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Published by a.martin, 2019-09-09 11:26:16





​Essential College Info​ - 06.09.19 


Year 7-13 

  D Mon Open Evening​ - ​College will close
I 16th Sept for students at 1.20pm.
Mon East Sussex Music Demo for the
9th Sept A Tues parents - Hall
R 17th Sept
Tues Y7 Parent intro TTA - Eng, Maths,
10th Sept Y Wed Science, MFL

Wed 18th Sept
11th Sept
Y12 TTA Evening E Thurs
Thurs Y12 Sussex Uni' trip 19th Sept
12th Sept V

Fri E
13th Sept
N Fri
T 20th Sept


Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to a new academic year! As term started, it was great to see all of our students back in school
learning and developing.

During the summer we were overjoyed with our A Level results. Three years ago, our Sixth Form achieved in
the top 15% of all (private, state and grammar) schools nationally, then in 2018 we were in the top 10%.
Achieving in the top 10% is officially described as ‘outstanding’. Being a top performer in anything (whether a
sports team, a business or a school) is a difficult thing to maintain, so it was brilliant to see how well our
students achieved in 2019: ​once again, Uckfield College is in the top 10% of all private, state and
grammar schools nationally. P​ lease follow this link (A​ Level results​) to read more about our excellent A level
students and what they have achieved.

We were also delighted with how well so many of our GCSE students performed. We are very pleased that our
headline figure of the percentage of students who achieved a Grade 9-4 (what used to be A*-C) in English and
Maths rose to 75%. We were particularly pleased that a greater number of students achieved or exceeded their
target grades than the previous year, which reflects how many students realised their full potential. Please
follow this link (G​ CSE results​) to read more about our students’ successes.

Warmest regards

Hugh Hennebry




School Shoes
When purchasing new school shoes for your child, please can you take care to make sure they adhere to our
uniform policy.

We have communicated this on numerous occasions to both students and parents and will therefore be
reinforcing this immediately.

Shoes that do not meet our expectations will not be accepted regardless of how new they are.
Please c​ lick here​ to see some examples of acceptable and unacceptable shoes according to our policy.


Instrumental/Singing lessons at Uckfield College & extra-curricular opportunities - ​please see the
attached letter.​


Study Support - ​before and after college
The first session will be commencing on Tuesday 17th September - please see a​ ttached information.


Please find the link to our coach timetables below:


At Uckfield College our Special Education Needs and Disabilities Department is now called
Learning Plus​. We are delighted to introduce our new Learning Plus Team from September 2019. S​ ee


The first PTA Meeting​ of the college year 2019-2020 will be held on Tuesday 24th September at 7:30pm in
the Boardroom at the college. Everyone is welcome to attend. As some of our previous Sixth Form parents
have now left we would especially welcome new members who would offer new ideas and support us with
our fundraising activities.

Kathleen Southall - PTA Secretary


Open Evening
at Uckfield College
for prospective parents and students
Monday 16t​ h​ September 2019 ​ 4.30pm to 8.30pm


Year Group Information 

Year 7

There is no specific information for Y7 students this week.



Year 8

Welcome back! It was great to see everyone back in school looking smart and ready to embark on the
challenges of year 8. I would also like to make you aware that the year 8 Pastoral Assistant Leader is
Mrs Jo Ogden ([email protected]).
Best wishes
David Barham - Director of Year 8

Year 9

There is no specific information for Y9 students this week.

Year 10

There is no specific information for Y10 students this week.

Year 11

There is no specific information for Y11 students this week.

Year 12

Year 12 Level 3 students visit to the University of Sussex - 12th September - s​ ee ​attached letter

Year 13

There is no specific information for Y13 students this week.

Apprenticeships parent pack​ - ​July’s addition 

Term dates​ for the Academic years 18/19 & 19/20 - h​ ttp://

Reporting Absences - S​ ee li​ nk to information on Website

Extra-curricular Clubs - ​see a​ ttached​ for procedures for the purpose of safeguarding.

Uckfield College Life​ ​- ​July Issue

Uckfield College Life will be published once a month. W​ e have attached the Newsletter to the title
above - if you wish you can click on the title to see the newsletter. P​ lease e-mail details to Toni Fletcher,
[email protected].​

Uckfield College Facebook - ​Uckfield College Facebook page


UCTC TWITTER- Follow us on ​Twitter @​ UckfieldCollege


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