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Published by a.martin, 2019-05-03 10:26:40





E​ ssential College Info​ - 03.05.19 


Year 7-13 

  BANK HOLIDAY D Mon Art/Photography A Level moderation
Spiritus Children's’ Parade in I 13th May
Mon Brighton Y10 Invite only Parents’ Evening
6th May A Y13 Study Leave starts
GCSE French/Spanish speaking Leavers’ Lunch - 12.30-2.30pm
Tues exams R Tues
7th May 14th May
GCSE French/Spanish speaking Y
Wed exams
8th May PE A Level Moderation E

Thurs GCSE French/Spanish speaking V Wed
9th May exams 15th May
Fri E
10th May Lost Property Reclaim Day @
Student Services N Thurs
16th May



17th May

Dear Parents/Carers,

Read more - get richer

I read some research this week carried out by Oxford University. It showed that teenagers who read for
pleasure are more likely to get a better job when they are adults. What is interesting is that reading for
pleasure as a teenager was the significant factor and had much more of an impact on future careers than other
positive activities e.g. playing a musical instrument or playing a team sport.

Of course, reading for pleasure makes you emotionally richer as well as having a positive impact on your income
in later life.

I also learned more this week about Cognitive Load Theory and there is another associated, interesting fact in
this research.

Cognitive Load Theory is about using techniques that optimise learning while focusing on students’ working
memory capacity. If students have a wide vocabulary it helps their working memory. However, if students
cannot comprehend 95% of the words in a text, they will struggle.

Putting both these bits of research together leads to the inescapable conclusion:

Keep reading for pleasure!


Tesco blue tokens for Uckfield Parkrun

Tesco stores in Uckfield and Heathfield have very kindly included Uckfield Parkrun in their blue tokens at the
checkout scheme. Please support this worthwhile cause.

Many thanks,
Hugh Hennebry


Lost Property Reclaim Day - Friday 10th May
If your son or daughter has misplaced any unnamed items of college uniform or property please ask them to
visit Student Services on Friday 10th May, either before or after college, during morning break or at lunchtime
that day.

All lost property will be available for students to search through for any missing items and then from 3.25pm
until 3.50pm lost property will be moved to the main reception area for any parents that may wish to look.

Any unclaimed items remaining from the day will be sent to charity.


Year Group Information 

Year 7

Youth club opens to Year 7 from Thursday 25th April from 6 - 8pm - s​ ee ​attached​ poster.

Supporting students in Science
This term in science, students are rotating through a range of topics from Chemistry, Biology and Physics. The
topics are listed below:
Y7:​ Reproduction (Biology), Acids and Alkalis (Chemistry) and Current and Voltage (Physics). There will be an
exam in the week beginning 3rd June on all the topics studied so far this year.
Y8: O​ rganic Chemistry (Chemistry), Resistance and Electromagnets (Physics), Work and Power (Physics).
There will be an exam in the week beginning 10th June on all the topics studied so far this year.

Students can access glossaries, revision sheets and practice questions on the Uckfield College Science
Website or through our online learning system called "Seneca".

Year 8

WWI Battlefields Trip - February 2020 - ​see the a​ ttached letter​.

Year 9

No relevant information for Year 9 students.

Year 10

No relevant information for Year 10 students.



Year 11

Yearbook – Class of 2014 and Leavers Hoodies - 2019 - ​see a​ ttached letter​.
Y11 GCSE Intervention Sessions Weekly timetable -​ see a​ ttached timetable​.

Year 12

No relevant information for Year 12 students.

Year 13

Apprenticeships parent pack​ - ​April’s addition

Term dates​ for the Academic years 18/19 & 19/20 - h​ ttp://
Reporting Absences - S​ ee li​ nk to information on Website
Extra-curricular Clubs - ​see a​ ttached​ for procedures for the purpose of safeguarding.
Uckfield College Facebook - ​Uckfield College Facebook page
UCTC TWITTER- Follow us on ​Twitter @​ UckfieldCollege

Uckfield College Life​ - ​April Issue

Uckfield College Life will be published once a month. ​We have attached the Newsletter to the title
above - if you wish you can click on the title to see the newsletter. ​Please e-mail details to Toni Fletcher,
[email protected].​


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