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Answers on page three. .IGHTEDSSep September Hunting Results the doves to land to drink. ~November 2015 Volume 32 Issue 9 THE SPOOR Riley County Fish & Game ...

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Riley County Fish & Game Association Newsletter President ...

Answers on page three. .IGHTEDSSep September Hunting Results the doves to land to drink. ~November 2015 Volume 32 Issue 9 THE SPOOR Riley County Fish & Game ...

.IGHTEDSSep September Hunting Results THE SPOOR

the doves to land to drink. Riley County Fish & Game Association Newsletter

Answers on page three. Riley County Fish & Game Association Officers:

~November 2015 Volume 32 Issue 9 President: Pat Briggs
Vice President: Kent Stewart
When: 7:30 PM Thursday 5 November
Where: Green Valley Community Center Past President: Steve Doughty
Program: Melissa Bean of the Corps of Engineers at Secretary: Spencer Tomb
Tuttle Creek Lake will update us on our lake.
Treasurer: Christopher Deetjen
Hunter Education Classes
Spoor Editor: Spencer Tomb

Directors: Owen Higgins, Dale Grunewald,
Steve Haas, Paul Cassella, Tom Siderwicz,
Robert Nelson, Don Taylor, Jim McDiffett

Board Meeting
The Board of Directors Meeting will be held

at Vista on
Thursday 19 November at 6:30PM
Board meetings are open to the general
membership; all members are welcome
and encouraged to attend.

There will be a hunter education class at Godfrey's Trout Season Is Open
Indoor Shooting Range in Junction City on 6 and 7 November.
To preregister for the course, call 785 238 0094. There is an Trout season opened on November 1, and the Kansas
online hunter ed class in Abilene that will that will finish on 12 Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism (KDWPT) will
December 2015. Students in the online course must complete the be stocking rainbow trout in selected waters across the state
online part of the class and then attend a field day and take the through April 15. More than 30 waters will receive regular
exam. To enroll in this class contact [email protected] trout stockings through the winter. However, initial
include your full given name including first name, middle initial, stockings will be delayed at several reservoirs. It’s a good
last name, sex(male or female), date of birth, phone #, street, city, idea to check for updated stocking information before
zip code and e-mail address. Max # students 25. traveling to your favorite trout water. Visit the KDWPT
Local Wildlife Reports Programs-for-You/Trout-Fishing-Program/Stocking-
Waterfowl hunting in our area has only been fair at best. There
is very little flooded vegetation and most of the ducks and geese During the November 1 to April 15 trout season, some
are still north of us. Six inches of rain would be a big help. waters stocked with trout require a $12.50 trout permit for
all anglers 16 or older, whether they are fishing for trout or
Upland prospects look very good. Quail and pheasant not (Type 1 Waters). Other waters require a trout permit
populations are not back to the average levels, but there are only for anglers fishing for or possessing trout (Type 2
going to be more birds than we have had in recent years. Quail Waters). All residents 16-74 years old and all nonresidents
have shown a 48% increase over last year. It will not be like it 16 and older must also have a valid fishing license.
was twenty years ago, but it will be possible to find a few
coveys in most of the state. Pheasants are also up by 51% over The daily creel limit is five trout unless otherwise
last year’s survey. Northwest and north central Kansas may posted (two trout for anglers 15 and younger who do not
have the best pheasant hunting. It may be best to look for birds have a trout permit). The possession limit is three times the
near water. ST daily creel. KDWPT News Release

Find us on the Web!!

Upcoming Events

November 5 Membership Meeting Green Valley Community Center 7:30 PM. Our speaker will be Melissa Bean, Natural Resource
Management Specialist with the U S Army Corps of Engineers at Tuttle Creek Lake. She will give us an update on Tuttle Creek.

November 7-8 Special Youth Upland Bird Season (See page 3 for more details.)

November 14 Upland bird seasons open

November 19 Board of Directors Meeting Vista Burger 6:30 PM

November 21 Prairie Chicken Season opens. Check the regulations. There is a large area of SW Kansas closed to hunting.

December 2 Firearms Deer season opens

December 3 Membership Meeting Green Valley Community Center 7:30 PM Program: Phil Taunton of Emporia will bring us up to date
about Pure Fishing and Fishing’s Future in Kansas. His title is Fishing's Future, Families Forever. "Outside for a Better Inside!

December 17 October Board of Directors Meeting Vista Burger 6:30 PM

January 7 Membership Meeting Green Valley Community Center 7:30 PM Program: To be determined

January 21 Board of Directors Meeting Vista Burger 6:30 PM

Our Mission Statement

The Riley County Fish & Game Association, a family-oriented club, is dedicated to the encouragement and
education of outdoor sports in the Riley County, Kansas area. The Riley County Fish & Game Association
strives to encourage and promote responsibility, safety, conservation, habitat improvement, and
sportsmanship to all individuals, including women, youth and the disabled. The Riley County Fish & Game
Association also works to ensure hunting and fishing rights as well as to contribute to the positive growth of
hunting and fishing for future generations.

The Officers and Board of the Riley County Fish and Game Association

President: Pat Briggs 313-1077 [email protected]
Vice-President: G. Kent Stewart 539-2663 [email protected]
Treasurer: Christopher Deetjen 564-0085 [email protected]
Secretary and Spoor Editor: Spencer Tomb 410-2817 [email protected]
Past President: Steve Doughty 565-1854 [email protected]
Paul Cassella 564-3863 [email protected]
Dale Grunewald 537-2127 [email protected]
Don Taylor 313-5016 [email protected]
Owen Higgins 770-7914 [email protected]
NRovb.e5rtMNeemlsboenrs4h9ip4-M84ee3t3insgtaGnrgeemnaVn@allweyaCmoemgom.unneitty Center 7:30 PM Program: To be determined
Tom Siderwcz 458-9200 [email protected]
NStoevveemHbearas1422O3p-e2n7in2g0dsahyaoafst@hetwKiannvsasllUeyp.lnaentd Bird Seasons
Jim McDiffett 537-9607 [email protected]

N.B. The Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission will meet in Manhattan on Thursday 7 January at the K-State Alumni Center

on the KSU Campus at 1PM and the meeting will adjourn for supper and resume that evening.

Special Youth Upland Bird Season

PRATT – Two days, November 7-8, 2015, should be marked on every young hunter’s calendar. The youth
pheasant and quail season allows all youth 16 and younger to hunt, under the supervision of an adult 18 or older,
for pheasants and quail statewide. The daily bag limits during the youth season are 2 rooster pheasants per day
and 4 quail per day. All state and federal lands normally open to public hunting are open, and all Walk-in
Hunting Access lands are open. Hunting pressure is generally light, ensuring high-quality and productive
hunting opportunities for youth.

Resident youth 15 and younger do not need a hunting license, and while Hunter Education certification is not
required when hunting under adult supervision, it is highly recommended. Sixteen-year-old residents and all
nonresidents must have hunting licenses. The adult mentor may not hunt; however the youth season can provide
a great opportunity to scout potential hunting areas and get dogs primed before the regular opener.

With improved pheasant and quail populations predicted this fall, the youth season will provide a fantastic
opportunity to introduce a youngster to the hunting tradition. For many veteran hunters, that experience is more
rewarding than the hunt itself. KDWPT News Release

Fishing’s Future

Fishing’s Future is a national campaign to teach children and their parents the joys of fishing has made it to
Kansas. (0ur December program will be on this national campaign in Kansas.

"Fishing’s Future was started about 15 years ago by an educator in Texas.” In 2011, Kevin Reich brought it to
Kansas. Today, the organization has 55 chapters in 17 states, Reich, the organization's vice president of
operations, said. Kansas has about 10 chapters.

Reich had grown up in Kansas but became involved with the program while employed in Texas. When his
company, ADM, transferred him to Salina, he began to make connections with the Kansas Department of
Wildlife Parks and Tourism staff to start the program here. The goal, he said, "is to get the family back as a unit
and get them back outdoors through fishing. Fishing's Future is in the entire Wichita Public School system, as
well as school systems in Olathe, Dodge City and Mound City. In 2014, an all-volunteer-based program that
relies on donations reached 70,000 people. This year, Reich said, they should reach about 150,000.

"We've just exploded in Kansas.”, Reich said. (Taken from the Fishing’s future web page)

Commission Approves Hunting and Fishing License and Permit Increases

BURLINGTON – The Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) Commission approved a proposal to raise fees for fishing and
hunting licenses at their public meeting in Burlington on October 22, 2015. The new fees will be effective January 1, 2016. KDWPT
staff have been discussing fee increases since early last spring and presented a draft proposal before the Commission at their public
meeting in August.

Fee increases were deemed necessary to ensure pivotal programs important to hunters and anglers can be maintained and enhanced.
Basic hunting and fishing license fees haven’t increased since 2002, and the price of resident deer and turkey permits haven’t increased
since 1984. Inflation has increased the cost of doing business by almost 30 percent since 2002, and the uncommitted balance of the
Wildlife Fee Fund was beginning to decline. License and permit revenues go into the Wildlife Fee Fund to pay for wildlife and
fisheries programs, which receive no State General Fund money.

By unanimously approving the proposed increases, the Commission ensured that programs such as Walk-in Hunting Access (WIHA),
Community Fisheries Assistance (CFAP), Pass It On, Fishing Impoundment and Stream Access (FISH), and Wildlife Habitat

Improvement (WHIP) will continue to provide hunters and anglers with high-quality outdoor opportunities. Increased
revenues will also help fund day-to-day business such as operation of four fish hatcheries, law enforcement,
public lands management and private land programs. KDWPT News Release

Beginning January 1, 2016 a resident annual hunting or fishing license will cost $25. The current fee is $18.

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(785) 776-4104

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