Youth: Tuesdays at Flewwelling’s, 6:30-8:30 (ages 12-18) Living Waters
Contact Josiah for more information: 250-804-6580 Community Church
Young adults: 2nd/4th Sun. at Cornerstone, 6:30 (ages 19-30) Inviting People to Experience God’s Love
Church Financials as at March 29/19:
Total revenue $57,585
Total expenses $50,022
Bottom Line + $ 7,563
Collected for Kid’s Camp: $1,157.95 (Plus silent auction items in
foyer - don’t forget to bid!!) Thank you to everyone who contributed!
Sat. May 11th: Ladies Spring Event - River of Life Church in
Sorrento. Speak to Donna for more details.
Church Office: 250-832-3433
Office Hours: Tues – Fri 9:00am – 12:00pm
email: [email protected]
180 Lakeshore Drive NW Box 308 V1E 4N5
Pastor - David St John 250-517-8589
Prayer Chain - Barb Engels 250-517-8645
I would like to know more about:
Getting involved in the church April 7th, 2019
Joining a small group Children’s/Youth ministries Pre-service prayer 9:45
Worship service 10:30
Other (please specify) __________________________________ Nursery and Kids Church 11:15
Nursing mothers room available
Do you have a prayer request?______________________________
The Ministerial has decided to weekly pray for different Pastors and
Our next prayer event will be 3 days of prayer and fasting,
Tues/Wed/Thurs, May 7/8/9 We will meet each evening at the their churches or organizations. This week we are praying for
church at 7pm to pray. We encourage everyone to participate St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church & Father George LaGrange
NOTE CHANGE OF DAYS: The Jensen’s home group (hosted by the Hillsong United (Y&F) Kelowna, April 11th -Trinity Church; For tickets/
Caverly’s) is now every MONDAY at 7pm, instead of Wednesdays. info: Discounts for groups of 10 or more!
Starting TODAY: Join us for “On Ramp”- a 4-week introductory Sat. May 4: “Beauty Unleashed” - Ladies day conference at the E-Free
course to our faith and church family. Every Sunday in April, 9 a.m. Church, 9:30-4:30. $20 includes lunch. SIGN UP IN LOBBY if you are
Coffee and muffins served. Please sign up in the foyer. interested, and we can arrange tickets and all go together.
Tues. April 9th: Next Playdate 4-7p.m. RSVP Shirl if your kids are Sat, May 11th: Our Annual garage sale to benefit our poverty relief
coming! 250-253-9413 REMINDER: Save all your cans/bottles for the dental clinic. Please start putting aside clean, working items in good
Children’s Ministry - fundraiser for monthly “Playdate” event. You condition. Thank you! Questions? Contact Darcen at 250-803-3449
can drop them off at the church or call Shirl for pick-up.
Also - For those who are able - please stay after the service today PLEASE TURN THE PAGE FOR MORE INFO ----------->
and help rearrange chairs for the Playdate - we need to stack all the
chairs from the center and right-hand side. Thank you! WELCOME! If you are new to the church, please fill out the
Connect Card below and put it in the offering basket, give it to the
Sat. April 13th: Men’s Breakfast 8 a.m. here at the church - only $5!
usher, or place in connect card drop-box in foyer.
Sun. April 14th: Gideons Dessert Night 7 p.m. at the Enderby Please stay & visit over coffee after the service in the foyer!
Evangelical Chapel, 708 Mill Ave. Featuring the Samson Project
Documentary and special guest Brad Willey. Free admission. LIVING WATERS CONNECT CARD
Call Ernie Wedel for more info: 250-838-0161
Name(s): ________________________________________________
Fri. April 19th: Good Friday Service 10:30 a.m. at our church; joint
service with New Life Outreach in Tappen. Pastor Mel will be speaking Address:_________________________________________________
and we will celebrate communion. EIGHT PEOPLE needed to bring
squares/muffins - please sign up in foyer if you can contribute - Email:_____________________________________
thanks! We’ll hold our regular Easter Sunday service on the 21st.
Tick this box if interested in receiving church updates via email
Sat. April 27th: Ladies Breakfast 9 a.m. at the church. Please sign up
in foyer if you’re coming. $5 at the door. More details TBA! Phone:______________________ Cell:_______________________
May 3-5th: FGBMI Men’s Bible Camp at Green Bay, Kelowna. 3pm I would like to:
Friday to after lunch Sunday. Great speakers, fellowship, worship,
prayer, and food! See office for details, or FGBMI website Put my faith in Christ or learn more about it
Be baptised Meet with the Pastor