Table Belleville
Conotef nts
Staff By: Taylor Morgan
Skyler Beyer This year at Belleville High board and then developed from parent
Ella Blask School, a change has taken place: and staff surveys. With anything new,
Jenna Blask a new cell phone policy. Taken there has been both positives and
from the student handbook, the new negatives in the classroom.
Hayden Boyce phone policy entails that phones are
Rachel Carl not necessary as a tool for instruction Students and teachers are affected by
Mya Enerson in educational settings, and they the policy in many ways. Students may
present a constant distraction to student feel that their respect from the teachers
Alexis Lamboley learning. Therefore, cell phones or has been stripped away - however,
Madeline Miller other personal communication devices teachers may feel that the policy has
Taylor Morgan are NOT allowed in the classroom or at done nothing but good for the school.
Kylie Rauh Being months into the new school year,
Jordyn Roberts Cell phones must be powered off and the district as a whole has seen how it
Vanessa Sarbacker kept in lockers during the school day. has been working, and if students take
Kaitlyn Schoenike Within the Electronic Communication it seriously or just disregard it.
Alexandra Steckelis Device policy, students are only
allowed the use of cell phones, in Jacob Ziehr, social studies teacher
Nicole Steele hallways and at lockers before school at Belleville High School, believes
Houston Vande Berg and during passing times, during that the new cell phone policy has
lunch periods, after school and during had a very positive impact in his
Jordan Wilder extracurricular events and activities, classroom. “I have noticed that more
Lainey Winkers and during field trips (at the discretion kids are paying attention to the direct
of staff and with administrative instructions,” said Ziehr. “I haven’t had
Teacher & Assistants approval). to have battles with students, telling
them to put it away.''
Amy Lewis Students and teachers have both
Peyton Morgan reacted in different ways. The policy Sara Krueger, music teacher at
Cassidy Evans started as a suggestion from the school Belleville High School and Middle
Unplugging 3 . Feature | The Prowl
a school shooter, their parents are only
one phone call away.
Alongside the teachers, students agree
that it is a disadvantage to not be
allowed to take pictures of notes or
record lectures.
Students also say they get distracted
from their work by the excess chatting
amongst peers from not having
anything to do when they are done
without their phones.
70.5 percent of Belleville High School
students say that they still see students
bringing their phones to class or
School, is also in favor of the new they are not able to. Students are also leaving class to use them. “It’s actually
policy, and has noticed a change in her not able to use a calculator on their terrible, and it’s so useless,” said
students for the good. “I see so much device when necessary. Teachers have an anonymous student at Belleville
more focus,'' said Krueger. “We get also reported that students are talking Highschool. “Kids bring their phones
more things done because [students] more than necessary, because they do to class every day anyway and don't
are not distracted.” not have their phones to distract them get caught.”
when work is complete.
Many teachers have also stated that Students do think there are some
they have seen an improvement in Students have opinions that vary, but a positives that come with the policy.
mental health in students. “I have seen majority say that they are not in favor They reported that now they are not
less moments in class where students of having the new policy. Students able to be on their phones throughout
explicitly start crying or need “We get more things the whole class. Like the
to take a break,” said Ziehr. teachers, they feel that they
“It is because they don’t have are paying attention to lessons
access to their phones and more often than they used to.
done because [students]don’t know what is happening The policy was put in place
outside the classroom.” to promote focus in the
Along with Ziehr and Krueger, are not distracted.” classroom, and it seems to be
Meredith Smith, a science working well, with minimal
teacher at Belleville High School, feels bring up multiple reasons why they do issues.
that kids are more focused on learning, not like it, such as not being allowed to
and not all of the potential impacts contact parents during the day. In upcoming years the school board
from social media. will make the decision if the policy
There are a few downsides to the Students say that their anxiety increases should be continued based on this
policy from a teacher perspective. without the ability to easily reach their year. It is a very important and
family members. Many feel comfort groundbreaking time for Belleville
For example, when students need to in knowing that in any situation, such High School.
take pictures of notes on the board, as getting sick, or even in the case of
The Prowl | Academics . 4
Hats Off To Our New Staff!
By: Mya Enerson
As the wildcats jump into the new school year, the district has made renovations to the
auditorium, gave new life to our track, and have recruited some new faces around the campus.
Amy Lewis, a Tim Serum is Ben Schwinn is
new teacher at one of the new another addition
Belleville High math teachers in to the Belleville
School has taught the district with a staff. He teaches
in a few different unique schedule. Geometry,
schools across the He is teaching for Pre-Calculus,
Wisconsin and both the middle MATC Algebra
Illinois for the school and high and Intermediate
last 15 years. school. Geometry.
She has just recently came to Belleville After teaching a year in Houston, When looking for a new school,
for her official tenth year teaching, Texas, Serum decided to come back to Schwinn heard so many good things
and currently teaches English, World his roots and find a school in Wisconsin about Belleville from a current staff
History, Mythology, Newspaper, and all while living close to his family and member which drove his decision
Yearbook. settling into a new home in Madison. to apply. Since starting, Schwinn
has enjoyed seeing the drive and
Since starting, Lewis has been After moving from a school with 3500 motivation that many of his students
enjoying her diverse courseload students down to Belleville which show in class everyday.
making each day a new adventure. She only has 300, Serum has truly enjoyed
has enjoyed getting to know her new creating a strong relationship with his “I love small schools, I don’t know if
co-workers and students, and seeing students. you guys know how good you guys
just how dedicated this district is with have it,” said Schwinn. “For a small
everything they do. Since Belleville is so small, Serum school you guys have a ton of AP
loves that he can really sit down with [advanced placement] classes which
“I grew up in a small town, and I students individually and can help opens a lot of opportunities other small
was looking for a school district that them in a custom way that they can schools might not have, at smaller
had that small town feel but also understand. schools you can be more involved in
offered a rigorous and challenging sports and extracurriculars where as in
course schedule, and I thought that In high school, Serum loved to play big schools you are not able due to the
Bellevile did that,” said Lewis. “I am football. He still loves the sport and competition.”
still thoroughly impressed with what now plays seven on seven football on
Belleville does and offers for the size his free time. Outside of school Schwinn is all about
of school that it is and that I think it dogs, as he spends hours training
rivals much larger schools.” Outside of class you can find Serum and competing in different events
assistant coaching the Belleville High around Wisconsin. Along with his
Growing up Lewis was very involved School football team or watching his three dogs, Schwinn keeps his life
with her high schools Forensics team favorite sports like basketball, softball very entertaining caring after his nine
competing in events like group interp. and football. Serum started college in lizards
She later attended UW-Platteville UW-Eau Claire as a manufacturing
majoring in English after being engineer but later switched to After taking a few years off from
inspired by her high school English education. school, Schwinn attended UW-
teacher and her lifelong dream of Madison. He then started tutoring
raising a family. When choosing which subject to teach, other college students to make money.
Serum expressed his love for math, and “It then clicked that I should go into
Lewis now has three children, a the problem solving aspect that comes math because I enjoyed tutoring and
multitude of family pets and could along with it. Serume now teaches the students kept on coming back,
not be happier in her decision to make Algebra 1 in the middle school and so I must have been good at it,”
Belleville the new chapter in her life. Algebra 2 for the high school. said Schwinn. “Since then I haven’t
regretted it.”
Balancing 5 . Academics | The Prowl
the Scale:
By: Alexandra Steckelis they will be rewarded with that status, Melissa Knudson, the agriculture
instead of somebody who just took teacher at Belleville High School,
Late nights, minimal sleep, and easy classes to make sure they just got doesn’t teach any advanced placed
stress are not what the typical the easy ‘A’” classes, and admits that students
high school experience was generally do not take her classes as
described as. Unfortunately for honors Meredith Smith, a science teacher at seriously as an accelerated course.
and advanced placement students at Belleville High School, teaches two
Belleville High School, this is their advanced placement courses, and Knudson believes that people have
reality. To get a good grade in these agrees that the classes require a lot higher values placed on different
difficult classes, students must push more effort. “They [AP classes] are things, and weighing our GPA couldn’t
their limits, working extreme hours, definitely more work to prepare for be done fairly. She says, “You could
which is why the concept of weighted … the amount of work that goes into also be taking a German V or a Spanish
grade point average was created. preparing for the AP Classes is a lot V class; the rigor of that could be
more due to content,” said Smith. deemed also just as important. I don’t
The college admissions process is think we can put classes against each
brutal, and one flaw in your resume Despite these classes being more time other,” said Knudson. Knudson stated
could cost you. One of the most consuming, Smith doesn’t believe that that weighted GPA would increase
influential factors on your application there is a correct answer when it comes the stress of the students, as students
is grade point average or GPA, an down to the question of whether or not would hold themselves to an unrealistic
average of your grades put onto a to have weighted GPA. standard and sign up for more difficult
numerical scale, the higher the number, classes as a way of boosting their GPA
the better; this system is high stakes. She says, “I think it [weighted GPA] - instead of using them for their true
could potentially cause some friction purpose of earning college credit.
However, now that advanced on which classes should be weighted.
placement and honors classes are Should only AP classes be weighted? With the differentiating opinions from
offered at schools all over the country, Should classes like [Project Lead students and teachers, coming up with
the validity of the GPA scale is coming the Way], dual-credit, and Spanish/ a comprehensive solution to the grade
into question. Students who enroll in German V be weighted?” said Smith. gap is a challenge. As for now, the
these more difficult classes are falling She doesn’t believe there’s one solid weighted GPA is not implemented in
behind students who take less difficult answer to the question. the Belleville School District.
classes, thus endorsing this new
weighted scale.
Jasmyne Roberts, a student at
Belleville High School, is all in favor
of weighted GPA. Roberts has taken
eight advanced placement classes and
values them more than other classes.
“I think people who are willing to
take that extra step and take another
challenge, should be given some sort
of reward,” said Roberts.
When asked how she thinks the new
scale would impact our school, Roberts
commented, “It would impact the
valedictorian in each class, most likely
the valedictorian will be somebody
who did take that extra challenge, so
The Prowl | Academics . 6
Miller Be
SpSrhigoeu-lGdO?Maddie safe
Anonymity. Jokes. Bullying. learn to use the program respectfully. received important tips over the years
These three words are One Belleville High School student on real bullying.”
synonymous with Sprigeo. A commented via survey, “I feel like it Perry has a difficult time helping
poll taken from students at Belleville could be if it was used seriously and situations that are anonymous.
High School states that 69.4 percent if people do things about the problems However, he commented that students
of students believe that Sprigeo is not reported.” report their friends if they fear
useful. their friend is planning on hurting
Sprigeo is a way for students to (30.6%) themselves or someone.
report bullying and harassment
anonymously that was committed No Perry explains that students reporting
within the school district, all reports (69.4%) can put their name on the report
are online, coming through the and names of students who could
Sprigeo platform. Results from a Belleville High School have witnessed the case. Doing this
survey indicate that students do not allows staff to question the witnesses
According to Nathan Perry, and this can mean that the reporters
Principal at Belleville High School, find Sprigeo useful. name is revealed.
our school has used Sprigeo for the
past five years. Over these years, Due to the fact that Sprigeo is
students have developed opinions anonymous, students falsely report
that Sprigeo may not be working other students to get them in trouble.
due to inappropriate usage of the However, Sprigeo can report
program by students. harassment, student mental health
concerns, and threats.
The issues with Sprigeo involve There is a rumor roaming the school A Belleville High School student,
students falsely reporting other questioning if Sprigeo is actually who chose to remain anonymous, was
students for joking purposes, due to the anonymous. According to a survey sent asked if she had any fears regarding
fact that Sprigeo is anonymous. to Belleville High School students, up usage of Sprigeo in our school. She
to 75 percent of students believe that replied with, “People making up lies
This is an ongoing and important feud, Sprigeo is not anonymous and is used about people. Like lying that someone
because the safety of our students for joking purposes between students has something that they don’t or did
and staff could be at stake. “Sprigeo in our school. something that they didn’t.”
focuses on keeping schools safe,
including bullying prevention,” “We have received She then follows with explaining
stated Sprigeo’s official website. that this action can cause rumors
Sprigeo, allowing for anonymity, important tips over the among other students that could
damage reputations.
can cause an uprise in false years on real bullying.” Solutions to all of these
reporting; however, it could
also save a friend’s life. Sprigeo problems may be resolved by
itself is anonymous, but it is up to On the other hand, Perry claims that faculty educating students on why
the reporter how much information only ten to 20 percent of the reports using Sprigeo inappropriately can be
is shared; depending on the situation are in joking nature and that Sprigeo destructive to other students and staff.
it could make bullying worse or is 100 percent anonymous. “Some If this fails, then faculty could choose
potentially save students and/or staff. students use it inappropriately and to discipline the inappropriate use of
others use it to report issues other Sprigeo done by students in an effort to
The bottom line is that students should than bullying,” said Perry. “We have make the program useful for all.
7 . Academics | The Prowl
Making the Credits Count
By: Jordan Wilder unhappy with the ones we do have, but about what we are taking away to add
would have liked to have seen a wider something,” said Jenkins. “Something
The students of Belleville High selection. we could consider doing in the future
School have opportunities to is offering classes alternate years so
take college level classes, but do Many students think the classes given that gives students opportunity.”
we have a limited amount of options? to them are the only ones they can take,
but there is so much more to it than the Jenkins also stated, “I think for as
Advanced Placement (AP) classes, are teacher’s schedule. small as we are, we do a really nice
courses many high schools offer that job that working with the staff numbers
are college level difficulty. By offering Elizabeth Jenkins, English teacher at we have. It would be hard to add a lot
more AP classes, we would be giving Belleville High School, thinks if we more electives without adding a lot
the students more options to explore were to remove any classes to add AP more staff.”
and engage in new careers. classes, we would be losing a lot of
valuable courses. Belleville High School does offer a
Peyton Morgan, a Belleville High large number of AP Courses for the
School alumnus, and a student at “We would have to take away core size of students in the high school.
Madison Area Technical College, classes, and we would have to think Even so, there may be a solution for
believes that she was not offered more.
enough AP classes in her time at
Belleville, and that we should “I don’t think that a lot of students
broaden student’s opportunities with know that if we don’t offer the class,
these college level classes. they can still take it,” said Jenkins.
“There are students that have taken
“I took a handful of our AP courses, classes online or through distance
and I wish I could have taken more,” learning.”
said Morgan. “I do wish I was offered
more of an in person selection of AP Students can take AP classes that
courses here, but there are factors that are not offered through Belleville’s
play into that such as staffing, money, curriculum through distance learning
and the amount of students willing to on a website called Wisconsin Virtual
take these classes.” School. You can see Melanie Norton,
Belleville High School guidance
Though Morgan could have taken counselor, if you have any questions.
one or two more AP classes, she still
feels as if there were not enough
options for her to test out. She is not
The Prowl | News . 8
Student Activists of Belleville
By: Jenna Blask
Gun control, feminism, LGBTQ against their own personal views and end goal of Bleed Shamelessly, as I
rights, and climate change. make sure that the student[s] who is would summarize it, is to spread the
These are just a few issues on speaking out on a topic is respected.” idea of menstrual equity [tax] to a
the minds of Belleville High School wide audience and encourage others
students. All of which are current Herritz herself strives to educate others to put those ideas into action.” Outside
concerns facing today’s youth, but who through small debates with peers by of social media, the team at Bleed
among us is willing to take a stand and using factual information to explain Shamelessly organizes presentations
how will they advocate for change? her side. At a more public level she has and rallies such as the Wisconsin Period
participated in marches, such as the gun Movement that took place in Madison
At Belleville High School, 75 percent of control march that occurred this past Oct. 18.
students believe activism is important year. Currently Herritz takes Public
in today’s society, but only 28.6 percent Issues with Jacob Ziehr, a history Similar to Herritz, Thomas is no
would actually consider themselves an teacher at Belleville High School, stranger to the idea of bringing activism
activist. Within this small percentage as a way to express her activism in to school. “I think activism can be
student activists have huge plans to school while also educating herself on brought into the school environment
educate the public from taking on different topics. by education. Educating students as
social media to public marches to accurately and effectively as possible
simple debates among peers. “Public Issues allows students to pick about activist topics can help to spread
the top current issues America faces awareness and initiate taking action,”
When Adrianna Herritz, a junior at as a country. Discussion of each topic said Thomas.
Belleville High School, was faced with allows students to learn about the
these shocking statistics she said, “It history and current situation. Then, But the challenge in bringing this
makes sense to me because I feel like students are given perspectives from information to schools is bias. “When
there are a lot of students who are afraid multiple angles to look at and take into providing resources for students I try
to speak up about issues, especially consideration when articulating their and give information from a mostly
ones that are so controversial.” Herritz own opinions.” said Ziehr. unbiased Fact-based reporting.”
herself supports gun control and responded Ziehr. “If I am presenting
women’s rights, as those are issues that “I do support students’public expression my students with an opinion piece I will
affect her. of their views. As long as students provide a biased account, but I keep
are presenting their views without two things in mind. One, I make sure I
Herritz expressed that she believes that infringing on the rights of others, they provide more than one perspective, and
the school needs to adjust the way they should be allowed to speak their mind.” two, I avoid the flagrant “fake-news”
handle acts of activism. “I think that said Ziehr. “Students have a lot more style information that is simply trying
students who want to be activists just latitude to be politically active then to grab attention. As far as my own
need to be aware that there are people teachers do--and even though this is a biases--which I do have--I try my best
in the school that will support them,” public school, students still can speak to keep my own perspectives out of a
said Herritz. “Teachers should also their mind for the most part.” discussion.”
always support activism even if it’s
Jordyn Thomas, a junior at It has become prevalent that today’s
Belleville High School, is an youth are aware of important public
advocate for LGBTQ rights, issues and are not afraid to speak on
women’s rights, and climate behalf of change. In Herritz’s words,
change. “I think that a main “Be an activist, it will prove a point.”
component of activism is
taking action, and that all
those who believe activism
is important should put their
beliefs into action, no matter
how small the act,”
Thomas co-runs an
Instagram page called Bleed
Shamelessly. “The official
9 . News | The Prowl
By: Skyler Beyer
High schools are places of League (ADL), that symbol was once a in the right context, this sign can be
education, but are schools game to trick your friends. extremely racist towards others.
educating students on the right
things? Hate speech is a big issue in This symbol turned into hate speech “People tend to be hateful towards
not only our school, but in others like when people on the internet started people that are different from them,”
ours. Some students at Belleville High saying it represented white power as said Danielle Crim, an African
School have no idea what hate speech a joke, but then was taken seriously American student at Madison West
is. and used by white supremacists. Now, High School.
In a survey, 17 of 36 students said that “People “Many times it’s derived from
either their friends or themselves have tend to be hateful insecurity. They will taunt someone,
been affected by hate speech. There is towards people that bully, and try to make them feel less
a lot that goes into hate speech, and our are different from than. No one has a valid reason to be
community needs to be informed on them. Many times hateful.”
how their words are impacting others. it’s derived from
insecurity. They will Crim also goes on to talk about how
There are many words in today’s taunt someone, bully, she gets called the N word all the
society that have negative meanings and try to make them time because of her race. Crim then
behind them, and that can be offensive. feel less than. No one continues by stating that Madison
Retard, Fag, Sped (short for special has a valid reason to West High School has a Black Student
education children), Boy (a racist term Union committee which is stepping up
against African Americans), and the N be hateful.” to help stop hate against students of
word are all words that are considered color in their school.
hateful. Why do people use these
words? The Black Student Union has already
done walkouts, helped revise the
When asked this question, a junior at Madison Metropolitan School District
Belleville High School, Miles Fahey, (MMSD) zero tolerance policy
said, “I think the big reason why program, and is planning to gather
people hate so much is because
they are angry.” groups of students and adults to
travel around informing others about
Fahey also went on to say that hate speech.
many people are hateful to protect
themselves, and what they stand Every step that is made to stop hate
for, even if that means bringing speech matters. Whether you decide
someone else down. to stop calling people a certain word,
or stop someone else from being
Many racial signs start as hoaxes. hateful, every little thing to help stop
One example is the “OK” symbol. hate speech has a positive output on
According to the Anti-Defamation our community.
The Prowl | News . 10
Changes for the TAG
By: Ella Blask
Changes are coming to Perry and Associate Principal Heather to go to, because they’re challenging
Belleville’s Talented and Gifted Schmitz have taken on the role of TAG themselves they don’t necessarily
(TAG) program, but they are not coordinator while it is transitioning. want to miss school, because then
what you would expect. The school However, with their already busy they’re going to miss some of their AP
plans on adding new subject areas to schedules, this is a lot for them to take classes,” said Perry.
the program such as art and leadership. on.
However, many TAG students take Standardized tests and college entrance
issue with the way things are already Erin Przybyl, a junior at Belleville, exams are used to place students in the
run. is one of the majority that is not sure program, and to see who is advanced,
what the purpose of the program is. but many students do not take these
In an interview with Kristine Killerlain, As a TAG student, she has first-hand tests seriously.
the K-8 TAG coordinator, she said, experience with how frustrating it can
“We are in the process of identifying be. Past TAG students might end up
as well as adding appropriate challenge getting only an average score, which
and enrichment in the areas of “I feel like the school tells you, ‘yeah means they will not be in the program
leadership, creativity, and the arts- you’re in TAG’, but then they don’t tell anymore. This means it is very
which includes music, visual arts, and you what that means or what you’re important to make sure every student
performing arts.” going to do.” knows what is used to determine the
giftedness of a student.
In a poll sent out to Belleville High Of the few things she knows about the
School students, 43.5 percent said that program, Przybyl is aware of the field To solve these issues, TAG students
they do not think TAG or accelerated trips they get to go on. Although these and their coordinators must collaborate
courses are important. These results field trips are offered to her, she finds to come to a conclusion on what should
show that students may be unaware of herself not being able to attend because be done.
the benefits of the TAG program. she is too busy with AP classes.
As for now, the TAG program is
Last year’s 9-12 TAG coordinator went Perry is also aware of this issue. underdeveloped, but staff and students
on leave due to personal reasons. With “The problem is that though this can work together to make the program
the shortened staff, Principal Nathan would be a good program for them more accessible.
11 . Lifestyle | The Prowl
Social Media
By: Nicole Steele
Snapchat. Instagram. Facebook. High School, also has positive aspects “Social media does have negative side
Tik Tok. All of these social about social media. effects,” said Knox. “It makes people
media corporations are our top fake and makes them try to change
priorities. But are the expectations you “It makes people more connected themselves so that they are liked.”
see what you think they are? within one another,” said Knox.
But with positives, there always comes Students today are always on their
According to Small Business trends, negatives. According to the Child Mind phones, and the expectations of other
in 1997, the first social media app was Institute, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, people that we see on social media are
called Six Degrees. It was a lot like and Instagram have led to increased not always how we should be.
Facebook and Snapchat today, where feelings of depression, anxiety, poor
you can make friends online and have body image and loneliness. Amy Lewis, an English and History
a profile. teacher at Belleville High School, has
“Sometimes I’ll get a little more positives and negatives about social
Now today, Snapchat, Instagram, anxious and overwhelmed and that media, as well as her own stories.
Facebook, Tik Tok, and many other makes sense, you just have to kind
social media platforms are the of take frequent breaks from it,” said “What I would tell students is that you
biggest users of our time. But are the McKnight. have to understand that it is a very
expectations of social media what we filtered version of our lives, it is not
think they are? “To be your authentic an accurate reflection of authenticity
self is extremely and who people truly are,” said Lewis.
Jenna McKnight, a freshman at “It should be used as a way of feeling
Belleville High School, also has important. So if social connected to people and as soon as
positives and negatives about social media starts to take you feel like it’s harming
media. “I feel like it [social media] can you away from that, recommendation would be to take a
help people connect in ways that you maybe it’s time to set break from it.”
can’t with face to face contact,” said it aside for a while.”
McKnight. Social media is not just negative and
The most common thing people expect positive side effects, it is more than
On the positive side, many people about social media is that they feel that. There are more than just the
have expectations of social media like they need to be connected, but expectations of social media, but rather
for the reason that it makes them feel with that, comes drama. According to the true things that come out when
belonged. They have many online Newport Academy, 45 percent of teens people are on it.
friends, and they are able to talk to say they feel overwhelmed by all the
people that may seem close but could drama on social media, and 52 percent “Authenticity is extremely important
be miles away from where they live. said cyberbullying was the main cause to me and who I am and I would love
of unfriending people. for students to remember that there’s
“Personally I’ve made a lot of friends beauty in authenticity,” said Lewis.
on social media,” said McKnight. “To be your authentic self is extremely
“Maybe it gives them more people to important. So if social media starts to
talk to outside of their normal life.” take you away from that, maybe it’s
Sam Knox, a sophomore at Belleville time to set it aside for a while.”
The Prowl | Lifestyle . 12
Your Guide to DIY: Thanksgiving
By: Rachel Carl
Autumn has dressed herself for the coming season, donning her most vibrant hues. The colors are so bold and homely,
a scenery that reminds us of Earth, and all it provides in the harvest months. Yet, it is the traditional foods and
ingenious do-it-yourself projects that are fun for all ages that etch the memories of joy each Thanksgiving season
in families of Belleville. These engaging experiences keep family traditions alive, and encourage spirit in our tight-knit
Oftentimes, Thanksgiving decor is difficult to find. Without regard to Thanksgiving, Christmas decorations hit the stores by
September! This is your time to shine to enhance your home with new innovative and quite trendy embellishments.
Sweater Pumpkin ~ No Sew! Materials:
Step 1: Start and secure. Do the same to the other • Old Sweater, T-shirt or fabric
You will need to find a sweater that end of the sleeve. You will most likely • Faux Pumpkin
matches the vibe you are going for have to trim this end. • White Chalk Paint
with your fall decor. With this in mind, • Rubber Bands
you should also consider choosing a Step 3: Close the Gap • Burlap Ribbon
sweater made from a thick material There will be an open gap on either • Jute Twine
with a little bit of stretch. side of the pumpkin, as this is where • Fabric Scissors
having a somewhat stretchy material • Glue Gun
Step 2: Cut and Glue the Sleeves will come in handy. Stretch either
Once you have found the perfect side of the sweater material to meet
sweater, it is time to begin crafting. in the center and hot glue to secure.
For a medium-sized faux pumpkin, Your pumpkin should now be entirely
one sweater sleeve should cover the covered with the sweater.
surface. Initiate by cutting off the
sleeve, then cut the sleeve in half Step 4: Add Embellishments
lengthwise. Use a piece of twine to cover the stem
and hide the glued edges. Use a bead
Set the pumpkin in the center of the cut of hot glue to secure a long piece of
sleeve piece and bring one end up to yarn at the base of the stem, then wrap
the base of the pumpkin stem; hot glue the yarn around the stem until it is fully
Pumpkin Pie Parfaits
Pumpkin Pie Parfaits are a delicious dessert served individually into an aesthetic pint jar. Nearly every
Thanksgiving table in America will have a traditional pumpkin pie. You can enjoy this pumpkin pie craving in
these parfaits, in a much simpler fashion! All the flavors you love, layered in an original pint jar.
Ingredients Necessary: Directions:
• 3.4 oz instant vanilla pudding mix Follow the directions on the instant vanilla pudding mix’s box to make the
• 2 cups of cold milk vanilla pudding. Combine the prepared vanilla pudding with a can of pumpkin,
• 15 ounce can of pureed pumpkin cinnamon, nutmeg and ground clove spices. Stir these ingredients with a whisk in
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon a mixing bowl until thoroughly combined.
• 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
• 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves Next, thaw a tub of frozen whipped topping. Then, crush some vanilla cookies to
• 1 cup vanilla cookies make into crumbs. Crush as many cookies as you desire.
• 8 oz of frozen whipped topping Layer the crumbs, pumpkin mixture and whipped topping in a half pint jar. Start
with the cookie crumbs on the bottom, then add the pumpkin, and top the pumpkin
mixture with the whipped topping. Repeat this sequence of layers twice. Sprinkle
the remaining cookie crumbs on top as a garnish.
(DIY continued) 13 . Lifestyle | The Prowl
Turkey Tulle Wreath
This wreath is a unique project, as you
can practically design it whichever way
your heart desires. There are numerous
websites that write into full detail of
more challenging DIY projects, and
an example of one is Busy Creating
Memories, specifically regarding the
Turkey Tulle Wreath.
If you would like to know how to put
together this fun decoration, then I
suggest you to visit this website via the
QR code provided!
Virtual Violence
By: Houston Vande Berg
Would you blame violence on towards other people. spends on video games per person, and
comic books? I would guess the number of violent gun deaths per
not, right? Well, back in the When asked about what they believed 100,000 people. It almost appears that,
1930s, when comic books came out, actually caused violence Josh Danz aside from the US, there is a negative
many people thought that they would Grass, a freshman at Belleville High correlation. That is to say, the amount
corrupt the young minds of the era. School said, “It’s from people’s mental of money spent on video games is
health.” helping stop violence.
Today this seems silly, but what if we
switched out comic books for video Video games are a pervasive medium, The link between videogames and
games? Many people might say it used throughout the world. It would be violence is not conclusive. Video
makes perfect sense. helpful to look at the impact of video games are censored for political
games globally. reasons in other countries. Guns are
With this in mind, and all the violence also prohibited in other countries,
in America today, it has been proposed In the graph by VOX, you can see but some fear, especially in today’s
that video games may either cause or the amount of money each country environment; political oppression.
contribute to the violence because of
their graphic content.
The argument is that gamers are
desensitized, or worse, trained to hunt
and kill. On the other hand, gamers
say that they can tell the difference
between the fictitious world and the
world we are in.
Belleville High School students have
discovered that while they may be
frustrated by interruptions, they do not
feel an extreme level of anger or hatred
The Prowl | Perspective . 14 Dress Coded:
Is There a War on Bra Straps?
ABy: Jordyn Roberts opinions, such as Lindstrom’s, are higher shelf and is an example of
lexa Lindstrom, a freshman not valued as much in comparison appropriate attire. For example,
at Belleville High School, to the adults and administrators. longer shorts, male styled t-shirts,
wakes up every morning and Associate Principal Heather sweatshirts, etc. This fashion is
picks out her clothes. Immediately Schmitz, weighed in with her deemed more appropriate by
she can eliminate half her closet. opinion of the dress code. “I don’t administrators, seeing that, as
After meticulously choosing the have a problem with bra straps,” Lindstrom said, “a quarter (of the
perfect outfit, she looks in the Schmitz said. “Or spaghetti straps dress code) applies to males.”
mirror. She expects to see an or crop tops for that matter. I just It is clear that BHS deems female
amazing outfit. But what she can see have to make sure you feel respected fashion as a distraction. The whole
is her bra straps, and she has to start and everyone else respects you.” dress code is based on this idea that
all over. All of the administration values clothing should not be a distraction
Lindstrom has earned the title of student opinions, and Schmitz and everyone should feel respected.
most dress coded girl in school. She wanted to make that clear. One of When female fashion is considered
has been dress coded six to nine the problems with revising the dress a distraction, it causes clear
times in the last two years, which code is that even though student consequences among the female
seems to be a lot compared to the opinions should be valued, the students individuality.
rest of the BHS student body. administration wants respect to be Students wardrobes are limited
Two summers ago, Lindstrom their number one priority. and they are penalized for certain
helped with the revision of the The dress code is looked at and clothing. A female student at
2018-2019 dress code. Lindstrom revised every year with the BHS confirmed that she was
said that the overall goal was to handbook. Every summer, things afraid to wear tank tops and other
make a completely gender neutral like the cell phone policy, attendance shoulderless tops in fear of being
dress code without a glaring female policy, the dress code and other dress coded.
bias. But after the whole thing is policies like these are revised by a “I think they over sexualize
over, it left a pit in her stomach group of people that includes the shoulders and stomachs,” said
because of what she deems are principal, associate principal, and Lindstrom. “None of these things
mediocre results. others. Then finally, the handbook should be a big deal, it’s a piece of
The dress code has always been is approved by the school board. clothing, and I don’t think it should
a sensitive subject for students A lot of dress codeable items are matter that much.”
and administrators alike. Student popular in feminine fashion such At the end of the day, the dress
as bra straps, spaghetti straps, code will never be perfect. “I think
crop tops, etc. These banned items teachers should assume the best in
are constantly enforced among us and trust us,” said Lindstrom.
most teachers. Schmitz admits to Lindstrom opens up a door to the
standing in the hallway looking for same discussion we had in 2018,
dress code violations. does the dress code need to be
Popular male fashion, though revised?
simplistic, is often put on a
15 . Perspective | The Prowl
ChildVSA. dult
By: Lainey Winkers
You just got home from a long “Out of nowhere they expected me to than they are.
day of school with a backpack act like an adult and be super mature,
full of homework that needs which brought a lot of emotions for “I was super stressed with trying to
to be completed before practice. me, and most of them weren’t good.” switch my personality so that I was
Immediately after walking in the door, acting how my parents wanted me to,”
your parents approach you with a list Adults have a totally different said Kean.
of chores. After giving excuse after perspective on this topic, some believe
excuse, your parents say “grow up that they treat their kids more strictly, As a result of parents doing this to their
your acting like a child.” because they want to protect them, kids, it makes them feel very stressed
others believe that if they treat their and even makes them feel like they
91 percent of the Belleville High kids like an adult, it will benefit them need to change or have done something
School students said their parents when they are actual adults. wrong. Many parents were raised like
expect them to act like an adult, while this when they were younger, which
only 53 percent say their parents treat “I think it needs to be a gradual results in them acting the same towards
them like an adult. release,” said Heather Schmitz, their own children.
Associate Principal at Belleville
Children all around the world hear High School. “I don’t think we can In the end, parents want the best, but
this quite often and even on a daily just say, ‘Hey kids, do whatever you this can be a very confusing time for
basis, wondering if they are being want. You’re an adult now,’ but we do children. If parents can communicate
asked of too much for their age. When want them to have experiences such their expectations, it may be less
children are put in this situation, they as dealing with consequences based confusing for those of us trying to
feel confused, worried, overwhelmed on the choices they made, and I think “grow up.”
because of how their parents will react. we need to model for them such as
good behaviors and why we make the
Josh Kean, freshman at Belleville High choices we make.”
School has been in this situation many
times with his own parents. “When Schmitz has two daughters of her
my parents do this to me, it makes me own and she knows from experience
feel very confused and stressed,” said how her kids feel when she does this
Kean. to them but she knows it’s to get them
ready for their future.
“When I was younger, my parents
expected me to act like a kid until I was Madysen Herritz, freshman at
about twelve years old,” said Kean. Belleville High School, is a kid herself,
but she also agrees with Schmitz.
“In a way I feel like my parents are
preparing me for the future as they
continue to treat me like an adult and
expect me to act like an adult,” said
Herritz. “I have figured out that I learn
things everyday because of the way
my parents treat me and I find that as a
good thing.”
Many adults should expect kids to act
their age, and not be treated any older
The Prowl | Perspective . 16
By: Alexis Lamboley Learonring Disability?
The three words I will never to go off of it. I am now off medication ADHD makes [students] feel they
forget - “You’re just lazy.” You because I can’t physically do it.” do not fit in, they may think they are
see, during the 2018 fall parent- labeled. Having a helpful medicine will
teacher conferences, I was told by For many of us students, there is only give them a more positive attitude.”
a former teacher of Belleville High so much we can do before we are
School, “You’re just lazy.” At those burned out. We either have to take Many teachers do not know how to
same parent-teacher conferences, I was time to do the assignment because we help students with ADHD. Giving us a
told by another teacher, “You can’t use cannot focus on it for huge chunks of label makes us want to give up and say
your ADD as a crutch,” meaning that I time, or we can power through and get “Why bother?” because we do not feel
cannot use my learning disability as an the assignment done, but struggle to like you believe in us.
excuse. turn it in.
“My parents had a feeling I had ADD
Although you may have heard of “I had a hard time focusing and keeping from a very young age,” said Miller.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), up with work that was relatively easy,” “The school refused to test me until 5th
ADHD is now the official name said Miller. “It wasn’t that I didn’t grade, but my parents knew ‘oh, she
for ADD/ADHD. The definition of understand it, but I couldn’t focus on has a problem.’”
ADHD is “any of a range of behavioral it.”
disorders occurring primarily in When Belleville High School
children, including such symptoms Even though she was trying her hardest, Principal Nathan Perry was asked
as poor concentration, hyperactivity, Miller is familiar with being labeled as about legal testing, he replied, “We
and impulsivity.” lazy. “Oh yes, especially when I was would have 60 days to do that. If we
first diagnosed,” said Miller. “There is had a written request from parents
Being told I was lazy was one of a difference between talking about it, and did not follow through, we
the worst things that a teacher could and actually doing something about it, would be in violation and could be
possibly tell a student with ADHD. and I don‘t think we do a lot to adapt disciplined by the Department of
As a student with ADHD, I was the classroom for people with learning Public Instruction.”
trying my hardest to get homework challenges.”
done, but was struggling to find a As many people say, it is usually just
medication that worked for me, so I Belleville High School psychologist a matter of having a million things
was not taking any at the time. John Zillmer believes differently. “I going through our heads, like a dog.
don’t see [teachers labeling students]. “Squirrel!! Ball!! Squirrel again!!”
Many teachers do not understand I think our teachers here have a good That is the reason we struggle to
how long it can take for people to handle on that,” said Zillmer. “If turn stuff in. Our brains are so busy
find the correct medication and dosage going 100 miles an hour, we just forget.
for them. Of the 63.6 percent of students
who said they have ADHD, only 30.3 Zillmer suggested teachers can
percent said they have a medication help kids with ADHD by finding an
that works for them. organization strategy that works for
them and make students aware of the
Bella Miller, a senior at Belleville resources we have. “Turning it in is a
High School, elaborated on her journey seperate skill than getting it done.”
with ADD medication. “I started off
as a young child, the ripe old age of Finding an organization strategy may
sixth grade, with 18 mg of my first be a good way that teachers can help
medication, and then I slowly went us. Helping us the best you can and not
up,” Miller said. “My junior year I went labeling us as lazy because we have
up to 72 mg, which is the highest dose a learning disability is going to help
they could give with that medication. I us students succeed much more than
started having digestive issues, so I had labeling us.
17 . Perspective | The Prowl
Sound Off:
Bullying Problem in
An Issue By: Hayden Boyce
Bullying is a consistent act Some examples as to what has High Schools guidance counselor. “Is
with an imbalance of power happened while our students the bullying problem getting better?
between the students involved. have been bullied are that Bullying is something extremely hard
Harassment, however, is aggressive people are constantly being to measure as it is a personal perception
pressure, or intimidation. According called “gay” as if it is an and a feeling that each individual has
to Belleville students most of these insult. Some other examples about a given situation. We try very
incidents occur at lunch. are looks, weight, style, and interests hard to support every student in every
in people. way that we can to make school a safe
In a survey of 36 students from place to be and learn.”
Belleville High School, 42 percent “Some of the reasons that people might
mentioned that they or a friend have bully other students are jealousy, self- With this information, we can conclude
been bullied, while 29 percent say that consciousness, and students thinking that Bellevilles High School does have
they have been harassed. that they are above others,” said a bullying issue. However, the staff
Freshman at Belleville High School, is working extremely hard to make
“Part of the problem is that people Alison Zimmerman. “But how can the students feel safe, and know that they
are not aware of the problem,” said a school make steps towards helping belong here in our school.
freshman at Belleville High School. those victims?”
30.6 percent of students report that “Belleville School District is working
they have been diagnosed with anxiety, extremely hard to stop bullying. It is
and/or depression since they have been a top focus of our administration and
bullied. staff and is taken very seriously by the
principal,” Melanie Norton, Belleville
Not An Issue By: Vanessa Sarbacker
Looking around Belleville High after they have been asked to stop, they bullied in the past sometimes grow up
School, I see people having are considered a bully. not caring what people think, whereas
conversations and being with kids who are not used to it become
their friends. What I don’t see is “By calling everything bullying, very sensitive from being bullied.
bullying. Overtime, researchers have we’re actually failing to recognize
found that the word “bullying” has the seriousness of the problem,” said Bullying isn’t as big of a problem in
been misused and replaced for words Elizabeth Englander, a professor of Belleville High School as it has been
like “teased” or “fighting.” psychology and founder and director built up to be. People may say that
of the Massachusetts Aggression by saying one mean thing that it’s
According to Google, the definition of Reduction Center. automatically bullying when it is not.
bullying is “seek to harm, intimidate,
or coerce (someone perceived as Many believe that bullying is even Bullying is a topic that needs more
vulnerable).” In my mind, this means a part of childhood and growing up education so people understand
harassing someone over and over and leads to building character and whether or not a situation is actually
every day. If someone doesn’t stop strength. People who have been bullying.
The Prowl | Entertainment . 18
November Horoscopes
By: Alexis Lamboley & Jordyn Roberts
Aries Taurus Gemini
March 21 - April 19 April 20 - May 20 May 21 - June 20
Dude we get it! You will be visited You will be chased
You’re nuts but by a magic genie. by a barking
relax this month.
Seriously we’re Use your wishes squirrel. I would
wisely... give him back his
Leo nuts.
July 23 - Aug 22 Virgo
June 21 - July 22
You will meet the most Aug 23 - Sept
You will be casted in important person in
the next Cinderella your life sometime You will meet a
movie as Lucifer the soon. Or maybe later. talking dog named
Rover. He’s a cool
cat. Me-WOW! The stars can’t be sure. dude so don’t worry.
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Sept 23 - Oct 22 Oct 23 - Nov 21 Nov 22 - Dec 21
We are guessing for You will go on a You will receive a
Halloween you dressed date wearing a pet scorpion for your
up as something kinda Hawaiian shirt and birthday. Don’t let it
a flamingo floatie sting you. That could
crazy. This will come around your waist.
back to haunt you... be bad…
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Dec 22 - Jan 19 Jan 20 - Feb 18 Feb 19 - Mar 20
With your birthday Your home will be Try some bananas.
being around invaded by zombies I heard it’s good for
searching for warmth. digestion. Your mom
Christmas, your
parents are more We urge you to told me you are
than likely getting welcome them with having some bowel
some hot chocolate.
you a unicorn. problems.
SeSeeienigngDDouobulbele 19 . Entertainment | The Prowl
By Kaitlyn Schoenike
According to the BBC, there is a explore and travel the world. and they have been involved in theatre
one in 135 chance that someone since a young age.
has an exact doppelganger, a Meredith Smith is a very interesting
non-biological lookalike. Although teacher. Growing up, she hated science Cindy Halvensbend is our school
many people do not have an exact in school. She also joined the Army secretary. Her hobbies include
doppelganger, there is always someone after high school and spent her junior any outdoor activity, and interior
that looks similar to them. Even year as an exchange student in Austria. decorating. She is a certified personal
members of the staff at Belleville High trainer and plans to retire to somewhere
School have a doppelganger, some of The students also agreed Julia Louis- warm and tropical.
which are well known celebrities. Dreyfus and Smith look the most
similar. Their similarities include According to 35 percent of the students
Jacob Ziehr would describe himself as caring deeply about animals and the Halvensbend looks the most like Lori
a laid-back and charismatic teacher. environment, as well as education. Loughlin. They share other similarities
When he was in college, he lived on a besides their looks. They both love
Native American reservation for three Sara Kreuger is an honest, but sarcastic their children very much and would do
months. He also plays ultimate frisbee teacher. She loves being outside, anything for them.
through the Madison Ultimate Frisbee watching TV, and spending time with
Association (MUFA) and coaches both her kids on their farm. She celebrated
boys and girls soccer. her 21st birthday in Paris, France.
According to a poll of Belleville High Kreuger and Molly Ringwald are the
School students, 86 percent of the most alike, according to 60 percent
students agree Ziehr and Joe Strummer of the students. They both pursued
look very similar. They both like to careers based on music and theatre,
Seeking Nominations
WBy: Kylie Rauh
e need your help! The When asked why the wall is experience within the School District
Belleville School District important, Principal Nathan Perry of Belleville. Current staff members,
is looking for nominations said, “We want all Wildcats to feel like school board members, advisors, and
for the third class of the Wildcat Wall they will always belong to our school coaches with 10 years of experience
of Fame. community and have pride in what is are eligible.
Last spring, the second class was being accomplished now.” 3. The nominee is a community
inducted into the Wildcat Wall One or more of the following criteria member or volunteer who has made a
of Fame. This class included C.H. must be met for the nominees to be significant contribution to the School
Hageman, Yvonne Remy, and Brad considered: District of Belleville
Stiner. They joined the first class of 1. Nominees must be a Belleville Paper and electronic nomination
inductees; Nancy Fahey, John Becker, High School graduate and at least ten forms may be found on the School
Barb Funseth, and LeRoy Freitag. years beyond Belleville HIgh School District of Belleville website.
To win one of these distinguished graduation. Deadline for submission is Dec. 16,
awards the individuals must have 2. The nominee is a school 2019.
positively impacted our school community member (staff member, Go nominate a deserving Wildcat
district, community, or world in school board member, coach, or today!
some way. Can you think of a former advisor) with a minimum of 10 years
alumni that needs to be reocgnized?