Living Waters Youth Group (ages 12-18) meet every Tuesday from Living Waters
6:30 - 8:30 at the Flewwelling's. Leader: Josiah Schut. Please join us! Community Church
Call Josiah at 804-6580 for info.
Inviting People to Experience God’s Love
FOR RENT: Suite in brand new house in a gorgeous setting in White
Lake (between Sorrento and Salmon Arm). 3 bedroom 2 bathroom
1000 square foot suite on 3 acres with shared laundry; available Mar
1st for $1400/month - all utilities included.
ON SAME PROPERTY: small 2 bedroom cabin will be available
in May that is perfect for a couple or two roommates. It rents
for $900 per month, utilities included.
- please speak to Karen /the office for more information
Church Office: 250-832-3433
Office Hours: Tues– Fri 9:00am– 12:00pm
email: [email protected]
180 Lakeshore Drive NW Box 308 V1E 4N5
Pastor - David St John 250-517-8589
Prayer Chain - Barb Engels 250-838-2507
I would like to know more about:
Getting involved in the church
Joining a small group Children’s/Youth ministries Mar. 10th, 2019
Other (please specify) __________________________________ Pre-service prayer 9:45
Worship service 10:30
________________________________________________________ Nursery and Kids Church 11:15
Nursing mothers room available
Do you have a prayer request?______________________________
The Ministerial has decided to weekly pray for different Pastors and
Our next prayer event will be 3 days of prayer and fasting,
Tues/Wed/Thurs, April 2, 3, 4. We will meet each evening at the their churches or organizations. This week we are praying for
church at 7pm to pray. We encourage everyone to participate as you River of Life Community Church - Pastor Rueben Paul &
can, and if it works for you, to attend at least one of the evenings of Associate Pastor Sandy Reutlinger
prayer. These are the most significant and powerful events in the
Jacquie Bolen of Camp Amasa is seeking prayer support and
life of our church...come and be part of the excitement! volunteers for their camp for adults with special needs in Canoe this
summer. Christian men and women (over 18) needed as cabin leaders
TODAY: Calling all young adults! (19-30) There is an inter-church and other positions. See Jacquie’s email (table in foyer)
young adult ministry starting at Cornerstone Church. Come for a free
supper at 6:30 to hear what is happening. Invites with info available Friday April 5th: Dan Bremnes concert at the Salmar Classic. He’s
in the foyer (look for the hamburger!) offering us a discounted price of $10 each. Please sign up in the lobby
if you want a ticket - they’ll be available next week.
TOMORROW: NEW Ladies Bible Study, Mondays 1-3pm at
the church. “Shifting Atmospheres”- taking dominion over We now accept e-transfer tithes/donations! See office for details.
the supernatural environment for the Kingdom of God. More details:
Bev or Trudy. Sharing from book and discussion time. Books: $20/ea. PLEASE TURN OVER FOR MORE ANNOUNCEMENTS ----->>>
Please sign up in foyer if you will be attending.
WELCOME! If you are new to the church, please fill out the
Next 2 Sundays (Mar. 17 & 24th) KIDS TO CAMP COLLECTION Connect Card below and put it in the offering basket, give it to the
We’ll be taking up an offering to help send kids to bible camp
usher, or place in connect card drop-box in foyer.
Sun. March 17th: Congregational prayer after the service Please stay & visit over coffee after the service in the foyer!
Sun. March 24th: Our AGM. We will hold our fellowship lunch that LIVING WATERS CONNECT CARD
day, so bring food for yourself (and others if you can.) We will eat
between noon and 1pm and start the AGM as close to 1pm as Name(s): ________________________________________________
possible. AGM packages (agenda, financial, ministry reports etc.)
will be available on Sunday March 17th for your perusal/prayer. Address:_________________________________________________
Sat. March 30th: Ladies Breakfast, 9 am at the church. Email:_____________________________________
Menu TBA. Sandy Jensen will be sharing her life/faith
journey. Please sign up in foyer if you will be attending. Tick this box if interested in receiving church updates via email
Sun. March 31st: Newcomers Lunch. Meet the Pastor and eldership Phone:______________________ Cell:_______________________
team over lunch, right after the service. If you are new to our church
(in the past 2 yrs.) and have not been to a newcomers lunch, please I would like to:
sign up in the foyer as an idea of numbers would be helpful.
Put my faith in Christ or learn more about it
Be baptised Meet with the Pastor