saran wrap so the collar consent to write a joint article—

to get crushed from the rough doesn't move, and then put it you and me--about the packaging

handling it gets along the way, into a bubble envelope or box to of quilling cards/projects for

even if you put it inside an over- mail.” mailing and for gift giving? There

sized envelope. What I’m are several tips floating around

thinking is that a sturdy circular Gail! I thought to myself, you’re between us already, and I know

or square "collar" placed around taxing my brain. I wish you had that we could come up with

the design before wrapping it in sent a photo of what you’re more, with a little thought and
bubble wrap might prevent any of talking about; but since planning. I'd like to use it in the

it from getting bent. Also, those telepathic mind photography isn’t next issue, if you have time.

premolded clear plastic yet available, she didn’t hear me, Thanks for considering it!”

“bubbles” glued to cardboard and I couldn’t grab a photo of her

hangers that cover and hold a idea, as I am prone to do with She then wrote back: “The only

new item inside are a good thing images that I like. And then, I time a tip "hits" me is when I'm

to place over a design to protect remembered the Coffee Cuff working on something or looking
it. I know that I won't be tossing Swap that Heidi had us do, and at a piece of work someone has

out good-sized boxes of those in recalled the way it was collar-like done, and the one I just gave is

the future." and fastened on the end, and all I have come up with in quite a

then my “Ah, ha!” moment came. while. Feel free to combine them

I agreed with her that packaging with what you have.”

is of prime importance in I wrote her back: “Yes that's a

protecting paper art, even as I great addition to the tip and I thought, “Well, so much for
was thinking of a box of pears rounds it out nicely. Speaking of that!” But then she continued

that I bought. The fruit was so round, it would be one way to use with a flow of ideas that

perishable that it also needed the tops and bottoms of oatmeal surprised me and made me

the utmost of care. Yes, I have boxes, too!” laugh: “My other main tip to

an eagle eye when it comes to consider, when deciding to quill a

boxes! I had already checked out She replied, “There you card to mail, is to keep the

the triangular tubes of cardboard go...quilling and recycling, what design as far from all the edges
that the shipper had placed in could be better? Hmmm!” She of the card as possible: less

both ends of each box. Not one continued, “We could even chance of damage to it when

pear could rock out of its place to decorate the inside of the (Continued on page 11)

Page 10. Spring, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

(Continued from page 10) “Outside Of The Box” Challenge),

going through the mail sorter “No, Gail, that’s already enough,” that I wanted to give to my friend

machine rollers (and they all go I wrote. That’s when I began to for her birthday, but it needed
through those). experiment. I had just emptied a protection before wrapping for

strong, round box of Quaker’s mailing or storage. I remembered

“The above also applies to Grits, and was looking it over with that last year I was given a whole

decorating frame mats with my eagle eye. Ideas were zinging box of chipboard, through a

quilling. You would not believe all through my head as I carefully Freecycle offer, so I decided to

the frame mats I have seen lately cut into the sturdy round box with put some of that to use to make

that have quilling overlapping the my Xacto knife. “Yes,” I thought, a box for the gift. I needed two
outer sides of the mat and now “now is when I have to be VERY sheets of chipboard, one for the

they can't be fitted inside a frame careful that the knife doesn’t top, and one for the bottom (I

without messing them up. slip”: so I was, and it didn’t. I think that opened out cereal

decided to mark around it with a boxes would also work for this). I

“Place a thin piece of cardboard protractor first and then cut made it just large enough to hold

over the top of the design and slowly and carefully around it her greeting card and the Flower

carefully slide both into the several times. “Voila,” it was Post. I slipped the card into an

envelope, or turn the card inside done, and was it ever a pretty envelope and laid it in the
out and place into the envelope. little box, about 1 ½” high. With bottom, and I slipped the Flower

the lid on, it would protect a Post into a plastic bead bag of

“Address, stamp and label the small, round, quilling project very the right size and put it into the

envelope before placing the card well! I took a look at the other same box, with a small sheet of

inside and sealing it. end, and cut it off, too. Then I bubble wrap. It worked fine--I

went wild and cut around the rest wrapped and gave her the pretty

“If you are mailing more than one of the box, to make collars, which gift, and she loves it! Best of all,
quilled card to relatives at one also worked well. These could be she can store it safely without

address, place as many as you covered, spray-painted, or crushing it.

can into an empty Christmas whatever, and could be very

card box and mail in a large useful for packaging certain

padded envelope. items.

“That is all I have so far. I'll be I also had made a 3D Flower
sure to get any others off to you if Stand (such as those that were

they pop into my head.” announced in the February

The NAQG Needs You

The NAQG needs your ideas! We we welcome members interested to assist the Guild. If interested,

are in search of members in serving in this position on the please contact any Director or

interested in serving on the Board of Directors. If you have Danielle Pray at
Fundraising Committee. In this experience in fundraising for a [email protected].

position, you will help plan and group or organization or just have

coordinate fundraising events for some great ideas that you would

the Guild. The Committee be willing to implement, this

Director position is also open and would be a wonderful opportunity

Spring, 2009 Page 11.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Hints & Tips Ev Crane

Hint #1: may get squashed without extra I write my message on a smaller
piece of white paper. I then glue
Empty Avery multi-use label protection around them. the paper to the inside of the
card, using a glue stick or double
packages make excellent sided tape along the top of the
packaging for finished quilled Hint #2: white paper only.

items. They open on one end and Some time ago I quilled a card

will hold 1/8” paper items as well for a friend and wrote on the

as 1/4”. You will find that 3/8” is inside and made a horrible

a tight squeeze, but doable. handwriting mistake. I tried to

Good for stashing, selling, giving, correct it, making a mess. Since

but not sure about sending - they then, when I send a quilled card,

NAQGCON 2009 Lois Bandt-Weber and

Planning continues for this year’s Weber served with angel hair pasta and
NAQGCON, which will be in herb marinara sauce.
Tampa May 1-3, 2009. As of this Betty Tremaine may do a
writing, 26 people have demonstration of bird feathering. If you have misplaced your
registered. Are you one of them? registration information, it is
Make sure you register soon for available on the website at
The confirmed classes offered at the conference to avoid missing
the conference this year are: out on these great classes.

1. Spider mums - Kay Charles In addition to the great classes, if
2. Swedish Christmas stars - Kay you don’t register you will miss

Charles out on a scrumptious sit down

3. Husking - Elaine Altemos meal with your choice of If you would like to share
accommodations at the
4. Quilled treasure box with spiral marinated chicken with creamy NAQGCON, please contact Lois
at 352-323-8939 or
roses - Alli Bartowski mushroom reduction in puff [email protected].
No promises, but hopefully we
5. Iris folding meets quilling - pastry or tilapia sautéed in olive can pair you up. Currently, we
have one lady who desires a
Marion Bertaut and Antonella oil with sundried tomatoes and roommate.

DeFalco artichoke hearts. There is also a
6. Card basics - Lois Bandt- vegetarian option of grilled

Weber portobello mushroom caps

7. Bookmarkers - Lois Bandt- stuffed with vegetables and

Page 12. Spring, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Looking Over as compiled by Helen
Your Shoulder Pierce

Dema Simeri - About Sales of Her Work

As I was going through my black-- and suitable for framing. It I am satisfied. The feet are tricky

threads, I remembered that takes the bigger part of a day to too, and I have redone them a

Dema had some interesting make one and I CUT all my few times also. No, I have never
things to say about the selling of strips….. Sincerely, Dema had anyone try to discourage me

her work. With her permission, in any way. I do know that I could

here are some of them, written to Well, bless your heart, ...That was not live on my earnings at this

various members: such a sweet and complimentary time, and I am very fortunate that

letter. I am glad you have found I do not have to. The things I sell

Hi .... If your work is not worthy of inspiration in my work. I have no go for far less than they are

posting, I most surely would not idea how long you have been worth, but as long as I can pay for
offer it for sale at any price. I just quilling, but if you really love it, my supplies, I am happy. Framing

took a peek at the one on eBay and have the time to devote to it, is the big expense, of course. I

that sold for $4.99, and I would I am sure you can do just as well don't think any of my relatives,

not pay one cent for that kind of as I do, or perhaps better. Do except my children, ever believed

work. I, too, have the OCD NOT let anyone try to dissuade I could sell any of my work, or

problem, where my quilling is you from your passions, whatever even stick with it for as long as I

concerned. Perhaps you they may be. Everyone deserves have. But they did not try to

underestimate your work, but I to have the pleasure of doing discourage me. Most people who
await your first posting, and think something they enjoy very much. see it cannot believe their eyes!

surely it is better than you I had no time for hobbies of any Thank you again for writing.

suspect. I do not make simple kind for many years, as my Dema

cards, with scant quilling husband died at a very early age,

involved. I spend many hours on and I had six children to care for, Thanks for the nice compliments.

each one, and let it be known and then a busy restaurant to I added three trees to the snow

that they are for framing, and not operate in order to survive. Now I scene and it is really cute now. I
for the waste basket. Thus far, I am retired, and I believe that I had to laugh when you wrote that

have had many repeat have earned the right to spend you hate to part with your favorite

customers, and everyone I have my time doing the things I love. works, and that you are tempted

given a card to as a gift has been Most of my time is spent quilling, to repeat the design. I feel exactly

VERY impressed and overjoyed. especially when the weather is the same way. When I sell a

Their gratitude makes it all the not nice enough to be working in picture I am especially fond of, I

more fun for me to create them. the yard. I have never attempted feel as though I am selling one of
Sincerely, Dema to keep track of the time I quill my children! And several times I

each day, or have spent on any have made replacements, but

Hi....I have sold many project, but the rooster took me could never duplicate precisely

snowflakes. and none for less approximately 100 hours to do. any of my work. I come pretty

than $25.00. They are 6” to 7" in All those feathers to fringe, and if close!!.… Sincerely, Dema

diameter, and are all mounted on an eye doesn't please me, I redo

heavy art paper--navy blue or it, sometimes three times, before (Continued on page 14)

Spring, 2009 Page 13.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Discovering Patricia Ward

I discovered the art of quilling in to as many

1973 when I was looking for a people as

unique way to display our possible.
wedding invitation. After endless

hours of rolling little strips of Editor’s

paper my first product was Note:

finished. I never thought I would Patricia’s

have the patience to quill again. quilling can

After a year of rest, the urge to try be seen on

again hit, and from that time on I pages 1, 2,
never stopped. I found out the 23 and 24.

designs were endless, and

quilling, a lost art, became my

art. I started with simple designs

and with experience my designs

became more ornate. I've sold

quilling in craft fairs and craft

shops for 10 years. My specialty
is announcements, although I

enjoy other projects. In the

autumn of 2004 one of my

designs won a competition and

was published in a quilling design

book. I look forward to many

more years of quilling and
sharing this unique and "lost art"

(Continued from page 13) print out that letter, and you can the time to draw up instruction

In answer to a member who try them yourself. I love coming sheets, or to sell them. I know I

suggested: “...You should make up with new and different really should do so for the
up an instruction sheet to sell, on designs. I thought this would be a newsletter, so maybe I will

how to do the millefiori quilling!” good way to use up many of the attempt to come up with

colors of paper that I have in my something. Thank you for writing.

Good morning--Glad you liked all collection. Anyone who wishes to Dema

the lively colors in my two recent do so may copy my work or use

pieces. I just sent directions on the instructions that I send when

how to do the millefiori too--so, requested. I have never found

Page 14. Spring, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Basic Guidelines:
Make a plain flower stand, which you see on
page 2. This simple stand will be a helpful
way to display your lovely flower creations.
Enjoy them in your own home, or gift them
to loved ones. If you’re up to it, they would
also make cute place cards, or party

Here are the instructions for a 4" tall, basic,

organized and promoted by Helen Pierce free-standing flower post/stand:
For this project, use “The Ultimate Crafter’s

Glue” throughout.

Join eight, 23", leaf green, 1/8" wide quilling strips, overlapping them 1/8" where they join, and gluing

them end-to-end to make one long strip.

1. To roll, use the end of a kebab stick (available in most supermarkets). Moisten the end of the

quilling strip lightly, and roll a coil to the end of the first glued joint. Remove the stick, carefully holding
onto the coil, and finger roll the rest, being careful not to let it come unrolled. Keep the tension

medium taut. Roll until it measures one and 1/4" across; cut and glue the end to the coil. If it is too

small, add another strip to bring it to the right size, cut off and glue. Set aside.

2. Cut a1-1/4" circle from leaf green card stock. Set aside. Spread the glue thickly on the whole

underside of the large coil, including the center hole. Carefully place the completed coil onto the card

stock circle and press it down tightly all around. Make certain that it adheres well to the coil. The circle

is the underneath part of the stand.
3. Break or cut the kebab stick to measure 4" long. Sand the broken end with an emery board or

sand paper to flatten the end and remove the stubby bits of bamboo. Use a 1/8” wide, 23” long

quilling strip of the same color and glue the tip of it onto the stick - 1/4" up from the bottom. Wind the

strip around it to form an overlapping spiral up the stick, until the sharp, upper tip of it is completely

covered. If the strip is too long, cut off the remaining piece and glue down the end, smoothing it well to

cover the tip. Set aside.

4. Form a coil, using the kebab stick and a 23” strip of the same quilling paper as was used for the
other coil. Glue the end tip to the coil. Spread glue onto the underneath part of the small coil and glue

it on top of the large coil, lining up the center holes. Glue the unwrapped bottom end of the stick and

fit it into the center hole of both coils. Press it firmly in place, being careful not to puncture the paper

circle underneath, so that it will stand flat after it dries. Allow to dry.

5. Be creative! While it is drying, plan and make the flowers you want to use on the stand. Decorate it

with quilled flowers and punched or hand cut leaves, using quilling strips of any width or color that you

care to use. After you have planned the arrangement and formed the pieces of it, glue the elements
directly onto the post, and remember - it is intended to be a stable, free-standing flower arrangement,

so it mustn't be so heavily decorated that it will fall over. Use the flowers and leaves to hide the post

as you work, arranging them evenly around it so that the stand retains good balance and stands flat.

Number of Entries – 5 by Jill Van Dieren

2 by Helen Pierce

Members: Please feel free to copy these projects! They are our gifts to you! Enjoy. Photos of them may
be found on page 2.

Spring, 2009 Page 15.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

A Quilling Kate Jones
Design Notebook

A Different Version

You may have read these pieces
suggestions that you together, striving
keep a “quilling to “think outside
journal” on your the box” from
journey with quilling, projects I have
making notes and already finished. It
jotting down ideas, is not unusual to
information and have many starts
sketches as at a doodle, only to
resources for new leave it unfinished
quilling projects. I because
do this as well, but something else
in a different way. comes to mind
that intrigues me
My journal/sketch and urges me to
draw it out. So I
book is actually a start again. Mind
you, I’m not
spiral 1/4 inch striving for
graph notebook. I’m relaxing and letting
sorry that the blue my creative juices

grid lines don’t show flow. By not
confining myself
up when copied, but to feel that
everything I draw
trust me—they are
(Continued on page 17)
there! What I strive
Spring, 2009
to do each day while

on hold on the
phone, riding in the

car, or sitting at the doctor’s to work with to create my own

office is to draw or doodle with designs.

pen in my graph notebook.

I then proceed to let my mind

There is something very restful and my drawing

and satisfying about drawing the hand wander,
basic quilling shapes—open and doodling and

closed coils, swoops and swirls— working at putting

that make up a quilling design. I A couple of “doodles” I
usually begin by calling to mind incorporated in a new

and drawing as many of the basic project. Notice that the
basket is not quite like
coils as I can remember just to my drawing, but it got the

refresh my mind (and my hand) juices flowing as I quilled.
about the endless pieces I have (See the next photo.)

Page 16.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Each person needs to work up

their own symbolic language
for their coils as they begin

drawing. What works for one

person may not work for

another. When you develop

your own representation for

your quilling coils, you are apt

to be more consistent when
you draw your designs.

However, when you share a

pattern for a design with

someone else, it may be

necessary for you to separate

out symbols you use into a key

like the legend for a map, to

The unfinished project using the two design doodles shown on the previous page. communicate the types of
coils, etc., that were intended

(Continued from page 16) great substitution for wax paper to make the project.

must be a conscious when using the designs for

masterpiece, I allow my pen and patterns! In some cases, when doodling a

notebook to be the place where design, I lightly shade in the solid

dreams are worked out on paper. What is nice about using graph coil shapes. This helps me to

So what if what I draw turns out paper to draw my designs is that see the balance between open
to be a dud? I’ve learned it helps me keep them and closed coils throughout the

something about what I don’t proportional. It makes it easier to piece. Is it too weighted down

like, which points me in a draw repetitive coils the same with closed coils? Am I losing the

direction I may like more, and size. In this way, I can put wax lacey effect of quilling

away I go with my pen again. paper right over the design and altogether? Or, is it way too open

work it as is, or enlarge my and limp looking? Sometimes I

I have divided many of the design and work it that way. shade in the different coils with
designs from my notebooks of Either way, I know that if I use colored pencil to try out color

designs and doodles into specific the same approximate length for combinations, though not so

topics such as: frames, corner coils that are repeated, that often, because I like to work with

designs, baskets, borders, length will fit for the rest of the colors on the “fly.”

Christmas, Thanksgiving, design.

Valentines and flowers. I even Drawing and

have a section on handwritten designing on
directions for things I think I may graph paper

want to make again, such as has led me to

ornaments, snowflakes, and come up with

certain figures such as my some different

pilgrims, Indians and turkeys. In A break-out of the coils of my own
some cases, I have added a coils used to make which I
integrate quite
photo of the finished project and this snowflake. a bit into my
written the directions with it. I

have taken these papers and designs.

placed them in page protectors Remember,

(back to back) in quilling doesn’t

three-ring binders with labels. mean that what

These page protectors make a (Continued on page 18)

Spring, 2009 Page 17.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

(Continued from page 17) learning that all of us will gain

you quill has to be recognizable. from doing this? We all have

Look at the beauty in the beauty, creativity and
intricate designs of iron work, the individuality within us. Let’s start

scroll work on Victorian houses, sharing it, rather than relying on

and the beautiful patterns found someone else to come up with

on china and fabrics. Let your Some coils I have designed and used in my something, too often the same
quilling. These are made from a length of
imagination and the infinite strip divided into thirds . things time and again. Believe
variations on coils lead you to a me when I say that working on

whole new world of design and with quilling. I know the house is your own unique design is much
not perfect, but it is MUCH more satisfying and pleasing

improved from my last attempt, than repeating someone else’s

and through making it, I now work. You know it’s really yours

know better how to make the from the very creation to the

next one. finished project. Try it, if you

haven’t already. I’ll be anxiously

So, I leave you with this watching to see others

challenge: Start a doodle/design experience the wonder of seeing
graph notebook. Learn how themselves turn into budding

therapeutic it can be to just draw artists!

A coil not seen much (the one on far left) and those soothing coils, swoops and DOODLES!!
several variations. This, too, is made from
swirls into a design you didn’t

one strip. think was possible. Keep the

notebook with you everywhere

beauty. Take your blinders off you go, so it’s always handy to
and really observe everything keep nervous hands productive.

around you from the standpoint And then, when

of design, and how that design you hit a creative

breaks up space. Make yourself wall and the

try a new technique or use a juices run dry, you

different color scheme or theme have a source to

each time you begin a new turn to of your
project. Make yourself stretch own. Once you

out of your comfort zone and have come up

move on. Challenge yourself. with original

This past year, my challenge was designs, send in

to create a complete free- the doodles

standing Victorian house with alongside

straight standing walls and pictures of your
consistent coils, integrating as finished projects

many quilling techniques as I to the newsletter

could to fit the project. It was to or your picture

be made entirely of coils of some album.

sort. After months of working, it Encourage others

stands completed. Did I that they can do

accomplish my goals? For the this, too. WOW!
most part. And I learned a Can you imagine

tremendous amount about what the versatility,

can and can’t be accomplished creativity and

Page 18. Spring, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

A Special Christmas Tree Jinny Alexander

Sometime last summer one of House, located “their” trees, and take me into their dining room to

my friends told me about a silent proceeded to trim them. The see the “decorations.” To my

holiday auction to be held at the trees were placed in various great surprise and amazement,
George Eastman house. Yes, that parts of the house. Our tree was there in front of the mirror on the

is the same Eastman who on a desk in the main sitting buffet was “our” quilled

invented the Kodak camera. He room in front of a portrait of Christmas tree! It looked lovely

never married, and died in 1939. George Eastman’s mother. there. What a wonderful surprise

He left his house to be used as a for me! And what a great

photographic museum. We put our decorations on the additional income for the

tree and wrapped the bottom in Eastman House.
This house is a mansion with soft white cotton batting. It was

many rooms and archives beautiful, with the many kinds of The sales from the wreaths, trees

holding photographic and quilling, and an angel on the very and gingerbread houses this year

historical items. It is also a place top! There were different kinds of are going to fund the display of

where one can see what it was snowflakes, a rocking horse, a fresh flowers in the mansion.

like to live in a grand manor, in a red sweater, red mittens, snow George Eastman used to have

grand manner, in those days. men, 3-d ornaments, stars and three green houses to supply the

many other quilled items. flowers, but now the green
A few years ago a silent auction houses are no longer there, and

of gingerbread houses was The bidding for the trees began the flowers have to be

started to make money for in the middle of November and purchased. The flowers are

specific needs to help maintain went on until December 17. My beautifully displayed in the

the facilities. In the beginning, friend was determined to overbid rooms. We had a great time

various organizations anyone and started the bidding doing the decorating and were

constructed gingerbread houses, early. The bidding was soon at very proud of how our tree
which were auctioned off to the $70 and was rapidly going looked. I’m sure that many

highest bidder. The funds higher. people now know what quilling

garnered in this way help to looks like on a Christmas tree!

maintain various projects in the Unbeknownst to me, my son And hopefully for years to come,

house. David and his wife went to see our family will enjoy “our” tree.

the tree and decided they would

Last year, and again this year, overbid everyone so they could Our proud artists, members of
the staff added a silent auction take it to their home, put it up the Genesee Valley Quilling Guild,

for wreaths and three foot and keep it for generations to who made all the decorations are

Christmas trees. The trees were come. My son offered to overbid listed here: Stacy Smith, Rusty

trimmed with white lights and anyone to make sure that it Smith, Jeanne Ryan, Doris

placed in pots for various groups would be his. The bid went on Quinton, Mary Quagliata, Carol

to decorate in any way the beyond $200 and was still going Olsen, Mary O’Connor, Marcia

groups chose. up. There was a bidding “war.” Morath, Melinda McGinnis-
David called within one minute of Lepree, Sue Ermst, Jean Crum,

Our quilling group decided to the deadline, and they awarded Doris Clevinger, Ali Bartkowski,

decorate a tree with quilled his bid as the winner... at $250!!! and Jinny Alexander.

ornaments. We have 14

members in our group, and each On Christmas Day my husband Editor’s Note: The Christmas tree

member quilled about six and I were invited to my son’s can be seen on page 24.

ornaments. Before the auction, house for dinner. The first thing
the groups went to the Eastman my son and his wife did was to

Spring, 2009 Page 19.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Notes From The Archivist Donna Del Giudice

I hope to have the new Deborah, 1000 Handmade locate a specific article or book,

bibliography update ready for the Greetings – Creative Cards & please feel free to contact me,

Guild in the summer issue of Clever Correspondence, and I’ll see what I can do for you.
Quill America. This update will Quarry, 2009. (includes

include items that have been quilling by Claire Choi & Ann Please remember if you have an

published for the past two years. Martin) article or are in the planning

The full bibliography, including Fox, Tanya, Quill It Easy, House of stages of doing an article

updates, will be posted on our White Birches/DRG, 2009 (magazine or newspaper), please

website once the updates are (includes quilling by Alli let us know (e-mail:

distributed. Bartkowski, Sherry Crocker, & [email protected] or write
Ann Martin) Donna Del Giudice at 11 Orchard

Keep your eyes open for the Street, Verona, NJ 07044 –

upcoming May issue of If you can’t find any of the please put “NAQG” in the subject

CardMaker. Ann Martin has a “Finds” in your local craft stores, line). If we know in advance, it

lovely Wedding Cake Card remember to use your town gives us the chance to inform our

featured in this issue. library--if they don’t have that quillers and to keep an eye out

magazine, then ask them to get a for the publication before it goes

Some recent article “finds” are copy of the article via interlibrary off the shelf. The NAQG will gladly
as follows: loan. Most libraries are very reimburse costs for copying and

happy to do this service for their shipping to keep the archives up-

ARTICLES: patrons. If your town library is to-date.

Lake City Crafts, “Fringed very small and not “computer

Flower,” CardMaker, March equipped,” then they can call the

2009, pgs 16-17 & 91. county (or the closest city) library

to request the article through
BOOKS: interlibrary loan. If you are

McFadden, Laura & Baskin, coming to a dead-end in trying to


Host - 2010 North American Quilling Guild Conference

• Have you attended an NAQGCON (AGM)?
• Do you live near an international airport?
• Are there NAQG members nearby to assist you?

If you answered yes to these questions, consider hosting the NAQGCON.
Preparations begin one year in advance so if you are interested in hosting in 2010 or 2011 we want to

hear from you now!

Please contact Barbara Machado [email protected], 508-697-3528

Susan Palmer [email protected], 401-596-6748

Page 20. Spring, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Mini-Meet Announcements and

“Come Quill With Us” has produced an amazing body improved immensely since I met
Introducing a New of work since then. He's a keen Jay. He has done cards,
Member member of our group, has poinsettias, pictures--his work is
learned from all of us, and from already exquisite, and now he's
Claire Choi, our teacher. Jay was working on a freestanding egg--

I'd like to introduce Jay Prazma, a the only one to get C's folded obviously he likes a challenge!
new member of "Come Quill With rose on the first attempt (but he
Us" in Victoria, and also of tells me he's still practicing)! Jay is a great addition to our
group, and our craft, and it will be
NAQG. Jay has a background in Jay wasn't quilling two months interesting to see how far he
architecture, commercial art and before he developed geometric goes with quilling.
fine arts, all of which I can see patterns for all of us to use.
transfer to his work. These slip under the wax paper Jean Smith

Jay has been quilling since last on the work board, to keep petals Editor’s Note: Jay’s quilling can
September when he took a in line--3, 5, 7, 10 petals, etc. My be seen on pages 1 and 23.
beginner lesson from me, and he five-petalled flowers have

“Come Quill With Us” boxes to hold the
in Victoria Christmas presents
for my four grown
Just a little news from "Come granddaughters
Quill With Us" in Victoria: recently. Claire taught
us how to construct
We had twelve present at our these a couple of
February get-together. years ago, and I have
Unfortunately we were without done several. I hope
our regular teacher, Claire you like them. Each
Choi, but I remembered the very one has a bracelet
first class I took at my first from Egypt, and a
Convention in Plymouth a few Pandora charm
years back, taught by Rose, a bracelet in it.
lovely lady who showed us the
punched heart flower. So, we Jean Smith
did it, and here are our results.
Thank you to Rose. Editor’s Note: Jean’s
boxes can be seen on
page 2.

I also did some really nice gift

Spring, 2009 Page 21.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Mini-Meet Announcements and

South Jersey Quillers Mini-Meet and included discussions of meeting is scheduled for
on February 21, 2009 various techniques and places to Tuesday, June 23, 2009, from 11
purchase supplies. The new am - 2 pm at the home of Diane
The South Jersey Quillers held attendees were given McIntyre, 3 Oak Tree Ct., Whiting,
another mini-meet on Saturday, membership forms. We hope NJ 08759. Please let us know if
February 21, 2009, at the home they follow through and join us you’ll be joining us. Phone
of Diane McIntire in Whiting, for future meetings. numbers for more information
NJ. Seven people who meet and are Diane McIntire
quill on a regular basis were We are really interested in (732-716-1439) or Martha Haley
joined by two new quillers for a meeting any quillers who are (732-350-8372).
total of nine attending. Each living in the South Jersey area. If
person brought her own brown you would like to join us and see Martha Haley
bag lunch. Delicious desserts, what’s happening “down the
tea and coffee were provided. shore,” please do. Bring a brown
Everyone worked on their own bag lunch, and we will provide
project. Conversation was lively dessert, coffee and tea. Our next

Page 22. (above left) From left, Martha Haley, Antoinette Bucca, Rita
Anderson, and Jennie O’Hare working on their quilling projects.

(above) Newcomers at the South Jersey Quillers’ Mini-Meet on
February 21, 2009, were (from left) Jennie O’Hare and Mary
Anne Mulligan. Both are self-taught quillers who were very
excited to meet other quillers in the area.

(left) Attendees at the South Jersey Quillers’ Mini-Meet on
February 21, 2009, were (standing, from let) Deanna Nisenson,
Delores Connell, Antoinette Bucca, Diane Veni, Rita
Anderson, (sitting, from left) Mary Anne Mulligan, Jennie O’Hare,
Mary Ann Hoffman, Martha Haley, and (front) Diane McIntire.

Spring, 2009

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Spring, 2009 Page 23.

Quill America - Newsletter of the North American Quilling Guild

Page 24. Spring, 2009

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