2019 IntErnatIOnaL StudEnt OrIEntatIOn
Butler University Rules of Conduct
Upon being admitted, a student assumes an obligation to conduct himself/herself in a manner compatible with the University‘s functions as an educational institution. Misconduct for which students may be subject to sanctions falls into the following categories:
1. Violation of the University‘s published policies, regulations, or Rules of Conduct set out herein, including, but not limited to, those governing alcoholic beverages, academic dishonesty, campus solicitation, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, student organizations, or use of University facilities.
2. Disruption of teaching, research, administrative, or student conduct procedures or other University activities, including its public functions, or other authorized activities on or off University premises.
3. Involvement in behavior that could or does result in physical injury, destruction of University property or that of a third party, or obstruction of the normal functioning of the University.
4. Attempted or actual theft, unauthorized possession of another's property, dishonesty, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University.
5. Violation of rules governing residential units or of those regulations and guidelines established by the individual residential units.
6. Physical, mental, or verbal abuse of any person or any conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any such person on University-owned or related property, or at any University- sponsored and/or supervised functions.
7. Unauthorized entry, occupancy, or use of University facilities.
8. Disorderly conduct, or reckless, intimidating, lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression on University-owned or related property, or at University-sponsored or supervised functions or against a representative of the University.
9. Unauthorized use, possession, or distribution of any controlled substance or illegal drug, including, but not limited to, marijuana, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), or cocaine.
10. Unauthorized use or possession of explosives, firearms, firecrackers, fireworks, a paintball gun, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals.
11. Smoking in classrooms, laboratories, residence halls, or in other prohibited areas.
12. Failure to comply with directions of University officials acting in the performance of their duties.
13. Use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages except as expressly permitted by law and Butler University regulations; public intoxication.
14. Violation of any criminal law while enrolled in the University: federal, state, or municipal.
Butler's Rules of Conduct in Plain Speak
Rule #1: Follow all of the rules.
Rule #2: Let activities of the University occur as they should. Personal expression is a good thing but disruption is... well, disruptive.
Rule #3: Don't hurt anybody or damage anybody's stuff.
Rule #4: If it's not yours leave it alone, and for goodness sake present yourself truthfully.
Rule #5: If you live in University-owned housing there are more rules to know, many of which deal with how to get along and stay safe while living in close quarters. They are also listed in the Handbook under "Residence Life."
Rule #6: Treat others with respect and compassion. Intentional meanness is not okay. Everyone in our Community of C.A.R.E. deserves to feel safe and accepted. Speak and act with a kind heart.
Rule #7: Don't enter places if you don't have permission to be there.
Rule #8: Keep your clothes on (unless you are in the shower) and keep ugly words and gestures to yourself.
Rule #9: Illegal drugs and controlled substances are illegal and should not be here.
Rule #10: Other things that are not welcome here: firearms, fireworks, explosives and other dangerous weapons. They are disruptive and can hurt people.
Rule #11: At Butler, we have designated areas if you choose to smoke. Find out where they are and keep your cigarette butts there.
Rule #12: If a University official asks you to do something - do it. This is especially important in emergency situations and during fire drills.
Rule #13: Every state in the nation says alcoholic beverages are not to be consumed or provided to people under the age of 21. Indiana and Butler are on board with that idea too.
Rule #14: Any violation of a city/state/federal law can cause a problem here too. (Return to Rule #1 and read ALL very broadly.)
Monday, August 19
International Orientation Dining Schedule
Fall 2019
8am-9am, Breakfast, Atherton Dining Hall (DAs) Noon-1pm, Lunch, Atherton Dining Hall, (DAs) 6:30pm-9pm, Welcome Dinner, South Campus, 001M (DAs)
Tuesday, August 20
8am-9am, Breakfast, Atherton Dining Hall, DAs and Participants Noon-1pm, Lunch, Atherton Dining Hall, DAs and Participants 6:30pm-9pm, Welcome Dinner, South Campus, 001M
Wednesday, August 21
7:30am-8:3oam, Breakfast, Atherton Dining Hall, DAs and Participants Lunch, WalMart – Subway (students responsible for meal)
4:30pm – 5:30pm Dinner, Atherton Dining Hall
Thursday, August 22
8am-9am, Breakfast, South Campus, Room 001M DAs and Participants 11:30am, Lunch, South Campus, 001M
4:30pm-5:30pm, Dinner, Atherton Dining Hall
Friday, August 23
8am-9am, Breakfast, Atherton Dining Hall Noon-1pm, Lunch, Atherton Dining Hall, 5:30pm – 7pm, Dinner, Atherton Dining Hall
Saturday, August 24
8am-9am, Breakfast, Atherton Dining Hall, DAs and Participants Noon-1pm, Lunch, Efroymson Diversity Center, DAs and Participants Evening at Keystone at the Crossing Mall - Dinner Downtown
Sunday, August 25 Meal Plans are activated
Brunch, Atherton Dining Hall 5:30pm-6:30pm, Dinner, Atherton Dining Hall
International Student Orientation Fall 2019*
Please bring the following to Orientation:
I-20 (F-1)
or DS-2019 (J-1)
I-94 card (now online)
Any forms you need to turn in (health forms, insurance, etc.) $80 for linens
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Monday, August 19, 2019 International Student Airport Pickups Begin
Welcome Breakfast
Atherton Union Dining Hall
Continue to prepare for Student Arrivals
South Campus, Room 114
Atherton Dining Hall
International Student Airport Pickups Continue
6:30 p.m. Diversity Ambassador Orientation Dinner
South Campus, Room 001M
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Airport pickups and continued preparation, getting Butler IDS, unpacking, campus tours
8:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. Noon-1pm
7:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m.
Welcome Breakfast
Atherton Union Dining Hall
International Student Arrivals/Continued Preparation South Campus, Room 114
Atherton Dining Hall
Welcome Dinner
South Campus, Room 001M
Hangin’ with the Bulldogs
Hosted by Diversity Ambassadors South Campus, Common Room
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Atherton Union Dining Hall
Review Class Schedules/Letters to Self
South Campus, Room 001M
Depart for Walmart and T-Mobile Return to Butler
4: 00 p.m. Dinner
Atherton Union Dining Hall
10:00 p.m. Dawg Days Game Night
Hosted by the Diversity Ambassadors, South Campus, Common Room
Thursday, August 22, 2019
8:00am Check-in/Breakfast
Students should bring: Passport, Visa, I-20 (F-1) or DS-2019 (J-1), I-94 card (now
9:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. 1:30 pm 4:30pm
8:00am 10:00am
Noon 1:30pm
3:30pm 4:00pm
5:00pm 6:00pm
online), any forms you need to turn in (health forms, insurance, etc.), $80 for linens
South Campus, Room 001M
Immigration Session/Exchange Program Review
Bobbie Gibson, Center for Global Education - International Student Services, F-1 & J-1 Students (South Campus, Room AU004001M
South Campus, Room 001M
Insurance Workshop
South Campus, Room 001M, Kimberly Dickerson
Atherton Union Dining Hall
Discover Indy- Mass Avenue Arts and Cultural District –Indy Fringe Festival
Transportation Provided
Atherton Union Dining Hall
Friday, August 23, 2019
South Campus, Room 001M
Check-in/ Immigration Session/Exchange Program Review II
Students should bring: Passport, visa, I-20 (F-1) or DS-2019 (J-1), I-94 card (now online), any forms you need to turn in (health forms, insurance, etc.), $80 for linens, 120.00 for King’s Island
Bobbie Gibson, Center for Global Education - International Student Services, F-1 & J-1 Students (South Campus Library, AU004)
Recreation, Health and Wellness Recreation Department
Butler Counseling Center
Butler Health Center
Atherton Union Dining Hall
Open Bank Account
First Financial, South Campus Lounge)
NOTE: You will need your passport and US address to open an account
Living On Campus: The Residence Hall Experience
Fall 2019 South Campus 004
Campus Safety 101
BUPD South Campus AU004
Scavenger Hunt-How well do you know Butler?
Atherton Union Dining Hall
8:30pm Cosmic Bowling
Woodlawn Bowl, 96 and Keystone Ave., Transportation Provided 12:30am Return to Campus, Bulldog Statue
Saturday, August 24, 2019 South Campus, Room 001M
8:00am Breakfast
Atherton Union Dining Hall
10:30am Technology 101
Johnny Nguyen, bring electronic devices to be connected to the BU network, Location TBD
Noon This is Jeopardy- Test your knowledge of Butler University
Lunch Provided
1:30pm Looking Back – A reflection of the past few days
2:30pm Personal time
3:30pm Mall Attack
Keystone at the Crossing, transportation provided On your own for Dinner
7:30pm Return to Butler University Bulldog statue
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Monday, August 26, 2019
Academic Day South Campus, Room 001M
9:00am 10:45 am
Noon 1:00pm
2:00pm 3:00pm 4pm
10:00am 3:00 pm
“University Writing: An American Perspective”
“Learning about Butler Libraries through Augmented Reality” Irwin Library Presentation
Employment on Campus
Alyssa Laskowski
“Bulldog Basics: How to Have a Strong Start at Butler”
The Learning Resource Center Presentation
“All About the Benjamins”
The Student Accounts Presentation
Title IX Presentation
Tuesday, August 27, 2019 Academic Day
South Campus, Room 001M
Learning Resource Center
2019 InternatIonal Student orIentatIon
auguSt 21-27, 2019 PolIcIeS and remInderS
1. For all pre-orientation programs, the Butler University Rules of Conduct and all Resident Hall rules will be enforced.
2. Any International Student Orientation participant who violates the Butler University Rules of Conduct will either face dismissal from the program or judicial charges.
3. If dismissed from the program, participants will have to vacate their residence hall room
and return home until Saturday, August 24, 2019, the official First-Year student move-in day and the start of Orientation-Welcome Week, or Tuesday, August 27, 2019, the official move-in day for upperclassmen (Diversity Ambassadors).
4. All International Student Orientation participants living in the residence halls/ apartments must sign the ResLife rules as part of the check-in process.
5. Transportation will be provided for all scheduled off-campus activities. A liability waiver will be signed by all students, acknowledging risk of participation. Any student under the age of 17 must have parental signatures.
6. Be on time for scheduled workshops and events on the program schedule.
7. All dining hall meals will be in Atherton Dining Hall.
8. Bring your enthusiasm, a positive attitude and a cooperative spirit to all workshops.
9. No one stays behind; attendance will be taken at all workshops.
10. Most program costs are covered. Spending money is needed for lunch/dinner for the Keystone Mall event and Cosmic Bowling, if you wang to purchase food.
Things to Do with Your Student
Help with move-in and showing them around the building (laundry, front desk, mailbox, RA, kitchen, computer labs, etc). Show them your favorite places around campus to study, hang out, play.
Open a Bank Account—they’ll need their passport and there U.S. address. This year, the bank will come to us on Friday, August 23, 2019 , South Campus, Room 001M, from 1:30-3:30pm.
Cell Phones—Prepaid is the way to go to start out. We will take the students to T-Mobile and on Wednesday, August 21 2019. This would be the best time for students to get their phones.
Shopping—We will also be going to Walmart on Wednesday, August 21, 2019. Please make a shopping list with your student(s) so they know exactly what they will need to buy. The trip can be a little rushed.
Take them off campus to eat, be available to hang out, etc. ACADEMIC
Show F1 international students how to get on http://my.butler.edu to check their placement tests—if they still need placement tests, they need to do them before they meet with an advisor. If there’s any question about this, you can take them to the Learning Resource Center in Jordan Hall 136.
Meet advisor and register for classes—each F1 student will have a scheduled time to meet with an advisor this year. If a grad student, take them to their college if they need to meet their advisor.
Buy textbooks
Show all http://my.butler.edu for checking/printing schedule, changing, seeing their bill, etc. BUTLER STUFF
Get ID Card. BUPD is open Monday-Friday 8am to 4pm. Take them to get their ID cards as soon as possible; they will need this to eat in the dining halls. Remember to take their class schedule and passport, with you because they cannot receive their ID without it.
On-campus job—AU315 for information, as well, they can go directly to the department they’re interested in and ask—many students get their jobs this way vs. with the Handshake online with AU315.
Computer (online, log-in, email, blackboard, Help desk, wireless setup, etc)—info on wireless/ computer setup located in Resource section of this manual.
Take them through the Office of International Student Services website (http://www.butler.edu/international/).
Mailing address to BU instead of home country (Registration & Records/my.butler.edu)
Take them around campus, show them 1) the Library—go in and show them the different sections 2) Student Accounts 3) the Post Office 4) Registration and Records. If you do not have time, do not worry, most of these offices will be on the scavenger hunt.
They may want to pay a bill for housing or after registration pay their tuition so take them to Student Accounts so they understand where to go to pay.
If an exchange student take them to JH133 to meet me who serves as their academic advisor while they’re here.
Health Insurance—all students must have a health insurance plan through Butler. They should be able to print a temporary card through their account https://myhealth.butler.edu until they can pick up their original from Health Services.
Note: ISEP students will not have Butler insurance.
Make sure they know the lunch and dinner schedules, where, if you will meet them, etc. for the week.
Remind them what to bring to orientation: Passport, Visa, I-94 card, stamped I-20 (F-1) or stamped DS-2019 (J-1), proof of health insurance (ISEP students only), health records (if they haven’t already mailed them in), and $80 for linens if ordered.
Flight Information
Visit the Indianapolis International Airport website at http://www.indianapolisairport.com/ (see windows below)
Airport Etiquette
1. Before your pickup
Enter flight
information (you don’t need the city)
Check your student’s flight and status
b. Make sure you have your student’s packet including—flight info, housing info, and keys (if applicable), and bedding (if applicable).
c. Leave for the airport at least 30 minutes before their scheduled arrival time
d. Make sure you have your map—if you need it
2. At the airport
a. Park in the parking garage (it’s cheapest, and your first 30 minutes are free)
b. Check the monitors, then go to the baggage claim carousel for your flight—
usually, there is one carousel per airline
c. You’ll have their photo, and they will have yours, so they’ll know what you look
3. Possible problems
a. Student loss of Baggage
i.. Visit the Office of the airline and file a report. Provide a description of the bag as well as the dormitory or house address of the student on campus.
ii. Get the phone number of the airline/baggage report so that the student can call if the bag does not arrive
iii. Give my cell phone number as the contact number: 317-418-1808
b. Student does not arrive—you can’t find them
i. Go to the information desk up the stairs and have the student paged
ii. Check on the flight again (you can do this at the ticket counter for that
flight or the information desk)
iii. Check back at the baggage area as well as the outside pick up areas.
iv. Hopefully this won’t be such a problem if we exchange photos and have
the designated meeting point the baggage claim carousel.
c. As a last resort—Call me on my cell phone: 317-418-1808 (my cell phone will be
a second contact number for each student arriving)
d. Flight Delays after you have arrived at the airport
i. Assess the expected time—if it’s more than 1 hour, you can leave the airport and return, if you choose. It’s basically your call and your best judgment
Dormitory Addresses:
ResCo: Fairview: CTS: UT:
Irvington House Apt. Dawg House:
630 W. Hampton Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46208 4550 Sunset Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46208
4251 Haughey Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46208 599 W. Westfield Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46208 4 different addresses, check with ResLife
640 W. Hampton Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46208
750 W. Hampton Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46208
5026 Boulevard Place, Apt X###, Indianapolis, IN 46208
4. After your pickup
a. Ask the student if they are hungry, if so, take them somewhere on the way back to
campus to eat
b. Dormitory Check-in—if living in the dorms
i. You have the key for their room
ii. Take them to their room
iii. Show them the check-in card, and tell them their RA will go over it with
iv. Have them sign the Linen Agreement, if they bought linens
v. Show them their RA’s room, and any other info about their dorm (dining
hall, lounge, kitchen, TV room, etc.)
c. Make sure they know when and where to be on Tuesday evening d. Offer to come by before and get them on Tuesday
e. Make sure they have your cell phone/room phone number
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Australia Canada China Cyprus Ecuador France
Germany Hong Kong Italy Nepal
The Netherlands New Zealand Palestine
South Africa South Korea Spain
Countries Represented
Sweden UK
Coming to America
Coming to the United States for
college or graduate school can
introduce cultural differences
even the most prepared
students might not expect.
From classroom etiquette to
campus life, studying at a U.S.
school can be quite a different
experience from learning in another country.
Classroom Differences: A U.S. education may be more hands-on and interactive than what you've experienced in your home country, which could come as a shock to new students. The work isn't necessarily harder, but it's different. Expect a challenging amount of daily reading, quizzes, tests, homework assignments and above all you are expected to attend all scheduled classes. College students are expected to participate in class. Be prepared to ask questions, make comments and support your ideas, even if they differ from those of the professor.
City Disparities: From the bustling streets of New York City to the wide and flat plains of Kansas, it's impossible to geographically define the United States with a single term.
Large Portions of Food: Super-sized, free refills, big plates, mega everything! While studying in the United States, you can challenge yourself to eat it all or put it in the mini fridge for another meal for later (buy one, get one free!).
So Many Choices: America is all about freedom! Soup or salad? Decaf or half caf? French fried or baked potato? Scrambled eggs or poached eggs? How would you like that cooked? Sometimes you’ll need more than a couple of minutes to just look over the menu with the huge number of choices.
Friendly: Every stranger is just a future friend to Americans. Greeting strangers on the street, clerks thanking customers, and random smiles are common here. Often times International Students will answer the question ‘How are you?’ Many times, it is not a question to be answered, but more of a greeting.
Generous: Americans tip big, offer you a ride, an umbrella if it is raining and a place to sleep if necessary. We are amount the most people in the world.
Americans are Diverse: Not everyone you see looks alike, thinks alike, share the same customs. We are not homogeneous. Some people are tall, some are curvy. Some focus on fitness, while some focus more on fried foods.
Confidence: We are a confident people. We Americans have an inner Beyoncé in us. “People here seem to be confident on every subject and in any setting, whether they should be or not.”-A former International Student.
Local accents: You may not understand the local accent right away. Regional accents vary greatly in the U.S. Give yourself time to get used to the local accent.
Humor: Humor and sarcasm are an integral part of American English. This should be interpreted as a sign of friendliness, not disrespect.
Equality: The concept of equality is an essential part of United States culture particularly in matters of race but across class, and gender as well.
Religion: Americans respect religious differences and do not have a nationally sponsored religion. Religious beliefs are considered a private matter and your religious beliefs and customs will be tolerated by 99.5% of the population.
Patriotism: You are likely to find Americans to be open and interested in you and your country. If you return this friendliness with interest in the United States and Americans you will quickly make friends. International students who insist upon always pointing out ways in which their home country is better might soon find themselves alone. Americans are proud of their country as are most individuals from all around the world.
Remember to keep an open mind and try to stay flexible, as your time here is going to be an amazing experience.
Community of Care
In 2009, the term Community of Care was developed to describe Butler University's encouraging and supportive atmosphere where every person is empowered to engage in healthy behaviors, to support others in doing the same and to look out for one another. Our collective responsibility fosters a strong, healthy and connected community
The Community of Care concept has evolved into an empowered bystander model, taking on the acronym C.A.R.E. This acronym stands for:
C - Concern
A - Assume responsibility
R - React
E - Evaluate and follow-up
Research shows that a person is less likely to intervene in an emergency situation when others
are present than when he or she is alone. It is our natural inclination to assume that someone else will address the problem. Our commitment to C.A.R.E. encourages us to acknowledge concerning situations, assume personal responsibility, and have knowledge of safe and positive options for intervening. Effective reactions, depending on the nature of the situation, could be direct (personally stepping in or speaking up) or indirect (enlisting the help of a peer or professional, such as friends, a resident assistant, University Police, or Counseling& Consultation Services counselor).
The Community of C.A.R.E. is just an idea. The daily actions of our students, faculty, and staff make it real.
The chart below should help you guide the students to the correct office for assistance with their specific needs. (The new students have this same chart in their handbook)
Specific Area
International Student Services
Jordan Hall 133-D
Bobbie Gibson
Phone: ext. 9888 or 6287 Email: [email protected]
Immigration, Orientation, Employment Authorization, Extension of Stay, Internships (OPT/CPT/AT), International Club, International Living, Activities, Rides
Center for Global Education
Jordan Hall, 133-D
Bobbie Gibson
Phone: ext. 6287
Email: [email protected]
Academic Advising, Course Registration, Add/Drop Courses, Clarification of Exchange Agreement Benefits, Extension of Stay, & Transcripts for Exchange Students
Office of Admission
Robertson Hall
Lindsye Craig
Phone: ext. 8110
Email: [email protected]
Initial Admissions
Student Accounts
Jordan Hall, Room 102
Phone: ext. 8328
Email: [email protected]
Billing/Student Account
Residence Life
Atherton Union, Room 306
Shannon Mulqueen
Phone: ext. 9895
Email: [email protected]
Housing Placements, Requests and Changes
Learning Resource Center
Jordan Hall, Room 136
Riki Lawrence
Phone: ext. 9308
Email: [email protected]
Tutoring and Academic Study Skills
Registration and Records
Jordan Hall, Room 133
Michele Neary
Phone: ext. 9203
Email: [email protected]
Transcript Request, Official University Stamp, Course and Schedule Information
Career and Professional Success
Gary Beaulieu
Alyssa Laskowski
Phone: ext. 9383
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Alyssa—On Campus Student Employment Gary—Off Campus Employment, Resume Writing Skills, Workshops, Interview Skills
On-Campus Employment
Students may register with ICS and look for an on-campus job. Once obtained, the student must:
1. Have a completed purple work authorization form signed by me. 2. Take the form to ICS
3. Apply for their desired job
4. Obtain the job
Students can get an on-campus job for a maximum of 16 hours per week (Undergraduates), or 20 hours per week (Graduates) with a maximum of 2 jobs at any given time.
Social Security Cards
International Students may only obtain a social security card and number when they have secured on-campus employment. To obtain a social security card, the international student must:
1. Get a letter from their supervisor, on their departmental letterhead stating the job title, description, and the employer ID#, with the letter signed by the supervisor
2. Get a letter from International Student Services stating their immigration status
3. Complete the Social Security Card Application (can be obtained online or at the SS Office)
4. Take the 2 letters, their I-20, I-94 card, Passport, Student ID, and the completed Application to the Social Security office downtown:
MONDAY - FRIDAY: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Driver’s License or State ID www.in.gov/bmv
To obtain a Driver’s License or State ID, a student must present:
1. Primary Document: Valid Passport with Valid Visa and I-94 card
2. Social Security Card (if they have one) or Social Security Affidavit (for
someone who has never been issued a Social Security Number)
3. Secondary Document: One of the following:
Bank statement from a US Bank
Transcript from Butler University
Official Registration Record from Butler University
4. Proof of Indiana Residency:
Any document such as a bank statement or other bill with the
students’ address on it
Official Butler University Transcript with the students’ name and
address on it
All first time Indiana Drivers must first obtain a permit upon passing the written test, and then their Driver’s license upon passing the driving test.
Learner’s Permit: $9.00 Driver’s License: $17.50 State ID: $9.00
Driver Manual online: