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Published by Tannis, 2022-01-19 19:41:39

Ancora - Races

Ancora - Races

Human Lasting Institutions
Where a single elf or dwarf might take on the responsibility of
The youngest of the common races, they say. Yet, their guarding a special location or powerful secret, humans found
footprint can be seen on every inch of this Material World, sacred orders and institutions for such purposes. While
making them one of the most ancient of all races, if not one of dwarf clans and halfling elders pass on the ancient traditions
the first. It is interesting to see that there can be so much to each new generation, human temples, governements,
consistency across such a vast expanse of variation. Quite libraries, and codes of law fix their traditions in the bedrock
interesting indeed... of history. Humans dream of immortality, but they tend to
achieve it by ensuring that they will be rememmbered when
----Renard they are gone, some for better or for worse.

A Broad Spectrum Exemplars of Ambition
With their penchant for migration and adventure, humans are Humans who seek adventure are the most daring and
more physically diverse than other common races. There is ambitious members of a daring and ambitious race. They
no typical human. An individual can stand from 5 feet to a seek to earn glory in the eyes of their fellows. Some strive for
little over 6 feet tall and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds. wealth, fame, or maybe even power.
Human skin shades range from nearly black to very pale, and
hair colors from black to blond. Males might sport facial hair
that is sparse or thick. Humans reach adulthood in their late
teens and rarely live even a single century.

Variety in All Things
Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious people among
the common races. They have widely varying tastes, morals,
and customs among the various nations of the world. An
individual human might have a relatively short lifespan, but
one's customs and legacy can live for centuries and even
forever. They live fully in the present, making them well
suited for the adventuring life, but also plan for the future,
striving to leave a lasting legacy. Individually and as a group,
humans are adaptable opportunists, and they stay alert to
changing political and social dynamics.


Human Names and Nationailities Korrik
Humans make up the largest majority of races across the
material world. Their kingdoms are old, vast, and powerful. Icewind is the far northern continent of Ancora. It is a savage
The world being split into multiple continents makes for a region, filled with monstrous creatures such as lycanthropes,
myriad of variations across human ethnicity. trolls, orcs, and other vile and twisted humanoids. Even
furthermore, the continent is split between two major
The material culture and physical characteristics change regions: Nordheim & Korrik. Korrik is to the furthest
widely across the continents, and even furthermore variations northern peninsula of Icewind. The human kingdom of
from region to region. Culture, architecture, and ideals shift Polaris lies within its wasteland-like frontier, and so do its
drastically between different continents and empires. people.

There are many human ethnicities that span the world of Korrik are hardy and long lived folk of the Icewind
Ancora, too many to depict. The following is a list of the most continent. They might be considered the most civilized of the
well known human ethnic groups, including the area of the humans on this particular continent. The kingdom of Polaris
world in which they hail from. was an autocracy, ruled over by what the Korrik called a Tsar,
otherwise, an emperor.
The Korrik are often tall with fair skin and hair colors
Hailing from the great continent of Aquila, Aquilans are a ranging from dark brown, black, gray, and snow white.
culture of art, mythos, and martial prowess. Most tend to be Polaris has a standing, unspoken war with Nordheim, and
larger on average in comparison to other humans. They are their more "savage" inhabitants.
fierce warriors and followers of The Immortals, the race of Korrik Names: (Male) Aksakov, Aleksi, Anatoli, Berezin,
beings that they referred to their gods as. Chernov, Christov, Damian, Datsishin, Dmitriy, Fedosov,
Filipp, Karev, Krutikov, Sergei, Surkov, Timofey, Umanov,
The Aquilan pantheon included many deities. The biggest Ustin, Vladomir, Zubkov; (Female) Amaliya, Anninka, Daria,
names being that of Zues, God of the Sky; Poseidon, God of Ida, Karolina, Lana, Lida, Matryona, Nashka, Nastasya,
the Sea; and Hades, God of the Underworld. Natashia, Oksana, Olena, Orina, Raya, Sofka, Sonia, Stesha,
Svetlana, Zenaide
The human empire of Aeninion is the uniting factor for
most humans of this continent. They are constantly at war
with the yuan-ti empire of Ouroboros. This continent is also
known for its monsters and creatures of myth and legend,
making the lands of Aquila one of the most wondrous and
most dangerous regions of Ancora.
Aquilam Names: (Male) Adrianos, Anastasios, Boosalea,
Demelis, Dimitriaki, Fotaki, Ioannelis, Iossif, Leonidas,
Manidi, Mellalli, Minoas, Rafail, Roussidis, Seraphei,
Telemachos, Theochari, Totako, Vlassi, Zinon; (Female)
Aimilia, Andriana, Asimina, Aspasia, Christiana, Diamanto,
Efterpi, Ira, Irene, Kassandra, Kyriaki, Leto, Melina, Nikoleta,
Selene, Tasia, Varvara, Vasso, Xene, Zyna


Explorers, conquerors, and seekers of riches from far off
lands. The humans of Fendia lived in a more arid
environment and had fair, tanned skin tones. The human
empire on the continent of Fendia was Conquista, otherwise
referred to as the Kingdom of Conquest.

Conquista has a history of seeking out new cultures,
pillaging their riches, and conquering their societies, paying
little mind to any superstition, most of the time to their
downfall. Not all Fendians share these ideals. But those
raised under the Conquistan Monarchy's corrupt rule as of
late are subject to less than noble mindsets.

Aside from the monks of the abbeys across the empire, the
nation as a whole is not entirely religious and the monarchy
often frowns upon the idea of higher powers getting in their
way of their pursuit of control.
Fendian Names: (Male) Aleix, Alejandro, Alvaro, Aritz, Axel,
Bruno, Diego, Eduardo, Francisco, Ismael, Jon, Jose, Julio,
Luca, Manuel David, Marcos, Oriol, Oscar, Sebastian;
(Female) Alexia, Arlet, Azahara, Berta, Carla, Elia, Elisa,
Estela, Helena, Irene, Lara, Leticia, Maria, Monica, Nadia,
Rocio, Saray, Yanira, Yasmin, Zoe


Marylic Mussuan

The Marylic are the humans of the continent of Maryelem. To the far east of Ancora is a continent of honor, duty, and
The Marylic empire claims ownership over a vast majority of ancestral belief: Mussu. Mussu currently lies in an empirical
the continent. The empire is vast with several cities and dynasty, however, the continent itself has a diverse set of
colonies across the lands. Some of the colonies have defected kingdoms, empires, and clans. In the near center of the
off and on from the prime monarchy, causing a few internal continent lies the Mussuan Empire, a power ruled over by an
conflicts over the ages. emperor who, in their cultural beliefs, is a descendant of the
sun, and has the divine right to lead. Other reaches of the
The Marylic empire has one of the most powerful naval continent are several Shogun kingdoms, all with their own
forces across Ancora, that next to The Armada from lords and ideals. Finally, all across the lands of Mussu are
Ausheron. Even though they are quite powerful in this regard, clans of raiders and anarchists against any form of world
they are long time rivals with the Conquistan Empire from order.
Fendia. There can be much disdain between one another and
their people. The land of Mussu is culturally plentiful and beautifully
adorned with architecture, art, and especially wealth. Make
Unlike Conquista, the Marylic Monarchy recognizes no mistake, Mussu is a land of fierce and aggressive
various different religious beliefs, and attempts to support proportions, but it is also a land of firm spiritual belief. All
any and all views that integrate into their society. However, mussuans call this area of the world their ancestral
certain religions are outlawed within the empire due to their homeland, weather they hail from there or not.
dubious reputations. They also have a great disdain for Mussuan Names: (Male) Ajai, Dorje, Feng, Hoashi, Husun,
pirates and raiders, but are not against working with them Jakha, Khal, Lhakpa, Liang, Nishimoto, Ren, Richen,
when the times require it. Sakamoto, Taichu, Takaki, Tsundue, Wan, Yamada, Yudron,
Marylic Names: (Male) Anthony, Billy, Carson, Carter, Dante, Zhou; (Female) Altun, Chambui, Dawa, Ebegei, Fukuma,
Elias, Gordon, Isaac, James, Jonah, Lawrence, Natan, Otis, Hora, Jigme, Lhamo, Li, Nyima, Pan, Rira, Shirai, Tamang,
Otto, Owen, Peter, Rory, Samuel, Sean, Smith; (Female) Tian, Toragana, Xue, Yin, Yisu, Yuuma
Adeline, Ana, Arabelle, Aubree, Autumn, Eira, Elsie, Emilie,
Holly, Isabel, Juliette, Leah, Leyla, Lillian, Lydia, Maggie, Netherin
Martha, Rose, Sasha, Talia
Not all wonders of Ancora are found on the surface. Some
are found deep below, where only those who aren't afraid of
what skulk in the dark can dream of finding a glimpse of
light. Nethera is home to many creatures of Ancora, some
that can only be found here and nowhere else. Besides the
Drow and the Duergar, there are in fact human denizens,
now native to Nethera: The Netherin. Netherin range widely
in skin tone. Some bearing pale white skin, others in shades
of gray.

The theory of the Netherin humans are that they were once
a single kingdom that descended into Nethera to avoid an
apocalyptic event. Others say that they were taken to Nethera
by the Drow, and could never find their way out after they
escaped. Even to the Netherin, the truth of their descent is
unknown, but they tend not to dwell on it.

Netherin do not share the same beliefs of Drow and
Duergar, rather, they ironically worship Lathander, the God of
Light. Many Netherin believe that with his guidance, they can
make the home in which they live in a better one. With their
faith in Lathander, another theory about the Netherin has
been made, one that attempts to explain their natural
darkvision. All Netherin have light orange or bright yellow
eyes that glow in even the darkest of places, allowing them to
see. Many have come to think that Lathander has gifted them
this blessing, so that they could survive in such a hostile
Netherin Names: (Male) Aa, Alain, Eamin, Iop, Lui, Nar,
Nheiler, Percai, Reben, Reshud, Rur, Sesum, Severin, Sildas,
Sio-Zuth, Tellirn, Thio, Thuhka, Thuih, Vuhkir; (Female)
Alsall, Avil, Eva, Famve, Ka, Larlas, Loshi, Mettd, Miro, Muan,
Nis, Nofru, Nuhnal, Shua, Siv, Tenos, Tineri, Xue, Zamme,


Norn Valencian

Icewind is the far northern continent of Ancora. It is a savage Ausheron is a continent made up of mutliple subsets of
region, filled with monstrous creatures such as lycanthropes, smaller islands. Each island had its own city with its own
trolls, orcs, and other vile and twisted humanoids. Even inhabitants. However, all of these cities fell under the
furthermore, the continent is split between two major Valencian Monarchy. The captiatl of this great empire was the
regions: Nordheim & Korrik. Nordheim isn't exactly a center island of Valencia. Valencia is home to the majority of
kingdom, but rather a large designated region of Icewind. all humans of Ausheron.
Many clans dwell within the region, ruled by the northmen:
Norn. Valencians were quite wealthy, inventive, and adevnterous.
They are also they nation that is home to the inventor of the
The Norn humans were larger in build, not unlike the Clockworks, which then led to the rise of "The Armada", the
Aquilans, but they were clan based rather than empirical. greatest naval power across the seas of Ancora. Valencian's
Each clan was ruled over by a Jarl, another word for a great pride themselves on their cognitive skills, grace at diplomacy,
chief. The Norn with northern raiders, sometimes referred to and their naval prowess.
as "vikings". They would raid and pillage other lands and
even one another. Valencian Names: (Male) Abel, Adam, Alarico, Amerigo,
Antelmo, Aymeric, Bernard, Cino, Clovis, Cédric, Guy, Henry,
The Norn were firm believers and followers of the "Aegis Jean, Jehan, Lionel, Nathanel, Raymond, Terenzo, Vincent,
Gods", the pantheon which included gods such as Odin, the Wilfred; (Female) Abélia, Ameline, Ariane, Asella, Astrid,
All Father: and his suns Thor, Baldur, and Loki. The Norn Caterina, Clarisse, Céleste, Désirée, Irmina, Isabelle, Ivanna,
were a strong race of humans even without firearms or Karine, Laurine, Lise, Mireille, Nicole, Rosa, Valentine,
sophisticated technology. Violette
Norn Names: (Male) Arnulfr, Blann, Bothvar, Eydis, Gætir,
Halfdan, Iarund, Kalf, Kar, Odinkar, Skrymir, Skurfa, Stagrim, Human Features
Styr, Unn, Värmod, Wealglist, Whalescrag, Æinridi, Øybiorn; Although the humans of Ancora are very diverse, many are
(Female) Abi, Aud, Frida, Gudrun, Halldis, Heith, Jaddvor, characteristically similar. Your human character has the
Katla, Matilda, Salbjorg, Sigrunn, Sigvor, Skur, Thorvor, Tofa, following features.
Tonna, Ulfeid, Ulfheid, Yri, Æstrid Ability Score Increases. Two different abilit scores of your

Sahran choice increase by 1.
Age. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less
Sahra was a vast, desert continent with patches of jungles
and plains throughout. Said to be one of the most ancient than a century.
continents on Ancora, a long past empire had risen and fallen Alignment. Most humans tend toward no particular
here. The Crovic; large humanoid crocodiles once ruled as
pharaohs over the Sahra deserts. Since their fall, they have alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
remained scattered and ununited, and their slaves free: The Though, many hold culture distinction between their
Sahran. nations, gaining a certain pull to a specific alignment.
Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5
The humans were once enslaved by the Crovics of Sahra, feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in
but now they stand free yet alone. They have no singular that range, your size is Medium.
empire to call their own, yet they stand strong as individuals Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
and families tied together for survival. They are not Skills. You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.
unrecognized, however. The Marylic monarchy has interest in Feat. You gain one feat of your choice.
the archeological discoveries they could find deep beneath Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one
the desert sands. The Shahran gladly work with them to extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn the
gather wealth for themselves, and perhaps even discover languages of other peoples they deal with, including
ancient secrets of their past before their enslavement. obscure dialects.

These humans often had dark black hair, as well as darker Variant: Netherin Human
skin tones. Many were strongly built and had a high
endurance. Because the Crovics had a pantheon that led The Netherin human, unlike other humans, has
them to "rightfully enslaving" their people, the Sahran natural darkvision. If you choose to be from
generally tended to not follow pantheons or any religious Nethera, you can replace youe feat option with the
beliefs. However, some did either out of true belief or out of following darkvision option.
pure necessity.
Sahran Names: (Male) Acherres, Akhenaton, Ali, Ankhu, Netherin Darkvision. You can see in dim light
Asennu, Baal, Faraji, Habib, Hagar, Jafari, Jamba, Labeeb, within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and
Musim, Neferu, Rabi, Rasheeq, Satau, Taaj, Taji, Unsu; in darkness as if it were dim light. Unlike other
(Female) Akela, Apu, Haleema, Hawa, Hotep, Kenura, creatures with darkvision, you can discern color
Khawla, Kifaaya, Maajida, Maskini, Nailah, Najaat, Nes, within darkness.
Nitocris, Rashida, Sitra, Taabu, Tahirah, Tphous, Ujana


Cecaelia Striking Appearance
The torso of a cecaelia is humanoid and has a very pale skin
Tobin watched her tentacles make off patterns in the sand as tone, usually taking on muted pinks, greys, and blues. Their
they carried her unusual form up the beach. The net she bore hair and eyes stand in stark contrast to their light
over her shoulder was teeming with live fish and eels. complexion, being rich blues and blacks, their dark eyes
especially adding to their mysterious character.
“Looks like a good haul today.” he called.
The cephalad figure gave a small smile and a nod, but However, the lower body of a cecaelia is their most striking
otherwise remained silent. She hadn’t been in the small feature. From the waist down they are akin to a large
coastal village long, but the cecaelia had readily set about octopus, bearing eight long, dextrous tentacles which can
bringing them freshly-caught fish every few days, which both propel them in water and carry them on land. These are
earned both her acceptance and her privacy. Now she stood often deeper blues, purples and reds, sometimes with faint
before Tobin as he took the writing net from her, her poise circular or wave-like patterns of a darker tone.
somehow both awkward and curiously graceful.
“Thank you Coalia. As always, you are more than welcome Some cecaelia have the ability to alter their colouration,
to join us at the market today.” giving them an even greater range of exotic colours and
She froze for a moment, her dark eyes alive with patterns.
uncertainty before she shook her head, her long hair dancing
in the salty breeze.
“Sorry.” She said in a quiet, calm voice as she turned back
toward the waves.
As enigmatic and untamable as the seas they come from, and
with one of the stranger physiologies of the world, the
cecaelia have received a questionable reputation among land-
dwelling races, who sometimes view them as suspicious,
arrogant, or evil.
With a fiercely independent nature and nomadic lifestyle,
getting to know a cecaelia personally is challenging, but they
have proven themselves to be hard workers and are a boon to
any group or settlement they join, no matter how temporary
their stay may be.
While hailing from the seas, the cecaelia have also
integrated into coastal villages and port towns, often working
as fishermen, musicians, or guides for sailors traveling
through unfamiliar waters. Some have migrated even further
inland, following rivers and lakes.


Independent Souls Gods of the Deep
The sea is treacherous and deadly, and every cecaelia is born
with a strong sense of self-reliance that they have used to Few cecaelia are religious, but those that are tend
survive. They are fiercely independent and will always try to to worship Eadro, the merfolk god of the sea, and
complete a task by themselves unless it becomes apparent other oceanic gods are also regarded favourably in
that they can’t do it alone. At this point they will seek out their prayers. However, a troubling number of deep
people they know for help, before approaching strangers as a cecaelia have taken to worshipping the Great Old
last resort. One, who view its otherworldly domain as similar
to the mysterious depths they inhabit. So far these
If someone offers to help a cecaelia without provocation or, individuals have kept to themselves, but there are
even worse, tries to help without asking, the cecaelia will see rumours of stirrings in the deep waters.
this as an affront to their abilities to look after themselves
and will take personal offense, emphatically arguing that they A Wanderer's Heart
can complete the task by his or herself and requesting, As a nomadic people, it is very unusual for a cecaelia to stay
politely or not, to be left alone. in any given place for longer than a few years. Cecaelia who
take up adventuring do so to fulfil their desire to keep
This is not to say that cecaelia crave isolation, as given moving, travelling to exotic coasts, following meandering
enough time and patience a cecaelia will form intimate bonds rivers inland, or plumbing the mysterious depths of the sea in
with friends and family. Usually limited to a small group, their lifelong journeys. They take great pleasures in seeing all
these connections are of great personal importance and are the world has to offer at their own pace, striving to explore
rarely broken. and experience as much as they can before their relatively
short lives are complete.
Aquatic Origins Cecaelia Names
The history of the cecaelia as a race is all but unknown to Cecaelia names are as unique as the individuals who bear
scholars of the surface world, and though some surface them, as they choose their own names upon reaching
dwellers believe they are a subrace of merfolk, the cecaelia, adulthood. This is considered their true name, and most
and indeed the merfolk themselves would take great offense consist of a single word, often featuring unusual sounds or
to this comparison. letter combinations.

Regardless of their true origins, their lives beneath the As it is known they will adopt their true name relatively
waves have affected them greatly. Though they can survive quickly, families refer to young cecaelia by very simple pet
outside of the oceans no cecaelia ever completely abandons names that relate to their aquatic environment. However,
the water, with many of the land-dwelling individuals making once a cecaelia takes their true name, addressing them by
pilgrimages to the sea every few months. this pet name is considered extremely rude.

Throughout the rest of the year these inland cecaelia sate Family or clan names do not exist in cecaelia culture as the
their innate desire for an aquatic environment via other individual is considered just as important as the group, if not
means, such as swimming in a nearby river or lake, or more so. They find such practices in other races quite odd.
frequenting the local bathhouses. Child Names
Wave, Pearl, Tooth, Kelp, Stone, Coral, Bone, Tide, Bubble,
Net, Shell

Male True Names:

Aamnesthal, Abrolth, Cerecst, Eamleith, Hassimn, Kouln,
Lloros, Mnasth, Nilienn, Nuorien, Sorsasz, Tratheniel

Female True Names:

Alanral, Caenia, Coulei, Dramnii, Jurira, Lasiei, Quorili,
Reoria, Rulithia, Salria, Unya, Ursilae, Yyslamni, Zuoriai


Cecaelia Features Though prehensile enough to manipulate objects, your
Generalising cecaelia is risky, but your cecaelia character has tentacles do not possess the manual dexterity or speed to
the following traits. wield weapons effectively. You gain advantage on Athletics
(Climbing) checks and on checks to either initiate or end a
Ability Score Increases. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. grapple. You may take the Item Interaction action as a bonus
Age. Cecaelia mature very fast, reaching adulthood by the action on your turn, and can do so at a range of up to 10 feet.

age of 10. They also age quickly, with most rarely living Hydrostatic Skeleton. The internal skeleton of your upper
longer than 70 years. Though some have been known to torso is made of a flexible cartilaginous tissue, stronger
use subtle magic to extend their lifespan, some living to be than that of surface-dwellers but far more flexible than
over 200. bone. Your lower body and tentacles are composed of
Alignment. The cecaelia’s intense self-reliance, nomadic vessels that can be filled and emptied of fluid, allowing you
lifestyle and preference for small social structures leads to stretch, manipulate, expand and contract your entire
them to chaotic and neutral alignments. Despite their body. You gain resistance to bludgeoning damage.
dubious reputation amongst other races, cecaelia of good In addition, you may squeeze through spaces up to two size
alignments are just as common as others.
Size. A cecaelia’s torso averages 2 to 3 feet, though their categories smaller than you with no penalties. Equipped
tentacles reach 8 to 10 feet in length. Your size is medium. weapons, armour and other items must also fit through the
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet. You have a swim space to use this ability, any size categories smaller than Tiny
speed of 60 feet. (2.5 ft square( are equal to one-half the previous category. For
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water. example, a medium size cecaelia may move through spaces
Tentacles. Your lower body consists of a crown of eight as small as 2.5 ft square with no penalties and a 1 ft square
tentacles, the bottom surface of which are covered in a space with normal penalties.
layer of soft hydrostatic discs. You can manipulate these
discs to create a suction powerful enough to suspend you Languages. You speak, read and write Aquan as well as one
out of the water, as well as grip opponents with frightening other language (typically Common). Aquan is a melodic
strength. Your tentacles are strong enough to support your language commonly used by other ocean-dwelling races
weight above water and provide movement on land, albeit such as merfolk, sea elves, and the shakua.
at a slower pace than that of surface-dwelling races.
Subrace. The varied environments within the world’s oceans
have given rise to several kinds of cecaelia: tropical
cecaelia, open ocean cecaelia, and deep cecaelia. Choose
one of these subraces.


Tropical Cecaelia Ink Cloud. You release a cloud of ink, concealing your escape
from predators. You may cast fog cloud with a range of Self
Commonly found living along tropical coastlines among coral and a duration of 1 minute. The cloud does not move with
reefs and atolls, the tropical cecaelia are the most sociable of you. You must complete a short or long rest before using
all cecaelia, as they most often have contact with other races this ability again.
living on the coasts. They have also developed impressive
camouflaging abilities which enable them to hide amongst Deep Cecaelia
the bright reefs they inhabit.
Ability Score Increases. Your Charisma score increases by The deep cecaelia have made their home in the darkest
depths of the ocean, the aquatic equivalent of the Underdark.
1. These mysterious beings are less colourful than their low-
Aquatic Weapon Expertise. You have proficiency with the pressure kin and rarely venture into the lighter shallows.
Ability Score Increases. Your Constitution score increases
spear, net and trident.
Camouflage. You may alter the colours and texture of your by 1.
Aquatic Weapon Expertise. You have proficiency with the
skin, allowing you to blend into your surroundings. This
ability grants you advantage on Stealth checks to hide. If spear, net and trident.
you are wearing no clothing or armour and carrying no Superior Darkvision. Living in the lightless depths has given
items, you may make a Stealth check to hide even when a
creature could normally see you. Both of these abilities are you incredible vision while in darkness. You can see in dim
lost if you move or take an action. You may use a sleight of light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
Hand check to conceal a small weapon or item on your darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour in
person when hiding in plain sight. darkness, only shades of grey.

Open Ocean Cecaelia Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls
and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when
Most at home roaming the vast, empty expanses of the sea, you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to
open ocean cecaelia have little need for camouflage when perceive is in direct sunlight.
there is nothing to blend in with. However, they have
developed effective means of escaping the deadly predators Mysteries of the Deep. You have lived amongst
that inhabit the open waters using their speed and cunning. indescribably phenomena that would shatter the minds of
Ability Score Increases. Your Intelligence score increases lesser creatures. You have resistance to psychic damage,
and advantage on saving throws against enchantments and
by 1. psychic damage.
Aquatic Weapon Expertise. You have proficiency with the

spear, net and trident.
Water Jets. You may use a bonus action to take the Dash

action. This ability can only be used underwater.


Wereshark Male Names:

“I saw the mist crawl above the horizon, and then the ship Ardley, Aswin, Beamer, Bob, Bruce, Carden, Crofton, Earland,
came next with it's awfully torn sail, and before me or my men Finn, Frank, Langward, Merton, Olin, Prescott, Rumford,
knew it the creatures crawled up onto the deck from the Sab, Sadler, Shipton, Tomlin, Wilford
sides of the ship, both man and shark, their malice was
palpable. It was a miracle that me and a few of my mates Female Names:
managed to get away."
--- Captain Red Beard, Ship captain’s Journal Ada, Alyee, Ashby, Avi, Bathilda, Carrie, Cynthia, Elnora,
The smell of fish and blood permeates the air in a cove where Gusta, Gypsy, Hester, Honora, Ila, June, Luisa, Lulu, Melva,
weresharks make their home, not belonging to man nor beast Ooev, Radella, Retha, Sabi, Serena, Tatum, Zula
weresharks are something in between, often living in coastal
villages and towns they enjoy to exist on both land and in the Clan Names:
Black Water, Bloody Gill, Deep Dive, Longfin, Razorfin, Red
They often live in secluded lands as fishermen and traders Water, Rough Hide, Sea Ravagers, Seven Row
but that has not stopped some from taking to the ocean as
pirates, it is not at all uncommon for ships that travel too Wereshark Features
close to a colony of weresharks to be boarded and taken over All weresharks share certain traits. Though many are distinct
for their own use. to what kind of shark lycan form they possess.

Forsaken Loyalty Ability Score Increases. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Having lost their kinship with humans and being distinctly Age. A wereshark matures at the same rate as humans, and
separate from natural sharks, Weresharks have no one but
themselves, not even feeling much belonging amongst other they live just as long.
shapechangers because of their inhuman, fishlike demeanor. Alignment. Often perceived as vicious and cruel, weresharks
So they are alone and they know that. All that matters is what
they can do for each other, and all that matters is the clan, are actually well organized and methodical. The most
though most weresharks seek to simply keep to themselves, common weresharks are lawful neutral in alignment, with
some take this a step further while seeking revenge on the some inheriting their ancestor’s tendency toward chaotic
rest of the world. and good alignments.
Size. In your humanoid form, natural weresharks appear to
Wereshark Names be strong, muscular with dark eyes and prominent teeth.
Weresharks often have very simple naming conventions. A Your size is Medium in your humanoid and hybrid forms
lack of sophisticated names does not give them a lack of and Medium in your shark form until 13th level, where
sophistication. They do, in fact, live in colonies and clans, you’re instead size Large.
taking on clan names as well. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a swim
speed of 40 ft.
10 Amphibious. You may breathe both air and water indefinitely.

Electrosensitivity. You have blindsight to a range of 30 ft. Great White
underwater (10 ft. in air). You lose this ability until the end You are the apex among the wereshark species. You are
of the next round whenever you take lightning damage. You larger, stronger, and far more intimidating. Most wereshark
may not detect undead creatures or constructs with this colony leaders or captains are great white weresharks.
ability. Exceptions may be made by your DM for constructs Ability Score Increases. Your Constitution score increases
powered by electricity.
by 1.
Natural Shapechanger. Natural weresharks possess the Shark's Bloodlust. As a bonus action, you are blinded until
ability to assume two alternate forms: the hybrid shark and
the full shark forms. As an action, you may change into the start of your next turn, but for your next turn, you get to
either your hybrid form or your shark form. You revert back add +2 to all attack rolls made until the turn is over. This
to your humanoid form when you go unconscious, you drop +2 becomes incorporated into the natural roll, meaning
to 0 hit points or you die. You may revert to your humanoid that if you roll a 18 it counts as a natural 20. This effect
form as a bonus action. does not count if you roll a 1, it instead stays a 1.
However, you may only stay in your full shark form for 2 Alpha Species. As a Great White, you have somewhat of a
hours at a time. Once you use this ability, you may not use dominion over other sharks (Not Weresharks). You can roll
it again until you take a short or long rest. an Intimidation check on an attacking shark. If you pass
Hybrid Form In your hybrid form, you grow sharp they either leave you alone or follow you as a temporary
teeth and take on a more intimidating shark-like minion. If you fail, they will continue their assault on you.
appearance. This hybrid form may use weapons,
wear armor, and carry equipment normally. Hammerhead
Whenever you hit with a melee weapon, you can bite Hammerheads are often seen as druids, shamans, or even
your target as well, dealing an additional 1d6 mystics among wereshark colonies. They often hold much
piercing damage on a hit. In addition, you gain spiritual power, or so they say.
advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and Ability Score Increases. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. You Split Sight. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
gain disadvantage on Intelligence checks and all
other Charisma checks. checks against Dexterity (Stealth) checks. You also can add
Shark Form You may assume the form of a shark as if double proficiency to your perception skill if already
using the druid’s wild shape class feature. Unlike the proficient.
druid’s wild shape feature, your hit points remain Innate Spirit. You learn the druidcraft and thorn whip
the same between forms and your physical ability cantrips, and can cast them at will. Additionally, you can
scores in shark form cannot be lower than your cast the spell thunderwave once per long rest. Wisdom is
humanoid form’s physical ability scores due to this your spellcasting ability for these spells.
feature. At 13th level, you become size large in your
shark form. Tiger
Tiger weresharks are often the most aggressive of all
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and weresharks. A large majority of wereshark raiders and
Auqan. pirates are, in fact, tigers.
Ability Score Increases. Your Charisma score increases by
Subrace. Four main subraces of weresharks populate the
world. These types include: Black Tips, Tigers, 1.
Hammerhead, and Great Whites. Choose one of these Sea Raider. You tend to lounge in deeper and colder waters.
You have resistance to cold damage.
Black Tip Dark Tenacity. You learn the eldritch blast cantrip and can
In comparison to other weresharks, black tips are the
smallest in stature, but only slightly. They generally have dark cast it at will. Additionally, you can cast the spell arms of
grey underbellies and dark to jet black outer hide. hadar once per long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting
Ability Score Increases. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. ability for these spells.
Light Build. You are very dextrous among weresharks. You

have advantage on Athletics and Acrobatic checks. If you
have proficiency in these skills, you can add double your
proficiency when using them. Your swimming speed is also
increased by 5 feet.
Finesse Nature. You gain proficiency in all weapons with the
finesse property.


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