Sri Vasavi CA charitable Trust
Annual Report 2018-19
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
About VCAT 4
President’s Communique 13
Board of Trustees 21
The Year at a Glance
Financial Performance
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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About VCAT
On 12th March, 2008, Sri Vasavi CA Charitable Trust (VCAT) formed by
27 CA’s as Authors and 74 CA’s as Life Trustees. The very objective is to
provide financial assistance to deserving students, providing hostel facilities
and training to students to enhance their skillset apart from enhancing
Professional expertise of CAs. VCAT is a platform for CA’s to discharge
their Professional Social Responsibility (PSR) initiatives.
VCAT’s flagship program ‘VIDYADHARA’ is envisioned to provide
financial assistance to students pursuing 8th, 9th and 10th Standard in the
State of Karnataka. About 805 students have benefitted through this
program from the date of its inception.
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President’s Communique
Dear Members of VCAT,
Gratitude is the mother of all virtues. So let me begin, on behalf of my team in the
Board of Trustees, by
Thanking all the founder trustees, life trustees and life members - their vision
and trust is the foundation of the existence of the organisation.
Thanking all the members of the Board of Trustees who have been part of
the activities of this Trust from the date of its formation till date– Their
contributions is what has kept this organisation living and lively.
Thanking all the donors – just our intention and effort without their
contribution would not have meant anything at all.
Thanking the management of various organisations - NMKRV, RV Teachers
College and especially Vasavi Vidya Niketan –These organisations that gave us
a new whiff of fresh air by providing us with the necessary infrastructure to
conduct the technical sessions for the benefit of our members and students
apart from supporting us in conducting our programs.
It was with lot of humility that we accepted the consent of the Life Trustees to
administer the affairs of VCAT for the years 2019-2021 in April 2019 this year. The
members of BOT since 2008 have given a vision, brought in stability and consistency in
the operations and administration of this organisation and have handed over a robust
and lively organisation us.
We have ensured that we have kept the trust kicking and active by continuing the good
work of our predecessors and at the same time using the synergy to come up with new
ideas and programs to achieve the objects of the trust.
Constantly and consistently conducted Technical sessions for members apart from
technical sessions for students. Vidyadhara – the Scholarship program, to empower
students pursuing 8th, 9th or 10th Standard, is in disbursement stage. About 200
students are to be supported. The messages and random letters we receive from the
beneficiaries humbles us. Request you all to contribute your might so that more
students can be reached out to.
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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We assure you that we will put our best foot forward and ensure that we will not
disappoint, you, by ensuring that we will do all that is required to ensure that the
organisation move ahead towards making the vision of VCAT a reality.
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
Let us do all the right things towards a better world.
For and on behalf of the
Board of Trustees
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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:: Board of Trustees ::
CA Kusuma Yathish CA Venugopal G CA Narasimha Babu K R
Secretary Treasurer
CA Nagendran N P CA Venkatesh Babu T R CA Nagesh M
Vice President Vice President Vice President
CA Dwarakanath G CA Balaji K
Joint Secretary Joint Secretary
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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CA Venkatapathi M CA Sri Vidya Panindra CA Rama Murthy K S
Member Member Member
CA Sanjay C R CA Manjunath R S CA Suman Y Krishna
Member Member Member
CA Ravindranath S N CA Murali Krishna K S
Member Member
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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:: Past Presidents ::
CA Sriramulu A R CA Vishnu Bharath Late. CA Gupta C S
(2008-2010) (2010-2012) (2012-2015)
CA. Prasad I S CA. Sreenivas C S
(2015-2017) (2017-2019)
:: Mentors ::
CA. Pradeep K R CA. Raghu K CA. Ravi K
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Sri Vasavi CA charitable Trust undertakes various activities under the supervision
of its Board of Trustees and executes it through its Sub-Committees.
List of sub committees-
i. Membership Development Committee
ii. Vidhyadhara Committee (Financial assistance to students)
iii. Techwing
iv. Student’s Welfare Wing
v. Women’s Wing
vi. Cultural and Social Wing
(i) Membership Development Committee
VCAT has a humble mission of serving the society at large and students in particular. A
non-profit organization can sustain itself only with a growing member base who believes
in organization’s vision. The Membership Committee has taken upon itself to reach out
to a huge membership base to add life members and Life Trustees to the VCAT family
year after year.
All charitable programmes are funded only by the members makes VCAT unique from
the rest.
Membership Development Committee Members
CA. Venkatesh Babu T R Chairman
CA. Manjunath R S Vice Chairman
CA. Sathyanarayana H S Immediate Past Chairman
CA. Rama Murthy K S Member
CA. Ravindranath S N Member
CA. Sreenivasa Setty B Member
CA. Veeresh Illur Member
CA. Venkatesh K G Member
CA. Vinay T Member
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(ii) Vidhyadhara Committee (Financial assistance to students pursuing High
In the words of the Greatest Monk Swami Vivekananda:
“Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man”
“The very essence of education is concentration of mind”.
VCAT reveres the great soul of Swami Vivekananda and in achieving his goals of creating
a strong, sincere and satisfied youth. VCAT has launched its flagship programme
“Vidhyadhara” in the year 2013 to support the needy students to continue their studies in
high school. It is a matter of pride that the programme which was launched 6 years ago
has touched upon the lives of over 800 students from all over Karnataka. It has
established itself as one of the well-known student financial assistance programme in
The mission of Vidhyadhara in the next few years is to create a self sustainable
programme to reach every deserving needy student to pursue studies without resulting
into drop out.
Vidhyadhara Committee Members
CA. Dwarakanath G Chairman
CA. Suman Y K Vice Chairman
CA. Nagesh M Immediate Past Chairman
CA. Surendra Kumar R Member
CA. Manjunath M V Member
CA. Amaranath A S Member
CA. Panindra Gupta P R Member
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(iii) Techwing -
The environment in which Chartered Accountants operate is changing rapidly and is not
solely dependent on their technical expertise, analytical skills, independence and
integrity. Embracing change actively and moving towards structured development is the
order of the day.
In this scenario, Techwing firmly believe that, imparting quality technical support to the
Chartered Accountant fraternity, those in practice and industry, is going to dramatically
change in strengthening their Technical Skills, Knowledge, Innovation and Service to
create themselves as a hall mark of society.
Techwing also believes in creating a platform for speakers to showcase and hone their
skills to enable a forum for knowledge sharing minds in the community by way of
conducting periodical technical sessions.
Techwing feels proud to say that it has conducted more than 100 technical sessions and
workshops for both Members and to the Students Community in the Areas of their
Continuous Professional Education
Identify and provide platform to Young Speakers.
To enhance Skill sets of its members.
Providing information on latest happenings in the Financial World and in the
area of Information Technology.
Providing information on changing regulatory requirements and its impact on
Chartered Accountants
Provide information for taking up new courses to enable them to cater to the
changing environment.
Techwing's Members
CA. Chandrashekar B D Chairman
CA. Venugopal G Vice Chairman
CA. Kusuma Yathish Immediate Past Chairman
CA. Mylar B S Member
CA. Balaji K Member
CA. Murali Krishna K S Member
CA. Bhaskar G P Member
CA. Venkatesh Babu T R Member
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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(iv) Student’s Welfare Wing
Our core value is committed to facilitating educational opportunities for CA students to
acquire or enhance the skills necessary to progress and develop within and beyond their
Our mission is to inspire and support excellence by:
encouraging the study and practice of accountancy
providing opportunities for professional development, interaction with Experts,
promoting student speakers,
inspiring independence of thought and self-discipline.
counselling students to help them plan for and progress toward their individual
educational goals and
fostering lifelong ethical, social, and public responsibilities.
Students Welfare Wing Members
CA. Cotha S Srinivas Chairman
CA. Sujay K N Vice Chairman
CA. Dwarakanath G Immediate Past Chairman
CA. Sivakumar G A Member
CA. Maruthi S Member
CA. Panindra Gupta P R Member
CA. Suman Y Krishna Member
CA. Satya Prathap M R Member
CA. Kaushik Raj K Member
CA. Vinay Kumar B V Member
CA. Sai charan AS Member
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(v) Women’s Wing
Woman empowerment can make the society powerful. Sustainable development is
complete only with women’s empowerment. It is widely believed that, the full
participation of both men and women is critical for any development. VCAT strongly
believes that women are driving force and also the binding force of the world. This sub-
committee is formed to ensure togetherness of our VCAT family. Women’s welfare wing
has dreams and enthusiasm to enable empowerment of women, our back bones, and that
of the public at large. Going with VCAT’s core objective i.e, philanthropic purpose, we
also wish to simultaneously provide the platform for women in our lives to get out of
their shell and get competitive to pursue their profession and at the same time hone their
talent. Amongst many, few of the Objectives of the Women’s welfare wing is to:
Become enablers to help educate the underprivileged girl child, if you educate
girls, you give them the power to conquer the world,
Conduct programs for creating health awareness for the members and their
Providing a platform to teach cultural or similar activities to economically
challenged children,
Mentoring and creating opportunities for girls who want to choose CA as their
Conduct programs to enable young women learn and acquire skills
“नारीशक्ति शक्तिशाली समाजस्य ननमााणं करोनि”
“Woman empowerment can make the society powerful”
Women's Wing Members
CA. Sri Vidya Panindra Chairperson
CA. Prathima V Immediate Past Chairman
CA. Rajalakshmi A Member
CA. Shruthi B S Member
CA. Samaya Venugopal Member
CA. Harshini P Member
CA. Sneha Amarnath Member
CA. Prasanna Kumari V Member
CA. Bhavana Thejas Member
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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(vi) Cultural and Social Wing
Man is known to be a social being. For any organization to flourish holistically it is
important to create opportunities for all round development of its members. It has been
the endeavour of our committee to come up with an eco-system for such holistic
development by being a platform for our members and their families to network,
strengthen the bonding, show case and / or groom their talents and strengths.
Cultural and Social Wing Members
CA. Balaji K Chairman
CA. Ananth Krishna R Vice Chairman
CA Kusuma Yathish Immediate Past Chairman
CA. Venkatapathi M Member
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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The Year at a Glance:
During the year Sri Vasavi CA charitable Trust has received total amount of Rs. 7,51, 612/-
from its members for the purpose of financial assistance for students pursuing their schooling
8th, 9th & 10th. List of members who generously contributed for this noble cause are
Sl. No Name of the Donor Sl. No Name of the Donor
1 40
2 CA Amarnath Narayana 41 CA Prahallada C S Tumkur
3 CA Anand K 42 CA Prasad.I.S
4 43
5 CA Ananth Krishna R 44 CA Prasada Rao M
6 CA Anil Kumar D G 45 CA Prathima V
7 CA Annapurna Srikanth 46 CA Raghu.K
8 CA Ashok Kumar P R 47 CA Rajendra.A.S
9 CA Babu.R 48 CA Rajesh Desu
10 49
11 CA Badareesh K M 50 CA Ramesh Babu.G
12 CA Badrinath.R 51 CA Ravi.K
13 CA Balaji K 52 CA Ravindranath.M
14 CA Balaji M V 53 CA Revanth R
15 CA Bhaskar.G.P 54 CA Sachendra.K.S.L
16 55
17 CA Chandra Sekhar.B 56 CA Saicharan A S
18 CA Chandrashekhar G 57 CA Sanjay.C.R
19 58
20 CA Chetan P 59 CA Sathayanarayana H S
21 CA Cotha S Srinivas 60 CA Sathyanarayana Gupta S
22 61
23 CA Dwarakanath.G 62 CA Shiva Kumar.G.A
24 CA Gopalakrishna Gupta.E.S 63 CA Shravan Guduthur
25 CA Harish Babu 64 CA Siva Guru Prasad Rao.K
26 CA Jagadish Babu G 65 CA Sreedhar M Hal
27 CA Karthik Mitta 66 CA Sreenivas Babu P
28 67
29 CA Karthik Prakash 68 CA Sreenivas.C.S
30 CA Kaushik Raj K 69 CA Sreenivasa Setty B
31 70
32 CA Kpk Faserv Pvt Ltd 71 CA Sri Vidya Panindra
33 CA Krishnakumar T 72 CA Srinivasan M
34 73
35 CA Kusuma Yathish 74 CA Subramanya B L
36 CA Lakshmi Narsaiah.M 75 CA Sudarshan.C.S
37 76
38 CA Mahesh K H 77 CA Sudhindra D S
39 CA Manjunath R S 78 CA Suman Y K
CA Manjunatha T R CA Surendra Kumar R
CA Murali Krishna K S CA Surya Prakash.P.N
CA Mylar B S CA Usha D
CA Nagendran.N.P CA Venkatapathi.M
CA Nagesh.M CA Venkatesh Babu T R
CA Narasimha Babu.K.R CA Venkkatesh K R
CA Narasimha Setty.K CA Venugopal.G
CA Pampanna B E CA Venugopal T
CA Panchajanyam I.V.S.V.B CA Vinay .N. Sanji
CA Panindra Gupta P R CA Vinay.T
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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During the year the following 28 members have contributed to become Life Trustee.
Sl. No Additions to Life Trustees Sl.No Additions to Life Trustees
1 CA Adinarayana.N 15 CA Prathima V
2 CA Amarnath Chintamani 16 CA Raghavendra T N Tumkur
3 CA Babu.A.N 17 CA Rama Murthy K S
4 CA Balaji.G.R Tumkur 18 CA Ramesh Babu G V
5 CA Deepak K S 19 CA Ravindranath.S.N
6 CA Gangadhara Gupta D J 20 CA S B S Kumar Bellala
7 CA Gella Praveen Kumar 21 CA Senthil Kumar S
8 CA Govindarajulu P 22 CA Srividya Panindra
9 CA Harish A 23 CA Tejasvi S R
10 CA Madhu.M.S 24 CA Venkatesh K G
11 CA Manjunath .M. V 25 CA Vijay Kumar.S
12 CA Manjunath R S 26 CA Vishnuprasad K P
13 CA Nagendra Kumar O V 27 CA Vivek D S
14 CA Pavan Kumar R S 28 CA Sarat C Chegu
During the year the following 117 members have contributed to become Life Members.
Sl. No Name of New Member Sl. No Name of New Member
1 CA Adithya S J 59 CA Rajesh H S
2 CA Ajith N A 60 CA Ramesh C S
3 CA Akash Halvi 61 CA Ramesh.V.S
4 CA Akshitha S 62 CA Ramya C N
5 CA Amarnath A S (Chintamani) 63 CA Ranjith Kumar D R
6 CA Anil Kumar.S.L 64 CA Reddy Vinay L M
7 CA Ashritha S.A 65 CA Roopkumar .B.S
8 CA Ashwin K R 66 CA S B S Kumar Bellala
9 CA B J Sharavana 67 CA S Nagaraju
10 CA Bharathu Kumar J Gupta 68 CA Sadananda R
11 CA Bhavana Thejas 69 CA Samaya V
12 CA Vijay Kotha 70 CA Sandeep Chlapathy
13 CA Chakka Rama Krishna Kumar 71 CA Sandeep K L
14 CA Chetan P 72 CA Santosh Hebsur
15 CA Deepu G Chowti 73 CA Sapthagiri B A
16 CA Ganesh D 74 CA Satheesha.K.S
17 CA Ganesh M Donthi 75 CA Shabaresh
18 CA Giridhar M N 76 CA Shashank S
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Sl. No Membership Fee Received Sl.No Membership Fee Received
19 CA Gondarala Vishnu 77 CA Shashikumar Krishnamurthy
20 CA Harish Babu 78 CA Shiv Shankar.T.R
21 CA Harish.R.N 79 CA Shiva Shankar T S
22 CA Harshini Kaushik 80 CA Shravan Kumar R
23 CA Jagannatham.E.S 81 CA Shreyas S
24 CA Jayaprakash Gupta J 82 CA Shruthi B S
25 CA K V Vishnu Chaitanya 83 CA Sneha J P
26 CA Karthik Mitta 84 CA Sowmya K
27 CA Kaushik R 85 CA Sridhar.G.V
28 CA Kavya P N 86 CA Srinivasan M
29 CA Kiran Hunsur 87 CA Srividya Panindra
30 CA Kishore N S 88 CA Suchisree S
31 CA Lakshmaiah Setty Beemisetty 89 CA Suhas G S
32 CA Mahesh Babu K 90 CA Sukruth N Segu
33 CA Milind H S 91 CA Sumedh E S
34 CA Monika K V 92 CA Suneela Voleti
35 CA Mythri B A 93 CA Supreeth M G
36 CA Narahari Navakanth 94 CA Suryanarayana Murhty.P.V
37 CA Narasimha Setty.K 95 CA Tejaswini Ln
38 CA Narasimhan E 96 CA V Prasanna Kumari
39 CA Natesha B S 97 CA Vaibhav
40 CA Naveen Yadagi 98 CA Vallamkondu Divya
41 CA Netravati B M 99 CA Vankadri Laskhmi Chennakesava
42 CA Nikhil C P 100 CA Varun Meda
43 CA Nikhil K S 101 CA Vasavi Priya Etakalla
44 CA Nischal C S 102 CA Veena V H
45 CA P Anand Kumar 103 CA Veera Prabhakar
46 CA Pasuparthi S Shivaprasad 104 CA Venkatalakshmi Sonatur
47 CA Pradeep K R 105 CA Venkatesh Guptha D
48 CA Prahallada Cstumkur 106 CA Venkatesh K
49 CA Prajwal K A 107 CA Vijaykumar Janadri
50 CA Prasad Rao M 108 CA Vinay K V
51 CA Prasad.I.S 109 CA Vinay Kumar K N
52 CA Prashanth K L 110 CA Vinod Kumar Katakam
53 CA Prathima J 111 CA Vinod Raj
54 CA Priyanka P 112 CA Vyshnavi C Pach
55 CA Raghavendra D 113 CA Yashaswini L N
56 CA Raghavendra Gupta E K 114 CA Yashwanth K S
57 CA Raghavendra M 115 CA Giriraj R K
58 CA Raghavendra Mylapur 116 CA Mukesh Vemuri
117 CA Nanda Kishore E R
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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Glimpse of activities under taken during the period 2017-19-
Student technical Sessions -
/ Speakers in Student technical Sessions-
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Member’s technical sessions-
Speakers in Members technical Sessions-
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Women’s day celebrations in VCAT-
Activities of Cultural and Social Wing-
Cultural activities conducted at the AGM held for the FY 2017-18
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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:: International Yoga Day ::
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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Felicitation to newly qualified chartered accountants
Other Glimpses of AGM
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Financial Performance:
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“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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Sri Vasavi CA Charitable Trust
FY 2018-19
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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Sri Vasavi CA Charitable Trust
FY 2018-19
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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No. 9, 9th Main, Jayanagar 2nd Block, Bangalore - 560 011
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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No. 9, 9th Main, Jayanagar 2nd Block, Bangalore - 560 011
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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No. 9, 9th Main, Jayanagar 2nd Block, Bangalore - 560 011
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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Sri Vasavi CA Charitable Trust
FY 2018-19
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”
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Sri Vasavi CA Charitable Trust
FY 2018-19
“लोकहितम् मम करणीयम्”