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Published by livingwaters, 2019-07-19 13:28:23

July 7th, 2019

July 7th, 2019

Notes Living Waters
Community Church
___________________________________________________ Inviting People to Experience God’s Love

Church Office: 250-832-3433
Office Hours: Tues – Fri 9:00am – 12:00pm
email: [email protected]
180 Lakeshore Drive NW Box 308 V1E 4N5

Pastor - David St John 250-517-8589
Prayer Chain - Barb Engels 250-517-8645

I would like to know more about:

Getting involved in the church

Joining a small group Children’s/Youth ministries July 7th, 2019

Other (please specify) __________________________________ Pre-service prayer 9:45
Worship service 10:30
________________________________________________________ Nursery & Kids Church 11:15
Nursing mothers room available
Do you have a prayer request?______________________________


The Ministerial has decided to weekly pray for different Pastors
Our next prayer event - 3 days of prayer and fasting - will be and their churches or organizations. This week we are praying for
Tues/Wed/Thurs, Aug 6,7,8 at the church, 7pm. Please plan on
attending at least one of these evenings. We encourage everyone The Emmanuel Free Lutheran Church and its Elders
to participate in these important events in the life of our church.
There are letters to mail out to the Prime Minister in protest of
The movie UNPLANNED that was due to show at the Salmar abortion - please pick up several and get them in the mail! Look for
Classic July 12th-18th has been cancelled due to threats made the stack of red papers in the foyer - simply put your return address
against the Salmar manager. Please pray for her and her family. on them, tape the edges, and pop in the mail. No postage required.
Lets also pray that God will make a way for the movie to come to *If you’d rather, just put your return address on them and leave
town without threats or anything happening along those lines.
them with us - we will close/mail them!*
UNPLANNED IS scheduled to show in Vernon at the Vernon Town
Cinema, Sat. July 15th - Thurs. 18th. The start time will be WELCOME! If you are new to the church, please fill out the
announced July 9th. Please check their website for further Connect Card below and put it in the offering basket, give it to the
details: Let’s pray that it does
run, and for the safety of the theatre and staff there. usher, or place in connect card drop-box in foyer.

Next Sun. July 14th: Ron and Veronica Esau (and daughter Keely), Please stay & visit over coffee after the service in the foyer!
missionaries with ACOP in Turkey, will be speaking and we’ll be
taking up an offering for them. LIVING WATERS CONNECT CARD

Sun. July 28th: Mark your calendars! Name(s): ________________________________________________
Our next Family Service is scheduled for the
28th. Instead of having it at the church, we will Address:_________________________________________________
gather at Marion Burn’s house at White Lake -
3782 Paaka Road. Service will begin at 10 a.m. Email:_____________________________________
Right after will be our annual Church Picnic!
Please SIGN UP in the foyer ASAP, including #’s of Tick this box if interested in receiving church updates via email
hotdogs or hamburgers you’d like, children/ages,
and if you are bringing a salad or dessert to share. Phone:______________________ Cell:_______________________
Don’t forget your lawn chairs / blanket. Maps
available on table. You can call Marion with any I would like to:
questions (after July 14th) at 250-835-8315.
Put my faith in Christ or learn more about it

Be baptised Meet with the Pastor

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