Notes Living Waters
Community Church
___________________________________________________ Inviting People to Experience God’s Love
Church Office: 250-832-3433
Office Hours: Tues – Fri 9:00am – 12:00pm
email: [email protected]
180 Lakeshore Drive NW Box 308 V1E 4N5
Pastor - David St John 250-517-8589
Prayer Chain - Barb Engels 250-517-8645
I would like to know more about:
Getting involved in the church
Joining a small group Children’s/Youth ministries June 2nd, 2019
Other (please specify) __________________________________ Pre-service prayer 9:45
Worship service 10:30
________________________________________________________ Nursery & Kids Church 11:15
Nursing mothers room available
Do you have a prayer request?______________________________
The Ministerial has decided to weekly pray for different Pastors and
Our next prayer event - 3 days of prayer and fasting, will be
THIS Tues/Wed/Thurs, Jun. 4,5,6, at the church. their churches or organizations. This week we are praying for
Each evening before prayer, from 5:30 - 7pm, we will be listening to DEO Lutheran Church and Pastor Eric Bjorgan
teaching by Rob Parker, the Director of the National House of Prayer,
SEEKING A BED/FURNITURE! Do you have an extra bed?
from his “Activating Prayer School” sessions. Join us to be taught/ Please speak with Teresa Dawn if you can help - thank you!
inspired in prayer. If you would like to hear this teaching but cannot
come during those times, you can hear them online on the Vernon Most of our Home Groups/Bible studies are winding up for the
summer. Be sure to check with the leader of your group.
Community Baptist Church website. Go to Sermon Messages and
scroll back to Vernon Prayer School Recordings From Our Women’s Ministry Team:
Thank you for a great Ladies Day Out at the church last
(from when Rob taught these sessions at their church). weekend! Everyone had a great time. Please sign up for
Sat. June 15th: Last Men’s Breakfast of the season will be held at the the Ladies End of Year BBQ. Thanks!
*Blue Canoe on Shuswap Street* at 8 a.m. Suggested donation of $5.
*Please note change of usual date and location* Seeking donations of men’s clothes for the homeless- see Karen
Sun. June 9th: David & Erin Schellenberg will be sharing. WELCOME! If you are new to the church, please fill out the
They are currently serving as missionaries in Turkey. Connect Card below and put it in the offering basket, give it to the
We’ll be taking up an offering for them.
usher, or place in connect card drop-box in foyer.
June 16th: Fathers Day - don’t forget to return your Please stay & visit over coffee after the service in the foyer!
(filled) Baby Bottles to Bev on the 16th! Thank you.
June 21st 6pm: Year-end Women’s Ministry BBQ at Crystal Baker’s
home (2620 4A Ave SE). Please bring salad or dessert and a toonie for Name(s): ________________________________________________
a burger. Sign up in the lobby!
June 28 - 30th: “It’s Time Canada!” Men’s Gathering in Castlegar, B.C.
Join Angus Buchan (of “Faith Like Potatoes”) for three days of historic Email:_____________________________________
prayer and teaching that influenced a nation. Info:
or call Jeff Zak 250-352-5007. Camping sites available. Get tickets now! Tick this box if interested in receiving church updates via email
July 10-14th: Community Volunteers are needed for “BC Festival Phone:______________________ Cell:_______________________
2019”, Square and Round Dancing Festival held at the Shaw Centre,
Rec Centre, Curling Rink and College. 100’s of dancers from across Can- I would like to:
ada are coming. Please email Jean at [email protected] or
call her at 250-833-9227. Put my faith in Christ or learn more about it
Be baptised Meet with the Pastor