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KMUTT SDG10 Activities Report 2020 - 2021

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Published by KMUTT Office of Sustainability, 2022-11-13 13:41:43

KMUTT SDG10 Activities Report 2020 - 2021

KMUTT SDG10 Activities Report 2020 - 2021

Project Results Presentation and Seminar for
Professional Performance Improvement

16 October 2020, a seminar was held to present the results of professional performance
improvement program. The directly related field was the high-speed train and railroads
professions which developed from transportation system development. The seminar aimed to
help participants develop professional training standard that will help them in staff training to
meet with the professional standard and elevate the professional standard as a whole. The
attendees who passed the evaluation received certification of participation. The seminar was
held at Prince Ballroom 3 at Prince Palace Mananak Hotel

The Faculty of Industrial Education and
Technology, KMUTT Understand the criteria
for considering an employee's promotion.

KMUTT and Kiatnakin Phatra Bank’s Agreed
to Use Academic Knowledge for SMEs

4 November 2020 at Kiatnakin - Phatra Headquarter, an agreement between King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) and Kiatnakin Phatra Bank Pub. Co., Ltd. was made
for “KKP & STECO SMEs Clinic Project” to support SMEs development in recovery from COVID-19
impact into sustainable growth and competence

Jacob Jensen Design and KMUTT Cooperate to Support Students in
Becoming Managers to Drive Thai Creative Economy

10 November 2020, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suwit Sae-Tia dean of King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) and Lars Kolind, chairman of Kolinds A/S and Jacob Jensen Design
signed in cooperation agreement between King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
and Jacob Jensen Design Studio, a world class leading design studio from Denmark. In this event,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sakkarin Bhumirat, advisor of KMUTT welcomed Jon Thorgaard, the Denmark’s
ambassador to Thailand and Cambodia as the guest of honor. Over the past 5 years, Jacob
Jensen Design (KMUTT Bangkok) had succeeded in promoting design culture and assist in
sustainable development of design knowledge and skills to the students of KMUTT through its
workshops. It had elevated the designs and helped companies solved problems with effective
designs in Thailand and other Southeast Asian Countries. Such was the first official cooperation
between Thailand and Denmark in attempt to push forward the Creative Economy in the region.
The joint venture emphasized deep importance of design toward environmental and social
sustainability and would play important role in elevating Thai industrial designs to an
international level of competence. The project have now extended its missions to provide
information on product design, branding design, and solution designs for managerial staffs and
entrepreneurs through Center of Innovation for Society (CIS) and the graduate school of
Management and Innovation (GMI). Such cooperation will provide access for businesses to drive
forth the creative economy with more ease.

Scientific Instrument Center Held
SIC Open House 2020

Saturday 14 November 2020, the Scientific Instrument Center for Standard and Industry, Faculty
of Science held SIC Open House 2020 activity in celebration of the 60th anniversary of King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi where there were demonstration of scientific
instruments and academic services it provides. The center offered analyses, training courses,
design, prototyping of scientific instrument, and commission or mentoring for research. The
activities also included the post-graduate programs for staffs of the attending network schools.

The Faculty of Science held Science
Exhibition 2021

Research Strategic plan for Royal Project
by Research Innovation
and Partnership Office

Research Innovation and Partnership Office KMUTT joined the brainstorming activity on
Research Strategic plan for Royal Project on 18 November 2020 .This activities focus on the
Royal Project’s research direction which need KMUTT researcher join and make problem based
research which help communities to solve the problems which support the SDG 1: No Poverty
and SDG 2 Zero Hunger

Faculty of Industrial Education and
Technology (FIET), KMUTT Held “100 Baht for

FIET Students” Charity.

18 November 2020, the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology (FIET), KMUTT, as part of
ETM 361 course held a charity activity “100 Baht for FIET students” as a special hybrid activity to
enhance occupational experience. The activity was held Online due to COVID-19 pandemic
situation. There were 3 available channels for donation: cash donation, medical masks purchase,
and charity auction. The hosts donated all fund raised to the student funds of the faculty.
Eventually, the activity raised 94,760 Baht which would be used to support students in need.

KMUTT Concluded the 7th Occupational
Training for Handicapped
Under the Empowerment
of Disabled People Project.

Monday 30 November 2020 at Puttharaksa, Seminar building King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi the conclusion ceremony was held. The graduating party was the 7th
generation which comprised 61 participants The project spanned 6 months from May to October
of 2020, financially sponsored by Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), Danieli Co.,
Ltd., Marathon (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Srithai Miyagawa Co., Ltd., Satian Industries Co., Ltd.,
Thaisomboon Weaving Co., Ltd., and Pornkasem Group Co., Ltd.

The Project of Individual behavior
assessment development program with

strategic development and personnel

KMUTT hosted the meeting
SUN Thailand year 2020

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the university King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) was honored to host the meeting.
The 5th Annual Conference of Sustainable University Network of Thailand and the 4th Annual
Meeting of Sustainable Universities Network of Thailand (SUN Thailand) 2020 at the Research,
Development and Innovation Building in Bioprocess ( BRI)
KMUTT (Bang Khun Thian) during 3-4 December as a platform to exchange knowledge and
knowledge for sustainable university development in various fields. as well as disseminating the
results of sustainability in all aspects of KMUTT to all 36 networked universities. In addition, at
the event, there was a keynote speech on the topic "Higher Education Commission Policy
towards Sustainable Universities". Activities to exchange learning about sustainable
development throughout the 2 days of this conference. The 5th Annual Conference of
Sustainable University Network of Thailand and the 4th Sustainable University Network of
Thailand (SUN Thailand) Member Meeting 2020, King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi received host and forwarded the hosting of the next year's meeting to Kasetsart
University Chairman of the Sustainable University Network of Thailand for the year 2021

“Road Safety Culture Initiation: a Case Study
in KMUTT” awarded Best Poster Presentation

Amornthep Koomsook, was the appointed presenter and recipient of “Best Poster Presentation
Award” in the topic of “Sustainable Mobility/Sustainable Transportation” from his research
“Road Safety Culture Initiation: a Case Study in KMUTT.” The team comprised Amornthep
Koomsook, Thanakarn Koomphai, Nayarat Wongwate, and Janewit Thipprasert and was part of
Energy Environment Safety and Health Center (EESH). The presentation was done in the fourth
Sustainable University Network of Thailand (SUN Thailand) meeting 2020 held during 3-4
December 2020 at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkhunthian campus.
The meeting was held by Sustainable University Network of Thailand as a discussion and sharing
forum of knowledge, experience, and operation for sustainable development that contributed to
set the universities as examples sustainable development. The article presented the project
result and its analysis regarding initiation of safety culture to encourage social responsibility for
faculty staffs and students alike in and out of the campus, to promote road manners, to build
lawful road culture, and to ultimately contribute to creating thoroughly safe city according to
Sustainable Development Goals 2030 number 11: sustainable cities and communities ready for
change and sustainable development.

Narcotic Prevention Plan Brainstorming by
university networking under Higher

Education in Lower Central Region Thailand

Student Affair Office, KMUTT launched the brainstorming on Narcotic Prevention Plan in 20
universites under the Higher Education in Lower Central Region Thailand. This activity held on 15
December 2020 with representatives from Bureau of Narcotics Prevention and Suppression and
Office of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation join the activity at
Learning Exchange Building . This activity supports the SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being and
SDG 4 Quality Education.

2020 Scholar Visits

Human Resource Office, the dean office, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
together with the science and technology scholarship office of Ministry of Higher Education,
Science, Research and Innovation arranged their annual visit to the scholars to follow the
progress of governmental scholars within King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi.

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