Written by Christopher Gabriel
This is my first time being away from you all for so long. This is a dedication to you; my family as I
show you my journey here at SFSU. Mom, Dad, Mona, and Joe I hope this gives you a better understanding of
Thank you.
Table of Contents:
1. Who I was
2. Perception
3. Relationships
4. New Meaning of Family
5. TLC
6. Start of Something New
Who I was
As I enter the final days of my first semester at
SFSU, I look back and reflect on my long journey.
Through my young adolescence I lived life through my
brothers shadow. At times I felt like a nuisance to the
ones close to me. Growing up as the only black kid
amongst my peers made me a target. I struggled to find
my place on this earth and to find value in life. I
internalized the phrase “survival of the fittest” believing
in order to be successful I had to be better than everyone
else. Whenever I came up short I kept my head down.
The failures, those times I didn’t stand up for myself all
took a toll. I struggled to ask for help because I was to
worried about their perceptions of myself as a man. It’s
like I carried this boulder over my shoulders for years,
bringing it wherever I go. Before I took African families
I subscribed myself to a lifestyle where my self image
always needed validation from others, where I had no
real sense of community. Through my trials and errors I
grew up relying only on myself. In order to pave my own
way I believed distance from my parents and siblings
would be best. I was wrong. Because I never really
understood the meaning of community, I had a hard time
fitting into one. I used to walk this earth, a lone wolf
searching for myself and a community to belong to.
Turns out my search was unnecessary because my
community is my home; my family. It took a long time to
get to the feeling I’m at now, even though I still haven't
figured out who I am and that's ok. What I’ve learned
during my time in this class is that its ok to still search
for one's true self. I will get there.This book is made for
you, my family and to show my personal growth as a
member of our community.
Selections from the Yurugu written by Marimba
Ani, interrogated the way I saw life. I like many others
in the class were challenged on how we perceive the
world around us. I never considered a view from a
different social lenz until after reading the selections
provided. Our very thoughts, behaviors, and logic were
all shaped and molded by a culture foreign to us. We
were nurtured with the eurocentric ideals of how we go
about life. It’s kind of crazy when you think about it. I
started to question the lifestyle I subscribed to, my
mission, and how I want to go forward with life. I was
provided a deeper meaning to myself as a member of the
Africana family.
The concept of the prince charming really changed
how I look at myself as a black man. It’s the eurocentric
perception of what a man has to be in order to secure his
dream girl. That sounds nice, but in reality it enforces
the patriarchal standard where the male has to always
be on top. This concept has been ingrained in my head as
a young man as media always portrayed every male
protagonist as a type of prince charming. Also the prince
charming role can also be seen at home, through you dad.
In this household you are the provider, the absolute
leader, someone who set the standards of what a real
man is supposed to be. Because I didn't have these
qualities of a prince charming I had zero confidence
when it came to women. Although I got over this hurdle
I still felt like I was less of a man because I couldn't live
up to those standards. As I dug deeper into the readings
I’ve realized that don't have to live by these standards in
order to be consider a true man. After I grew some
confidence in my self image, I began dating women
hoping that it will fill in what I’ve been missing. I used
to believe that in order to be truly happy I had to have
someone by my side. The years spent searching from one
partner to the next made me believe that my soulmate
was not out there. Most relationships were based on
flesh connection where in these partnerships I lacked
intimacy. After reading a selection from Patricia Dixon
I started to comprehend that maybe a relationship is not
what I needed. I’ve been seeking to be that provider for
someone, to be their source of happiness but in reality
that drains the intimacy. How could I make someone
happy, when I struggle to find happiness myself?
Relationships should be formed when two completely
happy individual can be together with or without each
others presence. That is why I’ve decided to take a step
back from dating, and to work on where I want to be in
New Meaning of Family
Relying on myself distanced me from my you all. I
solely believed that I can be strong without support from
a family. With distancing myself, I also excluded my
presence in a welcoming community. Meaning I
personally decided not to keep in touch with aunties,
uncles, cousins, and family friends who were there for
me. The decolonization of my mind forced me to rethink
the meaning of family and community. In reading Wade
Nobles “Africana and Black Family” the text provided
me with a deeper meaning on spirituality within the
family and embracing my community. In the text Nobels
states “The family existence is more important than the
individual existence”. This quote in a way redefined my
purpose in life as a member of my community. It changed
my role from “the lone wolf” to more
interactive/supportive role. My community even though
I neglected their presence, always wanted me to strive
and be happy. My new purpose within my community is
to provide that same support that was always there for
me, to our younger generation. I’ve also realized how
much of a role spirituality plays in the connectedness of
this family. Even though we’ve been miles away from
each other for some time the bond that we share is still
strong and it’s only getting stronger as I progress
through this journey. The pursuit for my goal became less
TLC (Talking and Listening with Care) is a form
of effective communication that I should practice more
often. For our family to prosper communicating with
respect and honor, no matter the type of conversation is
key for a stronger relationship. I’ve learned in order to
effectively communicate I must see you all as an
extension of myself. Value must be placed on opinions
offered to me, and the same should be in return.
Communicating the way my thoughts, and emotions will
help you better understand me, and will also make me
feel better. By practicing TLC and understanding how to
effectively communicate we can resolve any issue,
strengthening our unity.
Start of Something New
Although I still have troubles figuring out myself,
the tools presented in my Black Family class makes me
feel optimistic about my future. I understand that I
don’t have to be alone. With the support of my
community and family I don't have to carry this boulder
by myself anymore. You will help me no matter the
problem, and I the same. I promise to do my part as a
member of this family and spend the quality time you
deserve. Maybe you can help me figure out me? In order
for me to grow I need to drop my barriers and let you all
in. I will not minimize your love no more by distancing
myself, Im here. Joe, Mona; I am your brother. Mom,
dad; I am your son. You all are a reflection of me. I love
you all. Thank you for reading.
Works Cited
Nobles, Wade W. A fricanity and the Black Family: the Development of a Theoretical Model.
Institute for the Advanced Study of Black Family Life and Culture, 1985.