Job Opportunity: The Churches Thrift Store needs someone to work at Living Waters
the back of the store, in ‘warehouse’. Please contact them at 832-8234 Community Church
You are invited! Tina Spear & Garret Houghton’s wedding, Jun 22nd Inviting People to Experience God’s Love
Details: RSVP by May 31st
Compassionate Community Care
Do you need advice, help or support regarding you or your loved
ones end-of-life care, euthanasia, or assisted suicide?
Call 1-855-675-8749. Confidential and Free.
Does anyone have a place where a man could park/live in his van for a
few months while attending a course, within walking distance to a bus
stop or town? (Salmon Arm) Call Rob at 460-1738 please
Church Office: 250-832-3433
Office Hours: Tues – Fri 9:00am – 12:00pm
email: [email protected]
180 Lakeshore Drive NW Box 308 V1E 4N5
Pastor - David St John 250-517-8589
Prayer Chain - Barb Engels 250-517-8645
I would like to know more about:
Getting involved in the church TODAY is Baptism Sunday!
Joining a small group Children’s/Youth ministries April 28, 2019
Other (please specify) __________________________________ Pre-service prayer 9:45
Worship service 10:30
________________________________________________________ Nursery and Kids Church 11:15
Nursing mothers room available
Do you have a prayer request?______________________________
The Ministerial has decided to weekly pray for different Pastors and
Our next prayer event will be 3 days of prayer and fasting,
Tues/Wed/Thurs, May 7/8/9 We will meet each evening at the their churches or organizations. This week we are praying for
church at 7pm to pray. We encourage everyone to participate ! St. Andrews Presbyterian Church & Rev Ena van Zoeren
AND SCC - Sicamous with Pastor Bob Evans
TODAY - Fellowship lunch after the service. Bring your lunch (and
extra to share if you are able) and join us for a time of fellowship, Sat. May 4: “Beauty Unleashed” E-Free Ladies day conference, 9:30-
directly after the service. If you are unable to bring food, please stay 4:30. $20 incl. lunch. Register at E-Free Church - spots still available!
anyway - there is always lots to go around! Sat. May 11th: Ladies Spring Event at the River of Life Church in
Sorrento. Speak to Donna for more details.
Next Sunday (May 5th) - Service after the service - please stay!
- Birthday Sunday in Children’s Church! Sat. May 25th: Ladies Day Out, here at the church - special activities
being planned. Mark your calendars; sign up sheets available soon. An
May 3-5th: FGBMI Men’s Bible Camp at Green Bay, Kelowna. 3 p.m. event to invite friends and neighbors to! More details TBA
Friday to after lunch Sunday. Great speakers, fellowship, worship,
prayer, and food! See office for details, or FGBMI website. PLEASE TURN OVER FOR MORE ANNOUNCEMENTS
Fri. May 10: 6:30 pm - Salmon Arm Prayer Service - “On Earth As It Is WELCOME! If you are new to the church, please fill out the
In Heaven.” Join the churches of our area at 5 Corners Pentecostal Connect Card below and put it in the offering basket, give it to the
Church for a time of worship, prayer & fellowship as we cry out to
God for the spiritual well-being of our community. Special focus: faith usher, or place in connect card drop-box in foyer.
of our next generation; their conversion; Christian students and
homeschoolers. If you are able, please bring goodies to share for our Please stay & visit over coffee after the service in the foyer!
coffee time - thank you! Sponsored by S.A. Ministerial Association
Sat. May 11th: Our Annual garage sale to benefit our poverty relief
dental clinic. Please collect clean, working items in good condition. Name(s): ________________________________________________
Thank you! Questions? Contact Darcen at 250-803-3449
Thu. May 16th 7pm: “Resurrecting Democracy”, 5 Corners Church.
Pro Life Society is sponsoring Mike Schouten, who will be speaking on Email:_____________________________________
Christian’s diminishing democracy. For all ages; refreshments served.
Tick this box if interested in receiving church updates via email
Fri. May 24: Honoring the legacy of Earl and Ruth Trekofski - 45 yrs
in Ministry - and celebrating what God is doing in Mozambique and Phone:______________________ Cell:_______________________
Brazil. Heartland Alliance Church in Sherwood Park, Alberta. Free.
Must RSVP by May 16th to reserve tickets - call Patti #780-408-3268 I would like to:
or email [email protected]
Put my faith in Christ or learn more about it
Be baptised Meet with the Pastor