Essential College Info - 15.11.19
Year 7-13
Y9 London Zoo trip - 8am - 5pm D Mon
I 25th Nov
Mon Y9/10 ‘Woman in Black’ trip to
18th Nov London - 12.20 - 7.45pm A Tues Deep Learning Day 1 - all years
R 26th Nov
Tues 6th Form Parents’ Evening - Year 7 Meet the Tutor evening
19th Nov 4.30-7.30pm Y Wed INSET DAY - No students in
Y10 Poetry Live trip - Brighton -
Wed 9am - 4pm 27th Nov
20th Nov Y12 Biology Live trip - London -
8.15am - 6pm E Thurs
Thurs 28th Nov
21st Nov V
Fri E
22nd Nov
N Fri
T 29th Nov
Creative Arts Variety Show on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December at
7pm. T ickets are on sale from Monday for our s how. The show, taking place in the
hall, will showcase the work of our talented dramatists, dancers and musicians in years
7-13 and there will also be an Art and Design display to view before the show and
during the interval in the dining hall area. Refreshments will be available.
Tickets cost £7 adults and £5 concessions and are available from student
services. We look forward to welcoming you to what promises to be a joyful
celebration of our students' talent and enthusiasm for the arts.
CAVS poster
Hosting Spanish students for a week in March 2020 - The Spanish department is taking part in an
exchange this year. In December 16 of our students are going to spend a week in Vigo, Spain and will be
staying with Spanish host families for a week. The school are coming back to visit us however they are
bringing more than 16 students so we are asking for volunteer host families. The students will be visiting us
for a week at the end of March (approx 25th March - 1st April) this is the last week of school before Easter.
You would host them for the week and take part in normal family activities and it might be nice for you to
show them around the area at the weekend. They do not need to have their own room as students will be
matched in age and gender. There will be some group activities also arranged nearer the time. We are hoping
to find families to match one boy (year 11/12/13) / 3 boys year (9/10) / 2 girls year (9/10). This is a fabulous
opportunity for any student but especially those interested in language and culture. If you are interested in
hosting a student please email me at [email protected]
Thank you so much for considering this and supporting such a great experience for the students.
Beth Brown
Please note any items
unclaimed will be
disposed of.
Uckfield College
Christmas Fayre
Saturday the 30th of November,
from 12 until 4pm
If anyone can help on the day for an hour or more,
that would be great.
We also need raffle prizes, baking, good quality
second hand books and soft toys and donations of
sweets or jars filled with sweets for the tombola.
Donations can be left at the college reception.
If anyone would like a stall please contact the college,
FAO Sarah Carlisle PTA
Many thanks
Uckfield College PTA
Uckfield College Carol Service 2019 - Hosting a German Student
We have a longstanding exchange relationship with a school in Germany who come and perform with us in
the carol service every year. The German students stay with host families during their 4 nights in the UK and
we are looking for hosts for this year between the 14th - 18th December.
This tradition is into its 17th year and in order to be successful we require a group of host families. Our
students have visited Germany in the recent past and were all graciously welcomed and looked after by their
German hosts.
If you are interested in hosting a German student for this years' carol service please read the a ttached letter
and respond using the G oogle Form in this link.
Please don't hesitate to contact me [email protected] with any queries.
Parents' Evenings Booking System Y7-13
RE: All future Parents' Evening bookings will be made via EduLink
To ensure that parents/carers have greater control and flexibility over booking Parents' Evening
appointments, we have moved to an online system. These will be made through EduLink via the 'Parents'
Evening' icon found in the main menu. T he next Parents' Evening is for 6th Form on 21st November
and this is still open for bookings. If you have any issues with logging into EduLink please contact IT Support
via: [email protected]
Rob Wakeling
Assistant Headteacher
Important information regarding Car parking on Site during Parents’ Evenings and After School
events - please read attached information
24-hour challenge for Mind - Y 13 The Business Team
The level 3 BTEC business students in year 13 are raising money
for Mind, a mental health charity, by running/cycling for 24 hours.
The event will take place on S aturday the 23rd of November
at 9 am on Eastbourne's seafront.
There are 15 of us taking part - 14 students and our teacher Mrs
Our intention is to cycle or run for 24-hours nonstop and raise a minimum of £500. We are hoping that
students, staff, and parents will support our challenge by donating via our Just Giving page. We would also
welcome people joining us for some or all of the challenge.
We will be completing as many 7 mile laps (out and back on Eastbourne seafront) ) as possible in the
24-hours so people could join us for a minimum of 7 miles.
The start of each lap is at Fisherman's Green 131 Royal Parade, Eastbourne BN22 7LH.
Thank you in advance for all of your support.
Please send in your used stamps
We are collecting used stamps for T he Royal
National Institute of Blind People which is a UK
charity offering information, support and advice to
almost two million people in the UK with sight loss.
Everyday 250 people begin to lose their sight. RNIB has a crucial role to play
in creating a world where there are no barriers to people with sight loss.
Learning Plus - SEND (Special, Educational Needs & Disabilities department)
The Art House, Eastbourne, are offering free, exclusive and relaxed coffee mornings on the 1st Monday of
each month - for parents or carers that have children who struggle with anxiety. This small group of parents
have the chance to come together with like-minded people, and know that they are not alone. If interested,
please register using this link.
The East Sussex Community Information Service have lots of
information for SEND Specific Activities & Clubs. Please follow this
link to see the full list:
Year Group Information
Year 7
Dear Year 7 Parents/Carers - We are looking forward to welcoming many of you to the Year 7 Meet the
Tutors evening on Thursday 28th November. T he evening will begin with presentations from the
pastoral leadership team at 5pm in the LRC. Afterwards, we will be in the Hall where the year 7 tutor team
will be available to talk to you about your child and share examples of their work. We will also have members
of our Learning Plus department, the PTA and pastoral leadership available. This is an informal evening, so if
you cannot attend until later please come along when you can. Your child is also welcome to attend.
If you have a specific question or issue you wish to discuss, p lease fill in the form below before Monday
25th November. This will enable us to ensure we can clearly respond and fully answer your queries and
follow up with other staff members if necessary. Rhian Elsden - Director of Year 7
Meet the Tutors parent/carer questionnaire
Gift of Love in a Box - Your child should have brought home this week a letter regarding the ‘Gift of love in
a box’ shoe boxes - if not please s ee attached. Also please find a ttached a slide presentation.
Year 8
Trip to West Coast of the USA - February 2021
Following the huge success of our trip to the West Coast of America in February half term this year, we are
delighted to announce the details of a repeat of this enriching experience. This is an exciting destination that
will provide your son/daughter with inspiration and experiences that will stay with them for life and is open to
ALL students in Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11 and Y12. This trip will give your son/daughter an opportunity to learn
outside of the classroom in a fun and stimulating environment. Please see letter linked h ere for details of
how to apply for a place. Please c lick here for slides.
Year 9
Trip to West Coast of the USA - February 2021
Following the huge success of our trip to the West Coast of America in February half term this year, we are
delighted to announce the details of a repeat of this enriching experience. This is an exciting destination that
will provide your son/daughter with inspiration and experiences that will stay with them for life and is open to
ALL students in Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11 and Y12. This trip will give your son/daughter an opportunity to learn
outside of the classroom in a fun and stimulating environment. Please see letter linked here for details of
how to apply for a place. Please c lick here for slides.
Year 10
Science Revision Guides are now available to purchase on ParentPay. The first order of books will be
placed on Monday 25th November, and a final order will be placed in January.
Peru Trip - February 2020 - A space has become available on the Peru trip in February half term
(14th-20th February). The cost of the trip is approximately £2600. The trip is open to students from year
10-13. If you would like more information please contact Beth Brown ([email protected]) as soon as
possible. The deadline for this is Wednesday 13th November.
Trip to West Coast of the USA - February 2021
Following the huge success of our trip to the West Coast of America in February half term this year, we are
delighted to announce the details of a repeat of this enriching experience. This is an exciting destination that
will provide your son/daughter with inspiration and experiences that will stay with them for life and is open to
ALL students in Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11 and Y12. This trip will give your son/daughter an opportunity to learn
outside of the classroom in a fun and stimulating environment. Please see letter linked here for details of
how to apply for a place. Please c lick here for slides.
Work Experience Week - please see a ttached information
Year 11
Science Revision Guides are now available to purchase on ParentPay for those students that did not
purchase them in Year 10. The first order of books will be placed on Monday 25th November, and a final
order will be placed in January.
Peru Trip - February 2020 - A space has become available on the Peru trip in February half term
(14th-20th February). The cost of the trip is approximately £2600. The trip is open to students from year
10-13. If you would like more information please contact Beth Brown ([email protected]) as soon as
possible. The deadline for this is Wednesday 13th November.
Trip to West Coast of the USA - February 2021
Following the huge success of our trip to the West Coast of America in February half term this year, we are
delighted to announce the details of a repeat of this enriching experience. This is an exciting destination that
will provide your son/daughter with inspiration and experiences that will stay with them for life and is open to
ALL students in Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11 and Y12. This trip will give your son/daughter an opportunity to learn
outside of the classroom in a fun and stimulating environment. Please see letter linked h ere for details of how
to apply for a place. Please c lick here for slides.
Year 11 Trial Exams 2019 - Overview Timetable - see attached
Year 12
2019 Bluewater Ice Skating Trip letter - please see a ttached information regarding this trip.
Peru Trip - February 2020 - A space has become available on the Peru trip in February half term
(14th-20th February). The cost of the trip is approximately £2600. The trip is open to students from year
10-13. If you would like more information please contact Beth Brown ([email protected]) as soon as
possible. The deadline for this is Wednesday 13th November.
Trip to West Coast of the USA - February 2021
Following the huge success of our trip to the West Coast of America in February half term this year, we are
delighted to announce the details of a repeat of this enriching experience. This is an exciting destination that
will provide your son/daughter with inspiration and experiences that will stay with them for life and is open to
ALL students in Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11 and Y12. This trip will give your son/daughter an opportunity to learn
outside of the classroom in a fun and stimulating environment. Please see letter linked here for details of
how to apply for a place. Please c lick here for slides.
Year 13
2019 Bluewater Ice Skating Trip letter - please see a ttached information regarding this trip.
Peru Trip - February 2020 - A space has become available on the Peru trip in February half term
(14th-20th February). The cost of the trip is approximately £2600. The trip is open to students from year
10-13. If you would like more information please contact Beth Brown ([email protected]) as soon as
possible. The deadline for this is Wednesday 13th November.
Study Support - before and after college - please see attached information.
Please find the link to our coach timetables below:
Apprenticeships parent pack - October’s addition
Term dates for the Academic years 18/19 & 19/20 - h ttp://
Reporting Absences - S ee li nk to information on Website
Extra-curricular Clubs - see a ttached for procedures for the purpose of safeguarding.
Uckfield College Life - October Issue
Uckfield College Life will be published once a month. We have attached the Newsletter to the title
above - if you wish you can click on the title to see the newsletter. P lease e-mail details to Toni Fletcher,
[email protected].
Uckfield College Facebook - Uckfield College Facebook page
UCTC TWITTER- Follow us on Twitter @ UckfieldCollege