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Published by The Prowl - Belleville High School, 2020-02-12 11:25:38

December 2018 - Issue #2

Issue 2 December 2018

Table Of Contents
2 | Feature
6 | Lifestyle

13 | Per8 s| NpEeWcStive

16 | Entertainment

Letter From The Editor

When we begin to work on an article, we already have envisioned how it will turn out. However,
sometimes, once we start working on an article and taking multiple interviews, our product comes out
completely different than what we have imagined in the beginning. At times, this can be frustrating,
but as a staff we have begun to learn how to embrace the change and to “go with the flow.”
What at first we pictured to be a very holiday-themed issue, turned out to become one highlighting the
achievements of peers, showing various perspectives about topics that the students at our school are talking
about, and highlighting members of our community.
We are very proud of how this turned out, and cannot wait to see the reaction of our readers. If you have any
comments or suggestions, feel free to email The Prowl at [email protected], or reach us on our new

Instagram account @prowl_sdb.
We are wishing all of you very happy holidays with lots of love!

Editor In Chief Managing Editor


Mili Julian - Editor in Chief
Peyton Morgan - Managing Editor

Cassidy Evans - Design Editor
Hannah Matteson - Business Manager
Hayley Vande Berg - Social Media Manager

Jacob Kean
Carmen Schubert

Nicole Steele
Jordan Wilder
Kelly Kallien Abby Otteson

Mili Julian Cover Photo Taken By Lynda Shrader Peyton Morgan


by Mili Julian Photo by Mili Julian

Rachael Heittola signing her letter of intent to Bemidji State alongside her parents,
Lois and Myron Heittola. Heittola has played basketball since kindergarten.

Photo by Mili Julian

Rachael Heittola’s full-ride scholarship to Bemidji State
Rachael Heittola had just
finished taking a campus tour go unnoticed. Rachael Heittola, a School Athletic Director, believes
at Bemidji State with other senior and varsity basketball player, that there are many factors that
has shown her talent and skill in made this opportunity so difficult to
players, when the head coach pulled basketball for years, and gained the obtain: Rachael goes to a small school,
her aside. opportunity of a lifetime: a full-ride basketball is a very popular sport
“Rachael, would you mind scholarship to Bemidji State. (which makes the scholarships more
stepping into my office with your “At first I was speechless, I competitive), and the fact that there
parents for a second?” he asked. was not expecting a full ride,” said are not many athletic scholarships to
She felt her heart begin to Heittola. “So when I found out, I begin with.
race. Why did he want to speak to just was super happy, and I couldn’t stop “In a school our size it’s a big
her? A thousand different possibilities smiling, and I didn’t know what to deal, and somewhat rare, especially in
and situations were running through say. I could only manage to say thank the sport of basketball, because they’re
her mind as she calmly nodded and you.” so competitive,” said Fell. “Basketball
followed the coach into the room. Wayne Fell, Belleville High is a high-profile sport, and for her
After what felt like an eternity of to get a scholarship of that
silence, he finally spoke. “Basketball is a high-profile magnitude is an honor for her.
“We would like to offer It’s just wonderful.”
you a full ride.” sport, and for her to get a Despite the difficulty of
In that moment, years scholarship of that magnitude obtaining the scholarship, Fell
of hard work and training had is an honor for her.” believes Heittola was more than
finally paid off and changed her deserving of the offer.
life for the better. “It definitely takes
Some talents cannot perseverance and hard work,”

said Fell. “She just has the moves on and how it’s going to be better than I 4 . Feature/Sports | The Prowl
the court that are very good and I am right now, so I might as well do it for her.”
think that has improved her game. I and make it easier in college.” From playing on the JV team
can only imagine at the collegiate level It is easier to achieve big her freshman year, to becoming an all-
it will only continue to improve with things when you have someone to look conference and all-area varsity player,
the coaching.” up to; for Heittola, her biggest role Heittola has shown immense growth
Since obtaining the model is her father, who also played throughout her high school basketball
scholarship, Heittola’s idea of the game college basketball. career.
has been altered. “[My Dad] pretty much taught “Self-confidence is probably
“It has raised my game,” said me everything I know and helped the biggest thing,” said Myron Heittola.
Heittola. “It’s just always there; the first me get to where I am,” said Heittola. “From her freshman year to now, she’s
home game I thought, ‘Everyone is “He started me with AAU [Amateur gotten more self-confident.”
going to expecting me to do good’. It’s Athletic Union], which is how I got Although this basketball
always in the back of my head.” college’s attention and he introduced season has been full of pressure,
Knowing the high me to the game.” Heittola is trying to make time to enjoy
expectations people have of you would Myron Heittola, Rachael her last year as a Belleville Wildcat.
make most people nervous, but it has Heittola’s father, is looking forward “It’s bittersweet. I’ll miss the
helped Rachael prepare herself better to seeing his daughter continue her people the most, who have helped me
for games during practices. basketball career. become who I am today,” said Heittola.
“It’s pushing me to do better,” “I’m excited for her to have the “But, I am excited for change, and
said Heittola. “If I’m complaining opportunity to play more basketball,” going somewhere totally different. It
about running or doing stuff that will said Myron Heittola. “I don’t think should be a great experience.” •
make me better, I just think about how she’s following my footsteps, she’s
I am going to have to do this in college, creating her own, and I’m very excited

Photos by Lynda Shrader

The Prowl | Advertisement . 5

Bromance&s BestiesPhotobyHayleyVandeBerg 6. Lifestyle | The Prowl

by Hayley Vande Berg

Coming to school every day we talk about life,” said Ziehr. “[It is styles, which they both agree
is stressful, but friends are a] perspective kind of thing.” compliment each other. Krueger
what makes the day tolerable. In addition, the group often admitted that she is not as organized as

They keep the stress levels down, pulls pranks on each other. One of Meir, but Meir attributed the humor of

and perhaps raise the stress level up their favorite pranks occurred during the department to Krueger.

depending on the situation, but they Neumann’s first year at Belleville “Sara definitely has the sense

help keep us sane. High School. After a parent-teacher of humor,” Meir said. “She always

Students are very aware of conference, Neumann snuck around cracks jokes at the concerts and makes

this, but they often forget that teachers the gym while Vesperman videotaped people laugh.”

also need friendships for support. him approach an unexpecting teacher. It is no secret that while they

Many teachers at Belleville High and “I jumped out and scared may share laughs together, teaching is

Middle School have their besties and Farrar,” Neumann said. “I almost got not always fun and games. They both

bromances that make their days better. hit he was so frightened!” see the other as an important figure

The “Man Cave” is the According to Farrar, the in their students lives, even if their

nickname given to the group that surprise caused him to exhibit a fight- approaches differ.

gathers in Erik Farrar’s room during or-flight behavior. “Meir finds those connections

lunch. The Man Cave, and more on the

featuring Jacob Ziehr, personal where I work

Chad Hodgson, Erik a whole group,” said

Farrar, Ed Neumann, Krueger. “[She] knows

Jon Benash and Nicole exactly how to put what

Vesperman have been [she] wants to say all

friends for five years. the time and I admire

“It’s a breath of that.”

fresh air,” said Farrar. While Krueger finds

According to Meir’s individual

Neumann, the Man approach effective

Cave bonds over “the The Man Cave during lunch (Mr. Zeihr, Farrar and Neuman) and Mrs. Krueger and Meir (left to with her students, Meir
right) making music together. Many of the BHS teachers are good friends. believes that Krueger’s
Superquiz during lunch, outgoing personality

birthdays, sports and

[discussions] about what’s going on “I went complete kung fu,” said Farrar. helps other teachers see the positives

currently at the high school.” While the Man Cave often in any situation.

There is often a negative shares laughs with each other, other “I admire the ease that

perception of teacher’s lunchrooms. teachers in the school find having a [Krueger] has with people… her

Benash believes that the Man Cave strong teacher-friendship essential sense of humor and personality just

avoids gossiping about other students to surviving the stresses they face in resonates right of the bat with people

and staff members. their positions. For example, Vocal and she’s a bit more of an extrovert

“I probably wouldn’t come Music Teacher Sara Krueger and Band with the staff,” Meir said. “Everybody

over here if all we were doing was Director Stephanie Meir have been considers her a friend.”

complaining,” said Benash. friends for over twelve years. Friends are the spice of life.

All six teachers teach a variety “I think we’ve shared a lot Spending time with them during the

of subjects, from art to social studies. of good times, a lot of struggles,” day can change your day for the better.

Members of the Man Cave find that Krueger said. “We definitely bring out As Neumann said, “I think we all have

these different viewpoints help keep each other’s strengths and even [each our different personalities, but just

the conversations interesting. other] out.” sharing and talking with them about

“I think that we have a variety Krueger and Meir have very the various things we’re interested in

of interests, hobbies, experiences, and different personalities and teaching makes it good.” •

The Prowl | Lifestyle. 7

Christmas Culture(s)

by Nicole Steele and Jordan Wilder

For many people in Belleville, opening presents on Christmas very appreciative of having her family
Christmas is a stereotypical rush morning, the presents progressively around during Christmas. She also
to buy a last minute gift or appear under the tree in the weeks follows the popular routine of opening
eating more cookies than an Oreo leading up to Christmas. presents on Christmas morning, and
factory. Nicaraguan native and “The elves deliver them,” said spending time with family during
freshman Haslyng Talavera, on the Araujo. dinner.
other hand, will light Christmas It is a common tradition in “Later in the day we bake,
fireworks in the U.S. for the first time. Argentina for “Santa’s Elves” to leave then have family over to eat,” she said.
This year will be Talavera’s presents under the tree leading up to Bartle has typical ways she
first Christmas in the U.S. As a student Christmas. Araujo’s family has celebrates the holidays, such as the
who moved to the U.S. in June, her practiced this tradition since he was family meals, but her family
Christmas is very different from other little and it helps bring the family traditionally attends church on a day
students who attend Belleville High together, even if some members of his that others who practice Christianity
School. Her cultural traditions, like family are still in Argentina. may not.
lighting fireworks, add to the many “I like spending time with “I’m Catholic, and even
different ways students at Belleville family and friends and opening gifts,” though I’m Catholic, things influence
High School celebrate Christmas. said Araujo. “But I would like there to what I do differently,” said Bartle.
“I like the fireworks, and be more people over, the more the “Sometimes the day after Christmas,
celebrating with the people I love,” merrier.” we go to church.”
said Talavera. For many Belleville residents, While she has a set traditions
Eighth grader Hugo Araujo being with family is one of the most with her family, Bartle would like to
also has similar practices during the important aspects of the holidays. add more activities to her family’s
holidays. Like Talavera, he celebrates While the way freshman Risandi traditions list.
more on Christmas Eve with his Bartle celebrates Christmas looks “I think it would be cool if I
family rather than Christmas Day. different than Talavera and Araujo, she could go caroling, it’s like giving to a
However, the way the Nicaraguan still has the same excitement for the lot of people,” Bartle said. “If it’s
native celebrates Christmas is different holidays. giving, maybe that should be part of
than Araujo, who’s family is from “I love having family [over], everyone’s religion.”
Argentina. and as bad as it sounds, I love the Bartle’s wish is one that rings
“On Christmas Eve we stay up presents,” said Bartle. “I also like throughout the many cultures of
‘till midnight and we open our gifts,” giving to my family because my Belleville. Christmas is celebrated in
said Araujo. family does a lot for me.” many different ways, but they all have
In addition, Araujo’s family Bartle keeps the Christmas one thing in common: family, friends,
takes a different approach on the spirit and the joy that comes along and love.•
tradition of “Santa”. Instead of with it during the holidays, and she is

Photo by Nicole Steele

8. News | The Prowl


by Kelly Kallien
The School District of Belleville is seeking nominations for the second class of the Wildcat Wall of Fame,
which will be recognized in May.

Last spring, the School District of Belleville inducted its first class into the Wildcat Wall of Fame. This
prestigious honor is awarded to individuals connected to the school who have positively impacted the community
and the world. The first class included Nancy Fahey, LeRoy Freitag and Barb Funseth.

The Wildcat Wall of Fame Committee, which is an eleven-member committee comprised of various community
numbers and school staff, will be accepting nominations for the 2019 class through Jan. 14. To be considered, the
committee must receive a nomination with an application.

According to School District of Belleville’s requirements, the committee is seeking former Wildcats who have
made contributions to the School District of Belleville, community or society. The committee is also looking
for former Wildcats with career-related accomplishments, published works or academic awards. Nominees must
meet one of the following conditions:

1. Nominees must be a Belleville High School graduate and at least ten years beyond Belleville High School
2. The nominee is a school community member (staff administrator, school board member, coach or advisor) with
a minimum of 10 years experience within the School District of Belleville.
3. The nominee is a community member or volunteer who has made a significant contribution to the School
District of Belleville.

Paper and electronic nomination forms may be found on the School District of Belleville website. •
Photo by Nathan Perry

The Prowl | News. 9

A Day in the Life of..

Kelsey Schmit

by Peyton Morgan

Whether it is coaching, teaching, gives students a purpose to listen and these things together.”
or taking care of her children,
pose questions along the way. Students All of these titles makes

Kelsey Schmit does just about then go into centers where they work Schmit who she is today, but it is

everything. in small groups on a task or with a still a learning experience.“It is a

Schmit has grown up in teacher. balancing act,” said Schmit. “Doing

Belleville her entire life and attended After this, Schmit then has each of these things is challenging and

Belleville High School. time to work one on one with students rewarding every day.”

She attended UW-Oshkosh on different needs, such as letter Schmit has faced many

for her undergraduate, Cardinal and number recognition, or writing. struggles throughout her years of

Stritch University for her Masters in Students then clean up and do shared being teacher, but she would not want

education, and is currently working reading, which is working on specific to be doing anything else.

towards her principal license with pre-reading skills with a large book or Tony Schmit,

anticipated completion by Dec. 8th. poem. Communications Director at Belleville

Growing up, Schmit always “Students then have snack, High School, and also husband to

wanted to be a teacher. She has been pack up and we head out to recess, Schmit, has loved watching his wife

teaching for nine years grow.

with subjects that include “Doing each of these things is “She is so giving and
reading support and her challenging and rewarding every day.” caring,” said Tony Schmit.

current position, 4-K. “She gives 100 percent to
“A typical day is everything she is doing,

arriving to work at 7:30 she is a go getter.”

a.m., prepping materials Growing up,

for the day and checking in with other and I have lunch and then do it all individuals are normally unsure of

staff,” said Schmit. “Students arrive again,” said Schmit. “At the end of what careers they want to pursue, but

at school and I greet them from about the day I attend to parent emails, go to that was not the case for Schmit.

7:50-8:00 a.m..” meetings, review assessment data, and “She knew she wanted to be a

A little after 8:00 a.m., plan and prep for the next day.” teacher since she was a kid,” said Tony

students and staff begin their morning Not only is Schmit a 4-K Schmit. “It is one of the most natural

meeting where they go through teacher, but she has also coached fits ever, and it was like she was born

calendar, weather, and do a greeting to volleyball at Belleville High School to do it.”

one another and learn a new activity for three years. Schmit has fallen in Kelsey Schmit has been

- usually something that involves love with being a teacher, wife, and known for her caringness and

movement. coach. determination which definitely shows

“Next we move into “I think the best thing about throughout her day to day life.

interactive writing where we compose all of these is how I get to see them all “Whatever path you decide to

a message together,” said Schmit. connect,” said Schmit. “I love seeing go down, just know there will always

“Students work on their whiteboards my students in the community when be challenges and adversity,” said

and I work on the easel with students I’m with my family, I love seeing how Kelsey. “There will be struggle, there

taking turns to add to our group my volleyball players interact with will be times you question whether or

message.” my family, I love seeing my students not you are good enough, or if it was

Towards the end of the day, come to volleyball games, and I feel the right choice, but do not give up, do

the class will do an interactive read like I can support my community and not be so hard on yourself, and realize

aloud, which is reading a story that students and family by doing all of life is a journey and it is about learning

10. News | The Prowl

and improving.”•

“It is one of the most natural
fits ever, and it was like she

was born to do it.”

Photos by Peyton Morgan

The Prowl | News . 11


by Carmen Schubert Catherine Booth, Art Club member, created a the silhouetted marching band.”
winning piece for WEA Member Benefits Student Art Art Club also serves as a place
When you think about after where students can work on their own
school hours you may think Contest. Booth practices her skills in Art Club. pieces.
of people just sitting at “It’s a great place for students
home doing homework and spending to be creative and hang out,” said Art
time with family, but there are actually Club advisor Abby Otteson.
several after-school activities to get Going to Art Club every
involved in. One thing you can do Monday allowed Booth to create a
after school is Art Club. contest winning picture: the WEA
From 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Member Benefits Student Art Contest.
every Monday at Belleville High Although it was stressful at times,
School, Art Club is held in the art Booth never gave up.
room. Art Club not only lets students
“My life without art would work on their own pieces, but it also
be dull, to be honest,” said freshman allows them to do group projects.
Catherine Booth. “I like being able Freshman Haven Hatleberg
to think of something in my head and has been in Art Club for three years
release it onto my paper, or recreate and enjoys working with others.
something I like on the internet or “[It is] welcoming even
even a picture I took myself.” though we do our thing,” said
Art Club is more than just Hatleberg. “We are always part of
for students. It is a way to make the each others projects.”
school a beautiful place for you to The students get to do
enjoy. Booth, for example, is making a something they are passionate about
band mural. and express themselves in a creative
“I enjoy doing the band way.
mural,” said Booth. “I used knowledge “It’s fun for me,” said
of people in band to guide me on Hatleberg. “Doing something that is
what I should include within the interactive and you can be proud of.” •
piece, though I used a lot of my own
creativity to create the flowy look of

Photos by Cassidy Evans

Maddie Saeger, Jordyn Thomas, Catherine Booth, and Sophie Veeneman (left to right)
working on wall murals throughout the school. Students meet every Monday after school to

work on their designs.

12. News | The Prowl

Unwrapping the SpiritbyNicoleSteele

of red suit, jolly smile,
Santaspreading joy, and reminding Aonly reminds us of one stories. For example, one day
and snow white beard Bauldry was working when two
boys gave him plastic dinosaurs.
thing: Santa. Bringing presents, The next day, a boy with a
wheelchair came up to him. He
everyone of the holiday spirit, knew this boy was different.
“The woman that was
Photo by Nicole Steele Santa serves a vital role in the with him told me that he wasn’t
Christmas holiday.

Santa comes to Belleville, going to make it to Christmas,”

Wis. every year for the annual he said. “I grabbed the boy and

Santa Shop, where kids can get sat him on my lap, and we talked.

toys for around $10 and a picture I grabbed the gifts from under

with Santa. Michael Bauldry, a my chair, and the boy smiled and

Santa who works at the Santa opened it.”

Shop, is always there for the kids. Bauldry watched as the

“Everyone loves to boy’s smile grew wide.

see Santa,” said Bauldry. “[All “‘How did you know that

members of my family] love to see dinosaurs were my favorite?’ the

Santa, and when they understand boy [asked]. I smiled and said,

that Santa is the spirit of love, it ‘That’s what Santas always know.’

breaks all the age boundaries.” I let the boy down, and he went off

A day in the life of to his life.”

Santa can be a special thing for When the weather gets

Bauldry, but sometimes, it can get cold and the days acting like

overwhelming. a Santa get long, the boy and

“I have a total of five the dinosaurs are Bauldry’s

different Santa suits for each humbling reminder why Santas

condition that I am going to be are so important this time of year.

in,” he said. “I either get dressed Sometimes Santas just have to

at home or get dressed at the place keep the spirit and remind others

that I am going to.” that Christmas is more than just

The Santa Shop is not the presents, glitter and bows.

only place Bauldry plays Santa. “All of the Santas out

Bauldry also goes to the Henry there, they do this as a mission,

Santa comes every year to visit children and Vilas Zoo, where he takes pictures to help children understand
get their Christmas wish lists. Belleville, WI and spends time with the kids. Christmas, to help families,
“They have a shed there friends, people, and what it’s
“tohSf ealonavtgeae, one of the very many places he visits. with all the baby animals, and it’s all about to begin with. It’s not
usually really warm there,” he all about a present, like I want
said. “What’s the worst part is that this, I want that...sometimes it’s
the zookeepers tell me I have to about what do you need,” he said.
be quiet so the baby animals can “Sometimes it’s a kind word, and
sleep…but the best part is staying that there is someone out there
warm and seeing children.” who loves you, appreciates you,
While acting as Santa, and that’s it. Santa is the spirit of

Bauldry has happy moments, but love, and the love gives wishes

he also hears some heartbreaking to everyone.” •

The Prowl | PNeerwspse.c1t3ive . 13

The death
of a holiday
Photo by Jacob Kean
by Jacob Kean
Christmas Decorations being sold on
With a taste of turkey still Thanksgiving Night. Every year, Christmas
in their mouths, a family begins to commercialize itself earlier and earlier.
disperses to rush off for
shopping, football, Hallmark movies, Christmas displays,” said Krueger. Oct. 27, the Hallmark Channel ran a
barely even stopping to say goodbye. “I don’t know if there is necessarily week-long marathon of nothing but
Thanksgiving has barely happened, an appropriate time, but for people Hallmark Christmas movies. Not only
only for “the spirit of Christmas” like me who would like to get a jump does this go against Thanksgiving,
to whisk it away without a second start.” but it pushes Christmas over even
thought. Krueger said that December Halloween.
Christmas is a growing gets to be a busy time for her due to If you want to watch movies
holiday. It seems that every year, this school concerts, Jazz Tour, and just during those times, you already have
holiday starts earlier and earlier, and generally getting work done before plenty of options for the holidays of
stretches longer into the year. Stores break. the time, not something two months
quit selling Halloween merchandise Finding time to set up lights off. It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie
around Oct. 25, and start shovelling or go gift shopping can be difficult. Brown, or Halloween offer two very
out inflatable snowmen, gift wrapping However, she also is confident that she different yet entertaining Halloween
and icicle lights before all the leaves had time to spend with her family on movies, and Trains, Planes, and
have even fallen off of trees. People Thanksgiving, and that however busy Automobiles can make a family laugh
forget there is a holiday in November, December was, she could wait until at Thanksgiving.
and jump along with the commercial then for the big Christmas decorations. Why then do people begin
bandwagon straight into December. “I’ve not put my Christmas to watch Christmas movies so early?
If you spend any time tree up yet,” said Krueger. “But I have It only heightens the overshadowing
shopping during early November, hung up some greenery and some effect this holiday already has, and
you will almost certainly start seeing lights and brought up some of my lessens the likelihood that more
decorations, gift ideas or whatever other decorations so that I don’t feel Halloween or Thanksgiving media will
else is being sold for that year’s winter so rushed and unable to actually enjoy be created. If everyone is watching
season. Even BHS Choir Director them for a little while.” Christmas movies to get past a lack of
and holiday enthusiast, Sara Krueger, Aside from lights to prepare Thanksgiving movies, put down your
thinks that Thanksgiving is often for December, Krueger has been busy eggnog and let the companies make a
ignored. with holiday music for some of her Thanksgiving movie before you pay
“I would agree that classes. She acknowledged that media them for Christmas.
Thanksgiving totally gets seems to help push Christmas to the If the holidays are, as
overshadowed because it’s Halloween front. Hallmark itself is so keen on
and then it goes straight into all the “People should watch more reminding us, about family, then no
Hallmark movies,” said Krueger. holiday is greater than Thanksgiving. •
Hallmark movies, however,
seem to be a large culprit. Starting on

14 . Advertisement | The Prowl

Hit or MissTheProwl|Perspective.15
by Hannah Matteson and Peyton Morgan

Photo by Purple Door Photography

It is the year 2000, and three teenage girls are in their cars jamming to ‘Bye Bye Bye’
by NSYNC. Life is good and there is no harm in their music. Flash forward eighteen
years later, and three different teenagers are listening to the song ‘Womp Womp’
by Vakee, which contains constant swearing and the mention of having sex with many
Music in the past eighteen years has changed drastically, leaving many adults
and teenagers with unpleasant thoughts about today’s pop hits. In a survey sent out to
Belleville High School students, 35.6 percent of students reported that they do not like
today’s hits music.
Hunter Lindstrom, a sophomore at BHS, does not prefer today’s hits because of
how repetitious it is.
“I usually expect a story, but I never can tell what a story is from the music,” said
Lindstrom. “A lot of the songs I listen to are older and there are stories and emotions
you can feel, but you just can’t feel that with some of today’s hits.”
Today’s hits consist of inaudible words that hold no meaning and I for one, do not prefer them along with
Lindstrom. In my opinion, music that does not have any real meaning is not music at all; it is trash.
Along with the lack of meaning in the songs, the abundance of cuss words is completely unnecessary in today’s hits.
Lindstrom also finds today’s hits to be too inappropriate for today’s youth due to the vulgar language and unsuitable
Instead of today’s hits, Lindstrom prefers instrumental music along with classic rock.
“I can always paint a picture in my mind when listening to instrumental music,” said Lindstrom, “With classic
rock it’s something I can always jam out to; There’s always different styles, different songs that are very unique.” •

Photo by Janet VanBlarcom

Although many people find today’s hits improper, Shylah Lietz, Belleville High
School sophomore listens, to rap and hip hop music at least once a day. Lietz
enjoys this genre of music, and wishes more people would take interest in it.
“I enjoy Kodak Black’s songs,” said Lietz. “I also have a lot of Juice World and
Trippie Redd on my playlists.”
Lietz enjoys today’s hip hop and rap genres because the way the songs can carry
a beat that is typically more of a fast tempo.
I am with Lietz. I tend to find most of today’s hip hop and rap music to be full of
energy, and a good way to get people pumped up.
Not everyone agrees with us. Many people find rap music to have no meaning,
but I think it gives listeners a way to interpret the lyrics and create their own meanings.
“Rap musicians can create songs with a bunch of random words and somehow it
still can flow together and sound good,” said Leitz. “For me, it does not matter what the
artist is saying, I just always enjoy it.”
Rap music, known for its fast tempos and explicit lyrics is also the life of most parties and what brings energy into
most situations.
“Rap music just kind of brings up the energy in all types of situations, which is one of the reasons it is used for
warm up music at sporting events,” said Lietz. “It gets people hyper, excited, and pumped up.”
Today’s music has left many people with mixed emotions, especially in the rap and hip hop genres. Some
individuals prefer throwbacks like “Don’t Stop Believing,” while some prefer current hits like “Mo Bamba.” Many are
excited to see the future of music and how it continues to change. •

16 . Entertainment | The Prowl

Escaping Alternate Reality

Tby Hayley Vande Berg
he story “Escaping Alternate Reality” is a choose-your-own comic
written and illustrated by Hayley Vande Berg.
You are the reader who just got a new comic. For some reason the
main character, Dara, seems to be able to talk to you directly.
The last issue, students of Belleville High School chose not to tell
Dara that you were the reader. •

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Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Lately it seems as though things
have not been falling into place for

Your HoHo-you. You should find that in the

December Horoscopeupcoming month things will start
to come together. Be patient and
everything will be okay.

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20) Gemini (May 21- June 20)
This month you are feeling very Your holiday spirit is radiant this
charitable. Go out and help others month. Use your cheer to uplift
that are in need. This will be the key others’ spirits this month and spread
to your happiness. Get involved in the joy. Get into your creative outlet
some volunteer work for a church, and ditch Christmas shopping this
charity, or other organization, they year. Instead, use your creativity to
are always looking for more help. make gifts for your loved ones.

Cancer (June 21- July 22) Leo (July 23- Aug 22) Virgo (Aug 23- Sep 22)

After a long month of obstacles Your mood this month is likely to Romance is in your near
being thrown in your direction, come down like that of an adrenaline future, Virgo. Someone has
you are beginning to find some crash. You have not been feeling like had their eye on you and they
peace this month. Embrace the yourself lately and the holiday season are getting ready to make
relationships you have mended their move. Make sure to be
with your friends and spend lots is not appealing to you this year. your true self, it is what they
Gathering around your close friends
of time with them. for support will uplift your spirits. like most about you.

Libra (Sep 23- Oct 22) Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21) Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21) Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)
Taking care of yourself will be The holiday stress has been Your need for adventure has The upcoming holiday has lead you
the key to your inner peace this getting to you this month. taken over your thoughts this into a time crunch. Although you
month. Do not let yourself get Although it can be stressful month. Take a small road trip have minimal time for friends and
caught up in the drama you are trying to get everything and invite your friends along family, make sure to touch base
facing at the moment. Take a together for the holiday’s, you on the fun. Forget the phones, with them. Your heart will be filled
break from social media and should give yourself a break. use a map, and see where you with joy when you make the time
focus on yourself. end up. to talk to them.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18) Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

All the drama surrounding the There is an exciting opportunity
holiday season is making you very coming your way this month,
stressed this month, Aquarius. You Pisces. Keep your eyes open for
are letting things frustrate you that what this may be. Whether it
you should just ignore. Sit back, is big or small, you should still
take it because it could lead to
relax, and stay out of the chaos. bigger things in your future.

by Hannah Matteson

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