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Published by currancathy, 2019-04-16 11:58:41

April 2019

April 2019

Media Source Newstalk - The Pat Kenny Show | 29/01/2019


Irish Breakfast Awards

Georgina Campbell, food critic, joins
Pat Kenny to discuss the Irish Breakfast
awards. The Brunch category is sponsored
by the National Dairy Council, and is
called The Complete Natural.


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Irish Tractor & Agri | 04/04/2019

Media Source Press Page 80,81,82
Circulation -

Darran and Denise McKenna and family with the Kerrygold Quality Milk

First for Monaghan as Darran and Denise
scoop prestigious Quality Milk Award

On Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018, standards of excellence in dairy farming, gathered a bit of momentum and it was
a big shock to win it.
Emyvale, County Monaghan with dairy co-operatives throughout the
based dairy fanner Darran country invited to nominate their top “We were the first farm from north of
McKenna was announced as the suppliers. Nominated by LacPatrick the Dublin / Meath border to win it, so
winner of the National Dairy Dairies, Darran and Denise went head- there was a real sense of pride and
Council / Kerrygold Quality Milk to-head with eight other farms for the achievement to that. Obviously, as dairy
national title as the 19 original nominees farmers, we never set out to win awards
- our goal has always been to maximise
Award We visited Derrygasson were whittled down to a strong shortlist our efficiencies and make as much
money as we can from what we have
Farm, which has been In the of nine. and a natural part of this is instilling the
McKenna family for at least five As part of the judging process, judges highest standards.
generations, and had a chat with
a very proud Monaghan man carried out detailed assessments based “But it was nice to get the recognition.
on submitted nomination forms and After we were named as winners, we
technical reports spanning a full twelve- had to attend a number of functions and
ceremonies and the children got a big
month period. From this process, the thrill out of that. I suppose, in a way, it
was like we were local celebrities for a
t an awards ceremony in the shortlist of finalists was compiled, with short time and they enjoyed that.”

Acapital on the first Wednesday judges visiting each of the nine finalist Darran is very proud of where he’s from
of October, husband-and-wife farms to carry out inspections over the and he says the award is as much for the
team Darran and Denise summer months. local region as for the farm at
McKenna recorded a notable first Dfoerrrygasson is a traditional family farm Derrygasson: “It drives you on and I’m
County Monaghan when the Emyinvaelevery sense of the term. Darren and sure it will drive on other people in the
area,” he states. “Monaghan is the
pair beat off strong competition from Denise are joined in running the award­ forgotten county in many respects and
when we win something it just shows us
around the island to land the 2018 winning enterprise by their young that we can be as good as anyone else.
As a community, we all stick together
National Dairy Council (NDC) / Kerrygold children, Daithi, Caragh, Michveal and and support one another and that’s the
way it has always been here since Town
Quality Milk Award. Annie, while their nieces and nephews

To make it a night to remember for the also help out in times of need and

McKenna family, in addition to the neighbour, Cormac, makes himself

coveted NDC / Kerrygold Perpetual Cup, available for relief milking.

they also claimed the Healthy Herd “It was nice to win the award,” Darran

Award, making it a memorable double reflects modestly. “To be honest, I didn’t

for the Farney County! think too much about it when we were

The Quality Milk Award recognises nominated but, as time went on, I

▲ 52

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of Monaghan Co-op was first started." supplied its predecessor Town of Monaghan Co-op prior to that
At least five generations of Darran’s family have farmed on since its inception. He was a member of the Council that voted
in the Board of both bodies. “We were always very happy with
Derrygasson Farm. It could actually be more than that but Town of Monaghan and had a very close relationship with
records don’t go back any further. “I've worked here myself them. That has continued with LakPatrick. Their headquarters
since I was fit to walk,” the Emyvale man says. “I served my are still in Monaghan it’s still local enough for us, although they
time as an electrician but went into partnership with my father, will be a bit further away when the merger with Lakeland goes
Seamus, when I was in my mid-20s and took over the farm through."
when I was 25.
The herd has grown steadily from 60 when the quotas went
“My brother, Barry, is an agri contractor and also a New to 100 today but no further expansion is on the cards for the
Holland dealer, and we have always worked together hand-in- time being, at least. “I’m probably at my maximum size for my
hand, so I’ve done plenty of silage, baling and slurry myself time of life,” Darran reveals. “As the children get older, I might
since I was a young lad. drive it on if they want to get involved in a serious way. But, for
the time being, the aim is to maximise our returns from what
Going back through the decades, centuries even, dairy has we have.”
always been the main focus of the farm. Seamus kept some
pigs and also ran JCBs to provide plant hire services but the
natural evolution was towards a dairy enterprise exclusively.
Today, Darran and Denise oversee a year-round system based
on 150 acres, with 100 cows (plus replacements) milked twice
a day in a 16-unit DeLaval herringbone parlour, averaging
some 6,300 litres with protein at 3.45% and 4.21% butterfat.
Meanwhile, the 2018 figures also showed somatic cell count
was 70 and TBC was nine (and even lower in 2017).

The standards of hygiene and quality set on the farm are
above and beyond the norm, with the keenest attention to
detail, commitment to excellence and a passion for success
driving Darran to excel on a daily basis.

Maximising the use of grass is, of course, the golden rule...
“It’s all about setting up the herd to maximise your production
from grass,” Darran confirms. “Genetics and hygiene obviously
come into it, too. It’s a matter of making sure you do everything
right, get the basics right and take it from there. When you do
it right, you only have to do it once.

“Grassland management is paramount today and I learned a
lot about that from being involved in Teagasc discussion
groups. Grassland management wouldn’t have been great in
this area up until seven or eight years ago, but people are
taking a real interest in it now and seeing the benefits of it.

“Grass is proven to be the cheapest way to produce milk and,
at the end of the day, farmers want to be able to keep as much
of their milk cheques as they can. The fundamentals of dairy
farming are simple enough: you have to produce quality grass
and then have the right animal to turn that into quality milk.
We’re doing it well but we’re still working towards achieving
even better results. You are always striving for better and
learning all the time.”

Darran supplies all his milk to LacPatrick Dairies, having

▲ 53

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An inordinate amount of hours are invested into the farm but
it’s made easier when you enjoy what you’re doing and don’t
view it as work. “During the Spring, with calving thrown into the
mix, there’s no starting or finishing time but I really enjoy the
thrill of being involved,” the Monaghan man concludes. “As the
year goes on, you like to take your occasional evenings and
weekends off the same as everybody else, and this is where
I'm very lucky to have help from Cormac, our relief milker, who
will come and help out any time we need him, as well as our
nieces and nephews.

“Barry looks after the silage, slurry and round baling and I look
after the Al and fertiliser myself as well as a bit of the slurry.
There’s always something to be done but, if you are happy in
your job, it doesn’t seem like work and you always have
something to drive you on.”

▲ 54

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Media Source Radio Kerry - Kerry's Full Breakfast | 02/01/2019


Oat milk to be big in 2019

Presenter says that Oat milk will have
a good 2019. The presenter recalls an ad
campaign by the National Dairy council
pointing out the amount ingredients in nut
milks as opposed to the amount of ingredi-
ents in cows milk. She says this alone is
enough to make her stay with cows milk.


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Irish Tractor & Agri | 04/04/2019

Media Source Press Page 3
Circulation -



Agricultural machinery We speak with Calum
Specialising in the
manufacturers who Murray. growth and supply of
first-class forestry
DS AGRICON specialise in beet plants.
Damian Shally from CONTRACTS
the Galway based H&T CONSTRUCTION A long-running Manufacturing and
agricultural supplying timber
products for 33-years.
contractors. Delivering a quality business in the heart
service every time. 0of Ulsstteer. BROTHERS
^4^ A third generation agri
contracting business.
With a loyal customer Liam Bergin runs LB FARM

base in Ireland and Gremo in Offaly. Winner of the Overall
Award at the National
0the UK. LIAM & DOLORES Dairy Council
O'DONOVAN /Kerrygold Quality
MACHINERY Winners at the NDC &
At the forefront of the
forestry industry in HICKEY

Structural steel and Kerrygold Quality Milk

cladding experts in Awards.

the Midlands.


Supplying timber A pioneer in wood A successful
products since 1985. biomass. multifaceted business.

Winners at the
Providing an Waterford Farm Safety Providing Agricultural
exceptional service to Awards. Contracting in the
farmers in Donegal. mid-Roscommon

Irish Tractor & Agri Tel: (046) 9241923 All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be published or reproduced in any way without the written permission ofthe
Fax: (046) 9241926 author or DG Press C Copyright DG Press. The opinions expressed in Irish Tractor and Agri do not necessarily reflect those of
is published by Email: [email protected] the editor, publishers, their agents or Irish Tractor and Agri. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in
DG Press, this publication is correct, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors that may appear.
Kells Business Park,
Kells, Co. Meath

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Irish Independent | 05/04/2019

Media Source Online Visits 10,739,762

Calls for Government to review resource pack that tells children to eat less

April 5 2019 4:48 PM their carbon footprint by "eating less meat Also Read
and dairy" has come in for strong criticism
Calls for Government to review resource from farming bodies the IFA and ICMSA Minister Richard Bruton defended the ini-
pack that tells children to eat less meat as well as Fianna Fail. tiative and said he had "informed" himself
enough before endorsing it.
Farming Independent Fianna Fáil spokesperson on Horticulture
and Food Jackie Cahill says farmers across "I went through it in broad terms", but ad-
The Minister for Communications and Cli- the country are furious with the govern- mitted he didn’t go through every exercise
mate Action Richard Bruton has said he ment’s refusal to review the content of the in the pack.
went through a controversial teacher re- Green Schools content regarding meat and
source pack on climate change in "broad dairy consumption for children. He also said it is an entirely optional re-
terms" but didn’t go through every exer- source on the web, so it's up to the teach-
cise before endorsing it. "Farmers are becoming increasingly frus- ers whether they use it or not.
trated with this government. Earlier in the year, the Taoiseach stated that he was plan- "This is not a tablet of stone handed down
ing/agri-business/agri-food/calls-for-gov- ning on eating less meat, upsetting beef for people to say they are going to accept
ernment-to-review-resource-pack-that- farmers and undermined Bord Bia’s work, every word," he said.
tells-children-to-eat-less- and now the Green Schools programme is
meat-37987045.html promoting Meatless Mondays and a reduc- "Many people young are exploring issues
tion in dairy." around what diet they should have and what is a balanced diet. I am very clear of
cle37987046.ece/a1cc0/AUTOCROP/h342/ He called on the Government to immedi- the view that a balanced diet should in-
culture%20night.JPG ately have the content of the programme re- clude meat and milk but also in the healthy
viewed by the national authority on dietary pyramid it very much includes veg and
Email advice before having schools endorsing it. fruit.

The Minister for Communications and Cli- Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association "It’s really important that young people
mate Action Richard Bruton has said he President Pat McCormack said that Gov- have an informed debate (about climate
went through a controversial teacher re- ernment Departments needed to get their change) and that is led by a teacher who
source pack on climate change in "broad act together on such matters and this publi- has resources that allows different views
terms" but didn’t go through every exer- cation should be immediately withdrawn. to be explored. We need young people to
cise before endorsing it. He said this was a very blatant case where be informed and have that debate. That is
taxpayers’ money was actually working on to be encouraged not censored."
It comes as Fianna Fail and farm organisa- both sides of an issue, advocating two
tions called for the Government to review openly contradictory messages and caus- Online Editors
the pack. ing confusion and irritation.
Follow @farm_ireland
The guide, developed by An Taisce, in- The National Dairy Council said it always
cludes asking children if they are reducing promotes the advice given by the Depart-
ment of Health in Ireland which recom-
mends five servings of dairy a day for
school going children.


▲ 57

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License. | 02/04/2019

Media Source Online Visits 3,333,757

Moo Crew winners give a thumbs-up to dairy

Thumbs-up choices, feelgood trees and this milky delight/when you have it, it fills started a ‘wellness wall’ this year. It’s at
wellness walls - pupils at St Patrick’s NS, your tummy/no complaining because it’s the front of the school in the main en-
Trim, are as familiar with these concepts so yummy/Moo Me, Vitamin D, Calcium trance hallway.
as they are with their daily carton of milk, is good for me/Moo Me, Vitamin D, calci-
which comes courtesy of the School Milk um is good for me.’ Each class has contributed to the wall and
Scheme. they can read it at break-time and share
Megan, 12, says her team got inspiration ideas.
Four senior students from the 60-pupil from the Moo Crew website, while class-
school won the Moo Crew School Milk Jin- mate Holly loves milk, drinks it at small Ideas on the wellness wall are inspired by
gle competition, with their ‘Milky Delight’ break and liked the competition because questions like: How can we help one anoth-
jingle after going head-to-head with seven she "learned all the things in milk - like Vi- er feel better? How can we respond to chal-
other primary schools recently. tamin D". lenges? How can we do something differ-
ently instead of saying ‘I can’t’?
National schools participating in the The aim of the School Milk Scheme is to
scheme were invited to write a poem, jin- increase consumption of milk and milk Teachers have explored feelgood trees
gle, song or Limerick about why they love products among schoolchildren - open to with the children - ways to help them-
school milk. Children responded with en- all schools, children get a portion of milk selves/others feel good - and thumbs-up
tries titled ‘Mmm Milk’, ‘Dairy’ and ‘Milk daily which counts towards one of their choices: how they can choose positive
Is Good for You!’ They also participated recommended daily servings from the milk/ stuff, e.g. exercise, reading, talking.
in a live 2FM Breakfast Republic dairy yogurt/cheese food group. "About half of
quiz during National School Milk week in our pupils take up the scheme," says teach- Prizes won by the team include a Moo
February. er Trevor Clarke. Crew Dairy Day in their school and €1,000
voucher for school sports equipment. Visit
Pupils on the winning team, Megan Len- In recent years, St Patrick’s NS has placed; phone National Dairy
non, Ella Thompson and Holly and Beth large focus on nutrition and wellbeing. Council on 01 290 2451.
Brady came up with the jingle: ‘Such a "We do a lot of work on mindfulness. We
treat in taste and sight/for everyone loves


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Irish Farmers Journal | 30/03/2019

Media Source Press Page 66
Circulation 60,934

Compiled by Joe Coffey, Macra na Feirme PRO The National
Dairy Council
Macra na Feirme all-Ireland men's
basketball cham­
wants your best pions for 2019
are Redcross
Macra photos Macra, Wicklow.
Pictured with
acra na Feirmecelebrates its a memorable event, please get in touch Macra na Feirme
75th anniversary this year with the Macra na Feirme public relations president James
Healy in the
Mand to mark the milestone managerJoe Coffey through email (jcof- ALSAA Sports
the organisation plans to [email protected]) or by telephone (01 426 Centre in Dublin
release a book looking 8907). Alternatively, you can post pho­ are JP Hurley,
back on the history of Mactroagtrharpohusgtho Macra na Feirme, Irish Farm Billy Connoran,
photographs. Work on the prCojeenctrteis, Bwleulelbell, Dublin 12. All photos will Anthony Quinn,
under way and we are requesting that be returned to the sender (please include Bernard Quinn,
all past and present members send us your postal address). The history of Macra Philip Kinsella,
any interesting Macra photos they have. na Feirme is a depiction of rural Ireland, Enda Dempsey
and James Mur-
We are particularly interested in pho­ this is your opportunity to share your own phy.
tos from the 1940s, 50s, 60s and 70s, so if Macra memories with others. Your help
you have photos that tell a story or show is very much appreciated. Ferbane Banaqh-
er Macra, Offaly,
cups on at 4.45am and 1.45pm, with two chair Sarah
hours taken offforlunch between milking. Kelly receiving
Most days we aim to be heading home a cheque from
by 4.30pm, while we take turns in shift­ Tesco Birr staff
ing cows to a new break of grass in the recently. Ferbane
evening if it’s required. Banaqher Macra
was selected as
“like many otheryoungfarmers, I always a club to sup­
contemplated coming to New Zealand to port in the Tesco
experience dairy farming down here, but community fund.
never set about it. I chanced applying for The club received
the Stephen Cullinan scholarship in May €310 from the
and was successful in getting offered a fund which will be
place on the trip. used for future
events within the
“It’s been a real eye-opening experience. club.
In particular I have witnessed how it is
possible to manage a large-scale dairy The Macra na­
farm, which has developed a system so tional talent com­
that everyone employed there has a decent petition run by
quality of life with regular downtime in Meath Macra na
the evening along with rostered days off. Feirme has just
announced that
“Also having contact with New Zea­ it has teamed up
land Dairy Careers on arrival has been a with SmartSoil.
huge asset. They played a major role in ie. SmartSoil help
organising top-class farmers to mentor farmers collect
us. I think it’s vital for anyone thinking and manaqe
of pursuing a career in agriculture to get data in order to
out and travel, be it to New Zealand or an­ be able to make
other country, or participate in an active profit through
discussion group. I think it’s a phenom­ precision farminq
enal way to learn about new technologies techniques. This
and ways of running simple, profitable year's competi­
systems of production." tion is already
underway and the
Visit to apply for the 2019 next semi final
Scholarship now. is this Saturday
in St James' hall
in Athboy, Co

▲ 59

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License. | 01/04/2019

Media Source Online Visits 170,482

Rob Kearney And Rising Star Soulé Launch Tour de Picnic

International rugby player Rob Kear- the 80km cycle! The stunning cycle route guest toilets & showers and space to pitch
ney officially launched the eleventh Tour will take you along a Greenway and a Blue- your tent in the guest camping area. There
de Picnic this week alongside Irish rising way. To boost you up before you depart, will also be special Bell Tent camping
star, Soulé - novice cyclist and regular per- The Complete Natural Tour de Picnic will available for an additional €500.
former at Electric Picnic. Electric Picnic begin with The Complete Natural Break-
2019 sold out in record time, so this is fast Party in Tallaght Stadium with a spe- This year we organisers areintroducing
your last chance to get to see your favour- cial Tour de Dairy Menu to keep you ener- ‘The Complete Natural Tour de Picnic Cor-
ite acts in Stradbally. gised throughout the journey. After depart- porate Challenge’! Get a team of your of-
ing Tallaght Stadium, the cyclists will as- fice buddies together, raise a minimum of
The Complete Natural is delighted to be cend towards the Blessington Greenway €500 each through some fun fundraising
back as title sponsors of this year’s Tour and will continue on meandering through activities and get your company to match
de Picnic. some of Ireland’s biggest dairy farms and the amount raised. This is a fantastic way
the picturesque village of Brannockstown. to get the whole office involved in your
Dairy is the perfect partner for training The last hurdle will embark along the pro- Corporate Social Responsibility activity!
and sport and milk stops will help to keep spective Barrow Blueway before reaching Each team member that takes part in the
the cyclists well hydrated on their way to Stradbally. There will be some much-nee- run or cycle will get to camp in the exclu-
the picnic. ded sustenance along the way in the form sive guest camping area with access to
of dairy treats and milk fuelling stops! Electric Picnic guest area, including guest
Advertisement toilets and showers.
Tour de Picnickers will enjoy beautiful
Zoe Kavanagh CEO of the National Dairy scenery and surroundings while raising Those who take part in Tour de Picnic will
Council said; funds for a charity of their choice: Laura- be well looked after with official Tour de
Lynn Children’s Hospice, Ronald McDo- Picnic jerseys, refreshments throughout
"We are really excited to announce our ti- nald House and ISPCC Childline. The ini- the cycle or run, great food and beer on ar-
tle sponsorship of Tour de Picnic for the tial deposit is €60 which secures your tick- rival, baggage transfer, return bus ticket,
second year running. Dairy is such a great et as well as your place in the 80km cycle, return bike transfer and a full support team
food to support exercise and training, the provided you reach the fundraising target along the route. At the finish line you’ll be
perfect post-performance recovery drink. (this deposit contributes towards your fund- brought into the incredible The Tour de
Milk is rich in protein - an important nu- raising total). Each individual must raise a Picnic Welcome Area in Stradbally. With
trient for muscle growth and maintenance minimum of €395. DJs, The Irish Dairy Cocktail Bar, hot
- and provides a natural carbohydrate tubs, massages, endless refuel food and re-
source to help refuel energy stores. We are If you’re quite the philanthropist, why not covery chats from Irish Dairy ambassa-
also delighted to be supporting the three take part in the VIP Challenge? There are dors, it will have everything you’ll need to
great charities for this year’s Tour - Laura- still places on the sold-out 17km run for get ready for the incredible weekend you
Lynn Children’s Hospice, Ronald McDo- those completing the VIP Challenge or have ahead!
nald House and ISPCC Childline" you can choose to do the 80km VIP cycle.
The fundraising target for the VIP Chal- To register for Tour de Picnic click here
Although the 17km run has already sold lenge is €1000 which will be shared across
out, there’s still plenty of time to train for the three worthy causes. For your efforts
you will get exclusive guest area access,


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Longford Leader | 29/03/2019

Media Source Online Visits 135,069

This is the Last Way to Get Tickets to Electric Picnic 2019

The Complete Natural is delighted to some of Ireland’s biggest dairy farms and cycle will get to camp in the exclusive
be back as title sponsors of this year’s the picturesque village of Brannockstown. guest camping area with access to Electric
Tour de Picnic. International rugby player The last hurdle will embark along the pro- Picnic guest area, including guest toilets
Rob Kearney officially launched the elev- spective Barrow Blueway before reaching and showers.
enth Tour de Picnic this week alongside Stradbally. There will be some much-nee-
Irish rising star, Soulé - novice cyclist and ded sustenance along the way in the form Those who take part in Tour de Picnic will
regular performer at Electric Picnic. Elec- of dairy treats and milk fuelling stops! be well looked after with official Tour de
tric Picnic 2019 sold out in record time, so Picnic jerseys, refreshments throughout
this is your last chance to get to see your Tour de Picnickers will enjoy beautiful the cycle or run, great food and beer on ar-
favourite acts in Stradbally. scenery and surroundings while raising rival, baggage transfer, return bus ticket,
funds for a charity of their choice: Laura- return bike transfer and a full support team
Dairy is the perfect partner for training Lynn Children’s Hospice, Ronald McDo- along the route. At the finish line you’ll be
and sport and milk stops will help to keep nald House and ISPCC Childline. The ini- brought into the incredible The Tour de
the cyclists well hydrated on their way to tial deposit is €60 which secures your tick- Picnic Welcome Area in Stradbally. With
the picnic. Zoe Kavanagh CEO of the Na- et as well as your place in the 80km cycle, DJs, The Irish Dairy Cocktail Bar, hot
tional Dairy Council said "We are really provided you reach the fundraising target tubs, massages, endless refuel food and re-
excited to announce our title sponsorship (this deposit contributes towards your fund- covery chats from Irish Dairy ambassa-
of Tour de Picnic for the second year run- raising total). Each individual must raise a dors, it will have everything you’ll need to
ning. Dairy is such a great food to support minimum of €395. get ready for the incredible weekend you
exercise and training, the perfect post-per- have ahead!
formance recovery drink. Milk is rich in If you’re quite the philanthropist, why not
protein - an important nutrient for muscle take part in the VIP Challenge? There are "We're very excited to bring Tour de Pic-
growth and maintenance - and provides a still places on the sold-out 17km run for nic to the next level for its eleventh year.
natural carbohydrate source to help refuel those completing the VIP Challenge or The event has grown every year, in 2019
energy stores. We are also delighted to be you can choose to do the 80km VIP cycle. over one thousand people will be taking
supporting the three great charities for this The fundraising target for the VIP Chal- part. Irish Dairy, The Complete Natural
year’s Tour - LauraLynn Children’s Hos- lenge is €1000 which will be shared across will be offering nutrition tips and training
pice, Ronald McDonald House and ISPCC the three worthy causes. For your efforts plans to participants this year along. The
Childline" you will get exclusive guest area access, rest stops along the route have been upgra-
guest toilets & showers and space to pitch ded and the Tour de Picnic Welcome Area
Although the 17km run has already sold your tent in the guest camping area. There at Electric Picnic will get everyone in the
out, there’s still plenty of time to train for will also be special Bell Tent camping party vibe. The Electric Picnic Lineup for
the 80km cycle! The stunning cycle route available for an additional €500. 2019 is exceptional. I'm delighted to wel-
will take you along a Greenway and a Blue- come LauraLynn Children’s Hospice,
way. To boost you up before you depart, This year we are introducing The Com- ISPCC Childline and Ronald McDonald
The Complete Natural Tour de Picnic will plete Natural Tour de Picnic Corporate House Charity as our 2019 charity part-
begin with The Complete Natural Break- Challenge! Get a team of your office bud- ners. We're offering VIP and Corporate
fast Party in Tallaght Stadium with a spe- dies together, raise a minimum of €500 packages into the mix this year to bring
cial Tour de Dairy Menu to keep you ener- each through some fun fundraising activi- fundraising to new heights for these three
gised throughout the journey. After depart- ties and get your company to match the worthy causes. I would like to thank Festi-
ing Tallaght Stadium, the cyclists will as- amount raised. This is a fantastic way to val Republic and all our partners for help-
cend towards the Blessington Greenway get the whole office involved in your Cor- ing us make this event happen every year."
and will continue on meandering through porate Social Responsibility activity! Each Brian McDermott - Organiser
team member that takes part in the run or


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Kerrys Eye | 21/03/2019

Media Source Press Page 66
Circulation 24,917

Ladies Lifestyle

Evening at the INEC

THE INEC will be host­ Nathalie Lennon Celia Holman Lee will be a guest speaker at the lifestyle evening.
ing a Ladies Lifestyle
Evening on Thursday, Paula Mee health blogger Nath­ by Dawn Milk and the
March 28. Business woman, model, alie Lennon. Personal National Dairy Council.
stylist, TV presenter and trainer and health and
The evening will cover proprietor of the longest fitness enthusiast Nath­ Tickets are only €10
everything from fashion running model agency in alie is passionate about and all proceeds from
and styling to diet and nu­ Ireland the Holman Lee spreading an authen­ the evening will go to
trition with advice from di­ Agency, Celia Holman Lee tic message based on two local charities - the
etitian Paula Mee and style will be a popular speaker positive body image, Donal Walsh Livelife
queen Celia Holman Lee. on the night revealing all her a healthy sustainable Foundation, and the
Also at the Ladies Lifestyle beauty and lifestyle secrets lifestyle and establish­ Ian O’Connell Trust.
Evening will be one of Ire­ in an engaging Q&A with MC ing optimal mental Tickets are available
land’s most successful Alan Finn of Radio Kerry. wellness. The Ladies in SuperValu Killarney
personal trainers Nathalie Lifetstyle Evening at and SuperValu Tralee or
Lennon, who is also a health Also speaking at the the INEC is sponsored by purchasing online at
blogger. Nathalie will be giv­ lifestyle evening will
ing lots of fitness and well­ be personal trainer and
being advice at the event.

A star attraction at the La­
dies Lifestyle Evening will
be Celia Holman Lee, the
style guru will be revealing
all her secrets in a beauty
and lifestyle Q&A. Celia will
also showcase a fabulous
style segment with tips on
how to style an outfit from
head to toe.

There will also be ad­
vice on shaping up your diet
and nutrition with dietitian
Paula Mee. At the lifestyle
evening, Paula will highlight
the importance of having a
healthy, balanced diet and
how we can ‘Shape Up our
Nutrition’ with easy tips.

▲ 62

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

RSVP Magazine (IE) | 29/03/2019

Media Source Online Visits 313,840

The Tour De Picnic can get you FREE tickets to Electric Picnic 2019

Get the biggest Daily stories by email ry farms and the picturesque village of next level for its eleventh year. The event
Subscribe Brannockstown. The last hurdle will em- has grown every year, in 2019 over one
See our privacy notice bark along the prospective Barrow Blue- thousand people will be taking part. Irish
way before reaching Stradbally. Dairy, The Complete Natural will be offer-
Thank you for subscribingSee our privacy ing nutrition tips and training plans to par-
notice There will be some much-needed suste- ticipants this year along. The rest stops
Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid nance along the way in the form of dairy along the route have been upgraded and
Email treats and milk fuelling stops courtesy of the Tour de Picnic Welcome Area at Elec-
The Complete Natural and The National tric Picnic will get everyone in the party
The Tour De Picnic is back for another Dairy Council. vibe. The Electric Picnic Lineup for 2019
back year at Electric Picnic. is exceptional.
Tour de Picnickers will enjoy beautiful
As always, the best part of this charity run/ scenery and surroundings while raising "I'm delighted to welcome LauraLynn Chil-
cycle is that you can go to Ireland's lead- funds for a charity of their choice: Laura- dren’s Hospice, ISPCC Childline and Ro-
ing festival for free. Lynn Children’s Hospice, Ronald McDo- nald McDonald House Charity as our 2019
nald House and ISPCC Childline. charity partners. We're offering VIP and
International rugby player Rob Kearney of- Corporate packages into the mix this year
ficially launched the eleventh Tour de Pic- The initial deposit is €60 which secures to bring fundraising to new heights for
nic this week alongside Irish rising star, your ticket as well as your place in the these three worthy causes. I would like to
Soulé - novice cyclist and regular perform- 80km cycle, provided you reach the fund- thank Festival Republic and all our part-
er at Electric Picnic. raising target and each individual must ners for helping us make this event happen
raise a minimum of €395. every year."

This year, the annual Stradbally event sold Those who take part in Tour de Picnic will To register for Tour de Picnic visit their
out in record time, so this could be your be well looked after with official Tour de website- Here
last chance to get to see your favourite act. Picnic jerseys, refreshments throughout
the cycle or run, great food and beer on ar- Download the RSVPLive App
Although the 17km run has already sold rival, baggage transfer, return bus ticket,
out, there’s still plenty of time to train for return bike transfer and a full support team Keep up-to-date with all the very latest ce-
the 80km cycle and the stunning route will along the route. lebrity, health, beauty, parenting and enter-
take you along a Greenway and a Blue- tainment news with the app
way. To boost you up before you depart, At the finish line you’ll be brought into
The Complete Natural Tour de Picnic will the incredible The Tour de Picnic Wel- Only select news that interests you by pick-
begin with The Complete Natural Break- come Area in Stradbally. With DJs, The ing the topics you want to display on the
fast Party in Tallaght Stadium with a spe- Irish Dairy Cocktail Bar, hot tubs, mas- app's homepage. Plus, our enhanced user
cial Tour de Dairy Menu to keep you ener- sages, endless refuel food and recovery experience includes live blogs, video, inter-
gised throughout the journey. chats from Irish Dairy ambassadors, it will active maps and slick picture galleries.
have everything you’ll need to get ready Download it now and get involved.
After departing Tallaght Stadium, the cy- for the incredible weekend you have ahead!
clists will ascend towards the Blessington
Greenway and will continue on meander- Organiser Brian McDermott said: "We're
ing through some of Ireland ’s biggest dai- very excited to bring Tour de Picnic to the


▲ 63

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

The Irish Mirror | 29/03/2019

Media Source Online Visits 2,706,212

Rob Kearney launches Tour de Picnic - the last way to get tickets for Electric
Picnic 2019

Get the biggest daily stories by email Zoe Kavanagh CEO of the National Dairy "Irish Dairy, The Complete Natural will be
Subscribe Council said: "We are really excited to an- offering nutrition tips and training plans to
See our privacy notice nounce our title sponsorship of Tour de participants this year along.
Picnic for the second year running.
Thank you for subscribingSee our privacy "The rest stops along the route have been
notice "Dairy is such a great food to support exer- upgraded and the Tour de Picnic Welcome
Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid cise and training, the perfect post-perform- Area at Electric Picnic will get everyone
Email ance recovery drink. in the party vibe.

Eager festival goers are being given one fi- "Milk is rich in protein - an important nu- "The Electric Picnic Lineup for 2019 is ex-
nal chance to get their hands on a ticket trient for muscle growth and maintenance ceptional. I'm delighted to welcome Laura-
for Electric Picnic 2019. - and provides a natural carbohydrate Lynn Children’s Hospice, ISPCC Child-
source to help refuel energy stores. line and Ronald McDonald House Charity
Irish rugby star Rob Kearney on Friday as our 2019 charity partners.
launched this year's Tour de Picnic - an "We are also delighted to be supporting
80km charity cycle which takes place be- the three great charities for this year’s "We're offering VIP and Corporate pack-
fore the festival. Tour - LauraLynn Children’s Hospice, Ro- ages into the mix this year to bring fund-
nald McDonald House and ISPCC Child- raising to new heights for these three wor-
A €60 deposit will secure a ticket for the line." thy causes. I would like to thank Festival
sold out festival. Republic and all our partners for helping
Individuals who raise over €1,000 can gain us make this event happen every year."
Each person that signs up will then have to VIP access to the festival.
raise at least €395 for either LauraLynn To sign up for the cycle and find out more
Children’s Hospice, Ronald McDonald One thousand people are to take part in information click here .
House or ISPCC Childline. what will the the 11th Tour de Picnic.
How to follow the Irish Mirror on social
The cycle will begin from Tallaght Stadi- Electric Picnic in Stradbally, Co Laois media
um on the morning of Friday August 30. (Image: Stephen Collins/Collins Photos)
Food and drink will be provided on route You can like our main Facebook page here.
to the festival at Stradbally, Co Laois.

This year's cycle will be sponsored by Organiser Brian McDermott said: "We're Our Irish Mirror Sports Page - which
Irish Dairy - The Complete Natural. very excited to bring Tour de Picnic to the brings you all your Irish and UK sports
next level for its eleventh year. news - can be found here.

International rugby player Rob Kearney "The event has grown every year, in 2019 You can also check out our Irish Mirror
officially launched the eleventh Tour de over one thousand people will be taking GAA sports page.
Picnic this week alongside Irish rising part.
star, Soulé Our Instagram account can be found here.


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Irish Food | 21/03/2019

Media Source Press Page 31
Circulation 11,000

Kerrygold, Ireland's iconic dairy brand and one of Ireland's most successful food
exports globally, is placing Ireland's farming families at the fore of a major new
global campaign that will reach over 36 million people worldwide

Kerrygold campaign

to reach 36m people

Ornua (the Irish Dairy Board) is a Ornua, a block of Kerrygold butter sells faster Family
dairy co-operative that markets and farming
sells dairy products on behalfofits than any other food brand on supermarket
members - Ireland's dairy processors shelves. Kerrygold is also the number two The new global campaign shines
and, in turn, the Irish dairy farmer. It butter brand in the large-scale US market
recently launched a new digital campaign where it has enjoyed double-digit volume a spotlight on three Irish farming
entitled: A True Taste of Kerrygold, families whose work contributes to
which puts Ireland's grass-fed, family­ growth for over 10 years. the production of this milk.
farming system firmly in the spotlight, Commenting on the campaign, Rdisfn
celebrating the passion, pride and Hennerty, managing director of Ornua Foods
tradition of Irish dairy as part ofa major said: “This new global campaign is a stand­
global expansion drive for Ireland's out moment for Kerrygold on the world stage
largest food export. and a celebration of the daily dedication
and commitment of farmers throughout
The campaign will roll out globally, in Ireland, which underpins its success. For
countries including Ireland, the UK, the US decades Kerrygold has been synonymous
and Germany. Kerrygold is the clear market with the benefits of grass-fed dairy and has
leader in Germany where, according to authentically told the story of Irish dairy
farming to the world.”

Brian Cleary from Waterford The McKennas from Monaghan

Brian took over the farm from his father, Darran McKenna has been on his family
James, who still plays a huge day-to-day farm in Monaghan his whole life. He’s been
role. Their farm is based in Bunmahon in farming since he could walk and his father,
Waterford overlooking the cliffs on the south­ grandfather and great grandfather came
east coast of Ireland. before him. Darran was the 2018 winner
Brian and his three daughters have appeared of the National Dairy Council (NDC) and
in numerous Kerrygold campaigns including Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards. Darran
German television and digital advertisements, is married to Denise and they have four
on the livery of Kerrygold Park trucks. Their children; Daithi, Caragh, Micheal and Annie.
coastal farm appears in the start frame of
many of the Kerrygold US ads.

-i i

Marguerite and Michael Crowley
from West Cork

Marguerite Crowley and her husband Michael are third-
generation farmers in Skibbereen, West Cork. They
have five children - Brendan, Michelle, Aishling, Gavin
and Colm - who all play a huge role on the farm. The
Crowleys were finalists in the 2017 NDC & Kerrygold
Quality Milk Awards. Their Kerrygold connections
are family wide with Michael’s father appearing in the
Kerrygold US cheese advertisement in the 1990s and
Michael appeared in the Kerrygold UK Kerrygold farmer

▲ 65

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License. | 27/03/2019

Media Source Online Visits 42,758

Kearney Backing Euro Milk Campaign

Rob Kearney has signed with the Na- "Growing up on our family farm, milk and "With Rob’s dairy farming heritage and
tional Dairy Council and the European dairy was always an important part of our outstanding career to date as a perform-
Milk Forum to support the Irish leg of a diet. I have worked with the National Dai- ance athlete, he reinforces the campaign’s
European campaign focused on encourag- ry Council for a number of years and am a message that incorporating milk into a
ing Irish consumers to drink more quality great supporter of milk and dairy as part of healthy diet from a young age is an impor-
milk from Europe. a healthy, balanced diet," he said. tant practice for aspiring champions," said
Jeanne Spillane, Marketing Manager at the
The pan-European campaign is being im- A glass of milk offers an abundance of National Dairy Council.
plemented to highlight the importance of electrolytes in a fluid form to assist rehy-
milk as an important dietary building dration and provides a number of vitamins "An inspirational figure for the cam-
block at all stages of life, from childhood and minerals with important roles for paign’s younger audiences - many who
growth and development to post-workout health including calcium, phosphorous, have their own fitness and athletic goals -
recovery. and potassium to support bone health, io- Rob’s career trajectory proves that milk
dine to contribute to normal cognitive plays a vital role within a sports nutrition
Funded by the European Union, the cam- brain function, vitamin B2 to assist with regime and we look forward to working
paign is being implemented locally by the energy release, and vitamin B12 to support alongside him to develop engaging con-
National Dairy Council and will include a normal functioning of the immune system. tent, activities and appearances throughout
marketing campaign and advertising with the year."
TV airing later this year. "Eating well is essential and adapting your
nutritional intake to your sport is a necessi- Similar Articles
Supporting the campaign theme of "Every- ty. In-season or out of season, as well as
thing starts with milk," Kearney credits his pre-, during and post-performance, all in-
upbringing on his family’s dairy farm for fluence our nutritional considerations,"
helping him form healthy habits such as added Kearney.
drinking milk daily which have contrib-
uted to his career.


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Sliabh Luachra Outlook | 15/03/2019

Media Source Press Page 10
Circulation 3,000

Fashion, Beauty, Nutrition & Fitness tips at Ladies Lifestyle
Evening in the INEC

Council are delighted to host a
fabulous Ladies Lifestyle Evening at Paula Mee has a dietetic clinic in overweight, meaning it is no longer VIP Style Awards.
the INEC, Killarney on Thursday Blackrock and her own nutrition the norm to be a normal weight. Paula Nathalie Lennon is an inspiring
March 28th. The evening will include consultancy. Paula provides an will sift through the jargon and give health and fitness enthusiast with
advice on shaping up your diet and extensive range of services in nutrition, the audience practical tips and advice 60k followers on Instagram. Nathalie
nutrition with dietitian Paula Mee. corporate wellness, marketing that works. is passionate about spreading an
Style queen Celia Holman Lee will communications, recipe and menu Celia Holman Lee will be a popular authentic message based on positive
be revealing all her secrets in a Beauty analysis and product development. speaker on the night revealing all body image, a healthy sustainable
and Lifestyle Q&A. Celia will also Paula has appeared on numerous her beauty and lifestyle secrets in an lifestyle and establishing optimal
showcase a fabulous style segment TV and radio shows and is regularly engaging Q&A with MC Alan Finn mental wellness. As a personal trainer
with tips on how to style an outfit approached as an expert in diet and of Radio Kerry. Celia is business and online coach, she works to help
from head to toe. One of Ireland’s nutrition. Paula will highlight the woman, model, stylist, TV presenter others develop a positive relationship
most successful personal trainers and importance of having a healthy, and proprietor of the longest with fitness and food through sharing
health blogger Nathalie Lennon will balanced diet and how we can ‘Shape running model agency in Ireland the her story, tips, habits and experiences.
also give lots of fitness and wellbeing Up our Nutrition’ with easy tips. Holman Lee Agency. Celia has won Nathalie aims to showcase and help
advice. Over-eating calories relative to our numerous awards for her style and her others find balance between extremes,
Tickets are only €10 and all proceeds needs is very easy. In some parts of the contribution to the fashion industry. enjoying all that life has to offer, whilst
from the evening will go to two local world, including here in Ireland, over Last year in 2018, Celia was awarded keeping on top of their physical and
charities the Donal Walsh Livelife half of the population are collectively the Most Stylish Ever award at the mental health.
Foundation and the Ian O’Connell
Trust. Tickets are available in
SuperValu Killarney and SuperValu
Tralee or online at
MC for the evening is Radio Kerry’s
Alan Finn. Doors open at 7.30pm and
the event will start at 8.00pm. The
evening will also include a fantastic
raffle with some amazing prizes
including the chance to win a VIP
Day at the Dawn Milk Ladies Day
at the Killarney Races on Thursday,
July 18th, 2019 and two tickets to the
Spice Girls concert in Croke Park in
Dublin this summer.

▲ 67

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

The Southern Star | 23/03/2019

Media Source Online Visits 74,323

Carbery’s Dubliner ‘Lighter’ celebrated at lifestyle event

Saturday, 23rd March, 2019 11:50am Guests enjoyed a body weight workout more popular protein fuelled snacks includ-
class by Cork strength and conditioning ing nuts (8g), avocados (0.8g) and quinoa
Social influencers Jess Redden and Niamh personal trainer Billy O’Regan. (1.8g) per 40g.
Cullen were at the Dubliner Lighter Fit-
ness Event held in Dublin recently. They then listened to an expert panel in- Dr Marianne Walsh a nutritionist with the
cluding National Dairy Council Nutrition- National Dairy Council, said that Irish con-
Carbery's Dubliner Lighter was centre ist Dr Marianne Walsh, UCLA trained sumers understand now more than ever the
stage at lifestyle event that celebrated mindfulness facilitator Alison Canavan role that protein plays in contributing to
health, wellbeing, nutrition, mindfulness, and marketing manager for Dubliner normal muscle and bone health. ‘Ireland is
food and the power of enjoying a healthi- Cheese Aoife O’Donovan. well known for its top quality and sustaina-
er, lighter lifestyle ble dairy production, with one of the lon-
Topics discussed included nutrition, mind- gest grass-growing seasons in the world.
Hosted by RTE’s Nuala Carey, guests at fulness, health and well-being plus results Cheese production is a large part of this
the Dublin event included influential so- of a recent survey about Irish cheese con- dairy heritage and a natural, local product,
cial media fitness stars Niamh Cullen, Or- sumption. which is high in many important nutrients,
la Hopkins and Jess Redden, Dublin foot- including protein,’ she said.
baller Brian Fenton, and current Footballer The event lunch was inspired by Dubliner
of the Year and Galway hurling superstar Lighter. Recent research carried out by Bord Bia
Gearoid McInerney. shows that 45% of Irish people admitted
There is 11.2g of protein in 40g of Dublin- that they ‘couldn’t live without cheese’,
er Lighter cheese, snatching the top pro- with respondents confirming that cheese is
tein snack title from other much-loved and their go-to snack.


▲ 68

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License. | 21/03/2019

Media Source Online Visits 256,550

Boost Lunch Boxes with Variety, Balance & Adventure

Over 555,000 primary school children and the school-goers about how to follow You may like to check if your child’s
are expected to return to school this Au- a healthy, balanced diet," says Dr. Walsh. school is registered with the School Milk
tumn, including over 71,000 new Junior In- Scheme, which is a convenient and afforda-
fants. Growth & Development ble way to help your child meet the recom-
mended intake from the ‘milk, yogurt and
Dr. Marianne Walsh, Nutrition Manager at "Unfortunately national surveys have cheese’ food group.
the National Dairy Council gives some shown us that 37% of Irish girls and 28%
practical tips and suggestions to help pa- of Irish boys aged from 5 -12 years of age "This food group also supplies a range of
rents and families to plan lunch-boxes and don’t get enough calcium in their diet; and other nutrients including protein, vitamin
snacks which are enjoyable, nutritionally 42% of teenage girls, 23% of teenage boys B12, iodine vitamin B2 and phosphorous -
balanced and convenient. have insufficient calcium intakes," says making milk and dairy quite an affordable
Dr. Walsh. "This is worrying because chil- source of good nutrition," says Dr. Walsh.
She says that variety, balance and adven- dren and young adolescents are going
ture are important ingredients for success through really important phases of growth Vitamin D is also very important for bone
and encourages parents and families to try and development," says Dr. Walsh. health. Vitamin D is known as the "sun-
some of the ideas at home before children shine vitamin" and it is made from the ac-
start back at school. Most people are aware of calcium as the tion of sunlight on the skin.
nutrient commonly associated with bone
Experiment At Home health, and it is needed for the growth and However dietary sources include oily fish,
development of bone in children. eggs and dairy foods fortified with vitamin
"There’s a lot of things to get used to at D.
the start of the term, ranging from new In fact, about 99% of the body’s calcium
books to possibly a new teacher, new class- is found in our bones and teeth. Avoid Boredom
room or new friends," says Dr. Walsh.
Bone is a living tissue, constantly evolving If a child favours a particular type of food
"It’s ideal if you can experiment at home and remodelling and therefore we need a or sandwich it is easy to fall into a routine
with lunch ideas and to introduce some continuous supply of bone-friendly nu- of providing that for school lunch as a ‘de-
new flavours and new food textures during trients and regular physical activity pendable reliable’ all of the time.
August, before school starts - or at home throughout our lives.
during the weekends." They may become bored with that food
Food Pyramid Guidelines and can even grow to dislike it because
"This means children are not coping with they have it so often.
new foods on top of everything else at the "As a nutritionist, I would advise families
start of the term in the classroom, but it al- to follow the Department of Health’s rec- Including variety in sandwiches can often
so means they can take part in the plan- ommendations of 3 servings from the be quite difficult especially five days a
ning and preparation." "milk, yogurt and cheese" food group for week.
those aged 5 years and up"
Get Children Involved In The Kitchen Using different types of bread can help to
"With 5 servings recommended for 9-18 prevent boredom - such as bagels, pitta
Dr. Walsh encourages children to get in- year olds due to the importance of calcium bread, wholemeal wraps and bread rolls.
volved in helping to prepare food and to during this life stage. Calcium is extreme-
plan food as much as possible saying that ly important for the growth and develop- Try to opt for wholegrain varieties where
learning about food, nutrition and portion ment of normal bones in children." possible and vary sandwich fillings from
sizes are important life skills. "Most chil- day to day.
dren will be introduced to the food pyra- Examples of one serving or portion size in-
mid at school, so it’s a good idea to in- clude 200ml of milk, 125ml of yogurt or Preparing lunches in interesting shapes
clude a picture of the food pyramid on the 25g of hard cheese. and colourful lunchboxes can make lunch-
fridge or in the kitchen to remind yourself time more appealing.

▲ 69

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It’s great to encourage children to try new Drinks - dehydration may cause fatigue Cheddar cheese with salad leaves and to-
flavours and textures so that they’re not and weakness affecting performance in mato based relish
stuck with the same foods all of the time - school.
but by giving them time to gradually get Drinks should be included for small break Alternatives to sandwiches:
used to them and expand their tastes. and lunch.
Water and milk are considered the best Cold pasta salad with pesto, chicken and
Snack Time choices. Including straws and colourful red peppers
bottles may encourage children to drink
Snacking can often be perceived as a bad more. Homemade soup (in a thermos flask) with
habit. Make sure containers or bottles contain- some brown soda bread for dipping
ing liquid are easy for the child to use and
However many children can only tolerate are sealed properly! Curried cous cous with roasted vegetables
small amounts of food in one sitting due to
their small body size. Don’t forget - breakfast is said to be the Mixed Tuna salad with sweetcorn, cherry
most important meal of the day to break tomatoes and grated cheddar cheese
Snacking can play an important role in a that overnight fast and is especially impor-
child’s diet but we need to encourage nutri- tant for school children. Remember to adapt portion sizes to suit
tionally beneficial and healthy snack rou- Milk and dairy products can easily be in- the child’s age and lifestyle.
tines. corporated into your child’s breakfast to Snack Ideas
fuel a hectic day at school.
It can be a great opportunity to couple a Milk can be included in porridge and high Cubed cheddar with grapes
healthy piece of fruit with a yogurt or fibre breakfast cereals and yogurt can ac-
glass of milk. company a fruit salad of their favourite Carrot sticks/red peppers and a hummus
fruits. dip
Smoothies can also be a great snack to in-
clude as part of their lunch as not only do Encourage your child to take part in sport Dried fruit
they taste good but the varieties are end- or a physically active hobby.
less. All children and young people should be Granola/chopped fruit and yogurt
active, at a moderate to vigorous level, for
They can also be made up the night before, at least 60 minutes every day. Homemade Flapjacks
ready to go in the morning. It is ideal if you can get active with your
children, because leading by example is an
Five Term Time Tips ideal way to encourage an active lifestyle.
Why not dedicate family time to a weekly
Preparing - involve children as much as trip to the local swimming pool or a walk
you can and refer to the Department of in the park.
Health’s Food Pyramid.
Making lunches the night before will give Let’s Lunch !
you more time to work together and short-
en the already lengthy list of things to do Sandwich filling suggestions
in the morning.

Packing - a small colourful cool bag to Tuna and sweetcorn, spinach leaves and Derval O’rourke’s Favourites
store the lunchbox may help to keep food mayo
cool and fresh until lunch time. Former Olympian Derval O’ Rourke is an
Try to avoid soggy sandwiches by keep- Chicken, salad leaves, crunchy peppers ambassador to the National Dairy Coun-
ing wetter ingredients separate - for in- and salsa type relish cil’s ‘Moo Crew’ primary school pro-
stance swap sliced tomato for a little con- gramme.
tainer of cherry tomatoes. Turkey, grated cheese and mayo
Keep softer fruit such as bananas or pears Here are a few suggestions from Derval to
in a lunch box to avoid bruising. try:

Derval O Rourke’s Stuffed Pitta Pockets:

▲ 70

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Prep time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 5 mi-

nutes 1tbsp of chopped chives

Ingredients: Add the chicken mix to the pittas

25g grated cheddar cheese Derval O’Rourke’s Tasty Oat cakes with
white cheddar cheese and sliced apple
2 mini pitta pockets Preparation time: 2 minutes
Salt and pepper to season

1 chicken breast cooked and chopped


2 tbsp of natural yogurt Chop the chicken breast and mix it with Serves 1
1 tbsp of relish the yogurt, relish, spring onion and chives.
2 chopped spring onions Season with salt and pepper. Method:

Put a slit in the top of the pitta pockets and For further information and recipe sugges-
stuff them with cheese. tions visit


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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Killarney Advertiser | 15/03/2019

Media Source Press Page 30
Circulation 8,000

Paula Mee Celia Holman Lee

Ladies lifestyle event

to help two charities

Two local charities are set to benefit from a new Ladies Lifestyle
evening planned for the INEC later this month.

The Ian O’Connell Trust Foundation of having a healthy, balanced diet and
and the Donal Walsh Live Life charities how we can ‘Shape Up Our Nutrition’
will be the main beneficiaries of the with easy tips,” Dawn Milk marketing
event which is set for March 28. Doors manager, Teresa Walker said.
open at 7.30pm on the night with the “Over-eating calories relative to our
event starting at 8pm. needs is very easy. In some parts of the
The evening will include advice on diet world, including here in Ireland, over
and nutrition with dietitian Paula Mee. half of the population are collectively
Style queen Celia Holman Lee, owner overweight, meaning it is no longer
of the longest running model agency the norm to be a normal weight. Paula
in Ireland the Holman Lee Agency, will will sift through the jargon and give the
be revealing her secrets in a Beauty and audience practical tips and advice that
Lifestyle Q&A, and will also showcase a works.”
style segment with tips on how to style The evening will also include a fantastic
an outfit from head to toe. raffle with some amazing prizes includ-
One of Ireland’s most successful per- ing the chance to win a VIP Day at the
sonal trainers and health blogger Nath- Dawn Milk Ladies Day at the Killarney
alie Lennon will also give lots of fitness Races on Thursday, July 18, and two
and well-being advice, while MC for the tickets to the Spice Girls concert in
night will be Radio Kerry’s Alan Finn. Croke Park in Dublin this summer.
The event is co-hosted by Dawn Milk Tickets are €10 and available in Su-
and the National Dairy Council. perValu Killarney or online at www.
“Paula will highlight the importance

▲ 72

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Irish Farmers Journal | 06/04/2019

Media Source Press Page 58
Circulation 60,934

marie Burke.

Members of
Sliabh Glah
Macra, Cavan,
with Macra na
Feirme president
James Healy
at the National
Dairy Council All-
Ireland women's
basketball finals
in the ALSAA
Sports Centre in
Dublin. Back row,
from left: Eimear
Coyle, Macra na
Feirme president
James Healy and
Eimear Kennedy.
Front, from left,
Aoife O'Reilly,
Orla O'Brien and
Amanda Collins.

▲ 73

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License. | 19/03/2019

Media Source Online Visits 149,658

Fonterra returns to profitability

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get full access to articles along with many
other great premium features. Sign in with email Fonterra returns to profitability
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JOIN NOW FOR €1 The New Zealand dairy giant has admitted
that it’s not quite out of the woods yet.
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Login to Farmers Journal Email address This field is required. Last year, Fonterra showed a €110m net
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Sign in with... Password This field is required. The farmer's daily wrap: limit to direct pay-
login ments and mixed milk prices

Sign in with email Forgotten your password? Check out the latest farm news and get a
look at tomorrow's weather.

Email login details View our membership options Flooded fields from the river Blackwater
Join with an email near Lismore, Co Waterford. Hopefully
Email address This field is required. we're in store for some milder weather. \
Password This field is required. Donal O'Leary

login Email address This field is required. RELATED TOPIC
Password This field is required.
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Email address This field is required. Yes, I agree to receiving communications Belclare
Password This field is required. by email from the Irish Farmers Journal in Direct payments
relation to my membership, including edi-
torial content and new marketing products

▲ 74

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Milk The ewe is prolific and has just given birth The Irish rugby international says that
to her second set of sextuplets. milk plays a vital role in supporting post-
Hannah Quinn-Mulligan performance recovery.

Teagasc ewe produces 20 lambs in four Rob Kearney tackles dairy misconceptions Jeanne Spillane, marketing manager at the
years National Dairy Council, and Irish rugby in-
CONTINUE READING ternational Rob Kearney.

▲ 75

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Southern Star | 16/03/2019

Media Source Press Page 17
Circulation 13,500

Social influencers Jess Redden and Niamh Cullen were at the Dubliner Lighter Fitness Event held in Dublin recently.

Carbery’s Dubliner ‘Lighter’
celebrated at lifestyle event

CARBERY’S Dubliner Lighter weight workout class by The event lunch was in- ‘Ireland is well known for its
was centre stage at lifestyle Cork strength and condition- spired by Dubliner Lighter. top quality and sustainable
event that celebrated health, ing personal trainer Billy dairy production, with one of
wellbeing, nutrition, mindful- O’Regan. There is 11.2g of protein the longest grass-growing sea-
ness, food and the power of in 40g of Dubliner Lighter sons in the world. Cheese pro-
enjoying a healthier, lighter They then listened to an ex- cheese, snatching the top duction is a large part of this
lifestyle pert panel including National protein snack title from other dairy heritage and a natural,
Dairy Council Nutritionist much-loved and more popular local product, which is high
Hosted by RTE’s Nuala Car- Dr Marianne Walsh, UCLA protein fuelled snacks includ- in many important nutrients,
ey, guests at the Dublin event trained mindfulness facilita- ing nuts (8g), avocados (0.8g) including protein,’ she said.
included influential social me- tor Alison Canavan and mar- and quinoa (1.8g) per 40g.
dia fitness stars Niamh Cullen, keting manager for Dubliner Recent research carried
Orla Hopkins and Jess Redden, Cheese Aoife O’Donovan. Dr Marianne Walsh a nutri- out by Bord Bia shows that
Dublin footballer Brian Fen- tionist with the National Dairy 45% of Irish people admitted
ton, and current Footballer of Topics discussed included Council, said that Irish con- that they ‘couldn’t live with-
the Year and Galway hurling nutrition, mindfulness, health sumers understand now more out cheese’, with respondents
superstar Gearoid McInerney. and well-being plus results of than ever the role that protein confirming that cheese is their
a recent survey about Irish plays in contributing to nor- go-to snack.
Guests enjoyed a body cheese consumption. mal muscle and bone health.

▲ 76

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License. | 19/03/2019

Media Source Online Visits 149,658

Rob Kearney tackles dairy misconceptions

The Irish rugby international says that News very mild with maximum temperatures be-
milk plays a vital role in supporting post- tween 12°C and 16°C.
performance recovery.
In the news
Jeanne Spillane, marketing manager at the Dairy
National Dairy Council, and Irish rugby in- News Dairygold is the sixth processor to an-
ternational Rob Kearney. nounce its milk price for February 2019

Rugby international Rob Kearney is tack- National Dairy Council Minister Creed said he supports the remov-
ling misconceptions about dairy by taking al of a salary exemption from the Europe-
part in the "Everything starts with milk" Rugby an Commission's proposal to cap direct
campaign run by the National Dairy Coun- payments above €100,000.
cil (NDC). Vitamins
Rugby international Rob Kearney is tack-
"Growing up on our family farm, milk and Hannah Quinn-Mulligan ling misconceptions about dairy.
dairy was always an important part of our
diet. I have worked with the National Dai- The farmer's daily wrap: limit to direct pay- A Belclare ewe in Teagasc Athenry has
ry Council for a number of years and am a ments and mixed milk prices just given birth to a set of sextuplets for
great supporter of milk and dairy as part of Check out the latest farm news and get a the second year running.
a healthy, balanced diet," Kearney said. look at tomorrow's weather.
Irish agri-services group Origin Enterpri-
Eating well is essential Flooded fields from the river Blackwater ses has launched a new digital satellite plat-
near Lismore, Co Waterford. Hopefully form called Rhiza, which will map tillage
Despite the growth in popularity of dairy we're in store for some milder weather. \ and dairy farms across Europe using satel-
alternative drinks, the NDC has conducted Donal O'Leary lites in space.
research which shows that milk is the per-
fect post-performance drink after sport and RELATED TOPIC
provides a natural source of carbohydrates.
It also includes vitamins B12 and B2
which are needed by the body.

Kearney pointed out that milk and dairy Weather forecast Belclare
played an important part in his nutrition Direct payments
programme for rugby. Tonight will be mostly dry according to Milk
Met Éireann, with some patchy rain and Hannah Quinn-Mulligan
"Eating well is essential and adapting your drizzle.
nutritional intake to your sport is a necessi-
ty. In-season or out of season, as well as Wednesday is also expected to start off
pre-, during and post-performance, all in- dry and mild with sunny spells in the south
fluence our nutritional considerations." and east of the country.

RELATED TOPIC However, there will be some rain in the Teagasc ewe produces 20 lambs in four
▲ west of the country but, overall, it will be years


Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License.

The ewe is prolific and has just given birth Last year, all the sextuplets presented nor- Carbery has announced that it will be hold-
to her second set of sextuplets. mally and were born facing the correct ing its milk price at 34.78c/l excluding
way, but this year Henry said that all the VAT for February.
The lambs were all presented backwards lambs came backwards.
but are thriving. The dairy processor produces a large
Despite this, all the lambs are doing well amount of cheddar for the UK market and
A Belclare ewe in Teagasc Athenry has and thriving. is uniquely vulnerable to a hard Brexit,
just given birth to a set of sextuplets for with tariffs on cheddar expected to hit
the second year running. "The ewe got preferential treatment when €55m per year.
she was scanned," Henry explained.
The lambs were split evenly between three In response, the west Cork dairy processor
males and three females, and weighed be- "She was straw-bedded, given plenty of has announced its intention to diversify its
tween 2.7kg and 4.7kg each, with two of room to exercise and put on concentrates interests and invest €78m in a new process-
the lambs weighing less than 3kg. nine weeks before lambing." ing facility which will create mozzarella.

Other processors

However, Teagasc technician Henry Walsh Read more Three out of six processors have cut milk
said that all the lambs were healthy and do- prices for February supplies so far.
ing well. Watch: ewe gives birth to six healthy
lambs in Teagasc Athenry Aurivo held its price at 28.93c/l excluding
VAT for February supplies, it announced
"It’s very rare," Henry said. Belclare breed returning home after 35 on Friday.
"You’re talking nearly 20kg of live kilos, Kerry cut its price by 1c/l and Glanbia sup-
which is huge for a ewe." Carbery holds milk price pliers will receive 0.5c/l less than they did
in January.
She was straw-bedded, given plenty of The west Cork dairy processor has decided
room to exercise and put on concentrates to hold its milk price as Brexit approaches. Lakeland held its price at 30.4c/l exclud-
ing VAT, but cut by 0.75p/l in Northern
"She was scanned with having five lambs Three out of six processors have cut milk Ireland.
so I didn’t expect her to have six. prices for February supplies so far. \ Donal
O'Leary Additional reporting by Odile Evans.
"The Belclare are a prolific breed and nor-
mally have about 2.2 lambs on average but Read more
she’s produced 20 lambs in her last four


▲ 78

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Kerryman Tralee Edition | 13/03/2019

Media Source Press Page 19
Circulation 19,886

Lifestyle to

the fore at

INEC evening


AN star-studded evening of

fashion, nutrition, beauty and

lifestyle tips is on its way to

Killarney’s INEC in a little over

two weeks’ time.

What is being billed as a ‘La­

dies Lifestyle Evening’ will take

place on Thursday, March 28,

and the evening will include

advice on shaping up your

diet and nutrition, courtesy of

dietitian Paula Mee.

Style queen Celia Holman

Lee will also be on hand on the

night to reveal all her beauty

and lifestyle tips in a Q&A


Away from the Q&A session, Celia Holman Lee

Ms Holman Lee will also show­

case a fabulous style segment,

which is promised to offer tips

on how to style an outfit from

head to toe.

One of Ireland’s most suc­

cessful personal trainers and

health blogger Nathalie Len­

non will also be on hand to give

lots of fitness and wellbeing


In what is sure to be a wel­

come charitable twist, the

event will raise funds for two

very worthy causes in the form

of the Tan O’Connell Trust

Fund’ and the ‘Donal Walsh

Live Life Foundation’.

The evening will also include Nathalie Lennon

a raffle, with prizes such as

a VIP pass to the Dawn Milk

Ladies Day at Killarney Race­

course on Thursday, July 18;

and two tickets to the Spice

Girls concert due to take place

in Croke Park in Dublin this


The emcee for the evening

will be Radio Kerry’s Alan Finn.

Doors open at 7.30pm, and

the Dawn Milk- and National

Dairy Council-hosted event

itself is due to get underway

at 8pm.

Tickets for the evening

are currently on sale from

both Supervalu in Tralee and

in Killamey, and tickets are

also available online at www. Paula Mee.

▲ 79

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License. | 19/03/2019

Media Source Online Visits 149,658

Teagasc ewe produces 20 lambs in four years

The ewe is prolific and has just given "The ewe got preferential treatment when Dairygold is the sixth processor to an-
birth to her second set of sextuplets. she was scanned," Henry explained. nounce its milk price for February 2019
The lambs were all presented backwards "She was straw-bedded, given plenty of
but are thriving. room to exercise and put on concentrates Minister Creed said he supports the remov-
nine weeks before lambing." al of a salary exemption from the Europe-
an Commission's proposal to cap direct
A Belclare ewe in Teagasc Athenry has Read more payments above €100,000.
just given birth to a set of sextuplets for
the second year running. Watch: ewe gives birth to six healthy Rugby international Rob Kearney is tack-
lambs in Teagasc Athenry ling misconceptions about dairy.
The lambs were split evenly between three
males and three females, and weighed be- Belclare breed returning home after 35 A Belclare ewe in Teagasc Athenry has
tween 2.7kg and 4.7kg each, with two of years just given birth to a set of sextuplets for
the lambs weighing less than 3kg. the second year running.

However, Teagasc technician Henry Walsh The farmer's daily wrap: limit to direct pay- Irish agri-services group Origin Enterpri-
said that all the lambs were healthy and do- ments and mixed milk prices ses has launched a new digital satellite plat-
ing well. form called Rhiza, which will map tillage
Check out the latest farm news and get a and dairy farms across Europe using satel-
"It’s very rare," Henry said. look at tomorrow's weather. lites in space.

"You’re talking nearly 20kg of live kilos, Flooded fields from the river Blackwater RELATED TOPIC
which is huge for a ewe." near Lismore, Co Waterford. Hopefully News
we're in store for some milder weather. \
She was straw-bedded, given plenty of Donal O'Leary
room to exercise and put on concentrates

"She was scanned with having five lambs Belclare
so I didn’t expect her to have six.
Weather forecast

"The Belclare are a prolific breed and nor- Tonight will be mostly dry according to Direct payments
mally have about 2.2 lambs on average but Met Éireann, with some patchy rain and
she’s produced 20 lambs in her last four drizzle. Milk
Wednesday is also expected to start off Hannah Quinn-Mulligan
Last year, all the sextuplets presented nor- dry and mild with sunny spells in the south
mally and were born facing the correct and east of the country. Rob Kearney tackles dairy misconceptions
way, but this year Henry said that all the The Irish rugby international says that
lambs came backwards. However, there will be some rain in the milk plays a vital role in supporting post-
west of the country but, overall, it will be performance recovery.
Despite this, all the lambs are doing well very mild with maximum temperatures be-
and thriving. tween 12°C and 16°C.

In the news

▲ 80

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Jeanne Spillane, marketing manager at the RELATED TOPIC The dairy processor produces a large
National Dairy Council, and Irish rugby in- amount of cheddar for the UK market and
ternational Rob Kearney. is uniquely vulnerable to a hard Brexit,
with tariffs on cheddar expected to hit
Rugby international Rob Kearney is tack- News €55m per year.
ling misconceptions about dairy by taking Dairy
part in the "Everything starts with milk" News In response, the west Cork dairy processor
campaign run by the National Dairy Coun- National Dairy Council has announced its intention to diversify its
cil (NDC). Rugby interests and invest €78m in a new process-
ing facility which will create mozzarella.
"Growing up on our family farm, milk and
dairy was always an important part of our Other processors
diet. I have worked with the National Dai-
ry Council for a number of years and am a Three out of six processors have cut milk
great supporter of milk and dairy as part of prices for February supplies so far.
a healthy, balanced diet," Kearney said.
Aurivo held its price at 28.93c/l excluding
Eating well is essential Vitamins VAT for February supplies, it announced
on Friday.
Despite the growth in popularity of dairy Hannah Quinn-Mulligan
alternative drinks, the NDC has conducted Kerry cut its price by 1c/l and Glanbia sup-
research which shows that milk is the per- Carbery holds milk price pliers will receive 0.5c/l less than they did
fect post-performance drink after sport and The west Cork dairy processor has decided in January.
provides a natural source of carbohydrates. to hold its milk price as Brexit approaches.
Lakeland held its price at 30.4c/l exclud-
It also includes vitamins B12 and B2 ing VAT, but cut by 0.75p/l in Northern
which are needed by the body. Ireland.

Kearney pointed out that milk and dairy Three out of six processors have cut milk Additional reporting by Odile Evans.
played an important part in his nutrition prices for February supplies so far. \ Donal Read more
programme for rugby. O'Leary

"Eating well is essential and adapting your Carbery has announced that it will be hold-
nutritional intake to your sport is a necessi- ing its milk price at 34.78c/l excluding
ty. In-season or out of season, as well as VAT for February.
pre-, during and post-performance, all in-
fluence our nutritional considerations."


▲ 81

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License. | 19/03/2019

Media Source Online Visits 149,658

The farmer's daily wrap: limit to direct payments and mixed milk prices

Check out the latest farm news and get and dairy farms across Europe using satel- "You’re talking nearly 20kg of live kilos,
a look at tomorrow's weather. lites in space. which is huge for a ewe."

Flooded fields from the river Blackwater RELATED TOPIC She was straw-bedded, given plenty of
near Lismore, Co Waterford. Hopefully News room to exercise and put on concentrates
we're in store for some milder weather. \
Donal O'Leary "She was scanned with having five lambs
so I didn’t expect her to have six.

Weather forecast Belclare "The Belclare are a prolific breed and nor-
Direct payments mally have about 2.2 lambs on average but
Tonight will be mostly dry according to she’s produced 20 lambs in her last four
Met Éireann, with some patchy rain and seasons."

Wednesday is also expected to start off Milk Last year, all the sextuplets presented nor-
dry and mild with sunny spells in the south Hannah Quinn-Mulligan mally and were born facing the correct
and east of the country. way, but this year Henry said that all the
lambs came backwards.

However, there will be some rain in the Teagasc ewe produces 20 lambs in four Despite this, all the lambs are doing well
west of the country but, overall, it will be years and thriving.
very mild with maximum temperatures be-
tween 12°C and 16°C. The ewe is prolific and has just given birth "The ewe got preferential treatment when
to her second set of sextuplets. she was scanned," Henry explained.
In the news

Dairygold is the sixth processor to an- The lambs were all presented backwards "She was straw-bedded, given plenty of
nounce its milk price for February 2019 but are thriving. room to exercise and put on concentrates
supplies. nine weeks before lambing."

Minister Creed said he supports the remov- A Belclare ewe in Teagasc Athenry has Read more
al of a salary exemption from the Europe- just given birth to a set of sextuplets for
an Commission's proposal to cap direct the second year running. Watch: ewe gives birth to six healthy
payments above €100,000. lambs in Teagasc Athenry
The lambs were split evenly between three
Rugby international Rob Kearney is tack- males and three females, and weighed be- Belclare breed returning home after 35
ling misconceptions about dairy. tween 2.7kg and 4.7kg each, with two of years
the lambs weighing less than 3kg.
A Belclare ewe in Teagasc Athenry has Rob Kearney tackles dairy misconceptions
just given birth to a set of sextuplets for However, Teagasc technician Henry Walsh
the second year running. said that all the lambs were healthy and do- The Irish rugby international says that
ing well. milk plays a vital role in supporting post-
Irish agri-services group Origin Enterpri- performance recovery.
ses has launched a new digital satellite plat- "It’s very rare," Henry said.
form called Rhiza, which will map tillage

▲ 82

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Jeanne Spillane, marketing manager at the RELATED TOPIC The dairy processor produces a large
National Dairy Council, and Irish rugby in- amount of cheddar for the UK market and
ternational Rob Kearney. is uniquely vulnerable to a hard Brexit,
with tariffs on cheddar expected to hit
Rugby international Rob Kearney is tack- News €55m per year.
ling misconceptions about dairy by taking Dairy
part in the "Everything starts with milk" News In response, the west Cork dairy processor
campaign run by the National Dairy Coun- National Dairy Council has announced its intention to diversify its
cil (NDC). Rugby interests and invest €78m in a new process-
ing facility which will create mozzarella.
"Growing up on our family farm, milk and
dairy was always an important part of our Other processors
diet. I have worked with the National Dai-
ry Council for a number of years and am a Three out of six processors have cut milk
great supporter of milk and dairy as part of prices for February supplies so far.
a healthy, balanced diet," Kearney said.
Aurivo held its price at 28.93c/l excluding
Eating well is essential Vitamins VAT for February supplies, it announced
on Friday.
Despite the growth in popularity of dairy Hannah Quinn-Mulligan
alternative drinks, the NDC has conducted Kerry cut its price by 1c/l and Glanbia sup-
research which shows that milk is the per- Carbery holds milk price pliers will receive 0.5c/l less than they did
fect post-performance drink after sport and The west Cork dairy processor has decided in January.
provides a natural source of carbohydrates. to hold its milk price as Brexit approaches.
Lakeland held its price at 30.4c/l exclud-
It also includes vitamins B12 and B2 ing VAT, but cut by 0.75p/l in Northern
which are needed by the body. Ireland.

Kearney pointed out that milk and dairy Three out of six processors have cut milk Additional reporting by Odile Evans.
played an important part in his nutrition prices for February supplies so far. \ Donal Read more
programme for rugby. O'Leary

"Eating well is essential and adapting your Carbery has announced that it will be hold-
nutritional intake to your sport is a necessi- ing its milk price at 34.78c/l excluding
ty. In-season or out of season, as well as VAT for February.
pre-, during and post-performance, all in-
fluence our nutritional considerations."


▲ 83

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License.

The Kerryman | 16/03/2019

Media Source Online Visits 10,300,705

Lifestyle to the fore at INEC evening What is being billed as a 'Ladies Lifestyle O'Connell Trust Fund' and the 'Donal
Evening' will take place on Thursday, Walsh Live Life Foundation'.
A star-studded evening of fashion, nutri- March 28, and the evening will include ad-
tion, beauty and lifestyle tips is on its way vice on shaping up your diet and nutrition, The evening will also include a raffle,
to Killarney's INEC in a little over two courtesy of dietitian Paula Mee. with prizes such as a VIP pass to the Dawn
weeks' time. Milk Ladies Day at Killarney Racecourse
Style queen Celia Holman Lee will also be on Thursday, July 18; and two tickets to on hand on the night to reveal all her beau- the Spice Girls concert due to take place in
ryman/lifestyle/lifestyle-to-the-fore-at-in- ty and lifestyle tips in a Q&A session. Croke Park in Dublin this summer. The em-
ec-evening-37907113.html Away from the Q&A session, Ms Holman cee for the evening will be Radio Kerry's
Lee will also showcase a fabulous style Alan Finn. segment, which is promised to offer tips
ryman/news/article37907111.ece/94791/ on how to style an outfit from head to toe. Doors open at 7.30pm, and the Dawn
AUTOCROP/ Milk- and National Dairy Council-hosted
h342/2019-03-13_ker_48688860_I2.JPG event itself is due to get underway at 8pm.

Email One of Ireland's most successful personal Tickets for the evening are currently on
trainers and health blogger Nathalie Len- sale from both SuperValu in Tralee and in
A star-studded evening of fashion, nutri- non will also be on hand to give lots of fit- Killarney, and tickets are also available on-
tion, beauty and lifestyle tips is on its way ness and wellbeing advice. line at
to Killarney's INEC in a little over two
weeks' time. In what is sure to be a welcome charitable Kerryman
twist, the event will raise funds for two
very worthy causes in the form of the 'Ian


▲ 84

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Irish Farmers Journal Country Living | 09/03/2019

Media Source Press Page 26
Circulation 60,934


Pivotal Milking it
year ahead
of Kearney Having grown up on a farm on the
Cooley Peninsula in Co Louth, Ireland
rugby player Rob Kearney certainly
knows that ‘Everything Starts With

That’s why he’s on board with the
National Dairy Council as part of EU-
funded campaign going by that name.

“Milk’s something that has always
been a part of my diet, you try to chase
a well-balanced diet and having dairy in
there, that’s what it does,” says Kear­
ney. “Particularly around performance,
pre-workout and post-workout, dairy
ticks a lot of the boxes in terms of
your carbohydrates, your protein, after
muscle gets broken down and just re­

Ireland full-back Rob Kearney talks he says, “it’s not a problem but it’s
to Denis Hurley about moving past definitely a challenge for players who
a difficult start to the Six Nations and are making that transition our of pro­
making the most of the rest of the year fessional sport and going into the real
world and trying to find a job.
t’s no secret that Ireland have Fixtures
endured a rocky start to what has Scotland v Wales “It definitely is something that can
worry players and they need to make
Ibeen billed by many as the most Sat 1.45pm sure that they’re best-equipped to take
important year in Irish rugby his­ Virgin Media One that plunge when the time does come.
The loss to England and under England v Italy “I’m involved in a few different
whelming performances against businesses here and there, I don’t know
Scotland and Italy have dampened the Sat 4.45pm exactly what I want to do when I retire,
mood, but for Rob Kearney the break Virgin Media One but I know I’ll have enough options.
over last weekend was a chance to hit
reset and focus on the future rather Ireland v France “For me, it’s just about making sure
than the past. I enjoy the last few years that I have
Sun 3.00pm left, to really make sure that I’m having
Right now, that focus is fixed on Virgin Media One the best time possible.”
Sunday’s Six Nations clash with France
at the Aviva Stadium and no further. WORLD CUP played 10,12 years ago and you say Off the field, he has been laying
that the game has changed hugely, it’s foundations. He’s involved in two pubs,
“I think we needed the break, espe­ Is there any fear that there is one eye constantly evolving” he says. The Bridge in Ballsbridge and Lemon
cially in today’s era,” he says. on the World Cup next autumn? & Duke in Dublin city centre, as well as
“That’s no different for the full-back being a director of Mason Alexander,
“The games are tough, so you need “I don’t think so, certainly not as a role. You need to be considerably fitter which deals in recruitment, and invest­
a few days to recover. The idea of going player, anyway,” Kearney says. now to be able to play in that backfield ing in Oslo, a chain of beauty stores.
five weeks [in-a-row] just wouldn’t be and you’re trying to marry so many
possible.” “Maybe for the coaches, they need skills into that one position. Those business interests help to fill
to be looking a bit more ahead in terms what little downtime there.
A 26-16 win in Rome saw Ireland se­ of squads and combinations and versa­ “It’s great for me, even this far into
cure a first bonus point of the champi­ tility and things like that. my career, I’m still trying to improve “Rugby is a huge part of our lives,
onship, though the performance wasn’t and upskill myself in different areas of it’s a huge part of my life,” he says.
up to optimum levels. Nevertheless, “As a player, you're just trying to the game.”
Kearney could take positives. set high standards every week, you’re “When you’re not training, you’re
trying to improve yourself and the However, no matter how impressive making sure that you’re doing every­
“The pleasing thing from the Italy team every week.We don’t think too the effort to keep up with the times, thing that you can to recover and get
game was that we were down at half­ far ahead to japan and what’s coming this World Cup will be his last. Never­ into the best shape as possible for the
time and so we had to show a bit of down the line, because if you lose sight theless, that’s something he is facing in next day.
character to get out of that and get the an optimistic frame of mind.
bonus point in the second half. what’s directly in front ofyou “I try to nip in to the businesses I’m
and your performance starts to “You have to just accept it, too,” he involved in, learn some of the busi­
“The manner and the amount of suffer, you can find yourself on says.“You can look at it in one of two ness side of things and make sure I’m
mistakes that we made, the little bit of the back foot quite quickly.” ways, you can have a bit of sorrow and upskilling myself in that department.
anxiety that we're showing on the field say, ‘Oh, I’m never going to play in
is probably the area that we need to That’s certainly not some­ another World Cup again,’ or you can “They’re all in varying industries,
work on. We need to find our rhythm thing Kearney is planning take the mindset, ‘Brilliant, what an so I’m being exposed to very different
again. The English game was obviously opportunity, this is my last World Cup, sectors of the business world.”
disappointing as a group. on doing. Having made his I’m going to enjoy it and showcase the
Leinster debut as a teenag­ best version of myself,’ and do as best Would he ever consider returning to
“To lose at home in Dublin is always er in 2005, he first featured you can.” the Co Louth land that raised him?
tough, then we went away to Scotland
and got a win, which no team had done for Ireland in 2007 and TRANSITION “It’s hard to say, it’s a farm that has
in the Six Nations for three years. the century of caps is in been in the family for four genera­
sight, but improvement Once upon a time, amateur rugby tions,” he says.
“You go to the Italy game and players were able to build professional
everybody expects you to put up a is still the aim in an careers in business while they played, “I went away to boarding school
big score, but they were good, to ever-changing rugby but as a product of the professional when I was 13 years old, so the only
be fair to them. landscape. era, Kearney must face that challenge time I’d have been back on the farm
“Certainly, when he retires, was during the summer, you might hop
“You combine them being when I started on the combine and mess around a bit.
good with us making a huge out, I’m look­ “It is a question to be answered,”
amount of uncharacteristic ing back at “My dad still is manning the fort
errors and you don’t quite games that back there, so we need to make sure
get the scoreline that people I might have that the legacy of the farm is main­
expected.” tained in some shape or form.” CL

Rob Kearney is an ambassador for the
NDC’s Everything Starts with Milk

▲ 85

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Clonmel Nationalist | 28/02/2019

Media Source Press Page 44
Circulation 8,783

Healy says hoping for a safety net at
bottom of Brexit cliff is not enough

Speaking at an all-island set-aside;
civic dialogue on Brexit in
Dublin Castle, IFA President Challenge the meat
Joe Healy reinforced the
devastating impact that a factories to immediately
no-deal Brexit would have on
Ireland’s agricultural sector. increase prices and prioritise

He outlined the crisis that the young bull kill;
is already underway in the
beef sector and restated his Increase factory controls
call for mitigation measures
to be put in place as a matter on trim, classification and
of urgency.
Mr Healy said that farmers
are already feeling the brunt Strong support for the live
of Brexit.
export trade to double
He added - “Uncertainty
and the drop in the value of numbers in 2019 and ensure
sterling have contributed to a
crisis in our beef and pig that no further restrictions
sector in particular.
IFA president Joe Healy are imposed on the trade;
“Hoping that there will a
safety net at the bottom of the Dublin and lobbied TDs and Reward quality suckler
cliff is not enough. We are Senators from their
already in freefall. We need constituencies on the beef stock with a significant price
support now.” crisis and Brexit.
Earlier in the week IFA The IFA presented a
representatives from across detailed set of proposals that Increased funding for
the country assembled in included -
suckler to €200 per cow;
An EU Brexit emergency
support package involving a Insist on an increase in the
comprehensive set of market
supports and direct aid for CAP budget;
farmers from the EU
Commission; Continue to resist a

EU state aid limitations on damaging Mercosur trade
members states must be

and climate change

recommendations which

focus on the Teagasc Tipperary farmer Eamonn Carroll from Loughmore (centre) who has been appointed chairman of the
National Dairy Council, with vice-chairman John Murphy and Dairy Council CEO Zoe Kavanagh. Mr
roadmap with no Carroll, who represents the ICMSA, has been on the NDC board since August 2015

carbon-based production


▲ 86

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Northern Standard | 21/02/2019

Media Source Press Page 2
Circulation 13,500

Emyvale farming family at forefront
of global Kerrygold campaign

LacPatrick farmer Darran takes to deliver the world class
milk that makes Kerrygold so
McKenna and his family from
successful. Ireland's other
Emyvale are at the forefront of a favourite export, TV host and
stylist Angela Scanlon, and
global promotional campaign
renowned chef Paul Flynn, graced
being launched by Kerrygold the green carpet in Dublin last

which aims to promote their week with the Cleary's,
McKenna's and Crowley's for the
butter products among a target global premiere.

audience of 36 million people. "The Kerrygold global fan club
includes none other than actress
The McKennas are one of three Sarah Jessica Parker, model
Chrissy Tiegan and actress Kate
Irish farm families selected to Beckinsale who last year

extol the virtues of the grass-led confessed to travelling with
Kerrygold in her suitcase.
faming system which Kerrygold
Commenting on the campaign,
feels contributes significantly to
Rdisfn Hennerty, Managing
the quality of their product.
Director of Omua Foods said:
Darran, his wife Denise and
"This new global campaign is a
four children (Daithi, Caragh,
stand-out moment for Kerrygold
Micheal and Annie) are joined in on the world stage and a

the "True Taste of Kerrygold" celebration of the daily dedication

campaign by the Crowley family and commitment of farmers
throughout Ireland which
from West Cork and the Cleary underpins its success. For

family from Waterford. decades Kerrygold has been

Darran and Denise, who are synonymous with the benefits of
grass-fed dairy and has
LacPatrick Dairies suppliers, won authentically told the story of

the 2018 Kerrygold/National Irish dairy farming to the world.

Dairy Council Quality Milk "The beauty of a brand like
Kerrygold is that we all own a
Awards. The awards recognise piece of it, whether that's the
memories shared around family
standards of excellence in dairy mealtimes, the charm of the
Kerrygold TV ads of yesteryear or
farming, with dairy co-operatives the swell of pride we feel in its

throughout the country invited to presence in countries all over the
nominate their top suppliers. GLOBAL AUDIENCE: Members of the McKenna family are pictured at the premiere of the new
Kerrygold video campaign, which aims to reach a global audience of 36 million people "It has always been an intrinsic
The McKennas were nominated
part of Irish identity. It is owned
by the LacPatrick Farm Advisory
by a community of Irish farming
Team and, after a rigorous renowned Kerrygold butter 'A True Taste of Kerrygold' puts farmer's brand and this campaign families who have passed down
brand. On behalf of everyone at Ireland's grass-fed family farming shines a spotlight on it like never
selection and judging process, LacPatrick, I would like to extend system firmly in the spot light. before. their farming values and methods b
our pride and admiration to the from generation to generation." I
were shortlisted in the finail nine entire McKenna family and we celebrating the passion, pride and "The authenticity of Kerrygold p
wish them continue success. tradition of Irish dairy as part of a and its roots back to the heritage c
farms from across the country. major global expansion drive for b
"Monaghan never so looked Ireland's largest food exports. and tradition of Irish dairy
The Kerrygold video campaign well and we are all excited to farming are presented in the S
know that over 30 million people "The campaign will roll out creative. Three Irish farming h
will be seen in Ireland but also in across the US and Europe will see globally, including Ireland, UK, families play a starring role in this Z
charming and evocative i
Germany and the US and will aim the rolling drumlins ana beautiful US ana Germany. Kerrygold is r
grass of E:myv.ale! campaign - the Cleary's from c
to develop key markets for the clear market leader in t
The McKennas are the fifth Germany where a block of Waterford, the McKenna's from t
Kerrygold such as France, Poland s
generation of the family to farm Kerrygold butter sells faster than Monaghan and the Crowley's
and Greece. their Derrygasson holding. any other food brand on from West Cork.

Kerrygold is the number one KERRYGOLD'S HOPES supermarket shelves. Kerrygold "These families tell the story of
is also the number two butter the dedication and passion it
butter brand in Germany and is FOR CAMPAIGN
Kerrygold detailed their new brand in the large-scale US
the number one imported butter campaign in the following media market where it has enjoyed
brand in the US. Omua, the co-op double digit volume growth for
"Kerrygold, Ireland's iconic over ten years.
behind Kerrygold, said this new dairy brand and one of Ireland's
most successful food exports "The widespread success of
campaign is aimed at bringing Kerrygold products is attributed
globally, is placing Ireland's to the unique taste and quality of
Kerrygold "to new heights". farming families at the fore of a
ma; Irish dairy that is derived from
LacPatrick Dairies Chairman wi the milk of Ireland's grass-fed
Andrew McConkey Ker:•rygold brand to new heights. cows.

congratulated the McKennas on "nThe digital campaign entitled "This milk is produced
everyday by dedicated and
their recent achievement. passionate Irish family farmers.
Kerrygold truly is the Irish
"Darran and Denise McKenna

are the cream of the crop when it

comes to producing top-quality

milk," Mr McConkey stated.

"They were rightly recognised

at the 2018 Quality Milk Awards

and now they are being further

recognised by fronting a major

new campaign for the world-

▲ 87

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Anglo-Celt | 21/02/2019

Media Source Press Page 53
Circulation 11,692

Farney face
to Kerrygold

FRESH from winning one of Paul Crosson, Denise McKenna, Majella McCafferty,
the most prestigious awards LacPatrick chairman Andrew McConkey. Front row (l-r)
in the Irish dairy industry, Darran McKenna and his dad.
LacPatrick Dairies suppliers
Darran and Denise McKenna In winning the Quality Milk Awards and now they are being
are set to be streamed into the Awards, last August the McK- further recognised by fronting
homes of 36 million people. ennas were nominated by the a major new campaign for the
LacPatrick Farm Advisory world-renown Kerrygold but-
The husband-and-wife duo Team. ter brand,” McConkey said.
from near Emyvale won the
2018 Kerrygold / National LacPatrick Dairies chairman “Monaghan never so looked
Dairy Council Quality Milk Andrew McConkey congrat- well and we are all excited to
Awards. And now the McKenna ulated the McKennas on their know that over 30m people
family will be fronting a major recent achievement. across the US and Europe will
new advertising campaign see the rolling drumlins and
being rolled out by the iconic “They were rightly recog- beautiful grass of Emyvale!”
Kerrygold butter brand. nised at the 2018 Quality Milk

The McKennas are one of
three farm families who are
fronting the ‘True Taste of Ker-
rygold’ campaign which show
the benefits of grass-fed Irish
dairy farm.

The video campaign will
be seen in Ireland, but also
Germany and the US, as well
as key developing markets f
or Kerrygold such as France,
Poland and Greece.

Kerrygold is the number one
butter brand in Germany and
is the number one imported
butter brand in the US.

▲ 88

Copyright Material - reproduced under license by TruehawkMedia. No further copying (including printing, digital reproduction and
forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Tipperary Star | 21/02/2019

Media Source Press Page 2
Circulation 6,639

Eamonn is
appointed chair
of dairy council

Ronan Dodd that common sense will Congratulations: Loughmore farmer Eamonn Carroll is congratuated on being appointed as the next
prevail at the eleventh hour chair of the National Dairy Council by council CEO Zoe Kavanagh
[email protected] and Brexit will not happen.

Loughmore dairy farmer Mr Carroll played down
Eamonn Carroll has been the huge number of
appointed chair of the Tipperary represenatives on
National Dairy Council. the National Dairy Council,
saying that is “just the way it
Mr Carroll, who has been falls”.
on the board since 2015, is one
of three ICMSA members He milks 130 cows on his
from Mid-Tipperary on the farm in Loughmore, and
board. The Premier County describes the operation as
has a total of 14 members on “very much a family farm”.
the board, the biggest single However, he was full of praise
local representation. for Thurles man Johnny Ryan
who helps out.
Mr Carroll, who takes over
in the run up to Brexit and all “I am blessed that I have
the uncertainty around what such good staff. If I didn't,
will follow, said that there would be no point in
uncertaintly will be there taking up the position,” he
“until we see the devil in the said.
Mr Carroll can serve a
“It is hard to predict what maximumof eightterms,but,
will happen,” he said. “Their he said, the general trend has
baby has become our baby.” been for around four years.
He must seek re-election to
However, his own the role each year.
personal opinion and hope is

▲ 89

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forwarding) is permitted except under License.

Irish Examiner Feelgood | 15/02/2019

Media Source Press Page 10
Circulation 26,085


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▲ 90

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Southern Star | 16/02/2019

Media Source Press Page 32
Circulation 13,500

DUNMANWAY [email protected]

Maria Imm

Maria Immaculata Community College, Dunmanway, student
presented with their first prize by Ted O’Shea, manager of Du

Teen Valentines ternet Safety Day by sending For more information, tel- bring an entry. Trade stands C
10 students to Trend Micro ephone 023-8855322 or visit on the day are MacEoin Honey
The Dunmanway Cham- to complete the Trend Micro the school blog onhttps://togh- Farm and Bee Supplies. Doors So
ber of Commerce will host a ‘Be-Smart’ Internet Safety open at 12:30pm, Entry €5.
Teenage Valentine’s Night this Workshop. The plan is that All welcome to attend. C
Friday, February 15th, in the these students will now pre- Defibrillator ou
Sam Maguire GAA Pavilion sent this workshop to first year Tea dance Su
from 9pm to 12 midnight. This students in the coming weeks. The Clubhouse Defibrilla- wit
supervised event is strictly tor Group have raised enough Ahakeera Committee Dr
for first and second year stu- Dragon’s Den money to erect a defibrilla- is holding an afternoon tea wa
dents only and the entrance tor at the crossroads by The dance in Ahakeera Hall on Nia
fee is €10. Registration will Last week, MICC hosted a Clubhouse Bar, Dunmanway. Sunday, February 17th, from bef
take place on Thursday, 14th Dragon’s Den competition for People who wish to learn how 3 to 5.30pm. Music by Alpine too
February from 7pm to 8pm transition year business stu- to use a defibrillator are invit- Sound. Refreshments after- gal
in the Pavilion. Tickets are on dents. Eight mini-enterprise ed to attend training at Dun- wards. Everyone welcome. rem
a first come first served basis companies showcased their manway Hospital Grounds on
and parental consent is re- products, created a trade March 10th at 10am. Fundraising bingo B
quired. For further informa- stand and presentation for the
tion, call Valerie Hurley on judging panel. For more details, contact A fundraising bingo will Big
086-8410493 or Deirdre Kelly Eileen on 087-2739670 or take place at the Parkway Ho-
on 087-9724023. The winning company on Valerie on 086-8410493 or tel on Tuesday, February 19th, T
the day was ‘Boots Off,’ who call to The Clubhouse Bar. at 8.30pm. All proceeds go to pla
Sell-out success developed a product for eas- Tina Bills (nee Treutler) from 18t
ily removing boots or shoes. €900 raised Ballinacarriga, who was diag- ine
Internet sensation Ber- The runner-up company was nosed with stage 4 breast can- com
nard Casey brought his live ‘Make & Bake,’ who produced Thanks went to all who sup- cer. People are invited to come cha
show to the Parkway Hotel jars of cake ingredients. ported, baked, donated raf- together with the hope to raise and
in Dunmanway on Saturday fle prizes and to Tar Isteach funds to ease Tina’s burden of wil
night last. Bernard, who is This event was sponsored for sponsoring €100 for the all costs surrounding endless rai
originally from Portmagee, and judged by the Dunman- recent bingo in aid of Dun- cancer treatments and make Sle
Co Kerry, had certainly done way Credit Union. The two manway Day Care Centre. The life a little easier for Tina. A and
his research on what Dunman- companies selected will now amount raised was €900. raffle will also take place on gan
way is well-known for and the represent MICC at the West the night with great prizes. are
audience enjoyed his jokes. It Cork final next month in as- Ladies’ GAA for
was a sell-out show, organised sociation with the West Cork Fundraising dance we
by Mickey O’Regan and Mar- Local Enterprise Office. Training has started back
tina O’Riordan, with proceeds for the following grades on A joint fundraising dance Tr
from this fundraiser going to Togher NS Monday nights in the Astro- will take place at the Parkway
the COPE Foundation. Turf: U14s, 7 to 8pm; U16s and Hotel on Sunday, February B
Togher National School, minors, 8 to 9pm. The Junior 24th, at 9.45pm in aid of the cia
Wheelchair basketball Dunmanway, entered the team have been back in action Dialysis Unit, Cork Univer- for
National School Milk Jingle since early in the new year and sity Hospital and the Kidney wa
Maria Immaculata Com- Competition on RTE 2FM. train on Wednesday nights at Transplant Unit at Beaumont unt
munity College (MICC) The school’s jingle was fea- 7pm and Sunday mornings at Hospital, Dublin.
transition year PE students tured on RTE 2FM and they 10am; new players are always W
last week participated in the qualified for the finals, where welcome. A prize giving cer- Music is by Finbarr Denne- don
Irish Wheelchair Association teacher Richard Swann rep- emony to present medals to hy. Enquiries to 086-8624383. En
Basketball Tournament in resented the school in a live the victorious underage teams Support will be greatly appre- ing
Neptune Stadium, Cork. The head-to-head dairy-related from last season takes place ciated. is w
students had a thoroughly en- quiz on national radio. While in the GAA Pavilion on Sun- jac
joyable day, where they played they did not win the overall day, February 24th, at 5pm. Drama
basketball in wheelchairs for prize, the school were award- Medals are being presented by St
the day. ed €500 worth of sports Dunmanway’s own Cork hero, Ahakeera Drama Group
equipment from the National Melissa Duggan, who has been presents ‘I’m the one for you’ N
MICC sent a bus full of both Dairy Council. an excellent role model for on Saturday, March 2nd, Ma
participants and spectators these young Doheny girls. A at 8pm at St Patrick’s Hall, we
where they got to see and ex- Enrolment Day warm welcome is extended to Dunmanway, with proceeds win
perience how sport is played everyone to attend. going to the Dunmanway
by a wheelchair user. This There will be an enrolment Playground Redevelopment C
project was organised by Ms day at Togher NS, Dunman- Beekeeping Group. wo
Howard, PE teacher. way, on Wednesday, February Bal
20th, at 9.30am. Parents and Beekeepers all roads lead Resource Centre Bal
Internet Safety Day pupils interested in enroll- to Cox’s Hall, Sackville Street, En
ing are welcome to view the Dunmanway, this Sunday, A selection of Community Kie
MICC acknowledged In- school and meet the teachers. February 17th, for the Bee- Education Courses funded by ry &
keepers’ Gathering. The guest Cork Education and Train- O’D
orthe Weekend: speakers cover topics such as ing Board is scheduled to take Ph
swarming, practical beekeep- place at Dunmanway Family 1S
on ing equipment and how to help Resource Centre this Spring. Ma
to our bees. Welcome address is These courses include Natu- O’D
at 1.30pm. There will be re- ral Wellbeing, Mindfulness,
freshments and home baking Furniture Upcycling, Willow J
competition; make sure you Crafting and Crafting To- €9
gether. ma
s, 18t
To find out more or to reg-
ister your interest, contact Co
DFRC on 023-8856818 or
[email protected]. A
Talk on anxiety ary
A free public talk on ‘Help- All
ing your Anxious Child’ En
will be held in Dunmanway we
Family Resource Centre on get
Wednesday, February 20th, at the
6.30pm. The talk will be given
by Jo Boniface, senior clinical T
psychologist, from the HSE sco
Child, Adolescent and Family
Psychology Service. Ah

Topics covered will include: T
What is anxiety in children? dan
Strategies that help and Build- Sun
ing Independence. To sign up 3t
for the talk, contact Dunman- Alp
way FRC on 023-8856818. me
is w
St Mary’s NS
Enrolment will take place
for incoming pupils to St T
Mary’s Senior School, Dun- Cas
manway, on Wednesday, Feb- mi
ruary 20th, from 9am until ral
3.30pm. abl
If you wish to enrol your nig
child in either our mainstream Eve
or mild-moderate classes, con-
tact the school to make an ap-
pointment on 023-8845108. If
this date does not suit, people
may contact the school to ar-
range a more suitable date.

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Irish Farmers Journal | 16/02/2019

Media Source Press Page 5
Circulation 60,934

Tipperary farmer new NDC chair

Dairy farmer Eamonn Carroll ciation (ICMSA) and has been
from Loughmore, Co Tipper­ on the NDC board since Au­
ary, has been appointed as the gust 2015. He will take over
newchair ofthe National Dairy from outgoing chair Teddy
Council (NDC). Cashman. John Murphy who
represents Glanbia will remain
Carroll represents the Irish as vice chair.
Creameiy Milk Suppliers’ Asso­

▲ 92

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Irish Examiner Farming | 14/02/2019

Media Source Press Page 28
Circulation 26,085

IJCP open for dairy farms

Stephen Cadogan The National Dairy Council and Safefood organised the recent Health-
fest 2019 event for over 3,000 transition year students, to promote
Registration is now open to all health and wellbeing amongst teenagers. Pictured is Ian Rhys, St Kevin
dairy herdowners to take part School, Glasnevin, Dublin taking part in the Hang Bar challenge.
in the Johne’s Control Pro-
gramme (IJCP), a long-term Milk processors are provid- maintained for herds in the
and sustainable approach to ing financial support for test-positive pathway.
control of Johne’s disease, in- whole herd testing for three
cluding four years of funded years (test-negative pathway) For herds in the test
control activities. or four years (test-positive negative pathway, processors
pathway). will provide €2.06 and €1.38 in
The IJCP provides path- the second and third years,
ways for test-negative and In 2019, the level of financial and the programme will move
test-positive herds, and objec- support available to all her- to a maintenance phase with a
tive measurement of the prog- downers, whether new reduced testing, after four
ress each registered herd entrants for 2019 or already in years of negative tests.
makes in controlling Johne’s the programme in Phase One,
disease. will be €2.75 per eligible ani- There is no need for farmers
mal tested in 2019. currently registered in Phase
Herd owners are required to One of the programme to
complete regular veterinary This level of support will be re-register.
risk assessments and manage-
ment plans (VRAMPs) under-
taken by approved veterinary
practitioners; an annual herd
test (one blood or one milk
sample per eligible animal) in
2019; ancillary testing of faecal
samples following ELISA test-
positive results in herds
where infection has not
already been confirmed; and
funded veterinary investi-
gation following positive
ancillary test results.

The cost of the VRAMP,
plus ancillary testing and a
TASAH investigation where
required, will be met by the
Department of Agriculture.

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Irish Independent-Supplement | 14/02/2019

Media Source Press Page 17,18,19,20,21,22,23
Circulation 90,107


The study of Home Economics offers SECTION A: The Short Questions
students a wide range of learning
experiences that will enable them to The short questions are from the core of the course Question:
manage many aspects of their lives, (questions from the electives are not on this section State one function of Omega 3 fatty acids in the diet.
writes Yeats College teacher Mary of the paper). Short questions do not require a short Name two different food sources of Omega 3 fatty acids.
O’Dowdhe Home Economics exam paper has three sec- answer! Examiners will be looking for detailed, precise
answers at Higher Level. Keep your writing small and (6 marks, 4 + 2)
tions, A, B and C. don’t be afraid to make full use of the space. Suggested answer:
Section A consists of short questions from the Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart attacks and
Generally, in the past the majority of these questions strokes as they help to prevent the formation of blood
Tcore of the course. There are 12 questions and 10 have been from the Food Studies section of the course, clots.
with the last few questions from Home Management. (i) oily fish, e.g. mackerel (ii) seeds and nuts
must be answered, however if you answer all 12 your The questions try to cover as wide a range of topics from
highest scoring 10 answers are counted for marks. All the course. Even if 25 minutes is allowed for this section Note: This is a very straightforward question as it tells
the questions are of equal marks. students will find they need to work quickly. If at first a you how many points you need for each section.
question seems too difficult, leave it and move onto the
Section B contains five questions. The first question next one. Review it at the end and make an attempt then. Question: Explain food fortification. Name one fortified (6)
in this section is the longest and is compulsory. Most food and explain how it benefits the consumer.
students find the first part of this section difficult. It is All of the short questions carry 6 marks. Sometimes it’s
worth practising these questions. The first question in easy to follow the marking scheme – if there is a table Suggested answer: Food fortification is when a food has
this section is worth 80 marks. There are four other to fill in and there are six parts then there is 1 mark for vitamins or minerals added to it during manufacture to
questions, two of which must be answered. Questions 2 each part, in other cases it maybe two parts and 3 marks, enhance nutritive value.
to 5 are worth 50 marks. or a 2-mark followed by a 4-mark section. The following Name: Breakfast cereal, e.g. cornflakes
are examples from the 2016 paper.
Section C is the elective. Candidates must know which
elective they have studied; most schools either do the
Social Studies elective or the Home Design and Man-
agement elective. Only candidates who have submitted
Textile and Design coursework can attempt Elective 2.
In the elective section the question has three parts, part
(a) is compulsory and there is a choice between part (b)
or (c).

It is important to know the layout of the paper so that
time is used wisely in the exam. Students can answer the
questions in any order, but it is important to watch the
clock so as not to rush the last question.

General guidance on marking schemes
In many cases key phrases which contain vital informa-
tion will be required in the answer. The amount of detail
required in the answer is determined by the way the
question is asked and the marks allocated to the ques-
tion. When reviewing past marking schemes note that
they vary from year to year. Students must also check
that they have not contradicted themselves as marks
will be disallowed.
Structure of exam paper

Section A Section B Section C
60 marks 180 marks 80 marks
Short questions Long questions Long questions
12 questions, 6 questions, do Q1 and Do 1 question
do 10 choice of two others
25 minutes 35 + 20/25 + 20/25 mins 30 – 35 mins

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Benefit: Vitamins are lost during the processing of the Name and describe one method of consumer research.(6) Mortgage protection insurance is insurance on a
cereal and are then replaced which increases the nutri- Suggested answer: mortgage. If a person, or either of a couple, who have a
tive value of the cereal. Consumer research aims to identify consumer needs and mortgage die during the term of the mortgage then the
Note: The first section of this question requires an expla- expectations, so as to increase sales. It may also be used mortgage is paid off in full by the insurance company.
nation so a full sentence with detail is required. Only to test a market prior to launching a new product, to Note: In this case there were 3 marks for each of the
one food is required to be named. gauge consumer demand or to find a price point. explanations. To ensure the 3 marks explain in as much
Question: State three functions of folic acid (6, 3@2 Name: Field research detail as possible.
marks) Description: This is a primary source of research
Suggested answer: involving questionnaires, surveys or observing consumer Exam tips for short questions
1. Needed in pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects, behavior.
➤ Practise past exam papers in 25 minutes.
e.g. spina bifida Note: This question requires a description of the ➤ Explain your point and give as much detail as you can.
2. Needed to make red blood cells research not just a name. ➤ Learn all the labels: care labels, environmental labels,
3. Essential for the synthesis of DNA and RNA
Note: This question requires three key points. Full sen- Question: Explain each of the following: Life assurance, safety and food labels.
tences are not required provided the essential points are mortgage protection insurance (6) ➤ Don’t be afraid to write below the lines and slightly into the
present. Suggested answer:
Question: State the purpose of consumer research. Life assurance is insurance on a person’s life, so a sum margin if you need space.
of money is paid to the next of kin on the death of the ➤ Answer all 12 questions and let the examiner take the
insured person. The insured person pays a premium
marks for your best 10.

each year while they are alive.


Section B, Question 1(a)

This is the question that students tend to find the most
difficult as it will contain information and data you
will not have seen before. It allows you to apply all
your knowledge of Home Economics. It is a compulsory
question and you should allow 35 mins for the entire
question and watch the time on part (a).

Hints and tips for Question B 1 (a)

➤ For the graph or table, you should quote or use data/figures/
percentages in your answer.

➤ Work out the marking scheme to establish the number of
points you need, 20 marks could be 4x5 or 5x4. Look at the
chart, if there are five parts/sections, then write about all

➤ In a large table with several pieces of data use a highlighter
to pick the data you are going to use in your answer.

➤ If the question asks about ‘trends’ look carefully at the
chart and comment on how things have changed.

➤ ‘Nutritional significance’ means the nutritive value of all the

➤ The answer may seem long for 20 or 24 marks; it may take
over a page.

➤ Don’t leave this question until last; you will run out of time.

The National Dairy Council (NDC) plays a vital role in driv- Using the information provided in the chart, comment Consumer consumption of dairy products
ing a sustainable dairy industry in Ireland and in educat- and elaborate on consumer consumption of milk and Milk
ing consumers on the role of dairy in their lifestyles. dairy products in Ireland. (20) 39% of the retail dairy market in Ireland consists of
The chart below provides information on the retail dairy milk, this is the biggest sector.
market in Ireland in 2009 (excluding independent/ Retail Dairy Market in Republic of Ireland 2009 Milk is widely available in local shops, garage shops
Retail Dairy Market in and supermarkets. Most milk sold in Ireland is fresh
45% Republic of Ireland 2009 pasteurised milk but UHT, condensed, evaporated and
40% 39% powdered milks are also available. Fortified milks are
17% increasingly popular and low fat and skimmed milks are
35% good for adult diets.
30% Yogurt is the second highest consumption, at 26% of
26% the retail market. Yogurt is often used as a snack food,
for lunches etc but it can be used for drinks, soups,
25% sauces, dressings, savoury dishes, and with breakfast
cereals. There are many flavours available and also low
20% 18% fat or reduced fat varieties for those on special diets. Bio
15% yogurts have live bacteria and are increasingly popular.
10% Cheese accounts for 18% of the market, the second low-
est on the table. Cheese is a very nutritious food, high in
protein food and rich in calcium. Most cheese in Ireland
is cheddar but farmhouse and artisan cheeses are
increasingly popular. Processed cheese such as ‘Calvita’
or ‘Easi singles’ are popular with children.

5% Dairy: Food for Life Annual Cream and fats
0% Milk Review Plan 2009 & 2010. NDC This is the smallest consumption group at 17% of the
market. It includes butter, ice cream, and cream. All
these foods are high in saturated fat.

Yogurts Cheese Cream & fats

▲ 95

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Section B: Food questions

Questions 1, 2 and 3 are usually from the food and nutri-
tion section of the course. Question B1 will often contain
topics such as nutrition, diets and food. Question 2 is
usually a food and diet question. Question 3 may con-
tain topics from microbiology, food processing, HACCP
or sensory analysis. The following are examples of the
types of questions asked with suggested solutions.

Meat plays a central role in the Irish diet.
(a) Discuss the nutritive value and the contribution of
meat and meat products to the diet.
(b) Processed meats are popular consumer products.
Outline two methods of meat processing and discuss
the use of these methods in relation to different types of
(c) Using meat as the main ingredient design three two-
course menu options for families on a low income. Give
reasons for your choice.

(a) Nutritive value of meat and meat products.
Protein: Meat contains high biological protein, which
means that it has a high percentage of the essential
amino acids that the body needs. Protein is needed to
make body cells, for the manufacture of hormones and
for growth in children. Myosin, actin and globulin are
proteins that are found in meat. The connective tissue
contains collagen and elastin. Fresh carcass meat will
have more protein than meat products such as sausages
or luncheon meats, corned beef etc.

Fat: The fat in meat is saturated and the amount of fat Types 2011 Question on protein
depends of the type of meat and the cut. Pork has more • Whole chicken or turkey
fat that chicken. The belly of the pig has more fat than • Cuts of meat, e.g. chops, chicken drumsticks (d) Give a detailed account of protein and refer to:
the leaner cuts along the back. Processed meats such as • Processed meats such as burgers, chicken nuggets, • Classification (simple and conjugated)
sausages and burgers are higher in fat as they are made • Supplementary value/complementary role
from the cheaper fatty cuts. ready-made meals, e.g. lasagne. • Structure (primary, secondary and tertiary).
Vitamins: Meat is an excellent source of B vitamins such
as niacin, thiamine, B1, riboflavin B2, pyridoxine B6. (c) Low-cost menus (24 marks)
These are needed for the release of energy. Vitamins
A and D are in liver. Some of the vitamins are lost in Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3 SAMPLE ANSWER:
cooked processed meats due to the heat in processing. Vegetable soup Chilli con carne Chicken and Classification
Contribution to the diet (dietetic value) Boiled brown rice broccoli bake.
1. Because of the iron content meat is excellent in the Shepherd’s pie Boiled carrots Class Group Example Food source
Boiled carrots Fresh fruit and sweetcorn Simple Animal Fibrous: meat
diets of pregnant women and adolescent girls who Yogurt collagen
may be deficient in iron. Red meat is very high in iron. and peas Apple crumble Plant Globular: milk
Processed meats such as burgers still contain a good Custard lactalbumin
supply of iron. Glutelin wheat
2. Meat provides protein so is excellent in the diets of Reasons:
children; the protein is needed for growth. Children Menu 1: Vegetable soup has fresh seasonal vegetables Conjugated Lipo- Lecithin egg
like products such as chicken nuggets and burgers. which are cheap and they will provide fibre and vita- proteins
These are easy for them to eat. However these pro- mins.
cessed meats are not as suitable as carcass meat as Shepherd’s pie contains mince, which is cheap. Boiled 3 groups @ 4 marks each, 6 points @ 2 marks each
they have less protein and more fat and are not as carrots and frozen peas are inexpensive and will add
nutritious. colour to the dish as well as vital vitamins A and C. Supplementary value / complementary role
3. Meat has saturated fat so it is not recommended in This meal is suitable for both adults and small children. 2 points @ 4 marks each (8)
large amounts for those who are on low cholesterol Menu 2: Chilli con carne contains mince and beans so it
or low fat diets. The fat should be trimmed off or lean is an excellent source of protein. Minced beef is inex- This is the ability of protein foods to make good the
cuts only should be used. Processed meats tend to be pensive. Boiled brown rice is cheap and it is better than deficiency of another. Not all foods have all the essential
very high in fat, e.g. salami, and these should not be white as it has more Vitamin B and fibre. As this dish amino acids we need. If we combine a food that is low
eaten by people on low fat diets or people who have has not got a lot of veg it would be a good idea to have in one or more of the essential amino acids with another
heart disease. fresh fruit for dessert for the Vitamin C and the yogurt food that is high in that amino acid, we get all we
(b) Processed meats can supply calcium. This is a balanced meal for children require. If we eat beans on toast for example, the bread
Methods : Curing and freezing and teenagers. is high in methionine and low in lysine and the beans
Curing Menu 3: Chicken and broccoli bake can be made from are high in lysine and low in methionine. By combining
The meat is cooled to 4°C and then injected with brine leftover chicken after the Sunday roast or from cheaper them together we get a complete protein meal.
(salt and water). It can also be soaked in brine for four cuts of meat like chicken thighs. It has protein in the
days. The meat is then hung in a cold room for four or cheese and the meat and calcium in the milk and the Structure (primary, secondary and tertiary)
five days. There is little loss of nutritive value but there cheese so it is an excellent dish for children. Adding 3 points @ 5 marks each (15)
is an increase in sodium (salt content). boiled carrots and sweetcorn adds colour and Vitamins
Types A, B and C. The apple crumble can be made from home- Primary structure: proteins are made of chains of amino
• Pork is traditionally cured as bacon or ham in Ireland. grown apples or cooking apples in season. Custard is acids. The amino acids are linked together in a chain by
Ham is generally the leg while bacon is the cheaper cheap to make for a family and adds calcium to a child’s a peptide link.
cuts. Rashers can be back rasher, from along the back diet.
of the animal, or streaky rasher, along the belly. In HO HH
Italy pork is cured and sold as parma ham or pro- H2N C C OH H N C COOH
• Beef is cured and sold as air-dried beef, but it is not R R
very common. water lost
• Processed meats such as salami, pepperoni and jerky.
Freezing is a common method of preserving meat. It can H2N C C N C COOH
be frozen as a cut of meat, e.g. chops, leg of lamb or as a
processed food such as burgers. In freezing the meat it is RR
preserved as the temperature is too low for microorgan- peptide link
isms to grow and multiply. Enzymes, which would make
the meat go off, are deactivated at low temperatures. Primary structure

▲ 96

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Secondary structure: The gly
protein chain now forms val leu
a spiral shape. In order
to maintain this shape lys lys
more bonds are needed. ala his gly
These are disulfide bonds,
where two sulphurs link lys val
together. Sometimes pro lys
hydrogen bonds occur,
when hydrogen bonds
with oxygen.
Tertiary structure: This
refers to the three-dimen-
sional organisation of the
polypeptide chain into
another shape – straight
would be fibrous (colla-
gen in meat), globular
would be like a sphere
(albumin in egg white for

Other protein terms to Secon(dαa-rhyesltixr)ucture
Conjugated proteins –
protein chains that have
non-protein parts in the
chain, e.g. lipo-proteins

Derived proteins – proteins 2017 Question on cheese 8. The blocks are cut and salt is added for flavour and
that form as a result of a reaction (chemical or due to an preservation.
enzyme) Ireland produces more farmhouse cheese varieties per
capita than any other country in the world. Our reputation 9. Salted curds are placed in moulds and pressed;
Biological value –the amount or percentage of essential for quality extends overseas, with Ireland exporting 90% moulds may be sprayed with hot water to form a
amino acids in the protein/food. of the cheese it produces. (The National Dairy Council) protective rind.
(a) Evaluate the nutritional value and the dietetic con-
Supplementary value – when protein foods are served tribution of cheese to the diet. (20) 5 points @ 4 marks 10. The cheese is removed from the mould, date stamped
together so that we get all the amino acids we need, a each (2 references to nutritional value; 2 references to dietetic and stored for 3 - 12 months to ripen (mature).
food low in certain amino acids is served with a food contribution + 1 other)
that is high in those amino acids. Nutritional value: 11. ➤Packaging: some cheese is vacuum-packed in poly-
Cheese has 10–30% protein depending on the type. The thene zip-lock plastic bags. In cheese mongers it may
Deamination – the breakdown of the amino acid in the protein is high biological value, which means that it has be wrapped in waxed paper.
body during digestion, the NH2 is changed to NH3 and a lot of the essential amino acids that the body needs. ➤Labelling: a label is placed on the package giving the
then into urea. The COOH is converted into energy and Soft cheese contains less protein than hard cheese such type, brand, quantity, nutritional information, date-
may be stored as fat. as cheddar. stamp etc.
Fat: 4 -35%: Hard cheese is high in fat. The fat is satu-
Deficiency of protein rated, which means it is not good for people with heart (c) Discuss the role of artisan producers/small
If a person does not have enough protein it will result disease. Cottage cheese is low in fat. businesses in the Irish food industry. (12) 4 points @ 3
in: Vitamins: Cheese is a good source of Vitamin A, which marks each
• Retarded growth in children is good for eyes, skin, membranes and growth. It also 1. Specialty foods are produced in limited quantities by
• Lack of energy contains Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) for energy release and
• Poor functioning of the body systems as enzymes, contains some Vitamin D for the absorption of calcium. small businesses or home enterprises using nonindus-
It has no Vitamin C. trial traditional skills, e.g. cheeses, chutneys, jams,
hormones etc are not replaced Dietetic contribution: breads, smoked fish, chocolates etc. It is important
• Illness and infection Cheese can be hard to digest because of the high fat to hold onto our traditional Irish foods and showcase
• Marasmus – this is a severe deficiency; the person has content. Some cheeses have a strong flavour and small Ireland as a producer of fine food.
children for example might not like them. Mild cheese 2. Many are family-run businesses based in rural areas
thin legs and arms, a sunken face and a distended is excellent for children as it has protein, calcium and and therefore provide employment for local people.
abdomen Vitamin D for bones and teeth. This helps the economy in the community.
• Kwashiorkor – this is a less severe deficiency pre- 3. The standard of food produced is high, e.g. additives
senting as retarded growth in children, dermatitis, are not used. The consumer gets a high quality prod-
distended abdomen and thin hair. uct.
4. These producers implement very high standards of
Energy value hygiene in the production of their foods and therefore
1g of protein gives 4kcal or 17 Kj of energy. the consumer gets a safe product to eat. HACCP is
always implemented.

Properties of proteins Soft cheeses, especially those made from unpasteurised FOOD SHOPPING CARD
1. Most proteins are insoluble in water. milk, should be avoided by pregnant women due to the
2. Proteins are denatured by heat; denaturation is the risk of listeria. Listeria can cause still births. Check how much fat, sugar and salt is in your food
(b) Describe the production of cheese
changing of the shape of the protein. The proteins Sugars Fat Saturates Salt
stick together or coagulate, e.g. fried egg.
HpeIrG100Hg 2O2v.e5rg 1O7.v5erg 5Over 1O.5vegr The amount you eat of
g a particular food affects
how much sugars, fat,
3. Proteins are denatured by acid; acid breaks down Students should refer to stages of production, packaging MpeErD10IU0Mg 5Between 3Between 1.5Between 0.3Between saturates and salt you
the bonds in the protein chains, e.g. add lemon juice and labelling. (18) 9 points @ 2 marks each production: 7 g g g g
to milk and the milk curdles. stages @ 2 marks each: packaging: 2 marks; labelling: 2 marks 5and will get from it.
22an.d5g 17a.n5d g g 1.a5ndg

4. Proteins are denatured by enzymes; enzymes break Stages of production: LOW 5g 3g 1.5g 0.3g
down the protein chains. This can occur in food 1. A culture of lactic acid bacteria is added to pasteur- and
processing, e.g. rennet is used in cheese making to per 100g and and and below
change from the curds and whey. Adding enzymes is a ised milk. below below below
common way to tenderise meat before cooking. 2. The lactose (sugar in milk) changes to lactic acid
5. Proteins are denatured by mechanical means; phys- which adds flavor and acts as a preservative.
ically breaking the bonds can occur in food processing 3. The milk is heated to 30°C and the rennet is added Sample question on sodium
or cooking, e.g. beaten egg white.
– this contains the enzyme rennin which coagulates “Over half of all adults in Ireland over 45 years of age
6. Maillard reaction – amino acids react with carbo- protein (caseinogen to casein). have high blood pressure. About four in every five men
hydrate (sugar) in dry heat to make the protein go 4. The mixture separates into curds (solids) and whey and two in every three women with high blood pressure
brown, e.g. roast meat. (liquid). are not being treated.” Irish Heart Foundation.
5. The curds are chopped to release more whey, the Eating too much sodium in the diet can contribute to high
7. Some proteins have special elastic properties, e.g. whey is drained off. blood pressure.
gluten in wheat. This makes dough stretchy and it 6. The curds are heated to 35 - 40°C to squeeze out In relation to sodium, outline:
rises easily during baking. more whey and achieve correct consistency (scald- (a) The functions of sodium in the diet
ing). (b) Dietary guidelines for the reduction of sodium in the
7. The curds are cut into blocks and piled on top of diet.
each other to complete drainage of whey (cheddar- (c) Plan a menu for one day for an adult who is on a low
ing). sodium diet.

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(b) Design a family budget (two adults and two young
children) where the net weekly income is €650. Give a
reason for the proposed allocation of income for each
area of expenditure.

(a) The functions of sodium in the diet SAMPLE ANSWER: • Buy second-hand if you can, e.g. school books, college
• Helps maintain the right balance of fluids in your Social factors that affect income books
Age: Income tends to increase as people get older; they
body are more experienced and move up the pay scale. Young • Don’t impulse buy, ask yourself if you NEED the item.
• Helps transmit nerve impulses people starting work have lower wages. Retired people
• Influences the contraction and relaxation of muscles get a pension which could be half of the money they got Section B, Question 5
when they were working.
(b) Dietary guidelines for the reduction of sodium in the Gender: Despite equality laws, women on average earn This is a favorite question with many students. It is
diet. less than men. The number of women in the workforce usually from the Sociology section of the course and
• Do not add salt to foods during cooking, for flavour has increased. Managerial positions in Ireland are still it is a great question for students who are taking the
male dominated. Women may not seek promotion as Social elective. Timing can be an issue on this question
use pepper or herbs and spices. Do not add salt to they want to care for children or want a better work- as some students are tempted to write long, essay-style
foods at the table. life balance etc. Women may take on part-time work to answers. Allow no more than 25 minutes and try to
• Avoid processed and cured meats, use fresh cuts of spend more time at home. answer the question you are asked. There is no need
meat instead. Cured meats and fish have been soaked Socio-economic class group: People from lower socio- to write long paragraphs. Look at the following sample
in brine, which is salt and water. economic class groups and poorer backgrounds tend answer, bullet points and a chart help to lay out the
• Avoid hard cheeses as they have added salt, e.g. ched- to leave school early without qualifications. This can information quickly and concisely.
dar. Use soft cheese instead such as mozzarella. lead to unemployment or low paid jobs with few As the world’s oldest form of human relationship, the
• Reduce processed foods and snack foods such as crisps opportunities for career advancement or for improving family has survived thousands of years, adapting itself
and salted nuts. Read all processed food packets and income levels. People from middle socio-economic class constantly to changing socioeconomic conditions and the
look for the salt content of the food before purchase. groups generally have better educational opportunities progress of humanity.
• Do not use stock cubes or soy sauce in dishes. Make and are more likely to get a third-level qualification (a) Analyse the social and economic changes that affect
homemade stock and use herbs or chillies for flavour. enabling them to find well paid work. contemporary families. (20) 5 points @ 4 marks each
• Do not use salted butter; change to margarine and 2 references to social, 2 references to economic plus 1
dairy spreads or unsalted butter in cooking and for Design a family budget (two adults and two young other
using at the table. children) where the net weekly income is €650. Give a SAMPLE ANSWER:
reason for the proposed allocation of income for each Social
MEALS FOR ONE DAY FOR AN ADULT ON LOW area of expenditure. Increase in divorce: In modern times there has been an
SALT/SODIUM DIET (b) Family budget increase in the numbers of couples seeking a separation
or divorce. Divorce is now legal in Ireland so if the
Income Expenditure Reason marriage is in difficulty the couple can separate and
even remarry. Separation has led to an increase in the
Wages €650 Rent €200 Housing approx. 25% of number of single-parent families.
income but rents now high Smaller family size: The legal introduction of
(average €1,000 a month) contraception and family planning resulted in a
decrease in the number of births. The lifting of the
Travel, petrol €50 Travel 5%, however more bar of married women working in the 1970s coupled
and insurance, needed as car needs with the higher education of women, found more Irish
car tax insurance tax etc. this mothers staying in employment and wanting a career
would not include car loan and fewer children.
Breakfast Orange juice Economic
Lunch Porridge with fortified milk Food & lunches €170 Approx. 25% of income. Increase in the cost of living: As the cost of living
Cooking all meals from increased, coupled with the increase in the cost of
Wholemeal toast scratch and shopping in housing up to 2007, more couples found that they both
with unsalted butter Make budget supermarket had to have full-time jobs. Farming is no longer the
and marmalade sure to primary source of income in rural areas and often there
Tea or coffee use unsalted Education €10 Children still young so free is a second income.
education. Allow some Families living on welfare: During the recession some
Pasta, tomato and butter or dairy money for school uniforms people lost their jobs. This resulted in many families
spread and books having to live off welfare payments. Many single parents
green pepper salad cannot afford expensive crèche fees and find that they
with poached salmon Utility bills, €100 Approx. 15% of income. need to remain at home and live on welfare payments.
Strawberry yogurt heat, electricity/ These bills vary from Children living at home for longer: With the increased
Water gas /phone summer to winter. Some levels of education required for employment, and
bills might be due every the increasing cost of both rented and purchased
Dinner Pureed vegetable soup two months so family must accommodation, parents find that their children can
Brown bread and unsalted butter budget be financially dependent on them for much longer,
even into the child’s mid to late 20s. Parents and
Roast chicken no Social life €30 Approx. 5%, this includes grandparents often help older children financially with
Boiled new potatoes gravy family day out, presents for college fees and housing.
children at Christmas and (b) Explain how the family can meet the physical
Boiled carrots and broccoli birthdays etc. and psychological needs of children so that they can
contribute to and succeed in a rapidly changing society.
Snacks Scone and jam, with tea savings €30 Approx. 5%, to save for (18) 6 points @ 3 marks each
unexpected events, and (2 references to physical, 2 references to psychological
FOOD STUDIES REVISION family occasions, holidays, plus 2 others)
When revising the food section of the course it can seem Communions etc, Physical
very daunting to tackle the chapter in the book on the Food: Parents need to provide children with a healthy
nutrients, so why not try and divide the content over a clothes €30 Approx. 5%, children will balanced diet, paying particular attention to the
few weeks? The table below is a sample of how topics need new shoes and clothes
might be divided up. as they grow out of them

Medical €30 Children under six will have
a GP card, allow 5%
Grouping topics together: a six-week revision list for food
Total €650 Total €650

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 What is MABS?
MABS is the Money Advice and Budgeting Service. It is a
Carbohydrates Fat Protein Vitamins Iron, Calcium free, confidential service funded by the Citizens Infor-
sodium mation Bureau, run by trained money advisors. As part
of this service it offers a phone helpline and a drop-in
Cereals Butter Fish & Fruit & Meat Milk & service. The website has more information
Sugar and dairy eggs vegetables cheese and a budget tool.

Coeliac disease Low fat Children’s Vegetarian Anaemia Osteoporosis Budgeting tips for families
diets diets diets • Keep records of all expenditure and write them down,

Section B, Question 4 keep receipts
• Change providers, shop around for insurance, phone
Question 4 has traditionally come from the Resource Man-
agement section of the course, and may include topics plan etc.
such as electrical appliances or textiles. • Shop in budget supermarket, make a meal or menu
Sample question 2015
Money management skills are vital to running the house plan for a week, then make a list and stick to it
as a financial unit. • Make sure you’re getting all the tax credits and bene-
(a) Analyse three social factors that affect household
income. fits you’re entitled to, ask Citizens Advice or MABS
• Clear all expensive loans first, use a Credit Union loan
• Shop with cash, you see what you spend, avoid credit

cards in case you can’t meet repayments
• Wait for sales or shop online for offers

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nutritional requirements of the growing child. Parents (a) Responsibility
encourage healthy eating and limit unhealthy snack (i) Define marriage as it exists in Irish law. • Each spouse is expected to remain faithful and loyal to
foods in order to prevent obesity, diabetes etc. (ii) Set out the legal requirements for marriage in Ireland.
Clothing: Parents provide sufficient clothing for modesty (21) the other in a monogamous relationship.
and protection of the child, making sure that they have • Each spouse has the responsibility to financially sup-
winter coats, well-fitting shoes, school uniforms etc. (b)Discuss the rights and responsibilities of partners
Psychological within a marriage relationship. (20) port one another and their children.
Love and affection: Parents provide an environment (c) Outline the conditions required for granting a divorce
where the child experiences love and affection and they (c) Outline the conditions required for granting a divorce under the Family Law (Divorce) Act 1996.
feel safe. This means the child grows up confident and under the Family Law (Divorce) Act, 1996.
will have lasting, solid relationships. (9) 3 conditions @ 3 marks each
Praise and encouragement: If the child is given praise (i) Marriage is a socially and legally acceptable union 1. Spouses must have lived apart for at least four of the
and encouragement the child will learn, become confi- between two people with the exclusion of all others. (5)
dent and happy and will have high self esteem. previous five years.
Protection: The family protects its children and mem- (ii) Set out the legal requirements for marriage in Ireland. 2. There is no prospect of reconciliation.
bers with disabilities or illnesses. The family needs to (16) 4 requirements @4 marks each 3. Adequate provision has been made for spouse, chil-
protect children against cruelty and abuse.
(c) Discuss the challenges that may be experienced by the dren and any other dependent relative.
parents of a child with special needs.
1. A wedding must take place in a registered build- Tips for the Social Studies question
(12) 3 points @ 4 marks each ing, e.g. in a registry office, church or mosque or in
Housing: The family may have to modify their home for a venue which has been inspected and approved in ➤ Watch the time, maybe do this question last
a wheelchair user. While grants are available there will advance by a registrar. Licences can now be obtained ➤ You can use bullet points
still be an extra cost. to allow people to temporarily register a location such ➤ Stick to the point
Loss of income: One member of the family may need to as a hotel, beach or a garden for the purpose of mar- ➤ Learn the laws: Divorce Law, Child Care Act, etc.
give up work to stay at home as a carer of the child with riage. ➤ If using paragraphs highlight or underline the main points
special needs; this reduces the family income.
Stress and worry: Having a child with special needs 2. Three months’ written notice must be given to the you are trying to make
places worry and strain on parents. They worry that registrar.
if something should happen to them who would take Checklist of topics for revision
care of their child. They may have to get up at night to 3. Marriages must be registered after the ceremony; two
look after a child. Lack of sleep and extra work can put witnesses must sign the register. Nutrients Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins,
a physical strain on parents, especially older parents. minerals, energy
Parents might have to rely on voluntary organisations 4. Marriage must be entered into voluntarily by both
for respite care. partners. Foods Cereals, fats and oils, milk, cheese,
Financial issues: There are often extra costs involved eggs, meat, fish, fruit, vegetables
in caring for children with special needs. While some 5. Partners must be over 18 years of age.
children get a medical card there may be extra therapies 6. Neither spouse may be in an existing marriage (if Micro-biology Bacteria, moulds, yeasts, food
that need to be paid for privately such as occupational poisoning
therapy or speech and language therapy. married before they must get divorced first).
7. Couples are restricted by blood relationships, ie they
2015 Higher Level Question B5
cannot marry a close relative.
Each year thousands of couples get married in Ireland.
The majority of these marriages begin with some form of (b) Discuss the rights and responsibilities of partners Food Preservation, labelling, HACCP,
official ceremony with Church ceremonies being the most within a marriage relationship technology sensory analysis, additives
popular. (Accord)
(20) 5 points @ 4 marks each Sociology Family, laws, children, marriage,
Rights elderly, people with special needs
• Each spouse is entitled to live together.
• Couples are entitled to have sexual relations with each Home Technology, textiles, housing
other to consummate the marriage; non-consummated
marriages can be annulled. Consumer Budgets, savings, paying for goods,
• Spouse and Children’s Act 1976: Legally, any child studies mortgages, insurance
born must be looked after physically, morally and
socially. Married couples have joint custody and Other topics History of Irish diets, special diets,
responsibilities for the care and upbringing of cooking processes
• The inheritance of a spouse is provided for in the Suc-
cession Act 1965.

SECTION C: Elective

There are three electives and you must attempt one in
the exam. Students should ensure that they know which
elective they are doing and therefore they don’t waste
time reading the other electives in the exam.

Each elective has three parts, you must attempt part
(a) and then you have a choice of part (b) or (c).

Elective: Home Design and Management and Elective
3: Social Studies are worth 80 marks each. These are
the most popular electives. Elective 2: Textiles, Fashion
and Design is worth 40 marks, as students have already
completed a practical component for this elective.

The Social Studies elective is very popular with
students. When looking at past papers you need to be
aware of all the social changes in Ireland today, be famil-
iar with current trends, unemployment levels, agencies
etc. When practising previous exam papers, adapt the
marking schemes for current affairs and events. The fol-
lowing is a sample answer from the 2006 paper, altered
for life in 2019.

(a) Ireland has just come out of recession and people
have seen increasing prosperity in recent times, however
it still has one of the highest levels of income inequality
in the EU.
(i) Define each of the following: (a) Relative poverty (b)
Absolute poverty. 2 definitions @ 5 marks each
(a) Relative poverty: This is when a person’s income and feature of modern society. In your answer include refer- seek employment (social policy). People aged over 21
resources are less than the general accepted standard of ence to the cycle of poverty and the influence of social who are not working can go to school and college to get
living in the society in which they live. People may not policy on poverty. 4 points @ 6 marks each (1 point must a qualification. They get paid an allowance every week
be able to afford things that most others in the society refer to the cycle of poverty and 1 point must refer to the and they do not have to pay fees for the course.
take for granted. Relative poverty varies from country to influence of social policy) High cost of housing: Rents have continued to increase
country. Lack of educational qualifications: People with low and many families are now paying a larger percentage of
(b) Absolute poverty: People haven’t got the money or standards of education often have to take low-paid their income on rent. To alleviate this, the Government
resources to physically survive; they haven’t got enough employment or are unemployed. They get stuck in the has introduced a new policy known as Housing Assis-
food, shelter and clothing. poverty trap. The Government offers a Back to Educa- tance Payment (HAP). The HAP scheme is controlled by
(ii) Discuss the reasons why poverty continues to be a tion Allowance to help people to gain qualifications to the local authority. Under the scheme, local authorities

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pay landlords directly. Tenants pay a weekly HAP rent Yeats College students varies from about €1,000 to €5,000 depending on cir-
contribution to the local authority; this is based on their cumstances).
income and ability to pay. urban areas. There are many shops, café, cinemas etc. Fee grant: Following registration by a student on their
Families on low incomes: Families with children on low People have more choice. chosen course, their college will determine whether the
incomes may find that welfare payments are as high Poorer quality of life: In urban areas there is more pollu- fees are to be paid and the student will get a grant to
as wages. This might be a disincentive for people to tion and crime. Cities are noisy and homes are smaller, pay the fees .
continue to work. In recognition of this, the Government leading to a poorer quality of life. People often wish to The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is a college
has introduced the Working Family Payment (WFP), move to a rural area for a quiet life. and university scheme which offers places on reduced
formerly known as Family Income Supplement (FIS). It (ii) Comment on the efforts being made by the Govern- points and extra college support to school leavers from
is a weekly tax-free payment available to employees with ment to reverse this trend and halt population decline in socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds who are
children. It gives extra financial support to people on rural areas. 2 efforts/ initiatives @ 6 marks each resident in the Republic of Ireland.
low pay. • Rural resettlement: Free advice and practical help is
Cycle of poverty: Children from lower socio-economic HEAR has been set up by a number of colleges and
families generally don’t get the same opportunities as offered for families who wish to move from an urban universities as evidence shows that long-term poverty
children from higher socio-economic class groups in area and settle in a rural area. Such families are in can have a negative effect on how well a student does at
society. They are more likely to end up unemployed or in social housing; this frees up housing in the urban school and whether they go on to college.
low-paid jobs and have their own children who are born area.
into the perpetual cycle of poverty. • Decentralisation of Government departments, moving (ii) Outline the measures taken to alleviate gender
(iii) Give an account of two statutory initiatives aimed some sections to rural towns, e.g. moving the State inequity in education. 3 measures @ 4 marks each
specifically at eliminating poverty in Ireland. Examination Commission to Athlone. This creates Textbooks are less stereotypical. Texts and photographs
2 initiatives @ 8 marks each (Name = 4 marks: Account employment opportunities. People then settle in these portray men and women doing all sorts of jobs and
= 4 marks) x 2 areas, creating other forms of employment as they sharing housework, for example. In the past the woman
Medical cards and GP visit cards need services, shops, creches, dentist etc. would have been portrayed as homemaker.
Issued by the HSE, a GP card entitles the holder to visit 3. (c) (i) Name and describe two contemporary initiatives Subject choice: There may be a narrow range of subjects
their GP free of charge. However, other fees for supple- which aim to improve the accessibility of education. in single-sex schools, e.g. Home Economics may not be
mentary services may have to be paid for, e.g. prescrip- 2 initiatives @ 9 marks each (Name = 3 marks; descrip- offered in some boys’ schools. New schools are generally
tions. All children under the age of six are entitled to a tion = 2 points @ 3 marks each marks) x 2 for both genders, e.g. Educate Together schools. These
GP card. SUSI: This is a grant towards the costs of third-level schools offer a wider variety of subjects and encourage
A medical card entitles the holder to visit the GP, avail education. boys and girls to take subjects that they are interested
of some dental treatment, get prescriptions and get Maintenance grant: The maintenance grant is a con- in.
in-patient and outpatient treatment in hospital. Peo- tribution towards day-to-day living costs and is paid Teachers: Teachers are now aware of encouraging girls
ple on welfare payments, foster children, people living directly to eligible students through nine monthly to take STEM subjects and encouraging gender equal-
in direct provision and people with certain long-term instalments over the course of the academic year. (It ity. Gender issues are openly discussed. Teachers treat
conditions get medical cards. People aged over 70 with male and female students equally, e.g. there are common
a gross weekly income of under €500 are entitled to a discipline codes.
medical card.
Jobseeker’s Allowance
This is a payment made to people who are long-term
unemployed. They must be capable of work and be avail-
able for full-time work and genuinely seeking work. The
person must satisfy the means test to show that they
have no income, or don’t live with someone who has an
income. The first €20,000 of savings is not counted as
(b) “Almost 80% of the Irish population now live in urban
(i) Discuss how changes in settlement patterns from
rural to urban areas has impacted on family life.

3 points @ 6 marks each
Businesses may close down in rural areas, e.g. post
offices, because there are not enough people using the
service. This means fewer services for people in rural
areas. Young people may have to leave the area in search
of work and elderly family members become more
Fewer employment opportunities: They are fewer
employment opportunities in rural areas as businesses
close. New businesses open nearer to the city, where
there is better infrastructure and more demand for ser-
vices. In some rural areas employment may be seasonal,
e.g. the tourism industry.
Greater choice and range of services in urban areas:
Facilities for leisure and entertainment are closer in

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