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Published by The Prowl - Belleville High School, 2020-02-12 11:28:17

May 2019 - Issue #5

Issue 5 April 2019

1.5 Generation
A race to the American dream

Table Of Contents


3 | FEATURE #1

6 | LIFESTYLE 11 | perspective

15 | FEATURE #2

19 | NEWS 19 | SPORTS & ORGS.

25 | FEATURE #3

Managing Editor - Peyton Morgan Editor-In-Chief - Mili Julian


Cassidy Evans - Design Editor
Mili Julian - Editor-In-Chief
Peyton Morgan - Manging Editor

Nicole Steele
Jordan Wilder

Jacob Kean
Miles Fahey
Kelly Kallien Abby Otteson

Cover Photo Taken by Peyton Morgan

SoSLeonng,iors 2 . Seniors | The Prowl

Cassidy Evans
Design Editor

Peyton Morgan Mili Julian
Managing Editor Editor-In-Chief

As my career at Belleville High School To say I am proud of our immense From starting my sophomore year to
is coming to an end, I am proud to improvement within the past three finishing my senior year it has been
say that The Prowl is something I years is an understatement. I have seen a crazy, anxious and an emotional
will always carry with me. I was a the Prowl grow from its beginning ride but I would not change it for the
part of the paper when it first started stages- I was there to help pick out world. The amount of memories I have
my sophomore year, and the growth the title of the print, then through created throughout this class has been
within the paper has been incredible. the many stages of design, and most a blessing.
I want to thank Mrs. Miller and Mr. recently, I was there for its transition I will forever be thankful for the
Farrar for helping create the paper, into a magazine layout printed in full amount of friendships I made, for Ms.
and Mrs. Otteson and Mrs. Kallien color (this is a big deal). Kallien and Mrs. Otteson for buying
for helping continue the paper and The friendships I have created, the us pizzas on our late nights, and most
expanding my love for journalism. reporting I have done, the endless of all for the class putting a smile on
(Love you both, and thanks for never amount of pizza I ate at late nights, my face when I really needed it most.
actually throwing the AP style book at the emotional interviews I have had, Make sure you fellow Prowlers ask
me.) and the memories I have made are Mrs. Otteson about her banana bread
It makes me sad realizing that this is absolutely priceless. I want to thank because that stuff is banging. I want to
my last time writing for The Prowl, everyone who has been on staff, Mr. say big thanks to Eric Farrar and Eliza-
but I know that the paper will only Farrar and Mrs. Miller for getting the beth Miller for starting newspaper and
continue to grow. I am grateful for all paper off the ground, and Mrs. Otteson leaving their mark on it after they left.
of the memories I have made, and the and Ms. Kallien (the dream team) for I also would like to thank Ms. Kallien
opportunities to challenge myself as making our paper the best it has ever and Mrs. Otteson for picking it up and
a student journalist. Future Prowlers, been. Knowing this is my last issue in never giving up on us even through
make Dave Wallner proud. • the Prowl brings tears to my eyes, but our worst moments. I am going to miss
I am grateful for the past three years. • the bond I have made with the students
in Newspaper and I am going to miss
the two people I look up most to, Mrs.
Otteson and Ms. Kallien. I will be sure
to stop in next year and say hi, but
until then I will say “see you soon”
because goodbye would be a lie. •

The 1 5

The extra barriers and hoobpysMuinlidJuolicaunmented students face

Life in the United States is quite number. They do not see the scholars,
simple, really. In childhood, learn In the U.S., even in the town of struggling to pay for their education
the basics: how to read and write, Belleville, undocumented workers and that they worked so hard for, because
proper etiquette, strong morals. When students are misunderstood. The only they could not get a well-paying job
you turn sixteen, you get your driver’s immigrants people seem to see are the without documentation.
license. If needed, find a part-time job. ones in the media, that are portrayed A high school senior in
When you graduate from high school, as criminals, rapists, or job-stealers. Madison, *Jenny Martinez, is facing
you go to college. If you decide to not What many people do not see are the the difficulties of planning her future
go to college, you get a job. Do not hardworking parents, who do whatever while being undocumented.
overthink it, just do what makes you it takes to get their children to succeed “I’ve worked hard to be where
happy. in life. What they do not see are the I am by taking a lot of hard classes and
It is quite simple, that is, unless teenagers, afraid of failing and letting maintaining my grades, but still then
you do not have a social security their families down. even if I got accepted by a university,

Rallying at the Madison Capitol on May 1, 2019 for “Dia Sin Latinxs”.
Thousands of people participated in support of Tony Ever’s proposal to
allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. Photo taken by
Melissa Abrajan

there’s not as many opportunities for on people,” said Rodriguez. “I have a that you don’t want to take.”
financial aid as there are for students partner right now, and I rely on them a Undocumented workers are
that are citizens,” said Martinez. “Even lot to do things for me, such as driving paid unfairly. Since they do not own
beyond that, there are some schools me around, because I am not allowed legal papers, the amount of money
that don’t even reply if you are not a to get a driver’s license.” they are paid is not regulated by law.
U.S. citizen or have certified residency, Along with being deprived of a driver’s “I find that idea of us stealing
so there’s just a lack of opportunities license, a lack of a social security jobs really problematic, because a lot
for higher education overall.” number creates a great amount of of times we take those jobs that don’t
Martinez is not alone in this disadvantages for students. pay as well,” said Martinez. “People
struggle. According to the American “Even in getting an internship or a take advantage of us because they
Immigration Counsel, 65 thousand job, I have to go through so many know that we can’t provide that social
undocumented students graduate from more barriers and extra hoops,” said security, and that we need to be paid
high school annually in the U.S. Many Martinez. “I don’t have the same under the table or with cash.”
of these students are known as the “1.5 options as other students, especially These financial barriers come into play
Generation,” and most of whom have when it comes to career building and when it comes to attending college
the following in common: they or finishing a degree.
arrived in the U.S. as children “It’s a big privilege to be a citizen,” The large dropout rate of
and adolescents, grew up (for Latinos in college is not
the most part) in America, and said Rodriguez. “ I can’t plan for because Latinos are failing
tend to culturally identify as college. I can’t plan my next day. I in college, but rather that
American. the institutions are failing
Eighteen-year-old can’t plan my future.” Latinos.
undocumented immigrant By not providing
*Laura Rodriguez has lived in the U.S. financial aid for school.” undocumented students with
since she was five months old. In the Not only are options limited, enough resources and opportunities
eighteen years she has lived here, she but most of the time, they are not to succeed, institutions in the U.S.
was unable to find an easy path to permanent or reliable. are continuing to systematically
citizenship. Like many other “1.5ers”, “You know how hard it is disadvantage and oppress many first
Rodriguez felt as American as her to get a job as an immigrant? The generation immigrant scholars.
peers, but was exposed to her limits number one thing you need is a social “It’s a big privilege to be a
throughout her life. security, and as soon as I get caught citizen,” said Rodriguez. “ I can’t plan
“I have to rely on someone else to do without one, I’m out of the job,” said for college. I can’t plan my next day. I
things that I am not able to do, and Rodriguez. “We are not here to steal can’t plan my future.” •
it’s hard because I don’t like relying your jobs, we are here to fill the jobs

The Prowl | Advertisement . 5

The effect of 6 . Lifestyle | The Prowl

by Mili Julian

Photos taken by Wendy Jones Firemen and EMTs working to get student actor
Mili Julian onto a stretcher during the mock
crash on May 1, 2019. Many students from the
audience agreed that seeing the graphic injuries
of their classmates shocked them.

On May 1, 2019, students at “I felt shocked to see people Officers, Fire Department, Swat
Belleville High School walked who I see all the time through the halls Team, and Bomb Squad,” said Mark
into the back parking lot to a in that state and have one of them Jozefowski. “Our special effects will
mock crash. The first thing that caught pronounced dead,” said Shylah Lietz, have an impact on Law Enforcement,
many of their eyes was the blood, all a sophomore who was watching the EMS, Paramedics, Dispatchers, and
over the cars and their classmates. The mock trial. “[The makeup] did add a Coroners, just to name a few.”
wounds on the acting students created lot of drama and made the whole thing While the wounds they are
an emotional reaction from the crowd, even more real.” able to create range from sucking chest
as none of them would ever wish to It is the reaction that the wounds to amputated limbs, Mark
see any of them in that shape. special effects cause that makes them Jozefowski’s favorite wounds to create
Mark and Lois Jozefowski, essential in these mock crashes and are the simpler ones.
retired EMTs, are responsible for the training. “I find it relaxing to do
emotional response from the crowd as “My wife Lois and I have makeup of burns, barbed wire cuts,
the special effects makeup artists. done many jobs with Pre Emergency [and] road rash,” said Jozefowski.
“In 1982 I began the EMS Planning,” said Mark Josefowski. “It’s Both Lois and Mark are aware
course in Brooklyn, Wis.,” said Mark very sad to think that we have to train of their impact and significance in
Josefowski. “I was introduced to this weekend for a mass shooting in training officials, but find that working
special effects by my instructor. By one of our local towns.” with the students at BHS for the mock
seeing the injury in my mind I was While car accidents have crash is one of the most rewarding
able to get myself in ‘EMS mode.’” always been a common emergency jobs they have had.
Before special effects were EMTs are trained to respond to, mass “I am very honored to have
added to training, medics were trained shootings have been increasing. With the privilege to work with such a
how to treat injuries by using a piece the rise of these emergencies, there has fine group of people,” said Mark
of tape to indicate where the injury been an increase of attention to how to Jozefowski. “The young adults give
was. Having special effects makeup prevent or take care of these tragedies me faith in our children and it makes
made the training seem real, and in a quicker and more efficient way. me very proud to be able to assist
shows EMTs what the injury will look “Lois and I will create the them with the message they are trying
like in a real accident. necessary injuries to help our Police to get to other kids their age.” •

It is okay to
A look at the

A rise in teenage depression

As I recently sat down for one “I have dealt with depression “When you are depressed, you do not
of my high school classes, I since 7th grade, and it has not been control your thoughts, your thoughts
had no idea what we would easy,” said *Mariah, a student at control you, and I wish more people

be discussing in class that day. I set Belleville High School.“There have understood that,” said Mariah. “There

up my Chromebook, got out my been days where I can not leave my is a negative stigma around mental

notebook, and patiently waited for bed, and sometimes there is nothing health and I never understood why. I

class to begin. wrong, I just lose all motivation.” am the same person I was before you

Our teacher approached the Depression is a mood disorder that knew about my mental illness.”

front of the class, and within the next causes a persistent feeling of sadness According to NPR, the rate

hour and twenty minutes the topic of and loss of interest. Also called of individuals reporting symptoms

mental health and suicide was brought major depressive disorder or clinical consistent with major depression over

up. Suicide was defined as a call for depression, it affects how you feel, the past year increased 52 percent in

attention by a victim. think, and behave, and can lead to teens and 63 percent in young adults

By the end of the class I could feel a variety of emotional and physical over a decade.

the awkward tension that had built up problems. “Depression is on the rise,”

in the room between myself and the Mariah was diagnosed with depression said Rachael Heittola, senior at

rest of my class. I genuinely felt the when she was a middle schooler, and Belleville High School. “I see it

negative stigma around mental health, there are many others in her same impacting my generation everyday.”

and realized how much this really does situation. Taken from a survey sent Heittola has grown up in

impact our generation. out to Belleville Middle School, Belleville her entire life, and while she

“When you are depressed you do not control your was attending
In today’s Belleville

society, thoughts, your thoughts control you, and I wish more Intermediate
social School,

media people understood that.” known
provides today as the

a platform for teenagers to paint the respondents show that 72.4 percent elementary school, mental health and

perfect version of their lives. Whether know someone who has been depression were never a concern for

it be posting on Instagram, posting diagnosed with depression. her.

a Snapchat story, or tweeting on People who are diagnosed with “Not only are middle and

Twitter, our lives are highlighted to be depression are not just sad, and high school students being affected by

“perfect.” people diagnosed with anxiety are mental health, so are younger kids like

More and more teenagers not just nervous. Individuals who 5th graders,” said Heittola. “Whether

are falling into the trap of allowing have a mental illness are just as sick or not they are joking or being serious,

their social media profiles and posts as someone with the flu, the only I hear kids and other teenagers

to determine their worth as a person. difference is that the flu has a higher casually throwing out comments like

According to Childmind, smartphones survival rate than those who deal with ‘I want to die’ and ‘this class makes

were introduced in 2007, and by mental illness. me want to jump off a bridge,’ like it

2015, 92 percent of teens and young According to the American Foundation means nothing.”

adults owned a smartphone. The rise of Suicide Prevention, suicide is the A survey was sent out to

in depressive symptoms correlates tenth leading cause of death in the Belleville Middle and High School,

with smartphone adoption during that U.S., and in 2017, 47,173 Americans including the teachers, showing results

period. died by suicide. that depression is affecting more than

not be okay8.Lifestyle|TheProwl

rise in mental health issues in teachers and students
by Peyton Morgan

As social media use increases, so does the rate of depression and other mental illnesses.

Depression today has made its way into school, and affects many students. Photo taken by Peyton Morgan

just the youth of today’s generation. them from seeking more support. judged, and just a general feeling that
Of the respondents of the high school “I don’t feel comfortable placing such no one truly cares.
survey, 95 percent believe that there a burden on someone else,” said an “People with mental health
has been a rise with depression among anonymous source. “I’d rather cope conditions deserve just as much
the current generation, and 70 percent with my own problems than make support and compassion as people
know someone who self harms. someone feel obligated to help me with physical conditions,” said
Later in the survey, students deal with them.” Mariah. “The most violent element in
were asked if they felt comfortable Other responses included that society is ignorance.”•
reaching out to an adult if they needed it would be too embarrassing, the fear
help, and what reasons would stop that they would be made fun of or

The Prowl | Lifestyle . 9

Under Pressure
*Mr. Jones is a fictitious name, but the commentary is from a real teacher.
The mental toll on teachers

As shocking as this may sound, differentiating and caring for students. that there has been a rise in mental
teachers have a life outside of The time given during a school day health issues among teachers.
school, and some even struggle is not enough time for teachers to do Teaching requires a lot of the

with mental illness. all of this well, and most teachers use mind and the brain, and when teachers

K-12 educators arguably time outside of school, stay late, or are struggling with mental illness it

hold one of the most important come in early to get things done. can have a major impact on how they

professions, yet they are underpaid and “This extra time is the time do their jobs.

undervalued. The teaching profession that teachers need to take care of “Since it is not something that I can

easily makes the list of stressful jobs, themselves,” said Mr. Jones. “With control, I am forced to work through

and most teachers take on this career more time spent on school work, our it which puts me in a worse condition

everyday with nothing but a smile. bodies and mind are worn down and than if I would have the time to

Behind that smile is a stack of energy is lacking. Or we feel guilty cope with it in a healthy way,” said

papers to grade, curriculum to plan, that we chose to stay late at school Mr. Jones. “On days when I am not

staff meetings to attend, students to instead of having supper with our managing my mental health well, I am

care for, a home life, and a whole lot families. Or that we chose to grade not as effective of a teacher.”

of pressure and stress. homework instead of play with our It is difficult for teachers to take a sick

*Mr. Jones, a teacher at the dog or children on the weekends.” day for mental illness because they

School District of Belleville, has been A reality that many teachers can not just call in and say that they

diagnosed with depression, anxiety, face today is that they tend to put their will not be there. Teachers must think

and a version of PTSD. students first, and if a student is having through their classes, create sub plans,

“It rules my life,” “Mental health issues are so much and figure out any other details
said Mr. Jones. “Mental that goes into running a class.

health issues are so much more difficult than a physical “All of that is near impossible
more difficult than a to tackle when my mind is telling
health issue. If you hurt your leg,
physical health issue. If you can stay off of it to let it heal, me it’s not even worth getting out
you hurt your leg, you of bed,” said Mr. Jones.
can stay off of it to let it Many people believe that

heal, but if your mind is but if your mind is hurting, you mental illness is something that
hurting, you can’t just can be easily controlled, creating

‘not use it’.” can’t just ‘not use it’.” a major stigma around the idea of
According to mental health. For example, if you

Starlingminds, in the U. have anxiety you can just choose

S., there are 3.2 million full-time- a rough time, teachers do not stop to not worry, or if you have depression

equivalent (FTE) K-12 teachers. being concerned about them after the you can just choose to be happier.

A 2017 educator work-life study bell rings at 3:25. Teachers care about “Mental health is much deeper and

surveyed teachers across the United their students and easily put those requires deliberate, professional,

States and found that 1.86 million cares above their own self-care. and outside help,” said Mr. Jones. “I

of these FTE teachers describe their Taken from a survey sent don’t know how to break this stigma

mental health as “not good”. out to Belleville High School and except to talk about it more and be

Within the teaching Middle School staff, 100 percent of honest with each other. It is a medical

career, there are many aspects that respondents stated that they believe diagnosis just like a physical injury

create stress. Some expectations that there has been a rise in mental and should be respected as such.”•

teachers have to meet are grading, health issues, and 95.5 percent believe

10 . Advertisement | The Prowl


To pot, or not?TheProwl|Perspective.11
The pros & cons for legalizing marijuana in Wisconsin
by Jordan Wilder
Ten years ago, the thought of
a marijuana dispensary on may take advantage of individuals High School senior Michael Viney,
every Wisconsin street corner with a marijuana prescription and use look past these negatives and see more
it for recreational purposes. Using it positives in legalization.

seemed like a Woodstock-goer’s for more than medical reasons brings “I don’t see any harm in it,”

dream. However, this all changed more known marijuana to Wisconsin, said Viney. “I’m not a user myself,

when Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers which makes it easier for children but I think that there are more benefits

stepped into office. under the age of eighteen to access it. than negatives.”

Evers made his proposal to This would perpetuate a Viney does not look at the

legalize all forms of marijuana earlier problem that already exists. According health effects as something that

this year. Now, the question is how to a survey set out to students at should prevent the legalization. He

will this affect citizens of Wisconsin, Belleville High School, 30 percent of thinks that people have the decision

and especially students? Are there students admitted to illegally using whether or not to use it like they do

more positives or negatives to legalize marijuana. with tobacco products. He makes a

marijuana? “I think a lot of kids under great point with that because they are

This process should be looked eighteen would [still] find a way to the ones deciding to purchase and

at very closely. Some people think that get it,” said Ehlert. “That would affect use the product. What he does not

it should be legalized for all uses, and things like their grades and their consider is that if marijuana becomes

others think that it can be beneficial relationships with their families.” legal for recreational purposes, it will

for medical issues. The rest believe Ehlert’s concerns are at the encourage people to start using.

that it should be completely illegal. core of the argument against legalizing Another argument that pro-

“I think that it is good for all forms of marijuana, including for legalizers make is that marijuana is

medical use for a lot of different medical purposes. There is a strong profitable for states. According to

issues,” said Cortney Ehlert, a argument that it is just making another Investopedia, Colorado received over

freshman at Belleville High School. harmful substance legal right next to $135 million in tax revenue because

“But for recreational use, I don’t think cigarettes. they legalized marijuana. Viney has

that it is necessary.” According to LifeScience, seen the economic benefits that have

Ehlert’s opinion is the the chemical in marijuana, called come with it for states like Colorado.

strongest of the three options. Using tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is a Viney thinks that if it is legal

marijuana recreationally has no mind-altering chemical. Teens that everywhere, then Wisconsin will also

reason to it. However, because it has inhale or ingest THC will be affected benefit.

been proven to help certain medical by the lack of brain activity, which “If what happened to

conditions, it should be used when leads to loss of memory, and troubles Colorado happened nationwide [the

prescribed for a sickness. comprehending. government] would have a lot more

“[Medical] marijuana can help LifeScience also suggests money,” said Viney.

with migraines, and it can calm nerves that the smoke produced by inhaling While these economic benefits

like if you have anxiety or get panic marijuana may cause similar are great, there is so much more

attacks,” said Ehlert. “It can help with respiratory problems that smoking at stake. We have to consider how

people that are stressed that do not tobacco can cause. Along with tobacco much marijuana would be making its

have a prescription.” smokers, marijuana smokers will be at way into Wisconsin, and think about

When prescribed for medical an increased risk of lung cancer. how much would find a way into our

use, Ehlert thinks that it can be In addition, teens today have schools. Teen use would go up as it did

beneficial to individuals with illnesses gotten access to marijuana illegally with the E-Cigarette use in the schools

and nerves. So, in theory, it would and that is affecting their growth and when they first developed. We need to

make sense to legalize all marijuana, development. They do not consider be cautious about marijuana making

right? what this drug will do to them. its way into our school, and affecting

The problem is that people However, many, such as Belleville the health of students. •

12 . Advertisement | The Prowl

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The Prowl | Perspective . 13

the name changes
Taking the negativity out of Feminism

by Miles Fahey are so embarrassed to discriminate and way,” said Miller. “Whether it’s your
believe that you are so much better pay, treatment, or all of the above.”
On a February morning in than the other gender.” In order to make
the cold, many people are Bella Miller, a junior at advancements in society, we need to
crowded in the streets of Belleville High School, classifies start at a young age and make younger
Madison, Wis. Large numbers of herself as a feminist and wants to kids aware of equal power and rights,
protestors stood together as one to have more people on board with the especially young boys. This also
fight for equality. The march was movement. includes making younger kids aware
predominantly populated by women. “I feel like right now there is a of sexuality.
Yet, hidden in these heroes were lot of inequality when it comes to the “We can make people more
several male supporters. These men LGBTQ+ community and transition aware about the problem and start
represent hope in our society. Just Citizens of Wisconsin coming together to young in a school systems and push
because female is in the name, does fight for equality in the city of Madison. this idea of equality on the younger
not make the movement only for Photo by Jenna Blask generations,” said Miller. “Educating
females. our kids to understand the meaning
The official definition of into a female and male,” said Miller. of feminism and peacefully get
feminism is the theory of the political, “Men should not attack themselves the movement out there is a good
economic, and social equality of the and people shouldn’t focus of the start. This also includes making
sexes. Many people mistake this negative things. Instead the positives younger kids aware of sexuality in an
concept as women having more power and focus more on fixing equal pay.” appropriate age.”
than men, which is called misandry. A common place where This movement has been
This prevents a lot of men being apart women are treated differently than around since the women’s suffrage
of this movement. Both men and men is in the workplace. For centuries, movement in the early 1900s, but and
women contributing to the movement we have labeled women to work at we need to push for bigger and better
crucial. home and take care of the kids and be progress. One suggestion is to change
“Everyone, no matter if they at home mothers. the movement from “feminism” to
are male or female or anything else “I feel like in any business “equalism” because the name change
should think everyone should be situation, whether it’s running your would take away the stigma behind the
treated equal,” said Andy Lloyd, a own business or trying to get into word feminism.
sophomore at Belleville High School. marketing, you will be degraded in a Miller, however, thinks the
“I definitely support feminism, but I’m original name should stay. She argues
also supporting treatment of people feminism itself has a lot of history
in general. Men should definitely, behind is name.
definitely, support feminism.” “We should keep the name
Just because you are male because it has a lot of history behind
does not mean you cannot be a the idea,” said Miller. “We need to fix
feminist. Men should feel comfortable the word feminism before we move
identifying as a feminist because the idea under a new name.”
the more people supporting the The name feminism has
movement, the further we can advance gained such negativity because of
in society. misandry, and women putting down
“In the big picture all it is men. Many forms of social media
treating people the way they should
be treated,” said Lloyd. “Unless you

inaccurately portray feminism by the name. More people need to know But we too often see that marches will
showing the women who do not what this movement is all about. not do enough to get our government
believe equality. A freshman at Belleville High to pass laws.
A poll sent to Belleville High School, Alexandra Steckelis thinks “With there title of feminism
School students showed that of the that the name feminism should be they are being very inclusive and
students who responded, 51 percent changed to the word equalism. getting nothing done. Women are just
people identified as an equalist. In “Everyone should be equal, whining and moaning,” said Steckelis.
addition, bout 32 percent of males we are all people,” said Steckelis. “We “Things need to be written and letters
said they are equalist. Only one male have laws in place, but somehow we need to be sent and we need to have
labeled himself as a feminist. are still not equal. Just because women more females in power. Nothing is
A lot of men feel like they can vote and African-Americans can going to get down if we just march.”
cannot be apart of feminism because vote and we can’t discriminate. We Marches help, but change the
of women who say that feminism is still are not equal because [of] the name overall is going to make more
the women taking over. Feminism was wage gap and business environment.” men want to join the idea.
created by women and was developed Our country has a history “I think we should change it
for women to have equal rights and unequal balance in power. In fact, the because it will open up more people to
power. To get more males apart of the Declaration of Independence itself be apart of the movement,” said Lloyd.
movement changing the name could states that all men are created equal. “I don’t think it’s people not believing
solve this. For a gender neutral idea The foundation of our country focused it’s more of people not understanding.”
it should have a gender neutral name, on equality, but Steckelis believes No matter what people should
equalism. This could add many men should be a living document that fight for gender equality because it’s
and could potential make the idea evolves as society progresses. so important to our society. If we do
more positive on social media. “The founders of our country anything, we need to keep it peaceful.
Word are easier said than believed that men and only men are “Just be a decent person, it
done. This change would not be easy, rightfully in power. But I believe that doesn’t matter what you believe, as
so people should start giving feminism today that phrase means men as in long as no one gets hurt,” said Lloyd. •
a more positive upbringing. Fixing the humans,” said Steckelis.
word before giving it a new name is There has been a few women
ideal. marches in Madison,
Together, educating people on Wis.
this idea is a great start to changing

A sign supporting equalism in Madison. The
controversial topic of these ideas is on the rise.

Photo taken by Miles Fahey

The Prowl | Feature . 15

“If you can be anything, be kind.”
-Paul Natzke

by Miles Fahey Paul Natzke enjoying a Home Brewers game. Even though Paul’s
Photo taken by Kathie Natzke life was very challenging,
If you ever met Paul his disability did not hold
Natzke, you would know him back from being active.
that he was always happy Paul was in many different
and a wonderful person. sports. His favorites were
Through his whole life, track, sled hockey and
Paul Natzke proved that waterskiing.
birth defects would not limit “Paul enjoyed most
someone in their success. anything he did. He loved
Natzke was a former student hanging out with friends,
in the Belleville School listening to music and
District. But Natzke was not playing video games,”
your average student: he was said Natzke. “His favorite
born with spina bifida and sports to watch were Brewer
touched many lives in the baseball, Badger football &
Belleville community. Since hockey and Packer football.
his death in 2017, Natzke’s Paul tried every adaptive
legacy continues in the sport offered.”
community with Paul Palooza, Paul enjoyed
which is an event in August to participating in any sports
celebrate his life and spread possible, but his all time
awareness to his condition. favorite sport was hockey.
He was a member of the
Life of Paul Wisconsin Skeeters Sled
Hockey team.
Natzke was born on get him down, but what was life really “I played sled hockey
Dec. 18, 2001, with a birth like with Paul? with him for a couple of
defect known as spina bifida. “Life with Paul was weeks,” said Christian
This condition occurs when challenging and beautiful. He faced Baxter, junior at Belleville
the spine and spinal cord do lots of medical issues in his fifteen High School. “I played a couple games
not form properly. years. He was a complicated case with him to get a little feel of hockey,
“Spina bifida happens very and endured over 40 surgeries,” said it was pretty fun.”
early in pregnancy,” said Kathie Natzke. “But, even with all of that, Baxter was one of his closest friends.
Natzke, Paul Natzke’s mother. Paul never complained and he never He knew Paul ever since the second
“Although it is often a primary felt sorry for himself. He found the week of kindergarten. He was really
diagnosis, people who have spina good in everything and everyone.” fond of Paul.
bifida often have other issues related to “He was just outgoing. He
it, such as hydrocephalus, neurogenic was a very happy person,” said Baxter.
bladder and epilepsy.” “If you need someone to cheer you up
Paul Natzke grew up a very
happy child. He would not let things

he was definitely the guy.” friends. He is very important 16 . Feature | The Prowl
Paul Natzke and Baxter to a lot of people throughout the
always spent time together when community. Many people signed his yearbook.
they could. When Paul Natzke “We went bowling for one Alan Woller, a junior at Belleville
was in sixth grade, he meet Ashley of his birthday parties,” said Kramer. High School, volunteered to carry the
Kramer, a junior at Belleville High “We also went laser tagging and his yearbook.
School. She soon became another mom was pushing him around in the “For one, I loved Paul, he was
close friend to Paul. wheelchair up and down the alleys.” a really good friend of mine and for
“I first met Paul on the two, if that was the least I could do for
first day of school and we have Legacy of Paul his family,” said Woller. “I was happy
been friends ever since I moved to to do it.”
Belleville,” said Kramer. “He was Sadly, Paul Natzke passed Woller knew Paul because their
a really nice person and down right away on August 19, 2017. Prior to parents were good friends.
funny.” the beginning of the school year, he “We were close from
Being around Paul created purchased a yearbook from the school. kindergarten through sixth grade,” said
many good memories for his In June 2018, Paul’s yearbook was Woller. “After he had moved we didn’t
carried around for people to sign. hang out as much.”

Woller, like many others,
had the chance to hang out with Paul

Images of Paul Natzke
doing the things he
loved best.
Pictures taken by
Kathie Natzke

The Prowl | Feature . 17

Natzke outside of school. Woller really “We are making pillow cases for the to bands, enjoying food stands
respected him for who he was as a teenagers in the children hospital for and participating in other festival
person. them to have something to take home activities.
“He was a big hugger and with them,” said Johnson. “It’s good to “If you were a biker you could ride
he loved hugs,” said Woller. “Paul give back and not expect anything in by and stop and enjoy the music for a
was born with a birth defect and he return.” bit. The event is free, but it’s good to
was limited in what he can do. That donate to charity,” said Baxter. “There
never held him back from achieving Paul Palooza are a bunch of different vendors out
anything.” there with meat and drinks.”
Willy Johnson, a teacher at This summer Aug. 25, 2019, Paul Baxter encourages other people to
Belleville School District, studied to Palooza will be in Paoli, Wis. The go to the event because it was a very
be a P.E. teacher and took a position purpose of the event is to raise fun experience. Many people were
as a Special Education teacher. awareness for spina bifida, and impacted by the event itself.
Johnson helped Paul educationally and celebrate the memory of Paul Natzke, “Paul Palooza impacted families who
physically since sixth grade. in a fun way that he would have loved. are going through the same thing that
“Paul had a significant amount of “He loved music and he loved hanging Paul had,” said Baxter.
medical need and I needed to be aware out with people and having fun. This To Baxter, Paul Palooza is very
of those so I could help him,” said event would have been right up his important. He thinks that not only is it
Johnson. “I also needed to keep him alley,” said Kathie Natzke. “We also a good cause, but it also is a lot of fun.
hydrated so he could stay healthy.” raised a lot of money for charity at “[For those considering
Over time, Johnson and Paul Natzke this event. Last year we raised almost attending] I would shoot the shot and
had gained a very special relationship $20,000.” just go,” said Baxter. “There is no way
with each other. They were both Last year Paul Palooza was on Aug. you are not going to have fun listening
interested in the same hobbies. 19, 2018. All of the profits went to the to music and eating food.”
Johnson was always there if Paul Wisconsin Skeeters sled hockey team. Despite his disability, Paul was a
Natzke need to talk about something Paul Natzke’s hockey team bought very happy person who had a positive
very personal. more sleds and better gear for the outlook on everything. Being generous
“Just running alongside with him and players. and kind is so important, not only
we talked about sports were the best Baxter was happy to spend his time in making others happy but making
times we had,” said Johnson. “We at Paul Palooza and helping out. He yourself happy.
would always read beforehand and encourages that people go this year. “I would like for you to take
made sure he understood his math “I volunteered for Paul Palooza and it KINDNESS away from this,” said
problems and I was always there when was pretty fun because everyone was Kathie Natzke. “I challenge you to be
he need someone to talk to.” saying thank you,” said Baxter. “It was kind to everyone, because you might
Kathie Natzke, Johnson and the track worth the time for being there.” not know what they’re going through.
team are planning a fundraiser for Many volunteered at the event, like One little kindness could change the
the children’s hospital. Currently, Baxter who picked up garbage for the course of someone’s life...just as easily
they are going through the process of event. However, people also came as one little meanness.”•
organizing the fundraiser in honor of to support the cause by listening
Paul Natzke.

Chase Messner and Paul Natzke
enjoying a Badger hockey game.
Photo taken by Kathie Natzke

18 . Advertisement | The Prowl




The Prowl | News . 19

From Zoo to ZERO

The Impacts of the end of the Henry Vilas Zoo Society after 105 Years

by Jacob Kean

The lions and tigers swapped Society in some way or another. This position as volunteer coordinator was
enclosures. The main restroom all changed on Mar. 31, 2019. impossible.”
building was upgraded. The In the middle of March this Darga explained that this
Visitors Center side entrances were year, the HVZS employees were told contract was, for her, the beginning of
walled up. The Henry Vilas Zoo has that contracts were breaking down the end. HVZS employees were given
been subject to many changes in the and that they would no longer have two weeks notice that they would
past couple of years, but none as a position. The Dane County Board no longer have a job. Darga, among
surprising as the cutting of ties with of Supervisors and the Zoological others, were devastated.
the Zoological Society. Society had been negotiating contracts “It was some of the hardest
The Henry Vilas Zoo opened over financial issues for a while, two weeks I have ever experienced,”
in Madison in 1911, and the Society but when the Dane County Board said Darga. “It was extremely hard to
has been around almost as long, proposed that the HVZS be moved go into work knowing that you were
opening in 1914. The Henry Vilas offsite from the Zoo itself, the HVZS not going to have a job, and even if it
Zoological Society (HVZS), which would not sign. did not start this way, it made us all
was known for a brief period as the “A contract was presented feel as if our work was not valued.”
Friends of the Zoo, had originally that the society board would not sign Staff members for the HZVS
been in charge of fundraising, and because it would have drastically appeared at a financial meeting
was eventually expanded to include decreased our ability to do the with the Dane County Board, where
volunteerism, marketing, media, functions that we had been doing in discussions were held over whether
concessions, as well as the childrens the past,” said Volunteer Coordinator the Dane County Board would
train and carousel rides. All in all, any for the HVZS at the time, Nikki continue to fund the positions that
day-to-day non-animal activities at the Darga. “[The contract] asked us to would be replacing the HZVS staff.
zoo were run through the Zoological move completely offsite, which for my There were many arguments for both

Employee entrance for volunteers
and HVZS staff. The Henry Vilas
Zoological society stopped working
with the Zoo itself on Mar 31, 2019.
Photo by Jacob Kean.

A booth used by HVZS and volunteers for
fundraising and other events. Volunteerism at

the zoo was one of the programs affected by
the negotiations with the County.
Photo by Jacob Kean.

sides, and some heart-wrenching I worked so hard on to just die,” said HVZS was discussed thoroughly.
accounts from the society themselves. Darga. They continue to say that AZA staff
“We had one staff person who It is not just teens that should members were present to advise the
has worked at the Zoological Society expect something a little different at discussion, and told the HVZS that
for 31 years,” said Darga. “He is a the zoo. Regardless of the outcome what they were asking for was outside
very stoic man, does not say much of the teen program, Darga says that of AZA standards.
generally, and he could not get his zoo-goers should expect things to be “The Zoological Society
speech out to the Board because he slightly less smooth due to the period never agreed to provide additional
was crying so much.” of change. She clarifies, however, that dollars to the Henry Vilas Zoo without
Aside from the loss of her the animals should not be given any conditions that the AZA itself deemed
job and feeling of uselessness while less care. She says that the only thing as unacceptable,” said the Dane
she had it, Darga felt she was losing that would change with the treatment County Board.
something more special. The Zoo of the zoo’s animals would be if the The Dane County Board
Teen Program, a summer volunteering zoo were to lose its American Zoos said that, since the Society will no
opportunity at Henry Vilas, was and Aquariums, AZA, accreditation. longer be in charge of fundraising for
Darga’s project from the ground up. “One of our polar bears we the Zoo, they will be searching for a
“I built the curriculum, I just got, he is from the Columbus different company to take over this
created this program in which students Zoo,” said Darga. “He would probably fundamental duty. This has come, in
were spending 20 hours a week just go back to the Columbus Zoo, part, in the form of CenterPlate, who
of their entire summertime at the if they lost their AZA accreditation. will be taking over concession stand
zoo,” said Darga. “It was incredibly [Endangered] Animals would go to operations at Henry Vilas.
successful, and I have to walk away other AZA zoos.” Whatever changes are made,
from that.” The AZA accreditation is both the Dane County Board and
Darga was even more where some of the controversy of this Darga emphasize that one thing will
concerned, however, at the thought of whole thing started and, according to remain the same that has remained
the program not continuing. She says a press release from the Dane County the same since 1911: according to
that she is unsure that the replacement Board, may have ended. The Dane stipulations in the land deed, Henry
for HVZS will have enough staff County Board says that for a year Vilas Zoo is and always will be
availability to continue the program. leading up to the decision, the role absolutely free. •
“I do not want something that and amount of money raised by the

tLoeasdumcce ess The impact of retiring
UW-Madison band
director Michael Leckrone

by Jordan Wilder

Saturdays at Camp Randall are band and a Belleville High School around for so long,” said Stephanie
like Sundays at church for alum. “But he cares tremendously Meir, Belleville Middle and High
Wisconsin Badger fans. about us, too.” School Band Director. “I first started

Every aspect of the day While Leckrone wants his to get involved when we were invited

is like a ritual. This fall, fans will students to perform at their best, he to the Badger Band Day where they

trek across the state to pull out their treats them with respect and empathy. bring in about 3,000 students to play

cornhole games and Bucky flags, wrap “He’s honestly just very in a large pep band.”

themselves in the sizzling sound of genuine and wants the best for all of Badger Band Day is where

brats on the grill, and sing rounds of us,” said Olig. “Both for our time in they bring in high school students

“Varsity” before pilgrimaging to the band and for all the years beyond: in from the Madison area, and they come

stadium. They will watch section races life, careers, and love.” together to play pep band music they

on the jumbotron and they will jump His character earns himself have been individually practicing.

around in between the third and fourth the same respect that he gives to his They then go to preform with

quarter. students. Every one of his musicians Leckrone at a football game.

Then, after the last touchdown enjoy his company, and are going Badger Band Day is one of

has been scored, they will stay for the to miss having him in the following the many things that Meir has attended

Fifth Quarter to watch the University years. with Leckrone directing. She has been

of Wisconsin-Madison Band dance “We all love him,” said Olig. to events like the Varsity concerts to

and play their way through an extra “We’re really excited about our new listen to its pep band songs, where

fifteen minutes. director next fall, but we’re all going Meir says it is all about having a good

Except for the first time in to miss him a lot.” time.

fifty years, they will no longer see Leckrone’s students enjoy having him “There were pyrotechnics and

Michael Leckrone direct them. around along with the people that look acrobats,” said Meir. “You had Mike

In 1969, young Leckrone up to him, and attend his events. They Leckrone coming down on a zipline.”

started his career directing the are all going to miss having Leckrone Along with entertaining

University of Wisconsin-Madison around, but are excited to meet the and making memories, Leckrone

Band. Since then, he has helped new band director, Corey Pompey. It is tried to teach life lessons with the

shaped memories for his students, very clear that he has some big shoes instruments. According to students, he

spectators and himself. For the past 50 to fill. felt as if these life lessons would then

years, he has entertained his spectators “Mike Leckrone has been help them excel in their music career.

at halftime shows, and “In the band we

the Varsity concerts. always talk about

After his final moments of happiness,”

Varsity concert in April said Olig. “Mike always

2019, Leckrone retired says that not everything

from his position. He is going to be easy and

improved his students’ not everything is going

abilities to play, and to be good, but we need

entertained the ones to find our moments of

who came to watch. Mike Leckrone has been leading happiness, and hold onto
“He pushes the UW Band since the late and cherish them. It’s
us harder than anyone sixties. He retired from that honestly one of the truest
I’ve ever known,” said position this past spring. and most important things
Bridget Olig, a member I’ve ever learned.” •
of the UW-Madison Photo courtesy of UW Madison


A Summer Memory
by Nicole Steele

S’mores, hot dogs, a campfire, and She has been camping for most of her contains over 5,300 acres of land.
a tent. These four things can only life. Stopper helps reserve campsites for
mean one thing: camping. “We go up to my grandma and patrons.
“The Cox Hollow
Who does not love camping? grandpa’s cabin in Boulder Junction, Campground is popular for people
with tents, and the Twin Valley
The idea of being outside in the fresh Devil’s Lake, and Wyalusing [State Campground is a popular section for
people with RV’s,” said Stopper.
air can really make you feel like you Park],” said Lamboley. Most people camp during the
summer, but when weather strikes,
are alone in the wilderness. Sleeping There are definitely many it can be a very hard business for the
in a tent, either near the water or on memories that are made on camping “Our biggest factor these days
is weather,” said Stopper. “Last year
land, can show you what it is like to trips. From being on the water to was a little bit down because we had a
lot of wet weekends, so we’ll see what
camp. watching the stars and being with happens this year.”
From camping in an RV to
Camping usually happens family, camping is all fun and being in a tent, camping can be the
most fun thing about summer. But
during the summer, when kids are off memories. For Lamboley, memories the memories with your family that
happen during your summer camping
school and people have more time to are the greatest moments. vacation can make it even better.
“It’s like a family bonding,
enjoy themselves. According to the “One time I was with my family fun activity,” said Lamboley. •

Department of Natural Resources, sister and we were biking on a circle. Many activities, such as campfires and
hiking, can be enjoyed while camping.
DNR, there are more than 5,000 Her chain came off, and she was still Photos by Abby Otteson and Kelly Kallien

campgrounds in Wisconsin. Camping going but she couldn’t brake. So she

in Wisconsin has become more was riding and crying, ‘help me’,

popular in recent years, and many and she was going really fast when

campgrounds have noticed this influx she finally caught up to me,” said

of campers. Lamboley. “She jumps off her bike

“I think a lot of people just and lands on her feet. I had to carry

like to be outside,” said Eric Stopper, her bike all the way back but it was so

a Park Manager for Governor Dodge funny.”

State Park. One of the most popular

One of those people who places to camp in Wisconsin is

enjoy camping is Alexis Lamboley. Governor Dodge State Park, which

The Prowl | Sports & Orgs . 23

Mingo’stake Madison
How Fans are helping create Madison’s new soccer club by Jacob Kean

It is a Saturday night downtown, this new completely positive reaction to the
and the isthmus of Madison, club.
Wis. has something new to league.” “People have loved everything,
cheer about. A white uniform Krzyzostaniak believes that Madison the branding, our mascot the
blurs against a green field. is a perfect market for professional plastic pink lawn flamingo,
With one kick, Breese soccer, in part due to the diverse which is definitely unique,”
Stevens Field explodes with community. He says that from said Krzyzostaniak. “We
energy. The Flamingo’s score. the beginning, fans have given a probably have on of the most
The Forward Madison FC Soccer engaged fan bases in our league.”
Club, officially announced in The fan base is so engaged, in
May 2018, started their first fact, that people from around the
season on Apr. 6, 2019, with Madison area have been cheering
a game in Chattanooga, and for the Flamingos before they
played their home opener Apr. even had their name.
27. They are one of a handful of “Our name was crowdsourced by
new teams as a part of the United fans,” said Krzyzostaniak. “We
Soccer League’s USL League had 1500 submissions, and then
One, which will be the third we let fans vote. Forward Madison
division of professional soccer in was the winning submission.”
the US and Canada. Aside from just being involved
The team is composed of players in the naming process, local
and staff from around the country supporter groups were also asked
and around the world. They are to help with the team’s business
extremely excited about their strategies, showing a level of team
chance to add something transparency not seen often in
new to Madison, and the sports world.
hopes that the community “You really don’t see many
is as well. Director of Fan teams in our league do that,”
Engagement and Social said Krzyzostaniak. “It’s not
Media Kuba Krzyzostaniak often that you see fans being
believes that the Madison such an integral part every step of
community has been waiting for
something they can really connect the way.”
with. Madison is not the only place happy to
“The ownership group here in get some new action. The Flamingos
Madison own a lot of teams that have had fans from all across the
play in the Northwoods League, country support the team. There
like the Madison Mallards,” said has even been some international
Krzyzostaniak. “They wanted to recognition, selling merchandise in 46
branch out, and they felt like [soccer] states and 6 countries.
was an interesting sport, and it was Aside from this, even some students
also the right time with USL launching at Belleville High School have shown
interest in supporting Madison’s first

24 . Sports & Orgs. | The Prowl

completely professional sports team a women’s team would be able to put will be streamed on ESPN Plus and
in over ten years. Emma Anson, a Madison on the map as an extremely played at home at Breese Stevens
sophomore on the Sugar River Raiders professional setting. She also hopes Field. Fans, like Anson, can be sure
soccer team, is excited about the new that the Flamingos can advance in the that the games will be entertaining, to
addition to our capital city. rankings enough to possibly move up say the least.
“I really just want someone I can root in the divisions. “[Fans] can come and expect a
for,” said Anson. “[Since I’m] always “It would really develop Madison top level team playing and a fun
watching soccer that’s going on in as a soccer city,” said Anson. “Once atmosphere at the historic stadium
Europe, I don’t feel as connected to the team gets going, it can be one of right in downtown Madison,” said
the team as I want to.” the best teams. That will be good for Krzyzostaniak. “There are tons of bars
Anson, who primarily watches the Madison.” and restaurants around here as well.
English Premier League, is excited In the meantime, though, Anson will There’s not much better for a Saturday
about the new opportunities Forward have to wait and see how the season night out, to be honest.”•
brings for growth in Madison and the plays out. This should not be too
soccer scene as a whole. She feels that, hard, however, as this means simply
once Forward FC has their bearings, watching the Flamingos’ games, which

Forward Madison player Shaun Russell
leaps for the ball. Russell scored the game

winning goal in the 70th minute of play.
Photo courtesy of Forward Madison FC.

The Prowl | Feature . 25


A stone from Agrace that my family gave me. Seeing the word ‘remember’
helps me know that I can go through anything, even Alzheimer’s disease.
Photo taken by Nicole Steele

The Disease that Takes Years and Memories

Oby Nicole Steele Alzheimer’s. When I talk about people in the U.S.,” said Blask.
ne night, as I was sitting it, people always ask me, ‘What is “Maybe even think about donating
and watching TV, the phone Alzheimer’s?’ Of course, they say it to a research organization into
rang. It was my dad. He was wrong too. I shake my head lightly looking how to cure it because at
at Agrace Hospice Care, a non- and tell them what it is. They still least in my knowledge I don’t think
profit hospice and palliative care do not understand. there is a cure for it.”
organization. My mom hung up the Jenna Blask, a sophomore at Alzheimer’s disease is a form of
phone and ran to the living room Belleville High School, has had dementia. It attacks a part of the
from the kitchen and said, ‘James experience with Alzheimer’s since brain called the hippocampus. This
has died.’ Hearing that made me she was 11 because her grandma is where memory and connections
think of my grandma, aunt, and had it. She still does not understand in the brain are stored. Alzheimer’s
dad, who were next to my uncle why people do not know much destroys the neurons in the brain,
James that night, watching his last about Alzheimer’s. making a person lose their memory
breath come to him. The disease “Maybe people should just read either really slow or really fast.
took his life, and his brain. It was more into how Alzheimer’s affects As Alzheimer’s progresses, it
Alzheimer’s disease. people because it affects a lot of hits the cerebral cortex, which is
Not very many people understand

26 . Feature | The Prowl

responsible for language, reasoning live for three. It all depends on my life, they haven’t been in my life
and social behavior. the person. However, Alzheimer’s for many years.’”
According to Texas Health and does not just affect the person with Watching her father and her
Human Services, an estimated 5.8 the disease. It also affects family brother suffer from Alzheimer’s has
million people have Alzheimer’s members as well. taken a toll on her life. While she
disease this year. But only 200,000 Susan Steele, my aunt, has been misses them both, Gary Steele and
of those individuals have the rarest mourning the loss of her father, James Steele die has been a release
form of Alzheimer’s disease, also Gary Steele, and her brother, for her, and for them.
known as early-onset Alzheimer’s. James Steele, for many years. In “[I felt a sense of] release that it was
People that have early-onset have the process of mourning, she over because it’s a terrible disease,”
Alzheimer’s younger than the age wrote a book, called Alzheimer’s, said Susan Steele. “I think it was
of 65. That is what my uncle James Archeology, and the Armed Forces, a sense of relief for them, sadness
had, along with my grandpa Gary. The Story Of A Family. It tells for me because I miss them, and I
Blask was young when her great the life of my grandpa, Gary, and knew that I would miss them, but
grandma was diagnosed with his life before, during, and after initially relief for them, because
Alzheimer’s disease. As a child, she Alzheimer’s had taken his life. now there suffering is over.”
never completely understood what “At first I was going to just write Betty Steele, my grandma, has
Alzheimer’s was. But as the disease about the Alzheimer’s, because also lost two people in her life
progressed, she noticed more I lived through it, and thought I from Alzheimer’s. From losing her
symptoms. could maybe help somebody else, husband Gary, to her son, James,
“There was a time when [my but when I was researching my she still has hard feelings.
grandma] said, ‘Oh I should come dad’s life, I was reminded how “When I came to understand
and visit you in Wisconsin by significant the archeology part was, Alzheimer’s, it can affect any part
walking’ and she was in Dubuque, and the book grew,” said Susan of the brain, and so each person
Iowa. So it would be difficult to try Steele. has their own individual affects
to explain to her that you can’t do Susan Steele experienced two happening,” said Betty Steele.
that,” said Blask. people in her life that have passed “[When Gary was sick], I used to
According to Alzheimer’s from Alzheimer’s. She watched be able to control his behavior with
Association, the most common both suffer, and now, she still my voice just by talking to him
symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease remembers. and asking him different things,
are memory loss, challenges in “It impacted me in the sense that but then as he got deeper into the
solving problems, disease and no
difficulty longer could really
completing tasks, comprehend what
confusion, trouble I was saying,
understanding it became very
visual images, difficult.”
problems Mourning a loss,
with speaking according to Betty
or writing, Steele, is a very
misplacing things, long process. It
poor judgement does not take
and changes in days, it takes
mood. years, and you will
“When I was still mourn till
younger we would the day you die.
always come to For other people,
visit her, and it they may think
would be difficult “My father doing a crossword puzzle. Crossword puzzles are that is stupid, but
because there supposed to be good for the brain, and to help prevent Alzheimer’s for someone who
would be times disease. Photo taken by Nicole Steele has lost a husband
where she couldn’t and a son, it is
remember our faces or she would I lost my father at the age of 63, going to take the rest of her life.
kind of forget where she was,” said and I lost my brother at the age “Mourning is a very private affair,
Blask. of 48,” Steele said. “I lost two very and it quite frankly goes on for a
Everyone is affected by Alzheimer’s important people in my world at a number of years with Alzheimer’s,”
differently. Some people live for very young age, and it impacted me Betty Steele said. “Because first of
more than ten years, while others at a sense that, ‘they’re no longer in all, you deal with the person who

The Prowl | Feature . 27

is ill, who no longer knows you, and “You have to understand this from than I ever have been experiencing
needs to be put into a nursing home, a mother’s point of view that I will Alzheimer’s firsthand.
basically because you can no longer always have three children,” said I have watched many people pass
care for them.” Betty Steele. “I don’t subtract one away in my life. Some people
Having someone who has died can of my children from my count. It’s have never seen it, or have never
affect people differently, and for because I can’t. He’s [James is] always experienced what I have. Watching
Betty Steele, it is still affecting her. there.” my uncle in an apartment, talking
“After they die, the mourning turns As a teenager and being exposed to and being a great uncle, to two years
into a very substantial loss, in Alzheimer’s disease, it has changed later being in Agrace and sitting
situations where you can no longer my life. Learning firsthand what there, not saying a word and cannot
go visit them like you would when Alzheimer’s is, what it does, and how do anything for himself. In my life,
they were sick, and quite truthfully, it affects my family has changed me, I will never understand this disease,
especially when you lose the son, mentally and physically. To learning and how it has come to control, and
which I have done, the effect of the about my grandpa Gary to watching possibly take over, my life.
loss will be a lifetime endeavor, you my uncle James pass away, I will “I’m glad you’re writing about this
mourn it, thoughts come back to hope it will not affect me again, but I because it’s a disease of today and I
you, you think of them, you miss know it will. think there’s an awful lot of people
them,” Betty Steele said. “And yet life The hardest part is seeing my family. who have no idea what Alzheimer’s
does go on.” I do not know who will have it next. disease is,” said Betty Steele. “It’s
Losing a child to Alzheimer’s, My dad could have it. My brother not forgetfulness, it’s much more
especially very young, can be tragic could have it. Even I could have it. I than that. And the fact that you can
to a mother, and for Betty Steele, it is just do not know. But I do not want maybe enlighten a few people is a
still difficult today. But she will never to know. I want to keep it a secret. If great way to continue the education
lose her child. I knew, I would be more scared now for people on this disease.”•

A case of arrowheads my grandpa Gary found that
my father made for me. Remembrance of grandpa
Gary helps my family cope with Alzheimer’s disease.
Photo taken by Nicole Steele

28 . Entertainment | The Prowl

Lollapa -
LOOZAby Cassidy Evans



What was your favorite memory from this year?

“I liked when Hailey Buttenhoff fell “My favorite memory from this
[during soccer]. She did a slow motion year is walking into Farrar’s
fall and the ball wasn’t even by her!”
classroom everyday to see his blue
-Brooke Kiefer suede shoes.”

“There are a lot, but -Sam Knox
definitely being voted
homecoming queen!” “The whole musical experience. We had a
great senior cast, we had great directors,
-Sydney Gentilli it was just a fun experience altogether.”

“My favorite memory this year was Jazz -Jasmyne Roberts
band. It was place where I felt like I fit in
the school and can get know more people.”

-Carol Rankin

The Prowl | Entertainment . 29


30 . Entertainment | The Prowl

Summer Horoscopes
by Jacob Kean

Aries Taurus Gemini
Mar 21 - Apr 19 Apr 20 - May 20 May 21 - June 20

The stars have pinpointed the The stars think that you have a slightly There is good news and bad
source of all of your senioritis and above average memory. Although news. The bad news is the tests
you probably will not remember all came back positive. The good
negative emotions: high school news is, the tests were testing
lockers. While your body actually of your AP terms, you will definitely whether you had a spine. Your
has no problem with school, it does remember exactly how many ways
have a problem with the hallways. Mr. Hodgson has “killed” his wife. back is real, and these tests
At least you have three months free They recommend you try to use your proved it. Congratulations!
memory for something a little more
from these menaces. Virgo
useful. Aug 23 - Sep 22
Cancer Leo
June 21 - July 22 July 23 - Aug 22 The stars would advise against
the last day pranks you have
The stars just sent us a movie This horoscope has been brought been planning. They say that you
pitch for your horoscope. All it to you by your eyes. They literally totally, really should not do those
says is Detective Pikachu joins brought this message into your brain, horrible things you have been
forces with Mr. Farrar to save and into your consciousness. Without planning. Those ideas are just
Belleville High School from Ugly not funny at all. We could hear
Dolls and Thanos. Take this as your eyes, life would be eternal the stars making popcorn in the
colorlessness, as black as the deepness
you will. of the sea, as motionless as the void of background.

space. Thank you eyes.

Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Sep 23 - Oct 22 Oct 23 - Nov 21 Nov 22 - Dec 21

The stars urge you to start writing You have been trapped in a time rift, You finally get to do it. You can
your autobiography now. Afterall, and you will be stuck reliving this finally make your dream come
May for the rest of eternity unless true. You can finally take a break.
you may not remember exactly you follow these exact directions. For good. Nothing to do now but
what you feel in this moment. Sell your soul to the AP Board, buy sleep. Sleep. It will last forever.
Exactly this moment. If you can Let time slow down around you,
not remember right now, did this seven yearbooks, sacrifice one in Betty and just rest. Time no longer
moment actually exist? If you Wolff’s name and finally, cry tears of
have no memory, do you exist? pure joy. This is the only way you can exists, so just sleep.

Capricorn be free. Pisces
Dec 22 - Jan 19 Feb 19 - Mar 20
For one day only, you will have Jan 20 - Feb 18 The stars have asked us to stop
the power of true knowledge. You bothering them. They are getting
The Belleville Pool is opening ready for their three month beach
will be completely enlightened soon, and the stars think that this
and know the truth of eternities. would be the perfect place to let vacation, and were too busy
The stars do not know when this that creature in your locker grow. packing swimsuits and a giant
will be, but it will happen, and it The watery environment would pool tube. This floaty, when
will be awesome. Or it will not be be perfect. However, the stars fully inflated, was actually an
emphasize that you make sure to illuminati insignia. This may be a
awesome. It will just happen. keep it fed, lest it find some other
call for initiation for you.

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