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Published by a.martin, 2019-07-26 04:21:37





​Essential College Info​ - 19.07.19 


Year 7-13 

  Summer Holiday D Mon
I 9th Sept
Mon Summer Holiday
2nd Sept A Tues
INSET DAY - staff only R 10th Sept
3rd Sept START OF TERM 1 Y Wed
ALL students return to College
Wed 11th Sept
4th Sept
E Thurs Y12 TTA Evening
Thurs 12th Sept Y12 Sussex Uni' trip
5th Sept V

Fri E
6th Sept
N Fri
T 13th Sept


Dear Parents
We have been asked to pass on the following message from the Wealden Youth Prevention
Officer. Many thanks.

It has come to our attention that some individuals are planning a two day party over the weekend of 27t​ h​ /
28t​ h​ July at The Woodlands Trust, Lakewood, Rocks Road, Uckfield. This has been promoted on social media.

We have located the young male who is the ‘organiser’ and informed him we are aware of this party and that
there will be a Police presence at this location over that weekend.

Please inform your students and parents, as you see fit, that any individuals who attend this party they will
not only be putting themselves in danger as there is a lake at this location (I’m sure we all know alcohol and
large bodies of water don’t mix) but they will also be breaking several laws. There is the obvious underage
drinking but also the fact that Lakewood is home to many protected species covered under European Wildlife
Law and The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

We have been monitoring social media to ascertain whether the location has or will be changed and would
appreciate it if you could inform us (me) of any information you hear regarding this party i:e location , times ,
dates etc

Thank you

PC DK353 Emily Kemp - WEALDEN PREVENTION YOUTH OFFICER - E​ -mail: e​ [email protected]




Student Reports
Y7 - Y10 should be available now on Edulink.
6th Form, Y12 & Y13 should be available from the middle of next week.

School Shoes
When purchasing new school shoes for your child over the summer, please can you take care to make sure
they adhere to our uniform policy.

We have communicated this on numerous occasions to both students and parents and will therefore be
reinforcing this immediately when we return from the break.

Shoes that do not meet our expectations will not be accepted regardless of how new they are.
Please c​ lick here​ to see some examples of acceptable and unacceptable shoes according to our policy.


At Uckfield College our Special Education Needs and Disabilities Department is now called
Learning Plus​. We are delighted to introduce our new Learning Plus Team from September 2019. S​ ee


Open Evening
at Uckfield College
for prospective parents and students
Monday 16t​ h​ September 2019 ​ 4.30pm to 8.30pm


Caterlink are the UK’s leading contract caterer to schools and colleges
providing fresh healthy foods to over 200,000 customers a week.
Our “Fresh Food Policy” is the foundation of our success and growth in
the market coupled with a desire to truly deliver on the promises we
make to our clients and support our site-based teams.

Job 1​ - We are now seeking to recruit a talented and ambitious Catering Assistant at Uckfield College,
Uckfield, East Sussex.

The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate excellent customer service skills.

Your role will include food preparation, general cleaning duties, setting up the service area, and serving
customers in a polite, friendly and professional manner. ​We are offering £8.21 per hour for 39 weeks,
yes 13 WEEKS holiday every year! Monday to Friday finish by 3.30pm every day, what more​ ​could you
want ......​ The hours are term time only, Monday to Friday, 10.30am to 15.30pm totaling 22.5 hours and
include a daily 30-minute break.

You will be enthusiastic, flexible, have a neat and tidy appearance and possess strong communication skills.

“Caterlink is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects
all employees to share this commitment."

A DBS disclosure will be required for this role.
Closing date for application is Friday 16​th​ August 2019
To apply for this position or to request further information please email Pauline Williams Uckfield College
[email protected] or telephone 01825 760774 9.00am and 2.30pm Monday to Friday

Job 2​ -We are now seeking to recruit a talented and ambitious Catering Assistant at Uckfield College,


Uckfield, East Sussex.

The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate excellent customer service skills.
Your role will include food preparation, general cleaning duties, setting up the service area, and serving
customers in a polite, friendly and professional manner. ​We are offering £8.21 per hour for 39 weeks,
yes 13 WEEKS holiday every year! Monday to Friday finish by 3.00pm every day, what more​ ​could you
want ......​ The hours are term time only, Monday to Friday, 9.15am to 15.00pm totaling 26.5 hours and
include a daily 30-minute break.
You will be enthusiastic, flexible, have a neat and tidy appearance and possess strong communication skills.
“Caterlink is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects
all employees to share this commitment."
A DBS disclosure will be required for this role.
Closing date for application is Friday 16​th​ August 2019
To apply for this position or to request further information please email P​ auline Williams Uckfield College
[email protected] or telephone 01825 760774 9.00am and 2.30pm Monday to Friday


Year Group Information 

Year 7

English dept setting information - ​Current year 7 parents: ​notice for parents

Year 8

Locker Hire Year 8 students 2019 July - ​see attached
English dept setting information - ​Current year 8 parents: ​notice for parents

Year 9

Y9 Celebration Evening letter - Wednesday 17th July - ​see attached
School Uniform for the Y9 into Y10 students - s​ ee attached

Year 10

Y10 Celebration Evening letter - Thursday 18th July - ​see attached
School Uniform for the Y10 into Y11 students -​ ​see attached

Year 11

Results Day is Thursday 22nd August - ​these will be available from 9am. ​If a student is unable to collect
their results themselves, they can provide someone else with a letter of their consent for the results to be
collected for them. Alternatively, the results will be available via Edulink the following day​.



Year 12

No information for Year 12 students.

Year 13

Results Day is Thursday 15th August - these will be available from 9am. If a student is unable to collect
their results themselves, they can provide someone else with a letter of their consent for the results to be
collected for them. Alternatively, the results will be available via Edulink the following day​.

Apprenticeships parent pack​ - ​July’s addition 

Term dates​ for the Academic years 18/19 & 19/20 - h​ ttp://
Reporting Absences - S​ ee li​ nk to information on Website
Extra-curricular Clubs - ​see a​ ttached​ for procedures for the purpose of safeguarding.

Uckfield College Life​ ​- ​July Issue

Uckfield College Life will be published once a month. ​We have attached the Newsletter to the title
above - if you wish you can click on the title to see the newsletter. P​ lease e-mail details to Toni Fletcher,
[email protected].​
Uckfield College Facebook - ​Uckfield College Facebook page
UCTC TWITTER- Follow us on ​Twitter @​ UckfieldCollege


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