Thank You for Trusting Us Table of Contents
At Striem, we make three things: oil separators, solids interceptors, and chemical waste tanks. If we don’t make them right, we have nothing Oil Separators
to fall back on. This tends to keep us very sharp.
Oil Reserve™ oil/sand separators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Whether you’re specifying, buying, installing, or maintaining one of our products, we thank you for trusting us. Oil Reserve™ oil collection tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
We want to make a promise. If you call us, we will provide best-in-class customer service. If you interact with our product, it will be easy. Solids Interceptors
If you think we didn’t hold up our end of the bargain, call us and we’ll make it right. It’s that simple. HLT/B and USI Series under counter solids interceptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Prospector™ (-B) basket style solids interceptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Vince Ismert Gabe Ismert Prospector™ (-S) screen style solids interceptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Settler™ catch basins for sand and sediment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Direct: 816-591-9765 Direct: 816-820-5454
Chemical Waste Tanks
A New Look
Lab Rat™ under counter neutralization tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
It’s becoming increasingly rare to buy a product that is 100% made in America. At Striem, Lab Basin™ neutralization tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
we’re proud to make products smack dab in the heart of our great country. Born and NT Series neutralization tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
raised in Missouri, we are used to calling our home state the “heart” of America, given its Command Center™ pH monitoring package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
central geographic location. The true meaning of “Missouri” comes from the Sioux Indians, Bio Basin™ decontamination tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
translated as “town of the large canoes.” As we began work on a new logo, we knew we
wanted the canoe to be the centerpiece, as it became synonymous with our home. Appendix
Now, take a second to just stare at the logo. Pictures have different meanings to different
people. Make it your own. Terms and Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Here’s what it means to us. Lifetime Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The water makes up nearly half of the logo. We wanted to show its vastness as a resource. Thank You for Trusting Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
The straight-line waves give the water a clean look. After all, we’re in the business to make
water clean. The mountains depict strength, and their bright color represents the creativity Customer Support
that we value so highly. The scene is outlined in a bold, dark green shield, which is meant
to exude a premium feeling. We hope our products do the same. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST (Monday through Friday)
Last but not least: the rower. He not only gives the logo life and vitality, but he also Tel: 913-222-1500
provides direction, as if to say “we’re moving forward.” And we are. email: | | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog 2
Oil Reserve™ Product Selection
sizing guidelines
Oil Reserve™ Oil/Sand Separators incorporate patented Diffusion Flow™ technology to maximize Option 3: size by flow rate for elevator pits
oil and sand separation. Petroleum based oils are typically lighter than water and will quickly rise
to the surface by gravity differential separation according to Stokes' Law. ASME A17.1-2007/CSA B44-07 is the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.
It intended to serve as the basis for the design construction, installation,
Common Specific Gravities operation, testing, inspection, maintenance, alteration and repair of elevators,
dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks and material lifts. Section 2.2 details
The following chart is provided for reference only. Specific gravities less than 1 float the requirements for pits for all elevators governed by the code.
while those greater than 1 sink. mandates that permanent provision be made to prevent accumulation of ground
water in the pit, while requires the necessary floor drain or sump pump
substance specific gravity substance specific gravity meet the applicable plumbing code for the jurisdiction. requires all
elevators with Firefighters’ Emergency Operation to have a drain or sump pump.
Gasoline A 0.74 Chicken Fat 0.924 A sump pump or drain shall have the capacity to remove 3,000 gallons per hour
Petroleum Oil 0.82 Fish Oil 0.928 (50 gpm) per elevator.
Hydraulic Fluid 0.86 Water 1
Butter 0.87 Freon 11 1.49 IPC mandates the installation of an oil separator for hydraulic elevator pits,
Lard 0.875 Mud 1.73 unless there is an approved alarm system installed. The intent of the code is to
Olive Oil 0.91 Sand 1.92 prevent an oil discharge to the sanitary drainage system. Some manufacturers
Vegetable Oil 0.92 produce a specially fitted sump pump with an oil sensor and alarm unit which
functions to shut off the pump if oil is detected in the pit. For elevators with
Option 1: size by drainage area for service facilities Firefighters’ Emergency Operation the pit must be kept clear of accumulated
water as required in ASME A17.1-2007/CSA B44-07 section However,
When allowed, use the following sizing chart where motor vehicles are serviced and/or stored. For parking-only areas, consider option 2. it may be possible for a sump pump with an oil sensor to shut off during a fire
allowing the pit to fill with sprinkler water undermining a firefighting operation.
Oil Separator Sizing Chart The installation of an oil interceptor downstream of a sump pump satisfies both
the elevator and plumbing codes.
square feet of drainage area required capacity: cubic feet required capacity: gallons recommended model
Up to 200 Up to 7 52 OS-50
>200 – 1,100 Up to 16 120 OS-100
OS-100 (2 in series)
>1,100 – 3,100 Up to 36 269 OS-750 Sizing Guidelines Following an Elevator Sump
>3,100 – 6,700 Up to 72 539 OS-1500 First, select an oil separator that meets the pump flow rate. Then, choose an oil separator with an oil capacity that is equal to or greater
than the worst possible discharge of hydraulic fluid.
>6,700 – 9,500 Up to 100 750
>9,500 – 12,900 Up to 134 1,000
>12,900 – 19,500 Up to 200 1,500
Review plumbing code and locally adopted ordinances for specific requirements. application pump flow (GPM) OS model OS flow rate (GPM) OS oil capacity (gal.)
Option 2: size by flow rate for parking only facilities Single Elevator A 50 OS-50 50 34.1
Single Elevator B 50 OS-75 75 84.4
Consider drain / hose bib flow rates when sizing for applications where motor vehicles are neither serviced nor stored (parking-only areas). Double Elevator 100 OS-100 100 147.5
Review plumbing code and locally adopted ordinances for specific requirements.
Drain Line Flow Rates (GPM) by Pipe Size* Hose Bib Flow Rates
pipe size (nominal) half pipe flow (design flow) maximum full pipe flow velocity ½ ¾ Single Elevator A Single Elevator B Double Elevator
6.64 GPM
2 9.67 19.44 4 Ft./sec 3.77 GPM 9.96 GPM VENT VENT VENT
3 29.33 58.67 13.29 GPM
4 62.96 125.77 6 Ft./sec 5.66 GPM 16.61 GPM
6 187.74 375.47
8 Ft./sec 7.54 GPM
preferred flow rate
10 Ft./sec 9.43 GPM PIT PIT PIT PIT
OS-50 OS-75 SUMP
NOTE: all pump fed oil separators should be specified with Clean Sweep™ coalescing media (as shown above) due to emulsification of oil.
* ¼" pitch slope based on Manning’s Formula with friction factor N=0.012" | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog 4
3 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog
Oil Reserve™ specifications & submittals
oil/sand separators formats PDF DOC DWG RFA
With a standard lifetime warranty and online
several innovative installation features,
the Oil Reserve™ stands alone as the Specifications
most versatile oil/sand separator series.
OS-100 Capacity Pipe Sizes Rough-in Dimensions (in.) Weight (lbs.)
Features: above grade or buried installations OS-50
| easy to carry HDPE design | TeleGlide™ field OS-75 Striem Flow Oil Sand Liquid Plain End Optional Vent Body Inlet/Outlet Vent optional oil Vent/ Adapter Dry Wet
adjustable risers | models OS-50 through OS-100 OS-15 OS-35 Model Rate (gal.) (gal.) (gal.) SCH.40 Male WH AB CD draw-off draw-off Adjust-
suitable for exterior installations | Two built-in (GPM) Std. Optional Thread ability
vent locations OS-25 EF (add to
L G B, D & H)
OS-15 15 10.1 3.9 16 2 3 2, 3 3 25 19 14 ¼ 10 4 ¼ 11 ¼ 3 4 10 ¼ 5 ½ n/a 28 160
OS-25 25 10.3 6.4 22 3 2 2, 3 3 27 21 15 10 ¾ 4 ¼ 11 ½ 3 ½ 4 11 6 ¼ n/a 31 215
OS-35 35 19.5 9.5 35 3 2, 4 2, 3, 4 3 33 25 25 15 10 17 8 5 ½ 19 ½ 7 ½ 3 ½ 77 369
OS-50 50 34.1 12.5 52 4 3 3, 4 3 37 28 28 ½ 18 10 ½ 20 8 ½ 6 ½ 22
OS-75 75 84.4 19.2 125 4 6 4, 6 3 46 32 38 ½ 26 12 ½ 28 ½ 10 21 ½ 17 9 3 ½ 92 525
OS-100 100 147.5 105 275 4 6 4, 6 3 68 33 ½ 51 ½ 38 13 ½ 40 11 ½ 31 20 ½ 12 6 130 1,171
16 6 230 2,520
OS-15 OS-25 OS-35 OS-50 OS-75 OS-100
Oil Reserve™ Covers
Covers are provided with water/air tight gasket seal and are designed to fit tightly into a key-fit frame.
indoor covers outdoor cover INLET-CAPPED OUTLET-OPEN
16" 24" 24" 24"
OS-15, OS-25 OS-35, OS-50 OS-50 (optional), OS-50, OS-75, OS-100 Miscellaneous Options TeleGlide™ Riser Order Guide
2,000 lbs. pedestrian load rating 2,000 lbs. pedestrian load rating OS-75, OS-100 16,000 lbs. H20 load rating
16,000 lbs. highway load rating Desired Riser Height (in.)
Clean Sweep™ Coalescing Media (optional) High Water *Upgrade to Highway *Upgrade to H-20 OS-15 OS-35 OS-75 Risers Needed
Striem Anchor Kit Rated Bolted Rated Pickable Cast OS-25 OS-50 OS-100
Model Composite Cover Iron Cover 16 Series
Riser (SR-16)
When oily wastewater is mechanically Clean Sweep™ polypropylene Part # Part # Part # >2 1 ⁄8 - 16 n/a n/a
emulsified (as in pump applications), oils
break into smaller, less buoyant droplets coalescing media has been OS-15 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 - 3½ 0 - 6 24 Series Adapter
and decrease separator efficiency. OS-25 n/a n/a
Coalescing media provides increased third party tested to OS-35 n/a n/a
surface area for emulsified oil droplets to OS-50 AK1 n/a
merge into larger, more buoyant droplets, performance standard CEN EN858-1 for n/a n/a >3½ - 22 >6 - 24 24 Series
greatly improving separator efficiency. OS-75 AK1 C24-H Short Riser (SR24)
class 1 coalescing separators. The Clean OS-100 AK1 n/c C24-HP n/c
Specify Clean Sweep™ coalescing media
with select Oil Reserve™ Series models Sweep™ will render effluent quality to no included C24-HP n/c n/a >22 - 37 >24 - 39 24 Series
(OS-35, OS-50, OS-75, OS-100) to included C24-HP (2) n/c Long Riser (LR24)
significantly improve the separation of
mechanically emulsified oils. more than 5 mg/L (parts per million) up n/a n/a >39 - 43 24 Series Short +
Short (SR24 + SR24)
to the following flow rates: Flow Rate: Clean Sweep Coalescing Media Part # Compatible with Model(s)
CS1 (single media) 0S-35 / 0S-50
OS-35 (with single media) 15 GPM CS2 (single media) 0S-75 n/a n/a >43 - 58 24 Series Short +
OS-50 (with single media) 15 GPM CS3 (single media) 0S-100 Long (SR24 + LR24)
OS-75 (with single media) 30 GPM CS6 (double media) 0S-100
OS-100 (with single media) 45 GPM n/a n/a >58 - 72 24 Series Long +
OS-100 (with double media) 90 GPM Long (LR24 + LR24)
DO2: Optional 2" Oil Draw-off Arm required when ordered with
Oil Reserve™ oil collection tank.
Efficiency may decrease at higher flow rates. * When ordered with oil separator.
NOTE 1: OS-100 has two covers requiring a set of two TeleGlide™ risers when ordered.
NOTE 2: When upgraded covers are purchased separately, the full price will apply.
5 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog 6
specifications & submittals
OS-750 OS-1000 OS-1500
Specifications Specifications Specifications Notes (OS-750, OS-100, OS-1500)
Inlet/Outlet Max Flow Rate Max Operating Inlet/Outlet Max Flow Rate Max Operating Inlet/Outlet Max Flow Rate Max Operating 1. 3/4" thick seamless high density polyethylene walls.
6" 314 GPM Temperature 6" 314 GPM Temperature 6" 314 GPM Temperature 2. Unit supplied with built-in adapter(s) for up to 6" of adjustability.
Liquid Capacity Oil Capacity 190°F Liquid Capacity Oil Capacity 190°F Liquid Capacity Oil Capacity Additional riser(s) available for deeper burial depth.
750 (gal.) 430 (gal.) 1,000 (gal.) 575 (gal.) 1500 (gal.) 850 (gal.) Solids/Sediment 3. Cover placement allows full access to tank for proper
Solids/Sediment Solids/Sediment Capacity
Capacity Capacity 500 (gal.) maintenance.
4. Engineered inlet and outlet diffusers for ease of inspection and
75 (gal.) 100 (gal.)
cleaning of piping.
Unit Weight w/Std. Covers Unit Weight w/Std. Covers Unit Weight w/Std. Covers 5. For buried applications
1200 (lbs.) 1400 (lbs.) 1700 (lbs.) 6. Integral Air Relief/Anti-siphon
Highway rated, bolted, gas/water tight composite Highway rated, bolted, gas/water tight composite Highway rated, bolted, gas/water tight composite
covers (16,000 lbs.) covers (16,000 lbs.) covers (16,000 lbs.)
Side View Side View Side View TeleGlide™ Riser Order Guide
CL CL CL CL CL CL Desired Riser Height (in.) Risers Needed
OS-750, OS-1000, OS-1500
16 Series
n/a Riser (SR-16)
>6 - 24 24 Series Adapter
>24 - 39
>39 - 43 24 Series
>43 - 58 Short Riser (SR24)
>58 - 72
24 Series
Long Riser (LR24)
24 Series Short +
Short (SR24 + SR24)
24 Series Short +
Long (SR24 + LR24)
24 Series Long +
Long (LR24 + LR24)
Options Options Options
Teleglide field adjustable risers for extending covers to grade Teleglide field adjustable risers for extending covers to grade Teleglide field adjustable risers for extending covers to grade
H20 rated pickable cast iron covers H20 rated pickable cast iron covers H20 rated pickable cast iron covers
4" Plain end connections 4" Plain end connections 4" Plain end connections
8" Plain end connections 8" Plain end connections 8" Plain end connections
Male pipe thread connections Male pipe thread connections Male pipe thread connections
7 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog 8
Oil Reserve™ specifications & submittals
oil collection tanks formats PDF DOC DWG RFA
Oil Reserve™ Collection Tanks in Specifications
conjunction with oil/sand separators
maximize oil storage capacity and OCT-275 OCT-125 Oil Capacity Pipe Size Rough-in Dimensions (in.) Weight (lbs.)
minimize pump-out frequency. The OCT-25 OCT-50 Cubic Feet Gallons (Plain End SCH.40)
collection tank also provides more Dry Wet
accurate oil level monitoring. OCT-35 Oil/Sand Oil Collection Striem Inlet Vent Body Vent Inlet Vent/ Adapter Install
OCT-15 Separator Tank Model W AB CD Inlet Adjustability 28 166 with:
31 220
L H E (add to B, D & H) 77 369 0S-15
92 525 0S-25
OCT-15 2.1 16 2 3 25 19 14 ¼ 11 ¼ 3 4 10 ¼ 5½ n/a 130 1,171 0S-35
OCT-25 2.9 22 2 3 27 21 15 11 ½ 3½ 4 11 6¼ n/a 230 2,313 0S-50
OCT-35 4.7 35 2 3 33 25 25 5½ 7½ 3½ 0S-75
OCT-50 7 52 2 3 37 28 17 8 6½ 19 ½ 3½ 0S-100
OCT-125 16.7 125 2 3 46 32 28 ½ 20 8½ 21 ½ 22 9 6
OCT-275 36.8 275 2 3 68 33 ½ 38 ½ 28 ½ 10 31 17 12 6
51 ½ 40 11 ½ 16
20 ½
Features: above grade or buried installations | easy to carry OCT-15 OCT-25 OCT-35 OCT-50 OCT-125 OCT-275
HDPE design | TeleGlide™ field adjustable risers | models
OCT-50 through OCT-275 suitable for exterior installations |
install with Striem oil separator
Operating Adjustable Oil Venting Maximum
Water Level Draw-off Arm Spill Line Oil Capacity
Static Nut
Water Level
Oil/Sand Miscellaneous Options TeleGlide™ Riser Order Guide
Separator Oil
Desired Riser Height (in.)
High Water *Upgrade to Highway *Upgrade to H-20 OCT-15 OCT-35 OCT-125 Risers Needed
Striem Anchor Kit Rated Bolted Rated Pickable Cast OCT-25 OCT-50 OCT-275
Cutaway View of Model Composite Cover Iron Cover 16 Series
Oil Draw-off Arm Riser (SR-16)
OCT-15 Part # Part # Part # >2 1 ⁄8 - 16 n/a n/a
OCT-25 n/a
OCT-35 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 - 3½ 0-6 24 Series Adapter
OCT-50 n/a
Oil Reserve™ Covers OCT-125 AK1 n/a n/a
OCT-275 AK1
AK1 n/a n/a n/a >3½ - 22 >6 - 24 24 Series
Short Riser (SR24)
Covers are provided with water/air tight gasket seal and are designed to fit tightly into a key-fit frame. C24-H n/c C24-HP n/c
included C24-HP n/c n/a >22 - 37 >24 - 39 24 Series
Long Riser (LR24)
indoor covers outdoor covers included C24-HP (2) n/c
24 Series Short +
Monitoring Packages n/a n/a >39 - 43 Short (SR24 + SR24)
n/a n/a >43 - 58 24 Series Short +
Long (SR24 + LR24)
16" 24" 24" 24" AVA-3: Single Level AVA-4: Multi-level 80% n/a n/a >58 - 72 24 Series Long +
Monitoring Package Monitoring Package 50% Long (LR24 + LR24)
POLYPROPYLENE COMPOSITE COMPOSITE – TRAFFIC IRON – H20 (optional) Remote audio/visual alarm Remote audio/visual alarm
panel and explosion proof panel and explosion proof
OCT-15, OCT-25 OCT-35, OCT-50 OCT-50 (optional), OCT-50, OCT-125, OCT-275 stainless steel float switch. multi-level float switch.
2,000 lbs. pedestrian load rating 2,000 lbs. pedestrian load rating OCT-125, OCT-275 16,000 lbs. H20 load rating
16,000 lbs. highway load rating
NOTE 1: When ordered with float switch, add 2" measuring finished cover to centerline of all connections and subtract 2" from available riser height.
NOTE 2: OCT-275 has two covers requiring a set of two risers when ordered.
NOTE 3: When upgraded covers are purchased separately, the full price will apply.
9 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog 10
Solids Interceptors Product Selection HLT/B Series specifications & submittals
sizing guidelines under counter solids interceptors formats PDF DOC DWG RFA
For General Applications Features: lightweight HDPE body | handles temperatures up to 190º F | 4" threaded and gasket-sealed port | removable type 304
stainless steel basket with 3/32" perforations | for hair and lint applications | used in lieu of fixture P-trap
Striem recommends that solids interceptors first be sized by pipe size, then by selecting the unit with the
appropriate sediment capacity to provide an acceptable cleaning frequency. Specifications
Striem Model Liquid Access Plain End Body Rough-in Dimensions (in.) Outlet Weight
Capacity Location Connections Inlet (lbs.)
Flow Rates (GPM) by Pipe Size HLT-1176-2 (gal.) Top 1 ½ OD H A B C D Dry Wet
HLB-1176-1 Top 2
pipe size per Manning’s Formula* HLB-1176-2 0.5 Bottom 8 ½ 8 ¾ 1 5 ⁄8 7 1 ⁄8 5 3 ⁄8 3 3 ⁄8 5 9
(nominal) 0.5 Bottom 1 ½ 1 5 ⁄8 7 1 ⁄8 5 3 ⁄8 3 3 ⁄8 5 9
half pipe flow (design flow) maximum full pipe flow 0.5 2 8 ½ 8 ¾ 3 3 ⁄8 5 3 ⁄8 7 1 ⁄8 1 5 ⁄8 5 9
0.5 3 3 ⁄8 5 3 ⁄8 7 1 ⁄8 1 5 ⁄8 5 9
8 ½ 8 ¾
2 9.67 19.44 8 ½ 8 ¾
3 29.33 58.67
4 62.96 125.77 HLT-1176 HLB-1176 HLT-1176 Installation HLB-1176 Installation
6 187.74 375.47 D D
preferred flow rate
* ¼" pitch slope based on Manning’s Formula with friction factor N=0.012" C C
For Lint Applications OD 7" Min.
Striem recommends the following sizing guidelines. HLT-1176-1 Shown 7" Min.
Step 1 of 2: Select interceptor with appropriate drain line pipe size. USI Series
For example, if your primary drain line is 4", choose models with standard 4" connections (models PS-50 and up). under counter solids interceptors
Step 2 of 2: Complete formula, then select interceptor with appropriate Features: lightweight HDPE body | handles temperatures up to 190º F | gasket-sealed cover with hand threaded clamps |
lint capacity based on maintenance interval. removable HDPE bucket with 3/16" filter screen | for plaster, clay and heavy solids | used in lieu of fixture P-trap
30-Day Professional Maintenance Interval Weekly Do-It-Yourself Maintenance Interval Specifications
Gallons Number 30 Gallons Recommended Gallons Number 7 Gallons Recommended Striem Model Liquid Access Plain End Body Rough-in Dimensions (in.) Outlet Weight
of Lint of Days of Lint Prospector (-S) of Lint of Days of Lint Prospector (-B) Capacity Location Connections Inlet (lbs.)
Per Day Machines Per Per Day Machines Per USI-1180-1
Month Model Week Model USI-1180-2 (gal.) Top 1 ½ OD CD H A B C D Dry Wet
USI-1184-1 Top 2
0.0495 5 30 7.4 PS-15-S 0.0495 6 7 2 PS-15-B USI-1184-2 1.2 Bottom 7 11 11 ¾ 4 3 ⁄8 7 3 ⁄8 8 3 ⁄8 3 3 ⁄8 8 18
30 10.4 PS-25-S 7 3 PS-25-B 1.2 Bottom 1 ½
0.0495 7 30 17.8 PS-35-S 0.0495 9 7 5 PS-35-B 1.2 2 7 11 11 ¾ 4 3 ⁄8 7 3 ⁄8 8 3 ⁄8 3 3 ⁄8 8 18
30 26.7 PS-50-S 7 8 PS-50-B 1.2
0.0495 12 30 62.4 PS-125-S 0.0495 14 7 10 PS-125-B 7 11 11 ¾ 3 3 ⁄8 8 3 ⁄8 7 3 ⁄8 4 3 ⁄8 8 18
30 209.4 PS-275-S 7 13 PS-275-B
0.0495 18 0.0495 23 7 11 11 ¾ 3 3 ⁄8 8 3 ⁄8 7 3 ⁄8 4 3 ⁄8 8 18
0.0495 42 0.0495 29
0.0495 141 0.0495 38
NOTE 1: Average wash cycle time of a commercial laundr y machine = 42 minutes. Average business hours of a commercial laundr y facility = 16 USI-1180 USI-1184 USI-1180 Installation USI-1184 Installation
hours. Average lint output per wash of 20-60 lb. commercial laundr y machine = 0.009 gallons (1.14 oz.). Average wash cycles per day of a commercial
laundr y machine = 5.5 cycles. Lint output may var y based on clothes type. For example, towels and linens yield high lint levels while clothing will CD OD
yield lower lint levels. Data developed by Striem with assistance from Alliance Laundr y Systems ( and the Coin Operated Laundr y
Association (www.coinlaundr B D D
NOTE 2: Periodic maintenance by professional may be required to fully pump down the interceptor. A H
C 11" Min.
USI-1180-1 Shown
11 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog 12
Prospector™ (-B) Series specifications & submittals
basket style solids interceptors formats PDF DOC DWG RFA
Prospector™ Basket-Style Solids Specifications
Interceptors provide a removable
filter basket to allow for DIY PS-275-B Capacity and Rating Pipe Sizes Rough-in Dimensions (in.) Weight (lbs.)
(do-it-yourself) maintenance and PS-25-B
to catch valuables that need PS-125-B Striem Total *No. of Plain End SCH.40 Optional Body Inlet/Outlet
to be retrieved. Intermittent PS-50-B Model Liquid Washing Male W Adapter
professional maintenance may (gal.) Basket Thread Adjustability Dry Wet
be required. PS-35-B Capacity (gal.) Machines Standard Optional (no A B (add to B & H)
PS-15-B Plain
charge) L H
PS-15-B 16 2 6 2 3 2, 3 25 19 14 ¼ 10 4 ¼ n/a 32 165
39 223
PS-25-B 22 3 9 3 2 2, 3 27 21 15 10 ¾ 4 ¼ n/a 86 378
109 543
PS-35-B 35 5 14 3 2, 4 2, 3, 4 33 25 25 15 10 3 ½ 148 1,191
259 2,553
PS-50-B 52 8 23 4 2, 3 2, 3, 4 37 28 28 ½ 18 10 ½ 3 ½
PS-125-B 125 10 29 4 6 4 46 32 38 ½ 26 12 ½ 6
PS-275-B 275 13 basket/197 screen 38 4 6 4 68 33 ½ 51 ½ 38 13 ½ 6
* Based on 7 day maintenance interval.
PS-15-B PS-25-B PS-35-B PS-50-B PS-125-B PS-275-B
Features: above grade or buried PS-125-B Shown
installations | non-corrosive polypropylene
filter | easy to carry HDPE design | 6
models with sediment capacities from
2 gallons up to 197 gallons | removable
filter basket | TeleGlide™ field adjustable
risers | models PS-50-B through PS-
275-B suitable for exterior installations
Miscellaneous Options *Basket and screen combo
configurations for PS-275-B
TeleGlide™ Riser Order Guide
High Water *Upgrade to *Upgrade to Desired Riser Height (in.)
Anchor Kit Highway H-20 Rated
Striem Pickable Cast PS-15-B PS-35-B PS-125-B Risers Needed
Prospector™(-B) Covers Model Rated Bolted Iron Cover PS-25-B PS-50-B PS-275-B
Composite Cover 16 Series
Riser (SR-16)
Part # Part # Price Part # Price >2 1 ⁄8 - 16 n/a n/a 24 Series Adapter
n/a 0 - 3½ 0-6
Covers are provided with water/air tight gasket seal and are designed to fit tightly into a key-fit frame. PS-15-B n/a n/a n/a 24 Series
PS-25-B Short Riser (SR24)
PS-35-B n/a n/a n/a n/a >3½ - 22 >6 - 24
PS-50-B 24 Series
indoor covers outdoor covers PS-125-B n/a n/a n/a Long Riser (LR24)
PS-275-B 24 Series Short +
AK1 C24-H n/c C24-HP n/c n/a >22 - 37 >24 - 39 Short (SR24 + SR24)
24 Series Short +
AK1 included C24-HP n/c n/a n/a >39 - 43 Long (SR24 + LR24)
24 Series Long +
AK1 included C24-HP(2) n/c Long (LR24 + LR24)
16" 24" 24" 24" * When ordered with solids interceptor. n/a n/a >43 - 58
Polypropylene Basket Filter Options (actual sizes shown)
PS-15-B, PS-25-B PS-35-B, PS-50-B PS-50-B (optional), PS-50-B, PS-125-B, PS-275-B
2,000 lbs. pedestrian load rating 2,000 lbs. pedestrian load rating PS-125-B, PS-275-B 16,000 lbs. H20 load rating
16,000 lbs. highway load rating
Buttons, Change, Gravel Lint and Hair, Fish Scales, Gravel and Sand Precious Metals, Sand
Coarse – 0.3" x 0.27" opening Medium – 0.1" x 0.08" opening Fine – 0.03" x 0.025" opening
13 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog –C –M –F
NOTE 1: Select appropriate basket filter suffix in step 3 to complete model number. 14
NOTE 2: Subtract 1" from adapter and riser range when PS-35-B is ordered with 4" connections.
NOTE 3: PS-275-B has two covers requiring a set of two risers when ordered. | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog
Prospector™ (-S) Series specifications & submittals
screen style solids interceptors formats PDF DOC DWG RFA
Prospector™ Screen-Style Specifications
Solids Interceptors provide
a removable filter screen to PS-275-S Capacity and Rating Pipe Sizes Rough-in Dimensions (in.) Weight (lbs.)
allow for professional pumping PS-25-S
maintenance. PS-125-S Striem Total Plain End SCH.40 Optional Body Inlet/Outlet Adapter
PS-50-S Model Liquid Solids *No. of Male W AB Adjustability
(gal.) Thread (add to B & H)
PS-35-S Capacity Washing Optional (no Dry Wet
PS-15-S (gal.) Machines Standard Plain
charge) L H
PS-15-S 16 8 5 2 3 2, 3 25 19 14 ¼ 10 4 ¼ n/a 29 162
35 219
PS-25-S 22 11 7 3 2 2, 3 27 21 15 10 ¾ 4 ¼ n/a 83 375
106 550
PS-35-S 35 17.5 12 3 2, 4 2, 3, 4 33 25 25 15 10 3 ½ 140 1,183
270 2,564
PS-50-S 52 26 18 4 2, 3 2, 3, 4 37 28 28 ½ 18 10 ½ 3 ½
PS-125-S 125 62.5 42 4 6 4 46 32 38 ½ 26 12 ½ 6
PS-275-S 275 210 141 4 6 4 68 33 ½ 51 ½ 38 13 ½ 6
* Based on 30-day maintenance interval.
PS-15-S PS-25-S PS-35-S PS-50-S PS-125-S PS-275-S
Features: above grade or buried PS-125-S Shown
installations | non-corrosive polypropylene
filter | easy to carry HDPE design | 6
models with sediment capacities from
8 gallons up to 210 gallons | removable
filter screen | TeleGlide™ field adjustable
risers | models PS-50-S through PS-275-S
suitable for exterior installations
Miscellaneous Options TeleGlide™ Riser Order Guide
High Water *Upgrade to *Upgrade to Desired Riser Height (in.)
Anchor Kit Highway H-20 Rated
Prospector™(-S) Covers Striem Pickable Cast PS-15-S PS-35-S PS-125-S Risers Needed
Model Part # Rated Bolted Iron Cover PS-25-S PS-50-S PS-275-S
n/a Composite Cover 16 Series
PS-15-S n/a Riser (SR-16)
PS-25-S n/a Part # Price Part # Price >2 1 ⁄8 - 16 n/a n/a 24 Series Adapter
PS-35-S AK1 n/a 0 - 3½ 0-6
Covers are provided with water/air tight gasket seal and are designed to fit tightly into a key-fit frame. PS-50-S AK1 n/a n/a 24 Series
PS-125-S AK1 Short Riser (SR24)
PS-275-S n/a n/a n/a >3½ - 22 >6 - 24
24 Series
indoor covers outdoor covers n/a n/a Long Riser (LR24)
24 Series Short +
C24-H n/c C24-HP n/c n/a >22 - 37 >24 - 39 Short (SR24 + SR24)
24 Series Short +
included C24-HP n/c n/a n/a >39 - 43 Long (SR24 + LR24)
24 Series Long +
included C24-HP(2) n/c Long (LR24 + LR24)
16" 24" 24" 24" * When ordered with solids interceptor. n/a n/a >43 - 58
Polypropylene Screen Filter Options (actual sizes shown)
PS-15-S, PS-25-S PS-35-S, PS-50-S PS-50-S (optional), PS-50-S, PS-125-S, PS-275-S
2,000 lbs. pedestrian load rating 2,000 lbs. pedestrian load rating PS-125-S, PS-275-S 16,000 lbs. H20 load rating
16,000 lbs. highway load rating
Buttons, Change, Gravel Lint and Hair, Fish Scales, Gravel and Sand Precious Metals, Fine Sand
Coarse – 0.3" x 0.27" opening Medium – 0.1" x 0.08" opening Fine – 0.03" x 0.025" opening
15 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog –C –M –F
NOTE 1: Select appropriate screen filter suffix in step 3 to complete model number.
NOTE 2: Subtract 1" from adapter and riser range when PS-35-S is ordered with 4" connections.
NOTE 3: PS-275-S has two covers requiring a set of two risers when ordered. | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog
Settler™ Series specifications & submittals
catch basins formats PDF DOC DWG RFA
Settler™ Catch Basins allow sand and online
sediment to collect from the bottom up and
may drain either through a drain line (-S CB-275-G CB-275-S Specifications
models) or directly through a top inlet grate (-G CB-125-G CB-125-S
models). An optional removable filter basket Capacity Pipe Sizes Rough-in Dimensions (in.) Weight (lbs.)
may be ordered with –G models to allow for CB-50-G CB-50-S
intermittent DIY (do-it-yourself) maintenance Striem Total Optional Plain End SCH.40 Optional Body Inlet/Outlet Adapter Dry Wet
and to catch valuables that need to Model Liquid Basket Standard Optional Male Thread W AB Adjustability
be retrieved. (gal.) Capacity (no charge) (add to B & H)
(gal.) L H
CB-50-S 52 n/a 4 2, 3 2, 3, 4 37 28 28 ½ 18 10 ½ 3 ½ 86 520
CB-50-G 4 2, 3 2, 3, 4 37 28
CB-125-S 52 7 4 46 32 30 1 ⁄8 18 12 1 ⁄8 3 ½ 187 621
CB-125-G 4 6 4 46 32
CB-275-S 125 n/a 4 6 4 68 33 ½ 38 ½ 26 12 ½ 6 123 1,166
CB-275-G 4 6 4 68 33 ½
125 7 6 4 40 1 ⁄8 26 14 1 ⁄8 6 213 1,256
275 n/a 51 ½ 38 13 ½ 6 218 2,532
275 7 ea. (includes 2) 53 1 ⁄8 38 15 1 ⁄8 6 398 2,692
* Smaller sizes available upon request.
CB-50-S CB-50-G CB-125-S CB-125-G CB-275-S CB-275-G
Features: for buried installations | easy to carry HDPE
design | 6 models from 50 to 275 gallons | TeleGlide™
field adjustable riser system | suitable for exterior
Cutaway of CB-275-G Shown Miscellaneous Options TeleGlide™ Riser Order Guide
Settler™ Covers Optional High Water *Upgrade to Desired Riser Height (in.)
Basket Anchor Kit H-20 Rated
Covers are provided with water/air tight gasket seal and are designed to fit tightly into a key-fit frame. Striem Pickable Cast CB-50-S CB-125-S, CB-125-G Risers Needed
Model Part # Part # Iron Cover CB-50-G CB-275-S, CB-275-G
outdoor covers and grate n/a
CB-50-S AK1 Part # 0 - 3½ 0-6 24 Series Adapter
CB-50-G BCB-7 AK1
24" 24" 28" CB-125-S n/a AK1 C24-HP >3½ - 22 >6 - 24 24 Series
CB-125-G AK1 n/a >22 - 37 >24 - 39 Short Riser (SR24)
COMPOSITE – TRAFFIC – H20 (optional) GRATE – H20 CB-275-G n/a AK1 C24-HP n/a >43 - 58 24 Series
n/a n/a >58 - 72 Long Riser (LR24)
CB-50-S, CB-125-S, CB-275-S CB-50-S, CB-125-S, CB-275-S CB-50-G, CB-125-G, CB-275-G BCB-7(2) n/a
16,000 lbs. highway load rating 16,000 lbs. H20 load rating 16,000 lbs. H20 load rating C24-HP(2) 24 Series Short +
n/a Short (SR24 + SR24)
* When ordered with catch basin. 24 Series Short +
Long (SR24 + LR24)
24 Series Long +
Long (LR24 + LR24)
Optional 7 gal. sediment
basket with coarse filter
(0.3" x 0.27" openings) for
initial separation of large
solids. (weighs 10 lbs.).
Must be ordered with
catch basin.
NOTE: CB-275-S/CB-275-G have two covers requiring a set of two risers when ordered.
17 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog 18
Chemical Waste Tanks Product Selection Lab Rat™ Series specifications & submittals
sizing guidelines under counter neutralization tanks formats PDF DOC DWG RFA
Did You Know? EPA Guidelines for Acceptable pH Levels The Lab Rat™ Series of under-counter neutralization tanks for
Plumbing and pretreatment codes school labs is the most versatile design in the industry with
require treatment of acidic waste, 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 standard top or side inlet connections, hand-threaded cover
but make no mention of caustic waste. and adaptability for 1½" or 2" drain lines.
Caustic waste can be just as harmful ACID 7.0 NEUTRAL ALKALINE
and must be considered when choosing Features: 2 and 5 gallons | for under counter sink installations | gasketed top
the neutralization approach. with captive hand-thread hardware | easy to carry HDPE design | combination LB-5 LB-2
1½" or 2" FPT connections standard | built-in top and side inlet options | 5-Gallon 2-Gallon
optional top vent connection (LB-5 only) | internal sewer gas seal
Stomach Acid Limes Apples Beer Milk Egg Whites Bleach Drain Cleaner
Step 1 of 6: Determine Characteristics of the Waste Stream Specifications
a) If acidic – proceed to step 2. b) If caustic or caustic and acidic, reagent injection system needed. Rough-in Dimensions (in.) Pipe Connections Weight (lbs.)
Step 2 of 6: Choose Neutralization System Type Striem Liquid Sizing By Body Side Inlet/Outlet Top Inlet Standard FPT Outlet Optional Dry Wet
Model Capacity Number Connections Location Top Vent Wet with
Connection 6
(gal.) of Sinks per ANSI 11 Limestone
Continuous (go to step 3) or Batch (contact Striem) L WH A B C D 23 28
58 80
• Flow is relatively constant and not characterized by large surges. • Flow is discharged in large batches or there are large LB-2 2 1 9 9 10 1 ⁄8 7 2 7 2 1 ½ or 2 Top or Side n/a
fluctuations in flow. LB-5 5.3 2 14 14 12 5 ⁄8 9 2 ½ 11 ½ 2 ½
Use • Influent chemistry is relatively constant and not characterized by Use 1 ½ or 2 Top or Side included
When large swings in pH. When • Influent chemistry is characterized by large swings in pH.
LB-2 LB-5
• Effluent chemistry is not critical, such as the first stage in a • Effluent makeup is critical and pH must be kept within
multi-stage process. specific parameters.
Examples High school, college, and professional labs Examples Manufacturing, pharmaceutical, and food processing
Step 3 of 6: Determine Size of Tank
For all labs, use "Sizing by Sinks" table below to determine tank size to provide adequate residence time for acid neutralization via limestone treatment.
Residence times vary significantly based on strength of acid. For more information on required contact time, see "Contact Time" table below.
Sizing by Sinks Contact Time For Limestone Neutralization of Acids* Side View Top View Side View Top View
Per ASPE Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook Volume 3 *Data provided via third party test requested by Striem.
Number of Tank Size Number of Tank Size Number of Tank Size
Lab Sinks (Gal.) Lab Sinks (Gal.) Lab Sinks (Gal.)
2 5 30 108 150 500 Limestone Application Specific Details
4 15 40 150 175 550
8 30 50 175 200 650 Striem Model Load (lbs.) Part # LB-2 Elevated LB-5 Elevated
16 55 60 200 300 1,200 LB-2 25 LS-25
22 75 75 275 500 2,000 LB-5 50 LS-50
27 90 110 360 600 3,000
NOTE: Table assumes a “worst case scenario” influent pH of 2 and provides Optional
3 hours residence time at a flow rate of 1 GPH per fixture. See "Contact Vent
Time" table for appropriate limestone contact time.
Step 4 of 6: Consider Solids Pretreatment 4" Plain End 4" Plain End
Pipe by Others Pipe by Others
Most lab waste contains solids that can clog the acid waste drain system. It is recommended that a solids interceptor be installed in front of Cut to Size Cut to Size
centralized neutralization tanks. See the Prospector™ Series on p. 13-16 for more information.
LB-2 with Limestone Serving LB-5 with Limestone Serving
Step 5 of 6: Determine Tank Material When loading Lab Condensate Line Condensate Line
Rat™ Series tanks with
Striem offers neutralization tanks in both polyethylene and polypropylene. While polyethylene is adequate for most projects, it’s important to limestone, use Striem High Efficiency High Efficiency
consider the chemical resistances of polyethylene and polypropylene. limestone chips 2 - 3" Water Heater or Water Heater or
in size with a calcium Condensing Boiler Condensing Boiler
Step 6 of 6: Consider pH Monitoring carbonate content (CACO3)
of 90% or greater. When Condensate Line Condensate Line
All acid waste streams should be monitored. The monitor acts as both an alarm in the event of system failure and to indicate when the limestone is depleted Up to 2 GPH Up to 6 GPH
neutralization media needs to be replaced. See Striem’s Command Center™ on p. 25-26. contact a waste specialist
to evacuate basins.
19 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog 20
NT Series Better Below specifications & submittals
Grade Value
neutralization tanks See Lab Basin™ formats PDF DOC DWG RFA
Models on available
p. 21-22
Made To Order – Submittal Required
Specifications Model Numbers and Limestone Requirements
Capacity Recommended Rough-in Dimensions (in.) Weight (lbs.) Polyethylene Add for Limestone
Pipe Size
Sizing (gal.) In/Out Vent Adapter
by C/L to C/L to Adjust-
Striem Bottom Bottom In/Out ability Above Below Lab Basin™ Above Grade Below Grade Part # Load
Model of Tank of Tank C/L to (add to Grade Grade Equivalent (lbs.)
No. of Liquid Body Cover HB & B) Striem Model Striem Model
Sinks Holding Inlet / OD HA LB-35
Outlet Vent C* 3 ½" LB-50 NT-30-A-PE NT-30-B-PE LS-50 (8) 400
6" LB-125 NT-55-A-PE NT-55-B-PE LS-50 (14) 700
ID HB A B 6" Dry Dry LB-275 NT-100-A-PE NT-100-B-PE LS-50 (29) 1,450
6" LB-275 NT-150-A-PE NT-150-B-PE LS-50 (38) 1,900
NT-30 8 30 3 2 22 28 24 ½ 33 20 21 13 6" 40 27 LB-275 NT-200-A-PE NT-200-B-PE LS-50 (52) 2,600
6" LB-275 (2 in series) NT-275-A-PE NT-275-B-PE LS-50 (66) 3,300
NT-55 16 55 3 2 24 30 36 ½ 43 ¾ 30 32 13 ¾ 6" 70 105 LB-275 (3 in series) NT-350-A-PE NT-350-B-PE LS-50 (86) 4,300
6" NT-500-A-PE NT-500-B-PE LS-50 (130) 6,500
NT-100 32 117 4 2 31 37 48 5 ⁄8 56 ½ 38 40 17 ¾ 6" 100 134 — n/a LS-50 (196) 9,800
6" — n/a NT-750 LS-50 (260) 13,000
NT-150 41 154 4 2 36 40 48 ½ 55 ¾ 38 40 17 ¾ 6" 125 214 — n/a NT-1000 LS-50 (390) 19,500
NT-200 63 210 4 2 42 48 48 ½ 56 ½ 38 40 17 ¾ 160 253
NT-275 75 275 4 2 48 52 48 ½ 56 ½ 38 40 17 ¾ 200 329
NT-350 107 350 4 2 52 58 48 ½ 56 ½ 41 43 14 ¾ 210 310
NT-500 150 500 4 2 48 54 84 ½ 92 ½ 70 76 21 ¾ 300 455
NT-750 230 750 6 4 67 81 n/a 77 59 / 57 n/a 19½ / 21½ n/a 1200
NT-1000 300 1000 6 4 76 90 n/a 77 59 / 57 n/a 16¼ / 18¼ n/a 1400
NT-1500 500 1500 6 4 106 120 n/a 77 59 / 57 n/a 16 / 18 n/a 1700
* Inlet/outlet centerline to cover dimensions listed are for below grade (-B) models only. Polypropylene tanks available upon request
NT-30 through NT-500
Above Grade Below Grade TeleGlide™ Riser Order Guide
Desired Riser Height (in.)
NT-30H all other Risers Needed FOR
0 - 3½ 0-6 24 Series Adapter
>3½ - 22 >6 - 24 Command Center™
>22 - 37 >24 - 39 24 Series
>39 - 43 Short Riser (SR24) on pages 25-26
n/a >43 - 58
n/a >58 - 72 24 Series
n/a Long Riser (LR24)
24 Series Short +
Short (SR24 + SR24)
24 Series Short +
Long (SR24 + LR24)
24 Series Long +
Long (LR24 + LR24)
NT-750 Side View NT-1000 Side View NT-1500 Side View NT Tank Covers
CL CL CL CL CL Covers are provided with water/air tight gasket seal and are designed to fit tightly into a key-fit frame.
CL indoor covers outdoor covers
15" 24"
NT-30-A through NT-500-A All -B Models
non-load manway with 16,000 lbs. highway load rating
15" threaded access
NOTE: Add ¾" measurement to A, C, and HB dimensions when models NT-30H through NT-150 are ordered with anchor flange. NOTE 1: 6" connections are not available with NT-30H through NT-100.
NOTE 2: NT-750, NT-1000 and NT-1500 have two covers requiring a set of two risers when ordered.
23 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog 24
Command Center™ specifications & submittals
pH monitoring package formats PDF DOC DWG RFA
The Command Center™ is the industry's only ”ready-to-use” Step 1 of 3: Select Your System
pH monitoring package. Simply install the pH sensor and supply
power — that's it. The system is pre-programmed to alarm at low Command Center™ with 1 Sensor Command Center™ with 2 Sensors
and high pH values (6-9 pH) and can be adjusted as required. Up to
1 year of recorded data can be stored to the micro SD card (included) for CC-1 (10 ft. of cable) CC-2 (10 ft. of cable)
easy data transfer. Customizations are simple using the easy-to-navigate
menus on the color touchscreen display. includes includes CC-K Sensor Maintenance and
CC-K (qty. 1) CC-K (qty. 1) Calibration Kit (see step 3 below) is
Features: ready-to-use: pre-programmed audio/visual alarm set points | touchscreen: included with order of CC-1 or CC-2.
bright, easy-to-navigate 3.5" color touch-screen display | large memory storage: includes
two formatted micro SD cards – each card stores approximately 1 year of history | exports Step 2 of 3: Select Sensor Placement Kit
to Excel: recorded data logs, alarm history, and trend data export to Excel for easy data
management | remote access: use ethernet connection to remotely manage the Command Above Grade Below Grade
Center™ through your company’s building management system | fresh water flush: pre-
programmed with digital output to power solenoid valve for fresh water flush if pH approaches SPK-A SPK-B
high/low limits | NEMA 4X lockable weather proof enclosure – temperature resistant from
32º F to 122º F | sensor maintenance and calibration kit included (CC-K) | 120 V AC power For installation of sensor in For installation of sensor in below grade outlet
supply required | all components are UL listed | sensor can be mounted up to 3,000 feet from above grade outlet drainage line drainage line. Exclusive quick disconnect feature
Command Center™ allows for easy cleaning or replacement of probe
Touchscreen Interface Kit Contents (depicted below) from finished grade Quick
9" x 9" sensor port with threaded Kit Contents (depicted below)
Cable Grip
and gasketed cover access. Top assembly with dual quick-disconnect
4" plain end connections and adapter components for 2" and
4" PVC connection
Above Grade with Effluent Sensor
pH sensor port with 4" plain end connections
Command Center™ Flow Command 50 ft. of sensor wire with single quick
with SPK-A above grade sen- Center™ disconnect clip
sor placement kit Lab Basin™ Heavy duty cleanout with sidewall Sensor
1½" and 4" PVC pipe cut to length (by others) And Cable
Solenoid Valve Come with
(by others) Below Grade with Effluent Sensor Command
Flow Command
Lab Basin™
Mount for pH
Cutaway of Lab Basin™ Step 3 of 3: Select Accessories and Replacement Components (Optional)
LB-275 installed above grade
with Command Center™ and
optional limestone
Replacement Sensor with Additional Sensor Cable Quick Disconnect Clip Sensor Maintenance and Calibration Kit
10 ft. of Cable and Quick (for use with below grade (required when ordering
Disconnect Clip SPK-B, quick disconnect above grade CC-PHW for 500 mL 7 pH buffer solution, 500 mL 10 pH buffer solution,
clip not required) SPK-A) 500 mL cleaning solution, sensor brush, gloves, salt bridge,
standard cell solution
CC-K (qty. 1) included
standard with order of
Command Center
(CC-1 or CC-2)
25 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog 26
Appendix Notes
100% American Made Lifetime Warranty
If you want to speak to the fabricator who built your product, call At Striem, we make three things: oil separators, solids interceptors, and
us. If you want to meet him or her, drop by our factory. All of our chemical waste tanks. If we don’t make them right, we have nothing to fall
products are 100% American made, now and forever. back on. This tends to keep us very sharp.
Whether you’re specifying, buying, installing, or maintaining one of our
products, we thank you for trusting us.
We want to make a promise. If you call us, we will provide best-in-class
customer service. If you interact with our product, it will be easy.
If you think we didn’t hold up our end of the bargain, call us and we’ll make
it right. It’s that simple.
Terms and Conditions
All Customers: The following terms and conditions pertain to qualified customers only.
Striem, at its option, may qualify or disqualify any customer. All prices are subject to change without notice.
International Customers: All border crossing fees are paid by the importing customer. Contact Striem for further information on NAFTA and HTS
Credit Terms: 2% 10 days, net 30.
A 2% discount may be taken if payment is received on or before the 10th day from date of invoice. Full payment is required on or before the 30th
day from date of invoice. A 2% service charge will be applied to all overdue accounts. Accounts that regularly pay beyond net terms will be denied
open account status. All prices are subject to change without notice. Invoices may be sent via email upon request.
Freight Terms: Shipments are F.O.B. Edwardsville, KS. Freight charges are pre-paid and billed with product invoice.
Returned Goods: Effective March 2nd, 2015, standard catalog products may be returned with no restock charge if returned in saleable condition
within 6 months of purchase date. The customer is responsible for return freight. A Striem-issued RGA is required before return. If product is
damaged or incomplete, additional charges may apply. Made-to-order products are non-returnable.
29 | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog | Made in the USA | Striem Catalog 30
PH 913-951-3300